#linuxcnc Logs

Jul 08 2020

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:59 AM Loetmichel: unterhaus: so you authored the 2006 or 2007 paper?
05:13 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:16 AM XXCoder: yo
05:56 AM Tom_L: morning
05:57 AM XXCoder: yo
06:41 AM JT-Cave: another hot day here in chicken paradise
07:01 AM Loetmichel: *HA* found why one of the four Ender3s printed like garbage... nothing a bit of CA glue cant remedie... *ordering four full alu extruder kits* ... -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=17887&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
07:31 AM gregcnc: if you exchanged your recalled harbor freight jackstands, those are also recalled
07:32 AM XXCoder: recalled fixed ones is also recalled? man fail on fail
07:32 AM gregcnc: yes
07:33 AM Loetmichel: harbor freight. what did you expect?
07:33 AM Loetmichel: that they get it right on second try already? ;)
07:34 AM SpeedEvil: To be fair, nobody was killed by both the original and recalled stands.
07:34 AM gregcnc: looks like they are giving refunds
07:35 AM gregcnc: https://www.harborfreight.com/js-details?utm_source=2020_07_Eric_Letter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=JS&cid=email_campaign&lid=6,768,894,925&uid=
07:36 AM XXCoder: so whats it recalled on?
07:36 AM gregcnc: failure?
07:37 AM gregcnc: failing welds on the sheet metal frame
07:37 AM rmu|w: advertising "this harbour freight jack stand will probably not kill you" didn't work in focus group testing
07:37 AM XXCoder: interesting. is second recall same?
07:38 AM gregcnc: no first, one was undersize teeth on the rack. second is the welds
07:39 AM XXCoder: thats sorta good. failure twice on same thing... heh
07:40 AM gregcnc: not when they say they missed the bad welds when inspecting the replacement parts
07:40 AM XXCoder: yah, but recall on SAME flaw would be too much
07:40 AM XXCoder: it'd take a cake
07:44 AM Tom_L: s/sheet metal/scrap metal
07:45 AM Tom_L: you know they did their best... it's tough to weld pot metal
07:45 AM gregcnc: zero quality control
07:46 AM XXCoder: not zero but crap anyway
07:46 AM XXCoder: zero quality you dont know what you would get
07:46 AM gregcnc: not zero = paint covered all flaws
07:48 AM SpeedEvil: Always spec epoxy paint, as that helps stick the parts together.
08:00 AM unterhaus: before yesterday, I hadn't heard of pubpeer, anonymous comments on other people's journal articles. I'm trying to decide if I have an axe to grind that makes it worth bashing anyone
08:03 AM SpeedEvil: I once commented 'Peer review is when you've had two people look at a paper and found nothing truly terrible in the bits they read'.
08:09 AM SpeedEvil: My favourite response was 'in some fields, it's just one'.
08:09 AM unterhaus: usually they give it to a grad student that comes up with a batch of ignorant comments that you have to address anyway
08:09 AM unterhaus: "can you send it to a reviewer that has a working understanding of English?"
08:10 AM unterhaus: at least in engineering, there isn't money involved
08:10 AM SpeedEvil: Indeed. Mostly.
08:11 AM SpeedEvil: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23longcovid
08:11 AM unterhaus: only in the sense that you might get promoted
08:12 AM unterhaus: I'm sure there are a lot of bad papers being written right now
08:12 AM SpeedEvil: Quite. It makes industry/science slightly less efficient
08:12 AM SpeedEvil: But hurts nobody directly.
08:20 AM * SpeedEvil wonders again about rolling shutter imaging of tape.
08:26 AM unterhaus: pubpeer is pretty interesting. There are people going through biology papers looking for duplicated images
08:26 AM unterhaus: a lot of it looks like stuff that should have been caught by initial review
08:27 AM unterhaus: but the people that are doing this are somewhat scary
08:29 AM unterhaus: I don't think they ever find anything substantive.
08:30 AM SpeedEvil: 'substantive' - if you have manipulated figures, and don't have a damn good reason and supporting data to hand, ...
08:30 AM SpeedEvil: Even without malice, and if the person is only fabricating the figure because they 'know what the result would be' -[ that's a major problem
08:31 AM SpeedEvil: However, in many ways I'm more worried about lack of data sharing.
09:01 AM unterhaus: I'm very annoyed with my coauthors on the papers that were commented on not preserving data
09:01 AM unterhaus: I tried to talk my boss into getting cloud storage, but he doesn't like things he has to pay for every year
09:03 AM unterhaus: but I think useful peer review doesn't just look for bad images
09:09 AM unterhaus: I'm pretty sure I could dig out all the data from my thesis
09:13 AM unterhaus: in our case, the person said we should have cited another one of our papers.
09:17 AM SpeedEvil: A major issue with peer review is there isn't a mechanism to ensure even one person has carefully understood and scrutinised a particular paragraph.
09:18 AM SpeedEvil: Also, were the above papers published in journals that nominally require data sharing?
