#linuxcnc Logs

Oct 08 2018

#linuxcnc Calendar

02:18 AM Loetmichel: *GNAAAH*... i have 3 laserprinters on my desk now to finish the shielding job a co-worker started... was wondering why all three had an "print engine not responding" error... found it: all three have a shielded laser unit... but the coworker forgot to solder the LD back into the board after putting some brass enclosure around it... THATs why you do a demoprint after each step... maaan... :-(
02:50 AM Deejay: moin
04:44 AM Sabotend_ is now known as Sabotender
05:26 AM jthornton: morning
05:27 AM jthornton: logs
05:27 AM logs: jthornton: today's log: http://irc-logs.kcjengr.com/%23linuxcnc/2018/10/08.html
05:28 AM jthornton: selroc: there are more than on log
05:34 AM selroc: hii
05:34 AM pink_vampire: hi selroc
05:35 AM XXCoder: hey
05:35 AM pink_vampire: I did something i never did before
05:35 AM XXCoder: some kinda new drug?
05:36 AM SpeedEvil: Oil soluble coolant?
05:36 AM SpeedEvil: IV?
05:36 AM SpeedEvil: ^soluble oil
05:36 AM XXCoder: oil soluble drug coolant?
05:38 AM Tom_itx: 64°F & rain, Hi 75
05:40 AM Tom_L: slow interweb, must be the rain
05:51 AM pink_vampire: https://i.imgur.com/6iz0HkP.png
05:52 AM pink_vampire: https://i.imgur.com/hgFoXsI.png
05:53 AM XXCoder: making indictor holder eh
05:53 AM XXCoder: looks nicely done
05:53 AM XXCoder: no drugs tho. too bad. ;) jk
05:53 AM pink_vampire: yeah
05:53 AM pink_vampire: https://i.imgur.com/A50vTxG.png
05:54 AM pink_vampire: https://i.imgur.com/3OxRklL.png
05:54 AM XXCoder: will there be extension? it dont seem long enough to reach spindle, in least not if you wanna easil read dial
05:54 AM XXCoder: oh on indictor arm
05:54 AM XXCoder: nice
05:55 AM pink_vampire: but this is WHY i even did it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R2v1B9ewhk
05:56 AM XXCoder: with your new spindle setup and encoder eh
05:56 AM pink_vampire: yeah
05:56 AM XXCoder: looks like completely standard rigid tap. congats
05:56 AM pink_vampire: it was soooooooo fun
05:57 AM pink_vampire: i took the G0704 to the next level
05:57 AM jthornton: sure is a lot of run out on that tap
05:58 AM pink_vampire: jthornton: ?? runout?
05:58 AM jthornton: wobble
05:58 AM pink_vampire: it is the drill chuck
05:59 AM pink_vampire: it have insane amount of runout
05:59 AM pink_vampire: it is the drill chuck that came with the machine
06:02 AM jthornton: I put the new knifes in the 1933 jointer but it needs a lot of TLC to get everything aligned again.
06:02 AM XXCoder: how was tap? any looseness and such?
06:03 AM pink_vampire: it was like any normal tap that i did with it before the servo spindle.
06:04 AM XXCoder: nice
06:04 AM XXCoder: seems runout of collet chuck didnt affect it much
06:05 AM pink_vampire: the jaws in the chuck are so rough like someone cut them on the bend saw
06:06 AM gloops: planer thicknesser can be a real pain to align once been stripped
06:07 AM gloops: ive got one to do
06:07 AM jthornton: the out feed table adjuster is broken so I need to fix that then check for parallel etc
06:07 AM XXCoder: jthornton: can jaws in chuck be replaced?
06:08 AM jthornton: most chucks can be taken apart yes
06:08 AM pink_vampire: it is just a generic drill chuck
06:08 AM jthornton: run out can also be the tapered adapter
06:08 AM gloops: same problem i had jthornton, i made a new adjuster same as other side, but perfect levelling still eludes me
06:09 AM XXCoder: pink_vampire: looks like parts can be replaced
06:09 AM jthornton: leveling as in infeed and outfeed tables parallel?
06:09 AM jthornton: gloops: planer or jointer?
