#linuxcnc Logs

Sep 10 2017

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:12 AM ve7it: man Irma seems stuck on Cuba... Varadero must be trashed
01:54 AM IchGucksLive: morning from Germany
02:10 AM XXCoder: hey
02:11 AM XXCoder: irma is right under tip of flornia now
02:13 AM IchGucksLive: XXCoder: its so slow
02:13 AM IchGucksLive: that will feed the hot warer
02:14 AM XXCoder: yeah and it probably will hit places usually not hit by hurricanes.
02:16 AM IchGucksLive: fort meyers is a old city with structureers well below C4 status
02:17 AM IchGucksLive: and even older popularitie
02:17 AM IchGucksLive: its the city in the US with the oldest agemittelvalue
02:17 AM IchGucksLive: agelevel
02:17 AM XXCoder: gonna love climate change
02:18 AM IchGucksLive: we here are missing around 250l/m² this year
02:20 AM IchGucksLive: im off later
02:40 AM Deejay: moin
03:26 AM mrme_ is now known as mrme
03:43 AM mrme_ is now known as mrme
04:05 AM XXCoder: right up the state of floria. https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/095407_5day_cone_with_line-2-800x656.png
04:28 AM gloops: assuming linuxcnc uses relative co-ordinates as default?
04:29 AM XXCoder: dunno though nearly all cams tend to define g90 or g91
04:29 AM XXCoder: I think abosute is default though could be wrong
04:30 AM gloops: hmm ok, i just stumbled on zero co-ordinates tab, not got it open in front of me though
05:39 AM jthornton: morning
05:53 AM Deejay: hey chicken-man :)
05:57 AM jthornton: what's up over there?
06:22 AM phipli: archivist: My dad sent it through to me last night - I thought you might be interested
06:23 AM phipli: Playing with one of these today : http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/NanoPi_NEO
06:23 AM phipli: about an inch and a half square
06:24 AM phipli: one of the smallest computers I have.
06:24 AM phipli: This one is about to become a Web cam - in the sense of it will upload pictures to a webpage so you can check on your pigeon / chickens, or in the case of more normal households, cat / dog
06:29 AM jthornton: hey
06:31 AM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYtSqT-sh5Q
06:31 AM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXAYa0o4dKU
06:32 AM phipli: hey jthornton
06:32 AM phipli: they're looking huge!
06:32 AM phipli: how old are they now?
06:33 AM jthornton: 25 days old
06:34 AM archivist: phipli, needs mooooore ram for linuxcnc
06:34 AM phipli: Noisy bunch :)
06:34 AM phipli: archivist: and a parallel port? :)
06:34 AM jthornton: just read something about light and I'm doing it wrong lol... chickens have poor night vision so if you have supplemental light you should turn it off well before sunset so they have time to find their favorite roosting spot
06:35 AM jthornton: tried to use a 5v relay on the esp8266 and fried the I/O and wifi lol
06:36 AM phipli: whoops
06:36 AM phipli: what happened - did it have external power?
06:36 AM phipli: or did you drive the coil directly from an i/o pin?
06:37 AM jthornton: yea
06:37 AM phipli: the latter?
06:37 AM archivist: back emf :)
06:37 AM phipli: ah.
06:37 AM jthornton: could not find my 3.3v relays and was wanting to work out the door part again
06:38 AM jthornton: yea plugged into an i/o pin
06:38 AM phipli: I do like those cheap boards with an optoisolater :)
06:38 AM phipli: https://www.banggood.com/Orange-Pi-Zero-H2-Quad-Core-Open-source-256MB-Development-Board-p-1109941.html
06:38 AM phipli: archivist: really cheap board that last one
06:38 AM phipli: only 256... but for embedded stuff!
06:38 AM phipli: wifi, ethernet and gpio
06:39 AM sync: jthornton: why would you use a 3.3V relay when you can just use a transistor to buffer the signal?
06:39 AM archivist: there is a fartuino suplier in Swad
06:39 AM phipli: they do other versions for a few quid more ram / processor on the same size board
06:39 AM jthornton: sync: because I don't know how to do that
06:39 AM phipli: archivist: those boards are linux machines, not arduinos
06:40 AM phipli: jthornton: https://www.banggood.com/2-Way-Relay-Module-With-Optocoupler-Protection-p-972428.html
06:40 AM archivist: do you really want a whole OS for small jobs :)
06:40 AM phipli: boards like that do it for you
06:40 AM sync: jthornton: the internet will tell you how to do that
06:40 AM sync: it's easy
06:41 AM phipli: archivist: yes - I forgive overkill when it gives me a decent tcp stack :)
06:41 AM phipli: and only costs £10
06:41 AM jthornton: phipli: yea that's the one I have
06:42 AM phipli: jthornton: it is isolated then
06:42 AM MacGalempsy: good morning
06:42 AM jthornton: sync: gotta know what to ask for before the internet will show you...
06:42 AM phipli: I'm not sure how you toasted it?
06:42 AM archivist: considering measuring the Leawood engine with bunch of fartuionos or something
06:42 AM phipli: archivist: what are you looking at measuring?
06:42 AM jthornton: the code still loads but the web page no longer shows up and my inputs quit working
06:43 AM archivist: doing a steam diagram live
06:43 AM phipli: you could replace the stockers with a variable speed conveyor belt driven from a pressure sensor?
06:43 AM jthornton: phipli: yes it's the exact same relay board
06:44 AM sync: jthornton: sure, but that's basics, "how to drive a relay io" would have given you the answer
06:44 AM phipli: jthornton: the esp8266 won't have been connected to the coil then - those square chips are optocouplers
06:44 AM sync: https://i.stack.imgur.com/wvSuY.png shit like that works
06:44 AM phipli: sync - he was already using an isolated relay
06:44 AM phipli: something else went wrong
06:45 AM phipli: jthornton: I'd try flashing another program into the board (one of the examples) and seeing if it comes back - it might have just hiccuped?
06:45 AM jthornton: just tried a different web server and it works so must be a coding error
06:45 AM phipli: :)
06:45 AM phipli: good news (ish) :)
06:46 AM phipli: archivist: plot p-v or p-t on an LCD?
06:46 AM phipli: would be cool
06:47 AM archivist: with piston position
06:47 AM phipli: yeah - volume would be good
06:47 AM archivist: so we would know power
06:48 AM jthornton: ok inputs working and all I did was comment out the digitalWrite lines...
