#linuxcnc Logs

Feb 04 2022

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:10 AM solarwind: I no longer dip my tungsten
12:18 AM solarwind: turns out the solution was taking propranolol
12:18 AM solarwind: getting very consistent welds now
01:23 AM * Lcvette[m] uploaded an image: (43KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PxwWaMvdleXMlXohkteKKxoq/cnc1-04Feb2022-1576.png >
01:23 AM Lcvette[m]: this looks ok yeah?
01:43 AM Deejay: moin
05:07 AM t4nk_freenode: howdy, rowdy
05:11 AM JT-Cave: morning\
05:11 AM Tom_L: hi
05:12 AM JT-Cave: looks like we got about an inch of snow last night
05:27 AM unterhaus: dog has to go to the vet at 9, I wish they would call off when the weather is ridiculous but you know they are there
05:28 AM unterhaus: unless they crashed into the woods because there is 1/4" of ice on the roads
06:55 AM JT-Cave: I have to replace the belt in my HP DesignJet 500 plotter before I sell it... should I use a $10 belt or a $40 belt?
07:25 AM JT-Cave: hmm I found a $20 belt on sale for $15 so I think I'll go middle of the road
07:29 AM Tom_L: :)
08:29 AM perry_j1987: morning
08:31 AM Tom_L: hi
08:39 AM perry_j1987: i need to figure out something with this tool setter
08:59 AM unterhaus: well, my new extruder came but I'm missing a piece. Either they forgot it or I lost it, same level of inconvenience either way
09:01 AM perry_j1987: what piece
09:03 AM unterhaus: it's the pivot for the arm
09:03 AM unterhaus: I might be able to make one, but it's pretty small
09:04 AM perry_j1987: the piece that goes around the screw?
09:04 AM unterhaus: yes
09:04 AM perry_j1987: what happened to old extruder
09:05 AM unterhaus: it wasn't pushing filament very well
09:05 AM unterhaus: no way to adjust tension on the arm
09:06 AM unterhaus: no going back now either, busted
09:15 AM perry_j1987: the screw head big enough to stop the arm from coming off?
09:16 AM perry_j1987: could wrap strip of popcan around the screw to make a new pivot for temporary
09:16 AM perry_j1987: or do you have a lathe? :)
09:18 AM unterhaus: that's why I said I could make one
09:19 AM unterhaus: it would be pretty fiddly on the lathe
09:19 AM unterhaus: I have thought about getting a chuck from a taig or something to put in my lathe
09:26 AM perry_j1987: why fiddly?
09:27 AM perry_j1987: er chucks are nice for small parts
09:59 AM unterhausen: perry, feel free to make one and make a youtube video
10:05 AM perry_j1987: lol
10:05 AM perry_j1987: what are you thinking is fiddly about it?
10:05 AM perry_j1987: genuine question
10:05 AM perry_j1987: all i do are tiny parts
10:18 AM unterhausen: I don't usually do small parts.
10:18 AM unterhausen: but using collets would be a good idea, if I have the right size
10:25 AM perry_j1987: if you got a metric set and imperial set of er collets your usually good to go
10:26 AM unterhausen: no ER collets at all
10:26 AM unterhausen: but fortunately crawling around on the floor resulted in me finding the part
10:28 AM perry_j1987: lol
11:40 AM JT-Shop: I guess I'll punch in and try to get station 1 done and maybe start on station 2
11:43 AM roycroft: my day is pretty much in limbo, which i don't like
11:43 AM roycroft: i have a meeting at the country fair office, but the time has not been determined
11:44 AM roycroft: and i need to be available at a moment's notice to go over there
11:44 AM roycroft: so i can only do things that can be immediately interruptable today
11:45 AM roycroft: it's rather discourteous, imo, to be unwilling to schedule a set time for a meeting, especially when it involves volunteers
12:05 PM XXCoder: unterhausen: what I hate is companies that expect you to show up even if theres 5 feet of snow, but if they are to go to your place, appointment is cancelled if ground tasted snow
12:33 PM t4nk_freenode: _unreal_, https://postimg.cc/gallery/HVRdJx1
12:33 PM t4nk_freenode: I finished my .5m pitch breakout board
12:34 PM t4nk_freenode: with some creative designing ;)
01:05 PM Tom_L: roycroft, still better than jury duty :)
01:06 PM Tom_L: t4nk_freenode, what's with the open pads on the bottom?
