#linuxcnc Logs

May 02 2017

#linuxcnc Calendar

09:04 AM gcardinal: is there a guide on how to set proper acceleration and max speed?..
09:06 AM cradek: try to have acceleration 10x the velocity on a big heavy machine or 20x on a small light one
09:06 AM cradek: use your hearing and touch to see how much is too much, and do a little less than that
09:08 AM archivist_herron: and dont set top speed too high, you may get stalls under load
09:11 AM gcardinal: cradek okay, thank you!
09:11 AM gcardinal: thx will try
09:30 AM jthornton: well so much for a clone box for hardrives it didn't last long
09:32 AM jthornton: gcardinal: stepper drive?
09:33 AM archivist_herron: jthornton, <gcardinal> archivist_herron nopp, Leadshine EM806 - on usual steppers
09:34 AM jthornton: ah didn't read back far enough
09:34 AM archivist_herron: does pncconf know enough about stepper on mesa cards?
09:34 AM jthornton: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Stepper_Motor_Speed_Limitations
09:35 AM jthornton: even better in the documents http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/integrator/steppers.html
09:41 AM gcardinal: archivist_herron not sure, where do I set it up?
09:42 AM gcardinal: jthornton thank you, will read through
09:42 AM archivist_herron: gcardinal, edit the files directly rather than pncconf
09:43 AM archivist_herron: use the tool to get a basic setup then hand edit
09:43 AM gcardinal: archivist_herron okay and test using gcode directly in linuxcnc?
09:43 AM archivist_herron: something like that
09:44 AM archivist_herron: I have never used pncconf because I dont have mesa cards by the way
09:45 AM gcardinal: okay, will give it a try
09:45 AM gcardinal: I do like mesa + linuxcnc combo a lot. Will add another card and convert my 3d printer as well
09:46 AM gcardinal: and for the price I do regret wasting so much time and money on all "controllers"
09:47 AM archivist_herron: I happen to use parallel ports, but same applies, use the tool (stepconf in that case) and then hand edit for best results
09:50 AM IchGucksLive: hi all here from a not so sunny germany
09:51 AM IchGucksLive: gcardinal: hi it is as easy as it sounds on pncconf
09:51 AM IchGucksLive: make shure you got all fiels on the system
09:52 AM IchGucksLive: for your card
09:54 AM gcardinal: IchGucksLive hi! yes the card setup went really well. I think its just my bad settings. will do some more debug when I'm home
09:55 AM IchGucksLive: what setup is it
09:55 AM IchGucksLive: 7i92 , or a 7i76
09:56 AM pcw_home: gcardinal: pncconf sets up the control loop for mm machines incorrectly (leading to the slow drift you see)
09:57 AM gcardinal: IchGucksLive its mesa 6i25 7i76
09:57 AM gcardinal: pcw_home okay, is it better to setup in inches and then manually convert to mm ?
09:57 AM pcw_home: No, in the hal file set the PID max-error constant to either 0 or .01
09:58 AM IchGucksLive: steppers do not use pid errors
09:58 AM pcw_home: Not true
09:58 AM pcw_home: even step drives systems use local (in linuxcnc) feedback
09:58 AM IchGucksLive: i do not have any pid in my near 8 mesa setups
09:59 AM pcw_home: its there, you just dont see it
09:59 AM IchGucksLive: that is bad
09:59 AM pcw_home: (its in the position mode driver)
09:59 AM IchGucksLive: pcw_ will test it in 10min
10:00 AM IchGucksLive: so do i need to do this per joint
10:00 AM pcw_home: the reason pncconf uses PID is that ist more robust with regard to host servo thread jitter than the built in position mode
10:00 AM gcardinal: pcw_home here is setp pid.x.maxerror .0005
10:00 AM pcw_home: .0005 mm is way to small (.0005 inches is ok)
10:00 AM gcardinal: so its to change it on all axis to 0.01 ?