06:48 AM phipli: pressure and volume would be faster reacting than temperature
06:48 AM phipli: jthornton: some pins are used during boot to set modes - you might have accidentally put it in a special mode
06:49 AM archivist: a steam diagram was taken many years ago with a mechanical indicator
06:50 AM jthornton: yea I found a really good article on the esp8266
06:51 AM jthornton: https://tttapa.github.io/ESP8266/Chap01%20-%20ESP8266.html
06:53 AM phipli: jthornton: henry 2 seems to want to eat your collar
06:54 AM jthornton: yes he is on my head more and more lol
06:55 AM phipli: :)
06:55 AM jthornton: The ESP8266 has 17 GPIO pins (0-16), however, you can only use 11 of them, because 6 pins (GPIO 6 - 11) are used to connect the flash memory chip
06:55 AM phipli: I haven't had one sat on my head in ages
06:55 AM jthornton: I think I see my problem lol
06:55 AM phipli: even at their size now they climb up on your if you sit still too long though
06:56 AM jthornton: I've had henry jr on my head and 3 on my shoulders lol
06:56 AM phipli: :)
06:56 AM jthornton: and my arms full too
06:57 AM jthornton: 5' chain link fence is done just need to finish up the gates and build a short wooden fence under the deck and then set up the machine gun nests on the corners...
06:57 AM phipli: jthornton: you can also have issues if you mess with GPIO0 during boot
06:57 AM phipli: as it puts it into programming mode and stays there
06:57 AM phipli: one of the other pins tells it to go into another boot mode as well...
06:57 AM jthornton: I used gpio 5 and 6 so 6 is a no no
06:57 AM phipli: I'll just try to find which
06:58 AM phipli: ah good
06:58 AM phipli: https://zoetrope.io/tech-blog/esp8266-bootloader-modes-and-gpio-state-startup/
06:58 AM phipli: under the heading "Bootloader Modes"
06:59 AM phipli: remember that "GPIO 0" doesn't mean D0. on the NodeMCU boards I think GPIO 0 is connected to D3
06:59 AM phipli: https://pradeepsinghblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/nodemcu_pins.png
06:59 AM phipli: Nothing is ever simple is it :)
07:00 AM jthornton: so actually I was using gpio 14 and 12
07:02 AM phipli: yeah - they don't seem to have broken out the flash connected pins (which is good)
07:03 AM phipli: drop me the code in an email if you like
07:03 AM jthornton: so right now I have the DS18B20 connected to D1 and my limit switches connected to D2 and D3
07:05 AM phipli: D3 is a pin to be careful of
07:05 AM phipli: if you pull it down you can end up in programming mode
07:06 AM phipli: it will be fine if you use a pull up switch - although you /might/ have to disconnect it to reprogram the board
07:07 AM jthornton: both are input pullup but I'll move it elsewhere
07:09 AM phipli: I'm not sure why you had issues with 5 and 6 to be honest
07:12 AM jthornton: you have mail :)
07:12 AM phipli: :)
07:12 AM phipli: in the second video you shared, I swear the bird on your left arm is trying to tell you something
07:14 AM * jthornton watches the video again
07:14 AM jthornton: it's amazing what you don't see till you watch the videos
07:17 AM phipli: so she never got through to you :)
07:17 AM phipli: jthornton: you shouldn't need to define the pins at the start of your program - it should be already done if you select the correct board
07:18 AM phipli: pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);
07:18 AM jthornton: ok
07:18 AM phipli: just works
07:18 AM phipli: as long as you have the nodeMCU v1.0 or whatever you specifically are using, selected
07:19 AM jthornton: yup that works to comment them out, dunno where I picked that up at
07:19 AM phipli: probably some old code
07:19 AM phipli: before the project included it
07:20 AM phipli: or code for a generic board
07:20 AM jthornton: yea it's hard to tell what is current and what is old
07:21 AM phipli: I'm going to have to come back to it
07:21 AM phipli: the boss is asking me to go to a shop with her
07:21 AM jthornton: I hear ya, have a good time
07:21 AM phipli: She's promised cake :)
07:36 AM archivist: I hear cake!
07:37 AM jthornton: found my sack of 3.3v relays and got them working...
08:30 AM this_self: Hi guys! Who have configured your broadcom wireless on rtai kernel?
08:31 AM this_self: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25506170/ I have this error during install broadcom-sta-dkms
08:32 AM archivist: read the last line
08:32 AM this_self: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25506180/ here is the log
08:33 AM this_self: "FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module wl.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'ipipe_percpu' " I don't know what does it mean :(
08:33 AM this_self: KERNEL: Linux cnc 3.4-9-rtai-686-pae #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 3.4.55-4linuxcnc i686 GNU/Linux
08:41 AM archivist: google that error
09:15 AM phipli: archivist: I had a piece of clotted cream cheesecake
09:16 AM * Loetmichel just donned a hoddie... 17°C here in the "hobby room". I should go down to the cellar and switch the central heater to "winter"... regardless of what the landlord wants...
09:16 AM phipli: Loetmichel: jumpers are cheaper than heaters :)
09:16 AM phipli: or just set BOINC going and use your computer to heat the room
09:17 AM Loetmichel: phipli: i was playing Elite dangerous.. GPU and CPU are already at 100% ;)
09:17 AM Loetmichel: its only an i7-920 and a GTX960 though
09:18 AM phipli: Loetmichel: I've not played it much
09:18 AM phipli: my old computer could barely play it
09:18 AM phipli: and it still doesn't Linux for my new computer
09:19 AM Loetmichel: its actually not that ressource hungry
09:19 AM phipli: how does it compare with older versions of Elite? Say, on a 6502 based BBC or archElite? :)
09:19 AM Loetmichel: i run it at low detail at the company with a 7 year old Dell Precision notebook (i5.2,66ghz, ati firepro gpu)
09:20 AM Loetmichel: phipli: it does compare quite well. Having a Multiplayer option it has it share of Griefers, Gankers and general assholes though.
09:21 AM Loetmichel: but it has a solo and closed player group mode, so no problem to avoid them ;)
09:22 AM phipli: Have you tried Helium Rain?
09:25 AM Loetmichel: no
09:25 AM phipli: I've started the tutorial missions
09:26 AM phipli: But don't game much so haven't gone back to it yet
09:27 AM JT-Shop: phipli: found my 3.3v relays and have them all working now... just need to remember what code I'm using in the nano loo
09:27 AM JT-Shop: lol
09:28 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Morning linuxcnc :)
09:28 AM phipli: Morning BeachbumpeteAnd
09:28 AM phipli: JT-Shop: are things working better now?
