#linuxcnc Logs

Aug 21 2023

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:08 AM Deejay: moin
02:19 AM Scopeuk: https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/ is always interesting for the big storms
03:13 AM randy: guten morgen
03:13 AM randy: hups
03:13 AM randy: morning
04:05 AM Tom_L: morning
04:26 AM travis_farmer: Morning :-)
04:48 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:16 AM serp4 is now known as serp
06:20 AM JT-Cave: rooster just crowed
06:58 AM Tom_L: only 104°F today
06:58 AM Tom_L: 75°F currently
07:20 AM JT-Cave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt_uiCL2v3E
07:22 AM JT-Cave: how to build a configuration in 90 seconds
07:23 AM JT-Cave: 75-97 next 3 days then 75-100
07:25 AM Tom_L: you fixed the copy values then?
07:45 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, i think the homing values could be copied too
07:46 AM JT-Cave: working on that...
07:46 AM Tom_L: lookin good though
07:47 AM JT-Cave: thanks
07:47 AM Tom_L: doubt you could get a working config any quicker
07:47 AM JT-Cave: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/27-driver-boards/49836-mesa-configuration-in-less-than-90-seconds
07:49 AM Tom_L: :)
07:50 AM Tom_L: that should stir the pot a bit
07:50 AM JT-Cave: lol
07:50 AM JT-Cave: still need to connect the spindle encoder to the board pins...
07:50 AM Tom_L: right
07:51 AM Tom_L: and have the tabs follow the joints if you can
07:53 AM Tom_L: later..
07:54 AM JT-Cave: what do you mean?
07:55 AM Tom_L: the PID homing etc tabs under each joint. if i'm on PID in joint0 and switch to joint1 maybe those tabs could stay in sync
07:55 AM Tom_L: if i'm in homing in joint0 and switch to joint1 have it also show the homing tab
07:56 AM JT-Cave: that might be annoying
07:56 AM Tom_L: not sure if that's possible
07:56 AM Tom_L: maybe
07:57 AM Tom_L: gotta run
08:48 AM travis_farmer: so, i have a Dell Precision 7520 laptop, with a very loose power jack that i have been fighting with... i JUST found out the jacks are replaceable!!! ordered a new jack and i hope it fits perfect 🙂
09:17 AM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
09:17 AM Unterhausen: everything is replaceable with a big enough hammer
09:21 AM rmu: a 2013 siemens somatom 140kV X-ray CT is auctioned off near me, asking price is 2000€
09:30 AM CloudEvil: woo
09:30 AM CloudEvil: Start a thriving buisness venture showing peoplee their feet-bones.
09:32 AM rmu: even an "open" MRI machine, asking price 2000€
09:33 AM CloudEvil: I forget the state of the art, are there now cryorefrigerated, and not cryogen based MRIs?
09:33 AM CloudEvil: (probably not on the second hand market if there are)
09:33 AM rmu: and all sorts of ultrasonic and other x-ray stuff
09:35 AM rmu: cloudevil: you mean MRIs using "high temperature superconductors" vs. traditional helium-cooled 4K superconductor?
09:35 AM CloudEvil: miss0r: No
09:35 AM CloudEvil: rmu:
09:35 AM CloudEvil: I mean you plug it in and it cools down to operating temperature based on an internal refrigerator ratehr than cryogen related.
09:35 AM CloudEvil: (probably also requires high temp supercon, but that's ...)
09:37 AM rmu: not sure if that makes much sense.... you neet to have some capacity to keep things cool, but installing 10x or 100x that capacity just to be able to "plug it in and cool it down" doesn't make much sense economically. IMHO. not an expert.
09:41 AM CloudEvil: It means you don't need to supply a massive tank of cryogen or worry about the ability to supply that again if it goes unpowered for a time.
09:41 AM CloudEvil: And may remove pressurised gas risks.
09:43 AM jpa-: what would you use as the operating fluid in refridge loop?
09:44 AM rmu: CloudEvil: what kind of material do you propose that is a liquid at room temperature and also a liquid at 4K?
