#linuxcnc Logs

Apr 09 2018

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:06 AM CaptHindsight: holzjunkie: wait around another hour or two and ask again
12:09 AM holzjunkie: CaptHindsight: yes it was the wrong chat sorry
12:09 AM CaptHindsight: übeltäter = offender or wrongdoer ?
12:09 AM CaptHindsight: gets lost in translation and my German is very rusty
12:09 AM holzjunkie: CaptHindsight: it is like i´ve got the error
12:09 AM CaptHindsight: has a feeling
12:09 AM CaptHindsight: has/had
12:09 AM CaptHindsight: Gute Nacht
12:09 AM holzjunkie: good night
12:25 AM fragalot: hi
12:26 AM miss0r: goodmorning
12:26 AM CaptHindsight: snow today Janissary 97th, >20C in 2 days
12:27 AM CaptHindsight: January even
12:27 AM fragalot: CaptHindsight: have you had your coffee yet?
12:27 AM SpeedEvil: https://www.instagram.com/p/BhVk3y3A0yB/
12:27 AM SpeedEvil: :)
12:29 AM SpeedEvil: (Very large size mandrell for winding 9m diameter tanks for spaceships
12:29 AM miss0r: sweet
12:29 AM CaptHindsight: fragalot: about 12 hours ago
12:30 AM fragalot: CaptHindsight: may be time for another then because you're talking gibbrish
12:30 AM CaptHindsight: I took 12 years of it in school
12:31 AM CaptHindsight: that's what you said didn't I
12:31 AM miss0r: I think he might need something stronger... Triple expresso brewed with heavy water
12:31 AM fragalot: lol
12:31 AM CaptHindsight: Janissary = January
12:31 AM fragalot: CaptHindsight: and the 97th?
12:31 AM CaptHindsight: ah I see
12:32 AM CaptHindsight: winter has not ended here
12:32 AM fragalot: or the "today", given that it's april?
12:32 AM CaptHindsight: it's been cold since December
12:32 AM CaptHindsight: like it's january 97th
12:33 AM fragalot_: there I go!.. apparently.
12:33 AM CaptHindsight: humor doesn't always translate well
12:33 AM fragalot_ is now known as fragalot
12:33 AM roycroft: i got it right away
12:33 AM fragalot: of course you did, roycroft
12:33 AM fragalot: :P
12:34 AM miss0r: My coffee machine won't turn on!!!
12:34 AM roycroft: plug it in
12:34 AM miss0r: No damnit!
12:34 AM miss0r: this is bad
12:34 AM fragalot: add water?
12:35 AM miss0r: This happened 6 month ago as well !
12:35 AM fragalot: have you tried giving it a stern talking to,
12:35 AM miss0r: I should try that.. apparently it does not react to me hugging it crying hysterically
12:36 AM miss0r: Seriously! I got this 6 month ago, when the last one 'gave up the ghost'
12:36 AM fragalot: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2gp98t <= miss0r in a minute
12:36 AM fragalot: good job you're in the EU and it's still under warranty then?
12:37 AM miss0r: yeah, but that does not give me coffee right now
12:37 AM miss0r: as in RIGHT NOW!
12:37 AM roycroft: there's not much to go wrong with coffee makers
12:37 AM miss0r: Indeed. Most likely a thermal fuse or something. But if I fix iy myself now, the warranty goes down the pooper
12:37 AM roycroft: if you lived in the us you'd be able to just go to the nearest intersection and there would be a starbuck's on all four corners
12:38 AM roycroft: that doesn't help when you are in need of coffee though
12:38 AM CaptHindsight: those steam thingies with the spout for scalding your hands
12:38 AM CaptHindsight: charbucks?
12:38 AM fragalot: miss0r: put the coffee in one of those crappy tea holder thingymajiggers
12:38 AM miss0r: This is just your garden variety shop coffee machine
12:39 AM * roycroft can't afford that stuff anyway, which is why he bought an espresso machine
12:39 AM * miss0r is already brewing coffee on a... I don't know the name...
12:39 AM roycroft: it cost me $16/month for coffee
12:39 AM CaptHindsight: bean roaster
12:39 AM miss0r: one of these: https://www.google.dk/search?q=stempel+kande&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwilpeL6vKzaAhWFCpoKHRe7CUwQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=794#imgrc=RsEg1jyw-RKitM:
12:39 AM roycroft: if i went to those drive-up espresso places i'd spend that much every week
12:40 AM fragalot: miss0r: so.. you're doing it the right way now?
12:40 AM CaptHindsight: on burned coffeelike beverages
12:40 AM miss0r: yeah. but that is not realy 'shop material'
12:40 AM CaptHindsight: what do they call them in France?
12:40 AM CaptHindsight: a French Press?
12:40 AM miss0r: If I bought starbucks coffee in denmark, a tall coffee would set me back $6
12:40 AM roycroft: i never go to starbuck's
12:41 AM CaptHindsight: I thought Europeans knew better
12:41 AM roycroft: we call it a french press
12:41 AM miss0r: so, I don't get starbucks unless I 'realy' need to
12:41 AM roycroft: i should expect the french would just call it "a coffee maker"
12:41 AM roycroft: or something similar
12:41 AM miss0r: in Denmark we call it (directly translated): piston can
12:41 AM roycroft: they certainly would not call it an "us press"
12:42 AM CaptHindsight: knew the difference between roasted and burned to carbon
12:42 AM miss0r: CaptHindsight: Theres a difference? :P
12:42 AM CaptHindsight: I like that better
12:42 AM CaptHindsight: piston can coffee maker
12:43 AM miss0r: french press, sound.. well; french
12:43 AM miss0r: Not sure I'd particularly enjoy that
12:43 AM fragalot: i've learned not to grind coffee too fine in those, as you can get lucky and get this steaming hot jet of water shooting out the top otherwise
12:43 AM roycroft: i used to make toddy before i got my espresso machine
12:43 AM CaptHindsight: off to enjoy some fermented grape juice
12:43 AM roycroft: i love toddy
12:43 AM roycroft: but i like cappuccinos better
12:43 AM roycroft: and toddy cost me 2x as much as cappuccinos
12:44 AM * fragalot lives off of the free freshly ground bean coffee vending machine at work
12:44 AM fragalot: the only cost is that you need to empty the waste bucket like 5 times a day
12:44 AM miss0r: fragalot: You just need to press it slowly. THAT and you have to give it a stir before putting in the piston. That way you avoid the jew cutter effect & get more taste
12:45 AM miss0r: CaptHindsight: How much does a tall cup of coffee(black) set you back at a starbucks ?
