#linuxcnc Logs

Nov 25 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:04 AM Deejay: moin
02:09 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@discord> moin
02:18 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:16 AM Centurion_Dan1 is now known as Centurion_Dan
03:59 AM Centurion_Dan1 is now known as Centurion_Dan
04:35 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:42 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer@discord> Morning
04:44 AM Tom_L: morning
04:58 AM Tom_L: 38F hi 44F
05:24 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer@discord> 34F/41F and windy as all get-out
05:46 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@discord> 57°F in Germany / FFM
05:47 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@discord> summer is coming back 🙂
07:57 AM JT-Cave: https://youtu.be/sDwa3R1hEe4
07:58 AM Tom_L: how many more do you have to do?
07:58 AM JT-Cave: that's just for rdtsc_away
07:58 AM Tom_L: heh ok
07:58 AM Tom_L: did you see the slots?
08:00 AM JT-Cave: https://youtu.be/i7PmyS2VQrg
08:00 AM JT-Cave: hmm posted wrong link
08:01 AM Tom_L: yeah that one must be for rdtsc_away
08:01 AM Tom_L: timer
08:01 AM JT-Cave: watching slots now
08:03 AM JT-Cave: you might change speed to rpm
08:03 AM Tom_L: ok
08:04 AM Tom_L: may do that on all the ops
08:05 AM JT-Cave: are you going to post that on your yt channel?
08:05 AM Tom_L: eventually once i have time to test on the mill
08:06 AM Tom_L: i guess i could put that one up there
08:12 AM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7w1OLTjXes
08:19 AM Tom_L: i'll put a 'live' one up once i test it
08:21 AM JT-Cave: time to start my chicken day
08:21 AM Tom_L: yup, i'm headin out too
08:22 AM Tom_L: i'll post a deb in a sec
08:24 AM Tom_L: and there it is
08:24 AM Tom_L: later...
08:51 AM rdtsc-wk: Aaah JT - hindsight is indeed 20/20 - if a timer can't be disconnected... could keep toggling "toolrad_enabled" as done in https://paste.debian.net/1336681/ but poll that in the toolrad() func - not zero extra CPU usage, but very little. Will change that tonight. :)
08:51 AM JT-Cave: rdtsc-wk, did you see the video?
08:52 AM rdtsc-wk: I did, thanks for the effort
08:52 AM JT-Cave: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/python.html
08:52 AM JT-Cave: and I moved the docs on python and added the example
08:52 AM rdtsc-wk: nice
08:54 AM JT-Cave: the only caveat with connect and disconnect you can't do it twice
08:54 AM rdtsc-wk: should be fine to just skip over toolrad() if the flag is set. :)
08:55 AM rdtsc-wk: disconnect is funky at best
08:56 AM rdtsc-wk: wish I had vs code's python debugger for the file... but alas not attempting to run all that on an Rpi4 and stream the window over SSH hehehe
08:57 AM rdtsc-wk: designer is pushing it
08:58 AM rdtsc-wk: On the bench today: an old Allen-Bradley 1336 drive with an obscure fault... rush... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=1336S-BX060-AN-FR4&t=opera&iax=images&ia=images
10:37 AM roycroft: my state tax refund is waiting for me to pick up from my post office box
10:51 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> Nice - do you have to sign into something to check on it? 😉
10:55 AM roycroft: jt-shop/wherever: highland woodworking just put wood slicer blades on sale
11:09 AM JT-Shop: thanks
12:49 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/AHDtaVxOOiKQxKsPdhkqAfNl/1000002617.jpg
12:49 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/qjiQiAQbbkjFFAQFjOfPTToD/1000002618.jpg
01:01 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
01:02 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:21 PM rdtsc-wk: tight fit!
01:44 PM JT-Shop: yup
01:45 PM xxcoder: fun lol
01:45 PM xxcoder: any reason cant put it below?
02:39 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:05 PM JT-Shop: could get damaged on the floor of the enclosure
03:07 PM xxcoder: hmm didnt mean all way down, but just under the top hardware
03:13 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EaFIsaROnEpfkhxsjMEFxzRl/1000002619.jpg
03:15 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/FMZwHFqjVRJJLvFdNEvjNHbe/1000002620.jpg
03:19 PM xxcoder: ahh makes sense to me now. thanks for pics!
