#linuxcnc Logs

May 06 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:01 AM Leeloo: (I also see that the connector uses 4 pins 22-25 for that 5V... I wonder why so much voltage was dropped...) I calculate 0.5V drop for 25 feet 30 gauge single wire with 100mA which is max listed for the board, so 1.25V seems excessive...
12:20 AM Leeloo: Hmm, I will unplug the cable on the PC and measure in the connector right now - I need to look up which pins those are.
12:28 AM Leeloo: Oh, it's not the cable - I measured 5V on the output from 6i25 and at the end of the cable. However, I get 3.75V on the TB3 connectore between 21-22 and 23-24 pins which are suppose to be GND and 5V.
12:31 AM Leeloo: Or, maybe it's because when I measure that voltage there's no current load.
12:32 AM Leeloo: I measure 5V on it unconnected.
12:32 AM Leeloo: But re-measured TB3 and it's more like 3.5V now.
12:33 AM Leeloo: I cannot measure the resistance of it today easily because it's in the ceiling and, well I cannot get my multimeter probes to both ends, they are too far away. But maybe tomorrow I will use some thick wire to measure the pins.
12:36 AM jpa-: Leeloo: what if you disconnect the DB25 cable at the far end and measure voltage there? just to confirm that all 4 power pins are connected by the cable
12:36 AM Leeloo: Yes, that's what I meant - without it powering the 7i76 I measure 5V.
12:36 AM jpa-: ok :)
12:40 AM Leeloo: Unless something is wrong and that 5V draws a lot of current and maybe those PTCs so something... oh, well, wonderful - I will investigate more tomorrow.
12:40 AM mrec: https://www.shako.com.tw/proimages/sr/L/2/NEW/BM520.jpg
12:41 AM mrec: does anyone know can those quick release modules be bought separately? (the part with the blue button)
12:48 AM CaptHindsight: pneumatic valves?
12:50 AM CaptHindsight: they look like solenoid valves
12:51 AM mrec: ya solenoid valves but there's this quick release module in between
12:53 AM mrec: this thing is a failure
12:53 AM CaptHindsight: https://www.shako.com.tw/proimages/2_2020_en/2/4_PDF/SPU520-1.pdf
12:53 AM mrec: the plastic will change over time and it's stuck inside
12:54 AM CaptHindsight: https://www.shako.com.tw/proimages/2_2020_en/2/4_PDF/BM520.pdf
12:55 AM CaptHindsight: looks like they only make it
12:56 AM mrec: poor design
12:57 AM mrec: not sure what is wrong either the hole or the injection molded stick itself that should go into it
12:58 AM mrec: it's press fit now and it's not dirty
01:01 AM Deejay: moin
01:29 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> andypugh#0 wasnt as easy as sudo apt-get install linuxcnc-dev for me of course 😄
01:29 AM lcnc-relay: Package linuxcnc-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package.
01:29 AM lcnc-relay: This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
01:29 AM lcnc-relay: is only available from another source
01:30 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> guessing its the source that is the culprit though
02:26 AM mrec: I'll just mill a screw and replace the plastic stub
02:27 AM mrec: Taiwanese solenoid valves => fail
02:27 AM mrec: China wins
02:27 AM mrec: the chinese ones which I have here use a stainless stub
02:34 AM lcnc-relay: <skiboy> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/wtJwYlCRMxdEEWuhAwKWryay/IMG_20240505_235941.jpg
02:38 AM XXCoder: interesting electrics layout
03:18 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> wiring..... I have forgotten I still have to do this 😄
03:18 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> this is going to be..... interesting
04:15 AM rigid: Has anyone tried those cheapo linear scales like https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095118LHY/ ? I wonder how accuracy compares to more expensive stuff.
04:16 AM rigid: In theory it shouldn't be that bad since precise glass etching is not rocket science anymore.
