#linuxcnc Logs

Nov 06 2017

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:37 AM XXCoder: dang https://imgur.com/gallery/mdn7S
12:40 AM XXCoder: making that cryptex
12:46 AM MarcelineVQ: oddly large, pretty cool though
12:46 AM XXCoder: yeah
12:46 AM XXCoder: so many pictures!
12:46 AM XXCoder: im at wood section lathing now
12:46 AM XXCoder: so much work.
12:46 AM MarcelineVQ: making your own?
12:46 AM XXCoder: lol no
12:46 AM MarcelineVQ: oh you said that hehe
12:46 AM MarcelineVQ: oh, no?
12:46 AM XXCoder: sorry was bit amgious, I meant making OF that cryptex
12:46 AM XXCoder: I acciently a word
12:46 AM MarcelineVQ: it would look petty nice with brass endcaps and gold bands, but that alu inside still
12:46 AM XXCoder: this one was second one he made apparently
12:46 AM Wolfmetalfab is now known as Wolf__
12:46 AM MarcelineVQ: yeah I like the colors if his first more, both are pretty cool
12:46 AM MarcelineVQ: the thicker bands of the new one look better
12:47 AM MarcelineVQ: oh there's like, 131 more images
12:47 AM XXCoder: yep!!
12:47 AM XXCoder: im still going though it.
12:48 AM MarcelineVQ: I wish that was more obvious, I wonder how many other links like this I've seen and had no idea there was more pics hmm
12:50 AM XXCoder: just arrived end
12:50 AM XXCoder: wow
01:44 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +vv by tolkien.freenode.net
02:32 AM Deejay: moin
02:33 AM gloops: https://www.facebook.com/mashable/videos/10154991052664705/
02:50 AM MarcelineVQ: interesting stuff
03:20 AM gloops: can see that taking off
03:20 AM XXCoder: depends
03:20 AM XXCoder: what with ever-increasing price I can see this taking off
03:20 AM XXCoder: one of reasons I REALLY hope elio takes off
03:24 AM gloops: whats elio?
03:25 AM XXCoder: 3 wheeled autocycle
03:26 AM gloops: i dont know how accurate gps is atm, but you could have a large mobile concrete printer with self levelling gantry and so on, they will get that going surely, some money to be made
03:27 AM MarcelineVQ: hmm, 3 wheeled motor vehicle? designed by a college kid I'm guessing, everyone else in the world would know that 3 wheels flip too easily to be roadworthy at any reasonable speed
03:27 AM gloops: on site concrete printing v pre-fab
03:28 AM archivist: see Sinclair C5
03:28 AM MarcelineVQ: I see that's pretty low, might be okay
03:28 AM XXCoder: MarcelineVQ: uhh no
03:29 AM XXCoder: also it cant flip, it's not reliant robin
03:29 AM archivist: MarcelineVQ, they died out pretty quick, too dangerous, cars would not seen them
03:32 AM gloops: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3741818/Can-three-wheeled-motorcycle-beat-Tesla-Bizarre-7-000-Elio-autocycle-goes-sale.html
03:33 AM gloops: like all these techno-memes it just needs to lodge in the public mindset
03:33 AM gloops: most dont and fizzle out, but just occassionally something clicks, it becomes ok to be seen in one of these, and it explodes
03:34 AM MarcelineVQ: XXCoder: and titanic can't sink I've been told. 3 wheels are unsafe for a similar reason as rear steering wheels are unsafe, the changes to the vehicle orienation versus your interia is unintuitive to the driver, and have a shorter window to correct
03:34 AM XXCoder: MarcelineVQ: front is 2 wheeled
03:34 AM XXCoder: it steers normally
03:34 AM XXCoder: just like car
03:34 AM MarcelineVQ: that's a good design choice
03:34 AM XXCoder: reliant robin is unsafe because it is one wheel front
03:35 AM archivist: you know that layout is really old, see Morgan 3 wheeler
03:35 AM XXCoder: rest of elio is very standard, and older well-tested parts
03:35 AM MarcelineVQ: What is the point of this though? it's a smartcar with a wider wheelbase? people already don't buy smart cars, why would they want a wide one
03:35 AM XXCoder: only really new part is engine
03:35 AM XXCoder: MarcelineVQ: 84 mpg
03:35 AM XXCoder: and extreme cheap
03:35 AM XXCoder: yet well built
03:36 AM XXCoder: 90% american made
03:36 AM XXCoder: those is why I want one
03:37 AM MarcelineVQ: I see, so it's weird looking for marketing value, if it doesn't look quite like a smart car then people who have been burned or known people who have been burned by smart cars might still be willing to try it
03:37 AM XXCoder: yeah one of their musts is go well past FDA requirement
03:37 AM MarcelineVQ: nice that's it's made in america, I hope it does well for that reason at least
03:38 AM MarcelineVQ: fda?
03:38 AM XXCoder: only problem, they are slow. :( tghey are building factory still
03:38 AM XXCoder: federal group working on making sure products is safe
03:38 AM XXCoder: thought may be wrong group name
03:38 AM MarcelineVQ: Are you really sure you mean fda
03:39 AM MarcelineVQ: I'm mean, it could be fda, where d is driver or something, but fda is usually food and drug administation
03:39 AM XXCoder: lemme google
03:40 AM XXCoder: may be NHTSA
03:40 AM XXCoder: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
03:40 AM MarcelineVQ: seems reasonable, this article also mentions atvm and doe
03:44 AM XXCoder: anyway
03:45 AM XXCoder: I actually sat in p3
03:45 AM XXCoder: pretty nice
03:45 AM XXCoder: very confortable
03:45 AM XXCoder: i never got to see p4 and p5
04:13 AM tweber: hallo
04:14 AM tweber: kann mir jemand einen link für das interface geben ?
04:16 AM MarcelineVQ: which interface?
04:23 AM tweber: for linux cnc pc
04:24 AM MarcelineVQ: there's documentation links here for the various linuxcnc parts http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/
04:27 AM tweber: danke
05:01 AM jthornton: morning
05:05 AM XXCoder: hey jthornton
05:06 AM XXCoder: how did it handle time change, your chicken door
05:07 AM jthornton: the RPi3 controller did just fine, the arduino one has no clue about time
05:07 AM XXCoder: I just wish there is either forever daylight savings or forever no daylight savings
05:08 AM IchGucksLive: hi
05:08 AM XXCoder: I HATE tdaylight savings.
05:08 AM XXCoder: hey again
05:08 AM jthornton: I hear ya it sucks to change time
05:08 AM XXCoder: BOTH changes suck for me
05:08 AM XXCoder: fall? it means I work till "2:45 am" or 1:45 am now
05:08 AM IchGucksLive: XXCoder: you shoudt have given tweber my youtube on interface
05:08 AM XXCoder: spring? I wake up hour earlier
05:09 AM XXCoder: IchGucksLive: I wasnt even here then
05:09 AM MarcelineVQ: IchGucksLive: I should have, wasn't thinking
05:09 AM XXCoder: I was chilling, reading book in nice and hot tub
05:09 AM IchGucksLive: sorry MarcelineVQ
05:10 AM IchGucksLive: XXCoder: i appologice
05:10 AM XXCoder: no problem
05:10 AM IchGucksLive: and clame MarcelineVQ
05:11 AM IchGucksLive: it is quite sunny now i go for a long walk
05:11 AM XXCoder: cant wait 20 more minutes
05:11 AM IchGucksLive: XXCoder: you shoudt go to bed
05:12 AM XXCoder: I need to be up till 3 am minium
05:12 AM IchGucksLive: and keep the shovvel ready
05:12 AM XXCoder: so I dont get tired driving home or at work
05:12 AM IchGucksLive: and dont drive over a beer or mouse
05:12 AM IchGucksLive: moose
05:12 AM XXCoder: lol no moose here
05:13 AM IchGucksLive: Ranger also
05:13 AM XXCoder: never seen beer on road in over decade of driving
05:13 AM XXCoder: wrong country for ranger
05:14 AM IchGucksLive: later
05:14 AM XXCoder: jthornton: I'd be surpised to see a ranger around here heh
05:15 AM jthornton: as in a forest ranger?
05:15 AM XXCoder: yep
05:15 AM XXCoder: man I really need to buy nonasprain headache pain medicine
05:16 AM jthornton: I see rangers all the time here
05:17 AM XXCoder: tacoma isnt well known for wildlands :)
05:17 AM XXCoder: closest thing we got is point defence park
05:17 AM XXCoder: I really need to go there again, been a while.
05:18 AM XXCoder: other place I want to go to again is ape park
05:19 AM XXCoder: though I wont cross that harder to cross spot again as I cant do it anymore lol
05:19 AM XXCoder: I BARELY made it again last time and it was over 7 years ago
05:20 AM jthornton: dang what is the hard place?
05:20 AM XXCoder: oh its simple for more phyiscally able person
05:20 AM XXCoder: its cave point where it descends 3 feet or so
05:22 AM XXCoder: wrong more like a drop of 3 feet
05:22 AM XXCoder: *wrong word
05:23 AM XXCoder: hmm 4 feet more like I think
05:23 AM XXCoder: been a while lol
05:43 AM jthornton: http://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/ape-cave
05:43 AM jthornton: that one?
