#linuxcnc Logs

Jun 13 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:32 AM Deejay: moin
01:34 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:52 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:21 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:24 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:41 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:41 AM Tom_L: morning
04:44 AM Tom_L: triple digits today
04:46 AM CaptHindsight: 🔥
05:07 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:16 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:23 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> Morning
05:23 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> good morning
05:23 AM xxcoder: wow actual morning this time ;)
05:23 AM xxcoder: staying up very late, still configuring my new os install
05:23 AM xxcoder: lmde 6
05:23 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> Arch?¿
05:23 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> 🙂
05:23 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> 😄
05:47 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:02 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:54 AM rdtsc2: The 7C80 has one PWM channel; assume that is dedicated to the spindle pot output. Is there an easy way to get that as a real PWM output instead? Or is this talking ISE and custom bit file?
07:59 AM rdtsc2: (And can/should Vivado be used in place of the "pasturing" ISE today?)
08:27 AM rdtsc2: Guess not, as it looks like different product lines
08:48 AM * JT-Cave gets his sftp connection setup to the bp
08:56 AM bjorkintosh: https://web.mit.edu/zoz/Public/hf_tool_sale.pdf
09:25 AM pcw---home: rdtsc2 Yes, you can make firmware that say has a PWM output on a free stepgen pin
09:26 AM pcw---home: _but_ if this is for a VFD, the analog output is better as it's isolated and VFDs are notorious for EMI
09:26 AM pcw---home: Vivado does not work with Spartan6
09:52 AM rdtsc2: Thanks Peter. I had placed a heatsink on the FPGA so cannot easily see it anymore (and forgot to take a photo.) Hindsight is always 20/20
09:53 AM rdtsc2: bjorkintosh that is hilarious! :)
09:53 AM bjorkintosh: hazard fraught is fraught!
09:53 AM bjorkintosh: rdtsc2: do you program FPGAs?
09:54 AM rdtsc2: haven't yet, but have programmed lots of other things: microcontrollers, eproms, PALs, etc.
09:56 AM rdtsc2: once got setup with ISE years ago, but then had to move and let the license expire
09:56 AM bjorkintosh: which one is on your device?
09:58 AM rdtsc2: Peter says a Spartan6
10:02 AM bjorkintosh: ah okay.
10:03 AM bjorkintosh: I just started learning verilog.
10:03 AM bjorkintosh: using a lattice board and yosys
10:05 AM rdtsc2: I've been following Icestudio for awhile, https://icestudio.io/ supports several different boards
10:05 AM rdtsc2: all free, limited device selection
10:07 AM rdtsc2: https://github.com/fabriziotappero/Free-Range-VHDL-book
10:07 AM bjorkintosh: yeah. I was careful to buy a board which was fully supported.
10:07 AM bjorkintosh: so I can learn verilog (and later vhdl) and then move on to other boards: https://nandland.com/
10:08 AM bjorkintosh: I'm using Moorby's book (the verilog hardware description language). Moorby created verilog.
10:08 AM bjorkintosh: together with the nandland book.
10:09 AM bjorkintosh: thanks for that link rdtsc2.
10:17 AM rdtsc2: nandland, nice link, thanks. now to just get some free time to actually start on it lol
10:18 AM bjorkintosh: oh right.
10:18 AM bjorkintosh: 'free time'.
10:18 AM bjorkintosh: time is $$$$
10:18 AM bjorkintosh: s/time/$$$$$$$$$'
10:18 AM bjorkintosh: and really, one means 'free $$$$$$$$'
10:20 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> hows it going
10:36 AM bjorkintosh: rdtsc2: this helped me a lot as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IReMT_zjK8
11:02 AM Tom_L: rdtsc2, http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/emc/xilinx/xilinx14_install_index.php
11:15 AM bjorkintosh: 2014 <--
11:15 AM bjorkintosh: it still works, Tom_L?
