#linuxcnc Logs

Jun 07 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

05:27 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:50 AM JT-Cave: morning
07:05 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> Morning
09:13 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
10:08 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> net handwhell-x axis.x.jog-counts <= Hm2_7i96s.0.7i73.0.0.enc0.count
10:08 AM lcnc-relay: setp axis.x.jog-enable 1
10:08 AM lcnc-relay: setp axis.x.jog-scale 0.01
10:08 AM lcnc-relay: Does it look correct to set up an encoder?
10:13 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> * handwhweel
10:42 AM roycroft: it is friday!
10:42 AM roycroft: not that i'm looking forward to the weekend in the usual way
11:29 AM Tom_L: vibram, here's my handwheel code for 3 axis: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/configs/NEW_MILL/my_jog.hal
11:30 AM CaptHindsight: visited the Milwaukee Makerspace, they actually have two locations. One location has two Tormach CNC mills. They have several mills, lathes and grinders at each location.
11:30 AM Tom_L: do those places stay busy?
11:30 AM CaptHindsight: they have 600 members, but the CNC area tends to be on the quiet side
11:31 AM CaptHindsight: most of the action is in the "craft" areas, ceramics, glass, jewelry etc
11:31 AM CaptHindsight: saw a giant synchrowave welder as well
11:32 AM Tom_L: i think we have a couple but i've never visited them
11:32 AM CaptHindsight: one location is 47k sq ft
11:33 AM Tom_L: i think there's one on the college campus too
11:33 AM Tom_L: new
11:34 AM CaptHindsight: some of the local colleges and universities have makerspaces, but nothing this size
11:34 AM CaptHindsight: maybe 2k sq ft with everything crammed in
11:35 AM CaptHindsight: you can park cars and boats inside this one
11:35 AM CaptHindsight: several forklifts as well
11:35 AM Tom_L: https://gocreate.com/
11:35 AM CaptHindsight: https://wiki.milwaukeemakerspace.org/
11:35 AM Tom_L: that's the campus one but it's run by a 3rd party i think
11:36 AM CaptHindsight: I visited one in Shanghai and the machine room was this size of an average bathroom in the USA
11:36 AM Tom_L: heh
11:38 AM Tom_L: depends what you do with the space i suppose
11:39 AM CaptHindsight: the most popular areas are arts and crafts
11:39 AM CaptHindsight: spaces that had things like electron microscopes eventually put them back in storage
11:40 AM Tom_L: the uni has it's own work space separate from the makerspace with it's own machines
11:40 AM Tom_L: in the same building
11:41 AM CaptHindsight: FDM, sewing machines, glass and tiles cutting, ceramics etc are whats popular at most
11:41 AM Tom_L: figures
11:42 AM Tom_L: years ago a friend had a place for ppl to do stained glass projects
12:10 PM roycroft: i've been musing about starting some kind of small maker space/crafts space here
12:11 PM roycroft: it's a tiny town with virtually no facilities, and having a creative space like that might be a real benefit to the community
12:11 PM roycroft: there are heaps of vacant commercial buildings in town, so getting some space donated might not be a problem
12:14 PM bjorkintosh: roycroft: all I'd say is to gauge their interest first.
12:15 PM bjorkintosh: consider this: libraries exist in almost every town, but readership continues to decline.
12:26 PM * JT-Cave got my car back so time for a nap
12:26 PM JT-Cave: and the good thing is I don't have to go to the club picnic tomorrow in a yugo
12:26 PM Tom_L: hah
12:38 PM roycroft: of course i would gauge interest first
12:38 PM roycroft: not only to see if there are enough to be worth starting the project, but to determine what folks would be interested in doing with the space
01:21 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> I am a member of a local makerspace (https://www.kwartzlab.ca/) and by far the busiest tools are the laser cutters. Followed by the wood shop. The CNC router and mill take quite a bit more training so don't get as much use.
01:34 PM roycroft: that does not surprise me, zincboy_ca_on
01:42 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Thank you. I would like to understand what I do 🙂
01:42 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I get this error parameter or pin 'axis.0.jog-enable' not found
01:42 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> And I don't know why
01:42 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I just do a setp to 1
01:43 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Do I need to do something else before?