05:44 AM XXCoder: yep
05:44 AM XXCoder: ya should visit once if you happen to be within region
05:44 AM XXCoder: bring 2 good flashlights and shitty one
05:44 AM XXCoder: because sometimes theres moron group of 6 with one fading flashlight
05:44 AM XXCoder: thats when you give shitty one
05:47 AM jthornton: lol
05:47 AM XXCoder: I gave one away last time I was there
05:47 AM XXCoder: 4 adults, 3 kids, one dead lanern light, one almost dead pen light
05:49 AM XXCoder: http://www.samtsai.com/wp-content/uploads/5230.jpg
05:49 AM XXCoder: see spot below hiking sign?
05:49 AM XXCoder: thats the spot thats bit hard to cross
05:49 AM XXCoder: its 8 feet apparently but can get up to halfway spot, that part is nigh-impossible for me to cross alone
05:51 AM jthornton: looks pretty deep
05:51 AM XXCoder: dress in thin "cool and rainy" cloth
05:51 AM XXCoder: it dont change much, winter or summer.
05:51 AM XXCoder: dont ever touch any cave walls
05:51 AM XXCoder: exception being that drop
05:52 AM XXCoder: it is.600 feet
05:52 AM XXCoder: mules long
05:52 AM XXCoder: *miles
05:59 AM XXCoder: jthornton: as a machinist this mnakes me cringe https://notalwaysright.com/they-slipped-on-the-gauges/98892/
06:03 AM MarcelineVQ: omy, even if you know nothing about guage blocks why would it be anyone's instinct to use them for that
06:03 AM XXCoder: its just blocks of metal right? heh
06:04 AM XXCoder: techinically it IS just blocks of metal. very very precisely made blocks of steel but..
06:04 AM MarcelineVQ: "there's so many sizes, what else would be they for?"
06:04 AM MarcelineVQ: borrowing them from a measuring department, take a guess :(
06:05 AM malcom2073: heh, ouch
06:05 AM malcom2073: My work won't buy me gauge blocks or decent calipers, so when I make stuff I tell them tolerance is +/- 1 inch
06:06 AM XXCoder: lol tol that large I'd have never made any scrap
06:06 AM malcom2073: Rough cut and go! :)
06:09 AM XXCoder: wups overhsot 20 nmin lol laters
06:27 AM gloops: well 60x40 4mm wall box section seems acceptable bendy wise at 1200mm, can also tap that
06:32 AM RyanS1: for welding?
06:35 AM gloops: deflection - from the force of cutting
06:36 AM gloops: you wont need to worry about that for plasma of course
06:53 AM Loetmichel: XXCoder: hihi.. my coworker just complained that its to cold to smoke outside... dressend in a knitted sweater and a tshirt and "winter nylons" under the jeans.. i stood close by: "i feel comfortable.."... in thsit, no undershirt, thin jeans and short socks ;)
06:53 AM Loetmichel: tshirt
06:54 AM jthornton: I think he went to sleep
07:00 AM Loetmichel: *HARHAR*... the UPS delivery man just came by in shorts.. the look on my co-workers face... priceless ,)
07:03 AM Tom_L: 35°F
07:06 AM jthornton: 50f here
07:06 AM jthornton: we won't get the cold till wed
07:06 AM MarcelineVQ: is your co-worker from nigeria?
07:35 AM gloops: delivery van would make my day
07:48 AM SpeedEvil: I just got some damascus offcuts delivered, which was nice.
07:48 AM gloops: makin daggers SpeedEvil?
07:49 AM SpeedEvil: It was cheap.
07:49 AM SpeedEvil: I was thinking a marking knife, small folder pocket knife, and big kitchen knife.
07:53 AM gloops: i picked up an old kitchen knife marked damascus steel, it sharpened up like a razor, best knife we ever had
07:53 AM gloops: got thrown out with potato peelings i suspect
07:55 AM SpeedEvil: This is one of the new PM stainlesses
08:06 AM corecode_ is now known as corecode
08:08 AM jym: XXCoder: Belt sander video card repair.... I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!
08:09 AM jym: SpeedEvil: PM stainless ???
08:10 AM SpeedEvil: https://www.eurotechni.com/index.php/en/online-shop/knife_making_steels/stainless-steels-damascus-damasteel/odins-eye-32x3,2mm-au-cm-detail
08:11 AM jym: SpeedEvil: LMAO... "403: Access Forbidden - Your location (US) has been blacklisted. "
08:11 AM SpeedEvil: you take stainless steel powders of different stainlesses, and then layer them in a box, and then heat the box under rather large pressure in vacuum so you get solid metal with a very defined grain structure
08:11 AM SpeedEvil: odd
08:11 AM SpeedEvil: http://www.terasrenki.com/en/product/odin-s-eye-damasteel/
08:12 AM jym: nice
08:16 AM monkeyisl: jthornton yo, you around could I pay via paypal?
08:23 AM JT-Shop: monkeyisl: for?
08:28 AM jdh: your kindness and help.
08:28 AM jym: Interesting... https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/
08:28 AM jym: jdh: You've been drinking again, haven't you?
08:29 AM monkeyisl: JT-Shop : nvm, i'm going through web interface. np
08:29 AM monkeyisl: JT-Shop : btw,, there is no EMS as shipping..
08:29 AM jdh: not in maybe 20 years
08:30 AM jym: http://www.agoogleaday.com/
08:31 AM monkeyisl: howa... US shipping is kidna expesnive.lo
08:31 AM jym: jdh: (nm, it was meant as a joke)
08:32 AM JT-Shop: EMS?
08:32 AM jdh: :)
08:32 AM jym: JT-Shop: A non-us shipper, like FedEx
08:33 AM monkeyisl: JT-Shop : btw ..ordered ;)
08:33 AM archivist: JT-Shop, I wonder if you could use ebays global shipping to get lower prices
08:34 AM JT-Shop: wouldn't you have to sell on ebay to get that?
08:34 AM archivist: probably but one off buy it now for that item
08:36 AM jym: You can use paypal for creating shipping labels for USPS and UPS that I'm aware of
08:37 AM jym: I don't think I've ever seen ebay have shipping, but I haven't sold on ebay in a LONG time
08:39 AM JT-Shop: thanks
08:39 AM * JT-Shop hums the Final Jeopardy tune while waiting for the order to show up
08:39 AM gloops: a lot of mail corps do bonus deliveries for volume sellers
08:39 AM gloops: so you get 100 free deliveries or whatever
08:40 AM jym: JT-Shop: I'll Take "What are you selling now for $100 Jack"
08:44 AM monkeyisl: JT-Shop : i ahve question " https://mesaus.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=69&product_id=86 "< -- i'm buying this, but if i search google " 7i76-6i25 PLUG-N-GO KIT" it gose to "http://store.mesanet.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=217"
08:44 AM monkeyisl: one is pcie antoher one is pci.
08:44 AM monkeyisl: confused.
08:46 AM gloops: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PICADOR-LATHE-MACHINE-PARTS-SPARES-OR-REPAIR/142559976396?
08:46 AM archivist: wood turning lathe
08:47 AM gloops: 5 axis it
08:47 AM archivist: eff oorrff
08:47 AM gloops: you could carve a mongoose killing a python
08:48 AM gloops: lamp
08:48 AM archivist: Wolf made a similar add on for there drill
08:48 AM JT-Shop: monkeyisl: the photo on store.mesanet.com is of a 5i25 not a 6i25...
08:49 AM archivist: some bits of the wolf still here,
08:49 AM monkeyisl: JT-Shop : ok i pasted order number @ pm. thank you!
08:49 AM JT-Shop: if you hover over the photo it is 7I765I25PNG
08:51 AM monkeyisl: i see
08:52 AM JT-Shop: I guess pcw_home never updated the photo...
09:37 AM IchGucksLive: hi from germany
09:39 AM jym: IchGucksLive: Yu need to get out more. You're always in germany
09:39 AM IchGucksLive: <- agrees
09:39 AM jym: =)
09:41 AM roycroft: don't come here though
09:41 AM roycroft: we're all insane
09:44 AM IchGucksLive: off later back again
11:17 AM gloops: well thats the surface grinder project shelved,thinks ive killed the motor
11:19 AM MarcelineVQ: that's no fun
11:20 AM gloops: think ie hit the winding with a screw, i can get another anyway
11:35 AM gloops: would the motor buzz if i killed the winding? im not up on electrics at all, cant see a capictor anywhere
11:37 AM SpeedEvil: What sort of motor is it.
11:37 AM SpeedEvil: Did it work before you screwed it up.
11:37 AM SpeedEvil: (in the sensr of put screws in)
11:39 AM gloops: it worked yeah fine, im not sure what kind of motor, no brushes or anything, it was very quiet, has stop start switch, i remember putting a screw in (flat bottom) and it bottomed out, when i looked the hole is above the winding, cant see any damage though
11:39 AM gloops: just get buzzing now
11:40 AM gloops: can get another one for £20
11:42 AM hazzy: Sounds like an induction motor with a stuck rotor. Does the rotor spin freely?
