#linuxcnc Logs

Sep 24 2017

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:24 AM XXCoder: I know video is very good when I go bit "aww" when video is done
12:26 AM XXCoder: primitive tech it's always like that. other is clickspring
02:31 AM Deejay: moin
02:44 AM IchGucksLive: morning from fog thick germany
02:44 AM IchGucksLive: election day
02:44 AM XXCoder: yay
02:45 AM Deejay: no fog here
02:50 AM IchGucksLive: starting corn harvest at 10am im off
02:51 AM Deejay: on sunday? ts ts
02:57 AM gloops: merkal will win by a landslide, germany is kaput
02:57 AM XXCoder: hey andypugh
02:57 AM andypugh: Hi
02:57 AM Deejay: hi
02:58 AM XXCoder: hows things
02:58 AM andypugh: Just finished a week in Las Vegas
02:58 AM andypugh: I don’t really like it.
02:58 AM XXCoder: won any money?
02:58 AM XXCoder: sounds like no heh
02:58 AM Deejay: hehe
02:58 AM andypugh: Which is a shame, as I am here for another week.
02:58 AM Deejay: gambling
02:59 AM andypugh: No, working.
02:59 AM Deejay: ah, making money insteat of spending money ;)
02:59 AM andypugh: Las Vegas is where we are staying, but the work is happening up in the hills around the city, testing cars.
03:00 AM Deejay: sounds like a nice job
03:00 AM andypugh: It’s not the worst job in the world, it;s true.
03:02 AM andypugh: Though today I seemed to spend most of the say ferrying my tool kit from one not-exactly-working car to another, in different canyons (Kyle Canyon and Lee Canyon if you know the area)
03:02 AM XXCoder: fancy
03:04 AM andypugh: The thing about testing cars is that sometimes they fail :-)
03:05 AM XXCoder: yeah
03:07 AM XXCoder: prototypes or repaired cars?
03:15 AM andypugh: prototypes
03:16 AM XXCoder: nivce
03:16 AM XXCoder: ever have someting seriously fail?
03:18 AM andypugh: What do you class as serious?
03:18 AM XXCoder: engine total failure, tranny pop or wheel fall off
03:26 AM andypugh: I had a car start running on oil pullover once. (So it couldn’t be stopped). I just pressed the clutch and let it kill itself. (The alternative being to allow it to drive me off the end of the test track at hgh speed)
03:26 AM archivist: brakes not good enough to stall it?
03:27 AM XXCoder: ow
03:28 AM archivist: I had throttle stick open on a gocart, educational
03:28 AM andypugh: Brakes might have workedm but I was doing 90mph and didn’t have much time to try things out. I knew that the clutch would work.
03:30 AM andypugh: archivist: You learned how fast you can corner if you really need to? I once had the throttle stick on my R1, I found that I _do_ have a kill-switch instinct, despite never having used it untii that point.
03:31 AM andypugh: Anyway, even on western time it is getting late.
03:31 AM archivist: I tried to pull the plug cap off to kill it while steering
03:31 AM XXCoder: so you deenaged the clutch and since engine has no load it rpms up and dies
03:33 AM gloops: well, i once forgot to re-connect the autolube on a little 125, seized up going down a hill about 55mph, used superb body steering skills for about 10 yards then pulled the clutch, when i looked round there was a beautiful smoke ring drifting into the sky
04:58 AM MarcelineVQ: Not sure if this is appropriate to ask here but is $770 american a reasonable price for a 6" metal cutting lathe with a fair bit of tooling? lathe: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosna/64940800_934.jpg tooling: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosna/64940798_934.jpg
04:58 AM XXCoder: no idea.
04:59 AM XXCoder: interesting looking machine. pretty old I'd say
05:00 AM MarcelineVQ: yeah it's got some character to it, the wall-light-switch for example
05:01 AM XXCoder: people would evenually answer in few hours if typical few people dont answer at this time
05:02 AM archivist: check for wear
05:03 AM MarcelineVQ: archivist: for sure, especially the ways near the chuck yeah? Can either of you tell if that has a thread cutting dial on it? I haven't seen a lot of machines and the image is pretty small so I can't tell
05:04 AM archivist: to the right of the saddle
05:05 AM MarcelineVQ: the silver disk about even with the ways?
05:05 AM archivist: it is a tube with dial on top and gear at bottom to engage with leadscrew
05:05 AM MarcelineVQ: I see, it's got the gear at the bottom
05:06 AM MarcelineVQ: thank you, there'd be no interest for me at all if it couldn't do threads.
05:06 AM archivist: haggle, $700 or less
05:08 AM archivist: that and similar sizes to go for a bit of money, larger industrial can be got cheaper sometimes
05:09 AM MarcelineVQ: it's often more expensive at that size?
05:10 AM archivist: yes, larger come from workshops closing or education, often at scrap value
05:10 AM MarcelineVQ: Ah I see. So far this is actually the first listing I've found around here that's under 5 grand. I'm in western canada but used USD because it tends to be more intuitive than CAD
05:10 AM archivist: smaller there is a fight for them to fit small sheds
05:11 AM XXCoder: weird timings do happen. woodgears guy bought a big tractor because smaller ones is expensive and bigger ones gets retired all time
05:11 AM MarcelineVQ: Plenty of listings for wood lathes :(
05:11 AM archivist: sometimes you have to travel to get a better price
05:12 AM archivist: my Southbend was £125
05:12 AM MarcelineVQ: Yeah, I'm on an island so travel adds up pretty fast, you're entirely correct though
05:12 AM MarcelineVQ: good lord 125
05:13 AM archivist: was at the local powder coating company and saw it under the dust
05:13 AM XXCoder: wow
05:13 AM XXCoder: one guy got rather lucky with large lathe, it was school lathe so people thought it was abused. it had some damages but it was still quite good.
05:13 AM XXCoder: wonder hows restoration is going now
05:14 AM archivist: I should paint all in one colour http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/DJCPD/PD/2012/2012_06_15_Adcock_Shipley/IMG_1250.JPG
05:14 AM MarcelineVQ: I'm definetly feeling like I should check this one out, smaller is actually better for me currently and I can resell down the road if they tend to be in demand
05:15 AM XXCoder: archivist: meh dont have to be pretty heh
05:15 AM MarcelineVQ: XXCoder: your parts come out better if the machine is all one color
05:15 AM XXCoder: and stripes makes lathe go faster?
05:15 AM MarcelineVQ: stripes and chrome
05:16 AM XXCoder: lol
05:16 AM MarcelineVQ: chrome makes it more aerodynamic you see
05:18 AM archivist: actually used the southbend for the first time in a couple of years a couple of weeks ago
05:18 AM MarcelineVQ: what do you use instead usually, 4th axis on mill?
05:19 AM archivist: other lathes
05:19 AM MarcelineVQ: heh
05:20 AM archivist: "right tool for the job" so you always need more than one of everything
05:20 AM archivist: my excuse anyway
05:21 AM XXCoder: "Today on news: Lathe hoarder found dead under one of lathes that fell off other lathe"
05:21 AM MarcelineVQ: alternatively: there's no reason to make it easy for people to get rid of your stuff when you're sent to the looney bin
05:22 AM archivist: playing with the toys at home keep you from the loony bin
05:22 AM XXCoder: MarcelineVQ: perfect timing lol
05:23 AM archivist: some poor sod will struggle when I croak with the styph
05:25 AM XXCoder: installing update for update
05:25 AM XXCoder: gonna love windows
05:25 AM XXCoder: reinstalling my old windows laptop for my nephew for classes
05:51 AM XXCoder: 191 updates, 711 mb ugh
06:03 AM Phipliv: Morning
06:03 AM jthornton: morning
06:04 AM Phipliv: Heh
06:04 AM Phipliv: whoops. In the garden - it tried to connect to the wifi
06:05 AM Deejay: hey
06:05 AM Phipliv: moved the coop and run
06:05 AM jthornton: how did that go
06:05 AM Phipliv: put the muck in the compost...
