#linuxcnc Logs

Aug 08 2023

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:02 AM roycroft: that wouldn't work too well for welding fixtures
12:12 AM roycroft: they would tend to melt when the welding starts
12:12 AM XXCoder: I guess depends on how close but yeah
12:14 AM roycroft: those are really good welding tables
12:14 AM roycroft: relatively thin metal, but in a torsion box configuration
12:14 AM roycroft: and very accurately laser cut
12:14 AM roycroft: so manageable, and affordable
12:14 AM XXCoder: saw wood roter built in similiar matter. very tough for its weight
12:15 AM XXCoder: similiar to https://youtu.be/9BAFdmn5Amw
12:17 AM roycroft: yeah, torsion box cnc routers are fairly common
12:17 AM roycroft: there are also a number of torsion box portable workbenches
12:18 AM roycroft: btw, that video has ads
12:18 AM roycroft: on my laptop
12:19 AM roycroft: i guess it's time for an adblocker upgrade
12:19 AM roycroft: google finally figured out how get around mine
12:19 AM XXCoder: careful as I hear yt is really cracking down on anti-advert thing
12:19 AM XXCoder: I havent gotten any warnings yet but yeah
12:21 AM roycroft: how are they going to warn me?
12:21 AM roycroft: i don't have a youtube or other google account
12:22 AM XXCoder: https://cordcuttersnews.com/youtube-is-launching-a-new-tougher-crackdown-to-stop-ad-blockers/
12:23 AM roycroft: so i might have to start using a vpn to connect to youtube
12:24 AM XXCoder: yeah. I would probably do same. unless noscript with ublock works so they dont even detect ublock
12:24 AM roycroft: i wouldn't even mind the ads so much if they weren't so invasive
12:24 AM roycroft: sometimes i would try to watch a 2-3 minute video that has 5 minutes of ads
12:25 AM XXCoder: I hear of hour long unskippable ad
12:25 AM roycroft: there's no such thing
12:26 AM roycroft: because i would close the window after about 7 seconds :)
12:26 AM XXCoder: lol
12:27 AM roycroft: the ads are counterproductive anyway
12:28 AM roycroft: for example, i would *never* contact liberty mutual about insurance
12:28 AM roycroft: i've had to endure too many hundreds of thousands of their ads on youtube
12:30 AM sensille: i heard if you buy yt via VPN in india you can get a subscription for <$2 per month
12:31 AM sensille: maybe there are even cheaper countries
12:32 AM roycroft: are all the indian machining videos big production musicals?
12:32 AM XXCoder: $12 monthly here lol
12:32 AM sensille: bollywood machining channel
12:32 AM roycroft: bollyhacks
12:32 AM XXCoder: clickbolly
12:32 AM roycroft: this old patel
12:33 AM roycroft: abolly79
12:33 AM XXCoder: inheited bolly
12:34 AM sensille: i pay the regular family subscription, totally worth it to steal my children away from the ad industry
01:11 AM Deejay: moin
02:03 AM travis_farmer: Morning ☕
02:48 AM Scopeuk: sensille I fear it is only a matter of time before the yt subscription stuff gains adverts. cable and satellite were ad free because you payed for them initially. will probably start with 5 or 10 s pre-roll internal promo stuff and then devolve to "premium just stops mid roll ads". I hope to be proved wrong
02:59 AM sensille: i hate ads. i pay for not getting ads, not only on youtube
03:11 AM Scopeuk: can't say I fault you. our world is horribly full of this stuff. I imagine most parents become acutely aware of it
04:37 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:38 AM JT-Cave: 66°F
04:39 AM travis_farmer: 61F/68F 100%rh (pouring rain with flash flood warnings)
04:44 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, I'm going to redo the spindle part having 3 spindle sections is not the way to go
06:09 AM JT-Cave: rooster just crowed
06:38 AM Tom_L: 69F
06:42 AM JT-Cave: 65°F and feels nice outside
08:20 AM Loetmichel_: *giggle* $me was just out back smoking. Radio [in a nasal grandma voice] "Put your hands in the air and gimme all your money!" $me "Ma Baker!" Coworker: ?!? $me:"The song." Coworker listenes. "Yeah, it shows that you are a decade older than me!" :P
09:35 AM Unterhausen: I guess I was supposed to take the dogs into the basement yesterday to hide from tornados. Didn't find out until later
09:36 AM Unterhausen: we get the occasional f1 tornado around here, not super dangerous
09:37 AM roycroft: tornados are something i don't miss about back east at all
09:38 AM roycroft: although the smoke from the fires can last for weeks here, while tornado warnings only last a few hours at a time, at most
10:12 AM flyback: https://tubitv.com/movies/100006143/the-matrix-resurrections
10:36 AM roycroft: it looks like our matrix bridge is not working yet
10:36 AM roycroft: is there a fix coming?
