#linuxcnc Logs

Dec 31 2018

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:34 AM Deejay: moin
02:13 AM fragalot: Mornin'
02:16 AM Deejay: hey there
02:16 AM Deejay: frag-a-lot
02:19 AM fragalot: syyl: I like your new spindle lock!
02:19 AM syyl: :)
02:19 AM syyl: thanks :D
02:20 AM fragalot: can you leave it in place, or do you need to take it off for normal milling?
02:21 AM syyl: definetly have to take it off
02:21 AM fragalot: shame
02:21 AM fragalot: still a lot easier than the nut to dial things in though I bet
02:21 AM syyl: ho yes
02:21 AM syyl: oh yes
02:21 AM syyl: :D
02:21 AM fragalot: :D
02:22 AM fragalot: on the schaublin I currently use the drawbar itself with a larger washer to lock it
02:22 AM fragalot: which is.. not ideal. :D
02:22 AM syyl: haha
02:22 AM syyl: just like the nut i was using before
02:22 AM syyl: "not ideal"
02:23 AM fragalot: are you using integers or floats on that arduino for the angle math?
02:23 AM syyl: double
02:24 AM fragalot: don't forget to add 0.5 steps to get rid of the rounding errors then
02:24 AM fragalot: when converting back to ints
02:24 AM syyl: hu?
02:25 AM syyl: (<- no programmer)
02:25 AM fragalot: say that it calculates you need 15.6 steps
02:25 AM fragalot: when you convert it back to ints to send it out to the drive, the default behavior is to truncate the 0.6
02:25 AM fragalot: if you add 0.5, it makes that 16.1 and truncates to 16
02:25 AM fragalot: which is less error
02:25 AM syyl: oh, right
02:26 AM renesis: real mfkrs fixed point
02:26 AM * renesis shifts all the things
02:26 AM syyl: i think thats not much of an issue, as i am using 1/8 microstepping
02:26 AM syyl: i need a lot of steps for tiny movements ;)
02:26 AM syyl: (1800 per rev)
02:26 AM fragalot: renesis: used to do the same on the older CPU's. modern ones have dedicated FPU cores
02:26 AM fragalot: syyl: it's the principle of the matter! :D
02:26 AM syyl: (1800 on the motor that is)
02:26 AM syyl: yeah :D
02:26 AM syyl: i understand
02:26 AM renesis: still faster a lot of the time
02:27 AM syyl: will look into it - the code is not finished anyway
02:27 AM syyl: its still partialy broken
02:27 AM fragalot: renesis: very true. if needed I still use fix point for high speed stuff
02:27 AM fragalot: but rather than using it /EVERYWHERE/ I've started using floats where they make sense
02:36 AM miss0r2: mornin'
02:37 AM fragalot: morning
02:38 AM * miss0r2 is trying to locate a new oil filter for the landrover :)
02:38 AM miss0r2: This morning it started bypassing :D
02:38 AM fragalot: ._.
02:39 AM fragalot: never realized that landy's needed an oilfilter
02:39 AM miss0r2: Hehe.
02:39 AM fragalot: I mean. do they even have a return circuit for the oil?
02:39 AM miss0r2: Funny man - I knew what you were getting at.
02:39 AM miss0r2: :D
02:39 AM fragalot: l:-)
02:40 AM syyl: are landrovers prone to loose oil?
02:40 AM fragalot: and parts
02:40 AM * miss0r2 slaps syyl
02:40 AM miss0r2: Its a fine vehicle!
02:40 AM miss0r2: :D
02:40 AM fragalot: for sophisticated people :d
02:40 AM syyl: you know why the front wheel well of a landrover defender is flat?
02:40 AM syyl: to prevent the toolbox from falling off.
02:41 AM miss0r2: I mean; I did the first oil & filterchange on it for perhaps 20 years... Its only fair the filter has alot of grime to remove
02:41 AM syyl: (a friend of mine, who had a defender used to tell that joke)
02:41 AM miss0r2: syyl: 70% of landrovers sold are still on the road - the rest made it home
02:41 AM fragalot: xD
02:41 AM syyl: lol :D
02:42 AM miss0r2: also: When the land rover ingeneers designed the first landrover, they started with a clean shop floor, threw a bucket of oil on the floor and build their way up from there
02:42 AM syyl: haha
02:42 AM miss0r2: Yup - I've heard them all ;]
02:42 AM fragalot: have you?
