#linuxcnc Logs

Oct 25 2019

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:09 AM net|: Unix turned 50 on the 21 of this month
12:14 AM roycroft: that it did
12:14 AM roycroft: soon it will start being eligible for senior discounts
01:47 AM CaptHindsight: anyone ever cast glass?
02:10 AM Deejay: moin
02:46 AM SpeedEvil: CaptHindsight: only to the least degree possible - slumping
04:58 AM XXCoder: _unreal_: good thing I have norepeat plugin to filter not repeated disconnects :)
05:00 AM Tom_L: morning
05:03 AM XXCoder: yo
05:13 AM jthornton: morning
05:13 AM XXCoder: yo
05:39 AM XXCoder: man
05:39 AM XXCoder: polio may finally be no more soon
05:39 AM XXCoder: pretty amazing.
05:39 AM XXCoder: only type 1 left, in 2 countries
05:49 AM pink_vampire: hi
05:51 AM jthornton: I think I figured out what was wrong with my ender 3 hot end fan
05:51 AM XXCoder: yeah?
05:51 AM pink_vampire: what was the problem?
05:52 AM jthornton: loose connection I assume, I added wires at the terminal to test with my meter as I ran and the fan worked fine
05:52 AM jthornton: the + was not very tight
05:52 AM jthornton: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-50167437
05:53 AM XXCoder: theres also breakthoughs on that new "polio-like" virus too
07:05 AM jymmmm: morning folks
07:13 AM jymmmm: blackout ended 3pm yesterday, they were so nice so they have already scheduled another one for saturday
07:15 AM jymmmm: jthornton: Do the chicken's line up in the morning when chicken gate opens?
07:16 AM jymmmm: Chicken rush hour?
07:20 AM taloot: im back from testing
07:21 AM taloot: the pcie lpt... i can see in lspci but not parport
08:20 AM JT-Shop: finally able to cancel that damn paypal mastercard they kept telling me they were sending me without my asking for it
10:47 AM jymmmm: TOTALLY AWESOME.... Even thought there was a blackout yesterday, PG&E caused the Kinkade fire (Currently 22,000 acres, 5% contained) because they did NOT shut down the high voltage transmissions lines, so says the CEO
10:55 AM roycroft: something we really need is legislating capping the salary and benefits of execs at big corporations like that when they're in bankruptcy
10:55 AM roycroft: and also criminal liability in cases of gross negligence like pg&e are exhibiting
10:56 AM roycroft: the blackouts are needed - i agree with that
10:56 AM roycroft: but they should not be needed
10:56 AM gregcnc: but how will he make payments on his yacht and 4th home?
10:56 AM roycroft: and if pg&e were doing their job and not being so greedy they would not happen
10:56 AM roycroft: as it is, estimates are that it will take a decade for pg&e to catch up on the maintenance they've been neglecting
10:57 AM roycroft: and that blackouts will be necessary for that entire decade
10:57 AM roycroft: that is an absolutely reprehensible state of affairs
10:57 AM gregcnc: seems like bend shaft on a larger servo motor is not something easily repairable
11:02 AM roycroft: also, for blackouts caused by negligence like these are, the utility should be required to credit every customer for a full day's service for every hour of blackout
11:06 AM drdoc: hear hear!
11:11 AM jymmmm: The gov already said $100/day, not sure if he acted on it though.
11:12 AM roycroft: have you seen your check yet?
11:13 AM jymmmm: People are already calling this "the new norm". It that really is the case, I'm gonna have to look into generator doghouse and noise supression
11:13 AM roycroft: it is the new norm
11:13 AM roycroft: at least for the next decade
11:14 AM Choscura is now known as JewZeus
11:14 AM JewZeus is now known as Choscura
11:15 AM jymmmm: Fire season is a given, BUT... maybe calfire can spray BEFORE fires start, something like borax solution which isn't as expensive as the fire retardent they use to fight active fires.
11:18 AM roycroft: or maybe pg&e can actually take the time and spend the money doing the pruning that is necessary to prevent their infrastructure from starting fires
11:35 AM TekniQue: 15:51 < roycroft> and that blackouts will be necessary for that entire decade
11:36 AM TekniQue: it's Enron all over again
12:05 PM CaptHindsight: roycroft: hah, that is why uhmericans love the corporation, it is a person with right to speech ($$) and yet has little liability
12:06 PM CaptHindsight: privatize the profits, socialize the risks
12:08 PM CaptHindsight: of course it's all broken, but how do you get all the Jesus-landers to stop voting against their best interests?
12:10 PM CaptHindsight: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/jesusland
12:12 PM jymmmm: CaptHindsight: Yeah, but explain trump then?
12:15 PM CaptHindsight: well trained obedient Jesuslanders
12:16 PM CaptHindsight: he hijacked them
12:18 PM CaptHindsight: be careful what you wish for when you try to create a monster
12:23 PM jymmmm: CaptHindsight: I woould be delighted if alien's anal probed trump and take them back to their planet for further "research", no wall needed
12:26 PM TekniQue: to be fair, nobody likes Hillary Clinton
12:26 PM TekniQue: Trump's #1 quality is that he is NOT Hillary Clinton
12:27 PM CaptHindsight: just imagine 2 or more really great choices for president
12:28 PM CaptHindsight: I can't decide, they are all so great vs the lesser of two evils
12:28 PM gregcnc: how to make that happen?
12:29 PM CaptHindsight: looking back Eisenhower was probably the last one in that category
12:29 PM CaptHindsight: carter looked great but was just steam rolled by opposition while in office
12:31 PM CaptHindsight: gregcnc: How to get through to people that have become fanatics? And don't learn from their mistakes.
12:31 PM gregcnc: people will be people and it seems the worst like govt
12:32 PM CaptHindsight: on the other hand we do enforce some basic rules on society
12:33 PM CaptHindsight: you can't just poop anywhere
12:34 PM gregcnc: yes most people don't do that
12:34 PM CaptHindsight: maybe if we raise the bar a bit higher
12:37 PM CaptHindsight: when most people go through adolescence they become less selfish
12:39 PM CaptHindsight: the % that don't still doesn't account for what I see happening
12:39 PM roycroft: maybe if facebook were shut down things would be better
12:40 PM gregcnc: but those are the ones who are often successful at "leading"
12:40 PM CaptHindsight: it looks like a combo of lack of development (parenting), schooling, lazy and the belief in the angry invisible man in the sky
12:41 PM CaptHindsight: these people are well controlled, they don't reason their own, they just react
12:41 PM jymmmm: CaptHindsight: Tell a bear that!
12:41 PM CaptHindsight: reason on their own
12:42 PM CaptHindsight: combined with little time to do much more than work to survive pay check to pay check
12:43 PM jymmmm: CaptHindsight: Sheeple, nah, nev-ah!
