#linuxcnc Logs

Mar 01 2018

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:10 AM RyanS: some people have converted BF30 milling machine to belt drive and angular contact ball bearings for presumably higher RPM cnc. can good brand name tapered roller bearings even reach 10,000 rpm for example?
12:24 AM jesseg: London is at UTC/GMT right?
12:40 AM fragalot: morning miss0r
12:41 AM miss0r: Godmornin'. Enjoying my first day as a selfemployed here :]
12:41 AM fragalot: o/
12:41 AM fragalot: busy day?
12:42 AM CaptHindsight: jesseg: don't think they mean Greenwich, CT :)
12:42 AM CaptHindsight: https://greenwichmeantime.com/what-is-gmt/
12:42 AM miss0r: yeah, well I have some time now to pack for a job. My first apointment is at 10.
12:45 AM miss0r: I'm packing some equipment to go figure out if the PSU on a electric clutch is faulty
12:46 AM fragalot: love the yes/no jobs :P
12:47 AM fragalot: "hey could you come check if this is broken?" 'yup, she's royally fucked. Off to the next job, bye!'
12:47 AM miss0r: if faulty; repair/replace. if not faulty; look at clutch
12:47 AM miss0r: hehe
12:47 AM fragalot: is it a big one?
12:48 AM miss0r: I have not seen the unit. But I suspect it is somewhat sizeable. Its the main clutch on a 55kw spindle
12:48 AM fragalot: yeah that's a fair size :D
12:49 AM fragalot: do those things have a variable clutch, or is it just on.off
12:49 AM miss0r: also: take into account this clutch is on the output side of the reduction gearbox
12:49 AM miss0r: Its an on/off
12:50 AM fragalot: (also, on/off is stupid, it should be off/on as you always turn switches right to switch it on,... bugs me.)
12:50 AM miss0r: but in my experience it only takes a few volts to mess them up)
12:50 AM fragalot: really?
12:51 AM fragalot: i've never dealt with one myself, how do they work? is it just a big solenoid, or is there some magic going on
12:51 AM miss0r: yeah. I had a unit once that was destined for 28volts(for whatever reason), and the machine rebuilder installed a 24volt psu. It simply did not work
12:52 AM miss0r: https://www.cjmco.com/technical-info/actuation/electrically-actuated-clutches-brakes.shtml
12:52 AM fragalot: you should be able to tweak the 24V supply up to 28V though
12:53 AM miss0r: if its a modern regulated DC supply. No guarantee of that thou
12:53 AM miss0r: It might well be a basic tranformer
12:53 AM fragalot: if it's a regulated one, 28V falls within the industrial tolerance spec, so they technically should be able to do it
12:53 AM miss0r: Most of them can be regulated up to 28.8 volts
12:54 AM fragalot: yeah
12:54 AM fragalot: industrial tolerances for power supplies are a pain in my backside though..
12:54 AM miss0r: (ideal for charging two 12volts lead acid batteries in series) I've taken advantage of this one several occasions
12:55 AM fragalot: one of our drivers runs on 48V, but because of the specs we have to uprate all of the components to deal with 58V+ continuously making the thing more much expensive
12:55 AM fragalot: more much? I should go back to bed >.<
12:55 AM miss0r: meh. youtube playing random music in the background... I just realized how much I do not like justin timberlake
12:55 AM fragalot: lol
12:56 AM miss0r: hehe
01:00 AM miss0r: I need to figure out some sort of shelfing system for the car.
01:01 AM miss0r: And whacking one together from plywood does not realy scream professionalism
01:01 AM fragalot: that's why you pain tit
01:01 AM miss0r: no, my 'manboobs' do NOT hurt ;P
01:02 AM fragalot: :)
01:03 AM fragalot: 12 or 15mm ply, put on solid wood edge banding & paint
01:03 AM miss0r: I'm thinking i'll weld something from 20x20x2 stainless tube. I have a few lengths of that laying around
01:07 AM miss0r: Also, I'm going to have a roungbar at the bottom of the shelf, where I have wires on their drums, for easy access
01:07 AM IchGucksLive: hi
01:07 AM miss0r: morning' IchGucksLive
01:07 AM IchGucksLive: miss0r: how is it up in denmark sibiria still around
01:07 AM miss0r: IchGucksLive: Haven't been as bad as advertised. Not 'round here anyway. Its -9c outside right now. How are you holding up?
01:07 AM IchGucksLive: we are sweeping in the sommer minutes by minutes
01:07 AM IchGucksLive: as realy GOT 12Deg expected to flow in
01:07 AM IchGucksLive: HOT
01:08 AM IchGucksLive: Rain on deep frozen ground
01:08 AM IchGucksLive: miss0r: looking on Radar sees Snow south of DEN/Ger Boarder
01:10 AM miss0r: I can see that. it also seems like the island of Bornholm is getting another beating of snow. They got so much the other day the police adviced against leaving your house
01:10 AM RyanS: Apparently even the deer in Scotland are coming down from the hills to the city in search of shelter
01:11 AM miss0r: Yeah, its a cold one at the moment
01:12 AM fragalot: -6°C here at the moment
01:12 AM miss0r: Sounds like a good to go to the beach :P
01:12 AM RyanS: forecast: fucking freezing according to the meteorologists who bothered to get out of bed
01:13 AM fragalot: miss0r: have you ever seen the belgian beaches?
01:13 AM fragalot: bloody eyesores
01:13 AM RyanS: isn't Belgium land locked
01:13 AM miss0r: fragalot: Why would you say that?
01:14 AM miss0r: RyanS: They have a small stretch of ocean to the north
01:14 AM RyanS: I'm Australian and I hate the beach
01:14 AM RyanS: and sport and beer
01:15 AM fragalot: miss0r: tourism and tall buildings ruined it
01:15 AM miss0r: I'm Danish and hate the beach, I much prefere a swimming pool... with a bar that serves cold beer & food. And I have a book to read... and the misses is licking sun and not bugging me... Now, thats what I call swimming
01:15 AM fragalot: there is very little real beach left, most of it has been "claimed" by those beach hut things
01:15 AM fragalot: hehe
01:15 AM fragalot: agreed.
01:16 AM miss0r: We went to the greek island of samos a few years back(before it was all overrun by immigrants), We had the forementioned setup. Absolutly beautiful
01:16 AM miss0r: we=the misses and I
01:17 AM * fragalot is off to work
01:17 AM fragalot: ttyl
01:17 AM miss0r: Have a good one
01:17 AM fragalot: should be interesting )
01:17 AM * roycroft is oregonian and loves the beach
01:18 AM roycroft: our beaches are generally more of the exploring kind, not the laying out in the sun kind
01:18 AM RyanS: you had Vikings so I guess the presence of beaches are a given
01:19 AM miss0r: In oregon ? :S
01:19 AM roycroft: no, the vikings came from minnesota
01:19 AM miss0r: lol
01:19 AM roycroft: this is duck territory, not viking territory
01:19 AM RyanS: along with the Mormons I think
01:20 AM roycroft: not too many mormons here
01:20 AM * enleth distrusts any bodies of water bigger than a bathtub
01:20 AM roycroft: oh, our puddle is the biggest in the world
01:20 AM miss0r: enleth: from the smell of it, you are also starting to have trust issues with the latter ;P
01:20 AM RyanS: quite a different worldview than vikings :-)
01:21 AM enleth: miss0r: nah, actually probably overusing it compared to what is supposedly the norm
01:21 AM roycroft: there is a mormon hangout only a few blocks from my house though
01:21 AM roycroft: do they call it a temple?
01:21 AM roycroft: i know they don't call their places churches
01:22 AM IchGucksLive: im off
01:22 AM RyanS: actually I think Mormonism started in new York
01:24 AM enleth: RyanS: pretty much, yes, but they quickly absconded east
01:24 AM gloops: fanbelt gone on van, bit of cold finds the weak rubber out
01:24 AM enleth: *west
01:25 AM gloops: a blessing really i left it to warm up on drive for 10 minutes, good job i didnt set off id be stuck somewhere
01:51 AM gloops: procession of lunatics on TV about to go for a swim in a lake, -5C
02:15 AM Loetmichel: gloops: so what? normal for scots and scandinavians ;)
02:16 AM Loetmichel: BTW: are you located in England or scotland?
02:16 AM gloops: this is a swimming group that meets every saturday for a swim in the lake, whatever the weather, hasnt missed a saturday for 100 years
02:16 AM gloops: im in north england
02:17 AM Loetmichel: i mused about the brexit lately... wouldnt it be funny if the scots manage to exit from GB so that they stay in the EU and only england leaves?
02:17 AM Loetmichel: ah, and i forgot the russians earlier. IIRC it has a long tradition there to take an ice axe with you when going swimming.
02:18 AM gloops: economically not really practical for scotland, but the eu might make it possible just to get at england
02:19 AM Loetmichel: looking at places like andorra i think the scots will be able to pull it off.
02:19 AM Loetmichel: economical speaking
02:20 AM Loetmichel: but i dont think anyone wants to "get back at england"
02:20 AM gloops: last time i looked they had a £19 billion annual deficit, in normal times the EU wouldnt accept an application, and i dont think the scots would vote for it either
02:21 AM Loetmichel: i think the EU is simply fed up with the hither and thither (corect idiom?) of gb in the brexit question
02:22 AM gloops: the negotiations were always going to be about posturing and mixed messages, someone is going to have to blink first soon
02:23 AM gloops: as i see it the EU isnt going to take anything other than a full brexit, which is fair enough
02:23 AM gloops: so our politicians can say what they want
02:23 AM Deejay: moin
02:26 AM pink_vampire: https://imgur.com/gallery/j353xdE
02:28 AM roycroft: i think that brussels wants to stick to the uk, because when the brexit "negotiations" began may and her ilk went storming in screaming "we're british! you will do as we say! we're british!"