09:25 AM veegee: I bought 15 of these: https://www.kijiji.ca/v-view-details.html?adId=1460682719
09:25 AM veegee: For $75 each
09:26 AM veegee: They're $500 each if you get them directly from the company. But a customer didn't pick up their order for some reason so the manager sold them to me for that price.
09:26 AM veegee: They're made in Germany, all metal. Outrunner induction motor
09:26 AM veegee: SOOOOO quiet
09:26 AM veegee: the impeller is balanced so perfectly. If you spin it with your finger, it just keeps going
09:26 AM veegee: you can't hear a thing and yet somehow there's more airflow than you'd think.
09:26 AM veegee: The bearings are godlike
09:26 AM Loetmichel: veegee: german brushless: buy Hacker!
09:27 AM veegee: I don't think they're BLDC. I think they're 3 phase induction
09:27 AM veegee: They have built in air temperature sensors and winding temperature sensors
09:27 AM gregcnc: they are induction motors
09:28 AM veegee: The quality was so solid, I had to buy all 15 of them
09:28 AM veegee: So compact. Can build anything - dust collectors, air filters, ventilation blowers for extracting welding fumes, etc.
09:28 AM veegee: They would be perfect if they were 240V, but I can live with 600V
09:30 AM veegee: And if the labels weren't in German
09:30 AM veegee: But at least SI units are just that - standard international
09:30 AM SpeedEvil: veegee: :)
09:31 AM veegee: none of this freedumb units
09:31 AM gregcnc: post a label if you need help
09:34 AM veegee: Thanks. I got them running though, standard 3 phase and the wires are colour coded
09:36 AM veegee: If you spin them backwards, you get insane high pressure, all the characteristics of backwards curved impeller. I'll have to measure the vacuum pressure it can generate like that
09:41 AM jymmmm: good morning
09:41 AM jymmmm: cradek: school bus conversation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqwP9v4NEeU
09:52 AM Loetmichel: *aaaaahhh* just found one of the old drill bits i bought at a surplus shop... found because it now looks like this after drilling one handed with a battery drill in alu: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14784&g2_imageViewsIndex=1 ... tested it: i can straighten that thing between thumb and index finger.... WTF?
09:56 AM gregcnc: maybe after 6 years it's time to throw it away
09:58 AM Loetmichel: gregcnc: old photo when i first noticed that
09:58 AM Loetmichel: i just found the drill box from back than
09:58 AM Loetmichel: then
09:58 AM Loetmichel: and i forgot why i stored it THAT far away
10:03 AM jymmmm: Loetmichel: It's just a right angle drill bit, what's the issue?
10:04 AM Loetmichel: jymmmm: that i "unspooled" a goof part of the flutes by trying to get the stuck bit out with reverse on the drill?
10:04 AM Loetmichel: good
10:04 AM jymmmm: Loetmichel: right angle variable pitch drill bit
10:05 AM Loetmichel: indeed ,)
10:07 AM jymmmm: Loetmichel: do you have a whole set of them, or jsut the one?
10:07 AM Loetmichel: whole big box of 19 sizes, 10/5 of each
10:08 AM Loetmichel: (smaller ones 10, biogger ones 5)
10:08 AM Loetmichel: 1-10mm in half mm steps
10:09 AM jymmmm: Loetmichel: Hit them with red spray paint to remind you =)
10:11 AM Loetmichel: <- just put them in the steel recycling bin
10:11 AM Loetmichel: was tempted to use the aluminium bin though ;)
10:12 AM jymmmm: Keep the index, repurpose them as short rods
10:12 AM jymmmm: Loetmichel: OH, turn them into keychain fobs
10:20 AM jymmmm: Loetmichel: OH OH OH save them and use them for welded art https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/9huzs1/angler_fish_welded_metal_art_12x18/
10:21 AM unterhaus: SpeedEvil, I'm not sure we have ever published in a journal that requires data sharing.
10:22 AM jymmmm: Loetmichel: https://www.arc-zone.com/blog/carmenelectrode/wp-content/uploads/Screen-Shot-2016-06-06-at-2.05.53-PM-1.png
10:22 AM unterhaus: that fish is pretty neat. I'm at the level of making lawn ornaments out of silverware
10:23 AM unterhaus: searching google for silverware lawn ornament makes me feel unworthy https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS771US771&sxsrf=ALeKk03YLoEvN854mPkPmxCcwKhJaL4h1g:1594221195759&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=silverware+lawn+ornament&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwic3cPg-L3qAhUblHIEHXMvCi0QsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1325&bih=667
10:23 AM jymmmm: Loetmichel: PERFECT.... https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-ONE-AND-ONLY-Tabasco-Motorcycle-Welded-Art-Welded-Motorcycle-Sculpture-/223886861558
10:25 AM unterhaus: I might be able to copy this one successfully https://www.pinterest.com/pin/143341200618253692/
10:27 AM Rab: Hi, GD&T experts! If you need to specify a drilled 1/2" clearance hole, would you call out 0.5312 or 17/32" for the drill? The rest of the drawing is in decimal inches.
10:28 AM Rab: I can't decide which might be more annoying to receive.
