#linuxcnc Logs

Oct 25 2023

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:44 AM Deejay: moin
03:46 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:16 AM Tom_L: morning
04:17 AM Tom_L: 69°F & heavy rain
04:45 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:47 AM JT-Cave: 69°F humidity 57% which is not normal
07:17 AM JT-Cave: rooster just crowed
07:21 AM Tom_L: rain let up a bit
07:24 AM JT-Cave: rain starts thursday night here then a freeze sunday night
07:25 AM Tom_L: garage had water in it so i know it came down hard
07:27 AM Tom_L: yeah, 25 sunday night 23 Tuesday
07:38 AM Tom_L: 1st rain in quite a while... traffic backed up for miles
07:38 AM Tom_L: does their brain just not work?
07:41 AM Tom_L: rain gauge shows 4.25"
07:49 AM JT-Cave: wow that's a lot of rain
07:50 AM JT-Cave: yup people are idiots for the most part and don't have a clue how to drive in weather
08:39 AM * JT-Cave has no clue how to program a 7i83... hopefully pcw-home can chime in with some advice
08:44 AM bjorkintosh: https://twitter.com/jxxf/status/1522993091409768448?lang=en
08:45 AM bjorkintosh: what's a 7i83?
09:04 AM pcw-home: a 7I83 is a six channel +-10V analog output card
09:05 AM pcw-home: Basically identical to the analog section of a 7I77
09:07 AM pcw-home: differences: hal name (7I83 instead of 7I77), Isolation, 6 individually controlled enable outputs
09:15 AM JT-Cave: so if field power is 24vdc that analog out is still -10-0-10vdc
09:15 AM JT-Cave: that > the
09:27 AM pcw-home: Yes
09:27 AM JT-Cave: thanks
09:28 AM * JT-Cave ponders how to add that to mesact...
09:43 AM pcw-home: I can send you a pin list if the helps
10:08 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, another inch sice i last reported...
10:10 AM Tom_L: i had a peaceful ride down the side streets while everyone was playing pinball on the highways
10:12 AM roycroft: we'll be getting snow in the mountains soon and maybe our first frost here in the valley
10:14 AM Tom_L: i just hope it tapers off before sunday when the overnite temp drops to 25F
10:21 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
10:21 AM JT-Shop: pcw-home, I have one hooked up to a 7i77 and have the pin names thanks
10:26 AM pcw-home: the enables are a bit different (on the 7I77 there is one enable for analog channels 0..4 and another for channel 5, on the 7I83 there are individual enables for all channels)
10:48 AM JT-Shop: thanks
11:38 AM lunada: so, by not selecting anything in the quick start tab in the mesa config tool, i was able to get around the errors i was getting for the analog settings
11:38 AM lunada: obviously i'll have to enter all that info into the files by hand
11:39 AM lunada: if i selected a 7i77 board, the box for analog settings showed up
11:46 AM JT-Cave: what did you have selected when you got the error?
11:48 AM lunada: just 7i92t and 7i85
11:48 AM lunada: since the 7i83 isnt listed
11:52 AM JT-Shop: I'm not getting any error selecting 7i92t and 7i85 then configuring one axis
11:53 AM JT-Shop: can you https://paste.debian.net/ the actual error?
11:56 AM lunada: this is the error i got after making a config file. it's not the error you're asking for but i'll get that in a second
11:56 AM lunada: https://paste.debian.net/1296190
11:56 AM JT-Shop: Note: Using POSIX non-realtime
11:56 AM JT-Shop: that does not look right
11:57 AM lunada: my config files are missing a ton of stuff obviously, but this didnt look like that kind of error
11:57 AM JT-Shop: hm2_eth: ERROR: Failed to create iptables chain hm2-eth-rules-outputhm2_eth: WARNING: Unable to restrict other access to the hm2-eth device.
11:57 AM JT-Shop: are you running uspace?