01:06 PM roycroft: *sigh*
01:06 PM roycroft: a credit card was compromised again
01:06 PM roycroft: this time one that i use for a lot of recurring transactions
01:07 PM roycroft: so now i get to contact a bunch of people with a new card number
01:07 PM Tom_L: yeah i had to redo routing numbers recently
01:07 PM t4nk_freenode: Tom_L, open pads?
01:07 PM roycroft: i should see if the cc has virtual account numbers, so i won't have to go through this again in the future
01:08 PM Tom_L: t4nk_freenode, they appear open anyway. the grid of fingers
01:09 PM t4nk_freenode: mm, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that
01:10 PM Tom_L: https://postimg.cc/xXWzPrvS
01:10 PM Tom_L: none of them appear to connect
01:10 PM t4nk_freenode: the holes you mean?
01:10 PM Tom_L: no
01:10 PM t4nk_freenode: the chip's legs sit on the pads
01:11 PM Tom_L: i see that on the top
01:11 PM Tom_L: what about the bottom?
01:11 PM Tom_L: oh nevermind i think i see it now
01:12 PM Tom_L: long skinny chip with tight pin spacing
01:12 PM t4nk_freenode: yes... the centers of the pads are spaced at 0.5mm apart
01:12 PM Tom_L: i hadn't clicked on pic 4 yet
01:13 PM Tom_L: good luck with bridges on those skinny pads
01:13 PM t4nk_freenode: it's actually not too bad!
01:13 PM t4nk_freenode: I got some real fine tips and tin
01:14 PM t4nk_freenode: but before I started using a microscope to solder these... I would destroy every single chip I lay my fingers on ;)
01:14 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/atmega32u4/atmega32u4_1.jpg
01:14 PM Tom_L: that was doable but not much fun since the pads are on the bottom
01:15 PM Tom_L: qfn? i forget
01:17 PM t4nk_freenode: heh, the board in my ender 3 has those kind of chips for the stepper drivers.. and those bastards soldered them directly onto the motherboard
01:18 PM t4nk_freenode: so if one breaks, chances are the customer will buy a new board
01:19 PM t4nk_freenode: those are qfn indeed
01:20 PM t4nk_freenode: spacing is the same as on my board
01:21 PM t4nk_freenode: did you do that with a normal iron?
01:23 PM Tom_L: yes
01:24 PM t4nk_freenode: you must have the patience of an angel ;)
01:25 PM Tom_L: and ~200 of these http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/batch1.jpg
01:25 PM t4nk_freenode: https://www.microchip.com/content/dam/mchp/mrt-dam/ic-images/vqfn/44-lead-swb/ATmega32U4-SWB-Regular.jpg not much to grab on to
01:25 PM Tom_L: before i made a toaster oven
01:25 PM Tom_L: yep, that's the critter
01:26 PM t4nk_freenode: yeah, that would be my idea too, I'd apply some paste onto the pads, lots of flux and then put a heat gun on it
01:26 PM Tom_L: the problem with the qfn is i forgot to extend the pads out from a normal reflow pad
01:27 PM t4nk_freenode: but I also know say that it's no problem soldering them with a normal iron
01:28 PM t4nk_freenode: so you had the board made by such an online company like JLCPCB or so
01:28 PM Tom_L: i think i used gold phoneix for those
01:29 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/boards1.JPG
01:30 PM t4nk_freenode: nice
01:30 PM Tom_L: after i did the oven i made a jig to apply the paste: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/Stencils/stencil_form4.jpg
01:31 PM t4nk_freenode: nearly 12 years ago
01:31 PM Tom_L: been a while yes
01:31 PM Tom_L: i still have a bunch of U2 chips left
01:31 PM t4nk_freenode: lol, yeah, applying the paste is like an art in it's own
01:32 PM Tom_L: doing 1 or 2 is no big deal
01:32 PM Tom_L: when you're doing alot you find ways to make it easier
01:33 PM t4nk_freenode: I was having that exact thought when I was doing the board cut-outs today... how it doesn't matter for me, but how mass production would be
01:33 PM t4nk_freenode: since I was taking it very slow
01:33 PM Tom_L: once i got them aligned i used clear packing tape as a hinge to keep them in place
01:34 PM Tom_L: and you want a slot so you can get the board back out :)
01:34 PM Tom_L: took the cutter to center at the corners so they wouldn't be rounded
01:35 PM t4nk_freenode: mmm but ... how were those stencils made then?