12:44 PM CaptHindsight: the conservatives just lost control of the drones they created to Trump, it was a slick move
12:46 PM CaptHindsight: the real masterminds Cheney and co, look at what they got away with
12:48 PM jymmmm: CaptHindsight: It's all about the Chase's... https://avocadoughtoast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/10000-dollar-bill-us-min-1120x450.jpg
12:49 PM CaptHindsight: jymmmm: https://i.imgur.com/umOzDDo.jpg
12:50 PM jymmmm: CaptHindsight: lol =)
12:52 PM methods_: definitely legal tender at this point
12:53 PM roycroft: those banknotes are worth a tremendous amount of money
12:53 PM roycroft: they were never circulated, and only printed in small quantities
12:54 PM roycroft: although yes, they are legal tender, they were only ever used between federal reserve banks
12:54 PM CaptHindsight: roycroft: nah those were from a movie :)
12:54 PM methods_: yeah jymmmm
12:54 PM methods_: the idiocracy bucks are legal tender now
12:55 PM roycroft: they may have been used in a film, but they are real
12:55 PM CaptHindsight: they had lots of great graphic design in that film
12:55 PM Tom_L: https://media.brstatic.com/2018/11/28092413/Pictures-of-big-bills-100000-Wilson.jpg
12:56 PM CaptHindsight: if you pay attention to the backgrounds they all sorts of posters and signs
12:57 PM gregcnc: what's for lunch?
12:57 PM Tom_L: soup
12:58 PM CaptHindsight: has anyone cast glass before?
12:59 PM CaptHindsight: we have some synthetic sand that has a melt temp >4000F
01:02 PM SpeedEvil: CaptHindsight: I have slumped glass.
01:02 PM SpeedEvil: Which is fun.
01:03 PM SpeedEvil: I have also been looking at https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1000KG-Of-Glass-Sand-Blasting-Media-Fine-Grade-Grit-For-Blast-Guns-Or-Cabinets/263343928355
01:03 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/melting-temperature-metals-d_860.html
01:03 PM SpeedEvil: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-Ton-Glass-Bead-FINE-Grade-Media-40x25KG-Blasting-Shot-Sand-Grit-Abrasive/263132868871 - err - rather
01:04 PM SpeedEvil: The first stuff will probably not fuse together well, though I mean to try at some point
01:04 PM SpeedEvil: (as it is crushed random glass of assorted composition)
01:04 PM CaptHindsight: soda lime glass beads
01:05 PM SpeedEvil: What I'd actually like would be crushed clear glass, but I can't find ready suppliers.
01:05 PM CaptHindsight: SpeedEvil: what ype of glass?
01:06 PM CaptHindsight: type
01:06 PM SpeedEvil: CaptHindsight: soda-lime, probably.
01:06 PM SpeedEvil: I want to try dropping heated glass powder into molds where it 'sets' and then popping it out.
01:06 PM CaptHindsight: just for example: https://www.delphiglass.com/glass-frit-90-coe/clear-frit/5-lb-clear-transparent-medium-frit-90-coe this ?
01:06 PM SpeedEvil: Making porous structures.
01:07 PM SpeedEvil: Basically, yes.
01:07 PM SpeedEvil: But I want to make large things, so $10/lb won't cut it.
01:08 PM CaptHindsight: i was working with low melting temp frits years ago
01:08 PM CaptHindsight: would lower temp be better? has to be clear?
01:09 PM SpeedEvil: I was hoping for translucent.
01:09 PM SpeedEvil: But, the type of glass will depend on what you're trying to do
01:10 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.us.schott.com/epackaging/english/glass/technical_powder/solder.html
01:12 PM SpeedEvil: Once you're at 500C, practically, getting to 850C (soda-lime) is not a whole heap different if you are designing the tooling from scratch
01:13 PM roycroft: glass bead for media blasting is about $1/lb in small quantities
01:13 PM roycroft: would that work?
01:13 PM SpeedEvil: roycroft: yes, that's the second link I listed.
01:13 PM roycroft: oh, ok
01:13 PM roycroft: i don't follow many links here
01:15 PM CaptHindsight: unless it has some special composition it tends to be China for lowest cost frit
01:19 PM SpeedEvil: CaptHindsight: yeah - what I was hoping was to find a UK glass crusher that happened to crush the colours of glass seperately.
01:20 PM CaptHindsight: probably will charge a premium for sorting
01:21 PM SpeedEvil: Glass is often collected here seperately.
01:21 PM SpeedEvil: I was hoping that...
01:21 PM CaptHindsight: SpeedEvil: was just going ask about there
03:02 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/25/health/beer-stomach-autobrewery-syndrome-trnd/index.html
03:02 PM CaptHindsight: a feature vs illness
03:07 PM Connor: When switching oils in a lathe gearbox.. Do you have to get ALL the oil out of the gear box? I've drained it as much as I can.. even flushed with Kerosene.. but, they're is still a bit left and I have no idea what kind.
03:08 PM CaptHindsight: should be good enough
03:08 PM Connor: looks like a good 3 or 4 oz left in it..
03:11 PM CaptHindsight: how much does it hold full?
03:11 PM Connor: I dunno. I meant headstock.. not gearbox.. I'm thinking about a gallon..
03:12 PM Connor: I'll pour the used oil into a gallon container later.
03:13 PM CaptHindsight: 40:1 ratio of new good oil to old stuff
03:13 PM CaptHindsight: better than most auto oil changes
03:14 PM CaptHindsight: can you soak the rest up in a sponge or use a siphon/turkey baster with hose/tube?
03:14 PM CaptHindsight: or blow out with compressed air
03:15 PM Connor: I might try one of those hand pumps.. I need some very long forceps with the sponge / towel.
03:16 PM CaptHindsight: metal gears? nylon?
03:17 PM Loetmichel: re from my sisters place...
03:17 PM CaptHindsight: try one of those telescoping magnetic parts pick-uppers
03:17 PM CaptHindsight: see if it grabs any metal flakes
03:18 PM CaptHindsight: Loetmichel: how is she doing?
03:18 PM Connor: metal
03:20 PM CaptHindsight: I'm currently rebuilding some truck differentials
03:20 PM CaptHindsight: you mainly want to keep small metal particles out of the bearings
03:21 PM CaptHindsight: cleaner the better
03:21 PM CaptHindsight: good oil is better than bad oil
03:22 PM CaptHindsight: any oil is better than no oil
03:23 PM Loetmichel: BWAHAHA... on the way back, i am totally relaxed at 185kph (115mph) cruise control on the middle lane of the Highway... suddenly a sound from the back: "mmmaaaaAAAAAOOOOWWWWW"... and i see a yelow flash fly by... Not every day that you see an iconic countach rear end that close... only in germany... ;)
03:23 PM CaptHindsight: we only dream of such here
03:30 PM roycroft: i remember driving on an autoroute in france once when we drove past a policeman with a radar gun on the side of the road
03:30 PM roycroft: the vehicle he was in was a vw beetle (old beetle - this was the '70s)
03:30 PM roycroft: my first thought was astonishment that a frenchman would have a german vehicle
03:31 PM roycroft: and my second thought was the there's no way he could catch a speeder in a vw beetle, unless it was a bicyclist
03:31 PM roycroft: and even then he would have to really step on it
03:32 PM roycroft: i don't recall what the speed limit was on the autoroute but it was probably at least 120
03:36 PM andypugh: Mercedes was French….
