#linuxcnc Logs

Jul 22 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

04:12 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:25 AM Tom_L: morning
04:25 AM Tom_L: 67°F
04:25 AM Tom_L: hi 85°F
05:08 AM mrec: pcw--home: do you have any advise how to get rid of the negative slack -1.048ns with efinix?
05:15 AM JT-Cave: same and rain here
05:20 AM _unreal_: 6am and currently 80f :) got to love the tropics
05:20 AM _unreal_: off to work
05:21 AM _unreal_: I find out soon if I'm being hired or not. new job will bring me almost to 6 figures
05:22 AM _unreal_: base pay plus finders fee's and many other options.
05:34 AM Deejay: hi
05:43 AM JT-Cave: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/3037 < this is funny
06:43 AM JT-Cave: only in America can you go from dumpster diver to millionaire...
06:51 AM Tom_L: :)
06:52 AM rdtsc2: 'Moin' :)
06:52 AM JT-Cave: morning
06:53 AM Tom_L: guess we should shorten our nics too
06:53 AM JT-Cave: LOL
06:53 AM bjorkint0sh: T. yes.
06:56 AM rdtsc2: Updated the Rpi to 2.9.3 last night; issues. Need more time to investigate.
06:57 AM Tom_L: what rpi issue? the gcode for lathe?
06:58 AM rdtsc2: no, gantry mill, just wouldn't run either profile. no time to investigate yet.
06:58 AM JT-Cave: I went with a S20+ to replace the S10+
06:58 AM Tom_L: cool
06:58 AM Tom_L: S21 here... nearly the same
06:58 AM Tom_L: no +
06:59 AM JT-Cave: this time I made sure it does not have the annoying bixby button
06:59 AM Tom_L: heh
06:59 AM Tom_L: i nearly forgot about that. i'm not sure if mine does or not
06:59 AM JT-Cave: you would know for sure every time you bump it
07:00 AM Tom_L: well no then. i do that quite a bit
07:00 AM JT-Cave: I got it from back market
07:01 AM Tom_L: i got a spare 21 sitting on the desk here
07:01 AM Tom_L: kid got talked into some apple thing
07:02 AM Tom_L: then she tried one and hated it
07:03 AM Tom_L: his excuse was it wouldn't charge. i blew the plug out and have been keeping the battery up on it since
07:04 AM JT-Cave: I tried an apple back when and didn't keep it very long
07:06 AM JT-Cave: interesting it just dawned on me that I don't know how to load the resources.py file when running emc
07:06 AM Tom_L: it doesn't load from code?
07:07 AM Tom_L: my stuff i add an Include in the main file
07:09 AM Tom_L: and functions declare them External
07:10 AM Tom_L: i keep all my constants in a separate file
07:16 AM rdtsc2: uh oh... there's a few big companies out there whom also use 'flexgui' https://duckduckgo.com/?q=flexgui
07:17 AM rdtsc2: have to update that on the Rpi and put it through the paces again
07:17 AM JT-Cave: copy cats
07:19 AM Tom_L: rdtsc2, the rpi deb should be fairly current
07:19 AM Tom_L: there's a rpi ui in it now too
07:19 AM rdtsc2: I see on the gitgub it was updated yesterday :)
07:19 AM rdtsc2: gitgub? lol
07:20 AM Tom_L: copywright infringements n all...
07:20 AM rdtsc2: I'd looked on your build area yesterday Tom but only saw the amd64 build. never enough hours in the day
07:21 AM Tom_L: it doesn't run on 32bit
07:21 AM Tom_L: there's a lib missing
07:21 AM Tom_L: oh, you can get it from jt's github
07:21 AM Tom_L: or i can put one up there
07:22 AM rdtsc2: well, given that three big companies are all using it, probably safe for us to borrow it too. interesting though, to find our flexgui, must search for flexgui + linuxcnc
07:23 AM rdtsc2: JT has the arm64 on the git (thank you)
07:23 AM Tom_L: i just put one on mine too
07:23 AM Tom_L: 0.9.3
07:23 AM rdtsc2: crazy, how tiny the package is
07:24 AM rdtsc2: very efficient code :)
07:24 AM Tom_L: i usually add linuxcnc in all my searches anyway
07:24 AM Tom_L: if it's remotely related
07:25 AM Tom_L: the rpi demo has 3 qss files you can pick from in the ini
07:26 AM Tom_L: and a readme
07:29 AM rdtsc2: nice, i'll check it out tonight
07:37 AM Tom_L: rdtsc2, http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/Screens/
07:43 AM rdtsc2: dang, hard to believe it's July 22nd already - whew time is moving fast
07:44 AM rdtsc2: screens look good
07:47 AM rdtsc2: Was looking at the Mitsubishi MR-J4 series. They make a 2- and 3-axis servo drive, 400W per axis, for 220VAC. They also have single-axis versions up to 22KW (think spindle.) Waiting for someone to try them in a build. Can find used on eBay for reasonable. They support linear and direct-drive motors, although those are ridiculously priced.