01:44 PM Tom_L: https://ohararp.com/stencils/
01:44 PM t4nk_freenode: ahh, ok
01:44 PM Tom_L: send them a board layer
01:44 PM t4nk_freenode: that is such small stuff man, I'd love to be able to make it myself
01:44 PM Tom_L: just do it
01:44 PM * JT-Shop thinks he will knock off early today... the boss is not looking
01:44 PM * Tom_L would too but has a tax appt
01:44 PM Tom_L: after getting a booster
01:44 PM Tom_L: 2 shots in the arm :)
01:46 PM t4nk_freenode: it's really tiny stuff, on the other hand; the pads don't need to be square I think, but just at the right spots
01:47 PM Tom_L: i've seen guys run a bead across the pads and let it wick up when heated
01:47 PM Tom_L: i never tried that
01:50 PM t4nk_freenode: I got some small bga chips here too, to experiment with
01:50 PM Tom_L: yeah, rue in another channel got a ball kit for those
01:53 PM t4nk_freenode: the right tools make the difference
01:56 PM t4nk_freenode: I really like messing around with this stuff
01:56 PM t4nk_freenode: and see how much I can do myself
02:16 PM enleth: so I got this very nice 60 piece precision screwdriver set with a plethora of weird bits for weird screw heads and the purpose of each part is perfectly obvious to me - except for one
02:16 PM enleth: and I'm not asking about the Y-shaped thing, I know it's for driving hooks and loops
02:17 PM enleth: (that is probably the thing most people ask about when they can't figure out one last bit out of a set)
02:17 PM enleth: https://www.hurt.com.pl/img/product/big/zestaw-bitow-i-kluczy-nasadowych-60-czesciowy-xtreme-67-006-5.jpg
02:17 PM enleth: the topmost bit on the photo, the silver one
02:18 PM enleth: the other silver ones are tiny socket wrenches
02:18 PM enleth: the top one however has a recess shaped as if it were a PH2 screw head
02:19 PM enleth: *and* it looks like it is indeed labeled "PH2" on the box: https://cdn.wasserman.eu/generated/images/s960/97239 (the very last one)
02:20 PM enleth: there's a range of actual tiny PH-ish bits included, 1.0 to 3.5mm
02:21 PM enleth: but what in the hell is the intended purpose of a "negative" PH2 bit?
02:21 PM JT-Shop: wow it's above freezing and the sun is shining...
02:21 PM Tom_L: it's not like a reverse security bit?
02:21 PM enleth: why would anyone want that?
02:21 PM Tom_L: reverse screw head
02:21 PM * JT-Shop wanders down to see if the driveway is melted off yet
02:21 PM Tom_L: tamper proof
02:21 PM enleth: Tom_L: like, a screw head shaped like a PH2 bit, sticking out of a part?
02:22 PM Tom_L: i haven't seen those but i have seen half slotted slotted screws
02:22 PM Tom_L: tighten but not loosten
02:22 PM enleth: there's two bits for that in the set as well!
