#linuxcnc Logs

Oct 26 2021

#linuxcnc Calendar

02:20 AM Deejay: moin
04:37 AM Tom_L: morning
05:24 AM solarwind: Forklift propane tanks are insanely expensive
05:24 AM solarwind: BBQ propane tanks are cheap and everywhere
05:25 AM solarwind: Why can't I just turn my BBQ propane tank up side down and run my forklift like that?
05:26 AM solarwind: A new 30lb forklift propane tank costs $400 around here
05:27 AM solarwind: New BBQ tank costs $50 purged and filled
05:29 AM Loetmichel: solarwind: forklift tanks have a tube inside that picks up liquid gas.
05:30 AM Loetmichel: you CANT use a BBQ tank on a forklift and vice versa
05:30 AM Loetmichel: or better: you shouldnt. unless you dont need your eyebrows any more in the latter case
05:39 AM solarwind: Loetmichel BBQ tank up side down only gives you liquid
05:39 AM solarwind: That's how I refill my disposable cylinders
05:39 AM Loetmichel: solarwind: true. but the holders on the Forklifts are sideways
05:39 AM solarwind: Oh that's nothing
05:39 AM solarwind: It'll take me an hour to build a new holder
05:40 AM solarwind: I'll make a nice little manifold for parallel tanks
05:42 AM JT-Cave: morning
06:03 AM Loetmichel: solarwind: still sounds dangerous to me. Especially because the BBQ tanks missing the valve guards.
06:04 AM solarwind: They have those now
08:12 AM satiowadahc[m]: The start of an interesting project: https://imgur.com/a/BHUoZFZ
11:10 AM roycroft: i'm debugging an ssl certificate issue, and have been using the testing tool at ssllabs.com
11:11 AM roycroft: the main page for the testing tool shows three columns of results - recent tests, recent best (highest scoring) tests, and recent worst tests
11:11 AM roycroft: in the worst tests column i consistently find government sites with an 'f' score
11:12 AM * roycroft finds this both mildly amusing and mildly disturbing
11:21 AM JT-Cave: what is DNS CAA on that page?
11:22 AM roycroft: a pain in the butt :)
11:22 AM JT-Cave: lol
11:22 AM JT-Cave: say no more
11:22 AM roycroft: dns caa is where you stipulate authorized certificate issuers in a dns txt record
11:22 AM roycroft: if you do that, certificate issuers are only supposed to issue a cert if they match the caa record
11:22 AM roycroft: but it breaks a lot
11:23 AM roycroft: because dns txt records are not designed to do that kind of authorizatin
11:23 AM JT-Cave: lunch minute is up back to work for me
11:24 AM roycroft: all my certificates get an "a" score at ssllabs.com, even though i do not use dns caa records
11:26 AM roycroft: i did try using caa records for a while, but found that it caused way more problems than could be offset by any possible security benefits, so i ended up removing them
11:37 AM Tom_L: driver just arrived
11:49 AM roycroft: where are you going? :)
11:49 AM roycroft: my light tree has suddenly arrived from china and will be delivered today
11:49 AM Tom_L: vacation
11:49 AM roycroft: along with the taps for my rpi din mount
11:50 AM roycroft: and my last relay socket arrived yesterday
11:50 AM Tom_L: goin for a hearing test later
11:50 AM roycroft: so i think that as of today, i'll have everything i need for my cnc controller except for a gecko drive which i have yet to order
11:50 AM Tom_L: that'll cost probably 7-8k
11:50 AM roycroft: yikes
11:51 AM Tom_L: good ones ain't cheap
11:51 AM roycroft: yeah
11:51 AM Tom_L: they come with an inflated price too
11:51 AM JT-Shop: I don't need no test to tell me I can't hear crap
11:52 AM Tom_L: she finally got tired of ti
11:52 AM Tom_L: oh and...
