#linuxcnc Logs
Dec 08 2024
#linuxcnc Calendar
01:59 AM Deejay: moin
05:27 AM Tom_shop: morning
05:54 AM Tom_shop is now known as Tom_L
07:20 AM acer is now known as _unreal_
09:28 AM Tom_L: ok i got tp3 all set up on RTAI now to see if latency is better than preempt-rt on this box
09:41 AM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
10:14 AM * JT-Shop heads to the xmas party
10:14 AM rdtsc: have fun
11:16 AM roycroft: the weather forecast says it's going to be not raining today, current conditions show no rain, but it's raining pretty hard when i step outside
11:16 AM * roycroft thinks he'll be installing a door in the rain today :(
11:17 AM roycroft: i'll give it another half hour to see if it stops
11:18 AM Tom_L: in oregon? good luck
11:30 AM roycroft: actually it just stopped
11:30 AM roycroft: for how long i don't know
12:43 PM rdtsc: How's RTAI going Tom?
12:45 PM Tom_L: gonna test after i get a few things done here
01:10 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:11 PM Tom_dev: rdtsc, https://onelaboratories.us/abc/ in case you're interested
01:34 PM rdtsc: If you wanted to donate any of your blank boards, this guy could probably use some :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8X5wpxXAeI
01:50 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:51 PM roycroft: that link is requiring me to "login to confirm you're not a bot"
01:51 PM roycroft: so as to "protect the community"
01:51 PM roycroft: teh youtube is becoming more and more useless
01:55 PM rdtsc: noticed that they're cracking down on being able to skip commercials... not very nice
01:58 PM roycroft: i can stil use 4k video downloader
01:58 PM roycroft: but i don't like doing that for one-off viewing if i can help it
01:59 PM roycroft: but on my tv, the commercial breaks are longer and longer, and mostly cannot be skipped
02:00 PM roycroft: i was watching a video a couple nights ago where i had to endure 2 minutes of commercials before it started that i could not skip, then about 30 seconds into the video another minute of unskippable commercials
02:00 PM roycroft: i did not go any further after that
02:00 PM roycroft: i'm sure they noticed that i skipped the rest of the video, but i am not sure they care
02:01 PM _unreal_: t4nk_fn, sup
02:02 PM * roycroft has not yet bothered letting liberty mutual know that because of their unending presence on youtube i would never consider their products
02:03 PM * _unreal_ covers mouth and gasps
02:03 PM _unreal_: t4nk_fn, ?
02:12 PM _unreal_: roycroft, currently I'm waiting for the glue to dry regarding my wet jiggable box
02:12 PM _unreal_: getting closer
02:12 PM _unreal_: cant wait for it to be finished
02:13 PM _unreal_: when done. I'll be able to WET mill on my cnc
02:50 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:50 PM Tom_dev: rdtsc, RTAI seems to work alot better on this pc
03:02 PM _unreal_: hum
03:02 PM _unreal_: GOD I wish the glue would set faster
03:03 PM _unreal_: I'm out of FAST cure and regardless fast cure typically does not hold as strong as slower setting
03:03 PM _unreal_: :(
03:03 PM bjorkintosh: what's the hurry _unreal_?
03:03 PM bjorkintosh: is it for a contest?
03:03 PM _unreal_: no
03:03 PM _unreal_: I just want to be able to use the new tool
03:03 PM _unreal_: I'm building a wet jig adapter for my new cnc machine
03:04 PM _unreal_: bjorkintosh, https://photos.app.goo.gl/ggAPhV6uwbvr4jLs8
03:05 PM _unreal_: I have not posted any photos of the wet jig I have built yet but I will soon
03:05 PM _unreal_: more or less its a FIBERGLASS box. that will have an aluminum plate inside. thread milled for mounting
03:06 PM _unreal_: regardless it will be a setup where I can totally flood the work peace on my partially wood cnc machine.
03:08 PM _unreal_: bjorkintosh, ?
03:08 PM bjorkintosh: _unreal_: ah I see. fun stuff!
03:08 PM bjorkintosh: I don't ever use glue because I don't think I know how to use it properly.
03:08 PM _unreal_: bjorkintosh, I'm realllly good at what I do
03:08 PM _unreal_: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZVxFnvZABBCnJGsW9
03:09 PM bjorkintosh: always makes a frigging mess and destroys whatever I'm wearing.
