#linuxcnc Logs

May 06 2020

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:56 AM Deejay: moin
01:42 AM Loetmichel: moin
01:42 AM Loetmichel: s/moin/mornin'
01:45 AM sensille: moinin'
01:46 AM XXCoder: late afternoon
04:51 AM net|: https://netpipe.ca/?p=4315 << new theroy of evolution of humans from monkeys
04:52 AM XXCoder: https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--6LeaDQib--/b_rgb:fffffe,t_Heather%20Preview/t_watermark_lock/c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1504649333/production/designs/1875413_1.jpg
05:06 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:06 AM XXCoder: yo caveman
07:46 AM Loetmichel: French natives here? is that understandable as a montage description for a soundbar on a TV? -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=17803&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
07:57 AM JavaBean|new is now known as JavaBean
11:08 AM dirty_d: methods_, it was just that at least one axis word was missing on the line, but I was curious if that is actually required by rs274. It just seems weird that it is
11:09 AM dirty_d: since the axis words can be alone on the following lines
11:16 AM methods_: dirty_d: i don't think it is reqd to have an axis word on the line
11:16 AM methods_: but i do believe you need to specify a feed value
11:16 AM methods_: i know some machines will just grab a default value if you don't provide one which is extremely dangerous
11:16 AM dirty_d: methods_, you can put f50 etc alone on a line an it's in effect until you change it
11:16 AM methods_: yes
11:16 AM dirty_d: or you can put it on every line
11:16 AM dirty_d: but its not required
11:17 AM methods_: a feedrate is not reqd for g1?
11:17 AM dirty_d: but linuxcnc does require at least one axis word on a g1
11:17 AM dirty_d: methods_, not it one has been already set
11:17 AM dirty_d: beforehand
11:17 AM dirty_d: f10 *newline* g1 x5
11:17 AM dirty_d: that's ok
11:17 AM methods_: that's what i was askin if you'd given it a feedrate
11:17 AM methods_: i don't care what line you did it on
11:18 AM dirty_d: yea the specific error was that the axis words were missing
11:18 AM methods_: interesting
11:18 AM dirty_d: I know how to make it work, I was just curious if that's actually the standard
11:18 AM methods_: i don't know why g1 is modal you should be able to just set it on a line
11:18 AM methods_: and give it coordinates after that
11:18 AM dirty_d: I've been toying with the idea of making an ngc interpreter and stuff
11:18 AM dirty_d: so want to understand it
11:19 AM methods_: so if you put in something like this
11:19 AM methods_: s500 f10.
11:19 AM methods_: g1
11:19 AM methods_: x6
11:19 AM methods_: it will error out on the g1 line?
11:19 AM dirty_d: yea exactly, I think you should be able to, but you cant
11:19 AM methods_: yeah you should be able to do that
11:20 AM methods_: not sure why that would error out
11:20 AM dirty_d: yes you need the x6 on the g1 line, but on the following lines after g1 is in effect, you can put x5 etc alone on a line
11:20 AM methods_: well interesting to know
11:21 AM dirty_d: it's a strange language
11:22 AM dirty_d: it's kind of crazy that it hasn't been replaced
11:22 AM dirty_d: like I find only having three planes to select is really weird
11:23 AM dirty_d: you should be able to select an arbitrary plane by specifying it's normal, then you can interpolate circles in any orientation and stuff
11:47 AM gregcnc: I'm sure most 5 axis controls allow this today
12:16 PM CaptHindsight: according to some people that prefer "new" languages, the language should read your mind and just do what you want, even if you can't put it into words...
