#linuxcnc | Logs for 2016-08-26

[00:19:36] <Cromaglious_> GRBL has problems with the laser... it handles corners like crap
[00:20:58] <Cromaglious_> Simonious, with linuxcnc you can set all the limit switches to one pin, and have all the home switches on another pin
[00:21:28] <Simonious> Cromaglious_: I'm going to keep the xyz limits independent I think
[00:21:30] <Cromaglious_> or you can have on limit switches which also act as home switchs
[00:22:01] <Simonious> what puzzles me is that I think the machine limits worked even if the computer crashed and they are just a daisy chain of ON switches
[00:22:02] <Cromaglious_> on my 3040 I have all the limits act as homes as well
[00:22:45] <Cromaglious_> it has to home each in turn and move off the home switch to a "home" position
[00:22:59] * Simonious nods
[00:23:21] <Cromaglious_> my home switches are like X-10m. y-10mm and z-5mm
[00:23:30] <Simonious> it's not a bad way to go
[00:23:48] <Simonious> save me some input pins for other stuff later
[00:24:13] <Cromaglious_> made wiring things easier
[00:24:35] <Simonious> eh, the wiring is actually easier to go to different pins on my setup
[00:24:45] <Simonious> just because jamming 3 wires in one hole is hard
[00:25:08] <Cromaglious_> I used terminal blocks
[00:25:13] <Simonious> now if I was wiring it fresh.. it'd be easier
[00:25:18] <Simonious> but it's an existing machine
[00:26:40] <Cromaglious_> I yank the original controler, and replaced it with a seperate BOB and drivers and spindle speed control
[00:26:54] <Simonious> alright I'm liking what you are saying
[00:27:04] <Cromaglious_> another week and I should have it back up and running
[00:27:09] <Simonious> so.. I'll wire all the hard endstops in a loop and tie them to the e-stop..?
[00:27:27] <Cromaglious_> you can
[00:27:33] <Simonious> gotcha
[00:28:02] <Cromaglious_> but better to have them on a limit pin and Estop on it's own pin... easier to get it off the limits
[00:29:08] <Cromaglious_> you can disable limit and jog off, with estop you have to manually move them off
[00:29:37] <Simonious> that's fair
[00:31:33] <Cromaglious_> when I get a real mill, I'm going to have limits and home switches on separate circuits..
[00:32:28] <Cromaglious_> homes are definitely going to be induction sensors and limit are going to be heavier mechanicals
[00:32:57] <Simonious> I'm always interested to hear what people are building :)
[00:33:01] <Cromaglious_> I don't have to worry about swarf triggering limits
[00:33:10] * Simonious chuckles
[00:33:30] <Simonious> my limits are pins that go into holes to hit switches, swarf is pretty unlikely to trigger them
[00:33:50] <Cromaglious_> swarf has a mind of it's own
[00:34:28] <Simonious> I'm considering trying to recycle this old board to isolate my parallel port: https://goo.gl/photos/6uRhHdwQfdDcrSPf8 but I'm leaning towards ordering http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-Axis-CNC-Breakout-Board-Interface-Adapter-for-Stepper-Motor-Driver-pump-/142038615949?hash=item211229478d:g:0JYAAOSw3YNXcYaJ instead
[00:35:36] <Cromaglious_> That ebay board is the BOB I'm using
[00:35:51] <Simonious> alright, I'll order one in the morning
[00:36:33] <Cromaglious_> I'm using THB6600 drivers hang on a sec and I'll find the listings
[00:36:43] <Simonious> ooo, shipping from outside the US, yuck
[00:39:11] <Simonious> http://www.ebay.com/itm/CNC-5-Axis-Breakout-interface-Board-Card-for-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Mill-Mach3-/272110339945?hash=item3f5b0a4769:g:U-wAAOSwX~dWnuz7 this should work too and come a lot sooner
[00:39:55] <Cromaglious_> http://www.ebay.com/itm/311597896964 Cable to connect the BOB to the driver board
[00:40:26] <Simonious> I'll use the screw terminals
[00:40:39] <Simonious> and get the other board..
[00:41:57] <Simonious> http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-Axis-CNC-Interface-Adapter-Breakout-Board-For-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Mach3-w-USB-/181933891138?hash=item2a5c1ade42:g:ZdoAAOSwhcJWL9rS
[00:42:01] <Simonious> there we go, that's pretty quick
[00:43:20] <Simonious> I'll order it in the morning, should be just the thing.
[00:44:28] <Cromaglious_> connector for the pendant nice
[00:46:10] <Cromaglious_> I didn't see and hookups for step and direction on the picture on google
[00:46:40] <Cromaglious_> I didn't see any hookups for step and direction on the picture on google
[00:47:45] <Simonious> they were there
[00:47:54] <Simonious> and.. I'm using a USB wireless pendant instead
[00:48:16] <Simonious> like I said, I'll order the BOB in the morning. It's a lot cleaner than this old thing
[00:49:27] <Cromaglious_> that old thing looks to be only relays for pumps or spindle, limits and homes... no driver hookups
[00:50:29] <Simonious> good point
[00:51:54] <Cromaglious_> which drivers you using?
[00:52:24] <Simonious> gecko 320s
[00:53:06] <Cromaglious_> Teknic ClearPath servo's are awesum... replaces the stepper and driver with a servo.. Only thing is they are $260 each for NEMA-23 1/4" shaft
[00:53:25] <Simonious> ha, yowch! I'm running servos..
[00:53:53] <Cromaglious_> but you can use the nema-23 ones in place of nema 34 steppers
[00:54:10] <Cromaglious_> 4000rpm
[00:54:27] <Simonious> hmm, I'm not sure what size I've got in this machine off hand, larger than N23s..
[00:54:30] <Simonious> standby
[00:54:35] <Cromaglious_> 300+ozin
[00:55:02] <Cromaglious_> 2.3" is nema-23 3.4" is nema-34
[00:55:45] <Simonious> pics coming (taken in the dark)
[00:56:27] <Cromaglious_> heh... 3040 I have on the back patio.. nice and dark... flies too
[00:56:30] <Simonious> https://goo.gl/photos/zKk9X66YG6kxSer17
[00:56:55] <Simonious> https://goo.gl/photos/6sAsoP1Faks7Ng9b9
[00:57:28] <Simonious> need one with a ruler?
[00:58:06] <Cromaglious_> looking at the RJ45.. they look N34
[00:59:20] <Cromaglious_> if you have a ruler.. if it's 3.5" its N34, 2.3" it's N23
[00:59:31] <Simonious> it is NOT N23
[00:59:58] <Simonious> wait.. you don't mean TALL, you mean diameter
[01:00:03] * Simonious laughs at himself
[01:00:06] <Cromaglious_> yep
[01:00:30] <Cromaglious_> in nema tall don't mean anything except ozin
[01:01:29] <Cromaglious_> oops bedtime... good luck break a leg!