01:51 PM pcw--home: axis.0.jog-enable sb axis.x.jog-enable
01:51 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Found my issue
01:51 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Thank you I was about to write it 🙂 working
01:52 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Sorry I know this is simple stuff for you. But learning curve is quite steap
01:59 PM CloudEvil_: https://imgur.com/gallery/powder-mixer-eaXPMFZ
02:03 PM pcw--home: vibram: you can make it easier by using the tools (halshow, halcmd) to see the actual pin names
02:04 PM pcw--home: halcmd is especially nice as it has command completion so you can type partial names and see all options
02:04 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> OK thank you for the tip, I already use it a little bit but I still don't have some reflex (not sure about the English word)
02:04 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Some automatism let's say like this
02:06 PM pcw--home: also for motion related stuff: man motion
02:21 PM Tom_L: pcw--home, i wonder why adding the 7C81 affected the epp mode?
02:21 PM Tom_L: it's not an epp card is it?
02:21 PM Tom_L: on mesaflash...
02:24 PM Tom_L: maybe that should have gone in spi_boards.c instead?
02:46 PM Tom_L: must be something else, i commented that else if out of the code at ln 464 and the 7i90 still isn't recognized with 3.5.5 but is with 3.4.2
02:56 PM Tom_L: from what i can tell, you added efinix between 3.4.2 and 3.4.3
03:02 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:03 PM Tom_dev: diff between 3.4.2 and 3.4.3: http://paste.debian.net/1319537/
03:05 PM Tom_L: maybe should have done that prior to compiling..
03:15 PM JT-Shop: yup
03:15 PM Tom_L: only remove a few single lines
03:15 PM Tom_L: removed
03:16 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:16 PM Tom_dev: http://paste.debian.net/1319540/
03:16 PM Tom_dev: without the .o files
03:17 PM JT-Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFwkw0vT-HQ
03:17 PM Tom_L: here i thought it would be about mrs deer and her babies
03:18 PM JT-Shop: she's laying down all day in her cubby
03:19 PM JT-Shop: I"m trying to not disturb here
03:19 PM JT-Shop: her
03:20 PM JT-Shop: I should have moved the camera over to see where she is laying at
03:25 PM roycroft: shouldn't mrs deer and her bairn be out frolicking?
03:26 PM JT-Shop: maybe once the twins are born...
04:13 PM CaptHindsight: Happy D-Day +1
04:15 PM roycroft: there aren't many d-day vets still alive
04:16 PM JT-Shop: you would have to be at least 98 unless you lied about your age
04:17 PM roycroft: the last civil war veteran died a year or so before i was born
04:17 PM roycroft: now it looks like the last wwii vetern might die before i do
04:17 PM roycroft: that's kind of weird
04:18 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> too bad no one talks about 'The Forgotten War'.......................Korea
04:19 PM roycroft: it wasn't a real war
04:19 PM roycroft: and it's still not over
04:19 PM roycroft: which is also weird
04:19 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> yes it was. my father was wounded in it..... the Chosin Resevoir
04:19 PM roycroft: there hasn't been a declared war since wwii
04:19 PM roycroft: that is, the us has not declared war since wwii
04:20 PM roycroft: a lot of people die in our "military actions"
04:21 PM CaptHindsight: 1812 is another almost forgotten one
04:22 PM CaptHindsight: invasion of Grenada
04:24 PM CaptHindsight: breakfast cereal skirmishes of the early 60's before Vietnam
04:24 PM bjorkintosh: which 1812?
04:24 PM bjorkintosh: there was more than one.
04:24 PM CaptHindsight: all year
04:24 PM roycroft: the war of 1812 gave us the lyrics to our national anthem
04:25 PM CaptHindsight: true before it was just hhmmm mmmh hhhmm mmm hhhmm mmuh
04:25 PM roycroft: and is the reason the white house is white
04:25 PM bjorkintosh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrsYD46W1U0
04:25 PM bjorkintosh: not the russo-french 1812 skirmish?
