#linuxcnc Logs

Jul 22 2017

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:51 AM SamSagaZ: guys, let me ask a offtopic question, which soft recommend to 3d build a cnc and create the files to laser cut the pieces to build the X axis?
01:08 AM LeelooMinai: SamSagaZ: I recommend Fusion360 (it's free for hobbiest/startups.)
01:09 AM SamSagaZ: ok, i need to send to the shop that cut with lasert a DWG file? or which format?
01:10 AM LeelooMinai: SamSagaZ:Depends what they request - but I am sure you can export something usable.
01:10 AM SamSagaZ: ok, thanks
02:25 AM Deejay: moin
02:38 AM IchGucksLive: morning from a not sunny germany
02:38 AM IchGucksLive: SamSagaZ: still on ?
02:45 AM IchGucksLive: SamSagaZ: somthing like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5v74lU3KUI
02:46 AM IchGucksLive: there is more on my channel on animations
02:46 AM IchGucksLive: off till later ;-)
03:40 AM XXCoder: booi
05:36 AM jthornton: morning
05:39 AM XXCoder: yo
05:44 AM Deejay: heya
05:45 AM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqw2i6K2ngM lead hammer. pretty unsafe
05:48 AM Deejay: urks
05:49 AM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CaTxmbb0gI
05:50 AM XXCoder: heh yeah his hyper upgraded shit cnc router
05:51 AM XXCoder: he does amazing work but I wonder if that machine was worth it lol
05:52 AM * Deejay made a push stick for his table saw (john heisz style)
05:52 AM XXCoder: mtmwood?
05:52 AM jthornton: his cnc engraver?
05:53 AM XXCoder: it was engraver yes lol
05:53 AM jthornton: got a photo of the push stick?
05:54 AM Deejay: nope :/
05:54 AM Deejay: nothing special, just like this: http://www.ibuildit.ca/Workshop%20Projects/Shop%20Tricks/tricks-22.html
05:55 AM XXCoder: Deejay: mtmwood guy uses replaceable blade saw handle and he replaces blade woth wood blank of similiar shape
05:55 AM XXCoder: it works very well as pusher
05:56 AM jthornton: I made a similar shape one for my table saw
05:59 AM Deejay: with the table saw, i got another push stick, mathias wandel style
05:59 AM Deejay: now i want to see which one is better (at least for me)
06:01 AM Deejay: also want to pimp my table saw a little bit
06:01 AM jthornton: I like the john heisz style it holds the board down as well
06:01 AM Deejay: extra table, probably with integrated router
06:02 AM Deejay: cross slide sled
06:02 AM Deejay: and stuff like this
06:03 AM jthornton: http://www.finewoodworking.com/2011/07/01/build-a-super-precise-tablesaw-crosscut-sled
06:03 AM jthornton: yea a crosscut sled would be nice to have on my crappy table saw
06:05 AM Deejay: thanks for the link
06:08 AM Deejay: oh, he only uses one runner bar
06:08 AM Deejay: thats interesting because my table saw only has one slot and I already thought about adding a second one
06:10 AM jthornton: I thought that was interesting that he only used one bar
06:15 AM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE9f4bp_wm8
06:22 AM jthornton: now that is a sled
06:27 AM Deejay: so what is better, one or two runner bars?
