#linuxcnc Logs

Nov 23 2017

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:13 AM IchGucksLive: guten morgen
01:16 AM IchGucksLive: guten morgen Heinz
01:18 AM Heinz: hallo alle miteinander ich hätte mal eine Frage? ist UC100 oder UC400ETH eine Alternative zum parallel port? für mach3 u. linuxcnc
01:20 AM IchGucksLive: für linuxcnc geht nur die 7i92
01:20 AM IchGucksLive: Heinz: was für eine maschine ist es denn
01:22 AM Heinz: ich möchte eine CNC Fräse bauen
01:22 AM IchGucksLive: ich baue so 100stk im jahr
01:23 AM Heinz: und habe einen Laptop der nur USB hat
01:24 AM IchGucksLive: Labtop und USB die schlechteste konfiguration überhaupt
01:24 AM IchGucksLive: dan bleibt nur mach
01:25 AM IchGucksLive: es gibt hier keine mach support
01:25 AM Heinz: was würdest du nehmen
01:25 AM IchGucksLive: ich besitze seit 2008 keine windowsrechner
01:25 AM IchGucksLive: das steht bei mir nicht zur debatte
01:26 AM IchGucksLive: WENN labtop dann eine Fujitsu 7110
01:26 AM IchGucksLive: der hat parport und ist super schnell
01:26 AM IchGucksLive: nur 15000 fehler pro sekunde
01:27 AM Heinz: welche Leistung muss der Rechner haben dass es gut funktioniert
01:27 AM IchGucksLive: mach rechnet mit 1500000 fehlern pro sekunde
01:27 AM IchGucksLive: unter 50000
01:27 AM IchGucksLive: muss es ein labtop sein
01:28 AM IchGucksLive: Heinz: alles mit 1GB ram geht
01:28 AM Heinz: Nein
01:28 AM IchGucksLive: dann nimm einen Fujitsu Siemens P5925
01:28 AM IchGucksLive: 50 euro
01:29 AM IchGucksLive: der hat bis zu 10000fehlern
01:29 AM IchGucksLive: das ist top
01:29 AM Heinz: Ok Danke dir
01:29 AM IchGucksLive: denn du fährst die maschine mir 25us
01:36 AM IchGucksLive: Heinz: der hier 32 euro https://www.ebay.de/itm/Fujitsu-Siemens-Esprimo-P4-3-2GHz-Hyper-Threading-Intel-945G-Windows-XP-3200MHz/222704093626?hash=item33da32c9ba:g:FyYAAOSwyGZaC2P~
01:37 AM Heinz: habe noch eine Frage welches Betriebssystem verwendest du
01:38 AM IchGucksLive: ubuntu
01:39 AM IchGucksLive: die maschinen haben debian
01:39 AM IchGucksLive: geht aber auch raperie mint
01:40 AM Heinz: was braucht man für mach3
01:40 AM IchGucksLive: keine ahnung
01:40 AM IchGucksLive: da geht alles
01:41 AM Heinz: Ok Dankeschön
01:43 AM IchGucksLive: Heinz: mein youtube kanal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwhCL92ZQRSVqFe3jGwJSQ/videos
01:44 AM Heinz: super werde ich mich mal gleich anmelden
01:45 AM Heinz: super werde ich mich mal gleich anmelden
01:46 AM IchGucksLive: Heinz: die elektronik http://heimwerkermarkt-tretter.de/4A_cab.jpg
01:46 AM IchGucksLive: Heinz: geht auch kleiner http://heimwerkermarkt-tretter.de/3achs_elek
01:47 AM Deejay: moin
01:47 AM IchGucksLive: Heinz: oder gleich an der maschnine http://tv-profi-gmbh.de/masch_baumh_k.jpg
01:47 AM IchGucksLive: morning Deejay
01:48 AM IchGucksLive: ok ich bin dann mal weg
01:48 AM IchGucksLive: TILL later
01:49 AM Heinz: saubere Sache
03:59 AM jelly-home is now known as jelly
04:57 AM jthornton: morning
04:59 AM jym: Happy Thanksgiving jthornton
05:00 AM jthornton: happy thanksgiving to you too jymmmmmm
05:00 AM jym: =)
05:01 AM jym: jthornton: So, what's on the menu for today?
05:02 AM jthornton: 1 1/4" porterhouse
05:03 AM jym: Niiiiiiice =)
05:07 AM jthornton: the best part is we will cook them on the grill over looking the river in Branson
05:08 AM jym: Nice, cabin or houseboat?
05:08 AM jthornton: cabin
05:09 AM jym: Just you two or you have a whole group event?
05:10 AM jthornton: they ole farts motorcycle gang 3 couples
05:10 AM jym: OH the Spyder group... a mini overnighter! That's always fun =)
05:11 AM jthornton: actually one harley and two goldwings usually
05:11 AM jthornton: in the winter we take my van
05:11 AM jym: Eh, it's all good =)
05:14 AM jym: One overnighter, the shrrrifs were parked on a hillside overlooking the crowd. The wet tshirt contest went from PG to R ro X rated pretty quickly. Then all of a sudden the stage lighting all went off. The crowd started booing the cops thinking they shut down the show. The cops turned their spot lights on the stage so the show could continue, just blew a breaker is all, the crowd cheered on the cops =)
05:15 AM jym: Net a 72yo lady riding a full dress harley. And she'll ride in the rain too, they just don't let her ride solo.