06:09 AM gloops: yeah - and blades adjusted accordingly
06:10 AM gloops: its a planer, top table and thicknesser underneath
06:10 AM pink_vampire: I have jacob drill chuck that i need to get an arbor for it
06:10 AM gloops: i havent spent that much time on it, but i couldnt get it right when i had an hour playing with it last time
06:11 AM jthornton: I don't have a planer yet still looking
06:12 AM gloops: i took mine to bits years ago cos one roller was gone, decided to rebuild it, succeeded in making a good roller, but not got it set up right yet, works fine other than that
06:24 AM jthornton: hmm I just found one 2 hours away from me that looks decent
07:13 AM miss0r2: that moment when you go 'fudge!
07:13 AM miss0r2 is now known as miss0r
07:14 AM miss0r: I just realized theres a complete terminal block in the controller on my maho. Which recieved a 32wire cable, that I did not take into acount when designing the new controller
07:14 AM miss0r: bah!
07:46 AM jthornton: opps
07:55 AM jthornton: oh crap 65 years ago I was born in a Quonset hut on King Salmon Island
08:30 AM cradek: jthornton: happy birthday!
08:31 AM XXCoder: so fast. happy birthday
08:35 AM miss0r: jthornton: Oh damn :) Happy birthday :]
08:42 AM TurBoss: Happy BirthdaY
08:50 AM gloops: happy birthday jt
08:52 AM gloops: well, good progress with bandsaw, main frame, rollers tensioners everything done, just made 2 lifts for either side with 18 inch jack screws
08:52 AM gloops: all going a bit too smoothly...
08:54 AM hazzy-m: Happy birthday John!
09:36 AM rmu: happy birthday!
09:37 AM rmu: I'm curious: could you run for president?
09:46 AM Deejay: happy birthday, jt
09:51 AM JT-Shop: thanks Deejay
09:51 AM JT-Shop: thanks all, just got back from 20 miles on the road bike :)
09:56 AM Deejay: hope you enjoyed it
09:57 AM JT-Shop: yea, trying to get the seat adjusted again after replacing the seat post so a few adjustment stops along the way
09:57 AM * JT-Shop heads down to scoop chicken poop now
09:58 AM pcw_home: Happy Birthday JT-Shop
09:59 AM jdh: I use a 2 axis auto level laser for recreating bike fits
10:41 AM JT-Shop: thanks pcw_home
10:55 AM holzjunkie1: hy i´ve got some questions to the tooltable
10:56 AM rene_dev_: I happen to be the linuxcnc tooltable expert
11:19 AM gloops: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electric-motor-with-variable-speed-reduction-gear-box/123410991389?
12:44 PM * Tom_L thinks a cake with that many candles would be a fire hazard but Hapy Birthday anyway jt
01:01 PM JT-Shop: lol
01:01 PM JT-Shop: I think they just use roman numerals by then lol
01:12 PM Roguish: JT-Shop: yo, buddy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (it's a rumor going 'round)
01:24 PM Blumax: Hello
01:25 PM Blumax: As I can not find a solution here, I am going to ask on the forum of linuxcnc, I hope to find a solution ...
01:25 PM Blumax: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/10-advanced-configuration/35336-gantry-homing-witch-xhc-hb04-handwheel-enabled
01:27 PM gloops: TurBoss
01:27 PM TurBoss: yo
01:29 PM gloops: didnt you do a handwheel config TurBoss?
01:29 PM JT-Shop: Roguish: thanks
01:29 PM gloops: Blumax is having problems
01:29 PM TurBoss: for a mpg?
01:29 PM TurBoss: mine is diy
01:30 PM Blumax: So last night it's a bit better.
01:30 PM Blumax: http://blumax.fr/capture/hhh.png
01:30 PM gloops: ahh right, well he posted a link to his config anyway, i just wondered if you could help
01:30 PM TurBoss: I don't have a XHC_HB04
01:31 PM Blumax: If I do the homing and after I made the home of the A (while there is no endstop) 0/1/2/3/4 turns into X / Y / Z / A but I "h" to quote axis values and the values appear to be random (see picture).
01:31 PM TurBoss: https://github.com/TurBoss/TurBo_MPG-DRO
01:33 PM Rob_H: the include needs no # on the front other wise it is ignored
01:34 PM Rob_H: for the file u tryed to load there is info here to use it , https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/blob/master/lib/hallib/xhc-hb04.tcl
02:40 PM JT-Shop: Blumax: H means the axis is homed in 2.8
03:02 PM gloops: its the handwheel script thats dodgy i think
03:04 PM CaptHindsight: Free shipping On or before Fri. Oct. 12
03:04 PM CaptHindsight: US $9.99 On or before Mon. Oct. 15
03:05 PM CaptHindsight: so now you have to pay more for slower delivery
03:11 PM gloops: funny only 1 tiger tank left running in the world now - bovington museum UK
03:12 PM gloops: the germans never could keep them going
03:15 PM phipli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsIGkcyLwaY
03:19 PM CaptHindsight: gloops: all the Nazis came here and became policemen and politicians, no more need for the tanks
03:19 PM gloops: just like one of those butter curlers
03:26 PM Blumax: JT-Shop, ok and random value ? At this pysical position X = min, Y = max, Z = 0, I do not understand why there are these values
03:56 PM JT-Shop: Blumax: you may have some offsets in force
04:00 PM Blumax: G54 or G92 ? These compensation remains even when we close linuxcnc ???