10:00 AM pcw_home: yes
10:01 AM gcardinal: awesome, thank you! will give it a run at home
10:04 AM IchGucksLive: pcw_ since when has this been known
10:04 AM IchGucksLive: is it only on the 2.7 stuff
10:05 AM pcw_home: the max error issue with pncconf? its been there for a long time
10:06 AM IchGucksLive: max this cause also my communication 13 errors
10:08 AM IchGucksLive: pcw_home: this is my runnig config http://pasteall.org/381111
10:08 AM IchGucksLive: there is no pid inside
10:08 AM IchGucksLive: do i need to put it thee manuell
10:09 AM pcw_home: no, sserial comm errors are usually due to noise
10:09 AM pcw_home: There have been some improvements in both firmware and
10:09 AM pcw_home: LinuxCNC dealing with sserial noise issues so I woudl definatel upgrade to
10:09 AM pcw_home: 2.7.8 if you have not
10:09 AM IchGucksLive: This makes me quote nervis
10:10 AM IchGucksLive: as last time i lost 2 mesa mashines on updating for a long time
10:10 AM pcw_home: The built in position mode step gen in the driver is not exactly a PID loop but its is a feedback loop
10:10 AM IchGucksLive: and it whorse and whorse
10:10 AM pcw_home: that corrects for measured position errors in the stepgen
10:11 AM pcw_home: not sure why you would be nervous about updating
10:11 AM IchGucksLive: Q: can i update old cards fromo bevor 2013
10:11 AM pcw_home: all cards are updatable
10:11 AM IchGucksLive: with new firmware
10:11 AM pcw_home: yes all cards
10:12 AM IchGucksLive: let me do it on friday setting up a real new system
10:13 AM pcw_home: I would update linuxcnc to 2.7.8 and then update the 7I77 firmware
10:13 AM pcw_home: (Only update the 7I77 if LinuxCNC 2.7 complains about the 7I77 firmware being < V14)
10:13 AM IchGucksLive: 7i76
10:14 AM pcw_home: same thing
10:14 AM IchGucksLive: ok i will follow your advice
10:14 AM pcw_mesa_ is now known as pcw_mesa
10:23 AM IchGucksLive: im off till later
10:53 AM Crom: monring all
11:11 AM jesseg: Good moonring cradek :D
11:28 AM jym: Any idea on how to make either ne of these? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcWF180E7ps or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nUHV3hwufM
11:28 AM jym: one*
11:31 AM SpeedEvil: what?
11:32 AM jym: paper scoring machine
11:32 AM FinboySlick: For the second one, I'd say a shaft with eccentric cams on either end.
11:33 AM FinboySlick: 45° slot across the table, matching blade actuated by the cam.
11:33 AM FinboySlick: Might get a bit fancier with the slot, something with a { like profile.
11:33 AM skunkworks_: crom how much do the arduinos go with the ethernet shield?
11:33 AM FinboySlick: To avoid triple-creasing.
11:34 AM jym: Mind you, they're $100 to buy, so would like to make one on the cheap. I'm thinking MDF for the base
11:34 AM jym: skunkworks_: Do you need ethernet, or will wifi do?
11:34 AM FinboySlick: jym: I'd say getting the slot geometry right is probably key to doing it right.
11:34 AM FinboySlick: jym: But I wouldn't know what the ideal geometry is like.
11:34 AM SpeedEvil: I wonder about single-point creaser
11:34 AM skunkworks_: ethernet (he is working on a poor mans mesa setup)
11:35 AM jym: skunkworks_: ah ok
11:35 AM jym: SpeedEvil: single point?
11:35 AM SpeedEvil: leetle bearing, with radiused V on the outside, like a vinyl cutter
11:35 AM SpeedEvil: sort-of-like
11:36 AM jym: SpeedEvil: OH, a rotary creaser
11:37 AM jym: https://www.amazon.com/Westcott-Trimmer-Titanium-Bonded-Blades/dp/B000GP5L3U/
11:37 AM jym: Instead of a cutting blade, it has a scoring blade
11:38 AM jym: FinboySlick: I was thinking maybe a using a toggle clamp
11:40 AM jym: Or somply a blade fitted between two end guides, then a pivoting lever instead of the roller.
11:44 AM roycroft: a creaser should have a u-shaped channel, not a v-shaped channel
11:47 AM jym: Who waas looking for a laser engraver? $400 Los Angeles http://www.vevor.com/40w-co2-laser-engraving-cutting-machine-engraver-cutter-usb-port-high-precise.html
11:48 AM jym: Hmmm, an electric one for $135 shiped from LA https://www.aliexpress.com/item/18-Electric-3-in-1-Scorer-Perforator-Paper-Creasing-Machine-Scoring-Creaser-CE/32806402712.html
11:57 AM guru_florida: Anyone have a recommendation on grease for linear bearings and ballscrews?
11:57 AM guru_florida: That wont break the bank!
11:58 AM guru_florida: I see NCA52 for $50 for a tiny tube...that's crazy.