05:50 AM jthornton: a lady from washington state rides her spyder all over the country and even to alaska and she is 75ish
05:51 AM XXCoder: my mom barely can walk and shes 65
05:51 AM XXCoder: interesting how different aging affects people
05:52 AM jthornton: yep everyone is different
06:00 AM XXCoder: yeah
06:00 AM XXCoder: my back is aging at twice the normal rate
06:01 AM XXCoder: age as in wear and tear not literal time aging
06:03 AM jthornton: yuck
06:04 AM XXCoder: https://youtu.be/9CO6M2HsoIA interesting and kinda scary video
06:04 AM XXCoder: it could happen in 10 to 15 years
06:04 AM jthornton: I hope my CBC is back up when I go to the doctor on the 15th
06:11 AM jthornton: yea that is crazy scary
06:12 AM gregcnc: who would be after you?
06:12 AM jthornton: chicken haters I guess
06:12 AM gregcnc: peta drones setting zoo animals free
06:13 AM jthornton: the zoo in Anchorage had a break in by a bear a couple of years ago
06:13 AM XXCoder: or killing em to end suffering
06:13 AM XXCoder: probably making some species exinct
06:13 AM gregcnc: peta is against that
06:13 AM XXCoder: as some animals is found in zoo alone
06:13 AM gregcnc: hell they don't want you to keep dogs
06:14 AM XXCoder: fuck peta. unless you meant people eating tasty animals, then hell yeah
06:16 AM gregcnc: post office is busy already. shipping is slowed down
06:18 AM XXCoder: http://cdn.webfail.com/upl/img/8022dae9a0a/post2.jpg
06:20 AM gregcnc: anyone seen any deals on M.2 SSD 256GB? might get one, but will need to find a PCIe adapter as well.
06:22 AM jthornton: I went to buy more memory for my desktop pc and price had gone up a lot so screw that
06:24 AM jthornton: went from 144 to 180
06:25 AM jthornton: my amazon cart had two xbox things in it... time to change password I guess
06:25 AM gregcnc: I think my credit card is being stolen from amazon. i rarly order, but ordered twice this year and twice my card stolen
06:27 AM jthornton: my paypal account was hacked the other day and they tried to get away with 3k they even wrote echecks on my bank account to fund my paypal
06:27 AM gregcnc: oh wow
06:29 AM jthornton: so now the account linked to paypal is only used to transfer to my main account and I just keep a few dollars in it
06:30 AM jthornton: 3 days later paypal locked down my account lol a bit slow on the draw
06:30 AM XXCoder: gregcnc: change your amazon password after making sure there is no other emails addresses assocated to amazon
06:31 AM gregcnc: my wife checks the CC religiously so she saw a small transaction both times before CC caught on
06:41 AM gregcnc: I'm not cutting any more indexable holder shanks in the band saw. They are randomly very hard in the middle and there goes another blade.
06:44 AM jym: Damn, not even 5am yet =( I want to start the turkey!
06:45 AM jthornton: one of our riding friends had liver cancer and after the transplant his hair came back black, was gray before and he is 70
06:47 AM jym: So, bad liver == grey hair?
06:48 AM gregcnc: shit
06:48 AM * jym lmao @ gregcnc
06:48 AM gregcnc: im 40
06:48 AM jym: gregcnc: <--- poor bastard
06:49 AM gregcnc: wife says she likes it so it's not all bad
06:49 AM jym: gregcnc: They say that your entire liver/kidneys are regeneraded every 10 years iirc.
06:50 AM jym: gregcnc: Did she reach for your wallet after saying that?
06:50 AM gregcnc: it empty
06:51 AM jym: gregcnc: Ok, ask/say she wanted to remodel the bathroom/kitchen/or other large purchase?
06:52 AM gregcnc: that's continuous
06:52 AM jym: LMAO, smart gal, she's earning/saving up brownie points ;)
06:57 AM gregcnc: have make breakfast when the family comes to and try to make some parts on the lathe before we head over to my parents
06:58 AM jym: gregcnc: big ass pot of oatmeal?
06:58 AM gregcnc: probably french toast in the oven
06:58 AM jym: ah
06:59 AM gregcnc: sometimes I make a pancake the size of the pan. screw flipping pancakes
07:00 AM jym: haha, and I have a 12" cast iron skillet =)
07:01 AM jym: Takes a single AA battery, I like the COB side-light on it, the beam is "okey" for what it is. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Eletorot-4-Modes-XPE-COB-LED-Flashlight-With-Clip-800-Lumens-Waterproof-Outdoor-Hunting-Camping-Mini/32834129318.html
07:04 AM gregcnc: my 18650 are old and tired have to find some good cells, then update my lights and drivers
07:12 AM jym: Sadly, no memory, so you have to go thru all four modes, but eh
07:14 AM IchGucksLive: hi all
07:14 AM IchGucksLive: its a wonderfull nice sunny day in SW germany
07:14 AM jym: gregcnc: These have done me well, note the "TRUE 2400mah" http://www.dx.com/p/trustfire-protected-18650-3-7v-true-2400mah-rechargeable-lithium-batteries-2-pack-20392
07:15 AM IchGucksLive: 18650 are quite good
07:15 AM IchGucksLive: up to 3000mAh
07:15 AM IchGucksLive: the 6000 are most fake
07:16 AM SpeedEvil: 9000mAh are much less fake than 6000mAh?
07:17 AM IchGucksLive: dont know
07:17 AM IchGucksLive: the 3000mAH are used in the E-cars
07:17 AM IchGucksLive: F1-E does use the 9k i guess
07:17 AM IchGucksLive: but they only got to hold 45min
07:18 AM SpeedEvil: 18650 9000mAh do not exist.