12:47 AM * roycroft has no idea, but does know that there are two kinds of "black coffee" at starbucks - brewed (drip) and "americano" (watered down espresso)
12:47 AM roycroft: and they don't have "tall"
12:47 AM roycroft: they have "grande" and "venti"
12:47 AM roycroft: if you ask for "tall" they get all snobby
12:47 AM fragalot: but does it have pumpkin spice? (I have no idea what that is)
12:47 AM roycroft: they advertise pumpkin spice coffee in the fall
12:48 AM roycroft: i go to starbuck's once every few years or so
12:48 AM CaptHindsight: I rarely go to charbucks maybe $4-5
12:48 AM roycroft: it's really not very good coffee
12:48 AM roycroft: even back before it was ubiquitous and trendy i rarely went there
12:49 AM roycroft: i don't understand how something can be both trendy and ubiquitous, but starbuck's managed to pull that off
12:49 AM roycroft: i give them credit for that
12:49 AM CaptHindsight: Freshly Brewed Coffee Venti $2.45
12:49 AM CaptHindsight: https://www.fastfoodmenuprices.com/starbucks-prices
12:50 AM CaptHindsight: anything with steamed milk is $4-5
12:50 AM CaptHindsight: or ending in cino
12:51 AM CaptHindsight: I usually french press ..
12:51 AM CaptHindsight: and filter through paper if I ground it too fine
12:52 AM fragalot: what about those thingies... uses coffee pads.. forgot the name
12:52 AM fragalot: but I have like 7
12:52 AM fragalot: because there was a certain point in time where you got the things for free everywhere
12:52 AM fragalot: bought some printer ink? have a coffee maker
12:52 AM fragalot: oh you bought 2 packs of toilet roll? have a coffee maker.
01:02 AM IchGucksLive: morning from germany
01:02 AM roycroft: good evening from not germany
01:05 AM IchGucksLive: roycroft, the world is 24/7
01:05 AM roycroft: yes
01:06 AM roycroft: and since it's morning where you are already, but still evening here, can you tell me if trump bombed syria overnight?
01:13 AM IchGucksLive: roycroft, the pendagon says no
01:13 AM miss0r: I can't remember the name for a magnetic coil, with a build in rod that moves in a linear motion... Can you guys tell me what it is called?
01:13 AM miss0r: solenoid! ! ! !
01:14 AM roycroft: thanks
01:14 AM roycroft: i can sleep better now
01:15 AM miss0r: I was on the phone with a client a minut ago, explaining him what repair I did on his radial drill... i couldn't remember the name for the coil assembly I repaired...
01:15 AM miss0r: That was professional
01:15 AM roycroft: it's calle "the magnet plunger thingie"
01:16 AM miss0r: Something like that.
01:17 AM miss0r: well, the important thing is, I fixed it. Its on a russian 1956 radial drill. It had issues working the hydraulic lock on the column. It turns out one of the input wires for that coil was broken. So I soldered on a new wire. Realy easy fix. I just hate it when I can't remember the name for stuff... This would never have happened if my coffee machine didn't screw me over :D
01:17 AM SpeedEvil: :)
01:18 AM SpeedEvil: Always fix the coffee machine first.
01:18 AM miss0r: true. but the coffee machine was not broken 4 days ago when I did the fix
01:18 AM IchGucksLive: roycroft, all magnetic vents are build like that
01:19 AM miss0r: Indeed
01:20 AM IchGucksLive: and they got power up to 10KG 100N at 24V
01:20 AM IchGucksLive: at low cost 5USD
01:20 AM miss0r: Well, this is an old russian machine, which makes it antique by western standards. The solenoid assembly is located on the outside of the machine, pushing on a valve hiddin inside the gearbox. It not like the 'modern' solenoid valves
01:21 AM IchGucksLive: ok low movment at 8mm but it is as a clamp ok
01:21 AM roycroft: if it is russian then you need to do a bunch of welding on it to fix it
01:21 AM roycroft: and add at least 100kg of cast iron to it
01:21 AM miss0r: hehe
01:22 AM miss0r: I had a TOS mill some year ago. Only a few weeks after i got that mill, I saw a TV program about the fall of the Soviet union.
01:22 AM IchGucksLive: im off 2 garden
01:23 AM miss0r: There they interviewed a former worker at the TOS plant. The soviet masters told them to up their production for export, to help safe the economy. But they were already running at maximum capacity.
01:23 AM miss0r: Their solution was to just add another 500kg oc cast iron to the machines, as soviet union calculated export by tons back then :) This resulted in very good machines, which is why so many of them still run today
01:23 AM SpeedEvil: :)
01:24 AM miss0r: I'll be back later. see you around
01:29 AM Deejay: moin
01:45 AM Longbow: Good morning:)
01:45 AM Longbow: anyone using nativeCAM?
01:45 AM holzjunkie: sorry
01:47 AM gloops: IchsGuckslive uses it
01:47 AM holzjunkie: gloops: good morning
01:47 AM gloops: morning
01:54 AM Loetmichel: mornin'. just cam back from the GP. got a "stay at home note" til wednesday. Doc says there is a virus going around with sypmtoms like high fever AND chills at the same time and pain in every single joint. I just hope that will get better soon.
01:54 AM Longbow: NativeCAM: when milling a pocket, for example a circle shaped it would not mill continiously. It actualy stops 3 times during a full circle which is not pleasant for smaller endmills.
01:54 AM Longbow: I tried with different G64 P parameters and with 100% ramp-down option but it still stops 2 times in a circle move
01:59 AM gloops: hmm, someone had this the other week, i cant remember what it was now, gregcnc
02:02 AM gloops: have you seen this holzjunkie http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Latency-Test
02:03 AM gloops: my pc is on there and was giving similar numbers, now im getting max jitter of 74000 lol, something not right
02:04 AM gloops: wonder if noise from wiring box could cause that
02:17 AM gloops: or maybe some ram packed up
02:55 AM holzjunkie: yes i know
02:56 AM holzjunkie: today i ĺl buy 8x 2gb ddr2 and order an small ssd
02:58 AM holzjunkie: i've tryed with an external graphiccard but it's bin much worse
05:24 AM Tom_L: wow, just had an earthquake again
05:31 AM jthornton: a big one?
05:31 AM Tom_L: woke up the mrs
05:32 AM Tom_L: still waiting on data
05:33 AM Tom_L: install worked after 2nd attempt
05:33 AM jthornton: cool
05:47 AM Tom_L: 4.3
05:48 AM Tom_L: 4th recent one near Perry Ok
07:27 AM holzjunkie: ,+3
07:51 AM miss0r: my mill needs an addon in its g-code parser, called "trust me on this"
07:52 AM miss0r: Is that too much to ask? :D
08:18 AM IchGucksLive: hi all
08:37 AM IchGucksLive: till later
08:57 AM miss0r: That mini heart attack, when the machine does a rapid moving straight for the clamping of the workpiece. it would have cleared it by a few 1/10th of a mm... But I managed to stop it before that... lol
09:01 AM rmu: miss0r: turn off the "trust me on this" feature in the g-code and press the DWIM button
09:03 AM miss0r: yeah ;)
09:49 AM Loetmichel: rmu: DWIM?