06:28 AM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtwK9X8o1Gw
06:29 AM jthornton: I guess 2 runners would be better but 1 should be fine
06:31 AM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtwK9X8o1Gw getting fancy
06:34 AM jthornton: interesting how they align the fence by making 5 cuts
06:38 AM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D4APbfSRNY
07:02 AM Deejay: yeah, nice
07:09 AM jthornton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-tDRXFDJ94
10:16 AM Frank_10: is there a difference if i make my limit switches switch the -v of a dc psu rather than the v+ side? thanks
10:18 AM archivist: do you really mean to ground rather than +v
10:29 AM phipli: Frank_10: There are sometimes alternative paths to ground, so in certain situations it might not cut the power
10:29 AM pcw_home: If you are using a 7I76,7I76E,7I77 you must switch the V+ side, for example:
10:29 AM pcw_home: +24V --> switch.term1 --> switch.term2 --> 7I76.input
10:34 AM Frank_10: its for a relay; then the relay switches 24v to 7i76
10:37 AM Frank_10: and the v- is grounded to thr same ac ground near the switching psu
10:38 AM Frank_10: phipli might make a good case
10:39 AM Frank_10: those alternwtive pahts are in a case of a cable out of where its supposed to be thou
10:39 AM Frank_10: i think
10:45 AM phipli: equipment boxes are often grounded
10:47 AM Frank_10: okey if a cable goes out of place there is a chance estop wouldnt work
10:47 AM Frank_10: i think its something preventable if every month someone checks cables and estop function
10:51 AM jdh: it will happen the day after the check because they touched the wire
10:55 AM Frank_10: pcw_home: sorry; i dont really want to be annoying, but is it the norm; when using estop mushrooms to close v+ rather than v-?? thank you
10:55 AM Frank_10: i mean open the circuit
10:56 AM pcw_home: I think its better to open V+
10:56 AM pcw_home: (so a shorted to ground wire does not disable estop)
10:59 AM Frank_10: thanks everyone your right
11:01 AM jepler: The forum's back online. I'll monitor this channel today in case of problem reports.
11:42 AM Holzwurm: Hello, I use LinuxCNC 2.7. I work with 3 digital outputs. It,s possible to make a program that only one output is able to be active at the same time. Thanks Hans
11:48 AM JT-Shop: Holzwurm: HAL has logic components like or, ornot, and etc that you can "wire up" to do that
11:57 AM pcw_home: Its funny, there are multiple "mux" components but none of the reverse "decoder" components
11:57 AM jepler: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/man/man9/select8.9.html can do this for up to 8 outputs, based on an input value of type s32
12:06 PM pcw_home: Ahh just a unfamiliar name for a EE type
12:07 PM pcw_home: I'd call that a 1of8 decoder
12:17 PM Holzwurm: Hello, I will switch the outputs with M64 Pxx. When one output is active, it had to be impossible to set an other output with M64. Thanks Hans
12:20 PM IchGucksLive: hi all from Germany
12:21 PM IchGucksLive: Holzwurm: why not using User Mcodes
12:21 PM IchGucksLive: M110 ...
12:22 PM IchGucksLive: it will make what you want
12:23 PM IchGucksLive: Holzwurm: still on
12:31 PM Frank_20: okey guys i need help
12:31 PM Frank_20: im having a nervous breakdown
12:31 PM IchGucksLive: cool
12:31 PM IchGucksLive: with or without smoke
12:31 PM phipli: Have you considered a walk in the countryside?
12:32 PM Frank_20: turnes on machine for first time; what happens; contactor goes on off like crazy; disconnect the auxiliary 24v
12:32 PM IchGucksLive: you might connect to pwm
12:33 PM IchGucksLive: or to the save channel charge pump
12:33 PM Frank_20: and power on again; what happens? puff on stepper driver; WHITOUT THE FUSE ON THE FUSE CARTRIDGE;. csnt understand how power got to the drive
12:33 PM IchGucksLive: bas wirering
12:33 PM Frank_20: i checked man
12:33 PM Frank_20: only neutral is goiing to driver
12:33 PM Frank_20: wtf
12:34 PM Frank_20: and the first time; the driver didnt do anytjing
12:34 PM Frank_20: but why the second time it does?
12:35 PM IchGucksLive: http://heimwerkermarkt-tretter.de/hf_e.pdf
12:36 PM IchGucksLive: Frank_20: do you got a E-drawing like that that you are following
12:37 PM IchGucksLive: here is the Eelktronik shown in shematic http://heimwerkermarkt-tretter.de/3achs_elek
12:37 PM Frank_20: nope
12:37 PM Frank_20: should have done it
12:38 PM IchGucksLive: can you make a picture of the elektronic cabiett
12:38 PM Frank_20: what for if i may?
