#linuxcnc Logs

Oct 02 2023

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:00 AM Deejay: moin
02:12 AM travis_farmer: Morning :-)
04:49 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:49 AM JT-Cave: I have no clue what this means All of these are included in SystemRescue and it is strongly advised to use the latest version
05:49 AM JT-Cave: https://openlunchbox.com/mw19/index.php/HOWTO:_Gentoo_for_LinuxCNC
05:52 AM JT-Cave: and that's what I love about gentoo those that know assume you do to
05:52 AM JT-Cave: so you can't even get past step one
06:01 AM Scopeuk: best guess https://www.system-rescue.org/
06:02 AM JT-Cave: nice find
06:09 AM JT-Cave: https://www.system-rescue.org/Installing-SystemRescue-on-a-USB-memory-stick/
06:09 AM JT-Cave: Run it ./sysrescueusbwriter-x86_64.AppImage [OPTIONS] <ISO-FILE>
06:10 AM * JT-Cave wonders what [OPTIONS] are?
06:10 AM JT-Cave: ah found a link to options
06:22 AM Tom_L: what's the advantage of gentoo?
06:23 AM JT-Cave: none yet :)
06:23 AM JT-Cave: well the fawn is looking for breakfast now
06:28 AM Scopeuk: the only advantage of gentoo anyone has ever given me is greater control and flexibility (you can turn on just the things you need without bringing in anything else)
06:31 AM JT-Cave: that's what I understood no bloat
06:34 AM Scopeuk: I guess it's a trade off of "software weight" vs flexibility
06:43 AM Tom_L: https://github.com/NTULINUX/RTAI#rtai-533-delta-for-linuxcnc
06:50 AM solarwind: CaptHindsight funny you should link that, I was planning on heading to a bakery this morning
06:51 AM solarwind: had to burn some weed for the insomnia. I don't like it and almost never do it, but it is moderately effective. And it gives you crazy munchies
06:56 AM JT-Cave: rooster just crowed
06:58 AM solarwind: JT-Cave your rooster might be high too
06:59 AM JT-Cave: one is three minutes ahead of the other I assume it's due to pytz and zoneinfo being a bit different
07:00 AM solarwind: By minutes? Sounds more like a 3 minute latency in your network
07:01 AM solarwind: Good a time as any to finally migrate from 10BASE2
07:01 AM travis_farmer: lol
07:02 AM JT-Cave: I think zoneinfo is more accurate than pytz
07:03 AM solarwind: I don't think there is any difference in the underlying data
07:03 AM solarwind: they should be identical
07:04 AM JT-Cave: "should be" but they are 3 minutes apart for sunrise both running on the same pc
07:05 AM JT-Cave: cannot import name 'QSound' from 'PyQt6.QtMultimedia'
07:05 AM solarwind: ok now I'm curious
07:06 AM solarwind: let me check ito ut
07:06 AM JT-Cave: porting my chicken alarm from pyqt5 to pyqt6 and zoneinfo and python3-astral
07:07 AM travis_farmer: use an Arduino with a network adaptor to pull in NTP ;-)
07:08 AM JT-Cave: why
07:08 AM solarwind: JT-Cave it's identical on my computer
07:08 AM solarwind: tested both mac os and Linux
07:08 AM travis_farmer: just rocking the boat ;-)
07:08 AM JT-Cave: might be a difference in the two programs, I ported a bit at a time
07:08 AM JT-Cave: dunno
07:09 AM solarwind: https://blog.ganssle.io/articles/2018/03/pytz-fastest-footgun.html
07:10 AM solarwind: the 3 minutes thing indicates a bug in your code
07:10 AM solarwind: see where he attaches the zone to the datetime
07:10 AM solarwind: you get weird offsets like 04:56 which are not valid
07:11 AM JT-Cave: the pyqt5 program has been depreciated and I no longer use it
07:12 AM JT-Cave: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython-6/overviews/qtmultimedia-changes-qt6.html#changes-to-qt-multimedia
07:13 AM JT-Cave: https://paste.debian.net/1293799/
07:15 AM solarwind: JT-Cave SHAME ON YOU
07:15 AM solarwind: pep8 specifies 4 spaces, not tabs
07:15 AM JT-Cave: why
07:15 AM JT-Cave: screw them spaces suck
07:15 AM JT-Cave: tabs are acceptable
07:16 AM solarwind: I tend to use whatever the language best practices doc/tools specify
07:16 AM JT-Cave: I use what makes better sense
07:18 AM JT-Cave: I can see 1 tab marker vs 4 spaces better and when you get deep counting 24 spaces sucks so they are full of it when they say use 4 spaces
07:19 AM JT-Cave: and my tabs are only 2 spaces...
07:19 AM solarwind: this is how you're supposed to use pytz: pytz.timezone('America/Toronto').localize(datetime.now())
07:19 AM solarwind: you have to use the localize() method
07:20 AM solarwind: or it'll return absurd offsets
07:20 AM JT-Cave: that could have been my issue before but pytz is going away so not important that I know how to use it
07:21 AM solarwind: by the way take a look at QML if you haven't already
07:22 AM JT-Cave: I have not, what is QML?