09:49 AM rmu: do what i mean
09:50 AM hazzy-dev: miss0r: Those mini heart attacks were really getting on my nerves, so to save my sanity I added potentiometer feed, speed and rapid ORs
09:50 AM hazzy-dev: I hardly ever panic and hit estop now, since I can reach out and slow or even stop all motion in the blink of an eye
09:51 AM Loetmichel: ah
09:51 AM Loetmichel: hazzy-dev: nice feature.
09:52 AM Loetmichel: should add taht to my CNC 6040... the times i broke off a mill bit because of my own stupidity....
09:52 AM Loetmichel: or being NOT fast enough to the escape button...
09:52 AM Loetmichel: :-)
09:52 AM hazzy-dev: I think having those pot ORs has increased my live expectancy :)
09:54 AM Loetmichel: its usually not a big deal to break a mill bit though
09:54 AM Loetmichel: those 2mm 2 flute TC are cheap
09:54 AM Loetmichel: less than 5 eur each
09:54 AM rmu: i beg to differ
09:55 AM rmu: some cutters are x00€, you don't want to crash those
09:55 AM Loetmichel: only if you are down to your last one its starting to get a problem ;)
09:55 AM Loetmichel: rmu: in my case i meant
09:55 AM Loetmichel: i use 2mm 2 flute aluminium cut tungsten carbide bits with 1/8" shaft
09:56 AM Loetmichel: and i oder them usually in 20s packs ;)
09:56 AM hazzy-dev: Breaking a .75" carbide endmill runes your day though ...
09:57 AM rmu: and whatever it crashes into
10:00 AM Loetmichel: hazzy-dev: and at a "real CNC machine" you run the danger of damaging the spindle and bearings.
10:00 AM Loetmichel: no hazard on a cheap chinese CNC 6040 though
10:00 AM hazzy-dev: In another life I used to recycle aluminum chips
10:00 AM hazzy-dev: there was one shop that it was not worth picking up the chips from because there was so much carbide in them
10:00 AM hazzy-dev: I still have several semi usable .5 and .75 cutters I recovered
10:00 AM hazzy-dev: It was no surprise when the shop went bankrupt :)
10:01 AM Loetmichel: before any damage to any bearing the steppers simply stop
10:02 AM hazzy-dev: Loetmichel: Yes, a student crashed one of the hasss at school and destroyed the spindle, it was not even that bad of a crash
10:05 AM Loetmichel: hazzy-dev: on my home machine i managed to weld a 1/8" TC shaft to the side of the vice... didnt pay attention and let the 240krpm spindle run sideways into the vice. the time it took me noticing something was wrong was enough to get it to white hot... then i pressed the Estop
10:06 AM Loetmichel: and it was fixed to the (cast iron) vice
10:06 AM Loetmichel: 24krpm, not 240k
10:06 AM hazzy-dev: My mill is capable of over 600lbs thrust on each axis, so crashes are almost always destructive
10:06 AM hazzy-dev: Loetmichel: You could do that intentionally to stir weld parts together :)
10:07 AM Loetmichel: never knew you could friction weld tc to cast iron though
10:07 AM Loetmichel: my mill at home only has 1A/phase steppers
10:07 AM hazzy-dev: Yes, that is unusual. Must be that the cobalt binder stuck to the CI
10:08 AM Loetmichel: its a teeny tiny selfbuilt one: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=12569&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
10:09 AM hazzy-dev: That is very cute! Would be great for PCB type stuff
10:09 AM Loetmichel: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=13888 <- sometimes it looks like this ;)
10:09 AM Loetmichel: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=13891&g2_imageViewsIndex=1 <- after vacuuming :-)
10:10 AM hazzy-dev: Lol, was it snowing? ;)
10:10 AM Loetmichel: PMMA
10:10 AM hazzy-dev: I see you have one of those IKEA lights too, those are great
10:10 AM Loetmichel: best machine light ever
10:11 AM hazzy-dev: I hate dry machining acrylic and PVC, it takes forever to clean up
10:12 AM Loetmichel: PVC is ok
10:12 AM Loetmichel: acrylics cling to any surface like crazy though
10:12 AM hazzy-dev: Delrin and UHMW do get the static cling so those are fine
10:12 AM hazzy-dev: don't*
10:17 AM Loetmichel: PU.resins do though... -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=5077
10:17 AM * Loetmichel was NOT amused as you can see ;)
10:26 AM hazzy-dev: haha, at least the chips weren't hot!
10:45 AM Loetmichel: they actually WERE hot
10:45 AM Loetmichel: not as hot as metal ones would have been though
10:46 AM Loetmichel: but facing off a, 800mm wide block of PU with a 4 flute 40mm cutter....
10:46 AM Loetmichel: generates SOME heat
10:49 AM Loetmichel: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=4378 <- like that, just with off white PU instead of murfeld green
10:49 AM hazzy-dev: Not 'catch shirt on fire' hot but certainly uncomfortably hot
10:50 AM hazzy-dev: I have scars on my shoulders from lathe chips burning thru a polyester shirt
10:50 AM Loetmichel: ouch
10:50 AM hazzy-dev: No I only wear cotton :)
10:50 AM Loetmichel: luckily my wife is taking care that all my wardrobe is made of 100% cotton for "smell" reasons
10:51 AM Loetmichel: so thats a "non problem" here
10:51 AM Loetmichel: i managed to weld overhead under a car once though and let a 1" drop of molten metal fall on my hair...
10:52 AM Tom_L: why?
10:52 AM Tom_L: that would hurt
10:52 AM Loetmichel: lucily i was a "hippie" at that time and only suffered a coin sized bald spot from it not even a blister
10:52 AM hazzy-dev: Loetmichel: Ouch!
10:53 AM Loetmichel: the mass of hair burned away and buffered it long enough for me to swipe it off my head
10:53 AM Loetmichel: Tom_L: as always: didnt pay enough attention
10:53 AM Loetmichel: temporarily bald i meant
10:55 AM Loetmichel: and for the why: because i had to weld a fist sized section in the foot well of the car without any sheet metal left
10:55 AM Loetmichel: so i set a bead on the endge of the hole, a bead on that, another bead on that... until the hole was closed
10:56 AM Loetmichel: was the last bit to close on that car on a sunday evening
10:56 AM hazzy-dev: My uncle was welding with rubber boots on, and a big ol' blob of slag when down into the boot and melded the rubber to his foot, he was dancing for a while!