10:29 AM gregcnc: you define the size and tolerance that si all
10:36 AM SpeedEvil: Bang on 13.5mm
10:36 AM Rab: SpeedEvil, here in Texas that might progress from annoyance to outright antagonism.
10:36 AM SpeedEvil: Sorry, I expressed it wrongly. 27/2mm
10:36 AM Rab: I guess I'll specify 0.5312 and they'll figure it out.
10:36 AM gregcnc: .53
10:36 AM SpeedEvil: That.
10:36 AM Rab: gregcnc, OK, thanks.
10:36 AM SpeedEvil: Do you care if it's .53, or would .52-.6 be just fine?
10:36 AM gregcnc: that's the issues what is the actual tolerance and is your drawing done to a standard
10:36 AM Rab: The rest of the drawing is +/-0.010", the clearance hole isn't critical either.
10:36 AM Rab: As long as the bolts clear.
10:38 AM gregcnc: as long as the bolts clear isn't gd&t. if you have to follow GD&T and there is actual inspection of the parts, you need real prints, if not, then anything goes
10:39 AM gregcnc: when i worked on structural steel there was no GD&T or anythign more than tape measure inspection.
10:39 AM gregcnc: the mill wirhgts installing the stuff just charged 400USD/hr to make it fit when it didnt
10:39 AM gregcnc: millwrights
10:40 AM Rab: gregcnc, I am the only inspector here, but I would like to know how to correctly specify the feature.
10:40 AM gregcnc: ASME Y14.5
10:40 AM Rab: <SpeedEvil> Sorry, I expressed it wrongly. 27/2mm
10:40 AM Rab: SpeedEvil, I think the proper form is 1-1/3cm (falls within tolerance).
10:43 AM gregcnc: Are you prints done to this standard? if they are someone at the shop knows how to define and inspect if not.....
10:44 AM unterhaus: I would think calling out the drill would be okay, but that doesn't really play in doing the tolerancing
10:44 AM gregcnc: it might, if mating features allow for it
10:45 AM gregcnc: I mean a simple staight tolerance for size and position
10:45 AM Rab: gregcnc, our in-house shops are very tolerant, but they may be shut down. In that case I may need to send the job to an outside shop.
10:46 AM gregcnc: have they asked for better prints than your own shop uses?
10:46 AM unterhaus: they shut down the shop at work permanently. Lots of people are going to get expensive educations in properly drawing their parts
10:46 AM unterhaus: which is good, I guess
10:47 AM unterhaus: It was nice to have someone that knew which end of a bolt to put the wrench on look at drawings though
10:47 AM Rab: Ours were barely hanging on before the pandemic.
10:48 AM unterhaus: I have a part that cost $6000, but it was too big so I made one out of scrap for $25. The $25 was for hemispherical balls for a reference
10:49 AM unterhaus: The $6000 part had all ground surfaces, I figure grinding up to a 1/2" shelf probably cost a little bit of $
10:50 AM unterhaus: The $25 version was too embarrassing to show to customers, but it worked
10:50 AM jymmmm: Does diesel get gummy like gasoline can over time?
10:51 AM roycroft: diesel will gel when it gets cold, and it sometimes gels with age
10:51 AM roycroft: and it can get moldy
10:51 AM roycroft: but i've not seen it get varnishy like gasoline
10:54 AM jymmmm: moldy? really, huh
10:54 AM gregcnc: algae if water gets in
10:55 AM Rab: Yeah, it can foster biological growth. I would have said algae, but this page disputes it: https://www.axi-international.com/addressing-algae-in-diesel-fuel/
10:55 AM jymmmm: interesting.
10:57 AM roycroft: ok, i've always heard it referred to as moldy
10:57 AM roycroft: we can call it microby
10:57 AM jymmmm: I was just curious if diesel had the same issue as old gas. I just realized my Honda EU2000i generator has been sitting with a full tank for a while, so I suspect I'm going to have to drain the gasoline from the tank and burn off what's in the carb and hope nothing is getting gummed up. IS seafoam good for getting rid of all that, or something else better?
11:02 AM gregcnc: define a while
11:08 AM jymmmm: gregcnc: 6 to 12 months
11:10 AM jymmmm: maybe 18 moths, I know I've topped off the tank in the last 6 months with fresh gas, and ran it for 20 minutes
11:11 AM jymmmm: I'll probably just get a propane kit so not having to deal with this in the future
11:11 AM skunkworks: jymmmm: did the gas have any ethenol in it?
11:12 AM roycroft: the last time my generator fuel varnished i had to dismantle the carb and clean it really well
11:12 AM jymmmm: skunkworks: IDK, I do know that California did have a 10% enthanol (in the summertime??) at some point, nt sure if that's still the cse.
11:14 AM jymmmm: roycroft: It starts and runs, but not as easily as it once did, though that could be cold climate for all I know, or for it just sitting for a while.
11:14 AM jymmmm: skunkworks: what does the ethanol have to do with things?
