#linuxcnc Logs

May 05 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:08 AM mrec: does anyone have experience with Meldas MDS-B-SVJ2 drives? when I captured the protocol I only saw control commands all 3.55ms
12:21 AM mrec: however I always get to see that there's also a 0.888ms operation mode (but I was not able to enable that yet on that Mitsubishi system, maybe today since I figured out how they implemented the "weak" copy protection of the PLC)
01:42 AM Deejay: moin
02:52 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> so has anyone tried hooking up a vfd to the smart serial interface of the 7i96S?
02:53 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> should be doable nowadays?
05:22 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:35 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> Morning
06:44 AM Tom_L: morning
07:00 AM Tom_L: my kid had a close call this week shoveling chips into a dumpster when his noob coworker took it upon himself to jog the gantry my kid was working on into the dumpster causing this: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/cincinnati/Wall.jpg
07:01 AM Tom_L: he was using the broom at the time, luckily he had his head about him and was able to get out of the way
07:02 AM Tom_L: needless to say, the coworker won't be doing it again
07:10 AM mrec: https://streamable.com/w6t2bv it's alive again
07:15 AM Tom_L: still error with gcodes?
07:16 AM mrec: no fixed today
07:16 AM mrec: they added some kind of copy protection for the PLC
07:16 AM Tom_L: what's the arcing at the end?
07:16 AM mrec: no arcing, I just let the spindle turn
07:17 AM Tom_L: must be a reflection
07:17 AM mrec: the copy protection triggered an error once cycle start got pushed
07:17 AM mrec: yes
07:29 AM JT-Cave: wow, can't trust anyone
07:30 AM JT-Cave: did it just send the dumpster flying when it hit it?
07:48 AM mrec: the machine was idle for at least 3 years and lost all the settings
07:49 AM mrec: and the previous operator was a jerk at least he did not shit into the machine
07:49 AM mrec: so dirty
09:14 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, aparently
09:37 AM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
10:05 AM rdtsc: Dang Tom, he's lucky! Tell him to go play the MegaMillions!
10:12 AM Tom_L: the noob got lectured for 1/2 hr by my kid then the super told him to walk away and he proceeded with his 1/2 hr lecture.
10:12 AM Tom_L: he won't do it again
10:12 AM Tom_L: unless he as a death wish
10:29 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, you commiting anything else this AM?
10:29 AM Tom_L: i'm fixin to build
10:36 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, hal buttons should be disabled at least until out of estop and power on
10:36 AM Tom_L: just realized i can issue an mdi_command button before anything is on
10:37 AM Tom_L: well, it generates an error...
10:38 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
10:38 AM Tom_dev: Error
10:38 AM Tom_dev: command (EMC_TASK_PLAN_EXECUTE) cannot be executed until the machine is out of E-stop and turned on
10:41 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_dev: Tom, I was reading back up the page. saw your son's problem. the employer should teach all employees about LOTO (lock out, tag out) , for working on and around machines....
10:42 AM Tom_L: sometimes chip removal has to be done with it running though.
10:42 AM Tom_L: they are huge
10:43 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/cincinnati/Cincinnati_1.jpg
10:43 AM Tom_L: that back wall was the one hit. it's the midpoint building separator wall
10:45 AM Tom_L: but i agree with the safety point of it
10:45 AM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> I would argue that chip removal never _has_ to be done with it running. It is done because it is faster/cheaper but it is in no way a safe way to do things. At a minimum there should be light curtains to stop the machine if someone wanders into the work area.
10:47 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> safety should always be first. ya probably don't want to go to work and not go home again.....
10:53 AM Tom_L: you get a 90' slab of 6" x 48" it's difficult to stop midway in a cut and be able to resume where you were
10:54 AM Tom_L: i get your point
10:55 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/cincinnati/Material_block.jpg
10:55 AM Tom_L: that's one of the blocks
10:55 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> sometimes having more than 1 person is good. 1 to work, 1 to watch out.....
10:55 AM Tom_L: you can almost see the temp clamps at the end
10:57 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> i've worked around. big dangerous machines.