02:42 AM * fragalot starts googling
02:43 AM miss0r2: try me.
02:43 AM * miss0r2 already did some extensive googling...
02:43 AM miss0r2: I find most of them hilarious
02:43 AM syyl: (to be onest, i would wouldnt mind a landrover)
02:43 AM fragalot: wow there's a lot of dross in these
02:43 AM miss0r2: syyl: I completely understand :)
02:43 AM fragalot: Why do Land Rovers have jerry cans and gas bottles fitted?
02:44 AM fragalot: so the driver can make tea while waiting for road assistance
02:44 AM miss0r2: lol
02:44 AM miss0r2: okay, I can't remember reading that one
02:44 AM fragalot: they also have the best fuel consumption of all 4x4's out there
02:44 AM fragalot: because they are usually the one being towed
02:44 AM miss0r2: yeah
02:44 AM fragalot: what do you call a landy with brakes?
02:44 AM fragalot: custom.
02:45 AM miss0r2: I've read it as: "Because their primary propulsion is a land cruiser"
02:45 AM fragalot: syyl: same, but not as my daily driver
02:45 AM syyl: haha
02:45 AM miss0r2: syyl: https://imgur.com/a/6ND6pOm
02:45 AM miss0r2: It looks tired on the outside, but underneath it is sparkling..
02:45 AM syyl: aww cool
02:45 AM miss0r2: Its like a sleeper - only slow all the time
02:45 AM fragalot: friend of mine has a satana anibal
02:45 AM fragalot: which is like a landy, but with more problems
02:46 AM syyl: looks like a group of green berets just jumped out of that one and went on mission
02:46 AM syyl: love the look of that car
02:46 AM fragalot: I love how none of the panels are in the same color :D
02:47 AM miss0r2: syyl: be carefull not to catch the 'english sickness"
02:47 AM syyl: mean: english car?
02:47 AM fragalot: miss0r2: did you fit that bracket yet?
02:47 AM miss0r2: mean: love for old english cars
02:47 AM syyl: oh
02:47 AM syyl: that wont happen
02:47 AM miss0r2: fragalot: yeah, it works a charm
02:48 AM miss0r2: no pictures of it though, installed that is
02:48 AM fragalot: did you wind up tapping the plate as-is then?
02:48 AM syyl: apart from the defender, i find most (all?) british cars...not very appealing :D
02:48 AM fragalot: or TEC7'd it on :D
02:48 AM miss0r2: fragalot: I ended up using those threaded rivets
02:48 AM fragalot: good. :-)
02:49 AM fragalot: I need to make me one of those no-spill oil pots >*>
02:49 AM fragalot: just knocked my little cup over twice
02:52 AM miss0r2: syyl: Defenders are the "new age" stuff
02:53 AM miss0r2: Coil springs'n such
02:53 AM syyl: fancy ;)
02:53 AM fragalot: friend of mine blew out the dampers on his
02:53 AM fragalot: and he hasn't fixed them yet... quite an interesting ride
02:53 AM miss0r2: syyl: Did you scroll down on the imgur link I posted? There you can see underneath
02:53 AM miss0r2: lol
02:54 AM syyl: hey
02:54 AM syyl: leaf springs :D
02:54 AM miss0r2: fragalot: I'm comming to think of that top gear episode: "Traditionally shock absorbers are attached at both ends, right?"
02:54 AM miss0r2: syyl: Proper uncomfortable ride :D
02:55 AM fragalot: when I first picked up my renault twingo, the springs were attached on both ends
02:55 AM fragalot: sadly they were no longer connected in the middle
02:55 AM miss0r2: haha
02:55 AM fragalot: good car, that
02:55 AM miss0r2: as designed, nontheless
02:55 AM fragalot: my sisters' got it now, and I think it's up to 340.000km now with a little dinky petrol engine
02:56 AM miss0r2: You gotta love that
02:57 AM miss0r2: My brother in law had a Toyota starlet. 1.6l petrol engine. He SOLD it when it hit 500.000
02:57 AM fragalot: yeah, it's due new springs again soon
02:57 AM fragalot: they only last 120k :P
02:57 AM syyl: there are a bunch of tiny cars that just dont want to die
02:57 AM miss0r2: hehe
02:57 AM syyl: with engines the size of a hamster
02:57 AM miss0r2: good for economy, bad for selfesteem :)
02:57 AM fragalot: the thing I liked most about that twingo was the windows
02:57 AM fragalot: they are HUGE
02:58 AM miss0r2: https://i.imgur.com/n5q8t.jpg
02:58 AM syyl: lol
02:58 AM syyl: if i have to fix my selfesteem with a car
02:58 AM fragalot: :D
02:58 AM syyl: somethings wrong ;)
02:59 AM miss0r2: That the downfall of the land rover - small windows.. AND I put a spare wheel on the bonnet... I wouldn't be able to see a small kid on a tricycle in front of me, within 30 meters :D
02:59 AM miss0r2: Land rover - A british tank with the strength of a car
02:59 AM fragalot: yea...
