#linuxcnc Logs

Jul 18 2018

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:23 AM micges_ is now known as micges
01:18 AM IchGucksLive: morning from Germany
01:18 AM IchGucksLive: its getting a summertime weekend
01:22 AM MrHindsight: IchGucksLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYUqbnk7tCY
01:22 AM IchGucksLive: MrHindsight, no cnc insiight
01:23 AM IchGucksLive: im now missing 20 parts from shina
01:23 AM IchGucksLive: maybe a continer got loast
01:24 AM MrHindsight is now known as CaptHindsight
01:25 AM IchGucksLive: im off to teach 2 teatchers how to work on this mashine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd3UCLH1YuM
01:25 AM CaptHindsight: itza big ocean or 2
01:25 AM IchGucksLive: till later
01:26 AM CaptHindsight: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mein-kampf-is-published
01:27 AM Wolf__: I seem to have great luck picking machines to buy that have little to no info found on line…
01:27 AM CaptHindsight: and they said it wouldn't last....
01:27 AM CaptHindsight: Wolf__: soviet surplus?
01:28 AM Wolf__: Reid 618-HL surface grinder
01:28 AM CaptHindsight: is there really much to it?
01:29 AM Wolf__: which looks like they are 2-3 different generations of the 618 machine
01:30 AM Wolf__: right now all I’m trying to figure out is if its a V ways or roller ball table so I have some idea what I’m going to need if I win the bid on it
01:30 AM Wolf__: for picking it up
01:32 AM CaptHindsight: Do not be anxious about anything
01:33 AM CaptHindsight: Each day has enough trouble of its own.
01:33 AM Wolf__: lol true
01:34 AM CaptHindsight: https://gizmodo.com/is-the-earths-mantle-full-of-diamonds-1827661699
01:35 AM CaptHindsight: I watched a guy about an hour ago lose $90,000.00 in 30 minutes of poker
01:36 AM CaptHindsight: left out one 0
01:36 AM Wolf__: crazy...
01:36 AM CaptHindsight: $90,000.000.00
01:37 AM CaptHindsight: not one 0, 3 orders of magnitude more
01:37 AM Wolf__: 90 mil?
01:38 AM CaptHindsight: yeah
01:38 AM Wolf__: ouch
01:39 AM CaptHindsight: it was 2.5M ea to start
01:41 AM CaptHindsight: so you were out if you fell under $2.5M
01:41 AM CaptHindsight: so lets get some perspective here :)
01:42 AM Wolf__: too rich for my blood lol
01:46 AM Wolf__: and here I am worried about the gamble of bidding on this grinder without inspecting it
01:52 AM Wolf__: https://portal-images.azureedge.net/auctions-2018/bscco10103/images/877400b2-220b-44bc-8f8d-72d486e700ef.jpg least it doesnt look too beat to hell
02:11 AM Deejay: moin
04:39 AM mase: hi I search Ballscrew 1610 CAD file fusion
05:04 AM IchGucksLive: hi all
05:04 AM XXCoder: hey
05:04 AM IchGucksLive: mase, fusion is a CAD so why dident you make one
05:05 AM IchGucksLive: so today the last cable have been pluged and for the next semester all mashines are ready
05:05 AM mase: Hi Ich gugslive
05:05 AM mase: u are from zw ?
05:06 AM IchGucksLive: ja
05:06 AM mase: Auch bekannt als MAXCNC?
05:06 AM IchGucksLive: heute haben wir die letzten CNC umgekabelt für das neue semester
05:07 AM IchGucksLive: nun sind alle 600 maschinen wiedr im volleinsatz Denke ich
05:07 AM mase: maxcnc = ichgugslive?
05:07 AM IchGucksLive: hatte ich mal
05:07 AM IchGucksLive: oder mein bruder
05:07 AM mase: Du hattest dich vorgestellt als Peter Prok ein Prof aus ZW
05:08 AM IchGucksLive: mase, warumm nimmst du bei fusion nicht einfach eine simple spindle 16
05:08 AM mase: stimmt das ?
05:08 AM IchGucksLive: mase, ich weis es nicht
05:08 AM IchGucksLive: mase, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwhCL92ZQRSVqFe3jGwJSQ/videos
05:08 AM IchGucksLive: mase, das bin ich
05:12 AM IchGucksLive: mase, ich bin immer hier um 19uhr
05:12 AM mase: Ich baue eine richtige cnc und möchte detailgetreu arbeiten
05:13 AM IchGucksLive: was heist richtige CNC alles ist Richtig
05:13 AM mase: leider muss ich mir die in fusion konstruieren, ich muss die technische zeichnung finden für die SFU1610
05:14 AM IchGucksLive: das ist die gleihe wie bei sfu1605
05:14 AM IchGucksLive: nur die steigung windenzahl ist anders
05:14 AM mase: pro umdrehung 5 oder 10 mm
05:14 AM IchGucksLive: ja
05:15 AM IchGucksLive: ansoinsten sind die gleich
05:15 AM mase: sicher ?
05:15 AM IchGucksLive: numm die 5er wenn du keine drucker baust
05:15 AM IchGucksLive: JA
05:15 AM IchGucksLive: DOLD hat die zeichnung
05:16 AM mase: DolD ?
05:16 AM mase: ein user ?
05:16 AM IchGucksLive: https://www.dold-mechatronik.de/DOLD-Mechatronik-2
05:16 AM IchGucksLive: https://www.dold-mechatronik.de/SFU1610-DM
05:17 AM miss0r: syyl: You around?
05:18 AM IchGucksLive: Pass auf die DM sind nicht genormt da gibt es BF12 und BF10
05:18 AM mase: nice danke das ist ein guter link
05:18 AM mase: Ich nehme BF12
05:18 AM IchGucksLive: mase, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd3UCLH1YuM&feature=youtu.be
05:18 AM IchGucksLive: heute morgen verdrahtet
05:19 AM mase: was für motoren nutzt du
05:19 AM IchGucksLive: 4Nm
05:19 AM mase: Schrittmotoren ?
05:19 AM IchGucksLive: JA
05:19 AM mase: closed loop?
05:20 AM IchGucksLive: DM556
05:20 AM IchGucksLive: Nein open
05:20 AM mase: :O
05:20 AM IchGucksLive: ich hasse die closed
05:20 AM IchGucksLive: da fährt die maschine ws sie will
05:20 AM IchGucksLive: wenns nicht passt
05:20 AM mase: und wenn du ein schritt verlierst
05:20 AM IchGucksLive: beim schrittmotor hört man eine fehler
05:20 AM mase: was machst du dann
05:21 AM IchGucksLive: Ich stelle die maschine so ein das da kein schritt verloren geht
05:22 AM IchGucksLive: der plasma läuft 8std bei 800kg YZ mit 6m/min MAX und 2Nm motroen und hat keine 0,02 an der uhr
05:22 AM IchGucksLive: mase, der fehler ist nach 8std die uhr nicht die CNC
05:23 AM syyl: miss0r on the jump
05:23 AM syyl: quick :D
05:23 AM miss0r: syyl: Did you ever finish your 1911 model? and did you put the time in to convert the imperial measurements to metric?