12:09 PM Cromaglious_: Hmm doesn't seem like python.org is thinking there is a keyboard interrupt issue
12:09 PM Cromaglious_: They say it's programmer errpr
12:10 PM Cromaglious_: Error
12:10 PM gregcnc: if you are not pushing the limits of speed any good NLGI2 should be fine. why not use what the screw/rail manufacturer suggests?
12:11 PM guru_florida: DIY built. THK rails and NSK screws if I remember right.
12:11 PM guru_florida: I am not pushing speed limits :)
12:11 PM Cromaglious_: Great... Now I have to fix it. Soon as figure pit what to look for
12:11 PM gregcnc: so what do THK and NSK suggest?
12:12 PM Cromaglious_: Thick and no such knife?
12:12 PM guru_florida: So as it turns out I have some white lithium NLGI2 right in front of me. A big tube of it.
12:13 PM Cromaglious_: Finding a tube is getting hard... Easier tp find as spray can
12:15 PM roycroft: grease is a swarf magnet
12:16 PM roycroft: depending on the application, oil may be a better choice of lubricant
12:17 PM Cromaglious_: True...i have to clean my Y and X bearings... They both click now
12:18 PM gregcnc: oil works when it can be regularly applied
12:18 PM roycroft: "depending on the application ..."
12:18 PM guru_florida: Looks like NSK recommends their own ENS/ENR grease. Still reading.
12:18 PM gregcnc: meaning when you have aoutomatic lube
12:19 PM roycroft: most ball screw/linear bearing manufacturers approve of both grease and oil, and state when each is appropriate
12:19 PM guru_florida: Cromaglious: Mine are clicking too
12:20 PM roycroft: gregcnc: if it's a hobbyist machine and the operator is judicious about manually oiling, that should work fine
12:20 PM Cromaglious_: I really need to get another air hose. One hose for 2 compressors
12:21 PM roycroft: in production an automatic oiler is important though, for sure
12:21 PM guru_florida: yup, hobby machine.
12:21 PM roycroft: but even in production, if you have a one-shot lube system and your operators are trained to pull the lever frequently it should be fine
12:22 PM roycroft: a one-shot lube sytem is "semi-automatic" i suppose
12:23 PM gregcnc: decisions decisions
12:24 PM guru_florida: I know soo little about greases...what's better the white NLGI#2 lithium or EP2 which is a muddy brown?
12:24 PM roycroft: i'm almost ready to shoot paint on this lathe stand, but i can't find the paint documentation from the vendor
12:24 PM guru_florida: Soap thickener?
12:26 PM IchGucksLive: hi all ;-)
12:31 PM guru_florida: SKF site regarding ball screw greases explained a lot. EP and NLGI are two different things and can be in the same grease. Looks like my NLGI2 will do, but I could use some EP additives not for heavy loads but for the sake of my slow speeds and frequent start/stops.
12:31 PM Magnifikus: hey i got a special question, is it possible to define circular limits for x/y? like the allowed coordianates are contained by a circle
12:32 PM roycroft: i found the docs
12:32 PM roycroft: and when i bought the paint i asked about reducer, and was told it was not necessary
12:32 PM roycroft: the docs say that if i'm using an hvlp sprayer i need to reduce by 25%
12:32 PM IchGucksLive: Magnifikus: as long as the circle fits your limits iw will be performed
12:32 PM * roycroft needs to head to the paint store now :(
12:33 PM IchGucksLive: guru_florida: i use Molycote longterm W2
12:33 PM cradek: Magnifikus: nope
12:33 PM Magnifikus: cradek, ty :)
12:35 PM archivist: I wonder if that could be an addition to kins or done with some maths in hal
12:36 PM cradek: neither can give you the full functionality of soft limits
12:36 PM CaptHindsight: https://qz.com/966006/theres-no-good-way-to-kill-a-bad-idea/
12:36 PM pcw_mesa: yeah it would need to be integrated into the TP to have soft limits work
12:40 PM archivist: I can think of a more general case here as well, keep outs for clamps etc
12:41 PM cradek: robots can have very complex workspace constraints
12:41 PM Magnifikus: yeah or deltas :)
12:41 PM Magnifikus: have a simple circle
12:42 PM IchGucksLive: Magnifikus: why woudt you like to have that option
12:42 PM Magnifikus: dont like the head in my ballscrews if the program messes up
12:42 PM cradek: I think we do a smart thing if inverse kins returns a failure - you can maybe get some of what you want with that
12:42 PM cradek: won't give you nice jogging behavior though
12:44 PM guru_florida: What about making a component that checks circular constraint and outputs a boolean enable value. Then wire that into hal motion control layer to disable motion...maybe somehow you can trigger soft-limit so that you can move away from the constraint but not past it.
