#linuxcnc Logs

Jul 26 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:09 AM Deejay: moin
04:15 AM mrec: pcw-home: did you ever test the maximum bandwidth you are able to send/receive through the 7i96s ethernet link?
04:24 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:36 AM Tom_L: morning
04:49 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:18 AM mrec: I think about abusing the 7i96s for other tasks if the bandwidth permits that
06:34 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:22 AM JT-Cave: well my new to me phone seems to be in the Poplar Bluff USPS facility... maybe I'll get it today
07:25 AM rdtsc2: USPS = Usually Sends Pretty Slowly
07:27 AM JT-Cave: I had to crack up when a couple of chaps wanted a new category on the forum... no one actually posts in an appropriate category lol
07:28 AM rdtsc2: I got a kick out of the 'post your GUI' thread. Halfway through it turns into troubleshooting lol
07:32 AM JT-Cave: https://www.chevrolet.com/upcoming-vehicles/2025-corvette-zr1
07:38 AM rdtsc2: Wonder what the price would be... and the insurance!
07:38 AM JT-Cave: my guess is 200k
07:39 AM rdtsc2: Maybe it's just a 'Vette thing, but I think yellow looks better than the other colors.
07:41 AM JT-Cave: my favorite color is Elkhart Lake Blue and they stopped offering that about 3 months after they build my car
07:45 AM JT-Cave: https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-oihmft/images/stencil/960x545/uploaded_images/img-0506x.jpg?t=1547253938
07:46 AM JT-Cave: I painted my 66 mustang that corvette metallic blue
07:47 AM JT-Cave: hmm breakfast time
08:01 AM Tom_L: ready to trade up already?
08:02 AM JT-Cave: I might need to get a loan from you first lol
08:02 AM Tom_L: i never cared for that body style much
08:02 AM Tom_L: it is unique
08:03 AM JT-Cave: the C3?
08:03 AM Tom_L: yeah
08:03 AM Tom_L: just kick out a couple of those big jobs and getcha one
08:04 AM Tom_L: was that one to automate the cooker line?
08:04 AM JT-Cave: to replace the aging drives for the mixing tanks and yes for the cookers
08:05 AM Tom_L: i think i remember you saying they wanted a 2nd line also?
08:07 AM Tom_L: 1024 more hp than the old VWs
08:07 AM JT-Cave: my first vw had 36hp
08:08 AM Tom_L: heh
08:08 AM Tom_L: i had a '68
08:08 AM JT-Cave: 57
08:09 AM JT-Cave: 6 volt and had to push start it most days
08:09 AM Tom_L: did they all have generators or did they finally switch to alternators?
08:11 AM JT-Cave: they always had generators on the vw because the cooling fan was on the generator shaft
08:11 AM Tom_L: i can't remember...
08:11 AM Tom_L: right
08:19 AM rdtsc2: '31 Ford model T had a generator and was 6V positive ground. In one sense, technology has came so far... in another sense, it's still the exact same operating principles.
08:56 AM pcw-home: mrec: usually the bandwidth is limited by the maximum thread rate which in turn is limited by driver/network stack latency
09:14 AM mrec: pcw-home: what is constant StepGenMPBitMask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"000001FF";
09:14 AM mrec: how did you determine the value of this?
09:16 AM mrec: it's the muxwidth parameter of the input multiplexer
09:20 AM pcw-home: I don't think the MPbitmask is actually used (its a mask that indicates whether a register is global or per instance)
09:22 AM pcw-home: (I even think the stepgen one is wrong, it should be 0x3FE)
09:23 AM pcw-home: a 1 bit means per instance, 0 meaning global
09:29 AM mrec: muxwidth is used in various areas of inmuxm
09:33 AM Unterhaus_ is now known as unterhausen
09:33 AM pcw-home: inmwidth and inmuxwidth are hidden in the module ID section though this is only used in compiling
09:34 AM pcw-home: (the driver reads these from registers, not the IDROM)
10:02 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I'm happy I managed to get my spindle and encoder working
10:02 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> However I have another (again and again) question
10:02 AM rdtsc2: congrats
10:02 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> There is a pulley and gear between my motor and my spindle
10:03 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> So when my motor is running at 100rpm, my spindle speed is different
10:03 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> How should I handle this situation?
