#linuxcnc Logs

Jul 16 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:05 AM Deejay: moin
04:12 AM Tom_L: morning
04:21 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:22 AM JT-Cave: 78°F
05:02 AM JT-Cave: https://github.com/jethornton/mesact/issues/101
05:02 AM JT-Cave: https://github.com/jethornton/mesact/issues/105
05:34 AM Scopeuk: why do people insist on posting screen shots (or a personal favourite) phone photos of a screen with a terminal instead of proper output.
05:35 AM JT-Cave: how does one answer that question?
05:36 AM * JT-Cave tries to decide if it's too hot to ride this morning or not
05:37 AM JT-Cave: but yup I agree screen shots bad and phone photos of screens is worse by far
05:37 AM JT-Cave: some excuse is I don't have internet at my machine... do your feet work? just use sneaker net
05:38 AM * JT-Cave goes outside to see what it feels like
05:46 AM Scopeuk: some times I think people genuinely just don't understand that they can copy and paste the text out of the scary magic black box of text. console usage is no where near as prevalent as it once was
05:53 AM JT-Shop: it's pretty hot out but I'm going for a ride anyway
07:17 AM rdtsc2: @Scopeuk "console usage is no where near as prevalent" <-- that is why
07:24 AM Scopeuk: agreed, it's an education/understanding gap. it's tricky to pass information to people when they don't know there is something they don't know
07:46 AM pcw--home: ffffrf: Grounding the 7I96S step- or dir- will likely damage the 7I96S. If you use single ended wiring = GND to step drive DIR-/PUL-, 7I96 DIR+ to drive DIR+, 7I96 STEP_ to drive PUL+, 7I96S DIR- and STEP- must be unconnected
07:48 AM pcw--home: Also on the spindle drive, even a momentary connection of any analog pin from the drive to ground will damage the drive (since its at line potential)
07:49 AM pcw--home: This is why I said your 9V supply mus be isolated (no connection to GND whatsoever from the 9V side)
07:53 AM pcw--home: jwash: why not a 7I96S?
07:56 AM pcw--home: gonzo_ how long is the parallel cable? Might be SI issues (though that would tend to make huge errors)
07:57 AM gonzo_: pcw--home, long! 10mtrs?
07:58 AM gonzo_: How good is the error checking on the pll port?
07:58 AM pcw--home: There is no error checking so 10M is very unlikely to work
07:59 AM pcw--home: if it used to work it may be that either the parallel port or 7I90 has a damaged/weak pin
08:02 AM pcw--home: (very easy to damage I/O pins with a 10M cable as all you have to do is plug/unplug it if all power has not been removed from both ends)
08:05 AM gonzo_: error on date sounds a candidate
08:05 AM gonzo_: have RF floating around the area now. Which is a new thing.
08:06 AM gonzo_: will mopve the pc. (or treat myself to an ethernet connected card)
08:08 AM JT-Shop: rdtsc2, in this case the user is familiar with the terminal
08:16 AM pcw--home: gonzo_ RF could definitely be an issue (especially with a 10M cable as SI issues go up exponentially with cable length)
08:30 AM bjorkintosh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8ofz1OnlNI
08:57 AM gonzo_: pcw--home, thanks. That gives me a direction to go
09:53 AM jwash: pcw--home got it, I
10:12 AM Tom_L: JT-Shop, PR106 mesact
10:16 AM JT-Woodshop: thanks
10:17 AM JT-Woodshop: turns out chinaboy was using chinese characters and that messed up finding out the emc version
10:17 AM Tom_L: woops
10:17 AM JT-Woodshop: I "think" it's bullet proof now...
10:17 AM Tom_L: just takes a bigger bullet now
10:17 AM JT-Woodshop: yup
10:18 AM JT-Woodshop: raining pretty hard north of us atm
10:18 AM Tom_L: heard the sky talking but nothing much here
10:18 AM Tom_L: we'd loaded his toolbox in the truck last night and when i heard the noise i went out at 4 and covered it just in case
10:19 AM Tom_L: he was training the trainer yesterday
10:21 AM Tom_L: he new more about the machine than the trainer did
10:21 AM JT-Shop: new job?