12:45 PM cradek: you could certainly disable motion (like trigger an amplifier fault) if you go outside a circle
12:46 PM cradek: but that's not as nice as jogging to the edge of the circle and stopping, or telling you the limits will be exceeded by this program before the program even starts, etc etc
12:46 PM guru_florida: IchGucksLive: Molycote W2 seems like a great grease. I cant find the NLGI rating though. How did you come across that grease?
12:46 PM Magnifikus: yeah estopping is a good idea
12:46 PM Magnifikus: better than crashing
12:46 PM cradek: well it'll be going full speed when you hit the edge of the circle
12:46 PM cradek: still not great
12:47 PM cradek: only safe option without improving linuxcnc is to put a square inside your circle
12:47 PM Magnifikus: true
12:48 PM guru_florida: I would think soft limits would be better than estopping in your case. Cradek, you sure a component that tests "within circle" and outputs a boolean couldnt work? The python code on that seems trivial.
12:49 PM Cromaglious_: Cq cq ve7it de kf6pwz
12:49 PM pcw_mesa: The TP would need to know the distance to the limit
12:49 PM Cromaglious_: Kf6pqz
12:49 PM IchGucksLive: guru_florida: i used it 35 years in job
12:51 PM IchGucksLive: Cromaglious_: DL5IAW
12:51 PM Cromaglious_: Nice.. I just upgraded to general but kept my tech call
12:53 PM Cromaglious_: Down to 5 radios 2 baofengs u5's a kenwood th-d7a, yaesu ft-50r, and a kenwood tm-g707
12:53 PM Magnifikus: hmm okay seems to be not that trivial anymore
12:54 PM Magnifikus: but you can trigger pause on a certain limit
12:54 PM Magnifikus: that would stop the machine with motors active
12:54 PM Magnifikus: before worst case
12:54 PM IchGucksLive: Cromaglious_: no antenna anymore here and only a FT817
12:54 PM Magnifikus: given you got good acceleration or a good margin
12:55 PM guru_florida: cradek: I see your point. Motion controller "wont see the limit coming".
12:55 PM IchGucksLive: Magnifikus: use G64
12:55 PM Cromaglious_: Looking at getting a hf rig soon as I get money
12:55 PM guru_florida: IchGucksLive: Thanks! I found the full specs. Still NLGI2 but is probably better than the MultiPurpose NLGI white I have. I will get some of this W2.
12:56 PM IchGucksLive: if you are in FL there is a Nasa Supply store
12:57 PM IchGucksLive: the Crawlers run on theis stuff
12:59 PM Cromaglious_: Waiting for dr appointment right now
01:00 PM jym: murphy is a dead man when I catch him!
01:01 PM guru_florida: I am in FL...for reals, there is a NASA supply store? haha. I cant find it via Google...all I get is the space agency.
01:02 PM guru_florida: I hope this is used grease from a space mission, that would be sweet.
01:02 PM gregcnc: space grease?
01:04 PM guru_florida: I meant actually used in the space station, the extra organics it would have picked up in space could only help too I'm sure.
01:04 PM IchGucksLive: jym: it maybe not the best idee
01:07 PM Magnifikus: can i somehow access the max_velocity value from the hal as pin? (better set it to some output of a component)
01:07 PM IchGucksLive: Magnifikus: Halui is your fiend
01:07 PM skunkworks_: Magnifikus, look at adaptive feed...
01:08 PM Magnifikus: ah thats 1 guess its a float
01:08 PM IchGucksLive: Magnifikus: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/gui/halui.html
01:09 PM Magnifikus: ah nice ty, and sorry for the dumb questions today
01:10 PM IchGucksLive: here you cand ask a Dump as weall are Noobs ,_)
01:10 PM IchGucksLive: :O
01:10 PM Magnifikus: sometimes you miss the right questions for google
01:11 PM IchGucksLive: espacial if you dont know to search for
01:11 PM IchGucksLive: or dont have the spelling
01:11 PM IchGucksLive: as Google Hammer
01:14 PM IchGucksLive: so i will turn off for Today GN8 i will be off tomorrow as a short Tour to Germanys NIAGRA falls on Swissborder with US friends
01:14 PM guru_florida: Thanks IchGucksLive!