02:28 AM roycroft: and that pissed off the eu, who hold all the cards
02:28 AM Loetmichel: ah, i see. "stop and go politics" would have been the correct idion according to dict.cc
02:28 AM Loetmichel: idiom
02:29 AM gloops: the eu doesnt hold all the cards though lol
02:29 AM roycroft: yes it does
02:29 AM Loetmichel: roycroft: could be. and yes it does :-)
02:29 AM gloops: we buy much more from them than they buy from us
02:29 AM roycroft: the eu could give a fuck about the brits
02:29 AM gloops: maybe not about the brits but they give a fuck about £20 billion a year
02:30 AM roycroft: as it has made abundantly clear
02:30 AM gloops: 1 in 7 german cars comes here
02:30 AM gloops: the UK leaving is the same as 34 eastern bloc countries leaving
02:30 AM Loetmichel: gloops: point is that the EU has no problem finding other markets. and just because the they are no longer EU the GB citizens wont stop buying eu products, too
02:31 AM gloops: Loetmichel we are starting to get leaflets listing prices of common goods outside the customs union - net savings of around 15% on average
02:31 AM roycroft: you owe the eu £50 billion, and that covers 2 1/2 years, so the eu have plenty of time to move those goods to other markets
02:31 AM gloops: people WILL stop buying french farm produce and german cars
02:32 AM gloops: roycroft where is there another £2 trillion economy to sell to?
02:32 AM Loetmichel: gloops: those 15% ignore the fact that the pound sterling will fall a good percentage after the brexit.
02:32 AM gloops: i mean the best solution here is for everyone to agree some nominal tariff between us and carry on as normal
02:32 AM roycroft: does trumpian/mayish nationalism make people completely blind to the real world, or is the blindness that makes them trumpain/mayish?
02:33 AM gloops: however, should that not happen the EU will fare worse than the UK
02:33 AM Loetmichel: roycroft: good question
02:33 AM gloops: may isnt a nationalist she voted remain
02:33 AM Loetmichel: gloops: whishful thinking
02:34 AM gloops: shes doing her duty as the prime minister to implement the decision of the referendum
02:34 AM roycroft: she is the most jingoistic politician in all of england right now
02:34 AM roycroft: she is not doing her duty
02:34 AM roycroft: she is acting like a fool
02:34 AM gloops: lol, not at all
02:34 AM gloops: shes conducting this in a fairly calm and sensible way
02:34 AM Loetmichel: the (remaining) eu is simply many times bigger economical than GB. they will have no problem soaking up any damage from the brexit. GB on the other hand...
02:35 AM roycroft: by telling the eu to go fuck themselves if they do not accede to her demands?
02:35 AM gloops: Loetmichel the EU is bigger, but look at the make up of the EU
02:35 AM gloops: 75% zombie economies
02:35 AM roycroft: the 19th century is over
02:35 AM gloops: roycroft she hasnt made any demands
02:35 AM roycroft: you will find out what that means come march of next year, or whenever the hard brexit occurs
02:36 AM gloops: it wont mean much, just that we have one less tier of politicans ballsing things up
02:36 AM roycroft: she demanded a trade agreement before any other negotiations
02:36 AM roycroft: and brussels laughed at her
02:36 AM roycroft: and told her that details of the brexit would have to be sorted out before any trade discussions could commence
02:36 AM gloops: thats what you do in negotiations
02:37 AM roycroft: and brussels are still laughing at her
02:37 AM roycroft: and pitying the british people
02:37 AM gloops: you put absurd proposals first
02:37 AM roycroft: i'm sure you enjoy being the subject of pity and ridicule
02:37 AM gloops: as a brit i dont really care what brussels is doing
02:38 AM roycroft: and to be clear once again
02:38 AM roycroft: i have a lot of issues with the eu and how it is constructed and operates
02:38 AM roycroft: so i'm not just taking the side of the eu in this
02:38 AM roycroft: i also am a firm believer in small, local government and antional identity
02:39 AM roycroft: national
02:39 AM gloops: well, for the sake of entertainment the opinions of outsiders are welcome lol
02:39 AM roycroft: but the way the uk have conducted itself in the whole brexit disaster is just insane
02:39 AM gloops: but really, i dont know many brits who think about this in terms of what americans think
02:39 AM roycroft: that's fine
02:39 AM roycroft: i'm not offended
02:39 AM Loetmichel: roycroft: if push comes to shove EU has .de in it. not much problems to support another econonmy for a while here. :-)
02:40 AM roycroft: it's pretty fucking hypocritcal of you to demand freedom from the eu while refusing to give freedom to ulster, scotland, and wales
02:40 AM gloops: we will leave the EU, and then we will probably have a cup of tea and carry on with what we are doing
02:40 AM roycroft: your so-called "devolved" parliaments are de facto powerless
02:40 AM gloops: roycroft we gave scotland a referendum
02:40 AM roycroft: and you lied to scotland
02:40 AM gloops: they voted to stay with england
02:40 AM roycroft: because they were lied to
02:40 AM gloops: we lied? haha
02:41 AM roycroft: promises were made that were broken the day after the referendum
02:41 AM roycroft: you're just a bunch of liars
02:41 AM roycroft: you've been screwing the scots over since the 14th century
02:41 AM enleth: roycroft: tbh, nation states with a uniform national identity shared by inhabitants are a relatively new concept in Europe, and somewhat artificial too, more or less depending on region
02:41 AM roycroft: and there is no reason to believe you will ever stop doing so
02:41 AM gloops: see the scottish nationalists told the people they would be living like norwegians now, a national trust fund with 100k for every person, 1 nurse for every citizen haha
02:42 AM gloops: IF scotland had left it would now be bankrupt and in economic crisis
02:42 AM roycroft: enleth: i don't think that the eu was a mistake and should be disbanded
02:42 AM roycroft: it should be fixed
02:42 AM roycroft: that's a crock of shite, gloops
02:42 AM roycroft: more lies
02:42 AM roycroft: scotland would do fine as an independent nation
02:42 AM gloops: oil prices fell by 70%!
02:42 AM gloops: straight after the vote
02:43 AM gloops: scottish oil is gone, the rigs have been scrapped
02:43 AM roycroft: you just won't let them go because the barnett formula extracts more money from the scots than is given back to the scots
02:43 AM roycroft: they're subsidising the english
02:43 AM roycroft: as they have been since the union
02:43 AM gloops: we're giving scotland 20 billion a year to fund its welfare bill!
02:43 AM gloops: what do we get back?
02:43 AM gloops: apart from complaining
02:43 AM enleth: roycroft: I never said that, I approve of the idea and also think there's a lot of room for improvement, but that it's possible; I just reacted to your statement about national identities
02:43 AM roycroft: tax revenue from the scots
02:44 AM roycroft: right, enleth
02:44 AM roycroft: i'm just making it really clear
02:44 AM Loetmichel: gloops: if scotland would have left it would now have to face a few very hard economical decisions while on dripfeed of the EU. but other nations showed that it can be done. even the greek get better by now.
02:44 AM gloops: there arent any tax revenues because the oil is gone
02:44 AM gloops: it costs more to extract than it sells for
02:44 AM gloops: its irrelevant anyway, scotland and ireland have had free votes and will get more votes in the future
02:45 AM gloops: while they vote to stay, thats that
02:45 AM * roycroft notes that scotland have produced more inventors, nobel laureats, artists, entrepreneurs per capita than england could ever dream of
02:45 AM roycroft: a vote based on lies is not a free vote
02:46 AM roycroft: and your pm is adamant that there will not be another referendum
02:46 AM roycroft: scotland voted remain
02:46 AM roycroft: northern ireland voted remain
02:46 AM roycroft: wales voted remain
02:46 AM roycroft: but england told them to go fuck themselves
02:47 AM roycroft: london voted overwhelmingly remain
02:47 AM enleth: roycroft: interestingly, where I live we actually do have a nation state with just a couple small enclaves of people who do have a separate local "national" identity, but if I'm not mistaken, a huge chunk of the "old" EU countries actually have a significant number of regions where people think of themselves as inhabitants of that region first, nationals of the state second
02:47 AM roycroft: because a huge amount of the money will go to the continent on brexit day
02:48 AM roycroft: enleth: regionalism is has been a trend around the globe for some decades now
02:48 AM roycroft: what is really needed is a balance between regionalism and a coalition to pursue common interests
02:48 AM gloops: roycroft a referendum is a national vote
02:49 AM gloops: besides which, you cant have some parts of the country remaining and others leaving
02:49 AM roycroft: while i think the euro is a disaster, the concept of a common currency is a good one
02:49 AM roycroft: so fine
02:49 AM roycroft: then keep london in england
02:49 AM roycroft: but scotland is not the same country as england
02:49 AM enleth: roycroft: just looking at the staggering number of local languages that are still in relatively wide use across Western Europe hints that it's not a recent thing, it might be more visible lately but it's been a continuous phenomenon, i.e. the unification of the regions into nation states never made the regions "disappear"
02:49 AM roycroft: nor is ni
02:49 AM roycroft: nor is wales
02:49 AM roycroft: they are all separate countries
02:49 AM roycroft: it's a "united kingdom"
02:50 AM roycroft: not a "single big kingdom"
02:50 AM gloops: but scotland is in the UK, UK parliament is sovereign, they voted to be part of that union
02:50 AM gloops: thats their choice
02:50 AM roycroft: no, they did not
02:50 AM gloops: what?
02:50 AM gloops: they did vote to saty in the union
02:50 AM gloops: stay
02:50 AM roycroft: some lairds were forced to accept that in 1707
02:51 AM roycroft: or else england would strip them of their lands and titles
02:51 AM gloops: yes but they had a vote a few years ago, the people
02:51 AM roycroft: but the scots people have NEVER voted to be part of the union
02:51 AM gloops: they had a referendum on that question a few years ago lol!
02:51 AM roycroft: they've been fighting wars againste england for 700 years to retain their independence
02:51 AM enleth: roycroft: did you know there are 11 languages besides Italian being spoken in Italy, most of them not mutually intelligible with Italian? for me, coming from Poland, with a very uniform and standardized language being spoken all across the nation, this is an extremely weird and alien concept that sounds more like it's out of some tribal area in deep Africa, not an industrialized Western country
02:52 AM roycroft: yes, a referendum that was controlled by england
02:52 AM RyanS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFBgQpz_E80
02:52 AM roycroft: and was based on lies from westminster
02:52 AM gloops: you seem to be confusing history with recent events Roy
02:52 AM Loetmichel: enleth: really? poland has no dialects?
02:52 AM roycroft: i did not know the exact number, enleth, but i'm aware that there are a lot of regional languages in italy
02:53 AM Loetmichel: even here in germany there are dialects so different that some oldtimers that live in adjacent villages cant understand each other...