10:21 AM Tom_L: Fanuc instead of Siemens but other than that the same
10:21 AM Tom_L: yes
10:22 AM Tom_L: nothing to do at the old place so he left even after being offered more
10:22 AM JT-Shop: is there much difference between the two controls?
10:22 AM Tom_L: not alot
10:22 AM Tom_L: afik
10:22 AM Tom_L: he said this one was newer
10:22 AM JT-Shop: I guess they were expecting work if they offered him more
10:24 AM bjorkintosh: siemens has tcl deep in its bowels, and uses it extensively.
10:24 AM bjorkintosh: just like linuxcnc
10:24 AM Tom_L: either they don't have it or Cali isn't sending it here
10:24 AM bjorkintosh: fanuc doesn't.
10:24 AM * JT-Shop is happy how the part came out so time to make 3 more
10:25 AM Tom_L: he's on the same pallet changer system they had at his first job only this one doesn't have quite as many pallets
10:26 AM Tom_L: 22 station opposed to 32 iirc
10:29 AM Tom_L: JT-Shop, no i think everbody is leaving is why the incentive
10:29 AM JT-Shop: ah
10:29 AM Tom_L: too bad because that used to be a top notch shop
10:30 AM Tom_L: Cali came in 10-15 yrs ago and bought up a bunch of shops here
10:30 AM JT-Shop: cali is a shop name?
10:30 AM Tom_L: California
10:30 AM JT-Shop: ah
10:30 AM Tom_L: all run from the left coast
10:32 AM Tom_L: that one, they talked like they were going to move operations here but so far never have
10:48 AM JT-Shop: https://radar.weather.gov/station/kpah/standard
10:56 AM * JT-Shop calls it lunch time and time to see what I broke in mesact
11:29 AM JT-Cave: mesact is fixed now... Tom_L
12:15 PM roycroft: we're under a fire weather watch today and tomorrow
12:16 PM roycroft: the fire hazard level went from low to extreme in less than a week, and we may have dry lightning tonight
12:41 PM Unterhaus_: someone I know was accused of being an AI. I never really thought of it because he always wrote like an AI
12:42 PM xxcoder: roy that sucks. here its just hotter day at 87f
12:45 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> AI you say. Is there something you want to know about AI?
12:45 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> AI you say. Is there something you want to know about AI?
12:46 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, and the debs are updated again #107
12:47 PM roycroft: i want to know why american idol was ever popular, and why it is still on television
12:49 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Lol.. because everyone wants to be rich and famous?
12:49 PM roycroft: i thought that show was about people making fools of themselves
12:49 PM Unterhaus_: my cousin was on american idol and Ellen Degeneres got her kicked off
12:49 PM roycroft: but i never watched it, so i may be mistaken
12:49 PM xxcoder: essentally all "reality" shows is people making fools of themselves
12:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I am goofing around with the tv tuner/dvr and decided to record all the antique road shows it can find... So far it has recorded 2...
12:50 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Degeneres is a c__t
12:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> The only thing I could remotely watch from 'over the air'
12:50 PM roycroft: my tivo is set to record all antiques roadshows it can
12:50 PM Unterhaus_: that happened before everyone knew she was horrible
12:51 PM roycroft: since i've moved here, it's recorded zero, because i have no ota television reception
12:51 PM roycroft: i'm told i can get an opb (pbs) repeater, but i've not hooked up the rooftop antenna yet
12:51 PM roycroft: i broke my wrist a couple days after i installed the antenna, before i ran the coax to it
12:51 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
12:51 PM * roycroft should get around to finishing that job some day soon
12:51 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> How is your wrist doing?
12:52 PM roycroft: pretty well
12:52 PM Unterhausen: apparently there are ai's set up to report security flaws in open source software
12:52 PM roycroft: as long as i do my pt exercises it has good motion, and i'm regaining strength slowly
12:52 PM roycroft: the bone should be totally healed by now, but the soft tissues will take months to heal
12:52 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> nice!
12:53 PM roycroft: i'm hardly ever wearing the brace now, and i am using my left arm regularly
12:53 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> the recordings on the device are mpeg and can be coppied off. That seems suprising...
12:54 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> roycroft: tendons take a bunch of weeks to heal, ligaments take months.....