03:36 PM drdoc: roycroft: my uncle had a 1200cc VeeDub that would do 140mph
03:36 PM drdoc: 1100cc, maybe?
03:37 PM drdoc: whatever the base model was in '69
03:37 PM Loetmichel: roycroft: be careful
03:37 PM Loetmichel: i have seen beetles with porsche 911 turbo engines in them
03:37 PM Loetmichel: it fits pretty easily
03:37 PM drdoc: ...but that VW motor was in a MotoGuzzi frame
03:37 PM Loetmichel: my uncle had one in the 80ties
03:38 PM andypugh: Ah, no, I am wrong. Mercedes lived in Nice, but was actually born in Vienna.
03:38 PM Loetmichel: MAN that thing was FAST... and had a few 100 pounds of concrete in the frunk to quench the "involuntary wheelies"
03:39 PM andypugh: drdoc: Amazonas?
03:39 PM drdoc: ?
03:39 PM andypugh: https://www.odd-bike.com/2012/12/amazonas-1600-beetle-powered-brazilian.html
03:40 PM drdoc: Moto Guzzi Ambassador, strethed 4 inches
03:41 PM drdoc: stretched
03:41 PM drdoc: had an adapter plate made for the transmission, moved the generator to the side if the motor case
03:42 PM drdoc: I don't remember if Carl Lee had to do anything with the crankshaft; I think the splines matched
03:43 PM drdoc: the first test drive he thought the clutch was slipping under load
03:43 PM drdoc: that proved to be not the case when I dumped it making a left turn from a stop sign
03:44 PM drdoc: it was just stripping rubber off the back tire
03:44 PM Loetmichel: hihi
03:44 PM drdoc: hola
03:45 PM drdoc: So, parallel-port-connected limit switch question - lcnc stops all axes when a limit switch opens, yes?
03:45 PM Loetmichel: only if its unexpected
03:46 PM drdoc: ah, that's right
03:46 PM drdoc: if you don't have separate home switches, the 0 limit switch is Home
03:46 PM drdoc: err, defines Home
03:47 PM drdoc: I was reading a post where all 3 limit switches were wired to the same pin
03:48 PM drdoc: and all 3 home switches to another
03:48 PM drdoc: I couldn't place why that sounded wrong
03:48 PM roycroft: my universal joints arrived today
03:49 PM roycroft: so i guess i'll be busy this weekend working on my drill press table and moving the lifting and locking mechanisms
03:49 PM drdoc: sweet
03:49 PM drdoc: did you get that chuck mounted?
03:49 PM andypugh: Some great quotes from that Amazonas review “It may have been ugly, but at least it was crude.”
03:49 PM roycroft: no, not yet
03:50 PM roycroft: when i took the backing plate off the chuck i realized that the backing plate holes were in the exact location where i intended to drill the new mounting holes
03:50 PM roycroft: so if i drill the new holes there i won't be able to put the backing plate back on
03:50 PM andypugh: “despite the trappings of modernity the Kahena was still massive, oddly proportioned, and quite ugly – except now it looked like a morbidly obese superbike, instead of a Harley with downs syndrome”
03:50 PM roycroft: i don't think i would ever want to do that, but i decided to think about it a bit more
03:50 PM roycroft: and moved on to another project temporarily
03:51 PM roycroft: but i need that chuck mounted to the rotary table for working on the drill press mechanism
03:51 PM roycroft: so i have to decide like today
03:51 PM drdoc: andypugh: that Amazonas sounds like a death trap
03:52 PM Loetmichel: andypugh: seen that guy who had put a superbike engine in a Smart car?
03:52 PM roycroft: and as long as the chuck is going to become a mongrel anyway, i've decided that 5/16" is the bolt size i would drill for, not 8mm
03:52 PM andypugh: roycroft: Drill the holes as big as they need to be for the T-nuts, then thread the holes to suit the next size up. Drill out the backplate to suit that bigger size, probbaly using countersunk hex socket screw heads to make up for the bigness.
03:52 PM drdoc: our Guzzi at least had a longitudinal tranny, shaft drive, and a pretty heavy suspension
03:52 PM roycroft: because all of my t-nuts for milling fixtures/clamp kits are american standard
03:53 PM roycroft: you know, that would work fine, andypugh
03:53 PM roycroft: the existing screws are m8
03:53 PM Deejay: gn8
03:53 PM andypugh: Loetmichel: I will never het round to it, but I do rather like the idea of an R1 engine in a Smart, and the idea of a Smart Diesel in an R1 frame.
03:53 PM roycroft: but 5/16" is the correct tap drill size for a 3/8"-16 screw
03:53 PM Loetmichel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgwzHJo3IXM <- that guy is absolutely crazy
03:53 PM roycroft: so i could drill the existing holes out to 5/16", and then tap them for 3/8"
03:54 PM roycroft: and use 3/8" screws on the backing plate if i ever want to mount it again
03:54 PM roycroft: and if the heads are too long, i can get some low profile socket head screws that would work
03:54 PM roycroft: that's a brilliant solution
03:55 PM roycroft: i had already thought of maybe going with m6 or 1/4" screws so i would not disturb the existing threaded holes
03:55 PM roycroft: but i'm almost certain i can go oversize with the backing plate screws
03:55 PM andypugh: Countersunk screws are lowest. In-extremis you can counter-countersink the chuck itself. I have done that a couple of times with sheet metal.
03:56 PM roycroft: https://www.mcmaster.com/socket-head-cap-screws
03:56 PM drdoc: Loetmichel: I've driven a go-kart with a Honda 750cc 4-cylinder
03:56 PM roycroft: i can choose from standard profile, low profile, or ultra-low profile
03:56 PM drdoc: my butt was 40mm off the ground, and the thing would do nearly 120mph on a straight run
03:57 PM roycroft: the existing backing plate has m8 standard profile screws
03:57 PM roycroft: which are 2.7mm high
03:57 PM drdoc: (not that I ever got near that)
03:57 PM roycroft: or 0.106" high
03:57 PM Loetmichel: drdoc: "how fast is it?" "Faster than you will EVER have the balls to drive it!"
03:58 PM Loetmichel: :-)
03:58 PM drdoc: You could literally put your boot on a front tire and make it do donuts from a standstill
03:58 PM Loetmichel: i know that feeling.