07:22 AM solarwind: It's a language specific to QT that allows you to write the UI in a more declarative way
07:22 AM solarwind: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython-6/quickstart.html
07:23 AM solarwind: example half way down the page
07:23 AM JT-Cave: hmm they start out with a venv and I don't use that
07:23 AM solarwind: you don't _have_ to write the function in javascript, you can have it call back python code
07:23 AM solarwind: O_O
07:23 AM solarwind: venv is like... always the right thing to do
07:23 AM solarwind: what do you use instead?
07:23 AM JT-Cave: and @ I don't use either
07:24 AM solarwind: well you don't _have_ to use venv, but that's the best practice
07:24 AM JT-Cave: I program in a more strait forward manner without using @slot
07:24 AM solarwind: those are just function annotations
07:24 AM JT-Cave: not really it's a waste of my time
07:25 AM * travis_farmer gets breakfast...
07:25 AM JT-Cave: that's what I forgot...
08:21 AM * JT-Shop concludes pep8 was written by some sadistic person wanting coders to spend their life hunting for indentation errors one at a time
08:36 AM bjorkintosh: JT-Shop, what's your editor of choice?
08:56 AM JT-Cave: pluma
09:02 AM JT-Shop: or in a terminal it's nano
09:02 AM * JT-Shop goes to clean out the fly trap YUCK
09:05 AM Loetmichel: JT-Cave: i can remember times when a singe fogotten ; made the modula compoler throw a few 1000 errors. Have fun getting to the source of that. (pun intended)
09:05 AM Loetmichel: +r
09:06 AM Loetmichel: compiler
09:06 AM Loetmichel: single.
09:06 AM Loetmichel: MAN am i typing garbage today :)
09:06 AM JT-Shop: yup that's even worse then finding one error at a time
09:06 AM JT-Shop: have you been drinking for lunch?
09:07 AM Loetmichel: nope, just the usual "trashy" $3 company keyboard
09:07 AM Loetmichel: i am used to ma ModelM at home, every monday i have to "relearn" to type on that trash dell thing.
09:09 AM JT-Shop: LOL
09:09 AM CloudEvil: ...
09:09 AM CloudEvil: Just buy another for work
09:10 AM * JT-Shop 'was' going to buy another arcan 3T low profile jack but they are now lime puke green... that will never fit
09:10 AM Loetmichel: nah, the times when 80% of the notebooks here at the company were my own are gone with the buyout by Bechtle.
09:10 AM bjorkintosh: Loetmichel, why not take your preferred keyboard to work?
09:11 AM bjorkintosh: is it disallowed?
09:11 AM Loetmichel: Now we are a "Proper" multinational company with rules about private electronics at the company.
09:11 AM bjorkintosh: oh
09:11 AM bjorkintosh: well. just sneak it in.
09:11 AM bjorkintosh: Or. poor water all over your keyboard and ask your boss nicely for a better one.
09:11 AM bjorkintosh: *pour
09:16 AM bjorkintosh: Loetmichel, you might enjoy this: https://vintageapple.org/byte/pdf/198408_Byte_Magazine_Vol_09-08_Modula-2.pdf
09:23 AM JT-Shop: Loetmichel, so no more co-workers tying up the printers all day?
09:31 AM Loetmichel: bjorkintosh: well, i learned programming on a pre-IMMB
09:32 AM Loetmichel: bjorkintosh: well, i learned programming on a pre-IBM z80 office PC.
09:32 AM Loetmichel: in basic and modula2
09:32 AM Loetmichel: then switched to amiga and Modula2
09:32 AM bjorkintosh: Loetmichel, is your keyboard bluetooth by any chance?
09:33 AM Loetmichel: nope, we are a security company. anything "over air" is frowned upon here
09:33 AM Loetmichel: JT-Shop: nope, still have 3 otehr engineers that have access. USUALLY they ask before they use one of the printers though
09:34 AM bjorkintosh: naturlich.
09:35 AM CaptHindsight: <JT-Cave> I have no clue what this means All of these are included in SystemRescue and it is strongly advised to use the latest version
09:36 AM JT-Shop: a hint of what systemrescue is would be a big help in the instructions
09:37 AM CaptHindsight: just use your running debian system instead, there is a slight chance that it might damage the debian system so use an install that you don't mind having to redo
09:37 AM JT-Shop: lol
09:37 AM CaptHindsight: it's written to not damage the debian system but it's not tested yet
09:38 AM CaptHindsight: so it's a good test as well
09:38 AM JT-Shop: all that information would be helpful on the instruction page would help
09:38 AM CaptHindsight: it's just a beta
09:39 AM Roguish: holly crap. there you guys are...... i've been watching on Matrix and you're all gone there......
09:39 AM Loetmichel: *giggle* my engineering boss just: "Wenn du das so konstruerst müssen wir den schweisser leider mitverkaufen weil wir den da nimmer rausbekommen!" :) (If you design it THIS way we'll have to sell the welder with the product because he will have to stay inside!)
09:39 AM CaptHindsight: yes, they took the bridges down Matrix --> irc
09:39 AM Roguish: Travis just told me to look here....