04:30 PM CaptHindsight: the White House was originally going to be painted a medium beige until George Washington noticed that it was too close a color to his faux teeth
04:30 PM CaptHindsight: so rather than whiten his teeth they whitened the House
04:39 PM Leeloo_ is now known as Leeloo
04:40 PM Leeloo: For the rails on which the CNC bed moves, how would you go about measuring they are not twisted? Do I need an expensive machinist level for this?
04:44 PM Leeloo: I have one idea, but not sure if that's good - I have a small surface plate, not big, but maybe I could put it in-between the rails and slide an indicator over it on one axis and then on the other - I think if they were twisted that would show, maybe?
04:47 PM JT-Shop: are the rails mounted?
04:48 PM Leeloo: Not yet - they rest on two aluminum beams, like here: https://imgur.com/SQ3Nbmp
04:48 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> just received a spam text from Don Jr...............lol
04:49 PM JT-Shop: I get political calls everyday and I just block them all
04:49 PM JT-Shop: fkn annoying
04:49 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> yup, that's what I do also. block 'em all.... they just change numbers...
04:50 PM roycroft: those calls just ended here, for a bit, as we had our primary a couple weeks ago
04:50 PM roycroft: they will start coming in again soon, though, i'm certain
04:51 PM JT-Shop: I never answer them
04:52 PM JT-Shop: the most annoying is when they text you
04:53 PM JT-Shop: I moved the camera so I can see the deer where she lays down
04:54 PM CaptHindsight: I had a lovely one the other week where whenever I said "Hello" it would start the message over again from the beginning
04:54 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Leeloo: remember the intent is to form a plane with the rails. the rails themselves are probably not twisted, but will distort slightly when mounted to your frame. sketch it all out, exaggerating the displacements to see what's going on and how each component effect the others.
04:55 PM Leeloo: Yes, I did not mean twisted rails, but them not being parallel due to the frame not adjusted to be planar I guess.
04:55 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Leeloo: most important is to know, understand, and accept your expectations and capabilities. do you want to hold inches, or microns...... or something in between.
04:56 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> your idea of putting a sufrace plate inside the frame is a good one. everything come relative to it.
04:56 PM CaptHindsight: aim for nm, settle for m
04:57 PM Leeloo: I am fine, at last for now with less then 10Ξm I think. Those machinist levels seem to be capable of measuring this, but if I buy a cheap one, from China, I don't know how to verify they are accurate anyways... and good name ones are like $300.
04:57 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> shims, and/or jacking screws
04:58 PM CaptHindsight: how flat are the two aluminum beams?
04:58 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> slide a height gage around on the surface plate with as good a micrometer as you can accept
04:58 PM Leeloo: They are extrusions, so, I don't know.
04:59 PM Leeloo: They are hollow inside (I put some sand in there and plugged on each end with solid blocks.
04:59 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> make sure the frame is on a good, solid, stable surface.... as it can bend and twist, and effect what ever is on top of it.
05:00 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> you have discovered one of the most crucial problems in machine making......
05:00 PM Leeloo: The frame has adjustable legs - I guess I can play with those with make it planar. I was just worried that I don't know how to measure all this accurately.
05:01 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> take your time and think it through the best you can. and know your expectations
05:01 PM Leeloo: Yes, I guess I will go with the surface plate and do my best. Yesterday I was trying to research it and when I ended watching videos about autocollimeters I knew that I went to some rabbit hole :)
05:02 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> those are good, but probably out of your range....
05:03 PM Leeloo: Yes, I checked the prices and that's where it ended :)
05:03 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> remember the old expresssion: gold plate the turd
05:03 PM CaptHindsight: once you know how to build those you can do it for <$100 of ebay stuff
05:04 PM JT-Shop: never heard that expression
05:04 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> your machine looks good, but it's a simple aluminum frame struction.
05:04 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Shop: are you serious?
05:04 PM Leeloo: I guess it's about decorating bad foundations which is a futile endeavor :)
05:04 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> never heard that one?
