#linuxcnc Logs

Apr 12 2017

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:04 AM Crom: nice thing about the dir and step pins... it's a PORTA = B11101101; PORTC = B01001000
12:12 AM Crom: current save https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz
12:40 AM {HD}: Well, I don't know really how to explain it but I tried... https://forum.linuxcnc.org/24-hal-components/32631-huanyang-vfd-speed-display-vs-linuxcnc-speed-display#91226
12:41 AM Crom: WTFreak joint 0 following error; wrong motion mode, change to the correct one
01:54 AM Crom: Step and Direction PORTA and PORTC are perfect for that! PORTA is pins 22-29m PORTC is backwards pins 37-30 but is Xstep is 22 and Xdir is 37 then you're golden...
01:54 AM Crom: but if Xstep*
01:54 AM tjtr33: ah, thanks, reading closer now
01:57 AM Crom: instead of doing 18 digitalWrite(step[indx],HIGH); digitalWrite(dir[indx],HIGH); it's 4 PORTC=B11110000; delay(3); PORTA=B11110000;
01:57 AM Crom: then delay(3); PORTA=0;
01:58 AM Crom: and you build your pins in python on the computer and just send ready to go bytes
01:59 AM tjtr33: interesting, i'm looking at the token parsing code now
01:59 AM Crom: lemme put up the .hal and .py
02:01 AM tjtr33: did you see the node red gui code for the teensy? ( teensy is a varient of arduino , some use arm, all can use arduino ide )
02:01 AM tjtr33: jepler wrote some utils for arduino, seb wrote some for teensy, all to hook into linuxcnc and hal
02:03 AM Crom: reload that pastebin... search for /*
02:03 AM tjtr33: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/gui/ for audio but looks expandable
02:03 AM tjtr33: thanks grabbing now
02:05 AM Crom: it's all 4 files in one... I enclosed the other files in /* ... */
02:05 AM Crom: no I haven't seen the Node Red code.
02:06 AM tjtr33: thanks , i got it and am sorting the files now
02:07 AM Crom: THe PORT = trip really saves block cyles... and you can have coordinated steps
02:07 AM Crom: s/block/clock/
02:07 AM Crom: man I can't type...
02:08 AM tjtr33: i just set up an Uno to do fast pulse trains for simple edm. using a mashup of bitlash and TimerOne.h
02:08 AM Crom: THe PORT = trick really saves clock cyles... and you can have coordinated steps. There is also using |= and other bit operations I need to figure out, since I haven't done bit operations in 20 years
02:09 AM tjtr33: i got control over ontime and off time ( pulse duration and frequency) with a very wide range of control
02:09 AM tjtr33: i see the bytewrite PORT will be fast and can be simple
02:10 AM Crom: I've been playing with PWM timing as well using a similar trick
02:13 AM Crom: I think I've gotten a pretty good pin mix... some pwm, some digtal, read interrupt read, some polled, step and Dir are the bit mapped PORT? trick. Now starting to add in Serial port support
02:14 AM IchGucksLive: morning from Germany
02:16 AM IchGucksLive: Crom it is better to act on negativ signal so PORTA=255 is the trick that controles like more
02:16 AM tjtr33: Crom https://imagebin.ca/v/3ImwUg30xgtu
02:16 AM Crom: hmm PORTL is a good one too... Pins 49-42
02:17 AM Crom: pins 44,45,46 can be pwm... but it's handier to use them as digital pins with PORTL
02:17 AM tjtr33: i just got my TekTHS720a to talk to linux, and grabbed a slow signal out of Uno pin 9
02:18 AM Deejay: moin
02:18 AM tjtr33: i had an idea yesterday about the configurations, since arduinos tennsy etc have so many pin configurations,
02:18 AM IchGucksLive: tjtr33: why not direkt BT Android
02:18 AM IchGucksLive: so tablet no cable porting
02:18 AM IchGucksLive: via a HB05 serial
02:19 AM tjtr33: no got, so i work with what i can find here. good idea tho
02:19 AM Crom: I'm getting better range and throughput with wifi
02:19 AM IchGucksLive: AGREE
02:20 AM Crom: well since IchGucksLive is up... It's time for me to go Nite nite
02:20 AM IchGucksLive: ;-)
02:20 AM Crom: https://pastebin.com/Rndt0gaz there is 4 files in that.. bottom 3 files are wrapped in /* ... */
02:21 AM tjtr33: i though to use the pictures as the configurator ( choose the pins you want by clicking on the pictures ) https://core-electronics.com.au/media/wysiwyg/tutorials/sam/9324f74ab3b000e9a1e6278471200736_original.png
02:21 AM tjtr33: gnite thanks
02:21 AM Crom: I'm using https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/file/view/Mega2-900.jpg/421499040/Mega2-900.jpg
02:22 AM Crom: hehe
02:22 AM Crom: nite all
02:22 AM tjtr33: wow lotsa io gnite
02:23 AM IchGucksLive: tjtr33: i hate the images that are not in line with the pinout
02:25 AM tjtr33: mine? oh on the mega... hahaha here in thailand maps NEVER have up = north! you'd go nut!
02:25 AM IchGucksLive: tjtr33: your own ground projekkt
02:25 AM diginet_ is now known as diginet
02:25 AM tjtr33: interesting north has no value here, maps are based on something you know nearby
02:26 AM tjtr33: like its by the 7-11 next to the big temple , just down the stret from the police station (crazy!)
02:26 AM IchGucksLive: same in Vitnam
02:27 AM tjtr33: yep, btw good to hear from you again
02:27 AM IchGucksLive: tjtr33: what is the overall projekt to be
02:28 AM tjtr33: sink edm, posed by linuxcnc, cut by hal, generator controlled serially thru arduino/teensy
02:29 AM IchGucksLive: nice
02:30 AM IchGucksLive: ts 9am here in germany im off to the biopowerstation
02:31 AM wicki_: .
02:56 AM MacGalempsy: yo
03:17 AM MacGalempsy: XXCoder where are you?
03:41 AM gottaname|wurk: MacGalempsy, are you the guy who re worked the i3?
03:41 AM gottaname|wurk: flsun*
03:42 AM MacGalempsy: what kind of i3? prusa or intel?
03:42 AM gottaname|wurk: prusa
03:42 AM gottaname|wurk: a chinese clone
04:21 AM neothefox_: Hey everyone
04:53 AM XXCoder: MacGalempsy: digitally here now
05:01 AM XXCoder: gottaname|wurk:
05:13 AM jthornton: morning
05:13 AM XXCoder: hey jthornton
05:14 AM gottaname|wurk: XXCoder, so who's the guy?
05:14 AM XXCoder: gotta
05:15 AM XXCoder: guys not in it seems
05:15 AM XXCoder: look at how guy makes box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSXa5rJOFlQ
05:15 AM XXCoder: fanastic
05:15 AM jthornton: MacGalempsy: got the motors to spin up on the tweaker
05:16 AM gottaname|wurk: XXCoder, how does I shot metal CNC?