10:57 AM hazzy-dev: I am playing with some proxy sensors, is is kosher to approach the switch from the side, rather than axially?
11:00 AM jthornton: hmmm soft scrambled eggs with provel cheese
11:01 AM ziper: is there a special name for a hole like this http://puu.sh/zZz3x/6b85cac4c1.png
11:01 AM hazzy-dev: JT STAPPP
11:01 AM hazzy-dev: :D
11:02 AM jthornton: lunch minute
11:02 AM hazzy-dev: How was the boil?
11:02 AM Loetmichel: ziper: "double D"?
11:02 AM GREGCNC: often called double D
11:02 AM jthornton: best I've ever had, 140 lbs disappeared
11:02 AM Tom_L: GREGCNC why are you shouting today? jeese, it's monday....
11:03 AM ziper: thanks, although i dont really know what i will do with this information
11:03 AM jthornton: lol
11:03 AM GREGCNC: cad work
11:03 AM GREGCNC is now known as gregcnc
11:03 AM ziper: i will probably just drill it round and put in a bulkhead fitting
11:05 AM Tom_L: vending machine lock holes etc
11:08 AM Tom_L: ok can i run 2 ether cards in the pc one for interweb and one for a mesa ether board or is a small switch better?
11:11 AM pcw_home: you need a dedicated MAC for realtime (usually best to use the motherboard MAC for realtime)
11:12 AM Tom_L: i can do that and use the card for interweb
11:12 AM pcw_home: I usually use a USB -->Ethernet dongle for internet
11:12 AM Tom_L: default is isn't it?
11:12 AM Tom_L: i need to move my server off that i think
11:13 AM Tom_L: ahh it's 121
11:13 AM Tom_L: still need to move something
11:14 AM Tom_L: i could change it but i'd rather not
11:16 AM Tom_L: huh, i bet the cnc is on 121
11:19 AM pcw_home: Its usually best to put the real time Ethernet somewhere off in left field (like the EEPROM default of
11:20 AM Tom_L: if i change it, i need to add the address to the config line right?
11:27 AM jthornton: yea
11:38 AM Tom_L: so 'mesaflash --device 7i92 --set ip= should do the trick
11:39 AM Tom_L: and to address it after that: mesaflash --device 7i92 -addr
11:50 AM pcw_home: Yes that should work (mesaflash defaults to if you do not specify the address)
11:50 AM pcw_home: though the EEPROM default should already be
11:51 AM Tom_L: isn't that for the fallback though?
11:52 AM pcw_home: no, the IP address is not affected by the firmware
11:52 AM pcw_home: so if you set the IP jumpers to down,up (and power cycle) you should get
11:53 AM pcw_home: (unless you have changed the EEPROM IP address)
11:53 AM Tom_L: no not yet
11:53 AM Tom_L: so i want the FIXED FROM EEPROM one
11:53 AM Tom_L: ?
11:54 AM Tom_L: what's the BOOTP one for?
11:54 AM pcw_home: get IP address from bootp server
11:57 AM Tom_L: probably should be looking at the 7i92 pdf instead of the 7i80 for jumpers though :D
11:58 AM pcw_home: ( bootp is the "help me landru" option )
11:58 AM Tom_L: you've already got it set for eeprom address
11:59 AM Tom_L: W3,4 are for powered daughtercards?
12:01 PM Tom_L: so if you edit the ip address, it changes the one in the EEPROM not the fixed one which is always
12:01 PM pcw_home: Yes up for powered daughtercards
12:01 PM pcw_home: Yeah you cannot change the address
12:02 PM Tom_L: ok
12:03 PM pcw_home: is mainly for setup/flashing etc on a normal link (or recovery if you forget the EEPROM address)
12:03 PM Tom_L: you can load the bitfiles thru the 10. address though right?
12:04 PM pcw_home: yes, you just need to specify the address to mesaflash in that case
12:04 PM Tom_L: but you need to specify it in the mesaflash line
12:04 PM Tom_L: right
12:06 PM Beachbumpete1: afternoon folks :)
12:06 PM Beachbumpete1: Hope everyone had a nice weekend and made all sorts of cool stuff with LinuxCNC
12:12 PM hazzy-dev: Beachbumpete1: I drilled two holes with LCNC this weekend :)
12:15 PM hazzy-dev: Oh I forgot I actually worked on Saturday, so more like 600 parts with LCNC this weekend: https://i.imgur.com/ONPnC7L.jpg
12:17 PM hazzy-dev: CaptHindsight: I got the engine put back in the AH Sprite: https://i.imgur.com/6ZfxdGS.jpg
12:17 PM hazzy-dev: https://i.imgur.com/Lyb3PE6.jpg
12:24 PM JT-Shop: what is hm2/hm2_5i25.0: Smart serial card hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0 error = (8) Remote fault?
12:25 PM pcw_home: Tom_L: also if you make your own bit files, its best to test them in the fallback area so you dont brick the card if the bitfile is busted
12:26 PM pcw_home: if you get a remote error you should also get a more detailed error (might be overvoltage/ovecurrent etc)
12:26 PM JT-Shop: I have 4 yellow LED's on the 7i77
12:26 PM JT-Shop: I'll look in dmesg
12:29 PM pcw_home: likely errors are overcurrent, overvoltage, illegalmode
12:30 PM JT-Shop: LBPCOM Fault, Illegal Remote Mode, Under Voltage, Over Voltage, Over Current, Over Temperature, No Enable, Remote fault
12:30 PM holzjunkie: hy @ all
12:31 PM Tom_L: isn't gnuc installed by default?
12:31 PM Tom_L: i type 'make' and get: bash command not found
12:31 PM JT-Shop: no
12:32 PM JT-Shop: there is something you have to install but I can't remember it now
12:32 PM Tom_L: i installed libpci-dev for mesaflash but no joy
12:33 PM Tom_L: and gcc-6-base is installed
12:33 PM Tom_L: dunno what else it wants
12:34 PM JT-Shop: what are you trying to do?
12:35 PM Tom_L: i was gonna recompile it
12:35 PM Tom_L: i went to the directory and did 'mesaflash ....' and got command not found as well
12:35 PM Tom_L: i hope it's not a bunch of symlinks
12:37 PM TwoBit__: Good morning (or evening!) Could I ask for some advice? I have a silly robot arm for a robot bartender. We're using GRBL, but G-code is hard for programming the personality and more theatrical elements, and the kinematics with GRBL are not suited for what we're doing (plus no horsepower to do it right on an Arduino) We're confident that LinuxCNC is up to the task, but we're not confident that G-code is the right way to pour a shot
12:38 PM DocHopper: TwoBit__: What is the issue with G-code?
