#linuxcnc Logs

Sep 18 2021

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:36 AM Deejay: moin
01:50 AM TurBoss: morning
01:55 AM XXCoder: o/
05:10 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:13 AM XXCoder: o/
06:37 AM XXCoder: dang
06:37 AM XXCoder: https://twitter.com/aarondfrancis/status/1438888219471491074?s=19
06:37 AM XXCoder: pretty damn crazy
07:07 AM JT-Cave: dang garmin map update is a 16GB download
07:12 AM JT-Cave: In addition to the recent suspension of First Class Package In ternational for shipments to Australia, USPS will suspend Priority Mail International as well, starting September 17, 2021. A ll shipments via th ese service s will be returned to sender .
07:29 AM JT-Cave: been downloading since 5am and only 28% done... going to have to wait for the last day of the month to update the map
10:22 AM * JT-Shop continues the massive deshambling of the garage and shops
12:18 PM unterhausen: one of the former department heads at Penn State mechanical engineering specialized in moving paper
12:19 PM unterhausen: it's not an easy thing to do
12:30 PM unterhausen: we have ants, but I can't figure out where they are coming from.
01:01 PM perry_j1987: JT-Cave we cant ship internationally for 14.95 now?
01:03 PM perry_j1987: https://about.usps.com/newsroom/service-alerts/international/welcome.htm
01:28 PM JT-Shop: first class and priority went down hill 4 months ago, they finally stopped taking any
01:30 PM perry_j1987: it looks like its just a small set of countries
03:39 PM CaptHindsight[m]: i was surprised by how my air freight rates are about the same, but this is for shipments from 50-1,000 lbs
03:43 PM CaptHindsight[m]: unterhausen: are they wearing tiny space suits?
04:01 PM JT-Shop: hmm could not find anything wrong with rusty's front end... and now the brakes stopped pulling to the left
04:13 PM XXCoder: jt sounds like stuck caliper for a short time then loosed
04:15 PM JT-Shop: that's what I'm thinking the right front caliper... I rarely drive Rusty
04:16 PM JT-Shop: I think it's time to sell the uplander and just drive Rusty for a while
04:32 PM JT-Shop: dang craigslist charges $5 per post for cars and trucks
04:35 PM JT-Shop: lol people are posting vehicles in the auto parts section
05:12 PM CloudEvil: 'assembled kit of parts, not including left wiper blade'
05:13 PM CaptHindsight[m]: in auto parts section and adding "GM, Ford, Toyota, Chevy, ....
05:13 PM CaptHindsight[m]: just to generate traffic
05:44 PM Tom_L: https://www.makerstore.com.au/blog/solidworks-cad-and-cam-now-free-for-makers/
05:51 PM CloudEvil: :/
05:53 PM Tom_L: the rest of us pay 99/yr
05:56 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:02 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:02 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:10 PM CaptHindsight[m]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdmGCjvnheo
09:11 PM CaptHindsight[m]: https://github.com/scottalford75/SKRV2-Mbed-OS5/tree/main/OS5-SKRv2-Remora
09:14 PM unterhaus: that breakout board is really nice
09:21 PM unterhaus: never let your life depend on a search party led by a bartender named Destiny
09:38 PM roycroft: i'l keep that in mind
09:39 PM roycroft: although if go missing i'm not sure how much influence i would have on the composition of the search party
09:45 PM unterhaus: like so many cases, the search party had been within 250 feet of the person they were looking for and gave up
09:45 PM unterhaus: Then Destiny intervened
10:08 PM roycroft: is someone able and willing to briefly discuss auto-squaring a router gantry with linuxcnc?
10:09 PM roycroft: the forum discussions i've read point to the the homing section of the linuxcnc documentation, which basically says that auto-squaring can be done, but does not explain how to do it
10:10 PM roycroft: the best i can get from what i've read is that one disconnects one of the motors on a dual-motor axis, homes one side, then reconnects that motor and homes the other side
10:10 PM roycroft: that doesn't make sense to me - i think there's something missing that i'm not intuiting
10:10 PM Tom_L: you set up 2 axis for that axis
10:11 PM Tom_L: i've never done a gantry so i'm not sure of the particulars
10:11 PM Tom_L: but 2.8 handles it quite nicely i've heard
10:13 PM roycroft: i don't get the mechanism at all
10:13 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/config/ini-homing.html
10:13 PM Tom_L: 6.10 home sequenced
10:14 PM Tom_L: If the HOME_SEQUENCE value is negative, all joints having the same absolute value of that HOME_SEQUENCE will be homed together with a synchronized final move.
10:14 PM roycroft: i've read that you set a soft home position for one side, use an accurate square to square the gantry, then set a soft home on the other side
10:14 PM roycroft: i've also read that if your gantry is not square linuxcnc can compensate for it
10:16 PM roycroft: i've read that homing configuration page
10:16 PM Tom_L: i imagine that would fall under axis mapping
10:16 PM Tom_L: but i'm not sure
10:18 PM Tom_L: (backlash compensation in the form of a file)
10:19 PM unterhaus: yeah, the homing sequence page is a little opaque, but it's what you have to do
10:19 PM unterhaus: 11 page thread on the forum https://forum.linuxcnc.org/49-basic-configuration/33079-how-to-2-or-more-motors-on-one-axis-gantry-linuxcnc-2-8-master
10:20 PM roycroft: it tells me how to set the soft limits
10:20 PM roycroft: but i don't see how to get the thing squared in the first place
10:20 PM Tom_L: part of tramming and adjusting the limits
10:21 PM roycroft: if my gantry extrusion is 3" thick and the end is milled 0.001" out of square, if it's 30" long then the axis is 0.010" out of square
10:21 PM roycroft: so just making it perfect to begin with is unlikely
10:21 PM roycroft: i'll check out that thread that unterhaus linked to
10:22 PM roycroft: that tread does not look familiar, so i probably missed it when i was looking earlier
10:22 PM unterhaus: linuxcnc will force it to hit the home switches if it can
10:22 PM unterhaus: so you got that going for you
10:23 PM unterhaus: you have to figure out how to get the limit switches square
10:23 PM Tom_L: small adjuster on at least one
10:24 PM roycroft: how repeatable are limit switches anyway?
10:24 PM roycroft: i have some of the cheap lever type ones
10:25 PM roycroft: i never expectd them to be repeatable, as my intended use was just as hard limits
10:25 PM roycroft: if i need to use limit switches for homing i'll need to get higher quality ones, i suppose
10:27 PM Tom_L: mechanical, optical of varying price rages and accuracies
10:28 PM Eric_: I think they are pretty repeatable, depending on how well you mount them
10:28 PM Eric_ is now known as unterhausen
10:33 PM roycroft: the ones i bought for my mill were about $2 each
10:33 PM roycroft: i figured they would be repeatable to within 0.010" or so, and for hard limits that's fine
10:33 PM roycroft: but for homing, not so much
10:34 PM roycroft: i may be underestimating their accuracy
10:34 PM roycroft: but for my intended use i don't care
10:40 PM unterhausen: do you have thunderstorms in Oregon right now?
10:41 PM roycroft: not here
10:41 PM roycroft: but we very rarely get thunderstorms in the valley
10:41 PM roycroft: up in the mountains they are more common
10:41 PM roycroft: the rain has stopped for now, but it's supposed to rain again later on tonight
10:41 PM unterhausen: looks like the whole state except portland
10:42 PM roycroft: we got quite a bit of rain last night, then it tapered off this morning, then rained heavily this afternoon
10:42 PM roycroft: but now it has stopped