07:53 AM rdtsc2: https://us.mitsubishielectric.com/fa/en/~/media/4aa8e603efe5442ab091e12d9ab783fe.pdf
08:35 AM pcw--home: mrec: If a design does not meet timing you can try other seeds or if using Mesas source, start with the"25" project that has a typically 80 MHz clocklow rather than 100 MHz
09:34 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, you should set a min size on 'touch'. when i started it here the DRO etc were squished together
09:36 AM Tom_L: not sure why, maybe because i'd been working on the rpi one and it is small
09:37 AM Tom_L: nice button borders
09:38 AM Tom_L: arrows on tool touch off don't show
09:40 AM Tom_L: nice numberpad
09:41 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:51 AM Tom_dev: Error
09:51 AM Tom_dev: No characters found in reading real value
09:51 AM Tom_L: coordinate system touch off pressing an axis with no value in the box
09:51 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:51 AM JT-Shop: touch is pretty much broken atm
09:51 AM Tom_L: looks good though
09:51 AM Tom_L: nice when you click on the box, the numberpad pops up
09:54 AM JT-Shop: no, it's a qt program
09:54 AM Tom_L: hmm
09:55 AM JT-Shop: I'll have to update my pyqt6 repo
09:55 AM Tom_L: why?
09:56 AM JT-Shop: so I can link you to how to generate a resource file
09:57 AM Tom_L: you're using pyqt6 but pyqt5 designer?
09:58 AM JT-Shop: yup
09:59 AM Tom_L: not sure what it is but there's a python3-qdarkstyle lib
09:59 AM Tom_L: complete dark stylesheet for ....
10:02 AM JT-Woodshop: link?
10:02 AM Tom_L: package manager
10:02 AM Tom_L: i searched for pyqt
10:03 AM JT-Woodshop: might be worth looking at... but first a little work
10:07 AM firephoto__ is now known as firephoto_
10:09 AM JT-Shop: https://github.com/ColinDuquesnoy/QDarkStyleSheet
10:09 AM JT-Shop: no need to install it
10:09 AM JT-Shop: https://github.com/ColinDuquesnoy/QDarkStyleSheet/blob/master/qdarkstyle/dark/darkstyle.qss
10:32 AM roycroft: the helicopters are back
10:58 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Shop: JT-Woodshop Tom_L check out the email I just sent to both mail lists, about the broken buildbot2
10:59 AM JT-Shop: I saw it already
10:59 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Shop: what do ya think?
11:00 AM JT-Shop: I don't use buildbot2 so I don't even know where it lives except it's prob in Seb's garage
11:01 AM JT-Shop: you suspect it's broken because of a programming error?
11:03 AM JT-Shop: lunch time
11:03 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Shop: sent you a PM
11:08 AM JT-Cave: lunch time
11:23 AM * rdtsc2 cycles power to Seb's garage, that'll fix it
11:25 AM Tom_L: roguish, linuxcnc-build2> Worker `bookworm-rtpreempt-amd64` is back online.
11:27 AM Tom_L: JT-Shop, http://buildbot2.highlab.com/debian/
11:28 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> may be online, but the builds aren
11:28 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> aren't working
11:28 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> http://buildbot2.highlab.com/debian/dists/bookworm/master-uspace/binary-amd64/
11:32 AM Tom_L: looks like the last build was on the 8th
11:32 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> exactly
11:34 AM Tom_L: is it that or because the builds fail?