12:54 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> wear the brace. it's a good reminder.....to take care
12:56 PM roycroft: my doctor told me i only need to wear it when i'm putting a significant strain on the wrist
12:56 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> A guy here flipped an atv and dislocated his shoulder.. He got it set and was told to wear the sling. He got home - shoulder felt fine and he took the brace off. He said he was pretty embarace to have to go back in an hour or 2 later when his shoulder slipped back out. He wore the sling after that
12:57 PM roycroft: the decision was not mine
12:58 PM roycroft: i don't know how much damage there was to any ligaments, but since the end of my radius turned about 45 degrees when it fractured, i should assume some ligaments got stretched or torn in a bad way
12:58 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> it's better to be more careful, than less so.
12:58 PM roycroft: i am taking care
12:58 PM roycroft: i promise
12:59 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> I blew my collar bone off of the shoulder. 3 little ligaments. got it fixed, and then messed up by not wearing the sling and being care for longer
01:00 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> now I have a nice bump. looks goofy.
01:00 PM Tom_L: a bump and a story
01:00 PM roycroft: my main problem now is that i have some stiff tendons
01:00 PM roycroft: when i do the exercises they loosen up, but a half hour later they're stiff again
01:01 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> I wish the doc had warned me a lot more
01:01 PM roycroft: i can't make a fist if my hand has been resting for a while, but i can do the excercises and after about 5-6 reps i can close my fist all the way
01:02 PM roycroft: the physical therapist gave me some theraputic putty to squeeze on, and that helps, but when it's hot the putty gets kind of runny and sticky
01:08 PM JT-Shop: when I had stitches on my knee I had to keep it straight for quite some time, after they took the stitches out it took me a few months before I got 80% movement back
01:11 PM JT-Shop: it's funny when the deer stand at the edge of the woods and watch you while you fill the dog bowl with corn
01:16 PM Tom_L: heh
01:23 PM roycroft: i'm expecting to get almost full movement and strength back over the course of the next year or so
01:24 PM JT-Shop: I don't remember how long it took to get full movement back in my leg but it took a long time with lots of stretching everyday
01:27 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_wUjIuWY8k
01:27 PM Tom_L: cnc pron
01:27 PM Tom_L: kid runs the mag3's
01:32 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> do we need a Shaper Origin with a plasma cutter?
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxjE5WOAGi4 if you forgot what a origin shaper was
01:34 PM Tom_L: they usually group them 4 to a work cell with pallet changers etc
01:34 PM xxcoder: fancy. my sls metal order of disc of sabu is finished and on way to me now
01:34 PM Tom_L: capt, roy has one of those
01:34 PM Tom_L: i think he just got it recently
01:34 PM Tom_L: minus the plasma
01:36 PM roycroft: i just used it yesterday, in fact
01:37 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> any problems with RTAI 5.4.279 ? https://onelaboratories.us/abc/
01:37 PM xxcoder: yeah? making something?
01:37 PM Tom_L: i haven't used it much after installing. got busy with 'things'
01:37 PM Tom_L: i was able to remove the other one without re'installing 12
01:38 PM Tom_L: just gotta make sure you get it all
01:38 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> someone had mentioned using a hand held plasma cutter with a template, handheld CNC assisted plasma just seems like the natural next step
01:39 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> someone on the forums asked about RTAI build instructions but had problems with even using the packages
01:40 PM roycroft: a backing board for a temporary power drop to my shop
01:40 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> recipe for disaster, they are just going to ask for their hand to be held through the entire process
01:41 PM roycroft: i wanted to radius the corners of the board so they would not be painful if i bumped into them
01:41 PM roycroft: the origin + shaper plate makes it trivial to ops like that
01:41 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> can it handle sheet metal?
01:42 PM roycroft: the origin?
01:42 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> yes
01:42 PM roycroft: i suppose
01:42 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> light light stuff
01:42 PM roycroft: folks use it on non-ferrous metals all the time
01:42 PM roycroft: it's a fancy router
01:42 PM roycroft: if you can get an appropriate cutter, and the feeds and speeds are correct, you can cut it
01:42 PM roycroft: feeds are manually controlled, of course, for the most part
01:43 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://forum.linuxcnc.org/media/kunena/attachments/20203/original.jpg how poorly would this come out using the origin?