03:09 PM _unreal_: glue?
03:09 PM bjorkintosh: yes
03:09 PM _unreal_: means and method
03:09 PM _unreal_: and pre planning
03:11 PM _unreal_: bjorkintosh, what do you run for a machine(s)
03:11 PM bjorkintosh: nothing right now.
03:11 PM bjorkintosh: my 3d printer hasn't been plugged in months.
03:13 PM _unreal_: O,o
03:13 PM _unreal_: I have
03:13 PM _unreal_: 2
03:13 PM _unreal_: 2 3d, 2 cnc, ... 2 laser
03:14 PM _unreal_: my small cnc built my big cnc machine
03:15 PM bjorkintosh: yeah. I don't have that sort of space right now. I have a few cnc projects on the back burner though.
03:15 PM bjorkintosh: I don't know when time and space will allow but we'll see.
03:16 PM _unreal_: I know tight space
03:16 PM _unreal_: I'm working on purchasing a new home right now
03:16 PM bjorkintosh: you mean a shop with sleeping quarters attached? :-D
03:17 PM _unreal_: I know what ever I purchase is going to be smaller then the home I'm in right now
03:17 PM _unreal_: shrug
03:17 PM Tom_L: more to clean
03:17 PM Tom_L: pretty happy with the new RTAI so far
03:17 PM xxcoder: tetris shop
03:18 PM Tom_L: ran some tests with it today with flex on my test pc as well as an old D525 board and it went well
03:19 PM Tom_L: with bookwork
03:19 PM Tom_L: bookworm
03:19 PM _unreal_: I was hoping to do a purchase agreement with someone I know for the house I'm in. but it looks like that is not going to happen
03:19 PM _unreal_: second time the guy never called/showed after agreeing to show up and look at this houie.
03:19 PM _unreal_: house
03:19 PM _unreal_: sigh
03:20 PM Tom_L: doesn't sound interested
03:39 PM _unreal_: would agree
03:43 PM rdtsc: Tom, I haven't seen RTAI for the aarch64... sort-of asked RodW on the forums and his response was "no way"
03:45 PM rdtsc: (meaning that he wasn't going to try, not that it was impossible)
03:46 PM rdtsc: RodW made the 2.9.3 preempt-rt aarch64 iso, so figured it wouldn't be that much different, but apparently it is much harder
03:48 PM rdtsc: hmm, if it took 20+ years to see preempt-rt in mainline, does that mean we have hope of seeing RTAI in the mainline in 2044? lol
03:48 PM Tom_L: no likely not
03:49 PM Tom_L: you should talk to memleak about it
03:49 PM Tom_L: he's the one that did RTAI for us
03:49 PM rdtsc: aarch64 is such a niche case though... not many would try it
03:49 PM Tom_L: you'll likely never see RTAI in the mainline
03:50 PM rdtsc: only once or twice did anything "weird" happen on preempt-rt aarch64... it should end up working well
03:51 PM rdtsc: (hurries up and finds a piece of wood to knock on!)
03:51 PM * Tom_L just uses his head for that
03:54 PM rdtsc: I'll be knocking my head on the table when it breaks and goes up in flames :)
03:55 PM Tom_L: cloning this drive to try on the D525 for a while.. hope i went the right direction with dd
03:55 PM rdtsc: dd status=progress if=(infile) of=(outfile)
03:56 PM Tom_L: yeah
03:56 PM Tom_L: just hope infile was sda
03:57 PM rdtsc: btw, dd with a USB card reader is wonderful for cloning proprietary compact flash / sd cards. Like Allen-Bradley or Siemens - Windows can't copy them
03:57 PM Tom_L: windows can't do much at all when it comes to that
03:58 PM xxcoder: yep dd dont care as long as its block device.
03:58 PM Tom_L: i hope somebody gets some good out of these routines..
03:59 PM Tom_L: took a while to get em goin
04:00 PM rdtsc: I can't wait to see someone like (I think it's Marc, the SMP Rotary guy) using it in their videos :)
04:00 PM rdtsc: He's always giving praise to Andy for the lathe routines
04:03 PM Tom_L: does dd only copy the used bytes?