07:18 AM SpeedEvil: Other than as lies in descriptions.
07:18 AM SpeedEvil: 9where they are common)
07:18 AM SpeedEvil: Over ~3400mAh or so is certainly fake
07:18 AM gregcnc: I thought panasonic had 3400 but their site doesn't list any now?
07:18 AM SpeedEvil: (in 18650)
07:18 AM jym: gregcnc: You could just grab some 18659's from old laptop/tool power packs too
07:19 AM IchGucksLive: gregcnc: they come from only one factory worldwide
07:19 AM gregcnc: ich I been around batteryies for 25 years
07:19 AM IchGucksLive: scale modeling ?
07:19 AM gregcnc: yes
07:19 AM IchGucksLive: type
07:20 AM gregcnc: aircraft
07:20 AM IchGucksLive: im a Ship buuilder
07:21 AM IchGucksLive: and no JOKE ive been world chanpion in 1991 in Paris with a "Wasserorgel"
07:21 AM gregcnc: what I need is a battery that will jump a car that isn't 60kilo
07:21 AM jym: This is MUCH smaller than it appears, works great if you have an input jack in your car but no bluetooth, or to turn wired headphones into bluetooth ones... https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Portable-Bluetooth-Music-Audio-Receiver-Adapter-3-5mm-Wireless-Handfreee-Car-Kit-for-Speaker-Headphone-with/32827314147.html
07:21 AM SpeedEvil: gregcnc: really quite small RC packs will do that.
07:21 AM IchGucksLive: gregcnc: water organ
07:22 AM jym: gregcnc: This? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/68800-Portable-Car-Jump-Starter-Power-Bank-Emergency-Auto-Jump-Starter-Car-Jump-Auto-Battery-Booster/32459800426.html
07:22 AM jym: Even snapon sells those
07:23 AM gregcnc: yeah I probably need a parallel setup of smaller packs I can use. I haven't been flying much lately so few good packs
07:23 AM gregcnc: RC battery are cheap these days though
07:23 AM gregcnc: I used to have a spare Optima I used for jumping, but it ended up in car
07:24 AM IchGucksLive: gregcnc: all is cheep compared to the 90th
07:25 AM IchGucksLive: i got the second largest Aircraftcarrier in germany downstarirs right in the room with the minimill
07:26 AM IchGucksLive: the USS nimitz CVNA68
07:26 AM gregcnc: aircraftcarrier?
07:27 AM Tom_L: 32F
07:27 AM IchGucksLive: most impressive are modells in PMMAS
07:28 AM IchGucksLive: made the most prices on shows
07:30 AM BeachBumPete: Mornin' Happy thankgiving linuxCNC
07:31 AM Tom_L: Happy Thanksgiving to you too
07:31 AM IchGucksLive: is this today the baloon parade in NY
07:31 AM Tom_L: probably
07:31 AM IchGucksLive: Macys
07:32 AM jym: SHOOT THE FLOATS!!! lol
07:32 AM Tom_L: using drones
07:32 AM jym: Nah, might hurt the drones
07:33 AM IchGucksLive: https://www.macys.com/social/parade/2017/lineup/
07:34 AM jym: Speaking of drones... How many YEARS have we been saying Happy Thanksgiving to each other for?
07:35 AM IchGucksLive: so 20min to go
07:35 AM IchGucksLive: nbc might broadcast live i thin k
07:36 AM IchGucksLive: bun no european downlink
07:37 AM BeachBumPete: jeez jym you're bringin' me down man ;)
07:38 AM IchGucksLive: all traffic cams down at central park west
07:39 AM IchGucksLive: can someone in the usA check if they are blocked to euroop only
07:39 AM IchGucksLive: http://dotsignals.org/
07:39 AM BeachBumPete: We don't want you europeans to watch it ;)
07:40 AM gregcnc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkiKVb4Mzvo
07:41 AM gregcnc: signs of life. soon they'll be crabby
07:42 AM IchGucksLive: Thanks
07:43 AM BeachBumPete: Four days off in a row you would THINK I would be able to get SOMETHING done on my CNC lathe retrofit LOL
07:44 AM * jthornton heads to Branson for 4 days of R&R
07:46 AM jym: jthornton: Have a great time !!!!
07:46 AM jym: jthornton: ...and a beer for me ;)
07:47 AM jthornton: just one beer a day for me
07:58 AM monkeyisl: how could i connect 7i76 rs422 tx to outside? and how could i send from something by using hal command..?
07:59 AM Contract_Pilot: beachbumpete i been working on mine for 3 years now.
08:17 AM IchGucksLive: gregcnc: advertises all time
08:17 AM gregcnc: yes that is the point
08:18 AM IchGucksLive: is tomorrow the online sales day
08:18 AM gregcnc: started monday
08:18 AM IchGucksLive: 1week not one day
08:20 AM IchGucksLive: 50 k viewers
08:24 AM monkeyisl: http://bcas.tv/paste/results/7H8ft120.html do i have to reload hm2 firwmare? to use rs422?
08:25 AM IchGucksLive: monkeyisl: i never used it so i cand hlep you
08:27 AM JT-Shop: bye
08:33 AM monkeyisl: ahh... it's for RPC..
08:35 AM monkeyisl: so i have to do something with uart.
08:35 AM monkeyisl: or.. have to figure out if RPC blabalh can do such.