03:58 PM roycroft: standard profile 3/8" screws are 0.125" high, so a bit too high
03:58 PM roycroft: oh, wait - i'm looking at the ultra low profile ones there
03:58 PM Loetmichel: 230kph in that BMW E39 is pretty demanding to say the least ;)
03:58 PM drdoc: Loetmichel: yeah. at 95mph the front tires were in the air as much as on the ground
03:59 PM Loetmichel: even the smooth curves on the autobahn get really frightening
03:59 PM drdoc: that was fast enough for me
03:59 PM drdoc: Very briefly, I rode a Kawasaki Mach III in the early '80s
04:00 PM drdoc: 3-cylinder 2-stroke 750cc motor
04:00 PM Loetmichel: that sounds like fun
04:00 PM roycroft: m8 standard profile screws are 8mm or 0.315" high
04:00 PM drdoc: 140mph easily, but the frame wasn't anywhere near stiff enough for that kind of power
04:01 PM drdoc: you could feel it twisting in a rough corner
04:01 PM andypugh: roycroft: How many times do I need to use the word “countersunk”
04:01 PM drdoc: andypugh: twice more, please
04:02 PM drdoc: crap
04:02 PM Loetmichel: drdoc: try a BMW K100 tuned to 174hp... topspeed of 290kph... THAT thing was "fun" on the autobahn ;)
04:02 PM roycroft: yes, andypugh, but i can only countersink the backing plate so far
04:02 PM drdoc: heh
04:02 PM roycroft: it's pretty thin
04:02 PM Loetmichel: its meant to be a tourer, not a racer ;)
04:02 PM roycroft: and it's already countersunk
04:02 PM drdoc: yeah
04:02 PM roycroft: i would want to not have to countersink it any deeper
04:03 PM drdoc: my dad had a '73 750 when I was 16
04:03 PM andypugh: That’s my point, when you counterink through to the chuck, countersink the chuck too. Then split the parts and countersink the chuck just a hair more.
04:03 PM drdoc: the first time he let me out of his sight with it I hit it pretty hard
04:03 PM roycroft: and what would hold the backing plate to the chuck then?
04:04 PM drdoc: full Windjammer fairing, tour pack, saddlebags and all
04:04 PM andypugh: drdoc: Which he was almost certainly expecting.
04:04 PM roycroft: if i countersink all the way through the backing plate then the head of the screw would just pass through the backing plate
04:04 PM drdoc: when I hit 3rd gear that thing stood straight up in the ai
04:04 PM drdoc: air
04:04 PM roycroft: anyway, a low profile head 3/8"-16 screw is 0.188" high
04:04 PM roycroft: so it would fit the existing countersink hole just fine in depth
04:04 PM drdoc: andypugh: I'm sure he was; he knew me pretty well
04:05 PM drdoc: I was NOT expecting that "old man's touring bike" to wheelie into 3rd
04:05 PM roycroft: and i have to do a mcmaster order soon anyway
04:05 PM drdoc: I was so shocked I nearly let it go over backward
04:06 PM roycroft: actually, i may have some 3/8" low profile head screws in stock - i bought some for my belt grinder mount when i discovered the belts were abrading the mounting bolts
04:06 PM drdoc: what kind of grinder?
04:06 PM andypugh: roycroft: A countersunk hole has no depth at the periphery of the head, sinking to maximum depth at the thread/shank. You always have pretty much the full thickness of the material at the periphery of the head, where most of the load is.
04:06 PM drdoc: 72x2?
04:07 PM * drdoc needs to get back to this .hal file
04:07 PM Tom_L: counterbore vs countersink
04:08 PM roycroft: aah, yes
04:08 PM roycroft: i get that now
04:08 PM andypugh: There seems to be a feeling that countersunk screws are “woodworky” not “engineery” but they do have some handy features. One feature that can be either useful or anti-useful is that they tend to self-centre strongly. With a mult-bolt fixing like a backplate you need to be sue that the countersinks are very well centred.
04:08 PM roycroft: i countersink holes all the time in metals
04:09 PM roycroft: i have a variety of hex drive flat head screws in stock
04:09 PM roycroft: i was just conflating counterbore and countersink
04:09 PM roycroft: probably because woodworkers don't make a distinction
04:10 PM roycroft: i'll endeavour to be more precise in my use of the terms in future
04:11 PM roycroft: but as the backing plate is already counterbored, and the bore would likely need enlargement for a 3/8" screw anyway, i would probably just use the low profile screws
04:11 PM roycroft: especially since i think i have some in stock
04:13 PM roycroft: actually, if the existing couterbores are slightly oversize i may not even have to enlarge them, as there's only 0.050" difference in diameter between m8 and 3/8 screw head diameters
04:15 PM drdoc: urgh
04:22 PM andypugh: M8 x 1.25 and 5/16 x 18 are close enough for the nuts of one to appear to fit the other (but not vice-versa)
04:22 PM andypugh: M8 is 20.4 TPI
04:22 PM andypugh: 20.3, I mean
04:23 PM andypugh: (or, if you prefer, 5/16 x 18 is M7.938 x 1.411
04:24 PM andypugh: (5/16 x 24 and M8 x 1 are even closer, but M8 x 1 is not common except for proximity sensors.
04:26 PM * JT-Shop2 has M8 x 1, M12 x 1 and M16 x 1 taps...
04:28 PM * Tom_L can singlepoint threads for M8 x 1, M12 x 1 and M16 x 1
04:34 PM andypugh: I once designed and made a part with an M14.75 x 0.9 thread :-)
04:34 PM andypugh: CNC lathes are great
04:35 PM andypugh: I have a tap have never used. M14.05 x 0.5
04:35 PM andypugh: I guess for plated holes?
04:40 PM roycroft: i got a set of 5/8"-18 taps a while back - a thread size i'd never used before
04:40 PM roycroft: but it turns out that it's a standard size for musical instrument pilot lamps
04:40 PM roycroft: and i am using some of those lamps for indicators on machinery
04:41 PM roycroft: i like the jeweled bezels on guitar amps and the like
04:41 PM roycroft: they're attractive and highly visible
04:45 PM drdoc: hey, if I only have limit switches on one joint of a 2-jointed axis, should the .hal file refer to the same pin for both joints?
04:46 PM XXCoder: andypugh: lol good luck for customer to buy replacements. curious why such unusual thread type
04:48 PM andypugh: XXCoder: It was permanently joining two parts in a personal project. It gave equal area for the inner, outer and thread, so was in some mathematical way optimal.
04:48 PM XXCoder: interesting. so its not likely removed, ever
04:48 PM andypugh: No
04:54 PM XXCoder: cool :)
05:00 PM drdoc: andypugh: you answered a gantry config question on the forum, and I'm not sure I understand
05:01 PM andypugh: I might have been wrong. It isn’t like I have ever built a gantry.
