[00:00:14] <roycroft> i live about as far away from there as one can be and still be in the lower 48
[00:00:17] <pfred1> though they blew the place up a couple years back
[00:01:14] <pfred1> though this happened
[00:01:52] <pfred1> that took two years to fix
[00:05:09] <pfred1> it is a big question what Trump is goign to do with NASA
[00:05:29] <roycroft> it's a big question what he's going to do with anything
[00:05:48] <roycroft> if he can find a way to line his pockets with nasa money he'll push hard for nasa
[00:05:49] <Wolf_> get blocked by everyone else
[00:06:01] <pfred1> whatever it is I'm sure it is going to be huuuuge!
[00:07:02] <pfred1> I think trump has enough of his own money now
[00:07:38] <pfred1> enough to get by at least i mean the guy's 70 how much more does he need at this point?
[00:17:30] <roycroft> remember the famous words of montgomery burns:
[00:17:46] <roycroft> "i would give it all away for just a little bit more"
[00:18:19] <roycroft> for people like the president elect there is no such thing as enough
[00:20:54] <roycroft> i found some more of those power supplies (mine was cheapest), and better pictures
[00:21:00] <roycroft> the filter caps are 23000 uf
[00:21:28] <pfred1> what kind of transformer does it have?
[00:21:49] <pfred1> is it round, or square?
[00:22:09] <roycroft> i'm trying to ascertain that
[00:22:34] <roycroft> it's really hard to see since it's enclosed
[00:22:58] <roycroft>
[00:23:17] <roycroft> that's the best picture i've found showing the transformer, and it looks like it is round in that picture
[00:23:27] <roycroft> but i can't say that with any certainty
[00:23:38] <pfred1> yah it is hard to say
[00:23:59] <pfred1> about all I can say is it looks like it may be a light color
[00:24:08] <roycroft> yes
[00:24:16] <roycroft> the ps is rack mountable, which is nice
[00:24:21] <roycroft> since it's going in a rack
[00:24:59] <roycroft> and that will leave more room in the electronics enclosure for the drivers, etc.
[00:25:27] <pfred1> I built my electronics into a defunct PC case
[00:26:11] <roycroft> i'll be getting an enclosure that's about that size
[00:26:14] <roycroft> probably 4u high
[00:27:00] <pfred1> I replaced that one oddball drive but this is basicaly what it looks like
[00:27:53] <pfred1> I have a remote box that turns it all on and off
[00:28:29] <roycroft> i'm just getting started on my design
[00:28:37] <pfred1> thre's a rocker switch that powers up the PSU then momentary push buttons that latch that relay
[00:28:51] <roycroft> i'll probably power everything on and off from the control panel
[00:29:00] <pfred1> the ouput of the PSU goes through the relay to the rest of the electronics
[00:29:10] <roycroft> i have a really cool roll-around equipment rack
[00:29:33] <roycroft> it's just tall enough that i can put a console on top of it, with horizontal keyboard
[00:30:06] <roycroft> i should take pictures of it some day
[00:30:08] <pfred1> hmm I never posted a pic of the remote control box
[00:30:23] <roycroft> it's absolutely perfect for a cnc controller
[00:31:35] <pfred1> hmm it doesn't look like i ever even took a picture of it?
[00:32:22] <roycroft> the ps i just bought look like it's missing its rack ears
[00:32:27] <roycroft> but those are easy to fabricate
[00:33:02] <pfred1> at one point I couldn't find any DIN rail for that relay so I bent some up out of a piece of sheet metal
[00:33:24] <pfred1> so yeah i know about fabricobbling
[00:36:14] <pfred1> ah ha my remote control box is in this picture
[00:36:46] <pfred1> I made that box myself
[00:37:03] <pfred1> out of a piece of pool rail
[00:38:07] <pfred1> that's just about the whole beast about 300 beans of her
[00:39:35] <pfred1> like my Z axis pointer?
[01:47:51] <IchGucksLive> good morning from a snow white germany
[02:09:19] <mauijosh> Aloha CNC gang
[02:24:29] <Deejay> moin
[04:04:30] <IchGucksLive> hi snow storm outside
[04:04:33] <IchGucksLive> Deejay: ?
[04:07:59] <IchGucksLive> can somone check Preferd German it the Debian GTK is to loud
[04:16:38] <IchGucksLive> till later
[04:47:54] <XXCoder> bitter cold here lol
[05:29:49] <Tom_L> 15°F
[05:31:41] <XXCoder> 53f
[05:31:43] <XXCoder> my room
[05:32:20] <XXCoder> outside 21f
[06:00:47] <brianx> tropical heat wave there. 13f and falling fast here.
[06:01:08] <XXCoder> fancy
[06:01:13] <XXCoder> polar votex :(
[06:01:33] <XXCoder> north pole is at 35f warmer than supposed to so artic air is pushed south
[06:03:13] <brianx> is that what we have to blame? it was warm over the weekend.
[06:04:32] <XXCoder> yeah artic jet is blowing around most of usa
[06:04:42] <XXCoder> here is west enough to (barely) miss it
[06:04:48] <XXCoder> poor canada
[06:09:31] <jthornton> morning
[06:10:02] <XXCoder> hey jthornton
[06:21:23] <jthornton> did you change anything besides temperature to print PETG?
[06:22:08] <XXCoder> yeah z point .1 higher
[06:22:29] <XXCoder> slic3r has .1 added to z so it dont squash it as hard on first layer
[06:22:31] <jthornton> layer height?
[06:22:34] <XXCoder> no
[06:23:52] <XXCoder> though I wonder if it would help to rise that too
[06:24:27] <jthornton> hmm, my first layer seems ok but I get strings of plastic each time the nozzle moves to a new spot
[06:24:43] <XXCoder> petg does get more stringy, havent resolved that yet
[06:24:52] <XXCoder> I dont print with petg often
[06:26:30] <jthornton> I added 1mm to retract but I think I need more
[06:26:39] <XXCoder> mines t 6mm
[06:26:49] <XXCoder> retracts dont solve all of stringy sadly
[06:26:59] <XXCoder> even return after retract of -.25
[06:27:10] <jthornton> read something about wiping or something like that
[06:28:23] <XXCoder> yeah saw wiping but dunno too
[06:31:22] <XXCoder> later
[06:32:53] <jthornton>
[08:24:46] <yasnak> any ideas?