09:39 AM travis_farmer: :-)
09:39 AM CaptHindsight: security issues, they may never come back
09:40 AM Roguish: just got a new project. an old friend called and said he needs my help. check out Verdagy.com
09:41 AM Roguish: https://verdagy.com/
09:41 AM Roguish: they're throwing money at me....lol
09:41 AM travis_farmer: throw some my way ;-)
09:42 AM * JT-Shop heads for the Smokies in a few days
09:42 AM travis_farmer: taking up smoking? ;-)
09:43 AM Scopeuk: Loetmichel did the welder wrong you? or do they just like travel?
09:44 AM Loetmichel: Scopeuk: i did something that would have had to mounted from the inside of the box AFTER the box had been closed. My bad. Boss was just ironic about it.
09:52 AM bjorkintosh: Loetmichel, I thought it was a security company?
09:54 AM bjorkintosh: Roguish, what's your project about?
09:54 AM Loetmichel: bjorkintosh: we make hardware thats hardened against over the air eavesdropping
09:54 AM bjorkintosh: now I'm afraid to ask what kind.
09:54 AM Loetmichel: IT hardware
09:55 AM Loetmichel: google "Sdip 27 level A"
09:55 AM Scopeuk: the same stuff you find in a standard office but for people and groups that have all the budget in the world and limited focus
09:56 AM travis_farmer: how many people try to put a WiFi AP inside RF hardened enclosures? ;-)
09:56 AM Scopeuk: the same people who will phone it support becouse their computer wont power up in a blackout
09:56 AM travis_farmer: lol
09:57 AM Loetmichel: <- making a 17" notebook at the moment
09:57 AM bjorkintosh: yep. the sense of uneasiness has simply increased.
09:57 AM Loetmichel: out of a HP notebook and some 5kg alu :)
09:58 AM Roguish: bjorkintosh: Green Hydrogen production equipment. elecrolizers. split water into H and O.
09:58 AM Loetmichel: (will be an enclosure milled out of alu billets, not sheet metal bent)
09:58 AM bjorkintosh: Roguish, isn't the energy required orders of magnitude greater (and dirtier) than the energy generated?
09:59 AM Loetmichel: projected notebook weight: around 5kg/10lb... without the charger ;)
09:59 AM Roguish: yes. the idea is to use wind or solar power, when their in high production and low demand.
10:00 AM bjorkintosh: I see.
10:00 AM Loetmichel: bjorkintosh: IIRC "knallgas" generation is pretty efficient. Around 90% or so, rest is heat.
10:00 AM Loetmichel: and if you use "waste" eletricity its feasible.
10:00 AM bjorkintosh: Roguish, why not go rogue and just use ... cough*nukular*cough?!
10:01 AM Roguish: hey, they're throwing money at me. I'm not going to rain on their parade
10:01 AM Loetmichel: that said: i would invest a bit more "wasted" energy and convert that hydrogen to alcohol via co2 from the athmosphere. there is a synthesis for that. makes the fuel a LOT more transportable/storable
10:02 AM Roguish: the H is not for storage, it's for local, immediate use. either like burning, or making ammonia
10:03 AM bjorkintosh: interesting. they're making ammonia from H?
10:03 AM bjorkintosh: I thought it was the other way around: H from ammonia.
10:03 AM Roguish: yeah, NH4
10:03 AM Roguish: ammoia burns really good.
10:04 AM Roguish: and stores way better, easier.
10:04 AM bjorkintosh: and transports better.
10:04 AM Roguish: you can use ammonia almost like diesel fule.
10:05 AM Roguish: ok. gotta run out for bit. BBL
10:05 AM bjorkintosh: and for refrigeration of course.
10:06 AM Loetmichel: bjorkintosh: well, a lot of modern cooling devices use butane for that
10:06 AM Loetmichel: or similar
10:06 AM Loetmichel: butane/propane mixes
10:06 AM * travis_farmer wonders if burning ammonia smells like peeing on a camp-fire...
10:07 AM CaptHindsight: "nucular" is scary
10:07 AM Loetmichel: CaptHindsight: actually: the only scary thing about that word is the thought of Homer at the helm of a nuclear reactor. :)
10:08 AM bjorkintosh: CaptHindsight, it's only scary because of ridiculous whitehouse science advisors.
10:08 AM * travis_farmer makes some lunch...
10:08 AM bjorkintosh: so called dirty bomb advisors and other such fat heads
10:09 AM bjorkintosh: https://www.wired.com/story/einsteins-little-known-passion-project-a-refrigerator/
10:14 AM CaptHindsight: Carter had solar panels on the Whitehouse in the 70's
10:22 AM roycroft: they were not photovoltaic though
10:23 AM CaptHindsight: is that why the next president took them down?
