#linuxcnc Logs

May 27 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

09:50 AM genericum: where are the user permissions set ?
10:03 AM genericum: i cant change the root password .. maybe there's a script hardcoded in kernel that sets it
10:03 AM genericum: however I might be able to add another user
10:03 AM genericum: but  I think the root user is unique ?
10:03 AM genericum: oops wrong channel sorry
10:21 AM firephoto__ is now known as firephoto_
10:28 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Guest42: did you get it figured out?
11:09 AM JT-Cave: the damn cicadas are finally fading away... Brood 19 is the largest Missouri brood and man they were loud
11:10 AM JT-Cave: https://mdc.mo.gov/trees-plants/diseases-pests/periodical-cicadas
11:11 AM JT-Cave: with that said it's nap time
11:27 AM CaptHindsight: "It was the two broods’ first convergence (some overlapping territories) since 1777."
11:28 AM CaptHindsight: JT-Cave: even louder than the last time they converged? :p
11:36 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i think he is snoring by now 😉
12:14 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/TWewxnxOXOKYQuwQUQRwcXOa/PXL_20240527_160702446.jpg
12:14 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> tower base
01:22 PM vetsin_: im testing for lost steps, and i'm .0002" off over 100 cycles -- yall think thats missing steps or me just noise in the wind?
01:24 PM JT-Woodshop: just depends on how accurate the machine is... and does it have any backlash
01:25 PM vetsin_: it does, it's only a PM30 too... this is probaby more on adjustment of my gibs or something.
01:26 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> On a PM30, 0.0002" is noise. Could also be thermal growth, doesn't take much to grow an axis 0.0002.
01:28 PM vetsin_: i'm pretty new to all this -- would you expect me to be able to accurately move .001? i'm within ~.0002" on every try
01:29 PM JT-Woodshop: they don't say what the accuracy of the lead screw is on their web site
01:30 PM vetsin_: https://www.arizonacnckits.com/pm-30-cnc-kit.html are the screws i got
01:31 PM vetsin_: either way thanks, means i got the software part down i think
01:32 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:25 PM JT-Shop: trying to decide if I want to cut an arch on the bottom of the sides
03:26 PM bjorkint0sh: decorative or structural?
03:27 PM XXCoder: ziper2: congats
03:27 PM JT-Shop: decorative
03:27 PM XXCoder: time to use cnc router to add fancy engravings to that
03:27 PM XXCoder: all sides
03:28 PM JT-Shop: one side is covered by a step
03:28 PM ziper2: The owners son moved away and I don't think anyone else there knows how to do CAD
03:28 PM JT-Shop: can you do cad?
03:28 PM bjorkint0sh: ziper2, which CAD? they vary wildly.
03:29 PM ziper2: solidworks
03:29 PM JT-Shop: that's my favorite cad
03:29 PM * bjorkint0sh laughs in esprit.
03:29 PM ziper2: yeah, I can model pretty well
03:29 PM bjorkint0sh: ah I see.
03:29 PM ziper2: I assume nobody else can program, either
03:29 PM ziper2: the place is a total mess, but they have a lot of nice equipment
03:30 PM bjorkint0sh: so they have money, but not good sense.
03:30 PM bjorkint0sh: happens.
03:38 PM JT-Shop: actually only one side will be visible so I think I'll pass on the arch
03:53 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:53 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:53 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:20 PM Leeloo: I don't get this... why is this possible even? https://imgur.com/rrBOGn1
04:20 PM Leeloo: It's a time delay component with 200ms delay and the input is TRUE and output FALSE...
04:22 PM XXCoder: delayed?
04:23 PM Leeloo: Well, it's a component that takes input, and then propagates it to the output with a delay.
04:23 PM W1N9Zr0: if the time pin is staying the same, you probably haven't added the component to a thread?
04:23 PM Leeloo: I instantiated it like this: loadrt timedelay names=drivers-enable
04:24 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> Did you add it to a thread with addf?
04:25 PM Leeloo: Oh, no
04:25 PM Leeloo: I need to add it to the servo-thread?
04:25 PM JT-Shop: usually
04:25 PM JT-Shop: and for sure if you have floating point
04:26 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> Yes. It won't do anything unless it is added to a thread.
04:27 PM Leeloo: Oh, great - now it works, thank you :)
04:28 PM XXCoder: awesome :)
04:33 PM JT-Shop: hmm I updated https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/mesact/install.html but the old page is shown
04:35 PM vetsin_: question for ya'll -- i have a z touch-probe wired to motion.probe-input to be used with G38.2 -- if i also have a touch probe for x/y do i want to also output that to motion.probe-input?
04:42 PM JT-Shop: you could switch the wires or use an or2 component
04:43 PM vetsin_: i'll do an or2 then, thanks
04:44 PM JT-Shop: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/hal/hal-examples.html#_connecting_two_outputs
04:44 PM vetsin_: i've already used some or2's on my probe overtravel and works right
04:44 PM JT-Shop: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/hal/basic-hal.html#sub:hal-net
04:45 PM vetsin_: though if everyone prefers the axis gui why are there always examples for other guis?