04:03 PM xxcoder: shouldnt be like that, it only see blocks range if I recall correcly
04:04 PM xxcoder: theres utilities to compact the image by removing most of empty space, assuming readable partition in it
04:04 PM Tom_L: yeah i've used em but it's been quite a while
04:04 PM rdtsc: think dd does all bytes, used or not
04:05 PM Tom_L: i think we're about 1/5 done
04:05 PM rdtsc: be careful when picking source - sdb1 is a partition, while sdb is the whole drive, etc.
04:05 PM xxcoder: it even copies deleted data so its good for data recovery
04:05 PM Tom_L: rdtsc, right
04:05 PM Tom_L: i did the whole shebang
04:07 PM rdtsc: 1/5th sounds about right then; could get fancy by specifying the block size (and possibly speed things up slightly) but not necessary
04:08 PM xxcoder: yeah I usually use something like 5m or something
04:08 PM xxcoder: its certainly faster than default of 4k I think
04:08 PM Tom_L: i think i've done that in the past but forgot about it
04:09 PM xxcoder: tom yep we talked about it
04:09 PM Tom_L: still faster than an install and setting everything up
04:13 PM Tom_L: default is 512bytes
04:13 PM Tom_L: so it could take a bit
04:13 PM xxcoder: lol lower than I remembered
04:13 PM Tom_L: optimum seems to be around 64k
04:14 PM Tom_L: not gotta stop it now...
04:14 PM rdtsc: wonder if there is a command to show throughput for all the block sizes
04:14 PM xxcoder: theres command you can use to time it
04:15 PM xxcoder: i forgot exactly how to use it but it was something like (time) yourcommandhere
04:15 PM xxcoder: an it would output time taken running it
04:17 PM rdtsc: https://www.mail-archive.com/eug-lug@efn.org/msg12073.html hmm changing to bs=1k doubled the speed
04:18 PM rdtsc: this was back in 2002 though, hardware may have changed quite a bit since then
04:20 PM xxcoder: interesing
04:22 PM Tom_L: i still spend about the same amount of time behind a pc as i did when the 8088 rocked
04:23 PM rdtsc: Still have my 8088, complete with the 640k RAM upgrade lol
04:23 PM xxcoder: :)
04:23 PM rdtsc: maybe donate it to Adrian's Digital Basement or something... unsure if he has a Tandy 1000
04:24 PM Tom_L: am i getting more done? that's arguable
04:25 PM Tom_L: started over with a bigger block size and it's already 2/3 done
04:25 PM Tom_L: 4/5
04:25 PM rdtsc: back in the day I'd borrow Compute! magazine from the library, and enter in hundreds of lines of basic and assembler code :)
04:26 PM Tom_L: i still have all my asm hack books
04:29 PM rdtsc: if only this was available back then... https://www.ollydbg.de/Paperbak/ could tear off the page, scan it in, and presto, have the code lol
04:37 PM Tom_L: must be ok, the pc still boots
04:38 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
04:46 PM _unreal_: some good news. I got my final qualifications regarding buying a house. $400k. and looks like the probate stuff is going to conclue soon. If I get that $ injection it will help me a lot regarding getting a home that is closer to my daughters school
04:47 PM _unreal_: fingers crossed
06:10 PM roycroft: aah, my shed door is finally installed
06:11 PM roycroft: the whole build and install was a series of calamities, but at least it's done
06:12 PM roycroft: now i can focus on finding that baggie of cabinet hardware
06:14 PM * roycroft thinks it's in the house, probably in the studio, and decides to tidy up the studio as best he can in hopes of stumbling aross it in a place he has already looked
06:15 PM roycroft: that is how i found the shed door hardware - i went back out and tidied up where i had looked before, and found it underneath something
06:17 PM Tom_L: so i've updated both my test pc and mill pc with RTAI 5.4.279 as it seems to work better than preempt-rt on those PCs
06:17 PM Tom_L: running mesa off the parallel port as few do nowdays
06:19 PM Tom_L: and was able to put my accel & velocity back where i had them set originally
07:04 PM hozd: IK love linuxcnc so much, thank you guys for keeping project this alive and going!!
07:07 PM Tom_L: awww...
07:08 PM xxcoder: awesome indeed
08:48 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
09:02 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
09:24 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