11:43 AM gloops: actually thats the other thing, when i seperated it a small screw came out, cannot see anywhere it could go - might have been jamming it
11:43 AM gloops: but turning free enough now
11:44 AM gloops: it wasnt buzzing like it was jammed, just a low hum
11:44 AM hazzy: No caps or centrifugal switch?
11:45 AM gloops: cant see cap, where would centrifugal switch be?
11:45 AM hazzy: In one of the end bells
11:46 AM gloops: in the casing?
11:46 AM gloops: ill have a look
11:49 AM hazzy: I am thinking it must be a shaded pole motor, unless it is 3 phase
11:50 AM gloops: no, have found the damage now, - screw has hit winding, flat circle, loose copper wire, sht
11:50 AM hazzy: :(
11:50 AM gloops: thats with not using the original screws
11:51 AM gloops: so a cheapo 20 quid bench grinder it is
11:52 AM hazzy: a winding to winding short is not always deadly. How you powered it up since removing the screw?
11:52 AM hazzy: Have*
11:55 AM gloops: yeah - i changed the screw when i felt it hit something, didnt try it at all while the screw was in
12:16 PM monkeyisl: after you change tool, how you reset 0?
12:16 PM monkeyisl: use some leveling tool or just set 0 by gcode by manual?
12:17 PM monkeyisl: of cousre automaitc tool-change is not hobby level?
12:19 PM Frank_10: if you have atc automatic tool changer tools have their own offset; so that the machine knows where the tip of the tool is
12:21 PM monkeyisl: atc automatic tool changer tools <-- this?
12:21 PM monkeyisl: what's google keyword for that?
12:23 PM Frank_10: atc automatic tool changer
12:23 PM Frank_10: wut?
12:23 PM IchGucksLive: back
12:23 PM hazzy: monkeyisl: ATC = Automatic Tool Changer
12:24 PM monkeyisl: that's too rouhg keyword.. forme.. isn't it?.. hm. what's suppoed to be affordable?
12:25 PM monkeyisl: i'm just dreaming.. i'm sure i don't need it.. though.
12:25 PM monkeyisl: someday.
12:28 PM hazzy: monkeyisl: Are you asking how to zero a tool after changing it manually in the middle of a program?
12:30 PM monkeyisl: hazzy : I have no ATC, so i have to change tool manually depending on endmills, so i have to manually lower Z axis, and G92 Z0 to set actually 0 on every a tool change.
12:31 PM monkeyisl: hazzy: is there other way what exports do?
12:31 PM monkeyisl: *experts
12:32 PM hazzy: Yes, you could set up a tool touch probe to aromatically measure the tool length and set the tool length offset
12:33 PM hazzy: aromatically = automatically :D
12:33 PM monkeyisl: hazzy, is there any proven probe out there?
12:34 PM hazzy: You could make your own with a spring loaded conductive plate, or even just a limit switch
12:34 PM sync: those chinese blocks with the indicator in them also work ok
12:35 PM hazzy: Yes, but you can't wire them into LCNC :)
12:35 PM hazzy: http://www.mycncuk.com/threads/5057-another-tool-hight-setting-proble-%29
12:35 PM hazzy: Unless LCNC can now read dials!
12:37 PM monkeyisl: hm.....
12:38 PM sync: well, I have a blum novotest laser but I know people who ise the cubes
12:38 PM monkeyisl: i think there should be zproble firmware aids
12:38 PM monkeyisl: *probe
12:40 PM IchGucksLive: monkeyisl: hazzy you can set a tool change position and home the tool auto with G38 as ofset is G92
12:41 PM IchGucksLive: you can also do it individuell by using a SUB
12:42 PM hazzy: IchGucksLive: Yes!
12:42 PM IchGucksLive: <mytoolchange>
12:42 PM IchGucksLive: as you move towards a position calculated on G53 position
12:42 PM IchGucksLive: Stopp all
12:43 PM IchGucksLive: change manuell
12:43 PM IchGucksLive: move to tool length lensor
12:43 PM IchGucksLive: init tool length g38
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: and set your new Zero on toutch as G92 Z 0
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: m2 return
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: without stopping your main ngc
12:49 PM monkeyisl: I wanna make gcode that does following, z-axis slowly gose down until endstop(zprobe) triggers and send g92 z0 and return to home position waiting for next resume.
12:56 PM monkeyisl: should be already done?
12:56 PM monkeyisl: shouldn't it be already done right?
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: o<znullen> sub
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: G91 ( relative mode for probing)
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: G38.2 Z-25 F100 ( trip switch on the way down)
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: G90 ( absolute mode)
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: G92 Z0 (set Z0 )
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: G1 Z3.5 F150 (move tool free)
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: o<znullen> endsub
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: M2
12:59 PM monkeyisl: IchGucksLive : what h/w switch we are talking about?
12:59 PM IchGucksLive: depends on tool you use
01:00 PM IchGucksLive: just a pice of FR4 PCB copper coat will work
01:03 PM IchGucksLive: monkeyisl: you can clamp a crokodile wire to the tool and move down
01:06 PM monkeyisl: IchGucksLive : ok ,, .. in case detection fails, i have to ready for a new spindle?..
01:06 PM IchGucksLive: 12 more abonoments on YT today
01:06 PM IchGucksLive: no
01:06 PM IchGucksLive: it will detect
01:06 PM IchGucksLive: on presure
01:06 PM monkeyisl: i mean, if it fail? ,, my motor won't stall at all lol
01:07 PM IchGucksLive: and your crapy stepper will over shoot
01:08 PM IchGucksLive: i got a clamp so i can check bevor every zero move f it will
01:09 PM monkeyisl: how the clamp looks like?.. sorry for language barrier
01:10 PM IchGucksLive: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Krokodil-Klemmen-Prufklemmen-Prufkabel-Messleitung-Verbindungleitung-Krokoklemme/201808976219
01:10 PM monkeyisl: oh i see.
01:11 PM monkeyisl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1cLGUjUu8I
01:11 PM IchGucksLive: one set goes to all 12 mashines i usely build
01:12 PM monkeyisl: i can have "emegency stop" button?
01:12 PM monkeyisl: unplug plug? lol...
01:12 PM IchGucksLive: you can have whatever you want
01:12 PM roycroft: can i have a cookie?
01:12 PM IchGucksLive: safe is what lcnc stands for
01:12 PM IchGucksLive: roycroft: ask your mom
01:14 PM monkeyisl: https://catalog.orientalmotor.com/item/pkp-series-5-phase-stepper-motors/pk-series-60mm-5-phase-stepper-motors/pk566aw
01:15 PM IchGucksLive: im off Gn8
01:15 PM monkeyisl: if for whatever reason, if there is some accident so i drop the clamp, spindle be gone.. i'm sure.. this is very strong motor..
01:17 PM monkeyisl: I coded something like this on smoohiteware.. i modified firmware.. to do this.. so i made my gcode like Mxx to such .. btw.. i'm still worry about if there is something fxxked up, if z-axis doesn't stop. it will destory all. heh
01:17 PM monkeyisl: it was useless 3dprinter btw. not cnc.
01:19 PM monkeyisl: ppl do this on mach by VBscript
01:19 PM monkeyisl: somethign like this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2hPzRSbcroXSU9veTVwUjhfbjQ/edit
01:21 PM monkeyisl: what ppl do such on lcnc?
01:27 PM Todd_Z: Probing is on any heavy machine is a risky afair. All you can do is your best to minimize those risks.
01:28 PM roycroft: what do you folks use for coolant pumps on your machinery?
01:28 PM roycroft: i'm specifically looking for something to cool a 3hp 80mm spindle
01:29 PM roycroft: and i'm looking at this right now:
01:29 PM roycroft: https://www.ebay.com/itm/221568121193
01:30 PM roycroft: i've used this pump in the past for other applications, all pumping only plain water:
01:30 PM roycroft: https://www.ebay.com/itm/112630857664
01:32 PM * roycroft wonders if he still has one of the latter pumps
01:33 PM Tom_L: bottom of page on one of those links is a 'parts washer pump' about the same price
01:33 PM Tom_L: may handle chems better
01:34 PM MaPo: hi from bavaria
01:35 PM gloops: evening
01:35 PM Tom_L: afternoon
01:35 PM * Tom_L wonders what time it is on mars
01:36 PM roycroft: that first link was for a "parts washer" pump
01:36 PM roycroft: and that's exactly what i was thinking
01:37 PM gloops: im beginning to realise time passes slowly when building a machine
01:38 PM roycroft: time is relative
01:40 PM Loetmichel: Tom_L: any time you want
01:40 PM monkeyisl: 4am
01:40 PM Loetmichel: there are no "timezones" on mars so far
01:40 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhWldfNLdKw
01:41 PM Loetmichel: that will follow when the first colonists arrive ;)
01:41 PM Tom_L: i figured the martians already had established that
01:43 PM roycroft: sure - there is ming standard time and clay people standard time and forest people standard time
01:43 PM Loetmichel: roycroft: i use a "micro mouse" indoor fountain pump.