[08:55:20] <MrSunshine> heh, just cheked the table after welding it together .. no braces yet but .. side beams over 145cm length, about 0.1 mm difference .. and over 125cm about the same ... that is 125x145cm rectangle =)
[08:55:32] <MrSunshine> feels quite good that =)
[08:55:59] <MrSunshine> tho one little sucker bent so i got a bow in the side beams .. but atleast its an equal bow on both sides :P
[09:05:16] <Spida> nice
[09:15:39] <MrSunshine> quite happy with that for beging built with construction steel and welded =)
[10:48:46] <Deejay> re
[10:54:14] <IchGucksLive> hi work finish going home for a deserfed evening
[10:54:34] <IchGucksLive> Deejay: ?
[10:54:40] <Deejay> i understand no word :/
[10:55:00] <IchGucksLive> kanst du mal das video von wheezee checken
[10:55:12] <IchGucksLive> das mit dem sound ob das zu laut ist
[10:55:33] <IchGucksLive> ttps://
[10:56:01] <IchGucksLive> heute hab ich den feierabend verdient ! ;-)
[10:56:41] <IchGucksLive> fast 10m alu 40x20 in 120mm teilen verbraten
[10:58:37] <IchGucksLive> till later BYE
[13:14:40] <IchGucksLive> hi
[13:15:07] <IchGucksLive> its getting sibirian cold in germany
[13:15:30] <IchGucksLive> below -10C tonight
[13:17:00] <IchGucksLive> Tom_L: can you please add the new log side to the wiki
[13:17:10] <roycroft> it's snowing like crazy here
[13:17:18] <roycroft> -1 right now
[13:17:39] <roycroft> it's supposed to get above freezing briefly this afternoon, then get down to -8, and not get back up above freezing until the weekend
[13:17:42] <roycroft> so
[13:17:47] <roycroft> i'll drive home today on the snow
[13:18:00] <roycroft> and i'll stay home for the next 2-3 days, as i don't want to drive in a sheet of ice
[13:18:04] <IchGucksLive> streets are clear here
[13:18:12] <roycroft> it very very rarely snows here
[13:18:19] <roycroft> we don't have the infrastructure for snow removal
[13:18:32] <roycroft> we just shut down and stay home until it is gone, which is usually by the next day
[13:18:41] <sync_> snow is nice to drive on
[13:18:42] <IchGucksLive> global warming not an issue beond 20th
[13:18:42] <gregcnc> do people die because they can't get their starbucks?
[13:18:58] <sync_> lots of traction and sideways fun if you want to
[13:19:03] <IchGucksLive> gregcnc: ofcause
[13:19:56] <IchGucksLive> i got today LED lighning from a main supplyer what a different
[13:20:15] <roycroft> when i got up this morning i turned on the radio, anticipating a school closure report
[13:20:20] <IchGucksLive> 70cent a 3W
[13:20:21] <roycroft> instead there was a county closure report
[13:20:27] <roycroft> almost all of southwestern oregon is closed
[13:20:35] <roycroft> we even have snow on the coast, which is almost unheard of
[13:20:47] <roycroft> gregcnc: i have an espresso machine in my kitchen
[13:20:55] <roycroft> i can't afford crappy coffee like starbucks
[13:20:57] <IchGucksLive> roycroft: cnn had some cold dath taking on
[13:21:23] <IchGucksLive> i found the M coffee is better then starbucks
[13:21:24] <gregcnc> so what happens until driving is possible?
[13:21:36] <roycroft> people stay home and complain
[13:21:38] <roycroft> or watch porn
[13:21:42] <roycroft> or watch porn and complain
[13:22:01] <gregcnc> complain that that can't go to work, then complain that they have to go back?
[13:22:17] <roycroft> just complain generally
[13:22:42] <IchGucksLive> Deejay: ?
[13:23:07] <gregcnc> what if you don't have enough beer for three days?
[13:23:27] <roycroft> i have enough refreshing beverages for at least a month
[13:23:50] <roycroft> by the end of a month i would not be happy about what i'm eating, but i'm sure i have enough food for a month as well
[13:24:06] <roycroft> i don't know what other people do
[13:24:12] <roycroft> probably complain :)
[13:25:00] * roycroft thinks this evening would be a good time to make some glőuwein
[13:25:18] <IchGucksLive> im off
[13:25:21] <IchGucksLive> Gn8
[13:52:53] <Wolf_> archivist: around?
[14:43:24] <MacGalempsy_> anyone having fun yet?
[14:44:05] <MacGalempsy_> fighting off the flu over here...
[16:34:22] <Deejay> gn8
[16:54:01] <ToddZ> Two of my kids have had it the last few days.
[16:54:57] <MacGalempsy_> it hasnt been bad, but hacking a grey/green mix is killing the throat
[17:15:26] <malcom2073> I'm trying to find a part and can't remember the name. It is used for tensioning things, has a normal thread on one end, reverse thread on the other. When you spin it one way, it pulls the two threaded pieces together, spin it the other it pushes them apart
[17:16:38] <malcom2073> Ah! turnbuckle!~
[17:28:15] <MacGalempsy_> yes!
[17:28:41] <MacGalempsy_> were you able to track down an oem parts kit/
[17:28:41] <MacGalempsy_> ?
[17:29:53] <MacGalempsy_> malcom2073: which model is that one you got?
[17:30:29] <malcom2073> MacGalempsy_: Yep, but the part is $120
[17:30:30] <malcom2073> so I'm gonna make one
[17:30:35] <malcom2073> I got a MEP 701A
[17:32:21] <MacGalempsy_> fleabay total overhaul kit is $500
[17:32:40] <malcom2073> "total overhaul kit"?
[17:32:51] <MacGalempsy_> teir 1 service kit
[17:33:04] <malcom2073> "tier 1"?
[17:33:15] <MacGalempsy_>
[17:33:41] <malcom2073> Yeah wrong genset, that's a 805
[17:34:42] <Jymmm> Who linked to this smd tip video ?
