#linuxcnc Logs

Jan 20 2018

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:09 AM XXCoder: getting there!
01:21 AM gloops: fragalot youll have to start building soon, Tom and me will soon be finished i dont think theres anyone else in here making anything from scratch
01:22 AM roycroft: i'm making a router table at the moment
01:22 AM roycroft: and as soon as that's done i'll be making a belt grinder
01:22 AM roycroft: neither will be cnc controlled though
01:23 AM roycroft: but both are being made from scratch
01:23 AM gloops: well was mainly thinking of cnc roy, but yes looking forward to seeing your router, it sounds rather high end
01:24 AM roycroft: after those projects i want to get back to my mill/drill and finally finish the cnc conversion of that
01:24 AM roycroft: i have everything except the ball screws for that
01:25 AM gloops: i will either be extending or making a new bandsaw from an old one, to get 12 inch or more cut, but got enough to do atm
01:26 AM gloops: would be interesting to see how one of these granite cast jobs goes though like fragalot is considering
01:28 AM roycroft: i'm still up in the air about adding some mass to the mill/drill with granite epoxy
01:29 AM roycroft: adding 100kg or so would definitely help
01:30 AM gloops: suppose any resin - GRP , or event cement concrete would be ok for adding mass
01:30 AM roycroft: a lot of people have added granite epoxy to small machines with good success
01:31 AM gloops: yeah seems a popular thing to do
01:31 AM roycroft: it's relatively cheap, with a big payback
01:31 AM gloops: expoxy probably stiffer
01:31 AM gloops: epoxy
01:46 AM fragalot: Hallo
01:47 AM fragalot: there is no substitute for mass, roycroft
01:48 AM fragalot: gloops: Well you'll just have to wait :D (the cnc isn't /that/ high on the priority list; so i'm working on the design in between)
01:49 AM fragalot: gloops: also - epoxy granite is not only stiffer, but it deals with vibrations a lot better than cement, which would just vibrate to bits
01:50 AM gloops: if the objective is only to add mass that wouldnt really matter, filling hollow sections with sand would achieve that - if you could get it in
01:50 AM fragalot: if you can get it to stay in
01:51 AM fragalot: and stay attached to the top walls
01:52 AM roycroft: for the mill/drill dampening vibration is important
01:52 AM SpeedEvil: pitch
01:52 AM roycroft: my mill/drill is bolted down to a stand i built for it
01:52 AM roycroft: and i filled the stand tubing with sand
01:55 AM gloops: roofers resin is probably the cheapest, add stone chips
01:56 AM gloops: im not sure though how filling hollow steel with resin could cause distortion, some heat and contraction going on
01:56 AM fragalot: and it's difficult to cast through narrow areas anyhow
01:57 AM fragalot: if it's to fillt he voids in open bottom base; EG is great
01:57 AM fragalot: if it's to fill tubing.. sand
02:01 AM gloops: well, i dont think my table is going to move anyway
02:10 AM Deejay: moin
02:10 AM fragalot: g'day
02:10 AM gloops: half a tonne of steel welded and bolted, triangulated, bolted to the floor, and the gantry moves by applying the lightest pressure to the screw, like turning the sound knob up on a car radio
02:11 AM gloops: seems crazy
02:11 AM fragalot: :D
02:11 AM fragalot: pics?
02:11 AM gloops: ill definately got some tommorrow, motors going on over weekend i hope
02:12 AM gloops: got to bodge some bearings up for z ballscrew and fit those, im nearly done
03:06 AM fragalot: I love how you can disable the visibility of sketches, and how that still applies if you explicitly open a sketch to edit it
03:09 AM XXCoder: yeah and can also make it show
03:50 AM fragalot: ghah adjusting joints in fusion360 is absolute garbage
03:52 AM fragalot: I wish you could disable the whole "history" thing and be able to just shift the order of your operations as required with no penalty like in Inventor
03:55 AM gloops: fusion?
03:56 AM fragalot: I want to put a few spacers on the Z to give clearance for the ballscrew nut
03:56 AM fragalot: the second I touch that joint to either remove or modify it, the whole thing explodes
03:57 AM fragalot: http://a360.co/2BgRhAb that's it at the moment, prior to exploding
03:58 AM fragalot: ajd I tried adjusting the X axis casting inserts, but good god that was a mistake
03:58 AM gloops: ive got the tube in the lathe and i still dont know how im going to make it lol
03:58 AM fragalot: so i've looked at Inventor licenses as I no longer have access to the one at work, and... $250/month, no thanks
03:59 AM XXCoder: fancy
04:02 AM fragalot: maybe I could just download the 30 day trial, as i'm sure I could finish the whole drawing in about a day in inventor, lol
04:03 AM archivist: you dont want to lose access when the time is up !
04:03 AM fragalot: won't lose full access
04:03 AM archivist: paper and pencil is immune from large company theft like that
04:03 AM fragalot: I can still have someone at work open it if I forgot to dimension something
04:03 AM enleth: pretty immune from changes too, unfortunately
04:04 AM fragalot: and once the build is done, I really don't care about the drawing any more
04:04 AM archivist: rubber!
04:04 AM gloops: welding a small piece of tube to a flat plate, i could drill the plate and spot it to the tube through the holes
04:04 AM enleth: maybe back in a time where an engineer had a dozen assistants who did the rubbering and drawing
04:04 AM enleth: while he did the thinking
04:04 AM fragalot: and when people still had the time to do that
04:04 AM enleth: that too
04:05 AM fragalot: good luck spotting collissions too on paper
04:05 AM archivist: you dont need much/any drawing to work direct from inside rear of skull
04:05 AM fragalot: archivist: Your words are wasted on me on this subject.
04:05 AM fragalot: I too come from the age of drawing everything on paper
04:05 AM gloops: dont plan anything, have faith!
04:06 AM fragalot: but if you have access to a 3D cad application, and you know how to use it
04:06 AM fragalot: you just are not going to go back to paper
04:06 AM archivist: I have done clocks in solidworks
04:07 AM gloops: thats why i waited until everything was here before i started, i like to lay things out and see how they fit etc, its just how my mind works
04:07 AM gloops: im not happy until ive done that
04:08 AM enleth: archivist: you're right when it comes to an artisan metalworker working alone or in a small team of equals, doing everything from design to assembly, on a project that is within the capabilities of his own shop and maybe a foundry down the road, but it looks like the time of big, complex machines and grand projects being done that way seem to be long gone
04:08 AM gloops: you build a mental map of what youre going to do
04:10 AM fragalot: gloops: I have all the bits here too
04:10 AM archivist: mental map is here to stay even in the computer age
04:10 AM fragalot: but I still like to create a mold design as I plan to only cast 1 set
04:10 AM fragalot: hopefully
04:10 AM fragalot: archivist: the mental map is of course still there
04:10 AM gloops: well should be able to slip housings on bearings and lay them out on some plates, see whats what
04:10 AM fragalot: but even so you will always want to adjust that one little thing that pushes everything over
04:10 AM enleth: sure, first nuclear power plants, first space rockets, first particle accelerators, they were all designed on paper, with computers relegated to checking models and crude simulations
04:10 AM fragalot: at which point, paper is absolute ass
04:10 AM enleth: but the cost was enormous for the overhead and no one in a business is going to take it now
04:11 AM archivist: fragalot, for an anti vibration design, you have the frame right but your axes plates are resonant
04:11 AM fragalot: archivist: I'm open to suggestions?
04:12 AM gloops: these days someone in australia draws a component for something being made in france, will never see the engine or whatever it is, Indian creates a g code file from it, russian makes the part, chinese finishes it, france bolts it on
04:16 AM archivist: fragalot, imagine audio exciting a plate with sand on it, your spindle does that to Z plates
04:16 AM archivist: I have a conference article on machine vibration here
04:18 AM archivist: dunno if this is on the web: Identification and solution of machine tools chatter problems B.R. Hardwick
04:21 AM fragalot: there are some articles linking to that talking about active vibration control
04:21 AM fragalot: but that's not what i'm after
04:21 AM fragalot: the only 2 ways I can think of to reduce this issue would be to either figure out the resonant frequenties of this assembly & adjust according, or to add mass in a damping material
04:22 AM archivist: they mention stiffening and damping
04:23 AM fragalot: but the stiffening should be done over the entire surface to have the best effect shouldn't it
04:23 AM archivist: or webs
04:23 AM fragalot: that's what I mean
04:23 AM fragalot: :P
04:24 AM archivist: what thickness are your plates for Z
04:24 AM fragalot: the Z is currently 20mm as I planned to buy a full sheet & cut as needed
04:25 AM fragalot: the X was 2 plates bolted together to make it easier to assemble as the design is poorly thought out :P
04:27 AM archivist: some damping because 2 sheets
04:28 AM fragalot: Z will still need minimu 25mm worth of spacing added to it anyway to clear the leadscrew nicely
04:28 AM fragalot: so that can be bolted plate too
04:31 AM archivist: I need a vibrator motor/transducer then I have the complete text gear, must then try my springy homebrew machine
04:32 AM fragalot: I could lend you my RF45 if you need a vibrator
04:33 AM archivist: hehe
04:37 AM XXCoder: cnc vibrator!
04:38 AM fragalot: have one fo those too
04:38 AM fragalot: the little cnc engraver
04:38 AM jthornton: morning
04:38 AM fragalot: mornin jthornton
04:39 AM jthornton: what's up this wonderful day
04:39 AM fragalot: cursin' at the availability of good CAD tools for the diy user
04:42 AM archivist: that article refers to a 1965 book Machine tool vibration, S A Tobias
04:43 AM jthornton: YEA we are out of the deep freeze for a while
04:43 AM XXCoder: fragalot: freescad, freecad maybe?
