#linuxcnc Logs

Dec 19 2019

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:54 AM Deejay: moin
04:57 AM Tom_L: morning
04:59 AM XXCoder: hey
04:59 AM XXCoder: you read about those sloped restroom seat?
04:59 AM XXCoder: 13 degrees downwards
04:59 AM TekniQue: lol
05:00 AM XXCoder: so people cant take longer breaks in restroom
05:00 AM XXCoder: fuck those with disabilities or ibs though
05:03 AM p0g0: xxcoder- just prop the seat up with some wedge...
05:03 AM XXCoder: like this? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMBijQZXUAAiIE1?format=jpg&name=small heh
05:03 AM XXCoder: one of replies there
05:04 AM XXCoder: other is https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMBF_f9WsAAOHCY?format=jpg&name=small not work safe, it doesnt touch seat
05:05 AM XXCoder: even better https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMB9fZjVAAAKN5m?format=jpg&name=900x900 (work safe)
05:05 AM XXCoder: (-ish)
05:09 AM Tom_L: i heard about them on the radio
05:12 AM Tom_L: they should just time the lights to go off
05:13 AM XXCoder: yeah too bad for ibs people tho
05:13 AM XXCoder: or disabled people, or people who have lifelong problems with guys like me
05:13 AM Tom_L: on install a bidet to go off after time's up
05:14 AM Tom_L: always somebody there to ruin it for the rest
05:14 AM XXCoder: if im having a bad day I would just make bidet aim at whatever and keep trying.
05:31 AM jthornton: morning
05:32 AM XXCoder: yo
05:50 AM XXCoder: jthornton: can arylic tube be cut by umm forgot whats it called lol
05:50 AM XXCoder: rotary saw, handle on it with table so can move downwards to cut stuff
05:51 AM jthornton: you could cut it with a hacksaw or any power saw
05:51 AM XXCoder: heh I suck on manual, it would bve crooked and its fairly important tp be 90 degrees
05:59 AM p0g0: a "chop saw" or "cutoff saw", vs say, a compound miter saw?
05:59 AM XXCoder: compound miter!
05:59 AM XXCoder: thanks
06:00 AM XXCoder: can it cut a arylic tube?
06:00 AM jthornton: a cheap miter box would work
06:00 AM XXCoder: hmm maybe I think we still have one left from downstairs living room improvement
06:01 AM XXCoder: I finished cleaning up cnc light system parts
06:01 AM XXCoder: its very clean besides switches which need to be flooded in ips
06:01 AM XXCoder: then cleaned out. oil inside switches itself still
06:02 AM p0g0: XXCoder, with a fine enough toothed saw, or maybe a grinding wheel, yes it will cut
06:02 AM XXCoder: I was thinking maybe very slow cut
06:02 AM XXCoder: lots breaks to cool plastic
06:03 AM XXCoder: but if I find that box its fine
06:03 AM XXCoder: ill just use flat saw and miter box
06:04 AM p0g0: a hot knife might be more what you want.
06:04 AM XXCoder: finish dont really matter, just need flat enough and even
06:05 AM XXCoder: tube is 2m long, I have p;enty of room to test cuts
06:05 AM p0g0: What will you do with the cut off parts- do they need to fit a regular hole or such?
06:06 AM XXCoder: I have 2 cnc lighting system, its placed inside tube and there is caps
06:06 AM XXCoder: I decided tube length would be 25 inches
06:06 AM XXCoder: wires is long enough
06:06 AM p0g0: ok. You might like the hot knife then, no great risk of shattering.
06:06 AM XXCoder: cool
06:07 AM XXCoder: my future plan is 3d print a strain relief for one end
06:08 AM XXCoder: its not complex design, just a cone with specific diameter ends
06:08 AM XXCoder: made to work with steel clamp ring thingy on both ends
06:09 AM p0g0: Well, if you try the hot knife, practice on something, and nigh red hot should just go thru the stuff like butter.
06:09 AM p0g0: You might need to have enough knife out the end that you can heat it as you slice.
06:10 AM XXCoder: honestly dont think I will use knife
06:10 AM p0g0: I think folks also use nichrome wire
06:10 AM XXCoder: what temperate to "anneal" ends tho
06:10 AM p0g0: shattering will be trouble with toothed blades.
06:11 AM p0g0: practice that too, but a common propane torch and some spinning should anneal the ends.
06:11 AM p0g0: Don't get too close to the flame.
06:12 AM p0g0: You can try glass blowing techniques too if you want to get Really Fancy.