05:10 PM JT-Shop2: this is my gantry https://gnipsel.com/shop/gantry/gantry.xhtml
05:10 PM drdoc: I have 2 motors on Y, with limit switches on one side
05:11 PM drdoc: so both joints need to home on th same switch
05:12 PM drdoc: this is the comment that confused me:
05:12 PM drdoc: "Run two stepgens in HAL, but connect them both to the same joint.N.motor-pos-cmd pin.
05:12 PM drdoc: Configure as a conventional XYZ machine.
05:12 PM drdoc: LinuxCNC does not need to know that you have two motors and two stepper drivers."
05:13 PM andypugh: Yes. I stand by that remark, in this scenario
05:13 PM drdoc: ok
05:13 PM drdoc: so
05:14 PM andypugh: You could use one stepgen and take step / dir to two output pins, if you prefer.
05:14 PM drdoc: net both y1 <= parport.0.pin-13-in-not
05:14 PM drdoc: net both y2 <= parport.0.pin-13-in-not
05:15 PM andypugh: You can’t do that.
05:15 PM drdoc: ahhh
05:15 PM andypugh: Just leave out the y2 line.
05:16 PM andypugh: You only have one home pin, it is connected to only one axis.
05:16 PM andypugh: (Y)
05:16 PM andypugh: and “both y1” has a space in a place that will confuse the parser.
05:17 PM andypugh: It would be better to use 2.8 and have one joint for each motor, and two limit switches.
05:18 PM andypugh: But if you don’t want to do that, one joint, one axis, one home/limit, two stepgens
05:18 PM drdoc: I'm out of input pins
05:18 PM XXCoder: or change to single one, with some method to rotate both with it
05:18 PM drdoc: so joint 2 should read "net y2pos-fb stepgen.2.position-fb +> joint.1.motor-pos-fb"
05:18 PM drdoc: ?
05:19 PM andypugh: No. Joint2 is likely to be yiour Z
05:19 PM andypugh: You have two stepgens for joint 1
05:19 PM drdoc: no, joint 3 is z
05:19 PM andypugh: Not in your case
05:20 PM andypugh: Joint 0 = X, Jont 1 = Y (with two motors) and Joint 2 is Z.
05:20 PM andypugh: You have two slaved motors on a single joint.
05:20 PM drdoc: no,
05:21 PM drdoc: I have X, Y, Z, and A is the second Y motor
05:21 PM drdoc: following this tutorial
05:21 PM drdoc: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/49-basic-configuration/33079-how-to-2-or-more-motors-on-one-axis-gantry-linuxcnc-2-8-master?start=0
05:22 PM drdoc: looks like I need to get the network out to the LCNC system
05:22 PM andypugh: That tutorial does not seem to mention A
05:22 PM drdoc: "A" is how the breakout board is labeled
05:23 PM andypugh: As I said, pretned you have a simple XYZ machine, and put two stepgens on Y.
05:23 PM andypugh: Ah, then cross it out :-)
05:23 PM drdoc: what I meant was Y has 2 sets of step/dir pins
05:24 PM drdoc: which is the scenario that tutorial is built on
05:25 PM andypugh: Yes. And you can do that by splitting before the stepgen, after the stepgen, or after tha parallel port. Your choice. But before the stepgens(s) is most flexible as you can set different scales (if one motor runs backwards)
05:26 PM drdoc: right, but I *thought* that's what the tutorial does in the .hal file
05:26 PM andypugh: (An Nth option is to wire the step/dir pins of two drives in series. or to run the phases of two motors in series. Or in parallel.)
05:26 PM drdoc: a new stanza of setp and net parameters
05:26 PM drdoc: that's not an option
05:27 PM drdoc: :-)
05:27 PM drdoc: the Nth option is like Olive Garden
05:27 PM jymmmm: andypugh: in series? Or did you mean wire in prallel?
05:27 PM drdoc: Always around, never an option
05:27 PM drdoc: OK
05:28 PM andypugh: jymmmm: optos in series probably works better than in parallel, as the leds will have slightly different forward voltage drops)
05:28 PM drdoc: andypugh: do you have a link to a .hal example that does this correctly?
05:28 PM jymmmm: andypugh: ah ok
05:28 PM andypugh: No, sorry. Never done one.
05:28 PM drdoc: ok
05:29 PM drdoc: I've found a ton of posts from folks who have this working, and so far not one coherent example
05:29 PM andypugh: But, in your setup, this is a pure HAL thing. That tutorial is for 2.8 and one joint per motor. Your INI will look different, just one axis per joint.
05:29 PM drdoc: why?
05:29 PM drdoc: I'm running 2.8
05:30 PM drdoc: specifically because I keep reading that a 2-motor gantry is easier to configure in 2.8
05:30 PM andypugh: because you said you wanted one joint for Y, as you have only one Y home switch.
05:31 PM drdoc: nonononono
05:31 PM drdoc: I just want both motors to home on one switch
05:31 PM andypugh: Every joint needs its own home and limit switches. You have only one home switch for Y, so can only have one joint on Y. But it can have several stepgens connected to it.
05:32 PM drdoc: ok
05:32 PM drdoc: please define "stepgen"
05:32 PM drdoc: as in what des that include in the configuration files?
05:33 PM andypugh: stepgen is a hal component. position (in mm or inches goes in, from joint.N.motor-position-cmd and steps and direction pulses come out.
05:33 PM JT-Shop2: with only one home switch on a gantry why bother homing?
05:34 PM andypugh: If that is too complicated, feel free to only have one stepgen for Y, and hal-link teo parport pins from step and two more from dir.
05:36 PM drdoc: andypugh: I understand what a stepgen *does*
05:38 PM andypugh: Ok, so then what don’t you know about them?
05:39 PM andypugh: We might be in one of those positions where it is all so claringly obvious to me now that I can’t remember how confused I was 10 years ago.
05:39 PM drdoc: you keep saying that one joint can have multiple stepgens
05:39 PM andypugh: Yes.
05:39 PM drdoc: I understand that concept
05:40 PM drdoc: I do not know what to put into the .hal file to make that happen.
05:40 PM andypugh: Your hal file has “loadrt stepgen count=N” where N needs to be “at least enough to fo round”
05:40 PM drdoc: the tutorial I linked to says to copy a 13-line stanza and change the joint #
05:41 PM drdoc: but you're saying that requires a home switch per joint
05:41 PM andypugh: Yes, that is slightly less clear than it could be.