06:05 AM Phipliv: not too bad this time. The muck was reasonably dry
06:06 AM Phipliv: move the coop itself with a sack truck
06:06 AM jthornton: so you move it from time to time?
06:06 AM XXCoder: hey jthornton
06:06 AM jthornton: morning XXCoder
06:06 AM Phipliv: at the moment, I've locked the older ones in the run so the young ones get a bit of peace
06:07 AM Phipliv: morning Deejay
06:07 AM Phipliv: morning XXCoder
06:08 AM jthornton: mine didn't want to go back into the coop last night, came out 15 minutes after sunset to see why and 2 were on the roof of the coop and 1 was outside the run
06:08 AM jthornton: I had to put one in close the door get another one put her in close the door or they all just ran out lol
06:09 AM XXCoder: maybe there should be alterate way in that cannot exit from'
06:09 AM XXCoder: same time wolves could use same
06:11 AM Phipliv: They learn fast enough
06:11 AM Phipliv: they prefer being inside
06:12 AM Phipliv: they're just young!
06:12 AM jthornton: yea only took them 10 minutes this morning for all to be outside the coop
06:13 AM jthornton: last night one would go up the plank to the door of the coop and look in then go back down, if she had gone inside the rest would have
06:15 AM XXCoder: fun
06:15 AM XXCoder: adventures of chicken
06:16 AM jthornton: I guess the ones on the roof and the one outside was looking for a place to roost
06:25 AM Phipliv: Just sorting some photos. On phone = faff
06:27 AM Phipliv: Then I might screw the desk down so it can be used tomorrow
07:03 AM phipli: JT-Shop, ignore all the captions headers etc - I re-used some HTML : http://elephantandchicken.co.uk/misc/20170924/index.html
07:03 AM XXCoder: adventures of chicken
07:04 AM jthornton: I was fixing to say I didn't see a pigeon lol
07:06 AM jthornton: how many chickens stay in the coop?
07:06 AM XXCoder: ask count von count
07:07 AM phipli: he died :(
07:07 AM phipli: jthornton, 4
07:08 AM miss0r: Who died?
07:08 AM phipli: The Count
07:08 AM XXCoder: huh
07:08 AM miss0r: O.o
07:08 AM phipli: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-19384794
07:09 AM miss0r: oh nooes
07:09 AM XXCoder: aw
07:09 AM phipli: He did look like an awesome guy
07:12 AM phipli: heh
07:13 AM phipli: my dad says that the first two inches are missing from both of his old stanley measuring tapes
07:13 AM phipli: from measuring very hot things before they cool over many years
07:13 AM miss0r: did he use them to impress the ladies? :]
07:13 AM phipli: miss0r, you're doing it wrong
07:14 AM miss0r: Probaly am :]
07:14 AM phipli: heh - I wonder if anyone makes rulers with an incorrect scale for that purpose
07:14 AM phipli: if they don't, there might be a market
07:15 AM miss0r: "Acurate measuering D... D for device"
07:16 AM miss0r: i'm sure we can find a cheap batch of rulers that are already faulty on the chinese market, and just engrave something like that on'em. Repeat for infitine money
07:18 AM XXCoder: why not? there is cheaty "lunch clock"
07:18 AM XXCoder: it makes 30 minutes last 45 minutes then speed up to catch to correct time
07:18 AM miss0r: lol
07:19 AM XXCoder: if that exists, then incorrect scale rulers is fine :P
07:21 AM XXCoder: night
07:21 AM XXCoder: hopefully update will be done by time I wake up :P
07:21 AM XXCoder: 19/189 installing :P
07:34 AM gloops: waited for a new board, board arrives, male 25 pin fitting, hunted everywhere for new cable, finally found one at barnsley maplin, hours spent faffing about for bits unknown, so ready for the very very final go at wiring the spindle up....fffffffff#
07:35 AM gloops: the next build i will have all the elctrical side parts here before i even start
07:35 AM miss0r: :]
07:35 AM archivist: ew expensive wire shop
07:35 AM gloops: yes but..reduced to clear £2.50, 2 left, i got both
07:35 AM miss0r: You know nothing of frustration before you have tried trouple shooting a 1980-era CNC controller
07:35 AM gloops: was 19.99
07:36 AM archivist: for £3 worth
07:36 AM gloops: well my own fault i suppose miss0r but i can imagine yeah
07:36 AM phipli: gloops, I guess they don't sell many these days
07:36 AM gloops: archivist ten bob a dozen on ebay, but thats another wait
07:36 AM phipli: wicks was selling off RCA faceplates...
07:37 AM gloops: phipli no, local maplin and computer shops didnt have any
07:37 AM phipli: with nice screw terminals on the back
07:37 AM miss0r: At the moment I have some very serious issues with the refrence point search. Apparently it has some slop somewhere that confuses the controller. Solution is smacking the table with a hammer. Then it gets back on track :o
07:37 AM phipli: as they were in the discount bin I thought "well, I can use them"
07:37 AM gloops: handy to just put away at those prices
07:37 AM phipli: then realised the "discount" price was still £2.50 and I can get them cheaper elsewhere...
07:38 AM gloops: its worth £20 just to have one in the cupboard sometimes though
07:39 AM phipli: it is
07:39 AM phipli: but now all those things don't fit in my cupboards :(
07:39 AM phipli: and I need more cupboards :)
07:39 AM phipli: and a bigger house
07:39 AM gloops: keep an eye out for a cupboard sale lol
07:40 AM gloops: having said that im sure ive got one of these cables somewhere lol, cant find it
07:41 AM phipli: under too many other things you saved just in case? :p
07:41 AM phipli: thats why you need 10
07:41 AM phipli: to increase the chance of finding one
07:42 AM phipli: make sure you don't store them all in the same place though
07:42 AM gloops: ive got 2 carrier bags full of saved cables and chargers, all kinds of stuff in 2 large balls of spaghetti
07:43 AM gloops: anyway, be back when its running
07:48 AM jthornton: phipli: do your chickens lay eggs through the winter?
09:13 AM gloops: dumb questions coming up
09:13 AM gloops: breakout board, 5v relay - how do i control that from lnxcnc
09:14 AM gloops: i.e - no pin number
09:18 AM gloops: https://www.ebay.com/i/152695794698?rt=nc marked MAIN SWITCH in that pic
09:24 AM pcw_home: Pin 17?
09:29 AM gloops: well ive been directed to use the relay marked MS, 17 is B axis direction pulse? but relay as well hmm
09:33 AM pcw_home: Yeah you install the jumper and pin 17 controls the relay
09:44 AM kb8wmc: pcw_home: thanks for your help in the forum on my plasma
09:48 AM kb8wmc: pcw_home: do you know of a good example hal file for using two open loop steppers on a single axis...everything so far that I have found and tried has not worked
09:49 AM pcw_home: If this is a gantry configuration, I would suggest LinuxCNC 2.8
09:49 AM kb8wmc: why is that?
09:50 AM Phipliv: jthornton : mostly - but not as much
09:50 AM pcw_home: Because 2.8 supports gantry homing natively
09:50 AM kb8wmc: hmmm
09:50 AM kb8wmc: okay, will look at it...
09:51 AM kb8wmc: thanks
09:54 AM slipalong: anyone there?
09:55 AM kb8wmc: pcw_home: one more question is it necessary to have the PID parameters, etc. in the hal file and ini with open loop stepper configuration?
09:58 AM slipalong: Anyone know how to have NativeCAM embeded with the GMOCCAPY ui?