04:18 AM rigid: I mean, it has "Beautiful appearance" :)
04:39 AM Tom_L: morning
04:54 AM JT-Cave: morning
07:14 AM Tom_L: t-storms early afternoon here
07:24 AM elia: hi.
07:27 AM elia: I have a denford orac cnc lathe in excellent mechanical condition, converted to linuxcnc with a mesa board (7i76e) and a modern vfd. I won't be using it/working on it anymore, looking for someone interested in buying it and carrying the project further. located in warsaw, poland, fits very neatly on an europallet for shipping.
07:43 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:43 AM Tom_L: well it still runs this morning :)
07:43 AM JT-Shop: :)
07:43 AM Tom_L: heading out.. bak in 2
09:29 AM TurBoss_ is now known as lcnc-relay
09:32 AM TurBoss: hello
09:33 AM Deejay: hi turbo
09:34 AM TurBoss: hello Mr. Deejay :-)
10:03 AM Tom_L: JT-Shop, is the float setting a global setting then you can edit individual ones?
10:59 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> woo hoo. new encoders arrived
11:14 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> encoders eyyy, fancy-build? 😄
11:34 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> just my 9x20 techno isel lathe
11:34 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> 2 of the 3 rotary encoders glass discs exploded so far lol so im replacing them with amt102-v encoders lol
11:34 AM bjorkintosh: how?
11:39 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> i have no idea they are 24+ years old lol
11:40 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> first one to go was the one on the spindle couple years ago
11:41 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> and then just now (well last week) came out to fire up the machine and noticed the z axis was slamming every rotation at about 3/4 of rotation. found out part of the glass disc cracked and fell out of place or something lol
11:41 AM JT-Cave: well TurBoss left...
11:41 AM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> so now upgrading to "glassless" encoders for me from now on lol
11:57 AM bjorkintosh: there's such a thing, perry?
11:57 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> JT-Cave: hello
11:57 AM JT-Cave: hi
12:13 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, i see now, i thought that was a global setting in designer
12:16 PM JT-Shop: global setting for what?
12:16 PM Rab: perry_j1987, from the datasheet it looks like each encoder comes with a kit of plastic sleeves for different shaft sizes, is that your experience?
12:17 PM Tom_L: float precision
12:17 PM JT-Shop: ah no each one has to be set for each widget
12:17 PM Tom_L: that's what i was wondering
12:18 PM Tom_L: sh** gonna hit the fan here around 5 they say
12:18 PM Tom_L: baseball-softball size hail etc etc
12:18 PM Tom_L: we'll see
12:18 PM Rab: Kind of intense that this doohickey with a snap-in plastic sleeve is supposed to hold up at 15,000 RPM.
12:18 PM JT-Shop: holy crap that's bit hail
12:18 PM Tom_L: hope they're wrong
12:19 PM Tom_L: last big one was in 2016
12:19 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> stay safe Tom_L
12:19 PM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> Rab yup thats partially why i went with it. i had 1/4 shafts and all the other ones i were finding was 6mm shaft heh
12:19 PM JT-Shop: hail that size can do some real bad damage
12:20 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/hail/hail5.jpg
12:20 PM Tom_L: yes, it did too
12:20 PM Rab: Every time it hails I wish I had stashed a hardhat in an accessible location.
12:20 PM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> Rab it's completly clear of the shaft. there's alignment so the only thing spinning is a little disc attatched to the collet
12:20 PM Rab: But I wouldn't brave baseball-sized hail with any kind of PPE.
12:21 PM Rab: perry_j1987 I see, cool.
12:21 PM Tom_L: wouldn't protect your shoulders etc.. broken bones
12:21 PM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> not even a bomb diffusion suit? heh
12:22 PM XXCoder: baseball sized hail? stay inside, and by inside I dont mean roof or near windows
12:22 PM Rab: Tom_L, not for fun, but like if it started suddenly with a kid outside.