02:22 PM Tom_L: yeah
02:22 PM Tom_L: not that common
02:22 PM enleth: ah, you mean the asymmetric philips-like screw head, that cams out on loosening
02:22 PM CloudEvil: I know reverse-torx is a thing
02:22 PM enleth: but it's not that
02:23 PM enleth: look at the photo, the silver bit at the top corner
02:23 PM enleth: this is literally a PH2 screw head on top of a screwdriver bit
02:23 PM JT-Shop: https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/142225/what-is-the-purpose-of-this-inverted-philips-head-screwdriver-bit
02:24 PM enleth: JT-Shop: bingo
02:24 PM enleth: and someone actually knew
02:24 PM enleth: "concave Phillips"
02:24 PM XXCoder: first time I see inverse screw and tool
02:24 PM enleth: whoever came up with this bullshit should have their thinking license revoked
02:25 PM enleth: JT-Shop: thanks
02:25 PM Tom_L: an overachiever for sure
02:26 PM enleth: although I imagine the bit might actually be useful to drive all sorts of small, flat-ish protruding thingies
02:27 PM Tom_L: then there are those phillips bits that aren't quite phillips
02:27 PM Tom_L: forget the name
02:29 PM enleth: there's at least one japanese standard that looks like phillips but very much isn't
02:29 PM enleth: japanese bike owners tend to find out the hard way
02:32 PM enleth: the tip angle is shallower and so is the recess in the screw head, so phillips bits tend to fit very loosely and cam out a lot
02:33 PM roycroft: the japanese ones are jis
02:33 PM roycroft: and they only superficially resemble phillips
02:34 PM XXCoder: just why
02:34 PM roycroft: close enough to confuse almost everyone, though
02:34 PM roycroft: but i thin what tom_l is referring to is posidriv
02:34 PM XXCoder: shallower isnt that mean easier to destroy screw
02:34 PM roycroft: jis are very rare in the us, other than on some japanese bicycle parts
02:34 PM enleth: XXCoder: no, if you have the correct bit
02:34 PM roycroft: but posidriv are pretty common
02:35 PM enleth: roycroft: funny, I immediately assumed he does not mean PZ, because he surely knows it's a very different thing, as anyone here should
02:35 PM enleth: JIS and PH, however, are in fact the same type of geometry, just with a different included angle
02:36 PM roycroft: iirc there's a french cross drive head that isn't remotely compatible with anything else
02:36 PM enleth: that one at least looks like its own thing
02:36 PM roycroft: yeah, french recess
02:36 PM roycroft: it's cross drive, but stepped
02:37 PM CaptHindsight[m]: t4nk_freenode: using a soldermask helps prevent solder bridges
02:37 PM enleth: French gonna French and they made sure you can tell it's their own French thing
02:38 PM roycroft: and they will fart in your general direction if you question them about it
02:39 PM enleth: XXCoder: the thing about Phillips is that it was explicitly designed to cam out easily and in some applications, that causes assembly issues
02:40 PM enleth: XXCoder: so the Japanese modified the included angle to increase holding torque
02:40 PM roycroft: yes, that was the whole point of phillips
02:40 PM roycroft: pneumatic torque wrenches were not a think when phillips was designed
02:40 PM enleth: at the same time, some guts in the UK, I think, invented Pozidriv to get the same effect but in a different way
02:40 PM enleth: *guys
02:40 PM roycroft: and factory workers could not easily be trained to torque fasteners correctly by feel
02:41 PM roycroft: so phillips were developed specifically to cam out before shearing
02:42 PM roycroft: i thought pozidriv was developed later specifically not to cam out as easily as phillips
02:42 PM enleth: yes, I meant at the same time as JIS
02:43 PM roycroft: oh
02:43 PM roycroft: ok
02:43 PM enleth: both are essentially modifications of Phillips that are less likely to cam out
02:43 PM enleth: but the designers took different approaches
02:43 PM enleth: so now we're stuck with three different standards
02:44 PM enleth: you can in fact regrind the tip of a PH bit to get a reasonably good JIS bit
02:44 PM enleth: the lobe geometry is more or less identical
02:44 PM enleth: PH is just too pointy at the end to nest in a JIS screw properly
02:54 PM roycroft: so my new bandsaw table is also defective
02:54 PM roycroft: and completely unusable as it is
02:54 PM roycroft: i do not think i should have to grind on it to make it usable
03:00 PM * roycroft is in the hold queue for jet tech support
03:00 PM roycroft: it should be interesting to hear what they propose doing
03:26 PM perry_j1987: grrrr fusion 360
03:28 PM perry_j1987: its holding a model hostage
03:28 PM perry_j1987: claims its uploading it still but its stuck and i cant open it
03:28 PM roycroft: and you know it would do so when you signed up
03:28 PM roycroft: knew, rather
03:28 PM perry_j1987: i also have this whole folder set as offline cache too so wtf!