03:00 AM miss0r2: fragalot & syyl: Consider you both invited to come help paint the land rover this summer ;)
03:00 AM miss0r2: I'll make a nice BBQ'n such
03:01 AM syyl: well
03:01 AM syyl: i am a terrible painter
03:01 AM miss0r2: This is a land rover, not the 16th chapel
03:01 AM syyl: :D
03:01 AM fragalot: I'd be delighted to help eat the bbq
03:01 AM miss0r2: also - you and me both
03:01 AM syyl: so spitfire green it is?
03:01 AM syyl: (another top gear reference)
03:01 AM miss0r2: olive green (brother in law works for the army - he can "source" free paint)
03:02 AM fragalot: still think it's a shame that top gear ended the way it did
03:02 AM syyl: everyone in the military can source paint, it seems
03:02 AM syyl: haha
03:02 AM fragalot: and their new show is only on amazon which sucks
03:02 AM fragalot: i'm not signing up to every single video service on earth just because "they have that one show"
03:02 AM miss0r2: fragalot: Meh.. theres plenty of places to watch it online
03:02 AM syyl: let me rephrase that
03:02 AM miss0r2: syyl: Waiting in excitement :P
03:02 AM syyl: [10:00:13] <fragalot> and their new show (is only on amazon which) sucks
03:02 AM miss0r2: lol
03:02 AM miss0r2: Some of their new stuff is still rather funny I think
03:02 AM fragalot: syyl: I heard "it gets better" -- but haven't watched any myself
03:03 AM miss0r2: But then again, I've only ever liked their special episodes
03:03 AM syyl: top gear always felt a bit shitty
03:03 AM fragalot: of course
03:03 AM miss0r2: if you stop thinking about how staged it all is, you can have fun watching it
03:03 AM fragalot: but it was a special kind of shitty
03:03 AM syyl: yes
03:03 AM syyl: absolutely
03:03 AM syyl: loved it
03:03 AM fragalot: :D
03:03 AM syyl: the amazon series feels wrong
03:03 AM fragalot: probably still trying to find their place, with a new budet
03:04 AM fragalot: budget
03:04 AM syyl: feels made for american audience
03:04 AM miss0r2: three old gents bickering? I don't care where they broadcast that
03:04 AM fragalot: because it is
03:04 AM miss0r2: fragalot: Seriously though, start planning a trip with the misses to denmark this summer ;)
03:05 AM syyl: and james may has a myford lathe
03:05 AM fragalot: I'll need to check with the misses
03:05 AM syyl: (!)
03:05 AM fragalot: I know we already have something planned in the UK
03:05 AM fragalot: but I forgot when
03:05 AM syyl: (of course he has)
03:05 AM fragalot: syyl: I kinda like may
03:05 AM miss0r2: fragalot: You can bring me cheap parts then ;)
03:05 AM fragalot: always a shame that his TV characters' thing is that he's held back & ignored
03:06 AM miss0r2: bah... Have you ever realy watched his shows? He likes to come off as a real handyman sorta type. but alot of the stuff he does is down right stupid
03:06 AM fragalot: has anyone seen the ballad of buster scruggs yet?