01:43 PM Loetmichel: on an 800W spindle though
01:43 PM Loetmichel: and NO radiator
01:44 PM Loetmichel: the 5 liters bucked has enough surface area to keep it cool.
01:45 PM gloops: did you build your own router Loetmichel?
01:45 PM Loetmichel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9Ov69t0uwo
01:45 PM roycroft: my spindle will be 3hp
01:45 PM Loetmichel: mor like my own knee mill
01:45 PM roycroft: and it is strictly water cooled
01:46 PM roycroft: i was not planning on using a radiator
01:46 PM roycroft: i'm still deciding what size coolant tank to use
01:46 PM roycroft: but i'm thinking around 20L would probably work nicely
01:46 PM monkeyisl: what does "Live" stand for? i'm installing linuxcnc-2.7-wheezy.iso ?
01:47 PM gloops: ahh nice one
01:47 PM Loetmichel: monkeyisl: live stands for "test before install"... its a bootable live linux
01:47 PM Loetmichel: it runs from CD without install
01:47 PM roycroft: a livecd is one that can be run from the cd itself without having to install it
01:47 PM monkeyisl: got it
01:48 PM Loetmichel: roycroft: what i meant to say was: it needs surprisingly little flow and radiation surface to keep the spindle below 45°c
01:49 PM roycroft: yes, that's what i anticipate
01:49 PM roycroft: and this will likely never be used in production mode all day long
01:49 PM roycroft: probably bursts of 30 minute or less use
01:50 PM roycroft: the pumps i've been looking at are spec'ed at 650L/hour, which should be plenty of circulation for a spindle
01:59 PM Tom_L: do those spindles have much torque at lower speeds?
01:59 PM Tom_L: you always see them advertized for a bazillion rpm but i'm wondering how they perform at lower speeds
02:00 PM MarcelineVQ: depends what lower speeds means, I doubt you're intended to run them under 3k
02:00 PM Tom_L: so they'd not be worth a crap cutting steel
02:03 PM sync: well, you would run a 6mm carbide endmill at something like Vc 180m/min
02:04 PM roycroft: with a vfd they have good torque at lower speeds
02:05 PM roycroft: my use would be between 12,000 and 24,000rpm
02:06 PM sync: Tom_L: you would not run them much below 10k in steel as well
02:06 PM sync: maybe with larger cutters, but then you will quickly reach the limit of their rigidity
02:08 PM roycroft: to be clear, are we discussing the spindles that i've been discussing?
02:08 PM roycroft: and if so, i wonder if my application is inappropriate
02:08 PM MarcelineVQ: china 24000 rpm 400htz 220v spindle?
02:08 PM roycroft: i have never heard of anyone using that type of spindle on a router table
02:09 PM roycroft: but i attributed that primarily due to mounting issues, and the fact that most woodworkers are not comfortable/adept at machining metal
02:09 PM MarcelineVQ: That's all I've seen people using ehe, that and those german router-things
02:09 PM roycroft: yes, marcelinevq
02:10 PM roycroft: this application is for a wood router table
02:10 PM roycroft: where the spindle sticks up from underneath the work surface
02:10 PM roycroft: and i would be using fairly large cutters at times - up to 60mm or so
02:11 PM sync: I doubt that it is good for that
02:11 PM gloops: hitachi
02:11 PM MarcelineVQ: that's prettybig
02:11 PM roycroft: why, sync?
02:11 PM gloops: 60mm is like edge moulding or panel raising sizes
02:11 PM roycroft: yes
02:11 PM roycroft: and that's where i would run at 12,000rpm
02:11 PM sync: the bearings are probably not up to the task
02:12 PM roycroft: that's unfortunate
02:12 PM MarcelineVQ: though if it's cnc you can have it use smaller cutters multiple times to get the larger cutter profile you were after
02:12 PM roycroft: this application won't be cnc
02:13 PM gloops: how a bout a spindle moulder?
02:13 PM roycroft: it would save me a lot of money to not use the 80mm spindle
02:13 PM gloops: or is that what you mean roy? with a proper cutter block
02:13 PM roycroft: but if i use a traditional wood router then variable speed control is a hassle
02:13 PM roycroft: no, this would replace a wood router
02:13 PM roycroft: not a spindle moulder
02:14 PM roycroft: i thought that with the spindle and vfd, i could control the speed remotely
02:14 PM gloops: somebody could probably wire you up a variable speed control in an accesible place
02:14 PM gloops: like a knob
02:14 PM roycroft: but if i'm honest, 90% of the time i'd be using the thing at full speed
02:15 PM roycroft: here's the problem with that
02:15 PM roycroft: the router motors that are big enough to do the work i need to do are all variable speed already
02:15 PM gloops: yes
02:15 PM roycroft: and the speed control is built into the top of the router
02:15 PM gloops: which is boxed in under the table
02:15 PM roycroft: yes
02:16 PM roycroft: i can't use an external speed controller with those things
02:17 PM gloops: well you can get half inch collet china spindles, cant see a 2kw or 3kw stalling surely
02:18 PM roycroft: i actually need 1/4", 8mm, and 1/2" collets
02:18 PM roycroft: but that's not a big deal
02:18 PM gloops: flange mounted would be better though
02:18 PM roycroft: sync has concerns that the bearings are inadequate
02:19 PM gloops: how you gonna adjust height?
02:19 PM roycroft: with a router lift
02:19 PM roycroft: which i already have
02:19 PM sync: just move the internal speed control to some place where you want it
02:19 PM roycroft: the spindle will just clamp into the lift
02:19 PM sync: or just try the spindle, they are pretty cheap after all, maybe it is fine
02:19 PM roycroft: that's not easy to do, sync
02:19 PM roycroft: they're $279 + shipping + vfd
02:19 PM roycroft: so $500
02:19 PM roycroft: not exactly cheap
02:20 PM roycroft: although if it fails i can use the vfd elsewhere
02:20 PM gloops: some cheaper than that
02:20 PM MarcelineVQ: so far I'm pretty impressed with the huanyang vfd, allthough I don't have anything to compare it to
02:21 PM gloops: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-2KW-CNC-WATER-COOLED-SPINDLE-MOTOR-ER20-80MM-2-2KW-220V-VFD-INVERTER-DRIVE/181806514041?
02:21 PM gloops: its all cloned anyway - with german bearings
02:21 PM MarcelineVQ: good lord things cost nothing in the UK
02:21 PM gloops: lol!
02:21 PM gloops: america is cheaper than the UK, we pay £8 for a packet of cigs
02:22 PM MarcelineVQ: lucky for american smokers, that combo would cost me $450 here
02:22 PM gloops: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-2KW-CNC-SPINDLE-MOTOR-ER20-2-2KW-220V-VFD-INVERTER-DRIVE-WATER-COOLED/252025941620?
02:23 PM gloops: the chinese have some VAT scam going, they stockpile this stuff in germany, thats why its cheap
02:23 PM roycroft: https://www.ebay.com/itm/162289056146
02:23 PM roycroft: that is the spindle i'm looking at
02:23 PM roycroft: i have a couple huanyang vfds and i'm satisfied with them
02:25 PM gloops: made in america?
02:25 PM roycroft: nothing is made in america any more except debt
02:25 PM gloops: damn, i dont know why the west isnt making this stuff
02:26 PM MarcelineVQ: as archivist would say, people want to pay china price for everything
02:27 PM roycroft: the spindle i'm looking at has an er-20 collet chuck
02:27 PM roycroft: so it would handle the collet sizes i need
02:28 PM roycroft: another advantage of using that is that i could use end mills in the router in any size i want up to 1/2"
02:28 PM MarcelineVQ: even a little more than 1/2, not much more though
02:28 PM MarcelineVQ: e.g. https://www.maritool.com/Collets-ER-Collets-ER20-Collets/c21_56_62/index.html
02:29 PM gloops: i think the router with its onboard speed control at max could still be wired to an external variable resistor or whatever it is
02:30 PM roycroft: the external speed controller burns up the circuitry of the on-board one
02:30 PM roycroft: the 80mm spindle offers another advantage over a standard wood router with its induction motor
02:30 PM roycroft: it runs much more quietly
02:31 PM roycroft: sync's concern about the durability of the bearings is disconcerting though
02:32 PM roycroft: i had slight concerns about that in the back of my mind
02:32 PM sync: yeah, the spindle is like 99€ here
02:32 PM roycroft: most concerning is why nobody in the woodworking community seem to have done this before
02:32 PM roycroft: people don't even discuss failed attempts in the woodworking forums
02:33 PM roycroft: it's as though the idea never occured to anyone
02:33 PM roycroft: and that seems unlikely to me
02:33 PM roycroft: i'm still trying to find a problem so obvious and fundamental that nobody would even consider this kind of a build
02:38 PM gloops: i dunno, people mill ally with 2.2kw, the bearings are changeable, but really who knows, its uncharted territory
02:39 PM MarcelineVQ: not that uncharted, you'll find vids on it on youtube
02:41 PM roycroft: cnc routers with overhead spindles are common
02:41 PM roycroft: but a router table with an undertable spindle unheard of
02:42 PM roycroft: i guess it's time for me to be a pioneer :)
02:44 PM roycroft: i was going to build this with a stepper motor and controller for height adjustment, but i really don't think that's necessary
02:44 PM djdelorie: roycroft: most woodworkers would realize you're describing a shaper, not a router, and use a shaper with a VFD.