08:42 AM IchGucksLive: gregcnc: no ballons only ADS
08:54 AM IchGucksLive: TetzlaffTobias: did you find the error
08:55 AM IchGucksLive: how cold is it in NY as they show alot of skin
09:01 AM IchGucksLive: olav the first balooon at macys
09:06 AM jym: XXCoder: Where is CC on youtube?
10:01 AM IchGucksLive: later
10:14 AM jym: And dinner is fully cooked =)
10:53 AM monkeyisl: [437320.530540] hm2/hm2_5i25.0: Smart Serial Firmware Version 43 <-- this is the latest firmware?
11:01 AM pcw_home: yes
11:34 AM nos: Has anybody here used a drill pecking cycle for chip control when turning e.g. plastic?
11:35 AM monkeyisl: btw is there anyway to doc about rpc? im trying to use it to send
11:35 AM monkeyisl: pcw_home
11:36 AM monkeyisl: i mean any tutorial or document about rpc
11:37 AM pcw_home: rpc?
11:39 AM Loetmichel: nos: i use that all the time... but i drill with mill bits anyway, in a spiral motion.
11:39 AM IchGucksLive: hi
11:39 AM archivist: he said turning :)
11:39 AM IchGucksLive: happy holiday and thanksgiving to the US
11:40 AM IchGucksLive: let the turkey not burn the oven
11:40 AM Loetmichel: archivist: ah, didnt see the "turning" bit, sorry
11:41 AM archivist: nos unclear question :)
11:45 AM * Loetmichel just came home from work. Thanks to Fujitsu for the overtime yesterday and today... It shows some "talent" to build a Mainboard and side wall of a PC in a way that it mimics a microwave cavity transmitter when the EM fields of the mainboard SMPSs excite it... Thankfully it was only 5 PCs. Had to drill out 100 rivets, seperate the side wall, put in loads of EMI gaskets, put the side
11:45 AM * Loetmichel walls back on, and rivet anew. :-(
11:47 AM monkeyisl: im having difficuity to use rs422 tx of mesa7i76 im still unclaer if it coul be cinfigured as simple serial
11:56 AM IchGucksLive: Loetmichel: i need your privat help
12:01 PM jelly-home is now known as jelly
12:03 PM pcw_home: monkeyisl: the standard firmware uses the RS422 port for sserial expansion so not compatible with normal serial devices, There is a UART module that can be compiled into the firmware, but there is only limited LInuxCNC support (and example that connects to a gyroscope module)
12:04 PM rene-dev: pcw_home I was talking with andy the other day, about supporting modbus on the mesa uart
12:05 PM pcw_home: I suspect the way to do that is use the packet UART and make a real time polling driver (polled at the servo thread rate)
12:06 PM rene-dev: it would primarily be to control VFDs
12:06 PM rene-dev: IM not shure what to use
12:07 PM pcw_home: too bad hal doesn't have any string or array types...
12:07 PM rene-dev: libmodbus, or this stuff https://github.com/riptideio/pymodbus
12:07 PM rene-dev: adwantage is that the the mesa uart, you could do rt modbus
12:08 PM pcw_home: Yeah, even with normal VFDs I think a lot of the timing uncertaintly is in the userland interface
12:09 PM monkeyisl: thank u!
12:11 PM pcw_home: One issue with modbus is that its pretty random, a decent Modbus interface needs a easy to tweak/user accessible data munging section
12:39 PM IchGucksLive: TetzlaffTobias: online ?
12:41 PM IchGucksLive: gadue: Com'è andata la giornata in Toscana
12:41 PM IchGucksLive: 4 giorni di pioggia
01:00 PM IchGucksLive: Gn8
01:41 PM gloops: UK stagnates under consumer driven economy
01:41 PM * gloops fumes
01:42 PM gloops: how can the birthplace of the industrial revolution end up like this, we are the original makers!
01:45 PM MarcelineVQ: who's telling you that it's stagnating?
01:45 PM gloops: no wage growth for 15 years
01:45 PM pfred1: so?
01:45 PM gloops: no forecast wage growth for 17 years
01:46 PM gloops: it is absolutely pathetic
01:46 PM pfred1: no one is working any harder either
01:46 PM gloops: because they cant
01:46 PM pfred1: then they've topped out
01:46 PM gloops: the problem isnt the amount of work, its the type of work
01:47 PM gloops: working for amazon distribution isnt productive
01:47 PM pfred1: yeah boycott Amazon
01:47 PM gloops: people are doing 3 jobs and worse off than their fathers were who worked 4 days!
01:48 PM gloops: because it is unskilled low paid work
01:48 PM gloops: in ww1 they said the british soldier was brilliant, but the generals were useless - 'lions led by donkeys'
01:49 PM gloops: and that applies now
01:49 PM pfred1: the British should keep their noses out of Germany's business
01:49 PM gloops: haha
01:49 PM gloops: you are joking right?
01:50 PM MarcelineVQ: I'd assume that's an allusion, in the way that your WW1 line was
01:51 PM pfred1: it is just the British built a global empire but when the Germans tried to do it the British wouldn't have it
01:51 PM pfred1: seems to be a bit of double standard to me
01:52 PM gloops: germany was too late, the imperial share out was already done
01:52 PM pfred1: that's what the British would like everyone to believe
01:52 PM gloops: im guessing you are american pfred1
01:53 PM pfred1: but in the end the UK lost their empire
01:53 PM gloops: so did everyone else
01:54 PM gloops: it was not so much the UK losing an empire, as the age of military imperialism drawing to a close
01:54 PM pfred1: I suppose they did we're still not doing too badly though
01:54 PM gloops: who is we?