04:15 PM JT-Shop: yes they are both persistent (saved to the .var file)
04:25 PM JT-Shop: crap I just missed out on a 13" planer for $600
04:26 PM infornography: What's in your shopping cart right now? No cheating
04:28 PM Deejay: gn8
04:36 PM CaptHindsight: who sells cheap tents? ~12 x 16 indoor use, for dusty projects
04:37 PM jdh: HF tarps
04:37 PM CaptHindsight: vs 1/2" pipe and rolls of visqueen
04:39 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.menards.com/main/paint/drop-cloths-plastic-sheeting/poly-film/polar-plastics-20-x-100-6-mil-clear-rolled-poly-all-purpose-plastic-sheeting/5680075/p-1444451029586.htm
04:39 PM infornography: I'd use the plastic sheets
04:40 PM CaptHindsight: been using ^^
04:59 PM skunkworks: linux is amazing.. I think I have a laptop working exactly the way I want...
04:59 PM skunkworks: http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/testing/primus/passthrough.png
05:00 PM gloops: well done skunkworks
05:00 PM rene_dev_: skunkworks is that with rt-preempt?
05:04 PM skunkworks: yes
05:04 PM skunkworks: running a 7i92.. Not that I would normally run the virtual machine with linuxcnc running..
05:07 PM CaptHindsight: getting is working with RTAI would be a project and not sure who would use it
05:08 PM skunkworks: yah - no printer port or easy way to utilize it..
05:09 PM CaptHindsight: I'm focusing on >3 axis CAM
05:09 PM rene_dev_: I dont think it will work with rtai
05:09 PM CaptHindsight: and other weird stuff
05:10 PM CaptHindsight: not RTAI as is
05:10 PM rene_dev_: why not? having the cam on the machine is sometimes useful
05:11 PM CaptHindsight: why not what? Did this get conflated? (CAM, RTAI and QEMU) didn't mean to
05:15 PM rene_dev_: running rt-preempt with vm for cam. should work fine
05:15 PM skunkworks: and like I say - most likely not at the same time. This laptop really is just for testing
05:15 PM skunkworks: but it works quite well it seems
05:16 PM rene_dev_: laptops are fun, look what happens to the jitter when you pull the ac adaptor
05:16 PM CaptHindsight: still 82F here, high ~40F in 2 days
05:16 PM CaptHindsight: yoyo weather lately
05:17 PM skunkworks: rene_dev_: this one seems fine (atleast I havn't found something that trips an overrun.)
05:18 PM skunkworks: my previous one that I used (lenovo) would overrun when you muted/unmuted the speakers or turned the keyboard light on
05:18 PM skunkworks: other than that - it worked great
05:25 PM andypugh: Interesting, just got a message on YouTube from MuellerNick. Apparently he is back.
05:25 PM skunkworks: did he leave?
05:27 PM andypugh: He fell out with YouTube
05:28 PM rene_dev_: he was very active on a german cnc forum, but left there due to the pepole being strange to him
05:30 PM rene_dev_: ah, there are new videos
05:41 PM skunkworks: cool - he had some arguments on some forums.. They were not well recieved. (mach people were outnumbering him and they ended up banning him iirc(
06:00 PM CaptHindsight: now there's even fake CNC news :)
06:05 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HOxfZKIZQk
06:06 PM CaptHindsight: to drill a big hole in some thin sheet metal. just fold the cloth a few times and power on at low speed
06:10 PM ziper: how do it work?
06:22 PM Tom_L: skunkworks you got room for a couple more tabs there..
06:24 PM robotustra: hm..