11:52 AM Tom_L: i get to buy another 1.5. front window for her car
11:52 AM Tom_L: 1.5k
11:52 AM roycroft: and it looks like vision/dental/hearing is going to get cut out of the medicare expansion in the whatever it ends up being called bill
11:53 AM roycroft: probably prescription drugs as well
11:53 AM Tom_L: had about a 1" crack and i went out yesterday to take it in for glue but it was ~2' now
11:53 AM Tom_L: there's also a bill to reduce cost on hearing aids etc
11:53 AM Tom_L: but that won't happen for a while
11:54 AM Tom_L: and will probably only cover cheap ones
11:55 AM JT-Shop: you get to have all the fun
11:56 AM Tom_L: i'm not opposed to sharing
11:56 AM JT-Shop: my hard drives are out for delivery
11:56 AM JT-Shop: I hear that
11:58 AM JT-Shop: only 3 working days left in October... wonder if the Ridgeline will get built this month or not
12:00 PM aaroncnc: any one here good with python? i have a dumb question. I am triyng to avoid repetitive code. i had an idea to store the button names in a list then use a loop to cycle them vs writing them each over and over. but i am not having much luck
12:03 PM JT-Shop: I'll show you how to do that just a sec
12:06 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/7i96/blob/master/7i96/src/lib7i96/buildcombos.py
12:06 PM JT-Shop: that's one example
12:07 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/7i96/blob/master/7i96/src/lib7i96/buildmenus.py
12:07 PM JT-Shop: more examples
12:09 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/7i96/blob/master/7i96/src/lib7i96/utilities.py
12:09 PM JT-Shop: getattr() is pretty good way to do something to an object
12:11 PM JT-Shop: another good trick is to name a series of objects like this myButton_0 then copy that button as many as you need and they will have the next higher number so you can do things to them in a loop with getattr()
12:17 PM JT-Shop: aaroncnc, is your project on github?
12:18 PM aaroncnc: Yes, its rough but runs with so many almost duplicate lines https://github.com/aaroncnc/Remora-GUI-Config-Tool/blob/main/RemoraConfigTool.py
12:18 PM aaroncnc: makes adding new elements or changes a pain
12:19 PM aaroncnc: around 1,400 lines but i feel with a bit of logic with the variable names i could bring that down to under a few hundred.
12:20 PM JT-Shop: I use QT5 Designer to create my GUI part then just bring it in to the python code
12:20 PM JT-Shop: much faster than creating buttons in code
12:21 PM JT-Shop: oh I see you are too
12:21 PM JT-Shop: self.button = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, 'save')
12:21 PM JT-Shop: what are you doing with that line?
12:25 PM aaroncnc: setting up the save button to run code once it is pressed
12:25 PM JT-Shop: self.actionBuild.triggered.connect(self.buildfiles)
12:25 PM JT-Shop: that's all you need
12:25 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/7i96/blob/master/7i96/src/7i96
12:27 PM JT-Shop: you working in a windblows environment?
12:27 PM aaroncnc: Yes
12:28 PM JT-Shop: I could tell by the py file line endings :)
12:29 PM JT-Shop: I like to name all my gui objects like this savePB then I can use save in code without referencing the push button etc.
12:31 PM JT-Shop: for i in range(6):
12:32 PM JT-Shop: gettattr(self, f'pwmtxt{i}'.setText('')
12:33 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/rotary/mount/Gecko1.jpg
12:33 PM Tom_L: cute
12:36 PM beanbag-: did you get the ssd dumped to a file JT-Cave
12:39 PM JT-Shop: yes
12:39 PM JT-Shop: aaroncnc, https://pastebin.com/UPZaftXy
12:39 PM JT-Shop: an example for you
12:42 PM JT-Shop: Tom_L, I used to get little bean bag geckos
12:42 PM Tom_L: heh
12:42 PM Tom_L: glue it to the back and use it for a heatsink
12:43 PM Tom_L: last time i got one they didn't do that
12:44 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, okay so thats example for my code around line 580 the pwm setup correct?
01:01 PM JT-Shop: yup
01:04 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, line 582, in comboboxselected
01:04 PM aaroncnc: getattr(self, f'pwm{i}'.setChecked(0))
01:04 PM aaroncnc: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'setChecked'
01:17 PM JT-Shop: sorry forgot to close the getattr function
01:17 PM JT-Shop: https://pastebin.com/2bX1KetP
01:18 PM aaroncnc: awesome yup that fixed it getattr(self, f'pwmtxt{i}').setText("")
01:20 PM JT-Shop: sometimes I type too fast then copy and paste the mistake
01:20 PM JT-Shop: much cleaner code now I bet
01:24 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, it will help make the clear option a ton better.