12:38 PM JT-Shop: use G5.2 NURBS
12:38 PM TwoBit__: We're currently streaming data out of TouchDesigner to time inverse G-code, which in theory should be great, but it isn't. What path should I go down to stream data in to LinuxCNC for this more theatrical thing?
12:39 PM TwoBit__: Nurbs support would help us immensely, we're currently generating them externally
12:40 PM TwoBit__: As you can imagine, we were hoping for the best, but now we've been enlightened.
12:42 PM TwoBit__: What do other people generally do when they step outside the world of G-code?
12:42 PM fragalot: hey
12:42 PM TwoBit__: Hello
12:43 PM JT-Shop: pcw_home: everything seems to work it just stopped with those errors
12:43 PM JT-Shop: hey fragalot
12:44 PM gloops: you want andypugh i think TwoBit_
12:45 PM pcw_home: JT-Shop getting all those errors may mean a problems with the 5I25 --> PC connection
12:45 PM gloops: maybe cradek or seb
12:46 PM TwoBit__: Thanks gloops
12:48 PM JT-Shop: ok thanks
12:51 PM TwoBit__: Dochopper, Hi!. We're trying to do more real-time control, because we have to synchronize with other things like a giant digital eyeball and with show control and lights and sound. That's where touch designer came in. we generate and stream g-code out over serial, but again, the arduino just isn't that powerful. Buffering is difficult to impossible to manage. It's really our on-the-fly requirements that are causing us the headache
12:52 PM TwoBit__: We have "curves" defined for each axis, and in an ideal world, we could command an axis in real time to do it's best to follow those curves.
12:52 PM TwoBit__: almost like an "analog position"
12:53 PM TwoBit__: It's almost like we don't even need the G-code interpreter. We just want to stream axis positions
12:53 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, any ideas? looks like gcc is there but make fails
12:54 PM TwoBit__: which sounds like the job for a DSP
12:54 PM TwoBit__: :-)
12:54 PM pcw_home: You could use limit3 to accept raw positions and limit velocities and accelerations of the commanded position
12:56 PM pcw_home: a modern PCs floating point will run circles around almost any DSP
12:58 PM CaptHindsight: TwoBit__: write your own interpreter
12:58 PM CaptHindsight: I use g-code for bots
01:00 PM CaptHindsight: been considering Freecad to generate the g-code so you can simulate moving the robot about, save the motion and generate the g-code
01:02 PM CaptHindsight: I use Lnuxcnc to control the bots that have to sync motion of it arms/axes to things like machine vision, laser and inkjets
01:16 PM Tom_L: this is frustrating.
01:16 PM Tom_L: bash can't find make
01:21 PM xunil: perhaps it's not installed?
01:21 PM xunil: Tom_L: what distribution of Linux?
01:21 PM Tom_L: need build-essentials
01:21 PM Tom_L: it's working now
01:22 PM Tom_L: used to be installed by default i thought
01:22 PM xunil: don't recall, but it's one of the first things i try to install regardless
01:22 PM xunil: a linux machine without a compiler isn't much use to me :)
01:24 PM Tom_L: now after compiling, bash says: mesaflash command not found
01:25 PM Beachbumpete1: hazzy-dev nice man looking good. I had to run down to the shop floor for a minute or ten ;)
01:25 PM * JT-Shop is doing my taxes wanna trade Tom_L
01:25 PM Tom_L: OH HELL NO!
01:25 PM Tom_L: but then mine are done
01:48 PM TwoBit__: hi CaptHindsight, esentially, yes, we are writing our own interpreter. We have a system that outputs a set of axis positions at a given rate. Right now, because of the Arduino, we were outputting those at 30hz with time inverse G-code and trying to keep the buffers full. It sort of works. I *think* we can output data at a MUCH faster rate. I'm wondering how we get data in to Limit3 - Would we have to do a ton of re-writing to say
01:50 PM pcw_mesa: if the data is not from a gcode file but from an external source it may be that halsampler will do what you need
01:51 PM CaptHindsight: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man1/halsampler.1.html
01:52 PM CaptHindsight: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man1/halstreamer.1.html
01:52 PM TwoBit__: (writing all this down...) ah yes, I was just looking at HALstreamer
01:53 PM TwoBit__: thinking that's what you had meant (and there it is) and not being the linux expert at the shop I assume that getting that "file" to be a UDP or other network stream is a thing that can we can do
01:56 PM CaptHindsight: TwoBit__: how did you come to use *duinos and GRBL?
01:56 PM CaptHindsight: recommendation, contest winner, forced at gunpoint, etc?
02:01 PM fragalot: and why on earth would you DIY somthing with an 8bit processor operating at a low frequency when your goal is to do high speed data processing
02:02 PM TwoBit__: well fragalot, it's what we started with to test the prototypes
02:07 PM CaptHindsight: fragalot: what choice do you have if are being emotionally blackmailed?
02:07 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: stm32 nucleo boards?
02:08 PM fragalot: call a local electronics farmer & you'll probably get them for free
02:09 PM cpresser: is there a grmbl port to non avr cpus?
02:10 PM fragalot: https://github.com/langwadt/grbl_stm32 <= not sure how complete/mature this one is
02:10 PM cpresser: 2 years ago
02:10 PM cpresser: doesnt seem like somebody is using it :/
02:11 PM CaptHindsight: was probably blackmailed into using a *duino
02:12 PM fragalot: cpresser: or they are, and it filled their needs as-is
02:13 PM fragalot: but I think that most STM32 based gcode interpreters will probably not have the same codebase as their 8bit counterparts
02:14 PM fragalot: the ARM cores have so much hardware support for so many tasks that it's a waste to use the same codebase
02:14 PM fragalot: and given that most older opensource projects don't exactly write the code to be as portable as possible.... :P
02:15 PM fragalot: actually, isn't smoothieboard based on an arm core?
02:15 PM CaptHindsight: LPCxxxx
02:16 PM CaptHindsight: ARM-Cortex M3 LPC1769 ( 120Mhz, 64kB RAM, 512kB Flash ) Microcontroller; USB2 interface; Ethernet interface; MicroSD card slot
02:22 PM ves: installing ISE from Xilinx
02:23 PM roycroft: actually, older open source code was much much more portable than modern open source code
02:23 PM roycroft: by orders of magnitude
02:24 PM roycroft: Back In The Day(tm), the code maintainers took responsibility for ensuring their code was portable
02:24 PM fragalot: roycroft: that depends on their target platform
02:24 PM roycroft: now they write for their preferred platform, and leave portability to the ports maintainers for other platforms
02:24 PM fragalot: you couldn't make older embedded code as portable as you can with the cpu's we have today
02:25 PM fragalot: you didn't have the performance available to do that additional function callback rather than simply hardcoding it into that one interrupt you had
02:25 PM fragalot: you couldn't separate the application code from an abstracted HAL like you can today
02:27 PM pcw_mesa: ves: be advised that you can easily brick a 7I92 with a bad bitfile (and its easy to make a bad bitfile the first time)
02:39 PM Rab: TwoBit__, can you codify a set of requirements that articulate the "performative" aspects you're missing? That will help identify the solution. Gcode has coordinate and feedrate commands. Machine controls typically apply acceleration curves so those commands can be executed within the machine's performance envelope. If you want to e.g. start slow and speed up in a nonlinear way, and define that
02:39 PM Rab: curve on the fly, you may need something more descriptive than typical CNC machine tooling uses.
