#linuxcnc Logs

Jun 22 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:31 AM Deejay: moin
03:56 AM jiaocnc: hello ,every one , does anyone know how to use linuxcnc to config a machine with spindle and axis-c as one servo device
04:26 AM Tom_L: morning
04:31 AM Tom_L: jiaocnc, https://www.forum.linuxcnc.org/38-general-linuxcnc-questions/32910-how-to-use-servo-spindle-as-c-axis
04:59 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:59 AM jiaocnc: Thank you so much ,Tom
05:00 AM jiaocnc: That's very helpful
05:44 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:21 AM JT-Cave: hmm flat tire
06:30 AM JT-Cave: and homing enable is broken now...
06:40 AM JT-Cave: or maybe not
06:50 AM JT-Cave: hmm homing has a problem on the bp so it must be a race condition
07:10 AM Tom_L: home all is broke on hardware here too
07:11 AM Tom_L: notice one of those returned a -1
07:11 AM Tom_L: dunno if that's a red flag or not
07:11 AM Tom_L: on the home all one
07:12 AM Tom_L: it does move the axis like it's supposed to, just doesn't switch buttons
07:12 AM Tom_L: home all to unhome all
07:27 AM JT-Cave: I just fixed home on hardware but I still have an issue with parent.increment
07:28 AM Tom_L: what does that do?
07:28 AM JT-Cave: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/blob/master/flexgui/src/libflexgui/status.py#L38
07:28 AM JT-Cave: spindle +-
07:28 AM JT-Cave: but for some reason on the bp it doesn't get set...
07:29 AM Tom_L: i figured real hardware could get more enlightening
07:30 AM Tom_L: and at least now i have a pc that works great on the mill with flex
07:30 AM JT-Cave: and that puzzle is solved
07:31 AM Tom_L: i'll test it after while. gotta run to the hardware store for some faucet seals
07:32 AM JT-Cave: ok
08:07 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:07 AM Tom_dev: Home All works
08:08 AM Tom_dev: pendant works
08:08 AM Tom_dev: program runs
08:09 AM Tom_dev: mdi works
08:10 AM Tom_dev: pause/resume works
08:10 AM Tom_dev: single step works
08:11 AM Tom_dev: active gcode line follows like it should
08:12 AM Tom_dev: spindle + - caused: Error
08:12 AM Tom_dev: joint 1 following error sitting idle with the spindle running
08:13 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Hello,
08:13 AM lcnc-relay: I would like to have 10 terminal screws with 5V and I have only one wire.
08:13 AM lcnc-relay: Do you have specific terminal block to recommend in order to distribute a signal?
08:13 AM lcnc-relay: I don't really like to screw 2 wires in one block
08:13 AM Tom_dev: jt sells them
08:13 AM Tom_dev: so does pcww
08:14 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://www.conrad.ch/fr/p/bloc-de-jonction-de-distribution-set-aap11-6-1-5-24c-2506370000-beige-weidmueller-1-pc-s-1695270.html
08:14 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Something like this?
08:14 AM Tom_dev: similar yes
08:14 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Oh OK didn't knew that
08:14 AM Tom_dev: single row
08:14 AM Tom_dev: can't find a pic
08:14 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I will check but I'm in Europe
08:14 AM Tom_dev: https://mesaus.com/product/commx2/
08:15 AM Tom_dev: likely better off buying something local if possible
08:15 AM Tom_dev: it's split in the middle so you can have + and - on the block
08:16 AM Tom_dev: the copper traces that is
08:16 AM JT-Cave: Wago makes the best
08:16 AM JT-Cave: lever nuts
08:18 AM JT-Cave: https://www.wago.com/us/lp-221
08:18 AM JT-Cave: shower time
08:18 AM Tom_dev: spindle fwd button... i can un activate it by pressing it again instead of the spindle stop button but pressing it doesn't do anything
08:19 AM Tom_dev: spindle runs choppy under flex like the pid is over correcting. runs smooth in axis
08:20 AM Tom_dev: mmm same joint following error in axsis... not your problem...
08:20 AM Tom_dev: config tuning required
08:22 AM Tom_dev: caused by spindle pid over correcting i think
08:22 AM Tom_dev: servo thread may need tuning
08:33 AM Tom_L: double checked axis spindle rpm... same as flex. that's a config issue
08:34 AM Tom_L: to be expected switching from one pc to another
08:47 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:53 AM pcw-home: JT-Cave: Did you see this?