06:12 AM XXCoder: :)
06:13 AM XXCoder: I have few extra tubes different sizes
06:13 AM XXCoder: I orginilly planned to fuse 2 55mm tubes but that was too large
06:13 AM XXCoder: erm I mean 50mm
06:13 AM p0g0: to long?
06:13 AM XXCoder: but I found a way to bvuy 44mm tubes
06:13 AM XXCoder: no, too large diameter
06:13 AM p0g0: ok
06:14 AM XXCoder: I told them to cut 2m tube in half but got em whole lol
06:14 AM XXCoder: order was really messed up
06:14 AM p0g0: 44mm x 2m?
06:14 AM p0g0: that's a lot of tube
06:14 AM XXCoder: 2 of em yeah so 4m total lol
06:15 AM XXCoder: it was major miscommucation
06:15 AM XXCoder: some my fault some theirs. dont really matter
06:15 AM p0g0: I used a glass tube like that (shorter) to demo data transmission in optical fibers... 1968, won the science fair with it.
06:15 AM XXCoder: stock part is glass tube. $88
06:16 AM XXCoder: too expensive since I would need two,
06:18 AM XXCoder: my laser toy is on way already
06:18 AM XXCoder: I need to find out what nm of laser is so I can get good googles
06:18 AM XXCoder: *goggles
06:18 AM p0g0: You could be lava lamp-ish: fill the tube with a fluorocine dye or such, play UV over it and get it to emit.
06:18 AM XXCoder: because google company wont protect my eyes
06:18 AM p0g0: concave surfaces and lasers make bad company.
06:19 AM XXCoder: lol unrealted to tubes
06:19 AM XXCoder: if I want to engrave on em I would mark em up with perment ink, engrave the clean off
06:19 AM p0g0: You can make interesting lamps from dyes and tubes.
06:19 AM XXCoder: nice. im not too handy tho lol
06:20 AM XXCoder: thankfully the cnc lighting solutions is braindead simple
06:20 AM p0g0: Cut a mask in nigh any tape, apply, sandblast around tape, remove...
06:20 AM p0g0: that's a common way to mark up piping.
06:20 AM XXCoder: we do have sandblast thing but no space aviliable to set it
06:22 AM p0g0: Gosh, now there is a geek science project. A Lava Lamp with collimated IR emitters, so you can 3d shape the blob.
06:22 AM XXCoder: what about those fancy sonic control
06:22 AM p0g0: yeah, those work for some shapes.
06:23 AM XXCoder: if it can move pebble in air it should be able to control blob
06:23 AM p0g0: I doubt it could shape it without a more serious bunch of emmitters, the IR might just get pushed off those TI micro-mirrors or such.
06:25 AM XXCoder: probably heh
06:25 AM XXCoder: I just wondered if it could control that pebble in liquid solution
06:25 AM XXCoder: liquids does carry sound better
06:25 AM p0g0: ah, yeah, viscocity is not your friend.
06:26 AM XXCoder: yeah wouldnt be able to move faster but still controllable
06:26 AM p0g0: the energy is transmitted better, but the curl, drag stuff is a lot more.
06:26 AM p0g0: So you'd be doing tensors instead of simple geometry.
06:28 AM XXCoder: heh too advanced for me
06:28 AM XXCoder: though I wonder if one could predict water flow via movements and abuse that
06:28 AM p0g0: some water is predictable.
06:29 AM p0g0: laminar is well modeled
06:29 AM XXCoder: ie: it could move in such way it forms a funnel
06:29 AM p0g0: yeah, that's modelable
06:29 AM XXCoder: much harder: water spire heh
06:29 AM p0g0: chaotic flow, white water, that's not.
06:29 AM p0g0: at least not at a fine grain.
06:30 AM p0g0: You can map the energy in it OK, but locus and orientation is kinda not so predictable.
06:30 AM XXCoder: yeah some stuff is just irrductable chaotic system
06:31 AM XXCoder: like 2 segement pendant
06:31 AM p0g0: Many decades ago I wrote a dynamic model of freezing water in pipes under flow... with random animals drawing water out with replacement.
06:31 AM XXCoder: fuuuuun video so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF65tmxtkuo
06:40 AM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_uhXnaciRY
06:40 AM XXCoder: laser and arylic tuvbe
06:42 AM XXCoder: loool it says sub to see what its used for
06:42 AM XXCoder: they never get back to it, and theres 2 more videos unrealted then channel ends/
06:43 AM XXCoder: very large homebrew laser machine. belt looks like 2 inches wide lol
06:51 AM XXCoder: yo
06:52 AM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5vsUta5lmo cool video
06:52 AM XXCoder: laser cutting, thick material then laser welding
07:45 AM jymmmm: Good morning folks
08:12 AM pascalrs: Hi there, I'm Pascal. Just getting started with LinuxCNC. I've googled a bunch, but can't find a good answer - do people get decent/good results with laser cutters driven by LinuxCNC?