10:03 AM JT-Shop: is the encoder on the spindle or the motor?
10:10 AM Tom_L: move the encoder or calculate the ratio of the pulley/gear
10:14 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Encoder is on the spindle
10:15 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I can't move it and I don't want to, this is an industrial machine
10:15 AM Tom_L: encoder should be on the spindle because that's the rpm you're interested in
10:15 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> And I apply the ratio to the encoder number of pulses?
10:15 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Exactly so it stays where it is 🙂
10:16 AM rdtsc2: is the pulley/gear ratio ever changed?
10:16 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I have a ratio that never change
10:16 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> And I also have a gearbox
10:16 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> But I don't want to change spindle gear
10:17 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I have 2x3 gears
10:17 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I think to get high torque at low rpm as this is not a small machine
10:19 AM pcw-home: If the encoder is on the spindle the encoder scale will not change
10:20 AM pcw-home: regardless of motor:spindle gearing
10:21 AM pcw-home: the spindle speed command scaling will change based on gearing
10:26 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> OK thank you I will try with this solution
10:27 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> What is the behavior of linuxcnc if I input m3 s200
10:27 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> And the spindle is running at 600rpm for example
10:28 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> If I want to do a thread, will it be based on the encoder feedback (spindle actual speed or M3 command?
10:28 AM Tom_L: the thread is synch'd with the index pulse from the encoder
10:29 AM Tom_L: not based on speed
10:30 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> OK
10:30 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Thank you
10:34 AM Tom_L: notice how unstable the rpm is on this sherline but still able to do rigid tapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g99lUtjLfMU
10:35 AM Tom_L: because it's in sync with the spindle turns
10:36 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> And a single pulse per turn is enough?
10:37 AM Tom_L: yup
10:37 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> OK
10:37 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Then I will play with the scale
10:46 AM mrec: pcw-home: so can I safely set the mask to x"00000000"?
10:49 AM pcw-home: yes (or set it to the correct value)
10:51 AM pcw-home: but AFAIK the driver does not use that information
10:55 AM mrec: I'm working on my own module, how is the correct number calculated?
10:57 AM pcw-home: how many registers? which (if any) are global?
11:00 AM mrec: well I'm at the hello world stage so one or two only so far.
11:01 AM pcw-home: if you dont have any global registers the mask would just have 1 bits for the number of registers
11:01 AM roycroft: i have 240vac in my shop now (temporary drop, but it works)!
11:02 AM roycroft: i also have about 30 minutes of tidying up to do and then there will be room to do actual work in the shop
11:02 AM pcw-home: so 5 registers would be 0x1F
11:02 AM rdtsc2: congrats rc
11:16 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> You're talking about this scale?
11:16 AM lcnc-relay: setp hm2_7i96s.0.pwmgen.00.scale 2500
11:16 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Because I though this was the max spindle speed
11:17 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> And it was linked to M3/M4 command
11:20 AM pcw-home: Yes, thats the max spindle (not motor) speed
11:21 AM pcw-home: if you need to change the gear ratio, you would likely need to add a scale component
12:03 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Oh OK
12:04 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> May I ask you how should I proceed then?
12:52 PM JT-Shop: nap time
01:17 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:01 PM unterhausen: penn state has some nice drafting tables on sale for $50 each
02:02 PM roycroft: i have a nice drafting arm for sale
02:02 PM unterhausen: I'm not sure an arm would work, aren't they clamped on the side https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=877450897746203
02:02 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Nevermind, 105rpm when I run m3 s100 🙂 so no reduction, I will adjust the gain in vfd parameter and it will be fine
02:10 PM bjorkintosh: 50 dollars? damn. when did they last use those tables?
02:10 PM bjorkintosh: in the late early '90s?
02:15 PM unterhausen: I think they are for architects, so probably more recently than that
02:15 PM unterhausen: they are cleaning out the architectural engineering building so they can flatten it
02:16 PM unterhausen: I think they are mayline tables for the wire/parallelogram style drafting apparatus
02:18 PM bjorkintosh: in this age of cad, does anyone get trained in the use of a drawing machine anymore?