11:19 AM Tom_L: jymmmm, i swap mine out every so often
11:19 AM skunkworks: I have seen Ethenol corrode carbs
11:19 AM roycroft: yes, a lot of carbs will get pitted with ethanol
11:20 AM roycroft: jymmmm: if it starts and runs, but a bit rough, you might try (after dumping the old fuel) spraying carb cleaner in the carb several times, and adding some winterizer to the fresh fuel
11:28 AM jymmmm: Ah ok. It looks like maintaing the carb isn't too bad... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njNMxlNseRg
11:29 AM gregcnc: pull the float bowl and check?
11:30 AM jymmmm: roycroft: Yeah, the isuue being that I also have to add stabalizer to my 5gal gas cans too. I think I'll just get a propane converstion kit
11:30 AM Tom_L: if you're worried about it take it apart and soak it in some berryman chemdip over nite
11:31 AM jymmmm: gregcnc: carbs are like brain surgery to me, one slightly wrong move and phucked up for life =)
11:31 AM Tom_L: holley quadrajets were kindof a bitch but meh
11:31 AM jymmmm: Tom_L: I got an ultrasonic tank too =)
11:32 AM jymmmm: Me and carbs don't mix, just like 50,000 vacuum lines
11:32 AM Tom_L: chem dip will loosten the varnish
11:32 AM jymmmm: is carb cleaner better than chem dip?
11:33 AM Tom_L: no
11:33 AM JT-Cave: +1 for berryman chem dip
11:35 AM Tom_L: 94 hi today
11:37 AM JT-Cave: 92°F high for here
11:40 AM jymmmm: Tom_L: is chem dip plastics (float) safe?
11:40 AM gregcnc: says most
11:40 AM Tom_L: i'm not sure i'd put a plastic float in it
11:41 AM jymmmm: k
11:44 AM Tom_L: with that said, i replaced the one on my mower couple years ago
11:44 AM Tom_L: but it's ~25 yrs old
11:53 AM jymmmm: pinesol vs chem dip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQKtcbUuVEY
11:53 AM jymmmm: Tom_L: replaced the float?
11:53 AM Tom_L: the carb
11:58 AM jymmmm: ah ok
01:32 PM andypugh: The LinuxCNC hack-chat on Hackaday begins in 40 minutes: https://hackaday.io/event/173261-linux-in-the-machine-shop-hack-chat
01:33 PM Connor: So, I asked late last night.. but, must have been too late.. How can I install LinuxCNC-SIM on my Ubuntu 20.04 desktop...
01:33 PM Connor: or is it even possible..
01:33 PM Connor: Doing some stuff in FreeCAD and need a toolpath sim..
01:33 PM ColonelKlink: have you tried it?
01:34 PM Connor: No. Last time I did it was Ubuntu 12.04.. :)
01:34 PM ColonelKlink: do you need a complete step by step or can you try it yourself?
01:34 PM andypugh: The “uspace” version of LinuxCNC will work on any Linux. It just becomes a “sim” on an ordinary install
01:34 PM Connor: I just need to know what package is compatible I guess.
01:35 PM andypugh: Add the linuxCNC repo and key, and sudo apt-get install linuxcnc-uspace
01:37 PM Connor: Looking for the repo and key now..
01:37 PM andypugh: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-key 3cb9fd148f374fef
01:37 PM andypugh: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://linuxcnc.org/ wheezy base 2.7-uspace"
01:38 PM andypugh: (that last one might not work, the command may not be standard)
01:38 PM andypugh: In which case either add the repo in Synaptic or edit etc/apt/sources.list to add the line
01:40 PM Connor: https://pastebin.com/V14tiD4s
01:40 PM Connor: THose commands worked..
01:40 PM Connor: but.. missing dependencies
01:41 PM andypugh: Try installing the Depensds, but ignore the ~Recommends
01:43 PM miss0r: 'evening
01:43 PM Connor: No canidate's for the first few I tried..
01:44 PM miss0r: Look what followed me home: https://imgur.com/a/iDkRAOP
01:45 PM andypugh: it’s like a lathe, only smaller
01:45 PM miss0r: Indeed.. its a 73mm 3-jaw in there! (I hesitate the use the word around machines, but this thing is rather cute)
01:46 PM miss0r: 8-position tool revolver
01:46 PM andypugh: I am retty confident that “carousel” will drive that
01:47 PM miss0r: Indeed.... I have alot of wiring to do before starting to think about software :)
01:48 PM miss0r: also; the spindle bearing setup is a joke. I will design and build a new spindle for it.
01:48 PM miss0r: At the moment it is using two deep groove ballbearings. I want to have the frontend load taken up by two angular contact bearings, and a floating deep groove bearing in the back, to handle the pulley load
01:57 PM Connor: I'll have to do some more playing.. looks like the dependencies aren't available for this version..
01:57 PM pink_vampire: miss0r: CUTE!!!
01:57 PM ColonelKlink is now known as CaptHindsight
01:59 PM CaptHindsight: miss0r: those are for teaching students how to crash machines
02:05 PM miss0r: CaptHindsight: Yeah
02:05 PM miss0r: The one I found only had 20 hours on the dial :D
02:06 PM miss0r: I wonder if they just crashed it HARD on one of the first tries...