12:39 PM IchGucksLive: so we can see the mounting wirering ... and see the components
12:39 PM Frank_20: give me a sex
12:39 PM Frank_20: sec
12:39 PM IchGucksLive: so we may know how it shoudt be
12:40 PM Frank_20: https://pinterest.com/pin/401664860507847517/?source_app=android
12:41 PM Frank_20: are too much zipties breaking the cables makiing a short circuit?
12:42 PM IchGucksLive: only registert in the US can see this can you upload to http://pasteall.org/pic/
12:43 PM Frank_20: http://pasteall.org/pic
12:43 PM Frank_20: lol
12:43 PM IchGucksLive: Thanks
12:44 PM Frank_20: http://pasteall.org/pic/index.php?id=117455
12:44 PM Frank_20: are ferrite cores bad?
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: 7i77
12:45 PM Frank_20: 7i76
12:45 PM IchGucksLive: now seams like 7i76
12:46 PM Frank_20: fuck
12:46 PM Frank_20: how should i check where is the problem
12:47 PM Frank_20: i saw the puff near the stepper driver
12:47 PM Frank_20: hopefully it wasnt the servo driver
12:47 PM Frank_20: which if i recall correctly i didnt had power connected to it
12:47 PM Frank_20: neither the stepper..m.
12:47 PM IchGucksLive: the uper right upside down is 23V
12:47 PM Frank_20: at least the positive side of the 60vac
12:48 PM Frank_20: yes 24vdc
12:48 PM boddenkreuzer_ is now known as boddenkreuzer
12:51 PM Frank_20: if a fuse holder is open the current flows?
12:51 PM Frank_20: not even with a fuse
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: Frank_20: hard to see as you dont use Wire color codes
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: RED for DC +
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: Black DC -
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: Blue AC + L
12:53 PM Frank_20: my bad there; its purple v+ and white v-
12:53 PM Frank_20: red is l1
12:53 PM Frank_20: L1
12:53 PM IchGucksLive: some Green Yelow ... for signal
12:53 PM Frank_20: ground yellow green
12:53 PM Frank_20: but anyway; i dont think theres a chance to see what is the problem with that pic
12:54 PM Frank_20: how should i check where is the problem?
12:55 PM Frank_20: disconnext every electric hardware and che the wires?
12:55 PM Frank_20: check
12:55 PM Frank_20: to see if there is a short
12:59 PM IchGucksLive: Frank_20: first the 24V to Gnd
12:59 PM IchGucksLive: it may say somthing like 1600ohm
01:01 PM IchGucksLive: as the driver 7i76 workes bidirect thewre shoudt not be gnd to the Motordrivers at all
01:01 PM Frank_20: i had the v- of the psu to ground; when the contactor went onoff repewtedlt; then i took it off; and idk how puff on driver
01:02 PM IchGucksLive: does the pc got its own psu
01:02 PM Frank_20: yes
01:02 PM Frank_20: just please explain me how the short was on the driver
01:02 PM IchGucksLive: ok so the vfd on the top right is this 24V connected in some way
01:02 PM Frank_20: if the hot was without fuse and open fuse holder
01:03 PM Frank_20: throu the 7i76
01:03 PM Frank_20: nope; sry it isnt
01:03 PM Frank_20: vfd supplies its own
01:03 PM Frank_20: vfd was without power too
01:04 PM Frank_20: without fuse*
01:04 PM Frank_20: okey
01:04 PM Frank_20: i think i know what happened
01:04 PM Frank_20: im such a complete moron
01:04 PM Frank_20: omfg
01:05 PM Frank_20: i disconnected the servos suply afger the contactor incident
01:05 PM Frank_20: the cables where on short
01:05 PM Frank_20: god
01:05 PM Frank_20: im just so stupid
01:05 PM Frank_20: fuck me
01:05 PM IchGucksLive: good this is the first step to a running mashine
01:06 PM Frank_20: but then all the drivers are completly fine
01:06 PM Frank_20: and vfd
01:06 PM Frank_20: maybe transformer got shorted dmg?