11:58 AM JT-Shop: in a terminal do uname -a
11:58 AM lunada: Linux cncrouter 5.10.0-5-rt-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT Debian 5.10.24-1 (2021-03-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
11:58 AM JT-Shop: hmm that looks right
12:00 PM lunada: hardware related? this pc is just what was already in the machine
12:02 PM pcw-home: hm2_eth: ERROR: ioctl SIOCSARP failed: Operation not permitted
12:02 PM lunada: it isnt a laptop, but it uses laptop-ish components i think
12:02 PM pcw-home: suggests a LinuxCNC install issue (no setuid)
12:03 PM lunada: huh. weird
12:03 PM lunada: didnt really have any issues installing it
12:03 PM lunada: it is debian 11 and 2.9 pre
12:03 PM lunada: i can go back to 10 and 2.8
12:04 PM JT-Shop: the most simple test of linuxcnc and an ethernet card is:
12:04 PM JT-Shop: In a terminal
12:04 PM JT-Shop: halrun
12:04 PM JT-Shop: loadrt hostmot2
12:04 PM JT-Shop: for ethernet
12:04 PM JT-Shop: loadrt hm2_eth board_ip=
12:04 PM JT-Shop: so three commands
12:05 PM lunada: cncrouter@cncrouter:~$ halrun
12:05 PM lunada: bash: halrun: command not found
12:05 PM lunada: cncrouter@cncrouter:~$ loadrt hostmot2
12:05 PM lunada: bash: loadrt: command not found
12:05 PM lunada: cncrouter@cncrouter:~$ loadrt hm2_eth board_ip=
12:05 PM lunada: bash: loadrt: command not found
12:05 PM lunada: cncrouter@cncrouter:~$
12:08 PM JT-Shop: if halrun does not work linuxcnc is not installed
12:09 PM JT-Shop: the loadrt commands are hal commands and only work after hal starts with halrun
12:09 PM lunada: i mean i opened linuxcnc lol
12:09 PM * JT-Shop has to head out shortly but I'm working on adding the 7i83 to MesaCT
12:10 PM JT-Shop: halrun works if you are not running linuxcnc and it's installed not for a RIP (Run In Place)
12:10 PM lunada: it did say not installed next to the linuxcnc tab in mesa config tool, but there is definitely linuxcnc on this pc
12:11 PM JT-Shop: hmm pcw-home do you have to have dev installed for halrun?
12:12 PM pcw-home: I wouldn't think so
12:13 PM lunada: weird. i can restart and see if that does anything
12:13 PM pcw-home: how was LinuxCNC installed?
12:14 PM lunada: it was part of the iso image for linux i installed
12:14 PM lunada: found it on the forum
12:14 PM lunada: or at least a link to it
12:15 PM lunada: it was in a thread about the pyqt5 version in debian 10 not compatible with the mesa config tool 2, and it said i needed 11 for it to work
12:17 PM JT-Shop: bbl
12:25 PM Tom_L: lunada, might i suggest using the new debian 12 iso: http://linuxcnc.org/iso/
12:27 PM Tom_L: there will be a handfull of dependencies for mesaflash and mesact you will need to add but it's a pretty easy install
12:27 PM lunada: yea i can do that. or i can go back to 10, whatever is better
12:27 PM Tom_L: check the latency on the live cd (dvd)
12:27 PM Tom_L: but i'd try 12
12:28 PM lunada: ok
12:28 PM Tom_L: the 2.9.1 one
12:28 PM lunada: i'm gonna go start wiring the machine so it actually looks like i did something this week, but i will try it later
12:28 PM Tom_L: i tried it and the rpi one for testing but no live hardware eyt
12:28 PM Tom_L: yet
12:29 PM Tom_L: when you use gdebi to install the mesact tool it will list the needed dependencies
12:29 PM Tom_L: and the readme for mesaflash has those
12:30 PM lunada: i couldnt get gdebi to install or work for this version
12:30 PM Tom_L: i've been using it on 12 for a while
12:30 PM Tom_L: also the latest mesaflash is at github LinuxCNC/mesaflash
12:30 PM Tom_L: 3.5
12:31 PM lunada: do i still need mesaflash if i already flashed the firmware?