01:24 PM JT-Shop: self.save.clicked.connect(self.printButtonPressed)
01:25 PM JT-Shop: no need to find a lost child
01:25 PM JT-Shop: for a menu item self.actionSave.triggered.connect(self.buildfiles)
01:29 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, https://pastebin.com/Pj8QPQ3i
01:30 PM aaroncnc: im trying to clean up the save function the most trying to use a list but not working out
01:37 PM JT-Shop: you have two different names, self.axislist and axislist and they are not the same
01:38 PM JT-Shop: I would use a for loop for that
01:38 PM aaroncnc: i will use a loop this was more trying to just get it to work
01:38 PM JT-Shop: understand
01:39 PM JT-Shop: https://pastebin.com/jUbVAwBP
01:39 PM JT-Shop: I do the same work out the syntax on a single then add the loop
01:42 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, s.write(str(self.axislist[0].isChecked()) + '|'+'\n')
01:42 PM aaroncnc: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'isChecked'
01:43 PM JT-Shop: you have to use getattr() :)
01:44 PM JT-Shop: the list is just a list of strings, if you had a list of checkbuttons that would be different
01:44 PM JT-Shop: self.axislist[self.xaxis, self.yaxis]
01:46 PM JT-Shop: using the list you could say getattr(self, 'xaxis').isChecked()
01:47 PM JT-Shop: look back at the for loop example for inspiration
01:48 PM JT-Shop: getattr(self, f'{self.axislist[0]).isChecked()
02:00 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, so this line works s.write(str(getattr(self, 'xaxis').isChecked())+'|'+'\n') BUT s.write(str(getattr(self, f'self.axislist[0]').isChecked())+'|'+'\n') gives an error ui has no attribute self.axislist[0]0
02:10 PM JT-Shop: you forgot the curly braces around the thing to be evaluated by the f string
02:11 PM JT-Shop: f'{self.axislist[0]}'
02:15 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, s.write(str(getattr(self, f'{self.axislist[0]}').isChecked())+'|'+'\n')
02:15 PM aaroncnc: AttributeError: 'Ui' object has no attribute '<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QCheckBox object at 0x000001EB677744C0>'
02:19 PM JT-Shop: show me the axis list and the line of code but use pastebin.com please so we don't flood here
02:21 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, https://pastebin.com/2n2Vhw7B
02:23 PM JT-Shop: I think I told you too much information and confused you a bit, getattr needs a string, to do something to an object in a list it needs to be that object
02:23 PM JT-Shop: https://pastebin.com/udST09Kn
02:30 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, Thanks now i can make this code a whole lot nicer to maintain. i was just brute forcing everything as i have not written much code for 15 years and i was not great to begin with.
02:31 PM JT-Shop: is it making sense now?
02:34 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, yes when i added the self inside the list items they were no longer strings
02:36 PM CaptHindsight[m]: just started looking at the Remora code, not sure why it only steps to 80-100KHz vs Klipper that steps to ~700KHz on the same stm32F4xx micros
02:37 PM CaptHindsight[m]: Remora uses a servo thread over SPI between Rpi and a micro
02:49 PM unterhaus_: isn't it because remora is using software stepping?
02:49 PM JT-Shop: aaroncnc, exactly
02:53 PM roycroft: have any of you ever worked with an imported belt drive 12x36 lathe or similar?
02:54 PM roycroft: i have an issue with my lathe
02:54 PM beanbag-: JT-Shop, once you do a quick scan with r-studio or testdisk, to confirm the disk image is good, then you can reuse the ssd
02:54 PM * roycroft is looking for a diagram to post before describing further
02:56 PM JT-Shop: beanbag-, I'm waiting on a 1TB drive to be my home files with just the os on the ssd
02:56 PM beanbag-: ok
02:57 PM JT-Shop: is r-studio different than r-linux?
