#linuxcnc Logs

Nov 27 2023

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:26 AM Deejay: moin
04:22 AM mrec: did anyone fiddle around with python and gtk recently? with 2.9 there seems to be a problem with get_tooltip_text() it returns None but it actually shows up.
04:41 AM Tom_L: morning
04:57 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:57 AM JT-Cave: gtk is dead
05:34 AM Deejay: long live gtk!
05:40 AM mrec: ok .. PSNG bug it seems. the tooltip was in the wrong node (a subnode) of the xml tree
06:35 AM Tom_L: 21°F
06:44 AM JT-Cave: 26°F High: 46 °F
06:45 AM Tom_L: somebody should add that plot color stuff to the docs
06:45 AM Tom_L: for axis
06:52 AM JT-Cave: rooster just crowed
06:54 AM JT-Cave: what plot color stuff?
06:54 AM JT-Cave: I thought it didn't work for you
07:17 AM Tom_L: i got it to work
07:18 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23linuxcnc/2023-11-26.html
07:18 AM Tom_L: 6:33PM & 7:22PM
07:20 AM Tom_L: the light background is in /usr/share/docs/linuxcnc to be copied to ~user/ .Xresources then run that command if they want a light background
07:34 AM JT-Cave: ah ok
07:34 AM Tom_L: the trick was you have to run that command after
07:39 AM Tom_L: it would be nice if there was a dark background file in that /usr/share... folder too but there isn't
07:40 AM Tom_L: would make it easier to pick either one then
08:43 AM JT-Cave: I think I need to come up with a different name for the gui thing other than emc.. dunno
08:43 AM bjorkint0sh: what does EMCs stand for?
08:47 AM JT-Cave: well NIST created the Enhanced Machine Controller which is what this project used to be called
08:48 AM bjorkint0sh: ah you want a new name then.
08:48 AM JT-Cave: but I don't want to call it pyqymopapppty\
08:48 AM JT-Cave: or pyqtmydragon
08:49 AM JT-Cave: or anything else silly like that lol
08:49 AM bjorkint0sh: how'bouts CME? CNC Manipulation EsomethingorOther
08:49 AM bjorkint0sh: no good ideas.
08:50 AM JT-Shop: oh and emc is used a lot in the code still
08:51 AM JT-Shop: hmm
08:51 AM bjorkint0sh: what's wrong with keeping the name then?
08:52 AM JT-Shop: nothing, just rambling
08:52 AM JT-Shop: GBTDS
08:52 AM JT-Shop: Gui Builder That Doesn't Suck
08:53 AM bjorkint0sh: FGTR: Fantastic Gui That Rocks.
08:53 AM bjorkint0sh: FGTR pronounced 'forgetter'
08:53 AM bjorkint0sh: oh. GTR
08:54 AM bjorkint0sh: 'getter'
08:54 AM bjorkint0sh: gui that rocks.
08:55 AM JT-Shop: I like the last one
09:10 AM bjorkint0sh: as in LCNC has a real GTR!
10:18 AM roycroft: happy cyberspam day!
10:53 AM JT-Shop: Tom_L, if you get a chance check out emc