05:16 AM gottaname|wurk: :P
05:16 AM XXCoder: hey jt gotta is here lol
05:17 AM XXCoder: shot metal?
05:17 AM gottaname|wurk: XXCoder, meme
05:17 AM gottaname|wurk: :P
05:17 AM gottaname|wurk: so its jthornton?
05:17 AM XXCoder: yeh
05:17 AM * gottaname|wurk pokes jthornton with something pointy
05:17 AM XXCoder: though his is mostly Y axis upgrades
05:18 AM gottaname|wurk: jthornton, your flsun i3 prusa redesign lacks ducting, dual extrusion and auto leveling
05:18 AM gottaname|wurk: >:3
05:18 AM XXCoder: evil
05:18 AM jthornton: who needs auto leveling
05:18 AM gottaname|wurk: XXCoder, I'm collecting my new belt later and another cheap ass china filament 1kg
05:18 AM gottaname|wurk: jthornton, everyone?
05:18 AM XXCoder: fancy.
05:19 AM gottaname|wurk: XXCoder, not fancy but cheap
05:19 AM gottaname|wurk: :3
05:19 AM XXCoder: gonna finish mine so I can try dual extuder Y setup
05:19 AM XXCoder: need to print the Y part
05:19 AM jthornton: XXCoder: did you notice the clamp the guy used @ 2min in the vid
05:19 AM XXCoder: yeah
05:19 AM XXCoder: pretty cool
05:20 AM XXCoder: my machine height isnt enough to have perment wood surface
05:28 AM XXCoder: LOL https://youtu.be/_oQAjtXz-Vc
05:38 AM gottaname|wurk: XXCoder, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/cnc-2417-diy-cnc-engraving-machine-3axis-mini-Pcb-Pvc-Milling-Machine-Metal-Wood-Carving-machine/32750921158.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.1.5rZZRI&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10152_10065_10151_10068_10136_10137_10060_10138_10062_10156_10153_10141_126_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099_10103_10102_10096_10148_10147_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10143_10051_10084_10083_10119_10080_10082_10081_10110_10
05:38 AM gottaname|wurk: 111_10112_10113_10114_10078_10079_10073_10070_10123_10120_10124-10120,searchweb201603_4,afswitch_1_afChannel,ppcSwitch_5&btsid=1f3756e3-38ad-4f19-8acf-9a11e295a7e6&algo_expid=4c87897d-2dd6-430f-9ad7-b2ba20b2d710-0&algo_pvid=4c87897d-2dd6-430f-9ad7-b2ba20b2d710
05:38 AM gottaname|wurk: oops'
05:39 AM XXCoder: wood.
05:39 AM XXCoder: barely.
05:39 AM gottaname|wurk: XXCoder, any good cnc router base to build from?
05:39 AM gottaname|wurk: for maybe thin aluminium
05:39 AM gottaname|wurk: 1 or 2mm plates
05:39 AM XXCoder: that one can do wood "barely" was a joke
05:40 AM XXCoder: metal nah
05:40 AM XXCoder: not with plastic ends and sucjh
05:40 AM XXCoder: mine is 10 times stronger than that
05:41 AM XXCoder: this is similiar with mine. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3040-cnc-router-with-Ballscrew-cnc-engraver-cnc-engraving-machine-cnc-drilling-and-milling-machine/32491634543.html
05:42 AM gottaname|wurk: XXCoder, pricey
05:42 AM XXCoder: heh that machine is less than half min
05:42 AM gottaname|wurk: is it noisy?
05:42 AM XXCoder: ask a hearing person
05:42 AM XXCoder: or listen to my video https://youtu.be/_oQAjtXz-Vc
05:42 AM XXCoder: wrong video
05:42 AM XXCoder: funny tho
05:43 AM XXCoder: https://youtu.be/gOWVCvER3i4
05:43 AM gottaname|wurk: that's wood though
05:43 AM gottaname|wurk: any metal?
05:43 AM XXCoder: I cant cut metal, not with exposed electrics
05:44 AM gottaname|wurk: awww
05:44 AM gottaname|wurk: but it could right?
05:44 AM XXCoder: my machine, likely. though slow and shallow cuts
05:46 AM XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQUSS9FO9kY this video is likely to be louder due to deeper cuts
05:48 AM MacGalempsy: jthornton: is the tweaker close to first flight?
05:48 AM XXCoder: jthornton: I wonder if I can cnc-ize my 37 bucks lathe lol
05:48 AM jthornton: just waiting on some standoffs so I can mount the rx under the pdb
05:49 AM MacGalempsy: cool. will it have a cam?
05:49 AM jthornton: what lathe do you have?
05:49 AM XXCoder: 37 bucks one. lol
05:49 AM MacGalempsy: heh
05:49 AM XXCoder: lemme get link
05:49 AM XXCoder: http://www.banggood.com/DC-24V-Mini-Lathe-Beads-Machine-Polish-Woodworking-DIY-Tools-80-100W-p-1121255.html
05:50 AM XXCoder: looks like sale ends today
05:50 AM MacGalempsy: good luck
05:50 AM jthornton: yea I have a cam for fpv but going to get it to fly first lol
05:51 AM MacGalempsy: the blackbird 2 is analog 3d and you can get an ir light for it
05:51 AM XXCoder: mac ya was mostly kidding
05:51 AM MacGalempsy: mostly? heh
05:51 AM XXCoder: anyway gottaname|wurk one you linked to would do fine for wood
05:52 AM gottaname|wurk: yeah, but wood is meh
05:52 AM gottaname|wurk: I need metals or plastics
05:52 AM gottaname|wurk: the cnc can do acrylic right?
05:52 AM XXCoder: easily.
05:52 AM MacGalempsy: wood and plastic would be about the same, no?
05:52 AM XXCoder: right feed to prevent melting but basically thats it
05:53 AM XXCoder: nylon is nasty as it gums up and stalls spindle if it gets even warm
05:53 AM XXCoder: machine at work they spray tons of coolant on it to prevent that,.
05:53 AM XXCoder: acrylic I think is one of most machinable plastic thats fairly cheap
05:54 AM MacGalempsy: so we are expecting rai for the next week... i should have rode my mtb yesterday...
05:54 AM MacGalempsy: rai =rain
05:54 AM XXCoder: oh not RA god eh
05:55 AM jthornton: I've not rode mine in months... no free time
05:55 AM XXCoder: gottaname|wurk: s://www.aliexpress.com/item/GRBL-control-Diy-1610-mini-CNC-machine-working-area-16x10x4-5cm-3-Axis-Pcb-Milling-machine/32713235348.html
05:55 AM MacGalempsy: well Ra would probably bring sun, so hes good
05:55 AM XXCoder: in a way this is better, in a way it is worse than one you linked to
05:55 AM MacGalempsy: i got some weights and a dart board, so we are staying busy on graves
05:55 AM jthornton: is that the one myfordboy has?