01:14 PM IchGucksLive: Have a Nonbitbreaking DAY
01:16 PM ve7it: Cromaglious Kf6pqz g'day from the great white north.... actually mostly soggy and green
01:16 PM {HD}: WooHoo #4 tank for my mig welder!
01:17 PM Cromaglious_: Ve7it drying out here and the grass is already turning brown 170km from Mexico in people republic of kafornistan
01:19 PM Cromaglious_: Sitting here at the Loma Linda va medical center watching a bunch of your expatriots (Canadian Geese)
01:19 PM ve7it: Cromaglious_, I hope we get some sun next week... off to the woods to chase some bears
01:43 PM Ludger: Ich habe mir ein cnc-set aus China besorgt. Mach3 Interface board als Steuerung und M335 als Motortreiber. Als Anfänger komme ich mit dem schematischen Verdrahtungsplan nicht klar. hat jemand vielleicht ein Foto von einer konkreten Verdrahtung an der ich mich orientieren kann? Danke.
02:03 PM MBCNC: Hallo, was bedeutet bei linux CNC PWM-Signal beim Breakoutboard?
02:06 PM cradek: MBCNC: if you can ask in English, more people may be able to help you
02:07 PM MBCNC: Ok, what can i do with the PWM Signal on the breakout board?
02:07 PM cradek: what PWM signal do you have? can you explain more?
02:09 PM * {HD} has GAS!!!
02:09 PM {HD}: argon/co2 shielding gas that is!
02:10 PM Deejay: grinder and paint make you the welder you ain't! ;)
02:12 PM Goodlord: download failed 3 times from linuxcnc site
02:12 PM {HD}: Deejay: lol, true statement!
02:28 PM Magnifikus: my adaptive speed cradek https://gist.github.com/anonymous/cb383fbc164d885ab4dd6a366fa89a4c :D
02:28 PM Magnifikus: abit crude but works
02:55 PM andypugh: Anyone here know about .json?
02:56 PM t12: what about it?
02:56 PM Cromaglious_: Done. Feeling good about dr visit... It was for veterans disability
02:58 PM andypugh: I am trying to make sense of a ,json file, and have a feeling that: "printer_types": ["F2F4B9B6-1D54-4A16-883E-B0385F27380D"], contains the information I want. But I don’t know what that hex number means. FileID? Hash?
02:59 PM cpresser: thats not a json-specific number
02:59 PM andypugh: But I wonder what it is?
02:59 PM cpresser: could be a windows uuid
02:59 PM cpresser: ~classid
03:00 PM andypugh: Certainly not windows
03:00 PM cpresser: hehe :)
03:00 PM t12: that looks like a guid
03:00 PM t12: or classid or something
03:00 PM t12: that shouldnt have anything to do with json really, it's just a freeform storage format
03:00 PM cradek: $ uuidgen
03:00 PM cradek: 08c67ba6-10e9-43cc-9df3-24cfc0b9df95
03:00 PM cradek: that is very much a uuid
03:00 PM t12: so its more about what put it there
03:01 PM andypugh: cradek: Thanks!
03:01 PM cradek: so it has no meaning other than it's fairly sure to be a unique number
03:02 PM andypugh: Hmm. And presumably is linked to a specific file in a database somewhere?
03:02 PM t12: https://developer.autodesk.com/en/docs/print/v1/overview/field-guide/
03:02 PM t12: this?
03:03 PM cradek: hard to say - they're used for a lot of things
03:03 PM andypugh: t12: Looks good.
03:03 PM cradek: for instance when you format an ext4 filesystem it's assigned one
03:03 PM cradek: then you can mount it by that uuid no matter where (on what device) it shows up
03:06 PM andypugh: cradek: It is a UUID, but refers to an Autodesk “Printer Type” object, as described in the page that t12 linked to
03:06 PM cradek: aha
03:06 PM andypugh: So potentially all I need to do is grep my HD for that string.
03:07 PM andypugh: Though that only seems to return: Binary file /Applications/Autodesk/Autodesk Print Studio/Print Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/libTorpedo.dylib matches”
03:07 PM andypugh: Which might not get me very far.
03:09 PM cradek: can I read back and see what problem you are solving?
03:09 PM andypugh: No, I never said
03:10 PM cradek: whew, that saves me trouble :-)
03:11 PM andypugh: I have a 3D printer, quite a lot like a Makerbot Replicator 2. And Makerbot .x3g files print very well on it. Except that they print 5% too small in X and Y and to-size in Z.