10:36 AM roycroft: did they ever announce what the vulnerability is?
10:56 AM Unterhausen: must have been fairly serious in comparison to the programming resources available
11:34 AM JT-Cave: lunch minute is up...
01:40 PM travis_farmer: thought of an issue with my new shop being heated and cooled only when i am out there... the small battery backup... they don't usually like temperature extremes.
01:44 PM travis_farmer: i don't have one in my current shop as i don't run the machine long enough to worry about it, generally. but in the new shop, i would like to have one in place...
01:46 PM travis_farmer: though without a standby generator for the shop... i suppose i only need one to complete and orderly shutdown. can't keep the computer running durring a blackout, unless i either have a lot of batteries, or a generator...
01:46 PM travis_farmer: i could be over thinking it a bit, i tend to do that now and then ;-)
01:48 PM travis_farmer: what i really need is either a job, or to win the lottery...
02:14 PM roycroft: or a sugar momma
02:14 PM travis_farmer: know of one? ;-)
02:15 PM * roycroft just sanded through the paint on the most visible part of his laser enclosure
02:15 PM roycroft: that project does not want to end
02:15 PM travis_farmer: ouch
02:16 PM roycroft: i can fix it
02:16 PM roycroft: and it's on a cover, not part of the main enclosure, so i can work without it if need be while i'm repairing it
02:16 PM roycroft: the problem is it's really hard to tell if i've sanded through or not until i shoot clear
02:17 PM roycroft: the primer is half-color, so it's a light blue (the main color is a really dark blue)
02:17 PM roycroft: but the color is really weird paint
02:17 PM roycroft: it dries dark, but if i sand it it turns light blue
02:17 PM roycroft: then turns dark again when i shoot clear
02:18 PM travis_farmer: sounds like automotive paint
02:18 PM roycroft: so i can't tell when i've sanded through the color to the primer until i shoot the clear
02:18 PM roycroft: it behaves kind of like automotive paint in many ways, but it's really really thick
02:18 PM roycroft: i had to apply it with a thin nap roller, and it still left a deep texture
02:18 PM roycroft: which i'm having to sand down to get it somewhat smooth
02:19 PM roycroft: i'll never use this kind of paint again, but this is already the second time i've applied finish to the thing
02:19 PM roycroft: in the future, i'll use the industrial super-carcinogenic enamel that i use on machinery and vehicles
02:19 PM roycroft: it's really nasty stuff, but it sprays really nicely
02:20 PM roycroft: although i've never applied it to mdf before - i wonder what my epoxy primer would do with the mdf
02:20 PM travis_farmer: rattle can? ;-)
02:20 PM travis_farmer: the industrial paint ^^^
02:20 PM roycroft: it's not rattle can
02:20 PM roycroft: although the clear i'm using now is
02:21 PM roycroft: varnish oil on hardwood is so much easier and so much more satisfying
02:21 PM travis_farmer: are you sanding every coat, or just the last coat before clear?
02:21 PM * roycroft should just stick to woodworking, and not do any industrial fab kind of stuf
02:21 PM roycroft: just the last coat
02:21 PM travis_farmer: ok
02:22 PM roycroft: the paint takes weeks to cure
02:22 PM roycroft: but i can recoat in a day
02:22 PM roycroft: so i built up what i thought were enough color coats, then let it cure for a month before sanding
02:22 PM roycroft: it's a water-based latex
02:22 PM roycroft: hence the excruciatingly long cure time
02:23 PM travis_farmer: yeah, i have sanded latex too soon... it just balls up...