05:56 AM XXCoder: nah his is smaller cheaper
05:56 AM XXCoder: well WAS cheaper
05:57 AM MacGalempsy: i made these other guys start doing excersizes as their ante for the dartboard..
05:57 AM XXCoder: I read books at work
05:57 AM MacGalempsy: they arent playing as much now :)
05:57 AM XXCoder: I finished 2 books today. part of one and whole book
05:58 AM XXCoder: geez
05:58 AM XXCoder: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1325-cnc-wood-machine-router-the-best-price-cnc-router-vacuum-table-cnc-router-1325/32637991128.html
05:58 AM XXCoder: this is cheap!
05:58 AM MacGalempsy: i read an interior design boom for this house i want to build on this second lot
05:59 AM MacGalempsy: looks like a scam
05:59 AM MacGalempsy: come on free shipping?
05:59 AM XXCoder: store opened in 2013
06:00 AM MacGalempsy: in the past they tried that, then offered a discount. once you took the discount that dusqualified you for a refund
06:00 AM MacGalempsy: 7 feedbacks since 2013
06:00 AM XXCoder: heh I got that before
06:00 AM XXCoder: I said nah I dont care for few bucks. I figured it was mostly bullshit
06:00 AM XXCoder: and it was
06:01 AM MacGalempsy: yeah. they did that on a 3d printer i bought
06:01 AM XXCoder: guy obly sells BIG machines
06:01 AM XXCoder: not that many customers for those.
06:01 AM XXCoder: but yeah still might be
06:02 AM MacGalempsy: they may have got their retirement planned
06:04 AM XXCoder: lol maybe
06:08 AM XXCoder: lol banggood has very cheap collets
06:09 AM XXCoder: http://www.banggood.com/ER11-Collet-Chuck-Holder-BT30-ER11-70L-Tool-Holder-For-CNC-Milling-p-1103830.html
06:09 AM XXCoder: too bad I cant use em
06:16 AM XXCoder: wtf https://www.aliexpress.com/item/50pcs-set-New-P75-B1-Dia-1-02mm-100g-Cusp-Spear-Spring-Loaded-Test-Probes-Pogo/32767984398.html
06:18 AM XXCoder: MacGalempsy: you know what its for?
06:19 AM jthornton: for testing circuit boards
06:19 AM MacGalempsy: no idea
06:19 AM XXCoder: huh
06:20 AM jthornton: you make a plate with the pins in the proper spots and a guide for the board to align it so the electrical connections are made to test with
06:20 AM XXCoder: ah so thats why 50 of em
06:20 AM jthornton: that's why they are called test probes
06:20 AM jthornton: yea
06:21 AM MacGalempsy: i got to go. the directional drill is askin questions. ttyl
06:22 AM XXCoder: later
06:22 AM jthornton: ok
06:24 AM XXCoder: man
06:24 AM XXCoder: those parts is sure taking its sweet time getting here
06:24 AM XXCoder: I just hope I am still in my 40s by time it arrives.
06:37 AM jthornton: what are you waiting on?
06:38 AM XXCoder: corners for 2020
06:39 AM jthornton: dang still waiting on them...
06:39 AM XXCoder: so I can finally build electrics box lol
07:47 AM skunkworks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkSXIi6ox7s
07:47 AM skunkworks: now to figure out how to make it work well ;)
07:47 AM XXCoder: video is better quality than mine lol
07:47 AM XXCoder: wow had to stop video
07:47 AM XXCoder: shaking was killing me
07:48 AM XXCoder: I hate it when I'm at worse sensivity to dizzying stuff
07:57 AM DrippityDrops: skunkworks: glad you got the edm goin, def lame vids tho hahahaha
07:58 AM skunkworks: I am not known for my videos.. :)
07:58 AM skunkworks: or maybe I am
08:01 AM DrippityDrops: anyone used these before? https://www.aircontrolindustries.com/products/air-knife-systems/air-knives/stainless-steel-air-knives/ring-air-knives/
10:34 AM Crom: DrippityDrops: nice
10:34 AM {HD}: can anyone point me towards the source for hy_vfd?
10:36 AM Crom: Heh... I've done that... Can't figure out docs so i look at the source
10:36 AM Crom: Github?
10:37 AM {HD}: Crom: Lol, yea. I think there is a bug in this thing. If it is using P011 to calculate speed then something is wrong.
10:38 AM Crom: https://github.com/bebro/linuxcnc-huanyang-vfd
10:42 AM cradek: no, http://git.linuxcnc.org/gitweb?p=linuxcnc.git;a=tree;f=src/hal/user_comps/huanyang-vfd;h=b2d89375428efc4c2b89dd1ea246b33014ea57f4;hb=c0778d66cf0fc2d57fa572345765f1fd8d0d6927
10:43 AM {HD}: Cool
10:48 AM enleth: Crom: are you using one of those chinese CW-whatever chillers for your lasers, or something homemade?
10:49 AM {HD}: Well, looking at the code it should work... -S 24000 = 24000/400 x 50 = 3000 but the value 2400 gets pushed to my VFD what gives.
10:53 AM {HD}: cradek: How do I check version #s? I have installed the latest linuxcnc.iso is the code link you sent current?
10:59 AM {HD}: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/24-hal-components/32631-huanyang-vfd-speed-display-vs-linuxcnc-speed-display#91251
11:08 AM cradek: dpkg -l linuxcnc
11:08 AM cradek: the version number will match a tag in git
11:08 AM cradek: or you can always use apt-get source to get corresponding source
11:16 AM Crom: enleth: 5gallon bucket and stock pump
11:16 AM enleth: Crom: you're brave
11:16 AM enleth: that pump is usually a piece of shit
11:18 AM Crom: My bucket still at same level as laser.. So my lift is basically 0
11:19 AM Crom: Water level is above the tube
11:22 AM Crom: After i get cnc all running nice I'll start back on the lasers. Smoothieware, flowsensors, airassist... Radiator/chiller new pump
11:23 AM enleth: well, I'm trying to find a proper pump to buy
11:24 AM Jymmm: enleth: for?
11:24 AM enleth: an Eheim watercooling pump I'm using now seems a bit underpowered if the flowmeters are to be trusted
11:24 AM Crom: Laser coolant
11:24 AM enleth: Jymmm: a 60W+ CO2 laser tube
11:24 AM enleth: prefereably an oversized one that can be used with a bigger tube later
11:24 AM Jymmm: flowmasters are pretty good
11:25 AM enleth: something I can actually get in the EU would be nice
11:25 AM Jymmm: ah
11:26 AM Jymmm: enleth: Look at RV supply
11:26 AM enleth: RV?
11:28 AM Jymmm: house on wheels with an engine
11:28 AM Crom: 12v water pump for a caravan
11:28 AM enleth: ah, those
11:29 AM Crom: US Rv == Caravan EU
11:30 AM enleth: actually, sump pumps for machine tools seem to be relatively cheap
11:30 AM Crom: And they are built to handle some gunk
11:31 AM enleth: waaait a moment, I still have the sump pump from the Bridgeport
11:31 AM enleth: I'm not using flood coolant right now so the pump is not even installed
11:31 AM enleth: I just need to clean it
11:32 AM Jymmm: you REALLY don't want to contaminate the laser tube.