05:41 PM andypugh: it’s perfectly fine to have
05:42 PM andypugh: net some-signal joint.0.motor-pos-cmd stepgen.8.position-command
05:43 PM andypugh: net another-signal joint.3.motor-pos-cmd stepgen.0.position-cmd
05:44 PM andypugh: The stepgens don’t care. They are entirely fungible components which take a number in (from absolutely anywhere you choose) and send out steps (to absolutely anywhere you choose0
05:45 PM drdoc: I get that
05:45 PM drdoc: I still don't know what one axis with 2 stepgens loks like
05:46 PM andypugh: net some-signal joint.1.motor-pos-cmd stepgen.1.position-cmd stepgen.2.position-cmd
05:47 PM drdoc: ahhh, ok
05:47 PM andypugh: Or, net some-signal joint.1.motor-pos-cmd
05:47 PM andypugh: net some-signal stepgen.1.position-cmd
05:47 PM andypugh: net some-signal stepgen.2.position-cmd
05:48 PM andypugh: Both syntaxes work, or you can mix them.
05:48 PM andypugh: using the same signal on multiple lines is useful for splitting stuff between several HAL files.
05:48 PM drdoc: so I need to define joint.1.motor-pos-cmd twice for the same "some-signal"?
05:49 PM Tom_L: you re'use some-signal with different joints
05:50 PM andypugh: No, once it is connected to your-freely-chosen-signal-name that is it, and anywhere in the HAL you use your-freely-chosen-signal-name the numerical value is joint.1.position-cmd
05:50 PM drdoc: Tom_L: please don't go there right now
05:50 PM pink_vampire: hi
05:51 PM Tom_L: drdoc i was just re'stating what he said
05:51 PM Tom_L: just differently
05:51 PM andypugh: Hi Pinky
05:51 PM drdoc: I get that "some-signal is a metaphor
05:51 PM andypugh: Or pinky, if you prefer
05:51 PM pink_vampire: HI andypugh
05:52 PM drdoc: Tom_L: then I'm even more confused than I thought
05:52 PM andypugh: Well, “some-signal” was my way to show that you can make that up to suit yourself, to make sense to you. And anywhere you use that same signal name in HAL, it will pass along the same numerical value
05:53 PM drdoc: because Andy's trying to show me how to have 2 stepgens in one joint
05:53 PM drdoc: right
05:53 PM pink_vampire: Can I wire to the Parport an ON / OFF switch as my Pause / Resume ? linux cnc support such a thing?
05:53 PM Tom_L: he was just showing you 2 different ways to define it
05:53 PM Tom_L: both are correct
05:54 PM drdoc: ok
05:54 PM andypugh: pink_vampire: Are you planning to take over the world? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYvAYwpUDv8
05:54 PM drdoc: I'll tell y'all what
05:54 PM drdoc: I'm gonna go read & google till I can ask the question to which I need an answer
05:54 PM pink_vampire: andypugh: No
05:55 PM andypugh: How disappointing.
05:55 PM XXCoder: just got belt sander
05:55 PM XXCoder: box was really smashed and it doesnt come with power brick lol
05:55 PM pink_vampire: ok ok for you I will.
05:56 PM andypugh: What kind of belt sander needs a power brick?
05:56 PM XXCoder: a very small one
05:57 PM XXCoder: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000110593007.html
05:57 PM XXCoder: belt is well torsoned nice
05:57 PM pink_vampire: XXCoder: cool!
05:58 PM pink_vampire: I think I can 3d print something better
05:58 PM XXCoder: it can be easily modded to have disc sander on side as motor is double ended
05:58 PM jthornton: XXCoder, turned out both wires for the hot end fan were inserted so far into the terminal the insulation was under the clamp
05:58 PM XXCoder: pink_vampire: surely, but then you can buy parts there really super cheap
05:58 PM XXCoder: then 3d print nice case for it'
05:58 PM pink_vampire: "allowed error is +/- 1-3cm."
05:59 PM pink_vampire: so the belt size is??
05:59 PM XXCoder: one already on machine is 1 cm
05:59 PM andypugh: drdoc: You can make up your own signal names. Every signal needs a writer pin to be useful, for example joint.1.motor-pos-cmd. You can connect any signal to any number of reader pins, for example stepgen.N.position-cmd. Every net command needs to have a signal name first, followed by zero to many hal pin names. The hal pin names must all exist at the time the HAL line is intepreted.
05:59 PM XXCoder: bit less than cm
06:01 PM jthornton: is there a cad program for linux that can make simple parts in stl files?
06:01 PM XXCoder: freecad
06:01 PM XXCoder: openscad
06:01 PM XXCoder: latter is programming parts former is normal parameteric cad
06:02 PM jthornton: I'll have to install them in the morning and see
06:02 PM pink_vampire: virtual machine with actual cad software
06:02 PM jthornton: programming parts?
06:02 PM XXCoder: yeah exactly that. lemme example
06:02 PM andypugh: The belt sander looks OK for €25. Except for the hideous wire nut
06:02 PM XXCoder: http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/OpenScad_beginners_tutorial
06:03 PM Tom_L: jthornton, openscad is text based cad
06:03 PM andypugh: (I am astonished that the US, with their low volts and high amps allow wire nuts.)
06:03 PM pink_vampire: andypugh: it is not even a nut - you just crimp it
06:03 PM XXCoder: andypugh: ya my usercase is just finishing off wood stuff
06:03 PM andypugh: Actually, that’s better
06:04 PM andypugh: I couldn’t make that sander for €25
06:04 PM Tom_L: just a little twist is all you need :)
06:04 PM jthornton: good wire nuts will hold very well and tight
06:05 PM pink_vampire: it is, but the problem is that they just press it in and squeeze with a plier
06:06 PM XXCoder: heh mine need some retightening on one wire
06:06 PM XXCoder: was smashed in
06:07 PM XXCoder: its in good condition considering box lol
06:08 PM andypugh: I have never seen one in the UK. We always use screw clamp terminals. Generally https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/AAJB5.html though https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Main_Index/Cable_Accessories_Index/Wago/index.html#Wago are becoming more accepted
06:08 PM pink_vampire: XXCoder: you should get the belt sender and put it next to your lathe
06:09 PM XXCoder: yep in my nonexistant shop :)
06:10 PM pink_vampire: every barbie house need a machine shop in the garage
06:10 PM XXCoder: LOL why not lol
06:10 PM andypugh: XXCoder: A lathe is an attractive addition to any living room, just ask any one of these carefully selected people that I can list.
06:10 PM pink_vampire: https://parade.com/938554/jessicasager/barbie-dream-house-airbnb/
06:10 PM XXCoder: andy ya I have $25 lathe in my room lol in box still
06:11 PM pink_vampire: give it to a poor kid, and get a real one
06:14 PM andypugh: pink_vampire: Is that your dream house? Pity there is no picture of the “craft room”. Presumably for making more pink things?
06:16 PM pink_vampire: I WISH!!!!!!
06:16 PM andypugh: That might have come out sounding wrong. It’s a very nice house, with added pink, is what I was getting at.