12:16 PM CaptHindsight: and spell check and understand your errors and fix them automagically
12:17 PM dirty_d: sound like artists
12:20 PM CaptHindsight: I heard someone complain about C the other day
12:20 PM CaptHindsight: and how they could not define things more than once using the same spelling
12:21 PM dirty_d: yikes
12:21 PM CaptHindsight: the compiler should know what you want
12:23 PM dirty_d: if they used ms word, they could just use a different font for the new name with the same spelling
12:23 PM rmu|w: the ideal processor only needs one register and two instructions:
12:23 PM dirty_d: :D
12:23 PM sync: you can do that tho CaptHindsight
12:24 PM rmu|w: one instruction to set the "bugs" register to 0 and one "DWIM" instruction
12:40 PM CaptHindsight: half asleep, #define BOB 10
12:40 PM CaptHindsight: #define BOB 20
12:40 PM CaptHindsight: the language should just know which one you want
12:50 PM dirty_d: it does, the last one before its use
12:51 PM gregcnc: pretty soon everything will just make itself and people will be redundant
12:59 PM gregcnc: we all need several lathe right? trying to talk myself into another....
12:59 PM CaptHindsight: on the other hand, why aren't programs made from standard components like electronics?
01:00 PM Tom_L: won't be much need for us anymore then ehh?
01:00 PM methods_: cat videos
01:01 PM dirty_d: CaptHindsight, they are kind of
01:02 PM CaptHindsight: gregcnc: it's been a while, did you repair your old one or replace it?
01:02 PM Tom_L: ban them all bue asm
01:02 PM Tom_L: but*
01:03 PM gregcnc: the clausing is still running good enough for now. the CNC is being put back together after adjusting gibs
01:03 PM CaptHindsight: languages are fashion
01:03 PM Tom_L: fad
01:04 PM CaptHindsight: and they are made to get obsolete now
01:04 PM methods_: and yet cobol lives on
01:04 PM CaptHindsight: i guess to keep the devs working
01:04 PM gregcnc: why oh why did Musk name his child like a robot?
01:05 PM CaptHindsight: why not?
01:05 PM methods_: i think this is where he moves into the super villain volcano
01:06 PM CaptHindsight: heh watched Thunderbirds Are Go from 66' recently
01:07 PM CaptHindsight: i think it took 20 minutes to self assemble the rocket plane
01:10 PM CaptHindsight: https://youtu.be/2lrqJg1Etmw?t=138
01:22 PM CaptHindsight: speaking of Billionaires, what are they currently investing in?
01:23 PM CaptHindsight: Buffett sold all of his airline stocks
02:28 PM Loetmichel: *hmpf* i am to polite for my own good. was on my way to the toilet when a consultant i am friends with called on the cellphone... 45min of 3d-printer troubleshooting over the phone later i finally ended the call with "if i DONT go to the toilet now you have to come by and clean that puddle i will leave on the floor!" :-)
02:33 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:45 PM skunkworks: uptime
02:45 PM skunkworks: 14:43:54 up 859 days, 21:41, 5 users, load average: 0.06, 0.11, 0.16
02:48 PM sensille: contest?
02:48 PM sensille: 9:48pm up 1073 day(s), 14:46, 7 users, load average: 0.14, 0.13, 0.12
02:51 PM Rab: The CH382L card I orderd arrived today, but it's the wrong item...I was gonna try one with two serial ports: https://www.ebay.com/itm/332014988629
02:52 PM Rab: This is the one that was sent: https://www.ebay.com/itm/231334659543
02:53 PM Rab: Weirdly, the single-serial version is $1 more from the same seller. I messaged them, I guess I'll see what they offer to do.
02:53 PM CaptHindsight: Rab: I think all of those are supported...
02:53 PM CaptHindsight: but you need to use a newer kernel
02:53 PM CaptHindsight: the ones in Wheezy are to old
02:54 PM Rab: CaptHindsight, I have andy_pugh's patched 4.14.174.
02:57 PM Rab: The card I got is only missing a MAX3243 and a pin header. I wonder if it still presents two serial ports to the OS, or if there's a fuse set in the controller chip or something.
02:58 PM Rab: I suppose I'll wait for the seller's reply before opening the bag.
03:01 PM unterhaus: can you run linuxcnc with two ethernet mesa cards?
03:07 PM rmu|w: unterhaus: yes
03:09 PM unterhaus: thanks, have you done it?