12:22 PM Tom_L: that year, all the N windows got blown out
12:22 PM Tom_L: all car windows etc etc
12:22 PM lcnc-relay: <perry_j1987> if you get a running start and do backflips from the shop to your truck you can successfully dodge anything... seen it in a movie once or twice lol
12:22 PM Tom_L: looked like a war zone
12:23 PM XXCoder: even with good protection, I oubt you can even walk around with heavy constant impacts
12:25 PM * JT-Shop takes a nap
12:26 PM * Tom_L just had one
12:26 PM * XXCoder just woke up from night sleep
01:02 PM Tom_L: ok vehicles moved to covered lots
01:03 PM Tom_L: actually found inside walls too
01:33 PM JT-Cave: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/labels.html
01:53 PM solarwind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZdhnDmr0w4
01:54 PM solarwind: So these "gator grip" sockets are theoretically a good idea but very poorly implemented
01:54 PM solarwind: if you machine them to tighter tolerances, use hardened tool steal pins, and much smaller diameter pins, it should give a really good fit
01:57 PM solarwind: CaptHindsight what's the cheapest kind of "linear rail" I can get in order to make a "track saw" kind of guide for a plasma cutter
01:57 PM solarwind: I made a prototype with HGR rails and it works great but that's expensive and overkill
01:58 PM solarwind: Ideally I want a 2m length and it's going to have magnets so I can stick it onto a big sheet/plate of steel and let it cut a nice clean line. It'll be driven with a belt and stepper motor
01:59 PM solarwind: aluminum 2020 extrusion and V wheels are a possibility and have the advantage of being easily daisy chainable
02:01 PM solarwind: actually instead of a belt drive, rack and pinion would probably be better so it's easier to adjust the length of the rail on the fly
02:03 PM solarwind: Just need to find a cheap rack and pinion like the ones used for large format CNC routers, but much cheaper. Doesn't need to be precise at all
02:03 PM solarwind: maybe I can even get away with 3D printing it
02:04 PM solarwind: Actually just realized it doesn't even need to be a rack and pinion. Can just be a simple wheel drive since the torque needed is next to nothing. It's just holding a plasma torch and moving it along the rail at a constant speed
02:06 PM solarwind: and maybe I can get away with just some 2x4 lumber cleaned up on a jointer, hmmmm
02:13 PM Rab: My observation is that plasma cutting creates a very harsh environment. Your transport needs to be able to hold up to heat, grit, and white-hot slag. Usually I see rugged, low-precision steel components like V-wheels and rack drive.
02:13 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, property name should be precision, not property?
02:15 PM Tom_L: status-03.png
02:15 PM Tom_L: etc
02:18 PM CaptHindsight: solarwind: the cheap maker stuff or just using t-slot as a linear bearing, not sure how you are supporting it
02:18 PM solarwind: Rab it produces a lot of grit and smoke, but not much spitting
02:18 PM solarwind: it's not going to throw hot metal back at the rail
02:19 PM solarwind: so yes it needs to be rugged. Lumber will work
02:19 PM solarwind: and something like a steel channel or similar will also work
02:19 PM solarwind: CaptHindsight it will stick onto the flat metal plate with magnets
02:20 PM solarwind: imagine it being like a ruler stuck onto a refrigerator door with a magnet
02:20 PM solarwind: well a bunch of magnets
02:21 PM solarwind: and it will simply hold a plasma torch and drive itself along the rail at a set speed with a stepper motor or whatever
02:22 PM solarwind: T slot sounds like a good idea, but with internal cheap sealed ball bearing wheels (like POM wheels on 3D printers)
02:28 PM CaptHindsight: check you local metal supplier for drops, you're pretty good at scrounging deals
02:29 PM CaptHindsight: sliding door track is typically extruded aluminium
02:32 PM CaptHindsight: 3/4"+ pipe as another low budget option
02:33 PM CaptHindsight: I had some 2" SS bar that you could of had for cheap if asked me a year ago
02:34 PM CaptHindsight: solarwind: ^^
02:46 PM CaptHindsight: hah, looks like door tracks and hardware are now more expensive than cheap linear bearings
02:46 PM XXCoder: lol
02:46 PM XXCoder: time to use SBR for sliding doors
02:55 PM Rab: I stayed in a hotel with a beautiful stainless steel sliding door track, I had to get up on a chair to take pictures. This kinda thing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07M6NC76F
02:55 PM Rab: Finally a good use for round rail!