01:55 PM pfred1: the USA
01:55 PM gloops: do you consider the USA to have an empire?
01:55 PM pfred1: well we structure it differently
01:55 PM pfred1: but in practical terms yes we have one
01:56 PM gloops: supposing the UK wants its empire back, what would the USA do?
01:56 PM pfred1: just not support you
01:57 PM gloops: so we invade saudia arabia
01:57 PM gloops: USA sits back and says - ok your business
01:57 PM pfred1: that wouldn't be wise
01:57 PM pfred1: yeah no we wouldn't sit that one out
01:57 PM gloops: i see, so youd be poking your nose in our business
01:58 PM pfred1: no it'd never happen because we'd tell yo unot to do it
01:58 PM gloops: lol!
01:58 PM gloops: you dont tell us nothing
01:58 PM MarcelineVQ: this is a silly convo uit if the word business is the operative one, america has the business relation with house saud, wouldn't the nose poking business be to invade?
01:58 PM pfred1: yeah you pretty much know which way the wind blows
01:59 PM gloops: Marcel we had business in europe
01:59 PM gloops: we had business in africa
02:00 PM pfred1: business is one thing ruling quite another
02:00 PM gloops: usa levelled iraq for nothing, i dont think we need any lessons from USA on protocol
02:00 PM pfred1: we didn't level it
02:00 PM gloops: shock and awe?
02:00 PM pfred1: really it was all over in 100 hours
02:00 PM gloops: 2 times
02:01 PM gloops: this relationship UK-USA is coming to an end, as UK - EU (Germany) has come to an end
02:01 PM pfred1: hey we went in the second time because of you
02:03 PM gloops: well i dont suppose this is a channel for world politics so ill hold my tongue
02:05 PM gloops: what i would like to see in the UK is an instant drive to re-industrialise and abandon this tawdry finance/consumer economic model that has dragged us down
02:05 PM pfred1: it made you rich
02:05 PM gloops: when?
02:05 PM pfred1: now
02:06 PM gloops: we are not rich, we owe 2 trillion £s
02:06 PM pfred1: that's nothing
02:06 PM gloops: some got rich, the majority lost
02:06 PM pfred1: want to trade debts?
02:06 PM pfred1: we owe more than 20 trillion
02:06 PM gloops: we probably owe more relstively
02:06 PM gloops: relatively
02:07 PM MarcelineVQ: country debt is meaningless, is the bankman going to knock on your door?
02:07 PM pfred1: well they can downgrade you
02:07 PM gloops: no we wont be called on the debt, but the interest is a constant drain on us
02:07 PM gloops: we're bleeding to death
02:08 PM pfred1: join the club
02:09 PM gloops: we need a radical change, someone with guts, backbone, someone who loves the country and wants to make it great again
02:09 PM pfred1: MEGA!
02:09 PM MarcelineVQ: You've got them, rasie them up, mogg's a nice fellow for example. not sure if he has interest in leadership
02:10 PM pfred1: nice guys finish last
02:10 PM gloops: hes better than many tories, but nowhere near radical enough
02:10 PM MarcelineVQ: sane is good enough for me when it comes to leaders
02:11 PM MarcelineVQ: anyway now's your chance to become a producer again if that's what you mean by re-industrialize. keep in mind that's still a consumer model though, you're making things for people that consume them.
02:11 PM pfred1: the next industrial revolution will be automation
02:11 PM pfred1: there won't be any jobs
02:11 PM gloops: the things we made were quality, we used to have pride
02:11 PM MarcelineVQ: I'd probably be looking at japan and figuring out what their industrial model is when it comes to quality control
02:12 PM gloops: debt killed japan
02:12 PM gloops: a slow death
02:12 PM pfred1: well they wanted a pay off
02:12 PM pfred1: for years the Japanese worked like dogs
02:13 PM pfred1: comes a time when everyone wants the carrot though
02:13 PM MarcelineVQ: gloops: I'm not talking about modeling your country after another. japan engineering has a deserved reputation
02:13 PM gloops: Marcel we sold Japan their first machines!
02:13 PM gloops: the Japanese copied OUR motorcycles
02:14 PM MarcelineVQ: they copy everything, that's their model, take something interesting and do it better
02:14 PM pfred1: the Germans invented the motorcycle
02:14 PM gloops: as i said, lions led by donkeys
02:14 PM gloops: debateable
02:14 PM MarcelineVQ: but what does past achievments have to do with now? trophy shelves in your house don't get you hired
02:15 PM MarcelineVQ: You're talking about britania's future, look there :O
02:16 PM gloops: if you went to any TT race in the UK in the late 60s early 70s, if you paid attention youd see a small group of japanese people, nothing remarkable, taking photos of bikes, like the swinging arms, the wheel hubs, every tiny detail, but just a japanese with a camera
02:16 PM pfred1: information is the future
02:16 PM gloops: also recording the sound the engines made
02:16 PM gloops: and what do you know the year after they raced a bike
02:16 PM pfred1: they were collecting information
02:17 PM gloops: 5 years later they beat us
02:17 PM pfred1: right now we're digitizing everything
02:18 PM gloops: our directors did nothing, they were happy making a quick profit from selling sub-standard bikes to developing nations
02:18 PM gloops: in our commonwealth
02:18 PM pfred1: quick profit is good profit
02:18 PM gloops: until nobody wants your bikes
02:19 PM gloops: then quick profit = quick loss
02:20 PM miss0r: Finally got around to finishing up the boring bar holder for the lathe: http://picpaste.com/IMG_20171123_211901-AHZHHefU.jpg
02:21 PM MarcelineVQ: miss0r: you're gonna be plunging holes like a boss
02:21 PM pfred1: miss0r what's that piece of round stock you used?
