#linuxcnc Logs

Jun 04 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:07 AM CaptHindsight: https://www.cnn.com/style/worlds-largest-3d-printer-homes-maine-hnk-spc-intl/index.html
12:21 AM CaptHindsight: world’s largest 3D printer is building cozy homes from wood
04:28 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
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04:56 AM Tom_L: morning
05:31 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> Morning
05:41 AM Deejay: moin
06:43 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:27 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> morning
09:09 AM * JT-Cave managed a wee bit over 10 miles on the road bike this morning
09:44 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Cave: good going.....
09:45 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> forecast upper 90's today. i'm heading out for a ride now, while it's still not blazin
10:13 AM roycroft: it is so peaceful and quiet here - i hadn't noticed how noisy eugene was until now
10:32 AM Guest72: trying to setup touch probe and toolsetter, toolsetter is set up alrady but when trying to setup eeasy probe https://github.com/hausen8/EasyProbe i get a parport.0-15 was already linked to probe-input
10:47 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> JT-Cave: Hey JT, question for the docs master.. I am trying to add a space between an image file and the next text line in sphinx docs but I have not found anything in the docs for this
11:01 AM JT-Cave: Lcvette where at? link to github line
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> ==========================================
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: Change Between Stable and Develop Versions
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: ==========================================
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: **Probe Basic STABLE and DEVELOP Version Information**
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: Probe Basic now has a STABLE and a DEVELOP repository from which users can select for apt updates. You can switch between repositories to test new and upcoming features but must understand that the development repository will be a testing version. As such it may be subject to bugs. if you select the develop branch please be sure to report any bugs either on the forum or on git.
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: Step by Step how to change the sources list name for the stable and develop apt repository:
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: **1- Type or copy and paste the following line in a terminal, click ENTER, type in your sudo password when prompted, click ENTER.
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: ::
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kcjengr.list
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: .. image:: images/pb_sources_list.png
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: :align: center
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: **2- Edit the source list line to set the apt repository for either STABLE or DEVELOP version of Probe Basic as shown below:
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: .. image:: images/nano_sources_list.png
11:02 AM JT-Cave: ahhhh
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: :align: center
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: .. image:: images/nano_sources_list_edited.png
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: :align: center
11:02 AM JT-Cave: pastebin it
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: **3- Exit and Save the changes, CTRL + X, Y, ENTER as shown below:
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: .. image:: images/yes_nano_to_save.png
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: :align: center
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: .. image:: images/enter_nano_file_save_name.png
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: :align: center
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: **4- Run apt update/upgrade, copy the following in the main terminal one line at a time , select Y for yes if asked at any point during the update.
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: ::
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: sudo apt update
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: ::
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: sudo apt upgrade
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: **5- you should see the temrinal run the update for QtPyVCP and Probe Basic.
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: **6- NOTE: The development versions will likely require edits, additions or updates to config files, these include but are not limited to the yaml, ini, hal, subroutine, python and any other supporting configuration files. these changes may not always be fully documents as we test them and are making changes, so we urge users to be aware that the development version should be used in a testing environment only. Those wishing to retain...
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: ... stability in operational use should change to the STABLE version.
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: **Troubleshooting, bug reporting, or general assistance, visit QtPyVCP section of LinuxCNC forum**
11:03 AM lcnc-relay: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/qtpyvcp
11:03 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> JT-Cave: ^^^
11:03 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> k
11:03 AM JT-Cave: you just posted 50 lines...
11:04 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic/blob/main/docs_src/source/stable_develop_branch_change.rst
11:04 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> JT-Cave: sorry this is the github file
11:05 AM JT-Cave: https://github.com/kcjengr/probe_basic/blob/main/docs_src/source/stable_develop_branch_change.rst?plain=1
11:05 AM JT-Cave: where are you wanting a space or is is a new line?