02:42 PM gloops: i didnt think breast dynamics would work in g-code tbh
02:45 PM Rab: Gcode is pretty static while it's being executed. Once you send a command, you have to wait for completion. I don't know of a control scheme that supports, say, moving to XYZ at feedrate F, and partway through that move you can command faster F.
02:48 PM gloops: or some kind of elastic or interia formula
02:48 PM gloops: which is part of realistic human movement
02:49 PM Rab: You could build a nonlinear path ahead of time from a series of segments at different feedrates. Hopefully the controller would interpolate gracefully. But to change the path on the fly I think you'd have to cancel the current move and send a new one, and that seems like an unusual concept for the type of machine tool control LinuxCNC is intended for.
02:52 PM gloops: can you do goto line () can you do X=(formula)+X
02:52 PM Rab: TwoBit__, I think you might be looking for something completely different like DMX512.
02:56 PM Deejay: gn8
02:56 PM gloops: oh lordy i just lost an hours modelling
02:57 PM gloops: so i just spent an hour practicing tracing
03:01 PM TwoBit__: Rab, I like the DMX 512 idea - One guy here loves it because he can control it with his favorite program in the whole world while everybody else cringes
03:01 PM TwoBit__: The real problem we have is generating the steps and keeping the motor happy - In other words, an Arduino that does what limit3 did
03:02 PM TwoBit__: we can and are streaming axis positions
03:03 PM TwoBit__: along nice curves. Esentially, we're running a puppet (one of the guys working on the movements is a marionette choreographer) and getting in all the wiggles is a very particular thing
03:04 PM fragalot: TwoBit__: so the arduino just needs to constantly follow an S-curve towards the requested position?
03:04 PM TwoBit__: I personally feel that we could do our job by moving between a series of G-code files and just "running" them
03:04 PM TwoBit__: but everybody else wants a timeline (like in a DMX control software)
03:04 PM TwoBit__: keyframes, etc.
03:05 PM Rab: TwoBit__, is the movement choreographed ahead of time, or does it need a real-time control loop?
03:05 PM TwoBit__: mostly ahead of time
03:06 PM TwoBit__: It's really a matter of coming up with combinations that we can't possibly forsee. I am well aware that we ought to just make G-code files and run them
03:07 PM TwoBit__: artists are hard. We have tormachs and converted crappy chinese routers and PCB mills that we run all day long on everything from Mach3 to pathpilot (linuxCNC), grbl, no-name weird pendants
03:07 PM TwoBit__: I'm in this corner because we wanted to do something different and it's frustrating as hell because the hardware is gorgeous
03:08 PM fragalot: have you considered using pieces of string?
03:08 PM TwoBit__: We're coming close
03:09 PM TwoBit__: We're currently generating G-code on the fly like I said, with time-inverse G93 at 30 hz
03:09 PM TwoBit__: and trying to keep a few dozen tiny moves in the buffer and allow the motion planner to smooth it out
03:09 PM gloops: what you want is a 3d animation steaming into a motion controller
03:09 PM gloops: what do people use for that?
03:10 PM gloops: streaming..not steaming
03:10 PM fragalot: TwoBit__: and is there something inherently .. not working, with what you're doing now?
03:10 PM TwoBit__: God knows. Of all the people who are supposed to know, it's supposed to be us. Movie people use model airplane servos and giant transmitters
03:10 PM TwoBit__: but that crap only needs to work once.
03:11 PM TwoBit__: Car factories use a giant fanuc thing that you need to train on for years
03:11 PM gloops: yes RC
03:12 PM TwoBit__: and yeah, there are packages that will output PPM signals to your crappy airplane servos, we used that in a previous robot bartender
03:12 PM TwoBit__: but we spent more time fixing it than pouring drinks
03:12 PM andypugh: SOme airplane servos are pretty serious bits of kit
03:12 PM gloops: should have let me build it
03:13 PM TwoBit__: Gloops, you'd probably like our current implementation
03:13 PM sync: yeah andypugh, hydraulics put a lot of force in a small space :)
03:13 PM TwoBit__: planetary steppers, brass, stainless
03:13 PM gloops: any videos of thos bartender TwoBit?
03:13 PM TwoBit__: Let me see if I can get some...
03:15 PM gloops: see, now i have been distracted, linuxcnc can control 16 motors, but you cant write code to do this
03:15 PM andypugh: https://www.servoshop.co.uk/index.php?pid=JP2222355&area=Servo is the sort of thing I was thinking of.
03:15 PM TwoBit__: ah but could we halstream 10 axes?
03:15 PM gloops: you need an independent script to calculate small g code moves, to feed linuxcnc, which when combined give realistic human movements
03:16 PM TwoBit__: yeah we have some of those I think
03:16 PM gloops: 9 axis
03:16 PM andypugh: You might prefer to look at Naomi Wu’s robot bartender build. She’s probably a lot easier on the eye than Twobit :-)
03:17 PM TwoBit__: Our booze dispenser is a ferriswheel.
03:18 PM andypugh: That’s a neat idea.
03:20 PM TwoBit__: This doesn't show the ferris wheel running...
03:20 PM TwoBit__: https://youtu.be/aLILbOCli7Q
03:21 PM TwoBit__: but there are six liquor gondolas that ride on it, and a tipper motor and a flow metering gadget
03:21 PM gloops: looks a bit heath robinson, very good though
03:22 PM TwoBit__: that's the whole idea
03:23 PM TwoBit__: we could have bought a kuka arm a year ago and it would have been done
03:23 PM gloops: TwoBit, if this werent pouring drinks it would be in a Saw movie
03:24 PM TwoBit__: I need to build a new cocktail strainer, It's hard to use manually, and the joke is that the robot struggles just as hard
03:24 PM TwoBit__: but in live fire tests it just spills sour mix all over the drivers
03:25 PM TwoBit__: we went stepper because the airplane servos just don't have the resolution and repeatability
03:25 PM TwoBit__: and we're also salivating over encoder feedback
03:26 PM TwoBit__: but my only "real" machine experience (analog AC servos) was with a Centroid retrofit. Everything else has been smoothsteppers and parallel ports.