[17:37:34] <Jymmm> oh SpeedEvil did, nice video
[17:41:04] <SpeedEvil> yeah - it's great
[17:41:32] <Jymmm> SpeedEvil: Since 2014 even =)
[17:49:50] <malcom2073> MacGalempsy_:
[17:49:59] <malcom2073> Need that, + some ball-end joints (one with reverse thread)
[17:50:10] <malcom2073> It's remarkably hard to find just the right size I need heh
[17:51:11] <malcom2073> I'm thinking it may be easier to just buy the LH/RH ball ends, and then a reverse thread tap and make my own turnbuckle
[17:52:22] <MacGalempsy_> drill and tap a piece of hex stock
[17:52:28] <malcom2073> 1Right
[17:53:08] <Wolf_> dom tube stock
[17:53:27] <Wolf_> save drilling lol
[17:53:41] <MacGalempsy_> there is a guy on ebay parting out a different model generator, perhaps some of the parts cross over
[17:53:55] <malcom2073> Heh Wolf_ If it was precise enough to tap, sure
[17:54:15] <Wolf_> dom is usually pretty close
[17:54:19] <malcom2073> Possibly, but not worth buying a whole generator for one tiny part
[17:54:42] <malcom2073> The other problem of course, is sourcing both RH and LH threaded ball rod ends
[17:54:47] <malcom2073> either locally, or short order shipped
[17:54:51] <MacGalempsy_> no. the way it looked was that the auction was just a hollow shell for advertising
[17:55:12] <Wolf_> what do you need?
[17:55:20] * Wolf_ knows people …
[17:56:05] <malcom2073> Wolf_: This:$zmmain$ +
[17:56:12] <malcom2073> It's a governor linkage for a generator
[17:56:22] <malcom2073> so it needs to adjust from 2" to about 4"
[17:56:26] <malcom2073> those are 10/32 threads
[17:56:40] <Wolf_> at both ends?
[17:56:44] <malcom2073> Yessir
[17:57:01] <malcom2073> I mean... I *could* just use threaded rod and both RH threads, but then I'd have to remove them to adjust which is not optimum
[17:57:27] <malcom2073> Which if I can't find another solution, I'll just amazon prime that method
[17:57:47] <Wolf_> get turn buckle w/ and just weld the end on the lh thread
[17:58:18] <MacGalempsy_> how will it adjust with a stationary end?
[17:58:34] <malcom2073> That defeats the purpose of the adjustable ness
[17:59:02] <Wolf_> I mean instead of trying to find a LH threaded ball end
[17:59:39] <malcom2073> Right, then I can't adjust without first removing
[17:59:43] <malcom2073> just like a normal threaded rod
[17:59:44] <MacGalempsy_> malcom2073: can you link to the parts diagram again?
[17:59:54] <malcom2073> MacGalempsy_: did I link to it before?
[18:00:04] <MacGalempsy_> maybe it was thru fb
[18:00:05] <malcom2073> Oh I did, lemmel ook in my history
[18:00:14] <MacGalempsy_> i forget, you showed a pick of it
[18:00:34] <MacGalempsy_>
[18:00:51] <MacGalempsy_> this looks like something from an RC car
[18:01:00] <Wolf_> i think you are missing what i’m saying, get a turn buckle with RH and LH rods, attach the ball end linkage to the LH threaded rod by welding or drill the threads out and pin it
[18:01:00] <malcom2073> [23:07:23] <MacGalempsy> malcom2073 did some 3d printing stuff with lcnc
[18:01:06] <malcom2073> Yes I did.
[18:01:08] <malcom2073>
[18:01:21] <malcom2073> Wolf_: AH! Gotcha
[18:01:30] <malcom2073> That would work, if I had easy access to a welder heh
[18:01:46] <MacGalempsy_> that part only has a ball end on one end
[18:01:58] <Wolf_> hmm 10/32 must not have much force on it
[18:02:05] <MacGalempsy_> is there another one below nut #6
[18:02:12] <malcom2073> Nope, it's the linkage between the governor and the fuel control
[18:02:26] <malcom2073> MacGalempsy_: Yes there is another one below
[18:02:29] <Wolf_> use a rc plane servo rod
[18:02:29] <malcom2073> that diagram isn't for my model
[18:02:35] <malcom2073> Wolf_: Have to be a damn big rc plane
[18:02:49] <Wolf_> threaded at one end, and set screw joint at the other
[18:03:06] <malcom2073> It needs *really* precise adjustment
[18:03:13] <malcom2073> On the fly while running
[18:03:28] <malcom2073> I'm using an aluminum plate right now, with cotter pins through the holes haha
[18:03:30] <Wolf_> I used them for my RC mower to pull the hydro drive valve levers
[18:03:42] <malcom2073> It works, but I can't stablize the frequecny of the genset with just a floppy rpm control
[18:03:45] <Wolf_> push/pull
[18:04:02] <malcom2073> Wolf_: Got a link to where to get some beefy ones? Most of the RC stuff I've seen is all like, 4-40 sized
[18:04:09] <malcom2073> Maybe 6/32
[18:04:11] <malcom2073> 6-32
[18:04:27] <Wolf_> I think mine were 4-40
[18:04:37] <MacGalempsy_> is any RC stuff using imperial these days?
[18:04:37] <malcom2073> I'm not sure 4-40 would be strong enough not to flex
[18:04:47] <Wolf_> and I actually picked them up local
[18:05:31] <malcom2073> Oh
[18:06:03] <malcom2073> One is reverse direction of the other. The two levers are about 1/2" off from eachother's plane
[18:06:14] <malcom2073> a 10-32 ball rod is big enough to fill that 1/2" gap
[18:06:22] <malcom2073> A smaller rod would be at an angle, unsure if that's an issue
[18:06:41] <Wolf_> maybe
[18:08:35] <Wolf_> could you use a quick disconnect ball stud on one end to allow adjustment?
[18:09:08] <malcom2073> I could, but again adjustment should really be done while it's running
[18:09:18] <Wolf_> mcmaster has 10/32 in right and left thread
[18:09:27] <Wolf_> $3.52
[18:09:33] <malcom2073> Shit why didn't I think ti look there
[18:09:37] <malcom2073> I use mcmaster at work all the time haha
[18:09:47] <Wolf_> lol
[18:09:51] <malcom2073> I have ball studs
[18:09:57] <malcom2073> already, just no rod
[18:10:35] <MacGalempsy_> all balls, no rod
[18:10:48] <andypugh> I learned a new thing today. If you make a differential gear like this: then you need the tooth coult of the inner wheel to be divisible by the number of pinion pairs. Or you can’t even assemble the thing.