03:12 PM t12: presumably there is some other file
03:12 PM andypugh: Unfortuntely a .x3g file is in raw steps, the step-scale for the axes is something that the slicer knows, but the printer itself doesn’t
03:12 PM t12: that just defines the printer types, with an id of that guid
03:13 PM andypugh: Appratently in Windows there is a printerTypes.json file that can be edited to correct the scale, but that file appears to not exist in the OSX version.
03:14 PM t12: you may find its just located somewhere bizzare in osx
03:14 PM andypugh: I found that I can save a printer profile to a .json file, and that UUID is from that file.
03:15 PM andypugh: I have grepped the whole HD for that UUID, and have found it in a few binary files. Unfortunely grep -r gets stuck in a recursive directory loop at some point, so I can’t actually be sure whether there are other occurrences.
03:16 PM skunkworks_: andypugh, what printer did you end up buying?
03:16 PM andypugh: Cheap CTC one from eBay.
03:17 PM andypugh: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CTC-3D-Printer-Dual-Extruder-MK8-Factory-Direct-Lowest-Price-ABS-PLA-/221783391069?hash=item33a351fb5d:g:b60AAOSwBs1XMZXh
03:17 PM andypugh: I am actually pretty impresed. It almost is a printer. You send a part, it prints it.
03:17 PM skunkworks_: ah. Mine monoprice mini should be here thursday.
03:17 PM skunkworks_: Neat
03:18 PM skunkworks_: Can't wait to waste hours watching it print knick knacks.. ;)
03:18 PM CaptHindsight: I'm suprised that you haven't swapped out the hardware for Mesa and LCNC or at least a LPT BOB :)
03:18 PM andypugh: I bought it as a toe-dipping excercise as part of a plan to make a huge delta.
03:19 PM skunkworks_: andypugh, same here actually...
03:20 PM CaptHindsight: the biggest headache seems to always be getting the configs for the firmware
03:21 PM guru_florida: Good choice trying out 3D printing Andy, but also prepare for a lot of tinkering and tuning. :) I have a Replicator 2X and Laser Resin printer. I use the Rep2X a lot until lately it has a lot of probs (4yo). Just about got it working again but with water cooled hot end to get rid of heat creep.
03:22 PM CaptHindsight: guru_florida: what type of resin printer?
03:23 PM CaptHindsight: galvo laser vs DLP/LCD?
03:23 PM guru_florida: galvo & laser. It is a Pegasus Touch by Full Spectrum Laser. Kickstarter
03:24 PM CaptHindsight: how long does it take to print a single layer 50-100um?
03:26 PM guru_florida: totally depends on surface area of the slice but it's quick. A few seconds or less. The Z travel to detach the layer and come back into the fluid is longer than any exposing.
03:26 PM guru_florida: exposure
03:26 PM CaptHindsight: what is the max XY?
03:27 PM guru_florida: 7"x7"
03:27 PM guru_florida: and 8" tall!
03:28 PM CaptHindsight: https://fslaser.com/Product/Pegasus3D found the link
03:28 PM CaptHindsight: what do they charge for the 3rd party unlock the software license?
03:28 PM guru_florida: No idea.
03:29 PM CaptHindsight: wondering since they charge $125-$200/L for their in house resins
03:29 PM guru_florida: It's been a while since I used this actually. I should dust it off. It did work well but found the Replicator less mess. Surface finish on Pegasus was *far* better but most of the time I dont care.
03:30 PM guru_florida: Their software was actually really good! Easy to use and powerful editing features for support. That was a year or so ago so may be even better now.
03:30 PM CaptHindsight: uses a PDMS coated vat, so that also wears over time
03:30 PM guru_florida: Yes
03:30 PM CaptHindsight: $75 a pop
03:31 PM CaptHindsight: Open Resin License + $1,500
03:31 PM CaptHindsight: swap to Mesa and LCNC would cost less
03:32 PM guru_florida: I would say the vat+seperation process is the only bad part of the design. I was not happy with the initial way even though it worked. They came out with a "super vat" or something that was supposed to be better. I waited for it, it came, I put it in my shelf and never found the time to try it out. Some people werent happy with that either because it's basically a soft inner lining that can
03:32 PM guru_florida: get pulled up during the seperation and just looks wierd...even though again, it apparently works and works better. lol.
03:33 PM CaptHindsight: does the vat just tilt?
03:34 PM guru_florida: Using a good resin is very important! Not allowing 3rd party resin is not just a profit ploy by these companies, it somewhat is, but it is also support and reputation related mostly.