02:44 PM roycroft: maybe something i would add later on
02:45 PM roycroft: i suppose that this is moving into shaper territory
02:45 PM djdelorie: my router table has a woodpecker's lift system that could be steppered, though...
02:45 PM Tom_L: that's awfully technical jargon...
02:46 PM roycroft: i think that adding a dro to the router lift would suffice for woodworking
02:46 PM djdelorie: Tom_L: company name - latest version is https://www.woodpeck.com/prlv2.html
02:46 PM * roycroft senses a big netsplit coming
02:47 PM roycroft: i have an older jessem router lift
02:47 PM djdelorie: mine is the original: http://www.delorie.com/wood/projects/router/
02:47 PM roycroft: i'm thinking of replacing it with an incra
02:47 PM roycroft: the incra would make it easier to mount the spindle
02:47 PM SpeedEvil: roycroft: almost more handy for bit changes.
02:47 PM djdelorie: yeah, jessem was the other contender at the time. The woodpecker's had 32 TPI instead 16 which suited me
02:47 PM roycroft: and i like their maglock inserts
02:48 PM roycroft: i upgraded my incra jig last year
02:48 PM roycroft: i have their latest/greatest, with the wonderfence
02:48 PM roycroft: and i got almost as much out of my old one as i paid for it when i bought it 20 or so years ago
02:52 PM gloops: sht ive been outbid on my T8 nut, its up to 25 pence heh
02:52 PM roycroft: if it's that expensive you might as well just make one
02:54 PM gloops: 25 pence is about..35 cents at a guess
02:55 PM gloops: i noticed the chinese put them on for .01 starting bid so i started getting a few - ok for making anti-backlash pairs
03:18 PM DocHopper: Hey there CNC folks. Does anyone know of an active IRC channel that would be a good place to ask machining questions?
03:23 PM gloops: some machinists in here Doc
03:24 PM gloops: what are the questions?
03:25 PM DocHopper: Just curious about getting into some light manufacturing of my own metal components and what lathe/mills I should be looking at.
03:27 PM MarcelineVQ: DocHopper: https://www.youtube.com/user/mrpete222/playlists is an all-around great resource for that kind of question, not amazingly organized videos but very informative
03:27 PM gloops: well, suppose it depends on budget, scale and so on
03:27 PM gloops: cnc or manual
03:28 PM DocHopper: MarcelineVQ: I've never seen Mr. Pete, I'll have to check him out.
03:28 PM djdelorie: and if you feel up to restoring old iron
03:29 PM DocHopper: gloops: I'm open to either, but budget is kinda thin, with no space. Mostly looking into this for when I can invest in the future.
03:29 PM DocHopper: djdelorie: Is that a good idea?
03:29 PM djdelorie: if you have more time than money, sometimes it is
03:29 PM djdelorie: I have a 1922 southbend lathe I restored, that belonged to my father in law, that works really well, for example.
03:30 PM gloops: yes, you cant beat the old cast iron machines
03:30 PM gloops: with a limited budget you are definately better off buying old machines, than some tinny new rubbish
03:31 PM djdelorie: yeah, my SB is 95 years old and hold 0.0002 TIR on the collet chuck, vs the cheap 7x10 I have that can't even hold the toolbit still
03:32 PM DocHopper: That's great advice! Does anyone have a suggestion of great textbooks on machining?
03:33 PM djdelorie: if you have time to read after watching all of mrpete's videos... oh wait, you won't ;-)
03:34 PM MarcelineVQ: the defacto textbook is Machinery's Handbook, and manuals for the equipment you desire
03:34 PM MarcelineVQ: djdelorie: too true about that, he's got a lot there
03:34 PM djdelorie: (mrpete was a machining shop teacher, his videos are better than textbooks, aside from the MH)
03:34 PM srk: o/
03:35 PM djdelorie: also abom79 and Keith Fenner have a lot to add
03:35 PM srk: also http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/gcnc/
03:35 PM DocHopper: MarcelineVQ: I'll add that to my used books list, thanks!
03:36 PM MarcelineVQ: you might be able to find a pdf around, it's deinfelty a book you want in print though given that it's a reference book
03:36 PM DocHopper: MarcelineVQ: I'll just get an older edition.
03:37 PM MarcelineVQ: Keith Fenner would also be my pick to look at after mrpete, abom is great but keith explains things more thoroughly I've found
03:37 PM MarcelineVQ: *I agree with djdelorie that Keith
03:38 PM DocHopper: I've really only watched AVE, but I don't know if I've ever seen him do something "The right way"
03:38 PM * djdelorie often runs Keith's videos at 1.25x speed though
03:38 PM djdelorie: AvE is fun to watch to learn where the borders of something are, he likes to break stuff
03:39 PM djdelorie: NYCCNC's videos are fun to watch if you want to see someone teach themselves from start to finish
03:40 PM djdelorie: here's Keiths list of recommended channels: https://www.youtube.com/user/KEF791/channels?view=60
03:40 PM MarcelineVQ: while we're at it lets toss in https://www.youtube.com/user/featony and https://www.youtube.com/user/syyl
03:41 PM MarcelineVQ: if you're going to restore gear you'll probbaly want keith rucker
03:41 PM djdelorie: and if you just want to drool over well-made videos, watch clickspring :-)
03:41 PM MarcelineVQ: everyone seems to have tom lipton (oxtoolco) but I've not actually seen his vids
03:42 PM djdelorie: Tom's vids tend to be specific to niche problems, vs a generic "learn metalworking", IMHO
03:42 PM gloops: the two main workshop machines are the lathe and the mill, i suppose fans of either would argue that their machine is actually the heart of the workshop
03:43 PM * djdelorie has both, drools over some form of cutting tool
03:43 PM djdelorie: i.e. bandsaw or cutoff saw
03:43 PM djdelorie: can a woodworking bandsaw be converted to metal cutting? Like, with a pulley swap or something?
03:44 PM gloops: just put a metal cutting blade on it
03:44 PM sync: mostly the blade guides have to be changed
03:44 PM sync: you want one with carbide shoes instead of bearings
03:44 PM sync: but in general they work if you just change the blade
03:45 PM djdelorie: I have the usual metal shoes for the sides, and bearings for the back edge...
03:45 PM djdelorie: mine seems way too fast for cutting metal though, I figured I'd have to change the speed
03:46 PM gloops: oh the gearing yeah
03:47 PM CaptHindsight: I'm still waiting for this feature to be available from a payphone https://youtu.be/mEueurxU9Oo?t=10m57s
03:47 PM MarcelineVQ: it probably depends on the teeth, you might just need to match a metal cutting blade to the saw speed, the metal bandsaw we had in school was pretty fast
03:48 PM DocHopper: djdelorie: I do "Know metalworking" as a broad stroke.
03:48 PM DocHopper: Thanks for all the pointers folks.
03:48 PM djdelorie: heh, at best I can claim "watched metalworking" but I can make simple things I need...
03:49 PM djdelorie: like this: http://www.delorie.com/photos/southbend-lathe/img_3275.html
03:49 PM djdelorie: internal metric acme thread on a 1922 lathe :-
03:49 PM MarcelineVQ: knurls and thin wall threading? lgtm
03:50 PM djdelorie: friend needed a way to mount a usb socket in his car's power port
03:50 PM djdelorie: took all day to make, though
03:50 PM MarcelineVQ: that's why you get payed the big bucks :>
03:51 PM djdelorie: that's why I don't do metalworking as a career ;-)
03:59 PM DocHopper: djdelorie: That part looks great!
03:59 PM djdelorie: thanks :-)
04:01 PM sync: is there a way to set cartesian limits that are not box shaped?
04:02 PM CaptHindsight: djdelorie: on the other hand, woodworking saws made decades ago are often far more rigid than many of todays low cost metalworking saws
04:03 PM CaptHindsight: sync: that is a question i had a few years ago...
04:03 PM CaptHindsight: I wanted to mask out a range of motion to prevent a machine from crashing
04:04 PM CaptHindsight: was a gantry robot with a careless operator
04:05 PM CaptHindsight: we solved the problem by letting the operator repeatedly crash and break the Z-axis and charging them for repairs
04:05 PM roycroft: i like that incra jig template holder drawer you made, djdelorie
04:05 PM roycroft: i might have to steal that idea for mine :)
04:05 PM CaptHindsight: after the 3rd crash the problem, went away :)
04:06 PM sync: andypugh: you might know this, where are the world mode limits enforced?