03:29 PM * roycroft has been on hold for 38 minutes now
03:29 PM roycroft: and they just hung up on me
04:07 PM Tom_L: the examples i was thinking of were japanese
04:10 PM Tom_L: i run into those more often that i'd like
04:10 PM Tom_L: than
04:12 PM CaptHindsight[m]: roycroft: call them back and put THEM on hold for 38 minutes
04:19 PM roycroft: hopefully i have resolution now
04:19 PM roycroft: the tables are backordered again
04:19 PM roycroft: but they told me to grind the one i have down until i can use it
04:20 PM roycroft: and they'll pull a table from the next batch and inspect it before they send it to me
05:06 PM CaptHindsight[m]: https://vimeo.com/bionautlabs might be of interest, magnetically steered microbots to deliver meds to difficult to reach areas of the brain
05:42 PM roycroft: this machine came with a "digital activation key"
05:43 PM roycroft: i got it from the goodwill, and i know they're microsoft partners, and that my copy of windows is legitimate
05:43 PM roycroft: but they told me that since it is "digitally activated" they don't have an activation key to give me
05:43 PM roycroft: so how do i reinstall windows if i need to?
05:43 PM roycroft: s/if/when/
05:44 PM * roycroft hopes he does not have to log into some microsoft account to do that
05:47 PM unterhausen: after a certain point, it's built in and when you install windows it checks the bios
05:47 PM unterhausen: my most recent salvage computer was like that
05:48 PM unterhausen: there are programs to retrieve the key
05:48 PM roycroft: when does one know when one has reached that point?
05:49 PM roycroft: i don't have installation media or anything
05:49 PM unterhausen: search for this retrieve windows product key from bios
05:49 PM roycroft: but i think there's a windows utility to create a recovery image on a thumb drive
05:49 PM unterhausen: winders is running, right?
05:49 PM roycroft: yes
05:49 PM roycroft: i just brought the machine home
05:49 PM roycroft: they had to reinstall, as they had installed the wrong version of windows
05:49 PM unterhausen: okay, do that search it has good instructions
05:50 PM unterhausen: what version of windows?
05:50 PM roycroft: i want to create a recovery disk and get the key and whatever else i need to reinstall from scratch before i do anything else
05:50 PM roycroft: windows 11 pro
05:50 PM unterhausen: retrieve windows product key from bios
05:50 PM roycroft: which i did not want, but they're not allowed to install windows 10, per their contract with microsoft
05:50 PM roycroft: ok, i'll search for that
05:50 PM roycroft: i think i'm going to modify an old laptop cart to hold the new machine first
05:50 PM unterhausen: or just do this: Open a PowerShell (Admin) and enter wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey press return.
05:51 PM roycroft: it's 15 degrees out - i can work in the garage with the door open today for another hour or so
05:51 PM roycroft: that sounds like an easy way to do it - thanks
05:51 PM roycroft: i'll try that later
05:51 PM roycroft: the machine is shut down right now
05:51 PM roycroft: but after i finish the cart mods i'll give that a go
05:51 PM unterhausen: it's 15 degrees here too, but I ain't working in that kind of temperature
05:52 PM roycroft: yes, but i use real degrees, not archaic degrees
05:52 PM roycroft: 15 degrees is quite comfy when they are real degrees
05:53 PM unterhausen: real degrees? Kelvin? It's 264 degrees kelvin
05:53 PM roycroft: kelvin are science degrees
05:54 PM roycroft: you should know by now that i'm a people person :)
05:54 PM unterhausen: or engineering degrees
05:54 PM roycroft: it's 289.5 science degrees right now
05:55 PM roycroft: er, sorry, 288.15 science degrees
05:55 PM roycroft: using the current definition of absolute zero, which has changed over time
05:58 PM * roycroft goes out to modify the cart
05:59 PM unterhausen: I bought a single stick of memory without thinking about it much and it drove the computer nuts, no built in display
06:00 PM perry_j1987: there we go
06:00 PM unterhausen: hoping an add in graphics card will bring it back
06:00 PM perry_j1987: just about got this lathe together
06:07 PM solarwind: So I made a dumb dumb today
06:07 PM solarwind: Mixed up the hoses to my TIG torches and forgot to plug one of them into the water cooler
06:08 PM solarwind: There goes $200 of "superflex" hoses
06:08 PM solarwind: Well at least the main hose carrying current and water. But can't really buy _just_ that hose
06:09 PM solarwind: At least everlast sells the same quality hose + torch for less than overpriced CK
06:09 PM solarwind: $180 CAD for the slimline 20 flex head water cooled torch with 8m hose.