09:59 AM slipalong: I have it working if I use AXIS but its not updating the preview
10:00 AM slipalong: Cant see any tabs in GMOCCAPY
10:02 AM pcw_home: kb8wmc the default pnccconf configurations use PID on open loop step/dir setups
10:02 AM pcw_home: because it has superior following performance to the drivers built in position mode
10:02 AM pcw_home: You can use the drivers position mode but its not as robust WRT host jitter
10:04 AM pcw_home: Note that AFAIK all hardware "open loop" step/dir systems use feedback, its just local feedback
10:04 AM pcw_home: and hidden in the driver in the position mode case
10:12 AM kb8wmc: pcw_home: I did not know that....I just learned something....thanks
10:13 AM Jymmm: pcw_home: "position mode case".... An arrow pointing to "You are here" :)
10:13 AM Jymmm: (easter egg)
10:22 AM IchGucksLive: hi from germany
10:23 AM IchGucksLive: slipalong: still online
10:23 AM kb8wmc: IchGucksLive: good day to you\
10:23 AM IchGucksLive: ;-)
10:25 AM kb8wmc: IchGucksLive: how have you been?
10:25 AM IchGucksLive: lots of work here we are in full corn harvest but wethere is a factor
10:26 AM kb8wmc: rgr that...
10:55 AM IchGucksLive: slipalong: still online
10:56 AM IchGucksLive: kb8wmc: the pid will not effect the standard steppers
10:56 AM IchGucksLive: but you can do alot more
10:57 AM kb8wmc: IchGucksLive: a lot more what?
10:59 AM kb8wmc: IchGucksLive: rgr on not effect steppers
10:59 AM IchGucksLive: moving spindle to position moving extra axis
10:59 AM IchGucksLive: Tool changers
10:59 AM IchGucksLive: the benefit is so big on 2.8
10:59 AM IchGucksLive: it is outranging
10:59 AM kb8wmc: ok....presently building a plasma table
11:00 AM IchGucksLive: cool based on what board
11:00 AM kb8wmc: mesa 5i25/7i76
11:00 AM IchGucksLive: i can give you a full config
11:00 AM kb8wmc: you have one?
11:01 AM IchGucksLive: all my 4 plasmas in shop are on that
11:01 AM kb8wmc: I would sure appreciate that
11:01 AM IchGucksLive: and have xhc-hb04 full apliance to get rid of pc
11:01 AM kb8wmc: I am reading and reading and reading
11:01 AM IchGucksLive: kb8wmc: please hit double my nick
11:07 AM Phipliv: How's the election going IchGucksLive?
11:07 AM IchGucksLive: Phipliv: still 30min to go
11:08 AM Phipliv: Is it like us where there are no exit polls until it is done?
11:09 AM JT-Shop: phipli: the motor and lock draw almost 1 amp lol no wonder I was having problems with smaller power supplies
11:09 AM Tom_itx: woops
11:10 AM Tom_itx: JT-Shop did you catch my comment on using SPDT relays on the motor?
11:10 AM JT-Shop: no
11:10 AM Tom_itx: what happens when one sticks?
11:11 AM Tom_itx: that's what happened on my spindle
11:11 AM JT-Shop: you trip out the power supply
11:11 AM Phipliv: Dead short
11:11 AM JT-Shop: instant
11:11 AM Tom_itx: that's why i switched to the DPDT
11:11 AM Phipliv: mmmm fuses
11:11 AM Tom_itx: yeah i went thru a box of those before i figured out what happened :)
11:11 AM JT-Shop: did almost that till I figured out I had 1&4 on D10 instead of 1&3 lol
11:13 AM Tom_itx: don't want unexpected roasted chicken...
11:14 AM JT-Shop: on the rat shack power supply it just trips the breaker
11:15 AM JT-Shop: now I wonder if my DPDT relays still work or not...
11:15 AM Phipliv: Tom_itx : you can wire it not to short
11:16 AM Phipliv: my setup has the motor terminals connected to the commons
11:16 AM Tom_itx: mine are too
11:16 AM Phipliv: only combinations are both high, both low and running
11:16 AM JT-Shop: Phipliv: got a wiring diagram?
11:16 AM Tom_itx: but using 4 SPDT relays it can still happen
11:17 AM phipli: JT-Shop, like this, but it is worth switching one of the A / B pairs so that it doesn't turn on when you power up
11:17 AM phipli: https://nvhs.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/deviatore_schema_funzionamento.jpg?w=584
11:18 AM Tom_itx: using DPDT you just use the common to the motor and criscross the inputs
11:18 AM phipli: (someone elses diagram)
11:18 AM phipli: no - I lie
11:18 AM phipli: like they have it
11:18 AM phipli: I'm just being daft
11:19 AM phipli: didn't read their labels properly
11:19 AM phipli: Tom_itx, why do you need double pole?
11:20 AM phipli: ah right
11:20 AM phipli: one relay
11:20 AM Tom_itx: .
11:20 AM JT-Shop: so in that diagram D2 is on and D1 is off and when both are off both sides of the coil get +v
11:20 AM phipli: can't turn it off though?
11:21 AM phipli: JT-Shop, if you put both sides high, or both sides low, the motor wont run
11:21 AM JT-Shop: that's what I originally did with 2 DPDT relays with one for on/off and one for fwd/rev
11:21 AM phipli: the two combinations of left high+right low and left low+right high give the directions
11:22 AM JT-Shop: seems better to connect +v to the n/o side...
11:22 AM Tom_itx: https://www.quasarelectronics.co.uk/media/ecom/images/reversible-dc-motor-using-2-relays.gif
11:22 AM Tom_itx: probably the same thing
11:22 AM phipli: JT-Shop, same thing, except your way reduces the chance of a short to ground if there is another failure
11:23 AM JT-Shop: aye
11:23 AM phipli: I just grabbed the first image I found - don't actually remember which way around I wired it
11:23 AM phipli: if I was being sensible I did what you say
11:24 AM * phipli is knackered
11:24 AM phipli: sorted the birds, trimmed the shrubs in the garden, did more stuff on the desk... tidied up...
11:25 AM phipli: nearly dinner time
11:25 AM * JT-Shop goes to the other shop to see what that case of led power supplies are
11:27 AM IchGucksLive: off till later
11:32 AM JT-Shop: dang every power supply I have is 24v or 48v...
11:32 AM * JT-Shop takes a screwdriver to this rack mount pc
11:35 AM phipli: JT-Shop, got any moped batteries?
11:36 AM phipli: will do until you can get a psu
11:36 AM phipli: you could even leave a trickle charger attached
11:37 AM phipli: Then just grab something like this : https://www.amazon.com/Adapter-Transformers-Supply-Output-Listed/dp/B00DKSI0S8/
11:38 AM Tom_itx: for leds?
11:40 AM Phipliv: For his motor + solenoid
11:43 AM mrme_ is now known as mrme
11:45 AM JT-Shop: hmm, I may have something like that for an old video camera
11:47 AM Tom_itx: this pc is running off 12v
11:47 AM Tom_itx: pico psu
11:54 AM JT-Shop: hmm this 440w rack mount power supply seems to work...
11:55 AM archivist: lot of power for a door latch :)
11:55 AM pfred1: hoededo
11:55 AM archivist: going to cost more to power the lock than saved on eggs from the shop :)
11:56 AM pfred1: it is not always about the cost
11:57 AM phipli: it is only powered for 60 seconds per day
11:58 AM phipli: and he is only using 12 of those 440w :)
11:58 AM Tom_itx: most pc psu need a load to stay alive too
11:58 AM JT-Shop: green to black makes it go
11:58 AM Tom_itx: jup
12:04 PM pfred1: the trouble with PC PSUs is they're special made to power PCs
12:09 PM JT-Shop: it seems that the cost for eggs is not a deciding factor anymore...
12:12 PM pfred1: a better egg could be worth more
12:17 PM phipli: We got ourselves some pets, the eggs are a bonus
12:17 PM phipli: give most of them away
12:17 PM phipli: probably much to the irritation of the guy at work that sells eggs...