11:06 AM JT-Cave: click on the number in the left column and post that link
11:06 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> after and between images
11:06 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/SVPgXfgYJLgxLsWOHAPelpNt/image.png
11:06 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> this is clumped together
11:08 AM JT-Cave: are you building html docs or is this being used by github somehow
11:08 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> Haven't been able to find the syntax to add spaces
11:09 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> This builds and posts yo the probe basic github web page
11:09 AM JT-Cave: if you mean empty lines (new lines) ah ok it's not sphinx then it's github
11:10 AM JT-Cave: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51198270/how-do-i-create-a-new-line-with-restructuredtext
11:10 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> Ah, wrong search criteria
11:11 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> Ty
11:11 AM JT-Cave: yw
11:36 AM JT-Shop: state farm wants to give me a ting... no way
11:43 AM JT-Shop: nap time
11:59 AM Tom_L: i never really thought about this because i've always used RTAI with my parport 7i90 but will that also work with PREEMPT-RT?
12:06 PM Tom_L: seems so if i use uspace
12:40 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I think the only thing that doesn't work is ethernet (on rtai)
12:41 PM bjorkintosh: btw, who does the FPGA programming for those boards?
12:42 PM Tom_L: pcw
12:43 PM Tom_L: by 'these boards' i assume you mean mesa
12:43 PM bjorkintosh: you are correct, Tom_L. Thank you.
12:44 PM CaptHindsight: yes, no current Ethernet support with RTAI
12:44 PM Tom_L: i knew that but wasn't sure about the parport under preempt-rt
12:44 PM CaptHindsight: LPT with preemt_rt is no problem
12:44 PM Tom_L: how's memleak doin?
12:45 PM CaptHindsight: he started coding again
12:47 PM CaptHindsight: LPT, preempt_rt vs RTAI just depends on hardware and BIOS, I shipped some LPT systems a few years ago with preempt_rt
12:47 PM Tom_L: now that i think about it, i'm not sure that MB has a parport anyway
12:48 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> might want to check to see if the header is there.
12:48 PM Tom_L: if it does it'll be a header on the board with a ribbon which i don't think i have
12:48 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I haven't used rtai in ages.
12:48 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> ebay
12:48 PM CaptHindsight: i think they were dual core celerons
12:49 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> clickspring!
12:50 PM CaptHindsight: skunkworks: I'm heading past you next month on the way to Rochester. It's a beautiful drive.
12:52 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Are you ok?
12:53 PM CaptHindsight: just cancer, currently beating it
12:53 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> oof - and yay!
12:54 PM CaptHindsight: last day of radiation today!
12:54 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> If you want to see the mess - just let me know!!
12:54 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> That is awesome!
12:54 PM CaptHindsight: hah, ok
12:57 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: he is working on Wine and virtualization, he still wants to update his LCNC Gentoo easy installer from bare metal
12:58 PM CaptHindsight: https://openlunchbox.com/mw19/index.php/HOWTO:_Gentoo_for_LinuxCNC
01:35 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/YppayBfRRjTobZHJslvjAAtR/Screenshot_2024-06-04_at_14-12-20_Facebook.png
01:35 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> no comment...
01:36 PM XXCoder1: classic
01:39 PM XXCoder1: full length clickspring video!
01:43 PM XXCoder1: https://youtu.be/ntsROi3xNS8
02:08 PM JT-Shop: I think there is a baby fawn under the carport
02:21 PM roycroft: alive or not?
02:22 PM JT-Shop: I just saw something moving and when I got close the mom stuck her head up and looked at me, but she has never been under the carport in that secluded spot
02:22 PM JT-Shop: so I assume she has a fawn there
02:23 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> domesticate it, make it a pet 😉
02:25 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> had some guy text me about buying my truck... from Michigan... wanted to send a bank check and would send somebody to pick up the truck... figured it was a scam so i passed on it
02:26 PM JT-Shop: tell them to send someone with cash and the bank can check them
02:26 PM JT-Shop: and yup it's a scam
02:26 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i figured it was
02:48 PM acer: Just started a milling job. first CNC job i've done since my father passed away in jan
02:48 PM acer is now known as _unreal_
02:48 PM _unreal_: I'm finally trying to get the new bigger cnc machine finish and useable
02:53 PM Tom_L: well i found what may be an internal pp cable
03:00 PM JT-Cave: for your test mb?