[18:11:23] <malcom2073> Haha damn andypugh, that sucks
[18:12:05] <andypugh> “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you wanted”
[18:12:08] <MacGalempsy_> bummer!
[18:12:28] <malcom2073> Experience is knowledge after you need it
[18:12:43] <Tom_L> still a nice piece of work andy
[18:13:31] <andypugh> Does anyone think that the number of teeth on the pinions matters? I don’t think so, as long as they are arranged in a rotationally symmetric way.
[18:13:54] <Wolf_> seems that 10/32 left hand rod is not common lol
[18:13:59] <Tom_L> i wouldn't think so unless they're tied to some ratio on another gear
[18:14:19] <malcom2073> Oh man Wolf_, yeah mcmaster is the way to go, if I order it now, it may be here before the end of the week
[18:14:44] <andypugh> Tom_L: Would you have thought that the number of teeth on the inner wheel mattered? I did actually wonder about it..
[18:15:22] <Tom_L> it probably does in some way but not one i'm aware of
[18:16:49] <malcom2073> Wolf_: yeah I'm going to have to make my own turnbuckle, they don't seem to make one quite short enough, at least as far as I can tell
[18:17:54] <Tom_shop>
[18:18:09] <Wolf_> only thing I see for the lh threaded rod is double ended thing with RH and LH
[18:21:35] <Tom_shop> log
[18:21:35] <c-log> Tom_shop: Today's Log
[18:22:42] <Tom_L> acording to a video the planetary gears should sum up to the number of teeth on the sun and ring gears if you're using one of that configuration
[18:25:10] <malcom2073> Wolf_: I'm going to get the ball ends with male threads, then tap my own turnbuckle
[18:25:40] <Wolf_> that works
[18:27:46] <Tom_L> JT-Shop, you around?
[18:29:35] <malcom2073> $18+shipping
[18:29:39] <malcom2073> for the taps + ball ends
[18:29:41] <malcom2073> Fantastic
[18:30:38] <Wolf_> I don’t think I have ever had a mcmaster order under $100
[18:31:15] <malcom2073> Hah, it's prolly gonna be like $15 for shipping
[18:31:34] <malcom2073> I'd love to put in a general hardware order, but I don't have the cash atm
[18:33:38] <JT-Shop> Tom_L: for a few minutes
[18:33:53] <Tom_L> just wondered if there were any updates for me to try
[18:34:04] <Tom_L> been busy and haven't really checked
[18:34:28] <Tom_L> planning to move to the main server soon and take down the test one
[18:36:05] <andypugh> Tom_L: But this isn’t a planetary gearset, it’s a differential made with spur gears
[18:38:21] <malcom2073> Bah, I threw in some 10-32 hardware as well heh, $40 order now
[18:39:49] <JT-Shop> still working on the conversion script
[18:40:02] <Wolf_> lol malcom2073
[18:40:15] <malcom2073> We'll see how bad I get hit for shipping
[18:40:22] <malcom2073> I expect it'll be $20
[18:41:07] <Wolf_> doubt it, my last order was $96 w/ $8 shipping
[18:41:25] <malcom2073> Oh cool, it's coming from NJ
[18:41:31] <malcom2073> yeah that oughta be pretty cheap then, and likely fast even for ground
[18:41:51] <pfred1> malcom2073 everything that comes from NJ is cool!
[18:42:00] <Wolf_> order oct 6th, delivered oct 7th lol
[18:42:05] <malcom2073> pfred1: You've obviously not met shaun316
[18:42:16] <Wolf_> lmao
[18:42:19] <malcom2073> Wolf_: Nice haha. Mine will ship in the morning, be awesome if it was here friday.
[18:42:21] <pfred1> malcom2073 what's that?
[18:42:29] <malcom2073> pfred1: Someone from NJ that used to troll these parts
[18:42:59] <pfred1> well we gave you the transistor, and UNIX
[18:43:34] <malcom2073> Having spent the day banging my head against the wall of FreeBSD... gee thanks,.
[18:44:06] <pfred1> that came from Berkley
[18:45:57] <pfred1> BSD stands for Berkely Science Department
[18:48:29] <cyborg_ar> i am using linuxcnc and gcode for something it probably wasnt meant for, but i have a question about persistent gcode parameters, i added one of my parameters to the emc.var file and it does get saved there but sometimes it wont save it's value (for example when estopping in the middle of the program). is this expected?
[18:52:55] <cyborg_ar> the reason why i am using a persistent is to store the blade length of a film cutter, at the end of each cut routine it goes to a special station to push the blades in a bit more to expose a different part each time, and that has to persist between program runs
[18:55:05] <andypugh> cyborg_ar: It’s likely that you are being caught with the difference between the opinons of the value of the parameter between different parts of LinuxCNC
[18:56:22] <andypugh> Specifically the interpreter will run through the entire program and queue up all the moves it can into the realtime system. Then the realtime system will run the moves.
[18:57:20] <cyborg_ar> i see, so setting the value is not atomic on each line executed
[18:57:26] <cyborg_ar> i was expecting something of the sort
[18:58:05] <cyborg_ar> i guess i will have to implement the blade retraction routine outside of gcode and do it in the machine itself, maybe like a tool changer?
[18:58:47] <andypugh> Now, there is is limit to how far ahead the interpreter can queue. For example a probe routine or a tool change can potentially change numbers that the trajectory planner/controller need. Those are called “queue busters” and the interpreter pauses at them until the queue is empty, then starts queueing again.
[19:00:14] <cyborg_ar> oooh so if i set ut in that context it would behave as expected
[19:00:16] <andypugh> It’s not about atomicity per-se but about the user-space and real-time (and real world) status.
[19:02:52] <andypugh> I would suggest that what you have here is a perhaps unexpectedly technical question about LinuxCNC internals. You might want to ask it on linuxcnc-devel (if any of the developers are awake) or ask it on the developers mailing list.
[19:03:56] <cyborg_ar> okay, thank you :D i'm glad i'm not going crazy
[19:06:36] <MacGalempsy_> cyborg_ar: which part of ar?
[19:06:47] <insomnia> good evening
[19:07:53] <insomnia> Does this kit ( have any relevance here?
[19:08:05] <insomnia> It was given to me as a gift and I'm trying to find out what I can do with it.