02:53 AM roycroft: i'm not confusing history with recent events at all
02:53 AM enleth: Loetmichel: there are three dialect-ish variations, but they're a very local thing
02:53 AM roycroft: i know history well
02:53 AM roycroft: and i know recent events very well
02:53 AM gloops: "Should Scotland be an independent country?" < was the question
02:53 AM roycroft: yes
02:53 AM gloops: 2014
02:53 AM enleth: Loetmichel: absolutely nothing of the sort you describe, with villages speaking almost different languages
02:53 AM roycroft: that's not the question that the scots wanted
02:53 AM roycroft: that was the question forced on them by cameron
02:53 AM roycroft: and then he lied to them
02:53 AM gloops: what question did the scots want?
02:54 AM gloops: but the english economists were right, they didnt lie
02:54 AM gloops: within months the scottish economy collapsed
02:54 AM enleth: Loetmichel: has something to do with the fact that most people got forcibly relocated after WW2 and all regionalisms got mixed up, then died out
02:54 AM roycroft: and brown lied to them
02:54 AM gloops: oil prices DO go up and down
02:54 AM roycroft: and clegg lied to them
02:54 AM gloops: there was never going to be an oil shangrila
02:55 AM gloops: and the nationalist lied to them to
02:55 AM roycroft: i won't say that salmond handled the referendum as best he could
02:55 AM roycroft: the currency issue especially
02:55 AM gloops: we cannot do any more than let the people vote, they voted, they remain
02:55 AM enleth: roycroft: if I undestand correctly, something similar is also the case in many regions in Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and parts of France, with languages spanning "national" borders and a lot of distinct regional dialects that are almost separate languages
02:55 AM gloops: until next time
02:56 AM roycroft: you interefered with the vote
02:56 AM roycroft: you coerced it
02:56 AM roycroft: you lied to the scots
02:56 AM gloops: lol
02:56 AM roycroft: and you are now telling them "never again will you have an opportunity to vote"
02:56 AM roycroft: cameron, brown and clegg BROKE THE LAW lying to the scots
02:56 AM gloops: well if they had not listened to our lies they would now be 50% poorer
02:56 AM roycroft: the bbc lied to the scots
02:56 AM roycroft: they would be doing fine
02:57 AM roycroft: and they would not be worried about being forceably removed form the eu
02:57 AM roycroft: against their overwhelming will
02:57 AM gloops: how could they be doing fine? they havent got the money to keep schools and hospitals open
02:57 AM roycroft: right
02:57 AM gloops: the thing that doesnt lie is international oil prices
02:57 AM roycroft: and people in england have to wait a year to see a doctor
02:58 AM roycroft: our politicians lie to us about england all the time
02:58 AM enleth: Loetmichel: I just opened a couple texts written in those "dialects" and while they're weird as fuck, I can undestand them quite easily
02:58 AM roycroft: i don't know why you're so obsessed with oil
02:58 AM gloops: i dont have to wait a year, a few days maybe if not serious
02:58 AM roycroft: the scots are not
02:58 AM roycroft: their economic plan did not depend on high oil prices
02:58 AM roycroft: they're not idiots
02:58 AM gloops: oil is the basis of the scottish economy
02:58 AM roycroft: it's the english who are the idiots
02:59 AM roycroft: taking all that oil money from the scots and spending it
02:59 AM roycroft: the norwegians put it in the bank
02:59 AM roycroft: they created a really nice national nestegg with their oil revenue
02:59 AM roycroft: the english pissed it all away
02:59 AM gloops: the scots made the right decision, where better to be than with your old friends and islandfolk, outside the EU haha
02:59 AM gloops: we'll look after them
02:59 AM roycroft: no you won't
02:59 AM roycroft: yo'll fuck them over just as you have for 700 years
03:00 AM RyanS: watch yes minister clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFBgQpz_E80 EU policy
03:00 AM roycroft: just not as badly as you fucked over the irish before they finally successfully rebelled and got the hell away from you
03:00 AM gloops: yes like we are fucking them over with free health care and education right now
03:00 AM roycroft: and not as badly as you fucked over the colonists in north america who finally got away from you
03:01 AM roycroft: except the barnett formula screws the scots
03:01 AM roycroft: it extracts more money from the scots than it gives back
03:01 AM roycroft: you keep saying you pay for all this stuff in scotland
03:01 AM gloops: there isnt any money to extract
03:01 AM roycroft: but fail to acknowledge that the scots pay westminster dearly for that
03:01 AM gloops: scotland is running at a loss
03:02 AM gloops: thats how it works, in good times they contribute, in bad times we cover them
03:02 AM * roycroft thinks it's best to go to bed now, as this is pointless
03:02 AM roycroft: i'll keep saying what i say
03:02 AM roycroft: and you'll keep saying what you say
03:02 AM RyanS: The English can take our lives, but they'll never take our Freeeeeedom.
03:02 AM roycroft: mel gibson can go intercourse himself
03:03 AM RyanS: but! Freeeeeeeedom !
03:03 AM RyanS: lol
03:03 AM roycroft: robert the bruce and rob roy were bigger heroes than william wallace anyway :)
03:04 AM gloops: the scots commoners never fought for freedom, the wars were about who owned the land they lived on, and who taxed them
03:04 AM gloops: english, scot, no different to the common man
03:05 AM gloops: they carried on working and paying
03:05 AM roycroft: the scots fought for their lairds, who took care of them
03:05 AM roycroft: they did not fight for the english, because the english opppress them
03:05 AM gloops: yes the pairds took care of them alright
03:08 AM gloops: william wallace was a third son - meaning he had no land, therefore no income
03:08 AM gloops: how do you get land? you fight for your overlord, who grants you land and title - if you are successful and survive
03:09 AM gloops: the rest was just rhetoric
03:11 AM Loetmichel: roycroft: yes, i just thought "by god, what did i start here"(for the "goto bed" comment)
03:16 AM RyanS: voice-activated elevator in scotland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAz_UvnUeuU
03:18 AM gloops: haha
03:19 AM gloops: in the wilder parts there are real communication problems, im from the north of england which is as close as you can get really and i have troauble understanding them
03:25 AM RyanS: near the border?
03:27 AM gloops: not not that far up, im in yorkshire
03:27 AM gloops: we have a glottal stop
04:01 AM gloops: the thing about the UK making demands, before the referendum was called Cameron went to the EU and begged them for help, he told them clearly that he could no longer contain the resentment in the UK over the open borders policy, the EU ignored him
04:02 AM gloops: some flexibility, some sensible recognition of local problems at that point would have stopped this situation
04:33 AM jthornton: morning
04:34 AM RyanS: my milling machine has 3 sloped slots on the spindle sleeve ID. around the perimeter of the tapered bearing cup those slots give access to some sort of tool. what tool do need?
04:34 AM RyanS: do I need *
04:35 AM jthornton: got a photo of it?
04:42 AM RyanS: Unfortunately not, but the abutment/shoulder that the bearing cup sits against has three slots about 20mm long by 10mm wide
04:43 AM RyanS: http://medias.schaeffler.com/medias/en!hp.ec.br.pr/332*33207 if you look at the cross-hatched area directly below 'rb' that is where the slot is
04:45 AM RyanS: the cup can only be pulled out in the direction of the Db label on the drawing
04:46 AM jthornton: must be provision for some sort of puller then
04:54 AM RyanS: urrghh brutal removal method http://vespasmallframeforum.proboards.com/thread/10709/removing-bearing-outer-race
04:58 AM jthornton: page not loading for me... it's raining lol
04:58 AM jthornton: I think I need to start from scratch again with this debian pc
04:59 AM RyanS: he welds a piece of threaded rod inside the bearing cup and knocks it out
05:00 AM jthornton: welding on the cup can shrink it sometimes... I've also cut the cup to remove them
05:04 AM RyanS: hmm, I guess that's ok for cars
05:05 AM jthornton: never had to do that on a car but on industrial machinery yes
05:05 AM gregcnc: https://youtu.be/qTdHmlbUlwo?t=58s
05:07 AM jthornton: yea that probably is what the groves are for a puller like that
05:08 AM RyanS: ohh, so just a 3 claw puller, reverse the jaws'
05:12 AM * jthornton tries one more time to like debian 9
05:12 AM jthornton: bbl
05:25 AM Tom_L: 33°F from 70ish yesterday
05:27 AM Loetmichel: can anyone tell me if that price is ok for germany? I need 600mm*400mm*8mm AlMg3... 41.49€ -> http://www.ebay.de/itm/Aluminium-Blech-Starke-8mm-AlMg3-Grosse-wahlbar-AW-5754-Platte-Zuschnitt-Alu/182432307696
05:30 AM holzjunkie: hy folks anyone online ???
05:33 AM holzjunkie1: sorry wrong network
05:33 AM holzjunkie1: now its the right one
05:34 AM holzjunkie1: hy
05:34 AM holzjunkie1 is now known as holzjunkie
05:40 AM holzjunkie: noone there???
05:41 AM holzjunkie: loetmichel????
05:41 AM Loetmichel: yes?
06:00 AM Deejay: silent please! ;)
06:01 AM holzjunkie: sorry
06:02 AM Deejay: war nur spaß ;)
06:03 AM gregcnc: first to break the silence buys a round
06:04 AM holzjunkie: deejay auch aus deutschland ?
06:04 AM Deejay: jawoll
06:05 AM BubbleRep: wer nicht
06:08 AM holzjunkie: ok
06:09 AM holzjunkie: the german´s on march
06:09 AM holzjunkie: sorry should be a joke
08:40 AM Loetmichel: *finally everything fits* thanks hp. 2,5 days two men to fit those menue keys into thje frame. *making a small pcb run*... -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=17010&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
09:13 AM gloops: lulz Tony Blairs own poll gave him a bit of a shock
09:13 AM gloops: https://www.westmonster.com/tony-blairs-poll-shows-63-want-uk-leave-eu-whatever-cost-1/
09:33 AM hazzy: hahaha
09:46 AM IchGucksLive: hi
10:00 AM gloops: went for a fanbelt earlier - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HBASoqrKjw&feature=youtu.be
10:00 AM gregcnc: wouldn't it be all gone tomorrow?