03:06 AM fragalot: i've only ever watched like 2
03:06 AM fragalot: one where he made a toy train go around the UK, and one where he built a lego house
03:07 AM miss0r2: as much as I enjoy being part of a three gent bickering squad - I need to prepare for newyears eve (With a 10 day old baby on my arm). I will have to leave you to it. See you around
03:07 AM fragalot: same, but without the baby
03:07 AM miss0r2: :]
03:07 AM fragalot: happy new year! :-)
03:07 AM miss0r2: you too. Vya
03:07 AM syyl: https://twitter.com/MrJamesMay/status/856222512417517569
03:08 AM fragalot: love how that went political within the first few comments
03:09 AM syyl: dont read comments :D
03:26 AM BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil
04:18 AM fragalot: miss0r2: https://imgur.com/gallery/koxH4NQ <-- I found the tapmatic!!!!!
04:57 AM jthornton: morning
04:59 AM XXCoder: morning
05:23 AM Tom_L: morning
05:25 AM Tom_L: 35°F, Hi 40, Lo 16
05:31 AM fragalot: syyl: I think i've decided to make my own ELS.. all I really want is an infinite leadscrew ratio, and I feel the rocketronics ELS is a bit too 'complex' for that.
05:31 AM fragalot: syyl: but before I re-invent the wheel: do you know of any others?
05:32 AM syyl: nope, thats the only one i know off
05:32 AM syyl: and yes, that would be all i need too :D
05:32 AM fragalot: right. :-)
05:33 AM fragalot: I'll see if i have a spare nucleo board lying around
05:33 AM fragalot: I know that hardware is much more capable than an arduino for high resolution stuff
05:35 AM Wolf__: hey jthornton, I need some mesa hardware advice, I seem to have forgotten all the research I had put in before lol what would you suggest for a ethernet plasma table build running step/dir (stepper or maybe clearpath later on)
05:51 AM The_Ball: Hi guys, is it possible to access machine coordinates G53 in gcode? I can't find #5XXX variables for them
05:52 AM jthornton: lots of choices lol 7i92 + 7i76 or 7i78, 7i76e, 7i96
05:57 AM Wolf__: I’m leaning towards the 7i76e unless there is a compelling reason to go with the 7i92+7i78, tho I’m trying to keep this build somewhat simple lol
05:59 AM jthornton: it just depends on you I/O needs and axis count if a 7i76e or 7i96 would fit the bill
06:01 AM jthornton: I don't see absolute coordinates in any of the variables, what are you trying to do?
06:02 AM Wolf__: just a simple gantry build, dual Y axis motors, X and Z for THC
06:04 AM Wolf__: oops, its was the 7i96 I was looking at
06:17 AM The_Ball: jthornton, I've got a toolsetter on the table, so I want to access the machine coordinates to calculate probe moves in what ever coordinate system the machine is in. So you can't probe in G53 so I need to know how far to probe in whatever coordinate system is currently selected
06:17 AM The_Ball: I could be approaching this in the wrong way of course :)
06:18 AM Wolf__: hmm, I think my build is simple enough that even the 7i96 seems like overkill lol
06:19 AM jthornton: The_Ball: can't you just do a G53 move to some position then you know the location your at?
06:26 AM The_Ball: jthornton, I do that yes, but if I then do a probe towards Z0 that will be in the current coordinate system, so the probe could go upwards or stop downwards mid air
06:27 AM The_Ball: I was thinking of grabbing the G53 to current coordinate system offset and using that for the probe move, but seems overly complex for something simple
06:27 AM gregcnc: That seems to be common method.
06:27 AM jthornton: why not change coordinate system?
06:28 AM The_Ball: jthornton, sure, next issue, I don't know what coordinate systems are used for what
06:30 AM The_Ball: My mill goes up to Z450, so I guess I could do something like G53 Z450, then G38.2 Z[#5422 - 450]
07:08 AM The_Ball: I think this should work https://pastebin.com/AzQ9qgsL
07:14 AM * jthornton likes paste.ubuntu.com as it has no ads, no crap, and no cookies :)
07:14 AM The_Ball: gcode syntax highlighting?
07:40 AM gloops: well thats my sliding 3 way adjustable depth stop for cnc dovetail jig finished, ill fit it tommorrow
07:47 AM jthornton: did I miss something?
07:49 AM gloops: dont think so
07:51 AM jthornton: oh I thought you might have posted a photo of the depth stop
07:53 AM gloops: no lol, just something i knocked up yesterday and this morning
08:52 AM flyback is now known as Star2019
08:53 AM Star2019 is now known as flyback
09:40 AM jthornton: what is typical max velocity for a hobby mill in mm?