09:29 AM phipli: BeachbumpeteAnd: where abouts in the US are you - you ok with the weather atm?
09:29 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Howzitgoin. Winds really picking up here now :o
09:29 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: We are on the treasure coast of Florida
09:30 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Getting tornado watches and warnings from these feeder bands from Irmabitch
09:31 AM phipli: you ready for it all then?
09:31 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Is anyone?
09:32 AM phipli: I am
09:32 AM phipli: but that doesn't help
09:32 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Oh yeah where are you?
09:32 AM phipli: UK
09:32 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Harharhar
09:32 AM phipli: Sorry - no offence meant
09:33 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: None taken
09:33 AM phipli: We don't get anything like that here
09:33 AM phipli: worst we get is floods
09:33 AM phipli: it is good at raining here
09:33 AM JT-Shop: phipli: yep
09:34 AM Tom_L: you invented it
09:34 AM Loetmichel: what i dont understand with all that tornado damage: why do americans who live in the tornado alley insist on building houses out of cardboard and pine studs?
09:34 AM JT-Shop: if you get a chance look at the web tab and see if I'm doing that the easy way or not bbl
09:34 AM Tom_L: Loetmichel easy to remodel when they get leveled
09:34 AM * Loetmichel would build his house out of reinforced concrete and bricks when living there
09:34 AM Tom_L: some here do
09:34 AM phipli: Loetmichel: because when a brick house falls on you, you don't stand up afterwards
09:35 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Tornadoes can happen most anywhere I thought
09:35 AM Loetmichel: and with watertight doors/windows up to the second floor
09:35 AM phipli: BeachbumpeteAnd: they need certain weather conditions
09:35 AM phipli: that we just don't get
09:35 AM Loetmichel: phipli: you dont if all the lumber of a cardboard house does either
09:36 AM Loetmichel: and the concrete/brick construction can stand hurricanes a LOT better
09:36 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Well you also don't get a lot of beautiful tropical weather either hehe
09:36 AM phipli: BeachbumpeteAnd: exactly :)
09:36 AM archivist: Irmageddon
09:36 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Aaaaahhhhbh
09:37 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Bitch don't scare me LOL
09:37 AM Tom_L: looks like it's going right up florida
09:37 AM phipli: are you going to be standing on your porch waving your fists?
09:38 AM archivist: tying himself to the mill
09:38 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: When she was kickin 185mph winds with gusts to 200 yeah she was a bit scary
09:38 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Last act of defiance
09:39 AM Tom_L: well you still got power
09:39 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Actually more like sitting on the couch watching the news
09:39 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Probably will lose power at some point
09:39 AM Loetmichel: Tom_L: thats what emergency gensets are for
09:40 AM Tom_L: yup, i've got one as well
09:40 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Got my brand new generator ready
09:40 AM Loetmichel: dont forget to put one on the next cellular tower though
09:40 AM Tom_L: more for ice storms than anything
09:40 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Hoping we don't need to use it.
09:41 AM Tom_L: you know deep down you wanna try it out...
09:41 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Oh I already tried it ;)
09:41 AM phipli: I know a man with a genset
09:41 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: .made sure it worked
09:41 AM phipli: 50kW I think it was
09:41 AM phipli: three phase
09:42 AM Tom_L: my bud has one he got from a supermarket
09:42 AM Tom_L: auto switchover etc
09:42 AM archivist: 20 feet away resting
09:42 AM Tom_L: runs on propane
09:42 AM phipli: archivist: so you're ready for the next storm that comes your way?
09:42 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Its weird having your Windows all covered in hurricane sheet metal shutters
09:42 AM archivist: pfft what storm
09:43 AM Loetmichel: friend of mine just made himself a 120kVA one.
09:43 AM phipli: BeachbumpeteAnd: saves looking at the neighbours
09:43 AM archivist: phipli, more worried about a tree at the bottom of the garden flattening next doors new shed
09:43 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Its kinda cool somehow
09:44 AM Loetmichel: (or more likely a 60kVA one, while the generator has 120kVa peak the diesel he strapped onto that is from an old mercedes and has only 88HP ;)
09:44 AM phipli: archivist: turn it into a protection racket
09:44 AM phipli: start dropping hints about woodworm
09:44 AM Loetmichel: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=16759&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
09:44 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Really dark in the house but we have the front door open with the storm door closed so we can see outside
09:44 AM archivist: phipli, pruned it a lot, she came around with a box of shortbread
09:44 AM Tom_L: BeachbumpeteAnd when they build a house down there, does that come as standard equipment?
09:44 AM phipli: archivist: so you already have :)
09:45 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: What?
09:45 AM phipli: a shortbread racket :)
09:45 AM archivist: I admit nothing
09:45 AM Tom_L: window covers
09:45 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: No but you gotta have/make some
09:45 AM Tom_L: you'd think they would come standard
09:45 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Its the corrugated sheet metal ones
09:46 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Actually when we bought the house the stuff was in the garage
09:46 AM archivist: extra string to hold the roof on?
09:46 AM Tom_L: i just use fairly heavy screen mesh mostly for hail
09:46 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: But I had to cut and install it
09:47 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: We did that before hurricane Matthew last year
09:47 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: This time we just had to put it back up
09:49 AM Tom_L: a few around here have sliding barn door shutters
09:51 AM malcom2073: BeachbumpeteAnd: You're riding it out?
09:51 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: I guess where you are if a tornado hits you its not really gonna matter what shit you screw to your house because your house won't be there anymore :O
09:52 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Malcolm yup
09:52 AM malcom2073: Good luck!
09:52 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Thanks
09:53 AM Tom_L: https://sunburstshutters.com/barn-doors
09:53 AM Loetmichel: BeachbumpeteAnd: only if the house is made of flimsy materials
09:53 AM Tom_L: only on the outside
09:53 AM Tom_L: then locked in place
09:53 AM phipli: Yeah, hope it goes ok BeachbumpeteAnd
09:53 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Loetmichel it really doesn't matter what your house is made of in tornado alley
09:54 AM Tom_L: true that
09:54 AM malcom2073: Loetmichel: It's not the wind, it's the other shit flying around. Doesn't much matter what your house is made of, unless it's underground
09:54 AM Loetmichel: a concrete house can withstand at least 200 mph winds
09:54 AM Tom_L: it will clean it off to the slab no matter what you make it out of
09:54 AM Loetmichel: and even the impact of one or the other car flying around
09:55 AM Tom_L: i've seen it twist those interstate road signs up like tin foil
09:55 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: No concrete house I ever saw can withstand that kind of power. 350 plus mph winds
09:55 AM Loetmichel: you may lose the roof though. but if thats a "cold attic" thats not that much of a problem for reinforced concrete, the ceilings made of that are waterproof
09:56 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: If an F5 hits you unless you are in a fortified bunker underground you are pretty well done
09:56 AM Loetmichel: 350MPH is a LOT different than 200mph though
09:57 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: I think we may be talking about two different things her3
09:57 AM Loetmichel: maybe
09:57 AM phipli: My house is brick and I worry in 100mph winds...