[01:03:32] <Simonious> that's why I'm laughing at myself
[01:06:42] <Simonious> https://goo.gl/photos/jytmE1L9m6UUL8oB6 hey look, wrong again
[01:06:56] <Simonious> they are bigger than the N23s on the shelf (both wider and longer)
[01:07:03] * Simonious ponders
[01:07:18] <Simonious> the bolt pattern may match up even though the bolt block is larger
[02:14:31] <pink_vampire> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111891372282
[02:14:47] <pink_vampire> it's run on copper pipes
[02:15:10] <pink_vampire> http://isavegt.com/diycnc/Structure%20assembly%20drawing_files/image090.jpg
[02:18:29] <pink_vampire> OMGGG pure shit on ebay
[02:18:32] <pink_vampire> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-Axis-CNC-Mill-18x13-Engraver-DIY-PCB-Milling-Machine-Wood-Carving-Router-MACH3/111935899257?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D38707%26meid%3Df611b7815af24d8280adab840d7854b8%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D111891372282#rwid
[02:19:04] <pink_vampire> ans this is how "good" is cut the pcb
[02:19:27] <pink_vampire> `http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1K2BEMpXXXXaJXVXXq6xXFXXXT/202273214/HTB1K2BEMpXXXXaJXVXXq6xXFXXXT.jpg?size=18928&height=293&width=440&hash=51f81e2dfb25b11304b06a4072692d65
[05:20:14] * Loetmichel just milled 4mm thick sheet alu for 4 hours.. thats not much nmaterial thats left of that 19" enclosure backpanel... http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=16411&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
[05:47:30] <jthornton> morning
[05:53:14] <Deejay> moin
[05:58:07] <XXCoder> 4 sews on my arm oh yeah :p
[05:58:31] <Deejay> what happened?
[05:58:32] <archivist> been machine fighting ?
[05:58:39] <Deejay> who won? ;)
[05:59:10] <XXCoder> not me apparently lol
[05:59:22] <XXCoder> large part slipped and my hand hit other part below it
[05:59:32] <XXCoder> it now looks like I failed to sucuide
[05:59:32] <Deejay> autch
[06:00:05] <jthornton> ouch
[06:00:13] <XXCoder> yeah
[06:00:20] <SpeedEvil> XXCoder: better luck next time.
[06:00:31] <XXCoder> got hurt 2 times before, its such a tough part to place on fixture
[06:00:37] <SpeedEvil> XXCoder: Sue!
[06:00:38] <XXCoder> vertical mills should run it
[06:00:54] <SpeedEvil> Some sort of improvised crane?
[06:01:33] <XXCoder> dont have one besides one at lathe for heavy rods, and one at hard metal area (for olvious reasons)
[06:05:16] <XXCoder> mag crane dont work on alum anyway lol
[06:05:35] <XXCoder> anyway I almost didnt go but coworker insisted on it
[06:05:56] <XXCoder> it was ore serious than I thought, I though just clean and stuff but nope 4 sutures
[06:50:51] * jthornton wonders if the Deskjet 1220c will print from Linux...
[06:51:17] <XXCoder> while ago printer support used to be crapshoot but now no idea
[06:55:49] <jthornton> lol I just plugged it into a USB port and it showed up and worked
[06:56:05] <XXCoder> nice
[06:58:55] <jthornton> now to get my windows computer back up and running
[07:01:10] <jthornton> but first time for a bike ride
[07:03:46] <jdh> or work
[07:04:15] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz9XO_jg8zU ouch
[08:47:05] <Denkishi> Any one know the chip load for a 3xinsert 1" cutter for 1018CRS off the top of thier head?
[08:47:30] <Denkishi> and the CNC being used is capable of 4200 RPM max...
[08:47:55] * archivist points at online calculators
[08:47:59] <_methods> just depends on the insert
[08:48:08] <_methods> the tech data is usually on the back of the insert box
[08:48:15] <archivist> and feed per tooth and
[08:48:45] <_methods> probably .003-.005" per insert for crs
[08:48:46] <Denkishi> Yeah, was looking them up (Kennametel KC725M inserts) but all I am finding is dimensional and axial information :/
[08:49:52] <_methods> i think that is just the grade
[08:49:56] <gregcnc> I was going to say .004ipt is a nominal
[08:49:58] <archivist> because you decide the running load
[08:50:01] <_methods> i don't use much kennametal thoug so i could be wrong
[08:50:25] <Denkishi> 100sfm you think?
[08:50:56] <gregcnc> until the chips turn blue
[08:50:56] <Denkishi> Or should be able to go faster due to being carbide cutter instead of a standard endmill?
[08:51:06] <archivist> does Kennametel have an online calculator
[08:51:11] <_methods> will probably more like 500sfm
[08:51:15] <_methods> 100sfm is for hss
[08:51:23] <_methods> 500-1000sfm
[08:51:27] <Denkishi> gregcnc, yeah, what I was trying for. Just can't get past the chatter
[08:51:42] <archivist> is the machine rigid enough for full chip load
[08:51:43] <gregcnc> change stepover, change DOC
[08:51:59] <_methods> if you're at 100sfm now you're way too slow for carbide
[08:52:09] <archivist> chatter would mean no
[08:53:16] <gregcnc> http://www.kennametal.com/en/products/20478624/57493250/556247/46610642/46611040/46656560/100003106.html
[08:53:20] <gregcnc> hope that works
[08:54:05] <gregcnc> so 500sfm and .005
[08:54:55] <archivist> on what sort of machine though
[08:55:41] <gregcnc> sure, that's for the user to figure, the mfg has no idea adjust cut load until it runs
[08:55:49] <_methods> well if you're not using a real machine with that tool then you're wrong
[08:56:09] <Denkishi> archivist, trak DPM with an A.G.E. 3 controller
[08:56:14] <_methods> i'm assuming he's using a commercial cnc machine with that tooling
[08:56:33] <gregcnc> so am i because he was here the other day running the same machine, lol
[08:56:48] <_methods> hehe
[08:57:03] <_methods> yeah 500sfm .005/ipt should be a good safe start
[08:57:19] <Denkishi> Heh, I can program the shit out of it, just still learning feeds and speeds :)
[08:57:33] <Denkishi> And really appreciate all your helps
[08:57:34] <gregcnc> but thre is the never ending machinist life of making it work in the real world
[08:57:41] <_methods> fixturing and speeds and feeds are the real part of machining
[08:57:48] <_methods> programming is the easy part
[08:57:54] <Denkishi> _methods, yup
[08:58:08] <archivist> chasing the flex :)
[08:58:17] <_methods> chasing variables
[09:04:36] <MacGalempsy> morning
[09:12:32] <SpeedEvil> http://community.ebay.co.uk/t5/Search-and-categories/Search-seems-broken/m-p/4980181#M7230 - joy
[09:12:45] <SpeedEvil> I wondered for a moment why my searches were broken.
[09:13:29] <archivist> lots of breakage today on ebay
[09:14:03] <archivist> my ebay white screen, totally stupid saved search emails
[09:14:15] <gregcnc> I think they changed it the toher day to return more results with spaces or dashes between characters
[09:14:40] <SpeedEvil> gregcnc: yeah - because they deleted wildcards ages ago
[09:14:41] <gregcnc> I noticed it was turning up relavant items with or without dashes/spaces
[09:14:51] <gregcnc> this didn't work just the other day
[09:14:52] <JT-Shop> changed my first flat on the road bike... those tires are a bit more difficult to get off than my mountain bike tires
[09:14:54] <Contract_Pilot> Morning
[09:15:15] <JT-Shop> morning
[09:15:25] * JT-Shop goes to put up huge garage door now
[09:16:14] <archivist> trouble with ebay is very hard to get complaints into them
[09:16:20] <SpeedEvil> archivist: quite
[09:16:36] <gregcnc> use the feedback, i've used it and changes did happen
[09:16:40] <SpeedEvil> archivist: As with many of these companies, they have eight staff in the relevant department
[09:16:58] <archivist> "tell us what you think" link has had a couple of flames off me today
[09:17:43] <SpeedEvil> I'd wondered why my FLIR search (that typically returns 0 or 1 result) today returned 500
[09:17:45] <SpeedEvil> http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=%28thermal%2Cflir%29+%28image*%2Ccamera%29&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=%28photo%2Cprinter%2Cspray%29&_sacat=0&_mPrRngCbx=1&_udlo=20&_udhi=100&LH_BIN=1&LH_ItemCondition=4&_ftrt=901&_ftrv=1&_sabdlo=&_sabdhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=KY76LA&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=3&_sop=10&_dmd=1&_ipg=50
[09:18:05] <archivist> tracking seems worse, more sites to put in my hosts file :)
[09:18:52] <gregcnc> that string returned 2 on my end
[09:19:01] <archivist> I only see 2 +14 international for that SpeedEvil
[09:19:02] <SpeedEvil> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lassig-Brief-Baby-Changing-Bag-Dragon-Red-/252506237888 - yes - just what I want when searching for FLIR.