08:53 AM pcw-home: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/49-basic-configuration/53020-help-with-setup-7i97t#303530
08:54 AM pcw-home: Looks like maybe the PID output --> PWM value setup is missing
08:54 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> 2.5" in the last 48 hours
09:02 AM Tom_dev: i should be ok with SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000 here you think? http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/servo_thread_test.png
09:02 AM pcw-home: Also the PWM enable is missing
09:03 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> that should be no problem
09:05 AM * Tom_L goes to fix a leaky faucet
09:12 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I have a few of those
09:14 AM JT-Cave: pcw-home, thanks
09:16 AM pcw-home: Probably good that PWM was not connected/enabled since there was no drive enable connection either (and given the ~50% chance of getting the feedback direction backwards= instant runaway...)
09:17 AM JT-Cave: yikes!
09:17 AM JT-Cave: I'll get that fixed asap
09:22 AM pcw-home: I need to add something like the analog servo checklist you used to have on your website to the 7I97/7I77 manuals
09:26 AM JT-Cave: like this ? https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc-old/tuning/servo.html
09:26 AM JT-Cave: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc-old/tuning/encoder.html
09:28 AM pcw-home: Yes
09:29 AM JT-Cave: I need to add that to mesact too
09:30 AM pcw-home: Yeah at least for analog servo hardware
09:47 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> mornin
09:50 AM Tom_L: ok i think it's pretty well topped out after about an hour: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/servo_thread_test.png
10:02 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> well I pretty much got all the tooling moved from their old spots into the new flat file drawers
10:02 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> there is SO MUCH space in these drawers lol
10:11 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, lemme know when you fix that one then i'll push the rpi debs
10:13 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> that should be no problem with a 1ms servo thread
10:14 AM Tom_L: so now to fix the spindle pid tuning
10:38 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> >can't find a distribution block with lever in row
10:39 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://www.mouser.fr/ProductDetail/Phoenix-Contact/3002926?qs=5aG0NVq1C4x4mNkvMvRSsQ%3D%3D
10:39 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Something like this is not bad
11:41 AM JT-Shop: Tom_L, looking good
11:41 AM JT-Shop: Tom_L, fix mesact or flexgui?
12:19 PM CaptHindsight: huh lots of i5's have max latency <5uS
01:13 PM CaptHindsight: anyone here run V-Carve Pro (or lesser version)? How does it compare to CAM like Mastercam or Powermill as far as workflow?
01:30 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, mesact
01:31 PM Tom_L: CaptHindsight, what about i7?
01:31 PM Tom_L: i have one of those in a box somewhere
01:37 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, i'm a build behind but if you're gonna fix something i'll wait on it
01:41 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: haven't notice i7 scores
01:42 PM CaptHindsight: it's usually the BIOS if a certain cpu model doesn't behave like it should
01:43 PM Tom_L: i didn't do any kernel tweaking on mine yet and may not
01:44 PM Tom_L: it's mostly for testing and i have another pc all working for the mill
02:04 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: aren't you using Mesa over Ethernet anyway, if so it's a non-issue
02:04 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Tom_L: i usually just use isolcpus=2,3 idle=poll
02:05 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> (depends on the cache - if 2,3 works well)
02:05 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> (for an i5 with 4 cores)
02:06 PM Tom_L: CaptHindsight, i have a parport 7i90 in the mill but i do have an ethernet 7i80 which is a drop in replacement for the 7i90
02:06 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, i may try that later on
02:06 PM Tom_L: had to weld a new cover for my fire pit and fix a leaky faucet
02:07 PM Tom_L: CaptHindsight, the parport interface could cause an issue there maybe but i still think i'm ok
02:08 PM * JT-Shop has too many projects to finish this weekend
02:08 PM CaptHindsight: try what he said for kernel parameters, that should do it
02:10 PM CaptHindsight: I didn't notice that you weren't
02:54 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/urzouoBnWYDtvyaePajcVHVP/IMG_2255.jpg
02:54 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> The beginning of my control. A few connecters for a clean cable routeing are still missing. I have to make a few more sheet metal angles to assemble the rest of the hardware properly.