09:57 AM phipli: mostly tiles on the roof
09:58 AM Tom_L: i bet andy's parent's home would stand up
09:58 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: We are just now getting some heavier wind buffeting
09:58 AM phipli: does andy live in a castle?
09:58 AM Tom_L: iirc it's ~500 yrs old
09:59 AM archivist: his parents live in a stone edifice
09:59 AM phipli: yeah - you know it works because it survived :)
09:59 AM Loetmichel: phipli: brick isnt reinforced concrete. and yes, the roof will be gone at a certain point. IIRC a german ceramic roof tile company gurantees that their clamps hold the roof tiles in place up to 150kph winds
09:59 AM phipli: That is why I live in a 90 year old house, not a new build
09:59 AM phipli: last big winds we had ("big") ours stuck it, and a friends newbuild lost its roof
09:59 AM phipli: older house++
10:00 AM phipli: 150kph is < 100mph
10:00 AM phipli: even we get 100mph winds
10:00 AM Loetmichel: right
10:00 AM phipli: brb - got to help the missus hang some blinds
10:00 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: That's a typical thunderstorm here LOL
10:00 AM Loetmichel: thats why i said: the roof will be gone at a certain point
10:01 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: The roof is sorta important
10:01 AM Loetmichel: BeachbumpeteAnd: it wasnt even law to but clamps on the roof tiles here until lately
10:01 AM Loetmichel: we dont have any tornadoes ;)
10:02 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: That's surprising don't you get nasty storms sometimes?
10:02 AM Loetmichel: it not that important if your ceilings are made of 30cm to 40cm reinforced concrete. just put in a really sturdy door to the attic ;)
10:02 AM Loetmichel: not that much
10:03 AM Loetmichel: last i can remember tat was above 8 beaufort was 15 years ago
10:06 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Kinda boring can't really go outside and don't want to run my CNC with the lightning. Might shoot my air rifle in the house some more ;)
10:07 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Could also play with my tinywhoops
10:27 AM archivist: no shooting seems "Florida sheriff: Do not shoot weapons at Irma"
10:27 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Hehehe
10:28 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: People are Cray cray
10:29 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Hard to believe that a storm that is all the way down in Key West could give us nasty weather here many hours away
10:31 AM archivist: how far up?
10:31 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Well we are on the east coast not far from the cape
10:32 AM archivist: someon in another channel near Orlando "Slight rain outside, clouds shifted to coming from the northeast"
10:33 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Yeah the bands are coming in from offshore heading slightly west northwest
10:34 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: The storm clouds are moving 60-65mph
10:39 AM this_self: Hi guys! I have confused diring setup my board mesa 7i92. I have read more about it and do next actions: write the firmware from mesa 5i25 prob_rfx2 on my 7i92. Then I got the hal configuration for it from 5i25 and remove from that many no need commands and stepgens. My mesa 7i92 connects to PC with ethernet (ip which I configured in HAL file). I have run linuxcnc and when I try to move X-axis my motor only jerks
10:39 AM this_self: in one way when button on keyboard is up (only jerks, not move).
10:39 AM this_self: I go deeper into it and see the output of command in halrun 'show pin' and then I see into my hal config file and see that I haven't any "registers" from hal file in output from 'show pin'. Where I missed? Screenshot: http://i.piccy.info/i9/909734a4ffd4bf91eac57b8125a61075/1505055842/177668/1178523/Screen_Shot_2017_09_10_at_18_03_35.jpg
10:41 AM this_self: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25506986/ here is my HAL file. And here is my 'show pin' output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25506995/
10:41 AM this_self: I'll be happy who could help me with it. I haven't experience in linuxcnc earlier...
10:48 AM pcw_home: DO NOT write 5I25 firmware to a 7I92
10:49 AM pcw_home: that will brick your 7I92
10:49 AM this_self: pcw_home: thanks for response. Have you any link how to configure 7i92 with linuxcnc?
10:51 AM this_self: May be I forgot about it. I mean that I get the HAL configuration from 5i25, but the board flashed with native firmware.
10:53 AM this_self: I have flashed on my mesa 7i92 DMMBOB1x2D from the default archive with firmwares for this 7i92
10:53 AM pcw_home: if you have a working 5i25 hal file is should be easy to edit it for a 7I92
10:53 AM pcw_home: (basically just replacing the board name and the driver line)
10:55 AM this_self: right. I have got the 5i25 HAL file from worked as well another milling machine.
10:57 AM this_self: pcw_home: could you please look here http://i.piccy.info/i9/909734a4ffd4bf91eac57b8125a61075/1505055842/177668/1178523/Screen_Shot_2017_09_10_at_18_03_35.jpg . On the left side I have a part of HAL file , on the right side the output from 'halcmd: show pin'. I see that the lot of params no in output from show pin.
10:57 AM this_self: they are hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.dirsetup, hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.dirhold, etc... this params are not available in show pin output. And this confused me...
11:01 AM IchGucksLive: hi froom a sunny germany
11:02 AM IchGucksLive: this_self: what is your boob lookin as there are new files for 7i92 availabal that makes things mutch easyer
11:03 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: where I can find this files which make my things much easier? )
11:04 AM pcw_home: those are parameters not pins (step timing etc)
11:04 AM IchGucksLive: this_self: first i need to know what is beond the 7i92
11:05 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: I have 4 axis motors. xyza (a - rotation axis).
11:05 AM IchGucksLive: im more looking on the physical Brek out baord
11:06 AM this_self: I have the Break out board but at this moment I don't use it.
11:06 AM IchGucksLive: this_self: like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I00ArvYvZgI
11:06 AM this_self: At this moment it is no need
11:06 AM this_self: Yes! I have this board!