[09:19:18] <SpeedEvil> yes, it's a phased rollout (or one server broken)
[09:19:29] <SpeedEvil> andypugh hit the same issue in the above thread
[09:19:45] <MacGalempsy> JT-Shop: some of those road bike tires can be a PITA to remove
[09:20:10] <Contract_Pilot> My ball screw should eb in today, sensore tomarrow, monday/tuesday should have all the electronics bundled up.
[09:20:19] <Contract_Pilot> ahhh ball nut. '
[09:20:31] <archivist> I got 6000 results in my saved search that usually gives 0 for a logic analyser model number
[09:20:42] <Contract_Pilot> need more coffee to wake up...
[09:21:08] <Contract_Pilot> Hoping to cut first part next weekend
[09:21:31] <Contract_Pilot> then on to the little mill...
[09:21:38] <MacGalempsy> what is your first part going to be?
[09:21:45] <Contract_Pilot> Not sure!
[09:21:55] <gregcnc> dang my msc order is still in process, no spindle oil for me
[09:21:58] <SpeedEvil> Contract_Pilot: I recommend making your first part a broken end-mill.
[09:22:03] <Contract_Pilot> Prob turn some ball screws for the G0704
[09:22:44] <MacGalempsy> you got a cnc grinder going?
[09:22:44] <Contract_Pilot> Greg ISO 68
[09:23:13] <gregcnc> iso 10
[09:23:49] <Contract_Pilot> Check Farm Implement Stores
[09:24:02] <gregcnc> AW10 is virtually non existent
[09:25:46] <gregcnc> yes it looks like ebay search is not borked here
[09:25:53] <Contract_Pilot> I know wilco has a nice selection of Hydraulic Oil
[09:26:16] <Contract_Pilot> ISO 68 and 32 for sure
[09:27:15] <gregcnc> yeh i can get 32 46 68 100 locally, but AW10 in hydraulic is only made by a few, and nobody actually stocks it it's equal to #6 spindle oil
[09:29:03] <Contract_Pilot> Reminds me i need to change mine...
[09:57:09] <SpeedEvil> http://frank.villaro-dixon.eu/public_upload/Foundations%20of%20Mechanical%20Accuracy%20by%20Wayne%20R%20Moore%20-%201970.pdf 'foundations of mechanical accuracy' - if you haven't come across it
[09:57:51] <SpeedEvil> I especially like pictures like page 20 - test equipment that will kill you if you drop it on you.
[09:58:10] <SpeedEvil> Basics of scraping, measurement, precision machine design and testing
[10:01:44] <_methods> ah nice link thanks
[10:07:27] <archivist> cannot imaging a repcrapper reading that book
[10:08:54] <SpeedEvil> yeah
[10:09:03] <SpeedEvil> It's _HARD_ stuff to wrap your head around.
[10:09:18] <SpeedEvil> 'wait, I twist it there, and what happens'
[10:09:47] <SpeedEvil> Understanding how to work out the way your machine will move under internal and external forces is fun.
[10:09:53] <SpeedEvil> Plus temperature and humidity
[10:10:03] <archivist> my best comparator can measure its own base bending
[10:10:48] <CaptHindsight> is there a chapter on underbuilding with hot melt and threaded rods?
[10:12:10] <CaptHindsight> how to trade durability, repeatability, rigidity and accuracy for low cost and constant realignment
[10:13:47] <SpeedEvil> 'yes'
[10:14:03] <SpeedEvil> It's pretty much exactly the same problems encountered.
[10:55:10] <Simonious> https://goo.gl/photos/fCf3WyenN87wLo6U7 so.. how is this able to light LEDs and not burn up a parallel port? (BTW I haven't actually tested that it works). But it says no batteries required on the back..
[10:56:26] <archivist> google photo is a flawed, white screen and my hard disk starts thrashing
[10:57:05] <archivist> 2 mb of flawed page in fact
[10:57:41] <Simonious> ?
[10:57:57] <archivist> 29 resources and I cannot see a damned picture
[10:58:13] <SpeedEvil> http://www.scientificamerican.com/department/amateur-scientist/
[10:58:29] <SpeedEvil> Archived amateur scientist Columb.
[10:59:19] <archivist> http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/grabs/Screenshot-38.png
[11:00:12] <archivist> I dunno how stupid some large website writers can be these days
[11:00:34] <gregcnc> but why can't you see it?
[11:00:54] * Simonious ponders
[11:01:16] <archivist> because it is a badly formed non html page
[11:01:43] <gregcnc> i can see it in my ff
[11:01:50] <Simonious> https://goo.gl/photos/aEf6tGP247XACaFt7 new link.. still junk?
[11:02:27] <archivist> yes, same every time I got to google photos
[11:02:42] <jdh> I have one that looks just like that somewhere
[11:03:00] <Simonious> what browser has this trouble?
[11:03:10] <archivist> older browser
[11:03:32] <Simonious> and it's saying the html is noncompliant?
[11:03:38] <archivist> I make sure stuff works in older browsers, so I still run one
[11:03:42] <gregcnc> ff just updated to 48.0 on my box
[11:03:56] <archivist> Simonious, NOT html, js junk
[11:04:25] <Simonious> Do you mean all js, or that site in particular?
[11:04:48] <jdh> https://imgur.com/A0EKELI
[11:05:08] <jdh> my usual one. can't see the lcd at top though
[11:05:16] <Simonious> powered?
[11:05:57] <Simonious> http://i63.tinypic.com/pb1ar.jpg try this?
[11:07:23] <archivist> imgur works tinypic used to work, not today though
[11:07:58] <jdh> you do know that is not made for parallel ports, right?
[11:08:15] <Simonious> I didn't
[11:08:40] <jdh> it is for serial
[11:09:10] <Simonious> ahh, of course
[11:09:32] <jdh> you can sink an led with a p-port, probably not source one
[11:09:49] <Simonious> aye
[11:10:23] <archivist> ye gods, in the gogle pics page source "Portions of this code are from MochiKit, received by The Closure Authors under the MIT license."
[11:11:24] <jdh> you can also hook your switch directly to your pport with appropriate pull up or down. but it seems silly to risk frying it by doing so
[11:13:10] <Simonious> http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-Axis-CNC-Interface-Adapter-Breakout-Board-For-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Mach3-w-USB-/181933891138?hash=item2a5c1ade42:g:ZdoAAOSwhcJWL9rS I was going to build one, but then I just ordered this instead.
[11:14:35] <archivist> that bob just works
[11:15:12] <jdh> wonder why it has a USB A connector
[11:16:06] <archivist> http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/mirror/cnc/bob/
[11:16:15] <archivist> 5v input of that
[11:16:49] <archivist> I have a few of them now
[11:17:44] <jdh> you use a usb A to A cable?
[11:18:33] <archivist> some sellers throw in the cable, or there is a position on the screw connectors to connect 5v to
[11:19:09] <archivist> bottom right of board http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/mirror/cnc/bob/$_58.JPG
[11:24:25] <Loetmichel> soo, home from work... the 30m^2 workshop at the company needs an air conditoner or at least a chance to let fresh air in. when the 1200W CNC mill and the 1800W dust vaccum are running the whole day the room is a sauna in the evening... *sweat*. At least i got all the parts milled. http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=16414&g2_imageViewsIndex=1 ... monday some deburring, then taping
[11:24:25] <Loetmichel> the things and sending them for powder coating... end of the week the customer has a new tempest proof crypto server ;)
[12:25:24] <Simonious> archivist: you can run that bob on parallel or usb or it uses usb for 5v?