02:23 PM roycroft: yup
02:23 PM roycroft: and if you shoot clear too soon it bubbles up
02:23 PM travis_farmer: yup
02:23 PM roycroft: that's what happened on the first go
02:24 PM roycroft: i had to sand down to bare wood and start over with a different product
02:26 PM Tom_L: don't be so zealous with your sanding!
02:28 PM roycroft: i tried not to be
02:28 PM roycroft: oh well
02:29 PM roycroft: i can fix it, but that means it will take longer
02:29 PM roycroft: the problem is that i'm doing the painting in my fabrication shop, and i can't do anything else until i'm done with the paint job
02:30 PM roycroft: and i really want to get started on my headache rack and trailer projects
02:30 PM travis_farmer: hmmm, i setup my own IRC server, just for something to do... absolutly no connections... maybe the IRC crowd wasn't as big as i thought... ;-)
02:30 PM * roycroft needs a dedicated finish room
02:30 PM roycroft: i used to have a server on efnet, then hybnet
02:31 PM roycroft: i finally got tired of operating an irc server and dealing with the users
02:31 PM travis_farmer: i was just running it for fun. but no fun just talking to myself... ;-)
02:31 PM roycroft: but i ran the servers for about 15 years or so
02:31 PM roycroft: yeah, especially if you don't answer yourself
02:31 PM travis_farmer: not much LOL
02:32 PM Tom_L: just don't get into an argument with yourself and get banned
02:32 PM travis_farmer: i am the op, so i hope i don't ban myself ;-)
02:35 PM travis_farmer: but if any want to join, create channels, whatever, it is www.tjfhome.net port 6667. as i said, i just run it for fun.
02:37 PM travis_farmer: if it stops being fun, or goes unused, i may take it down...
02:39 PM travis_farmer: but anyway, i may have some work coming up. for my uncle, building a roof over his entry door. :-)
03:47 PM JT-Shop: https://youtu.be/NoXP1VlHoqs?t=78
04:21 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, you starting them over?
04:23 PM XXCoder: love the hummingbird video
04:23 PM JT-Shop: yup for the second time lol
04:23 PM * JT-Shop goes back to removing the bumper fascia from the C8
04:42 PM Unterhausen: can you make your linkedin profile private?
04:43 PM * JT-Shop avoids things like linkedin
04:58 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
05:01 PM roycroft: i think so
05:01 PM roycroft: but the problem with linkedin is that you can never, EVER, get linkedout if you change your mind
05:01 PM roycroft: i had to resort to blocking their emails because they refused to unsubscribe me and delete me
05:02 PM * roycroft was foolishly talked into signing up with them about 20 years ago
05:07 PM XXCoder: fun
05:08 PM XXCoder: easy to opt in and very hard to opt out should be illegal
05:13 PM roycroft: it is
05:13 PM roycroft: but that doesn't stop people
05:13 PM roycroft: being illegal only matters if the justice system is interested in upholding the law
05:14 PM XXCoder: fun
05:15 PM Unterhausen: the emails suck. And I just got another email asking me to link with a guy I never want to hear about again
05:17 PM roycroft: i still get them
05:17 PM roycroft: that is, my mail logs still show me rejecting them
05:17 PM roycroft: after 20+ years
05:21 PM Unterhausen: I just blocked that guy and made my profile private.
05:21 PM Unterhausen: his profile really sucks considering he's a professor, undeservedly
05:22 PM XXCoder: reminds me of that person who used to constantly try recircuit me into her church
05:22 PM XXCoder: that was in linkedin
05:22 PM XXCoder: blocked her
05:23 PM Unterhausen: I'm sure the guy I just blocked doesn't want to hear about me either
05:23 PM Unterhausen: He always resented me because I helped him too much
05:24 PM XXCoder: asked or unasked?
05:25 PM XXCoder: frankly only way I think person would get offended by being helped is if it wasnt asked for
05:29 PM roycroft: you've never met anyone who lives to be offended?