11:06 AM this_self: the same model
11:07 AM IchGucksLive: this_self: then you got a ready made bit file to connect
11:07 AM IchGucksLive: and pncconf will give you a running mashine within 5min
11:08 AM this_self: Can we make it without break board?
11:08 AM IchGucksLive: this_self: here are the files http://store.mesanet.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=306&search=7i92
11:08 AM IchGucksLive: this_self: yes
11:09 AM IchGucksLive: you loaded the DAMMBOB
11:09 AM this_self: yes. What is better for my goal?
11:09 AM IchGucksLive: i woudt recomend to go for the %AXIS
11:09 AM IchGucksLive: 5Axis BOB
11:11 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: right. I have downloaded from store mesanet the archive with utils and fount there this file - 7i92_5ABOBx2D.bit . That is, right?
11:11 AM IchGucksLive: yes
11:12 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: Could you please look on my HAL config for linuxcnc http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25506986/ . Is it will be correct to working with 7.92 with 7i92_5ABOBx2D.bit firmware?
11:12 AM IchGucksLive: you need to redo the config by pncconf
11:13 AM IchGucksLive: it is the best way
11:13 AM IchGucksLive: and the fastest 2
11:13 AM gloops: linuxcnc default co-ordinates is G54!
11:13 AM IchGucksLive: gloops: better to get it in the Default ini
11:14 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: right. So I should run PNCconf utility and then create a new configuration, right?
11:14 AM IchGucksLive: yes
11:14 AM gloops: Ich can change it in the zero co-ordinates tab i think, but will look at default ini
11:14 AM gloops: whats best to have g91?
11:14 AM IchGucksLive: do all the files to the Hostmot folder this_self
11:15 AM IchGucksLive: no G90
11:15 AM gloops: absolute?
11:15 AM IchGucksLive: yes
11:15 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: I didn't follow what you does mean by "do all the files"...
11:15 AM IchGucksLive: pncconf reads the pinout from the file
11:16 AM IchGucksLive: this_self: what operation system are you on
11:16 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: LinuxCNC official image.
11:16 AM this_self: with latest updates
11:16 AM IchGucksLive: wheezy 7.12
11:17 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: lsb_release shown 7,11
11:17 AM IchGucksLive: gloops: RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE = G17 G21 G54 G40 G49 G64 P0.1 G80 G90 G98
11:17 AM IchGucksLive: gloops: [RS274NGC] SECTION
11:18 AM IchGucksLive: this_self: let me sturtup a mashine
11:18 AM gloops: right thanks - not got it open in front of me will sort it in a few minutes
11:18 AM this_self: IchGucksLive: I will be glad your help me with it..
11:37 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Passing time during Irma ;) https://imgur.com/gallery/MtFaS
11:45 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Might have a problem here...
11:46 AM BeachbumpeteAnd: Almost out of Lorna Doone cookies ;)
12:11 PM gloops: haha, been in this channel months and only just started actually using linuxcnc a bit
12:11 PM gloops: then the wifes cars steering pump goes, another sunday lost...
12:21 PM nubcake is now known as nubcake_
12:21 PM nubcake_ is now known as nubcake
12:24 PM Loetmichel: gloops:_ jsut tell her to muscle up ;)
12:35 PM Tom_L: maybe it's just low on fluid
12:35 PM Tom_L: let's go with that one...
12:38 PM IchGucksLive: BeachbumpeteAnd: how is the wind
12:42 PM gloops: seal had gone, dropping fluid all over alternator
12:43 PM gloops: afk
12:54 PM * Loetmichel once lost the whole front crankshaft pulley on his Opel omega... and suddenly you know how great power steering is in a 2.0 metric ton car ;-)
12:54 PM Loetmichel: i nearly drove into the curb at the next corner
01:01 PM Motioncontrol: Hi at all. I stay use puma 560 axis simulation , but have a problem with joint a . when ref completed is have joint a = 180 . if move in coordinate mode A in plus the quote increment in plus number , if move in minus it decrement in negative position . the problem is if axis A stay at 180 and whant go at -90 , the joint turn in opposite movment for finish at -90 , not search short movement. because this, some error
01:01 PM Motioncontrol: in genserkins kin. ?
01:13 PM CaptHindsight: Motioncontrol: are you in "Joint Mode" or"World Mode"?
01:13 PM Motioncontrol: in world mode
01:15 PM Motioncontrol: eample if axis a stay at -30 and you in mdi command g0 a30 , the axis a turn in opposit movment for stop at 30 , not search short path.
01:17 PM CaptHindsight: I'd have to see who wrote the sim and it might have been added as an example to play with and as a work in progress vs completely debugged
01:18 PM CaptHindsight: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/10-advanced-configuration/28943-puma-560-simulation-using-pumakins?limitstart=0 long discussion on it here
01:20 PM CaptHindsight: Motioncontrol: try asking on the forums or mail list
01:22 PM CaptHindsight: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/10-advanced-configuration/4564-making-6-axis-robotic-arm-with-puma-560-kinematics
01:24 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.forum.linuxcnc.org/10-advanced-configuration/29655-problem-with-genserkins
01:25 PM Motioncontrol: Ok, i have read it before, but not stay resolve problem on joint 4. i thing it is problem in kinematic calculation. i write this on mail list. thanks
02:06 PM tiwake: yasnak: are you doing alright?
02:09 PM CaptHindsight: tiwake: did you miss the last storm TX?
02:10 PM tiwake: CaptHindsight: I live ~8 hours from the coast, so it did not touch me
02:13 PM CaptHindsight: ok, wasn't sure what side of the state you were on
02:13 PM IchGucksLive: GN8
02:14 PM CaptHindsight: tiwake: so you're fear is more from Mexican uprisings :)
02:27 PM fltrz: would aerodynamic city blocks withstand 350mph? of course it'd be more collectivist designed housing instead of every man to himself...
02:28 PM sync: there is no reason why they would not
02:28 PM tiwake: CaptHindsight: heh
02:28 PM HighInBC: they need spoilers, for down force
02:28 PM HighInBC: unless they are supposed to fly
02:28 PM HighInBC: which would be cool
02:29 PM tiwake: fltrz: for the most part, insulated concrete form houses are designed to take it
02:30 PM tiwake: anybody can build a heavy duty house, just that most don't
02:32 PM fltrz: it's just I can imagine the housing needing less reinforcement if there where less profile discontinuities between houses, which increase friction/grip... HighInBC : the spoilers idea is interesting, theyd need to be actuated depending on wind direction though
02:32 PM HighInBC: yes, active spoilers
02:35 PM fltrz: but what if it presses the building down one level? extra basement floor? extra door on second floor?, perhaps build a new floor on rooftop after every storm, over time there could be huge underground cities
02:36 PM tiwake: fltrz: what are you asking?