12:31 PM Tom_L: maybe not but it's good to have
12:31 PM lunada: gotcha
12:31 PM Tom_L: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/mesaflash
12:32 PM Tom_L: and jt updates mesact weekly if not daily
12:32 PM lunada: thanks
12:33 PM lunada: nice
12:33 PM Tom_L: it's still a work in progress
12:33 PM lunada: last time i did this there was no such thing lol
12:34 PM Tom_L: right :)
12:34 PM Tom_L: i did mine manually
12:34 PM lunada: just a 5i25 and 7i77
12:35 PM lunada: i have a 3 axis vmc with an atc that i did about 7-8 years ago
12:35 PM lunada: this machine has way more io and one more servo since it's a gantry
12:38 PM Tom_L: gantry setup has improved alot too
12:40 PM lunada: nice. ive only done one with steppers
12:41 PM lunada: ok i'm off to start wiring, thanks for the help
12:41 PM Tom_L: later
12:43 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.9/html/man/man9/gantry.9.html
12:43 PM Tom_L: i've never set one up
02:07 PM solarwind: Is there a maximum torque spec for a bridgeport R8 taper?
02:07 PM solarwind: That is, what's the biggest face mill I can put in there before the R8 taper slips?
02:08 PM solarwind: I don't want to ruin the taper surface and I am about to stick in an 8" face mill
02:17 PM Unterhaus__ is now known as unterhausen
02:17 PM unterhausen: 8" face mill is a bit much
02:18 PM unterhausen: We had a 2" face mill and it was nbd for an R8, I wished we had something a little bigger sometimes
02:18 PM solarwind: unterhausenI also have 6", 5", 4", 3", ...
02:18 PM solarwind: 3" works just fine
02:19 PM solarwind: I give it 0.1mm feed per tooth and 0.1mm depth of cut for finishing passes at ~150m/min surface speed
02:19 PM unterhausen: I have made a bp shake pretty well
02:20 PM unterhausen: I forget if that was ever with the face mill, but it seems likely
02:20 PM solarwind: I haven't. I like to run cutters at high speeds and never at resonant frequency
02:21 PM unterhausen: is the resonant frequency of a bp known?
02:21 PM solarwind: I'm sure someone knows it, but I just avoid the speeds that make it shake
02:22 PM unterhausen: I'm not sure it was resonance, it was just bending
02:23 PM unterhausen: but I expect that to be an issue for you before torque
03:06 PM solarwind: I don't know what to make of these "negative rake" turning tool holders that use *N*G inserts
03:07 PM solarwind: Does the chipbreaker make it truly negative rake?
03:08 PM solarwind: https://www.traverscanada.com/media/catalog/product/2/2/22-100-056.jpg how is that "negative rake" ?
03:09 PM solarwind: The tool holder angles it just enough to give it front and side clearances, but that "chipbreaker" makes it positive rake ignoring that very small flat land at the edge that some inserts barely have
03:10 PM solarwind: https://www.toolmex.com/ecomm_images/items/large/wnmg-ms.jpg like that one is clearly _very_ positive rake
03:13 PM solarwind: Calling them "negative rake" is misleading. They hold the insert at an overall acute angle to the workpiece, but the rake is still positive
03:39 PM Tom_L: solarwind, the R8 cutter size would also depend on the material
03:40 PM Tom_L: dumped 6" of water from the rain gauge so far
03:40 PM roycroft: we're having sunny breaks today
03:40 PM Tom_L: roughly a 12 hr period
03:40 PM roycroft: but it did rain earlier
03:40 PM Tom_L: flash flood warnings
03:41 PM roycroft: death valley is still death lake, after just that one storm in august
03:41 PM Tom_L: last week they had no burn bans it was so dry
04:43 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:44 PM XXCoder: yay finally powers back
05:01 PM roycroft: we just went from sunny breaks to monsoon season in a matter of seconds
05:04 PM JT-Shop: nice afternoon 80°F breezy nice lunch and nice ride
05:04 PM JT-Shop: passed 10k miles on the way home
05:05 PM roycroft: have you had a chance to check on the parcel i sent?