10:01 AM gloops: doesnt look like its going to melt yeat, maybe sunday
10:10 AM CaptHindsight: we get that here from time to time every winter :)
10:11 AM gregcnc: we missed all the rain and snow they were talking about this morning
10:12 AM CaptHindsight: it's either us, Europe or Siberia that gets the polar dip
10:12 AM gregcnc: we had polar vortex for a last several years
10:13 AM CaptHindsight: was nice driving with the windows and sunroof open yesterday
10:13 AM gregcnc: i just ran to the PO real quick after 5, this morning felt cold
10:14 AM IchGucksLive: later ;-)
10:16 AM CaptHindsight: sun and 40's isn't bad
10:31 AM gloops: president trump calling for SMART TRADE to revive USA steel fortunes
10:36 AM CaptHindsight: right after he revives the coal industry?
10:45 AM gloops: well, this snow has only delayed my cnc building activities
10:45 AM gloops: but..i should be able to tick this machine off next week
10:50 AM gloops: and after all my complaining, im going to build the next one with steel just the same
10:52 AM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHYpGIDra8Q
10:52 AM Tom_L: cutting some softjaws for the shars
10:53 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Assembly/Final/Softjaws1.jpg
10:53 AM Tom_L: made a few spares
10:54 AM Tom_L: gloops, i would make my Z taller with more travel
10:55 AM gregcnc: Vises eat up a lot of Z
10:55 AM Tom_L: yeah but it works
10:55 AM Tom_L: used to cramped space with the sherline :)
10:56 AM gregcnc: my little emco only has 100mm in Z to begin with
10:57 AM Tom_L: that's not much
10:57 AM gregcnc: trying to find a vise shorter than 50mm is tough
10:57 AM Tom_L: i wanted a decent vise
10:57 AM gregcnc: absolutely
10:58 AM gregcnc: I may end up making some
10:58 AM Tom_L: and i can still fit my sacrificial plate beside it and run 2 fixture offsets
10:59 AM gregcnc: I had two vises in mine, but replaced one with a stationary chuck
11:02 AM gloops: i want to try mine on ally, not moving at all atm all the wiring is off
11:04 AM gregcnc: time to lathe something
11:32 AM fragalot: miss0r: HI! (just you can't beat me to it again. >.> )
11:38 AM jthornton-: 61°F and sunny
11:39 AM fragalot: it's just reached positive numbers again here
11:39 AM fragalot: not for long though
11:41 AM gloops: was a bit windy earlier when i went out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HBASoqrKjw&feature=youtu.be
11:44 AM jthornton-: you in a van?
11:46 AM gloops: no in car there, to collect a fanbelt for van
11:47 AM gloops: ambulance responder had gone into ditch lol pulled up to check they were ok
11:49 AM jthornton-: lunch minute is over so back to work for me...
11:50 AM * fragalot does not approve of using a cellphone behind the wheel
11:51 AM gloops: yeah thats why i dropped it, thought it was a cop - was paramedic
11:51 AM fragalot: that does not make it better :P
11:52 AM gloops: there was nobody else on the road near me, behind or in front, i was just getting a clip for the mrs, she drives that road to work
11:52 AM gloops: also, as vital evidence should someone have been injured in the car in the ditch
11:53 AM fragalot: a cellphone does not belong in the hands of someone that is in control of a heavy rolling projectile
11:53 AM fragalot: period.
11:53 AM fragalot: I have seen up close what happens when people "just get it out for a few seconds"
11:53 AM gloops: i never usually use the phone while im driving
11:53 AM fragalot: and it is not pretty
11:54 AM fragalot: there is no excuse for it. if you need to use the phone, stop the car first.
11:54 AM IchGucksLive: hi
11:55 AM fragalot: hey IchGucksLive
11:55 AM IchGucksLive: ;-)
11:55 AM gloops: i know how to drive fragalot
11:55 AM IchGucksLive: i smell with all this ALU miled today
11:55 AM fragalot: gloops: i'm not saying that you don't
11:56 AM fragalot: i'm just saying that I highly disapprove of cellphones being used by drivers
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: gloops: snow hight in ENG
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: the beast from the East
11:56 AM fragalot: I have seen lives ruined up close because of someone checking a simple text message
11:56 AM gloops: hmm, about 6 inch round here, deeper in places
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: as the breese easyast
11:57 AM IchGucksLive: somthing ahs changed at skynews since they got a price or as they sold oout
11:57 AM fragalot: IchGucksLive: how is it in .de ?
11:57 AM IchGucksLive: no kayburly no sarah jane in the moring now weathere lady on the roof
11:58 AM IchGucksLive: fragalot: summer will hit toomorrow
11:58 AM gloops: i dont watch sky anyway
11:58 AM IchGucksLive: BBC is not that cool
11:59 AM gloops: louise minchin is best morning news presenter, then susannah reid
11:59 AM IchGucksLive: fragalot: whats up in the White house as they all fleee
11:59 AM fragalot: IchGucksLive: wouldn't you? :D
12:00 PM IchGucksLive: fragalot: or is it all taktigs to get as mutch pentions for the stuff
12:00 PM IchGucksLive: 29year and a pention of 4875USD livelong what a great deal
12:01 PM fragalot: and all you have to do is sell your soul
12:01 PM IchGucksLive: dident she look geat today as she left the scene
12:02 PM IchGucksLive: i counent belive its here as she looked totaly different from behind the microfones infront of the press
12:02 PM gloops: ivanka?
12:03 PM IchGucksLive: Hope Hicks
12:03 PM gloops: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DXNnsSyX0AAU-I3.jpg:large < lol tony blair shot himself in the foot there
12:04 PM IchGucksLive: best to go for invalids
12:04 PM IchGucksLive: lots of soldiers do that
12:04 PM gloops: ichs get on the sick, youll be rich
12:05 PM gloops: most people doing cnc builds are on sick pay
12:05 PM gloops: when my back went the doctor said the cure is WORK
12:05 PM IchGucksLive: to old to get ritch
12:05 PM Loetmichel: gloops: i dont think the second answer is even an option.
12:06 PM gloops: waiting room full of life long claimants with imaginary bad backs
12:07 PM gloops: Loet a lot of people here still think it is
12:07 PM fragalot: 35%, apparently
12:08 PM gloops: thats a big poll too 90k
12:08 PM fragalot: the issue with polls, typically, is that they only reach a certain demographic
12:08 PM fragalot: if the question is asked right, you can predict the outcome beforehand
12:08 PM gloops: yes i dont think it was a scientific poll, just an open one
12:08 PM fragalot: put a poll on a website for elderly people asking if kids should get off their lawn, and i'm certain the vote will be "yes"
12:09 PM IchGucksLive: i got guests here i need to close
12:09 PM fragalot: bye IchGucksLive
12:09 PM IchGucksLive: bye till Tomorrow
12:09 PM gloops: have a nice day
12:09 PM IchGucksLive: Loetmichel: GLATTEIS
12:09 PM IchGucksLive: das wird lustig werden
12:14 PM miss0r: fragalot: I am now completely booked for the next three weeks :o
12:14 PM fragalot: party?
12:15 PM miss0r: I'm considering it :]
12:15 PM fragalot: :D
12:16 PM miss0r: I'm thinking i'll throw one at the end of the month if all the plans pan out.
12:17 PM miss0r: Do consider dropping by, my good sir
12:17 PM fragalot: only about a 10hr drive, give or take?
12:18 PM miss0r: Depending on the car & the driver
12:18 PM fragalot: also depends on where in denmark you are, and whehter the A7 roadworks will be done :P
12:19 PM fragalot: should be able to make up good time in germany though
12:19 PM miss0r: this is the part that is car dependant
12:19 PM fragalot: the car is fine, it's me that's not comfortable going faster than 230km/h
12:20 PM miss0r: for only 160~eur you can fly to copenhagen in 1,5 hours
12:20 PM Loetmichel: fragalot: i am comfortable with that
12:20 PM miss0r: I don't even think my car can do that :]
12:20 PM Loetmichel: but my Omega only goes up to 230kph ;)
12:20 PM gloops: haha and you complain about me doing a 10 second vid with phone
12:20 PM fragalot: gloops: yes
12:21 PM miss0r: Our primary car is a Skoda Octavia 1.9 turbo diesel from 2006, It can hardly do 230. It CAN do 200, i've tried that. But I haven't pushed it further
12:21 PM fragalot: phones are worse than speed (bearing in mind that this would be on the autobahn when it's not busy)
12:21 PM fragalot: just glancing at a cellphone screen takes your eyes off of the road for 5 seconds
12:21 PM fragalot: 5 seconds is a LONG time
12:21 PM miss0r: not if you are driving a Lada
12:21 PM gloops: not dangerous when im doing 4mph on an empty road
12:21 PM Loetmichel: fragalot: ESPECIALLY at 200++kph ;)
12:21 PM gloops: speed kills
12:22 PM Loetmichel: gloops: nope
12:22 PM fragalot: cellphones are banned behind steering wheels, and for good reason
12:22 PM fragalot: i'm not saying that 200+ is safe
12:22 PM miss0r: yeah, but eating a bigass burger is not.. strange stuff :D
12:22 PM fragalot: i'm not recommending anyone doing so if they're not comfortable with it, or if the road conditions don't allow it
12:22 PM Loetmichel: to quote a famous brit: "speed dosent kill you, suddenly becoming stationary is what gets you"
12:22 PM fragalot: miss0r: it is in .fr
12:22 PM gloops: yeah, bit like falling off a cliff
12:23 PM gloops: its not the falling, its the landing that hurts
12:23 PM miss0r: fragalot: Proballt is here in DK as well, I've never been pulled over on that account anyway
12:23 PM miss0r: i seriously lack a good local supplyer of ballscrew assemblys.
12:23 PM fragalot: it also helps that my car essentially drives itself, that thing has saved my life once already
12:24 PM fragalot: i'm soo happy that I paid extra for additional sensors
12:24 PM Loetmichel: fragalot: did i mention that i had a delivery a while ago which i did with my Opel Omega station wagon?
12:24 PM fragalot: Loetmichel: :D
12:24 PM miss0r: Loetmichel: I keep forgetting: were you the one doing thoes custom enclosures?
12:24 PM Loetmichel: its fun to drive 230kph on the autobahn with 1.4 tons of tech on an euro pallet in the back... and the catch points in the back are rated 100kg each ;)
12:25 PM Loetmichel: yes
12:25 PM Loetmichel: @ miss0r
12:25 PM Loetmichel: (whats english for "zurrpunkte"?)