02:36 PM fltrz: tiwake: I'm wondering if HighInBC's spoilers could push some buildings into the ground?
02:37 PM tiwake: in some places, probably
02:38 PM tiwake: most not so much... foundations are there for a reason
02:38 PM fltrz: so it turns into an earth ship? if it has sails could it sail east to west coast or smth?
02:38 PM * tiwake facepalms
02:38 PM fltrz: sorry
02:39 PM HighInBC: you can put your name on it instead of mine if you like
02:39 PM HighInBC: I prefer it actually
02:40 PM fltrz: nono, really it was your idea :)
02:43 PM MacGalempsy: hello
02:48 PM gloops: howdy
02:49 PM MacGalempsy: making chips today?
02:50 PM gloops: no not me, got some corn on the cob, pork, mashed potatoes and runner beans - grew the veg myself
02:51 PM gloops: oh wood chips - unfortunately not. not many anyway
02:51 PM MacGalempsy: sounds delicious. I made a meatloaf and am watching the drill bit go down at 10ft/hr. a pretty low key day
02:52 PM gloops: set off well this morning but then the wife developed some car problems, all went to pot
02:53 PM MacGalempsy: esta es no bueno
03:00 PM MacGalempsy: BeachbumpeteAnd: where are you?
03:01 PM BeachbumpeteAnd: I'm here man ;)
03:01 PM MacGalempsy: still bummin at the beach?
03:01 PM MarcelineVQ: gloops: once you get going to can machine the new pump :O
03:01 PM BeachbumpeteAnd: Yeah but right now its a bit windy
03:02 PM MacGalempsy: I was wondering if you are hiding inside the CNC lathe
03:09 PM BeachbumpeteAnd: No might fit in the VMC tho
03:12 PM gloops: Marcel she drives a citroen, your country has a lot to answer for
03:12 PM _methods: yeah i can't believe we're getting bands from this hurricane
03:13 PM _methods: the eye is clear down by naples lol
03:13 PM _methods: hurricane is a monster
03:13 PM Tom_itx: BeachbumpeteAnd goin surfin today?
03:17 PM BeachbumpeteAnd: Nash just gonna sit home and shoot my air rifle across the house. ;)
04:00 PM BeachbumpeteAnd: Getting lots of tornado warnings here :O
04:03 PM this_self: Hi guys. Is it possible for HAL configuring for my new mesa board use the virtualbox? Only for debugging.. pinout, configuring and etc...
04:03 PM this_self: Is it possible? My mesa board should be connected via ethernet.
04:06 PM JT-Shop: probably not, the ethernet boards need to connect to the motherboard ethernet port and you need to be running LinuxCNC Uspace
04:06 PM JT-Shop: my guess is you will just get a bunch of communication errors
04:07 PM this_self: JT-Shop: it's not a problem to route the internal ethernet into virtual machine and wireless leave for internet connection
04:08 PM this_self: I know that in this case the real timing is failure
04:08 PM this_self: but I need only for configuration. To make my motors moving
04:09 PM JT-Shop: dual boot
04:10 PM this_self: JT-Shop: it's already done. But I have a problem to configure my broadcom dkms module with rt kernel and I haven't internet connection on linuxcnc distro (aka debian)
04:11 PM this_self: I need it only for debugging ini/hal configuration files.
04:19 PM BeachbumpeteAnd: Well just lost power :(
04:20 PM Tom_itx: but you're still here
04:23 PM BeachbumpeteAnd: Yeah I'm on my smartphone
04:24 PM Tom_itx: better save that for emergencies..
04:24 PM Tom_itx: woops
04:25 PM BeachbumpeteAnd: We have a generator now and I can charge my phone in the car if I have to
04:25 PM Tom_itx: yeah that's true
04:38 PM Valen: you sure you need to pass the whole nic to the virtual machine?
04:38 PM Valen: can you not just bridge it like a normal VM?
04:39 PM this_self: of course. I can create a bridge between the real ethernet interface and virtualbox's interface
04:39 PM this_self: it's easy and not a problem
04:39 PM this_self: My question is only does it will works basically? Can I see how my motors will works?
04:39 PM this_self: not matter if in process any steps will drops...
04:39 PM this_self: I need only for basic debugging
04:39 PM Valen: probably?
04:40 PM Valen: for your physical machine hit up ebay for something supported by debian out of the box (or as out of the box as debian gets)
04:40 PM Valen: something atheros or intel probably
04:41 PM Deejay: gn8
04:41 PM this_self: in future - yes, I will replace my wireless card in laptop for something which supported in linux out of the box.
04:43 PM this_self: And one more question. What is the difference between RT and RTAI kernel?
04:44 PM Valen: you are wanting to use a laptop as your real hardware for the cnc?
04:45 PM Valen: It might be voodoo but they generally have really bad latency numbers
04:45 PM this_self: Valen: temporarily. Only for debugging. After I have obtain working configuration I will replace all on PC
04:46 PM this_self: I just installing linuxcnc on the virtualbox and then will run latency test
04:46 PM Valen: tbh I'd get the full size pc working, "debugging" that is half the battle
04:46 PM Valen: don't want to get it all working in your VM then start over for production ;->
04:47 PM this_self: At this moment I don't know a lot about linuxcnc (before it I used mach3). Now I don't know how I will configure mesa 7i92 with my drivers and motors..
04:47 PM this_self: I need to learn about HAL configuration.. what where and how.
04:47 PM this_self: For me easy will be to use VM for it and obtain working configuration when linuxcnc will start without errors in hal/ini file.
04:48 PM this_self: when I will get it - I begin to debug it on real fullsize PC
04:50 PM jcoffland: Has anyone see the Buildbotics CNC contoller on Kickstarter? If so what do you think?
04:50 PM jcoffland: Disclosure, I'm one of the creators.
04:52 PM andypugh: this_self: I have tried to run a 7i80DB on a VM and gave up.
04:52 PM andypugh: jcoffland: I think that spamming LinuxCNC developers might have been mis-guessing your likely market.
04:53 PM this_self: andypugh: what problem you had with it?
04:53 PM andypugh: I just couldn’t get any comms working with any of the options. I didn’t try all that hard, though.
04:54 PM Valen: andypugh: does it talk over IP or raw ethernet frames?