04:43 AM jthornton: some rain this weekend will wash the roads clean
04:44 AM jthornton: fragalot: 2D CAD or 3D?
04:45 AM archivist: solid model
04:46 AM fragalot: jthornton: Both.
04:46 AM fragalot: I'm trying freeCAD but it's not quite there yet
04:46 AM jthornton: librecad works for 2D
04:47 AM fragalot: jthornton: when I say both, I mean parametric 3D with the option to export to 2D dimensioned drawings
04:48 AM jthornton: ah
04:48 AM jthornton: fusion?
04:48 AM XXCoder: dont freecad have 2d draft drawing export
04:48 AM fragalot: fusion's way of keeping trakc of "history" is driving me insane
04:48 AM XXCoder: maybe #freecad folks know
04:48 AM jthornton: yea, I hate that about fusion
04:49 AM enleth: you can turn it off completely
04:50 AM fragalot: enleth: yeah but then it's no longer parametric and becomes as useless as sketchup
04:51 AM enleth: can't say I used it that way but John from NYC CNC said he did sometimes and it looked parametric enough in a video I've seen
04:52 AM enleth: more solidworks-y I guess
04:52 AM fragalot: enleth: it is parametric IF you keep the history enabled
04:52 AM fragalot: but the way it tracks the history is incredibly annoying for larger assemblies
04:52 AM enleth: well, they could do something about the way it insists on tracking where something was first created
04:53 AM enleth: for one
04:53 AM fragalot: that is indeed really annoying
04:53 AM fragalot: because sometimes if you copy a different instance (copy, paste new), the sketch will get messed up and it loses features
04:54 AM * jthornton needs to figure out how to setup an alarm window in a maple systems hmi
04:54 AM fragalot: that you can't "fix" without messing up everything following that original hole in the history
04:55 AM fragalot: I do, however, really like the CAM in fusion360
04:56 AM fragalot: and if it wasn't for the annoyances with how it handles part features, I use it all th etime
04:57 AM XXCoder: fragalot: I wonder if you could export and import into fusion
04:57 AM XXCoder: that way you get nice cam but nicer cad elsewhere
04:58 AM fragalot: you can
04:58 AM fragalot: it's quite good at importing files, actually
04:58 AM XXCoder: would be funy if it could import freecad files
04:58 AM XXCoder: so it has sketches so on
05:00 AM enleth: have you had any success importing complex assemblies from SolidWorks?
05:01 AM fragalot: XXCoder: it can only import it as a finished object
05:01 AM XXCoder: oh
05:01 AM fragalot: which is fine for CAM
05:01 AM fragalot: or assembling it into an assembly
05:13 AM jthornton: I should punch in if I'm going to do research on the Maple HMI
06:35 AM MrSunshine: hey! what was that addon for linuxcnc to just be able to click and get gcode inside the gui ? =)
06:36 AM jthornton: which gui?
06:39 AM MrSunshine: dont know, was hoping for axis gui =)
06:39 AM MrSunshine: was something that added some tab to just press and type values and get gcode directly to run
06:39 AM jthornton: ngcgui
06:39 AM jthornton: is this a lathe?
06:43 AM MrSunshine: nope, router
06:43 AM XXCoder: might be interesting lol https://interestingengineering.com/video/this-video-teaches-you-how-to-make-a-diy-sandblaster-for-less-than-6
06:43 AM XXCoder: too bad I cant access google!
07:03 AM SpeedEvil: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/High-Power-Fiber-Coupled-Laser-Diode-25-30W-970nm-Burning-Cutting-CNC-/322989950621? 30w/975nm fibre laser cheapish
07:20 AM gloops: some are talking about fibre lasers becoming accessible to the man in the garage on facebook
07:20 AM gloops: but really, really...do you want one
07:26 AM gloops: i bet this is good https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Every-man-his-own-Mechanic/232631233580?
07:39 AM archivist: I have some books of that era, funny how they miss detail
07:42 AM `Wolf: am I missing something or is there some great usefulness to a superspacer indexer
07:43 AM archivist: what is a "superspacer indexer" marketing term?
07:43 AM `Wolf: https://www.kbctools.com/products/WORK%20HOLDING/ROTARY%20TABLES@@2c%20DIVIDING%20HEADS@@2c%20@@26%20INDEXES/INDEXERS%20@@26%20SPACERS/4595.aspx
07:43 AM `Wolf: https://i.imgur.com/EhH5hSG.jpg this thing
07:44 AM `Wolf: with a 15° index
07:45 AM archivist: I suppose for simple stuff its faster else meh
07:45 AM `Wolf: kinda what I was thinking, going to make a mounting plate for the chuck to use on the rotary table
07:46 AM `Wolf: chuck is pretty nice, bucks adjustable
07:48 AM `Wolf: i was going to order a D1-4 plate for it until I saw the price on them
07:49 AM gloops: im going to make a rotary when i get sorted, i was thinking about it - it wont be so bad once you have one machine up and running, there wont be any rush to finish another one, just do it as and when and take your time
07:49 AM gloops: instead of being a job it might be enjoyable
07:50 AM archivist: I have just been looking at cheap woodwork stuff down the local machine mart, kept my creditcard in my pocket :)
07:51 AM gloops: a lot of it is pretty useless, i dont look anymore, the kity saws werent bad but the cheaper stuff is rubbish
07:52 AM archivist: I could do with a bench disk/belt sander and a thicknesser
07:53 AM `Wolf: when I say rotary table I mean http://www.phase2plus.com/details.asp?pr=PRECISION%20ROTARY%20TABLES&id=55 type, mine is a 8” horizontal which should be getting the dividing add on today for it as well
07:53 AM gloops: best disk sander i had i made to fit on the bowl end of wood lathe, about a foot diameter, made a little platform to fit in the rest, very useful
07:54 AM gloops: had to stick paper on with spray contact adhesive and trim it off though
07:54 AM `Wolf: I want to make a mini version of the belt grinder/sander that roycroft is talking about making =)
07:55 AM archivist: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Silverline-350W-Bench-Belt-Disc-Sander-390mm-Sander-Sanding-3-Year-Warranty/182719721014
07:55 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Wiring/Final_Wiring3.jpg
07:55 AM Tom_L: last night's efforts
07:55 AM `Wolf: looks good Tom
07:56 AM `Wolf: is the head counter weighted or something?
07:56 AM Tom_L: it's gettin heavier to move around. i know that for sure
07:56 AM archivist: does the paint make it go faster?
07:56 AM Tom_L: no not yet
07:56 AM Tom_L: archivist if it were red it might
07:57 AM Tom_L: `Wolf, there's not that much weight on it yet but i've thought about it
07:58 AM Tom_L: considering it's got a 570 in/oz stepper on it with a 3:1 reduction
07:58 AM `Wolf: I did a gas strut counter weight
07:59 AM XXCoder: man
08:00 AM XXCoder: though make sure counterweight cant bounce
08:00 AM `Wolf: https://i.imgur.com/IlS0g40.png?1 and same thing on the x1 https://i.imgur.com/GDcbOpX.jpg https://i.imgur.com/6NvwkBz.jpg https://i.imgur.com/CCqZw9Y.jpg
08:02 AM Tom_L: what's the pulley made of?
08:03 AM `Wolf: that one was acetal and skate bearings, the X2 i’m using groved bearings
08:04 AM Tom_L: that's some mighty thick plate for that
08:04 AM `Wolf: was whatever I had laying around for the x1
08:05 AM `Wolf: thats only 1/2” alum bar stock
08:06 AM `Wolf: x1 column is so small it make the plate look super thick in that pic lol
08:28 AM `Wolf: yay for amazon, mostly… https://i.imgur.com/X6yS5Kv.jpg
08:29 AM `Wolf: stealth clearance items, kipp hand wheels were marked down to $14
09:24 AM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5rDbr_0Ik8
09:24 AM gloops: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wadkin-disc-and-belt-sander/323000360112?
09:25 AM archivist: wadkin goes for money
09:26 AM XXCoder: wondering what that sandlike thing is
09:27 AM gloops: the small ones work, not much power though, and likely to keep shaking themslves to bits
09:30 AM XXCoder: new thing to me, grinder but with belt type grinder
09:31 AM gloops: the disks are good for stuff like trimming mitres, set a small fence up, end grain comes up like glass
09:31 AM gloops: woodworking machine XXCoder
09:31 AM archivist: I sometimes put my handheld one on its back and use as a bench, but it lacks the catcher then
09:31 AM XXCoder: yeah was thinking that but hes using mag hold and jknives
09:32 AM `Wolf: this phase 2 divider attachment doesn’t seem to bad except the sector thing sucks https://i.imgur.com/T2Uujze.jpg
09:32 AM Rab: I bought a golf club sander like this at a hamfest, no shortage of power: https://www.amazon.com/Kalamazoo-Sander-Motor-Contact-Wheel/dp/B000REJM3K
09:33 AM gloops: oh for the knife blades yeah they use belt sanders - in the absence of an overhead grinder
09:33 AM XXCoder: dang the end result...
09:33 AM Rab: This is the exact model, maybe it's older than I thought: http://vintagemachinery.org/mfgindex/imagedetail.aspx?id=8830
09:33 AM XXCoder: well night
09:34 AM Rab: It has a huge Baldor motor on it, maybe an upgrade. There was extra shaft out the other side, so I added a buffing wheel.