11:35 AM Tom_L: i forget where that waterfall link is showing the builds
11:36 AM Tom_L: pere might know
11:36 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: Seb told me someone broke the builds, and that individual should fix it
11:37 AM Tom_L: he's not wrong :)
11:37 AM pere: what might I know? did not quite catch the question.
11:37 AM Tom_L: the page showing build results 'waterfall' i think
11:37 AM Tom_L: pere,
11:38 AM Tom_L: for all the packages
11:38 AM Tom_L: we're trying to see what broke the buildbot
11:38 AM pere: unstable build currently fail due to <URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1076675 >. perhaps related? I got most builds working on github, but unstable latex is broken for french.
11:38 AM roycroft: if they are broken then someone should point the current version back to the last working one and tell the person who broke them to fix the problem and then recommit
11:39 AM pere: as for buildbot, it had a full disk a few days ago, but should have recovered. I did not pay much attention to buildbot so far.
11:39 AM Tom_L: last build from buildbot2 was on the 8th
11:39 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> pere: it's in Seb's buildbot2.... http://buildbot2.highlab.com/
11:40 AM pere: So not <URL: http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/3103.dsc-wheezy-rtai/builds/6839/steps/platform-is-supported/logs/stdio >, where python3 is missing?
11:40 AM Tom_L: he runs 2 buildbots
11:41 AM Tom_L: buildbot2 is for the newer OS
11:41 AM pere: I only get 503 service unavailable for <URL: http://buildbot2.highlab.com/buildbot/#/grid >.
11:44 AM Tom_L: maybe it's full
11:45 AM pere: perhaps ask Seb?
11:52 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> there was a message up on the dev ml about this
11:53 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> "Looks like it was broken around July 8th. That was the last successful
11:53 AM lcnc-relay: Bookworm Master build.
11:53 AM lcnc-relay: Even the Bookworm 2.9 last successful build was July 11. Same with
11:53 AM lcnc-relay: Bullseye..."
11:54 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> http://buildbot2.highlab.com/ works but not /grid
11:59 AM JT-Cave: nap time
12:03 PM rdtsc2: Windows build server <-- CrowdStrike victim? (kidding)
12:08 PM roycroft: the whole crowdstrike situation is very puzzling to me
12:10 PM roycroft: it's like the vendor said "we built this road for you - please use it instead of any other road. sure, the road leads up to a cliff, but we promise we won't push you over the cliff." and the users all said "oh, this is a nice road - easy to navigate - and the promised not to push us over the cliff so there's no way that could possibly happen"
12:10 PM roycroft: and then the edge of the cliff crumbled, and everybody was surprised
12:17 PM bjorkint0sh: there are no guarantees with software.
12:18 PM roycroft: correct
12:18 PM roycroft: and my analogy was incomplete
12:19 PM roycroft: when crowdstrike asked people to use their road exclusively, they also instructed the people to put on blindfolds as they approached the cliff
12:19 PM roycroft: and people were find with that, as they did not want to have to think about any potential cliff issues
12:20 PM roycroft: i'm not faulting crowdstrike for pushing out bad code (i can do that, because they deserve a lot of blam for this, but it's not germane to this discussion)
12:20 PM roycroft: the underlying issue is the implicit trust they were given by so many millions of people
12:21 PM roycroft: trust involving mission-critical, literally life and death situations
12:22 PM roycroft: there was a report yesterday on npr about a nurse who was in the middle of administering a prescribed group of medications to a premature baby that had just been born, and in the middle of dosing the meds her computer crashed
12:23 PM roycroft: she did not know what to do, as she no longer had access to the information, and the hospital had to scramble to get a doctor to get things sorted
12:23 PM roycroft: the baby was ok as of yesterday, but almost not
12:24 PM roycroft: people are placing all the blame on crowdstrike and while, as i alluded to above, they are deserving of much of it, blindly trusting a vendor like that is reckless and irresponsible
12:24 PM roycroft: folks who use their software and allow it to auto-update at any time are partially to blame, perhaps primarily to blame
12:24 PM bjorkint0sh: I've caste my lot with linux, and I'll keep using it for the forseeable future.
12:25 PM bjorkint0sh: it is a hell of a lot better than anything from m$
12:25 PM roycroft: sure
12:26 PM roycroft: but would you let your linux distro or any of its packages auto-update while you're in the middle of machining a part using linuxcnc?