03:42 PM _unreal_: I got a new drill press as well. well I got 2 but the second one is at my business partners location shop. got a free JET drill press. $1000 drill press
03:42 PM _unreal_: so I just took home the old smaller floor modle drill press new in 1984 :)
03:56 PM JT-Shop: oldest organ donor in the US was 98 when he donated his kidney to a 72y woman to save her life. He was from here but was in such good shape when he accidentally died he was considered for a donor
04:16 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> temp is going up. 2 oclock and it's 94
04:17 PM JT-Shop: yuck
04:17 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> got my 29 mile ride done by 10..... only 75 then
04:18 PM JT-Shop: that's a long ride
04:18 PM JT-Shop: I'm up to 10 miles but lots of hills... I think it's uphill both ways
04:18 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> not really.... now it's middle distance.... used to be shortish
04:19 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> felt pretty good doing it. not too tired or sore....
04:19 PM JT-Shop: that's important, Sunday I didn't feel good about the ride so only did 7.5 miles
04:20 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> that's important. know yourself and limits.
04:22 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, yes
04:22 PM Tom_L: i think
04:22 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Shop: just bought a pair of new cycling shoes.... on sale, 20% off....... still cost $300
04:22 PM JT-Shop: body shop called and the bit that connects the mirror to the door is cracked and a new one will not arrive until tuesday
04:23 PM JT-Shop: you're an animal
04:23 PM Tom_L: not sure which mb these go with is the key
04:24 PM Tom_L: took the kids to the park
04:24 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: Kansas just had a huge international bike race.........Unbound Gravel
04:24 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> 200 miler
04:24 PM JT-Shop: gravel road for 200 miles?
04:25 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> https://www.unboundgravel.com/
04:25 PM Tom_L: roguish, where at?
04:25 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> see the link
04:25 PM Tom_L: that would be a bit east of here
04:25 PM Tom_L: flint hills
04:26 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> it's a big one internationally.
04:27 PM Tom_L: not a helluva lot out there
04:27 PM Tom_L: just cows
04:27 PM Tom_L: maybe a windfarm or three
04:27 PM JT-Shop: there's a long old railroad bed trail that goes maybe 100 miles or so in mid mo
04:27 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> https://www.cyclingnews.com/news/unbound-gravel-2024-highlights-watch-the-key-moments-of-the-elite-races-unfold/
04:28 PM JT-Shop: https://mostateparks.com/park/katy-trail-state-park
04:28 PM JT-Shop: 240 miles long
04:29 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> the race was won in a sprint to the finish, after 200+ miles.....
04:29 PM Tom_L: figures
04:30 PM JT-Shop: 200 miles non stop?
04:30 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> yup
04:30 PM Tom_L: i knew a guy that rode from coast to coast once
04:30 PM Tom_L: years back
04:31 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> there's the RAM ..... Race Across America
04:31 PM Tom_L: dunno how long it took
04:32 PM JT-Shop: Eustace Conway rode a horse from the east coast to the west coast
04:32 PM Tom_L: yay, this mb has an lpt plug on it
04:32 PM JT-Shop: with his friend Preston Roberts
04:33 PM Tom_L: and a ribbon that fits it
04:34 PM Tom_L: so i should be able to keep the 7i90 on the mill and test with the 7i80
04:34 PM JT-Shop: cool
04:34 PM roycroft: that must have taken a while
04:34 PM Tom_L: i think i have a spare pcie ethernet card somewhere
04:34 PM roycroft: an average horse with an average rider can go like 20-30 miles/day, iirc
04:34 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> roycroft: got the package!