09:34 AM archivist: `Wolf, those sector things take some getting used to, cnc the dividing head
09:35 AM gloops: i got a 'bowie' off sid cooper in sheffield, tiny workshop, had a few bench type grinders and polishers, he made some beautiful stuff, almost certainly dead by now
09:35 AM `Wolf: archivist: more so when they are plastic and break lol
09:36 AM archivist: I never tried my sector, stepper went straight on :)
09:36 AM `Wolf: lol
09:39 AM `Wolf: so much more fun to make new sector
09:45 AM Roguish_ is now known as Roguish
10:08 AM archivist: `Wolf, I did come across a table that came with a dividing head that was wrong, subcontractor made a number of gears wrong because of it
10:11 AM `Wolf: derp, didn’t proof the setup?
10:12 AM methods_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEed-o8fVpM
10:12 AM methods_: super troopers 2 baby
10:13 AM archivist: `Wolf, this is the printed division tables that state (sector span) setting per gear teeth
10:14 AM archivist: somewhere I have a spredsheet that just works and can give you correct settings which set of holes and sector etc
10:14 AM archivist: but cnc does not make that mistake :)
10:17 AM `Wolf: https://i.imgur.com/1buVK8J.jpg
10:17 AM `Wolf: maybe at some point i’ll cnc the thing
10:18 AM archivist: I think I have to fire up the old win2k box to find that spreadsheet
10:20 AM `Wolf: seeing that I suck at the programing end of things manual setup will probably be faster for me lol
10:21 AM `Wolf: at least the cost for the dividing set wasn’t to bad
10:22 AM `Wolf: except for the crappy sector thing that arrived broken
10:24 AM IchGucksLive: hi
10:25 AM IchGucksLive: hi from germany snow outside hevy downpoor
10:25 AM Tom_L: make snowmen
10:26 AM IchGucksLive: if grandchildren arrive tomorrow maybe
11:52 AM IchGucksLive: hi
11:52 AM IchGucksLive: power out
11:52 AM fragalot: hey
11:52 AM fragalot: wind, or?
11:52 AM IchGucksLive: fragalot: does the monster cnc move ?
11:53 AM fragalot: no
11:53 AM fragalot: i'm struggling with the CAD design
11:53 AM IchGucksLive: 10 inches of snow last 5hr
11:53 AM fragalot: I wanted to put a spacer on the Z axis to clear the leadscrew nut,
11:53 AM fragalot: and the model exploded
11:53 AM fragalot: and I can't fix it
11:53 AM fragalot: so I went to dinner with a friend instead
11:53 AM IchGucksLive: if modell go wear is cool
11:53 AM IchGucksLive: but there are backups
11:53 AM fragalot: and am now working on gathering more parts for the electrical
11:53 AM IchGucksLive: did you load one
11:54 AM fragalot: yes there are, but i'm frustrated with Fusion360
11:54 AM pfred1: fragalot I struggle with CAD design too
11:54 AM IchGucksLive: thats why i use freecad
11:54 AM fragalot: pfred1: I don't struggle in Inventor
11:54 AM fragalot: much
11:54 AM IchGucksLive: best is a pro cad system
11:54 AM fragalot: but alas I have no access anymore
11:54 AM pfred1: IchGucksLive I use FreeCAD but the copy I have now is brittle
11:55 AM fragalot: I've tried freeCAD, but it is not yet great for assemblies in my opinion
11:55 AM IchGucksLive: pfred1: 0,18 willl get all
11:55 AM fragalot: as it is now, it is impressive, but it's far from finished
11:55 AM pfred1: real far
11:55 AM IchGucksLive: fragalot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbVUEcMGrdE
11:55 AM IchGucksLive: this is a 150euro cad system
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: about 3hr of work
11:56 AM pfred1: half of my CAD problems are just bugginess with FreeCAD
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: pfred1: agree as i do coding for them
11:56 AM Tom_shop: does freecad have a cam?
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: YES
11:56 AM pfred1: I think it does
11:56 AM Tom_shop: for lcnc?
11:56 AM fragalot: it does
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: im the DEV ;-)
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: yes
11:57 AM pfred1: I never used it but I've seen it
11:57 AM IchGucksLive: im on the lcnc code right now
11:57 AM Tom_shop: you're the developer?
11:58 AM IchGucksLive: but they do not accept german coding
11:58 AM IchGucksLive: they like more M
11:58 AM IchGucksLive: the cnc controle mostz used
11:58 AM fragalot: what do you mean with "german coding"
11:58 AM fragalot: german variable names?
11:59 AM IchGucksLive: im a more EDucation guy so it has tzo be correct
11:59 AM fragalot: if so, I can understand that, for a global project, they prefer something everyone can understand
11:59 AM IchGucksLive: they only think in Python rules
11:59 AM IchGucksLive: let me get you the todays mail
12:00 PM pfred1: python python python
12:00 PM pfred1: it is a bag of snakes so aptly names
12:00 PM Tom_shop: may apply power to the metal today
12:00 PM fragalot: For example, if I was reading a line of code, and the function name was Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
12:00 PM IchGucksLive: following one of the principles of python that 'explicit is better than implicit' I think that is doubly true of gcode.
12:00 PM fragalot: I'd be scratching my head wondering what the hell that means
12:00 PM IchGucksLive: --axis-modal removes the redundant position parameters (--output-doubles was confusing and ambiguous)
12:01 PM IchGucksLive: The default mode for the post processor should produce the most explicit code and the flags should remove things to make the file smalle
12:02 PM IchGucksLive: as i refused to do a mach and modal is not liked by M
12:02 PM IchGucksLive: they refused modal change to my commitsa
12:02 PM MarkusBec: fragalot: muhahah
12:03 PM pfred1: the led dev of FreeCAD is a real dick
12:03 PM fragalot: IchGucksLive: perhaps it's for reverse compatibility reasons?
12:03 PM pfred1: lead even
12:03 PM fragalot: though in the development stage, that's a silly reason
12:03 PM IchGucksLive: this is what i did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teV5SPvtnHY
12:04 PM MarkusBec: pfred1: it works! you just have to use the pyhton console :P
12:04 PM MarkusBec: is the answare to anythink in freecad :)
12:04 PM IchGucksLive: there is a playlist behind
12:04 PM pfred1: MarkusBec now there's a realy waste of screen real estate for me a python console
12:05 PM IchGucksLive: around 10 info videos
12:05 PM MarkusBec: pfred1: i am working with kicad at the moment
12:05 PM MarkusBec: stable version is 4 years+ old
12:05 PM pfred1: yeah I have kiCAD too
12:06 PM pfred1: I have 4.0.7 KiCAD
12:06 PM IchGucksLive: also i got the full sim working but is refused to be in 0,17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NJmoLY4vYk
12:06 PM MarkusBec: you have to use nightly just because there is a docu for 4.0.7 and noboady wants to write a new docu
12:06 PM pfred1: running on Debian Wheezy no less
12:06 PM MarkusBec: pfred1: 4.0.7 is scrap in a box
12:06 PM pfred1: it works here
12:06 PM MarkusBec: wiht backportet features that does not work
12:07 PM MarkusBec: nightlybuild is realy nice
12:07 PM IchGucksLive: the drill angle is confusing the voxelcut
12:07 PM MarkusBec: wit a working libery manager
12:07 PM pfred1: but when I told them their reply was, that's impossible
12:07 PM MarkusBec: !!!!
12:07 PM fragalot: ffs
12:07 PM fragalot: my mouse has started randomly double-clicking
12:07 PM pfred1: my keyboard the letters get stuck occasionally
12:07 PM fragalot: takes me 20 tries to tick a checkbox, lol
12:08 PM fragalot: and if i'm in an application that uses the windows ribbon, if you click on the logo to open the menu, the application closes
12:08 PM fragalot: because SOMEONE at microsoft decided that was a good feature
12:08 PM IchGucksLive: 743 Abonomentments and 150k klicks not bad
12:09 PM pfred1: I've spent the last two days trying to figure out how to install a Desktop Environment on Gentoo
12:09 PM fragalot: pfred1: what are you struggling with?
12:09 PM pfred1: I'm beginning to think the one I want to run is not going to happen
12:09 PM IchGucksLive: will lcnc run on 18.04
12:10 PM pfred1: fragalot I have a blockage
12:10 PM fragalot: there's medication for that
12:10 PM pfred1: need more fiber?
12:10 PM pfred1: yeah I'm startign to have second and third thoughts about Gentoo entirely
12:10 PM fragalot: I've always liked it
12:11 PM fragalot: then again, I haven't used it in the past.... 5 years.
12:11 PM pfred1: I like the concept the execution could use some work
12:11 PM pfred1: yeah 5 years ago Gentoo was a lot more popular thna it is today
12:12 PM IchGucksLive: what is the most linux distro worldwide
12:12 PM pfred1: since then things have kind of gone to the dogs somewhat
12:12 PM fragalot: shame
12:12 PM pfred1: well in a way it was beneficial there's not as much breakage
12:12 PM IchGucksLive: rpi
12:12 PM pfred1: but at the same time packges are rotting away too
12:14 PM pfred1: I found a page for an overlay for the DE I want to run but I don't think it works today?