06:25 PM robotustra: shit metal
06:44 PM skunkworks: Tom_L: :)
06:44 PM skunkworks: I am just ramping up
06:45 PM skunkworks: I have to migrate all my crap over to this laptop
06:45 PM skunkworks: 2 1tb drives.. Should be able to fill them up ;)
06:46 PM Tom_L: just have a backup plan :)
06:47 PM Tom_L: if i had a tb drive on my first pc i wouldn't know what to do with it
06:47 PM skunkworks: heh 20mb... my first 'ibm compatable'
06:48 PM skunkworks: or 40 i don't remember
06:48 PM Tom_L: 20mb mfm segate
06:48 PM Tom_L: for probably 3x the cost of a tb drive now
06:49 PM Tom_L: then rll came along and that was just the shizzle..
06:50 PM flyback: heh
06:50 PM flyback: mfm/rll drives
06:50 PM skunkworks: this is new enough to have m.2
06:51 PM flyback: the analog head signal ran over a cable
06:51 PM skunkworks: it is suprisingly fast..
06:51 PM flyback: there's was issues with controller cards not being compatible with brands of drives
06:51 PM flyback: since the drives were brainless
06:51 PM flyback: and the stepper motors couldn't compensate for wear
06:53 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, it's faster but i was let back a little that it wasn't more noticable than a regular ssd
06:54 PM Tom_L: samsung 960 evo
06:54 PM Tom_L: iirc
06:55 PM Tom_L: i guess they've got a 970 now..
07:01 PM skunkworks: this was an 860 evo.. could not bring myself to buy a pro
07:02 PM Tom_L: no i don't have a pro either... too costly
07:03 PM skunkworks: this is a msi gs60 something.. so far I like it. no suprises..
07:03 PM Tom_L: the board with the m.2 and 960 is currently in a box waiting for me
07:04 PM Tom_L: i've got 860's in just about everything else
07:04 PM Tom_L: i questioned ssd early on but i've been happy with the samsungs
07:06 PM CaptHindsight: kids today have it easy, when we wanted wear leveling on Flash we had to write the routines
07:33 PM gregcnc: I guess I got the settings wrong on a chinaco dash cam and wiped out as SDcard in a few months
10:52 PM veek: is there any book on gas valves/gas piping/plumbing for DIY
10:53 PM veek: i want to pipe propane/butane
10:53 PM veek: small amounts
10:53 PM veek: also safety aspects
10:55 PM pink_vampire: veek: i have home improvement book, I think there is section about gas lines
10:55 PM veek: ah yes! which one!
10:56 PM pink_vampire: orange one
10:57 PM veek: pink_vampire, u'r pink and that's orange.. but does it have a name?
10:57 PM veek: Oo nm found it
10:57 PM veek: Home Improvement 1-2-3
10:57 PM pink_vampire: one sec, i will take a picture of it
10:58 PM pink_vampire: LOL it is actually dark red
10:58 PM pink_vampire: "ultimate guide home repair and improvement"
10:59 PM * veek purrs
10:59 PM veek: thanks man :)
10:59 PM pink_vampire: man?????
11:00 PM veek: urmm.. *looks shifty*
11:00 PM veek: tru dat.. thanks :p
11:02 PM pink_vampire: I hoped I help you some how :)
11:03 PM veek: yep +I can google home improvement and check reviews
11:04 PM pink_vampire: I have the book, there is one page about pipe types
11:06 PM veek: urmm like exactly 1 page?
11:06 PM pink_vampire: yeah
11:06 PM * veek sheds a tear
11:07 PM veek: hear I was thinking I'd be imbibing knowledge from some fountain..
11:07 PM veek: anyway let me review some of those types of books - see what's in emm
11:08 PM pink_vampire: I think by code you can't connect large gas equipment without a technician
11:09 PM pink_vampire: veek: https://www2.iccsafe.org/states/seattle/seattle_fuelgas/PDFs_fuelgas/Chaper%204.pdf
11:10 PM pink_vampire: much much much more info then the book
11:10 PM veek: ah yes.. building code.. hmm.. I was thinking of buying a small can and filling it with small amounts from a big cylinder and working with that
11:10 PM pink_vampire: just get a small can...
11:11 PM pink_vampire: what do you want to power with that?
11:11 PM veek: ah umm just a small furnace/firebrick thingy
11:11 PM veek: now that I have some idea about plumbing and nuts and bolts
11:12 PM veek: I am reading Ettinger - awesome book
11:12 PM pink_vampire: https://www.build.com/dyna-glo-delux-tt30cdgp/s994030?displayPLA=true
11:13 PM veek: but i don't want to throw money at my ignorance.. i'd like to read a bit about how it all works