[12:26:06] <archivist> usb is only a power input, parallel is the real control pins
[12:26:37] <Simonious> is that pwm pin for a VFD?
[12:26:51] <archivist> yes can be used for that
[12:28:18] <archivist> some have had "fun" getting that to work with their particular vfd, it "just worked" for me (I put an isolated 12v supply for the pwm)
[12:28:53] <Simonious> I don't have a VFD on this machine right now, maybe later. I've got 2 on the shelf...
[12:29:00] <Simonious> right now I just turn the router on by hand.
[12:30:11] <archivist> mine with the tiny dc-dc supply and vfd http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/DJCPD/PD/2015/2015_10_14_cnc_bob/IMG_2013.JPG
[12:31:08] <archivist> you can see I get 5v from a psu and connect direct
[12:32:15] <Simonious> ha, I can't see that actually, is that in the pin labeled 12-24v DC?
[12:33:46] <archivist> yes
[12:34:18] <Simonious> I see you've got wires top right and bottom right - which is your spindle and what is on the other thing?
[12:35:07] <archivist> little module top left of bob is 5v to 12 converter
[12:35:29] <Simonious> and the brown wire between it's connections on the bob goes to what?
[12:36:47] <archivist> that and the blue (twisted) you see going into the vfd upper right
[12:37:05] <Simonious> okay and the pink yellow wire above them? top right?
[12:37:19] <archivist> relay to enable the vfd
[12:38:23] <archivist> iirc I was a function short of a full set when doing that
[12:38:40] <Simonious> what controls the speed and direction on the vfd?
[12:39:24] <archivist> no direction not enough pins because the cnc is 5 axis using all the rest
[12:39:50] <Simonious> and speed? brown blue?
[12:40:01] <archivist> yes
[12:40:34] <archivist> once you have hooked up a few it becomes easier
[12:40:38] <Simonious> axis B doesn't look populated.
[12:40:49] <Simonious> oh.. nevermind
[12:40:54] <Simonious> pwm isn't used
[12:41:13] <Simonious> also B Dir isn't populated?
[12:42:10] <archivist> perspective, B works :)
[12:42:59] <archivist> and I generally dont worry which outputs drive which axis
[12:44:05] <Simonious> you used enable to pick B dir?
[12:46:11] <archivist> it is not relevant which pins I used for which axis, all outputs are interchangeable except the pwm and relay (note some are shared)
[12:46:39] <archivist> so one makes a choice while setting up
[12:47:12] <archivist> either for pretty wiring or OCD with pin numbers or....
[12:51:09] <Simonious> that's reasonable, I've made my breakout boards up to this point and was going to do that again, but this is so cheap it's not worth my time to build one.
[12:52:14] <archivist> some of the available BOBs are badly designed this one drives the stepper driver optos properly
[12:52:31] <Simonious> which is nicer than what I was going to build
[12:52:42] <Simonious> I was just going to build transistor (2222) buffers
[12:53:26] <Simonious> that's what I've got on the machine now, but... I was fixing someone elses mistake at the time and I didn't understand how screwed up the machine was.
[12:53:37] <Simonious> so I only built buffers for 5 outputs and no inputs
[12:53:40] <archivist> I used 7400 series on my first, then used a relay driver chip, but this is plain better
[12:53:59] <Simonious> the inputs were on a different parallel port, but there isn't much reason to do that, so I'm combining it while I fix up the machine.
[12:54:29] <Simonious> also.. the machine wasn't configured to recognize the other parallel port...
[12:56:01] <archivist> hehe when lazy http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/DJCPD/PD/2014/2014_09_17_Barber_Colman_cnc/IMG_1830.JPG you can just see a chip on vero
[12:56:18] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: Just realized that the NEMA images you posted yesterday do NOT include 'L' (twistlock) connectors.
[12:56:36] <archivist> that has been replaced by one of those BOBs
[12:57:47] <archivist> even a special test jig used that bob http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/DJCPD/PD/2015/2015_12_30_wormtest/img_2020.jpg
[12:58:21] <plpower> hi
[12:58:22] <archivist> vero was to interface the encoder to BOB inputs
[13:00:15] <plpower> CaptHindsight: ?
[13:10:53] <plpower> archivist do encoders always use 5V or are ther 24 alo available
[13:11:35] <archivist> there are many voltage and output options
[13:11:51] <plpower> CaptHindsight: can yoiu provide views of the part in the max left right front top down so i can reblender the geometry
[13:12:24] <plpower> thanks
[13:13:22] <plpower> i will try to get a standard lathe to a parport BOB with a 120 line encoder
[13:13:33] <plpower> to make a thread
[13:14:51] <plpower> is the arduino modul still developed ? to get the toolChanger working
[13:15:32] <plpower> or i cand find a good solution to get a oneInput tool TC position
[13:15:48] <plpower> second parport
[13:16:03] <plpower> ok that woudt give more options
[13:18:11] <jdh> get mesa
[13:18:29] <plpower> i got them
[13:18:38] <plpower> 7i76 is amazing
[13:18:55] <plpower> but on lathe well over the top
[13:19:15] <MacGalempsy> hi plpower
[13:19:27] <plpower> ;-)
[13:19:44] <plpower> still no geometry out of the 3dsmax
[13:20:16] <archivist> actually on a lathe threading, a good input is more important
[13:21:08] <plpower> i will need to get more money on this projekt
[13:22:14] <plpower> i dod write to autodesk on the max file issue
[13:22:37] <plpower> response use the forum to get help !
[13:23:12] <plpower> if i can get the views in a image i will remake it
[13:23:48] <plpower> it seams to me only a 3klicxk conversion but if you cand access the file at all youi cand convert it
[13:27:09] <plpower> im off
[13:29:43] <CaptHindsight> Jymmm: those are another set of pics
[13:43:06] <CaptHindsight> Jymmm: twistlock http://www.generatorjoe.net/html/web/outlet/nemaspecs2.gif
[14:29:58] <LeelooMinai> Any tips on how to cut 1/4 thick polycarbonate sheet? I found some table-saw blade tht is 140 teeth (plywood) - you think that would work?
[14:31:55] <mutilator> i use a laser
[14:32:01] <LeelooMinai> Pff
[14:32:03] <mutilator> lol
[14:32:39] <LeelooMinai> I was going to use some 90 mil thin polycarbonate, but got lucky and scored 4x8 feet 1/4 sheet for $100 from some local guy
[14:32:42] <mutilator> i've cut it with just a hand held circular saw before
[14:32:51] <mutilator> wow nice
[14:33:06] <LeelooMinai> Now I will have bullet-proof cnc enclosure...
[14:33:49] <LeelooMinai> I googled and some people suggested reversed metal blades, etc., but this has 140 teeth so maybe I don't even have to reverse it
[14:34:38] <LeelooMinai> Some also suggested scoring it and breaking, but I once tried it on a thinner sheet and it was brutal...
[14:35:00] <mutilator> a 140 tooth blade will be fine
[14:35:41] <mutilator> i think i used a ~60 tooth blade when i did it
[14:35:46] <LeelooMinai> Ok, good then - I guess it should be easier to cut than acrylic anyways, as acylic tends to shatter
[14:36:34] <LeelooMinai> As to the laser... That would need to be some substantial CO2 or whatever laser to cut it, no?
[14:37:31] <LeelooMinai> I wish I could attach some solid-state laser head to my CNC and cut 1/8 acrylic...