12:18 PM Tom_itx: does chicken feed & crickets alone offset the cost of a dozen eggs?
12:19 PM Tom_itx: excluding the chicken condo & courtyard jt built :)
12:22 PM pfred1: I can't keep chickens here it is on the deed
12:22 PM phipli: the food is about £12 for 20kg
12:23 PM phipli: people seem to be willing to pay over the odds for eggs from somewhere they know
12:24 PM phipli: I think you could turn a profit at it, but you'd need a lot of the things to earn a living
12:24 PM phipli: I guess them paying for themselves would be another bonus compared to most pets
12:24 PM phipli: don't have enough room for a cow
12:25 PM archivist: I know someone with a smallholding and a multitude of chickens, dunno if he makes a profit
12:25 PM archivist: he and the wife still have real jobs
12:25 PM phipli: my grandfather used to keep a few hundred
12:26 PM phipli: my grandmother used to look after them while he was out working
12:26 PM phipli: they struggled to make a profit with it though - actually physically couldn't sell all of the egs
12:26 PM phipli: *eggs
12:26 PM phipli: so cut back to just a few
12:27 PM phipli: they both still really have a soft spot for them though
12:27 PM pcw_home: When we first got chickens It felt a bit odd to eat the eggs because you knew where they came from
12:27 PM pcw_home: Now eating commercial eggs seems strange because you don't know where they came from
12:27 PM phipli: heh
12:27 PM phipli: well put
12:28 PM pfred1: I could keep cows
12:28 PM pfred1: a guy around the corner does
12:28 PM phipli: meant to be friendly beasts
12:28 PM phipli: heh
12:28 PM phipli: well...
12:28 PM phipli: my grandfather also used to keep a few dairy cows...
12:28 PM phipli: my grandfather was a farm contractor with a soft spot for animals
12:29 PM phipli: used to keep a small number of just about everything
12:29 PM phipli: pfred1, These would make a good starter cow I think : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_cattle
12:30 PM phipli: you could get a cart and get it to pull you into town
12:31 PM pfred1: it would be a long pull from here
12:31 PM pfred1: better pack a blanket
12:32 PM JT-Shop: dang door is still acting wonky going up it just quits part way up then won't do anything for a bit then starts to work again
12:32 PM phipli: stick a cap on the arduino
12:32 PM phipli: over the power rails
12:32 PM JT-Shop: vin and gnd?
12:32 PM pfred1: dexcoupling never hurts
12:32 PM phipli: yeah
12:32 PM IchGucksLive: i use 470Uf
12:33 PM phipli: might be resetting the arduino
12:33 PM JT-Shop: I think I have some of those
12:33 PM pfred1: decoupling even
12:33 PM IchGucksLive: uf
12:33 PM phipli: pfred1, I prefer dexcoupling
12:33 PM pfred1: is there a motor involved?
12:33 PM phipli: pfred1, yup
12:33 PM pfred1: yeah you have to bypass those with arduino
12:34 PM pfred1: caps across the motor
12:34 PM phipli: JT-Shop, do you have a ceramic capacitor between the motor terminals?
12:34 PM pfred1: people are driven to tears with the RAMPS boards and the air cooled spindles
12:34 PM phipli: can help reduce noise
12:34 PM Tom_itx: brownout may be kicking in
12:34 PM pfred1: but capping off the spindle motor fixes things right up
12:35 PM phipli: pfred1, what would you use - it is a long time since I've done it
12:35 PM JT-Shop: no caps anywhere right now
12:35 PM Tom_itx: probably .1µF
12:35 PM Tom_itx: or so
12:36 PM phipli: lol
12:36 PM pfred1: yeah I think any ceramic disc around .1uF should to it
12:36 PM phipli: it doesn't like your scaling symbol there
12:36 PM phipli: was that a mu?
12:36 PM phipli: (on my machine at least)
12:36 PM pfred1: twisting the wires probably doesn't hurt either
12:37 PM Tom_itx: yeah
12:37 PM phipli: JT-Shop, solder a (0.1uF) ceramic capacitor between the motor terminals - might helps some.
12:37 PM phipli: Also something over the power rails (470uF suggested above) on the arduino
12:37 PM pfred1: EMI can be a real pain
12:37 PM phipli: invisible problems
12:37 PM phipli: I prefer most mechanical problems
12:38 PM phipli: they leave evidence
12:38 PM phipli: needs to be quite a serious electrical fault before it leaves a witness mark
12:38 PM Tom_itx: M+--|(--gnd--|(--M-
12:38 PM pfred1: yeah it is 2 caps
12:39 PM pfred1: doesn't one across work too though?
12:39 PM pfred1: yuo basically want to snub the AC noise
12:40 PM Tom_itx: probably
12:40 PM Tom_itx: ^^ GND in that case is frame
12:40 PM jthornton: I have 2 ceramic-disk 0.1uf capacitors
12:41 PM pfred1: I watched this whole video series on YouTube of a guy fighting with the noise
12:41 PM pfred1: he had the spindle over 10 feet from his machine and it was working OK
12:41 PM pfred1: but he was al lliek this isn't very useful
12:42 PM pfred1: my controller must be really robust because I never did anything with my air cooled spindle and it never gives me a lick of problems
12:42 PM jthornton: the only mark I see is one leg has a slight dent in it about half way up
12:43 PM phipli: on the capacitor?
12:43 PM jthornton: aye
12:43 PM phipli: they don't have a polarity
12:43 PM phipli: either way
12:43 PM jthornton: ok
12:43 PM pfred1: yeah they're like a pair of plates
12:43 PM pfred1: one is much like the other
12:43 PM IchGucksLive: a L on the motor is also good
12:43 PM phipli: that's why they're used for this - you don't know which polarity the noise will be
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: 10mH
12:44 PM pfred1: I think they'
12:44 PM pfred1: I think they're used because they're cheap and they work
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: inline the wire
12:44 PM pfred1: no across the motor
12:44 PM phipli: IchGucksLive, doubt he has an inductor to hand
12:44 PM pfred1: is it AC or DC motor?
12:44 PM jthornton: dc
12:45 PM pfred1: yeah no worries then
12:45 PM pfred1: caps don't pass DC
12:45 PM jthornton: just connect the cap at the relay for the motor?
12:45 PM phipli: close to the motor
12:45 PM phipli: straight on the terminals
12:45 PM jthornton: the other end is not easy to get to...
12:45 PM pfred1: as close to the motor leads as yo ucan get
12:45 PM pfred1: like right across them
12:46 PM pfred1: the cap short circuits the noise that comes out of the motor
12:46 PM jthornton: I didn't have any problem with the motor till I added the door lock...
12:46 PM pfred1: just try it
12:47 PM jthornton: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AOCAETQ
12:47 PM phipli: https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/assets/assets/000/003/642/medium800/adafruit_products_motor_capacitors.jpg?1396799310
12:47 PM pfred1: you also need a flyback diode
12:47 PM phipli: example with straight over, and tapped to ground
12:47 PM pfred1: you have one of those right?
12:47 PM phipli: pfred1, he is running in both directions
12:47 PM pfred1: yeah that's for any inductor
12:48 PM pfred1: I think that's why they make H bridges?
12:48 PM * jthornton wonders why no problems for 3 months then after adding the door lock all kinds of problems...
12:48 PM Tom_itx: i'd put a diode across the door lock too
12:48 PM phipli: yes
12:48 PM Tom_itx: just as you would a relay
12:49 PM pfred1: for the whole back and forth motor control deal
12:49 PM pfred1: yeah you need a flyback doide over the solenoid coil
12:49 PM Tom_itx: after all, it's a big EMF magnet
12:49 PM pfred1: or bad things happen
12:49 PM phipli: jthornton, solder a diode over the solenoid, with the stripe pointing towards positive
12:50 PM pfred1: yeah the doide is reverse the supplied current
12:50 PM phipli: any power type diode will do
12:50 PM Tom_itx: not a 1N914 either... needs to be an amp or more
12:50 PM jthornton: 1n4148?