09:44 AM jpa-: there are non-superconductor MRIs, with basic liquid cooling.. just much worse resolution
09:44 AM rmu: i'm pretty sure such substance is not known to man
09:44 AM travis_farmer: i think, Helium, but not 100% sure
09:45 AM CloudEvil: A rather smaller amount of coolant is needed compared to 'a massive tank full of cryogen' in principle in a refrigerator loop.
09:45 AM rmu: helium is a gas above 4.2somethingK at ambient pressure
09:45 AM CloudEvil: That can be safely stored as a moderate amount of compressed gas.
09:45 AM CloudEvil: This is not really very practical for LHe magnets.
09:45 AM rmu: CloudEvil: citation needed
09:46 AM rmu: you do need your refrigeration plant anyways, it's not like NMR magnets are a big dewar that are filled once and that's it
09:46 AM jpa-: i'd say the massive tank is to provide some buffer for peak cooling needs
09:53 AM rmu: CloudEvil: I don't think that would be practical with current high temp superconductors either
09:55 AM srk- is now known as srk
09:56 AM travis_farmer: looks like the buildbot crapped out over on the devel channel...
10:14 AM travis_farmer: out of curiosity, how up to date is http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildslave-admin-guide.html ? it says it needs buildbot version 0.9 and newer will not work, and my server has availible to it version 3.7.0-2
10:16 AM travis_farmer: as my server has 40-cores and 196GB of ram, i just thought i could donate a few cycles for something useful
10:18 AM travis_farmer: hmm, correction: 128GB ram
10:20 AM Deejay: re
10:46 AM * roycroft needs a cappuccino
10:46 AM roycroft: it's been one of those days - elections stuff until late last night, first day back at work after my vacation this morning and swamped with things to do, call to our attorney at 8am
10:47 AM roycroft: i've been in the office since 5:30 and still haven't had my coffee
11:12 AM JT-Shop: nap time
11:16 AM * roycroft finally has a cappiccino
11:17 AM roycroft: my cat had the audacity of demanding to be fed just as i was starting to make it
11:23 AM CloudEvil: Do cats even like cappiccino?
11:23 AM roycroft: they do not
11:23 AM roycroft: although i suspect they might enjoy the foam at the top
11:32 AM robotustra: cappuccino - no, catpuccino - yes
11:39 AM roycroft: people think that the cappuccino is an ancient beverage, but the italians actually only invented it in the early 20th century
11:39 AM roycroft: being a newfangled concoction does not mean it's not delicious, though
12:03 PM Tom_L: roycroft, go to starbucks and get the cat a pup-cup
12:07 PM JT-Shop: lol
12:07 PM Tom_L: it's a thing
12:07 PM Tom_L: whip cream
12:08 PM roycroft: i can't remember the last time i went to starbucks
12:09 PM roycroft: i like coffee that tastes like coffee, not charcoal
12:09 PM Tom_L: the cat won't know the difference
12:09 PM Tom_L: well maybe...
12:11 PM Tom_L: https://post.bark.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/253054188_1305250729990128_9181677550294488252_n-1024x1024.jpg
12:23 PM roycroft: a cat would know the difference
12:23 PM roycroft: cats are not dogs
12:23 PM Tom_L: no but they don't sell a cat-cup
12:24 PM Tom_L: they would probably have to have too many varieties
12:25 PM roycroft: so it looks like the remnants of hilary are dumping lots of rain in the blue mountains, in extreme northeastern oregon right now
12:25 PM roycroft: and the storm is headed up to the idaho panhandle
12:25 PM roycroft: it's overcast here, but the sky is orange-yellow, so i'm not sure if there are actual clouds or it's just the smoke
01:19 PM Unterhausen: accuweather can't decide if AQI of 50 is fair or poor
01:19 PM Unterhausen: I say it's bad enough I don't like it
01:25 PM roycroft: 50 is in the moderate range
01:25 PM roycroft: our aqi is 95 at the moment
01:25 PM roycroft: i prefer when it's in the 20s or below
01:45 PM Unterhausen: 50 isn't bad enough I feel symptoms. 75-ish is
01:55 PM roycroft: it's over 100 just south of here
01:56 PM roycroft: a slight wind shift and it gets bad here
01:56 PM roycroft: er, it's over 190 just south of here, i mean
01:58 PM XXCoder: im unfortunately more sensive to that. coughing already
02:04 PM Unterhausen: XX thought you were on fire given what I see on reddit
02:06 PM roycroft: the bedrock fire, the current source of our smoke, is over 30,000 acres now, but it's not growing rapidly any more
02:07 PM roycroft: it's only 5% contained, but the topography of the area is naturally containing it for now
02:18 PM bjorkintosh: how did the fire start?