[19:08:09] <cyborg_ar> i'm from neuquen, but right now i'm living in the us
[19:08:33] <malcom2073> insomnia: it runs grbl, which is a less desireable alternative to linuxcnc, geared towards very simple machine control
[19:09:43] <insomnia> malcom2073, ok.
[19:09:50] <insomnia> I'll have to look that up i guess.
[19:10:10] <insomnia> can i use a linux server, or raspberry pi to build a CNC with LinuxCNC?
[19:10:43] <insomnia> I also have a Qualcomm 410c with Linaro.
[19:10:47] <malcom2073> You can use a raspberry pi, coupled with a mesa card
[19:11:09] <insomnia> i guess i can find that on the I'll give it a look.
[19:11:11] <malcom2073> Or you can use almost any x86 PC that has a parallel port for super cheapness! :)
[19:11:11] <insomnia> TY!
[19:11:21] <insomnia> parallel?!
[19:11:23] <insomnia> hmm
[19:12:12] <insomnia> tbh i'm not sure if my machines have that
[19:12:19] <pfred1> yeah I use a parallel port
[19:12:34] <malcom2073> Most modern machiens don't unless you specifically bought one with it
[19:12:41] <pfred1> even parallel port add in cards are getting hard to cme by today
[19:12:44] <insomnia> can i use a usb or
[19:12:47] <insomnia> something else?
[19:12:53] <pfred1> no USB
[19:13:01] <malcom2073> You can use a mesa board for PCI, PCIe, or ethernet control
[19:13:02] <insomnia> feel free to tell me to read the dox if it's readily available
[19:13:05] <malcom2073> USB isn't consistant enough
[19:13:05] <insomnia> i just stumbled in here
[19:13:21] <cyborg_ar> pci or pcie parallel port cards are pretty easy to find at least in the US, microcenter and newegg carry them
[19:13:23] <pfred1> USB is polled not interrupted
[19:13:30] <malcom2073>
[19:13:31] <MacGalempsy_> insomnia: welcome to the blackhole of cnc. now you can never leave
[19:13:37] <pfred1> though on the site some say USB3 might work?
[19:13:57] <pfred1> just no one ever wrote a module for it
[19:13:59] <insomnia> thx
[19:14:01] <insomnia> :)
[19:14:09] <insomnia> oh boy.
[19:14:21] <insomnia> my husband is a programmer. i may have to rope him into this.
[19:14:46] <cyborg_ar> it might become a point of contention
[19:15:28] <pfred1> parallel port is dead simple if you can find one
[19:15:41] <insomnia> what's it written in?
[19:15:58] <insomnia> he's written special drivers for some robotic kit and RC stuff we've built.
[19:16:17] <pfred1> he can probably write it in whatever he likes
[19:16:19] <insomnia> lemme see if i can find it on the
[19:16:20] <insomnia> sit
[19:16:22] <insomnia> e
[19:16:50] <andypugh> insomnia: Well, the Arduino is an Arduino, and those are always useful. To the extent that is it almost never worth building any kind of circuit any more, just use an Arduino and do it in software.
[19:16:58] <pfred1> insomnia he can have a look here
[19:17:26] <insomnia> ok. ty.
[19:17:37] <andypugh> The little stepper drivers are definitel useful
[19:17:39] <insomnia> I would use parallel if i could find something to fit any hardware i have
[19:17:45] <insomnia> but most of this is newer kit.
[19:18:04] <pfred1> insomnia they make parallel port plug in cards
[19:18:17] <pfred1> that's what I use
[19:18:21] <insomnia> what does it plug into? :) isa slot? :P
[19:18:27] <pfred1> PCI
[19:18:32] <cyborg_ar> or pci express
[19:18:35] <cyborg_ar> single lane
[19:18:47] <andypugh> You could just use GRBL, it does actually work, and has many happy users.
[19:19:14] <pfred1> eah i was watching a chilipeper video yesterday
[19:19:16] <MacGalempsy_> I hear Richard Gear loves GRBL
[19:19:20] <cyborg_ar> yeah grbl works very well for cartesian machines
[19:19:37] <pfred1> they have a nice interface
[19:20:11] <cyborg_ar> for the one im building i wish i was using a modded grbl instead of a full blown linuxcnc install with a pc
[19:20:27] <andypugh> LinuxCNC (and Mach3, and Kflop and … and … and) are more powerful and possibly easier to debug, but GRBL is making millons of parts on mllions of 3D printers even as we speak.
[19:20:47] <cyborg_ar> the machine is so simple it does not need linuxcnc's trajectory planning and kinematics, nor advance g codes
[19:21:05] <cyborg_ar> heck it doesnt even need gcode
[19:21:06] <pfred1>
[19:21:18] <cyborg_ar> but i got roped into the project half done and with the hardware all already bought
[19:21:20] <insomnia> Thanks very much folks. I'm going to start reading a bunch of docs now.
[19:21:23] <insomnia> appreciate the help.
[19:22:15] <andypugh> cyborg_ar: Indeed, sending G-code to printers is, in my opinion, a mistake. They need a perimeter and a fill pattern, and the rest should be handled by the firmware
[19:22:32] <cyborg_ar> yeah it kind of stuck
[19:23:15] <pfred1> andypugh GRBL hardware is too expensive though
[19:23:26] <cyborg_ar> is it?
[19:23:31] <pfred1> I can get a PC for free!
[19:23:35] <cyborg_ar> haha
[19:23:52] <cyborg_ar> i guess, if your electricity is free
[19:24:12] <andypugh> I will point out that LinuxCNC can accept pluggable interpreters, it doesn’t have to be G-code. We just don’t actually have any other ones. A Gerber or Drill one would be super-easy to add.
[19:25:02] <pfred1> so I was on the LinuxCNC web site a little last night
[19:25:11] <pfred1> no one maintains it, do they?
[19:25:30] <andypugh> We all maintain it. Including you.
[19:25:36] <pfred1> not me!
[19:25:46] <cyborg_ar> gerber would drive a photoplotter, i dont think there are many of those left
[19:25:54] <andypugh> Well, you should!
[19:26:00] <pfred1> anyhow there's a missing image on this page
[19:26:01] <cyborg_ar> so it would need to be reprocessed instead of just interpreted
[19:26:40] <andypugh> pfred1: Ah! The Wiki! That is user-maintianed, or not.
