#linuxcnc Logs

Jan 31 2023

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:26 AM randy: morning
01:39 AM Deejay: moin
03:05 AM c101horse8332[m]: good morning guys, fist of thanks again for helping me get my rpi setup with lcnc
03:05 AM c101horse8332[m]: and now that im back home from travels i've got some time to tinker with it again
03:06 AM XXCoder: nice
03:07 AM c101horse8332[m]: with my other setups i was using probe basic and would like that on the rpi aswell but im hitting a bit of a snag trying to install it( whodda thunk it, me having installing problems)
03:09 AM c101horse8332[m]: text wall incoming, im going off of this :https://kcjengr.github.io/probe_basic/quick_start.html and now at step 3 since the rest has been done already(i figure) when i go ahead and put that command in the prompt i get this... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/7abfa80a8e2006a7c9157cc34461ce40c520269c>)
03:10 AM c101horse8332[m]: is this something i should be worrying about or is this somewhat normal?
04:35 AM Tom_L: morning
04:35 AM travis_farmer[m]: G'Morning
04:36 AM c101horse8332[m]: mornin tom, travis
04:36 AM travis_farmer[m]: :-)
05:26 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:37 AM c101horse8332[m]: mornin jt
06:19 AM c101horse8332[m]: anyone who can point me in the right direction on getting probe basic working? the python part is kicking my butt
06:20 AM rmu: c101horse8332[m]: what version of linuxcnc are you using?
06:20 AM c101horse8332[m]: euh lemme check
06:20 AM c101horse8332[m]: the one jt helped me install
06:21 AM rmu: of course
06:22 AM c101horse8332[m]: 2.9.0 pre1
06:23 AM rmu: so you need to use python 3 and use probe basic from the python 3 branch
06:24 AM c101horse8332[m]: this is where im getting stuck
06:24 AM rmu: i'm not sure what the "proper" user install method is, you could ask on QtPyVCP matrix channel
06:25 AM rmu: install instructions seem to be outdated / only work for python2 and linuxcnc 2.8
06:26 AM c101horse8332[m]: sigh, again
06:28 AM rmu: usually that shouldn't be a problem, but the shift from python2 -> python3 is a discontinuity
06:31 AM rmu: basically, you need to replace python with python3 in your apt-get, then clone the qtpycvp and probe_basic repositories, and install those with python3 / setup.py. easy if you know how ;-) -- unfortunately i can't produce exact steps atm
06:32 AM rmu: last i tried on the RPI i got some strange issues with vtk IIRC, but that was >1year ago
07:22 AM Tom_L: 9F
07:22 AM JT-Cave: showoff lol
07:23 AM JT-Cave: 21°F
07:23 AM Tom_L: glad to trade ya
07:23 AM travis_farmer[m]: 21F here too
07:23 AM JT-Cave: no thanks
07:24 AM JT-Cave: I'll be glad to send you the 2" of sleet we got last night
07:27 AM Tom_L: no thanks. i'll just keep what i got
07:37 AM JT-Cave: https://youtu.be/2M3D5wst_pM?t=422
07:38 AM JT-Cave: poor guy
08:28 AM unterhaus: Why do you say "poor guy"?
08:28 AM JT-Shop: he's using bob crap
09:21 AM unterhaus: I almost bought bobcad back in the early '2000s, but there were enough complaints on the internet about the company that I didn't
09:23 AM unterhaus: imagine 20 years of angry phone calls about upgrading
09:23 AM skunkworks[m]: -9f
09:24 AM skunkworks[m]: I got probe basic running following the 'development' install directions.
09:24 AM skunkworks[m]: but that was a month or so ago
09:26 AM Loetmichel_ is now known as Loetmichel
09:27 AM JT-Woodshop: the only way bob crap quit calling me at work was when we disconnected the land line
09:29 AM unterhaus: I wonder if anyone has reported the network latency bug on debian
09:29 AM roycroft: you mean netflix?
09:30 AM roycroft: you shouldn't be watching bridgerton while machining
09:38 AM * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: (320KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/pemHSuAAEVBRKabruwZqrJYg/20230131_093712.jpg >
09:38 AM skunkworks[m]: very cool!
09:39 AM JT-Woodshop: last ring glued on
09:39 AM JT-Woodshop: thanks
09:39 AM skunkworks[m]: I haven't touched a wood lathe in ages..