06:23 PM CaptHindsight[m]: solarwind: you have pics of meltings things?
06:26 PM solarwind: The hose just disintigrated
06:27 PM solarwind: disintegrated*
06:27 PM solarwind: The copper is actually fine
06:27 PM solarwind: At least the torch held up
06:28 PM solarwind: I mean it behaved like an air cooled torch at the torch end. It just got really hot, but nothing broke or melted
07:10 PM unterhausen: what's CK?
07:32 PM XXCoder: mildly cool 281k here
07:42 PM _unreal_: 281 kelvin?
07:44 PM XXCoder: yep
07:45 PM perry_j1987: hmm odd
07:45 PM perry_j1987: setting up homing on the mini lathe
07:45 PM perry_j1987: z works and i can jog around after
07:45 PM perry_j1987: x homes and then i cant jog no life from stepper
07:46 PM perry_j1987: if i unhome x then i can jog x around
08:00 PM perry_j1987: odd
08:00 PM perry_j1987: i can jog closer to the homeswitch
08:00 PM perry_j1987: not away from it
08:00 PM perry_j1987: the direction is moving the right way with the keyboard keys though...
08:05 PM perry_j1987: oh there we go
08:05 PM perry_j1987: travel limits were not set right
08:40 PM roycroft: so i am sad
08:40 PM roycroft: i'm not much of a sports person
08:41 PM roycroft: but i do love following/watching the olympic games, especially the winter games
08:41 PM roycroft: they are starting tonight, but they should not be - they should be postponed
08:41 PM roycroft: and i can't bring myself to support them this year by watching them
08:42 PM roycroft: i'll miss all that schussing and curling and moguling
08:44 PM roycroft: and wtf?
08:44 PM roycroft: i went to create a system recovery usb drive for this windows machine, and i was informed by windows that it cannot do so because there are missing files
08:44 PM roycroft: i was informed by the place where i bought it that i need to create a system restore point first
08:45 PM roycroft: i went to do that an was denied, because the machine is not connected to the internet
08:45 PM roycroft: why the hell would it need to be connected to the internet to take a snapshot of itself?
08:45 PM roycroft: i can't connect it to the internet until i install the wifi adapter, and i want to make the recovery disk before i install anything
08:47 PM XXCoder: geez
08:47 PM XXCoder: pointless lockon to internet
08:48 PM solarwind: What's the purpose of dual shield flux core?
08:49 PM solarwind: If you have a shielding gas supply, then why do you need flux?
08:49 PM solarwind: And if you have flux, why do you need the shielding gas?
08:51 PM roycroft: i found a way to do it
08:51 PM roycroft: but i still cannot create a recovery drive, even after creating a restore point
08:57 PM bdju: are waterjets supported by linuxcnc?
08:57 PM XXCoder: any machine can be
08:58 PM XXCoder: you need to figure it and such but yeah
09:00 PM roycroft: and people have run waterjets with linuxcnc
09:01 PM XXCoder: missed a word. I meant figure configure it ...
09:02 PM _unreal_: dont confriger it
09:06 PM _unreal_: sooo tired
09:06 PM _unreal_: very long work day
09:06 PM _unreal_: 10 hours
09:21 PM roycroft: yeah, so i was apparently led on a wild goose chase
09:21 PM roycroft: a restore point is not necessary to make a recovery image
09:21 PM roycroft: or restore image
09:21 PM roycroft: or whatever they call it
09:22 PM roycroft: there's some thing called "windows re", which is about the recovery image, and it is disabled
09:22 PM roycroft: attempting to enable it informs me that there is no recovery image to be found, and that i cannot create a recovery drive
09:22 PM XXCoder: :(
09:23 PM * roycroft suspects he's going to have to buy a copy of windows now, which will cost almost as much as the damn computer
09:23 PM XXCoder: you can always take a image
09:23 PM roycroft: am i wrong to think a machine is useless if i cannot reinstall the os?