02:06 PM miss0r: and then left it to sit
02:15 PM CaptHindsight: The LinuxCNC hack-chat on Hackaday began 5 minutes ago: https://hackaday.io/event/173261-linux-in-the-machine-shop-hack-chat
02:29 PM CaptHindsight: miss0r: what do those sell for over on your side?
02:30 PM miss0r: on average 10k usd... if they are completely functioning.
02:30 PM miss0r: This one did not come with a controller, So I got it for alot less
02:30 PM gregcnc: 3-5kusd here
02:31 PM miss0r: in mint condition`?
02:31 PM gregcnc: running
02:31 PM gregcnc: they are all very low hours
02:31 PM gregcnc: all from schools
02:32 PM miss0r: Indeed
02:32 PM miss0r: That is pretty cheap
02:32 PM gregcnc: usually someone pick it up from a school auction for a few hundred and flips it
02:33 PM Connor: Waiting for someone to ask about USB and Raspberry PI / Beaglebone in this hackaday chat...
02:34 PM Connor: They've already asked about machine kit
02:36 PM CaptHindsight: and the rpi4 :)
02:38 PM miss0r: gregcnc: I suppose. :) I am told that these are rather acurate lathes. I can't wait to try it out
02:39 PM miss0r: At the moment I am machining the timing belt gear for the rotary encoder I will put on there
02:39 PM gregcnc: No idea about these. The bigger ones are good.
02:41 PM CaptHindsight: rained all morning, now back to Sun and 90F
02:41 PM miss0r: yeah
02:42 PM miss0r: Ball screws on both axis. Most of the small CNC lathes(mini cnc lathes if you will) are equipped with acme screws ect
02:43 PM CaptHindsight: miss0r: you going to add a 4th axis?
02:43 PM miss0r: I would start with a 3rd.. But I wasn't planning to, no
02:43 PM miss0r: That doesn't realy make sense unless you plan to add live tooling to it
02:44 PM gregcnc: Listed that machine for 9650 eruo in 2007
02:45 PM CaptHindsight: oh i thought that they were 3 axis lathes
02:46 PM miss0r: sadly no
02:47 PM miss0r: gregcnc: They were rather expensive. Especially if you bought the complete package with all three controllers embedded
02:47 PM CaptHindsight: seem to recall skunkworks getting a bunch of those a few years ago
02:47 PM CaptHindsight: some auction
02:48 PM gregcnc: this version is newer than those
02:48 PM miss0r: The original purchase certificate/bill for this one read ~21k eur
02:49 PM gregcnc: pretty sure these have a VFD and AC spindle motor
02:49 PM miss0r: yeah. This one has a lenze drive in it
02:49 PM gregcnc: they like Lenz
02:50 PM gregcnc: you should be able to find schematics
02:51 PM miss0r: I already have'em
02:51 PM miss0r: It came VERY WELL equipped with everything you could imagine when it comes to documentation
02:51 PM miss0r: alot of it is useless to me, as I don't have the original controller
02:52 PM miss0r: (you know the one that can run siemens, fanuc and some other controller) emulated on the computer, and you just swap out the keypad
02:52 PM gregcnc: machine schematics will help in the retorfit
02:52 PM gregcnc: yes, I happen to have two Emco
02:53 PM miss0r: :]
02:55 PM miss0r: I can't wait to join the club ;)
02:56 PM gregcnc: be interesting to see what accuracy really is with those. .75kW spindle is decent for the size
03:00 PM miss0r: yeah
03:00 PM miss0r: I think it might be able to do some nice work
03:01 PM miss0r: I did the monkey test on it (pushing/pulling in everything)
03:01 PM miss0r: It all seems realy sturdy
03:08 PM pink_vampire: I'm trying to join
03:10 PM pink_vampire: the "hackchat" on hackaday is very slow
03:10 PM pink_vampire: is that normal?
03:11 PM CaptHindsight: joining is slow and so is the chat
03:12 PM Rab: I found it to be so.
03:27 PM methods_: yeah i was going to check it out but you have to join something so......nope
03:32 PM CaptHindsight: officially over but still going
03:39 PM CaptHindsight: pink_vampire: I've been working with machine vision for decades
03:49 PM pink_vampire: CaptHindsight: COOL!
03:50 PM CaptHindsight: getting openCV going again is on the list
03:51 PM CaptHindsight: https://github.com/TurBoss/VideoVCP
03:52 PM CaptHindsight: https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/gFnDhbkxbbCypUyxiPoZUzzB
03:58 PM designbybeck: Greetings all, Were any of you in the LinuxCNC Chat on hackaday just now?
03:58 PM designbybeck: or at least that is what brought me here
04:01 PM andypugh: I was :-)
04:02 PM andypugh: (In fact I have a sneaking suspicion that you were one of two people on the hack chat who _weren’t_ from here.
04:03 PM designbybeck: hahah..... guilty!