02:59 PM Tom_L: needs some fan holes
03:05 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> And filters
03:13 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, running roughly the same with those settings.. i'll let it run a while but it's around 23-24 atm
03:14 PM Tom_L: maybe a tiny bit better
03:17 PM CaptHindsight: use those kernel parameters with a different RT kernel, sometimes a kernel version is a slowpoke
03:17 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:17 PM Tom_dev: Linux debian12 6.1.0-20-rt-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT Debian 6.1.85-1 (2024-04-11) x86_64 GNU/Linux
03:18 PM Tom_dev: i'd been running -18
03:25 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> do you already have it working? what is that the pro 1.2?
03:25 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> might aswell just add me now
03:27 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> captainhindsight_. vcarve pro looks closer to mastercam-art , which is the special engraving add on
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> No, it's not working yet. Everything is still under construction. I have the hardware and am now putting it together piece by piece, as the time is.
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> ok, well what is the board you got there? are you planning on doing a linuxcnc?
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/AYNkfBSoqdzmqKPzRHycULJD/IMG_1844.jpg
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/auaipdKVpmkoOQVzTTWQcPwC/IMG_1843.jpg
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/pficEUJkeshjHjZeOFUiElZF/IMG_1797.jpg
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/SlTDtaMAvisWhKmPZMGZoYLD/IMG_1800.jpg
03:32 PM xxcoder: admin cant wait to see it completed. always cool to see projects
03:37 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> It is a BTT SKR Pro-v1.1. According to github, it should work.
03:37 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/IguhproqwKTNYREqiuvnKMcL/IMG_2257.jpg
03:38 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> yeah, im fairly sure we need to configure and compile for it
03:39 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> someone else added prov1.1 , so we should pull that. just lmk when your doing it, unless you can handle iot
03:40 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> think we need to do clock/spi config according to the other guy;s one from a few years ago
03:41 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> Planned is linuxcnc with remora. The raspi was still there, I had bought the board when it came on the market. Stepper motors and drivers, you always have something lying around 😉
03:43 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> ok, well let me know when you get to that point and we can config and compile it. unless you are good with computers, then you can help me with stuff instead
03:51 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/servo_thread_test.png
03:51 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/servo_thread_test2.png
03:51 PM Tom_L: it's a little bit better
03:52 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> So far, I have been able to implement every project. I chose linuxcnc because, in my opinion, it is most likely to come close to an industrial machine. With lathe with spindle sync, FluidNC is not so optimal. However, GRBLHal could apparently only do that with the trensey 4.1. as I have now noticed, but something I want will also be difficult with linuxcnc. Spindle drive is an ac servo with step dir and I would like the c axis
03:52 PM xxcoder: that should be very possible yeah
03:52 PM xxcoder: lcnc can do a LOT
03:53 PM Tom_L: lcnc can make you think
03:53 PM Tom_L: if you think, it can do it
03:54 PM lcnc-relay: <adm1n_01> The project will always continue when I have time. The plan is that the machine will be finished this year, but it may be that it will be finished faster, or it will take a year longer.
03:59 PM Tom_L: sure picked a good day to do mostly outside work today. 98°F feels like temp: 102°F
03:59 PM xxcoder: it cooled down here thankfully. 72f
04:02 PM Tom_L: finally got rid of all the fallen branches from the wind storm the other day
04:11 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> yeah lcnc is the best, and dont orry
04:11 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> worry
04:11 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> everything you want will also be difficult with linuxcnc.
04:55 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:55 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:04 PM JT-Shop: Tom_L, I need a tool change act button...
05:15 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, huh?
05:16 PM Tom_L: oh you don't have one?
05:16 PM JT-Shop: axis manual tool change is broken now for debian 12 due to a hard coded lib version
05:16 PM JT-Shop: I had one in mill touch
05:17 PM JT-Shop: if you do t1m6 it just hangs waiting for the ack lol
05:17 PM Tom_L: what's broke about it?
05:17 PM Tom_L: seems to work here in 12
05:17 PM JT-Shop: the lib in 12 is newer and dev listed the lib as = and not =>
05:18 PM JT-Shop: I just did a fresh install of 12 so it's the latest of everything
05:18 PM Tom_L: are you building from source?