12:50 PM Tom_itx: yes
12:50 PM pfred1: it provides a path for the back EMF to return to the PSU
12:50 PM Tom_itx: that's fine
12:50 PM pfred1: as ooposed to hammering your control electronics
12:50 PM IchGucksLive: 4148 does only take 500mA
12:51 PM IchGucksLive: 4007
12:51 PM pfred1: all those worthless why is this part in here things
12:51 PM pfred1: there are reasons
12:51 PM pfred1: this diode is backwards what can it do?
12:53 PM pfred1: some power transistors have built in body diodes
12:53 PM Tom_itx: see how much current the lock takes and double the diode rating
12:54 PM Tom_itx: as the spike will be approximately 2x
12:54 PM pfred1: I need to order a bunch of 1N4007 diodes
12:54 PM jthornton: with the motor and solenoid both on it pulls 0.8 amps
12:54 PM pfred1: when i go fish they're the only worms I like to use
12:54 PM Tom_itx: preferrably the faster the better switching diode
12:55 PM phipli: pfred1, when the field collapses, the flow of electricity it creates goes round and round through the diode and is "burnt off"
12:55 PM pfred1: I was thinking of getting the faster ones though yeah
12:55 PM phipli: instead of going back into your electronics the wrong way
12:55 PM pfred1: the current is actually returned to the supply
12:55 PM pfred1: bypassing the rest of the circuitry
12:55 PM phipli: the diode stops that
12:56 PM IchGucksLive: also good to go at 4.5V limit
12:56 PM IchGucksLive: so lots of 3-6v will do better
12:56 PM Tom_itx: jthornton, i'd try what you have on hand and maybe get what 'should' be there eventually
01:00 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
01:00 PM pfred1: the black art of electronics
01:00 PM pfred1: all the little gotchas
01:00 PM Tom_L: with blue smoke results
01:00 PM pfred1: if you ain't blowing stuff up you're just not trying hard enough
01:00 PM pfred1: I have a mad electronics parts supply and i still need to buy more parts all the time
01:05 PM IchGucksLive: pfred1: you always got the wrong
01:06 PM IchGucksLive: BY the WAY german election is a MISS
01:06 PM IchGucksLive: Mess
01:07 PM enleth: have you seen any non-chinese liquid quick disconnects that looked like these? https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1wkbNGVXXXXazXXXXq6xXFXXXo/200419407/HTB1wkbNGVXXXXazXXXXq6xXFXXXo.jpg
01:07 PM enleth: archivist_herron: you've seen loads of weird tech, maybe this rings some bells ^
01:08 PM IchGucksLive: enleth: the hydrulik store next to you will have them
01:08 PM IchGucksLive: and they are mutch cheeper then you think
01:08 PM enleth: IchGucksLive: I'm quite confident that no, they won't
01:09 PM IchGucksLive: farmer supply
01:09 PM IchGucksLive: Construction mashine repair
01:09 PM enleth: you mean for hydraulic power take-offs?
01:09 PM IchGucksLive: yes
01:10 PM enleth: I've got a pair of these on coolant hoses in an industrial chiller
01:12 PM enleth: OK, got it - it's an HTMA coupler
01:13 PM SpeedEvil: "Did you mean HDMI coupler"
01:13 PM SpeedEvil: Thanks amazon.
01:14 PM enleth: yeah, google did the same thing
01:15 PM IchGucksLive: enleth: http://stores.ebay.de/Technik-Discounter?_trksid=p2047675.l2563
01:15 PM IchGucksLive: all the liquid world needs
01:15 PM IchGucksLive: beer
01:15 PM the_wench: I am not your waitress!
01:16 PM SpeedEvil: http://www.veskimo.com/why-best-cooling-vest.php - related
01:17 PM IchGucksLive: archivist http://wench.archivist.info/ does not work
01:18 PM archivist: you missed the www
01:20 PM IchGucksLive: whow that became overloaded
01:22 PM IchGucksLive: archivist why are ther so many doubles
01:25 PM IchGucksLive: im off Gn8
01:27 PM gorbypark_: has git.linuxcnc.org changed, or is it down?
01:28 PM gorbypark_: i guess maybe it moved to github officially now?
01:28 PM cradek: gorbypark_: https://www.mail-archive.com/emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net/msg17619.html
01:29 PM pfred1: hey cradek
01:29 PM cradek: aloha
01:29 PM pfred1: what you been up to?
01:30 PM cradek: no good stories to tell - mostly the usual. doing pretty well.
01:30 PM pfred1: no news is good news
01:32 PM pfred1: I wonder what LinuxCNC is going to do when Wheezy reaches EOL?
01:33 PM pfred1: it is already too old for me to use on my desktop anymore
01:33 PM cradek: there's already support for newer LTSs
01:34 PM pfred1: I was trying to get FreeCAD 0.17 to run on it and forget about it
01:34 PM cradek: didn't jepler even do an install?
01:34 PM pfred1: I'm not going to say it is impossible but it still is not very practical
01:37 PM pfred1: what finally did me in was a Qt dependency to a later version of GTK than I have the irony there just killed me
01:43 PM pfred1: I have to shut this PC down today to vacuum it out
01:44 PM pfred1: it has like beards on ths air vents
01:44 PM pfred1: 14:10:48 up 129 days, 22:56, 1 user, load average: 0.09, 0.05, 0.01
01:45 PM phipli: Don't start that
01:45 PM phipli: it got very competitive on another channel I used to frequent
01:46 PM pfred1: it just needs a good cleaning
01:46 PM phipli: (the uptime)
01:46 PM pfred1: oh I got a lappy inside that had 530 days the last time i looked
01:46 PM pfred1: that was a long time ago too
01:46 PM phipli: I had a couple of years on a raspberry pi - but shut it down a while back
01:47 PM phipli: had a year of hourly temperature logging on it
01:47 PM pfred1: this PC is out in my garage so it is kind of a PC/air filter
01:47 PM phipli: heh
01:48 PM cradek: 1:16PM up 1699 days, 19:41, 2 users, load averages: 2.92, 2.96, 2.91
01:48 PM phipli: cradek++
01:48 PM cradek: sadly I'm about to replace this machine...
01:48 PM pfred1: yeah it is probably due
01:48 PM pfred1: I am getting a new machine in a couple months
01:48 PM pfred1: well new to me I'm buying refurbished
01:49 PM pfred1: I got my eye on a sweet little i5 number for about $270
01:49 PM phipli: I went ryzen
01:49 PM phipli: omnomnomn cores
01:49 PM pfred1: phipli I don't know what any of that means
01:50 PM pfred1: mr. mojo ryzen?
01:50 PM phipli: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryzen
01:50 PM phipli: omnomnomn... takes more explaining and I probably shouldn't have said it
01:51 PM phipli: but basically I meant "yay! Cores"
01:51 PM pfred1: a lot of times single thread performance is what matters
01:51 PM pfred1: too many times
01:52 PM * SpeedEvil wants moores law back.
01:52 PM phipli: but because they're fighting for market share, the value for money makes the single thread good price for performance
01:52 PM pfred1: SpeedEvil then you need to rewtire the laws of physics
01:52 PM pfred1: rewrite even
01:52 PM SpeedEvil: yup
01:52 PM phipli: SpeedEvil, and the $/GB hard disk thing back
01:53 PM pfred1: the good times are behind us now with all of that
01:53 PM phipli: not too bothered really
01:53 PM phipli: computers are pretty damn fast now
01:53 PM phipli: and cheap, all things considered
01:53 PM pfred1: this one could be a lot faster
01:53 PM phipli: what is it?