05:31 PM roycroft: i just figured out a way to move my paint projects out of the fab shop while the paint is curing, so i can get started on the welding projects
05:31 PM roycroft: it will entail more tear down and set up than i'd like, but i can do it
05:32 PM roycroft: the problem with finishing projects is that there's usually a bunch of time setting up, then a very small amount of time applying finish, then a really long waiting period before more finish can be applied
05:32 PM Unterhausen: I have heard that his actual complaint is that I didn't help him enough
05:32 PM roycroft: so 30 minutes of work can tie up the shop for a month
05:33 PM Unterhausen: he also claims to have written 40000 lines of code that I was the one who wrote. I have the file with 20 lines of code that he wrote
05:33 PM roycroft: oh, i know that person
05:33 PM roycroft: i've met them many times in my life
05:33 PM roycroft: all different people, but all the same person
05:33 PM roycroft: he's related to our former president, i'm sure
05:34 PM Unterhausen: well, he was the first person to have access to 40000 lines of code that I wrote
05:35 PM Unterhausen: On the subject of other complaints, the company that makes torch hose disconnects charges the same for half of a set as they do for a full set
05:36 PM Unterhausen: so if you want to use 2 torches on the same tanks, you might as well buy two full sets
05:38 PM XXCoder: geez
05:38 PM roycroft: i just bought some cab running lights for my pickup - new in box oem ford lights
05:39 PM roycroft: the seller was selling for $20 each individually, or set of 5 for $130, with free shipping
05:39 PM roycroft: they were taking offers, so i offered $95 for a set of 5 and was rejected
05:40 PM roycroft: so i made five purchases of an individual light for $20 each
05:40 PM Unterhausen: you should have offered $102
05:40 PM roycroft: that would cost more than buying them individually
05:40 PM roycroft: both the individual lights and the set included shipping
05:40 PM JT-Shop: rear fascia is off... can't call it a bumper cause it's plastic
05:40 PM Unterhausen: start a gofundme, I'll contribute $2
05:41 PM Unterhausen: I found out that plastic cover on my car is called a bumper, and the actual bumper is called a crash bar
05:41 PM XXCoder: I would have ordered 3, waited till got it, then ordered another 2
05:41 PM roycroft: i'm getting a new front bumper for my pickup as soon as i'm back from my camping trip
05:41 PM Unterhausen: toyota calls it an attenuator or some such
05:43 PM roycroft: i've decided on this: https://www.movebumpers.com/products/classic-front-bumper-kit
05:43 PM Unterhausen: someone cut in front of me so close recently that I thought they were going to hit me with the rear plastic cover, which was flapping
05:43 PM roycroft: i'll be getting the offroad uprade with winch mount
05:43 PM Unterhausen: Do you ram or dodge with that thing?
05:44 PM roycroft: f350
05:44 PM Unterhausen: dodge then
05:44 PM roycroft: the pickup is for doing some urban logging
05:44 PM roycroft: but i want to be able to do light recovery work with it as well, should the need arise
05:44 PM roycroft: and stump pulling
05:45 PM Unterhausen: the only logging I do is when I have to poop in the woods
05:45 PM roycroft: my days of using come-alongs to pull stumps are over, i hope
05:45 PM roycroft: i'd rather stand by the pickup and push a button
05:50 PM JT-Shop: I had a front bumper fly off a car on the interstate in Georgia and it did the flipping kite thing and moved over to my lane and hit my Goldwing on the fairing just below the windshield
05:51 PM Unterhausen: I imagine that can cause injury
05:51 PM JT-Shop: it broke in half and went spinning off... I was prepared to take it on the helmet to protect my wife
05:51 PM XXCoder: if I see nelect like that, I slow down to get far away from that person
05:54 PM JT-Shop: that was the front bumper in 3-4 lanes of high speed traffic so no place to go but take it
05:54 PM JT-Shop: I was lucky the only thing it broke was the right turn signal lense
05:55 PM Unterhausen: the person that was going to hit me with their bumper cover was going ridiculously fast. Their driving made it fairly obvious why parts were trying to escape from them
05:55 PM Unterhausen: It's probably best not to try to avoid stuff like that and hope for the best
05:56 PM Unterhausen: more likely to crash during evasive maneuvers
06:12 PM JT-Shop: night
10:05 PM roycroft: well i hope the weather forecast holds out
10:06 PM roycroft: as of now, the forecast is for the worst of the heat wave to take place while i'm on the coast, and it will cool off significantly the day i return
10:06 PM XXCoder: ugh next weekend is going to be very hot
10:06 PM roycroft: and where i'll be camping will have a heat wave while i'm there - but a coastal heat wave
10:06 PM roycroft: which will be cooler than it's been here since late may/early june