#linuxcnc Logs

Apr 30 2017

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:10 AM Crom: https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz updated and compiling!
12:15 AM XXCoder: im not too sure what its for crom
12:16 AM Crom: XXCoder: it's for using a Arduino Mega as an ethernet MESA board
12:16 AM XXCoder: mesa = cnc machine controller?
12:17 AM Crom: right now I have 24 pins for output and 22 for input with 6 of those for interrupt read.
12:17 AM Crom: yep...
12:17 AM XXCoder: cool
12:18 AM Crom: <$50 for an ethernet BOB basically...
12:19 AM XXCoder: I wonder about klatency but cool
12:20 AM Crom: I'll find out here soon...
12:36 AM Crom: hmmm I have 4 pins I'm not using.... 38,39,40,41 Thinking about just using them as dummiest to make the code even simpler
12:38 AM Crom: pin 4,10 can be used for other things... but I really need 10 for PWM
12:39 AM Crom: still need to recompile the ethernet lib to use the pin other than 10
12:46 AM Crom: https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz updated and compiling!
12:48 AM Crom: now to work on the .py and .al
01:06 AM IchGucksLive: hi from Germany
01:06 AM XXCoder: hey ich
01:07 AM IchGucksLive: Crom: still on
01:07 AM Crom: here
01:07 AM IchGucksLive: what and where is the < 50 euro eth lcnc bob
01:07 AM Crom: got the .ino compiled, now working on the .py
01:07 AM Crom: https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz updated and compiling!
01:08 AM XXCoder: hes making it ich
01:08 AM wicki_: I *, is it possible to use some kind of "include"-files in g-code?
01:08 AM Crom: wicki yes... syntax.. I'd have to look that up
01:08 AM XXCoder: g99 or g98, call other program I think
01:08 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: what is in the inclue files
01:09 AM IchGucksLive: Crom: will it be in the RT pr PAE system
01:09 AM Crom: All I have is PremptRT systems
01:10 AM wicki_: there are subroutines - pockets, circles ....
01:10 AM Crom: but it should also work on rpi3's
01:10 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: is it dome kind of a feature
01:11 AM IchGucksLive: feature
01:11 AM wicki_: ?
01:11 AM IchGucksLive: features
01:11 AM the_wench: NativeCAM https://github.com/FernV/NativeCAM
01:11 AM IchGucksLive: it will be included at last in 2.8
01:12 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: you can have this all installed by one apt call
01:12 AM IchGucksLive: there is also a direct DXF2gcode for direct dxf milling
01:13 AM wicki_: which apt call ?
01:13 AM IchGucksLive: What OS and version do you use
01:15 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Simple_LinuxCNC_G-Code_Generators
01:15 AM IchGucksLive: Simply put them into your NC_file folder and start them from OPEN file
01:16 AM wicki_: linux - and I am testing with all versions of linuxcnc and machinekit
01:17 AM wicki_: on pc and raspberries
01:17 AM IchGucksLive: then you shoudt know about HOW
01:17 AM IchGucksLive: see also the internal new Gemoccapy editors
01:17 AM IchGucksLive: on 2.7.8
01:18 AM IchGucksLive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwhCL92ZQRSVqFe3jGwJSQ
01:18 AM wicki_: I just want to know: is there an "include my.lib.ngc" in linuxcnc-g-code? and it seems to be not
01:18 AM IchGucksLive: MY youtube on Howtos
01:18 AM IchGucksLive: there is
01:20 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: can you upload the lib ngc to pastebin
01:21 AM wicki_: no. it isn't ready now... it looks like:
01:22 AM wicki_: (Tasche Parameter Aussenmasse!!)
01:22 AM wicki_: (startx starty sizex sizey tiefe durchmesser)
01:22 AM wicki_: o<pocket> sub
01:22 AM wicki_: (o102 berechnet die Positionen anhand des Durchmessers selbst)
01:22 AM wicki_: o125 if [#3-#6 LT 0]
01:22 AM wicki_: #1=[1/0]
01:22 AM wicki_: o125 endif
01:22 AM wicki_: o126 if [#4-#6 LT 0]
01:22 AM wicki_: #1=[1/0]
01:22 AM wicki_: o126 endif
01:22 AM wicki_:
01:22 AM wicki_: a.s.o....