02:22 PM unterhausen: not sure. Amazon shows someone painting on one
02:25 PM bjorkintosh: first name Bob, last name Ross?
02:30 PM roycroft: just as i think that a machinist-in-training should learn how to machine manually before learning cnc machining, i think a draftsperson/architect-in-training should learn how to hand draw plans/blueprints before learning cad
02:30 PM roycroft: although the latter is not as important
02:31 PM unterhausen: I think they should get more cad training, from what I have seen
02:31 PM roycroft: it's very useful for field revisions to have some experience drawing by hand, though
02:31 PM roycroft: yes, there should be more cad training
02:31 PM roycroft: but learning the fundamentals drawing manually helps
02:31 PM unterhausen: I had a grad student that wanted to work in our lab do some drafting, I had to teach him some fairly elementary stuff
02:32 PM roycroft: especially things like dimensioning
02:32 PM unterhausen: yeah, they do an okay job of teaching gdt out our school
02:32 PM roycroft: my tablesaw is almost completely uncovered, btw
02:32 PM unterhausen: Problem is there is no time in the curriculum
02:33 PM roycroft: and last night i ran a temporary 240v drop to the shop
02:33 PM unterhausen: I'm impressed about the tablesaw, I need to do something with my planer
02:33 PM roycroft: i still don't have my dust collector - i'm planning on moving that up here this weekend, but it won't be installed for a while yet
02:34 PM roycroft: i have a big tool storage cabinet, my brewing system, the dust collector, and the big air compressor in a lean-to shed next to my garage shop at the old house
02:34 PM unterhausen: my cyclone started making scraping noises as it spins down, I really don't want to take it apart, but it seems inevitable
02:34 PM roycroft: i'm selling the brewing gear, and the tool storage cabinet will go in the storage unit for a while, but i need the compressor and duct collector
02:34 PM roycroft: the problem is they won't fit in my new shop, so i'll be building a lean-to shed next to it to house them
02:35 PM unterhausen: it was a sad day when I sold my brewing gear
02:35 PM roycroft: and i aim to dismantle the old one for materials to build the new one
02:35 PM roycroft: so i have to move the equipment first, then do the dismantlement, then build the new one, *then* i can install the equipment
02:35 PM roycroft: so probably another month
02:35 PM unterhausen: is your wrist still slowing you down?
02:35 PM roycroft: not too much
02:36 PM roycroft: it has good movement, and i have ok strength
02:36 PM roycroft: and i'm allowed to use it for things heavier than a pint of beer now
02:36 PM roycroft: but it's going to be a long time before it's fully-functional again
02:36 PM roycroft: i'm making rapid progress on the move now, but i'm still way behind
02:37 PM roycroft: and i have that lean-to shed to build, and i also just took delivery of an 8x10 metal shed for my lawn and garden tools/machines
02:37 PM roycroft: i have to extend the concrete pad it will live on and assemble it
02:37 PM xxcoder: reminds me of that joke. body: "I can make everything on baby in only 9 months" "how about healing from ankle injury?" body: "it'll take years and it will never be same"
02:38 PM roycroft: so lots of projects
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> yeah but babies are small, extrapolate from 4kg to 100kg and yeah it takes about 25x longer
03:33 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> I had a knee injury >30 years ago and my knee would make popping sounds when I walked, 10-20 years later it's as quiet as a mouse
03:37 PM xxcoder: :)
04:41 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> last full day of hayward.. Everything went well
04:41 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> pack up and leave tomorrrow
04:43 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> catch any Muskies?
04:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> no - actually have not done any fishing.. yet - probably tonight
04:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> (I am not a fisherman - kids just like to catch small ones)
04:51 PM * JT-Shop only goes fishing in the freezer section any more
04:54 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
05:01 PM rdtsc: Tom_L, saw the memory conflict message again when attempting sim_axis_touch.ini:
05:01 PM rdtsc: Starting LinuxCNC...