02:57 PM beanbag-: yes but it's made by the same company
02:57 PM JT-Shop: r-linux was a free download
02:58 PM beanbag-: then use it :)
02:58 PM JT-Shop: I did but none of the files I looked at were complete... but I only looked at a few
02:59 PM beanbag-: yeah you will have that because you installed new files that over wrote some of the space taken by old files
02:59 PM beanbag-: that's unavoiable
02:59 PM beanbag-: you will have to manually check files you recover
02:59 PM beanbag-: sorry
02:59 PM JT-Shop: that's what I figured
02:59 PM JT-Shop: it's not the end of the world, all my programs are on github only my example programs were lost and some other stuff
03:00 PM beanbag-: don't dismiss if duplicate files come on
03:00 PM beanbag-: you might encouter old versions of files that are intact and better than nothing
03:00 PM JT-Shop: going to look at testdisk in the am after getting it back together
03:00 PM roycroft: ok
03:00 PM beanbag-: ok good luck
03:00 PM roycroft: roycroft.us/Lathe_Headstock_diagram.pdf
03:01 PM beanbag-: as long as you have that dd file you can keep trying different recovery tools
03:01 PM beanbag-: don't use any shit that wants to fix" the source
03:01 PM beanbag-: most everything now is scan and copy data out
03:01 PM beanbag-: and not touch the origional source
03:01 PM beanbag-: cause it's a stupid thing to do
03:01 PM beanbag-: if you canuck with the source and you make things worse, you are canucked
03:01 PM roycroft: the gear that is part 121 engages with pully 124 in normal mode, and is disconnected when using the back gear
03:02 PM roycroft: it has taken to disconnecting in normal mode now
03:02 PM roycroft: i suspect that pin 123 is worn
03:02 PM roycroft: my quick look suggests i may need to mostly or completey remove the spindle to replace that pin
03:03 PM JT-Shop: url not ound
03:03 PM roycroft: i wonder if anyone has worked on one similar
03:03 PM roycroft: oh, sorry
03:03 PM roycroft: roycroft.us/Lathe_Headstock_Diagram.pdf
03:03 PM roycroft: try that :)
03:03 PM JT-Shop: that worked
03:03 PM beanbag-: speaking of canucked
03:03 PM * beanbag- misses veegee
03:03 PM roycroft: towards the bottom, just right of center
03:04 PM CaptHindsight[m]: unterhaus_: Remora generates steps using a microcontroller in software, same as Klipper
03:04 PM roycroft: gear 121, pin 123, and pulley 124
03:04 PM beanbag-: see to me that is the best solution
03:04 PM beanbag-: for a linuxcnc
03:04 PM beanbag-: have a micro os for microcontrollers to do the really fine realtime stuff
03:04 PM roycroft: perhaps i just need to remove the outer bearing and slide the pulley and the rest of the drivetrain gears out a bit
03:04 PM beanbag-: linux handles everything else
03:05 PM CaptHindsight[m]: unterhaus_: remora connects to a microcontroller over SPI using a servo thread, similar to Mesa
03:05 PM roycroft: the good news is that i can get all the parts still, even though the lathe is almost 40 years old
03:05 PM roycroft: grizzly have them in stock
03:05 PM beanbag-: nice
03:05 PM JT-Shop: roycroft, is 120 a detent spring of some sorts
03:06 PM roycroft: my lathe is a jet, but it's almost identical to the grizzly, and i've purchased grizzly pars before
03:06 PM roycroft: yes
03:06 PM beanbag-: roycroft, you need to get lathe
03:06 PM beanbag-: you don't get lathed enough
03:06 PM * beanbag- ducks
03:06 PM roycroft: to engage the back gear i pull out 119 and twist it 90 degrees
03:06 PM roycroft: it pulls the pin out and holds it out
03:07 PM roycroft: but when the pin slips out, 119 does not stick out
03:07 PM roycroft: and if i turn off the lathe and turn the spindle manually it reengates
03:07 PM roycroft: reengages, rather
03:07 PM JT-Shop: sounds like time to take it apart and inspect
03:08 PM beanbag-: I still can't get over that flame spray stuff
03:08 PM roycroft: yeah
03:08 PM roycroft: i know that
03:08 PM beanbag-: where you "unwear" a crankshaft
03:08 PM beanbag-: spray new metal onto it
03:08 PM beanbag-: build it back up then grind it to the right shape
03:08 PM roycroft: the abom special
03:08 PM CaptHindsight[m]: like paint only it's metal
03:09 PM roycroft: i'm going to try to get my mill back online before i tackle the lathe
03:09 PM roycroft: it still works pretty well under light load
03:09 PM roycroft: but if i take too heavy a cut it starts slipping