04:06 PM andypugh: I don’t know for sure, but I would imagine in the TP.
04:07 PM XXCoder: CaptHindsight: sometimes money is world's greatest teacher
04:07 PM sync: I think it happens in motion/control.c but I'm not sure as well
04:07 PM DocHopper: roycroft: Have a picture of the jig?
04:08 PM roycroft: which jig?
04:10 PM djdelorie: roycroft: thanks, please do
04:12 PM DocHopper: roycroft: The jig you were saying djdelorie did a good job with.
04:12 PM djdelorie: I think he means http://www.delorie.com/wood/projects/router/
04:14 PM roycroft: oh
04:14 PM roycroft: yes, not the jig itself, but the holder for the jig templates
04:14 PM djdelorie: http://www.delorie.com/wood/projects/router/tray-closeup.html
04:16 PM DocHopper: djdelorie: Very cool site, you've got quite a portfolio!
04:16 PM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu6ugNyo8kU and his revenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-rgqDhnLoU
04:17 PM djdelorie: thanks. Most of my tools were justified by having to build a house and all the furniture
04:20 PM roycroft: i hate having to keep my incra jig templates in order
04:20 PM roycroft: they are strongly entropic
04:21 PM roycroft: but if they're not in order it takes a long time to find the one i need
04:21 PM roycroft: i was already planning on a big shallow drawer for the incra jig guide
04:22 PM DocHopper: djdelorie: Was your home build documented?
04:22 PM djdelorie: not really, we were too busy building it. We took lots of pictures, though: http://www.delorie.com/house/old/
04:22 PM roycroft: i use a leigh d4 pro for dovetails btw, djdelorie
04:23 PM roycroft: and i'm quite happy with that
04:23 PM djdelorie: I have one of those also
04:23 PM roycroft: i don't like the way the incra jig does through dovetails
04:23 PM DocHopper: djdelorie: Great, I'll be interested to see what you did. Is there a IRC woodworking channel as well?
04:23 PM djdelorie: yeah, it's better for smaller decorative ones, like http://www.delorie.com/photos/judy/2014-06-08_13-48-37_324.html
04:23 PM roycroft: it's not the variable spacing thing - i can do that with the incra jig using pyRouterJig
04:23 PM djdelorie: DocHopper: when I was doing it, rec.woodworking was the place to be
04:24 PM roycroft: it's the trimming the pins thing
04:24 PM gloops_: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Antique-Vintage-Lathe/302514304376?
04:24 PM gloops_: something like that to play with doc
04:24 PM gloops_: 30 quid
04:24 PM djdelorie: (and to bring thinks slightly back on topic, the signature on that box was carved with linuxcnc and a custom g-code generator that read my mom's passport)
04:25 PM DocHopper: djdelorie: Wow, I forgot google groups even existed...
04:25 PM roycroft: the forums at place like rockler and lumberjocks are pretty good places
04:25 PM djdelorie: before google groups even, it was just usenet then.
04:25 PM roycroft: rec.woodworking is usenet :)
04:25 PM DocHopper: I do have to say, that's before my time.
04:26 PM djdelorie: "back in my day, we learned things by talking to people who knew them"
04:26 PM roycroft: are you familiar with pyRouterJig, djdelorie?
04:26 PM djdelorie: no
04:26 PM roycroft: google it
04:26 PM roycroft: you'll be happy :)
04:26 PM djdelorie: you mean search for it on the internet?
04:26 PM roycroft: it lets you create custom incra jig guides
04:26 PM DocHopper: gloops_: Really? I would be worried that would could burn me and end up costing more after getting it working.
04:26 PM djdelorie: ;-)
04:26 PM roycroft: my main use is for box joints for boxes that have a lid
04:27 PM roycroft: i can make all the fingers the same width, but add the width of my saw blade kerf to the finger that gets cut to open the box up
04:27 PM gloops_: nothing to buy for it Doc, same principles as a 10k lathe
04:27 PM roycroft: so that the finger spacing stays the same
04:29 PM DocHopper: gloops_: I'm just thinking about the motor and misc hardware it'll need.
04:30 PM gloops_: well just an example, to show you can get into machining for not a lot of money
04:31 PM MarcelineVQ: if you live in britain at least doh ho ho
04:31 PM DocHopper: gloops_: I appreciate that! Too bad I'm in the US, so maybe you can work your magic and find me a $30 lathe over here.
04:32 PM gloops_: id get that myself, but too far away
04:35 PM MarcelineVQ: there's a cute little unit like that around here at the moment, not quite in the 30 quid range though, it's closer to $700
04:36 PM MarcelineVQ: thinking of getting it though, they're not too common and it looks like it has a fair bit of tooling
04:36 PM gloops_: 700 wow
04:36 PM gloops_: would be worth filling a boat with these here and taking them to your area
04:36 PM MarcelineVQ: probably
04:37 PM MarcelineVQ: hard to say if there's a market
04:37 PM gloops_: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Swisten-Metal-Turning-Lathe/253238916007? maybe a bit far gone, but these machines can do a lot of stuff
04:39 PM MarcelineVQ: 3 and 4 jaws, nice
04:39 PM MarcelineVQ: the one here is a 6" atlas 101, 3 jaw and faceplate
04:39 PM gloops_: ahh think those were decent lathes
04:40 PM syyl: <MarcelineVQ> while we're at it lets toss in https://www.youtube.com/user/featony and https://www.youtube.com/user/syyl
04:40 PM syyl: thats me ;)
04:40 PM MarcelineVQ: there's quite a few variations between models so it can depend
04:40 PM syyl: (not tony)
04:40 PM MarcelineVQ: syyl: are you being silly or is it really? hehe
04:40 PM syyl: its actually me
04:41 PM syyl: (not a very common nickname ;) )
04:41 PM MarcelineVQ: that's pretty great, irc sure is magical
04:41 PM syyl: magic from 1995 or so ;)
04:41 PM MarcelineVQ: the best magics are old magics!
04:43 PM JT-Shop: syyl: wow you have a lot of good videos... gotta watch them during free time
04:43 PM syyl: thanks
04:44 PM syyl: its all smoke and mirror
04:45 PM DocHopper: Such a positive IRC channel, I love it!
04:46 PM CaptHindsight: IRC is overbuilt :)
04:47 PM Nick-Shop: I have a what if question. Have a CHNC Hardinge with a collet closer operating thru M codes and SSR's. Adding manual buttons to operate the collet. If a part is running in auto mode and the operator pushes the collet open button, will the collet open during automatic operation?
04:47 PM CaptHindsight: Nick-Shop: depends on how it's wired/controlled
04:48 PM CaptHindsight: Nick-Shop: using Linuxcnc?
04:48 PM roycroft: not if you disable the manual control buttons when in auto mode
04:49 PM CaptHindsight: it could be a feature in destroy part, tool and holder mode
04:49 PM Nick-Shop: controlled thru 7i37Ta gpio
04:49 PM roycroft: a collet open button should be disabled any time the spindle is powered on
04:49 PM CaptHindsight: Nick-Shop: depends on how they wired and programmed it
04:50 PM CaptHindsight: Nick-Shop: you can test it and see, with no tools or parts being held
04:51 PM CaptHindsight: hopefully as roycroft said, they did this wisely
04:51 PM roycroft: otherwise, please to set up streaming video and let us know when to make popcorn before you test
04:52 PM JT-Shop: lol
04:52 PM * roycroft wonders if dry-erase laminate would be good for the top surface of his router table
04:53 PM roycroft: i hadn't considered that before - i like to scribble notes on things as i am machining
04:53 PM djdelorie: I don't expect that to be a wear type surface... I used countertop laminate for mine
04:53 PM MarcelineVQ: to slide wood on? could use sheet metal
04:53 PM roycroft: it would be slippery for sliding the wood
04:53 PM roycroft: but also i could use dry-erase markers on it
04:53 PM roycroft: i would not use metal for the surface
04:53 PM djdelorie: anything works as long as you can wax it. Or add lots of holes and a air pump and make an air hockey table out of it
04:54 PM roycroft: i was going to use some kind of laminate
04:54 PM MarcelineVQ: what's the disadvantage of metal?
04:54 PM roycroft: drop a carbide router bit on the top and it just cost you a bunch of money, for one thing
04:55 PM Cromaglious_: or find an Air hockey table on Craigslist and used that
04:55 PM roycroft: i've never had a problem sliding wood on a laminate top
04:55 PM MarcelineVQ: idk if sheet metal would make a particularily carbide shattering surace but I suppose the carbide could mar it up easily enough
04:56 PM JT-Shop: T-60 for the RPi3 Chicken Door Test
04:56 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: I'm curious what the phrase means.
04:56 PM Cromaglious_: ugh... last noght coming home, Radiator decided to blow it's top tank
04:56 PM roycroft: formica make an almond dry-erase laminate
04:57 PM roycroft: i don't know that i'd want bright white - that would be a bit much to be staring at
04:57 PM roycroft: almond would be fine
04:58 PM Deejay: gn8
05:00 PM JT-Shop: DocHopper: I just removed the nano chicken automation control from the coop and replaced it with a Raspberri Pi 3
05:01 PM Tom_L: damn, busy afternoon here...