11:32 AM enleth: obviously
11:33 AM Crom: Google search term: coolant pumps for machine tools
11:33 AM enleth: but unless the pump is completely sealed, I can take it apart and soak the parts in kerosene, it'll be clean as new
11:33 AM Jymmm: Just make sure you can literally eat off of anything that pump has in/thru it
11:33 AM enleth: and I think there were screws on the submersible part
11:34 AM enleth: Crom: yeah, found some of those locally, too
11:34 AM Jymmm: enleth: Would you be willing to drink anything that comes thru that pump?
11:34 AM enleth: Jymmm: after I'm done cleaning it? yeah.
11:34 AM Jymmm: ok, fair enough.
11:34 AM enleth: you haven't seen me cleaning parts before reassembly
11:35 AM enleth: I've got a slight OCD when it comes to gunk in the machines I use, even if it can't be normally seen
11:36 AM enleth: Jymmm: http://imgur.com/a/5p2Ff
11:37 AM Crom: My ocd drives me toget it working, not to keep it clean, unless that is the project
11:38 AM {HD}: Is there a 2.7.8 iso? or do I have to update from 2.7 using internets? I don't curently have internets on CNC machine.
11:38 AM enleth: I only gave up on cleaning the stains on the bed because I'd have to repaint it
11:39 AM Crom: Heh
11:39 AM enleth: as in, the paint started coming off with the stains
11:39 AM Jymmm: enleth: That page is taking way too long to load for me.
11:39 AM enleth: well, there's a couple dozen photos there
11:39 AM Crom: Darn need to get out of bed to see why Cromaglious_ fell off
11:40 AM enleth: but imgur should only load them when you scroll down
11:40 AM cradek: {HD}: you need to get internet and run the debian updates
11:40 AM Jymmm: enleth: You have 40+ images
11:40 AM {HD}: cradek: Thanks. Ill make a ethernet cable.
11:41 AM enleth: Jymmm: yeah, I made a point of documenting it properly
11:41 AM enleth: there were about 250, those are the good ones
11:41 AM Jymmm: lol
11:42 AM enleth: I've got a WiFi SD card modified to automatically upload photos to a LAN file server, I can go all out taking photos when I work such stuff
11:43 AM enleth: besides, that's just what you do to get good photos - snap away and throw away 80% that turned out bad
11:44 AM Crom: hmm
11:44 AM enleth: at least I now have what might be the highest quality public album of ballscrew cleaning and reballing
11:46 AM Crom: enleth: that just sounds wrong.... LOL
11:46 AM Loetmichel: enleth: i can remember the days before digicams... my friend took a few 1000 pictures with his two SLR cams on each of our 6-8 weeks "adventure" trips to africa... and then sorted the developed films afterwards to about 100-Dia-shows pics per journey.
11:47 AM enleth: Loetmichel: well, yeah, I remember that too
11:48 AM enleth: it was just more of a PITA to swap film rolls/cartridges and develop them, but you still ended up discarding a good part of the results
11:52 AM Crom: damn... for some reason X axis is giving me 'Axis X following error' when homing
11:53 AM skunkworks: what is the hardware? Probably not enough stepgen headroom..
11:54 AM skunkworks: acceleration headroom
11:55 AM {HD}: cradek: do I want to "safe upgrade"?
11:55 AM Crom: Jogging is fine... Oh... Lemme check home speed
11:56 AM skunkworks: (or your going too fast) ;)
11:56 AM cradek: {HD}: not sure - give me more context about what you're seeing
11:57 AM Crom: oops -80 is not a good speed
11:59 AM {HD}: http://i.imgur.com/ohQszBp.jpg I clicked on No because it read "would not install new packages"...
11:59 AM cradek: ah just click install updates
11:59 AM cradek: new packages are fine
12:00 PM cradek: linuxcnc may have even added a dependency, it's normal to need a few new packages
12:00 PM Crom: ok that fixed it
12:01 PM Crom: home search is now -40
12:06 PM Crom: OK took care of the rattle.. drilled the holes bigger and retapped. counter bored the flange and used 2 4mm screws
12:06 PM Crom: well if using a 3/8" drill is counterboring
12:08 PM {HD}: http://i.imgur.com/FAdxTIz.jpg a 23 vs 34
12:09 PM Loetmichel: enleth: my friend was faster with manual film advance than the winder below the SLR ;)
12:09 PM {HD}: Lol how does this work? http://i.imgur.com/EfTw428.jpg it's really putting in the extra effort.
12:10 PM Loetmichel: talk about "practice makes perfect" :-)
12:10 PM cradek: {HD}: wow!
12:26 PM Crom: ahh it doesn't like Max velocity between [AXIS] and [JOINT]
12:26 PM Crom: being different
12:32 PM enleth: have you seen This Old Tony's latest video?
12:32 PM IchGucksLive: hi all
12:33 PM {HD}: tapers and spheres...yep.
12:33 PM gregcnc: hmm seems i need to look at one of those wifi SD
12:33 PM enleth: the taper on a lathe with a boring head trick is possibly the best thing I've seen on his channel when it comes to tricks
12:33 PM cradek: {HD}: yay, sounds like bugfixes
12:33 PM enleth: gregcnc: get a Transcend, I've got a ready to use firmware mod that enables FTP and SSH access
12:34 PM enleth: gregcnc: and a python daemon that pings it and checks for new photos every 10 seconds or so, that you can run on a file server or a router or whatever
12:36 PM {HD}: How do I mark a forum post as 'solved'?
12:38 PM {HD}: I guess Ill just change the 'topic icon' to a 'check'
12:44 PM {HD}: cradek: Yes, now that I pulled up the 'changelog' I see my previous issues described. Well, I am now happy!
12:45 PM IchGucksLive: {HD}: what are you pulling with that big steppers
12:45 PM IchGucksLive: why not gearing the 23er
12:45 PM archivist: gearing has backlash usually
12:45 PM IchGucksLive: with 100:1 you can also reatch 5m
12:46 PM IchGucksLive: archivist with cheep precision planetary
12:46 PM IchGucksLive: 80Nm
12:46 PM IchGucksLive: at 2.5in
12:47 PM {HD}: IchGucksLive: the 23s are for my smaller machine. The 34s are for the machine I am building. Hybrid 30mm bearings .75" steel X table 5.5'x2.5'
12:48 PM IchGucksLive: a foot is 33cm
12:48 PM IchGucksLive: times 5 is below 2m
12:48 PM archivist: IchGucksLive, what part of backlash dont you understand
12:48 PM Crom: 2.5' that's kinda small.... unless you're only working with 2x4 max material..
12:49 PM neothefox: IchGucksLive, hey man
12:50 PM Crom: I get plastics in a near 3'x4' size..
12:50 PM Crom: anyone know of a dxf file of the chinesium cnc 3040?