01:44 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> in aluminum
01:44 PM roycroft: it would be a lot of work, but it should be able to be done, and look pretty good
01:45 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> we love work, so no problem there
01:46 PM roycroft: you would have to laminate the aluminium sheet onto some kind of support before routing it out, of course
01:46 PM roycroft: but i don't see why it would not work well
01:46 PM roycroft: something to be aware of is that the origin's base sits on the work piece
01:47 PM xxcoder: roy nice on rounding corner off
01:47 PM roycroft: so when you're machining metals with it you could have issues with burrs making it hard to move around smoothly, and swarf getting caught in the base might cause scratches on the surface as you move the origin around
01:48 PM roycroft: xxcoder i started making jigs for corner rounding to use with conventional routers, but that requires a jig for every radius
01:49 PM roycroft: with the origin i just draw a rounded corner rectangle using the on-board design tool, set the radius, and go
01:49 PM roycroft: no jigs at all
01:49 PM xxcoder: nice
01:49 PM roycroft: except the $2800 jig :)
01:49 PM xxcoder: adjustable radius jig would be interesting, though not sure how it would work lol
01:50 PM roycroft: if i were cutting that control panel face with an origin, i would probably sandwich the panel between two pieces of plywood, 3mm thick on the upper piece
01:50 PM roycroft: that way the base would be resting on wood, and would not have any issues with burrs or swarf
02:00 PM roycroft: one would have to cut that out with a very small diameter cutter, because the router would not be able to run at a slow enough speed for a larger cutter
02:01 PM roycroft: i don't know the speed range of the origin, but i should imagine that the lowest speed is probably 10,000-12,000rpm
02:08 PM JT-Shop: https://support.shapertools.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003084574-Spindle-Speed-Settings
02:18 PM roycroft: so my imagination is realistic
02:18 PM roycroft: in this respect, at least
02:28 PM JT-Shop: and here comes the rain
02:43 PM roycroft: we have a slight chance of rain this evening, but it will most likely be dry lightning
03:01 PM JT-Shop: just got a call from a factory that needs plc help but they never paid me for a bit of work I did back in 2020... should I even return his call?
03:02 PM jwash: yes, after they make you whole, to YOUR satisfaction
03:02 PM xxcoder: "Hi, I considering your call, but you have not paid for last job at 2020?"
03:02 PM xxcoder: *considered
03:03 PM JT-Shop: I don't know the person that called or don't remember his name...
03:07 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> past due + cash up front
03:07 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> and a retainer, they are not just for lawyers anymore
03:08 PM roycroft: and we've had teh inflation since then, so be sure to tack on 18% annual interest for the past due amount
03:09 PM roycroft: plus the nuisance fee
03:17 PM JT-Shop: wow I high dropped from 95°F to 88°F for today
03:19 PM xxcoder: ow get heat packs in a hurry, your body temp is too low!
03:19 PM xxcoder: ugh it had to suddenly warm up for one day today, the day I have to go out. 85f isnt too bad but yeah
03:20 PM xxcoder: yeserday was 80f, and tomorrow 82f
03:29 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, i had that happen once and went to collect.. under new management so they said sue us
03:29 PM Tom_L: they knew it wasn't worth my time and so did i
03:30 PM Tom_L: fortunately i don't deal with many like that
03:40 PM JT-Shop: yup and I'm not dealing with them anymore either :)
03:41 PM Tom_L: only reason i would, would be if i were bored which i'm not
03:41 PM JT-Shop: soon as the rain passes we will have low 80's and sunny for a few days
03:41 PM JT-Shop: even if I was bored I'd find something else to entertain myself with
03:42 PM Tom_L: and if it were a new guy that called he may have no clue about the past dealings
03:42 PM xxcoder: thats nice thing about not needing money, you can just reject stuff not fun or previous bad dealing
03:44 PM roycroft: money is the root of all spending
03:48 PM bjorkintosh: roycroft: repairs would like a word with you.