03:21 PM lcnc-relay: <sodakaustik@discord> nice cabinet
03:21 PM JT-Shop: thanks
03:22 PM xxcoder: indeed
03:22 PM xxcoder: as expected from machine builder ;)
03:26 PM roycroft: the cabinet remodeling is not going to plan
03:26 PM roycroft: i have it cut down, but i had to disassemble it completely to do so, and the skd fasteners all broke during disassembly
03:26 PM xxcoder: doh
03:27 PM roycroft: i think i'm just going to plug all the holes and use dominos for the joinery
03:27 PM roycroft: which is no big deal, and won't take terribly long, except i'll need to glue dowels in to plug the holes, and the glue will have to dry overnight
03:27 PM roycroft: oh well, i can get that done later on today, and reassemble it tomorrow
03:28 PM roycroft: 25+ year old fasteners made of pot metal should not be expected to survive dismantlement, i suppose
03:32 PM xxcoder: I wonder what was cause of its brittleness
03:32 PM xxcoder: metal fatique maybe?
03:32 PM roycroft: it's pot metal
03:32 PM roycroft: it looked like a sponge where it sheared, in every case
03:33 PM xxcoder: I guess its always been weak, but never stressed till now
03:33 PM roycroft: yes
03:33 PM roycroft: it was strong enough to assemble
03:33 PM roycroft: but not strong enough to disassemble
03:33 PM roycroft: dominos will be much stronger
03:34 PM roycroft: besides, i have all that money invested in the domino machine, and i haven't used it very much
03:34 PM roycroft: so far it's probably costing me $10 for each domino i've installed
03:34 PM xxcoder: finally a use lol
03:35 PM roycroft: i need to get that cost down by an order of magnitude or more
03:35 PM roycroft: i've had my biscuit joiner since the '80s, and cut thousands of biscuit slots with it
03:35 PM roycroft: that machine is definitely paid off
03:36 PM roycroft: it also cost 1/4 the cost of the domino machine
03:36 PM roycroft: although that was 1980s dollars, so probably more like 1/2 the cost of the domino machine in today's dollars
03:37 PM roycroft: the biscuit machine costs less now than it did back in the '80s
03:37 PM roycroft: but mine has a metal case, and the current offering comes in a bag
03:38 PM roycroft: it's the exact same machine, though
03:58 PM rdtsc-wk: was shopping for work boots yesterday. found a nice pair, tried them on, fit great... but they used glass-filled lace hooks - um no thanks
04:00 PM rdtsc-wk: glass-reinforced plastic
04:07 PM Tom_L: they require composite toe over steel around here now
04:19 PM flyback: you guys will appreciate this blooper
04:19 PM flyback: https://youtu.be/XToS92F6TqY?t=2339
04:30 PM roycroft: lace hooks are made of metal
04:32 PM roycroft: i can watch bloopers for about a minute or so
04:32 PM roycroft: not 40 minutes
04:35 PM flyback: no
04:35 PM flyback: just the first blooper
04:35 PM flyback: where he says he's going to "polish a rod"
04:50 PM roycroft: because my search foo is so horrible, i'm not finding an answer for my question, so i'll ask it here
04:50 PM roycroft: to run linuxcnc on a raspberry pi 4, what is the recommended minium amount of memory on the rpi?