10:23 AM roycroft: that article to which bjorkintosh linked did reveal one thing though - the internet is actually a refrigerator
10:23 AM roycroft: and no
10:24 AM roycroft: reagan took them down because he had become a dogmatic idiot
10:32 AM JT-Shop: more important than slinging political slander is simple green works much better than car wash to clean rubber mats
10:33 AM CaptHindsight: the power of purple
10:37 AM CaptHindsight: https://vehiclefreak.com/purple-power-vs-simple-green-degreaser-which-is-better/
10:41 AM roycroft: simple green is amazing stuff
10:42 AM CaptHindsight: ever mix the two? they still degrease and no explosion
10:42 AM JT-Shop: when cleaning rubber floor mats it
10:43 AM JT-Shop: s not grease your cleaning
10:44 AM roycroft: simple green is a pretty effective paint stripper
10:45 AM JT-Shop: we used to use simple green to clean metal frames before painting
10:49 AM roycroft: i use a diluted simple green solution in my ultrasonic cleaners for most parts
10:49 AM roycroft: but i'm careful when i'm cleaning plastics and painted stuff with it
10:50 AM JT-Shop: I've read where simple green is only for spray and wipe but simple green pro is for soaking
10:50 AM JT-Shop: metal parts
10:50 AM CaptHindsight: I have soaked engine parts in both
10:51 AM CaptHindsight: they work about the same
10:51 AM JT-Shop: simple green says the green stuff will etch the metal
10:51 AM JT-Shop: if you soak it
10:58 AM CaptHindsight: roycroft: Feinsteins' replacement has been made, so she has stepped down finally
11:25 AM roycroft: yes, and it was a brilliant choice
11:25 AM roycroft: it got newsom out of a corner he had backed himself into
11:25 AM roycroft: but now there will be a special election as well
11:26 AM roycroft: which will coincide with the general election
11:26 AM roycroft: so california may see three people in that senate seat within a year
11:27 AM roycroft: the current appointee, one who will serve from election day until the beginning of january, and one to serve the new term starting in january
11:36 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, don't build yet
12:15 PM CaptHindsight: powermill vs mastercam
12:16 PM CaptHindsight: use powermill if you are an autodesk shop
12:29 PM Tom_L: ok
12:29 PM CaptHindsight: I did not know that simultaneous 5-axis CAM is export restricted
12:30 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L, have you found this to be the case with Powermill vs mastercam?
12:57 PM Tom_L: early on when catia was ported to windows, it had a separate cam package
12:57 PM Tom_L: the posts are still 3rd party generated
12:57 PM CaptHindsight: I don't follow acad much either, why i was asking
12:58 PM Tom_L: maybe good for drafting and construction but not in the machine world
12:58 PM CaptHindsight: I saw a shop that uses powermill for their 5-axis mills and lathes
12:58 PM CaptHindsight: they must be an Autodesk shop
12:59 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.owensind.com/CNCServices/5AxisMachining
01:00 PM Tom_L: years back the one i have (smartcam) & mastercam were competing for market share, smartcam was the leader
01:00 PM Tom_L: since then they've been sold 2-3 times and isn't as popular
01:00 PM CaptHindsight: I most often see and hear masterCAM
01:01 PM Tom_L: also about that same time period i knew a guy that used acad exclusively for cad cam and used a plugin for the cam
01:01 PM Tom_L: nowdays yes mastercam is the leader of affordable cad cam
01:02 PM Tom_L: nc-polaris was the acad plugin
01:03 PM Tom_L: i doubt the ninnernet even knows what that is
01:03 PM CaptHindsight: seems like acad buys up smaller vendors and then either tries to integrate them or kill them
01:04 PM Tom_L: now all a search produces is North Carolina polaris dealers :)
01:05 PM Tom_L: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-2000-2000i-2002-archive/polaris-amp-autocad/td-p/201416
01:06 PM CaptHindsight: https://pmdi.com/products/components/software/motion-control-cad-cam/
01:07 PM Tom_L: maybe somebody picked up the code and did something with it
01:08 PM Tom_L: that was back in dos days
01:08 PM Tom_L: when mylars were still a thing :)
01:23 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:36 PM Unterhausen: youtube has been suggesting videos where people disparage freecad. I don't really care why someone quit using it 2 years ago
01:38 PM roycroft: youtube just started suggesting gun-related ads to me again
01:38 PM roycroft: i'm not sure what i clicked on to get that going
01:40 PM XXCoder: I dont even bother to look at suggestions
01:42 PM roycroft: i occasionally tell youtube to not keep track of what i watch
01:42 PM roycroft: and that usually works for a while
01:43 PM roycroft: but then they start suggesting things that are related to what i watch again
01:43 PM roycroft: and then they start suggesting gun stuff
01:43 PM roycroft: and then i go tell them to forget my history again, and it works for a while
01:43 PM CaptHindsight: I never even notice if anything Google suggests anything to me
01:44 PM Unterhausen: I should stop doom scrolling youtube. Now I'm watching beekeeping videos
01:44 PM Guest70: I'm new to CNC. I'd like to learn how to do some woodworking with CNC. I'm interested in some Openbuilds machines. I was wondering if it makes sense to simply use their controller or if there are clear advantages of using LinuxCNC instead (if that's even possible).
01:45 PM CaptHindsight: it won't hurt to use theirs, it's probably some GRBL thing
01:45 PM roycroft: is your primary interest making parts, learning how cnc works internally, or something else?
01:46 PM roycroft: if it's making parts, then using something as turnkey as possible might be best
01:47 PM roycroft: if it's learning cnc, linuxcnc is a good choice because it has a large community base and a forum that goes back many years with all sorts of useful and helpful information
01:47 PM Guest70: I'd like to use it to make electric guitars, but also other things.