01:22 AM IchGucksLive: sprichst du deutsch
01:22 AM wicki_: ein bisschen ;-)
01:22 AM IchGucksLive: ich sitze in Zweibrücken
01:22 AM wicki_: niederrhein
01:24 AM wicki_: ich fraese raspi-gehauese damit und es nervt, dass ich jedesmal den include von hand reinkopieren muss (und dann in allen alten files aendern muss, wenn ich den icnlude aendere)
01:25 AM IchGucksLive: Dann nimm doch die cpocket.py
01:25 AM IchGucksLive: pocket.py
01:25 AM IchGucksLive: daten rien und los
01:26 AM wicki_: das sinnigsten was mit bislang dazu einfiel: ein filter, der mit "cat" erst den header, dann das programm einliest und weiterpiped
01:26 AM IchGucksLive: Drück mal auf meinene NICK
01:27 AM wicki_: ich habe ircII - dann kann man nicht klicken ;-)
01:27 AM XXCoder: hey JT-Shop
01:27 AM XXCoder: jthornton:
01:27 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Simple_LinuxCNC_G-Code_Generators#Rectangular_Circular_Pocketing_Generator
01:28 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: du solltest meine Nick unten in der leiste haben
01:28 AM wicki_: isch ahbe keine leiste....
01:29 AM wicki_: und die pocket-generatoren kenne ich - das ist nicht das was ich will
01:29 AM IchGucksLive: Bitte nimm die pocket.py von der Seite mal in deine NC ordner
01:29 AM IchGucksLive: DANN mach dir doch deine eigen da Rein
01:29 AM IchGucksLive: oder nimm NGCgui
01:30 AM IchGucksLive: Das nimmt deine LIB direkt
01:32 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: https://youtu.be/wsrhZt6VqDE HIER ab 3:40
01:33 AM IchGucksLive: einfach reinkopieren und deine lib läüft
01:33 AM IchGucksLive: die parameter werden dir dann zum ändern angeboten
01:34 AM IchGucksLive: direkt oben im DRO reiter
01:35 AM Crom: nite all
01:36 AM IchGucksLive: ;-)
01:37 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: ich muss weg bin immer täglich um 19Uhr Hier
01:37 AM wicki_: ich will aber keine gui - ich schreibe direkt in g-code mit macros (calls). ich werde das jetzt mal mit einem filter probieren.
01:37 AM wicki_: mal schaun, was dabei rauskommt... :-)
01:37 AM IchGucksLive: das ist aber ienfacher
01:38 AM * wicki_ mags nicht einfach
01:38 AM IchGucksLive: ich helfe dir dann das zu implementieren so wie du das willst
01:38 AM IchGucksLive: ok Hilfe findest du jedenfals hier
01:38 AM wicki_: oki - schaun wir mal - thx erstmal
01:38 AM IchGucksLive: SCHAU dir das Video ab 3:40 an
01:38 AM wicki_: hab ich
02:12 AM lm_ is now known as Guest50121
02:25 AM Deejay: moin
02:30 AM Crom: Moin Deejay
02:32 AM Crom: https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz updated and compiling
02:33 AM Crom: Arduino mega using ethernet as a poor mans MESA
02:34 AM Crom: Now working on the .py
02:34 AM Crom: .ino is compiling. 24pin digitalWrite, 10 pwm, 16 digital in
02:35 AM Crom: Oh 6 pins via interrupts
02:35 AM Crom: So 40pins output and 16 inputs
02:37 AM Crom: Using 14bytes packet for outputs and soon to be 4 bytes input
02:38 AM Crom: Think i have 2 to 4 byte headers... Need to trim them up.
02:38 AM Crom: Only need 1 header and 2 footers for crc16
04:35 AM wicki_: re
04:38 AM XXCoder: new my sub please.
05:05 AM XXCoder: yo
05:07 AM miss0r: hello
05:07 AM XXCoder: whats up
05:08 AM miss0r: just chillin', killin'
05:09 AM miss0r: just found out the mosfest I have laying around might be too small for the job at hand :)
05:09 AM miss0r: you?
05:11 AM miss0r: heh, lucky for me I have four - it seems possible to mount them in parallel
05:12 AM XXCoder: mosfest?