11:29 AM Tom_L: for xilinx
11:30 AM Tom_L: 14.x was the last webpack release
11:30 AM Tom_L: for spartan 6
11:31 AM Tom_L: then they went to vivado i think
11:32 AM Tom_L: tbh, i haven't tried one in a while
11:42 AM pcw---home: 14.7 works fine on Linux, have not tried on recent Windows
11:57 AM acer is now known as _unreal_
11:57 AM _unreal_: so tired of having time off from work. and sucks that I wont even get into the new job till likely july
11:57 AM _unreal_: :(
11:57 AM _unreal_: regardless making great progress on the new cnc machine FINALLY
11:57 AM _unreal_: only took 3 years
11:58 AM _unreal_: '
11:58 AM _unreal_: I'll post some pictures when I get around to it. right now I'm just finishing the PCB design then will mill the PCBs out. I could re-use the originals but I just..... dont want to
11:58 AM _unreal_: and I cant mount them by design :(
11:59 AM _unreal_: I am flirting with 3d printing little enclosures to protect them. Not like I need to but who knows
12:00 PM _unreal_: I could just mill or cut up some clear acrylic as partial standoff gards
12:00 PM _unreal_: guards
12:00 PM _unreal_: regardless this machine will be much better then the original
12:00 PM _unreal_: I'm still a little un-sure about how rigid it will be in the overall
12:29 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/micronics3d/micron-a-desktop-sls-3d-printer now live
12:30 PM bjorkintosh: https://spectrum.ieee.org/3d-printed-rocket
12:34 PM rdtsc2: @captainhindsight already 6x more than asking raised, wow
12:36 PM CaptHindsight: https://sls4all.com/ is the other SLS project
12:37 PM CaptHindsight: I tried to help them but they decided on some Klipper based stuff and hardware
12:38 PM CaptHindsight: so they are more reprapy
12:38 PM CaptHindsight: vs easily modified for more better features
12:49 PM rdtsc2: Saw that Tom, thanks.
12:50 PM rdtsc2: Trying to find a flash drive with enough free for ISE 14.7 lol
01:07 PM * Loetmichel just noticed that someone makes a tungsten dust infused PLA... was tempted to buy a spool. Then i saw the price ;)
01:10 PM Loetmichel: ... $250 for half a kilogramm btw. :D
01:14 PM bjorkintosh: Loetmichel: just need the right client.
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Yo
01:39 PM _unreal_: all CAD and cam work done. milling my first of 4 PCB's
01:39 PM _unreal_: I'm trying something different this time.
01:40 PM _unreal_: I'm useing a multi strand ethernet cable. its not solid core but stranded ethernet designed to flex. and its shielded and its flat.
01:41 PM _unreal_: so I hate to jump. but I'm plugging into the first PCB which is at the base of the machine, for the Y axis. then has a second RJ45 the cable continues upto the X same thing then to Z.
01:41 PM _unreal_: I'm taking 2 signal wires per board so I can have +/- limit signals
01:41 PM _unreal_: that also leaves a final xtra wire up at z
01:42 PM _unreal_: I dont know what I'm going to use it for. I could setup an ESTOP on the spindle. OR I could setup an easy plugin depth sensor setup
01:42 PM _unreal_: Thoughts?
01:55 PM _unreal_: well shit... just realized I forgot to flip the PCB "MIRROR". lucky for me it doesnt matter because all I have to do is flip the wire in the rj45
01:57 PM _unreal_: well shit it does matter. the RJ45 FEMALES are key oriented
01:57 PM _unreal_: sigh
01:57 PM _unreal_: at least I only milled one
01:58 PM _unreal_: good news is my PCB though back too IS PERFECT :)
01:59 PM _unreal_: been like 2 years since I have milled a POCB
01:59 PM _unreal_: PCVB
01:59 PM _unreal_: PCB
02:10 PM Vq: MCB? Milled Circuit Board.
02:10 PM t4nk_freenode is now known as t4nk_fn
02:11 PM _unreal_: yes milled pcb
02:11 PM _unreal_: I use .5mm rotary rasps
02:12 PM _unreal_: work wonderful and last for ever. plus I can "drill" any sized hole and cut the board out all with the same bit
02:13 PM _unreal_: but like I said this will be an interesting test
02:14 PM _unreal_: just to see how if I get any noise issues in the limits.
02:14 PM _unreal_: the SPINDLE wire is shielded
02:14 PM _unreal_: the x and z wires are not :( couldnt find shielded wire that worked
02:16 PM _unreal_: so more or less EACH pcb passes all the signal wires to the next wire but only the 2 wires I need at each axis are broken out.
02:21 PM _unreal_: not very lively
02:29 PM _unreal_: t4nk_fn, anything new?