12:25 PM miss0r: Loetmichel: could there be a chance we could work out a deal? :] I'll be needing a new enclosure for my edm controller. Something nice looking and rigid to take with me
12:26 PM Loetmichel: send me a mail with some pictures and a drawing what you want and i'll look into it
12:26 PM gloops: fragalot your car might drive itself, but theres always the other bloke isnt there
12:26 PM miss0r: Sounds like a date :]
12:27 PM miss0r: I'm hoping to get around to it before the end of the month.
12:28 PM juvenal_ is now known as juvenal
12:32 PM Loetmichel: gloops: actually: driving 200kph++ is hard work even on german autobahns
12:33 PM Loetmichel: where it is allowed AND The other drivers are a bit more disciplined (on average) than in other countrys
12:34 PM Loetmichel: there were a few incidents so far wherer i thanked a lot of different deities for ABS and my good reflexes.
12:35 PM gloops: well, almost every inch of our motorways will soon be covered by cameras, speeding will be a thing of the past
12:37 PM gloops: driving without insurance, mot etc is almost a thing of the past too, reg plate flags up if not insured
12:42 PM fragalot: back :-)
12:42 PM fragalot: gloops: I did say that I /didn't/ drive at that speed
12:44 PM fragalot: Loetmichel: I've had my car go in full "hell no!" mode once on the E17 where someone decided it was a good idea to cut straight from the on-ramp onto the left lane doing 40km/h whilst I was doing 125
12:45 PM fragalot: dashboard lit up like a christmas tree
12:45 PM fragalot: brake pedal was nowhere to be found by the time I moved my foot off of the accelerator
12:45 PM fragalot: that had already pushed itself as deep as it would go
12:46 PM fragalot: in the end I think that the nose of my car missed that twat's bumper by about an inch
12:47 PM Loetmichel: fragalot: now imagine driving at 230kph with 1.4 tons in the back and 2 tons station wagon. built in 2003, no brake assistants. and the grandma in her fiat panda pulls out behind the semi/lorry at 90kph right in front of you...
12:48 PM Loetmichel: MAAAN, i whish i had brown trousers that day ;)
12:48 PM fragalot: I can believe that :P
12:48 PM Tom_L: 52°F and sunny
12:48 PM fragalot: I do like all the new safety tech in cars
12:49 PM fragalot: and it amazes me that not all manufacturers are making it an obligatory option
12:50 PM Loetmichel: I did manage to slow down enough to not hit her (but i doubt you could have put a newspaper in between our bumpers)
12:50 PM Loetmichel: ... left about 80 meters of black dotted lines on the tarmac though ;)
12:51 PM fragalot: Loetmichel: that's because you weren't on your cellphone at the time, wasn't it? :D
12:51 PM Loetmichel: i have a cellphone built into the car. i am NEVER on my "handy" while driving
12:52 PM Loetmichel: unless its doubling as my satnav
12:52 PM Loetmichel: but even then its wedged into the dash/windshield edge and not in my hand
12:52 PM Loetmichel: to risky at those speeds
12:52 PM fragalot: I have one of those suction cup holders when I use it as a satnav
12:52 PM fragalot: they're like €3
12:53 PM Tom_L: still takes your concentration off the road in front
12:53 PM fragalot: Tom_L: no more than a normal satnav
12:53 PM Loetmichel: i have a note3. it fits perfectly in between dash and the windshield
12:53 PM Tom_L: i didn't approve of those either
12:53 PM Loetmichel: wedges itself right in (upright)
12:53 PM fragalot: ignore it until it starts nagging you to go right
12:53 PM gloops: mines got a physical keyboard which is a lot safer i think
12:53 PM fragalot: audio suffices unless instructions are unclear
12:54 PM gloops: for texting
12:54 PM fragalot: gloops: in my opinion the keyboard should be inoperable
12:54 PM Tom_L: i just tape my laptop to the steering wheel and type as i go down the road :D
12:54 PM fragalot: so whether it's a keyboard, or a touch screen does not matter
12:54 PM fragalot: you're the driver, you should be driving
12:54 PM gloops: i can roll a cig and type at the same time on quiet roads with this phone
12:55 PM fragalot: gloops: may I invite you over to talk to my cousin that's suffered permanent spinal damage because some twat thought it was OK to text on a quiet road?
12:55 PM Tom_L: after all, i do trust my car's auto assist :)
12:55 PM roycroft: i'd like to see faraday cages wrapped around cars so taht cell phones cannot work in them
12:56 PM roycroft: we've finally made using a cell phone while driving a primary offense here in oregon
12:56 PM roycroft: and as of the first of this year no hand-held mobile devices are allowed to be used by drivers
12:56 PM fragalot: roycroft: the sad issue is that it's very difficult to catch people doing it
12:57 PM fragalot: they are doing more & more checks here, but it's not easy, and not frequent enough imho
12:57 PM roycroft: and it is illegal to use any mounted mobile device that requires more than a single button push
12:57 PM fragalot: I fully support those laws
12:57 PM roycroft: but yes, sadly there are all too many people still using the phones while driving
12:57 PM roycroft: and i can usually tell when i'm approaching one
12:57 PM Loetmichel: [19:52] <Tom_L> i just tape my laptop to the steering wheel and type as i go down the road :D <- been there, done that
12:58 PM roycroft: the pattern of erratic driving is quite consistent with cell phone use
12:58 PM fragalot: roycroft: the issue is "I know what I'm doing, bad things won't happen to me"
12:58 PM Loetmichel: not to the steering wheen but on the center console
12:58 PM Loetmichel: IRC at 160kph on the autobahn is funny... but REALLY unsafe
12:58 PM roycroft: the civil libertarian in me says we should probably not outright ban them
12:58 PM roycroft: but if you're involved in an accident and are using a cell phone, you need to go to jail for a long time
12:58 PM roycroft: period
12:59 PM roycroft: no fines, no deferred prosecutions
12:59 PM roycroft: take away your license and put you in jail
12:59 PM roycroft: well
12:59 PM roycroft: fines too
12:59 PM roycroft: but not in lieu of rotting in the pokey
12:59 PM Loetmichel: roycroft: sounds about right. IF you have hurt someone else
12:59 PM roycroft: or cause property damage
12:59 PM Loetmichel: yes
01:00 PM roycroft: i call people out on cell phone usage all the time
01:00 PM roycroft: i scare the bejesus out of some folks
01:00 PM gloops: fragalot i was taking the piss you know
01:00 PM roycroft: they're driving along, talking on the phone
01:00 PM roycroft: when they pass me i roll down the window and yell "PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN!"
01:00 PM fragalot: roycroft: attempted manslaughter with predetermined whateveryoucallit
01:00 PM roycroft: some flip me off or cuss at me
01:00 PM roycroft: many totally freak out and put their phone down immediately
01:00 PM roycroft: most just ignore me though
01:01 PM fragalot: gloops: i'm not. this topic infuriates me. :-)
01:01 PM gloops: theres nobody safer on the roads than me
01:01 PM roycroft: i take issue with folks who eat cheesburgers while driving too
01:01 PM roycroft: and women who put on makeup and brush their teeth while driving
01:01 PM fragalot: roycroft: someone got fined €50k for using a cellphone jammer in their car the other day
01:01 PM Loetmichel: roycroft: thats ok
01:01 PM roycroft: here's a radical idea:
01:01 PM roycroft: when you are drivign
01:01 PM roycroft: DRIVE YOUR CAR
01:02 PM Loetmichel: you dont have to look at what you chew, and an automatic car dosent need that hand anyways
01:02 PM roycroft: to do it properly requires one's full attention
01:02 PM Loetmichel: (to be honest: some burgers you dont WANT to look at waht you are eating)
01:02 PM roycroft: things will probably get better when we have self-driving cars
01:03 PM fragalot: if you have to swerve to avoid something, you kinda want that other hand on the wheel
01:03 PM roycroft: but it will be decades before all cars on the road are self-driving
01:03 PM roycroft: the one that's all greasy from eating the cheeseburger?
01:03 PM Loetmichel: nope. can do a hard swerve onehanded
01:03 PM fragalot: roycroft: mine's semi-conscious and I freaking LOVE that feature.
01:03 PM fragalot: nowhere near as advanced as what Tesla's doing, mind
01:04 PM Loetmichel: and you dont get greasy from a normal burger
01:04 PM roycroft: using phones while driving is my number one peeve when on the road
01:04 PM Loetmichel: the xl variants: maybe
01:04 PM roycroft: tailgating is a close #2
01:04 PM Loetmichel: but the normal ones fit neatly into the wrapping paper to eat out of it
01:04 PM roycroft: tailgating while talking on a cell is #0 :)
01:04 PM CaptHindsight: did they pass legislation to not make the car companies liable for the accidents involving self driving cars?
01:05 PM roycroft: i sure as hell hope not
01:05 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: not here, here it's the person sitting behind the wheel
01:05 PM fragalot: 100% self driving cars are not yet legal
01:05 PM CaptHindsight: I don't think we'll see much of them on the roads before that happens
01:05 PM Loetmichel: CaptHindsight: in germany there was a court rule just last weeh where a tesla driver got full responsibility for the crash his autopilot did.
01:06 PM Loetmichel: week
01:06 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: also, here is where it gets difficult
01:06 PM fragalot: fully self driving cars will be self-taught
01:06 PM fragalot: nobody will actually tell it how to do things
01:06 PM roycroft: i don't think that auto manufacturers should automatically assume 100% liability for wrecks involving their self-driving cars
01:06 PM roycroft: but neither should they be shielded from liability
01:07 PM fragalot: roycroft: Aye, finding a middle road will be difficult, and will in the end have to be done on a per-case basis
01:07 PM roycroft: as it should be, fragalot
01:07 PM fragalot: yup
01:08 PM CaptHindsight: why would any car compnay want to sell a car that is liable for any accidents?