10:59 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, it will be later this afternoon maybe or in the morning before I finish the current code I'm working on... adding hal buttons to enable/disable will be easy
11:00 AM Tom_L: i'll wait
11:01 AM Tom_L: hal buttons probably only need estop and power enabled
11:01 AM Tom_L: not knowing what they may be doing
11:05 AM JT-Cave: yup that's what I think
11:05 AM Tom_L: mdi will throw an error but not much you can do about that
11:05 AM JT-Cave: about nap time here then ride up to Durso Hills
11:05 AM JT-Cave: electro shock therapy
11:16 AM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
12:46 PM rdtsc: Any way to message PCW about a small typo on 7i95T manual page 22? "mesaflash --device 7I95T --addr 192,168,1,121 --set ip=" Note JT-Cave your version seems to be ok.
12:51 PM JT-Cave: usually I just tell Peter on here but he's not been on lately so you could email him
12:51 PM Tom_L: there are 2 emails on his main page i'm sure either one would get to him
12:51 PM JT-Cave: tech
12:53 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, ..fix axis status precision... are those all floats?
12:53 PM Tom_L: you may want to check any that are floats aside from those
12:55 PM Tom_L: i'd think 4 place decimal would be enough for anything displayed
12:55 PM Tom_L: like that dwell label
01:01 PM JT-Cave: yup I still have some float labels to go but you can build now hal disable/enable is done
01:02 PM JT-Cave: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/blob/0.4.0/flexgui/src/libflexgui/startup.py#L546
01:02 PM Tom_L: i was just checking my ui to see if any label changes affected it
01:02 PM JT-Cave: I have a few more FIXME's to go
01:02 PM Tom_L: i don't think i'm using those axis ones
01:03 PM JT-Cave: I grepped and only saw them in status
01:03 PM Tom_L: i'll push my ui once and wait for you then build
01:03 PM Tom_L: i made a couple changes
01:04 PM Tom_L: renamed the hal mdi buttons to make it easier to follow
01:04 PM JT-Cave: fixing to head to Durso Hills
01:05 PM Tom_L: lemme push this
01:07 PM Tom_L: ok
01:09 PM Tom_L: #20
01:19 PM Tom_L: hal command buttons are still enabled on startup
01:24 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
01:47 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> hmmm can I see somehow which states linuxcnc can repport? would like to use a RGB-led to display running state like in yellow flashing, red for error etc
01:47 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> as an example
01:48 PM Tom_L: look at flex gui example xyz and it will show you all of them
01:48 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> halui has most of the things you want
01:49 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/config/python-interface.html#_reading_linuxcnc_status
01:49 PM Tom_L: exec_state
01:50 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> ah cool thanks 🙂
01:50 PM Tom_L: halui may be a bit more user friendly
02:00 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, add new axis labels to the webpage
02:01 PM Tom_L: ahh nevermind.. they're not in the big list but just under it
02:03 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
02:03 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, typo on my pr.. 0.3.0 / 0.4.0 it's the right file
02:04 PM * Tom_L blames the script
02:13 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:14 PM Tom_dev: JT-Cave, new error when issuing: mdi G0 X3.5 Y3.5 Z-2.5 when it's almost reached it's destination
02:15 PM Tom_dev: Note: Using POSIX realtime
02:15 PM Tom_dev: Traceback (most recent call last):
02:15 PM Tom_dev: File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/libflexgui/status.py", line 112, in update
02:15 PM Tom_dev: if parent.mdi: # only update mdi if it's configured
02:16 PM Tom_dev: AttributeError: 'flexgui' object has no attribute 'mdi'
02:16 PM Tom_dev: AttributeError: 'flexgui' object has no attribute 'mdi'
02:17 PM Tom_dev: dammit
02:17 PM Tom_dev: AttributeError: 'flexgui' object has no attribute 'mdi'
02:17 PM Tom_dev: mmm won't paste it!
02:18 PM Tom_dev: /usr/bin/linuxcnc: line 977: 2388 Aborted $EMCDISPLAY -ini "$INIFILE" $EMCDISPLAYARGS $EXTRA_ARGS
02:20 PM Tom_dev: same with mdi G0 X3.5 by itself
02:20 PM Tom_dev: errors as soon as it reaches the destination
02:27 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> hmm is RS485 control of spindle to prefer over analog? or is the 10v analog good enough?