12:14 PM pfred1: at least it hasn't worked for me so far
12:14 PM roycroft: the linux distro with the largest installed base in the world is probably linksys
12:14 PM fragalot: sounds like my experiences with ChibiOS at work
12:15 PM fragalot: every time I want to use a certain feature of it, it's completely undocumented :P
12:15 PM roycroft: raspbian may be number two
12:15 PM fragalot: or it is documented, but they changed it and didn't document the change
12:15 PM pfred1: somehow I managed to get the overlay into my repository list but now it won't build with a blockage
12:15 PM IchGucksLive: OH it is a acceptd comit last 2hr i recived a mail
12:15 PM IchGucksLive: SO now the master holds the CNC
12:16 PM IchGucksLive: from tomorrow the night build will have full lcnc support
12:16 PM fragalot: Neat.
12:16 PM fragalot: is there something in the pipeline to put "sensible defaults" in the CAM settings instead of 0 for everything?
12:17 PM fragalot: or does it remember your previous numbers
12:17 PM IchGucksLive: you can edit your postprocessor as you want it
12:17 PM IchGucksLive: fix entrys
12:18 PM IchGucksLive: you are able ti onteract on wvery Letter or number
12:18 PM IchGucksLive: you are able to interact
12:19 PM IchGucksLive: its far from being Pro
12:19 PM IchGucksLive: but its a start
12:19 PM pfred1: IchGucksLive one step at a time
12:19 PM pfred1: progress is progress
12:21 PM IchGucksLive: the drawing has more priority then the cam
12:22 PM pfred1: well it is a CAD program
12:24 PM IchGucksLive: proves wrong -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY_EXOpvcjQ
12:24 PM IchGucksLive: if you know how to use it
12:26 PM pfred1: al I know is that I know nothing
12:27 PM IchGucksLive: pfred1: best to go for let the others do the job
12:27 PM IchGucksLive: so the USA is bankrupt as i read here
12:28 PM IchGucksLive: how cout the master do that
12:28 PM IchGucksLive: he is the genius in finacing
12:28 PM pfred1: fire a missle at us and find out in which way we're bankrupt
12:28 PM fragalot: IchGucksLive: he's keeping it all to himself
12:28 PM fragalot: I'm more wondering
12:28 PM pfred1: you may find that we're just morally bankrupt then
12:28 PM IchGucksLive: saved the big Fruitcompany 15Billion and brougt 20k Jobs for foreners to the usa
12:28 PM fragalot: is he going to go to maro a lago, spend .gov money, and pretend he didn't just break the law again?
12:29 PM pfred1: we just put a new spy satelite in orbit yesterday
12:30 PM IchGucksLive: its dark in NK so he needs infrared
12:30 PM fragalot: it is actually probably a very good location for star gazing
12:30 PM IchGucksLive: i wonder howmany cnc in NK wil run on lcnc
12:31 PM IchGucksLive: fragalot: agree on that
12:31 PM roycroft: ichguckslive: our president is a genius at declaring bankruptcy and stealing money from people
12:31 PM pfred1: fragalot I'm stoked for the James Webb scope to come online
12:31 PM fragalot: pfred1: which one isf that?
12:31 PM IchGucksLive: roycroft: right
12:31 PM pfred1: google james webb telescope
12:31 PM roycroft: he's a genius at making investments that have a lower return than if he had just put his money in a savings account, in spite of his cheating
12:32 PM pfred1: it's going to be able to directly image extra solar planets
12:32 PM pfred1: like we'er actually going to be able to see the things
12:32 PM pfred1: I've got to see that!
12:32 PM IchGucksLive: Q to USA is the wall examples published in the usa
12:32 PM fragalot: pfred1: that is pretty damn neat
12:32 PM IchGucksLive: in televicion
12:32 PM pfred1: it has a 21 foot mirror
12:32 PM IchGucksLive: #or news
12:33 PM pfred1: it is going to make the Hubble look like something that came in a box of cereal
12:33 PM IchGucksLive: WE here build the 1000 mirrors for the new megascope
12:33 PM roycroft: i need to go enlarge my router lift opening by about 0.005"
12:33 PM IchGucksLive: at schoff mainz
12:33 PM roycroft: that's going to be tricky
12:33 PM roycroft: especially since there's a steel support below the opening that cannot be removed
12:34 PM pfred1: start filing
12:34 PM roycroft: i'm more concerned about getting depth correct than width of the cut
12:34 PM IchGucksLive: https://www.rheinpfalz.de/lokal/artikel/schott-100-neue-arbeitsplaetze-in-mainz-mitriesenteleskop-in-chile/
12:34 PM IchGucksLive: 39meters
12:35 PM pfred1: IchGucksLive but is it in space?
12:35 PM IchGucksLive: Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)
12:35 PM IchGucksLive: no in chile
12:36 PM pfred1: air's think there but not as thin as the vacuum of space
12:36 PM pfred1: thin even
12:36 PM IchGucksLive: i woudt be the first to sign a jobcontract if im not that old
12:36 PM fragalot: the biggest issue with air is that the properties are never stable
12:36 PM roycroft: the cutout is plastic laminate over mdf
12:36 PM IchGucksLive: pfred1: agree but it is that clean
12:36 PM IchGucksLive: i have been there 2times
12:36 PM pfred1: they can compensate pretty good today for land based scopes
12:36 PM roycroft: if i stay off the steel support by 0.010: or so i can clean that last bit up with an old chisel, i suppose
12:36 PM IchGucksLive: and it is a amasing sky
12:36 PM fragalot: they can, but it's still compensating
12:36 PM pfred1: still nothing like not having to worry about it
12:37 PM roycroft: 0.010", rather
12:37 PM fragalot: and compensating is always lossy
12:37 PM pfred1: roycroft it's touchy work
12:38 PM roycroft: i should just get on with it instead of continuing to avoid it
12:38 PM roycroft: it's one of those operations where i have so many hours into the part so far that ruining it at the end would be pretty bad
12:38 PM pfred1: I don't want to give up on my project but I'm starting to lose drive
12:39 PM pfred1: I ran KDE 4 in a live distro and I hated it
12:39 PM roycroft: i actually don't have that many working hours into it, although there are a few
12:39 PM roycroft: it's the put a coat of finish on, wait a day, put another coat on, wait a day, etc.
12:39 PM IchGucksLive: i made a own app for my telescope
12:39 PM roycroft: it would take me a week and a half to remake it
12:39 PM pfred1: I got no idea who thought KDE 4 was a good idea
12:39 PM IchGucksLive: to control from inside as outside well below zero
12:39 PM roycroft: not to mention that the laminate was a pain in the butt to acquire
12:39 PM fragalot: i'm not a fan of KDE either
12:39 PM IchGucksLive: all by hc05
12:39 PM pfred1: I like KDE 3.5
12:40 PM fragalot: I mainly used xfce if I recall correctly
12:40 PM pfred1: but it is really long in the tooth today
12:40 PM roycroft: i guess if i wreck it i'll just route out a bigger opening and make a hardwood "sleeve" for that
12:40 PM pfred1: xfce is on my LinuxCNC it's OK for that but I wouldn't want to use it regularly
12:40 PM roycroft: kde sucks, but it's way better than gnome
12:41 PM fragalot: worked fine for my needs
12:41 PM pfred1: yeah Gnome 2.6 was usable but 3.X is not for me
12:41 PM pfred1: thing is there's some features in KDE 3.5 that I really like
12:42 PM roycroft: i ran in to the guy who was at the time, at least, the lead developer of gnome at a conference about 15 years ago
12:42 PM roycroft: i pinned him down and got him to essentially admit that he was trying to incorporate all the things that are horrible about windows into gnome
12:43 PM pfred1: the whole Gnome project was just butt hurt over KDE using the QT widget set
12:43 PM MarcelineVQ: sittin' here with my xfce wondering what all the fuss is about
12:43 PM pfred1: which had a restrictive license
12:43 PM IchGucksLive: this is the C14 i use to show students -> http://tv-profi-gmbh.de/zw_tele.jpg
12:43 PM roycroft: things like a registry, an extremely complex api that is poorly documented and required to attain any semblence of performance
12:43 PM pfred1: xfce's file manager sucks
12:43 PM fragalot: so don't use the xfce file manager
12:43 PM MarcelineVQ: my files are managed in a terminal :X
12:44 PM * roycroft is on a mac, and has 9 xterms open in his primary space
12:44 PM roycroft: i use macs because they run unix
12:44 PM pfred1: fragalot I've never seen anything comparable to classic konqueror as a file manager
12:44 PM roycroft: ls, mv, rm, etc. are great for managing files :)
12:45 PM fragalot: pfred1: I think I used xfe as my file manager "back in the day"
12:45 PM pfred1: I use it on my machine controller so I'm constantly reminded how little I care for it there
12:45 PM fragalot: lol k
12:46 PM pfred1: but for pulling a G code file off my network share I can tolerate it
12:51 PM miss0r: How much clearence would you make for a carbon brush? I've ordered one that is 6mm in diameter. What hole size would you suggest ? (anyone with experience?)
12:55 PM pfred1: brushes always seem pretty loose in holders to me
12:55 PM IchGucksLive: im off gn8
12:56 PM pfred1: miss0r is it a motor brush?
12:57 PM pfred1: that's the only place I've ever seen a carbon brush
01:00 PM miss0r: yeah, its a motor brush
01:03 PM fragalot: based on all the chinesium motors i've disassembled; you need about this much space.