05:12 AM miss0r: a semi conductor switching device
05:12 AM miss0r: you can use them as a solid state relay
05:13 AM XXCoder: ahh
05:14 AM miss0r: i'm using these for the output pulse on my edm design.
05:14 AM XXCoder: today kinda sucked for me]
05:14 AM XXCoder: grass was too tall to leave alone for another week, so me and my nephew mowed it, in rain
05:15 AM XXCoder: welcome to ever-washington state
05:15 AM miss0r: jees. I looked at my grass today and decided it was too wet for me to do anything about.
05:15 AM miss0r: The sun is shining, but it has been pouring down for the last week or so
05:15 AM miss0r: sorry to tell'ya man, but that lawnmowing is good for nothing :)
05:15 AM XXCoder: yeah mower will work in rain as long as you dont turn it off in rain
05:16 AM XXCoder: keep carb clear
05:16 AM XXCoder: grass was already 4 inches tall in areas
05:16 AM XXCoder: if week more it would get much more sun thanks to that and grow much faster
05:16 AM miss0r: In my experience the grass won't be cut properly in the wet. alot of the straws are laying down...
05:16 AM XXCoder: so it had to be mowed.
05:16 AM XXCoder: actually its nicely flat
05:16 AM miss0r: alright, 4 inches. you can't be any worse off then :)
05:17 AM XXCoder: we had to stop and declog mower by lifting often lol
05:17 AM miss0r: I think mines 2-2.5 in places
05:17 AM XXCoder: due to wet grass
05:17 AM XXCoder: sadly its nice and sunny all damn week and rain in weekends.
05:17 AM XXCoder: been like that for weeks.
05:17 AM miss0r: Murphys law at work
05:17 AM XXCoder: lol
05:18 AM XXCoder: if that was truly true I would have emolism, heart attack and stroke all at once, and before I hit floor car hits me then plane hits me :P
05:18 AM miss0r: I have sort of gotten over the fact that I messed up a workpeice yesterday. Can't do much about it today thou, I have to go to my inlaws for a birthday party later
05:19 AM XXCoder: yeah recall that
05:19 AM miss0r: hehe. I think Murphy's law applies to smaller stuff at well
05:19 AM XXCoder: shit happens
05:20 AM miss0r: Also, I was looking forward to having the machining done, so that I could focus only on the electrical part and the programming :) I can't wait to see this baby work
05:20 AM XXCoder: in least you didnt tip over $390 million space satelette into floor.
05:20 AM miss0r: Yeah, atleast thats something.
05:21 AM miss0r: Worst part about if I did tip over said satellite, is nasa looking all over for me :)
05:21 AM miss0r: asking questions like: "how dit you even get your hands on it?"
05:22 AM XXCoder: well as it turns out
05:22 AM XXCoder: it was achored to platform with lots bolts
05:22 AM XXCoder: its special bolts and people needed em for other stuff also
05:22 AM XXCoder: so it was slowly stolen
05:22 AM miss0r: is this the actual story?
05:23 AM XXCoder: at end few bolts wasnt enough to hold it when it was being moved and CRASH!!
05:23 AM XXCoder: they reviewed safety and shop stuff after that to stop the bolt stealing
05:24 AM miss0r: The mind boggles :o
05:24 AM XXCoder: yeah
05:26 AM miss0r: I mean - here in my small stuff I only have so many M12 allenhead bolts, in the required lenghts for clamping to the milling tables. When I borrow one from one place, i'll be damn sure to put it back after using. and here we are talking about something that looks like a hill billy shop, compared to a sattelite shote :D
05:26 AM miss0r: shote=shop*
05:26 AM XXCoder: indeed
05:26 AM XXCoder: to be fair it was special bolts
05:26 AM miss0r: lol
05:26 AM XXCoder: but even so it was insane to risk multimillion sat
05:27 AM miss0r: I remember reading about it. its been a few years, right?
05:27 AM XXCoder: some years yeah not sure exact
05:28 AM miss0r: here in Denmark, its was a frontpage story in the sleasy tabloits at the time :)
05:29 AM XXCoder: really? lol
05:29 AM miss0r: Not too much happending in Denmark, so we look to the outside world for news worth reading :)
05:30 AM XXCoder: hey in least you live in country where lego started lol
05:30 AM miss0r: Its something :)
05:31 AM miss0r: I need to get going. see you around
05:31 AM XXCoder: later
05:58 AM XXCoder: wow
05:58 AM XXCoder: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0789/1333/products/solar_oven_solar_dogger_materials.png?v=1478537434
05:58 AM XXCoder: short bom for cooker that works even in winter
06:08 AM jthornton: I wonder if it will warm up a hot dog?