12:51 PM IchGucksLive: archivist i understand
12:51 PM Crom: ants are back.. ugh
12:51 PM archivist: IchGucksLive, not everyone is making low accuracy cheap stuff so they use larger motors
12:51 PM Crom: time to spray
12:51 PM IchGucksLive: i got 2 norm 30:1 frearings at a plasma i orderd then on a 1year ofset
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: and it is not a 0.1mm on a everige workshift at maybe 800meters of move at 2400mm/min
12:52 PM IchGucksLive: http://smarthost.maedler.de/datenblaetter/K41_680.pdf
12:53 PM IchGucksLive: ok they are at 65USD
12:53 PM IchGucksLive: but the length of the Wirers to the Steppers are over 8meter
12:54 PM IchGucksLive: thrue all the wire channels and the timing is critic to get the mayx power to the motors
12:54 PM IchGucksLive: even on 75V
12:55 PM IchGucksLive: i checked the use off 34 but the costs are way highere and i got less benefitt
12:55 PM IchGucksLive: but it personell expiriance
12:55 PM IchGucksLive: neothefox: what is the kernal doing on thiny
12:57 PM neothefox: IchGucksLive, it's dead, no matter the kernel options. It just hangs, even the serial terminal is empty. So I tried machinekit and Xenomai instead - and it sorta worked instead of hanging it just reboots, but that is because it is compiled with PAE. So now I am compiling it without PAE
12:58 PM IchGucksLive: i never used mashinekit
12:58 PM IchGucksLive: i go and get a pc that workes fdor 20USD or less
01:00 PM IchGucksLive: archivist https://youtu.be/O-GNnhIljF4 even that Cheese gear homemade for education made off PMMA is without backlash when you go on hard had
01:01 PM IchGucksLive: but that means low speed
01:01 PM IchGucksLive: 20sec per Rev
01:01 PM IchGucksLive: 50:1
01:01 PM IchGucksLive: at 400STeps per Rev Stepper
01:02 PM IchGucksLive: Res = 0,018deg
01:02 PM archivist: one this box cannot see youtube, 2 I cannot believe a plastic gear can have 0 backlash under proper conditions forward to reverse
01:03 PM IchGucksLive: its not plastic
01:03 PM IchGucksLive: its steel on brass
01:03 PM archivist: "Cheese gear homemade"
01:03 PM archivist: your words
01:03 PM IchGucksLive: its the matter of the mount
01:04 PM IchGucksLive: i agree full on your thoughts
01:04 PM archivist: no it is a matter of tooth clearance
01:05 PM yasnak: https://youtu.be/f6l7c3kHGQE?t=49
01:05 PM yasnak: haha that guy is totally how i feel when my boss's do the horse and pony show
01:08 PM IchGucksLive: archivist its not zero
01:08 PM IchGucksLive: if you want long live smooth move
01:10 PM gregcnc: 135HP cut? dang
01:10 PM IchGucksLive: gregcnc: some need more power then others
01:11 PM gregcnc: ??
01:11 PM IchGucksLive: the HP
01:11 PM gregcnc: some need more sleep than others?
01:11 PM IchGucksLive: agree
01:12 PM IchGucksLive: hp = horse power ?
01:12 PM gregcnc: yes
01:12 PM Tom_itx: pony power
01:12 PM gregcnc: said 100kW
01:12 PM archivist: shire horse power
01:13 PM gregcnc: enleth I run magic lantern on my canon and this apparently complicates the wifi SD issue
01:18 PM enleth: gregcnc: I could check with our 500D, it definitely interfered with EyeFi, but EyeFi is shit
01:18 PM enleth: haven't checked with Transcend yet
01:24 PM IchGucksLive: GN8
01:25 PM Crom: SOB! This Lappy will clone displays, however will not dual head
01:26 PM Crom: bbiab
01:40 PM robi is now known as Crom
01:41 PM Crom: no, no dual head... and this is a "Media PC", what the heck! only clone
01:43 PM Jymmm: Crom: os?
03:22 PM {HD}: What do you guys use to calculate feeds and speeds?
03:23 PM archivist: online calculator or more usually ears
03:23 PM archivist: and eyes (nice finish)
03:24 PM {HD}: archivist: Yes I often times fine tune by surface finish but I want to start closer than I currently am.
03:35 PM rob_h: or look in the tech sheet for the cutter/drill etc you have
03:36 PM archivist: inserts have speed and feed ranges
03:44 PM {HD}: Well. I guess I am going to try to cut my new spindle mounts... I will make it out of wood first then if it works and is what I want then aluminum.
03:47 PM robi is now known as Crom
03:48 PM Crom: WHAT A PITA! DD-wrt... I should be able to setup a dd-wrt to route anything connecting to it and route up stream.... not a frigging chance...
03:49 PM Crom: had to turn it into a gateway....
03:50 PM * JT-Shop has 5 weeks to get the chicken coop built...\
03:50 PM Crom: though right now I'm connecting via ethernet cable to the DD-wrt, then it connects to MyLan4 via wifi, MyLan4 connects via wifi to the FIOS router then out to the inet
03:50 PM {HD}: JT-Shop: Is it going to be the Taj Mahal? 5 Weeks! is a long time for a coupe.
03:51 PM Crom: jt: checkout Keith Fenner's coop very nice! youtube
04:09 PM Cromaglious_: gotta put quassel-core on a raspberry pi
04:11 PM andypugh: Crom: Tried Tomato?
04:13 PM Crom: went out to the linuxcnc machine then realized quassel-core was unreachable from that side... putting it on a RPi on the main 192.168.3.x network
04:14 PM Crom: be neat if they could get it running on a dd-wrt machine
04:15 PM JT-Shop: wow 40 minutes, I'll have to d/l it in the morning
04:20 PM skunkworks_: why does this make me throw up in my mouth a little bit.. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mach1mach2cnc/conversations/messages/152743
04:20 PM skunkworks_: I must be overly sensitive today
04:20 PM {HD}: skunkworks_: I am not going to click a link that makes you throw up
04:38 PM Deejay: gn8!
04:43 PM JT-Shop: I guess solidworks recent decision to not allow you to have it on your laptop and desktop at the same time was done to make you like fusion 360 better?
04:46 PM gregcnc: they changed that? that was a selling point since 1998
04:47 PM JT-Shop: yea, I transfered my license from the desktop and swapped hard drives then could not transer it back
04:48 PM JT-Shop: now it's a selling point for fusion 360
04:48 PM gregcnc: did you check with your reseller or it just won't wont
04:50 PM JT-Shop: yea I checked, they said that was a recent decision
04:58 PM andypugh: Autodesk let me have a _free_ version of Inventor at home because I have access to one of a shared pool of livenses at work.
05:00 PM andypugh: JT-Shop: I guess you are right that it is a decision designed to push you towards Fusion 360 (as Autodesk own Solidworks)
05:00 PM {HD}: And these companies wonder why people pirate their software...