03:00 PM bjorkintosh: rab, how did they react when they saw you lusting after their tracks?
03:02 PM Rab: I was alone in the room. If they had spycams installed, they didn't let on.
03:06 PM bjorkintosh: that's the whole point. never admit to the cams!
03:26 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:36 PM Leeloo: Hmm... I brought PC with 6i25 in it closer to 7i76, used short cable that worked before, measured 5V to be 5V, but I still do not get 7i76 detected on startup: I gest message of Firmware 43, which I think is fine, but no mention of 7i76... Now I am concerned.
03:44 PM rdtscwk: Two previously working computers, just moved closer together?  No wires between the two?  Maybe a ground or noise issue.  Move them back and try again.
03:44 PM Leeloo: OMG, I am a dummy - I plugged the cable to the ribbon connector.
03:45 PM rdtscwk: It's a Monday... all is excused. :)
04:01 PM Leeloo: OK, so, now, with the long cable, 7i76 is detected too (talking about a red herring...) but, the 5V is still 3.5V so I will probably still want to do something about that.
04:04 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Leeloo: look closely at the jumpers on the board, and read the manual carefully.....
04:05 PM Leeloo: I read them many times... I know that both boards have jumpers for that 5V - right now I am going with the scenario where 5i25 is supplying it.
04:05 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> and be very, very careful, and do not hotplug anything.....
04:07 PM Leeloo: I am going to measure the resistance of the wires inside my long cable - taking a spool of gauge wire and will use it to measure the resistance through the pins because I am upset at this strange voltage drop :)
04:07 PM Leeloo: 14 gauge*
04:08 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> check the voltage at both ends yet ???
04:08 PM Leeloo: Did that yesterday - with long cable, without load, the voltage is 5V, but when plugged in, it drops to 3.5V.
04:17 PM Leeloo: Well, so I measured both the short and long cable. The short one has 0.5Ω and the long... 22Ω... oops.
04:17 PM Leeloo: What kind of wires are those...
04:21 PM Leeloo: Well, that was a sad experience, but at least I have a plan - maybe the cable will work fine for signals, I just need to switch to separate 5v supply.
04:22 PM Leeloo: I asked before, but, is it OK if that 5V is taken from a regulator on my 12V field supply? Does it have to be isolated from that?
04:41 PM JT-Cave: Tom_L, opps
04:41 PM Tom_L: :)
04:43 PM JT-Cave: fixed
04:49 PM Tom_L: maybe put that under precision at the bottom or move precision up?
04:49 PM Tom_L: (put the 2 together)
04:51 PM rdtscwk: The 0.5Ω cable might be good for signals, but the 22Ω one certainly may cause timing issues.
04:52 PM rdtscwk: Like if used for step/dir
04:53 PM Leeloo: That's... unfortunate... I would need to replace the whole setup likely.
04:54 PM JT-Cave: Tom_L, refresh the status label page
04:55 PM JT-Cave: not sure what you mean by put the 2 together?
04:56 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:56 PM Tom_dev: starting at: "If the label returns a float..." move that to the "Precision" section at the bottom
04:56 PM Tom_dev: and how to change it
04:57 PM Tom_dev: or move it all to the top
04:58 PM JT-Cave: oh I see that now...
04:59 PM Tom_L: would make more sense
05:01 PM Tom_L: leave the objectName pic where it is but combine from there on to one place
05:06 PM JT-Shop: refresh that page again
05:09 PM Tom_L: yeah
05:09 PM Tom_L: makes more sense combined
05:09 PM JT-Shop: I missed the precision section at the bottom
05:26 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, have you done anything with hal input pins?