05:01 PM rdtsc: libnml/buffer/shmem.cc 320: Shared memory buffers toolCmd and toolCmd may conflict. (key=1004(0x3EC))
05:01 PM rdtsc: libnml/buffer/shmem.cc 320: Shared memory buffers toolSts and toolSts may conflict. (key=1005(0x3ED))
05:01 PM rdtsc: libnml/buffer/shmem.cc 320: Shared memory buffers emcError and emcError may conflict. (key=1003(0x3EB))
05:01 PM rdtsc: linuxcnc TPMOD=tpmod HOMEMOD=homemod EMCMOT=motmod
05:01 PM rdtsc: unsure what this is or what's causing it yet
05:03 PM rdtsc: p.s. pcw-home apologies about the 10k pullup resistor earlier; completely forgot about input impedance. absent-minded sometimes.
05:04 PM rdtsc: guess I just assumed JFET input lol
05:08 PM rdtsc: Tom_L: tom.ini also gives those memory warnings. That UI seems totally touch-functional.
05:18 PM rdtsc: Every time I get up from my chair in the lab, develop a nasty static charge. Think it's from running dehumidifiers in the basement. Have the Rpi + and 7c80 perched precariously on the bench, along with the touchscreen, gecko driver, and other gear. Have to remember to discharge static before touching any boards. Been lucky so far...
05:58 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:37 PM roycroft: i just had my cat euthanized :(
06:37 PM roycroft: this has been a brutal year for me
06:37 PM bjorkintosh: rdtsc: no grounding?
06:38 PM bjorkintosh: sorry roycroft. that's awful.
06:38 PM roycroft: she was 18, and until a week or so ago she was fine, but then she stopped eating
06:38 PM roycroft: i found out she had cancer, and there was no treatment
06:38 PM * roycroft is going to be sad for a while
06:38 PM roycroft: i did not want her to suffer any more, though
06:39 PM xxcoder: that sucks.
06:40 PM roycroft: yeah, it does, but she lived a long (for a cat) and happy life
06:40 PM roycroft: 18 is pretty for a cat, especially a female
06:41 PM roycroft: pretty old, rather
06:41 PM xxcoder: yeah. oldest I ever saw was 23
06:41 PM xxcoder: I was 21 then
06:41 PM roycroft: it's peak kitten season right now, but i'm not ready to get another cat
06:41 PM xxcoder: actually no I misremembered, I was 18
06:41 PM roycroft: i need some time before that
06:42 PM xxcoder: probably want to settle down more on new home also
06:42 PM roycroft: that too
06:42 PM roycroft: it was challenging doing stuff with an indoor cat - i had to both watch the front door to make sure it was always shut, even when i was going in and out, and i had to watch out for the cat when moving stuff around
06:43 PM roycroft: but more than that, i need some time to grieve before i get another cat
06:44 PM roycroft: this is actually the first time in about 40 years that i haven't had one - i used to always have 2 or 3 cats, so when one passed i'd still have the other(s)
06:44 PM roycroft: but when it got down to phoebe i just didn't want to get another cat
06:44 PM xxcoder: I would love to have a cat, but im not up to taking care of it
06:44 PM roycroft: now i kind of wish i had, but i don't
06:44 PM roycroft: it doesn't take that much to care for one
06:45 PM roycroft: and if you have a good cat, the rewards outweigh the effort by far
06:45 PM xxcoder: yeah but I can barely get enough care of myself as it is
06:45 PM roycroft: anyway, i don't mean to be a bummer here
06:45 PM roycroft: so i'll stop talking about it
06:45 PM roycroft: i am sad, she was great, but her time is over, and life will go on
06:45 PM xxcoder: indeed
06:46 PM roycroft: when she stopped eating i had a hard time sleeping, because i was worried about her and i knew she was in pain
06:46 PM roycroft: but she is no longer suffering
06:52 PM roycroft: i think i'm going to try to hook my shop vac up to my tablesaw, jointer, and thicknesser since i don't have my dust collector
06:52 PM roycroft: the work i need to do right now is very small, so it won't generate heaps of chips/sawdust, and i think a shop vac might be able to keep up
06:52 PM * roycroft throws himself into work to get over things
08:00 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
09:04 PM mark_ is now known as rdtsc3