04:54 PM andypugh: Partly I couldn’t seem to find a way to set up the subnet mask to match any of the 7i80 options
04:54 PM jcoffland: andypugh: how should we get our message out?
04:54 PM this_self: andypugh: hm. I see that 7i80DB the ethernet board too.
04:55 PM andypugh: jcoffland: I am not sure. But anyone using LinuxCNC already has a controller they are familiar with, and your controller is unfamiliar and different.
04:57 PM jcoffland: andypugh: Very true. There has been a lot of skepticizm but the engineers who have looked at our schematics have been impressed.
04:57 PM Valen: tbh first thought I had was what does it do that linuxcnc + mesa boards dont do?
04:57 PM jcoffland: andypugh: https://github.com/buildbotics/bbctrl-pcb/blob/master/doc/buildbotics_controller-v8.1.pdf
04:57 PM andypugh: jcoffland: I have no reason to believe that it isn’t a great product, but I don’t see what gap in the market you are seeing.
04:58 PM Valen: andypugh: I think the appeal they are going for is "just works"
04:58 PM Valen: give it a gcode file, plug the steppers in and it goes
04:58 PM andypugh: Valen: Where’s the fun in that?
04:58 PM JT-Shop: if it cleans up chicken poop I'll buy two...
04:59 PM Valen: there was some arm/avr thing that seems similar?
05:00 PM andypugh: jcoffland: Good luck with it anyway, the fewer users LinuxCNC has the happier I am, it makes the support task on the forums eaiser :-)
05:00 PM jcoffland: andypugh: Our controller is much more reliable than a TinyG or Smoothieboard has a lot more functionality than a Gecko 540. It's faster than a MASO and much cheaper.
05:01 PM jcoffland: andypugh: I suppose we are potentially cutting into your userbase. Perhaps we can work togehter. This is Open-Source after all.
05:02 PM andypugh: I wasn’t entirely joking above. The more you sell the more money you make. The LinuxCNC team don’t really gain anything from increased market share other than more support headaches.
05:03 PM Valen: To my mind I'd grab a 5i24 and a pair of 7i32's if I was to build a stepper machine
05:03 PM Valen: US$228
05:03 PM jcoffland: andypugh: I'm also the author of CAMotics. We are trying to make money with the Buildbotics controller in part so I can work more on CAMotics.
05:03 PM Valen: + a computer found laying about
05:03 PM JT-Shop: I have them in stock...
05:05 PM andypugh: The bigger picture is that I don’t care what controller people use as long as they can make what they want to make. Though I do feel sad when folk strip out resolvers and servos from their machines and put in steppers.
05:05 PM Valen: I wonder if the Pi could handle running that over ethernet
05:05 PM Valen: people do that andypugh?
05:05 PM Valen: Heathens!
05:06 PM Valen: taking out the resolvers and replacing them with encoders I get
05:06 PM andypugh: I have done the reverse :-)
05:06 PM jcoffland: Valen: Our controller has a Pi built-in.
05:07 PM jcoffland: andypugh: servos are awesome but currently very expensive. We plan to add servo support later.
05:07 PM andypugh: I bought the three 750W servos on my mill for £50 the set.
05:08 PM jcoffland: andypugh: have you seen https://odriverobotics.com/?
05:08 PM andypugh: Though it did take a while to write the resover card driver that was needed to use them :-)
05:09 PM sync: jcoffland: unfortunately the control theory behind the odrive is not up for the task
05:09 PM andypugh: jcoffland: I haven’t seen it, but I am peripherally involved in: https://github.com/rene-dev/stmbl
05:10 PM jcoffland: sync: how so?
05:11 PM jcoffland: andypugh: Does stmbl take step and direction inputs? Something else?
05:12 PM sync: jcoffland: step direction is possible but not preferred
05:12 PM jcoffland: sync: what's preferred?
05:12 PM sync: sserial
05:12 PM jcoffland: over rs485?
05:12 PM sync: yes
05:12 PM andypugh: I don’t think that stmbl takes step.dir at the moment, but it easily could (it uses a HAL like LinuxCNC, you would just load a step-dir input block)
05:12 PM sync: it does andypugh ;)
05:13 PM jcoffland: Hmm... We have rs485 on the Buildbotics controller.
05:13 PM sync: and there is a mach3 setup running stmbls
05:13 PM jcoffland: we use it for VFD control.
05:13 PM andypugh: jcoffland: That extra s in sserial was deliberate, it’s the Mesa Smart-Serial protocol.
05:13 PM jcoffland: andypugh: any docs on sserial?
05:14 PM andypugh: Yes, is ir described in the back of every Mesa car manual that uses it.
05:14 PM andypugh: Just google 7i73man
05:14 PM jcoffland: got it
05:15 PM sync: in theory everything that talks serial of some sort works
05:15 PM sync: it's just that sserial is currently implemented
05:15 PM andypugh: It’s a bimodal scheme, it queries all the devices at boot-up to see what is connected, then reads/writes them at the update rate.
05:16 PM andypugh: sserial is also really neat for this sort of thing.
05:17 PM jcoffland: how do you use this for motor control?
05:17 PM sync: you tell us a position
05:17 PM sync: and everything is done
05:17 PM jcoffland: What are the commands?
05:17 PM sync: unless we tell you that there is an error
05:20 PM jcoffland: linear moves only?
05:21 PM andypugh: In a LinuxCNC application it gets fed a new position to go to every 1mS, and those position commands handle the velocity and accel constraints.
05:23 PM sync: well, yes, as the axis are only linear
05:23 PM sync: the trajectory planning is still done somewhere else
05:23 PM jcoffland: Right, we have a motion planner with s-curve accel. It currently updates every 5mS. Could use DMA to output updates over RS485 faster.
05:24 PM jcoffland: It would be an interesting experiment to drive your board with ours. How do I get one?
05:24 PM JT-Shop: mesaus.com
05:24 PM andypugh: I think he is asaking about STMBL
05:25 PM jcoffland: yup
05:25 PM JT-Shop: oh, never mind then :)
05:25 PM * JT-Shop goes back to automagic chicken door upgrades
05:31 PM jcoffland: Well, if anyone has questions about the Buildbotics Open-Source CNC controller, let me know. http://buildbotics.com/kickstarter
05:34 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
05:47 PM pcw_home: hmm clickybuns. time to clip rabbit toenails...
05:51 PM phipli: JT-Shop: do you think he might have helped with your chicken door?