09:44 AM gloops: stepper motors with 5mm pitch screw, around 5000mm/min id guess
09:44 AM jthornton: thanks
09:47 AM veek: happy new year gloops - thank you for answering many of my questions :p and jthornton too :p and the rest of you lumps
09:47 AM veek: i gtg my bed time approaches
09:47 AM gloops: and the happiest new year to you veek
09:48 AM veek: gloops, ty :p
09:48 AM fragalot: I wonder if you could persuade a ballscrew nut to spin freely in place, and then grab on to it to make the axis move
09:48 AM veek: durn that hit the line as i exited :p
09:48 AM fragalot: kinda like a lathe halfnut
09:48 AM jthornton: is it 2019 somewhere now?
09:49 AM fragalot: yes
09:49 AM fragalot: forgot where but it was in the news earlier today because there's nothing else to report on
09:49 AM gloops: veek must be on the Aus side
09:49 AM pcw_home: Sidney
09:49 AM gloops: down under
09:49 AM jthornton: ah
09:50 AM gloops: fragalot not possible
09:50 AM fragalot: gloops: why not?
09:50 AM gloops: balls would fall out
09:50 AM fragalot: you understood me wrong
09:50 AM fragalot: the nut remains standard
09:50 AM fragalot: but you don't stop it spinning in place
09:51 AM fragalot: ergo, it's not moving anywhere
09:51 AM fragalot: then you engage a clamping system onto it to stop it spinning, at which point the carriage gets pulled along
09:51 AM gloops: assuming you are driving the screw - a clutch on the screw drive mechanism might work
09:51 AM fragalot: exactly
09:51 AM gloops: but then, why would you need that if you have step/angle control
09:52 AM fragalot: less backlash when reversing
09:52 AM fragalot: it was just a thought - don't really have a practical application in mind
09:52 AM gloops: just overshoot every pass - no backlash
09:53 AM gloops: or no..cut from one side only
09:53 AM fragalot: that's the standard way of working, yes
09:54 AM gloops: dual ballnuts
10:07 AM jesseg: I wonder if my DIY trunion table will have enough resolution to double as a motorized telescope mount
10:11 AM gloops: jesseg like a skytracker?
10:12 AM jesseg: not sure what skytracker is but yeah a 2 axis motorized equatorial telescope mount for finding and tracking sidereal
10:14 AM gloops: yes i image so, if you get the maths right
10:15 AM gloops: ive seen photos taken with manual trackers that are pretty good - like turn by hand every so many seconds
10:16 AM jesseg: yeah
10:16 AM jesseg: but for any level of magnification you really need a constant motion for sidereal..
10:17 AM fragalot: jesseg: you could use it for a pentax K-1
10:17 AM jesseg: I mean you can see the moon moving dozens of pixels a second with even a modest zoom camera (not even a telescope)
10:17 AM fragalot: that one (ab)uses the in-body stabilisation feature to do static star-tracking based on pixel brightness
10:17 AM jesseg: I don't have a pentax K-1 :P
10:18 AM fragalot: maybe you should.
10:18 AM fragalot: :D
10:18 AM jesseg: I have some canon dslr rebel t2i or some nonsense
10:18 AM jesseg: and I haven't $1500 to throw around :P
10:19 AM fragalot: it's more if you include the lenses :D
10:19 AM gloops: it is easily achievable with stepper motors with 1.8 degree step and microstepping
10:20 AM jesseg: does look like a real nice camera though
10:20 AM jesseg: but anyway I'm stuck with what I got at the moment and it's fine to play with :P
10:20 AM gloops: any full frame dslr will get you the milky way with a run of the mill lens
10:21 AM jesseg: gloops, gear train slop is a real pain though.. which is why I'm thinking direct drive 6" harmonic drive
10:22 AM gloops: not important if you are stacking images
10:23 AM jesseg: lol sure it's important if gear slop allows your whole telescope to shift enough that your target object isn't even in view anymore :D
10:23 AM fragalot: gloops: I would love to see you try to get that shot where I live
10:23 AM fragalot: the camera doesn't matter, all you get is orange anyway :P
10:24 AM gloops: i mean you dont want to be taking ultra long exposures of the stars, too much noise
10:24 AM jesseg: and besides I also want to do visual observations and nice steady solid tracking would be real nice :P
10:25 AM fragalot: jesseg: some form of gearing would be required to have it move smoothly and reliably
10:25 AM fragalot: microstepping is fun and all, but it doesn't really improve your resolution reliably
10:25 AM gloops: what im saying is, the stacking software will align the images by points of reference, not the outer frame, doesnt matter if the view moves slightly between shots
10:26 AM jesseg: gloops, so help me understand where you're coming from on the noise issue if you might be so kind... An exposure 100x longer has 100x changes of more noise. But if you stack 100 pictures you get 100x the noise they each had... that may not be the exact math but stacking adds some noise too, doesn't it? Ultimately it's a question of SNR?