03:09 PM beanbag-: roycroft, use it to make some trinkets etc you can sell
03:09 PM roycroft: unless i use the back gear
03:09 PM beanbag-: use the funds to get it fixed
03:10 PM roycroft: i can buy the parts for the lathe for <$10
03:10 PM roycroft: that's not the issue at all
03:10 PM roycroft: it's how much work it will be to disassemble part or all of the gearbox
03:10 PM beanbag-: I watched these guys in pakistan spin a large truck differential housing in a lath
03:10 PM beanbag-: talk about unbalanced
03:10 PM beanbag-: then they were beating on it with a hammer
03:10 PM beanbag-: in the lathe
03:10 PM beanbag-: veege was having a fit
03:11 PM beanbag-: "this is why I hate my people"
03:11 PM roycroft: yes, we've all seen those pakistani machine shop videos
03:11 PM beanbag-: some of the stuff they do is ok and clever
03:11 PM beanbag-: some stuff is wtf
03:11 PM roycroft: if it works well enough for the engines they're building, then that's fine
03:12 PM beanbag-: they did a good job saving some of those big rig engines that had ceized
03:12 PM beanbag-: I was suprised but those things were made to be rebuilt
03:12 PM roycroft: if they're trying to build bugatti engines, they probably need to refine their machining process a bit
03:12 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, looks so much better! https://pastebin.com/zsHTnbc2
03:13 PM beanbag-: JT-Shop, yeah r-linux looks like just a chopped down version of r-studio for linux fs's
03:13 PM aaroncnc: cant wait to clean up the rest of this mess
03:13 PM beanbag-: should be fine
03:14 PM beanbag-: I will tell you one time when r-studio sucks
03:14 PM beanbag-: if you lose the filesystem on a disk that is a bunch of disk images
03:14 PM beanbag-: it gets hella confused :P
03:16 PM roycroft: that's when you go to you replication server and restore the images
03:16 PM beanbag-: I have a freenas setup at work now but I had a ntfs drive with like 2-3 ntfs disk images that got wacked
03:16 PM beanbag-: and r-studio kept finding the starts of ntfs filesystems and not knowning which is which
03:17 PM roycroft: hmm
03:17 PM roycroft: now the queen is going to skip cop26
03:17 PM roycroft: that's not a good omen
03:18 PM roycroft: for the first time in i think all of our lives we may see a new monarch on the british throne before too much longer
03:20 PM beanbag-: congrats on brexit btw
03:20 PM beanbag-: :P
03:20 PM beanbag-: someone needed to say "NO" to the eu for once
03:20 PM beanbag-: they have got too big and complacent
03:20 PM beanbag-: even if you rejoin in another year it's fine
03:22 PM * roycroft will not comment on that any more
03:22 PM beanbag-: ok fair enough :)
03:22 PM roycroft: nor am i taking a position on the relevance of the institution of the monarchy
03:23 PM roycroft: i'm just pointing out that the queen is showing signs that she may be rapidly declining, and when she passes, it will be a very significant event
03:24 PM beanbag-: bummer
03:24 PM roycroft: it would not be surprising, not just due to her age, but due to the recent passing of prince phillip
03:24 PM roycroft: when one member of an elderly couple passes, it's quite common for the other to pass shortly thereafter
03:24 PM beanbag-: I bet with covid they have her in a 12,000 CFM hepa filter sealed building 24/7
03:24 PM roycroft: when my great grandmother passed, my great grandfather also passed less than a month later
03:25 PM roycroft: she's traveled close to 1000km all across england this month so far
03:33 PM beanbag-: ah
03:33 PM beanbag-: brave woman
03:33 PM roycroft: but last week she was in public walking with a cane, for the first time since she suffered an injury 20 or so years ago
03:33 PM roycroft: then she cancelled a trip to northern ireland, and then spent a night in hospital
03:33 PM roycroft: and now she's cancelled cop26
03:33 PM roycroft: both of those trips were very high profile and she was very much looking forward to attending them
03:33 PM roycroft: so it's not looking good right now
03:33 PM roycroft: she also had to receive two ambassadors virtually instead of in person this week
03:33 PM beanbag-: I wouldn't want tha job no matter how much I get paid
03:33 PM beanbag-: no thx
03:34 PM CaptHindsight[m]: What! Who wouldn't want to be the Queen of England for a day?
03:36 PM beanbag-: me
03:36 PM roycroft: helloooooooooooooooooooooooo, sailor!