[19:26:52] <pfred1> and this page should be replaced with the statement: Linux basics are beyond the scope of this project
[19:27:19] <andypugh> Anyone can add a page (it’s a Wiki) and then if their links break, it’s broken for good.
[19:27:54] <pfred1> the image was supposed to be hosted here Not Found
[19:28:15] <pfred1> I kind of wanted to see it too
[19:28:38] <andypugh> the linix-faq page is at least correct everywhere, I think
[19:29:20] <pfred1> andypugh isn't the official image Debian Wheezy now?
[19:30:00] <MacGalempsy_> pfred1: no kidding. There should be a prerequiste clause
[19:30:09] <pfred1> andypugh how that page attempts to explain editing system files is confusing at best
[19:30:11] <andypugh> Well, yes, I guess that part is wrong
[19:30:24] <pfred1> if not out and out misleading
[19:30:32] <andypugh> So fix it.
[19:30:59] <pfred1> I just htink there are ebtter resources on the net
[19:31:24] <pfred1> tit is OK to declare some things out of bounds
[19:31:40] <MacGalempsy_> one thing I have learned on here over the last 4 years is that complaining about something sucking usually results in a reply of fix it :)
[19:32:13] <andypugh> Because this is a shared endeavour
[19:32:20] <pfred1> quite frankly I did not have to do anything with the system on my image installed LinuxCNC machine
[19:32:27] <MacGalempsy_> it took a while and a bit of frustration to get past that, but it is totally understandable.
[19:32:51] <MacGalempsy_> andypugh: agreed
[19:33:06] <andypugh> Nobody is paid anything to care about fixing things, so often the only one who has any incentive to fix an issue is the guy who found it.
[19:33:46] <pfred1> andypugh I just want good docs to read
[19:33:51] <MacGalempsy_> good point.
[19:34:43] <andypugh> We all want good docs to read. But it isn’t anybodies job to write them.
[19:35:01] <MacGalempsy_> i want an audiobook, forget reading
[19:35:11] <pfred1> video is the way to go today
[19:35:40] <pfred1> I use youtube a lot to see how stuff works
[19:36:09] <andypugh> How do you search an audio book I wonder? In the future I assume that will be normal.
[19:36:20] <pfred1> my youtube history s just peppered with Inkscape tutorial videos right now
[19:36:55] <MacGalempsy_> if there are closed captions like youtube (hopefully vastly improved) it may be pretty straight forward.
[19:37:43] <pfred1> anyone ever used heekscad?
[19:39:40] <andypugh> pfred1: Anyway, you could either send an email to a randomly chosen developer in which you list all the changes that you think a documentation page needs, or you could just make those changes here: (click the edit/pencil icon) and submit a pull request.
[19:40:17] <andypugh> pfred1: I tried to use HeeksCAD
[19:40:24] <pfred1> andypugh thanks I'll save that
[19:40:41] * MacGalempsy_ wonders how many of us have said, "When I get done with my project, im going to make a dummies book."?
[19:40:42] <pfred1> andypugh that good huh?
[19:41:13] <pfred1> yeah i tried building it over here and I'm wondering if it is worth the trouble
[19:41:36] <pfred1> becausei am going to have to satisfy some of its dependencies to build it
[19:41:50] <pfred1> which is to say it didn't build yet
[19:41:59] <andypugh> It’s pretty cool, I totally approve of the project, but actually given what Fusion360 can do…
[19:42:05] <pfred1> so I'm wondering if it is worth the trouble
[19:42:26] <pfred1> yeah heeks looks like it was abandoned in 2014 to me
[19:42:37] <andypugh> It’s great, It’s capable and open-source and all that
[19:43:07] <andypugh> Well, most of it moved into FreeCAD (which is what I was mainly talking about)
[19:43:17] <pfred1> oh really?
[19:43:32] <pfred1> I didn't know FreeDAD inherited Heeks
[19:43:39] <pfred1> FreeCAD even
[19:44:00] <andypugh> It got HeeksCNC (the CAM part, I am fairly sure)
[19:44:02] <andypugh>
[19:44:12] <pfred1> I think a build of FreeCAD here failed for other dep issues too
[19:44:27] <pfred1> but I've run it in the past
[19:44:55] <pfred1> back when the lead dev was pretty against supporting customary English units
[19:46:16] <pfred1> but i hear that may have changed?
[19:46:44] <andypugh> I hate to admit this, but AutoCAD with Fusion360 have basically blown the OS offerings out the water. (deliberately, I hate them for it, but the product is just too good to not use)
[19:47:07] <pfred1> autocad does not support Linux very well
[19:47:11] <pfred1> at all really
[19:47:44] <andypugh> True. But I mainly use Macs at home.
[19:47:49] <pfred1> but yeah when a commercial dev distributes software for free it usually puts a damper on open source development
[19:48:45] <pfred1> I have my reasons for not running Apple, or Microsoft products
[19:48:56] <pfred1> mostly ethical
[19:49:11] <andypugh> (I just have a Mac with VMware, and have a Windows PC running Inventor and a range of LinuxCNC develpment environments just a mouse-swipe away at all times)
[19:51:18] <pfred1> yeah I'll work on getting FreeCAD running then and abandon Heeks
[19:51:33] <andypugh> Feel free to be ethical, I started with Macs when Apple were predicted to be bankrupt in months, and years before Linux existed.
[19:52:07] <pfred1> andypugh I really do not care for their walled garden ecosystem
[19:52:38] <pfred1> there's something about monopolies that leaves me flat
[19:52:48] <andypugh> I have lived in it for 30 years, it feels like home :-)
[19:53:08] <pfred1> yeah there's good points to it to be sure
[19:53:39] <pfred1> you're relativly assured things are going to work in a consistent manner
[19:54:01] <andypugh> And it isn’t like they don’t let other folk play in their garden, they just ask that you stick to their rules.
[19:54:19] <pfred1> yes it is the bowing and scraping that irks me
[19:55:25] <pfred1> well there's a lot to it and this isn't really the place
[19:55:48] <pfred1> suffice to say it isn't my scene
[20:03:07] <andypugh> I decide what is “my scene” minute-by-minute. Anything else feels close to religion.