10:26 AM fragalot: jesseg: yes and no
10:26 AM fragalot: stacking can have the effect of cancelling out the noise
10:27 AM jesseg: fragalot, yeah that's why I'm thinking large format harmonic drives -- like those used in industrial robotic arm joints.
10:27 AM fragalot: overkill, no? :-)
10:28 AM jesseg: fragalot, I can see stacking canceling out hot pixels. I'm still trying to get my mind wrapped around the noise issue because there's always a signal to noise ratio and noise adds too, although may be at a lesser rate than signal
10:28 AM gloops: you want to talk to ozzzy, not sure if hes on ##photography or ##photogeeks on freenode, he is on #photography on undernet
10:28 AM gloops: hes got a webpage with his astro stuff, some noce work
10:29 AM jesseg: Overkill? Depends on how heavy telescope is, how much the wind is blowing, who's leaning on it while looking through the eyepiece, and how solid I want it
10:29 AM fragalot: jesseg: good point. carry on.
10:29 AM fragalot: but noise can often be filtered out if you have enough separate shots
10:29 AM fragalot: after all it's all an averaging game
10:30 AM fragalot: and if all you're interested in is stars, there are cheaty ways of accomplishing this
10:30 AM fragalot: I'm no expert but a colleague of mine at work won't shut up about it :D
10:30 AM jesseg: yes but shooting with a low ISO averages out truly random noise too
10:31 AM jesseg: and in fact shooting at minimum ISO is basically a more pure form of continuously stacking pictures :P (regarding random noise. Not so for hot pixels.)
10:31 AM gloops: ozzzy - try joining #photography youll be redirected to photogeeks, hes on there
10:31 AM jesseg: cool, thanks
10:31 AM fragalot: jesseg: not to mention that on some camera's there is no practical benefit to high ISO vs using the exposure slider in post
10:32 AM jesseg: fragalot, yeah if you're shooting raw certainly true. The only thing high ISO really does for you is bring some dark scenes to the point where jpeg compression doesn't throw everything away :P
10:32 AM fragalot: if you're using jpeg you've already lost :D
10:39 AM gloops: if you just want to watch through a telescope tracking isnt so vital
10:39 AM gloops: your eyes do move
01:36 PM CaptHindsight: https://imgur.com/gallery/koxH4NQ handle with care, no problem
01:46 PM Tom_L: looks like the average garbage dump
01:48 PM Jymmm: HNY
04:06 PM Deejay: gn8
04:22 PM gloops: .5mm endmill for wood, i wonder...
04:32 PM gloops: i guess not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shf6BohF-wk
05:25 PM XXCoder: gloops: too slow, too many flutes
05:26 PM Rab: Looks like it's only 2 flutes.
05:26 PM gloops: maybe yeah, does look very fragile though
05:26 PM XXCoder: oh new bad obession video!
05:27 PM XXCoder: Rab: looked like 4 but if its 2 its fine, just too slow
05:27 PM XXCoder: gloops: I used 1/16 which is much smaller lol
05:27 PM XXCoder: far faster rpm and movement
05:28 PM XXCoder: happy new year btw
05:28 PM gloops: looked at some 30 degree, 20 and 10 v cutters i bet the tips are quick to snap off those too
05:28 PM Rab: Yeah, spindle max is 5140 RPM.
05:28 PM gloops: yes happy new year to all
05:29 PM XXCoder: wood you need pretty high rpm to keep chips from overloading and killing tool
05:29 PM Rab: Should be at least 4x that, probably.