05:23 AM syyl: no, not finished
05:23 AM IchGucksLive: mase, nur wer 12m/min braucht braucht auch closed
05:23 AM miss0r: I am planning to do a model of my own
05:24 AM syyl: and i just converted on the fly
05:24 AM miss0r: ahh well :]
05:24 AM miss0r: Planning on finishing it?
05:24 AM syyl: nope
05:24 AM IchGucksLive: mase, ansonsten bist du mit 2000euro komplett bei 700x500x180mm
05:24 AM syyl: enough guns out there
05:24 AM miss0r: Great :]
05:24 AM mase: https://grabcad.com/library/4-axis-aluframe-hiwin-square-rails-ballscrew-cnc-mill-1
05:24 AM mase: Lothar
05:24 AM IchGucksLive: das bin ich
05:25 AM syyl: and it attracted all the gun-nuts to my channel
05:25 AM miss0r: sure, but a small model wouldn't be able to fire anyway, I'm planning on making the barrel 'massive'. i.e. no bore
05:25 AM syyl: the type you dont want to be in the same room with
05:25 AM miss0r: hehe, yeah - you can't have them gun nuts running around ;)
05:25 AM IchGucksLive: mase, das ist genau diese maschine aus dem video
05:25 AM mase: Jo hab ich erkannt
05:26 AM miss0r: Just one last question though: did you ever find a good solution for hardening the springs?
05:26 AM IchGucksLive: sind nun schon 4stk am laufen
05:26 AM miss0r: without deforming them?
05:26 AM syyl: nope
05:26 AM syyl: :D
05:26 AM mase: Was machst du damit
05:26 AM syyl: look up paul hammler on youtube
05:26 AM miss0r: This has been helpfull, thank you :P
05:26 AM miss0r: :D
05:26 AM IchGucksLive: mase, Ausbildung
05:26 AM IchGucksLive: mase, 8000studenten
05:27 AM mase: Warst du hiwi vom Prokro
05:27 AM IchGucksLive: nein ich hol alles bei ratenmotors
05:28 AM IchGucksLive: der koomoletsatz 440 mit kugleumlauf und befestigung
05:28 AM IchGucksLive: mase, die profile für 150 euro im zuschnitt
05:28 AM IchGucksLive: 1,5KW
05:28 AM mase: welche Toleranzklasse
05:29 AM IchGucksLive: mase, die bewegst du mit einer hand nicht also eng
05:29 AM mase: :D
05:29 AM IchGucksLive: ohne 50kg belastung geht da garnix
05:29 AM mase: Welche spindel baust du ein
05:29 AM IchGucksLive: 1605
05:29 AM IchGucksLive: VFD 1,5
05:29 AM mase: ne frässpindel
05:30 AM mase: China ?
05:30 AM mase: oder is VFD eine Marke
05:30 AM IchGucksLive: hyanyang original
05:31 AM mase: Ich habe die 2,2 kw spindel gekauft
05:31 AM IchGucksLive: mase, der bessere kostet 104 statt 88
05:31 AM mase: mit frequenzumrichter
05:31 AM mase: und dem ganzen zubehör
05:31 AM IchGucksLive: mase, mit der 2,2kw reicht es mit den 220V 16A nicht mehr
05:31 AM IchGucksLive: deswegen 1,5Kw
05:31 AM mase: is getestet und geht bei uns
05:32 AM IchGucksLive: mit der komplettten maschine an einer dose mase
05:32 AM mase: der runout ist unter 1um
05:33 AM mase: Hängt nicht alles an einer sicherung
05:33 AM mase: Wir haben noch drehstrom zur verfügung
05:34 AM IchGucksLive: ok in der schule ist nur 220V im klassensaal
05:34 AM mase: so muss bissi weiter schaffen viel gklück
05:34 AM mase: und erfolg
05:34 AM IchGucksLive: bis dann
05:34 AM mase: und danke für den DOLD link der gefällt mir
05:35 AM mase: Und nochwas
05:36 AM mase: ich finde es garnicht so schlecht wie du das mit den wangen gelöst hast
05:40 AM jthornton: 1
05:40 AM jthornton: 13 minutes till space x falcon launch
05:54 AM SpeedEvil: jthornton: you're watching a delayed fake live stream
05:55 AM SpeedEvil: next launch is 22nd or so
05:55 AM jthornton: lol
11:10 AM diverdude is now known as Guest2208
11:13 AM mase: hi I search 200x80 alu-profil
11:16 AM gloops: mase - 6082T6
11:29 AM IchGucksLive: hi all
11:29 AM IchGucksLive: super summer outside
11:29 AM IchGucksLive: mase, eisenschäfer hat das material
11:30 AM mase: Ich brauch das profil für die einarbeitung in meine zeichnung
11:31 AM mase: Ich find das profil nicht
11:31 AM IchGucksLive: mitec
11:32 AM mase: welches
11:32 AM IchGucksLive: https://www.minitec.de/
11:32 AM mase: gibt mehrere
11:33 AM IchGucksLive: die haben ca 5000
11:33 AM IchGucksLive: was ich nicht verstehe die profile sind 5min arbeit in fusion ist doch alles symetrich
11:34 AM IchGucksLive: und dann in die Materialdatenbank mit länge 60mm
11:34 AM IchGucksLive: und als Familientabelle laden dann hast du die Profile immer in der länge die du benötigst
11:35 AM mase: ich find es nicht
11:35 AM IchGucksLive: mase, das 80er system ist dann wohlk bosch
11:35 AM IchGucksLive: 80x200
11:35 AM IchGucksLive: T10
11:36 AM IchGucksLive: https://www.tecwalker.de/
11:36 AM mase: tecwalker hat das profil aber nicht die cad datei
11:36 AM mase: bzw die wollen glaub ich die email haben
11:37 AM IchGucksLive: die haben doch eine zeichnuung dabei
11:39 AM mase: da stimmt
11:40 AM IchGucksLive: http://www.traceparts.com/de/search/boma-baukasten-profile?CatalogPath=BOMA%3ABOMA.010
11:42 AM mase: Ich mussd as abzeichnen
11:42 AM IchGucksLive: nein neukonstruieren du hast doch die masse
11:44 AM IchGucksLive: mase, wiso so mächtig 8Tonnen last bei Wx 800
11:45 AM mase: lass dich überraschen
11:45 AM mase: ich bau die frsäe mach ein video drüber
11:47 AM IchGucksLive: ist das das leichte nut8 oder das schwere
11:47 AM mase: schwer
11:48 AM IchGucksLive: 5 nuten
11:48 AM IchGucksLive: wx
11:48 AM IchGucksLive: 2 nuten wy
11:50 AM IchGucksLive: mase, als welche datei brauchst du es
11:51 AM mase: dxf
11:51 AM mase: aber ich zeichne schon
11:51 AM mase: is schon gut is überung
11:51 AM mase: du machst viele sachen mit freecad ?