04:46 PM JT-Shop: a few like to be different...
04:47 PM JT-Shop: some like flashy, they think it works better if they are blinded by the flash
04:48 PM vetsin_: i'm a software guy by trade, so having the docs all over the place like this realy gets me confused
04:49 PM JT-Shop: you should have seen the docs before I fixed them... dunno what happened the last few years
04:50 PM JT-Shop: old docs had the same info in multiple places with often some wrong info
04:51 PM XXCoder: yep jt did so much work
05:04 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> yes he did.. and he is still working on really cool things
05:04 PM JT-Shop: :)
06:45 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> @vetsin_ "though if everyone prefers the axis gui why are there always examples for other guis?"
06:45 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> i get the impression less people like axis than anticipated
07:11 PM Leeloo: Recent days really made me want some little wireless voltmeter - something battery-powered that can beam a few voltage channels over wi-fi so I can see what is happening remotely - would need to run up and downstairs like a roadrunner :)
07:21 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I like axis... 🙂
07:22 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> (it was the first gui within linuxcnc that had a decent preview and 'just worked'
07:22 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> )
07:37 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> i know you old shits do, but seems like a lot of people want something else.
07:37 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> but the kind of opeople who use axis are probably more into shit just working
07:39 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> did i mention my awesome axis gui mod that everyone should try and help improve?
07:39 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> https://github.com/cakeslob/regularmac_800
07:41 PM Tom_L: hopefully flex will take off soon
07:50 PM Tom_L: i do like what you've done with axis
07:56 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> thank you thank you,
07:57 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> i have no issue with other gui, but tk is what sells me on axis, works on my shittiest SBC boards
07:57 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> hmm thats redundant,
08:08 PM Leeloo: I did not get to the GUI too much, I loaded the "new" one, but, which of them is easiest to add own GUI elements? Something simple - say I wanted to show indicators for each of the 6 limit switches without spending a lot of time on learning obscure things?
08:11 PM Tom_L: once it's released flex will be
08:12 PM Leeloo: Oh, I know nothing about that one.
08:14 PM Tom_L: still being developed
08:14 PM Tom_L: drop a widget and the connecting code follows it
08:14 PM Leeloo: Read a bit now: yes, this seems like a good idea - let people add and arrange the element without some heavy coding.
08:19 PM Tom_L: test it if you want
08:19 PM Tom_L: it's getting pretty solid but still developing
08:25 PM Leeloo: Maybe when I get over all the basic configuration stages.
08:26 PM Leeloo: I still wonder why 7i76 gpio 5V outputs drop to 3V when driving that optocoupler, which is 270Ω resistor in series with an infrared led. I was thinking they just switch 5V on/off...
08:27 PM Leeloo: Well, it drops to 3V when driving 3 of those in parallel.
08:28 PM Leeloo: Each is 12.75mA, so, that's not some heavy load.
08:31 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Get off my lawn!
09:27 PM roycroft: hi folks
09:28 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> how is the wrist?
09:28 PM roycroft: improving daily
09:28 PM roycroft: but i'm taking it easy
09:29 PM roycroft: i can tie my shoes and stuff like that now
09:29 PM roycroft: which is pretty major
09:32 PM roycroft: i worked at the new house today - i finished shampooing the carpets and got all my tools moved to the shop
09:32 PM roycroft: i'm not ready to move in, but the movers are coming on friday
09:32 PM roycroft: and the house is ready for them
09:33 PM roycroft: i need to pull some coax and cat6 around the place, and hopefully will get the critical runs done on wednesday
09:34 PM * roycroft will be spending most of the week packing, other than that work on wednesday
10:04 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Cool - things are moving!
10:04 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> literally... 😉
10:12 PM XXCoder: roycroft: awesome
10:42 PM roycroft: it's going to take until the end of the summer befire my move is complete, but starting to eat and sleep and poop in the new place will be a big step forward
10:43 PM roycroft: and as soon as that hapens i can start saving money by not paying double utilities
10:46 PM Leeloo: I am halscoping (back to trying to understand those f.errors and see hm2_5i25.0.stepgen.01.dbg_step_rate ramping to 2M during motion - is that normal? For that velocity I calculated 128k pulses to steppers... Is that dbg value something else?
10:56 PM Leeloo: Hopeless: the feedback position keeps lagging and lagging: https://i.imgur.com/gkzala5.png
11:22 PM Leeloo: Tried to lower steplen and stepspace, but it has no effect.
11:45 PM Leeloo: To my mind this stepgen should just send those pulses and report it moved to the requested position - I am using slow speeds here (my steppers can be physically 10+ faster,) so I don't understand how the stepgen can be lagging here with low stepdir and stepspace values. There is something strange going on here.