03:09 PM rmu|w: no
03:11 PM rmu|w: i think somebody tried with 4 cards and 1khz update rate
03:11 PM rmu|w: that seems to be the useful limit
03:15 PM CaptHindsight: Rab: it all depends on the USB device ID
03:15 PM CaptHindsight: the kernel looks at that a loads the matching driver, if any
03:18 PM Rab: CaptHindsight, PCI?
03:23 PM CaptHindsight: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_configuration_space
03:24 PM CaptHindsight: oh sorry, PCI device ID not USB
03:24 PM CaptHindsight: too many things at once here
03:30 PM skunkworks: sensille: nice!
03:35 PM skunkworks: I have hooked up more than one - for testing.. worked fine.
03:37 PM Tom_L: i never get that high. i blow the server out annually
03:59 PM high is now known as Guest19343
05:06 PM andypugh: JT-Cave: YouTube channel you might like, Dutch chap who lke incubating eggs. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBjh-uGy5RcclATnFpQBobw
05:17 PM flyback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMHwri8TtNE <--- ALIEN 3 ENDING IN REAL LIFE
05:27 PM sliptonic: How long does mesaflash take to write a bitfile to a 5i25?
05:31 PM andypugh: 30 swxonds?
05:32 PM andypugh: There is a progress bar. If nothing looks to be happening, nothing is happening.
05:32 PM sliptonic: Hmm. I try with the --fix-boot-block flag and it hangs at Erasing sector 0 for boot block No progress bar
05:33 PM sliptonic: Card is known good.
05:33 PM andypugh: I flashed my 5i25 last weekend. I needed to install the latest version.
05:33 PM sliptonic: Without the flag I get Bootsector is invalid error
05:33 PM andypugh: Yes. You need the newest version
05:34 PM andypugh: (not sure why)
05:34 PM sliptonic: newest version of the bitfile or mesaflash? I just cloned from github.
05:34 PM andypugh: Newest Mesaflash
05:35 PM sliptonic: showing Mesaflash version 3.4.0~pre0
05:36 PM andypugh: How did you find the version?
05:37 PM sliptonic: ran mesaflash with no options
05:37 PM andypugh: OK, your version is newer than mine
05:41 PM andypugh: I had exactly the same problem, googled the error message, and fixed it. But I can’t actually remember what the fix was.
05:42 PM sliptonic: Oh that's so frustrating :-)
05:43 PM sliptonic: https://xkcd.com/979/
05:44 PM andypugh: Predicts “Denver Coder”
05:44 PM sliptonic: Nailed it
05:45 PM gregcnc: strange how some issues are so unusual or unfixable that there is never a solution
05:47 PM andypugh: sliptonic: I can generally quote 123 and 386 without checking. I always have to search for 356 as it is a less memorable number.
05:49 PM sliptonic: And now I'm spending my time looking up xkcd comics. Damn you!
05:50 PM rmu|w: 356 is evil
05:50 PM skunkworks: there are a few different repositories now for mesa flash..
05:50 PM skunkworks: It will end up on linuxcnc github (and I think it is there) but I don't know if all the correct changes are there
05:50 PM rmu|w: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/mesaflash should be latest version
05:51 PM skunkworks: ok!
05:51 PM sliptonic: That's where I pulled from. Hmm something something about legacy vs uefi bios..
05:51 PM sliptonic: latest commit six days ago
06:21 PM dirty_d: I made a hal component for vistacnc P2-S, if it's useful to anyone https://github.com/a-downing/mpg_p2s
06:25 PM andypugh: I thought that there was a place on the Wiki for user-submitted components.
06:25 PM andypugh: But I can’t find it
06:26 PM andypugh: Do you think there is an argument to add it to LinuxCNC? If it’s already in Github then a pull request would be easy to create.
06:27 PM dirty_d: I made it because they don't provide binaries for raspberry pi
06:27 PM dirty_d: and you couldn't set an offset when zeroing an axis which I found annoying, so I added that
06:28 PM dirty_d: I only made it jog, zero, and feed override, didn't bother doing anything that I don't need yet
06:28 PM dirty_d: and estop
06:28 PM andypugh: (I don’t actually know what a VistaCNC P2-S is.