05:04 PM JT-Shop: very
05:05 PM CaptHindsight: I was going to post plans for building machines using sand, granite and epoxy before Covid hit....
05:05 PM JT-Shop: I have heard you can't make a silk purse from a sows ear...
05:06 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> about the same
05:06 PM JT-Shop: you have more gold out there
05:06 PM Leeloo: Yes, it's aluminum frame + steel angles - it's just a hobby machine, but when designing it I tried to make it as rigid as possible, at least in theory.
05:07 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> yup, there's still folks panning for gold up in the foothills
05:07 PM CaptHindsight: that machine looks fine, it's how you learn 2-3more machine versions from now and Leeloo will make machines like Tormach look like rubber toys
05:07 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Leeloo: do the best you can do, and enjoy it.
05:08 PM Leeloo: CaptHindsight, Haha, right, I don't have 9 lifetimes like cats, it's just one of my hobbies :)
05:09 PM CaptHindsight: I'll send some epoxy and bag of sand and gravel for V3
05:09 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> there's a bunch of youtube shit. I watched a pretty good set where a guy build a machine using a large surface block as the main base. a bit pricey, but pretty good idea
05:10 PM Leeloo: Yes, I saw designs like this, but, I was scared of not having experience with epoxy and things, well, solidifying in all sorts of horrible ways...
05:11 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.shars.com/products/measuring/surface-plates?stock=1
05:11 PM CaptHindsight: Leeloo: why I said V3 vs V1 or2
05:11 PM Leeloo: That's like my baby surface plate - from Lee Valley which is funny because they have woodworking things, but somehow they sell similar ones.
05:12 PM JT-Shop: I have a WW2 cast iron surface plate
05:12 PM CaptHindsight: having a thermostat to control the room temp is one of the cheapest fixes for precision
05:12 PM roycroft: folks use small surface plates for sharpening, which is why the woodworking places sell them
05:13 PM Leeloo: Hmm, wouldn't that ruin the surface fast? Or maybe they don't care that much?
05:13 PM CaptHindsight: $10 laser pointer and some mirrors
05:14 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.instructables.com/Make-Your-Own-Really-Cheap-Interferometer/
05:14 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Leeloo: keeep at it, you're doing good.
05:15 PM Leeloo: lcnc-relay, Thank you :)
05:16 PM roycroft: usually folks glue abrasive sheets onto the surface plate
05:16 PM roycroft: if done with care that doesn't wear it out
05:16 PM roycroft: but as a reference surface for sharpening hand tools it does not need to be particularly precise
05:17 PM Leeloo: It makes sense - it's pretty cheap. Things get out of hand with bigger ones - they start to weight like a small elephant :)
05:17 PM roycroft: i have a small one that i got at a garage sale for $10
05:17 PM roycroft: i've used it for sharpening
05:18 PM roycroft: my main surface plate is 18"x24", and i take great care with it
05:18 PM roycroft: i keep it covered and keep it clean when i'm using it
05:18 PM roycroft: but the small one lives in an old suitcase and gets schlepped around
05:22 PM Leeloo: Those weight 88kg - I would not be even able to move it, it's me and my mom in the house.
05:22 PM Leeloo: weigh*
05:26 PM roycroft: my small one is about 225mmx300mmx65mm and weighs probably 40kg
05:27 PM roycroft: "schlepp" is probably not a good verb to use when talking about moving it
05:27 PM roycroft: "lug" is more accurate
05:27 PM JT-Shop: lol
05:28 PM * roycroft really wishes his domino machine were at the new house
05:28 PM roycroft: i want to finish setting up my office today ,and i need that tool
05:28 PM roycroft: i'll get it tomorrow, but i'll be moving most of the weekend, and not unpacking and arranging stuf
05:29 PM JT-Shop: final move this weekend?