11:52 AM IchGucksLive: ich kann dir das direkt als fusion datei anbieten
11:53 AM mase: wie hast du das gemacht
11:53 AM mase: das ist nett von dir aber ich muss das können
11:53 AM mase: ich habe im mcmaster nachgeschaut
11:53 AM mase: nix drin :X
12:00 PM IchGucksLive: mase, http://heimwerkermarkt-tretter.de/200x80.png
12:01 PM mase: nice
12:01 PM mase: Ich bin noch am fummeln :D
12:01 PM mase: haste vektorisiert ?
12:02 PM mase: bitmap bild vektorisieren
12:02 PM IchGucksLive: nein kostruiert mit aufdicker 3,5
12:02 PM mase: gut
12:03 PM IchGucksLive: soll ich die DXF oder DWG hochladen
12:03 PM mase: wie gesagt das is nett ich muss mich selber durchwursteln
12:03 PM mase: die tatsache das ich so langsam bin heißt doch das ich drana rbeiten muss
12:04 PM mase: Ich mach das profil fertig dann melde ich mich wieder
12:04 PM IchGucksLive: ok gibts auch fertig
12:04 PM IchGucksLive: ich sehs grtad tracpart hat es auch
12:04 PM IchGucksLive: gloops, brixit on the way
12:05 PM IchGucksLive: summer laso keep your hose shadowd UK dri land glöoo
12:05 PM IchGucksLive: gloops, waterhose limited
12:05 PM IchGucksLive: lake here has lost 20cm
12:09 PM IchGucksLive: mase, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqckyamhRsI
12:15 PM gloops: yes everything is dead here
12:15 PM gloops: Ichs the EU will not accept this Brexit plan, dark times ahead methinks
12:17 PM mase: Uk belongs to Europe even if they are not in EU
12:17 PM mase: to no problem buddy
12:20 PM IchGucksLive: im off folks as a old men needs more rest
12:20 PM mase: Machs gut
12:20 PM mase: und danke für die hilfe
12:29 PM gloops: mase we have had enough of the EU jackboot
12:29 PM gloops: UK was never european
12:30 PM Michael-gsc: Hallo
12:30 PM gloops: evening
12:30 PM mase: UK got a lot of benefits compared to other EU contries, so it es worse for UK to leave than for EU
12:31 PM mase: but whatever
12:31 PM gloops: mase we didnt get currency undervalued by 25% like Germany does
12:36 PM mase: UK is victim ?
12:37 PM gloops: no the UK isnt a victim, we will be out of the sinking ship just in time i think
12:37 PM mase: we will see
12:38 PM gloops: i reckon the next global downturn is due around end of 2019/2020
12:39 PM rmu: downturn already started
12:40 PM rmu: takes some time until effects are felt
12:40 PM gloops: rmu youve got to face, the EU cannot rise this one out
12:40 PM gloops: face it
12:40 PM gloops: ok ill start again lol
12:40 PM gloops: rmu, youve got to face it, the EU cannot ride this one out
12:41 PM rmu: i will face whatever the future holds in store
12:41 PM mase: nice response
12:41 PM gloops: germany has a weak coalition govmt, there will be no stomach for enormous bailouts
12:41 PM mase: gloops
12:41 PM mase: germany is fine
12:41 PM gloops: italy WILL fold this time, too big to bail
12:42 PM gloops: mase, im afraid it isnt
12:42 PM mase: strongest contry eu
12:42 PM rmu: UK also seems to only barely have a "government"
12:42 PM mase: #1
12:43 PM gloops: mase but at the end of the road, your motor industry is approaching obsolescence, heavily laden with debts that wont ever be repaid
12:43 PM mase: no problem
12:44 PM mase: germans can fix problems
12:44 PM gloops: rmu lol, this is only a temporary situation for the UK, we will soon have a strong and able leader, every man jack will be united behind him
12:44 PM gloops: mase i admire your confidence, but this time i think it might be misplaced
12:44 PM rmu: yeah, "strong leaderS seem to be the recipe of the coming decade
12:45 PM mase: yes american wanted also a strong leader
12:45 PM gloops: america has a strong leader
12:45 PM rmu: we know where that leads to
12:45 PM mase: strong leader ? he is putins pussy cat
12:45 PM rmu: strong as in heavy. and stupid. with one word: a bully
12:45 PM gloops: it was one election too far for merkel
12:45 PM mase: trump isnt smart sorry
12:46 PM gloops: dont be fooled by the show trump put on for the media
12:46 PM mase: I dont
12:46 PM rmu: if we replicate polish and hungarian style of gov in germany and france (afd, "rassamblemant"), THEN we will have a problem
12:46 PM mase: I have my own oppion and trump did bad vs putin
12:46 PM rmu: globally
12:47 PM gloops: rmu germany will have the problem, not everyone else
12:47 PM mase: We need a united western my friend
12:47 PM rmu: trump giving up influence in europe and exp. germany is beyond stupid
12:47 PM gloops: oh i dont know
12:47 PM mase: vs china, russia and africa
12:47 PM gloops: united is a strong word
12:48 PM gloops: mase germany has invested in heavily in china, you get your energy from russia, you get your labour from africa
12:48 PM mase: wrong
12:48 PM mase: china is investing heavly in germany
12:48 PM gloops: where is it wrong?
12:49 PM mase: and why not getting energy from russia ?
12:49 PM gloops: yes we know about the scam to make in china and enter the goods into the EU through back door
12:49 PM mase: ok
12:49 PM gloops: mase how can you be totally dependent on someones gas, and at the same time claim to be fighting them?
12:50 PM gloops: german energy policy is a disaster
12:50 PM mase: is that what people say in UK ?
12:50 PM rmu: gloops: thats the trump nato summit BS
12:50 PM gloops: its what everyone says
12:50 PM mase: they should look their own shit
12:51 PM gloops: we are Ok we will be 80% renewables by 2030
12:51 PM rmu: since when is germany "totally dependent" on russian gas?
12:51 PM gloops: rmu where do you get your gas?
12:52 PM gloops: putins hand is on the gas tap - one wrong word from merkel - the lights go out
12:52 PM mase: soon UK buddy will see how good it was in EU
12:52 PM mase: If I read this
12:52 PM gloops: nope
12:53 PM rmu: gloops: i don't get any gas ;-) but yes, austria probably gets most of its imported gas from russia via ukraine and slovakia
12:54 PM gloops: rmu the failure of the german wind program has forced you to burn much more coal and import gas
12:55 PM mase: UK is a fart in the wind
12:55 PM mase: alone
12:55 PM mase: how many people
12:55 PM mase: let me see
12:56 PM rmu: german natural gas seems to be 1/3 from russia, 25% nl, 25% norway, and rest domestic, denmark and UK
12:56 PM gloops: alone? since when was the UK alone? we have a commonwealth, we have allies around the globe, all begging to trade with us
12:56 PM mase: 64 million habitans ?