01:47 PM CaptHindsight: I think their controller doesn't have a GUI with preflight or program progress
01:47 PM roycroft: if it's something else, then we'd need to know what that something else is before commenting further
01:47 PM CaptHindsight: it's more like the 3d printer software
01:48 PM CaptHindsight: https://software.openbuilds.com/
01:49 PM roycroft: there is an openbuilds postprocessor for vectric products
01:49 PM CaptHindsight: and runs on Winders
01:50 PM Guest70: I don't want to learn something specific and later find out that I would have been better off learning something with perhaps a steeper learning curve, but with more flexibility.
01:50 PM roycroft: well, some report that it doesn't work with the current version of vectric products (v11)
01:50 PM roycroft: it again depends on your primary focus
01:50 PM CaptHindsight: https://youtu.be/DMz4ltP9Fm0?si=0I1fHWH_37qAzeMN&t=203 even the pendant looks like pronterface
01:51 PM roycroft: if you primarily want to build guitars, and the cnc machine is just a tool to help you build them, then i would start by using their software
01:51 PM roycroft: if you find their software limiting, then you can look at other design and/or control software
01:52 PM CaptHindsight: Guest70: LCNC has far more flexibility but you might never use that flexibility
01:52 PM CaptHindsight: looks like it's a few hours of rewiring anyway to use LCNC instead
01:52 PM roycroft: looks like openbuilds built their one pp for vectric, but that broke in v11
01:52 PM roycroft: but now vectric provide one
01:53 PM Guest70: I don't use Windows. I use Debian (at least privately).
01:53 PM CaptHindsight: so figure a few days tops for someone new to rewire the machine using LCNC as a controller
01:53 PM roycroft: i mention this because i don't know what you use for design software
01:53 PM roycroft: nor what you're doing
01:53 PM Guest70: I have been looking into Freecad.
01:53 PM CaptHindsight: stepper motors, limit switches and the spindle
01:54 PM roycroft: i know you're building guitars, but i have no idea if you need 2d, 2-1/2d, or 3d design and machine control
01:54 PM roycroft: i'd look at the design software first, as that's what is most important
01:55 PM roycroft: vectric cut2d is pretty cheap, and has both openbuild and linuxcnc post-processors, so you could switch at some point easily
01:55 PM CaptHindsight: Guest70: are you building a kit or does it come pre-assembled?
01:55 PM roycroft: vcarve or aspire are expensive, though
01:58 PM CaptHindsight: Guest70: it won't be a big deal to swap the controller later to LCNC, if you are not experienced with wiring and controls it's probably best to just follow the kit instructions
01:58 PM Guest70: I didn't buy a kit yet. I did buy some hardware already from Openbuilds (stepper motors, a power supply and a router).
02:00 PM Guest70: Can I use Freecad as the design software? Or is the design software something other than CAD software?
02:01 PM CaptHindsight: you can use Freecad, just beware that it's still in development
02:02 PM Guest70: Yes, I'm aware of that.
02:08 PM Guest70: At least in the beginning, it will be mostly 2d work. I'll do the 3d shaping by hand. When I get more proficient with designing and CNC that might change, but that will take time.
02:08 PM Guest70: Thanks for your answers!
02:28 PM Unterhausen: I am sometimes surprised at who is using freecad for cnc. I really need to use it some more. I think for my needs, it is fine.
02:28 PM Rab: Anybody recognize this little CNC mill? https://imgur.com/a/SekHYXt
02:29 PM Unterhausen: It's mostly that I can get a solidworks license for $20
02:30 PM Rab: The major components seem like they could be cast iron.
02:30 PM Unterhausen: Rab, pretty nice, but I wonder if some of it is custom castings
02:30 PM XXCoder: looks like cast iron yeah
02:32 PM Rab: Unterhausen, what's your $20 SW license secret
02:32 PM Unterhausen: being a veteran
02:33 PM Rab: Wow, I didn't realize that was available.
02:33 PM Roguish: Unterhauser: go for it
02:33 PM Unterhausen: I think the experimental aircraft people still have a deep discount
02:34 PM Rab: I knew about the aircraft license, and I think it was pretty easy to qualify, but I thought they changed the terms in recent years.
02:35 PM Unterhausen: in both cases, it's a student license, so all the standard annoyances apply
02:35 PM Rab: FreeCAD has been working pretty well for me. I can't remember the last time it crashed.
02:35 PM Unterhausen: I never had it crash. It failed to make something I could print though
02:35 PM Rab: I haven't tried its CAM.
02:35 PM Unterhausen: 3d print doesn't need cam
02:36 PM Unterhausen: the problem I had was there were two competing workbenches for everything. I vaguely recall that there was a branch where someone curated the workbenches, but never tried it out
02:37 PM XXCoder: theres finally upcoming offical assembly
02:37 PM Unterhausen: I understand they don't want to annoy any developers, but leaving cruft in the program is no way to solve that
02:38 PM XXCoder: so once thats fully included devs can focus on that more rather than 4 different assembly addons
02:38 PM Rab: XXCoder, do you know what they're using for a base? (Unless it's a totally original effort?)
