#linuxcnc Logs

May 26 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:24 AM jpa-: Leeloo: 100 mm/s^2 acceleration sounds on the low side, most machines can manage 500 mm/s^2 or higher
01:48 AM Deejay: moin
03:16 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> Morning
05:20 AM JT-Cave: morning
06:32 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
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06:44 AM JT-Cave: looks like we are in for some heavy rain
06:44 AM JT-Cave: https://radar.weather.gov/station/kpah/standard
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08:23 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, we caught a bit of that overnite http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/tree/tree1.jpg
08:23 AM Tom_L: not a bad pic for 4am
08:23 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/tree/tree2.jpg
08:25 AM JT-Cave: pretty rotten branch
08:25 AM Tom_L: yeah i hope they take the tree down
08:25 AM Tom_L: quick to respond though http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/tree/tree_removal.jpg
08:26 AM Tom_L: i'm amazed how good the cameras are on these phones.. it was dark out lit by a street light
08:28 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> dang, i thought that was sunrise...
08:28 AM Tom_L: probably a 2 sec exposure
08:29 AM JT-Cave: is that a city truck?
08:30 AM Tom_L: yup
08:31 AM Tom_L: big gripper arm you can almost see
08:36 AM Tom_L: tornado hit a town about an hour SW of here
09:14 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> We have been having some really gnarly storms here too
09:25 AM JT-Cave: we are fixing to get hit with more heavy rain
09:37 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:39 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> you guys in tornado alley, hang on to your hats...... and hunker down
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09:45 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