04:50 PM roycroft: the system requirements page on the linuxcnc.org site does not specify
04:51 PM roycroft: and searching the forum did not return anything interesting
04:51 PM roycroft: the wiki hasn't been updated since 2008, long before the days of linuxcnc on an rpi
04:52 PM roycroft: in fact, the wiki hasn't been updated since emc2 was renamed linuxcnc
04:52 PM roycroft: i have an rpi4 for linuxcnc with 2GB of ram, because when i bought it that was all that was available (pandemic shortages)
04:53 PM roycroft: i need another rpi4 now, which would work fine with 2GB, but if linuxchc wants more or is happier with more i can get one with more ram now
04:53 PM roycroft: and swap the new one in
04:56 PM JT-Shop: rdtsc_away, uses a rpi
04:57 PM roycroft: and has pinged out
04:57 PM roycroft: probably those glass lace hooks tripped him up and caused him to disconnec
04:57 PM xxcoder: maybe
04:58 PM roycroft: my environment monitor hat arrived today, but it does not mate up with my old rpi model 1b
04:58 PM roycroft: not enough gpio pins
04:58 PM roycroft: so i need a new rpi
04:59 PM * roycroft wants to spend as little as possbile on it, which is why he's asking about linuxcnc
04:59 PM roycroft: i've run it on a 2GB rpi 4, but only in test mode, since i don't (or didn't at the time) have a machine to control with it
05:00 PM roycroft: i could make the stepper motors spin around, but that really means nothing other than that i got the wiring right and the lcnc configuration at least somewhat working
05:07 PM Tom_L: roycroft, iirc mine has 8g
05:08 PM Tom_L: but i'd have to look to be sure. either 4 or 8 but i'm pretty sure 8
05:08 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F85tdCemEEk
05:10 PM roycroft: there's a $20 cost difference between the 4GB and 8GB models
05:12 PM JT-Shop: sweet
05:13 PM Tom_L: so that's done now
05:13 PM Tom_L: the X1 X2 is distance between arc centers
05:13 PM Tom_L: et
05:13 PM Tom_L: etc
05:14 PM Tom_L: i'll push that as soon as i update the helps a bit
05:14 PM JT-Shop: ok
05:20 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, i set a limit on the ramp depth % between 20 and 50% tool diameter. do you think that's enough range?
05:20 PM Tom_L: so you can take light or agressive cuts
05:21 PM JT-Shop: sounds good
05:21 PM Tom_L: increments of 5%
05:22 PM * roycroft heads out to the shop to work on the cabinet remodel
05:24 PM * JT-Shop is bringing the control to empire tomorrow
05:35 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, PR #215
05:35 PM JT-Shop: ok'
05:35 PM Tom_L: changed speed to spindle rpm
05:36 PM JT-Shop: cool
05:37 PM Tom_L: var range is 2000 - 2090 now too
05:38 PM Tom_L: in case you try it without updating a var file
05:39 PM JT-Shop: ok
05:39 PM Tom_L: the readme has a full list
05:40 PM Tom_L: i like the help buttons you did
05:40 PM JT-Shop: thanks
05:41 PM Tom_L: moveable and stays on top so you can read & set
05:41 PM JT-Shop: I think flex is the best gui for linuxcnc now
05:42 PM Tom_L: afik it has the best/quickest online help
05:42 PM Tom_L: pretty cool what you can do with it
05:42 PM Tom_L: looking back a few months....
05:42 PM JT-Shop: next step is to host the deb so apt can update it
05:43 PM Tom_L: i'll let you figure that out
05:43 PM Tom_L: if you want the rpi build line i can post it somewhere
05:43 PM JT-Shop: I hope chris (lcvette) can give some pointers to me
05:44 PM Tom_L: how often would it build?
05:44 PM JT-Shop: I "think" you just upload the deb to a place that apt can find it
05:44 PM Tom_L: which reminds me.. soon as you pull that i'll build one
05:46 PM JT-Shop: ok
05:48 PM Tom_L: i bet empire are anxious to get it
05:49 PM JT-Shop: I have about 3 weeks before the primo line starts back up
05:49 PM Tom_L: oh, it's been down all this time?
05:49 PM Tom_L: are they gonna help wire it in?