[20:07:10] <MacGalempsy_> i have been generally impressed with f360, especially its free aspect
[20:07:43] <MacGalempsy_> I like how their tutorials are mainly based on youtube videos
[20:08:23] <pfred1> they certainly took the wind out of the sails of open source
[20:08:24] <Jymmm> andypugh: OSX is beginning to annoy me; "the cloud everything" and stability is creeping in. I thinnk I might wipe 10.11 and install 10.10
[20:08:45] <Jymmm> instability*
[20:09:10] <pfred1> Jymmm can't have that stability creeping in
[20:09:17] <Jymmm> Lion was rock solid for me, but "your os isn't supported" forced me to upgrade
[20:09:20] <MacGalempsy_> if anyone wanted to organize an effort to build a tutorial series for LCNC, I would donate towards a patreon, or something like that
[20:09:46] <Jymmm> MacGalempsy_: Insert your credit card here --> [ ]
[20:10:24] <andypugh> MacGalempsy_: ?
[20:10:43] <roycroft> clouds are pretty and shiny
[20:10:49] <roycroft> but eventually they rain on you
[20:11:07] <MacGalempsy_> ive checked his out for some probe stuff
[20:11:11] <pfred1> to me looking on the website there seems to be missing instructions of just how someone writes a bootable flash drive image from Windows
[20:11:37] <roycroft> one must install third-party software to do that from windows, phred1
[20:11:43] <MacGalempsy_> perhaps some prepublishing peer review would be cool? is that guy in here?
[20:12:05] <pfred1> roycroft I imagine but the topic is not broached
[20:12:26] <roycroft> go to the website
[20:12:33] <MacGalempsy_> his name is Jim Craig, is that you jymmm?
[20:12:38] <pfred1> I wanted to tell someoen the other day but when I went looking for how to do it I couldn't find out
[20:12:39] <roycroft> there are instructions there for making a bootable usb stick from windows
[20:12:55] <Jymmm> MacGalempsy_: Not me
[20:12:59] <roycroft> i use use os x or some other unix/linux variant
[20:13:13] <pfred1> yeah i use Linux so I don't know anything about Windows
[20:13:15] <roycroft> i avoid windows as much as possible, as it's difficult and cumbersome
[20:13:37] <roycroft> i have a few aps that only run on windows so i spin off a windows vm for each of those apps
[20:13:40] <pfred1> but at the same time I realize most folks run Windows themselves
[20:13:56] <MacGalempsy_> doesnt mainly come down to the best [fill in name] is the one you are most familiar with?
[20:14:05] <Jymmm> Windows, the oldest and most profitable virus ever!
[20:14:19] <malcom2073> Best is, is the one that is the right tool for the job at hand
[20:14:19] <roycroft> with os x i just use dd(1), as i do with any unix system
[20:14:33] <pfred1> Jymmm Microsoft has labled Linux as a cancer
[20:14:35] <malcom2073> roycroft: That only works if it's a bootable image
[20:14:44] <roycroft> yes
[20:15:02] <roycroft> if it's not a bootable image it can be made one using hdiutil first
[20:15:19] <roycroft> hdiutil mkhybrid ...
[20:15:56] <roycroft> so my power supply has shipped, and fedex clocked it in at just under 40 lbs
[20:16:09] <roycroft> i'm glad i got a rack mountable one - i will mount it outside the electronics cabinet
[20:16:17] <Jymmm> pfred1: They did, a long time ago. But now ubuntu is built into windows...
[20:16:20] <roycroft> that cabinet would get pretty heavy for servicing otherwise
[20:17:26] <pfred1> roycroft building custom SMPS is on my todo list
[20:17:41] <pfred1> just something I want to learn how to do
[20:18:06] <pfred1> because finding big old clunky transformers is getting increasingly difficult
[20:18:22] <roycroft> it shouldn't be
[20:18:26] <roycroft> just go on holidays to russia
[20:18:29] <pfred1> but it is
[20:18:42] <roycroft> you'll find big old clunky everything
[20:18:47] <MacGalempsy_> roycroft: what did you end up ordering?
[20:19:14] <roycroft>
[20:19:31] <roycroft> not that one, but an identical one that was a bit cheaper and was nos, not used
[20:19:53] <pfred1> high current DC is an ongoing sticking point with a lot of my projects anymore
[20:20:17] <roycroft> my ps is about 4 lbs/amp
[20:20:49] <roycroft> i think lbs/amp is a good metric when evaluating power supplies :)
[20:21:18] <pfred1> I love old school linear supplies but the reality is they're a thing of the past today
[20:22:41] <MacGalempsy_> anyone catch this?
[20:23:12] <pfred1> I had a subscription to Popular Science when I was a kid
[20:23:29] <MacGalempsy_> the video is pretty interesting. I kept wondering, with all the hard work and 3d printed dish, why the hell is he drilling a wood handle?
[20:23:57] <pfred1> because drilling wood is fast, cheap, and easy?
[20:24:25] <MacGalempsy_> not a good answer when going thru building a tractor beam
[20:24:47] <pfred1> maybe he likes the feel?
[20:25:41] <pfred1> I like my wooden handles
[20:26:04] <MacGalempsy_> anyways, it would be fun to try making one when the build guide goes public
[20:27:26] <pfred1> sometimes i whittle wooden handles while I watch videos
[20:28:51] <roycroft> we're officially in an "ice/snow emergency"
[20:30:02] <pfred1> here somes the media hype
[20:30:10] <pfred1> we're supposed to get maybe an inch
[20:30:35] <MacGalempsy_> roycroft: did you mount studded tires yet?
[20:30:46] <pfred1> run chains
[20:31:01] <pfred1> I put chains on a car once
[20:31:07] <pfred1> all 4 tires
[20:31:14] <roycroft> studded tires should be illegal in western oregon
[20:31:18] <roycroft> or taxed heavily
[20:31:27] <roycroft> they're needed maybe 1 or 2 days/year
[20:31:42] <roycroft> and the rest of the time they do nothing but make noise and destroy roads
[20:32:02] <pfred1> my Toyota goes through snow like it's a sunny day when I lock the hubs
[20:32:02] <roycroft> today happens to be one of those days
[20:32:12] <roycroft> my prius handled brilliantly in the snow
[20:32:28] <roycroft> regenerative braking makes snow driving really nice
[20:32:31] <pfred1> I even drove through 4 foot of snow with it once
[20:32:36] <pfred1> I do mean through it too
[20:32:42] <MacGalempsy_> pfred1: what kind of toyota do you have?