02:20 PM XXCoder: Unterhausen: dunno why you said that, I never made comment that roy was on fire
02:21 PM roycroft: the cause of the bedrock fire is undetermined as of now
02:21 PM roycroft: the flat fire, the big one in southern oregon (34,000+ acres and growing) was human-caused
02:22 PM roycroft: it is so dry around here that when i was on my camping trip on the coast campfires were banned
02:22 PM roycroft: and the fire danger right on the coast (i could almost see the ocean from my campsite) is almost always very low to low
02:22 PM roycroft: but last week it was extreme
02:23 PM roycroft: anyway, enough weather talk for now
02:23 PM roycroft: at least for me
02:23 PM roycroft: i have to tap into a wiring harness for my pickup
02:24 PM roycroft: i loathe the thought of soldering in a vehicle (or anything else that moves/vibrates) unless the solder connection is to a circuit board or is otherwise immobilized relative to the vehicle
02:24 PM roycroft: but i cannot figure out a way to tap into the harness with crimp connectors that does not add a lot of bulk which i don't have room for
02:25 PM roycroft: am i too paranoid about soldering in shaky things?
02:26 PM * roycroft thinks a good crimp connetion is always superior to a soldered connection, and that in a corrosive environment, it's not difficult to keep the crimped connection oxygen and other contaminent free
02:27 PM XXCoder: crimp then heat strunk tubes per wire, then overall?
02:28 PM roycroft: see above
02:28 PM roycroft: crimp connectors add bulk for which i do not have room
02:29 PM roycroft: this wiring harness is nested in a very shallow panel
02:29 PM roycroft: and it's already a tight it
02:29 PM XXCoder: I think theres quite small crimps but probably not small enough hm
02:29 PM roycroft: so i'm having to consider soldering
02:30 PM XXCoder: solder then heat strunk would work?
02:30 PM roycroft: the positive is that this harness feeds some non-mandatory running lights, and the taps will feed other non-mandatory running lights
02:30 PM XXCoder: latter to ensure it stays together
02:30 PM roycroft: so a failure would not affect anything critica
02:30 PM roycroft: l
02:30 PM roycroft: solder than heat shrink is what i'm considering at this point
02:31 PM roycroft: although i'll have no way to fit a heat shrink tube over the connection, because the connector on the end of the harness is way too big for that
02:31 PM roycroft: but i can use some of that self-sealing marine heat shrink tape
02:32 PM roycroft: that comes in a roll - it looks like electrical tape but one you wrap it around you heat it up with a heat gun and it shrinks and seals
02:33 PM XXCoder: interesting
02:39 PM roycroft: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CY6SV5R
02:39 PM roycroft: that's the kind of stuff
02:40 PM roycroft: the "adhsive" barely adheres before you shrink it
02:40 PM XXCoder: I guess it fuses with itself more than anything else
02:40 PM roycroft: i just twist some thin wire around the end when i start wrapping it, twist another length of thin wire on the other end when i'm done, shrink it, and remove the wires
03:58 PM Unterhausen: XX, isn't there a fire near you? I didn't look it up on the map
04:01 PM XXCoder: nah just smokey here
04:01 PM XXCoder: not too bad now
04:15 PM Tom_L: 105°F feels on fire :)
04:17 PM XXCoder: texas?
04:23 PM Tom_L: ks
04:23 PM XXCoder: that sucks. keep safe
04:27 PM Tom_L: most of this week before it starts cooling down
04:42 PM roycroft: we should have average temps all week - upper 20s/low 30s
04:47 PM * travis_farmer signs off... (feeling very useless...)
04:53 PM JT-Shop: 94°F
04:55 PM CaptHindsight: we have missed out so far on the 90+ F temps but we are expecting ~100F by Wednesday