02:27 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> big difference = no feedback?
02:28 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> * biggest
02:28 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> I actually do both. Analog for the spindle speed, rs485 for drive mode/positioning, and encoder for feedback. My drive only does 9600baud max so it is a bit slow to update for real time use.
02:29 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> aha
02:29 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> ill try full RS485 first then 😄
02:33 PM rdtsc: RS485 is much more noise-immune. 0-10V can be used, but may find needing a shielded cable for it.
02:49 PM Tom_L: oddname_shane i use 10v analog and it seems ok
02:50 PM Tom_L: all my stuff _is_ shielded too
02:51 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i use analog because when my machine e-stopped on rs485, it kept spinning the spindle. so i run analog just to stay in control.
02:52 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> Is it possible to get this running without dev-package?
02:52 PM lcnc-relay: https://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.9/html/drivers/mesa_modbus.html
02:52 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> getting it installed seems above my "paygrade" 😄
02:52 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i think andypugh#0 has to do with that, IIRC
02:53 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> hoping its pure files I can just get and edit in the end 😄
02:55 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i think it is a module that needs compiling, but i am not sure...
02:56 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> i installed linuxcnc via live-usb
02:56 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> is it a bitch to get it updated to dev?
02:59 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> no idea, i have not used the live-usb for ages. i grabbed the source and compiled to .deb packages IIRC
03:03 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> one of these days i should upgrade... see what is in the new 2.10 version. i was ahead with 2.9, but then it got released as current... 🤣
03:09 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> my old router still has emc2 .D
03:09 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> * 😄
03:09 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> does what it should, why update
03:11 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i always feel like i am missing out on something... never know when the latest batch of errors could come about 😉
03:16 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
03:16 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/drivers/mb2hal.html
03:17 PM Tom_L: that may not be for mesa
03:17 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> if you want a good USB rs485 converter, this is what i use: https://www.ebay.com/itm/256034675823
03:18 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i have used mb2hal, as Tom_L mentioned, it takes some getting used to, but works well
03:18 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
03:22 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> ah no can do
03:22 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> note, modbus over rs485 is not straight wiring, it generally needs 120ohm resistors at each end'
03:22 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> I dont want usb at all 😄
03:22 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> pc = in my control box, mesa in the bottom of the machine 🙂
03:23 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane> currently I can survive with singla networkcable to carry data, power and e-stop
03:24 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> what is modbus for if you don't want wires?
03:47 PM CaptHindsight: travis_farmer: how am I supposed to operate my spindle at -20C with that?
03:48 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> turn the heat on...
03:51 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i have nt found many that are reliable when it gets too cold
04:03 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
04:34 PM lcnc-relay: <andypugh#0> mesa_modbus is realtime, USB dongles are not.
04:34 PM lcnc-relay: You do need linxcnc-dev. But that only needs you to type "sudo apt-get install linuxcnc-dev"
04:35 PM lcnc-relay: <andypugh#0> oddname_skane ^
04:40 PM Tom_L: andypugh, do you know who has the keys to the website kingdom?
04:41 PM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> i do, it is all mine! 😉
04:41 PM Tom_L: the hybrid.iso under 1.1 here is 404: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/getting-started/getting-linuxcnc.html
04:47 PM XXCoder: new risc os update, including all rspi except for 5
04:56 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:02 PM JT-Cave: raining here
05:03 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, you see my notes ^^?
05:03 PM Tom_L: <Tom_L> hal command buttons are still enabled on startup
05:04 PM Tom_L: and the mdi G0 X3.5 etc throw an error now after they execute
05:05 PM Tom_L: Tom_dev> JT-Cave, new error when issuing: mdi G0 X3.5 Y3.5 Z-2.5 when it's almost reached it's destination
05:05 PM Tom_L: <Tom_dev> Note: Using POSIX realtime
05:05 PM Tom_L: <Tom_dev> Traceback (most recent call last):
05:05 PM Tom_L: <Tom_dev> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/libflexgui/status.py", line 112, in update
05:05 PM Tom_L: <Tom_dev> if parent.mdi: # only update mdi if it's configured
05:08 PM JT-Cave: fixed
05:09 PM JT-Cave: I did some work on mdi and missed that
05:09 PM JT-Cave: https://radar.weather.gov/station/kpah/standard
05:10 PM JT-Cave: hal buttons are disable on startup for me
05:11 PM Tom_L: i'll update and check again in a bit
05:12 PM JT-Cave: dang hens see me looking out and come out in the rain to see if I have a treat
05:15 PM XXCoder: food or rain? food always win lol
05:16 PM JT-Cave: well often I have a treat for them and treat them like royalty
05:18 PM XXCoder: :)
05:18 PM Tom_L: mdi work with estop open on hal_btn and tom ui
05:19 PM JT-Cave: they are not enabled here...