03:36 PM beanbag-: too much responsibility
03:36 PM CaptHindsight[m]: we are not amused
03:36 PM beanbag-: TWSS
03:39 PM roycroft: i already have neck pain
03:39 PM roycroft: i don't need to wear a ginormous crown
03:40 PM roycroft: the coronation crown is solid gold and has thousands of jewels
03:40 PM roycroft: it probably weighs 7-8kg at least
03:40 PM CaptHindsight[m]: that is just for special occasions
03:41 PM JT-Shop: crap jury duty tomorrow
03:41 PM CaptHindsight[m]: most days she just wears a ballcap
03:42 PM roycroft: yeah, but those special occasions are very public, and she can't let her head droop at all
03:42 PM CaptHindsight[m]: that is why they wore those big white collars, they were braces
03:43 PM roycroft: the one she wears to open parliament only weighs 1kg
03:43 PM roycroft: but she has to hold her head straight up all the time or it will fall off
03:43 PM roycroft: when she reads her speech she cannot look down at the paper - she has to raise the paper up to eye level
03:44 PM CaptHindsight[m]: https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/2/queen-elizabeth-i-english-school.jpg neck brace
03:44 PM roycroft: the coronation crown is only 2.5kg
03:44 PM roycroft: but that's still fairly heavy to be on one's head
03:44 PM roycroft: especially if one is 95
03:44 PM CaptHindsight[m]: thumb tacks are well tacky
03:46 PM JT-Shop: please ignore the last message we are having trouble with our jury system!
03:47 PM JT-Shop: whew
03:47 PM CaptHindsight[m]: https://i.insider.com/587e470455b10660168b4916 this is only for bling days
03:49 PM roycroft: that's the little one, capthindsight - the imperial state crown
03:49 PM roycroft: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/St_Edward%27s_Crown_-_Royal_Collection_Trust_%281%29.jpg
03:49 PM roycroft: that's the big, heavy one
03:49 PM roycroft: that is solid gold
03:50 PM CaptHindsight[m]: this one? https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/giant-chandelier-rocky-boat.jpg
03:51 PM CaptHindsight[m]: https://cdn.uinterview.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Queen_Elizabeth_crop.jpg when just chillin
03:52 PM unterhaus_: CaptHindsight[m] I know how it works, but as I understand it remora has a software loop on the microcontroller
03:52 PM unterhaus_: they were talking about doing something faster in the conversation I read
03:52 PM CaptHindsight[m]: yes
03:53 PM CaptHindsight[m]: sounded like just using the reset function to double the step rate
03:53 PM CaptHindsight[m]: so you just generate the front edge of the steps
03:53 PM unterhaus_: are you sure the other software isn't using some other scheme to go that much faster?
03:53 PM CaptHindsight[m]: not sure why the remora loop is so much slower than a klipper loop
03:53 PM CaptHindsight[m]: have to see
03:57 PM CaptHindsight[m]: trajectory planner I believe is still on the host cpu, e.g. Rpi4 with Remora
04:00 PM CaptHindsight[m]: remora uses DDS, so maybe it's just a not as efficient method as Klipper
04:00 PM CaptHindsight[m]: dunno yet
04:20 PM * JT-Shop wonders how old this box of spellmaco "spotters" is...
05:16 PM Tom_L: well that could have been worse
05:18 PM snakedGT is now known as snaked
05:23 PM JT-Cave: what
06:00 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:07 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:07 PM JT-Cave: now to get rid of the super ugly debian 11 desktop it's so ugly I'm going to puke
06:09 PM XXCoder: lol
06:10 PM XXCoder: ill always use xfce
06:11 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, just one ear
06:11 PM JT-Cave: that's better than both ears
06:12 PM Tom_L: half price :)
06:12 PM JT-Cave: which hearing aid are you looking at?
06:12 PM Tom_L: my inlaw got one a while back and i kinda liked it
06:12 PM Tom_L: Oticon
06:12 PM Tom_L: 3.7k ea
06:16 PM Tom_L: Oticon more3 minirite R
06:16 PM Tom_L: to be prcise
06:18 PM JT-Cave: nice rechargeable
06:18 PM JT-Cave: chow time here
06:18 PM Tom_L: yeah usb too so car chargeable for trips
06:18 PM Tom_L: android app
07:04 PM roycroft: $3.7k is better than going beethoven
07:05 PM Tom_L: i did get a bit of a discount
07:10 PM XXCoder: tom wow quite modern
07:11 PM XXCoder: my first hearing aid was a smallish brick with wires to ears lol
07:11 PM XXCoder: it was useless for me, but i was required to use em
07:11 PM Tom_L: they've come a long ways
08:01 PM roycroft: grr
08:01 PM roycroft: my light stack finally arrived, and it does not work
08:01 PM XXCoder: the cnc status light stack?