05:50 PM JT-Shop: nope, that's on me
05:50 PM Tom_L: probably better that way anyway
05:50 PM JT-Shop: yep the kiln is getting rebuilt
05:50 PM Tom_L: ahh
05:50 PM JT-Shop: the kiln is supposed to be back on line about dec 15
05:58 PM * JT-Shop calls it a day
05:58 PM * Tom_L does too
06:41 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
06:42 PM Unterhausen: defying all expectations, amazon refunded me for my monitor
06:47 PM rdtsc: roycroft, my Rpi4B at boot reads... Mem total: 3.7Gi Used: 497Mi Free: 2.9Gi Shared: 67Mi Buff/Cache: 447Mi Available: 3.2Gi - that's with nothing but the destktop started
06:48 PM rdtsc: if just wanted to use it for remote sensor, might be able to use something like Alpine Linux and have a tiny footprint (but also no GUI)
06:48 PM xxcoder: rpi zero 2 could work for that basically. its as powerful as rpi3
06:50 PM rdtsc: This is from the LinuxCNC Rpi4 .iso, https://linuxcnc.org/downloads/
06:51 PM rdtsc: wait I thought there were 2.9.3 isos there
06:54 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@discord> im running a 1gb on my machine right now, and she goes fine
07:03 PM Tom_L: found the box... mine wa 4G
07:03 PM Tom_L: was
07:46 PM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> JT-Shop Turboss does the apt
07:47 PM rdtsc: i've wondered... is it "tur-boss" or "turbo-ss" heheh
07:53 PM roycroft: what i want to do is use my current rpi 4 with 2GB of ram for the environmental monitor in my shop, and replace it with a rpi4 with more memory for linuxcnc
07:54 PM * roycroft has the cabinet glued up, and learned something today - dominos are not a good idea when assembling cheap particle board cabinets
07:55 PM rdtsc: hmm... rpi4b might work... but having used one for awhile, I'd much rather have used a much more powerful board and an ethernet mesa card
07:55 PM roycroft: mdf, plywood, and solid wood are great with dominos
07:55 PM roycroft: but the machine just kind of chewed up the particle board
07:55 PM roycroft: i'll be using a 7i96 on the linuxcnc machine
07:56 PM rdtsc: having ethernet internet is very handy; would want something with two ethernet ports, one to dedicate to mesa
07:56 PM * roycroft assembled anway with the dominos, but will reinforce with some confirmat screws before hanging it on the wall
07:56 PM roycroft: i actually got linuxcnc running by using a laptop as the x server over an ssh tunnel to the rpi
07:57 PM roycroft: that seemed to work ok but i decided it was a scary and dangerous thing to do
07:57 PM roycroft: if the connection from the laptop to the rpi dies, linuxcnc dies
07:57 PM roycroft: so then i started using vnc, and that works decently
07:57 PM rdtsc: haha! (moon changes phase - stops working)
07:58 PM roycroft: the idea is to just stick the rpi in the controller box on the machine, and not have a keyboard or display attached
07:58 PM roycroft: i use the ethernet port for the mesa card, and wifi for the vnc connection
07:58 PM rdtsc: have had good luck with ssh -Y to the rpi, but it has a touchscreen and keyboard connected... much harder without
07:59 PM rdtsc: have the wifi rfkilled on the rpi; frees up some time i think
08:01 PM roycroft: i've made stepper motors spin around with my setup, but i've not connected it to a machine yet
08:01 PM roycroft: and i haven't run a spindle with it yet
08:01 PM roycroft: so i don't know if i'll get interference or not
08:02 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:02 PM roycroft: i guess i'll find out some day (hopefully soon)
08:02 PM roycroft: getting these cabinets installed is going to really help organize the room where the cnc router currently lives
08:03 PM rdtsc: well you sound well-on-your-way, congrats
08:03 PM roycroft: thanks
08:03 PM xxcoder: yeah nice
08:03 PM roycroft: it's only been a 15 year or so journey so far :)
08:03 PM * roycroft remembers when it was emc2
08:04 PM roycroft: did you build that cnc router yourself, xxcoder, or did you buy a "kit"?
08:04 PM xxcoder: couple kits, the electrics kit and the frame
08:04 PM roycroft: it's better built than most of the ones that size on aliexpress and the like
08:05 PM xxcoder: its older aliexpress era so it was pretty good
08:05 PM roycroft: they've made it harder and harder to get refunds on aliexpress
08:05 PM roycroft: as a result, the quality of their goods has gotten worse and worse
08:05 PM xxcoder: the stepper blocks was modified by my uncle to have groove so screws is out of way
08:06 PM xxcoder: not surpised, havent bought from aliexpress for quite a while now.