12:26 PM roycroft: because that's exactly what the crowdstrike users are doing
12:27 PM roycroft: what if your linux distro maintainers said to you "let us auto-update whenever we want - we promise we won't break the part you're making while we update"?
12:27 PM roycroft: would you believe them?
12:27 PM bjorkint0sh: roycroft: I deliberately stay behind the most recent thing for that reason.
12:28 PM bjorkint0sh: we have machines which are still running win95. it works.
12:28 PM bjorkint0sh: (except when something goes awry... different scenario)
12:29 PM bjorkint0sh: stability is underrated.
12:40 PM roycroft: stability is at least as important as shiny new features
12:40 PM roycroft: i would argue much more important
12:40 PM roycroft: my eprom burner machine runs windows 95, because the burner software is a dos 6 application
12:40 PM roycroft: it works fine
12:41 PM bjorkint0sh: yep. so I use a 200,000+ year old technology on a daily basis.
12:41 PM bjorkint0sh: language.
12:41 PM bjorkint0sh: not whatever new fangled thing people do these days :-D
12:41 PM * roycroft also used technology that old on a daily basis - math
12:41 PM bjorkint0sh: that's recent.
12:41 PM roycroft: uses
12:41 PM bjorkint0sh: we're talking, 3000 years old?
12:41 PM bjorkint0sh: it's yet to prove itself.
12:42 PM roycroft: people have been counting things since the earliest days
12:42 PM roycroft: math is just a language
12:42 PM bjorkint0sh: ah! but people have *said* they've already counted it twice since before that.
12:42 PM roycroft: it's just not as loosely-structured as the languages we use for most of our communications
12:42 PM bjorkint0sh: if you don't believe them, why not count from I to MCM yourself.
12:43 PM bjorkint0sh: I was initially going to write math instead of language believe it or not.
12:44 PM bjorkint0sh: but. I do use pretty ancient stuff. my text editor of choice is pretty old.
12:44 PM bjorkint0sh: Emacs emerged in '76
12:45 PM roycroft: i still use vi
12:45 PM bjorkint0sh: I was a diehard vi guy for a while until I remembered I liked typing parenthesis.
12:46 PM roycroft: so you code in lisp?
12:46 PM bjorkint0sh: sometimes, yes.
12:46 PM roycroft: i mean (((lisp?)))
12:46 PM bjorkint0sh: haha. T.
12:47 PM bjorkint0sh: autolisp was my gateway drug. but I knew it a bit before that.
12:47 PM bjorkint0sh: I have about 20 books on the language. None of which I've read.
12:47 PM bjorkint0sh: because they're frigging boring.
12:48 PM bjorkint0sh: the hyperspec references are accessible from emacs anyway
12:48 PM bjorkint0sh: I found this today: https://glisp.app/commit:e7fbaae/
01:01 PM bjorkint0sh: speaking of stable systems: https://www.trojmiasto.pl/wiadomosci/Warszatat-samochodowy-zaslynal-dzieki-26-letniemu-komputerowi-Commodore-n106004.html
01:01 PM bjorkint0sh: (english translation works fine)
01:13 PM JT-Shop: interesting the blue tooth still works on my phone as does the music player
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: <blackpuma4735> Good evening
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: I hope someone can help me. I try for four days now to get the qtpyvcp plugins into the QT designer. Without any success. I see the plugin file itself but I didn't get any widgets. Anyone know something?
01:27 PM bjorkint0sh: which version of qt/qtdesigner are you using?
01:39 PM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> blackpuma4735: doesyour pc match the opengl reuirements here: requires graphics hardware that supports OpenGL 3.2 and OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) 1.50 or later
02:46 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> blackpuma4735 I think that you need to run editvcp from a terminal
02:47 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:47 PM lcnc-relay: <blackpuma4735> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/XcmjTRwcOXklFySiZkqWuOLY/grafik.png
02:47 PM lcnc-relay: <blackpuma4735> I'm using qt and designer 5.15.8. Latest available from debian bookworm. I can see the loaded plugin file but I didn't see any widgets in designer. 😦
02:47 PM lcnc-relay: I installed it now 4 times and followed the instructions but still not there.
02:49 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> "editvcp" setssome enviroment variables to show plugins
02:52 PM lcnc-relay: <blackpuma4735> https://tenor.com/view/sad-eyes-obama-president-obama-cry-gif-17112377
02:53 PM lcnc-relay: <blackpuma4735> If i edit an existing ui with editvcp I have the widgets all in!