02:38 PM Unterhausen: in fusion and solidworks, if you want to print something it's a simple export file
02:38 PM XXCoder: dont know
02:39 PM Unterhausen: of course, sometimes you don't find out it didn't mesh properly until you send it to a slicer
02:41 PM Unterhausen: I got a led ring light from China and immediately put it somewhere safe. So I can't find it.
02:41 PM Unterhausen: I'm going to order another so the first one shows up
02:42 PM Rab: If this is it, it doesn't seem like a merge of an existing assembly implementation. https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/pull/10427
02:43 PM XXCoder: now thats nice way to ensure its safeness unter ;)
02:51 PM Tom_L: Rab, that mill looks alot like the one a friend just got
02:51 PM Tom_L: looking for a pic
02:51 PM Unterhausen: funny thing is I ordered it by mistake, but fortunately it fit my bridgeport spindle
02:53 PM Tom_L: Rab, http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/lightCNC/p1280891.jpg
02:55 PM Tom_L: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/lightCNC/p1280930.jpg
02:55 PM Tom_L: similar...
02:55 PM Rab: proLIGHT sounds familiar, I think one came up for auction here several years ago. I think they were in the trainer mill market. Epoxy granite frame, allegedly.
02:56 PM Tom_L: i think so yes
02:56 PM Tom_L: R8 collet
02:57 PM Rab: Rue Mohr also sounds familiar, I'm in his AVR channel. ;)
02:57 PM Tom_L: oh
02:57 PM Rab: But I hadn't seen mention of the mill.
02:57 PM Tom_L: i used to be moderator there but they had a piss off and split so i left
02:58 PM Tom_L: he's N of Vancouver
02:59 PM roycroft: i'll believe freecad has an official assembly workbench when i see a working official assembly workbench
02:59 PM * roycroft will continue to use not freecad in the meantime
03:03 PM Tom_L: Rab, the spindle mount is solid aluminum
03:03 PM Unterhausen: almost all the stuff I need cad for is a single piece, so assembly isn't critical. I think that's true for most of us
03:04 PM Unterhausen: but there are definitely times assembly is crucial
03:04 PM Rab: I have been exporting parts to STEP and importing them back in to make fake assemblies.
03:04 PM roycroft: and i am making products with multiple parts
03:04 PM roycroft: they are mostly very simple parts
03:05 PM roycroft: but multiple parts nevertheless
03:05 PM roycroft: and i've made too many mistakes modifying one part and forgetting to modify an adjacent part to match
03:05 PM Tom_L: will it make assemblies of assemblies?
03:05 PM roycroft: assemblies help with that
03:06 PM roycroft: sw makes assemblies of assemblies
03:06 PM Tom_L: so does catia
03:06 PM roycroft: i would not hold out for that
03:06 PM roycroft: but it is something that should be easy to implement, once there is an official assembly workbench
03:06 PM XXCoder: assemblies all way down
03:08 PM Tom_L: Rab, what do you do with avr?
03:11 PM Rab: Tom_L, a lot of stuff. Projects for work, commercial side projects. I should probably be using STM32 (and I have), but AVR is just so easy.
03:12 PM Unterhausen: I'm going to use my paypal security code with the lottery
03:12 PM Tom_L: i've nearly forgotten what i knew with them it's been so long
03:14 PM Rab: I like the LUFA stack for USB peripherals. I made a bunch of ATmega32U4 breakout boards for dropping into projects. E.g. http://reboots.g-cipher.net/atmega32u4bb-ad.jpg http://reboots.g-cipher.net/joystick.jpg
03:14 PM roycroft: so from my reading through the discussions on github, freecad does now have a core assembly workbench
03:14 PM roycroft: it is empty and does nothing, but it exists
03:14 PM roycroft: that's actually progress, though
03:15 PM XXCoder: yeah
03:15 PM Tom_L: Rab, dean and I collaborated on that to make my avr programmer
03:15 PM XXCoder: gonna build structure before filling it
03:16 PM Tom_L: he was in Au at the time and did an intern at avr in Norway
03:17 PM Tom_L: my U4 variant: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/atmega32u4/atmega32u4_1.jpg
03:18 PM Tom_L: i did some U2 as well http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USB_Breakout/USB_Breakout_10.jpg
03:18 PM Rab: Tom_L, very nice. I have a hot air setup, but I don't have the stomach for QFN stuff.
03:18 PM Tom_L: i hand soldered that QFN :)
03:19 PM Tom_L: i should have extended the pads a bit to make it easier
03:19 PM Rab: I have a lot of respect for that guy, although I have never interacted with him. I see he's a senior sw engineer at Blackmagic Design, which suggests that something's right in the universe.
03:19 PM Tom_L: i kinda lost touch with him
03:20 PM Tom_L: he went from Norway to some light company for a while.. creed?