02:29 PM _unreal_: My new cnc machine is getting very VERY close to the first test operations
02:29 PM _unreal_: cant wait
02:30 PM t4nk_fn: hey 'Berry'
02:30 PM t4nk_fn: lost connection for a bit so I've also lost some irc traffic :|
02:30 PM t4nk_fn: long time no speakyspeaky
02:31 PM t4nk_fn: heh.. well... lately I've been working on writing my own 'linuxcnc' ;) a gcode sender and visualizer and whatnot
02:32 PM t4nk_fn: to help me make better pcbs
02:32 PM t4nk_fn: I still would really like to order some parts to build a better cnc soon though
02:34 PM _unreal_: who is berry
02:34 PM t4nk_fn: stronger steppers, some ballscrews, some extrusions, some rails and such. but I keep putting it off, been doing so like forever
02:34 PM _unreal_: my fathers BS and final FINALLY passing really messed me up
02:35 PM t4nk_fn: 'Berry' is my cuddle name I made up for you, as to not having to call you Berin, Berry
02:36 PM _unreal_: he went out of his way to bleep us me more so and my siblings up. angry bitter bitter man. who couldnt accept he F'ed up refusing to do any health check ups etc...
02:36 PM _unreal_: o.O
02:36 PM _unreal_: siblings are all showing up next week to FINALLY come and remove everything they want. and clear out this house
02:36 PM _unreal_: I'm just trying to hang onto this house
02:36 PM t4nk_fn: I don't watch this channel too often, but I think I saw you mention your dad recently.. my condoleances then man..
02:38 PM _unreal_: he was a great guy till he got sick. (couldnt hide it and forced to go to the hospital) only to discover late stage 4 cancer starting 5 years ago. he only just passed away few months ago.
02:38 PM _unreal_: again very very very very angry bitter person in total denial
02:39 PM t4nk_fn: the whole subject is a bit sad and depressing to talk about man :|
02:41 PM _unreal_: hum cant seem to find much info
02:41 PM _unreal_: I stripped out the 7i96 controller going to move it to a new project
02:42 PM _unreal_: still trying to get the ve7it controller working when all the DAD stuff is over
02:42 PM _unreal_: but right now I'm trying to find any info on the USB-CNC-9-AXIS CONTROLLER.... related to this board
02:43 PM t4nk_fn: btw.. "<_unreal_> I use .5mm rotary rasps" .... last forever!? lol, I have different experiences
02:43 PM _unreal_: https://www.amazon.ca/Stepper-Controller-Breakout-Interface-Engraving/dp/B07T2FHLH7
02:44 PM _unreal_: they do last for ever as long as you do not go to fast
02:44 PM t4nk_fn: and also: .5mm is like totally unusable when you want to make accurate pcbs man.. I'm going for .4mm pitch
02:44 PM t4nk_fn: I use v-bits
02:44 PM _unreal_: I've never messed with v-bits and pcb making
02:45 PM _unreal_: i'm sure I purchased the wrong versions but every time I have used v bits they wear out and drag
02:46 PM t4nk_fn: they have like a .1mm tip, so you need to be ultra careful, but it's the only way to make precision
02:46 PM _unreal_: sweet x axis pcb is 90% done z pcb has been milled
02:47 PM t4nk_fn: anyhow, like I said, been working on my own software lately, that is, extending it with a nice visualizer in opengl which I wrote from scratch
02:47 PM _unreal_: the .5 bits have precision but traces between pads on standard pinspacing gets a bit wonky fast with out... adjustments
02:48 PM _unreal_: I wish someone would build GRBL for the new arduino uno R4 the new 32bit version
02:48 PM t4nk_fn: euh.. no man, .5mm bits are completely useless.. I'm making ic footprints with .4mm pitch man, impossible to do with such a blunt big bit
02:49 PM _unreal_: no argument
02:49 PM _unreal_: the more I think about it I believe I'm going to mount my VFD for the new spindle outside of the new box
02:53 PM t4nk_fn: I guess the only advantage with using a cylindrical bit is that your trace width stays the same with different heights
02:54 PM t4nk_fn: that's a big plus, but again.. .5mm is for coarse stuff
02:55 PM _unreal_: it is
02:55 PM _unreal_: I've never found one smaller
02:55 PM t4nk_fn: I only got 3 left I think.. they're the standard type I guess, but I wish they'd be a bit shorter in length so they wou;dn't snap so easily