03:49 PM xxcoder: time would like a word with you also
03:50 PM roycroft: theoretically, if you don't have any money, neither time nor the need of repairs will affect your spending
03:50 PM roycroft: unless you're the government, of course, in which case money is completely disconnected from spending
04:02 PM rdtsc2: @xxcoder have you seen the fabrication series on YT? That guy is always preaching about how to reject welding jobs. If the work looks questionable, avoid it at all costs.
04:03 PM xxcoder: not at all
04:06 PM rdtsc2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfyIk3XhNms
04:15 PM xxcoder: interesting. skimmed though it a bit
04:15 PM xxcoder: not much knowledge on welding myself, as I dont weld
04:15 PM xxcoder: only cnc machining lol
04:15 PM rdtsc2: Recently tried TIG welding some unknown SS plate with 309 wire... man it was challenging. He speaks the truth. :)
04:16 PM rdtsc2: In any case, the point was to only accept "good" jobs.
04:16 PM xxcoder: indeed. makes sense
04:17 PM xxcoder: I wonder if my disc of sabu was good sls project for those people who made it. still waiting for it to arrive to see how good it is
04:17 PM xxcoder: https://www.printables.com/model/180057-disc-of-sabu if curious
04:20 PM xxcoder: I chose stainless steel, mirror finish
04:20 PM rdtsc2: Interesting. Hope it turns out well.
04:20 PM xxcoder: yep
04:21 PM rdtsc2: Interesting to see how the finish is... wonder if they will polish it
04:21 PM xxcoder: supposely but I dont know if they will polish everywhere
04:21 PM xxcoder: its very complex shape
04:22 PM rdtsc2: It is, and SS is challenging to polish and work with in general. Just a little bit of chromium and some other additives and it behaves like a completely different metal.
04:24 PM rdtsc2: If SLS does go fully DIY, the powder's gonna be expensiiiiive
04:25 PM xxcoder: for metal yeah. im in few discord servers for sls, one failed (sold to formlabs), one just too expensive (7k usd, sls4all) and one starting out, one more general headed by capt
04:25 PM xxcoder: nylon shouldnt be too bad
04:27 PM rdtsc2: There's also a growing market for desktop injection-molding, like https://www.micro-molder.com
04:28 PM xxcoder: I think its cool, though molds would be too hard
04:28 PM xxcoder: for me
04:29 PM xxcoder: I saw that you could do injection casting with sla molds
04:29 PM xxcoder: life is much shorter but also much cheaper
04:29 PM xxcoder: ffor example if you need 100 parts its greay
04:30 PM rdtsc2: Sounds perfect, as likely not making thousands of parts from a desktop. :)
04:54 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> 3d printed molds are common, there a co that got gobs of funding to do it
04:54 PM roycroft: fedex are finally arriving
05:02 PM roycroft: and they only brought part of my order
05:02 PM roycroft: the part i need last, of course
05:10 PM Tom_L: on that micro molder, what is the mold made from?
05:10 PM Tom_L: looks like some sort of silicone or such
05:17 PM xxcoder: or sla print possibky
05:26 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> heh got the okey dokey to use some big CNC wood routers on alu sheet
05:27 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> easy peasy
05:32 PM Tom_L: it'll leave metal chips all over the wood backboard
05:34 PM roycroft: that's why they call them "spoil boards"
05:34 PM Tom_L: yeah, just so you don't stick some wood on it and get metal stuck in it
05:35 PM roycroft: cutting the sheet metal on the cnc router will be a good test of the router's extraction system
05:57 PM roycroft: a bunch of giant cmulonimbus clouds are coming up from the south right now - they're already blocking the sun here
05:57 PM roycroft: we could well get the dry lightning strikes that are predicted
06:08 PM JT-Shop: kinda interesting cleaning up the spyder stuff I used to sell
06:27 PM roycroft: and the thunder has commenced
06:27 PM roycroft: that's not good at all
06:27 PM xxcoder: oh bot
06:27 PM xxcoder: boy
06:27 PM roycroft: especially since not a drop of rain has fallen anywhere in the state, or even in northern california
06:39 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> lol i might have fixed my spindle controller that I blew up
06:40 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> when i opened it, the negative terminal of the potentiometer was blown to bits along with the adjustment dial, but I pinned into a dedicated ground I found in the manual and bypassed that one and it seems to work now
06:40 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> the only question is if it still has factory calibrated settings now that the min adjustment pot pin is toast
06:53 PM xxcoder: id replace pot, in case
06:53 PM xxcoder: and yeah dunno what it orginally was set to
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> Err let me send you a pic - i dont think i can replace anything - the pot was the original control mechanism, that has been gone for a long time, it was an adjustment knob that controls the minimum something for that pot i removed