03:27 PM gloops: whats this for? i mean what is the goal?
03:27 PM TwoBit__: Pouring drinks, day in and day out
03:27 PM gloops: for who? in a real bar?
03:27 PM TwoBit__: not for making drinks, but for the spectacle. The show
03:28 PM TwoBit__: for the public. It interacts with a human bartender, because in California, a robot is not allowed to hand you a beer. A human has to.
03:28 PM andypugh: Nice, it’s like Wintergatan and Matthias Wandel designed a pub.
03:28 PM TwoBit__: oh we love Matthias.
03:28 PM gloops: i would be an entertaining thing yes
03:29 PM gloops: it
03:30 PM TwoBit__: So at any rate, I'm wondering if I should buy some MESA cards and see what happens
03:31 PM TwoBit__: one thing we loved about GRBL is we could tweak the source code and do weird homing sequences
03:31 PM TwoBit__: among other things
03:32 PM gloops: you might get some ideas from wilf lunn, not on the robotics but in general contraption design
03:34 PM TwoBit__: Indeed, thank you
03:35 PM andypugh: Curious fact: I was brought up on the same street as Wilf Lunn. His autobigraphy is almost identical to mine up to age 12.
03:36 PM andypugh: Of course I had no idea about this fact while I was a kid watching Vision On.
03:38 PM TwoBit__: This was one of our early machines... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w
03:38 PM TwoBit__: so the progression is natural.
03:41 PM gloops: andypugh i used to like watching his barmy creations when i was a kid, not seen anything of him for years
03:42 PM TwoBit__: apparently retired in 1995?
03:44 PM andypugh: He is fairly old. He was a proper gown-up when I was a kid.
03:45 PM TwoBit__: So through all this, does anybody suppose there's a good path for me to stream data in to halstreamer from an ethernet connection? Am I thinking about this all correctly?
03:46 PM andypugh: Not one that currently exists, as far as I can see
03:46 PM TwoBit__: well hell.
03:46 PM TwoBit__: :-)
03:47 PM andypugh: What data do you want to stream?
03:47 PM TwoBit__: well, axis positions. Like a sine wave.
03:48 PM TwoBit__: and the motor would do it's best to follow that
03:48 PM andypugh: Bear with me, searching docs
03:48 PM gloops: do you do music videos TwoBit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0TvnWRSyr4
03:48 PM andypugh: Does this help: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/man/man1/linuxcncrsh.1.html
03:51 PM andypugh: I am not sure if you can set joint postions directly or whether you need to MDI G-code commands. I can only suggest experiment.
03:52 PM TwoBit__: yeah, I was thinking that - That's pretty easy to try out too
03:52 PM TwoBit__: that's sort of what we're doing anyway
03:52 PM TwoBit__: just over serial
03:52 PM TwoBit__: do you suppose G64 works when sending MDI commands?
03:52 PM TwoBit__: (if you could send them fast enough)
03:53 PM TwoBit__: I guess that's the thing, is smooth flow through the points
03:54 PM TwoBit__: we used to do music videos.
03:54 PM TwoBit__: the hours and pay sucks.
03:54 PM pcw_mesa: One possiblility is something like halstreamer but with the "streamer" non-RT file reading portion re-written with a socket interface
03:55 PM TwoBit__: pcw_mesa, yes that's another avenue
03:55 PM TwoBit__: also, by pcw_mesa is this the mesa electronics tech support desk?
03:56 PM pcw_mesa: Ha!
03:57 PM andypugh: TwoBit__: MDI commands are queued, so as long as you keep ahead of the current position it will (probably) blend
03:57 PM TwoBit__: if (true) then yes, we talked briefly friday
03:57 PM TwoBit__: else I like to jump to conclusions
03:58 PM TwoBit__: so the linuxcncrsh is buffered, then basically we'd just have a better version of what we have now, which is where I think our bottleneck is
04:00 PM TwoBit__: (checking docs to see if there's a way to check how full that MDI buffer is)
04:03 PM TwoBit__: cogziod, this is the TCP interface
04:03 PM TwoBit__: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/man/man1/linuxcncrsh.1.html
04:03 PM TwoBit__: also, (A/S/L)
04:03 PM TwoBit__: axes speeds limits
04:05 PM TwoBit__: cogziod sits next to me, he designed the robot bartender
04:11 PM gloops: is he human?
04:11 PM cogzoid: ha ha, Yes
04:11 PM cogzoid: and over ambitious, as it turns out
04:13 PM TwoBit__: And on that note, I need to go reflow some boards, I'm going to step away. All very helpful info. We might be able to get somewhere with linuxcncrsh
04:15 PM enleth: TwoBit__: I just watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w and one question came to my mind - "see, what would happen if someone tripped over *anything* 15 minutes before filming was scheduled"
04:15 PM TwoBit__: Ask cogzoid, he was there.
04:16 PM enleth: did *he* trip over something?
04:17 PM cogzoid: not in way anyone noticed
04:17 PM enleth: there was a supply of old TVs in the background, but it looks like there weren't any spare pianos
04:17 PM cogzoid: but yeah, that was an exhausting build/shoot
04:18 PM cogzoid: we actually ran through most of our TV supply
04:18 PM cogzoid: the pianos were screwed back together between takes, until they were swiss cheese
04:18 PM cogzoid: so they lasted for many more takes
04:19 PM cogzoid: dropping the piano on the wooden floor usually tripped something downstream, so that was a constant pain
04:20 PM cogzoid: we had about 8 people holding the hair triggers till after the piano fell, then they scurried behind something out of view
04:26 PM andypugh: Very cool though.
05:13 PM CaptHindsight: the robot camera co used Rhino to generate robot movement
05:18 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWJCxxKuTOw Bot and Dolly, and it was Maya not Rhino
05:18 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ajXJ3nj1Q
06:03 PM TwoBit__: beautiful stuff
06:34 PM Tom_L: pcw_mesa, is there a certain way the host pc needs to be configured to communicate with the ether board?
06:35 PM Tom_L: i've tried both addresses with and without a switch connecting the two and get No board
06:36 PM pcw_mesa: you need to setup a static IP address (take a lok at the hm2_eth manual page for a very brief desc)
06:36 PM Tom_L: ok
06:36 PM Tom_L: i wondered about that
06:37 PM pcw_mesa: typically I setup the host as for 7iXX at and setup the host as for 7IXX at
06:38 PM pcw_mesa: ( a common mistake people make if they are not familiar with network setup is to set the host address= the 7ixx address )
06:38 PM Tom_L: heh
06:38 PM Tom_L: do i need a gateway?
06:39 PM pcw_mesa: you can ping that just fine...
06:39 PM Tom_L: probably not..
