#linuxcnc Logs

Nov 04 2019

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:56 AM Deejay: moin
05:10 AM jthornton: morning
05:11 AM XXCoder: yo
05:17 AM Tom_L: morning
06:16 AM XXCoder: jt last thing I needed was more pain. thats what I got today lol
06:23 AM SpeedEvil: :/
06:24 AM XXCoder: speed its neck pain lol tenditis probably
06:24 AM XXCoder: besides nearly crippling back pain I was perfectly fine. then boom
06:39 AM Loetmichel: Some things take foreeeever... Drilling the vacuum table: 4140 holes 1/8" 5mm deep, then another 4140 holes 0,8mm thru the 6mm plate... ages later... -> https://youtu.be/2VlBvZ0GKRE
06:40 AM XXCoder: high end
06:42 AM XXCoder: but yeah tons holes long runtime
08:07 AM jymmmm: morning folks
09:44 AM Loetmichel: hmm, i wonder if that is sufficient for the company... so i can take back my private Co lathe that sits at the company for two years now... -> https://www.lidl.de/de/guede-minidrehmaschine-gmd-400/p311445
09:44 AM Loetmichel: c0
11:16 AM flyback is now known as phlyback
11:17 AM phlyback is now known as flyback
11:24 AM puff: Good afternoon.
11:24 AM puff: Is there a channel for general CNC discussions? #cnc exists but it has two people on it.
11:28 AM Rab: puff, I don't know, but I'd be interested to find one.
11:30 AM Rab: FWIW there's a wealth of general machining knowledge here, and discussion is quite diverse. Nobody is particularly excited about supporting GRBL, Machinekit or Mach3 however.
11:47 AM puff: Ah.
11:47 AM puff: I'm wondering about CNC gcode dialects and converting between them.
11:51 AM Rab: Some of the people here work with commercial controls. So if you ask a question, you might get lucky!
11:52 AM Rab: Or everyone might be sleeping.
11:55 AM Loetmichel: maaan, always something new. got the second (old) CNC 6040 into the box, reconnected everything: cant get ANY water thru the spindle.
11:56 AM Loetmichel: air works, as soon as i connect the pump and switch it one can hear the bypass valve acting... at 2.4 Bar.
11:57 AM Loetmichel: you can see the cooling fluid go in, as soon as the spindle is full: stop of bubbles on the spindle output.
11:58 AM Loetmichel: i THINK there is some debris in there that is lighter than water and swims up and acts as a check valve inside the spindle
11:59 AM Loetmichel: anyone here that opened up an 800W CHina watercooled spindle and can tell me if its possible to get to the cooling system/mantle to clean it?
12:01 PM roycroft: i haven't done that, but i do have one whose magic smoke leaked out right after i bought it
12:01 PM roycroft: i'd be willing to partially dismantle it when i get a chance
12:01 PM Rab: Loetmichel, tried hooking up in reverse to flush it out?
12:01 PM roycroft: which would not be today, as i'm not at home today
12:02 PM Rab: Or maybe blowing compressed air through it.
12:02 PM roycroft: it seems to me that it's just a sleeve surrounding the motor
12:02 PM Loetmichel: Rab: yes
12:02 PM Loetmichel: same thing
12:02 PM Loetmichel: filling up the spindle, then end of flow
12:03 PM Loetmichel: Rab: i tried blowing 8 bar air thru it
12:03 PM Loetmichel: works fine
12:03 PM Loetmichel: just the moment there is water in the spindle nothing goes
12:03 PM roycroft: i do know that it will rust easily, as the water in mine turned orange-yellow fairly quickly after i started testing it with plain water
12:04 PM Loetmichel: hence my surmise that something must swim up and block the flow
12:04 PM Rab: Tried removing the fitting and probing with tweezers?
12:04 PM Loetmichel: i do have 50/50 car radiator flöuid and distilled water in it
12:04 PM Loetmichel: Rab: nope, but good idea
12:05 PM Rab: If the motor is just surrounded by a water jacket, you'd think inside the fitting would be the only place a small/loose obstruction could make a difference.
12:05 PM roycroft: i suspect it's just a thin jacket, loetmichel - probably not even as wide as the fittings
12:06 PM Loetmichel: roycroft: probably, yes
12:06 PM Loetmichel: Rab: good thinking, will try that tomorrow
12:08 PM Rab: Some pics of a 2200W spindle here: https://www.cnczone.com/forums/spindles-vfd/129454-water-cooled-chinese-spindle-disassembly.html
12:08 PM Loetmichel: found something: https://youtu.be/6bIWEE4IdiI?t=520
12:08 PM Loetmichel: looks like its probably in the upper endcap
12:08 PM Rab: Hard to identify any cooling passage(s).