12:56 PM gloops: this is a great opportunity for the UK to restore its former eminence as a global superpower
12:56 PM mase: thats nothing
12:56 PM mase: A global superpoer ?
12:57 PM gloops: absolutely
12:57 PM mase: why u need that
12:57 PM gloops: why does germany?
12:57 PM mase: u said u want it
12:57 PM mase: UK a global superpower ?
12:57 PM gloops: <mase> #1
12:58 PM rmu: gloops: you mean, like, with aircraft carriers, ADDITIONAL military intervention in overseas-countries every 3 years, new nukes kind of superpower?
12:58 PM Tom_L: #2
12:58 PM mase: 64 million habitans is no superpower
12:58 PM gloops: rmu our new carriers guarantee our security and that of our friends
12:59 PM Tom_L: they all come crying to us for help
12:59 PM mase: china has 1.400 million habitants
12:59 PM gloops: haha Tom_L we dont need the USA we can look after ourselves
12:59 PM gloops: look at the Falklands
12:59 PM mase: britian is nothing without EU
01:00 PM gloops: i mean, we like the USA we've always (almost always) been pals and worked together
01:00 PM gloops: mase you are nothing without the UK
01:00 PM * JT-Shop thinks it's time for a chicken bullet sandwich...
01:00 PM rmu: this discussion is stupid
01:00 PM mase: it is
01:00 PM mase: gut das die inselaffen weg sind
01:00 PM mase: xD
01:01 PM gloops: well you started it
01:01 PM mase: gloops u started it
01:01 PM mase: i think
01:01 PM gloops: ichs started it
01:01 PM rmu: next thing somebody resurrects ronald reagen
01:01 PM mase: U want war with the germans
01:02 PM mase: I thought we were friends pal
01:02 PM gloops: germany is incapable of war
01:02 PM rmu: thankfully so
01:03 PM mase: thats because also of history
01:03 PM rmu: and it has to stay like that
01:03 PM mase: and I think we should change it
01:04 PM gloops: oh yes mase? a call for rearmament is it?
01:05 PM mase: yes
01:05 PM mase: and why not
01:05 PM mase: we can afford it
01:05 PM rmu: that's what trump wants. germany to spend 2% of GDP for military
01:06 PM mase: our milatry does indeed need more bugs
01:06 PM gloops: as part of your NATO obligations
01:06 PM mase: yed
01:06 PM mase: yes
01:06 PM mase: I agree on that
01:06 PM mase: we should pay more
01:06 PM gloops: the german military is totally disfunctional
01:06 PM mase: look what we do
01:07 PM gloops: what do you do?
01:07 PM rmu: nato will have the same fate as eu
01:07 PM mase: After US, germany does the most service
01:07 PM gloops: lol!
01:07 PM mase: not britain
01:07 PM gloops: mase you havent got 2 dozen jet fighters that can fly
01:08 PM gloops: this is an army in name only
01:08 PM mase: there u can see how efficient we are
01:08 PM gloops: and lets take the personal
01:08 PM gloops: these are not the german soldiers we remember of old
01:09 PM gloops: personnel
01:09 PM mase: my buddies in war have indeed not good equipment
01:10 PM mase: I have friend that went to afganistan
01:10 PM mase: and it is not a good place
01:10 PM mase: war is nothing nice
01:11 PM gloops: i dont think there will be another great war in europe
01:11 PM mase: u cannt say that
01:11 PM gloops: germany kind of guarantees that by staying weak
01:11 PM mase: You even cannot say what will happen next year
01:12 PM mase: what i say is western should stay together
01:12 PM mase: that is important
01:12 PM gloops: this is your leader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYRRlOfL3rA
01:12 PM gloops: to think that it should come to this
01:13 PM rmu: if there is another great war anywhere in the world, it will probably be the last for a very long time
01:13 PM gloops: Junckers..an old soak!
01:13 PM rmu: alternative facts
01:14 PM Tom_L: with all the tech now it could be a nasty one too
01:14 PM gloops: and herein lies the problem
01:14 PM gloops: nobody can remove Junckers, nobody ever voted him in
01:15 PM rmu: nobody can remove your queen, she hasn't been voted in either
01:15 PM mase: dude
01:15 PM mase: u cannt say that
01:15 PM mase: u both are wrong
01:15 PM gloops: rmu she is head of state, she doesnt make decisions
01:16 PM gloops: here is the Uks new jet fighter, high tech indeed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44848294
01:16 PM mase: and she is german releated
01:16 PM mase: also her husband
01:16 PM mase: u can say ur queen is german
01:16 PM mase: no alternative facts
01:16 PM gloops: course she isnt german, shes as english as i am
01:16 PM rmu: everything EU law has to be ratified by local parliaments, so in a sense the european commission doesn't make decisions either
01:17 PM mase: her family is german
01:17 PM rmu: mase: i think the hannover connection was removed from the name at the beginning of WW1
01:17 PM mase: gloops google it
01:17 PM mase: it is true
01:18 PM gloops: some distant connections yes, the royalty in europe/russia has always inter-married for diplomacy reasons
01:18 PM mase: look that
01:19 PM mase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzjxy1rrkng&list=RD3p39ulIfnzc&index=5
01:20 PM mase: England even copied our former anthem
01:21 PM mase: that is evidence to the releationship
01:21 PM rmu: queen victoria was of house harkonnen aeehhh hannover, and her son of house sachsen-coburg gotha
01:21 PM rmu: that connection is not distant ;)
01:22 PM mase: gloops
01:22 PM gloops: it doesnt matter
01:22 PM mase: we are brothers
01:23 PM mase: UK is alone to little to be improtant
01:23 PM rmu: no, it doesn't matter. royalty is a thing of the past. some countries still keep some for tourism and as kind of a museum/zoo.
01:23 PM mase: xD
01:23 PM gloops: mase you seem to forget we once controlled 2/3rds of the world
01:24 PM mase: yes agree
01:24 PM mase: good for you
01:24 PM gloops: the Uk kept its royalty because a national figurehead is good for national unity
01:24 PM rmu: gloops: look what chaos the brits left in africa and in former ottoman empire
01:24 PM mase: I have nothing against UK
01:24 PM mase: what do u want
01:24 PM rmu: (the brits and the french that is)
01:25 PM gloops: rmu well, you can thank your forebears for that
01:25 PM gloops: everything was fine until the german housepainter arrived on the scene
01:25 PM mase: xD
01:25 PM rmu: we left chaos on the balkans, that still isn't completely fixed yet, but there is progress
01:26 PM gloops: but that is all history, im sure all this will be worked out amicably
01:26 PM rmu: looking at the kurds, there is no progress anywhere, ditto for israel, african countries, india/pakistan
01:27 PM mase: To hell with all non europeen
01:27 PM gloops: This will include “swarming” technology that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to hit its targets, as well as directed energy weapons (DEW), which used concentrated bursts of laser, microwave or particle beam energy to inflict damage.