01:54 PM pfred1: I was building Qt and it took a long time
01:54 PM pfred1: this is an E5200
01:54 PM phipli: pfred1, ah, what you need is lots of threads
01:54 PM phipli: :p
01:55 PM pfred1: then I have to scroll back further to see where a build failed
01:55 PM gorbypark_: cradek: great, thanks. i was wondering why my build script was failing
01:55 PM pfred1: here it comes
01:55 PM phipli: I jumped 8 years in one step, so am still amazed at the difference
01:55 PM pfred1: https://youtu.be/JskztPPSJwY?t=296
01:56 PM jthornton: I'm pretty positive the nano is resetting itself now
01:56 PM pfred1: jthornton noise annoys
01:57 PM phipli: if you want to make sure, flash the built in LED during startup
01:57 PM pfred1: you can put an opto on the control line
01:57 PM phipli: pfred1, he already has I think
01:57 PM phipli: using a relay board
01:57 PM pfred1: that stops noise cold
01:57 PM phipli: jthornton, are you driving the solenoid from a relay?
01:58 PM phipli: pfred1, the issue might be on the power, not the signals
01:58 PM jthornton: i did even better than that I turned on the lights for 5 seconds during the setup stage
01:58 PM jthornton: yea the motors and solenoid are driven from relay boards
01:59 PM jthornton: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01H701EKK/ is the motor relay boad
01:59 PM jthornton: board even
01:59 PM phipli: you should be fine in that sense then given you're buffered by optocouplers or transistors
02:00 PM pfred1: those are optocouplers
02:00 PM jthornton: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product solenoid and lights use this relay
02:00 PM phipli: optocouplers
02:00 PM phipli: yeah
02:00 PM phipli: "can't find this page"
02:00 PM phipli: for the second one
02:01 PM pfred1: you even have flyback diodes on that board
02:01 PM jthornton: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VH8926C
02:02 PM pfred1: cute little SMD drive transistors
02:02 PM pfred1: it should work
02:02 PM jthornton: also the nano is on it's own 12v power supply
02:03 PM phipli: pfred1, we've been worrying about the common power supply
02:03 PM phipli: jthornton, oh
02:03 PM phipli: really?
02:03 PM phipli: then...
02:03 PM phipli: wtf?
02:03 PM pfred1: I haven't been worrying
02:03 PM phipli: pfred1, you should have been
02:03 PM phipli: :p
02:04 PM pfred1: even isolated a motor can still put out enough noise to throw a micro off
02:04 PM pfred1: got an AM radio?
02:04 PM phipli: true
02:05 PM phipli: jthornton, could you sketch the current circuit for me / us?
02:05 PM pfred1: while the motor is running tune into the noise with the radio
02:07 PM pfred1: listen to the noise
02:08 PM pfred1: it is a crap solution so I didn't want to mention it but ferrite beads might fix you up
02:09 PM pfred1: seeing a ferrite bead is an indication that someone couldn't fix the noise right
02:16 PM gorbypark_: hmm. i have some super cheap limit switches that have 2 posts for NO, 2 for NC and 2 for "COM". The wireing harness I have has 2 wires to NC and 2 wires to COM. I bought some new more beefy switches, but the new ones only have two posts for NC and two for NO, no COM posts...any ideas how I can hook them up?
02:16 PM gorbypark_: i suppose i should see where the COM wires are actually going in the breakout board
02:20 PM pfred1: gorbypark_ you used a meter and none of the posts on yoru new switches are actually common?
02:21 PM gorbypark_: hmm, no...good point.
02:21 PM pfred1: the new switch may just have an extra terminal on it
02:22 PM pfred1: if it really is two seperate switches you could common a pair
02:24 PM pfred1: I have a bad habit of breaking thigns open sometimes to see what is really going on inside of them
02:25 PM gorbypark_: oh i think i'm just dumb...on the original switch it's just one post per no/nc/com but two wires running to each. so on the new switch there's actually two posts per nc/no, so i assume the second post is the 'com'
02:25 PM pfred1: you should have seen me earlier trying to fix a lock on a canopy tent leg
02:26 PM jthornton: phipli: https://imagebin.ca/v/3bWOckhg5cSs
02:26 PM pfred1: I got it but the thing made am onkey out of me for hours figuring it out
02:28 PM pfred1: gorbypark_ even with deceptively "simple" stuff I often find it helps me to draw a diagram
02:28 PM pfred1: paper is cheap
02:29 PM pfred1: hair transplants are not cheap
02:30 PM pfred1: I go out of my way to do things by what i like to call the any idiot can do it method
02:31 PM pfred1: because i can be that any idiot
02:35 PM XXCoder: lol update installing isnt done...
02:36 PM pfred1: XXCoder I'm getting ready to install Gentoo on this PC talk about a long install
02:37 PM pfred1: I'm waiting for the weather to get cooler
02:38 PM Tom_L: front may be moving in here
02:38 PM pfred1: yeah i think tomorrow here
02:38 PM Tom_L: didn't check the weather today
02:38 PM pfred1: today is too hot
02:39 PM pfred1: because the CPU is going to get hammered for 2 days
02:40 PM XXCoder: lol
02:40 PM XXCoder: gonna love long installs.
02:40 PM pfred1: I hope i love it when it is done
02:40 PM pfred1: lately i haven't been loving everything so much the way it all is now
02:40 PM pfred1: I want the latest FreeCAD
02:41 PM XXCoder: 0.17 file format is unstable
02:41 PM pfred1: hmmm
02:41 PM pfred1: I have not heard that
02:41 PM pfred1: people have told me about new features
02:41 PM XXCoder: its fine, 0.16 latest is great.
02:41 PM pfred1: I have 0.16 going now
02:42 PM pfred1: but there's some stuff that 0.17 has that it doesn't
02:42 PM pfred1: I was watching a video and I saw tools i don't have
02:43 PM pfred1: I guess i could put the upgrade off for a bit
02:44 PM gloops: i got the daily build, tbh i think i preferred .17
02:44 PM gloops: the one thing i really dont like is where a sketch or something yellows out on the tree
02:45 PM pfred1: I've been feeling like I'm missing something with 0.17
02:45 PM pfred1: I forget exactly whati t is now
02:45 PM pfred1: but it seemed important when I heard about it
02:46 PM pfred1: something that 0.17 does that 0.16 doesn't do
02:47 PM XXCoder: I look forwards to 0.17 cam
02:47 PM XXCoder: 0.16 has it, but it sucks
02:48 PM pfred1: I'm looking at the changelog and nothing is jumping out at me that was what I wanted
02:49 PM pfred1: it still looks ike a major upgrade to me though
02:50 PM XXCoder: expecially if you using 0.13 lol
02:50 PM gloops: ive got no tools in the database this morning lol
02:50 PM pfred1: yeah I have 0.16
02:50 PM gloops: actually i think it was .16 i had before, not .17
02:51 PM pfred1: 0.17 just has some deps I'm not going to satisfy on this distro version I'm running now
02:51 PM pfred1: to change those things it is easier for me to just install something else
02:51 PM gloops: path workbench has grown though - they need to nail that properly it would go into widespread use
02:52 PM pfred1: I used 0.16 to make a model that i used
02:53 PM pfred1: what I'm saying is it is borederline getting useful
02:53 PM pfred1: it is worth my time to pursue
02:54 PM gloops: well, i was going to use it for some wooden gears, someone wants a hundred or more making for her class at school, only thing is freecad gear addon - no centre hole
02:54 PM gloops: inkscape gear has centre bore
02:55 PM pfred1: inkscale can make gears
02:55 PM pfred1: inkscape even
02:55 PM gloops: yeah ill use that for the vectors
02:56 PM gloops: freecad has a few gear options though - inkscape only one type i think
02:56 PM pfred1: yeah involute
02:56 PM gloops: doesnt matter for this little job anyway, its for maths or something
02:57 PM pfred1: I've seen this jig for making gears on a table saw
02:57 PM pfred1: I was impressed by it
02:57 PM gloops: would think thats easy doable yeah, some kind of tilt for the angles, and indexing
02:58 PM pfred1: but the guy seemed to have some mad skills
02:58 PM pfred1: yeah he had this whole back and forth thing he was doing
02:58 PM gloops: table saw is a very versatile machine
02:59 PM gloops: so is bandsaw really, some really clever things to do with a bandsaw on youtube
02:59 PM pfred1: there are people really into makign wooden gears
02:59 PM gloops: even wooden clocks, with wooden movements
03:00 PM pfred1: I've seen people that want to make every kind of gear
03:00 PM gloops: something facinating about gears lol
03:00 PM pfred1: double herringbone and what have you
03:00 PM gloops: yeah, some satisifaction in making those i guess
03:00 PM pfred1: yeah they want to do it just for the process
03:00 PM pfred1: just because
03:02 PM pfred1: I can respect that but I'd appreciate more of a practical goal too I suppose?