04:03 PM rmu|w: on-topic discussion in #linuxcnc is kinda unusual
04:03 PM CaptHindsight: that chat did seem slow, was it due to moderation? or just slow
04:04 PM designbybeck: chat couldn't scroll up either!? or had issues with that platform
04:04 PM CaptHindsight: was sticky until I jumped way up
04:04 PM designbybeck: Thanks for all the feedback andypugh, I'll try to get more info for the next time we get to revisit it
04:04 PM designbybeck: I'm a newbie
04:05 PM andypugh: To scroll back I had to scroll really fast to break the sticky bottom
04:05 PM Rab: I got it to stick by adjusting the scroll bar. Using the scroll wheel wouldn't stick.
04:05 PM CaptHindsight: feature or bug?
04:06 PM Rab: The best thing I can say about HaD's chat is that it makes Slack look good.
04:06 PM CaptHindsight: someone mentioned using old smartphones as CNC controllers
04:06 PM CaptHindsight: feeling ill now
04:07 PM Tom_L: did somebody hit them with a clue bat?
04:07 PM CaptHindsight: they had good intentions and it could be the GUI
04:07 PM andypugh: I used not being able to scroll back as an excuse not to answer the android question.
04:07 PM CaptHindsight: but a hard NOPE for real time
04:07 PM CaptHindsight: haha
04:07 PM Tom_L: :)
04:08 PM Tom_L: andypugh, thanks for all your recent efforts to get the iso out
04:08 PM andypugh: Id you could get an RTOS on the hardware the idea might have merit.
04:08 PM andypugh: We really need a French translator. The only semi-active one we have is the new Chinese one.
04:08 PM CaptHindsight: smartphone makers have been making it tough to load your own OS
04:08 PM rmu|w: the baseband stuff definitely runs an RTOS
04:09 PM andypugh: French docs are terribly out of date.
04:09 PM Tom_L: yeah, what was up with the default french docs?
04:09 PM CaptHindsight: but they really want you as a user only, don't even root me
04:09 PM andypugh: French docs have a different structure and are rather old.
04:09 PM CaptHindsight: sounds very French to me
04:10 PM andypugh: Spanish docs are basically in english.
04:11 PM CaptHindsight: rmu|w: maybe https://www.pine64.org/2020/01/15/pinephones-start-shipping-all-you-want-to-know/
04:12 PM CaptHindsight: https://store.pine64.org/product/pinephone-community-edition-ubports-limited-edition-linux-smartphone/
04:27 PM CaptHindsight: today's off topic rant: why are sink stoppers so difficult to find? It is just a hole with a few inches of water.
04:28 PM CaptHindsight: the one that came with the sink fits so tight I just ripped off the tab before it came out
04:40 PM pink_vampire: andypugh: https://i.imgur.com/SZy7Hlt.png
04:41 PM pink_vampire: the part on the left the new one https://i.imgur.com/TlE3VY9.png
04:41 PM Tom_L: single point thread? or a bolt?
04:42 PM pink_vampire: this is a longer screw to hold the new multifix tool post
04:43 PM Tom_L: ahh
04:45 PM pink_vampire: this AA tool holders with the mini T wrench and the mini 12 points wrench is the cutest thing EVER!
04:50 PM pink_vampire: now I need some good tools for it
04:50 PM skunkworks: was it good? TLDR (the hack-a-day thing)
04:51 PM pink_vampire: yeah..
04:51 PM pink_vampire: abit on the slow side
04:52 PM pink_vampire: but any discussion on linuxcnc is welcome, and I was happy to be part of it.
04:57 PM Rab: https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/buying-maintenance/a33235534/harbor-freight-replacement-jack-stands-recalled/
05:27 PM Connor: andypugh: So, No joy on linux-uspace 2.7 of my ubuntu 20.04 desktop.. Too many missing dependencies and I can't find them.
05:27 PM andypugh: That kind-of precludes building from source too.
05:28 PM andypugh: Can you at least find Tcl and Tk?
05:30 PM Connor: Depends: tk8.5 (>= 8.5.0) but it is not installable
05:30 PM Connor: Depends: tcl8.5 but it is not installable
05:30 PM andypugh: Connor: You could try the 2.8 or 2.9 builds from the buildbot. Again, need the repostory and key, both given at buildbot.linuxcnc.org
05:31 PM Connor: but, I have tkl 8.8 and tcl 8.6
05:31 PM andypugh: OK, try for master from the buildbot
05:31 PM andypugh: This could just be that 20.04 is too new
05:31 PM Connor: I'm thinking so.
05:32 PM Connor: Too bad they're isn't a a appimage. :)
05:32 PM andypugh: It’s a thought…
05:40 PM Connor: 2.8 didn't work either.
05:40 PM Connor: I'm thinking it's just too new.
05:41 PM andypugh: The depencies say >= 8,5, so 8.8 should work.
05:42 PM andypugh: Just try installing the latest versions
05:42 PM andypugh: (where there is a version)
05:42 PM Connor: I did. but, it still complained about it.
05:43 PM andypugh: Which repo on the Buildbot are you using?
05:44 PM Connor: deb http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ precise 2.8-sim
05:44 PM andypugh: Try Buster.