05:01 PM {HD}: I did not know solid Works was owned by Autodesk!
05:01 PM andypugh: {HD} Probably a bit more Evil than that, AD killing Solidworks in creative ways
05:01 PM {HD}: Are there any cad cam solutions that aren't owned by Autodesk?
05:02 PM andypugh: Many.
05:02 PM malcom2073: When did Autodesk buy it
05:02 PM malcom2073: ?
05:02 PM andypugh: Autodesk only own the good ones :-)
05:03 PM malcom2073: Afaik, it's owned by dassault
05:03 PM malcom2073: And is still a direct competitor
05:03 PM andypugh: I think you are right, and I was misled by a google search
05:04 PM malcom2073: Whew heh, I got scared yeah it seems it's not
05:04 PM {HD}: Oh good...
05:05 PM andypugh: Autodesk do own HSMworks
05:06 PM {HD}: Yep =(
05:07 PM {HD}: Are there alternatives for cam that go well with solid works?
05:07 PM andypugh: tbh I do like Autodesk products, and I do think that Fusion CAM, for free, is brilliant. My only worry is that they want to capture the whole market, kill all comeption, then turn evil.
05:08 PM malcom2073: I've used camworks, which is fairly awesome
05:08 PM FinboySlick: Autodesk turned evil in the early 90s.
05:08 PM {HD}: andypugh: in my opinion, after what they did to Eagle CAD, they are already evil.
05:08 PM FinboySlick: Or do you mean *more* evil?
05:08 PM andypugh: I mean more evil.
05:08 PM cpresser: with eagle, lots of people now turn to kicad :)
05:09 PM * {HD} is one of those people
05:09 PM JT-Shop: https://imagebin.ca/v/3IrIH8OyvCyQ
05:09 PM JT-Shop: any ideas on how to set up to machine the holes on the angle?
05:10 PM Frank_6: helloooooo
05:10 PM andypugh: Kicad looks good. I have been using Designspark (never really got on with Eagle) but Kicad native on the Mac seems like an avenue to explore. Especially as STMBL are on KiCAD
05:10 PM JT-Shop: I can set the block but am wondering how to locate the holes
05:10 PM {HD}: JT-Shop: what's with the comments on that picture?
05:11 PM JT-Shop: ah the through holes are my key
05:11 PM JT-Shop: beats me, looks like left over comments
05:11 PM JT-Shop: lol
05:11 PM andypugh: JT-Shop: Do you have a tilting head?
05:11 PM JT-Shop: yea but I hate when it tilts
05:12 PM JT-Shop: I have a 30 degree thing and I think I can put a pin through the perpendicular hole and indicate off that
05:13 PM andypugh: I have done similar compund angles: https://goo.gl/photos/inTC4QHkKwAQLsCm8
05:13 PM JT-Shop: the hex holes have a round through hole
05:14 PM JT-Shop: nice chuck
05:14 PM andypugh: Which one? I am using two :-)
05:15 PM JT-Shop: the keyless one
05:15 PM andypugh: It’s a cheapy from China. (though it is actually very nice)
05:17 PM JT-Shop: I found one a friend gave me (he gave me two but I forgot the second one) that fit the tail stock on the Samson lathe instead of the super crummy cheap key chuck that I had on there
05:17 PM andypugh: I have forgotten their name. its a 3-letter initial sort of name, and their stuff is pretty reasonable
05:18 PM andypugh: JT-Shop: Just search eBay for cheap “Albrecht” chucks for the lathe.
05:18 PM andypugh: I now have 6 different one, and haven’t paid more than £50 for any of them (and that was an outlier, most were half that)
05:19 PM JT-Shop: the 2 he gave me are Jacobs chucks
05:20 PM andypugh: Jacobs _should_ be better. The Jacobs design in sold from the shank to the jaw guides.
05:20 PM andypugh: (solid)
05:20 PM JT-Shop: now to figure out what size hole in the corner of the hex will give me a hex from a 1/16 end mill
05:20 PM andypugh: With the Albrecht design the jaw guides rotate on a bush.
05:21 PM andypugh: However, in practice, it might not matter, Albrecht make them well, they feel great.
05:23 PM andypugh: JT-Shop: Going back to that setup earlier, here is what I _think_ I did.
05:24 PM andypugh: From the CAD I worked out where the axis of the hole broke the surface, measured that, and centre-punched it
05:24 PM andypugh: Then, from the CAD I worked out the C-angle needed, and set the work on the table at that angle
05:25 PM andypugh: With the B axis at zero I picked up the centre-punch mark with the spring-loaded point of my coaxial indicator
05:26 PM andypugh: Then I probed the surface with my known-length probe
05:27 PM andypugh: Then I fittted the meausured-length drill, set the B-angle to the scale, and jogged to the coordinates that maths told me in X and Z (Y was aready done with the co-ax)
05:28 PM andypugh: There might be easier ways.
05:29 PM JT-Shop: that is complicated but worked
05:29 PM andypugh: But my main point is that you can measure angles in the CAD that you probably couldn’t in the real world, and that is how you can figure out the B and C angles you need.
05:29 PM JT-Shop: I think I can just use the cross hole to line up to
05:30 PM JT-Shop: yes I can draw stuff in cad that I can't make lol
05:31 PM andypugh: Do you have a probe?
05:31 PM andypugh: Do you have a ball-end mill that has the same diameter as the ruby?
05:31 PM JT-Shop: not on the VMC just the knee mill
05:32 PM andypugh: Make a perfect hemisphere where the CAD says it should be, then set the angles, then probe that dimple
05:33 PM andypugh: If the knee-mill has a quill that is probably the one to use.
05:33 PM andypugh: Or are you thinging VMC and tiltiing table?
05:34 PM JT-Shop: I made a 30/45 degree support that would put the part at the angle I need
05:34 PM JT-Shop: the part is delrin
05:35 PM andypugh: How accurate do you need?
05:36 PM andypugh: Cordless drill and piloted counterbore?
05:37 PM andypugh: Printed paper angle guides?
05:37 PM JT-Shop: a magnet goes in the hole to hold a nut in place
05:37 PM andypugh: Could be the most expedient way
05:37 PM JT-Shop: I can get the angle no problem and put a pin through the cross hole and slide it up to the pin in my holder and do the math
05:38 PM andypugh: How many of them?
05:38 PM JT-Shop: 1
05:39 PM andypugh: 1 = hand drill
05:39 PM andypugh: 20 = machine pocket in aluminium block on tilting table, including probe-able reference.
05:40 PM andypugh: (machine prior to tilting)
05:44 PM andypugh: JT-Shop: I remebered the TLAm it’s CTC: http://www.ctctools.biz/drill-chucks-with-arbors/
05:45 PM JT-Shop: not bad price
05:46 PM andypugh: And the tools are OK
05:46 PM andypugh: In fact, I can’t find any fault with them
05:47 PM andypugh: I mean, it’s a drill chuck, if you want incredible accuracy then drilling isn’t the finish stage anyway.