[14:37:31] <mutilator> cutting poly is super nasty on the laser
[14:37:34] <mutilator> i tried once
[14:37:36] <mutilator> it didnt go well
[14:38:08] <LeelooMinai> Hmm, right, probably something to do with light absorption
[14:38:17] <mutilator> yea
[14:38:21] <mutilator> everything i read says dont do it
[14:38:23] <mutilator> but i had to try
[14:38:24] <mutilator> :P
[14:38:52] <LeelooMinai> So, I wonder how they cut it commercialy - special lasers?
[14:39:03] <mutilator> big band saws
[14:39:21] <LeelooMinai> Well, ok, but that's not good for intricate patterns.
[14:39:49] <mutilator> i dont see any intricate poly cuts..
[14:40:21] <LeelooMinai> Well, say you wanted to make polycarbonate enclosure with complex holes for connectors, etc.
[14:40:32] <LeelooMinai> non-round that is
[14:41:08] <mutilator> jig saws of some sort maybe
[14:41:19] <mutilator> or yea i imagine a super high power laser could do it cause it'd cut fast enough
[14:41:32] <renesis> 23:10:08 < mutilator> cutting poly is super nasty on the laser
[14:41:46] <LeelooMinai> Or maybe some laser with wavelength that is nice for polycarbonate (?)
[14:41:46] <renesis> vapor produced is supposed to be bad news, too
[14:42:32] <LeelooMinai> If you cut plycarbonate with laser and all you pot flowers and the cat die, it's probably the time to stop.
[14:42:37] <SpeedEvil> For many plastics
[14:42:40] <_methods> http://atxhackerspace.org/wiki/Laser_Cutter_Materials
[14:42:48] <_methods> they have a good list of materials that cut poorly
[14:42:51] <_methods> or dangerously
[14:42:58] <_methods> hardly all inclusive
[14:43:16] <LeelooMinai> "discoulour, catch fire" - ok, that's not great I guess:)
[14:43:53] <mutilator> when i did it was just black and shooting fire
[14:44:00] <mutilator> it didnt make it all the way thru either
[14:44:04] <mutilator> but i didnt attempt a second time
[14:44:12] <LeelooMinai> But I saw some guy on youtube forming canopies (?) for some electric car from polycarbonate using a big oven and air pressure to form a half-bubbles.
[14:44:12] <mutilator> if it went thru it might not have been quite as bad
[14:45:54] <LeelooMinai> I still wait for something much cheaper than aluminium that would be as strong and easy as it - somet man-made plastic like Derlin (but that's expensive.)
[14:46:12] <LeelooMinai> eqasy to machine*
[14:47:00] <LeelooMinai> "ABS - emits cyanide gas" - ooops
[14:47:14] <renesis> fuuu
[14:47:32] <mutilator> yea tried abs too
[14:47:48] <LeelooMinai> You are braver than I am:p
[14:48:01] <mutilator> eh it's not like i sat there inhaling the fumes
[14:48:04] <mutilator> it was all vented
[14:48:43] <mutilator> the ABS was weird tho
[14:48:47] <mutilator> some of it cut awesome
[14:48:58] <LeelooMinai> " A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 2000 ppm (about 2380 mg/m3) will kill a human in about 1 minute"
[14:49:00] <mutilator> other stuff just melted to mush and made sloppy cuts
[14:49:35] <mutilator> it did engrave fine despite what that page says
[14:49:41] <LeelooMinai> It was used in chamical weapons, so, ventilation or not, no way I would play with it:)
[14:50:53] <LeelooMinai> It also explodes in higer concentration - wonderful.
[14:51:00] <mutilator> heh
[14:51:07] <mutilator> there is so little released from lasering it
[14:51:15] <mutilator> you'd be lucky to even get 1ppm
[14:51:26] <mutilator> would prob take melting a pile of it
[14:52:40] <LeelooMinai> I guess that's the bad side of lasering - the gasses it produces. With machining you just need to take care of chips
[14:53:29] <LeelooMinai> Gases and the risk of fire
[14:53:47] <LeelooMinai> Sight loss too maybe? :)
[14:55:06] <_methods> usually the problem is the gases can effect the lens if you don't have gas assist
[14:55:59] <_methods> nothing like an exploding lens to ruin the day
[14:56:23] <LeelooMinai> Well, what is gas assist - some kind of removal system? Even then - I guess you cannot just dump them outside your house without getting into trouble...
[14:57:14] <Tom_itx> do your neighbors work for the EPA?
[14:57:31] <LeelooMinai> How do I know? :p
[14:58:00] <LeelooMinai> Also, I would not like to just polute air because I cannot be caught.
[14:59:06] <LeelooMinai> There are probably filters for it, but not sure how they are effective and probably are not cheap.
[14:59:23] <MacGalempsy> if the cutting oil is slightly smoking, should I worry about that?
[14:59:30] <MacGalempsy> hhs on al
[14:59:35] <Tom_itx> yes
[14:59:43] <MacGalempsy> slow the feed rate?
[14:59:47] <LeelooMinai> I think any smoke is bad...
[14:59:51] <Tom_itx> just stop machining
[15:01:39] <grummund> o/
[15:01:40] <MacGalempsy> ok
[15:01:50] <_methods> \o
[15:02:16] <Tom_itx> if you're really worried about polution go put out all the underground coal fires
[15:02:38] <Tom_itx> snuff out all the volcanos
[15:02:48] <LeelooMinai> I don't have any in my basement or beneath
[15:03:01] <Tom_itx> check for radon gas?
[15:03:05] <_methods> https://www.fastcoexist.com/3028933/these-backpacks-for-cows-collect-their-fart-gas-and-store-it-for-energy
[15:03:17] <LeelooMinai> lol
[15:03:22] <MacGalempsy> ok, i dropped the depth of the cut from .03 to .025
[15:03:33] <Tom_itx> why?
[15:03:47] <MacGalempsy> because I think the cut was too heavy
[15:04:05] <MacGalempsy> that is why the cutting oil is smoking
[15:04:27] <MacGalempsy> last time I used 0.025 and it was all good, I was trying to get a little more agressive on the cycle time
[15:06:03] <MacGalempsy> ok its going again, hopefully this time it will be ok
[15:06:25] <Tom_itx> get some water soluable cutting fluid
[15:06:28] <gregcnc> leeloominai what kind of spindle are you planning on using that fly cutter on and what RPM?
[15:06:56] <MacGalempsy> Tom_itx: the tank is full of heavy oil and im not ready to drop the $$ on new fluid
[15:07:05] <LeelooMinai> I am limited by mains sockets so I have only 800watt Chinese spindle with ER11 collets.
[15:07:06] <MacGalempsy> there is a sump system
[15:07:11] <Tom_itx> .250 shank on any flycutter is questionable
[15:07:31] <MacGalempsy> er11 is so small
[15:07:42] <Tom_itx> MacGalempsy we used that by the barrel on the old manual lathes i ran
[15:07:43] <LeelooMinai> Right, I saw Chinese sell something that screws on top of the spindle directly, as the collet - wonder if that ould be better.
[15:07:45] <MacGalempsy> like a pneumatic die grinder
[15:07:52] <gregcnc> i would also suggest it being balanced
[15:08:36] <gregcnc> if the chips get hot it will smoke, reducing depth of cut won't change this
[15:08:41] <LeelooMinai> I don't plan on some huge diameter, but, say, 20mm would be still much nicer that just using 1/4 inch endmill or something.
[15:09:21] <gregcnc> I faced a lot of parts with 1/4", but yeah 40mm is much nicer and faster, but the same machine though
[15:10:01] <FinboySlick> If it's one of those high-speed spindles, be careful not to push it to 24k ripems.