05:18 PM JT-Shop: no
05:18 PM Tom_L: hmm
05:18 PM JT-Shop: just using the debian one
05:19 PM Tom_L: my lcnc version is 2.9.2-133
05:20 PM Tom_L: i get the manual tool change message on mine just fine if that's what you're referring to
05:22 PM Tom_L: i'm not quite following...
05:23 PM JT-Shop: if I use the axis manual tool change their is a lib versing problem with one of the libs it uses
05:23 PM Tom_L: what are you using on tool_change_pb?
05:25 PM JT-Shop: the python interface... but that has nothing to do with it
05:25 PM JT-Shop: iirc it req bwidget some vers and the vers in debian is newer
05:26 PM Tom_L: hmm
05:27 PM JT-Shop: something is wonky control has control:18: bwidget (>= 1.7),
05:28 PM JT-Shop: which should work with newer... wtf
05:28 PM Tom_L: i trust you know what you're doing and where you're headed with it because i don't :)
05:28 PM Tom_L: i can certainly try to break it though
05:28 PM JT-Shop: in any case I need to make another proto for the fire extinguisher mount
05:28 PM JT-Shop: wood is faster to screw up and fix
05:30 PM Tom_L: getting pretty close to 3 digits here
05:30 PM Tom_L: i think i'm done outside for today
05:32 PM JT-Shop: my sister posted it hot out, drink plenty of water and stay inside from 11am to Nov 1
05:33 PM xxcoder: yay
06:06 PM JT-Shop: prototype fire extinguisher mount done... time to call it a day
06:06 PM Tom_L: i may try working on the spindle code later
06:06 PM Tom_L: maybe
06:08 PM Tom_L: i wonder if i should start with no Igain and get Pgain to oscillate first again
06:09 PM Tom_L: i've never bothered to figure out hal scope
06:12 PM JT-Shop: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc-old/tuning/spindle.html
06:12 PM Tom_L: i use 2 pid loops
06:12 PM Tom_L: one on the vfd and one in lcnc for the lower rpm range
06:13 PM Tom_L: it helped it alot on the bottom
06:13 PM * JT-Shop calls it a day
06:13 PM Tom_L: setp pid.0.Pgain 2.20
06:13 PM Tom_L: setp pid.0.Igain 4.5
06:13 PM Tom_L: setp pid.0.FF0 1.0
06:13 PM Tom_L: setp pid.0.FF1 1.0
06:14 PM Tom_L: that's what i have right now on the wheezy install
06:14 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/DkYlIroyZEnEczYilAlvXgsA/20240622_180042.jpg
06:15 PM JT-Shop: fe mount proto
06:15 PM Tom_L: aluminum the final?
06:15 PM JT-Shop: oh and if you power off and back on in flex you have to home again sigh
06:15 PM JT-Shop: yup
06:15 PM JT-Shop: wood is faster to proto
06:16 PM Tom_L: you gonna change that power cycle bit in flex?
06:16 PM JT-Shop: I'll fix that and that's what you find when you test in the real world
06:16 PM Tom_L: already homed, would you like to re'home?
06:16 PM Tom_L: yup
06:16 PM JT-Shop: no, just the items that need homed first don't enable when you power on so I need to fix that
06:17 PM JT-Shop: I did 150 in the C8 yesterday... solid as a rock
06:18 PM Tom_L: :)
06:18 PM Tom_L: friends with the sheriff?
06:18 PM JT-Shop: I could see for a few miles that there was no one about
06:19 PM Tom_L: there's a few places around here ppl 'test'
06:19 PM JT-Shop: it was just a brief test
06:19 PM JT-Shop: wife didn't utter a peep
06:19 PM Tom_L: heh
06:19 PM JT-Shop: and she was awake
06:20 PM JT-Shop: deer want a refill lol
06:20 PM Tom_L: seen any more of the new ones?
06:20 PM JT-Shop: there's a few c8's around here
06:20 PM Tom_L: deer
06:20 PM JT-Shop: oh
06:21 PM JT-Shop: no, just the same ones... they are like family lol
06:22 PM JT-Shop: I should go fill the dog bowl up and call it a day
06:25 PM Tom_L: there's a couple industrial roads here they race on at night
06:26 PM Tom_L: you can tell by all the rubber laid down
06:27 PM JT-Shop: night
06:27 PM Tom_L: later
06:27 PM JT-Shop: while they are burning rubber I'm leaving them in the dust