01:28 PM rmu: hail eris! (throws in golden apple and leaves)
01:29 PM mase: the frist thing the AI will learn is how comfortable a german car is
01:29 PM gloops: that should be interesting - jets with lasers and microwave weapons
01:29 PM mase: dude
01:29 PM mase: u see the apocalypse coming ?
01:30 PM gloops: maybe we have learned
01:30 PM gloops: enough
01:33 PM mase: ok
01:33 PM mase: I only want to build my CNC
01:34 PM Tom_L: i only want to eat ice cream under a shade tree
01:35 PM mase: I like milk and cereals
01:37 PM mase: gloops, u have a cnc
01:38 PM gloops: oh yeah, i made one this year
01:38 PM gloops: the design was inspired by german tanks of WW2 haha
01:38 PM mase: show me pics
01:38 PM gloops: but im cooking something atm bbiab
01:40 PM jthornton: hazzy-lab: if you happen to get bored see if you can spot my mistake http://gnipsel.com/files/7i96/7i96.zip
01:46 PM rmu: jthornton: i'm not hazzy-lab, but QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory creates a modal dialog, and for that it needs a parent widget
01:47 PM rmu: jthornton: it seems you are passing "None" in to it
01:51 PM hazzy-lab: rmu: It is OK to pass none to a QFileDialog, only thing is it won't center over the parent
01:56 PM hazzy-lab: jthornton: Change line 23 in dialog.py to: dirName = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, "Select Directory", linuxcncPath)
01:56 PM hazzy-lab: That will work
01:57 PM hazzy-lab: self it not defined for module level methods, so self was actualt the "checked" arg passed by the QAction triggered signal
01:58 PM hazzy-lab: I will fix a few other things and send it back over :)
02:10 PM rmu: so got distracted
02:12 PM rmu: just played a bit with qt5vcp branch. looks very promising
02:15 PM hazzy-lab: It's awesome!
02:15 PM hazzy-lab: jthornton: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jb554snl1y7j4e9/7i96_rev.tar.gz?dl=0
02:15 PM hazzy-lab: rmu: https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/TurboProbe
02:16 PM hazzy-lab: playing with qt5 too
02:16 PM rmu: generic O-word caller?
02:17 PM hazzy-lab: rmu: This is made with qt5vcp: https://i.imgur.com/7S5k0wm.png
02:17 PM hazzy-lab: yes, that turned into a probing GUI xD
02:17 PM rmu: hazzy-lab: i played around with the qt_cnc.ui in the branch, converted it to use layouts
02:18 PM hazzy-lab: Thank you! That was badly needed
02:18 PM hazzy-lab: will you PR?
02:18 PM hazzy-lab: Chris would love it if you did
02:18 PM rmu: ok, will make a PR
02:19 PM hazzy-lab: thanks
02:19 PM rmu: qt designer grid layout handling is a bit awkward
02:19 PM rmu: had to hack the xml a bit
02:19 PM hazzy-lab: It is, it you close and restart designer some time sit helps
02:19 PM hazzy-lab: if seems to "forget" to save changes to the ui file
02:19 PM rmu: don't understand whay Qt didn't go the motif form way of layout management (see tixForm for the tcl/tk crowd)
02:20 PM hazzy-lab: Here is my branch of QtVCP, I have made a lot of changes, like async backplot and things like that
02:21 PM rmu: in fact i made a tixForm inspired layout manager for Qt 1 or 2 ro something about 20 years ago
02:21 PM hazzy-lab: some people have reported that backplot 15 times faster than before!
02:21 PM hazzy-lab: neat!
02:21 PM rmu: have yet to try it on the raspberry pi
02:21 PM rmu: it feels quite snappy on the i7 ;)
02:22 PM hazzy-lab: I bet, I need to try Qt on my old atom I have on the mill, Gtk is miserable on it
02:22 PM rmu: hazzy-lab: is that a port of the async gtk3 gremlin to qt?
02:23 PM hazzy-lab: yes
02:23 PM rmu: raspberry pi sure will benefit from async backplot, all those non-rt cpu cores don't do much most of the time
02:24 PM hazzy-lab: Problem is it is still python, so it only uses one core :(
02:25 PM rmu: is there a plan to port over to python3?
02:25 PM hazzy-lab: Yes, we made a bunch of progress on that a few nights ago
02:26 PM rmu: your branch is here https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/ ?
02:27 PM hazzy-lab: Yes
02:27 PM hazzy-lab: It is a huge mess
02:28 PM CaptHindsight: what bus is used to connect the Rpi3 to something FPGA?
02:28 PM rmu: CaptHindsight: SPI
02:29 PM CaptHindsight: ah SPI, is the SPI driver in the kernel or is something special used?
02:29 PM rmu: CaptHindsight: there are rumors some kind of mesa 7i90 with RPI interface is in the works
02:29 PM CaptHindsight: using SPI or?
02:30 PM rmu: yes, using SPI, but it comes with the proper connector that you can just wire 1:1 with ribbon cable
02:30 PM rmu: probably pcw_home should comment on that, i don't know anything
02:30 PM miss0r: Do any of you know what kind of quality to expect from the 'Sealey' breand? I'm talking about spanner keys here
02:31 PM CaptHindsight: spanner vs reamers? :)
02:31 PM gloops: sealey..hmm, ok i suppose
02:32 PM gloops: not the worst chinese quality, you know like useable but not great
02:32 PM miss0r: CaptHindsight: YouSayWhatNow?
02:32 PM miss0r: gloops: alright. They are pricey enough
02:32 PM CaptHindsight: miss0r: what my cheap hex keys become
02:32 PM gloops: if its the same sealey im thinking of
02:32 PM miss0r: CaptHindsight: hehe alright :)
02:32 PM rmu: i hate that https://gitlab.com/Hazzy/qtpyvcp/commit/0580cd981db7e72fe327539d0e491fc4e565721f
02:33 PM miss0r: Well, This is a 21piece set, ranging from 6mm to 32mm, in one of those woven fabric case, that you roll up, with all they keys in it.
02:33 PM miss0r: and its priced at ~360eur
02:34 PM miss0r: gloops: Does that sounds like the Sealey brand you know?
02:35 PM Tom_L: rmu, 7i90?