05:19 PM Tom_L: did you push it?
05:19 PM Tom_L: i'll double check here
05:20 PM JT-Cave: I don't see any hal buttons on tom.ini
05:20 PM Tom_L: manual tab
05:20 PM JT-Cave: Pushing to github.com:jethornton/flexgui.git
05:20 PM JT-Cave: To github.com:jethornton/flexgui.git
05:20 PM JT-Cave: = [up to date] master -> master
05:20 PM JT-Cave: updating local tracking ref 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
05:20 PM JT-Cave: Everything up-to-date
05:21 PM Tom_L: copy all the example files over to the config
05:21 PM JT-Cave: https://pasteboard.co/B3gBQXMsSSc2.png
05:21 PM Tom_L: gimme a few to catch up here
05:21 PM JT-Cave: I don't see any hal buttons on the manual tab
05:22 PM Tom_L: lower right
05:22 PM Tom_L: that's an old ui then
05:22 PM JT-Cave: oh I forgot to copy new examples
05:22 PM Tom_L: you need ui ini postgui_tom and hal preferences if you want to see my buttons
05:24 PM Tom_L: i'll start fresh with all the files from git
05:26 PM JT-Cave: https://pasteboard.co/QUu0TBfhxI9v.png
05:29 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/hal_button_disable.png
05:29 PM Tom_L: after: sudo apt remove flexgui, git clone flexgui build and install
05:29 PM Tom_L: then copied all my example files to config from flexgui/examples
05:30 PM Tom_L: something is fishy
05:31 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/hal_button_disable2.png
05:33 PM JT-Cave: crap won't even run now...
05:35 PM Tom_L: what changed?
05:37 PM Tom_L: mdi G0 Xetc is ok now
05:38 PM JT-Cave: somehow I ended up with a hal_btn.hal from some time back
05:38 PM Tom_L: everything else seems ok except the hal enables
05:39 PM JT-Cave: you need to pull then delete the example files install flex and copy again
05:39 PM JT-Cave: hal enables all work here
05:39 PM Tom_L: heh, it gets confusing
05:39 PM Tom_L: i deleted the entire flexgui folder from /home/tom/ and git cloned it
05:40 PM Tom_L: my examples are ok from the last pull unless you just now changed something
05:41 PM Tom_L: ok i'll try once more with the 3 just now commits
05:41 PM JT-Cave: https://pasteboard.co/oePQEbJ0tZmu.png
05:41 PM JT-Cave: just now changed the name of tom.ini to Tom
05:42 PM Tom_L: upper T
05:42 PM Tom_L: matters?
05:42 PM JT-Cave: changed it from sim to Tom
05:42 PM JT-Cave: case doesn't matter but when I create a desktop shortcut the name matters
05:43 PM JT-Cave: can't even see poplar bluff on the map it's so red and yellow
05:43 PM * Tom_L makes a backup and starts from 0
05:43 PM JT-Cave: https://radar.weather.gov/station/kpah/standard
05:44 PM JT-Cave: sometimes I just rename the repo and clone again
05:44 PM JT-Cave: like flexgui-old
05:44 PM Tom_L: yeah so do i
05:45 PM Tom_L: gimme a few, got interrupted
05:45 PM JT-Cave: np
05:49 PM Tom_L: hal buttons are still enabled here on launch
05:50 PM JT-Cave: hmm
05:50 PM Tom_L: fresh cloned flexgui built and installed after sudo apt remove flexgui and copied my examples from flexgui/examples to /linuxcnc/configs/flex_examples
05:51 PM Tom_L: checked the date stamps too
05:52 PM JT-Cave: both hal_btn and tom the hal buttons are disabled on startup
05:52 PM Tom_L: lemme check hal_btn here
05:54 PM JT-Cave: damn hens are still under the canopy... they gotta be in by 8
05:54 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/hal_button_enable_hal_sim.png
05:54 PM Tom_L: you're hiding something from me :)
05:55 PM JT-Cave: wtf
05:55 PM Tom_L: that's with a fresh clone and copying all new examples
05:55 PM Tom_L: even sudo apt removed the app
05:56 PM JT-Cave: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/blob/master/flexgui/src/libflexgui/startup.py#L839
05:56 PM JT-Cave: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/blob/master/flexgui/src/libflexgui/startup.py#L861
05:57 PM JT-Cave: does your copy of startup.py have that line?