12:09 PM Loetmichel: the two black rubber o-rings on the peripery left and right from the cable
12:09 PM Rab: Oh, yeah
12:09 PM Loetmichel: thats input and output of the water jacket
12:11 PM Loetmichel: already quite behind with the refit
12:11 PM Loetmichel: took me more than two weeks
12:11 PM Loetmichel: i estimated two days
12:11 PM Loetmichel: well. boss knows to quadruple any time i give him... times seven is a new record though ;)
12:12 PM Loetmichel: but i have the newer machine running at least... as seen this morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VlBvZ0GKRE
12:13 PM Loetmichel: i did just finish facing off the vacuum table plate that i drilled in that vid. so that machine is ready for work
12:13 PM Loetmichel: so the old one isnt as critical , but still has to work eventually
12:14 PM Loetmichel: its looking nice now though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyISrLTxYjI
12:15 PM Loetmichel: ... and tomorrwo the 4mm makrolon sheets will arrive (for the front doors) and then it will be MUCH cleaner in the workshop ;)
12:37 PM puff: I mean, if you have the original vcarve or fusion360 or SVG file, etc, then I'm guessing it's as easy as loading up the file and choosing the gcode dialect when you export. But I'm wondering about "round trip" dialect conversion, i.e. are there tools that will read in gcode in one dialect and convert it to another? I really don't know enough about these dialects I guess, i.e. how different are they?
12:37 PM Loetmichel: puff: IIRC Cambam can read gcode
12:37 PM Loetmichel: and export it to any gcode dialect it has postprocessors for
12:37 PM Loetmichel: i dont know how much gets ignored in the loaded gcode though
01:06 PM roycroft: folks who are using freecad: what are you doing for assemblies these days?
01:06 PM roycroft: i am confused, because on my macbook pro i upgraded to 0.18, and it crashes every time i open a workbench, so i completely deleted it (so i thought) and installed 0.17 again instead
01:06 PM * Loetmichel should do a burgulary or something like that now... just noticed that i dont have any fingerprints left today... used a BIT much CA glue today at the company... fingertips are still all covered in the stuff ;)
01:07 PM roycroft: and 0.17 shows that the assembly2 worbench is installed, but the documentation page says that assembly2 is deprecated and does not work on 0.17
01:07 PM roycroft: so i don't know how that got there in the first place
01:07 PM roycroft: nor if i should try to make it work
01:08 PM * roycroft introduces loetmichel to a miracle product called "disposable gloves"
01:10 PM jymmmm: roycroft: He's forging your figerprints
01:11 PM Loetmichel: roycroft: we have them at the company
01:11 PM Loetmichel: forget to use them every time :)
01:12 PM jymmmm: Loetmichel: how many times have you gotten to work with no pants on because you forgot them?
01:14 PM Loetmichel: jymmmm: once nearly
01:14 PM Loetmichel: wife got it in time when i was about to open the door to get to work ;)
01:16 PM puff: Loetmichel: Thank you.
01:21 PM Rab: roycroft, have you tried removing/renaming the ~/.FreeCAD preferences folder before running either version?
01:22 PM Rab: (Just a thought, I've never had to mess with the preferences when running 0.17/0.18 on Linux.)
01:25 PM roycroft: no, i wasn't aware of that folder
01:25 PM roycroft: i looked in /Library and ~/Library and could not find anything freenas-related
01:25 PM roycroft: i'll see if i have that folder
01:25 PM roycroft: that might account for both the assembly2 thing and the crashing with 0.18 thing
01:26 PM roycroft: but sadly, there is no such directory
01:26 PM roycroft: that would have been too easy a fix :)
01:29 PM roycroft: but those problems being what they are, my real question was about what folks use for assemblies
01:30 PM roycroft: there seem to be three main workbenches for assemblies - a2plus, assembly3, and assembly4
01:30 PM roycroft: a2plus having the advantage of working with the main freecad release branch, while the other two require special forks
01:37 PM roycroft: hmm, the workbench manager claimed that the assembly2 workbench was installed, but it never showed up in the list of wrkbenches
01:37 PM roycroft: i just uninstalled it
01:37 PM roycroft: i wonder if that is the problem that was causing 0.18 to crash
01:37 PM roycroft: when i get home i'll give 0.18 another go on this machine
02:12 PM Loetmichel: ah, btw: still using a debian wheezy 2.7 install on both od the machines at the company
02:13 PM Loetmichel: any idea how to get the packet list back in working order?
02:13 PM jymmmm: Loetmichel: lol
02:13 PM Loetmichel: so that i can at least
02:13 PM Loetmichel: have SOME other things installed
02:13 PM Loetmichel: jymmmm: whats so funny?
02:13 PM jymmmm: Loetmichel: (11:07:53 AM) Loetmichel: jymmmm: once nearly
02:14 PM Loetmichel: ah ;)
02:14 PM Loetmichel: to my defense: it was summer
02:14 PM jymmmm: and you HAVE to wear pants at work?