05:45 PM andypugh: And _not_ sim, you want uspace. I thought I said that?
05:45 PM Connor: I didn't see a uspace in the 2.8 buildpage..
05:45 PM Connor: This is sim only though..
05:46 PM andypugh: deb http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ buster master-rtpreempt
05:46 PM andypugh: Try that
05:47 PM Connor: Well.. that's a bit better.. the dependency list is shorter.. :)
05:48 PM Connor: now, it's all python 2.7 stuff.
05:49 PM Connor: glade2 and python-glade, gtk gst and configobj
05:50 PM andypugh: master should be all Python 3 by now
05:53 PM Connor: Yea.. this is too much.. I'll just do a vm for now.
05:55 PM _unreal_: so BBBY bed bath and beyond to CLOSE lots of stores likely going chap 11
05:55 PM _unreal_: I LOVE it
05:55 PM _unreal_: an other HEAVY democrat doner going down the tubes
05:55 PM _unreal_: LOL
06:22 PM andypugh: _unreal_: So you are happy that all those people are losing their jobs because the owner does not share your political views?
06:23 PM Tom_L: united is laying of 36k
06:23 PM andypugh: That’s apparently OK (and even funny) if their boss is a Democrat.
06:24 PM Tom_L: not good for anyone's economy
06:24 PM Connor: Nope.
06:25 PM Tom_L: andypugh, is it hard to get tested over there?
06:25 PM andypugh: No idea. I haven’t tried. But I have been tested as part of a random sample.
06:26 PM andypugh: (Was negative)
06:27 PM Tom_L: my kid had to since someone at his work had it
06:27 PM Tom_L: no symptoms after 2 weeks
06:27 PM Tom_L: no test results yet either
06:28 PM Tom_L: they cut off unsymptomatic testing that day. he was lucky to get in
07:03 PM unterhaus: I thought asymptomatic testing was available in most places?
07:03 PM unterhaus: unfortunately, most test results come back after 7 days, which makes them virtually useless
07:05 PM andypugh: My test as part of a survey to attempt to measure how many people at anu one time have it, so there was no urgency. I did the test on Friday, collected by a courier, result on Tuesday.
07:09 PM _unreal_: getting tested is easy as of the past two weeks. all the BS numbers woooo oooohhhh oh not.... is do to one of my stock picks from two months ago. I made $8k off of btw... the bio devices company built a rapid beer bug testing kit that gives results in 15min. I believe it was like 52%-70% accurate something like that I forget.
07:09 PM _unreal_: that company won the FAST TRACK fed money to build up there production plant etc....
07:09 PM CaptHindsight: _unreal_: were you raised by wolves?
07:10 PM _unreal_: yes
07:10 PM CaptHindsight: it shows
07:10 PM _unreal_: maine
07:10 PM CaptHindsight: what the difference between a conservative and a 5 year old?
07:13 PM _unreal_: andypugh, I feel bad for the employs that are loosing there job sure. sadly most of them have been laid off for the past two months already...
07:13 PM andypugh: Laid off on zero pay or Furloughed on part pay?
07:14 PM CaptHindsight: andypugh: in the USA, 0 pay you apply for unemployment insurance
07:15 PM _unreal_: ? laid off entitles you to un-employment pay
07:15 PM _unreal_: beat me to it
07:15 PM CaptHindsight: if you are high up enough you might get some parachute
07:15 PM _unreal_: and there is the temp.. fed GOV payment as well
07:15 PM _unreal_: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/totals?cycle=A&id=D000031877
07:16 PM andypugh: Bolsonaro has caught it. I hope he hets it bad enough to not dismiss it, but midly enough to be able to change his mind about the right policy. (Not that he might not have _some_ point about the economic damage being worse than the illness. But perhaps a more nuanced approach)
07:16 PM _unreal_: andypugh, what I'm gloating about is that I can pull up BIG companies endlessly on the opensecrets site. and most of them that are big dem. doners are all going out of business
07:17 PM andypugh: Why you are gloating at all is because you are a bit of a git.
07:17 PM _unreal_: its 100% political and being pushed PUSHED by democrats
07:18 PM _unreal_: its not even a secrete at this point
07:19 PM _unreal_: oh CaptHindsight yesterday I got a mail in ballots in the mail for my 3 sisters that have not lived in this state for over 10 years. AND my dog that died last year
07:19 PM _unreal_: I just contacted my local RNC
07:20 PM _unreal_: my sisters are all die hard blide sighted dem. and I didnt know my dog was of voting age
07:20 PM _unreal_: LOL
07:20 PM _unreal_: I did I reallly cracked up to see my dogs name on a mail in voting thing.
07:22 PM andypugh: In the UK we consider your democrats right wing. And the UK is on the right-wing of Europe. And we _still_ think that socialised medicine is a good idea, and are prepared to accept that, under the current circumstances, being asked to wear masks is fair enough.
07:23 PM andypugh: Or is that you don’t want to lose your impressive lead in the polls? You don’t care what you are winning at, as long as you are top of the leaderboard?