09:40 AM JT-Woodshop: I've been having fun with mine
09:43 AM unterhaus: there is a plate on mine that says you are supposed to run it through the different speeds every day. It hasn't been hooked to power for at least 10 years
09:49 AM unterhaus: does the rt-preempt kernel take advantage of isolcpu?
09:53 AM unterhaus: where would I ask that on the forum? The OS forum? Or the install forum?
09:54 AM skunkworks[m]: Yes - you can put it in the kernel line..
09:55 AM skunkworks[m]: isolcpu=3 (4th core on a 4 core system - zero based)
09:59 AM unterhaus: thanks
10:11 AM skunkworks[m]: make sure to sudo update-grub
10:12 AM skunkworks[m]: latency-histogram will show you if the setting took
10:12 AM unterhaus: penn state surplus is selling the most amazing wooden map case
10:13 AM CaptHindsight[m]: how many smartphones does it hold?
10:13 AM skunkworks[m]: I also like to add idle=poll
10:15 AM unterhaus: Cap'n, an amazing number of smartphones
10:15 AM unterhaus: I was cleaning my office and kept finding old phones. I don't even buy them that often
10:16 AM * JT-Woodshop will skip lunch today without complaint... the marinara sauce looks more like a dark roux so I'll just pretend to eat it
11:05 AM unterhausen: I got a new mouse because I couldn't find one that worked with sw
11:06 AM unterhausen: then I found out that the mouse works differently in part mode and assembly mode
11:06 AM unterhausen: I did need a new mouse though
11:06 AM JT-Cave: mouse gestures?
11:08 AM CaptHindsight[m]: unterhausen: is there an official CAD of the ME department there?
11:09 AM unterhausen: the students used to like fusion, but the department only uses SW
11:10 AM unterhausen: One mouse the right button didn't work, then I "fixed" it and both buttons work poorly
11:10 AM unterhausen: the other one, you can't click with the mouse wheel
11:10 AM unterhausen: which is needed to rotate in part mode, but not assembly mode
11:11 AM unterhausen: i wonder if all the changes in fusion dampened the student's enthusiasm any
11:14 AM * JT-Cave tossed his lunch in the trash can... now it will stink until next monday
11:34 AM * Tom_L thinks about having soup
11:40 AM * JT-Woodshop tosses another stick of firewood in the wonderwood
11:45 AM * travis_farmer[m] had soup for lunch... it started as Mac 'n Cheese, but he mistakenly added too much milk...
11:46 AM * Tom_L settles for a salad instead
11:54 AM * JT-Woodshop had a glass of milk
12:01 PM c101horse8332[m]: evening fellas, so far everything seems to be working on the rpi, i just now need to figure out how to set the ip adress for the mesa again
12:01 PM c101horse8332[m]: its just slightly different frrom the last times i've done it and ofcourse its throwing me off and makin me question myself
12:02 PM JT-Woodshop: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc-old/uspace/rpi4-eth.html
12:04 PM c101horse8332[m]: thankyou JT
12:12 PM c101horse8332[m]: It says link is up, configuring on the top panel thingy, how long should that take?
12:13 PM c101horse8332[m]: it feels like im doing something wrong
12:17 PM JT-Shop: top panel thingy?
12:21 PM c101horse8332[m]: Never mind i did something wrong, i think i am connected to the mesa now
12:21 PM c101horse8332[m]: Still no go tho
12:29 PM c101horse8332[m]: Once again i have no clue as to what is going on
12:53 PM c101horse8332[m]: can yall see the discord threads when you're in that other chat thing that makes you all turn into bots?