05:02 PM Tom_L: doesn't anybody have a job anymore?
05:02 PM * djdelorie works from home anyway
05:02 PM roycroft: a guy just called and wants to come look at a tool cart i have for sale this afternoon
05:02 PM roycroft: this is the second time he's called
05:02 PM roycroft: if he gets it that would pay for a brand new router lift
05:03 PM roycroft: i've been waffling about buying a new one, since my current one works fine
05:03 PM roycroft: but this would push me to press the button on the new one
05:04 PM Tom_L: awww, go ahead anyway
05:04 PM roycroft: i might anyway
05:04 PM djdelorie: push the button! push the button! ;-)
05:04 PM roycroft: the ease of mounting the new spindle alone almost makes it worthwhile
05:04 PM djdelorie: especially if the button is labelled "do not push"
05:05 PM roycroft: and the one i would get has "magnalock" inserts
05:05 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Why? Have documentation on either of your builds?
05:05 PM roycroft: which is a feature i really like
05:05 PM roycroft: http://www.incra.com/router_system_accessories-mast-r-lift-ii.html
05:05 PM roycroft: that is what i'm looking at
05:06 PM roycroft: i'd get the inserts with the slots in them for dust collection
05:06 PM roycroft: http://www.incra.com/router_system_accessories-cleansweep.html#prettyPhoto[pp_index]/3/
05:07 PM JT-Shop: DocHopper: the nano was flaky from time to time and not so reliable so I'm trying the RPi3 to see if it is better
05:08 PM JT-Shop: the door and light come on when the natural light is less than 14hrs and the door closes at dusk
05:09 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: What were your failures? I use nanos for almost everything, so it's always good to have more info. All of my RPis have been super stable. Seems like a zero might have been a better fit for a coop.
05:09 PM DocHopper: Oh, you're increasing light exposure to increase their productivity, eh?
05:09 PM DocHopper: Pi Zero*
05:10 PM JT-Shop: well the RPi3 has a terminal block shield and I didn't see much for the zero
05:10 PM JT-Shop: yea if you keep 14hrs of light they keep laying or in my case I hope they start laying mid January
05:13 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: I've never given my chickens electricity, never wanted the hassle. Zero and PRi B+ models have the same headers.
05:15 PM JT-Shop: when I got the RPi I had no clue what was out there
05:15 PM DocHopper: No worries, just letting you know! It's worth picking up a zero, you'll save the $5 in electricity over a year or two!
05:15 PM JT-Shop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25906289/
05:15 PM JT-Shop: that's my current program if you want to gander at it
05:16 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Did you start out with libraries or an example programs?
05:16 PM JT-Shop: I have electric in the coop for the lights and the Jacuzzi
05:16 PM JT-Shop: from scratch
05:17 PM JT-Shop: well I had to figure out the GPIO stuff first lol
05:17 PM JT-Shop: where are you located at?
05:18 PM DocHopper: Colorado
05:18 PM JT-Shop: looks like everyone is on the roost :)
05:18 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: You have a camera too?
05:18 PM JT-Shop: Swamp East Missouri here
05:18 PM JT-Shop: several
05:19 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Hah! How many birds?
05:19 PM DocHopper: Why do you have a display?
05:20 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Also, you should add GPS so you can check time even if internet is down.
05:21 PM DocHopper: I would also love to see pictures of this setup.
05:21 PM roycroft: i don't think jt-shop's lights have to be synched to the millisecond
05:22 PM roycroft: the chickens will probably survive an internet outage
05:22 PM roycroft: a fairly prolonged one even
05:22 PM JT-Shop: lol
05:22 PM DocHopper: roycroft: Clearly his build isn't about survival. The jacuzzi is what gives it away.
05:23 PM JT-Shop: I have 9 Rhode Island Red hens and one Barred Rock rooster
05:23 PM roycroft: i'm not so sure the jacuzzi is all that extravagent
05:24 PM roycroft: when he builds the pedicure spa for the chickens i'll start having second thoughts about the whole operation ...
05:24 PM JT-Shop: DocHopper: http://gnipsel.com/images/chickens-2/10-16-17-a.jpg
05:24 PM DocHopper: roycroft: Glad you've got your priorities in order.
05:25 PM JT-Shop: http://gnipsel.com/images/chickens-2/10-16-17-c.jpg
05:25 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Would have sworn your were up north, with that tuxedo.
05:25 PM DocHopper: Looks like a nice compact build.
05:26 PM JT-Shop: well I was born in the north on King Salmon Island
05:26 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Why bother having a door with an enclosed run?
05:26 PM DocHopper: That explains it.
05:27 PM JT-Shop: well the door came first and I like that it locks them down at night
05:27 PM JT-Shop: and if I didn't have a door I would not have much to tinker with
05:28 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Understood. Very elegant python there, but why no elif:s?
05:29 PM DocHopper: Would save you some clock cycles.
05:29 PM JT-Shop: well it's not a time sensitive program it runs on chicken time
05:30 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: I understand. Just curious if there was something I was missing.
05:30 PM JT-Shop: it was shorter than the nano code
05:31 PM JT-Shop: no, just going for readability more that anything else
05:31 PM JT-Shop: how many chickens do you keep?
05:31 PM DocHopper: I understand. If you ever end up redoing it, consider using some elif:s. They save time, and in my mind help readbility.
05:32 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: No birds right now, in the city. Had Orphingtons, Autralops, and Wayandots before.
05:33 PM DocHopper: I'll have more soon enough though. And your code will likely be a model for me, if I decide to pamper 'em/
05:33 PM JT-Shop: I could see elif in the if manual section and a few more
05:33 PM JT-Shop: if you just want to add light you could strip that part out
05:34 PM JT-Shop: hmmm one is not on the roost yet
05:36 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Looks like you could combine your "light" and "light_status" , as well as "door" and "door_status", unless I'm missing something.
05:38 PM DocHopper: It's fun reading your code. Most people are programming far beyond my understanding. I understand just about everything in yours, less ".format" but I'm looking that up now.
05:39 PM JT-Shop: .format is the way to format now
05:40 PM JT-Shop: light is local to status() so not known in the while loop
05:41 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Thanks for pointing that out, I come from C so I assume globals often.
05:41 PM JT-Shop: yea I get caught with that in python from time to time
05:42 PM pfred1: I hate python
05:42 PM * JT-Shop loves python lol
05:42 PM pfred1: maybe if i had less troubles with it I'd be of a different mind?
05:42 PM DocHopper: pfred1: I need both of them.
05:43 PM pfred1: python is often the source of agrivation for me though
05:43 PM JT-Shop: dang still one jockying for a position on the roost
05:44 PM DocHopper: pfred1: Having come from assembly, it is a huge leap. Though it is indispensable for anything with strings!
05:44 PM pfred1: that's what everyone said about perl years ago
05:44 PM pfred1: the language du jour
05:45 PM pfred1: which right now seems to be rust
05:46 PM DocHopper: pfred1: and ruby before that. But Python's approachability is unsurpassed.
05:46 PM pfred1: I approach python like I approach any other snake with caution
05:48 PM DocHopper: And how do you approach any other cautious snake?
05:49 PM DocHopper: Missing comma gave me a laugh, thanks.
05:52 PM JT-Shop: I still have Peter North's assembly book
05:54 PM pfred1: assmebly was the only language that i could kind of program in
05:55 PM pfred1: but doing anything in assembly is very slow
05:55 PM pfred1: it'd take like 8 lines to print one character on the screen
05:55 PM * JT-Shop listens to The Battle of Evermore
05:57 PM pfred1: I was fooling around with an awesome synthesizer program earlier called ZynAddSubFX
05:57 PM DocHopper: pfred1: Music synthesizer?
05:58 PM pfred1: well that'd depend on how musical you are
05:58 PM pfred1: but the potential is certainly there
05:59 PM pfred1: this machine has a sound card in it so that might have added to it?
05:59 PM pfred1: like it has real MIDI hardware in it
06:00 PM JT-Shop: hot damn the door worked!
06:00 PM pfred1: JT-Shop that doesn't sound terribly earth shattering
06:01 PM pfred1: there must be something special about this door
06:01 PM JT-Shop: it keeps the evil out of the coop
06:02 PM pfred1: so an automatic door?
06:02 PM JT-Shop: yes
06:02 PM pfred1: ah OK I can see that being hard to get to work
06:02 PM JT-Shop: opens at dawn or when the lights come on and closes at dusk
06:03 PM JT-Shop: just swapped the nano for the RPi3 this afternoon in the rain :~{
06:03 PM pfred1: I could probably make the electronics for that with a couple transistors and a photodetector
06:04 PM pfred1: I know i've made light activated noise makers like that
06:04 PM pfred1: doing something like running a motor wouldn't be much more to it
06:04 PM JT-Shop: I had a photocell but it failed during a thunderstorm and locked the chickens out in the rain
06:04 PM pfred1: doh!