05:52 PM phipli: perhaps it is time you upgraded the controller to a Raspberry Pi or other linux SBC?
05:52 PM phipli: you could open and shut the door based on the weather and how grumpy the chickens looked then :)
05:53 PM phipli: Someone must have done a chicken moods OpenCV library...
05:57 PM JT-Shop: hey phipli
05:58 PM JT-Shop: I'll be happy to get the esp8266 to work for me... I need 4 inputs and 3 outputs
05:59 PM JT-Shop: I just noticed my 5v relays are double pole single throw... I wonder what my 3.3v relays are
05:59 PM phipli: I didn't realise you were still having issues
05:59 PM JT-Shop: the buildbot guy?
05:59 PM phipli: yeah
06:00 PM phipli: the more of that sort of thing there is the better to be fair
06:00 PM JT-Shop: I think he was trying to drum up some money
06:00 PM phipli: yeah
06:01 PM phipli: never mind - at least he's trying to find people
06:01 PM JT-Shop: I added the door lock to the chicken door
06:01 PM phipli: I've been really poor at moving mine forward
06:01 PM phipli: things happened
06:01 PM phipli: work got... busy
06:01 PM JT-Shop: wiring it up with a home run cable
06:02 PM JT-Shop: I know that feeling
06:02 PM phipli: this week I have to do a full set of energy consumption calcs for some electric trains
06:02 PM phipli: including regen braking
06:02 PM phipli: wooo
06:02 PM JT-Shop: yikes
06:02 PM phipli: rush job - only won it on Thursday
06:03 PM phipli: The issue is that it is never quite predictable
06:03 PM phipli: something always goes wrong
06:03 PM JT-Shop: I did figure out that if you add additional hours of light to chickens do it in the morning
06:03 PM phipli: and they always want it as fast as possible
06:03 PM JT-Shop: naturally
06:03 PM JT-Shop: cheap, fast, good... pick any two
06:03 PM phipli: "but I wan't all three"
06:04 PM phipli: JT-Shop: I keep meaning to set up datalogging to monitor how the local conditions actually change over time
06:04 PM phipli: I had over a year's temperature logging in my old house
06:04 PM phipli: but a software update broke something
06:04 PM JT-Shop: well you can tell them what I used to tell my oldest daughter "wish in one had and crap in the other and see which fills up first"
06:04 PM phipli: light / temp / humidity would be interesting
06:05 PM phipli: JT-Shop: this one is a good client at least
06:05 PM JT-Shop: don't forget the ocean temps
06:05 PM phipli: difficult requests, but didn't quibble on price
06:07 PM phipli: did you see archivist's thoughts on putting sensors on his steam engine?
06:08 PM JT-Shop: missed that
06:08 PM JT-Shop: dang chicks empty the feeder twice a day now
06:08 PM phipli: JT-Shop: ours are greedy little birds - eating about a litre a day? perhaps a bit more
06:09 PM phipli: JT-Shop: measure the pressure and volume and you can plot a map of the thermodynamic cycle
06:09 PM phipli: can work out the power of the machine
06:09 PM phipli: theory it is fine - but you'd have to think about when the valves were open and not etc...
06:10 PM phipli: because you don't have a fixed volume
06:10 PM phipli: *mass
06:10 PM phipli: but awesome idea and do-able
06:11 PM JT-Shop: sounds like a challenge for sure
06:12 PM JT-Shop: I wonder how much my feeder holds...
06:14 PM JT-Shop: oh yea Henry Jr waddles have turned red and are starting to grow out
06:14 PM JT-Shop: 25 days old
06:15 PM phipli: thats young!
06:15 PM phipli: how is your internet this month?
06:16 PM phipli: I know he's messing, but I'm thinking of building one of these : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImVK5cGVrpQ#t=6m00s
06:16 PM JT-Shop: a bit behind lol, I'll look in the am
06:16 PM phipli: np :)
06:17 PM JT-Shop: sent myself the link lol
06:17 PM JT-Shop: what is it?
06:18 PM JT-Shop: I opened it up for a second sounds challenging
06:19 PM JT-Shop: looks like they are all positioning for a special place on the roost
06:20 PM JT-Shop: as it gets darker
06:23 PM phipli: a guy made a remote wifi triggered button
06:23 PM phipli: but his example use was a cat feeder
06:23 PM phipli: basically a box with a trap door that dumps way too much food on top of the cat food bowl
06:23 PM phipli: so much that you can hardly see the bowl :)
06:23 PM phipli: simple = reliable
06:23 PM JT-Shop: if you get a chance look at my web page code to see if I'm doing it right
06:24 PM JT-Shop: an auger would be better
06:24 PM phipli: for the door?
06:24 PM JT-Shop: aye
06:24 PM phipli: I will do - heading to bed soon, but I've left it open on my machine so I'll see it after work tomorrow
06:25 PM JT-Shop: I'd imagine their is a better way to insert the variables
06:25 PM JT-Shop: that's the part that is clunky to me
06:25 PM phipli: which variables?
06:26 PM phipli: the list of globals at the start?
06:26 PM JT-Shop: the temp and time and door status etc
06:26 PM JT-Shop: the ones that I put on the web page
06:27 PM phipli: fed back through handleroot?
06:27 PM JT-Shop: </html>",date, sunrise, sunset,
06:27 PM JT-Shop: hour(now()), minute(now()), ampm[isAM(minutes)], temperatureFString, doorStatus[doorOpen]
06:27 PM JT-Shop: );
06:28 PM JT-Shop: yea handleroot
06:28 PM phipli: ah, nothing wrong with that :)
06:28 PM phipli: I did do a substitution thing in one of my programs
06:28 PM phipli: based on a template file
06:28 PM phipli: I think it was in the one I sent you
06:29 PM phipli: but all that is really doing is the same thing
06:29 PM phipli: just hidden a bit better :)
06:29 PM JT-Shop: ok, just checking... looks a bit clunky lol
06:29 PM phipli: it is basically a text file in the middle of your code - options are either write it out, or store it on the flash file system as a file
06:30 PM phipli: in reality, there isn't much difference
06:30 PM phipli: at least you can check it if it is in-line :)
06:30 PM phipli: anyhow
06:30 PM phipli: I should head off
06:30 PM JT-Shop: ok speak soon
06:30 PM phipli: see you all tomorrow
06:30 PM phipli: night
06:31 PM JT-Shop: night
09:12 PM nubcake is now known as nubcake_
09:12 PM nubcake_ is now known as nubcake