06:16 PM pink_vampire: AWWWWWWW this is AMAZING HOUSE
06:19 PM pink_vampire: andypugh: that will fit very nice in the house https://www.ebay.com/p/1401639569
06:19 PM andypugh: Is it really pink? It looks less pink in some pictures.
06:20 PM pink_vampire: I hope it is!
06:20 PM jthornton: openscad seems a bit clumsy to work with... dunno what the advantage is
06:20 PM andypugh: That house looks like somewhere where one of the Raith family from the Dresden Files would live.
06:21 PM pink_vampire: I can't find pink gauge block set :(
06:21 PM andypugh: jthornton: CAD as Code. It has some advantages for parametric stuff.
06:22 PM andypugh: pink_vampire: You could have a set custom ground from that pink alumina that they use for TIG shields: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/392269255000
06:23 PM pink_vampire: that is a very nice idea!!!
06:23 PM andypugh: But as gauge blocks are ground and flat and so clean that they stick together, colouring them is all but impossible.
06:24 PM andypugh: (Hence suggesting an intrinsically pink material)
06:24 PM pink_vampire: the material need to be pink
06:24 PM XXCoder: yeah color is all though material
06:25 PM andypugh: You need this to go with them: https://www.amazon.com/Starrett-80886-Crystal-Inspection-Thickness/dp/B003XU76WY
06:26 PM pink_vampire: I will need to E-mail Starrett
06:28 PM pink_vampire: https://i.imgur.com/YZelOyO.png
06:30 PM pink_vampire: I can't find any pink caliper :(((
06:31 PM XXCoder: i never saw one in any color besides black, metal and gray
06:31 PM SpeedEvil: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32961673237.html
06:31 PM SpeedEvil: Does this count?
06:31 PM XXCoder: tried pink machinist caliper
06:31 PM SpeedEvil: Pink digital caliper
06:31 PM XXCoder: lots pink background pictures lol
06:32 PM pink_vampire: SpeedEvil: LOLLLL
06:32 PM XXCoder: wellll it does measure something lol
06:33 PM XXCoder: example https://www.picclickimg.com/d/l400/pict/263869421322_/Vintage-Machinists-Calipers-Lot-of-8.jpg
06:33 PM XXCoder: theres some pink but..
06:33 PM SpeedEvil: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32785312628.html red
06:33 PM jthornton: it's good I can update the forum without using any of my data
06:36 PM SpeedEvil: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32814056551.html green
06:36 PM andypugh: https://metrology.en.taiwantrade.com/product/digital-caliper-1152864.html#
06:36 PM andypugh: I win :-)
06:36 PM XXCoder: i bow to your google-fu
06:36 PM * jthornton has to look
06:36 PM pink_vampire: andypugh: WOWWWW
06:37 PM pink_vampire: that is amazing!!!
06:37 PM jthornton: it's even Pretty
06:37 PM pink_vampire: PINK with STARS!!!
06:37 PM XXCoder: https://metrology.en.taiwantrade.com/product/cylinder-depth-checker-1482214.html interesting. cylinder gages
06:37 PM XXCoder: for depth and mics
06:38 PM XXCoder: +- .003mm error pretty good
06:38 PM pink_vampire: I like this picture https://im01.itaiwantrade.com/b87f63d6-9394-451a-a48f-1816eeade21a/Cylinder_Depth_Checker_3.png
06:39 PM XXCoder: i hate "request for quote" stuff
06:39 PM jthornton: me too
06:39 PM XXCoder: horse on is 103 bucks
06:39 PM XXCoder: https://metrology.en.taiwantrade.com/product-catalog/gauge-and-tools-528398.html
06:40 PM XXCoder: oh and 60-66 usd weird
06:40 PM pink_vampire: I can't find how to buy it
06:41 PM XXCoder: "buy now" buton
06:41 PM * drdoc bows to the inevitable, goes looking for a spare limit switch
06:42 PM pink_vampire: there is no such a button
06:43 PM XXCoder: weird
06:44 PM drdoc: XXCoder: I'm convinced that those "RFQ" sites are just info scrapers
06:45 PM drdoc: pricing is static relative to volume, so it could be a chart on the page, but if you have to request a quote, they get your email address, phone numebr, address and bra size
06:48 PM jthornton: automagic door is down, fence is hot time to retire to the couch
06:48 PM XXCoder: :)
06:48 PM andypugh: Nice photo. https://photos.app.goo.gl/GB3Biw55uEKneVjZA
06:49 PM andypugh: It’s the old vehicle collection of Imperial College (my old university)
06:50 PM pink_vampire: the lights on the right car are sooo cuteeee car lashes will be MUST
06:50 PM andypugh: They are also very bright, as they contain huge acetylene flames.
06:51 PM andypugh: That’s a 1902 James and Browne
06:51 PM andypugh: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_and_Browne
06:53 PM XXCoder: andy ya funny how you can run out of gas, or run out of "light gas"
06:54 PM andypugh: You generally run out of water rather than carbide, and that’s typically easy to work around :-)
07:03 PM flyback: <flyback> it came today
07:03 PM flyback: <flyback> the box from mouser.com
07:03 PM flyback: <flyback> the parts to make a flux engine tomarrow
07:03 PM flyback: <flyback> i'd solder it tonight but I probably should run a self test on the microcontroller boards to make sure I don't have to rma them
07:04 PM flyback: drdoc the psoc and cp2104 are much smaller than I thougth though :/
07:04 PM flyback: oh well I will rig up my dad's magnifier to solder it
07:10 PM taloot: i manage to disbale hyperthreading in j1900
07:45 PM roycroft: some folks say that chrome plating can be stripped by soaking the parts in bleach
07:45 PM roycroft: does anyone here know if that really works?
07:45 PM Tom_L: google says so
08:03 PM roycroft: google says a lot of things that are not true
08:54 PM jymmmm: Next blackout... Saturday thru Monday..... 2 million people
08:56 PM Tom_L: horray!
09:07 PM _unreal_: Very strange, I installed the ram and I'm only seeing 4gigs
09:07 PM _unreal_: I had 4gigs but that was with two 2gig sticks
09:07 PM _unreal_: now I have 2 4gig sticks and I'm only seeing 4gb ram?
09:07 PM _unreal_: WTF
09:08 PM _unreal_: the bios is the latest not sure what to do at this point
09:08 PM XXCoder: uhh is they seated properly?
09:08 PM _unreal_: p5g41-m-le motherboard
09:08 PM _unreal_: it would likely not boot well if not
09:08 PM _unreal_: :S I can check but I would be suprised if it was a seating issue
09:10 PM XXCoder: yeah doubtful
09:10 PM _unreal_: just tried booting and now i'm getting a blue screen
09:10 PM _unreal_: recovery
09:10 PM _unreal_: your pc needs to be repairded the OS couldnt be loaded because the system registry file is missing or contains errores
09:11 PM _unreal_: and some error code: 0xc000014c
09:11 PM Tom_L: i don't try to dual boot windows
09:12 PM _unreal_: this pc is NOT
09:12 PM _unreal_: this is my desktop
09:12 PM Tom_L: oh ram issues?