[15:10:08] <FinboySlick> Because it will ripem good.
[15:10:31] <LeelooMinai> RIght, no, I think it's 16k max
[15:10:57] <FinboySlick> Mine's a watercooled ER11 24k spindle too.
[15:11:01] <FinboySlick> About 800W.
[15:11:11] <gregcnc> above 5k on a light machine frame, things better be balanced
[15:11:44] <FinboySlick> Yeah, even if the frame was rigid enough, the spindle bearings would die very quickly.
[15:11:50] <LeelooMinai> Yes, I know - once I by accident turned the spindle to 16k with an indicator in it...
[15:12:00] <FinboySlick> Poor indicator.
[15:12:05] <gregcnc> hmmm
[15:12:19] <FinboySlick> Did it indicate its discontent?
[15:12:22] <LeelooMinai> It is still fine somehow, but that was not nice - I almost fainted;)
[15:12:57] <FinboySlick> Hehe, we all know that weak-knee feeling when the machine does something unexpected and your hand is too far from the e-stop.
[15:13:27] <MacGalempsy> this spindle is 2hp ac servo. it only goes up to 7500rpm
[15:13:42] <FinboySlick> Yeah, but 2hp AC servo is very nice.
[15:13:42] <MacGalempsy> besides this is a 1/2" cutter, so cant go too fast
[15:14:13] <gregcnc> some people run 1/2" at 16k or more
[15:14:22] <FinboySlick> Tapping on a 24k rpm spindle is out of the question. Won't even spin bellow 8k.
[15:14:30] <MacGalempsy> really. what kind of finish does that bring up
[15:14:58] <gregcnc> but we are talking production machines, beautiful finish
[15:15:15] <gregcnc> thread milling for fast spindles
[15:15:16] <MacGalempsy> what I would like to figure out is how to set the internal PID values of the VFD to zero out so I can use LINUXCNC PID on the spindle
[15:15:42] <MacGalempsy> i wonder if setting the PID all to 0 on the internal PID settings, then use LCNC as normal
[15:27:04] <MacGalempsy> so far, the only thing I dont like about fusion 3d is that I cannot figure out how to take the result of a setup and use it on a new setup
[15:28:20] <JT-Shop> I'm tired but the garage door is up, not working just up
[15:28:47] <gregcnc> I think you can just copy and paste
[15:52:14] <MacGalempsy> its not that simple :(
[15:59:31] <LeelooMinai> I have used only Fusion360 for modelling so far, not CAM, but I recall seeing some kind of template feature added in some recent versions.
[15:59:58] <LeelooMinai> SO maybe worth googling for "tempaltes"
[16:29:41] <Deejay> gn8
[16:54:37] <pink_vampire> hi
[16:55:02] <pink_vampire> someone here on this hour?
[16:59:25] <JT-Shop> did 60+ miles on the road bike this week, building my strength back up
[17:15:30] <XXCoder> pink_vampire: got home heh whats up
[17:16:45] <JT-Shop> beer thirty
[17:19:18] <XXCoder> sutures on wrist really affect how I say words :(
[17:19:58] <JT-Shop> it's even worse when your an old fart and it takes longer to heal
[17:22:11] <pink_vampire> i'm fine
[17:22:52] <XXCoder> JT-Shop: when one hand have to be bit stiff it throws how I say words off
[17:22:59] <pink_vampire> I've just finished one part few hours ago
[17:23:11] <XXCoder> the filiment pusher?
[17:24:10] <JT-Shop> XXCoder: are you Italian?
[17:24:19] <XXCoder> no.
[17:24:39] <JT-Shop> wondered why you need your hands to talk or do you mean to type?
[17:24:57] <XXCoder> yes I use hands to talk
[17:25:04] <XXCoder> my primary language is nonverbal.
[17:25:33] <JT-Shop> the builders used a lot of sign language to communicate
[17:26:21] <XXCoder> yeah scientists think first language of all was sign language
[17:26:37] <JT-Shop> nephew learned how to keep is hands still when he talked in the Marines lol
[17:26:57] <XXCoder> heh in my case hands still means im being very silent
[17:27:09] <JT-Shop> maybe with some grunts for emphasis
[17:28:04] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/K3elWfF.png
[17:28:09] <JT-Shop> new building is dry and locked down... I can go a bit slower now
[17:28:11] <pink_vampire> 1" travel
[17:28:41] <XXCoder> heh not much range. 3d printer?
[17:28:53] <JT-Shop> plasma?
[17:57:21] <enleth> someone here was milling graphite EDM electrodes, are they online at the moment?
[17:57:48] <tiwake> enleth: I've machined graphite, not for EDM machines though
[17:58:07] <tiwake> for a rocket engine nozzle... heh
[17:59:04] <XXCoder> nice
[17:59:25] <XXCoder> I wonder if aluminium noozle is fine for not very powerful rocket engines lol
[17:59:34] <enleth> tiwake: I'm wondering if a two belt mechanical spindle speeder on a Bridgeport, like the one Tom Lipton has, is enough to mill graphite - AFAIR it really needs 10kPRM and higher spindle speeds, but the cutting forces aren't that high
[17:59:38] <XXCoder> if not it'd be nice for model though lol
[17:59:46] <enleth> is that correct?
[18:00:06] <tiwake> enleth: what? I was machining mine at like 600RPM or something
[18:00:10] <tiwake> maybe 1000RPM
[18:00:23] <tiwake> it does not care what RPM you go at honestly
[18:00:33] <enleth> ok, maybe that was about milling it *efficiently*
[18:00:38] <tiwake> sure you could go faster, cause its really really nice to machine
[18:01:00] <tiwake> the nicer something is to machine the faster you can spin it up at
[18:01:08] <tiwake> like acetal
[18:01:18] <tiwake> and 12L14
[18:01:44] <tiwake> the only thing you need to worry about with graphite is that you don't crush it, I guess
[18:01:51] <enleth> I'm pretty sure I remember someone here stating that they use a modified (varispeed replaced with a toothed belt and an overdriven VFD) Bridgeport that tops out at 9kPRM or something and they said it's what they needed for graphite
[18:03:07] <JT-Shop> I don't think you can exceed 4200 RPM on a BP series 1 spindle
[18:03:13] <enleth> I guess that could be about matching the spindle speed to the maximum practical feeds on that mill to machine graphite as fast as possible
[18:03:15] <tiwake> enleth: that might be for fine detail maybe with a 1/8" ball endmill, which is something that would be used for EDM graphite stuff... those small toolbits do work a lot better when they are spun faster
[18:03:36] <enleth> tiwake: yeah, that makes sense too
[18:03:56] <tiwake> heh
[18:04:10] <tiwake> my boss didnt like it when I left the graphite on the ways of the lathe
[18:04:23] <tiwake> "but I'm lubing the ways up..."
[18:04:40] <tiwake> guess he didnt see it that way XD
[18:04:41] <enleth> JT-Shop: I'm pretty sure the Fafnir bearings will happily take 15kRPM but whipping of the splined top part might be a problem
[18:04:57] <JT-Shop> yep
[18:04:59] <enleth> JT-Shop: otherwise, it's the varispeed transmission that won't go higher than 4500
[18:05:28] <JT-Shop> so direct drive may exceed that?
[18:05:41] <JT-Shop> except for the splines lol
[18:05:59] <enleth> yes, I'm sure I have read about people running bridgeports at 8k and 12kRPM
[18:06:11] <tiwake> that would be nice
[18:06:18] <enleth> the former being someone here, the latter CNC Zone I think
[18:06:26] <tiwake> assuming its balanced halfway decently
[18:06:29] <JT-Shop> maybe newer ones than the series 1
[18:06:33] <enleth> I guess they were lucky to own a unit with a well balanced spindle
[19:04:41] <andypugh> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjTuJpgyaW8
[19:04:46] <andypugh> Silly man.