04:34 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> (haven't really looked through it)
04:35 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> yet
04:35 PM roycroft: and i got the check today!
04:35 PM roycroft: i just got back from the post office
04:35 PM Tom_L: what's the command to find the lpt port addy?
04:35 PM Tom_L: 378 is the first one iirc
04:37 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> RAM 2022 10 days, 15 minutes
04:37 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> approx 5000 km
04:38 PM roycroft: the pony express drivers traveled 75-100 miles/day, but they had special horses
04:48 PM Tom_L: nationwide issue with ATT calling other providers' cell phones
04:50 PM Tom_L: https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/04/us-carriers-call-outage/
05:15 PM JT-Shop: the pony express horses only went 10 to 15 miles per day
05:20 PM Tom_L: they must have had stops pretty close together
05:21 PM JT-Shop: yup a lot of stops
05:21 PM Tom_L: i wonder if they tossed the bag or if the rider swapped horses
05:21 PM Tom_L: fresh rider or keep truckin..
05:21 PM JT-Shop: rider swapped horses at each station
05:22 PM JT-Shop: riders rode 75 or more miles a day
05:23 PM Tom_L: they probably sent the horses back between 2 stations so they didn't all pile up at the end
05:24 PM JT-Shop: yup the horses went back a forth between stations
05:24 PM JT-Shop: it was a two way route
05:24 PM Tom_L: moving configs etc to the new mb
05:24 PM Tom_L: still not in a box :)
05:30 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/Test_pc.jpg
05:30 PM JT-Shop: I think I have one of those
05:30 PM Tom_L: the mb?
05:30 PM JT-Shop: yup
05:30 PM Tom_L: m2 ssd
05:31 PM Tom_L: initial latency looked pretty good
05:32 PM Tom_L: i may have a spare 7i90 i can hook up here to test the config before moving everything
05:36 PM Tom_L: yay, even a spare lpt ribbon for it
05:36 PM JT-Shop: cool
05:37 PM Tom_L: may need a bigger tray though
05:43 PM Tom_L: i wonder if i need rights on the parallel port
05:44 PM JT-Shop: usually
05:46 PM Tom_L: do you know the syntax for that?
05:46 PM Tom_L: i tried mesaflash and it confirmed i need rights to it
05:46 PM JT-Shop: hmm not off the top of my head
05:46 PM JT-Shop: I think dialout is for serial port
05:48 PM Tom_L: well at least i know it's at 378 irq5
05:53 PM Tom_L: sudo adduser <user> lp
05:55 PM Tom_L: mmm setuid not installed
05:59 PM * JT-Shop calls it a night
06:02 PM XXCoder1: thanks for rain tom and jt
06:02 PM XXCoder1: been raining all day. awesome!
06:44 PM roycroft: it's a little drizzly here, but not really raining
07:22 PM Tom_L: no luck getting ethernet working on the new mb yet
07:22 PM Tom_L: tried 2 cards that work in the other pc
07:22 PM Tom_L: both pcie slots...
07:23 PM Tom_L: same interfaces setup
07:24 PM Tom_L: any ideas>
07:24 PM Tom_L: ?
07:25 PM Tom_L: one socket shows it as enp5s0 and the other socket shows it as enp4s0
07:26 PM Tom_L: tried both
07:29 PM Tom_L: tried swapping with the mb eth same result
07:30 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
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08:10 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
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11:30 PM roycroft: good evening, folks
11:30 PM roycroft: my committee meeting is over, and i've unpacked a few more boxes
11:30 PM XXCoder1: hey folk
11:31 PM roycroft: i hear there's a new clickspring video out
11:31 PM XXCoder1: yup, and its main series too!
11:31 PM roycroft: nice
11:31 PM roycroft: i'll check it out in a bit