03:02 PM gloops: yes, when producing the component is the goal - not building the machine
03:04 PM gloops: i suppose its the same with a lot of crafts, the more difficult aspects attract the experts
03:04 PM gloops: to a skilled bench joiner making a flat square table with 4 square legs is just work
03:05 PM gloops: he wants to make a chippendale kind of thing
03:06 PM pfred1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-wbWGwZ7_k
03:08 PM gloops: heh
03:09 PM pfred1: experience true level
03:12 PM gloops: http://www.customwoodclocks.com/portfolio.html
03:12 PM gloops: up to $36000
03:12 PM pfred1: wow
03:13 PM pfred1: I mean they're nice and all, but where do you find people to buy that sort of a thing?
03:14 PM cradek: I think the answer is you don't need to find very many
03:14 PM pfred1: I guess not
03:14 PM cradek: http://www.customwoodclocks.com/images/p02_1.jpg
03:14 PM gregcnc: 2 clocks per year is enough no?
03:15 PM cradek: the wrong numerals are really jarring on this one
03:15 PM pfred1: that's for the Jimi Hendrix fan
03:16 PM pfred1: so you think they hand make that stuff or does he have a laser cutter?
03:16 PM gloops: its art really, $36k isnt a lot for art, would by a mediochre oil painting by F Bloggs
03:17 PM pfred1: and he just sits around and hand sands it all a lot
03:17 PM gloops: i imagine he has some nice woodworking machines
03:17 PM gloops: thats just how i imagine that being done lol
03:17 PM gloops: sat watching TV or on the porch scraping and sanding
03:18 PM gloops: propably cut on fretsaw
03:18 PM gloops: hand carving
03:18 PM pfred1: I've heard with solid wood warpage is a big issue
03:19 PM gloops: absolutely, choosing the right piece of wood is everything fo that
03:19 PM gloops: grain running right, dry and seasoned so it wont move
03:21 PM pfred1: there's a couple pictures of his shop on the bio page
03:23 PM pfred1: I wonder if he hand delivers the clocks that people buy?
03:23 PM pfred1: who could you get to move a $36,000 clock?
03:24 PM gloops: man 'n van lol
03:24 PM pfred1: I call this Dog Cleaning Face http://www.customwoodclocks.com/images/danvilleca.jpg
03:25 PM gloops: haha, thats pooch probably lives better than most humans
03:27 PM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMmjSE_d6J0
03:29 PM gloops: pugs are popular here now, i have no idea why
04:25 PM Deejay: gn8
04:37 PM sadisticroot: Anybody in the market for a SCARA arm?
04:38 PM jthornton:
04:38 PM jthornton:
04:38 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM sadisticroot: o.O
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM CaptHindsight: did jt just go wild with tabs or spaces?
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:39 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM sadisticroot: Cat on keyboard?
04:40 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM CaptHindsight: probably chickens
04:40 PM pcw_home: Chicken?
04:40 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM pcw_home: Both?
04:40 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM jthornton:
04:40 PM jthornton: opps
04:40 PM jthornton: try the mailing list
04:40 PM jthornton: motherboard leaning on the keyboard lol
04:40 PM CaptHindsight: seb_kuzminsky: can you bump jt, he's stick on a flood of whitespace
04:41 PM CaptHindsight: stuck
04:41 PM jthornton: lol
04:41 PM CaptHindsight: going caseless?
04:46 PM jthornton: putting my server into a new smaller case so it can go on a shelf near the poe switch
05:02 PM phipli: heh
05:02 PM phipli: is it a cat? is it a chicken...
05:02 PM phipli: nope. it is a motherboard
05:03 PM phipli: how many people accidentally spam a channel with a motherboard
05:04 PM phipli: yeah, jthornton you can cut that circuit down to 2 relays and remove the risk of a dead short
05:04 PM phipli: spin the relays around - connect the commons to the motors and the N/O and N/C to +V and 0V
05:08 PM jthornton: aye but more important is why is the nano rebooting...
05:09 PM phiplii: have you put the cap on the motor?
05:09 PM phiplii: even if they're different power circuits, if they are near each other you can still have issues
05:10 PM jthornton: not yet
05:10 PM phiplii: like stick welding when someone is listening to the radio... but... less
05:10 PM jthornton: had to help the missus with some cookee baking (I'm a baker among other things)
05:10 PM phiplii: I think that is forgivable :)
05:11 PM phiplii: hum
05:11 PM phiplii: we should set up an egg based things website
05:11 PM jthornton: I still wonder why it worked perfect for 3 months... before the lock was installed
05:11 PM phiplii: did you move the nano closer to the motor when you installed it?
05:12 PM phiplii: can you re-post the pastebin link? I'm upstairs and it isn't in the scrollback on this client
05:12 PM jthornton: no and yes
05:13 PM jthornton: https://imagebin.ca/v/3bWOckhg5cSs
05:13 PM phiplii: where is the nano in all this?
05:13 PM phiplii: can't see it
05:14 PM jthornton: okay here is some more info, the motor, door lock and upper and lower limit switches are all now in the same cable, before they were in 3 cables!
05:14 PM jthornton: that's just the relays
05:14 PM phiplii: ah - multi core cable?
05:14 PM jthornton: could be cross talk on the cable?
05:14 PM phiplii: and you have the motor and limits going through it?
05:14 PM phiplii: very much so
05:14 PM jthornton: aye
05:15 PM jthornton: that may be my problem...
05:15 PM phiplii: split them out
05:15 PM phiplii: you can keep the door lock and motor in one
05:15 PM phiplii: stick the logic signals (limits) in another
05:15 PM jthornton: I can but first I must finish the run and get it secured
05:15 PM phiplii: you've got a transformer there
05:15 PM jthornton: aye that is the plan
05:16 PM phiplii: You'll be sending voltage spikes into the nano when you power on and switch off the two inductive loads - plus a load of other ones from noise
05:18 PM jthornton: I'll change that and put the limit switches in some shielded cable
05:20 PM jthornton: for now, I'll just manual open the door at 5am when I turn the lights on
05:21 PM phiplii: I started running a weatherproof ethernet cable out to ours the other day
05:21 PM phiplii: was a bit dark for threading it at the time though
05:23 PM jthornton: as in outdoor uv resistant?
05:23 PM phiplii: I forget
05:24 PM phiplii: it was also a bit heavier than usual cable
05:24 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, what case did you end up getting?
05:27 PM jthornton: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005LIDU5S
05:27 PM Tom_L: i think i may need one more case here..
05:28 PM Tom_L: with psu?
05:28 PM Tom_L: naw, doesn't look like it
05:29 PM jthornton: no
05:29 PM Tom_L: i have plenty of psu but most have old plug ends
05:29 PM jthornton: and a bit tight for a tall cpu cooler
05:30 PM jthornton: so I put the water cooler in it https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00A0HZMGA
05:31 PM Tom_L: mine is fairly standard
05:34 PM phiplii: hum
05:34 PM phiplii: getting late
05:34 PM jthornton: see you tomorrow
05:36 PM Tom_L: your nano still resetting when you activate the door lock?