03:34 PM CaptHindsight: I converted a galvo + laser SLA (nobel1) to DLP and LCNC
03:35 PM CaptHindsight: https://ibin.co/2rpPhrOPJ89r.jpg
03:35 PM CaptHindsight: since we already had the printer
03:36 PM CaptHindsight: top down projection is much better but i forget the status of the patent on that
03:37 PM andypugh: This one is LinuxCNC too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FscYq5uCys0
03:38 PM CaptHindsight: that is the best way to go
03:38 PM andypugh: And I made a HAL component to pull layers out of a multi-layer SVG (as created by my own slicer for Autodesk Inventor)
03:39 PM CaptHindsight: the only addition should be a sealed enclosure for inert gas flood
03:39 PM andypugh: Slicer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hefY46fyVvU&t=1s
03:39 PM andypugh: Slice-viewer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChKmIHP7G_U&t=10s
03:40 PM CaptHindsight: I have a big SLS printer using LCNC
03:43 PM CaptHindsight: I think the wiper for the surface of the resin is also still under patent
03:43 PM CaptHindsight: what an innovative patent system we have :)
03:44 PM sync: nobody cares for home use tho
03:44 PM Goodlord: how do install this?
03:44 PM CaptHindsight: until you sell enough printers
03:47 PM CaptHindsight: Goodlord: what this?
03:47 PM Goodlord: linuxcnc
03:47 PM Goodlord: im new to linux
03:47 PM Goodlord: today actually
03:47 PM CaptHindsight: there is a live CD with installer
03:47 PM CaptHindsight: did you see that on the website yet?
03:47 PM Goodlord: i got the cd, no installer though?
03:48 PM CaptHindsight: did you run the CD?
03:48 PM Goodlord: how do i run it?
03:48 PM CaptHindsight: it's on the desktop
03:49 PM CaptHindsight: you have to boot your PC from the CD
03:49 PM CaptHindsight: it won't make any changes to your system until you run the installer
03:50 PM Goodlord: hmm, so if i put the cd on a usb stick and boot from that?
03:50 PM CaptHindsight: but you can run LCNC from the live CD and test your PC
03:50 PM CaptHindsight: yes
03:50 PM Goodlord: ok ill try it thanks
03:51 PM CaptHindsight: Goodlord: it's a full debian system that runs from the CD
03:52 PM CaptHindsight: so you can access IRC while you are testing it if have any questions while you are in there
03:53 PM Goodlord: alright, a lot of these terms are meaningless to me atm lol, but im sending it to usb now
04:00 PM CaptHindsight: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Hybrid_Iso might still be accurate when using windows
04:00 PM CaptHindsight: Goodlord: ^^
04:12 PM roycroft: hand tapping m20-2.5 holes is actual work
04:12 PM roycroft: i was sweating by the time i finished
04:12 PM roycroft: the parts i was tapping are 1" thick
04:13 PM XXCoder: fun tap
04:13 PM roycroft: i'm not used to working up a sweat while tapping
04:13 PM roycroft: i'm much more used to turning the tap gingerly so as to avoid breaking it
04:24 PM Deejay: gn8
04:28 PM * JT-Shop build a rather large T handle for a big tap once
04:28 PM JT-Shop: or built even
04:37 PM * Crom uses a drill to start, then a adjustable spanner to finish taping, since he doesn't have a tap handle big enough for anything over 1/4"
04:39 PM gonzo_: I tapped some phosphor bronze with an m25 tap by hand
04:39 PM gonzo_: that needed some spanners and scaff bars
04:40 PM gonzo_: and took a whole evening and every sweary word I could think of
04:43 PM Crom: that is a bear to tap....
04:57 PM andypugh: Crom: https://goo.gl/photos/bDj3Tje8XqidMTSt6
05:00 PM Tom_L: json: JavaScript Object Notation
05:02 PM gonzo_: I had shoulders like a bear afterwards
05:04 PM roycroft: if my lathe were operational and i had a 4-jaw chuck i would have cut the threads with a single point tool
05:04 PM roycroft: but it's not and i don't
05:04 PM roycroft: so brute force was the ticket
05:06 PM Tom_L: andypugh new wrench holder?
05:57 PM andypugh: Improvised one, yes.