01:09 PM fragalot: because they'll have calculated how much they can charge extra, vs the amount that will crash, vs the amount that costs
01:09 PM gloops: i think a lot of showing of car accidents in the media is suppressed, because the motor industry is such a big earner
01:09 PM fragalot: oh wait no that's unethical and they'd NEVER do such a thing (*cough* ford *cough*)
01:10 PM gloops: if people actually saw the extent of the carnage on the roads they never get in a car again
01:10 PM fragalot: gloops: either that, or it's become so common that it's no longer news
01:10 PM Tom_L: Loetmichel, it would be handy if they made a cradle in the steering wheel for em
01:10 PM roycroft: because, capthingsight, desiging a car to operate safely is the job of the manufacturer
01:10 PM roycroft: and if they fail to perform then they should be liable
01:10 PM roycroft: which is how it is with non-self driving cars
01:10 PM fragalot: Tom_L: behind, or in front of the airbag?
01:11 PM fragalot: roycroft: that's another pet peeve... people with their feet on the dash
01:11 PM CaptHindsight: roycroft: why they will never sell them until are not liable
01:11 PM roycroft: um
01:11 PM roycroft: lots of cars are selling right now
01:11 PM roycroft: people buy them every day
01:11 PM Tom_L: in stead of
01:11 PM roycroft: and if the manufacturer screws up it can be sued
01:11 PM roycroft: it happens all the time
01:12 PM CaptHindsight: I bet they will end up with just some simple controls that the "driver" will have to monitor, this way it will always put the driver to blame and not the car co's
01:12 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: Tesla's here require at least one hand on the wheel to operate
01:12 PM roycroft: if there is a design flaw the manufacturer is and should be liable
01:12 PM fragalot: for exactly that reason
01:13 PM roycroft: i thought that teslas had an annunciator to signal the driver that manual intervention is needed
01:13 PM Loetmichel: Tom_L: i tested it: its more convenient when the notebook "hovers" above the gearstick
01:13 PM jesseg: *beep* "alert: Wake up and drive, bozo! I can't see the paint markings on the road."
01:13 PM fragalot: roycroft: I rented one here once and it would not do anything until I at least touched the wheel
01:14 PM gregcnc: anyone run Caxis? Is not G12.1 X1. C0. the same as normal X1. C0. I think my dumb machine has these 90° out
01:14 PM CaptHindsight: how do self driving cars even handle road construction with one shared lane ans two bozos with Go Slow and a Stop sign?
01:14 PM roycroft: the problem with self-driving cars is that for some decades they will intermingle with manually-operated cars
01:15 PM roycroft: giving them separate, isolated lanes on the freeway would help a lot
01:15 PM roycroft: but that would be very expensive to implement
01:15 PM gregcnc: I'm guessing they will all just stop until the driver wakes/sobers/hangs up
01:16 PM fragalot: https://imgur.com/gallery/U4qKD <- do you think it might be a bit chilly there?
01:16 PM CaptHindsight: and they will have built in breathalyzers to automatically fine you if you make an attempt to start the car
01:16 PM CaptHindsight: if over the limit
01:17 PM roycroft: those devices exist already
01:17 PM roycroft: for drivers convicted of dui who are on probation
01:17 PM Tom_L: they shouldn't fine you
01:17 PM Tom_L: they should be attached to a tazer
01:17 PM CaptHindsight: yes, but this will generate revenue form the average "driver"
01:18 PM CaptHindsight: form/from
01:18 PM Tom_L: repeat offenders are gonna duck the law as long as they can anyway
01:19 PM Tom_L: causing who knows how much damage in the mean time
01:19 PM roycroft: i have the solution to all these problems:
01:19 PM fragalot: breathalyzers are very unpopular with judges here
01:19 PM roycroft: convince people to stop being dumbasses
01:19 PM CaptHindsight: it seems that you look at things from the perspective that these things should benefit society or the average person
01:19 PM fragalot: roycroft for president!
01:19 PM fragalot: roycroft2022
01:19 PM CaptHindsight: vs corporations that think it should just benefit them
01:19 PM roycroft: please, no
01:20 PM fragalot: or is it 2020?
01:20 PM roycroft: i would be the worst president
01:20 PM roycroft: well
01:20 PM roycroft: not the worst
01:20 PM roycroft: but almost the worst
01:20 PM roycroft: i think i'm pretty good on policy
01:20 PM roycroft: but at politics i'm a total fail
01:20 PM gregcnc: are you running against Oprah?
01:21 PM CaptHindsight: I'd like to see Oprah run, like down the street
01:21 PM fragalot: xD
01:21 PM gregcnc: taxes! taxes! for everyone
01:21 PM fragalot: roycroft: pretty big seat
01:21 PM roycroft: americans are pretty fat
01:22 PM gregcnc: food is everywhere
01:22 PM roycroft: no it's not
01:22 PM roycroft: that's why americans are so fat
01:22 PM gregcnc: ?
01:22 PM roycroft: the supermarkets are not full of food any more
01:22 PM roycroft: they are full of garbage
01:23 PM gregcnc: oh you mean shit in boxes disguised as food
01:23 PM roycroft: yes
01:23 PM Loetmichel: fragalot: or pretty small CNC
01:23 PM CaptHindsight: and uhmericans just eat it up
01:23 PM gregcnc: well yes, but nobody knows the difference
01:23 PM roycroft: food with all the nutritional stuff sucked out
01:23 PM CaptHindsight: they have been well trained
01:23 PM roycroft: and all the bad stuff left in
01:23 PM Tom_L: it's a ploy to reduce your lifespan
01:23 PM gregcnc: i had some goatmilk yogurt i made this morning
01:23 PM jesseg: roycroft, left in my leg. Put in. <--- American
01:23 PM Tom_L: population control
01:24 PM gregcnc: medical profit
01:24 PM roycroft: i cook almost everything from scratch
01:24 PM Loetmichel: gregcnc: uh... isnt taht a bit "strong" in taste?
01:24 PM Tom_L: and if they get in a pinch the just attack the water supply
01:24 PM roycroft: food does not come from boxes
01:24 PM roycroft: it comes from the ground
01:24 PM roycroft: and the sea
01:24 PM roycroft: and the air
01:24 PM Loetmichel: i always thought goat milk is better for things like feta
01:24 PM Loetmichel: not yoghurt
01:25 PM gregcnc: I can't tell the difference between goatmilk and regular so i must be broken. But goatmilk Latte is like nothing else
01:25 PM fragalot: roycroft: food comes from little cotton wads with the perfect nutritional balance for the fastest growth
01:25 PM * roycroft needs to start prepping his garden beds soon, when the ground dries out a bit
01:25 PM Loetmichel: it may be a matter of what the milk mammal eats
01:25 PM Loetmichel: not so muich the species
01:26 PM fragalot: roycroft: heck, even the cotton wads are becoming obsolete now
01:26 PM jesseg: Loetmichel, I think some varieties of goes however do tend to have stronger tasting milk
01:26 PM gregcnc: free range organic amish goats?
01:26 PM gregcnc: actually I don't know what they eat
01:27 PM jesseg: I think Amish goats eat Amish people
01:27 PM jesseg: :P
01:27 PM Tom_L: who could blame them
01:27 PM Tom_L: think about it...
01:28 PM gregcnc: loetmichel my wife won't touch goat milk she can smell it on me so it IS me.
01:29 PM jesseg: before my goat gave up the milk business, she loved to eat any kitchen scraps I had: http://videoflier.com/movies/1471890423678718857372
01:29 PM jesseg: Also http://videoflier.com/movies/1471891288165064287994
01:30 PM gregcnc: banana peels?
01:30 PM jesseg: yes
01:30 PM jesseg: and the other one was fresh fig peels
01:30 PM gregcnc: they don't much care I guess
01:32 PM CaptHindsight: pcw_mesa: what do goats not eat?
01:36 PM pcw_mesa: Dont know, dont have any goats
01:36 PM jesseg: gregcnc, I realize this is way off topic but if you're interested, I did make a video showing how I filtered the goatmilk: http://videoflier.com/movies/1460435347017515349839
01:37 PM pcw_mesa: Our sheep love leftovers though
01:37 PM CaptHindsight: hydrangeas?
01:37 PM CaptHindsight: pcw_mesa: sorry i thought you had a few
01:37 PM gloops: dont give goats hydrangeas or any evergreen garden plants
01:38 PM gloops: goats actually have very sensitive digestive systems, theyre deer, not sheep
01:38 PM CaptHindsight: pcw_mesa: are the sheep picky about food?
01:38 PM pcw_mesa: 8 sheep no goats
01:39 PM pcw_mesa: yeah especially with new stuf
01:40 PM Loetmichel: CaptHindsight: i have seen horses eat salami off the sandwich i broguht to the stables... you wouldnt belive what some animals eat.
01:41 PM CaptHindsight: and which fast foods they will not :)
01:42 PM gloops: a horse got out here and ate a load of grass cuttings at the bottom of someones garden, hour later it was on the floor
01:42 PM gloops: 4 hours later vet had gone for shotgun - we managed to get it up eventually
01:43 PM gloops: was right as rain when it started walking about
01:45 PM pcw_mesa: our sheep will not eat animal producst but like things like leftover vegetable soup, leftover chinese food etc
01:45 PM CaptHindsight: http://www.3ders.org/articles/20180301-a-chinese-company-has-built-a-flying-3d-printerand-it-works.html
01:45 PM CaptHindsight: no pickles?
01:46 PM XXCoder: didnt you see cables 3d printer?
01:46 PM XXCoder: it can be rpetty large, using cables to move hotend assembly around
01:46 PM gloops: that was my little flock yesterday https://ibb.co/n9OFOH
01:47 PM CaptHindsight: at first sight it looked like one had rather large antlers
01:48 PM gloops: yeah i get them branches to each, they even take the bark off
01:48 PM gloops: goats eat up, not down if they have the option
01:54 PM gloops: breaking Trump slaps 25% tariff on steel
01:54 PM gloops: 10% on aluminium
01:55 PM CaptHindsight: how many more of his team resigned today? :)
01:55 PM Tom_L: good thing i built my mill when i did :D
01:57 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: you used imported steel! (fake outrage)
01:58 PM Tom_L: i seriously doubt it
01:58 PM Tom_L: unless it was imported 10-10 yrs back
01:58 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: that has got to be one of the most convoluted ways ever to build something
01:59 PM fragalot: I mean, kudos for pulling off the prototype
01:59 PM CaptHindsight: why is it that not matter how many sizes of steel stock you have, you always seem to need the one you don't already have?
01:59 PM XXCoder: CaptHindsight: what team?
01:59 PM XXCoder: capt its always true for everything. if you have tons different bolts in large amounts, you would need bolt size/length you don't have.