01:03 PM * fragalot holds hands out
01:04 PM miss0r: lol
01:04 PM miss0r: I'm thinking 6.2 ish, as they will be seated in teflon
01:05 PM pfred1: carbon on teflon should be pretty slick interface
01:06 PM pfred1: but when you drill plastic it does tend to come up undersized
01:06 PM pfred1: plastic will stretch around the bit
01:06 PM miss0r: Yeah. Anyway - I'll start out with 6.2, I can always up the size - the exact location is not that critical. It is okay if it moves 0.1mm or something
01:07 PM pfred1: it goes without saying that sharp tools are essential to working in plastic
01:07 PM miss0r: Indeed
01:07 PM * miss0r just unwrapped a brand new carbide drill (not the chinesium ones)
01:07 PM pfred1: carbide might not be the best choice
01:08 PM pfred1: you certainly don't need carbide's properties in plastic
01:08 PM pfred1: and carbide won't take an edge like good HSS will
01:08 PM miss0r: true, but these laser sharpened ones I get are ridiculously sharp when they are new :)
01:08 PM pfred1: OK should be fine
01:09 PM * fragalot hates websites that have an option to filter certain heights of cabinets but have no "this size or above" function
01:09 PM pfred1: I always thought it was down to the grain structure of the metal why carbide is never too sharp
01:09 PM miss0r: I've litteraly cut my fingers on one when feeling for the sharpness
01:09 PM fragalot: so you either don't filter, or tick 9000 boxes
01:09 PM fragalot: and the page reloads every time you tick a filter
01:09 PM fragalot: why am I in such a complainy mood?
01:09 PM miss0r: hehe. Good question? a smoker up until rescently ?
01:09 PM MarcelineVQ: it's the weekend, what else is there to do
01:09 PM pfred1: fragalot the world offers a lot of opportunity for criticism
01:09 PM fragalot: pfred1: carbide has come a long way, actually
01:10 PM fragalot: with newer micrograin structures compared to the older coarse stuff
01:10 PM pfred1: perhaps
01:10 PM fragalot: old style carbide could not take an edge.. physically impossible
01:10 PM fragalot: modern carbide blends can get close to HSS
01:10 PM pfred1: yeah but I can't take advantage of that myself as conveniently
01:11 PM pfred1: unless i just want to drop ash whenever I want sharp tools
01:11 PM pfred1: drop case even
01:11 PM fragalot: yup
01:11 PM pfred1: cash!
01:11 PM fragalot: lol try again
01:11 PM pfred1: fscking keyboard
01:11 PM pfred1: it's beyond hammered I'm trying to get a whole new PC online over here
01:12 PM pfred1: not going too smoothly though
01:12 PM fragalot: there are plastics where it makes sense though
01:12 PM pfred1: all I have is 2 ssh sindows up n this system for it now
01:12 PM fragalot: can't remember which one, but it's known to have abrasive properties on cutting tools
01:12 PM pfred1: Linux five 4.9.72-gentoo-87 #3 SMP Thu Jan 18 14:20:27 EST 2018 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
01:12 PM pfred1: so sexy!
01:12 PM MarcelineVQ: fragalot: anything glass impregnated is sure to
01:13 PM pfred1: yeah glass is a tool killer
01:13 PM pfred1: I run into that with FR4 PCB
01:13 PM gloops: they used to throw tonnes of brushwood on hot ingots here when they were rolling, incinerated instantly and rolled in
01:14 PM fragalot: MarcelineVQ: or carbon
01:49 PM Deejay: re
01:53 PM fragalot: hi
01:59 PM gloops: is Deejay a bot?
01:59 PM Deejay: hmm, don't think so
01:59 PM MarcelineVQ: just quiet :>
01:59 PM gloops: thanks, just checking
02:00 PM gloops: what line of cnc are you in Deejay?
02:00 PM Deejay: not sure what you mean. i build a simple gantry style cnc router (i think thats the name)
02:00 PM fragalot: hmph
02:01 PM gloops: excellent, does it work ok Deejay?
02:01 PM Deejay: just hobby stuff, mostly wood working ;)
02:01 PM fragalot: shame. I think I can't fit all my components into a cabinet I already had
02:01 PM fragalot: there goes another €200 >.>
02:01 PM Deejay: yeah, works fine for my stuff
02:02 PM gloops: 200 euros for a fuse box, you must be crazy
02:02 PM Deejay: gloops, here is a picture: http://quadrokopter.net/fraese/fraessetup.jpg
02:02 PM Tom_shop: ok at least i don't have to hand crank the axis now
02:02 PM fragalot: gloops: find me a good steel enclosure that is at least 760x500
02:02 PM fragalot: gloops: and at least 210 deep
02:02 PM gloops: Deejay all this time and youve got a gantry with 2 motors on X!
02:03 PM fragalot: is that
02:03 PM fragalot: is that your living room?
02:03 PM gloops: that looks like it would work well
02:03 PM Deejay: gloops, nope, one motor on every axis
02:03 PM gloops: oh 1 motor turning 2 screws
02:03 PM CaptHindsight: anyone have a newer car with soy based insulation on the wiring?
02:03 PM Deejay: yeah, connected by a belt
02:04 PM gloops: i might end up doing that
02:04 PM MarcelineVQ: CaptHindsight: that reads like an onion headline
02:04 PM Tom_shop: CaptHindsight, how can you tell?
02:04 PM Loetmichel: CaptHindsight: soy based insulation? who the hell does such insanity?
02:04 PM Deejay: thought would be better if two motors and one loses steps...
02:04 PM fragalot: Tom_shop: scratch'n'sniff
02:04 PM gloops: Deejay yeah that is the drawback
02:04 PM pfred1: we grow lots ofsoybeans here
02:05 PM Deejay: and the single motor is strong enough. can break nearly everything ;)
02:05 PM CaptHindsight: looks like rodents use it as a food source
02:05 PM Tom_shop: CaptHindsight, are they going back to aluminum wiring too?
02:05 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Rodents-Wreaking-Havoc-on-Vehicles-But-Is-the-Damage-Covered-401413106.html
02:05 PM pfred1: nothing but corn and soybeans realy maybe some wheat
02:05 PM gloops: fragalot an old metal locker
02:05 PM CaptHindsight: https://jalopnik.com/5662917/car-eating-rabbits-invade-denver-airport
02:05 PM fragalot: gloops: i'd pay more in shipping
02:05 PM fragalot: gloops: and still need to make a mounting plate
02:06 PM Tom_shop: mice ate old wiring too
02:06 PM Tom_shop: that's nothing new
02:06 PM fragalot: i'd rather buy a purpose built cabinet that fits everything I need
02:06 PM pfred1: Tom_shop there's lots of copper coated aluminum wire these days
02:06 PM Tom_shop: i know
02:06 PM pfred1: you put it in a lighter flame and it burns up like hair
02:06 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: That is hilarious.
02:07 PM pfred1: copper will just glow
02:07 PM CaptHindsight: it is the responsibility of the user to prevent rodents from eating the wiring harness. Honda/Toyota recommend the use anti-rodent devices"
02:07 PM fragalot: CaptHindsight: That is even more hilarious
02:07 PM gloops: our cats always sit under the cars, we wouldnt have any trouble with mice
02:08 PM fragalot: friend of mine cranked his car, which was followed by a high pitch shriek
02:08 PM fragalot: cat got it's tail stuck in the belt
02:08 PM gloops: yeah cats seem attracted cars, seen a few incidents like that
02:08 PM gloops: to cars
02:09 PM fragalot: have you guys added anything special to deal with high voltage spikes from the steppers braking?
02:09 PM fragalot: (assume only 1 motor & drive per power supply)
02:09 PM enleth: fragalot: lots of capacitance and flyback diodes
02:09 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_shop: I guess the soy based taste even better than the old PVC stuff to them
02:10 PM CaptHindsight: and soy breaks down faster so the cars won't last as long
02:10 PM CaptHindsight: nice feature
02:11 PM * gloops wonders how much a new wiring loom is for an X-trail
02:12 PM CaptHindsight: probably $500 per loom
02:13 PM fragalot: enleth: define "lots" - 10mF?
02:14 PM gloops: youd have computer control engine, suspension, gearbox, brakes, GPS, and you could get stranded in the middle of nowhere because a rat chewed through the wiring while you got out for a slash
02:16 PM enleth: fragalot: there are formulas for DC bus capacitance but 10mF sounds like it's in the right ballpark
02:17 PM fragalot: enleth: also, would a TVS diode not be preferable to a flyback diode solution, as with the flyback i'd also need a zener?
02:19 PM enleth: not sure really
02:20 PM miss0r: damnit! I've had two digital calibers die on me in as many days!
02:20 PM fragalot: miss0r: quit buying junk?
02:21 PM fragalot: I have 3 "junk" calipers that are only good for scribing.. after about 1 year of use most of them have started skipping numbers randomly
02:21 PM miss0r: One was a mitutoyo the other a sylvac, none of them hardly junk :-/ they were just old
02:26 PM enleth: speaking of, I finally found a legitimate use for those $0.75 shitty joke calipers made of plastic
02:26 PM enleth: checking wire gauge on live busbar connections
02:26 PM fragalot: lol
02:26 PM fragalot: I would NOT trust those for that
02:26 PM enleth: can't do it with anything else really
02:26 PM fragalot: knowing myself, I would forget about the little steel insert they have as a depth gauge
02:27 PM enleth: even with proper gloves, getting steel calipers around a busbar is just asking for an arc
02:27 PM enleth: those plastic ones, absolutely perfect
02:27 PM fragalot: which has already fallen out of the ones I used to use for circuit boards if I just needed a rough idea
02:28 PM enleth: especially for sectored solid wire, where you need to take two measurements to be sure
02:28 PM enleth: and one is at a very awkward angle that pretty much guarantees the calipers will come in contact with several conductors
02:29 PM roycroft: you're trusting that the chinese factory did not get any pot metal mixed in with the plastic
02:30 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:30 PM enleth: checked, doesn't conduct
02:36 PM roycroft: that's good
02:36 PM roycroft: but you know better than to say "chinese factory" and "trust" in the same sentence :)
02:41 PM fragalot: gloops: are you still looking for that chainflex cable?