06:59 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/aQOeHTVgAiUwdIAAvuVgWuaB/IMG_0194.jpg
07:00 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> blue is fried min adjuster, red circle is the original analog speed control pot
07:00 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> i don’t think it’s safe to use so i’m still gonna replace the whole board tomorrow
07:02 PM * roycroft tries to avoid using the terms "blown to bits" and "fried" when describing circuitry
07:04 PM Tom_L: ffff, one of these is likely the controller you have: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/PDF/
07:04 PM Tom_L: KBIC or KBLC
07:04 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> yes it’s the kbic120 i have it ordered
07:05 PM Tom_L: order an isolation board while you're at it
07:05 PM Tom_L: KBIS
07:05 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> ok ok i’ll order it right now
07:05 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/PDF/kbsi_240d_manual.pdf
07:05 PM Tom_L: i found one used
07:06 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/PDMpdEFixEdUgvjUEYAeqPIP/IMG_0195.jpg
07:06 PM Tom_L: it takes care of the high voltage issue to the control
07:06 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> this one yes?
07:06 PM Tom_L: looks like the same one i have
07:07 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> i found some used on ebay for like 50$ but is it worth the risk???
07:07 PM Tom_L: the pdf shows what the pots are for too
07:07 PM Tom_L: i found a used one and it worked ok
07:07 PM Tom_L: ymmv
07:08 PM Tom_L: take your time and hook it up right
07:09 PM Tom_L: that heat sink they use isn't isolated either so don't touch it
07:10 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> ok i ordered one, I have some fire rated ABS and ESD safe filament i will print an enclosure for it,
07:10 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/Control1.jpg
07:10 PM Tom_L: there's both my sherline boards
07:10 PM Tom_L: probably the same as yours
07:10 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> what electrical box are you using
07:10 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> like the actual enclosure
07:10 PM Tom_L: i got one used off ebay
07:11 PM Tom_L: RITTAL AE1380
07:11 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> my whole shop is in a closet so i have to be very space conscious lol
07:13 PM Tom_L: mine has all the electronics in it aside from the pc
07:13 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> 8 more years of training and then I will be able to afford a place with a garage
07:26 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> https://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/conversion/panel/electricalbox.jpg
07:26 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> always go for a bigger box than you think you need... 🙂
07:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> uggh, every single time i should just do a bigger box
07:33 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
07:36 PM roycroft: or borrow hermione granger's bag and put your controller components in that
07:39 PM xxcoder: bag of holding as electrics box
07:39 PM xxcoder: know what id like more? TARDIS, converted into shop lol
07:40 PM xxcoder: "why yes I have 10'x12' cnc router in that 5x5 feet shed"
07:43 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> (we thought we would have no problem fitting all the stuff in that huge box...)
08:37 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> ok so i am reworking the wiring and made a ground bar, I added gnd from mesa board, mesa power supply, and step- and dir- which need gnd . Do i need to add a wire from gnd pin on my stepper driver to the ground bar? it’s the one where the power supply plugs into
08:38 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> this is a signal ground bar not a frame ground bar
08:51 PM Tom_L: pcw advised you not to ground step- dir-
08:52 PM Tom_L: he's a pretty sharp guy. i think i'd listen to him
08:52 PM Tom_L: don't connect them at all
08:53 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, it still looks cleaner than mine
09:07 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> you have to connect them
09:07 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> it will not work without it
09:07 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> i have tried just grounding gnd, nothing
09:12 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:12 PM Tom_L: it even says that in the 7i96s manual
09:13 PM Tom_dev: Step motor drives with single ended inputs
09:13 PM Tom_dev: connect to just one of the STEP and DIR signal outputs, that is either the STEP+/DIR+ or
09:13 PM Tom_dev: STEP-/DIR- signals, with the unused signals left unconnected at the 7I96S.