01:00 PM JT-Woodshop: no clue what your talking about
01:02 PM c101horse8332[m]: i guess thats a no then
01:03 PM c101horse8332[m]: anyway, i've got some text walls i got from the error messages, im hesitant to just post em here as they're quite litterally walls of text
01:04 PM * c101horse8332[m] posted a file: (12KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/JiLrpSgnYfoCbnrOZdnbphtm/message.txt >
01:04 PM JT-Woodshop: use a pastebin
01:04 PM c101horse8332[m]: that one is somewhat reasonable
01:04 PM JT-Woodshop: yea that's a link so good
01:04 PM JT-Woodshop: ImportError: cannot import name 'probe_basic_rc' from 'probe_basic' (/home/koen/probe_basic/probe_basic/__init__.py)
01:04 PM JT-Woodshop: you seem to be missing a file maybe
01:09 PM c101horse8332[m]: the maybe part slightly concerns me😅
01:14 PM travis_farmer[m]: so, i have auto rack tool changes... sort of. i enabled the toolchange M6 remap that i got from Funkenjaeger, with a few edits to make it work local. i disabled the safety checks, as no tools, and none loaded. i just wanted to see it go through the movements. it works! :-)
01:20 PM travis_farmer[m]: lucky none of you can see me, as i dance a jig ;-)
01:31 PM unterhausen: have to change a setting in SW to rename a file
01:40 PM c101horse8332[m]: im quiting troubleshooting for today, im too misserable to be in an unheated workshop staring at text
02:19 PM piranha32[m]: Hi! What is the best shape of a v-bit for engraving in aluminum? I've got this set, but I didn't notice that these are not single-flute bits until I've got them: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B4JRCLR
02:19 PM piranha32[m]: Will they work, or should I get single-flute (D-shaped) bits?
02:19 PM Tom_L: travis_farmer[m], i'd never want to see that.. but maybe the tool changer in action
02:19 PM Tom_L: 60deg is what i use single flute
02:19 PM Tom_L: the D shape
02:19 PM travis_farmer[m]: never want to see what?
02:20 PM Tom_L: U dancing a jig
02:20 PM travis_farmer[m]: lol, yeah
02:20 PM piranha32[m]: I would like to see what works best for small engravings
02:21 PM Tom_L: piranha32[m], i did that with a 60deg D bit: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/pendant/pendant2.jpg
02:22 PM Tom_L: guess you could try them and see
02:22 PM travis_farmer[m]: i can do a video of the tool changer in action, but i don't have a rack yet, so it would be just going through the motions. perhaps a video tomorrow, if you remind me. :-)
02:25 PM Tom_L: piranha32[m], https://www.ebay.com/itm/284231976028
02:25 PM Tom_L: would be closer to what i have
02:27 PM Tom_L: pretty sure mine are carbide
02:35 PM piranha32[m]: Nice, thanks
02:36 PM piranha32[m]: I want to experiment with v-carving, where the depth of the groove depends on the width of the shape
02:37 PM piranha32[m]: I expect results to differ depending on the ct angle, so that's why wanted to get a set of bits with different angles
02:37 PM Tom_L: i figured that's what you were planning to cut
02:38 PM piranha32[m]: I have 30 degrees bits which I've got a while ago for milling PCBs, but I think they may cut too deep
02:43 PM * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: (330KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/rHxQusFAxcxqZXKILMzNXpWi/20230131_144212.jpg >
02:43 PM Tom_L: that's gonna be a big bowl of popcorn
02:44 PM XXCoder: yep
02:44 PM XXCoder: thats awesome work
02:44 PM travis_farmer[m]: that's the family size, i think. great work!
03:02 PM JT-Shop: thanks
03:03 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, will geany search for CR or CRLF?
03:03 PM JT-Shop: I've never tried that, but I've searched for spaces and tabs before
03:04 PM Tom_L: not sure what to put in the 'find' box
03:05 PM JT-Shop: copy and paste
03:07 PM Tom_L: shows an:
03:07 PM Tom_L: |
03:07 PM Tom_L: <-
03:07 PM Tom_L: but no find
03:07 PM JT-Shop: works for me :)
03:07 PM Tom_L: i had regular expressions unchecked
03:07 PM JT-Shop: t
03:08 PM JT-Shop: me too
03:09 PM Tom_L: making an orient.halshow and trying to figure which pins to be watching
03:09 PM JT-Shop: https://imagebin.ca/v/7AoRtJOgBCcV
03:09 PM JT-Shop: heading to the other shop
03:14 PM roycroft: well this should be fun
03:14 PM roycroft: a new android tablet just arrived for me
03:15 PM roycroft: we're developing a groupware product and i need to test it on android devices
03:20 PM * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: (329KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/niPCucYbooexKWkiJuWFlGtE/20230131_151901.jpg >
03:28 PM travis_farmer[m]: ever since i saw the machine going through the tool change motions, makes me want to build a rack... though my mind knows i can't afford the needed items yet. i feel like a kid in a candy store, and while i have the money, it is allocated for other more important things...