08:01 PM roycroft: yes
08:02 PM roycroft: i should probably just figure out why it does not work and fix it, but i also think that the folks who shipped it from china probably want me to do that and don't care if it's broken
08:02 PM roycroft: so i'm inclined to tell them to make it work or send me another one that does
08:02 PM XXCoder: contact them for refund or replacenent
08:02 PM XXCoder: then fix it
08:02 PM roycroft: this fortunately does not affect the timeline of my project at all
08:02 PM roycroft: i can continue building the machine without the indicators
08:03 PM roycroft: it's just annoying to wait a month for something and have it be doa
08:03 PM roycroft: this is probably why i don't order from aliexpress
08:03 PM roycroft: this is my second order through them, ever
08:03 PM roycroft: the first order was years ago, and the part never showed up
08:03 PM roycroft: so they're batting zero now
08:04 PM XXCoder: wow
08:04 PM XXCoder: i ordered from them a lot more
08:04 PM XXCoder: only rarely have issues
08:05 PM Tom_L: get one from ali
08:06 PM roycroft: i prefer us vendors whenever possible
08:06 PM Tom_L: are they led?
08:06 PM roycroft: yes
08:07 PM Tom_L: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000282308603.html
08:07 PM XXCoder: i order from more local ones lately because the have increased prices to point where its not really worth shipping time most times now
08:07 PM Tom_L: what? you don't want it sitting in the container traffic jam?
08:08 PM XXCoder: yup lol
08:08 PM roycroft: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001515376387.html
08:08 PM roycroft: that is what i got
08:08 PM XXCoder: interesting that it comes with dc or ac versions
08:08 PM roycroft: and i did confirm that what they shipped was marked on the device itself as 24vdc
08:09 PM roycroft: i was concerned about the metal support rod, as i need mine to be longer
08:09 PM roycroft: it turns out it's a 5/8"-18 thread, so easy to replace with a longer one
08:10 PM roycroft: and i happen to have about 10' of 5/8" stainless tubing in stock
08:10 PM roycroft: but if the lights don't light up and the buzzer doesn't make noise that does not matter
08:10 PM roycroft: my immediate suspician is that i got a higher voltage ac model that was mismarked
08:11 PM roycroft: i haven't take it apart yet to see what it is
08:11 PM Tom_L: oh c'mon...you got us curious now
08:12 PM roycroft: well it's dinner time
08:12 PM roycroft: i'll let you know what i find out whenever i find out
08:12 PM Tom_L: couldn't be.. i just ate
08:12 PM Tom_L: i was gonna go hook up the driver but it's getting late for that
08:13 PM Tom_L: i did manage to find a current limit resistor for it and put that on
08:14 PM roycroft: my gecko drivers have the current resistor built in
08:14 PM Tom_L: which one?
08:14 PM Tom_L: this is adjustable up to 7A
08:14 PM roycroft: g201x
08:17 PM roycroft: they can take an external resistor if one wishes to do that
08:39 PM roycroft: they want me to email them a video of wiring up and testing the light
09:00 PM aaroncnc: JT-Shop, With your help i got the save hmi part of my code down to 33 lines from over 90 lines as it was originally.
09:00 PM aaroncnc: will also make adjustments so much faster not having to copy paste everything 8 or so times
09:21 PM XXCoder: https://youtu.be/nvMcFQqhbpM
09:21 PM XXCoder: pretty cool. slow motion engine firing
09:22 PM XXCoder: in clear part
10:40 PM satiowadahc[m]: https://imgur.com/a/sN4tfO0
10:40 PM satiowadahc[m]: Well interfacing with the motion controller took way longer than it should have. DRO is live now!
10:40 PM satiowadahc[m]: Need to slow things down, made my laptop run at 120degrees C.
10:41 PM Tom_L: cool
10:42 PM satiowadahc[m]: End goal would be to be able to run LCNC with no desktop environment loaded, should be able to reduce latency a fair amount with out a full desktop
10:43 PM Tom_L: are you using the api or what/
10:43 PM Tom_L: ?
10:44 PM satiowadahc[m]: just in C++
10:44 PM satiowadahc[m]: kinda imitating the python module
10:45 PM Tom_L: k