05:48 PM andypugh: Integral-shank drills are difinitely the way to go, though I actually think they could make them even shorter.
05:48 PM Crom: JT-Shop: here's one for you. 40mm AL square 90mm x 90mm with three holes 2ea 21mm holes center 16.4 5mm off the front side and 26.5mm off the centerline each way and they are going to be cut with a 4mm endmill 1mm DOC 10% WOC s9000 F300. 3rd hole is a 22mm 16.5mm from the front on centerline with a 34mm x 34mm squareish pocket 15mm deep centered on the hole.
05:49 PM Crom: s/16.45mm/16.5mm/
05:49 PM andypugh: Can you phrase that in the form of a question?
05:49 PM Crom: cad and cam it/
05:49 PM Crom: ?
05:49 PM Crom: s/16.4 5mm/16.5mm/
05:49 PM JT-Shop: lol
05:51 PM Crom: been sitting here trying to put a 90x90 square on the screen using freecad.... I got rectangle that I can turn into a 4 sided obeject... with variable corners
05:51 PM Crom: heekscad crashes everytime I go to cut a hole
05:53 PM Crom: I could do it in inkscape, but the holes will be off a bit which I don't want
05:56 PM Crom: not freecad, libreCAD
05:59 PM andypugh: Crom: You want a solid model?
06:00 PM FinboySlick: Autodesk bought Nastran?
06:00 PM Crom: I want a ngc file... I'll take a dxf if I can get one...
06:00 PM andypugh: Can you run a VM with Windows in it? philosopy aside, Fusion 360 is the only sensible choice right now, for price and performance
06:01 PM JT-Shop: will fusion run in a VM?
06:01 PM skunkworks_: so far - with my hardware - fusion in a virtual box performs pretty poorly. But I don't have direct hardware access
06:03 PM Crom: hehe... Google search "World War 3" hits record levels
06:03 PM JT-Shop: it's pretty slow even with my medium end desktop with a better than average video card
06:04 PM Crom: shoot... I'm gonna be having mega stick out.. 2% WOC would be better
06:05 PM andypugh: JT-Shop: I run Inventor in a Windows VM on my Mac, and I run Fusion native on the Mac. Fusion is a bit better, but both are usable.
06:08 PM Crom: oh climb milling... lets the easy to deflect X climb out.. I can just run it multiple times
06:09 PM Crom: 90x90mm square can just be one 0.5mm DOC ass... I can cut it out on the band saw
06:09 PM Crom: s/ass/pass/
06:12 PM andypugh: Crom: For making squares a lathe and 4-jaw chuck works really well
06:12 PM Crom: Just happens I have a lathe and a 4jaw chuck
06:13 PM Crom: and I have make squares and rectangles out of blobs
06:13 PM * JT-Shop goes to check why the chicks are so quiet
06:14 PM andypugh: <speculates that JT now has a pet fox instead>
06:15 PM JT-Shop: we have fox and coyote about
06:16 PM JT-Shop: be tough to get into the machine shop and get the chick
06:16 PM JT-Shop: s
06:18 PM JT-Shop: I call the neighbors chickens the pushers, they came over here and layed enough yard eggs to get me hooked and now I have to have a chicken farm
06:19 PM Crom: shoot the coyote, feed the fox
06:22 PM Crom: Love having fox and skunk, about... NO RATS!
06:22 PM Crom: hate having coyotes around... you end up with No cats or dogs
06:22 PM andypugh: Apparently we now have an urban fox problem. I have yet to see what the problem is. They almost never eat anyone. In fact they don’t even seem to bother cats very much.
06:23 PM andypugh: I acually quite like rats, but then I also live happily with my house-spiders.
06:24 PM JT-Shop: I like my black snakes...
06:24 PM JT-Shop: they eat the rats that eat my vehicles
06:25 PM Crom: I like sophisticated rats that like rat wheels, stay in their cage... not the local hoodlum rats that eat holes in my walls
06:25 PM Crom: Love my spiders... My Wife and kidlette HATE them!
06:26 PM Crom: wish I had an orb spider in me living room... catch all the damn crane flies
06:26 PM JT-Shop: I wonder if a chicken tractor made from pvc pipe is a good solution
06:29 PM Tom_itx: do the rats eat your rubber tires?
06:29 PM Crom: heh.. make up hardware cloth sections and connect them like the old rat/mouse/gerbil habitat tubes
06:31 PM Crom: plastic insulation and vacuum tubing
06:32 PM andypugh: BMW list special anti-Marten wiring looms.
06:32 PM Tom_itx: ss braid?
06:33 PM andypugh: ultrasonic repeller, I think.
06:33 PM andypugh: Google BMW and Marten
06:34 PM Crom: one of those indian IRS scam guys just called a friend of mine... yra Reneé Fuller ROFLMAO..... asked them if they were calling because they found the body......
06:34 PM andypugh: I think I might be tempted to keep the Martens and cycle :-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marten
06:35 PM andypugh: Crom: Good line, need to remember that
06:37 PM Crom: In Malaysia, we had a Pole Cat for awhile..., Musie got out one night and we found him next morning..., well some of him...
06:37 PM andypugh: In most cases my surname (Pugh) works as a shibboleth. Anyone who phones me at home and mispronounces my name is not someone I know.
06:38 PM Tom_itx: i would likely be one of those :D
06:38 PM Tom_itx: but i doubt i'd phone you
06:38 PM gregcnc: I think I worked with an Andy Pugh
06:39 PM gregcnc: pronunciation pew?
06:39 PM Tom_itx: i think he gave us that a long time back but i've since forgotten
06:39 PM andypugh: Pugh as in Hugh
06:39 PM gregcnc: right
06:40 PM Crom: hehe... same here... Town is called Tem-Mec-COO-LA Temecula, anyone saying Tem-A-Cue-la. Then there is my last name. Akerley-McKee ... Anyone saying Ack-er-ley Ma Gee gets a door in thier face. Ache-erley- Mic Key
06:40 PM JT-Shop: what's up Tom_itx
06:40 PM andypugh: Not as in Plough
06:40 PM andypugh: Or Cough
06:40 PM andypugh: Or Chough
06:40 PM Tom_itx: not much JT-Shop
06:40 PM andypugh: Ot Enough
06:40 PM Tom_itx: out enjoying the weather
06:40 PM malcom2073: Sounds like you've had some time to think this through andypugh
06:40 PM malcom2073: :-P
06:40 PM andypugh: Or Through
06:40 PM Crom: Pew Pew Pew Pew
06:41 PM andypugh: Hiccough.
06:41 PM gregcnc: here he got pug
06:43 PM gregcnc: it could have been Plugh, but same thing
06:44 PM JT-Shop: Tom_itx: I'm a chicken farmer now :)
06:45 PM Tom_itx: so i see
06:46 PM Tom_itx: reminds me of Grand Cayman where chickens run wild everywhere due to a hurricane scattering them about. too many for them to catch
06:49 PM JT-Shop: it's like that in key west too
06:49 PM Tom_itx: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2005/02/tom-chartier/operation-chicken-freedom/
06:49 PM Tom_itx: old article
06:53 PM JT-Shop: lol like the kokee frog in pr
06:53 PM JT-Shop: or Coquí even
07:21 PM Cromaglious_: ok at the makerspace for a bit
08:50 PM enleth: have you ever seen quick connect water fittings that close off both sides when on disconnect?