[20:33:01] <pfred1> I have a 1982 Toyota 4WD pickup truck
[20:33:19] <pfred1> like with the big balls on the solid axles
[20:33:26] <pfred1> real 4WD
[20:33:40] <MacGalempsy_> nice. a youngling :)
[20:34:10] <pfred1> I put into 4W low once that was strange
[20:34:20] <MacGalempsy_> got a 70 fj40 myself
[20:34:49] <pfred1> apparently my truck is highly prized by rock slimbers
[20:34:57] <pfred1> rock climbers even
[20:35:07] <MacGalempsy_> solid axels?
[20:35:13] <pfred1> they lift them up and put huge tires on them
[20:35:20] <pfred1> yeah solid front and rear
[20:35:24] <MacGalempsy_> thats why
[20:35:46] <MacGalempsy_> any they are pretty light
[20:35:48] <roycroft> the problem is that we rarely get weather like this
[20:35:58] <roycroft> and we have no infrastructure to deal with it
[20:36:00] <roycroft> no snow plows
[20:36:16] <roycroft> public works have a couple trucks that can spread a little sand here and there
[20:36:18] <roycroft> but that's about it
[20:36:23] <MacGalempsy_> that is kind of like here in Arkansas, everything just shuts down for a few days when it gets bad
[20:36:30] <pfred1> sometimes it snows where I'm at now
[20:36:34] <roycroft> so now there's washboard ice covering all the streets
[20:36:44] <roycroft> that's what we do
[20:36:58] <roycroft> 2cm of snow shuts down the entire county
[20:37:13] <roycroft> when i lived back east it would take at least a meter for things to start shutting down
[20:37:16] <pfred1> well a little snow is the worst
[20:37:27] <andypugh> I am pretty sure that I have _exactly_ those components lyiing about in my elctronics room.
[20:37:43] <pfred1> andypugh what components?
[20:38:12] <MacGalempsy_> tractor beam components?
[20:38:21] <andypugh> Arduino Namo, DC-DC converter with LED, and the other DC-DC converter without.
[20:38:39] <pfred1> I never got a nano
[20:38:57] <MacGalempsy_> i wonder what the size constraints are? like is it possible to build one big enough to float a human?
[20:39:22] <andypugh> I have several. They are so useful for any situation where you need any arbitrary circuit with inputs and outputs.
[20:39:51] <pfred1> a lot of ancient pyramid conspiracy theorists talk about sonic levitation
[20:40:11] <andypugh> MacGalempsy_: I suspect that most humans are not rigid enough to survive the experience.
[20:40:17] <pfred1> maybe they're not so nuts after all?
[20:40:32] <MacGalempsy_> that did come to mind, like how would it effect the organs
[20:41:17] <andypugh> You can do frogs with magnets:
[20:41:32] <pfred1> then there's everyone's favorite Nazi super weapon the sonic cannon
[20:42:00] <roycroft> does that make the frogs gay, andypugh?
[20:42:26] <andypugh> It’s probably hard to tell with frogs.
[20:43:08] <roycroft> i was not aware it was a problem, but some wingnut politician started about things turning frogs gay the other day
[20:43:20] <roycroft> i could not understand what allegedly causes this phenomenon
[20:43:31] <pfred1> probably hormones in the water supply
[20:43:39] <cradek> probably social security
[20:44:16] <MacGalempsy_> lol
[20:44:46] <cradek> welfare frog queens
[20:44:51] <roycroft> one never knows the cause and effect relationships in the fact-devoid bubble
[20:45:32] <MacGalempsy_> maybe they were molested as tadpoles
[20:45:34] <roycroft> but yeah
[20:45:40] <roycroft> fluoridation could be the thing
[20:45:54] <roycroft> polluting our precious bodily fluids
[20:45:56] <pfred1> that just keeps their teeth white
[20:45:59] <cradek> you know what I wish some politician would fix: stupid techno music on youtube videos where I want to hear what's going on
[20:46:12] <pfred1> cradek ++
[20:46:20] <roycroft> you want a department of youtube nannies?
[20:46:28] <cradek> yes
[20:46:28] <pfred1> mute is a useful thing
[20:46:50] <pfred1> I hate techno sound track youtube videos
[20:47:19] <pfred1> who thinks that's a good idea?
[20:47:44] <pfred1> russian hackers probably
[20:49:23] <roycroft> one could argue that the music played in a video may be indicative of the overall quality of the information presented in the video
[20:49:49] <roycroft> i realise that it's possible for a person to be technically competent yet have horrible taste in music
[20:50:54] <roycroft> personally, when i start watching a video whose music is really annoying i just move on to the next one
[20:50:56] <pfred1> I got nothing against techno music
[20:51:09] <pfred1> but if I'm watching a demo of a CNC machine I want ot hear it running
[20:51:17] <roycroft> if it detracts from the material being presented it's a problem
[20:51:20] <roycroft> no matter what the music
[20:51:42] <Jymmm> OH this is fucked up...
[20:51:51] <pfred1> not some speaker destroying techno blaring
[20:52:02] <roycroft> perhaps instead of having youtube nannies a multitrack audio protocol could be implemented
[20:52:33] <roycroft> such that there could be music, narrative, and ambient sound tracks that can be turned on/off and mixed at will by the viewer
[20:53:13] <pfred1> roycroft for now we still have the mute option
[20:54:07] <roycroft> and remember
[20:54:14] <roycroft> dark side of the moon works perfectly with anything
[20:56:44] <Jymmm> roycroft: country line dancing
[21:25:03] <roycroft> aah, the glőhwein is ready
[21:29:43] <Cromaglious_> no andy...
[21:31:24] <Cromaglious_> Just saw his diff video ouch.... Had a thought though. cut 2 spiders in half and pin them back together with the proper offset, so everything meshes.
[22:03:33] <MacGalempsy_> good night folks!
[23:56:03] <roycroft> folks
[23:56:12] <roycroft> these aren't enterprise class ssds
[23:56:20] <roycroft> but they have decent specs, and are dirt cheap
[23:56:26] <roycroft> they might be perfect for linuxcnc machines
[23:56:28] <roycroft>