01:06 PM IchGucksLive: Frank_20: 20years ago i builded the tool that punches the wirechannel one a week
01:06 PM Frank_20: boy i feel so fucking bad
01:06 PM Frank_20: thanks for the tine guys
01:06 PM Frank_20: its just horrible
01:06 PM Frank_20: my first machine
01:06 PM Frank_20: 2 years building
01:06 PM Frank_20: literalt
01:06 PM Frank_20: literally
01:07 PM Frank_20: what could have been caught with the short? the 7i76??
01:09 PM Frank_20: sorry ichgucks; i dont understand what you mean
01:10 PM Frank_20: dont mean to be rude
01:14 PM Frank_10: pcw_home: sry to bother again; im in some trouble; just wanted to ask; i've made a shortcircuit before the 24vdc psu without beeing grounded to ac; could that still damage a 7i76m??
01:14 PM Frank_10: good lord at least no serious puff from a driver
01:19 PM pcw_home: A unlimited current 24V supply connected backwards would damage a 7I76 as would 24V on the 5V side
01:21 PM Frank_10: okey
01:21 PM Frank_10: but its not for sure; right?
01:23 PM pcw_home: I dont know what happened, so I'm not sure of anything...
01:24 PM ArthurDent is now known as Guest24521
01:25 PM Frank_10: a 220v two phase short; still couldnt check if the 7i76 is fine
01:30 PM IchGucksLive: Guest24521: hi arther how is the Babble fish
01:34 PM IchGucksLive: ok im Off Gn8 from Germany have a non bitbreking weekend
01:47 PM Frank_10: pcw_home: okey sry for the trouble; really didnt want to bother; its just im freaked out right now; im having cr1 and cr2 when pc on that means everything is working or there might be something that broke?
01:54 PM Frank_10: anyone knows why would a contactor go on/off like crazy continously?
01:59 PM Frank_10: okey i know why; sorry for trouble; just hope the 7i76 is working good
04:09 PM Tom_itx: /me mutters a bit... 104°
04:09 PM Tom_itx: Scattered Clouds
04:09 PM Tom_itx: Hi 104 / Lo 75
04:13 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
04:13 PM BeachBumPete: WOAH
04:13 PM BeachBumPete: and I thought it was hot here LOL
04:13 PM Tom_L: it peaks around 5pm so it could climb a bit more
04:29 PM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi3Ed-paCE4 lol
04:29 PM XXCoder: while I like quads I saw that some people use em to violate privacy
04:30 PM XXCoder: and in few cases, even harass people
04:35 PM m0n5t3r: "OK this can also be used as a terrorist weapon with some modification . why would you build something like this." this cracked me up the first time I saw the video
04:36 PM m0n5t3r: fly the thing over someome's property -> it's theirs if they can catch it IMO
04:37 PM XXCoder: honestly I dont care if they do a flyover
04:37 PM XXCoder: its when if they try view inside house or garage whatever
04:37 PM XXCoder: or hover close enough in any case
04:38 PM XXCoder: if its high enough its fine as its likely just flying across to some point elsewhere
04:38 PM m0n5t3r: you have to be pretty close to get any details because the cameras usually have wide angle lenses
04:39 PM XXCoder: yeah.