02:21 PM miss0r: Its surely a worthy holder for my purpose
02:21 PM miss0r: pfred1: The boring bar is a factory made one. I just made the holder for it
02:21 PM gloops: very nice job miss0r 10/10
02:21 PM pfred1: oh OK
02:22 PM gloops: did you make the general quick change toolpost?
02:22 PM pfred1: is it quick change?
02:22 PM miss0r: gloops: I ended up getting one from auction. It should get here next week. I got a bargin for a multifix type one
02:23 PM gloops: no that isnt, but miss0r was musing over making a quick change
02:23 PM miss0r: pfred1: no :]
02:23 PM gloops: miss0r well cant go wrong with that
02:23 PM miss0r: The holder I just made was actualy intented for the quick change. So it sat still after I won an auction for a quick change one
02:24 PM gloops: i bet that boring bar holder would sell well, dunno if it would be viable per your £s an hour or whatever
02:24 PM miss0r: Then I just decided to make a boring bar holder i've always wanted. A solid design like that will beat a quickchange setup for a large boring bar like that
02:24 PM pfred1: yeah what's the rush anyways?
02:25 PM miss0r: 'moar tools!'
02:25 PM pfred1: my tool making project has been on hold
02:25 PM miss0r: gloops: I don't know about that. If this was to go into production, I would order some more suitable tools. Then it could be done rather fast actualy
02:25 PM pfred1: I'm building a new PC
02:26 PM miss0r: Yeah. I also do that from time to time ;)
02:26 PM gloops: i could see it selling
02:26 PM pfred1: I haven't built a PC since 2010
02:26 PM miss0r: On a production model I probally wouldn't surface grind it all the way around :]
02:27 PM miss0r: A surface grind on the contact surface, and just a cosmetic grind on the rest
02:27 PM miss0r: pfred1: For playing games?
02:27 PM pfred1: for CAD CAM
02:28 PM pfred1: I just need a new system this one is too slow
02:28 PM miss0r: Ahh... You want my 'old' motherboard? :)
02:28 PM pfred1: I have an old motherboard coming
02:28 PM pfred1: an Asus Z87-A
02:29 PM pfred1: still newer than anything I have
02:29 PM miss0r: I have a S2600Cp motherboard with two xeon and 64gbit memory on it. https://ark.intel.com/products/56333
02:29 PM miss0r: I can't remember the xeon model.. 5400 perhaps. 2.5ghz ones with 6 cores each
02:29 PM pfred1: yeah people like those xeons
02:31 PM miss0r: I used it in my workstation for about a year, after taking down the server it was installed in. Very stable & quite capable. BUT! you _cannot_ use the x16 pci E slot for graphics. Intel installed a limitation; if your PCI e card is not on their 'OK' list it will only run at x4
02:31 PM miss0r: gloops: Well, you have my permission to sell these holders for me ;)
02:31 PM gloops: ive just run the first 'proposal' of bidding on a new lathe past her indoors haha
02:31 PM pfred1: yeah there's always something
02:32 PM miss0r: gloops: You need a place to sleep for a while?
02:32 PM gloops: 'you got a F****** lathe!'
02:32 PM gloops: she'll be ok tommorrow
02:32 PM miss0r: lol xD
02:32 PM pfred1: stock don't turn itself
02:33 PM gloops: i could walk it to this lathe, miles bigger than mine, going for nothing atm
02:33 PM miss0r: Luckily my wife don't care what machinery I have in the shop
02:33 PM pfred1: I don't see what the problem is we're tool using animals after all
02:35 PM miss0r: gloops: What model are you looking at? (Speaking about the lathe, not the one replacing your wife, should she not come 'round to the idea)
02:36 PM gloops: its a Dean Smith and Grace, tbh couldnt say what model of theirs it is
02:36 PM miss0r: I just got a look at a clock. Speaking of wifes. See you guys around
02:47 PM gloops: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DEAN-SMITH-GRACE-LATHE/172985484264?