06:09 AM XXCoder: it supposely stays at 300f to 400f when charged for 2 hours
07:37 AM {HD}: Todays goal: test all the 'broken hardware' to see if I can get it to work one last time.
07:43 AM SpeedEvil: http://www.bigassfans.com/products/powerfoil-x30/
07:43 AM SpeedEvil: :)
07:44 AM XXCoder: yeah, I'd REALLY secure it to ceiling
07:44 AM XXCoder: no fooling or slapdash installation.
08:04 AM {HD}: How much does one of those run?
08:05 AM XXCoder: probably worth same as my car
08:05 AM XXCoder: $20,000
08:05 AM {HD}: Holy $$$ it can't be that much.
08:06 AM XXCoder: probably not lol but not cheap
08:06 AM XXCoder: it has no price
08:06 AM XXCoder: wjich means I cant afford it lol
08:07 AM {HD}: Haha
08:08 AM SpeedEvil: 20K doesn't seem unreasonable
08:08 AM SpeedEvil: When you consider all the things that can go wrong with it
09:59 AM zeeshan|2 is now known as zeeshan
10:23 AM IchGucksLive: hi all from a Sunny realy nice spring day in Germany
10:28 AM IchGucksLive: JT-Shop2: you are always working no off day take a rest
10:29 AM IchGucksLive: wicki_: gehts mit dem Filter
10:32 AM JT-Shop2: gotta finish the coop
10:33 AM IchGucksLive: as we all do ninishing jobs from sun up to sundown
10:35 AM JT-Shop2: I think the chicks grow 1/2" per night
10:36 AM IchGucksLive: here today its witch night
10:36 AM IchGucksLive: about 300 chicks on 2 legs are on brooms in the region
10:36 AM IchGucksLive: driking beer
10:36 AM IchGucksLive: BBQ is off 3 rotating full picks
10:45 AM Jymmm: justanotheruser: You're connection is bouncing like crazy
11:14 AM IchGucksLive: off till later
12:24 PM IchGucksLive: ;-)
12:24 PM IchGucksLive: so the tree is up for this year
12:34 PM * Deejay had barbecue
12:34 PM Deejay: on the grill
12:34 PM IchGucksLive: Deejay: Maibaumfeier
12:34 PM Deejay: nope
12:35 PM Deejay: no drugs!
12:35 PM IchGucksLive: here it is under the New Major a very big event
12:35 PM Deejay: they only need a reason to drink alcohol
12:36 PM IchGucksLive: town hall is been stormed like theCarnaval
12:39 PM Deejay: storm is here, too ;)
12:40 PM IchGucksLive: did you get rain
12:40 PM Deejay: nope
12:40 PM Deejay: we need rain
12:40 PM Deejay: too dry here
12:41 PM IchGucksLive: here it has been a try thunderstorm all firerangienes in high alert for tonights Mayfier events
12:41 PM IchGucksLive: most of is canceled
12:42 PM IchGucksLive: Deejay: almost 8weeks without any here to
12:43 PM IchGucksLive: food Grass for the cattles is short
12:43 PM IchGucksLive: i had my first this years home grown tomato today
12:43 PM Deejay: so cattle will die
12:43 PM Deejay: no more meat for you
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: no lots of corn in storrige
12:44 PM Deejay: no more barbecue :/
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: the witches today got 3 pigs on the Rotation BBQ
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: it is quite good ive heard
12:44 PM Deejay: hehe
12:44 PM IchGucksLive: familie is down at the event and will bring some
12:46 PM Crom: Mmmmmmmmmmmm pork.... Yum yum
12:46 PM IchGucksLive: Crom: pulled pork
12:46 PM IchGucksLive: as it is started on the firer this morning around 8hr ago
12:47 PM IchGucksLive: Deejay: semmel in eng ?
12:47 PM IchGucksLive: Bunn
12:47 PM Crom: Buddy has two sows ready for butchering
12:48 PM IchGucksLive: Crom: how is the outside of the HotDog meat cales the weat part
12:49 PM IchGucksLive: in german WECK,Semmel,Schrippe....