04:39 PM m0n5t3r: incidentally the same kind of range that tool has :)
04:39 PM XXCoder: I own cheap one similiar to one he flew for demo lol
04:40 PM m0n5t3r: you can't really aim a telephoto lens remotely yet (assuming the drone can even lift it)
04:41 PM XXCoder: man I can't wait for serious battery upgrades
04:41 PM XXCoder: thats biggest thing holding back some of tech like electric car
04:48 PM m0n5t3r: for quads and helicopters, sure; for actual long range survey you'd use something that looks like an airplane anyway, it's much more efficient
04:49 PM m0n5t3r: totally unrelated, it's pretty hard to find a working example of linuxcnc embroidery HAL; wondering if it even needs to know about the needle position when stitching
04:50 PM m0n5t3r: when jumping from point to point, sure
04:50 PM XXCoder: good question
04:50 PM XXCoder: there is certainly cnc sewing machines
04:51 PM m0n5t3r: but regular stitching looks a lot like 3d printing
04:51 PM XXCoder: but what they use for cam dunno
04:51 PM m0n5t3r: they have dedicated software
04:52 PM m0n5t3r: there is some open source thing called embroidermodder, but 1) it's all but dead and 2) G-code is not implemented
04:53 PM m0n5t3r: it does export CSV, though, so it should be easy to convert to gcode
04:54 PM m0n5t3r: but I definitely view gcodetools / jscut / slic3r as an alternative
04:55 PM m0n5t3r: dedicated software like embroidermodder will output actual stitches, but I don't think "sew back and forth until you fill this area" is a bad substitute :)
04:57 PM XXCoder: interesting
04:57 PM m0n5t3r: the lack of an h-bot kinematics thing is also annoying, but there are some vague instructions for corexy I may be able to use as a starting point
04:57 PM m0n5t3r: or just use GRBL :D
04:59 PM renesis: ew
05:00 PM renesis: i would trust a pi more than an arduino with CNC
05:00 PM renesis: arduino is prob less processing power than a lot of 80s hardware cnc controllers
05:04 PM m0n5t3r: my MPCNC is still on GRBL + cncjs running on an orange pi zero (nodejs, so triple cringe :D); I think I already have eerything I need to switch to beaglebone black + machinekit + touchy UI, but laziness is overwhelming during week-ends
05:05 PM m0n5t3r: ... and working days are usually hogged by bill-paying activities
05:05 PM m0n5t3r: this making things stuff just keeps me sane
05:11 PM XXCoder: great video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4PW66_g6XA
05:17 PM Deejay: gn8
05:41 PM Tom_L: 105°F
05:52 PM XXCoder: cool.
05:53 PM XXCoder: 78f here
05:56 PM XXCoder: wow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yShh_2oQOew
06:50 PM JT-Shop: 93F a little cooler than yesterweek
06:51 PM XXCoder: 78c here
06:51 PM JT-Shop: damn that is hot
06:51 PM XXCoder: *f :P
06:51 PM XXCoder: heh
06:51 PM JT-Shop: lol
06:52 PM XXCoder: off I go to feed car
06:53 PM Roguish: JT-Shop: waz up in MO?
07:02 PM JT-Shop: heat
07:03 PM Roguish: do you know off hand where the docs are to change from a release to master?
07:06 PM JT-Shop: well the buildbot has that I think
07:12 PM Crom: 86.9f here... and really windy
07:19 PM * JT-Shop heads inside after putting the chickens up
09:01 PM LeelooMinai: Any idea if I will have much problems with using one of the ThinkServer Gen 5 Lenovo hot-plug PSUs to break out few 12V GPU-like connectors out of it?
09:01 PM LeelooMinai: From what I see it has an edge connector on back, with two huge connections for 12V.
09:02 PM LeelooMinai: Not sure if there's anything tricky to those - never used a PSU that is hot-swappable like that.
09:03 PM LeelooMinai: Er, ThinkCenter I think
09:03 PM LeelooMinai: Or Centre
09:05 PM malcom2073_: Some switch mode power supplies need a minimum load to maintain regulation
09:05 PM malcom2073_: Bring it out and check it with no load vs load with a scope, you should be able to tell
09:06 PM LeelooMinai: Right, well, can always connect a power resistor or whatever - I am more worrying if those modules require some magic startup signals or who knows what.
09:07 PM LeelooMinai: They don't have any cables - they are inserted into slots, like a card.