05:26 PM JT-Shop: thought about it for a minute or more
05:27 PM JT-Shop: can you think of a use case for a hal input pin?
05:28 PM Tom_L: i use pyvcp to display current feed as it changes
05:28 PM Tom_L: i was just looking where that signal comes from
05:28 PM JT-Shop: what hal pin gives you that
05:28 PM Tom_L: that's what i'm checking
05:29 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:29 PM Tom_dev: # Feedrate
05:29 PM Tom_dev: net vel-number-rps motion.current-vel => scale.1.in
05:29 PM Tom_dev: net vel-feed pyvcp.vel-feed <= scale.1.out
05:29 PM JT-Shop: motion.current-vel
05:29 PM Tom_L: may not need it if you have a lb for that
05:30 PM Tom_L: but i scale it iirc
05:30 PM JT-Shop: not sure if there is a status for current vel
05:31 PM Tom_dev: setp scale.1.gain 60.00
05:31 PM Tom_dev: to get rpm
05:31 PM Tom_dev: instead of rps
05:32 PM JT-Shop: Velcro our very small cat had a hematoma in her right ear and we brought her home today... 30 stitches
05:32 PM Tom_L: alot
05:32 PM JT-Shop: yup that is a good idea
05:32 PM Tom_L: you said you were taking it in
05:33 PM JT-Shop: she has ear mites so we have to treat all the cats for that
05:34 PM Tom_L: distance-to-go may be another one
05:35 PM JT-Shop: there's a stat for that
05:35 PM Tom_L: ok
05:35 PM JT-Shop: I think the only precision left to fix is the analog I/O
05:35 PM Tom_dev: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/screenshots/Current_Linuxcnc_Axis_screen.png
05:35 PM Tom_dev: that's what my axis screen looks like
05:38 PM Tom_L: supposed to hit the fan here around 6:30
05:39 PM JT-Shop: looks pretty rough over that way
05:39 PM JT-Shop: looks like western MO is going to get hit too
05:40 PM JT-Shop: had to fix up a cat condo for her so the other cats can't mess with her
05:43 PM Tom_L: they like to hype it up... this afternoon they were talking about basseball to softball size hail
05:43 PM Tom_L: i have my doubts
05:52 PM CaptHindsight: only basketball or VW Bug size hail reports get my interest
05:55 PM Tom_L: i doubt even going to the basement would save you from that
05:58 PM Tom_L: maybe a steel shipping container but then one of those was flying thru the air here a couple three years ago
06:00 PM JT-Shop: if you have enough crap in one I doubt it would fly
06:00 PM Tom_L: it was full of construction equipment
06:01 PM JT-Shop: holy crap
06:01 PM XXCoder: dang
06:01 PM Tom_L: on a construction site
06:01 PM bjorkintosh: that's deadly. so we can expect worse.
06:01 PM Tom_L: that was only an EF3
06:01 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-rv5vdAYTQ
06:02 PM JT-Shop: the one that passed 900' to the north was a EF5 IIRC
06:03 PM Tom_L: we've had 2 really bad ones since i've lived here not counting the one i linked
06:03 PM Tom_L: one was in that exact same area
06:03 PM JT-Shop: we have only had one close call
06:03 PM Tom_L: the other was 1.7? mi wide and took out an entire town
06:04 PM Tom_L: those have been quite a few years back now but i remember them both
06:07 PM JT-Shop: time to call it a day
06:08 PM CaptHindsight: https://youtu.be/2GuCguODZbY?si=Cxc3fX0nolupTeV2&t=237
06:09 PM CaptHindsight: see the trees get uprooted
06:09 PM bjorkintosh: no thank you. I shall not. It will fuel future nightmares to come.