12:49 PM Deejay: no, its brötchen in german!
12:49 PM IchGucksLive: as well
12:49 PM IchGucksLive: Deejay: in english ?
12:49 PM Deejay: dont know :/
12:50 PM IchGucksLive: bun , roll
12:50 PM IchGucksLive: so this bun in a meat sauce and with pulled pork
12:51 PM IchGucksLive: this is what live is all about
12:51 PM Deejay: all you need to eat is meat ;)
12:51 PM IchGucksLive: if it woudt be that way
12:51 PM IchGucksLive: the USA woudent have that mutch overwaight
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: ive seen there is a ALASKA pizza Airservice
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: dor the inuiit
12:52 PM Deejay: meat doesnt make you fat
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: agrees
12:58 PM IchGucksLive: good evening molaf
12:58 PM SpeedEvil: Depends how much you eat
12:59 PM IchGucksLive: SpeedEvil: i think you cand eatthat many Animal prtin
12:59 PM IchGucksLive: protein
01:00 PM IchGucksLive: im closing witch partol in reatch around the house
01:03 PM TurBoss: Hello
01:03 PM Deejay: hi turbo
01:06 PM Crom: bun or roll...
01:07 PM Crom: I tend to use sourgough rolls for pulled porky
01:08 PM Crom: they're missing a bit abit of their left eaar
01:22 PM TurBoss: how is this machine named in english http://www.construmatica.com/img/business/products/67134/23_rsa_600.png
01:22 PM TurBoss: a rusian guy did one with linuxcnc as control
01:22 PM TurBoss: can't find it
01:23 PM roycroft: surface grinder
01:26 PM archivist: I do wonder how the ways keep the crap out on those
01:51 PM Crom: there is an oil pump running pumping oil to the ways to flush all the rotting carp out
01:55 PM TurBoss: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/show-your-stuff/32728-fixed-bridge-machine-finished#92361
01:55 PM TurBoss: :D
01:59 PM Crom: You'll notice the ways have holes and galleries like for plain bearing to get the oild everywhere.... the tables ride on the oil not the ways
02:13 PM Loetmichel: hmm... i think it was a bit ballsy to drive the BMW 318 home yesterday at 192kmh with these tyres: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=16586&g2_imageViewsIndex=1 ... there are pices of rubber flying off the thread...
02:19 PM Crom: Loetmichel: hehe... I hate old hard tires... get a bit of wet and your traction goes to zero...
02:20 PM Crom: ok just ordered some flush cutters and some 12mm long linear bearings
02:21 PM Loetmichel: Crom: i had more concerns they would explode on my at nearly 200kmh
02:21 PM Loetmichel: (thats 120mph for the imperial folks ;)
02:21 PM Crom: I've had the happen on truck tires at 120kph
02:42 PM Crom: https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz .py and .hal should be ready...
02:43 PM TurBoss1: How I can know in python if Im on machine coords?
02:50 PM TurBoss1: machine or relative
02:52 PM TurBoss1: motion_type?
02:59 PM guru_florida: Getting awesome latency results until sudden spikes of 800micros. Not regular timing, seems random. Reproducable by starting browser or running glxgears or even glxinfo. Just on glx start though. Latency is great after until a spike. Vid card is nvidia quadro 2000 on native drivers on 2.7 linuxcnc (from latest DVD). Did isolcpu=2,3 kernel option on my intel quad core. Followed other smi and troub
02:59 PM guru_florida: leshooting guide stuff. Thinking of switching to software glx but want to check here first before effing with X drivers and stuff. (Never fun) lol
02:59 PM Crom: oops found an error... https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz
03:16 PM JT-Shop2: looks like 2 roosters and 4 hens...
03:24 PM zeeshan: nice jt
03:28 PM TurBoss1: In the python interface how I can know in what coordinate system I am? relative or machine
04:01 PM Crom: grrrr had udpio mispelled all over the place as updio
04:01 PM Crom: https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz all should be ready now
04:12 PM guru_florida: Try CLion IDE, has great refactoring features. Downside is you have to use cmake as project generator, upside is it's cmake which is awesome.
04:31 PM skunkworks: Crom, how is the poor mans mesa coming?