[19:05:52] <XXCoder> yeah
[19:06:11] <toast-work> lol, i'm trying to recover a mysql database from a corrupt disk for a client
[19:06:25] <toast-work> and it turns out that mysql innodb data files have no headers or footers
[19:06:31] <toast-work> so... looks like I'm fucked?
[19:06:49] <andypugh> toast-work: Try photorec
[19:07:05] <XXCoder> well if it has known format you can develop a program that parases it and generates valid db
[19:07:08] <archivist> the innodb is in ibdata files a level up
[19:07:26] <andypugh> Hang on, I might not mean photorec
[19:07:31] <archivist> copy the ENTIRE datadir
[19:07:49] <andypugh> Actually, I do.
[19:09:50] <andypugh> It looks through the drive sector by sector for known headers and just looks at subsequent sectors for the length that the header dats suggests. Did a great job on my backup disk and Christophe is chatty and friendly.
[19:11:53] <andypugh> toast-work: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/File_Formats_Recovered_By_PhotoRec
[19:12:06] <andypugh> Claims to recover mysql
[19:12:44] <andypugh> Worth a try, it’s non-destructive, just makes copies of files it thinks it found somwhere else.
[19:12:45] <archivist> toast-work, the .frm are only the table formats, in innodb, it is all in one tablespace all (databases and tables) unless you set up file-per-table
[19:13:58] <toast-work> andypugh: doesn't recover anything i recognize
[19:14:15] <toast-work> photorec recovered the .frm and .myi files
[19:14:34] <archivist> see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/glossary.html#glos_system_tablespace
[19:14:35] <toast-work> but no .myd - myd files look like garbage on disks, i even checked the innodb docs
[19:15:08] <toast-work> hmmmm
[19:15:20] <archivist> entire mysql data directory NOT database subdirectory
[19:16:28] <toast-work> the problem i'm having is that the database is small, so it hides in other files by size
[19:16:37] <archivist> with the data set you need the ibdata settings from my.cnf where that distro put it
[19:16:55] <toast-work> right, there is no filesystem to refer to
[19:17:29] <toast-work> how i'm recovering this atm is using various carving tools to pick out known filetypes from the system - ibd, frm, myi all have defined headers and footers
[19:17:37] <toast-work> but the innodb data format does not
[19:17:46] <archivist> you need to rescue filesystem to find the ibdata
[19:17:52] <toast-work> filesystem cannot be rescued
[19:18:39] <archivist> sounds like time to restore from backup
[19:18:42] <toast-work> the kernel trashed absolutely everything, unfortunately - nothing I try will get it to read a valid ext4 filesystem
[19:18:45] <toast-work> it's not my disk
[19:18:47] <toast-work> and there is no backup
[19:19:00] <toast-work> otherwise i wouldn't be doing this :D
[19:19:32] <toast-work> the last hope is that this db is extremely, extremely low volume so there is the chance the metadata blocks from ext4 are still valid
[19:19:55] <archivist> unless you can find the ibdata you wont find the innodb data
[19:20:19] <toast-work> how will the ibdata help me here
[19:20:44] <toast-work> the file, sure
[19:20:57] <toast-work> but that's what i'm looking for because there's no carver definitons for it
[19:20:59] <archivist> it contains the innodb data from all innodb databases and tables
[19:21:38] <toast-work> right now it's just sitting out there somewhere on the disk with no way to find it, even if i can get the start of the file I'll be able to write a carver for that specific file
[19:22:44] <toast-work> so i'm hoping it hasn't physically moved on the disk and i can use the old copy to find it
[19:23:30] <archivist> old copy? a backup?
[19:25:03] <toast-work> yep, from april
[19:25:18] <toast-work> client's VM had a random snapshot taken of it for some reason
[19:26:37] <archivist> ibdata extends and when at size(in my.cnf) adds another ibdata2 etc
[19:27:37] <toast-work> yep, this is almost certainly not going to work - i'm basically grasping at straws to see if anything at all can be salvaged
[19:28:15] <toast-work> even if they don't write to it, the fs could have moved it
[19:28:25] <archivist> ibdata is never ever trivial to rescue, percona are one of the very few
[19:29:31] <archivist> the only straw I know of is https://www.percona.com/solutions/fix/data-recovery
[19:30:16] <archivist> there was another but not seen a mention of it for a few years
[19:30:43] <toast-work> saving link
[19:30:58] <toast-work> i *think* there is a physical record of this data, some poor bastard at my client is just going to have to type it in
[19:32:07] <XXCoder> toast-work: cant read files using parser and extract data?
[19:33:23] <toast-work> XXCoder: the innodb data format has no header
[19:33:46] <XXCoder> darn so cant just compile a program that extracts data?
[19:33:46] <toast-work> it reads it in from other sources, and just expects records to start at the first byte of the file
[19:34:05] <toast-work> i have no filesystem - the metadata is 100% completely hosed beyond all recognition
[19:34:22] <archivist> there was an open source project to rescue ibdata
[19:34:25] <XXCoder> I have used evidence style image clone and recovery
[19:34:35] <toast-work> recovery tools think there are thousands of ext4 partitions on this disk
[19:35:04] <archivist> sounds like a waste of your time if it is like that
[19:35:32] <toast-work> it usually isn't, i usually get damn near everything I need barring a failure
[19:35:46] <archivist> even if you find ibdata will it be corrupted and impossible
[19:35:59] <toast-work> the actual data is fine
[19:36:02] <XXCoder> evidence recovery can recover files even with no proper structure
[19:36:18] <toast-work> XXCoder: when you say "no proper structure" what are you referring to
[19:36:33] <XXCoder> like if ext4 information is hosed
[19:36:41] <archivist> if you dont know where ibdata is you cannot say the data is fine
[19:36:45] <toast-work> right, that is called file carving
[19:37:05] <XXCoder> yes thanks, never could remember words. thats why i have hard time getting hired.
[19:37:30] <toast-work> you have to know what the hexidecimal header/footer structure looks like plus some other things so that your carver can pick the start/stop points
[19:37:49] <toast-work> i know why this particular failure happened, so I'm confident in the data itself
[19:38:01] <toast-work> it's a known bug in older linux kernels, running on paravirtualized hardware
[19:38:29] <toast-work> i was also able to recover pretty much everything else
[19:38:56] <andypugh> toast-work: At least you are lucky in one way. it’s not your data. Failure is an option,
[19:39:02] <toast-work> haha, true
[19:39:07] <XXCoder> toast ok let me understand
[19:39:25] <XXCoder> files is fine, its just that structure for disk, like file sector pointers is gone?
[19:39:29] <toast-work> yes
[19:39:48] <andypugh> Is the data plain-text?
[19:39:51] <XXCoder> any backup?
[19:40:15] <toast-work> i have no idea what is in this db, unfortunately
[19:40:30] <XXCoder> ext3?
[19:40:31] <toast-work> some of it is surely plaintext, but the db has 30-40 tables
[19:40:35] <andypugh> if it is plain-text then it is not impossible that you can build the jigsaw with the dictoionary in your head.
[19:40:46] <toast-work> XXCoder: ext4
[19:41:01] <andypugh> But, to do that, ask a lot of money.
[19:41:04] <toast-work> the problem is how innodb structures the data files, whether it's one giant file or multiple
[19:41:11] <XXCoder> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1552484
[19:41:21] <toast-work> even if i can reliably say "here's somewhere in the middle of the file", i have no idea how far to go one way or the other
[19:41:54] <toast-work> XXCoder: that's basically the first thing one goes to
[19:41:59] <XXCoder> lol ok
[19:42:10] <XXCoder> it also lost backup superblock?