02:35 PM Tom_L: that's parallel port
02:35 PM gloops: these are chrome vanadium spanners miss0r? yeah its a fairly popular brand here, ive had various stuff of theirs, its like i say its not total crap, but i never really thought it was good
02:35 PM Tom_L: err i guess it also has spi
02:35 PM miss0r: gloops: What would you consider to be 'good' nowadays?
02:36 PM Tom_L: anything not made in china?
02:36 PM gloops: its probably on par with stanley
02:36 PM miss0r: Tom_L: thats not realy fair, now is it?
02:36 PM Tom_L: of course it is
02:36 PM Tom_L: i know the HF stuff is pure crap
02:36 PM hazzy-lab: rmu: So do I, is there some neater way to do the encoding?
02:37 PM miss0r: gloops: I used to be a hazet fan, but they have realy fallen in quality over the years
02:37 PM miss0r: Tom_L: Sure, but as with most things; you get what you pay for
02:37 PM Wolf__: try to find old tools at flea market or estate sales imo
02:37 PM Wolf__: get old well made stuff
02:37 PM gloops: agreed Wolf__
02:37 PM Tom_L: about all i ever get there is a car fix it tool that i know will be a one time use
02:37 PM miss0r: Tom_L: So if you compare a $300 german made component with a $3 china made component, the german one is gonna shine
02:38 PM Tom_L: snapon are great but they'll break the bank
02:38 PM rmu: hazzy-lab: python3 ;-)
02:38 PM Tom_L: i've got a box full of em from years back
02:39 PM miss0r: also; I used to love belzer, then apex bought them, and turned it into chinesium
02:39 PM Wolf__: yup, I have some snap on stuff as well
02:39 PM CaptHindsight: for hex keys Klein, Eklind and so far whatever brand McMaster sells holds up well
02:39 PM gloops: hard to say, a professional mechanic would sneer at any cheaper tools, but for the odd job on the car or around the workshop - you dont want to pay $100 a socket
02:39 PM Wolf__: gearwrench is pretty good, they have no questions asked warranty
02:39 PM rmu: hazzy-lab: everything in freecad i touch immediately explodes with this kind of encoding problems
02:39 PM miss0r: Oh, by the way: I'm looking for a set of allen "T keys" _WITHOUT_ any plastics on them. I have not been able to find anything
02:39 PM CaptHindsight: the HF stuff is good for maybe only larger size hex fasteners
02:40 PM Tom_L: mine are Bondhus
02:40 PM Tom_L: sp?
02:40 PM CaptHindsight: the HF keys round off quickly
02:40 PM gloops: i look for old british or german spanners on the car boot sales
02:40 PM hazzy-lab: rmu: Oh, i forgot that Py3 use utf-8!! That is a huge advantage
02:40 PM miss0r: gloops: Well, as I now do machine repairs for a living, I don't mind paying a bit more for not being 'the guy with the tools that break'
02:40 PM hazzy-lab: rmu: are you familiar with boost python?
02:40 PM CaptHindsight: i still use them for sacrificial applications and often grind them down to where they are still a hex vs round
02:41 PM Wolf__: I have a problem finding torx bits that dont explode
02:41 PM miss0r: CaptHindsight: Yeah, I hate it when that happens :D
02:42 PM miss0r: Wolf__: On that point I can recommend wiha or bacho
02:42 PM CaptHindsight: I see I have a Huskey and a Craftsman set that look fine
02:42 PM Tom_L: CaptHindsight have you ever tried heat treating the tip?
02:42 PM Tom_L: would probably just melt...
02:42 PM rmu: hazzy-lab: https://unfoo.net/~robert/lcnc/Screenshot_20180718_214030.png
02:43 PM gloops: ive always like bahco, but the look of their tools now has that familiar chinese aura lol
02:43 PM gloops: not bought any new for a long time
02:43 PM hazzy-lab: rmu: very nice!
02:43 PM Wolf__: mostly due to abuse with my impact gun and the damn seased ford pickup bed bolts
02:43 PM CaptHindsight: the worst part is when >50% of the key rounds off and it takes some of the fastener with it, just enough to make you have to drill it out
02:44 PM miss0r: gloops: The bacho socket wrench sets that are sold in Denmark do very good, in my opinion
02:44 PM gregcnc: pound in a torx key
02:44 PM XXCoder: or use rubberband as "filler"
02:44 PM miss0r: Or just grap your pocket EDM and make a slightly larger hex hole :)
02:45 PM Wolf__: lol
02:45 PM CaptHindsight: rubber bands might round off the HF sets
02:45 PM miss0r: hehe, you don't have alot of faith in'em, ha? :)
02:45 PM gregcnc: they are fine if use with equally soft chinese hardware
02:46 PM gloops: good pair of mole grips deals with stuck allen bolts anyway
02:46 PM miss0r: Its not because the chinese don't want to make good tools; their hex wrenches are 20 times harder than their bolts... as long as you stick to one supplier for all the stuff, you are good :D
02:47 PM miss0r: I even have a drawer labeled 'generic chinesium bolts' for the odd job that doesn't require any strength - if I don't have the correct 12.9 allen bolt on hand
02:48 PM miss0r: But I would like to stretch: if any of you come across a set of metric allen keys that are T-shapes WITHOUT any plastic on them, I would love to hear about it.
02:48 PM XXCoder: way too pricy lol https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/toolig3-robotic-tools-for-artist-and-makers/x/9289429#/
02:49 PM CaptHindsight: miss0r: MCMaster has them
02:50 PM miss0r: realy? What are they called there?
02:50 PM CaptHindsight: Looped T-handle
02:51 PM XXCoder: miss0r: but rubber coating on handle is good for grip?
02:51 PM CaptHindsight: they have with and without plastidop handles
02:51 PM CaptHindsight: dop/dip
02:52 PM miss0r: XXCoder: Sure. But I always end up getting them greased 7 oiled up to a point of no return.
02:52 PM miss0r: 7 ? /
02:52 PM miss0r: and the pure steel takes it alot nicer when cleaned off with brake cleaner afterwards
02:53 PM XXCoder: though can strip and re-dip
02:53 PM XXCoder: but yeah
02:53 PM miss0r: CaptHindsight: They look pretty good, but not exactly what I was looking for :D
02:53 PM XXCoder: mine is very pitted and chipped. dropped it so many times, and many times into pile of chips "{
02:53 PM XXCoder: :P
02:53 PM methods_: https://phys.org/news/2018-07-metal-gummy-sharpie-science.html
02:54 PM miss0r: I was hoping to get one where it has an allen key on both the long and the short leg
02:54 PM gloops: https://www.cromwell.co.uk/shop/hand-tools/hexagon-keys/84tc-je5-t-handled-hexagon-key-driver-spinner-set-3mm-8mm-5-piece/p/FAC6010880X
02:54 PM miss0r: gloops: ! !
02:54 PM gloops: Facom £90 for 5
02:54 PM miss0r: yeah !