05:57 PM Tom_L: 861?
05:57 PM JT-Cave: yup
05:57 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:58 PM Tom_dev: else:
05:58 PM Tom_dev: button.pressed.connect(lambda pin=pin: (pin.set(True)))
05:58 PM Tom_dev: button.released.connect(lambda pin=pin: (pin.set(False)))
05:58 PM Tom_dev: parent.state_estop[button.objectName()] = False
05:58 PM Tom_dev: parent.state_estop_reset[button.objectName()] = False
05:58 PM Tom_dev: parent.state_on[button.objectName()] = True
05:58 PM Tom_dev: parent.halcomp.ready()
05:58 PM Tom_L: starting at 858
05:59 PM JT-Cave: you don't have the latest somehow
05:59 PM JT-Cave: oh nevermind you do
05:59 PM Tom_dev: parent.state_estop[button.objectName()] = False
05:59 PM JT-Cave: I'm stumped now
05:59 PM Tom_dev: that's 861
05:59 PM JT-Cave: yup that's correct
06:00 PM Tom_dev: let me do a clone from your repo
06:00 PM Tom_dev: well, you say it's right though
06:03 PM Tom_L: just cloned from yours with the same results
06:03 PM Tom_L: even copied the examples over from there
06:04 PM Tom_dev: i know something changed because mdi G0 X3.5 works now
06:05 PM JT-Cave: yup I fixed that
06:05 PM Tom_L: so everything is current back to your repo
06:06 PM Tom_L: same result with hal_btn sim
06:07 PM Tom_L: did you make a name change somewhere?
06:07 PM JT-Cave: just in the axis status items
06:07 PM Tom_L: yeah i saw those
06:08 PM JT-Cave: the hal button name does not matter
06:08 PM Tom_L: i'm not using them
06:09 PM JT-Cave: download the deb and install that
06:10 PM Tom_dev: from the webpage?
06:10 PM JT-Cave: hmm the webpage may be out of date
06:10 PM Tom_dev: it links to git
06:11 PM Tom_dev: 28 min ago
06:11 PM JT-Cave: oph no it links to the list of debs
06:12 PM Tom_dev: didn't change anything
06:13 PM Tom_dev: both sims have the hal butons enabled
06:14 PM JT-Cave: I 'think' I have a clue
06:14 PM Tom_dev: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/releases
06:14 PM Tom_dev: from there
06:18 PM JT-Cave: pull and try
06:18 PM Tom_dev: ok
06:19 PM JT-Cave: I 'think' on my pc something triggered status.py and it set the enable/disable correctly but it was not being set on startup
06:20 PM Tom_dev: Traceback (most recent call last):
06:20 PM Tom_dev: File "/usr/bin/flexgui", line 178, in <module>
06:20 PM Tom_dev: gui = flexgui()
06:20 PM Tom_dev: ^^^^^^^^^
06:20 PM Tom_dev: File "/usr/bin/flexgui", line 148, in __init__
06:20 PM Tom_dev: startup.set_status(self)
06:21 PM JT-Cave: running from a terminal I get
06:21 PM JT-Cave: task state STATE_ESTOP
06:21 PM JT-Cave: interp state INTERP_IDLE
06:21 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
06:21 PM Tom_dev: i haven't run from terminal in ages
06:21 PM JT-Cave: and the error is?
06:21 PM Tom_dev: ^^
06:22 PM Tom_dev: AttributeError: module 'libflexgui.startup' has no attribute 'set_status'
06:23 PM JT-Cave: do you have to save the file before commit... well it seems so
06:23 PM Tom_dev: do what?