08:06 PM xxcoder: my uncle had lathe/mill combo
08:06 PM roycroft: nor i, but it was a hassle when i did
08:06 PM roycroft: and folks say it's gotten a lot worse
08:06 PM roycroft: it's harder to get paypal refunds these days
08:07 PM roycroft: one of the only reasons i don't have a lot of problems with that is that i don't ask for refunds often, and i've had a paypal account since the turn of the century
08:07 PM roycroft: they notice that when i talk to them
08:07 PM roycroft: but i still get more hassle than i used to
08:10 PM * roycroft hopes he can find his confirmat drills, as they are expensive and cannot be sourced locally
08:12 PM rdtsc: JT, this is what I ended up doing for the DRO +/- tool diameter: https://paste.debian.net/1336856/ workin' fine
08:14 PM xxcoder: oh yes I remember now. theres 2 sets of toolholders because I bought first set, then later decided to buy spindle kit which come with a set also
08:15 PM xxcoder: collets
08:45 PM roycroft: yeah, i saw the two sets
08:45 PM roycroft: i figured one was probably metric and the other us customary, but when i checked them out they were both metric
08:45 PM xxcoder: yeah I remember you saying that, just remembered why :)
08:45 PM roycroft: i guess that explains why
08:46 PM xxcoder: first spindle was really horrible and bad. threw it away
08:46 PM xxcoder: runout was ricious, and it vibrated so hard
09:05 PM * roycroft thiks a 4GB rpi will probably do for the linuxcnc machine
09:05 PM xxcoder: yeah should work
09:05 PM roycroft: i just got my state tax refund today, and my federal refund will be mailed by the end of the week, so i probably should not stress over a few dollars
09:06 PM xxcoder: you might want to lower montior resolution to lessen bus hammering, but besides that should be just fine
09:06 PM roycroft: but being frugal is a good way to operate, imo
09:06 PM roycroft: i don't see any need for super high resolution on a cnc controller
09:08 PM xxcoder: yep
09:20 PM roycroft: adafruit have the 4GB pi 4 for $5 less than amazon
09:20 PM roycroft: that mostly offsets the shipping cost
09:33 PM Tom_L: roycroft, i've been using mine to test linuxcnc and it's an older 4g rpi
09:35 PM Tom_L: running an ethernet card
09:37 PM roycroft: yeah, since i'll be using a 7i96 i'm not worried about it
09:37 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0OLIth_cOI&t=1s
09:37 PM Tom_L: a quick test i ran with it
09:38 PM roycroft: the rpi 5 is pretty cheap
09:38 PM roycroft: i don't know much about it though
09:38 PM Tom_L: i hear it's more robust but no spi
09:38 PM Tom_L: due to a different chip and no driver for it
09:39 PM Tom_L: i tested mine with ethernet and spi both
09:42 PM roycroft: i should go verify what i have before i buy a new one
09:42 PM roycroft: i know i bought a rpi 4 with 2gb of ram in 2020
09:42 PM roycroft: but now i'm thinking that might be the one i bought for octoprint
09:43 PM * roycroft goes and checks
09:52 PM roycroft: well, it's a 4b, but i could not determine how much memory it has just by looking at it
09:53 PM roycroft: may i can log into the octoprint server and see what it has - it's my only other rpi 4 at the moment
09:54 PM xxcoder: geez the wifi dongle overheated. had to blow it to cool it down to work again
09:55 PM roycroft: so the octoprint server has 2GB
09:55 PM roycroft: that could be the one i was looking at in my order history
09:56 PM roycroft: bummer, now i don't know what the linuxcnc pi has
09:57 PM roycroft: aha - i just remembered where i bought it
09:57 PM roycroft: and it's a 4GB model, so i don't need to upgrade it
09:57 PM xxcoder: awesome
09:58 PM roycroft: now i can get a cheap one with 1GB or 2GB :)
09:58 PM xxcoder: I'm starting to suspect the reviews of "it just died" small percentage of dongle reviews was all cooked to death ones
09:58 PM roycroft: i paid $55 for this one in 2021, and it's $55 from the same distributor today
09:59 PM roycroft: it will be $155 once the new tariffs are imposed
09:59 PM xxcoder: better order in a hurry
09:59 PM roycroft: now that i know what i need to get i plan on ordering tonight
11:53 PM lcnc-relay: <sodakaustik@discord> mornin
11:53 PM lcnc-relay: <sodakaustik@discord> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/MFGgesYAVrATrPtiFZYWgKqF/20241126_063357.jpg