03:20 PM Rab: LIFX
03:22 PM Tom_L: he must have moved back home then
03:22 PM Tom_L: they have an Au branch
03:23 PM Rab: http://www.fourwalledcubicle.com/AboutMe.php
03:24 PM Tom_L: heh i haven't looked there in ages
03:25 PM Tom_L: http://www.fourwalledcubicle.com/AVRISP.php
03:26 PM Tom_L: wow that's been 13 yrs
03:27 PM Rab: nice
03:27 PM Tom_L: i still have a pile of U2 chips left over
03:30 PM Rab: That was probably a goldmine during the chip shortage. ;)
03:31 PM Tom_L: at that time i was the only one that had any. i saw that coming and bought all the dk & mouser stock
03:31 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/new_batch/USB_chips.jpg
03:31 PM Tom_L: i don't have quite that many left now but still quite a few
03:32 PM Rab: A friend of mine had a reel of ATmega32U4s he would clip off of for me. At one point we checked on eBay and singles were going for like $40, I stopped asking for freebies. I think he sold the reel.
03:32 PM Tom_L: it was a good time for me because at that same time, playstation came out with a hack that required that chip
03:33 PM Tom_L: they may not know a thing about programming but those gamers sure got alot of them
03:35 PM Rab: I know someone who made mod kits like that, on flexpcbs which didn't require point-to-point wiring. The flex just overlaid the board and had fingers which were soldered to various points.
03:35 PM Tom_L: nice
03:35 PM Rab: Very clever, also very specific to board rev.
03:36 PM Tom_L: i'm sure
03:58 PM JT-Shop: so somewhere I have a clear plastic bag with a usb cable, an allen wrench and the instructions for my blendmount... been searching for 2 days
03:58 PM Tom_L: so start looking for something else
03:58 PM Tom_L: it will magically appear
04:04 PM JT-Shop: it's quite annoying to not find it
04:04 PM Tom_L: is it off the C5?
04:04 PM Tom_L: look where you removed it last :)
04:05 PM JT-Shop: it's the programming cable for the uniden r8 and the wrench is for the blendmount
04:05 PM JT-Shop: the uniden box is empty...
04:37 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
04:37 PM Unterhausen: ordered some more ring lights, so I expect the existing one to show up sometime mid-month
04:51 PM roycroft: one ring to light them all. one ring to shine them.
06:05 PM Unterhausen: maybe that's what happened to my previously purchased ring light, a hobbit put it on and disappeared
06:06 PM XXCoder: its in lava now
06:10 PM roycroft: or somebody took it to mordor and threw it into mount doom
06:10 PM XXCoder: hence the lava
06:11 PM * roycroft just got a replacement photo light, speaking of such things
06:11 PM roycroft: i bought a pair of them and one of the pair was missing a bunch of parts
06:13 PM XXCoder: fun
06:14 PM Unterhausen: mine are missing parts from the beginning. Going to have to 3d print a mount
06:14 PM roycroft: the lights were cheap
06:14 PM roycroft: it's amazing what can get for almost no money these days
06:15 PM Unterhausen: these were $3.50
06:15 PM * roycroft spent $60 on the pair, including tripod stands and diffusers
06:15 PM Unterhausen: I have to come up with a power supply though
06:15 PM roycroft: use potato
06:18 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:19 PM solarwind: So they say not to store spring type torque wrenches on anything but the lowest setting. WHY? Spring steel should not have any plastic deformation. It should be well under its yield strength.
06:20 PM solarwind: Is the concern about creep?
06:20 PM solarwind: I've left a couple of cheap torque wrenches at about 75% of their setting for a few years and tested them and found there was no decrease in accuracy at any point in the range.
06:27 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:29 PM Tom_L: 'they' must have a reason
06:37 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:37 PM JT-Cave: well this sucks no 5i25 found on my dev pc wtf
06:38 PM JT-Cave: I've tried two different pcie slots
06:39 PM JT-Cave: and the 5i25 is found on another pc but I can't clone mesact without going out to the shop and getting my damn phone for stupid 2fa!!!!\
06:43 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:49 PM Tom_L: nothing in the bios for those slots?
06:49 PM Tom_L: i found on one of mine i had to put cards in the first slot
06:50 PM Tom_L: oh.. they started that?
06:51 PM JT-Cave: iirc i've had the 6i25 in this pc before...
06:51 PM Tom_L: i have a 6i24? but it's bad
06:52 PM JT-Cave: i24 is 50 pin
06:52 PM Tom_L: sent it to pcw and he sent it back
06:52 PM JT-Cave: i25 is 25 pin
06:52 PM Tom_L: yeah
06:52 PM Tom_L: same firmware
06:52 PM JT-Cave: same firmware for what?
06:53 PM Tom_L: umm...
06:53 PM Tom_L: maybe i'm mixed up which is no surprise here
06:53 PM Tom_L: 5i24 25 are the same right?
06:53 PM Tom_L: but i also thought the 6i24 25 used the same firmware as the 5i25
06:53 PM JT-Cave: no, 5i25/6i25 are the same 5i24/6i24 are the same
06:53 PM Tom_L: ok nevermind then
06:54 PM Tom_L: did git make you do the 2fa?
06:54 PM Tom_L: so far it hasn't here
06:55 PM JT-Cave: yup
06:57 PM CAKESLOB: t4nk_fn if you want something for adruino shield, ive got just the thing
06:57 PM CAKESLOB: or the blackbill 411
06:58 PM CAKESLOB: this is the blackpill firmware
06:58 PM CAKESLOB: https://github.com/cakeslob/Remora/tree/blackpill
06:59 PM CAKESLOB: this is the repo for nucleo with arduino cnc shield
06:59 PM CAKESLOB: https://github.com/cakeslob/Remora/tree/nucleo_static
06:59 PM Tom_L: what did you use to draw that diagram?