08:50 PM enleth: *s/when//
08:51 PM Jymmm: yes, medical
08:54 PM Jymmm: http://www.omega.com/pdf/tubing/couplings/coupling_description/couplings.asp
08:54 PM Jymmm: Double shutoff -- valves in both the insert and the body of the coupling.
09:10 PM Cromaglious_: disk sander fixed.. circa 1955 Crasftman disk sander
09:14 PM Cromaglious_: http://www.vintagemachinery.org/photoindex/images/16728-A.jpg is similar
09:15 PM Cromaglious_: wow center IS supposed to be 1" above the table
09:25 PM {HD}: I want more buttons on my emc interface.
09:40 PM Tom_itx: add them
09:40 PM cradek: if you're using AXIS usually the keyboard is the thing to use
09:40 PM cradek: often people don't know the keyboard shortcuts yet when they think it needs more on the screen
09:40 PM cradek: there is a full list on the help menu
09:55 PM {HD}: cradek: Yea, I saw the shortcuts list but, I am coming from mach3 where there was a button for everything.
10:04 PM cradek: yes but having to use a mouse is bad for a cnc control
10:05 PM cradek: but it's ok if you don't agree with me! there are even other GUIs that you might like better, that use the mouse a lot more
10:05 PM {HD}: I had a touchscreen on that machine...I want to get a wireless control of somesort but, I have not done any research yet.
10:05 PM cradek: you might try touchy, which is a really good interface made for touchscreens
10:05 PM cradek: no keyboard or mouse is required
10:05 PM {HD}: cradek: I agree with you that mouses are not the best option.
10:06 PM {HD}: touchy! I like the name. Ill google it.
10:06 PM cradek: I use touchy and a touchscreen, with no keyboard/mouse, on my vmc
10:06 PM cradek: it's very awesome
10:09 PM {HD}: Any advise on a wireless option? I see some people using gaming controllers...
10:12 PM cradek: not really - I don't believe in using wireless for machine control
10:14 PM Cromaglious_: i saw an Asus touch screen monitor for $150 at Fry's...
10:14 PM Cromaglious_: So getting something like that when I get the money
10:16 PM {HD}: I have a 7" touchscreen I use for my raspi. I wonder if that would provide enough real estate for the 'touchy' interface.
10:16 PM Cromaglious_: looks like it
10:17 PM {HD}: That thing in a pretty nice case/mount/thingy was only $50
10:18 PM Cromaglious_: touchy.quill-up retracts Z to top at top speed
10:18 PM {HD}: and?
10:19 PM Cromaglious_: tap the button and Z goes to the top... no sitting there jogging
10:19 PM Cromaglious_: something I'd like
10:20 PM {HD}: oh =)
10:20 PM Cromaglious_: hmmm gotta look at the LCD shield and see which pins it needs...
10:20 PM Cromaglious_: think it's SPI
10:22 PM Cromaglious_: LCD has 6 buttons... x- x+ y- y+ z- z+ :( no 7th or 8th button
10:27 PM Cromaglious_: don't want to give up pins!... heh... slave it off a serial port... 2 pins...
10:28 PM Cromaglious_: have a nano driving it
10:29 PM Cromaglious_: and have pins left over for more buttons on the nano...
10:41 PM Cromaglious_: nano pro....
10:48 PM Cromaglious_: oh fudge.. just realized most of the arduino program is missing from my pastebin
10:50 PM Cromaglious_: I'll have to fix that when I get to the house
11:14 PM Cromaglious_: yo
11:18 PM Cromaglious_: Grr... why hasn't someone come up with a LED lamp replacement for http://www.stagelightingstore.com/Stage-Lighting-Store/Lamps-for-Altman-360Q-Ellipsoidals
11:18 PM skau: hey, are there any simple free cad/cam apps for linuxcnc? i've recently upgraded the shop pc to linuxcnc, but i don't have another computer available to do cad/cam on
11:19 PM Cromaglious_: skau... Freecad, LibreCad, HeeksCAD (kinda beta), inkscape (for engraving mainly)
11:20 PM Cromaglious_: CAM.... inkscape has a couple extensions for G code generation. HeeksCAM (kinda works...),
11:20 PM Cromaglious_: under wine there is Estlecam
11:20 PM skau: i have used cambam previously (very basic for cad, decent for cam)
11:21 PM skau: i will have to check out freecad and librecad - inkscape i haven't had a lot of success for doing anything psudo-parametric
11:21 PM Cromaglious_: if you like parametric.. You'll love LibreCAD
11:22 PM skau: well i quite like fusion360
11:22 PM Cromaglious_: google search "CAD CAM Linux opensource"
11:23 PM Cromaglious_: I'm trying to wrap my head around libreCAD right now... Going to have to switch laptops... hp will only clone external monitor... grrr.
11:24 PM Cromaglious_: but I got my DD-WRT router working so I can use hardwired Stinkpad
11:24 PM Cromaglious_: which has flakey wifi
11:24 PM Cromaglious_: it'll dual head... have libreCAD on one screen and docs on the other
11:24 PM skau: hmmm, remote desktopping into my main pc is something i hadnt considered
11:25 PM Cromaglious_: tooooooo slow for CAD
11:25 PM Cromaglious_: trust me on this!
11:26 PM Cromaglious_: start saving for a fusion360 capable laptop...
11:26 PM skau: well, the other option is to drag my wife's pc down to the shed and use that... but not sure how well that'll go down :)
11:26 PM Cromaglious_: on youtube there is Grimsmo Knives channel... they had a video on Fusion 360 laptops
11:26 PM skau: probably about as well as "i'm spending x thousand dollars on this new laptop so i can spend more time in the shed"
11:27 PM Cromaglious_: I'm outta here... back home...
11:27 PM skau: cheers for the suggestions
11:38 PM Cromaglious_: On the way home... Id 10 5 turning left out of a parking, no joke, front of their car was in the street four feet pass the parked cars... I think it was moms car cuz their car is a smart car and doesn't have that extra 4' in front....
11:39 PM Cromaglious_: I think they were having problems seeing over the edge of the door...
11:39 PM Cromaglious_: Blond too
11:39 PM Cromaglious_: Think it was a boy....
11:50 PM Crom: skau: heheh... same thing I do... Hop on my wifes windows 10 machine for fusion360 when she's not looking
11:54 PM Crom: hmmm 90mm is not wide enough... 130 for 15mm per side or 140 for 20mm per side... 2.2K spindles are either 80mm or 100mm
11:55 PM Crom: making a spindle mount for my 3040 out of a 40mm thick piece of AL
11:58 PM Crom: hmmm going to have to get some boring bars