02:47 PM gloops: this is gonna go for more than im going to pay anyway
02:47 PM gloops: you wont get a better old lathe
02:49 PM pfred1: a better lathe would be a more affordable one
02:50 PM gloops: this is the lathe if you want a serious professional machine for under 1k
02:51 PM gloops: + not many about, 1 in 5 year opportunity
02:51 PM pfred1: I could go for a cheerful amateur lathe myself
02:52 PM pfred1: because I'm ot much of a turner
02:54 PM gloops: well, lot of cheap machines about, that can do a job, but theyre hard work
02:55 PM pfred1: not around here
02:55 PM gloops: you need to be more skilled to use a dodgy machine
02:55 PM pfred1: there was never any industry here
02:55 PM pfred1: well, we raise chickens
02:56 PM gloops: yeah location is a thing
02:56 PM pfred1: that doesn't need much in the way of machine tools though
02:56 PM pfred1: years ago they built boats here but of the wooden sailing variety
02:56 PM gloops: thats an interesting craft though
02:57 PM pfred1: yeah i have a pretty bad ass deck adze
02:57 PM gloops: adze, drawknife, spokeshave
02:57 PM pfred1: drawknives are common too I've picked those up for as little as 25 cents
02:58 PM gloops: they arent rare round here, well, they do turn up
02:58 PM gloops: but not from boatbuilding, from chair making industry
02:59 PM pfred1: last season the best tool i got was a really old wooden plane
02:59 PM pfred1: english iron in it a Butcher
02:59 PM gloops: nice - Butcher is a high quality marque
02:59 PM pfred1: from the mark the newest it can be is 190 years
03:00 PM gloops: probably solid beech, or beech sole
03:00 PM pfred1: yeah the body has no checks in it at all
03:00 PM pfred1: though the tote does have a chipped horn
03:00 PM pfred1: but it doesn't affect use
03:01 PM pfred1: for its age it is in remarkably good condition
03:01 PM pfred1: we should all do so well
03:01 PM gloops: im not a metalurgist or anything, but those blades can take a fine edge, and hold it, better than any modern blade
03:01 PM pfred1: I think as steel ages it gets nicer
03:02 PM gloops: they used to roll carbon into it, the rollers were on fire, they threw brushwood onto the red hot ingots and rolled the charcoal into it
03:03 PM pfred1: well today we certainly have bettery alloying technology
03:03 PM pfred1: better even
03:03 PM gloops: we do, but show me a good chinese knife
03:03 PM pfred1: they probably keep them for themselves
03:04 PM pfred1: I know the Japanese are into their metalwork
03:04 PM pfred1: I think the Chinese may have invented iron?
03:05 PM gloops: India might have invented steel, iron i dont know, probably european - discovery
03:05 PM pfred1: well I think iron was discovered in several different places
03:05 PM pfred1: independent of other discoveried
03:06 PM pfred1: but the Chinese are in the running for having started using iron first
03:07 PM gloops: maybe, its a question of knowing how to get the heat really
03:08 PM pfred1: initially I think lots of primitives used meteoric iron
03:08 PM gloops: crucible steel goes back to the romans
03:08 PM pfred1: that's another thing that was big here long ago was iron nodules
03:08 PM pfred1: bog iron
03:09 PM gloops: whats that?
03:09 PM pfred1: peopel poking about in marshes for the stuff
03:09 PM pfred1: well they're iron nodules made by bacteria I think?
03:10 PM pfred1: which is how they used to smelt iron
03:10 PM pfred1: they'd collect the nodules amd smelt them
03:10 PM pfred1: here's videos on youtube of people hunting for bog iron nodules
03:11 PM pfred1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nawCa-4dWgY
03:11 PM gloops: ahh right
03:12 PM pfred1: bug all?
03:13 PM gloops: there are various theories on how it started, mainly the unlikely story that people made a fireplace with rocks containing iron ore and woke up in the morning to find iron in the hearth
03:13 PM gloops: it aint that easy lol
03:13 PM pfred1: they may have been smelting other metals
03:15 PM pfred1: there's a lot of marshland here so bog ore hunting used to be a thing
03:15 PM pfred1: hundreds of years ago
03:16 PM pfred1: there's ruins of a couple of foundries left today
03:16 PM gloops: possible you know bogs were mystical places in many cultures
03:17 PM gloops: this might have been seen as some providence by the gods
03:18 PM pfred1: way back whrn they smelted meteoric iron I'm sure folks looked at it that way
03:18 PM pfred1: literally rocks that fell from the heaven
03:19 PM gloops: baked in the nucleus of stars over billions of years
03:19 PM pfred1: I don't know if they made that connection but somethow they knew it came from the sky
03:21 PM gloops: nah they wouldnt have thought of it like that
03:22 PM pfred1: the Greeks pondered what kept the sun burning
03:22 PM pfred1: they figured if it was a pile of wood it should only burn for 4,200 years
03:22 PM pfred1: so they knew something else had to be going on
03:22 PM gloops: clever people
03:23 PM pfred1: they were no fools
03:23 PM gloops: they were on to the concept of atoms, no means of demonstrating it back then
03:24 PM pfred1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSCX78-8-q0
03:27 PM pfred1: “Wow, so you’re a director? What films have you done?” “Just some small stuff”
03:27 PM andypugh: gloops what lathe are you talking about?
03:27 PM pfred1: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DEAN-SMITH-GRACE-LATHE/172985484264?
03:28 PM gloops: dean smith & grace andypugh
03:29 PM andypugh: Well, they made excellent lathes.
03:30 PM andypugh: But that one might be annoyingly old.
03:30 PM gloops: yes, cant vouch for the condition of this particular one
03:30 PM gloops: might have been hammered
03:32 PM andypugh: It might also have a very low selection of speeds.
03:32 PM andypugh: It seems to have a threaded spindle nose
03:33 PM gloops: i thought it was a thread cutting box but seems not
03:34 PM andypugh: I am not sure what nose it has, actually. The tooling with it is L1 taper.
03:36 PM andypugh: Potentially the patent DSG “Fastlock” or equally likely those chucks simply don’t fit that lathe. http://www.lathes.co.uk/dsg/index.html
03:36 PM gloops: well potentially a good lathe, i cant see them bidding a lot in barnsley, but will probably be worth travelling for for some buyers
03:39 PM gloops: in the photos of the chucks, what is that bottom item?