02:42 PM gloops: not really fragalot but will have a look if youve found some?
02:42 PM fragalot: https://www.conrad.be/ce/nl/product/609630/LappKabel-1026777-Geleiderkettingkabel-OeLFLEX-CHAIN-809-CY-4-G-150-mm-Grijs-Per-meter?ref=list
02:42 PM fragalot: whole category on the left "Geleiderkettingkabels"
02:43 PM gloops: thanks, will have a look in a minue someone just trying to explain something to me
02:43 PM fragalot: goes down below €1/m if you buy in reels of 1km
02:43 PM fragalot: :P
02:43 PM fragalot: group buy, anyone?
02:44 PM MarcelineVQ: :>
02:46 PM * roycroft decides to quit procrastinating and go fix the router lift cutout
02:49 PM Contract_Pilot: Wow one of my feebay auctions has exceeded its buy it now.
02:50 PM gregcnc_: can't complain about that
02:50 PM Contract_Pilot: Nope...
02:50 PM Contract_Pilot: and 5 days to o
02:50 PM Contract_Pilot: go
02:51 PM gregcnc_: was BIN low?
02:51 PM Contract_Pilot: Yep...
02:52 PM enleth: roycroft: doesn't take much to check every single pair before using it on a live 3x125A bus and I don't think they make certified non-conductive calipers anyway
02:52 PM enleth: or if they do, that I can afford them
02:53 PM Contract_Pilot: Bid Retracted now 4.50 less than BIN hahaha https://www.ebay.com/itm/183026693682
02:53 PM enleth: ok, wait, I take that back
02:53 PM enleth: they do make certified non-conductive calipers
02:53 PM gregcnc_: what's wrong with people
02:54 PM fragalot: they do
02:54 PM fragalot: they also make certified slightly conductive ones
02:54 PM enleth: for $35, about 20x less than I'd have expected for carbon fiber calipers that come with full paper trail for lab testing
02:54 PM fragalot: enleth: that's because they are a disposable item
02:55 PM fragalot: enleth: the 20x priced ones will have ceramic tips
02:55 PM Contract_Pilot: Some of them fittings are 7-10ea
02:56 PM Contract_Pilot: 37 Degree Fuel Fittings
02:57 PM fragalot: any opinions here on mechanical endstops & inductive home sensors?
02:57 PM fragalot: my reasoning being "the endstops should never activate, but if they do, they damn well need to break that contact"
02:58 PM enleth: sounds very resonable
02:58 PM enleth: as is actually having separate endstops and home switches
02:59 PM enleth: my mill came factory equipped with exactly this setup and I'm glad it did, makes working on the servo loops a lot less stressful after I checked that it does indeed stop stuff dead even at full speed, before it reaches mechanical limits
03:00 PM fragalot: :P
03:00 PM fragalot: allows for faster homing too
03:00 PM enleth: (brakes on ballscrews, normally closed, held open by the servo enable contactor that opens on endstop activation)
03:01 PM fragalot: Neat
03:01 PM miss0r: enleth did you ever send some stickers my way?
03:01 PM enleth: miss0r: not yet, we actually ran out, but I'll be sure to send some as soon as we order more
03:02 PM miss0r: yeah. no problem :] I'm no no hurry, I was just starting to wonder if the letter got lost or something
03:02 PM enleth: sure
03:04 PM Contract_Pilot: Monday Spindle VFD tuning resumes
03:05 PM Contract_Pilot: So Close... https://youtu.be/l5vPEScUCME
03:05 PM Contract_Pilot: 3 years once i am done with spindle can get itall neetly wired in to a cabinet and call it good
03:06 PM fragalot: I wish you could change the carrier frequency
03:06 PM fragalot: or does it sound less piercing IRL
03:07 PM MarcelineVQ: you can on my vfd, is that not pretty standard?
03:07 PM fragalot: not always on the hu long ding dong ones.
03:10 PM Contract_Pilot: I think i can change it
03:10 PM fragalot: LOVE IT
03:10 PM fragalot: halfway through a €1200 order, halfway through the payment process
03:10 PM fragalot: Dear customers, we'll be back with you shortly
03:10 PM fragalot: Please try again later.
03:10 PM Contract_Pilot: it is a bit ear pircing on stop.
03:11 PM Contract_Pilot: But tests today now its notdroping the load to the break resistor ughhh
03:11 PM fragalot: hang on
03:11 PM fragalot: I just created an account on that site
03:11 PM fragalot: with a mighty fine password
03:11 PM Contract_Pilot: I give up for the day... gonna factory rset and hand code on prodrive
03:11 PM fragalot: .... did I crash it?
03:12 PM Contract_Pilot: No just gave ecelleration over heat error
03:12 PM Contract_Pilot: de
03:16 PM gregcnc_: fragalot https://i.imgur.com/24IzU0W.png
03:16 PM enleth: I actually like the sound the VFD on my mill makes the motor emit, it's not unpleasant and sounds almost like the motors do on Alstom subway cars when they take off from a station
03:17 PM enleth: for some reason I like that sound, I guess it reminds me of when I first moved here and it was something new
03:21 PM gregcnc_: you should be able to program VFD to make this sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NgSZ8sjDgU
03:22 PM pfred1: gregcnc_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XazFCsBUL78
03:22 PM enleth: gregcnc_: I'd prefer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n17B_uFF4cA
03:23 PM gloops: just been doing some calculations, regarding squareness, 50mm square box section, 1000mm length, if you cut/weld one end .25mm out of square, at 1000mm that becomes 5mm out of square
03:24 PM fragalot: gregcnc_: i'm more worried that, IF, it was due to my password-fu... Why the hell are they processing it in plaintext, and why on earth would it mess up the server enough to go to a HTTP 500 pag
03:24 PM Tom_shop: i spend over an hour just aligning the angle on my 4" z upright post before welding it
03:25 PM gregcnc_: how would a password screw with the site?
03:25 PM gloops: did it stay in place Tom?
03:25 PM gloops: when youd welded
03:25 PM Tom_shop: pretty damn close
03:26 PM fragalot: enleth: You win. lol
03:26 PM gloops: ive had some faffing about with stuff out of square
03:26 PM Tom_shop: wiring my limits atm
03:27 PM gloops: its easy to see though when you do some trig, how you can quickly end up all over the place with longer sections
03:28 PM Tom_shop: oh i'm sure
03:28 PM fragalot: gloops: I used to weld up 6m long frames at my previous job in 30mm box section
03:28 PM fragalot: in the beginning they ended up like pretzels
03:28 PM gregcnc_: wouldn't you square it, then weld
03:28 PM fragalot: then went out to be hot dipped galvanized
03:28 PM pfred1: gloops you need to get friendly with keith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtnkkAzRgP0
03:29 PM pfred1: he'll straighten you out
03:29 PM gloops: gregcnc the welding pulls it out anyway
03:29 PM fragalot: and that straightened half of the frames right out, and made the other half waaay worse :D
03:29 PM gloops: Tom it looks well anyway saw the pic earlier - belt guard finished the column off
03:30 PM fragalot: pfred1: keith does do some amazing work straightening certain shafts
03:30 PM fragalot: pfred1: did you see the last one he did?
03:30 PM pfred1: fragalot probably not but it is mindblowing what he does
03:30 PM fragalot: leadscrewed again, I believe it was called
03:31 PM pfred1: I saw him straighten out a lead screw
03:31 PM pfred1: he said he thought riggers bent it
03:31 PM fragalot: it's fairly recent
03:31 PM gloops: fragalot pretty much 0 chance of staying aligning with long lengths heh, not to tolerances enough for fitting ballscrews and bearings
03:31 PM pfred1: yeah he's got some skills
03:31 PM fragalot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeH8hSDrqi8
03:31 PM fragalot: 0:38
03:32 PM pfred1: he's the reigning 4 jaw bash champ too
03:32 PM fragalot: pfred1: That was HILARIOUS
03:32 PM pfred1: 2 years running
03:32 PM fragalot: tom's plan blowing up in his face
03:32 PM Tom_shop: an old canadian here that works at one of the surplus places was telling me how he used to build and set up large gantrys in quebec
03:32 PM pfred1: oh he sad story letter?
03:33 PM gloops: pfred1 you aint seen me with a 4lb hammer
03:33 PM fragalot: gloops: I did actually manage quite well after a few months
03:34 PM fragalot: gloops: but it is really hard
03:34 PM miss0r: I just found a cute little nema11 stepper that I am thinking of getting. But it only puts out 0.09nm. And I am unsure how much I need. It needs to overcome the drag of some axle seals and some motor brushes. Can you guys think up an easy way for me to measure the torque required to turn this axle?
03:34 PM miss0r: (I don't have any torque wrenches/screwdrivers that go that low
03:35 PM fragalot: miss0r: how good are you at basic physics?
03:35 PM pfred1: a lever and a string on a weight?
03:35 PM fragalot: shut up pfred1
03:35 PM fragalot: miss0r: ? :)µ
03:35 PM gloops: hey thats a good idea
03:35 PM miss0r: fragalot: Yeah, I was going to do something in that order.