[19:42:12] <toast-work> testdisk -> mkfs -> carving -> oh shit
[19:42:29] <toast-work> the last few superblocks are fine, but it's not the superblock i have a problem with
[19:42:34] <toast-work> it's the garbage it wrote over everything else
[19:43:45] <archivist> a strategic withdrawal might be best
[19:43:51] <toast-work> at this point, yeah
[19:44:11] <toast-work> i should submit a request to mariadb that they at least stick a header in the file
[19:44:31] <XXCoder> im surpised theres no backups?
[19:44:54] <Sync> > 2016
[19:44:57] <Sync> > backups
[19:45:05] <XXCoder> how critical is it? I would in least do backup, and more critical, also offsite backup AND cloud backups
[19:45:17] <toast-work> i guess that's why i get paid a lot of money, because my response isn't "lol should have backed up"
[19:45:34] <toast-work> "siiiiigh fine"
[19:45:46] <XXCoder> heh I used to know more but forgot a lot :P
[19:45:49] <toast-work> i'd say 95% of the disks i get I recover
[19:46:00] <Contract_Pilot> got my long awaited ball nut today.. http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/image-28.jpeg
[19:56:23] <andypugh> toast-work: Are you a specialist? A friend used to work for: http://www.vogon-investigation.com They may well have the tools, but are not cheap.
[19:56:52] <XXCoder> it does depend on how business breaking that dead drive is
[19:57:16] <XXCoder> I read about couple business that shuttered doors because they lost disk
[19:57:43] <archivist> years of data gone
[19:58:16] <andypugh> XXCoder: If your business venture is failing anyway, you might just see it as a good point to give up. Many businesses are more work and less money than a normal job.
[19:58:39] <XXCoder> yeah. it falls on business manager or owner to decide what to do
[20:22:51] <yasnak> hmmmm
[20:36:37] <toast-work> andypugh: i dunno if i'd call myself a specialist, but I get pretty deep into it just by being around it a lot
[20:36:58] <toast-work> cto of a consulting company, I do all the high risk stuff
[20:41:45] <andypugh> There are very expensive companies with specialist tools.
[20:42:23] <andypugh> But they are used to being paid by police forces.
[20:42:50] <andypugh> They do things like assembling platters into new drives, that sort of thing.
[20:44:19] <Contract_Pilot> Also got my crimpers in today. http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/image-29-1024x768.jpeg
[20:44:45] <Contract_Pilot> nice to be able to propperly crimp molex/amp pins
[20:45:58] <Crom> I really need to get some of those crimpers
[20:46:33] <Contract_Pilot> Cheap on amazon
[20:46:37] <Crom> 6 more days.. then I can order some
[20:46:48] <Crom> need mo money
[20:47:40] <Contract_Pilot> Snap-on wants 259.00 for same thing on the truck and thats on sale
[20:47:45] <Contract_Pilot> https://www.amazon.com/Tool-Aid-SGT18980-Ratcheting-Terminal/dp/B008EW92LY
[20:48:36] <toast-work> andypugh: yeah, I don't go that far. about the most I'll do is sometimes replace the controller if I think that's what's dead
[20:49:06] <toast-work> although I have considered setting up a cleanbox and trying drive remanufacture
[20:49:21] <toast-work> i have enough dead drives around here with matching live ones
[20:49:23] <Contract_Pilot> and the SO is the 6 die version this same set
[20:49:34] <andypugh> I bought one of these, best bootlace ferrule crimper I have tried: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Signstek-Self-adjustable-Ratcheting-Crimping-0-25-6-0mm²/dp/B00IR7A3ZU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472260895&sr=8-1&keywords=ferrule+crimping
[20:49:49] <andypugh> Fun to watch the bits move too.
[20:51:04] <Contract_Pilot> Andy yep....
[20:51:28] <zeeshan> looks fancy
[20:51:30] <zeeshan> and cheap!
[20:52:05] <Contract_Pilot> yea, 16.00 on prime
[20:52:20] <Contract_Pilot> but i got the die set in mine
[20:52:35] <SpeedEvil> andypugh: saw your ebay forums post :/
[20:52:55] <andypugh> SpeedEvil: Affecting you?
[20:53:06] * mutilator looks at his $300 crimpers and weeps
[20:53:32] <SpeedEvil> andypugh: yes
[20:53:40] <andypugh> Contract_Pilot: The 4-way crimping is nice, makes things fit nicely in the terminal blocks
[20:53:44] <Contract_Pilot> mutilator, y abuy from snap-on truck
[20:53:46] <SpeedEvil> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MANCHESTER-UNITED-GIFT-COLLECTION-GEORGE-BEST-ALEX-FERGUSON-DANBURY-MINT-PLATE-/181782821158?hash=item2a5319b926:g:yi0AAOSwu4BViTpz
[20:53:49] <mutilator> molex
[20:53:58] <SpeedEvil> not what most people think of when they search for "surface plate"
[20:54:06] <mutilator> http://www.molex.com/molex/products/datasheet.jsp?part=active/0638191500_APPLICATION_TOOLIN.xml&channel=Products&Lang=en-US
[20:54:08] <andypugh> Indeed not
[20:54:22] <andypugh> SpeedEvil: Clear your eBay cookies?
[20:55:24] <mutilator> they'll crimp ends on pieces of hair
[20:55:27] <mutilator> :P
[20:55:47] <Contract_Pilot> Yea, no need for that
[20:55:52] <Contract_Pilot> yet
[20:55:58] <SpeedEvil> andypugh: hmm - that worked.
[20:56:02] <mutilator> cyber barber
[20:56:04] <Contract_Pilot> i am upgrading from harbor freight
[20:56:05] <SpeedEvil> (well, opening a private window)
[20:56:07] <mutilator> crimp a do
[20:56:17] <Contract_Pilot> Generally i just solder
[20:56:25] <SpeedEvil> andypugh: I wonder if this is an intentional rollout though, or a breakage :/
[20:57:01] <andypugh> For the terminals in molex (and, in my case, Lemo) connectors I have a set of these and they work pefectly for those little indent-crimping things. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cablematic%C2%A0-%C2%A0MOLEX-Terminals-Crimping-D-SUB-20-26/dp/B007G5QBDC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472261291&sr=8-1&keywords=MOLEX+Terminals+Crimping+Tool+D-SUB
[20:57:58] <Contract_Pilot> Rework Tools http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PCB-Rework-Bench-1024x768.jpeg
[20:58:03] <andypugh> Unlike the super-expensive tools from Lemo and Molex you don’t buy a new end-stop for each terminal size, it has a screw-adjuster for depth.
[21:00:11] <Contract_Pilot> http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Hakko-tools.jpg
[21:00:30] <Contract_Pilot> Just 3 irons & thwwzers.
[21:00:41] <zeeshan> fwiw, i love linuxcnc-features
[21:00:50] <zeeshan> most of the job shop type of stuff i do part time
[21:00:53] <zeeshan> seems to be easilyt done using it
[21:00:58] <Contract_Pilot> Same here with mesa card suber fast
[21:01:00] <zeeshan> !!!!!!!!!
[21:01:51] <Contract_Pilot> I think with my mild climate i can get buy with ISO 68 for headstock compressor, and way oil.
[21:02:08] <Contract_Pilot> even lawnmower oil 35.00 5 gal at wilco.
[21:03:03] <Contract_Pilot> tool supply was out of 4-40 bottom taps today sucks have to wait till monday
[21:03:21] <Contract_Pilot> Or use a dull one and risk breaking it.
[21:05:18] <zeeshan> use a dull one :D
[21:05:32] <zeeshan> that is too damn small to try to sharpen