08:14 AM jymmmm: XXCoder: 20ft long.... eeeeesh
08:15 AM pascalrs: Because at our Makerspace there's a decent laser cutter, but it is driven by a Leetro MPC6525 with software which won't run anymore - so I'm considering LinuxCNC to retro fit it. If that's a bad idea, I'll stick to my original plan and upgrade the cnc router we have instead.
08:17 AM jymmmm: pascalrs: Just curious, why won't the software run anymore?
08:19 AM jymmmm: pascalrs: Also, if you upgrade your router to LCNC, you can always use the same controller to run your laser just using different configuration file.
08:20 AM pascalrs: jymmmm: it needs a dongle which was lost and doesn't like windows 10.
08:20 AM jymmmm: I HATE dongles
08:20 AM pascalrs: I know right. It's the weirdest thing too - Chinese software with a dongle.
08:21 AM jymmmm: It's because they steal/pirate software from each other.
08:21 AM pascalrs: I'm just wondering if I'm embarking on something which is a kludge and doomed to always be mediocre with lots of effort, or it's a project I should invest some time in.
08:22 AM jymmmm: Do you know what laser you have?
08:23 AM pascalrs: 130W CO2. X/Y driven by Hybrid servo drives.
08:23 AM jymmmm: glass laser water cooled?
08:24 AM pascalrs: I can make it move, it all starts and it'll even try to cut the last thing which was ever uploaded to it, homes properly, moves smoothly and scary fast.
08:24 AM pascalrs: Yeah glass water cooled. Solid build by a Dutch company
08:25 AM pascalrs: Laser is fairly new, replaced two years ago with very low hours.
08:25 AM jymmmm: Yes, people have retrofitted their CO2 laser to linuxcnc, they were content with the results, but I don't know how they configured it or any other details.
08:26 AM jymmmm: Do realize that LCNC does NOT have any CAD/CAM built into it, so you will need to use external application(s) for that.
08:26 AM pascalrs: That answers most of my question, cheers. If there's someone here who's actually done it... cool. I'm not worried about configuration, that's always going to be a lot of work the first time :D
08:28 AM pascalrs: There's open source CAM which generates G code for GRBL based laser controllers. Not too worried about the CAM part.
08:29 AM jymmmm: Yeah, my laser has the controller built in, and the software acts more like a printer driver with the CAM built into it.
08:30 AM jymmmm: Um, LCNC really doesn't do GRBL, so I don't know where that fits' into place for you.
08:30 AM pascalrs: GRBL G-code was copied from LCNC
08:31 AM jymmmm: What is generating the GRBL?
08:31 AM jymmmm: Even inkscape has a plugin to generate gcode btw
08:31 AM pascalrs: GRBL is a Arduino based motion controller, you stream G code to it via USB serial.
08:32 AM pascalrs: So my guess is, if grbl can interpret the G code as intended, LCNC will probably do the same.
08:32 AM jymmmm: OH gotcha
08:33 AM pascalrs: The most important thing seems to be (this is my first foray into Lasers) the motion needs to be continuous/linear, no stopping anywhere for any reason when changing laser power
08:34 AM jymmmm: I thought GRBL you were talking about was abbr for gerber
08:34 AM pascalrs: Ah. sorry, should have said!
08:34 AM jymmmm: no worries
08:34 AM pascalrs: But inkscape creates G code. TIL.
08:35 AM jymmmm: Well, I think ALL lasers will need to slow down in curves/corners, etc
08:35 AM pascalrs: If they do, they need to modulate laser power if they're engraving. I guess for cutting it doesn't really matter. And 130W is excessive for engraving I think
08:36 AM jymmmm: Depends on how deep you are engraving and the material density
08:37 AM jymmmm: 130W just means you can do a job faster than a 75W =)
08:39 AM pascalrs: At some point you'd go through the material even when the axis move at their highest speeds. But that's maybe fibre laser territory
08:41 AM jymmmm: WEll if the laser was firing continously, as opposed to PWM
08:43 AM jymmmm: pascalrs: Googling gave me this... https://www.cnczone.com/forums/general-laser-engraving-cutting-machine-discussion/186700-cam-software-forum.html
08:45 AM pascalrs: Thanks. Yeah, I'd found that early on. Reading it now it makes more sense. Seems like it'll work just fine.