04:32 PM Crom: https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz should be ready to try out
04:32 PM skunkworks: what does it use on the linuxcnc side?
04:32 PM skunkworks: hm2?
04:33 PM Crom: the .hal and .py is in the .ino
04:33 PM skunkworks: nevermind - ready it
04:33 PM skunkworks: read it
04:35 PM Crom: got it up to 24 digital outs, 10 pwm out, 16 digtal ins, 6 interrupts pins in
04:37 PM Crom: probably needs a bit more tweaking...
04:41 PM Roguish_ is now known as Roguish
04:57 PM andypugh: There is at least one chap who makws his own hardware and uses the Hostmot2 code as-is
05:06 PM Deejay: gn8
05:08 PM Crom: dang it... what's the python equivelent in the other direction for char? asc?
05:09 PM zeeshan: ord
05:09 PM Crom: zeeshan: thanks
05:09 PM Crom: found another bug
05:18 PM Crom: several actually..
05:41 PM XXCoder: if you find a bug rtheres always 3 more. if you found none there is 100 bugs not yet found ;)
05:47 PM Crom: just found another 3 ;)
05:48 PM XXCoder: so theres 9 more to be found ;)
05:49 PM Crom: found another 4
06:09 PM Crom: ---~~~~ tie
06:09 PM Crom: time
06:16 PM Magnifikus: maybe im asking again, but for lineardeltakins
06:16 PM Magnifikus: can i tell linuxcnc to slow down if a joint cant keep up?
06:16 PM Magnifikus: would be quite interesting for outer perimeters
06:17 PM Roguish_ is now known as Roguish
06:18 PM Magnifikus: or can i set the max velocity value from hal somehow?
06:18 PM Magnifikus: max_linear_velocity i mean
06:21 PM pcw_home: You can set the maximum cartesian and joint velocity/ acceleration limits independently in the master version of linuxcnc
06:24 PM thomasvansteenki: Hi machinists!
06:24 PM thomasvansteenki: I have a question about fusion 350
06:24 PM thomasvansteenki: 60*
06:24 PM TurBoss: XXCoder: Hi
06:24 PM TurBoss: did you upload the svg files?
06:24 PM TurBoss: :)
06:25 PM thomasvansteenki: overall i'm impressed, but i'd like to abstract a few variables away.
06:25 PM XXCoder: not yet, wanted to upload to forum
06:25 PM TurBoss: forum is up
06:25 PM TurBoss: :D
06:25 PM XXCoder: oh yeah link? need to register and all lol
06:25 PM thomasvansteenki: As in, put them in an excel like sheet so there is no need to change them in fusion 360 directly
06:25 PM TurBoss: sek
06:27 PM andypugh: thomasvansteenki: You can definitely do that in Inventor, I do not know if Fusion has that option
06:27 PM thomasvansteenki: ic
06:27 PM thomasvansteenki: would it be possible to put them in the hsm works / CAM system as well?
06:29 PM andypugh: I don’t know. I suggest Google. All I am saying is that it is probably a search worth doing. In fact you can’t even install Inventor if you don’t have Excel.
06:29 PM Magnifikus: pcw_home, so getting to the limit of a joint will slow the cartesian movement down?
06:29 PM thomasvansteenki: I definitely will :)
06:30 PM Magnifikus: not like in my old version here, were i get a following error / strange movements
06:30 PM thomasvansteenki: it was my next step from fusion 360, as we mill lots of simular stuff that would be suited to parametric design.
06:30 PM Magnifikus: time to get the master on my pi :)
06:30 PM pcw_home: Magnifikus: yep
06:30 PM Magnifikus: gj :)
06:32 PM Magnifikus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e43AMi1iSM&feature=youtu.be ballscrew delta :D
06:32 PM XXCoder: you made it?
06:32 PM Magnifikus: sick in the center, sick puddle in the outer zones
06:32 PM XXCoder: how fast can it print?