09:12 PM _unreal_: I'm trying to upgrade
09:12 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop
09:12 PM _unreal_: ya ram
09:13 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, is your copy of mesaflash the same as micges?
09:21 PM _unreal_: wtf
09:22 PM _unreal_: when I boot it it says dual channel memory and 4gigs
09:22 PM _unreal_: yet I have 8gb
09:22 PM _unreal_: bios issue maybe?
09:23 PM XXCoder: possibly. though your machine is newer than late 90s it should be able to do 8 gb
09:23 PM XXCoder: mid-0s I meant jeez lol
09:23 PM _unreal_: its got a core2quad
09:23 PM XXCoder: oh wait
09:24 PM _unreal_: https://www.crucial.com/usa/en/compatible-upgrade-for/ASUS/p5g41-m-le
09:24 PM Tom_L: right memory configuration?
09:24 PM XXCoder: what is telling you that you have 4 gb?
09:24 PM _unreal_: bios
09:24 PM _unreal_: \
09:24 PM XXCoder: okay
09:24 PM XXCoder: try swap ram sticks
09:24 PM XXCoder: one may be dead
09:24 PM XXCoder: or just use one a time, swapping em see if one is dead
09:25 PM _unreal_: I just did
09:25 PM _unreal_: there brand new
09:25 PM XXCoder: both sticks worked fine?
09:26 PM _unreal_: yes
09:26 PM XXCoder: well yeah I have recived brand new dead ram
09:26 PM XXCoder: thats odd.
09:26 PM _unreal_: if I take ether single one out the bios says 4gigs single channel
09:26 PM _unreal_: if I have both of them in it says dual channel but still 4gb
09:27 PM _unreal_: WTF
09:27 PM XXCoder: sockets must be paired or?
09:27 PM XXCoder: if so, try 4 gb and 2 gb
09:27 PM XXCoder: er if NOT
09:27 PM _unreal_: https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P5G41M_LE/HelpDesk_BIOS/
09:28 PM XXCoder: light gray text on white
09:30 PM _unreal_: ?
09:34 PM XXCoder: im saying that I cant read the site
09:34 PM XXCoder: im considering getting better montior
09:34 PM XXCoder: s
09:34 PM XXCoder: maybe one of those new two led system ones
09:35 PM XXCoder: million of contrast
09:43 PM _unreal_: hum
09:43 PM _unreal_: wheres a CRT monitor when you need one
09:43 PM _unreal_: there is no bios clear that I can tell
09:43 PM _unreal_: if I have a single stick in it reads as 2gigs
09:44 PM _unreal_: I put it in a different computer it reads as 8gb WTF
09:44 PM _unreal_: eer 4
09:44 PM _unreal_: I dont get it
09:44 PM XXCoder: how many sockets are there?
09:44 PM _unreal_: 2
09:44 PM XXCoder: ok so impossible to mess up then
09:45 PM _unreal_: this is the motherboard https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P5G41M_LE/HelpDesk_CPU/
09:46 PM _unreal_: and I have brand new samsung 4gb pc2-6400 ram
09:50 PM XXCoder: dunno cant find any infp
09:51 PM _unreal_: sigh
10:03 PM XXCoder: uhhh maybe this is dumb
10:04 PM XXCoder: but did you adjust timing on bios to match your ram?
10:09 PM Tom_L: should auto adjust if it's fairly new
10:13 PM XXCoder: hmm i wonder why his is refusing to see more than 4 gb
10:13 PM XXCoder: my system is few years old and its 16 gb ram
10:22 PM skunkworks: it is funny that for whatever reason - the default videos that youtube videos that it serves on this rpi4 are japanese boy bands...
10:22 PM skunkworks: english is hard..
10:54 PM drdoc: _unreal_: Asus sez max 8GB
10:55 PM drdoc: but boards from that generation tend to be picky about dual-rank vs single-rank
10:57 PM drdoc: there's a box of leftover parts from assembling that router that I can't find
10:57 PM drdoc: among other things, all my spare limit switches are in it
11:08 PM Tom_L: pcw_home did xilinx rename their webpack?
11:08 PM Tom_L: i'm trying to find the archive of 14.5
11:08 PM flyback: drdoc
11:09 PM flyback: they arrived
11:09 PM flyback: will be soldering them tomarrow
11:09 PM flyback: already dug 8 floppy drives out of my shed
11:11 PM drdoc: what parts were you waiting on?
11:13 PM * drdoc has the data retention of a dead clock battery
11:13 PM flyback: flux engine
11:13 PM flyback: psoc 5 x 2
11:13 PM flyback: amp floppy connector x 2
11:13 PM flyback: cp2104 x 2
11:13 PM drdoc: I remembered the project, just not which parts
11:14 PM drdoc: I was digging around the dead-board box today looking for a micro-toggle switch
11:14 PM flyback: psoc 5 is a cypress arm cpu with analog and digital pld blocks
11:14 PM drdoc: yes, I've never used one but I know a couple of guys who love them
11:15 PM flyback: well that's what the flux engine uses
11:15 PM drdoc: the board I remember having that switch had a tin EMI shield covering the whole board
11:16 PM drdoc: VME bus connector, board's cracked about a half inch above the connector's through-holes
11:17 PM drdoc: I pulled that shield and it's got *3* Z84C5010 MCUs, and a total of 384KB of SRAM on it
11:17 PM drdoc: (that's a Z80 with built-in clock & 2K RAM
11:17 PM drdoc: )
11:18 PM drdoc: it's time for a CP/M project!
11:24 PM drdoc: flyback: what's the UART for?
11:24 PM flyback: lcd montors
11:24 PM flyback: cable modems
11:24 PM flyback: routers
11:25 PM flyback: fridges
11:25 PM flyback: etc
11:25 PM drdoc: oh
11:25 PM flyback: have hidden serial debug ports
11:25 PM flyback: even hard drives
11:25 PM drdoc: I thought it was for the flux engine, and was confused
11:25 PM flyback: oh no sorry
11:25 PM drdoc: :-)
11:25 PM drdoc: and yeah, I have a couple - they're handy as hell
11:27 PM drdoc: I'm kind of stoked about those Z80s
11:28 PM drdoc: that board and an old comm adapter make up everything I'll need to build an RC2014, and only a couple of parts short of setting it up to run CP/M
11:29 PM drdoc: I have a bad addiction to building odd computer projects
11:29 PM drdoc: I get them built, tested and running, make a nice enclosure, and them put them on a shelf
11:30 PM drdoc: usually end up giving them away