06:04 PM pfred1: would need hysterisis
06:05 PM DocHopper: JT-Shop: Congrats!
06:05 PM pfred1: I made a low battery circuit liek that once I didn't want it kicking off and on
06:06 PM pfred1: sometimes electronics can be too abrupt
06:06 PM pfred1: doing that needs a zener and a capacitor
06:06 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop your chickens have a Jacuzzi too?!?!
06:07 PM JT-Shop: lol no just kidding but they do have a dust bath and they like to have board meetings on the rim
06:07 PM JT-Shop: http://gnipsel.com/images/chickens/12weeks.jpg
06:08 PM skunkworks: neighbors got chickens last year.. The tried a dog but that didn't work out. Chickens did though..
06:08 PM pfred1: I can't have chickens here they'd be disease vestors
06:08 PM pfred1: vectors even
06:09 PM pfred1: we do too much commerial chicken farming here
06:09 PM JT-Shop: dogs are ok but they don't lay eggs...
06:10 PM pfred1: the most in fact
06:10 PM pfred1: this is the highest chicken producing county in the country
06:10 PM pfred1: we supply the whole east coast
06:11 PM pfred1: the chicken you eat in NYC was grown here
06:11 PM JT-Shop: this area has a lot of chicken barns
06:12 PM pfred1: we call them houses
06:12 PM pfred1: they're liek a mile long
06:12 PM pfred1: we got school busses for chicks
06:12 PM pfred1: it is the funniest thing the driver is in a cage
06:12 PM JT-Shop: that's longer than the ones here, ours are only 1/2 mile long
06:13 PM JT-Shop: a friend is a "chicken catcher"
06:13 PM pfred1: here only illegals do that
06:13 PM pfred1: that and cleaning the houses out is liek the worst job known to Man
06:13 PM JT-Shop: he lives in Arkansas
06:14 PM pfred1: here when you're driving around you're likely to spot a chicken on the side of the road that ame out of a cage on the way to a plant
06:15 PM pfred1: in front of the plants the roads are covered in feathers
06:15 PM Tom_L: i don't have chickens or particularly care for them but i was really pissed yesterday at the mall a pickup with a cage in the back packed full of chickens so they couldn't even move around
06:15 PM pfred1: Tom_L chickens got about as much sense as an ear of corn
06:15 PM JT-Shop: yea that sucks that some treat them that way
06:16 PM Tom_L: they were probably here illegally anyway...
06:16 PM pfred1: they're just a crop
06:16 PM DocHopper: Tom_L: It does suck, but after you see chickens kill one another out of boredom, and then start eatching each other, you do loose a bit of sympathy.
06:17 PM Tom_L: we manage to do that ourselves barring the eating part
06:17 PM JT-Shop: pfred1: not if they are your pets
06:18 PM pfred1: JT-Shop yeah my aunt used to have pet chickens Japanese silkies
06:19 PM JT-Shop: yea mine are pets and sit in my lap and nap or on my shoulder
06:19 PM pfred1: do your chickens squat if you pet them?
06:19 PM JT-Shop: yes
06:19 PM pfred1: yeah i think they all do
06:19 PM JT-Shop: no
06:20 PM JT-Shop: the first ones I had would run if you touched their back
06:20 PM pfred1: heh
06:20 PM JT-Shop: these were raised a bit different and turned out different
06:21 PM pfred1: checkens as a specias are pretty domesticated
06:21 PM pfred1: they taste just liek chicken too!
06:21 PM JT-Shop: yup
06:22 PM pfred1: the chicken here is delicious for chicken
06:22 PM pfred1: when you get it in the store it was clucking in the morning
06:23 PM JT-Shop: me listens to Eric Johnson
06:23 PM JT-Shop: and wonders where the wife is
06:24 PM pfred1: aptitude install zynaddsubfx
06:25 PM andypugh: These are pretty chickens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebright_chicken
06:25 PM JT-Shop: and i see the middle garage door opening
06:26 PM JT-Shop: they do have some pretty colors
06:27 PM pfred1: a guy around the corner then up the road a bunch has chickens that look like that usually running in the road
06:28 PM pfred1: they're some kind of ornamental chickens
06:28 PM pfred1: his yard decorations I suppose?
06:30 PM sync: yes
09:35 PM RyanS: This is very interesting, on Mint with RT kernel, LCNC 2.8 was getting 60,000 latency, but on the wheezy iso with LCNC updated to 2.8, I got 20,000 latency
09:37 PM RyanS: this is surely not just down to Mate vs Xfce GUI
09:40 PM CaptHindsight: RyanS: different kernels
09:41 PM CaptHindsight: preempt_rt vs RTAI as well?
09:41 PM RyanS: is wheezy iso rtai?
09:42 PM Tom_L: pretty sure
09:42 PM Tom_L: although you can get it with preempt
09:43 PM RyanS: i updated mint to preemt, but ditched it for debian iso
09:43 PM CaptHindsight: Review: Cheap CNC Mill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rk7DJ6p-nQ
09:43 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/getting-started/getting-linuxcnc.html#_installing_on_debian_wheezy_with_preempt_rt_kernel
09:44 PM CaptHindsight: even RTAI vs RTAI will axt differently based on kernel version, RTAI source and options used when compiled
09:44 PM CaptHindsight: axt/act
09:44 PM CaptHindsight: some kernels are just dogs when it comes to latency
09:46 PM Tom_L: CaptHindsight do you recognize the spindle in that?
09:46 PM Tom_L: cheap chinese one or something else?
09:46 PM RyanS: so I can probably add any GUI i want to debian, without impacting the latency
09:47 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: yes, I have one a few feet from me
09:47 PM CaptHindsight: let me see what it says
09:51 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: https://imagebin.ca/v/3gQc9gMQf3qJ
09:52 PM CaptHindsight: RyanS: it should not change latency much
09:54 PM CaptHindsight: just asked the RTAI dev and he did notice the biggest jumps when changing guis
09:54 PM Kevin`: that looks like it would greatly benefit from speed or position feedback
09:55 PM RyanS: linux is like the Hinduism of OSs, lots of gods to choose from
09:55 PM CaptHindsight: RyanS: it's more death by a thousand cuts
09:56 PM CaptHindsight: a custom RTAI kernel for your hardware always beats a general purpose RTAI kernel
09:56 PM RyanS: Mac is like Pentecostal -- preachy and dismissive of all alternatives
09:57 PM RyanS: not sure about Windows
09:57 PM Tom_L: CaptHindsight what collet is that?
09:57 PM CaptHindsight: every little tweak makes a difference whn building RTAI
09:57 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: in the video or what is on mine in the pic?
09:57 PM Tom_L: in the pic
09:59 PM CaptHindsight: Clamping ER11-A
09:59 PM CaptHindsight: also from ChinaCo
10:00 PM Tom_L: i figured that
10:00 PM CaptHindsight: I think I got it on ebay
10:00 PM Tom_L: i just don't use those small collets and wondered what size bit you can use in it
10:00 PM Tom_L: 8mm?
10:00 PM Tom_L: smaller?
10:01 PM CaptHindsight: oh, the collets either came from Shars or ebay as well
10:02 PM RyanS: I recently put an ER32 chuck on the lathe, don't know how I did without it
10:02 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: http://www.shars.com/1-7mm-by-0-5mm-er11-collet-13pcs-set or similar
10:03 PM CaptHindsight: I have a drawer full of them from various purchases/deals
10:03 PM Tom_L: up to 7mm
10:03 PM CaptHindsight: in that set....
10:05 PM CaptHindsight: yeah 7mm ER-11 is the biggest I see in the drawer
10:09 PM CaptHindsight: 8mm/5/16" looks like the largest
10:11 PM CaptHindsight: RyanS: the problem is how do you build an RTAI kernel that works fast enough for just about everyones PC?
10:11 PM CaptHindsight: RyanS: so the devs have to compromise and use a general purpose config
10:12 PM CaptHindsight: on the other hand if you want to build your own RTAI kernel then you can shave lots of latency off a PC with a decent BIOS
10:13 PM CaptHindsight: heh " everything is covered in a fine oily grit"
10:13 PM CaptHindsight: you'd think that they could at least have a clean area for the moving parts
10:14 PM CaptHindsight: or where they pack them, but nnoooope!
10:14 PM RyanS: true. anyway I'm running a mesa Ethernet controller so latency probably doesn't matter
10:17 PM Tom_L: they're just sending you all the bits of metal used to make it
10:17 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.gearbest.com/3d-printers-3d-printer-kits/pp_426875.html how awful but all yours for only $418.36 with shipping
10:18 PM CaptHindsight: Tom_L: heh, and plastic
10:18 PM CaptHindsight: most of it isn't even metal
10:19 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Steel11_mounts.jpg
10:19 PM Tom_L: didn't get alot done tonight
10:19 PM Tom_L: couple stepper mount blanks and the recess for the shaft
10:20 PM CaptHindsight: where old socks go to die :)
10:20 PM CaptHindsight: i have a bag of them in the shop myself
10:20 PM Tom_L: no, one job left is to wipe the oil off shop floor