03:36 PM fragalot: miss0r: works well, I use that method to "calibrate" my torque wrenches
03:36 PM miss0r: like what pfred1 said. But on the odd occasion, some usefull information can be aquired in here
03:36 PM Loetmichel: gloops: i can imagine... i once had a little fight with some skinheads in a 90lb S/F costume which hat 4lb chainmail gloves
03:36 PM Loetmichel: ... every hit i landed was "lights out" ;)
03:38 PM miss0r: I'm just trying to wrap my head around how to compensate for the weight of the lever
03:38 PM pfred1: use a pulley
03:38 PM DaViruz: by having an identical lever on the opposite side
03:38 PM DaViruz: to balance it.
03:38 PM pfred1: pulleys are levers in the round
03:38 PM miss0r: valid.. :)
03:39 PM DaViruz: a pulley is a good idea, gives a contstant tangential connection too
03:39 PM miss0r: Where would I place that pulley? :)
03:39 PM fragalot: miss0r: where you would put the motor?
03:40 PM miss0r: Bare with me - I got off work at 4 in the morning, today
03:41 PM pfred1: too cold to get naked
03:41 PM fragalot: miss0r: you put the pulley right onto the shaft where you want to measure the release torque
03:41 PM fragalot: you tie a string around the pulley, and either go over another loose pulley, or go directly vertical if possible
03:41 PM miss0r: so, no lifting arm, just a pulley, and you calculate the OD of that...
03:41 PM fragalot: mark location of string going over pulley prior to add weight if needed
03:41 PM fragalot: add weight until it moves
03:42 PM fragalot: then use the OD of the pulley on the shaft, and the weight of the part of the string affected by gravity
03:42 PM fragalot: ???
03:42 PM fragalot: profit.
03:42 PM Contract_Pilot: Sat Nap Time..
03:42 PM miss0r: :]
03:43 PM DaViruz: then it remains to see if the torque is the same at speed..
03:43 PM DaViruz: :)
03:43 PM fragalot: and in all locations
03:43 PM miss0r: in this case 'speed' is 15rpm, so I think i'll be good ;)
03:44 PM DaViruz: oh.
03:45 PM miss0r: DaViruz: This is the badboy i'm building: https://imgur.com/a/TrA9t
03:45 PM DaViruz: i've seen it! looks nice
03:46 PM miss0r: I just think it turns 'somewhat tight'. Theres a bit of drag from all thoes seals. And truth be told, I have little to no concept of what 0.09nm feels like in the hand ;)
03:47 PM Tom_shop: that looks nice
03:47 PM miss0r: Thanks :)
03:47 PM DaViruz: miss0r: 1Nm is 1kg on a 10cm lever
03:47 PM Tom_shop: what size collets?
03:48 PM DaViruz: so 0.1kg on a 10cm lever
03:48 PM miss0r: DaViruz: Indeed. But I could easily get that wrong without a setup ;)
03:48 PM miss0r: Tom_shop Its an ER11
03:48 PM DaViruz: it's probably on the order of a light hand on a screwdriver
03:49 PM fragalot: miss0r: grab a piece of material 20cm long that weighs 100 grams, hold it at one end
03:49 PM miss0r: lol, I just found a cheaper on fleabay, same package size, same length - it promises 6.5nm - That sounds unlikely in my ears
03:50 PM fragalot: miss0r: nm = nano meters :P
03:50 PM miss0r: haha yeah
03:53 PM miss0r: fsck it. Only 20 eur delivered to my door :) I'll order a stronger one - Now for the experiment :)
03:55 PM DaViruz: miss0r: so when can we expect to see a wire edm?
03:55 PM DaViruz: :)
03:55 PM miss0r: That is not realy on the drawing board. :)
03:55 PM miss0r: So, some time in the fall :
03:57 PM miss0r: I have alot to optimize on this one. I've decided to replace the linear axis for this build. I'm thinking of just running this on a single hiwin style linear rail. I'm just wondering how much 'slop' to expect from a single linear bearing
04:02 PM pfred1: newton meters
04:02 PM pfred1: though what Newton weighed I've no idea
04:04 PM gloops: energy doesnt actually weigh anything
04:07 PM miss0r: That'll be it for tonight. See you around
04:09 PM pfred1: gloops energy must weigh something
04:09 PM pfred1: even if we can't measure it
04:09 PM pfred1: I hear the hitting something is like a gnat landing on it
04:09 PM pfred1: the LHC
04:15 PM gloops: weight is only forces
04:16 PM Tom_shop: if you set an axis HOME to 0 will that prevent it from homing that axis?
04:16 PM Tom_shop: definitely been a while...
04:16 PM gloops: i think so yes Tom
04:17 PM Tom_shop: when i wire these limits, i want to test them one at a time :)
04:18 PM gloops: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/ini-homing.html
04:23 PM gloops: Used to define a multi-axis homing sequence HOME ALL and enforce homing order (e.g., Z may not be homed if X is not yet homed). An axis may be homed after all axes with a lower HOME_SEQUENCE have already been homed and are at the HOME_OFFSET. If two axes have the same HOME_SEQUENCE, they may be homed at the same time. If HOME_SEQUENCE is -1 or not specified then this joint will not be homed by the HOME ALL sequence. HOME_SEQUENCE
04:23 PM gloops: numbers start with 0 and there may be no unused numbers.
04:23 PM Tom_shop: that's just to do with the order isn't it?
04:24 PM gloops: yeah, you can set the order of homing
04:24 PM Tom_shop: i've already done that
04:24 PM Tom_shop: i want to keep the axis from homing at all
04:25 PM Tom_shop: temporarily
04:25 PM gregcnc_: it must home to run
04:25 PM Tom_shop: at best then, i can home them individually
04:25 PM gloops: i was reading up on this last week and i forgot it already
04:25 PM gregcnc_: you can set up immediate home if you don't want it to search for home
04:25 PM Tom_shop: 0,1,2
04:25 PM gregcnc_: that is where ever the axis is when you home will be home
04:26 PM Tom_shop: i'm thinking the homing direction will be backwards from the sherline since the stepper SCALE was
04:26 PM Tom_shop: and i just want to be able to catch it
04:27 PM Tom_shop: it _has_ moved under it's own power btw
04:27 PM gregcnc_: set your homing speeds low until sorted
04:28 PM Tom_shop: they were low for the sheline anyway so i should be ok
04:28 PM Tom_shop: i'm just modding it's config
04:29 PM gloops: a limit switch on the circuit - one you can hold, could be handy, just stop it dead manually if any doubt
04:29 PM Tom_shop: also, what var in the [AXIS] or other section will increase the axis speed?
04:29 PM gloops: VEL
04:29 PM Tom_shop: i'm pretty close to the power switch :D
04:30 PM Tom_shop: MAX_VELOCITY = 3.00
04:30 PM gloops: velocity
04:30 PM Tom_shop: but is there another place?
04:30 PM Tom_shop: maybe in the [TRAJ] section?
04:30 PM gloops: in the linuxcnc window
04:31 PM Tom_shop: not the override
04:31 PM Tom_shop: i'll figure it out once i get these limits wired and set
04:35 PM Tom_shop: i wonder how velocity settings in the [DISPLAY] section are different than those in the [TRAJ] section
04:36 PM gloops: see how it all goes quiet when someone talks about linuxcnc lol
04:37 PM Tom_shop: hahha
04:37 PM gloops: ill be catching up as soon as i get mine running, im going to learn about it properly
04:37 PM Tom_shop: it's all good. just don't ask me about spindle orient :)
04:43 PM gloops: what kind of spindle you having Tom?
04:43 PM Tom_shop: i was just messin with it on the sherline just to see if i could get it to work
04:44 PM fragalot: /Me peers around the corner
04:44 PM Tom_shop: i'm gonna use the spindle off the sherline until i decide
04:44 PM fragalot: is it safe yet?
04:45 PM * Tom_shop puts his paintball gun on auto and spatters fragalot
04:45 PM fragalot: oh noes!
04:45 PM fragalot: my shopping cart I had all the electrical bits & bobs in has been emptied since their server crashed
04:46 PM fragalot: That is.. really annoying
04:46 PM gloops: probably your mrs found it fragalot
04:46 PM fragalot: nah it's ok
04:46 PM fragalot: she's busy reading a book
04:47 PM fragalot: the house could be on fire and she wouldn't notice
04:47 PM gloops: that could be a distinct possibility
04:50 PM pfred1: a definite maybe even
04:53 PM fragalot: I have just been corrected
04:53 PM fragalot: she WOULD notice the house is on fire
04:54 PM fragalot: because that threatens the book
04:56 PM pfred1: the house the house the house is on fire!
04:57 PM pfred1: I saw a house on fire here last week
04:57 PM pfred1: there's an awful lot of peteoleum products in modern construction let me tell you
04:58 PM pfred1: the smoke coming off that joint was jet black
04:58 PM pfred1: it went up like a jet engine too
04:59 PM pfred1: the fire chief was kind of bummed out they barely had a chance to pour water on ashes by the time they got there
04:59 PM gloops: i was in a traffic queue once and watching this old guy burning the paint off some fascia boards house at the side of the road - then i noticed smoke billowing out the other end of the fascia boards lol, i was just getting out to shout him and he shot down the ladder and ran round the house shouting
05:00 PM gloops: it doesnt take long pfred
05:00 PM pfred1: yeah that happens burning paint off
05:01 PM pfred1: gloops this place literally burned in minutes
05:01 PM pfred1: like to the ground
05:02 PM pfred1: I saw a little wisp of smoke pulling out of Walmart and 10 minutes later driving by there it was just about gone
05:02 PM gloops: people arent really aware how quick and dangerous fire can be
05:03 PM Tom_shop: time to run a couple errands..