02:55 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> there are some minimal examples there 🙂
02:55 PM xxcoder: nice. hopefully that will get you going on making your own gui
02:56 PM JT-Shop: I have an example qtpyvcp on my github if you're interested
03:15 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> bjorkint0sh : did you know that Pacman was originally from Poland? It was called Pączki.
03:15 PM bjorkint0sh: Wat??
03:15 PM bjorkint0sh: no. impossibru!
03:15 PM bjorkint0sh: I thought pacman was from japan?
03:16 PM xxcoder: me too. puckman, which was issue name so they renamed to pacman
03:17 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://files.tydzien-na-weganie.pl/1/Krapfen-Party_ChristArt_fotolia_1036-1036x414-1036x414.jpg
03:17 PM bjorkint0sh: hahahaha
03:17 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> the ghouls were trying to catch the doughnut
03:18 PM lcnc-relay: <xxcodery> lol
03:19 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> LCNC could use a Pacman GUI
03:20 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> at least as a backplot
03:21 PM xxcoder: special engraving mode pacman lol. it cuts wood as you play
03:23 PM solarwind24 is now known as solarwind
03:39 PM SamPls: makes the "wacha wacha" sound for axis movements, and game over for when gcode done
03:57 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/JQtyccsRVMwQHGwZImmjufdA/axisman00.jpg
03:58 PM xxcoder: hah
03:58 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> axisman or pacaxis?
03:59 PM xxcoder: hmm axisman just is bit more funny
04:00 PM rdtsc2: ...program it in (((lisp)))
04:22 PM bjorkint0sh: https://www.theonion.com/news-happening-faster-than-man-can-generate-uninformed-1851601466
04:26 PM Tom_L: we should go back to the pony express to slow things down a bit
04:27 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> smoke signals.
04:27 PM Tom_L: tree huggers would frown
04:29 PM Tom_L: looks like the buildbot may be waking up a bit
04:29 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: Seb did a bit.
04:30 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> I'm writing to him now.
04:30 PM Tom_L: was it full or what happened?
04:33 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: he sent an email to the developers. check it out
04:33 PM Tom_L: i don't get their emails
04:34 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: criminy sakes. sign up for them, and the users
04:34 PM Tom_L: i'm ok where i'm at
04:35 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ZGrWUaoHXaPPAOAAjSTSRnKK/image.png
04:35 PM Tom_L: i saw that bug reported
04:37 PM Tom_L: (i think)
04:39 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: some builds are now running. let's hope they complete.
04:44 PM Tom_L: i wonder if he's moving them all to buildbot2
04:44 PM Tom_L: he's got jesse on it now and that used to be on buildbot
04:45 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> http://buildbot2.highlab.com/buildbot/#/
04:45 PM Tom_L: it also reports in devel
04:50 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: what's theat
04:50 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> that
04:51 PM xxcoder: irc/matrix/discord channel for dev I guess?
04:51 PM Tom_L: i'm not sure it's on discord/matrix
04:51 PM Tom_L: it may be
04:52 PM Tom_L: irc #linuxcnc-devel
04:52 PM xxcoder: its bridged yeah. thats why I can see bot reporting stuff there
04:52 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> yeah, it's bridged.
04:53 PM Tom_L: and logged when the bot behaves
04:54 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: time will tell.
04:56 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: WTF is po4a
04:56 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> oh shit. it's for tranlations
04:57 PM Tom_L: uh huh
04:57 PM xxcoder: i see something about french translation breaking some compile due to bug. upstream bug
04:57 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> fuck the frogs....
04:57 PM xxcoder: latex specifically
04:57 PM xxcoder: uh thats hella rude
04:59 PM Tom_L: uh huh
04:59 PM Tom_L: not the first doc failure
05:00 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Maybe Lcnc docs should only build if explicitly asked
05:02 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> I just yesterday compiled master right here, and no docs was one of the options i used.
05:02 PM Tom_L: compiles a helluva lot faster
05:03 PM Tom_L: the docs install has always been somewhat broke. seems you get a foreign language along with english whether you ask for it or not
05:06 PM Tom_L: the last deb i installed actually got that right
05:06 PM Tom_L: but histogram, test, lcnc, pncconfig and stepconfig all also installed under acessories
05:07 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> xxcoder: just sent an email suggesting skipping the translation untiil the bug is fixec.