06:09 PM Tom_L: one of those dots you see in the funnel was a shipping container
06:10 PM Tom_L: that may have been the YMCA that got hit
07:11 PM solarwind: CaptHindsight I'll check it out, thanks
07:12 PM solarwind: If all else fails, it's going to be 2020 aluminum extrusions and V wheels just like cheap 3D printers
07:13 PM solarwind: These are enormous boilers that we're going to be scrapping, made of 1/2" corrosion resistant steel
07:13 PM solarwind: About 6m long, 4m wide, 4m tall
07:14 PM solarwind: that's going to be a lot of nice high quality plate steel that I'll be getting. So a nice cutting track will also make for clean straight cuts
07:14 PM solarwind: And improve plasma cutter consumable life as well
07:15 PM solarwind: so many electric motors and other industrial parts there too
07:15 PM solarwind: like big steam valves made of corrosion resistant steel. Those things probably cost $500 each or more
07:16 PM solarwind: all from the 1950s and 60s I think
07:16 PM solarwind: They already replaced them with a boiler unit about the size of a residential water heater for the whole school lol that should tell you how old these boilers are
07:17 PM solarwind: and industrial control panels that look older than the chernobyl nuclear plant control panels
07:18 PM solarwind: all incandescent indicator lights and wire wrapped connectors
07:18 PM solarwind: the city did a thorough sweep for asbestos but I'm still going to be wearing breathing protection 100% of the time
07:20 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
07:23 PM CaptHindsight: yeah, better safe than sorry
07:25 PM CaptHindsight: we were raised on sugar, caffeine, deep frying, cured meats, frozen dinners and staying out of the house all day until after dark... and look how we thrived :)
07:26 PM CaptHindsight: cancer and heart disease didn't get most of us until at least 60
07:26 PM CaptHindsight: we had lead in our air
07:27 PM CaptHindsight: and we sat in front of CRT's the other part of the day or when it was raining
07:28 PM XXCoder: suriviorship bias
07:28 PM CaptHindsight: we rode our bikes over jumps with no safety gear
07:29 PM CaptHindsight: we flew out of half pipes wearing just a small helmet and maybe some knee pads
07:30 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1775oRGAkM
07:30 PM XXCoder: https://youtu.be/KX6FnYgXdHM dangerous setups lol
07:36 PM CaptHindsight: I would have just coupled them all externally off the cranks with some gears
07:44 PM XXCoder: it works but meh I wouldnt do it
07:45 PM XXCoder: that lathe setup scares me lol. one that use grinder
07:45 PM CaptHindsight: safety is not our number 1 priority
07:45 PM CaptHindsight: progress over safety!
08:06 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
08:07 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
08:42 PM roycroft: apparently safety was not my number one priority the orher day
08:43 PM CaptHindsight: my excuse is that the therapy gives me brain fog, I'm clumsy and can't remember anything
08:43 PM XXCoder: you getting better roy?
08:44 PM CaptHindsight: and pain?
08:44 PM roycroft: i'm feeling less pain
08:44 PM roycroft: but surgery id wednesday
08:44 PM roycroft: is
08:44 PM CaptHindsight: thats a move in the right direction
08:44 PM roycroft: so i'll be feeling more pain for a bit
08:45 PM CaptHindsight: on the wrist?
08:45 PM roycroft: yes
08:45 PM CaptHindsight: sorry to hear, at least you have a spare arm
08:45 PM roycroft: well, technically just above the wrist
08:46 PM roycroft: it's a broken radius, but right at the wrist socket
08:47 PM roycroft: fortunately the wrist and hand bones were not injured
08:48 PM roycroft: the end of the radius was twisted almost 90 degrees
08:48 PM roycroft: after traction it's still about45 degrees out of alignment
08:49 PM roycroft: the d=surgery will be to line it up properly ad hold it in place with a plate and some screws
08:50 PM roycroft: supposedly that will alsogreatly reduce healing time
08:50 PM roycroft: i'll only be in a hard cast for ten days
10:02 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away