06:39 PM pcw_mesa: no gateway
06:39 PM Tom_L: ok i set the host at
06:40 PM Tom_L: only it's not leting me save it
06:43 PM Tom_L: what about a subnet mask?
06:43 PM Tom_L: it made me enter one
06:43 PM Tom_L: ?
06:44 PM pcw_mesa:
06:45 PM Tom_L: it changed it to 32 for some reason
06:47 PM Tom_L: ok, hooked it direct again and now i see it
06:48 PM Tom_L: ok, both work now
06:48 PM Tom_L: thanks
06:48 PM pcw_mesa: np
06:49 PM Tom_L: if i use the EEPROm stored address the host needs to be within range right?
06:49 PM Tom_L: 10.10.10.xx or such
06:49 PM pcw_mesa: Yes (thats why I suggested
06:49 PM Tom_L: i figured
06:51 PM pcw_mesa: beware of using192.168.1.121 on local network with mesaflash, you may program the wrong card if you have two cards connected
06:52 PM Tom_L: i figured i'd screw up on the 7i92 before i tried the 7i80
06:52 PM Tom_L: yeah that makes sense
06:52 PM Tom_L: i have a device on that address but i'm not sure which one it is
06:52 PM Tom_L: i thought it was the server but it wasn't
06:52 PM Tom_L: might be the other cnc pc
06:52 PM pcw_mesa: also if you are experimenting with new bitfiles, write them to the fallback area to test
06:53 PM Tom_L: i thought fallback was for recovery
06:53 PM pcw_mesa: (so if you bollux something up you can just power cycle to recover)
06:54 PM Tom_L: i'll just copy the 7i47s one i'm using over to one for a 7i80
06:54 PM Tom_L: it doesn't save the fallback config?
06:54 PM pcw_mesa: fallback is mainly for if you corrupt a config (pull the power or host crash while programming for example)
06:55 PM Tom_L: i did get a jtag a while back just in case :D
06:56 PM Tom_L: hope i never use it
06:56 PM pcw_mesa: the 7I92 and 7I80 both have fallback configs (plus the 7I80 has two independent EEPROMs )
06:57 PM Tom_L: what's in the fallback area right now?
06:57 PM Tom_L: the stock config?
07:05 PM pcw_mesa: the default fallback config is a stock JUSTIO config but it blinks the init LED to indicate trouble
07:06 PM Tom_L: you've got something in this one blinking the 4 user leds
07:07 PM Tom_L: ok the eeprom ip works as well
07:27 PM pink_vampire|2: https://imgur.com/gallery/BJTJ3
07:40 PM jdh: I like the lazy susan one
07:43 PM hazzy-dev: Is there some way of checking the repeatability of a limit switch in LCNC?
07:43 PM hazzy-dev: I'm thinking something like M48 in marlin
07:44 PM CaptHindsight: http://i.imgur.com/AQecyv4.jpg hmm what would this cutting tool be?
07:44 PM CaptHindsight: variable flute twist anchor?
07:45 PM hazzy-dev: Clearly a compression drill, prevents tear out on both entry and exit
07:45 PM hazzy-dev: The variable flute pitch ones give a better finish and chatter less
07:45 PM hazzy-dev: :D
07:47 PM hazzy-dev: I guess some little china man forgot to harden that one, or made it out of licorice
07:48 PM CaptHindsight: butterpot metal
07:54 PM BeachBumPete: woah
07:55 PM Tom_L: who was asking about drill sharpeners here the other day?
07:56 PM Tom_L: start em out on that one
07:58 PM CaptHindsight: maybe enleth
07:58 PM CaptHindsight: someone at a shared space
07:59 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: is there a hackerspace in your village?
08:00 PM CaptHindsight: nevermind found it
08:00 PM pink_vampire|2: drills are soo cheap
08:12 PM CaptHindsight: debating weather to mount a 1.5KW spindle on a 12 x 18 router or a 400W
08:13 PM CaptHindsight: whether even
08:15 PM CaptHindsight: not sure how I ended up with the 400w spindle, it's tiny
08:16 PM hazzy-dev: Holy smokes!
08:16 PM hazzy-dev: my sister just gave me a BIG spoon of marmite, without telling what it was
08:21 PM jdh: what is it
08:22 PM CaptHindsight: marmite/vegemite = concentrated yeast extract
08:22 PM CaptHindsight: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite
08:22 PM jdh: sounds awful
08:27 PM hazzy-dev: jdh: I'd say its the worst thing I have ever tasted, but I don't want to start a war with the UK, so I will keep that opinion to my self
08:27 PM hazzy-dev: :0
08:28 PM hazzy-dev: :) even
08:30 PM Tom_L: CaptHindsight a couple
08:31 PM Tom_L: the newest is on the Innovation campus at the uni
08:35 PM CaptHindsight: I saw the one with a Tormach
08:35 PM CaptHindsight: looks pretty well equipped
08:35 PM Tom_L: the one on the Uni is brand new with all new equipment
08:36 PM Tom_L: i didn't tour it but i did see their new innovation campus on a school tour recently
08:36 PM Tom_L: they both have similar equipment
08:36 PM Tom_L: i'm not sure about the other one but i've driven by it
08:54 PM BeachBumPete: Still trying to get the hang of this Fusion 360 ;)
08:57 PM Tom_L: i gave up on it for a while
08:58 PM BeachBumPete: Oh I have certainly not given up but I am trying to get used to the work flow
08:58 PM BeachBumPete: Lars Christensen is helping me ;)
09:18 PM MarcelineVQ: are there ferrules for 0.2mm wire or are you expected to be soldering at that size?
09:19 PM MarcelineVQ: I'm having trouble searching for ferrules smaller than 24awg is why I ask, 0.2 is something like awg 32
09:48 PM Tom_L: awg 32 is .0079"
09:49 PM Tom_L: .2 is .00787
09:49 PM BeachBumPete: Hey Tom
09:50 PM BeachBumPete: I just found out that there is a SKetch doctor add in for Fusion360 that helps to locate issues with sketch entities like open contours etc.. trying to figure out how to use it now ;)
09:51 PM Tom_L: huh
09:52 PM Tom_L: 4.5 quake this morning
09:52 PM Tom_L: shook things a bit
10:01 PM BeachBumPete: woah
10:10 PM Tom_L: you ever find a mill?
10:16 PM BeachBumPete: Well actually we might have
10:17 PM BeachBumPete: this afternoon I found a nice semi refurbished HAAS VF4 SS out in Cali and we have started the ball rolling on it. Going to have a PRO inspect that one that we found in the area so I dont have to travel to see it hopefully
10:19 PM SpeedEvil: :)
10:22 PM BeachBumPete: not that a trip to Huntington Beach would really be all that bad ;)