06:32 PM Magnifikus: yeah
06:32 PM Magnifikus: in the center ~4000mm/min
06:33 PM TurBoss: XXCoder : https://forum.linuxcnc.org/show-your-stuff/32672-linuxcnc-logo
06:33 PM XXCoder: 66 mm/s not bad
06:33 PM Magnifikus: 45V on trinamic drivers and nanotec steppers
06:33 PM XXCoder: thanks tur now registering
06:34 PM JT-Shop: http://gnipsel.com/images/chicks/coop02.jpg
06:34 PM Magnifikus: but i still need to tweak the drivers, maybe i can get some more speed :D
06:35 PM JT-Shop: getting close on the coop
06:35 PM XXCoder: nice
06:35 PM XXCoder: earthquake proof coop
06:35 PM Magnifikus: hehe
06:36 PM JT-Shop: and mobile
06:37 PM JT-Shop: goodnight
06:38 PM TurBoss: gn8
06:39 PM andypugh: JT-Shop: Looks like it needs its own chicken-feet: http://mythicalarchive.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/baba1.jpg
06:46 PM XXCoder: TurBoss: took me a bit, new forum lol
06:46 PM XXCoder: but done.
06:47 PM XXCoder: be back later
06:47 PM JT-Shop: ah yes andypugh that would be cool
06:47 PM andypugh: More like “Terrifying”
06:58 PM malcom2073: JT-Shop: That looks awesome
07:19 PM guru_florida: Is there a logbot on this channel for irc logs?
07:19 PM andypugh: logger
07:20 PM andypugh: Hmm, well, there is, but I have forgotten how you get it to respond
07:21 PM andypugh: the_wench is a logger
07:22 PM TurBoss: or just log
09:07 PM Tom_L: or 'index' if you want a previous day
09:33 PM XXCoder: TurBoss: hey
09:36 PM XXCoder: Magnifikus: since yours use ballscrews im sure yours can be also a delta mill lol though low strength one
09:37 PM TurBoss: hey
09:40 PM XXCoder: so what ya think of svg lol
09:43 PM TurBoss: its cool
09:43 PM TurBoss: I'm goin to make my custom spash screen :D
09:43 PM TurBoss: using it
09:44 PM XXCoder: im also using it, as kindle pw2 screensaver, both variants
09:44 PM TurBoss: ?
09:44 PM zeeshan: http://imgur.com/a/i9Ryo
09:44 PM zeeshan: yay or nay?! :[
09:45 PM TurBoss: cool!
09:45 PM TurBoss: that cost 500€
09:45 PM TurBoss: os petro dolars
09:45 PM TurBoss: *or
09:45 PM XXCoder: fancy
09:45 PM zeeshan: i can carry lots of stuff now!
09:45 PM zeeshan: :D
09:46 PM zeeshan: i really want to put my fishing gear up there
09:46 PM zeeshan: and jerry can etc
09:46 PM XXCoder: what about more traditional, inside truck back lol
09:46 PM zeeshan: haha i sleep back there :D
09:46 PM zeeshan: need lots of room
09:47 PM zeeshan: hanky panky
09:47 PM zeeshan: :
09:47 PM XXCoder: need sleep, lots room
09:47 PM zeeshan: :-)
09:47 PM XXCoder: either rocking truck or fatass
09:47 PM zeeshan: haha
09:47 PM TurBoss: lost sleep need room
09:48 PM TurBoss: mine is aToyota landcruiser : 1999
09:48 PM TurBoss: :P
09:48 PM TurBoss: smaller
09:48 PM TurBoss: Diesel
09:48 PM XXCoder: mine is ford focus 2012
09:48 PM TurBoss: oh newer
09:48 PM TurBoss: and cooler
09:49 PM XXCoder: I wanted to keep my nissan quest 1996 till elio was ready
09:49 PM XXCoder: but quest said nope
09:49 PM zeeshan: diesel :D
09:49 PM zeeshan: nice
09:49 PM TurBoss: here is cheaper
10:01 PM Tom_L: get a bigger truck
10:01 PM XXCoder: Get a SUV
10:02 PM Tom_L: i did
10:02 PM XXCoder: one large enough to park truck on top of :P
10:03 PM zeeshan: Tom_L: you bought it? :D
10:03 PM Tom_L: i told you i did
10:04 PM Tom_L: for the Mrs
10:04 PM Tom_L: first one in town
10:04 PM XXCoder: anyway RV is nice also
10:04 PM XXCoder: expecially if you rebuild inside yourself with actual quality stuff
10:10 PM zeeshan: oh i thought you were still looking.
10:10 PM * zeeshan is always doing too many things at once :(
10:10 PM TurBoss: :D