08:51 AM jymmmm: pascalrs: I think the biggest issue for you is going to be controlling the laser. In some cases it' not just going to be ON/OFF, but PWM to get finer control
08:51 AM pascalrs: It's PWM
08:51 AM jymmmm: I'm guessing that's going to be the case, IDK for sure
08:52 AM pascalrs: And then M3 Sxxxx controls the power in G code
08:52 AM jymmmm: Well, I mean fine grain control of the PWM signal to the laser
08:52 AM jymmmm: It's not just POWER level
08:53 AM jymmmm: Density, etc
08:54 AM pascalrs: You mean the pulses-per-mm they talk about in the link you sent?
08:54 AM jymmmm: yes, thats one example
08:58 AM pascalrs: I guess I'll have to look at the power controller, the Leetro thing can do 'on', analog and pwm. They're all 5v signals so I can hook up the 'scope to see which one it is doing
08:58 AM pascalrs: The control panel is talking about PWM.
09:02 AM jymmmm: When you create a test drawing, make like a two sided square, a diaganoal line, and an arc. Then yu can get a better perspective
11:11 AM * jthornton takes five with Dave Brubreck and eats some lunch
12:55 PM skunkworks: my laptop doesn't like me creating a vm that uses all the main memory...
12:56 PM * skunkworks forgot I had allocated 8gb ram for hugepages and created another vm using 8gb normal ram...
01:00 PM skunkworks: this poor laptop only has 16gb ram total
01:03 PM * Loetmichel still has notebooks with 384mb total mem ;)
01:04 PM Loetmichel: did i mention that i finally got the octopi mounted and running on the anet a8? even wit relais for printer pwoer and led light... -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=17622&g2_imageViewsIndex=1 ... now i just have to clean up that wiring mess and put the lid on the enclosure. :-)
01:44 PM * Javabean feels confidant that it is indeed Loetmichel he pestered in a different chan to make sure it wasn't a housefire8 he was working with
02:13 PM JT-Shop: clean up on aisle 6... poka-yoke is finally done with 3 hours to spare
02:13 PM syyl: *bingo*
02:14 PM gregcnc: syyl that diamond wheel weak or you've been very busy?
02:15 PM syyl: haha, i was busy :D
02:16 PM syyl: and that was a chinese wheel with a very soft resin binder and low diamond concentration
02:19 PM gregcnc: busy is good though
02:38 PM Loetmichel: Javabean: it is indeed an anet A8
02:56 PM Tom_L: afternoon
04:12 PM jymmmm: Loetmichel: Niiiiice :)
04:31 PM Deejay: gn8
04:56 PM JT-Shop: Tom_L, got the thread mills today but I've not had time to look at them close
04:57 PM Tom_L: nice
04:57 PM Tom_L: how many did you get?
04:58 PM Tom_L: i've been pretty happy with them
05:01 PM Tom_L: that was fairly quick
05:02 PM JT-Shop: 10
05:02 PM Tom_L: nice full set
05:02 PM JT-Shop: #4 to 3/4
05:02 PM Tom_L: yeah i started at 10
05:02 PM Tom_L: #10
05:03 PM Tom_L: my bud programs them then uses comp to dial the size in
05:03 PM Tom_L: i just re'run the cad cam and make it a little bigger each time. for me it's just as easy
05:03 PM JT-Shop: I'm pooped but the poka-yolk is in the van with half the shop worth of tools for tomorrows trip to Cuba
05:04 PM Tom_L: delivering japanese junk to cuba?
05:04 PM JT-Shop: I'm sure the PLC is made in China
05:04 PM JT-Shop: yea going to Cuba tomorrow
05:05 PM JT-Shop: it's not too far from Rolla
05:05 PM Tom_L: i feel like i went there today
05:05 PM JT-Shop: Rolla?
05:05 PM Tom_L: no
05:05 PM Tom_L: cuba
05:05 PM JT-Shop: lol
05:05 PM Tom_L: been busy lately
05:05 PM JT-Shop: it's only a 90 mile swim
05:06 PM Tom_L: many have tried few have made it
05:07 PM JT-Shop: time to get ready to head to the movies and see Star Trek
05:07 PM Tom_L: have fun
05:07 PM jym: start trek?