06:30 PM dirty_d: it's a usb MPG with a 20 character LCD
06:31 PM andypugh: Right. Well, we already have components for a couple of the XHC pendants, so yours would fit.
06:33 PM dirty_d: 16 chars actually.
07:57 PM seb_kuzm1nsky is now known as seb_kuzminsky
08:13 PM unterhaus: I blue screened my windows machine by plugging in my garmin watch. Never seen a win 10 blue screen before
08:14 PM sync: they happen from time to time
08:18 PM Tom_L: was it a pretty shade of blue?
08:52 PM Splat: I just recently received my mesa 7i76e. What I'm currently trying to find out is if I should get new stepper motor drivers or wire it up to the gecko g540?
09:10 PM MacGalempsy: hello
09:11 PM MacGalempsy: is CaptHindsight around?
09:11 PM gregcnc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQWRCECbN-Y
09:11 PM gregcnc: doh
09:11 PM MacGalempsy: I bet his sight is 20/20
09:11 PM gregcnc: he was around
09:11 PM MacGalempsy: greggggg how are you?
09:12 PM gregcnc: home confinement
09:12 PM MacGalempsy: yeah here too. Just sat in on a talk about reinvestments of oilfield money into the economy
09:13 PM gregcnc: our governor says he isn't even thingabout about opening until jun e26
09:13 PM MacGalempsy: FUCK
09:13 PM MacGalempsy: what state is that?
09:13 PM gregcnc: if things go well
09:13 PM gregcnc: IL
09:13 PM MacGalempsy: come visit! lol
09:14 PM MacGalempsy: When was the last time you went out?
09:16 PM Tom_L: gregcnc, sad to say but he's probably right
09:16 PM gregcnc: I get out. have 4 acres of grass to cut tomorrow
09:16 PM gregcnc: LOL
09:16 PM gregcnc: He has other motives
09:16 PM Tom_L: they started a slow opening here monday
09:16 PM MacGalempsy: ha! Hopefully that is not push mowing
09:17 PM Tom_L: doesn't all politicians?
09:17 PM MacGalempsy: no more ITX?
09:17 PM gregcnc: he wants bankruptcy for IL, so open up your pockets books because we need your money
09:18 PM Tom_L: it's on the shelf
09:18 PM gregcnc: anyhow cartoons and bed time
09:19 PM MacGalempsy: so in this group they started talking about 3d printing and I mentioned that filament is out right now, so they want me to do a cost analysis on making filament with a $15M-25M budget
09:32 PM MacGalempsy: seemed kind of interesting. its like half of a plastic injection molding,
09:44 PM unterhaus: Tom_L, the Win10 blue screen is very calming. I bet they spent big bucks designing that screen.
09:45 PM unterhaus: Couldn't find the color code for it though
09:46 PM Tom_L: they should if they plan to display it alot
09:49 PM MacGalempsy: Usually the blue screen of death is not calming :)
09:54 PM unterhaus: It is such a nice color now it took me a bit longer to realize I lost all my work
09:59 PM Tom_L: but you were much calmer when you realized it ehh?
10:00 PM skunkworks: I have a windows 10 vm I use daily.. It has been pretty good concidering I am also doing pci passthrough
10:06 PM unterhaus: this is the first blue screen I have seen in a decade. My systems at work have all sorts of weird hardware attached
10:07 PM unterhaus: I think it hates my amazon usb hub
10:11 PM CaptHindsight: MacGalempsy: back
10:12 PM CaptHindsight: MacGalempsy: " making filament" is done with an extrusion process
10:13 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFJBNVPo56U Plastic Filament Extrusion Line for 3D Printing
10:14 PM CaptHindsight: extruder with water cooler and laser caliper
10:14 PM CaptHindsight: adjust the tension after extruding to fine tune the thickness of the filament
10:14 PM CaptHindsight: and then cool it in place
10:15 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbtd16frRpc