02:54 PM methods_: use a sharpie on gummy metal to get a good cut
02:55 PM miss0r: so; facom... good or bad? I don't know this brand
02:55 PM XXCoder: there is set that has both normal spot and one of ends on T handle
02:55 PM XXCoder: for higher torque
02:55 PM gloops: looks pretty good, burnished tips for precision fit
02:55 PM gloops: i dont know the brand - you dont think id pay that lol
02:55 PM miss0r: XXCoder: Exactly what gloops just posted a link to
02:56 PM XXCoder: nah its different
02:56 PM Wolf__: for that price I would hope they turn the screws in for you
02:56 PM miss0r: I would absolutly; I like buying tools _once_ and just get good quality off the bat
02:57 PM miss0r: I would have loved for the set to also include a 10mm one, then it covers what I mostly use in the t-key range
02:57 PM rmu: hazzy-lab: do you know the "proper" qtvcp branch? I'm currently on qt5_vcp_cleanup, but there also seems to be recent activity on qt5vcp_py2
02:57 PM XXCoder: miss0r: https://static-content.cromwell.co.uk/images/380_380/g/jeeps/602/ken6027050k.jpg
02:57 PM XXCoder: not best example but basic idea
02:58 PM miss0r: XXCoder: Well, that is basically what gloops posted. Well, without the plastics
02:58 PM miss0r: which is exactly what I was looking for
02:58 PM XXCoder: somewhat different but yeah. I did see gloop link :)
02:58 PM Wolf__: https://www.ultimategarage.com/shop/part.php?products_id=5322 ouch lol
02:59 PM XXCoder: expensive yeah
02:59 PM XXCoder: my set cost just $50
02:59 PM XXCoder: but then it dont have features that one does.
02:59 PM miss0r: Wolf__: I can't load that link :S
03:00 PM miss0r: "Precondition Failed"
03:00 PM Wolf__: 8pc set 2mm-10mm $195usd
03:00 PM Wolf__: of the facom T hex
03:01 PM gloops: well, how long does a $2 allen key last in a garage - 1 job, maybe
03:01 PM Wolf__: miss0r: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Facom-Tools-8-Piece-T-Handle-Hex-Allen-Key-Set-Speed-Set-2mm-10mm-/361059992455
03:01 PM miss0r: gloops: Damnit! That set you posted is just what I want. But I can't shop there, as they only sell to UK based adresses
03:02 PM miss0r: wolf__: Looking at the pictures there, it doesn't look like they are all facom.
03:02 PM gloops: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FACOM-84TC-JE5-5-piece-T-HANDLED-HEXAGON-KEY-SET-3-8mm-HEAVY-DUTY-Allen/130633860090?
03:02 PM gloops: hmm thats UK only too i think
03:02 PM miss0r: yep
03:03 PM Wolf__: says right in the description that the design changed but facom never updated the stock photo
03:03 PM gloops: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Facom-84TC-JE5-Heavy-Duty-T-Handle-Hex-Allen-Key-Set-5-Piece-3-8mm-/192551374176?
03:04 PM Wolf__: seems best bet is to just search ebay for facom hex T
03:04 PM gloops: yeah there will be some
03:04 PM miss0r: Wolf__: Then that links is nice, it has all the key sizes I would use with the T-design
03:05 PM miss0r: its just the finish on some of the key looks like crap compared to the stock :D
03:07 PM Wolf__: really thats the first time I have seen a set of hex that are made that way
03:07 PM Wolf__: I kinda want a set now lol
03:08 PM gregcnc: beta seems to have a similar set, but I don't know them?
03:08 PM Wolf__: but $152 is a bit much for 8 hex wrenches imo
03:09 PM miss0r: Wolf__: I can highly recommend it! I have a collague(spell) with a set like that. It is the best thing ever
03:09 PM Wolf__: one of the tool boxes I bought came with a full drawer of hex keys
03:10 PM Wolf__: I have a life time supply and then some
03:10 PM gregcnc: yeah I have boxes of hex keys for the same reason
03:10 PM miss0r: sure... but do they look as shiney and pretty ? :D
03:10 PM gregcnc: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00312LYWM/ref=psdc_553414_t2_B00FI17CS4
03:11 PM Wolf__: https://i.imgur.com/TUudfoX.jpg nope, def not shiny
03:11 PM CaptHindsight: I have lots of sets of smaller tools that I have collected over the years when traveling since they stopped allowing them on carry-on
03:11 PM miss0r: gregcnc: I actualy have a set like that branded 'worker'; with the same ridiculous plastic on'em. They have lasted my (ab)use for 7 years now. The quality of the steel is VERY good
03:12 PM gregcnc: https://www.pbswisstools.com/en/news/detail/how-its-made-hex-key-l-wrenches/
03:12 PM miss0r: from a danish supplyer: https://ao.dk/w-unbraconoeglesaet-kugle-9dele-881704710
03:12 PM miss0r: they still stell them. damn
03:12 PM CaptHindsight: some customer sites don't have tools, so you have to buy some and ship them back
03:13 PM Wolf__: http://a.co/7FJuSb1 those look nice
03:14 PM CaptHindsight: back in the 70-80's we used to carry on our metal tool boxes, they would xray them to be sure we didn't have anything dangerous inside
03:14 PM miss0r: gregcnc: One additional pro of the ridiculously coloured ones; when/if you misplace them, they will find their way back. My set is still complete after 7 years. it is the only allenkey set i've never lost a single key from
03:15 PM miss0r: Wolf__: yeah they do. I would just worrie that I would get black oil/grease into the sliding hex hole, and never be able to clean them properly again :) I like my tools clean before I put them back in the box
03:16 PM CaptHindsight: hand tools in carry-on became dangerous only after 2001
03:16 PM miss0r: Alright, I'll call it a night. I will go off-grid for the next 5 days, camping and cannoing in the swedish forests (hoping not to run into a forest fire). See you around
03:17 PM CaptHindsight: watch out for bears
03:17 PM gregcnc: I wonder what happened with the frozen pig?
03:18 PM andypugh: You remember I posted a link to an Instructable I wrote last night? As a challenge, try to find it usingtheir search. It has the word “Verowire” in the title, as a clue.
03:19 PM gregcnc: tf is wrong with their search? google found it fast
03:20 PM CaptHindsight: they also tend to cleverly hide the links to the detailed info on the project
03:20 PM gregcnc: when did autodesk aquire instructables>?
03:21 PM gregcnc: ppft a long time ago
03:23 PM mase: Are some of you useing freecad for designing tools
03:25 PM hazzy-lab: jthornton: More better changes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n1mzujnwsaieltd/7i96_kcj_rev2.tar.gz?dl=0
03:30 PM TurBoss: mase: me
03:30 PM mase: could u show thing what u made
03:31 PM mase: would be great
03:31 PM TurBoss: using freecad with linuxcnc
03:31 PM TurBoss: sure
03:31 PM TurBoss: sek
03:33 PM * TurBoss uploaded an image: 20180718_223217.jpg (736KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/springrts.com/DPavlwwGjGNcRSBNxsmjEXxo >
03:34 PM Wolf__: CaptHindsight: you do any work with autocollimators?