06:23 PM JT-Cave: so running from the terminal I see that status.py is seeing a change
06:23 PM JT-Cave: I forgot to save the file before the commit
06:24 PM Tom_dev: in git you do yes
06:24 PM Tom_dev: woopsie
06:24 PM JT-Cave: yup
06:24 PM JT-Cave: it's late and I'm tired
06:24 PM Tom_dev: i like the comment :)
06:25 PM JT-Cave: lol
06:25 PM Tom_dev: they're disabled now
06:25 PM JT-Cave: so I'm thinking rtai for some reason doesn't change the state but you can only see if you run from a terminal
06:25 PM Tom_dev: and come to life with power on
06:26 PM Tom_dev: rtai?
06:26 PM Tom_dev: preempt-rt?
06:26 PM JT-Cave: run from a terminal and see what it prints
06:28 PM Tom_dev: Note: Using POSIX realtime
06:28 PM Tom_dev: Found file(REL): ./sim.hal
06:28 PM Tom_dev: HAL_BIT_2
06:28 PM Tom_dev: HAL_BIT
06:28 PM Tom_dev: rb_on
06:28 PM Tom_dev: rb_off
06:28 PM Tom_dev: checkBox
06:28 PM Tom_dev: pushButton
06:28 PM Tom_dev: pushButton_2
06:28 PM Tom_dev: pushButton_3
06:29 PM Tom_dev: task state STATE_ESTOP_RESET
06:29 PM Tom_dev: task state STATE_ON
06:29 PM Tom_dev: MODE_MDI
06:29 PM Tom_dev: Can't issue MDI command when not homed
06:29 PM Tom_dev: MODE_MANUAL
06:29 PM Tom_dev: MODE_MDI
06:29 PM JT-Cave: ok so cool no state changes and that makes for a better test along with mine
06:29 PM Tom_dev: MODE_MANUAL
06:29 PM Tom_dev: i'll do a rpi build now
06:30 PM JT-Cave: estop closed power on and tring a hal mdi button?
06:31 PM Tom_dev: works as expected
06:31 PM Tom_dev: state change in hal show
06:31 PM JT-Cave: ok pull now
06:31 PM Tom_dev: oh, clean up your mess...
06:32 PM JT-Cave: lol
06:32 PM Tom_dev: #21 up
06:35 PM JT-Cave: done
06:35 PM JT-Cave: that was interesting lol
06:35 PM Tom_dev: sure was
06:35 PM JT-Cave: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/38-general-linuxcnc-questions/46289-which-ui?start=20#299858
06:36 PM Tom_dev: what is that first gui?
06:37 PM Tom_dev: i'm not sure where you'd get chip load or surface speed from
06:37 PM JT-Cave: Haas includes this data in real time in their NGC DRO, and it populates if you include the flute count and nominal cutter diameter in the tool library page. You have to scroll right pretty far, and I have never met anyone other than me that bothers.
06:37 PM Tom_dev: the tool table doesn't tell how many flutes the cutter has for chip load
06:37 PM JT-Cave: it's a calculation that needs some inputs
06:37 PM Tom_dev: right
06:38 PM Tom_dev: the tool table doesn't allow for teeth count does it?
06:38 PM Tom_dev: otherwise all the data would be there to calculate it
06:38 PM JT-Cave: looks like HAAS doesn't either you have to enter it somewhere
06:38 PM Tom_dev: feed, rpm & teeth
06:38 PM Tom_dev: & diameter
06:39 PM Tom_dev: that sort of thing should be done in the cad cam
06:39 PM JT-Cave: is DOC part of that?