02:14 PM Loetmichel: i just forgot to put on the short pants ;)
02:14 PM jymmmm: gotcha
02:15 PM Loetmichel: we have female employees, so probably yes ;)
02:15 PM jymmmm: they cna wear shorts too
02:18 PM Loetmichel: TBH: shorts or knee lenght pants are probably not ideal in a job with milling ali and using angle grinders and stuff... although i do wear them occasionally in the summer... (note the safety shoes!) -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=16369&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
02:18 PM Loetmichel: :-)
02:29 PM Tom_L: you're an OSHA poster child
03:48 PM Deejay: gn8
04:26 PM _unreal_: sup
04:27 PM _unreal_: few.... long day
05:16 PM _unreal_: cant argue with these prices https://www.ebay.com/itm/PDTech-2040-20x40-T-slot-V-slot-Frame-Aluminum-Extrusion-Cut-48in-72in-1-8m-US/254177102792?var=553930451199
05:17 PM _unreal_: ordering 4 700mm pieces for $26 shipped arrives in two days.
05:18 PM _unreal_: oh oh..... looks like they are trying to be tricky
05:25 PM _unreal_: no I guess it was $26
05:25 PM _unreal_: weird
05:26 PM _unreal_: no one live?
05:28 PM jthornton: chickens are...
05:32 PM _unreal_: there. rooosting, there ALLLWAYS roosting..
05:33 PM andypugh: That’s why I never ride directly behind another bike offroad.
05:33 PM _unreal_: ?
05:34 PM _unreal_: i'm not sure I follow hens roosting and bike riding..
05:35 PM andypugh: “roosting” is used to mean “spraying another rider with your “roostertail” of mud and debris.
05:35 PM Tom_L: you probably ride with your mouth shut too
05:38 PM jthornton: lol
05:44 PM * _unreal_ grins :)=)
05:47 PM andypugh: Helmet and goggles.
05:47 PM andypugh: (offroad a full-faced helmet interferes with breathing too much, but a big chin bar is a must)
06:25 PM skunkworks: andypugh: the hal_pi_gpio worked for me
06:26 PM skunkworks: http://electronicsam.com/images/greenmachine/IMG_20191103_112558.jpg
07:18 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, can those IO be mapped for other platforms?
07:19 PM Tom_L: or just PI
07:43 PM skunkworks: Tom_L: I don't understand what you mean.
07:45 PM Tom_L: i'm wondering if the GPIO andy did for the PI can be mapped for other boards like the tinker board etc
07:45 PM Tom_L: since they're both arm
07:57 PM andypugh: Yesm that should be fairly easy. In fact I have wondered if it would be possible to write a version that somehow worked out what board it was running on and adapted itself accordingly.
07:57 PM andypugh: Machinekit have versions for Beaglebone, CHIP, Orange Pi and a couple of others.
07:57 PM Tom_L: i wasn't sure what you had in mind but that would be a cool feature
07:58 PM Tom_L: i know unreal would use it
07:58 PM andypugh: As far as I can tell they all m-map the GPIO in the same way.
07:58 PM Tom_L: i haven't seen the code but probably wouldn't know what i was looking at anyway
08:13 PM ziper: oh wow. the paint sprayers on this machine i bought retail for like 800 dollars
08:13 PM ziper: now i just need to figure out how to use it
08:15 PM ziper: there is some kind of air powered diaphram pump
08:15 PM ziper: and a filter. but it seems like there is way too much wastage. when you drain the lines you would throw away like a quart of paint
08:16 PM Tom_L: commercial sprayer?
08:16 PM Tom_L: after a days's run or so they probably don't look at that as much waste
08:17 PM ziper: yeah, but I don't have that much stuff. maybe i should just part it out
08:17 PM Tom_L: i had one of those 2 diapharam pumps at one point for moving chemicals
08:17 PM ziper: even after saving up 1000 dollars worth of parts to paint, it would only take about 3 minutes
08:17 PM ziper: or maybe i should just write off the paint and put it in my rates
08:18 PM ziper: these are graco airpro automatic
08:19 PM Tom_L: is it a pot paint sprayer?
08:19 PM Tom_L: like a 5 gal pot
08:19 PM ziper: doesnt quite look like that
08:20 PM ziper: ill get some pictures real quick
08:21 PM Rab: This? https://www.graco.com/content/dam/pim/graco/ipd/liquid%20finishing/15285.jpg
08:21 PM Rab: https://www.graco.com/content/dam/pim/graco/ipd/liquid%20finishing/DualGun1_6227_1600x700.jpg
08:21 PM Rab: Don't want to wake up and see that thing coming at you.
08:31 PM ziper: https://imgur.com/a/EJh4JIM
08:31 PM ziper: Rab, yah, looks like something out of a scifi set
08:31 PM ziper: so the thing I thought was a filter came with a manual, but its all in german
08:31 PM ziper: its actually a "Fine Flow Pneumatic Air Controller"