05:29 PM gloops: 1mm = 3/64s
05:29 PM XXCoder: even at that rpm you still need faster movements
05:30 PM gloops: ive got some 2 mm theyre fine - i bought a bee vector, some very fine detail to pick out
05:31 PM gloops: it does seem to clog up or something before the tool snaps in the vid - like it stopped cutting
05:31 PM XXCoder: if you just dig in and make groove, you need air blow
05:31 PM gloops: https://www.amazon.co.uk/BQLZR-Degree-Carbide-Engraving-Router/dp/B00EQ1WI2C/ref=pd_day0_hl_60_17?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00EQ1WI2C&pd_rd_r=d9b08381-0d4c-11e9-b2e4-3f90368f41c0&pd_rd_w=Y6AY6&pd_rd_wg=xsOOY&pf_rd_p=b082d07b-aaea-4f40-9ff3-d27463f747d7&pf_rd_r=98KKZX6TC5V5G7ZNQ057&psc=1&refRID=98KKZX6TC5V5G7ZNQ057
05:32 PM XXCoder: i have a set, still waiting for m,achine lol
05:32 PM gloops: 10 degree..thats very fine
05:32 PM Rab: I can't find a runout spec for the Tormach spindle, but that's prob not appropriate for carbide that small either.
05:34 PM XXCoder: lol my chineseium spindle has worse runout
05:35 PM gloops: i bet those 10 degree v bits make good edge finders actually
05:35 PM XXCoder: approx ones maybe
05:36 PM XXCoder: can do severial ways, like use endmill move it in and move shim till shim cant move
05:36 PM gloops: oh yeah, only for decorative woodwork
05:36 PM XXCoder: then edge is shim + rad of tool out
05:36 PM XXCoder: it can be accurate if you plan to make part completely inside stock anyway
05:37 PM XXCoder: just not very repeatable
05:37 PM XXCoder: since that side will be gone
05:37 PM Rab: I can't recommend cheap china conical cutters of any angle, at least for PCBs...tried them against real LPKF tooling and the difference was like night and day. The chinesium left terrible burrs and was just a mess.
05:38 PM gloops: ive not tried any of those type of cutters yet, the chinese spiral cutters are ok for wood
05:38 PM Rab: The LPKF cutters even performed better in plastic.
05:38 PM XXCoder: heh tried nylon, its a nightmare
05:38 PM XXCoder: no wonder work we use so much coolant on it
05:40 PM renesis: did not read scroll...
05:40 PM renesis: someone needs pcb cutters?
05:41 PM gloops: no, was just looking at small fine tipped cutters for wood
05:41 PM renesis: oh
05:41 PM renesis: https://www.2linc.com/engraving_tools_profiler.htm
05:42 PM renesis: hard to get finer than that without being crazy fragile
05:42 PM gloops: i bought the pattern for this, gonna cut it with router https://www.fionakingdon.com/shop/honey-bee-hand-cut-elm-55
05:43 PM renesis: https://www.2linc.com/engraving/pyramid_1-8.htm
05:43 PM renesis: these worked really well for pcb, no idea about wood
05:43 PM renesis: do you want to go that deep?
05:43 PM gloops: should be ok, its only just touching it really
05:44 PM gloops: no you cant mill the fine cuts out on that - just v carve the top
05:44 PM Tom_L: if you went to the trouble to make inserts for it you could
05:44 PM gloops: round the honeycomb and wings etc - no problem with 2 mm bit at that depth
05:45 PM renesis: yeah conicals will work great for the fine parts, then you can do larger areas with 1/32 or 1/16 or something
05:45 PM gloops: wheres shes done the hair detail with scroll saw blade - router wont do that i dont think, or agonisingly slow
05:46 PM gloops: Tom_L not sure what you mean
05:46 PM renesis: crazy machinist talk
05:46 PM renesis: she hand cut that?
05:46 PM Tom_L: essentially you would be making 2 but make the first one the cutout part
05:47 PM renesis: i would have guessed water jet
05:47 PM Tom_L: you would have to spread it out some for the cutter
05:47 PM gloops: renesis yes - scroll saw
05:47 PM renesis: thats crazy
05:48 PM gloops: still not picturing that Tom_L lol
05:48 PM Tom_L: it wouldn't be practical but it would probably work
05:48 PM gloops: renesis when you see someone whos good with scroll saw - thats not a big thing to do really, they are really quick
09:52 PM roycroft: happy new year, all
09:52 PM * roycroft will be afk for the rest of the year, as guests will be arriving presently