02:55 PM _unreal_: could be cool to find one smaller but is also v style
02:56 PM _unreal_: if they are snapping on you. too much speed, too much depth
02:57 PM _unreal_: those bits I typically do not exceed .03" per z step. and a max of 50mm/min feed rate
02:57 PM _unreal_: thats .762mm per z depth step
02:58 PM t4nk_fn: also, with these v-bits, I always forget to attach my probe to the bit.. so I start probing, and watch my poor v-bit plunge down and break whilst I'm sitting around like an idiot to watch it happen
02:58 PM _unreal_: I get 30-50 pcb jobs per bit before they just break
02:59 PM t4nk_fn: I need 30-50 just for one pcb :b
02:59 PM _unreal_: as far as I can tell the number 1 reason they break on me. is crap builds up in the rasps and it stops cutting
03:00 PM _unreal_: god more rain
03:00 PM _unreal_: I'm working on moving to a new job
03:01 PM _unreal_: I have follow up interviews at the end of JUNE
03:01 PM _unreal_: equal or better pay
03:02 PM _unreal_: as I was saying though. that contoller I posted. I'm trying to find posts about it
03:02 PM _unreal_: I have yet to find anything really
03:03 PM t4nk_fn: why would you need 9 axes?
03:08 PM _unreal_: I dont need 9 axis
03:08 PM _unreal_: I do need upto 6 or 7 axis
03:09 PM _unreal_: Z has 2 axis. 2 z's one is for spindle. one is for adjustable dust shoe which I have not built yet
03:10 PM _unreal_: and fucked up a bit by tapping all the holes with the wrong size TAP. too large :(
03:10 PM _unreal_: suposed to be 2mm, I used 3mm tap
03:10 PM _unreal_: :(
03:10 PM _unreal_: lets just call it a set back
03:10 PM _unreal_: sweet 4 pcbs almost done
03:11 PM _unreal_: I'll get them pulled. cleaned up and start soldering
03:11 PM _unreal_: will be nice to start putting this project together finally
03:21 PM xxcoder: home sls test. dont seem like it went well https://youtu.be/zmlt_FXaz1Q
03:44 PM xxcoder: this one went better but some same issues https://youtu.be/SpMDtjQLSws
04:23 PM rdtsc2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIqhpxul_og
04:27 PM xxcoder: so he turned one into circuit maker eh
04:28 PM _unreal_: there 3 pcbs soldered up
04:29 PM _unreal_: almost done milling the last pcb. and I have one more to re-milling one didnt go deep enough to fully cut the traces
05:08 PM _unreal_: and with that, I have one last board to finish doing the modded setup and set it to the cnc machine to mill
05:08 PM _unreal_: just finished soldering all of my boards that I've milled so far
05:09 PM _unreal_: will be nice to get all of these parts mounted and wired up. Then all thats really left is setting up the controller box and wiring. and software. then once the machine is working (MOVING) I'll start alignment hell and "tramming it"
05:10 PM _unreal_: My original cnc machine I've never bothered to tram. the work area is too small to really be of any issue
05:10 PM _unreal_: I know its off by a hair but its so slight its not worth the effort.
05:10 PM _unreal_: This big machine though. will be amazing when I get it really zeroed in (alignment tuned)
05:11 PM _unreal_: cool thing is that I have I believe 6" of z
05:14 PM _unreal_: max clearance from the bottom of the z carriage to the deck is 7.5"
05:14 PM _unreal_: So I'm looking at rotary and AB axis's in the future
05:15 PM _unreal_: I could do something with a laser but..... the machine just wont be fast enough IMO
05:16 PM _unreal_: its designed for ultra fine precision and torque
05:21 PM _unreal_: So x and y have the same stepe count
05:22 PM _unreal_: x and y 10 by 48 timing belt. z is 10 by 60 timing belt. xyz lead screw is 1/2-13 thread.
05:23 PM _unreal_: I know I know. WHY NOT BALL SCREW. because HDPE nut blocks are easy to build and last for ever is greased proper and particles never get stuck to the thread. I get about 1000 hours per axis nut.
06:03 PM _unreal_: quiet
06:31 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
07:11 PM BorgPipe: https://github.com/netpipe/tone-generator for those from cnc tininitus
10:58 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away