05:48 PM jthornton: I think the problem is cross talk, one of my "improvements" was to have a single cable for the motor, door lock, and upper/lower limit switches
05:52 PM Tom_L: is the supply to the nano regulated?
05:52 PM Tom_L: you may end up adding more capacitors on that
05:52 PM Tom_L: or larger ones
05:53 PM Tom_L: depending on what's actually causing it
05:53 PM jthornton: no, it's just a wall wort
05:54 PM jthornton: firefox auto complete is a PIA
05:55 PM Tom_L: i don't think i have that on
05:55 PM jthornton: didn't know you could turn it off
05:55 PM Tom_L: i was looking at ff focus though
05:56 PM Tom_L: i dunno
05:58 PM jthornton: all right the server is back up and running zone minder... now to move the hikvision camera to a better place than looking at my wifes right front wheel.
05:59 PM jthornton: at least one project is done...
05:59 PM Tom_L: get your 2nd board yet?
06:04 PM JT-Shop: yea been mixing and matching... just got the server back up and running now I need to swap out my winblows motherboard
06:26 PM gorbypark__: each axis's home switch and limit switch is on the same pin, and i have HOME_IGNORE_LIMITS = YES set on the axis, but after homing I get an" Axis X on limit switch error" error. Any ideas?
06:27 PM gorbypark__: if i set the pin the be home only it works fine...
06:52 PM Tom_L: i set my HOME_OFFSET a bit off the limit switch
06:53 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/configs/sherline/
06:53 PM Tom_L: gorbypark_, if you want to look
06:54 PM Tom_L: using the same switch for home & limit
10:04 PM XXCoder: dammit
10:04 PM XXCoder: water damage
10:27 PM homeroot: o.O
10:27 PM homeroot: To what?
10:28 PM homeroot is now known as evilroot
10:30 PM XXCoder: few books
10:30 PM XXCoder: cardboard boxes :(
10:31 PM XXCoder: most books is replaceable. one book is pretty rare dammit.
10:31 PM XXCoder: I probably will have to pay $10 for used book
10:44 PM evilroot: That's not too bad
10:44 PM evilroot: I had $3k worth of Macbooks get killed once when the roof leaked at my store.
10:44 PM XXCoder: ow
10:44 PM evilroot: Yeah, sucked pretty bad
10:45 PM evilroot: Especially since my business partner hadn't been paying for our insurance
10:45 PM evilroot: Part of why I said fuck it and signed over my share
10:45 PM evilroot: And went into more interesting work in robotics :D
10:48 PM CaptHindsight: robots that eat old peoples medicine for power?
10:51 PM CaptHindsight: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/old-glory-insurance/81303587/
10:53 PM XXCoder: new clickspring!!
10:54 PM XXCoder: evilroot: dang!! is that biz still going?
10:55 PM evilroot: It is actually
10:55 PM XXCoder: being careless enough to not insure would mean not taking good cRE.
10:55 PM evilroot: Me and my previous business partners were great friends but a poor choice running a store
10:56 PM XXCoder: maybe guy hired a compent manager.
10:56 PM evilroot: *partner
10:56 PM evilroot: No, he takes advantage of college kids to help him run the place
10:57 PM evilroot: Shame really, I built that store and its reputation from nothing
10:57 PM evilroot: But he was just an increadibly greedy man
10:57 PM evilroot: Ah well
10:58 PM XXCoder: sucks
10:58 PM XXCoder: youre doing well on your current line of work? enjoy it and all?
10:59 PM evilroot: Hell yeah!
11:00 PM evilroot: I have my own 1500sq ft lab and office complex in an industrial building
11:00 PM XXCoder: thats something good from that in least
11:00 PM evilroot: Nobody bitching at me, complete independence
11:00 PM evilroot: And I work with badass industrial robots
11:00 PM evilroot: And build 3D printers
11:00 PM XXCoder: :)
11:06 PM evilroot: The goal is to have the robots make the printers
11:06 PM XXCoder: and printers to make those robots?
11:06 PM evilroot: Nah, the robots are serious industrial quality machines
11:06 PM CaptHindsight: what kindza 3d printers?
11:07 PM CaptHindsight: FDM?
11:07 PM evilroot: My own personal design actually
11:07 PM evilroot: I call it the RepRap Root
11:07 PM XXCoder: fdm I guess
11:07 PM evilroot: Yes
11:07 PM evilroot: I just wasn't happy with what's on the market so I made my own
11:08 PM evilroot: Given I've been building and repairing them for 10+ years I knew what I wanted, heh
11:08 PM evilroot: Namely something bigger, faster, and more reliable
11:08 PM CaptHindsight: I have to make some large FDM printers with 3-5mm nozzles
11:09 PM evilroot: The larger version of mine will use a 2mm nozzle, though I guess 3mm would work
11:09 PM evilroot: The biggest thing I did was get rid of the split axis . . . no need for it
11:09 PM evilroot: Gantry style
11:09 PM CaptHindsight: they deposit urethanes for garments at room temp
11:09 PM evilroot: And not moving the print bed
11:09 PM evilroot: Only the extruders move
11:10 PM evilroot: Stock has 2 extruders, larger has 4
11:10 PM XXCoder: is that corexy style?
11:10 PM evilroot: And the entire frame is milled from aluminum
11:10 PM evilroot: XXCoder: no
11:11 PM evilroot: http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-m2/118095-7909250.jpg
11:11 PM evilroot: Like this
11:11 PM XXCoder: interesting
11:11 PM evilroot: I use hardly any printed parts
11:12 PM evilroot: The prototypes I made manually, but the finished version I'll use the robots to build
11:12 PM CaptHindsight: sort of like these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64XESsTfv_4
11:12 PM evilroot: They're more than powerful enough to mill aluminum
11:12 PM evilroot: And accurate to 60 microns
11:13 PM evilroot: CaptHindsight: that's an arm, but yeah
11:13 PM evilroot: Oh no wait, yeah
11:13 PM evilroot: Just like that
11:14 PM CaptHindsight: evilroot: that video is to show what I'm building similar to
11:14 PM evilroot: Cool
11:14 PM evilroot: Erm, I might have something you'd like
11:14 PM CaptHindsight: used cartesian systems?
11:14 PM evilroot: And SCARA
11:15 PM CaptHindsight: you showed me
11:15 PM evilroot: I've sold most but have a couple left
11:15 PM evilroot: Was going to keep the one SCARA but decided I'd rather focus on the Cartesian
11:16 PM XXCoder: evilroot: I always wanted to build a farmbot
11:16 PM evilroot: The one off kickstarter?
11:16 PM XXCoder: yeah though design is opensource so I can build it anyway
11:16 PM evilroot: Yeah
11:16 PM evilroot: I actually do hydroponics
11:17 PM XXCoder: aww clickspring video is done
11:17 PM evilroot: Using the 3d printed stuff that uses 2L bottles
11:17 PM evilroot: Really nice for herbs
11:18 PM XXCoder: using those grow blue/pink lights?
11:18 PM evilroot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5fQTi1W868OTTg3ZDV3azEyYUU/view?usp=sharing
11:18 PM evilroot: XXCoder: actually just standard CCFL bulbs
11:18 PM evilroot: Cheaper and works great
11:18 PM XXCoder: I guess though I hear those grow lights is amazing effecient
11:18 PM XXCoder: very small amount of power.
11:19 PM XXCoder: local fred meyer has em on sale pretty cheap also
11:25 PM evilroot: Yeah, but the CCFLs were dirt cheap heh
11:25 PM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXcyPuwxXiE restoring toy car
11:25 PM XXCoder: I dont collect toy cars but always interesting to see restores and customize