09:13 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> wait maybe we are talking about different things
09:13 PM Tom_L: you've got something else going on that isn't right
09:13 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> on my mesa, my step- and dir- are not connected
09:14 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> but on my stepper driver, i have to have step- and dir- grounded
09:14 PM Tom_L: is that what the driver docs say to do?
09:14 PM Tom_L: or just rely on the GND connection on it?
09:15 PM Tom_L: it is possible if they are opto isolated inputs
09:15 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> yes that was the term
09:15 PM Tom_L: i just didn't want you to burn out your mesa card. seems you've had enough problems already
09:15 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> yes
09:15 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> i was explaining poorly thank you for helping me
09:16 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/PHUuhGhLTieKzcsbZbyZDLBd/IMG_0196.jpg
09:16 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> this is manual - seems it shows them connected as a loop
09:16 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> they are isolated inputs that’s what manual said somewhere
09:16 PM Tom_L: ok
09:17 PM Tom_L: so you get the positive pulse from the mesa card and ground completes the circuit
09:17 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> but my original question stands: what else is required to be grounded to a signal ground bar? should GND of my drivers go to it as well? should GND of my stepper driver go to signal ground bar
09:17 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> not frame ground but signal ground
09:18 PM Tom_L: i grounded every board, every stepper frame etc using a single wire from each one back to one common point
09:18 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> ok
09:18 PM Tom_L: tied that point to ground and earth
09:18 PM Tom_L: known as a star configuration gnd
09:19 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> yes though - the stepper opto-isolators should be grounded to 'signal ground'
09:19 PM Tom_L: any shield would be grounded on one end and open on the other
09:19 PM Tom_L: ^^^ right
09:20 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> yes i have them to signal ground
09:20 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> but should my stepper drivers and power supply also go to signal ground or does that go to frame ground / earth
09:20 PM Tom_L: i tied mine to frame
09:20 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> technically my signal ground bar should connect at one point to frame ground which connects to earth right
09:20 PM Tom_L: but in turn they do all connect at the start point
09:21 PM Tom_L: that is my understanding of it yes
09:21 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> also - i bought a type of outlet plug adapter that just has a ground pin - should i use this as my final connection to “earth” ground
09:22 PM Tom_L: that isolation board doesn't have optos that i know of so you would connect pwm and direction to their respective inputs and ground to ground
09:22 PM Tom_L: and keep the spindle driver completely isolated
09:22 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> yes spindle is 100% isolated
09:22 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> both sides (power supply and analog side) isolated
09:23 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, i had to get an isolation board for my sherline driver because it floats ground
09:24 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/Control1.jpg
09:24 PM Tom_L: that's what that upper left board is
09:24 PM Tom_L: the red/yellow are pwm/dir iirc
09:25 PM Tom_L: all the relays there are to 'fake' reverse
09:26 PM Tom_L: i'm not using any of that currently
09:30 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> all shield cables go to frame ground correct
09:31 PM Tom_L: right
09:31 PM Tom_L: one end
09:31 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> and this frame ground touches the machine chassis
09:31 PM Tom_L: right
09:32 PM Tom_L: and the stepper frames
09:32 PM Tom_L: at least i did
09:32 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> and do you end it there? do you not use like a ground wall plug?
09:32 PM Tom_L: i put the plug gnd on that yes
09:33 PM Tom_L: not neutral but the 'bare' or 'green' wire
09:33 PM Tom_L: white is neutral and black is hot
09:33 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/sWbNoBKdvxBovXdMXfplZnXl/IMG_0197.jpg
09:33 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> i have this like dedicated plug
09:34 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> that you connect to only use ground
09:34 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> can i use it
09:34 PM Tom_L: ok
09:34 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> you think it ok to use?
09:35 PM Tom_L: should be, i've never seen one of those but that is earth ground
09:35 PM lcnc-relay: <ffffrf> hahaha
09:35 PM Tom_L: seems like a waste of a plug
10:25 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
10:29 PM roycroft: wow
10:29 PM roycroft: it is raining
10:29 PM roycroft: not very much, especially with all the thunder and lightning we've been having
10:30 PM roycroft: but big wet drops of water are falling from the sky
10:30 PM roycroft: very odd for july