01:59 PM CaptHindsight: XXCoder: anyone still left in the WH
02:00 PM XXCoder: ahh yea over 30 by now insane
02:00 PM XXCoder: *left
02:00 PM gloops: you probably do have it, but you saved so much stuff you cant find it
02:00 PM gregcnc: cheapo metals suppliers prices going up
02:00 PM XXCoder: did you see video about weird blessing ar-15 ritual? spme people was wearing bullet crowns lol
02:01 PM gloops: gregcnc thats ok wages will go up as well
02:01 PM gloops: make and buy our own stuff
02:01 PM gloops: cant go wrong
02:03 PM gloops: i saw the thumbnail for that video xxcoder, didnt watch it
02:03 PM holzjunkie1 is now known as holzjunkie
02:07 PM Alkabal: hi all, another time me for some noob question, i try to add lathe toolchanger, but i don't understand how to home the turret with boxford component without custom panel
02:07 PM Alkabal: i try to make lathe standalone using with pendant xhc
02:09 PM gloops: any pics Alkabal?
02:10 PM Alkabal: hi
02:10 PM Alkabal: pics from ?
02:10 PM gloops: pics of the lathe
02:11 PM Alkabal: same as this one http://www.cnczone.com/forums/mini-lathe/141986-cnc-software-2.html
02:12 PM Alkabal: the turret is like boxford 240 the toolchanger.comp is writed for this type of turret
02:12 PM gloops: oh that italian lathe, yes very nice
02:12 PM Alkabal: past to pawl
02:12 PM Alkabal: yes i'm very happy with this for now, 33 years old lathe
02:12 PM gloops: someone will help soon
02:13 PM Alkabal: thanks
02:13 PM gloops: a young man will dash out to assist you when he notices the question
02:14 PM Alkabal: lool
02:16 PM Alkabal: last time i have found very usefull help, really
02:23 PM Guest43: hello guys
02:23 PM gloops: btw italy seems to be leaning quite strongly toward fascism in this coming election
02:24 PM gloops: hello
02:24 PM Guest43 is now known as aventtini
02:25 PM aventtini: guys any projects on techin lathe?
02:25 PM aventtini: im have a small problem and i dont know how to solve it
02:26 PM gloops: what is the problem?
02:26 PM aventtini: my spindle must work
02:26 PM aventtini: axis must be in manual
02:26 PM aventtini: like dro
02:27 PM aventtini: when i you as full cnc it must work with 3 enable
02:27 PM aventtini: problem is now spindle si turning
02:27 PM andypugh: Alkabal: The boxford component seems to use the A axis to move the turret (not the way I would do it….)
02:27 PM aventtini: i cancel the enable on 2 axis
02:28 PM aventtini: and it give after some time following error
02:28 PM andypugh: So I guess it homes with the A axis. Does the turret have a home-switch?
02:28 PM aventtini: and cancel the enable to spindle
02:28 PM aventtini: no turet
02:29 PM aventtini: http://www.gambamacchine.com/buy-used-machine-tools/sell-Turning-PADOVANI-LABOR-E275-used-705
02:29 PM aventtini: its this lathe
02:30 PM Alkabal: andypugh: yes this is my setup
02:32 PM Alkabal: but if you have other suggest i can try to learn off course
02:33 PM aventtini: i wood like to use as dro
02:33 PM andypugh: Alkabal: So what’s the problem?
02:33 PM Alkabal: yes mine have a switch
02:34 PM Alkabal: but with this setup i can't do the A axis homing search, if i try the result is following error
02:35 PM aventtini: it give following error after i disable xy axis
02:35 PM andypugh: Ah, yes.
02:35 PM gloops: nice lathe aventtini
02:36 PM andypugh: Alkabal: Wire axis.3.motor-pos-cmd directly to axis.3.motor-pos-fb and you will never get a following error
02:36 PM Alkabal: if you have some free time https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/machinekit/sOpk8LdANR4/CNgvmVWsBAAJ
02:37 PM andypugh: Ah, Machinekit. I don’t have anything to do with them. They made it clear that my input was not required.
02:38 PM Alkabal: this is just info i have found here
02:38 PM Alkabal: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/24-hal-components/7977-tool-changer?limit=6&start=30
02:38 PM aventtini: it must work as a normal cnc lathe
02:38 PM Alkabal: better this one
02:39 PM Alkabal: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/24-hal-components/7977-tool-changer?limit=6&start=24#9534
02:39 PM Alkabal: the proble i have i like you says link for axis.3.motor-pos-cmd directly to axis.3.motor-pos-fb
02:40 PM aventtini: Wire axis.3.motor-pos-cmd directly to axis.3.motor-pos-fb and you will never get a following error
02:40 PM Alkabal: i don't understand what you says about wire
02:40 PM aventtini: you mean spindle
02:40 PM aventtini: or axis ?
02:40 PM aventtini: XY axis
02:40 PM aventtini: no toolchanger
02:41 PM gregcnc: aventtini is trying to power off his servos and use linuxnc for DRO
02:41 PM aventtini: not work
02:42 PM aventtini: it works utill it give a following error
02:42 PM gregcnc: I think this has been done, but I don't know anything about it
02:42 PM aventtini: i have made e manual enable
02:42 PM aventtini: buttons on interfeace
02:42 PM aventtini: i gave F2
02:42 PM aventtini: enable
02:42 PM aventtini: spindle has enable , axis dont
02:43 PM aventtini: it works as DRO
02:43 PM aventtini: but it give following error if i jog manual and it stops my spindle from folloing error
02:47 PM gloops: wow £10 https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/956109354539413
02:47 PM fragalot: facebook has a marketplace?
02:47 PM gregcnc: usually local groups
02:48 PM gloops: no this is a big marketplace, nationwide
02:48 PM gloops: its very good
02:48 PM fragalot: gloops: for gregcnc that's local :P
02:48 PM fragalot: everything is relative
02:49 PM gloops: 50 mile from me, that kiln is worth buying, id get it if it were closer
02:49 PM gloops: marketplace runs independent from your facebook wall, try it, its good for tools
02:51 PM aventtini: guys has any one made a jog axis button ?
02:51 PM aventtini: i have joystick
02:51 PM aventtini: on panel
02:51 PM aventtini: and i want to move it from it , plus a feed knob that i never done
02:52 PM aventtini: i allways use a remote
02:52 PM aventtini: but now my setup is different
02:53 PM gloops: several people make those aventtini, not something ive done yet
02:53 PM aventtini: i forget to mention i have a 7i77
02:54 PM aventtini: i never done a lathe
02:54 PM aventtini: this is first one
02:54 PM aventtini: and now i did not find a similar project
02:54 PM aventtini: manual handwheels and cnc
02:56 PM gregcnc: is enleth using linuxcnc for dro on the bridgeport?
02:56 PM gloops: you want manual and cnc controls?
02:57 PM gregcnc: it sounds simple turn off servo drive and continue reading encoder for use as DRO, but not a common setup for linuxnc
02:58 PM aventtini: yes
02:58 PM andypugh: manual handwheels like this? https://photos.app.goo.gl/Bf0yFt50T0Jxuk7c2
02:58 PM aventtini: but it stops my spindle
02:58 PM andypugh: Or something that works with no power?
02:59 PM aventtini: yes it
02:59 PM aventtini: i need to work as DRO spindle enable on F2
03:00 PM aventtini: i have 2 buttons on linuxcnc that enables my axis and i can work as cnc lathe
03:00 PM andypugh: Just create a copy of the config that does not enable the servos (and remove the PID) and make the f-error limits _very_ big.
03:02 PM aventtini: why it reads the following error when drives are not enable
03:07 PM aventtini: olso i have made this panel except jostick
03:07 PM aventtini: https://cdn.makinate.com/machine-tools/lathes-cnc-teach-in-lathes/used-padovani-labor-e-200-cnc-teach-in-lathe/photo/web/used-padovani-labor-e-200-cnc-teach-in-lathe-2.jpg
03:07 PM gloops: hmm, Dow Jones down 410 points on Trumps steel tariff anouncement LOL
03:09 PM gloops: time some of these fickle traders had a little faith!
03:36 PM fragalot: miss0r: if you could choose between a single compressor that gives you 400l/min of airflow, or, for the same price and power draw, 5 small low-noise ones that put out 105l/min each? (both are from the same vendor)
03:36 PM fragalot: miss0r: which would you pick? :P
03:49 PM Todd_Z: That depends on what type of compressors they are. Recipricating, the small ones. Varaible speed rotary screw, the big one.
03:51 PM fragalot: first is a belt driven double piston, the other is one of those "new generation" of super quiet ones that seems to be very popular with chinese importers
03:52 PM fragalot: also a double piston, but the motor seems to be sandwiched between the 2 pistons
03:53 PM Todd_Z: Probably lean toward the smaller ones, but I'd want to look over the quality good first.
03:53 PM fragalot: of course
03:57 PM CaptHindsight: I picked up a used 5HP 3p compressor and tank, horiz type
03:58 PM CaptHindsight: I mounted it on two resin appliance dollies, it's really pretty quiet
03:58 PM fragalot: yeah the bigger units are usually quieter
03:58 PM CaptHindsight: 2 stage that I keep at ~175 PSI
03:59 PM fragalot: i've got a 3hp 230V one now that's loud AF, but it's enclosed in 15cm of sound damping material and 2cm of heavy rubber
03:59 PM CaptHindsight: the line that exits the compressor into the tank gets to >110C pretty quick
03:59 PM fragalot: in that enclosure it's VERY quiet :P
03:59 PM fragalot: but the 3hp doesn't quite cut it
04:00 PM CaptHindsight: mine is fine except for sand blasting
04:00 PM fragalot: great unit for air nailers though, fills the tank up in less than 20 seconds from empty
04:00 PM CaptHindsight: you just have to stop and wait a minute every few minutes
04:00 PM fragalot: yeah that's why I want a bigger one,... or a large tank
04:00 PM sync: get a screw compressor
04:00 PM CaptHindsight: 80gal
04:01 PM CaptHindsight: sync: when i find that deal
04:01 PM CaptHindsight: paid $250 for this one
04:01 PM fragalot: sync: considering that, but size is an issue.. AEG has a nice compact one, but it's about twice the budget I have in mind :P
04:01 PM CaptHindsight: just needed and new pressure switch
04:01 PM sync: a friend of mine got his for free
04:01 PM CaptHindsight: best kind of deal
04:01 PM sync: 7kW kaeser
04:02 PM CaptHindsight: I roll mine around the shop
04:02 PM fragalot: I don't need to
04:02 PM CaptHindsight: have an 6-4 cord 75ft long
04:02 PM fragalot: shed's so small there's no room to roll it around anyway
04:02 PM CaptHindsight: heh
04:03 PM fragalot: the 6m hose reaches outside even :P
04:03 PM CaptHindsight: 25m cord and 25m hose here
04:03 PM CaptHindsight: i could run pipe but why
04:03 PM fragalot: yeah
04:04 PM fragalot: pipe gets nasty quick too
04:04 PM CaptHindsight: 8m ceilings here
04:04 PM fragalot: at work we've got 3" runs all around the building for compressed air
04:04 PM fragalot: if you need air, you'd better connect an air gun first & use it as a pressure washer for a bit
04:05 PM CaptHindsight: heh, water eh?