05:08 PM Tom_L: who would guess jt's a trekie
05:10 PM Tom_L: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuba,_Missouri
05:10 PM Tom_L: he wasn't kidding :D
05:12 PM jthornton: XPO does pre release showings of movies like Aqua Man and Spyder Man, I passed on that but to celebrate the wifes new lens I'm going with her to see Star Trek
05:13 PM jym: To boldly go where no JT has gone before!
05:28 PM infornography: turboCAD, what is it good for?
05:31 PM Tom_L: u tell me
05:47 PM infornography: so far, opening a file and then saving it as another file type...
06:10 PM skunkworks: star trek?
06:16 PM Tom_L: i wonder if HDPE would hold up as well as nylon as far as friction wear
06:49 PM _unreal_: hello
06:49 PM _unreal_: ve7it, sup....
06:52 PM _unreal_: Tom_L, what are you planning to use
06:52 PM _unreal_: use it on?
06:53 PM _unreal_: I'm prob the best resource for HDPE
06:54 PM _unreal_: infornography, I apologize for Tom_L, I'll answer correctly " Absolutlly na na na na na na na th th th th th eing eing eing eing eing" sorry my old record is skipping.
06:55 PM _unreal_: heh
06:55 PM infornography: say it again
06:57 PM _unreal_: Absolutely noth eing eing eing eing eing sign nope its broken
06:59 PM _unreal_: so I now know how I'm going to build up my cnc machine. I just got an other satellite frame from work. so now I have all the parts I need to build the xyz frame assembly
06:59 PM _unreal_: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cZ_rTRuKh85aVzAOJW3WQTf6sAHK0dZi
06:59 PM _unreal_: I'm going to build it in this style of a fastion
06:59 PM _unreal_: fashion
07:00 PM _unreal_: Box style
07:02 PM _unreal_: quiet tonight
07:02 PM _unreal_: sigh
07:13 PM Tom_L: was.
07:13 PM _unreal_: interesting https://coderobe.net/
07:16 PM * infornography lurks loudly
07:17 PM _unreal_: I see nothing
07:42 PM ve7it: _unreal_, hey... just got a note saying box is in Ft Worth... getting a nice tour
07:43 PM _unreal_: intersting
07:43 PM _unreal_: hope it likes chains
07:44 PM _unreal_: ve7it, so I have decided on my frame setup
07:44 PM _unreal_: that and I got my grubby hands on that sat...
07:45 PM _unreal_: saddly NO motor controller NO MOTORS. but the frame was what I needed regardless
07:45 PM ve7it: cool
07:45 PM _unreal_: so i'm going with this onehttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1cZ_rTRuKh85aVzAOJW3WQTf6sAHK0dZi
07:45 PM _unreal_: and likely upto 10" plunge
07:46 PM _unreal_: the cars on the Y rails are going to be 6" apart. So I think they will take the load
07:46 PM _unreal_: all 4 of them
07:47 PM _unreal_: the one's at the top of the Z will be maybe 8" apart.
07:47 PM _unreal_: just becuase of how I will have to mount the extrusion.
07:52 PM _unreal_: DOES mean I'm going to make my Z setup a little more complicated
07:53 PM _unreal_: but I purchased extra extrusion and now it looks like I'm going to be using it :)(
07:58 PM _unreal_: sigh
07:59 PM ve7it: use what you got.... always new ideas come up during a build
08:00 PM _unreal_: ya
08:00 PM _unreal_: !!!!! exactly
08:00 PM _unreal_: I'd LIKE to make this new home cnc a 5 axis as well
08:00 PM _unreal_: micro/pocket but who cares
08:02 PM _unreal_: if I have any issues with the rails I'm building I can always jus get an other set of cars to add to the track
08:02 PM _unreal_: i'm sure that would MORE the help with the load
08:02 PM _unreal_: I'm also designing this setup so that the rails for my X axis are wider then the Y
08:03 PM _unreal_: by design. That way my Z setup is wider and there for can take more load
09:46 PM jthornton: well it was Star something not Star Trek but Star Wars
10:00 PM _unreal_: jthornton, you go to disney its, star tours :)
10:05 PM elmo40: _unreal_, you figure out what Z travel you are going to make?
10:33 PM _unreal_: exact Z no
10:33 PM _unreal_: but how I'm going to make my design
10:33 PM _unreal_: yes
10:34 PM _unreal_: elmo40, very rough but I'm kind of designing my table like this https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cZ_rTRuKh85aVzAOJW3WQTf6sAHK0dZi
10:34 PM _unreal_: with the spindle between the bars err. the Z axis will be between bars
11:13 PM dan3wik is now known as dan2wik