05:58 PM JT-Shop2: picking up screws from the deck while working on destroyers is paying off today some 25 years later
06:30 PM Crom: bbiaw gotta take my sweety to her radiation treatment
06:44 PM Crom_: s/pit/out/
06:45 PM Crom_: Compiled and installed python 2.7.12
06:45 PM Crom_: Soon as i get home, i get to see if it runs
06:48 PM Crom_: Bbiaw looking at linuxcnc + gwibber errors if i can find any
06:55 PM {HD}: Does anyone have to use 'setserial' to get their serial ports to work? I do but I cannot make the setter persist through reboots...any ideas?
06:55 PM malcom2073: {HD}: What are they doing to "not work" ?
06:55 PM {HD}: Should I just add the setserial command to one of the boot files? rc.local or similar? Or is there a better way?
06:56 PM malcom2073: Typically setserial is only needed when a program doesn't properly initialize a serial port after opening
06:56 PM {HD}: malcom2073: Well, they don't do anything until I set them to 'uart 16550' then they work.
06:57 PM malcom2073: Ohhh
06:58 PM malcom2073: I've not ran into those kind of issues in forever heh
06:59 PM {HD}: malcom2073: lol, well I am running into it *right now. Any it works with setserial so, I am happy. But, I would like the settings to persiste through reboot.
07:00 PM malcom2073: So, the only time I've ever had to use setserial to actually *create* the port, is with really old addon cards... but iirc it doesn't persist through reboot.
07:00 PM malcom2073: At least not that I can remember
07:01 PM {HD}: malcom2073: Then I guess Ill find an appropriate boot file to add the command to.
07:02 PM {HD}: man setserial
07:02 PM {HD}: lol
07:03 PM {HD}: When I use irssi I make that mistake pretty frequently.
07:04 PM malcom2073: Heh amusingly enough, I think the last time I used setserial was also close to the last time I used irssi
07:04 PM malcom2073: :P
07:04 PM {HD}: haha
07:17 PM jym: battery load test - 63 hours from trashed laptop batteries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKMiCQGf6q4
07:25 PM malcom2073: Jesus...
07:26 PM malcom2073: I've built large battery packs out of 18650, and they scare the shit out of me
07:27 PM malcom2073: And we're using actual quality ones, not noname clones heh
07:29 PM SpeedEvil: yeah - it's fine as long as there are plenty of fuses, and seperate battery cutouts, and thermal managment, and ...
07:31 PM malcom2073: And quality batteries with decent internal electronics heh
07:31 PM malcom2073: That being said, we've had a couple blow up still
07:32 PM malcom2073: Due to bad handling, but still.
07:34 PM sync: #yolo
07:38 PM malcom2073: I guess
07:40 PM SpeedEvil: I had plans to make my own liquid state battery.
07:41 PM SpeedEvil: An interesting design - based on lithium/lead and seperated by a LiF/LiI/LiCl/LiBr layer
07:41 PM SpeedEvil: Runs at ~400C under argon
07:41 PM SpeedEvil: Unfortunately, though it's great in many ways, I couldn't guarantee that if there was a minor oops that disturbed the seperator layer, it wouldn't rapidly self-discharge.
07:42 PM SpeedEvil: Reaching ~1200C and ~40 bar, with a cloud of hot lead/lithium/fluorine/...
07:42 PM SpeedEvil: Which would be bad.
07:42 PM malcom2073: Heh
07:43 PM malcom2073: you've stumbled upon an automatic self destruct laptop battery
07:43 PM SpeedEvil: In principle, it's really simple, SS trays, full of the battery components, seperated by gravity
07:43 PM SpeedEvil: Nothing at all to wear
07:43 PM sync: well, just put it outside
07:44 PM SpeedEvil: yeah - I was aiming at ~20kWh or so.
07:44 PM SpeedEvil: And that all going in a couple of seconds might be quite noticable
07:45 PM sync: I guess chlorine would be the best to use overall
07:45 PM sync: it's nasty but not as nasty as flourine or bromine
07:46 PM roycroft: all of that stuff is pretty nasty, each in its own special way
07:47 PM roycroft: group vii is generally to be avoided
07:50 PM CaptHindsight: http://scottberkun.com/essays/40-why-smart-people-defend-bad-ideas/
07:51 PM SpeedEvil: sync: the choice is 400C and LiCl/Br/I/Fl, or 700C and LiCl
07:51 PM sync: hmm
08:04 PM Crom: download python 2.7.5 to try that
08:04 PM Crom: downloading
09:23 PM Crom: 2.7.5 will not compile... now trying 2.7.4
11:55 PM tjtr33: hello