05:05 PM JT-Shop: this morning it was in transit
05:05 PM roycroft: perfect
05:05 PM roycroft: that's all i need to know :)
05:17 PM Tom_L: rain finally quit for a bit here
05:17 PM Tom_L: overall today logged 6"
05:17 PM JT-Shop: https://youtu.be/Pl1ytAcjQmc?t=1227
05:19 PM Tom_L: interesting
05:19 PM XXCoder: better mold this time
05:20 PM Tom_L: wonder how long it takes to cool
05:20 PM XXCoder: slower the better I think
05:20 PM XXCoder: less voids
05:21 PM XXCoder: could be wrong however
05:22 PM XXCoder: removing scum is interesting
05:23 PM JT-Shop: dross
05:23 PM XXCoder: thanks. couldnt rememebr name lol
05:24 PM XXCoder: interesting refull as it cools down
05:24 PM Roguish: a lot of keels used to be made just south of the border.....probably still are too.
05:24 PM XXCoder: just glad to see reasonable care with lead
05:25 PM JT-Shop: that guy made thousands of keels
05:31 PM XXCoder: yeah? interesting
05:34 PM Roguish: i used to race on an 80' yacht. about 80000 lb displacement, and about half of that was keel. lead.
05:35 PM XXCoder: fun
05:37 PM Connor: Are 7i76e's just not available now? What are folks doing if they need one of these or if gets damaged.
05:38 PM JT-Shop: they are not available any more and the replacement is in the works
05:38 PM JT-Shop: the 7i96s is in stock and has a bit less I/O
05:39 PM Connor: Now that I'm looking.. I don't see anything except the 7i86s.
05:39 PM Tom_L: by the time you're done with mesact you'll have all their features memorized !
05:40 PM Connor: Yea, I see it. I was looking to see what I could do if our 7i76e died.
05:40 PM JT-Shop: I used to sail a bermudan fractional rig in the Gulf that was made in Cali
05:40 PM Connor: 7i76e in a AVID CNC, 7i96S on a plasma.
05:42 PM Connor: What's the issue? Chip supply still?
05:42 PM JT-Shop: yeah
05:42 PM Tom_L: he switched fpga and it takes time to rework all the boards
05:42 PM Tom_L: of the ones that are going to be
05:44 PM Connor: Isn't Tormach use the mesa cards still?
07:17 PM Connor: Having issues getting the PC to talk to the 7i76S. The link keeps going up and down.
07:19 PM * CloudEvil ponders network terminatos.
07:41 PM Connor: I could get a link at 10MB/Half Duplex, pings about 5 to 8 times, then the mesa card does something.. lights turn red, then it comes back..
07:41 PM Connor: it won't do anything at 100MB Half or Full Duplex.
09:55 PM pcw-home: Connor: Sounds like a power supply issue (5V power drops and the card resets)
10:00 PM roycroft: try plugging both the pc and the mesa card into a small switch that carries no other traffic
10:32 PM Connor: Hmm.. That's possible.. The PSU is rather on the small side.
10:34 PM srk| is now known as srk
10:36 PM Connor: @pcw-home Okay, That was it. Was using a small bread board PSU that must have not supply enough amps, switched to another that's based on a 7805 and it's working.
10:36 PM Connor: Ugg.
10:44 PM srk_ is now known as srk
11:33 PM srk| is now known as srk
11:45 PM srk_ is now known as srk