04:05 PM fragalot: well it resembles a liquid
04:05 PM Deejay: gn8
04:05 PM fragalot: :P
04:05 PM CaptHindsight: hehe
04:09 PM roycroft: must make painting a lot of fun
04:09 PM fragalot: don't need to paint stainless :P
04:24 PM enleth: fragalot: water separators don't help?
04:24 PM fragalot: helps, but doesn't solve it
04:25 PM fragalot: we've recently installed a second air dryer
04:26 PM enleth: I'm a novice when it comes to air supply systems, but it does kinda sound like a design problem - there are pipe-based systems in use that don't have this problem somehow
04:26 PM CaptHindsight: helps to have dry air on the intake side :)
04:27 PM CaptHindsight: simple way is to just drain the tank and lines every day
04:27 PM fragalot: enleth: it is a combination of a design problem (dead-end pipe runs & stationary drops), and very, very humid air
04:27 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: tank self-drains
04:27 PM fragalot: has a little float on the bottom
04:28 PM CaptHindsight: well who piped that? :)
04:28 PM CaptHindsight: probably all afterthoughts, just add pipe when needed
04:29 PM fragalot: inexperience,.. it's been there for 30+yrs
04:29 PM fragalot: the lines used to all be in constant use so water wasn't a problem back then
04:33 PM roycroft: if you take some pieces of 6" pipe and drop them in vertically every few meters much of the water will drain into them
04:33 PM roycroft: just get a couple unions and a tee and insert inline
04:33 PM fragalot: not easy to just add bits in between galvanized pipes
04:33 PM CaptHindsight: they have 3" lines
04:34 PM fragalot: atm it just collects in the unused drops, so we just go around to drain those periodically
04:34 PM roycroft: if the lines are against walls then threading them to add the unions and tees is a hassle
04:34 PM roycroft: you can get saddle taps for the pipes though
04:34 PM roycroft: they just clamp over the pipe and then you drill a hole in the bottom
04:34 PM fragalot: or we can just drain the existing drops
04:34 PM roycroft: if that works for you :)
04:35 PM CaptHindsight: drill and weld
04:36 PM CaptHindsight: old pipes are never any fun
04:36 PM fragalot: galva pipe, nobody wants to weld that :P
04:38 PM CaptHindsight: fragalot: whats the deal with pipe there, galva for supplies and waste except for natural gas?
04:38 PM gregcnc: dioz will do it
04:38 PM CaptHindsight: lol
04:38 PM CaptHindsight: forgot about that
04:38 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: gas can be black iron, galva is fine too
04:39 PM fragalot: just has to be painted yellow :P
04:39 PM CaptHindsight: no galvanized for gas supply here
04:39 PM fragalot: I'm off.. gnite!
04:41 PM CaptHindsight: hmm NDA and IP ownership contract for a LCNC project
04:41 PM CaptHindsight: I guess only the config files will be under NDA :)
04:45 PM skunkworks: yecky.. :)
04:46 PM skunkworks: we have a new press getting setup.. The print heads are run by 2 lubuntu computers. The integrator says they are the best kept secret... no one knows what they do.
04:47 PM skunkworks: closed open source.
04:47 PM andypugh: skunkworks: Here is one I set up way back when I set up the driver: https://photos.app.goo.gl/jGmSo9m58xiBFNWM2
04:47 PM CaptHindsight: inkjet heads?
04:48 PM skunkworks: yes
04:48 PM roycroft: so i don't know if any of you have ever watched jeremy schmidt's youtube videos
04:48 PM roycroft: he has made some interesting stuff in his woodshop
04:48 PM roycroft: he's a young kid
04:49 PM roycroft: he's always begging for sponsors to send him stuff though
04:49 PM roycroft: and that did not seem unusual to me - lots of people on youtube, especially young kids, do that
04:49 PM CaptHindsight: skunkworks: it doesn't take much, FPGA and some high power opamps
04:49 PM roycroft: i just was on his website though, and saw that he owns a tesla model s
04:49 PM roycroft: so i'm thinking he probably doesn't need any sponsors
04:49 PM skunkworks: CaptHindsight, it has 2 i/o cards in each computer
04:49 PM roycroft: he has a rich daddy
04:50 PM CaptHindsight: skunkworks: I've used mesa cards to drive heads
04:50 PM andypugh: That’s one sponsor...
04:50 PM skunkworks: cool
04:50 PM roycroft: one is enough in his case, i should think
04:50 PM CaptHindsight: skunkworks: every printhead maker is super secret about the interface specs
04:50 PM skunkworks: I bet
04:51 PM CaptHindsight: skunkworks: are the heads for printing variable data?
04:51 PM CaptHindsight: date codes and similar?
04:51 PM roycroft: his belt grinder is the thing that interests me the most
04:55 PM skunkworks: CaptHindsight, no - actual decals and such
05:11 PM Jymmm: Any suggests for a Female POL ACME to 1/2 pipe fitting?
05:11 PM Jymmm: all I cna find is 1/4"
05:20 PM phipli: Tom_L, do you put USB chips + reset lines for bootloaders in any of your designs?
05:22 PM Tom_L: yes
05:23 PM Tom_L: the original one had 2 buttons but i changed it to one
05:23 PM Tom_L: HWB and RESET
05:24 PM Tom_L: i think i put a pulldown on HWB and left the button on RESET
05:25 PM Tom_L: one design used a cap but he didn't leave it that way long. it must have had problems
05:26 PM phipli: heh
05:27 PM phipli: so all the schematics online for arduinos have the UART reset line connected to reset through a 0.1uF cap
05:27 PM phipli: but whenever I do that, it wont reset
05:28 PM Tom_L: gimme a bit and i'll open mine
05:29 PM phipli: (boards from china arrived today - I made one mistake - missed the ground connection between the caps on the USB crystal)
05:29 PM phipli: so bodge wires for these 10 :)
05:29 PM Tom_L: easy fix
05:29 PM phipli: yeah - there is a ground on another component nice and close
05:29 PM Rab: phipli, the order I mentioned yesterday was tendered to DHL last night. I guess china is back in business.
05:30 PM phipli: Rab : good news :)
05:41 PM Tom_L: yeah, i put a 10k pulldown oh HWB and 10k pullup on reset with a switch to GND
05:42 PM Tom_L: then all you need to do to enter program mode is push the button
05:43 PM Tom_L: unless you need PD7 (HWB) for something else
05:46 PM phipli: Might have found the issue this time anyway
05:46 PM phipli: I think I picked up some 100pF caps instead of 100nF
05:47 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/ATMEGA32U2.JPG
05:47 PM phipli: labels are almost unreadable (smudged red ink on the strips)
05:48 PM Tom_L: what are you making?
05:50 PM roycroft: did they blow up real good, phipli?
05:51 PM phipli: roycroft, sadly no
05:52 PM phipli: Tom_L, ATMega8 based boards that plug into the back of a 1602 LCD
05:52 PM phipli: basically a USB to 1602 adapter
05:53 PM phipli: main reason is to experiment with getting a board manufactured
05:55 PM Tom_L: ahh i made one of those
05:55 PM Tom_L: serial lcd board
05:56 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/toaster_oven/serial_lcd_brd.png
05:57 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/toaster_oven/serial_lcd_sch.png
05:57 PM Tom_L: pretty simple really
05:57 PM Jymmm: screw that, you can buy premade with serial backpack
05:57 PM Tom_L: only mine wasn't usb
05:57 PM Tom_L: not then
05:58 PM Jymmm: 2008, yeah you could
05:58 PM Tom_L: well i didn't
05:58 PM Tom_L: :)
05:59 PM Jymmm: =)
05:59 PM phipli: :)
05:59 PM phipli: CH340g all the way
06:00 PM Jymmm: phipli: if you're a masocist
06:00 PM phipli: http://elephantandchicken.co.uk/PCBs/NameTagATM8Render.png
06:07 PM phipli: woo!
06:07 PM phipli: resets properly when I used the correct value components :)
08:18 PM cncnoob1979: Hey! How is everyone? I'm cncnoob1979 on linuxcnc.org/forum and have a posting for How to install Linuxcnc in mint. I have tried to keep the post up to date since creating it. After the server update I have lost the ability to edit my first few posts. I used to have that ability, so now I can not keep my post up to date and the information is becoming too jumbled. Is it possible for me get rights to edit my posts? Kinda l
08:18 PM cncnoob1979: I have emailed mozmck, asking him the same; but Im guessing my email went to the spam folder.
08:19 PM cncnoob1979: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/9-installing-linuxcnc/32193-complete-how-to-linux-mint-18-1-32-64-rtai-or-preempt-with-rip-install-or-deb
09:14 PM Tecan: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-CNC-MACH3-6-Axis-LPT-Port-MPG-USB-Card-Motion-Controller-Adapter-200KHz/222281686820 << anyone seen one of these usb adapters before ?
09:16 PM Jymmm: It's just a USB to Parallel port adapter
09:16 PM Jymmm: Then a paraport breakout card
09:17 PM Tecan: whats mpg port ?
09:18 PM Jymmm: Manual Pulse Generator , a pendant
09:44 PM Rab: I wonder if the LEDs on that 8P8C jack are hooked up to anything.
10:04 PM evilren: would you be upset if they didnt blink in sync with the pendant controls?
10:05 PM Kevin`_ is now known as Kevin`