07:31 PM andypugh: <And relax> A very silly Youtube channel, like the silly TV panel games shows, but with non-famous but rather funny folk: https://youtu.be/_IesM6EVC9U
07:33 PM _unreal_: andypugh, I have many many years in the medical industry
07:34 PM _unreal_: nurse, med tech, bio med reserach. wearing masks and distancing is the holy grail if your trying to GET people sick.
07:34 PM andypugh: And they still haven’t cured you?
07:34 PM Tom_L: :)
07:34 PM _unreal_: its called IMMUNO ATROPHY
07:35 PM _unreal_: keeping people from having normal social and outdoor life styles is going to cause massive health problems
07:35 PM _unreal_: MASSIVE
07:35 PM andypugh: I think you might be confusing long term with short term effects
07:36 PM andypugh: Yes, you are probably right that if we all wear masks into the distant future, bad things will happen.
07:36 PM _unreal_: a few months is all it takes
07:37 PM _unreal_: it can be DEADLY for children
07:37 PM _unreal_: andypugh, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRa6t_e7dgI
07:37 PM andypugh: Oh, why am I arguing? https://xkcd.com/386/
07:38 PM _unreal_: Fauci got paid mega bucks right after that interview. (book deal) immediately after that date he said the opposite.
07:38 PM _unreal_: andypugh, I like that
07:38 PM _unreal_: LOL
07:39 PM andypugh: _unreal_: Is there any chance that anything I say will change your mind?
07:39 PM Tom_L: andypugh, you really think?
07:40 PM andypugh: (Because, in all honesty, it is unlikely that anything you say will change mine, I would need to be shown peer-reviewed academic journals that I have at least heard of)
07:40 PM _unreal_: over the virus stuff not likely.
07:40 PM andypugh: So this is pointless, and I am going to bed.
07:41 PM _unreal_: andypugh, most of the death cases are FORCED https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/coronavirus-spreads-new-york-nursing-home-forced-take-recovering-patients-n1191811
07:42 PM _unreal_: CaptHindsight, https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/duty_calls.png thats so good i'm laser etching that on a coaster
08:18 PM _unreal_: ok just started laser etching
08:29 PM skunkworks: http://electronicsam.com/images/greenmachine/IMG_20200708_190635.jpg
08:34 PM skunkworks: (all done on the lathe..)
08:36 PM unterhaus_: anyone ever seen the Proxxon lathe chuck?
08:36 PM unterhaus_: I sometimes need to hold something small
08:54 PM CaptHindsight: skunkworks: miss0r purchased one of those https://imgur.com/a/iDkRAOP lathes
08:54 PM CaptHindsight: skunkworks: is that a similar model to the ones you got a few years ago?
08:56 PM CaptHindsight: http://electronicsam.com/images/emco/emco.JPG found em'
08:56 PM CaptHindsight: miss0r: http://electronicsam.com/images/emco/emcoclose.JPG
08:57 PM CaptHindsight: wow that was 7 years ago
08:57 PM CaptHindsight: was thinking maybe 3
09:49 PM skunkworks: CaptHindsight: those are a bit newer I think.
09:49 PM skunkworks: slant bed
09:51 PM skunkworks: and yes - time flies
09:51 PM skunkworks: flyes?
09:56 PM CaptHindsight: flys
10:01 PM pcw_home: how do you time flies
10:04 PM CaptHindsight: wow nice weather out west
10:11 PM roycroft: it's been beautiful here
10:11 PM roycroft: and any other year i would be at the oregon country fair right now, moving into our booth :(
10:11 PM roycroft: this is absolutely perfect weather for the fair
10:11 PM skunkworks: pcw_home: http://electronicsam.com/images/greenmachine/IMG_20200708_190635.jpg
10:20 PM CaptHindsight: skunkworks: did you make both or just the bolt?
10:20 PM pcw_home: Was that hex head done with your spindle synced motion?
10:21 PM skunkworks: just the bolt
10:21 PM skunkworks: yes - all done on the lathe
10:22 PM CaptHindsight: 2-axis lathe
10:22 PM skunkworks: yes - simple emco lathe
10:22 PM pcw_home: thats really neat, now you just need the parameterized macros to make custom hardware
10:23 PM skunkworks: right - you could have a canned cycle that could create a bolt or whatever from scratch.. (not high production of course)
10:24 PM pcw_home: Yeah when you need 3 today
10:24 PM skunkworks: right - or some odd styel
10:24 PM skunkworks: style
10:24 PM CaptHindsight: wasn't there some discussion of adding canned macros to LCNC like mach3
10:24 PM CaptHindsight: pretty easy with qtpyvcp
10:24 PM skunkworks: it could probably be done with remap
11:26 PM veegee: I just bought 15 old 600V VFDs for $50. Each one has "something" wrong with it
11:26 PM veegee: I figured at the worst case, I get at least 10 nice 600V IGBT modules
11:26 PM veegee: and all of them have a nice metal enclosure
11:45 PM CaptHindsight: the Toronto area sounds like a virtual cornucopia of used surplus stuff