03:35 PM XXCoder: JT[m]1: coatings on looks great, I guess one of coatings
03:36 PM JT-Woodshop: that's just 600 grit sanded
03:36 PM XXCoder: wow I bet it will be so much nicer post-coatings then lol
03:37 PM JT-Woodshop: yup a couple of coats of tried and true burnished in and it will look real nice
03:39 PM roycroft: do you burnish with shavings after you're done sanding?
03:40 PM JT-Woodshop: I have not done that
03:40 PM roycroft: try it some time
03:40 PM JT-Woodshop: ok
03:40 PM roycroft: it makes a difference
03:41 PM JT-Woodshop: wood is abrasive for sure
03:48 PM * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: (345KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/PipPowtrhHvjLqQUOTxJoaDP/20230131_154727.jpg >
03:48 PM JT-Woodshop: wow that makes a difference for sure
03:48 PM XXCoder: burnish?
03:48 PM JT-Woodshop: yup
03:48 PM XXCoder: i notice it has sharper specular shine
03:50 PM roycroft: it's almost like polishing it
03:56 PM roguish[m]: JT-Woodshop:popcorn here ya come
04:06 PM JT-Woodshop: lol
04:07 PM xxcoder8265[m]: https://tenor.com/view/bill-hader-eating-popcorn-keith-morrison-dateline-snl-gif-25666169
04:07 PM roguish[m]: JT-Woodshop: it looks really nice. the popcorn should be honored.
04:08 PM JT-Woodshop: thanks
04:20 PM skunkworks[m]: JT-Woodshp: very nice work!
04:20 PM JT-Woodshop: thanks
04:21 PM XXCoder: I wonder if can recreate pattern of classic popcorn container in wood
04:22 PM * xxcoder8265[m] uploaded an image: (191KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/xlVMgeoTDSdTHSJwPPXaTWiA/popcorn-small-2.png >
04:22 PM xxcoder8265[m]: like this but bowl
04:27 PM JT-Woodshop: that would be interesting
04:29 PM XXCoder: yeah. too bad I have no skill and equipment or id try lol
04:30 PM * JT[m]1 uploaded an image: (373KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/fOEpMCyznbAOWLmRhzHHIGbV/20230131_162929.jpg >
04:30 PM JT-Woodshop: just applied a coat of T&T varnish oil
04:41 PM FranseFrikandel1: Development install of probe_basic or used the quick install?
04:42 PM FranseFrikandel1: I think I've seen the error before. I think it might occur when you skip running the qcompile command in the development install?
04:47 PM FranseFrikandel1: Just checked, indeed appears that probe_basic_rc.py is generated with qcompile. So if you have a development install it's just a case of going to the folder where you have probe_basic installed, and running `qcompile .`
05:11 PM JT-Cave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE2HCQ70858
05:41 PM Tom_L: caveman style
06:39 PM XXCoder: interesting bowl
06:39 PM XXCoder: not really my style
06:41 PM XXCoder: very very interesting
06:41 PM XXCoder: CaptHindsight[m]: https://www.zimaboard.com/
07:01 PM XXCoder: JT-Cave: shiny :) I guess its just first step out of many sand and reapply coat
07:55 PM unterhausen: I just opened my ethernet card package. Those cards are getting tiny
07:58 PM unterhausen: granted, it's probably 3 times bigger than it needs to be
08:01 PM _unreal_: So what is new?
08:57 PM solarwind: @CaptHindsight[m] these cheap 1kW servos from stepperonline are _awesome_
08:57 PM solarwind: I'm going to write a full review and analysis
08:57 PM solarwind: There's no hand holding for the tuning, so it's more like tuning a traditional analog servo drive. But once you tune the drive, it's excellent
08:58 PM solarwind: it has registers for configuring notch filters if I remember correctly, but the frequencies are something you'll have to find on your own
08:59 PM solarwind: Not too hard to make some open source tools to auto tune these. For the price, best I've ever tested. Nothing comes close for $200
09:54 PM unterhausen: solarwind do you have a link to which motors?
10:44 PM solarwind: unterhausen https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/e6-series-1000w-ac-servo-motor-kit-3000rpm-3-18nm-17-bit-encoder-ip65-e6-rs1000h2a2-m17s
11:37 PM mrec: stepperonline is expensive