05:31 PM CaptHindsight: moving, like having a serious illness, separates your friends from fair weather fans
05:35 PM roycroft: no, this weekend i get the rest of the bigger stuff out of the house
05:35 PM roycroft: next weekend i move the shop
05:36 PM roycroft: then i have my welding shop and a couple other outbuildings to move out of
05:36 PM roycroft: the final move will probably be the end of july or so
05:36 PM roycroft: my goal right now is to get the old house ready for renovations that are needed before it can go up for sale - i want to sell it in july
05:36 PM roycroft: i need to sell it in july, i should say
05:37 PM * roycroft is not a fan of paying two mortgages
05:37 PM roycroft: the property is two tax lots
05:37 PM roycroft: i'm selling the one with the house on it first
05:37 PM roycroft: and using the other lot to store things while i finish the move
05:38 PM roycroft: i have some vehicles to sell, for example, that may take a bit of time to get a good price
05:40 PM JT-Shop: sounds like when it's all said and done you will be in a better place
05:40 PM roycroft: yes
05:40 PM roycroft: i'm tired of the process already, but i know it's going to be a lot better in the end
05:41 PM roycroft: it's already a lot better - it's 31 degrees here today, and i have the heat pump on and am quite comfortable in the house
05:41 PM roycroft: the old house has no ac - just a window unit in my office and in my garage shop
05:52 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I have been really happy with the 2 unit heat pump I installed some time in the begining of this year...
05:52 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> looks like it should have no problem keeping up with cooling the whole house - and there have been some cold days that it took the edge off.
05:58 PM xxcoder: fun ToT today
06:06 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> watched it.. He is random and awesome
06:12 PM xxcoder: was suggested. interesting https://youtu.be/DIL-pU82dOs
06:14 PM * JT-Shop calls it a day
06:15 PM xxcoder: guy basically creates 3d printed design then fills it with concerete with screws etc inside it
06:29 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> time to go. need a rum and tonic on the deck, with chips and salsa... caio
06:30 PM roycroft: it's pizza day for me
06:31 PM roycroft: but i'm not able to make pizza these days, so i've been getting take and bake ones
06:31 PM roycroft: hopefully i'll be to get back to making them from scratch in another month or less
06:37 PM xxcoder: interesting myfordboy https://youtu.be/VzJpcC1CkRA
07:29 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:52 PM roycroft: william anders has left the building :(
08:52 PM roycroft: the plane he was piloting solo crashed in the san juan islands
08:54 PM Tom_L: roycroft, i don't envy you moving... moving my office back to the basement today... what a biatch
08:57 PM roycroft: yeah, it's a real ordeal
08:58 PM roycroft: and since i could not finish the remodel of the new place before moving in, i'll get to deal with that, room by room, after the move is complete
09:39 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Muffler on the 42!
09:41 PM Tom_L: :)
09:42 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Won't get asphyxiated in the cab now..
10:57 PM roycroft: well that was nice
10:57 PM roycroft: i decided to get over not having my domino machine here by not doing any work in the office tonight
10:57 PM roycroft: instead, i unpacked and shelved another dozen boxes of books
10:58 PM roycroft: i only have six or seven boxes left of books, so i should get that done by tomorrow night
10:58 PM CaptHindsight: "you reader you"
11:10 PM bjorkintosh: I bet you it's a lot of tech related manuals.
11:10 PM roycroft: there are a number of those
11:11 PM bjorkintosh: when I had to pack mine up, after discarding what I thought was a sizeable number
11:11 PM bjorkintosh: I had 120 boxes of books.
11:11 PM CaptHindsight: he reads even when he doesn't have to :p
11:11 PM bjorkintosh: and I think I've since added at least 5 more.
11:12 PM roycroft: i just unpacked two long shelves of riders' manuals
11:12 PM bjorkintosh: it's ridiculous and I should just use annas archive like everyone else.
11:12 PM roycroft: those were schematics of just about every tube radio made in the '20s through the '40s
11:12 PM bjorkintosh: ah. do you restore them?
11:13 PM roycroft: https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Rider-Manual.htm
11:13 PM roycroft: i have restored some
11:15 PM CaptHindsight: do you have a collection of Sam's as well?
11:15 PM roycroft: no, just the rider manuals