07:00 PM CAKESLOB: fritzing, it makes nice and easy gfx
07:00 PM t4nk_fn: heh, CAKESLOB, I was the one to get scott to include the stm32f407 board for remora
07:00 PM CAKESLOB: ohhh
07:00 PM CAKESLOB: i got one of those recently ive been meaning to tyest
07:00 PM CAKESLOB: the black one right?
07:00 PM t4nk_fn: yes
07:00 PM CAKESLOB: yeah i bought one the other day, i havent tested it yet
07:00 PM t4nk_fn: vet6 I have, orsth
07:01 PM CAKESLOB: i was working on like, every other low hanging fruit stm32 wise
07:01 PM CAKESLOB: i have most nucleo f4 boards going, and the blue/blackpills
07:02 PM t4nk_fn: I think, not that you'd need it probably, but, i/o wise I'd prerhaps prefer the f411 board over the 407
07:02 PM CAKESLOB: i like the nucleo because its easy to do the arduiono shield, so like $20 linuxcnc controller
07:02 PM CAKESLOB: why
07:02 PM CAKESLOB: its got way less pins
07:02 PM t4nk_fn: yeah
07:02 PM t4nk_fn: lol, no, I didn't mean it in that regard
07:03 PM CAKESLOB: oh
07:03 PM t4nk_fn: but I believe the 411 can do 100MHz
07:03 PM CAKESLOB: yeah its a slower clock
07:03 PM t4nk_fn: while the 407 would be significantly less than that
07:03 PM CAKESLOB: nooo
07:03 PM CAKESLOB: 407 is 168
07:03 PM CAKESLOB: 446/429 is 180
07:03 PM t4nk_fn: yeah, core wise
07:03 PM t4nk_fn: but not i/o speed!
07:03 PM CAKESLOB: ohh
07:04 PM CAKESLOB: slowly been working on a few boards for it
07:04 PM t4nk_fn: it's been a while since I played with remora
07:04 PM CAKESLOB: trying to make them as cheap/easy as possible so i can send them out for free
07:05 PM t4nk_fn: I liked it, ran it off an RPI4
07:05 PM CAKESLOB: made a few rpi blackpill shield things but also with ethernet spi adapters
07:05 PM CAKESLOB: expatria, the company out of BC dropped the w5500 ethernet firmware for remora
07:06 PM CAKESLOB: but its a learning curve, im having a hard time getting it going on the blackpill
07:06 PM CAKESLOB: https://github.com/Expatria-Technologies/Remora-STM32F4xx-W5500
07:07 PM CAKESLOB: remora has good potential, so ive been trying to get momentium going for it so i dont have to learn how to code or spell
07:08 PM t4nk_fn: well, like I said, I've played with it for a bit, but I think for this build I'm gonna go with grblHAL
07:09 PM t4nk_fn: just for simplicity's sake
07:09 PM CAKESLOB: if you insist, but remo will be here waiting
07:09 PM t4nk_fn: these days I'm a lot more into rp2040 btw
07:09 PM t4nk_fn: yeah, I'll surely get back to remora at some point
07:10 PM t4nk_fn: would also like to try it with an fpga board
07:11 PM t4nk_fn: but it seems remora has got some momentum going for it
07:11 PM CAKESLOB: got my remora pico ethernet board the other day in the mail
07:11 PM t4nk_fn: not strange too, since it's a nifty idea
07:11 PM CAKESLOB: its pretty slick
07:12 PM CAKESLOB: but yeah, fpga is great
07:13 PM CAKESLOB: i like that other project that uses the licheetang fpga
07:14 PM CAKESLOB: t4nk_fn "but it seems remora has got some momentum going for it"
07:14 PM CAKESLOB: its hard to tell,
07:14 PM CAKESLOB: either the docs are getting better or no one has questions about it because no one using it
07:15 PM t4nk_fn: hehe, yeah, I had the advantage of communicating with Scott
07:16 PM t4nk_fn: but honestly, it's been a while since I last paid attention to the project
07:17 PM CAKESLOB: nothings changed really, i just added a lot of boards and added nice pictures to the docs
07:17 PM t4nk_fn: don't know if configuring tmc2209 drivers has progressed
07:18 PM CAKESLOB: they configure, i was working with a guy on discord getting them wotrking and trying to do the 5160 uart config with him
08:13 PM Unterhausen: CAKESLOB do you have anything online about setting up the nucleo with remora?
08:37 PM CAKESLOB: yeah
08:37 PM CAKESLOB: Unterhausen https://github.com/cakeslob/Remora-docs/blob/nucleo/docs/source/hardware/nucleo446.rst
08:38 PM CAKESLOB: im waiting until i unify a bunch of the code, then i can merge it with the main docs, but i have been holding off until everything is inline, so the docs are less confuse
08:39 PM CAKESLOB: \bunch of sample configs here
08:39 PM CAKESLOB: https://github.com/cakeslob/Remora/tree/nucleo_static/LinuxCNC/ConfigSamples
08:47 PM roycroft: it's so muggy here
08:47 PM roycroft: the humidity is 93%