09:23 PM roycroft: i'm not sure how well dd'ing an image would work
09:23 PM XXCoder: any serial anywhere on your pc case?
09:24 PM roycroft: this is windows, after all
09:24 PM roycroft: as in serial port?
09:24 PM roycroft: or serial number?
09:24 PM XXCoder: it'll work, boot linux on usb drive and all that. however it dont turn winows into fresh install, unless you do a restore to factory
09:24 PM XXCoder: number
09:24 PM roycroft: yes, the serial number is on the machine
09:24 PM roycroft: as well as that other dell number
09:25 PM XXCoder: yeah. you can just order a cd. no need to buy another copy of os
09:25 PM roycroft: the whatever code dell use to annotate the configuration
09:25 PM roycroft: maybe that's what i'll do
09:25 PM roycroft: get a cd
09:25 PM roycroft: and extract the activation key
09:25 PM XXCoder: yeah shouldnt be expensive
09:25 PM roycroft: unterhaus gave me a command to do that earlier today
09:26 PM * roycroft does not know how people can tolerate windows on their primary machine
09:27 PM XXCoder: me neither. i stopped using with windows 7
09:30 PM roycroft: on a somewhat amusing note, windows 11 seems to be trying to look as much like mac os as possible
09:30 PM XXCoder: of course
09:31 PM roycroft: the start menu is now a dock, at the bottom
09:31 PM roycroft: the window corners are rounded now
09:31 PM roycroft: it has screen switching
09:31 PM roycroft: dark mode
09:31 PM roycroft: it's still very windows, but it really is trying to look like mac os
09:31 PM XXCoder: dark mode is excellent. wont make me use windows again
09:33 PM bdju: roycroft: if you can get into the Windows install and run stuff at all, belarc advisor can pull product keys for installed software and put them in a report for you
09:33 PM bdju: it will have the Windows key as well
09:34 PM roycroft: yeah, i just got the produt key
09:34 PM roycroft: wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey
09:34 PM roycroft: because that's so intuitive
09:36 PM XXCoder: geez lol. in kleast theres a method. older windows you would need special hack program to get serial back out
09:36 PM bdju: is that run in cmd or powershell? I think I'll write that down somewhere
09:36 PM roycroft: cmd
09:36 PM bdju: alright
09:36 PM roycroft: as administrator
09:37 PM roycroft: this machine being a dell, there are probably a lot of proprietary drivers for it
09:37 PM roycroft: i should probably focus on downloading all those drivers while they're still on the dell website, if they even are
09:38 PM XXCoder: roycroft: look on internet your dell pc model there should be "driver pack"
09:38 PM roycroft: that + an installation cd + the product key = maybe i can reinstall
09:40 PM roycroft: i'm kind of bummed because i spent the time this afternoon modifying an old laptop cart to make it a computer cart, so i could wheel the machine out into my living room toight and create the recovery image start configuring the machine, maybe start installing software on it while chilling in front of the tv
09:40 PM roycroft: but since i can't make the recovery image that plan is kind of shot
09:47 PM XXCoder: yeah, isnt restore to factory alo need recovery image?
09:47 PM roycroft: yes
09:48 PM roycroft: which is why i want to do that before i start changing things
10:13 PM roycroft: jesus h christ
10:13 PM roycroft: i want the mouse scroll button to scroll properly, instead of backwards, as windows does
10:13 PM roycroft: i have to edit the registry to fix that
10:32 PM Rhine_Labs: Thermal Inager for Detecting Shorts & bad bearings https://youtu.be/_8x1Kn4Yiuk
10:32 PM Rhine_Labs: Imager
10:32 PM roycroft: i usually use my ears to detect bad bearings
10:32 PM Tom_L: there's a votech class here for that
10:32 PM roycroft: and my nose to detect shorts
10:35 PM roycroft: for detecting shorts and bad bearings?