03:41 PM andypugh: Safety version of a catch-plate
03:43 PM andypugh: If you can afford a van and a ferry: https://www.gumtree.com/p/lathes/harrison-lathe-model-m390-x-1250-gap-bed-c-w-rear-splash-guard.-for-auction-/1274822556
03:46 PM andypugh: Or https://www.gumtree.com/p/lathes/colchester-master-lathe/1273567742
03:47 PM gloops: good machine no doubt
03:48 PM Contract_Pilot: Sup... happy thanks giving to usa people
03:48 PM Contract_Pilot: I hate e-bay scammers
03:48 PM gloops: but ill just have to keep plodding on with my antique heh
03:49 PM Contract_Pilot: know no returns files e-bay claim after burning up a drive.
03:54 PM Contract_Pilot: even in his complaint I am fully aware that returns are not accepted on this auction, but I wanted you to know of the problem with the one defective drive. I will use the Ebay money back guarantee process to get my payment refunded.
03:54 PM Contract_Pilot: Did not even contact me befor filing a complaint
03:55 PM Contract_Pilot: but he did send the drive back and yep he burt it up!
03:55 PM gloops: you get them, there are some truly impossible people around
03:56 PM Contract_Pilot: Looking at the past he sent me a drive to repair and got me on the repair also not sure why he was not on my blocked list.
03:57 PM Contract_Pilot: thankfully I can replace the parts he burnt up!
03:58 PM Contract_Pilot: I have video of the drive working prior to shipment but e-bay always sides with ther buyer.
03:58 PM gloops: was it an expensive item?
03:59 PM Contract_Pilot: 125.00 + Ship.
03:59 PM SpeedEvil: :(
03:59 PM Contract_Pilot: At least he sent it back
03:59 PM gloops: thats not something to forget about
03:59 PM Contract_Pilot: Was going to exchange but the requested resolve was a refund
04:00 PM Contract_Pilot: so he got his refund.
04:48 PM Frank_20: guys; the other day happened something ultra super weird; maybe someone can chime in; i was blowing with air the cnc router while it wasncutting some wood and accidentaly touched a part from the y axis; making a small spark somehow linuxcnc throwed 7 dif errors and i had to reset it to work again
04:48 PM SpeedEvil: Compressed air can cuase charging.
04:49 PM Frank_20: static current on a metla part of a cnc machine can make linuxcnc read errors????
04:49 PM Frank_20: what would charging be
04:50 PM SpeedEvil: Charging enough to make something at a very high voltage, which makes an arc.
04:50 PM Frank_20: okey lets say static electricity touched the steel frame; which is connexted to earth ground; os that enough to throelw off mesa card?
04:51 PM SpeedEvil: yes, depending on what's charged.
04:51 PM SpeedEvil: Large currents can flow for a moment
04:51 PM SpeedEvil: that is what makes the spark
04:51 PM Frank_20: i saw some errors saying mesa card on the linuxcnc program
04:51 PM Deejay: gn8
04:52 PM SpeedEvil: If it's a metal part, and isolated, you can ground it.
04:52 PM pcw_home: ESD can generate KV noise with risetimes in the Picosecond range
04:52 PM pcw_home: ground means close to nothing at these edge rates
04:53 PM SpeedEvil: pcw_home: yes, but if it's grounded, the charge doesn't build up
04:53 PM pcw_home: yes preventing ESD is the key
04:54 PM pcw_home: If you have ESD you need to make sure the path it follows to ground doesn't include signal paths
04:55 PM Frank_20: it was from a blower air pressure gun
04:56 PM Frank_20: maybe i touched with it the limit switch wich is 24vdc
04:56 PM Frank_20: or the steel frame; the steel frame is directly connected to earth;
04:59 PM Frank_20: pcw_home: i had a power wire from a servo making a bad terminal connection it did a spark; then fixed it ; working good afaik; should i expect lower lifespan with this motor because the terminal was doing a bad connection or if its working good now; then its all good? sorry to bother; cant stop thinking about it
05:10 PM pcw_home: Motors are pretty rugged, I would not expect any damage unless you overheated it
05:10 PM SpeedEvil: If the controller has not died, it is likely it's fien
05:15 PM andypugh: Motors are just big chunks of wire. Very hard to kill.
05:17 PM Frank_20: its a servo thou
05:17 PM Frank_20: same thingy i think..
05:18 PM andypugh: Servos are just ordinary motors with an encoder on the back.
05:18 PM Frank_20: yep
05:19 PM Frank_20: i cant even touch my stepper but my servos are like a fridge lol
05:19 PM Frank_20: and if something breaks; i guess i will have to fix itttt
05:20 PM Tom_L: your driver doesn't have idle current shutdown does it?
05:20 PM Tom_L: for the stepper
05:20 PM pcw_home: One thing when testing motors is dont disconnect motor leads with current flowing as the inductive kickback _can_ damage insulation
05:20 PM Tom_L: or kill the driver
05:20 PM Frank_20: i think it lowers amp afaik
05:21 PM Frank_20: why do steppers spmetimes energize harder than other times;
05:21 PM Frank_20: sometimes when i have to clean a lim switch and i tried to enable motors a couple times; when they do; the stepper do it harder
05:22 PM Frank_20: is it necessary to wait?
08:37 PM hazzy: Frank_20: I would assume it just depends on the position the rotor is in at power on
08:39 PM Tom_L: jup
08:39 PM hazzy: if the rotor is aligned with the polls it would start up quietly, if it is half way between it would jump
11:10 PM hazzy: It is midnight, time for another round of pie :D
11:22 PM MarcelineVQ: omy
11:49 PM hazzy: finished off three more pies, now time to sleep them all off
11:51 PM hazzy: (BTW, we hiked 6-7 miles today and did a good bit of work in the shop, so we earned all those pies fairly ;) )
11:51 PM hazzy: gn8