03:34 PM TurBoss: this are parts of a robot arm
03:35 PM mase: Is this 3d Printed ?
03:35 PM mase: what will this arm do ?
03:36 PM hazzy-lab: Those look great TurBoss!
03:36 PM TurBoss: no
03:36 PM CaptHindsight: Wolf__: I uses all sorts of optics and lasers for alignment
03:36 PM TurBoss: machined
03:36 PM TurBoss: not sure yet xD just a little toy
03:37 PM TurBoss: ty hazzy
03:38 PM hazzy-lab: andypugh: when I query for "Verowire" your article is the 5th hit!!!!!
03:38 PM hazzy-lab: and it is only a day old
03:38 PM Wolf__: CaptHindsight: guess my memory isnt failing me yet lol, how bad is the learing curve on them, thinking about getting one off ebay at some pint
03:38 PM Wolf__: point*
03:39 PM CaptHindsight: hazzy-lab: his article doesn't even show up for me
03:39 PM andypugh: hazzy-lab: Not for me. And do the first 4 hits actually mention Verowire in your case?
03:40 PM hazzy-lab: Yes, all but the first one
03:40 PM hazzy-lab: strange
03:41 PM hazzy-lab: https://i.imgur.com/8bv1Aj9.png
03:42 PM gregcnc: google yes, but instrucbles site search fails
03:42 PM andypugh: hazzy-lab: That’s a Google search, I was talking about the Instructables site search
03:42 PM * hazzy-lab is not good at reading instructions
03:42 PM hazzy-lab: xD
03:42 PM hazzy-lab: sorry
03:44 PM hazzy-lab: instructables its like grabcad or thingaverse, only the most popular things show up
03:44 PM hazzy-lab: which is a shame
03:44 PM CaptHindsight: the only way I could find Andy's Instructables article is by looking at the IRC log :)
03:44 PM hazzy-lab: because treasure is usually buried
03:46 PM XXCoder: instructables suck
04:04 PM XXCoder: dang enw dumbass challenge: get out of car while its moving
04:05 PM Wolf__: darwin challenge
04:05 PM XXCoder: indeed
04:20 PM Deejay: gn8
04:32 PM hazzy-lab: andypugh: My STMBLs just arrived!!!!
04:33 PM jthornton: where did you get them from?
04:33 PM jthornton: just popped in and downloaded the files gotta finish up the deer fence
04:35 PM jthornton: hazzy-lab: thanks for the help
04:38 PM diverdude: Can linuxcnc run reliably on anything a bit more modern than debian wheezy which is not even in LTS anymore
04:39 PM pcw_mesa: I have it running on Mint 18.3 and Debian Stretch
04:41 PM pcw_mesa: and Ubuntu 16.04 and Raspbian mumble.mumble and bunsenlabs etc etc
04:41 PM diverdude: pcw_mesa: ok...so you just installed mint 18.3 and then did apt-get install linuxcnc or did you build linuxcnc yourself or how did you set it up?
04:42 PM pcw_mesa: i installed Mint18.3 built a Preempt-RT real time kernel and installed LinuxCNC from source
04:42 PM diverdude: pcw_mesa: ok - was that difficult?
04:43 PM pcw_mesa: not after doing it 400 times or so
04:43 PM Wolf__: Mint flavored Lcnc isnt too hard, I managed to do it and I’m totally clueless to how to linux
04:44 PM diverdude: pcw_mesa: would you happen to have a guide to how to set it up somewhere? :)
04:44 PM pcw_mesa: its not hard, it may be tedious on a slow machine
04:44 PM Wolf__: there is 3-5 how to on the lcnc forum
04:44 PM pcw_mesa: theres a guide on the forum
04:44 PM pcw_mesa: also you can try the stretch-linuxCNC test ISO
04:45 PM pcw_mesa: http://www.linuxcnc.org/testing-stretch-rtpreempt/
04:46 PM Wolf__: good pro tip there, if you are using a atom processor board, dual boot or live usb boot up something with a real cpu to compile
04:46 PM diverdude: pcw_mesa: ok...do you think it would work on mint 19?
04:46 PM pcw_mesa: _maybe_
04:47 PM pcw_mesa: worst case it you may find yourself in a dependency hell
04:47 PM diverdude: i should try that
04:47 PM pcw_mesa: best to try on a fast machine
04:48 PM diverdude: pcw_mesa: oh but http://www.linuxcnc.org/testing-stretch-rtpreempt/ are prebuilt distros w. linuxcnc yeah?
04:54 PM pcw_mesa: Yes, by far the easiest way to get a modern distro + RT kernel + linuxCNC
04:54 PM pcw_mesa: (for X86)
04:55 PM diverdude: pcw_mesa: yeah my cnc computer is an X86
05:02 PM tjb1_ is now known as tjb1
05:04 PM andypugh: hazzy-lab: Don’t miss the cases that are wrapped in brown paper in the bottom of the box :-)
05:06 PM andypugh: diverdude: There is a LoiveCD for Stretch. I would suggest starting there
05:06 PM andypugh: http://www.linuxcnc.org/testing-stretch-rtpreempt/
05:06 PM andypugh: Ah, I need to learn to read forwards as well as back
05:15 PM hazzy-lab: andypugh: everything about the STMBL kits FAR exceeds what I had expected!
05:15 PM hazzy-lab: Thank you so much!
05:18 PM hazzy-lab: I'll have to populate that extra board you threw in :)
05:18 PM andypugh: hazzy-lab: I would have to charge twice as much, I think, if it was a commercial enterprise. But this was juat about _me_ getting some STMBL and getting some more out there.
05:19 PM hazzy-lab: I think they would be a steal of even 3x as much
05:19 PM andypugh: The extra board is handy for checking the pinout. Less relevant with the printed case.
05:19 PM hazzy-lab: at*
06:44 PM Wolf__: some days ebay is good for a laugh, https://www.ebay.com/itm/Trimos-TVD-800-Vertical-Digital-Height-Gauge/152920119254 I wonder why there is 5 people watching this thing
07:13 PM andypugh: Mayve they have on broken in a different way?
07:13 PM andypugh: Or, they have one to sell and are wondering about market value.
07:15 PM Wolf__: I have the same unit, or a bigger one of that model anyways. I dont know if I would try taking it apart
07:15 PM Wolf__: even better there is one listed at $2000
09:33 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Skate_truck/Skate_truck3.jpg
09:39 PM rebecca: nice
09:43 PM Tom_L: first article
09:46 PM aircooled is now known as hazzy-lab1
09:46 PM hazzy-lab1 is now known as hazzy-lab