06:39 PM Tom_dev: maybe
06:39 PM Tom_dev: and width
06:39 PM JT-Cave: not if your tweaking feed and rpm with overrides
06:39 PM JT-Cave: https://www.machiningdoctor.com/calculators/milling-calculators-2/#cutting-speed-calculator-and-formula
06:39 PM Tom_dev: it's an imaginary number to make engineers superior to grunts
06:40 PM Tom_dev: it is useful
06:40 PM Tom_dev: there are way too many factors that can change it
06:41 PM Tom_dev: some take 2/3 cutter cut where others use the full flute length for a cut with a shallow stepover
06:41 PM Tom_dev: the latter is supposedly more efficient
06:41 PM JT-Cave: that reminds me of the time an engineer rode the crew boat in with the drill crew and I asked him why he didn't fly in and he said he just wanted to see how the other half lived
06:41 PM JT-Cave: I told him now that you have seen you can get off the boat
06:42 PM JT-Cave: he went inside the boat
06:42 PM Tom_dev: heh
06:43 PM Tom_dev: so what else is it lacking?
06:43 PM Tom_dev: aside from the plotter
06:43 PM JT-Cave: a few more precision fixes
06:43 PM Tom_dev: yeah, i'd limit all floats to 4 places
06:44 PM Tom_dev: if they want more i'm sure you'll hear about it
06:44 PM Tom_dev: anything else 3 should be plenty
06:44 PM JT-Cave: you can set the precision for any float status
06:45 PM Tom_dev: right
06:45 PM JT-Cave: what ever you want by adding a dynamic property
06:45 PM Tom_dev: i think i did once but forgot what i did
06:45 PM Tom_dev: i'm too busy breaking toys to worry about stuff like that atm
06:47 PM Tom_dev: ok, you should go have a beer or some beverage..
06:47 PM JT-Cave: been drinking wine since 3
06:48 PM JT-Cave: hmm it's not in the docs...
06:52 PM JT-Cave: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/labels.html#precision
07:00 PM Tom_L: works for me
07:00 PM JT-Cave: cool
08:27 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
08:27 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
08:29 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> I have trid multiple times to use fswizard and I get stuck partway through filling in the forms
08:35 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> V bit, 60 degree, 3.175mm shank... tip diameter... WTF does it want zero? nope that doesn't work
08:37 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
08:37 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
08:39 PM lcnc-relay: <zmrdko (@zmrdko:matrix.org)> youhouka#0: Probably something like 0.1mm
08:41 PM Tom_L: try something like .002"
08:41 PM Tom_L: i keep fswizzard on my phone
08:42 PM Tom_L: basically high rpm with moderate speed for a v bit
08:47 PM Tom_L: i did this at 4k rpm ~4ipm: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/pendant/new/Pendant_face4.jpg
08:47 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
08:47 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
08:47 PM Tom_L: .125" shank
08:48 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> I'm routing copper clad on a PCB
08:48 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> so my DOC is like 0.05mm
08:48 PM Tom_L: copper is crap to machine
08:48 PM Tom_L: stringy
08:48 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> v bit makes it ok
08:48 PM Tom_L: ^^ that's what i used on aluminum
08:48 PM XXCoder: isnt it like trying to machine tuffy
08:48 PM Tom_L: result looked ok to me
08:49 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> after entering crap it says 145mm/min is my target
08:49 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> and that's fine by me
08:49 PM Tom_L: if you run outta copper i can spare ya some http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/etching/Copper2.jpg
08:50 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> I've been buying the crap off of amazon... and when I have a good project I buy an MG Chemicals panel
08:50 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> how did you get that much?
08:50 PM Tom_L: 145mm/m is about 5 ipm?
08:51 PM Tom_L: that's just what i kept
08:51 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> hah wow
08:51 PM Tom_L: we had about 2 pickups full
08:51 PM Tom_L: got from a closing board house
08:51 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/etching/Copper3.jpg
08:51 PM Tom_L: had to cut the full sheets in half to store them
08:52 PM Tom_L: they gave me ~5 gal of acid too but i didn't keep it
09:35 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
09:57 PM lcnc-relay: <youhouka#0> You aren't near SF are you? 😄
09:59 PM Tom_L: nope
11:35 PM Leeloo: I have Mesa 7i76 on a long (25 feet) DB25 cable and I get 6i25 loading all fine, but it's not detecting the 7i76. The LED for 5V is on (the jumpers are set for the FPGA side to supply it) but I just measured that voltage and it's 3.75V... I guess that cable drops too much voltage maybe and that's why it's not detected?
11:40 PM Leeloo: Also, I wonder, if I am to supply that 5V - can it be dropped by a regulator from the 12V vfield or do I need a separate 5V PSU?