05:04 PM phipli: heh. Just finished writing a program for an AVR with 32k of program flash...
05:04 PM phipli: program is... 32060 bytes long
05:04 PM fragalot: phipli: I know the feeling, lol
05:05 PM fragalot: time to outsmart the compiler?
05:05 PM phipli: I've been through the program a few times optimising for space
05:05 PM phipli: a little while back the program was slightly larger than the chip
05:06 PM phipli: I got greedy and added a temperature readout because I discovered the RTC had a temperature sensor in it
05:06 PM phipli: pulled in a bit more of the library when I used it and added ~2k to the program
05:06 PM phipli: JT-Shop, the DS3231 has a built in temperature sensor if you want to monitor the temperature in the coop
05:07 PM pfred1: time for a mega
05:07 PM phipli: it is a mega...
05:07 PM phipli: an ATMega32
05:08 PM phipli: proper sized DIP with lots of pins :)
05:08 PM pfred1: need a mega mega
05:08 PM phipli: I have an ATMega1284 somewhere
05:08 PM phipli: they're the same package with a lot more space
05:09 PM phipli: but they're also expensive
05:09 PM pfred1: they're only a couple bucks more
05:09 PM phipli: that's like double the price! :)
05:09 PM pfred1: the counterfeit ones
05:09 PM phipli: If I was looking for much more I'd switch to STM32s
05:10 PM pfred1: dang a 2560 is expensive
05:11 PM fragalot: phipli: STM32 can actually be cheaper
05:11 PM pfred1: they want like $9 for them
05:11 PM Deejay: gn8
05:11 PM fragalot: at least the chip we're using now is cheaper than the PIC we used before :P
05:11 PM fragalot: i'm off too -- gnite all!
05:12 PM pfred1: here's one for $8
05:13 PM phipli: pfred1, http://cpc.farnell.com/stmicroelectronics/nucleo-f411re/dev-board-stm32f411re-cortex-m4/dp/SC13715?CMP=KNC-GUK-CPC-GEN-SHOPPING-STMICROELECTRONICS-SC13715&gross_price=true&mckv=s1zE0zX66_dc|pcrid|224646285066|kword||match||plid||pid|SC13715|&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0My-qtXn2AIVhLftCh2sLwpBEAkYASABEgL17_D_BwE
05:13 PM phipli: sorry for messy link / currency
05:13 PM phipli: but those things, damn are they good value for money
05:14 PM pfred1: yeah that took 3 clicks to copy
05:14 PM phipli: my bad :)
05:14 PM phipli: I can see the question mark to trim it now that I've posted it
05:14 PM pfred1: they always got to get you wih that VAT don't they?
05:15 PM phipli: at least it says on the page unlike some sites
05:15 PM pfred1: we have no sales tax here at all
05:15 PM phipli: Now, only 1p! (plus £20 postage and £10 tax)
05:16 PM phipli: where is here?
05:16 PM pfred1: I live in Delaware
05:17 PM phipli: if you bought the same thing from somewhere (like element14?) how much would it cost?
05:17 PM phipli: so, same part - say a STM32F411RE
05:18 PM JT-Shop: phipli: got the new roll out nest box installed
05:18 PM pfred1: on google shopping the price varies
05:18 PM phipli: excellent :)
05:18 PM pfred1: anywhere from $47 to $13
05:19 PM JT-Shop: everyday 3 or more would try to fit in a 24" x 12" nest box now they have more room
05:19 PM phipli: that's more than £8.90 interestingly
05:19 PM pfred1: I think I'll stick with counterfeit Arduinos
05:19 PM phipli: pfred1 - all about the Pro Micro
05:20 PM phipli: JT-Shop, two of ours used to try to sleep in the same nestbox
05:20 PM phipli: they looked like someone had poured liquid chicken into a bucket
05:20 PM JT-Shop: lol
05:20 PM JT-Shop: all 10 of mine try to roost on 4' of roost... I have 11' total
05:21 PM phipli: heh
05:21 PM phipli: well... it is probably warmer
05:22 PM phipli: one of ours squishes herself up in the corner so tightly I keep thinking she's missing
05:23 PM JT-Shop: I need to put some treat trays on the unused roosts to attract them from roosting with the roo
05:24 PM phipli: Didn't know you had a kangaroo!
05:25 PM JT-Shop: American slang for rooster lol
05:28 PM phipli: heh.
05:28 PM phipli: even at this distance from Australia, 'roo is an abbreviation for kangaroo in the UK
05:29 PM roycroft: have any of you ever used thread-locking set screws, with the nylon patch on the side of the screw?
05:29 PM * roycroft is wondering if they really do hold well in high vibration conditions
05:29 PM phipli: on the screw? not on the nut?
05:29 PM JT-Shop: well you guys sent the prisoners over there...
05:30 PM JT-Shop: I've used them
05:30 PM roycroft: yes, on the screw
05:30 PM roycroft: on the side of the screw
05:30 PM phipli: sent lots of people over there - some (lots) of it very questionable.
05:30 PM JT-Shop: lol
05:31 PM roycroft: there are nylon tipped ones, but those are making adjustments without marring the shaft/surface
05:31 PM roycroft: do they work well, jt-shop?
05:31 PM phipli: but my folks were mostly busy digging and / or being oppressed over here
05:31 PM phipli: so didn't notice so much
05:31 PM JT-Shop: worked for me
05:31 PM roycroft: they're not that expensive - i might give them a go
05:31 PM roycroft: i'd rather do that than squirt loctite blue on the screws
05:32 PM roycroft: phipli: https://www.mcmaster.com/#94495a253/=1b7qnkd
05:33 PM phipli: interesting. not seen them
05:33 PM roycroft: there are more types of set screws than most people imagine
05:33 PM phipli: we mostly use castellated nuts at work
05:34 PM phipli: bent beam nuts are about but frowned at
05:34 PM phipli: nylock... not sure what people's opinion is on them. not seen them in use on a train
05:34 PM roycroft: nylock nuts are ok for non-critical applications
05:34 PM phipli: heh
05:34 PM phipli: you mean non-train applications?
05:35 PM roycroft: there are other applications that are not trains that are critical
05:35 PM roycroft: and probably some non-critical applications on trains
05:35 PM roycroft: if people might die if the nut comes off it's a critical application
05:36 PM JT-Shop: nylocks are used on submarines...
05:36 PM phipli: how much vibration do you get on subs JT?
05:36 PM phipli: that is one of the major problems for us
05:36 PM phipli: everything shakes to bits over time
05:36 PM JT-Shop: none lol
05:36 PM roycroft: it depends on where you are in the sub, i should think
05:37 PM JT-Shop: nylocks resist vibration
05:37 PM roycroft: if you're in or near the engine room, there could be a fair amount
05:37 PM roycroft: although submarines are designed to not vibrate a lot
05:37 PM JT-Shop: sub are quiet
05:37 PM roycroft: vibration = noise
05:37 PM roycroft: and submarines are supposed to be stealthy
05:37 PM JT-Shop: no engine room lol
05:37 PM JT-Shop: I used to overhaul them
05:38 PM phipli: they do sub stuff just down the road from me
05:38 PM phipli: same street
05:38 PM JT-Shop: I worked on overhauling fast attack subs
05:38 PM phipli: the manufacturing of powerplants is in town somewhere (I forget where)
05:39 PM JT-Shop: much cleaner than building destroyers lol
05:39 PM phipli: the rest is done somewhere else
05:39 PM phipli: but there is a design / engineering team close by. Don't know what their scope of work is
05:40 PM phipli: Subs to chicken coops :)
05:40 PM phipli: much cross-over?
05:40 PM phipli: are the eggs propelled out of tubes?
05:41 PM roycroft: stand by torpedo bay 1
05:41 PM roycroft: ready
05:41 PM roycroft: lay!
05:41 PM phipli: <foomp!>
05:42 PM phipli: scramble the recovery team?
05:42 PM JT-Shop: I think that is how it happens as the chickens are not marines... ready LAY
05:43 PM JT-Shop: and the coop door goes down on time
05:43 PM phipli: I'm waiting for a bit better weather
05:44 PM phipli: then I'll fit mine
05:44 PM JT-Shop: watching the wife panning to check that they are all in
05:44 PM phipli: has been running faltless for a few weeks
05:44 PM phipli: *faultless
05:44 PM phipli: (lol)
05:44 PM JT-Shop: we finally got out of the deep freeze loo
05:44 PM JT-Shop: time to put the ribeye on the barbie
05:44 PM JT-Shop: speak soon
05:45 PM phipli: later
06:02 PM phipli: night folks
11:07 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwFDGe-H8OU&feature=youtu.be
11:08 PM MarcelineVQ: it's alive!
11:08 PM Tom_L: wired the limits and wanted to test them
11:08 PM jesseg: looking awful sweet there Tom_L !
11:09 PM MarcelineVQ: that's a lot of overhang on the table, seeing it in action, not that it matters so much with the work all being done over the rails anyway
11:09 PM Tom_L: it seems pretty solid
11:09 PM Tom_L: haven't started tuning it yet
11:10 PM Tom_L: just copied the sherline config over and changed enough to make it move
11:12 PM MarcelineVQ: well it's hecka-fancy to see in motion
11:12 PM Tom_L: i can tell you if i hold the axis it will pull the mill across the bench :)
11:13 PM Tom_L: i need to move it over to my steel workbench now
11:13 PM Tom_L: but i still need the control on the sherline so i can make a mount for the spindle