05:07 PM Tom_L: i'm not complaining since... i'm not doing anything about it either
05:08 PM Tom_L: i wouldn't know where to begin
05:08 PM xxcoder: same
05:08 PM xxcoder: rogish well lets see what happens
05:08 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> yup
05:09 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> nap time here....
05:09 PM * xxcoder is jelious of other people ability to have naps
05:10 PM djdelorie: "able to have naps" vs "dammit I fell asleep again" ?
05:10 PM xxcoder: nah if I try to have nap I wake up like I dug out of grave, every time
05:10 PM xxcoder: I feel worse than if I didnt have nap
05:39 PM SamPls: pulling my hair out.. "if I had any" all of the sudden im getting an error with all my probing routines
05:39 PM SamPls: emc/task/emctask.cc 69: interp_error: Bad character '\173' used
05:39 PM SamPls: Bad character '\173' used
05:39 PM SamPls: i get it when doing probing away G38.4 Z + 1 F30
05:39 PM xxcoder: its soft hyphen
05:40 PM JT-Shop: In the Windows-1252 character set, ASCII code 173 is represented by the non-printing character, also known as the soft hyphen.
05:40 PM JT-Shop: you shouldn't edit your files with a word processor
05:40 PM SamPls: im on linux
05:40 PM xxcoder: well theres word processors on linux also
05:40 PM SamPls: and it happens will all routines now.. even ones not edited
05:42 PM xxcoder: thats odd. not sure whats going on there
05:44 PM JT-Shop: the error will not lie to you
05:46 PM xxcoder: lol reminds me of that old dos game. they couldnt get around the bug in dos (not their code) so they just changed text of error to "thanks for playing!"
05:46 PM JT-Shop: lol
05:47 PM SamPls: understand.. .. so its not like i put a - in the files rather how it is being saved? .. ill try writing one in a dif one
05:47 PM JT-Shop: what editor do you use?
05:48 PM SamPls: sublime and featherpad
05:48 PM SamPls: unless in cli then nano
05:49 PM JT-Shop: not familiar with the first two but try save as and see if it gives you the option to set the char encoding and line ending
06:07 PM Tom_L: jt so all you had to do for resources was import it..
06:09 PM JT-Shop: yup
06:11 PM JT-Shop: I just saw a speckled king snake that was under the burn barrel
06:12 PM JT-Shop: but for a user qss file that wants to have images I'm not sure how that could work... well I could have an ini entry for resource
06:17 PM Tom_L: hmm
06:18 PM JT-Shop: yeah I would need to import my resources.py only if I'm using one of my qss touch screen files
06:19 PM Tom_L: just for the graphic controls
06:19 PM Tom_L: arrows etc
06:26 PM JT-Shop: yup if you change anything in a complex widget you have to change everything
06:30 PM JT-Shop: did you look at the latest touch
06:30 PM Tom_L: not yet
06:34 PM Tom_L: needs a little more space for the file names
06:34 PM Tom_L: torture_test_short.ngc doesn't fit :)
06:37 PM Tom_L: you should default 'coordinate system touchoff' to 0 instead of blank
06:37 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:37 PM Tom_dev: Error
06:37 PM Tom_dev: No characters found in reading real value
06:41 PM Tom_L: shading looks better
06:41 PM Tom_L: one of the border select options?
07:16 PM SamPls: Well now i feel stupid!!!! dont know why the "soft hyphen" error.. It was { in place of ( curly bracket vs round bracket gave that error
07:56 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
08:19 PM roycroft: duke fakir has left the building
08:19 PM roycroft: now the four tops are the no tops :(
08:24 PM bjorkint0sh: SamPls: at least it was something simple.
09:32 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
09:33 PM Unterhausen: we finally got some rain. Unfortunately it was all in about 10 minutes
09:35 PM roycroft: the helicopters have slowed down
09:51 PM Unterhausen: my BiL's brother flies small airplanes to put out small forest fires. He comes into town sometimes, and I have never heard about the fires first
10:00 PM bjorkint0sh: so, your sibling's BiL?
10:04 PM roycroft: we had no smoke today