#linuxcnc | Logs for 2016-08-06

[00:00:11] <XXCoder> its apparently sounds stuff
[00:00:25] <XXCoder> dunno if enough to keep computer busy though lol
[00:05:22] <MacGalempsy> i got the HD nature channel going
[00:05:32] <MacGalempsy> we are up to 11k/14k
[00:05:35] <XXCoder> can loop it?
[00:06:06] <MacGalempsy> it just continues to play the next video
[00:06:22] <MacGalempsy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgtU_SJ72Ng
[00:06:34] <MacGalempsy> it gives u something to think about lol
[00:06:48] <XXCoder> lol ok
[00:07:24] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjKyHNtJKNk
[00:07:32] <XXCoder> that should be enough to last all night
[00:07:47] <XXCoder> and video right after is 2 hours
[00:08:00] <XXCoder> then again. yeah its fire all night baby
[00:08:23] <MacGalempsy> lol. ok. i need to hit the sack. that fireplace makes my cnc seem romantice
[00:08:38] <XXCoder> hopefully no literal fire meanwhile lol
[00:12:29] <MacGalempsy> yeah that would suck...
[00:12:41] <MacGalempsy> maybe I should get an 80mm fan for the tower
[02:27:05] <Deejay> moin
[03:24:02] <witnit> Concept: spend thousands of dollars on smart digital servo drive that comes with bundled software on CD. Install all software. Connect drive, drive says firmware mismatch please uninstall software go to website download and install updated software before attempting to change parameters. WTF
[03:30:57] <witnit> New software installed, go to help file for definition of parameters. PLEASE INSTALL THE HELP DOCUMENT SERVER. Easy enough; PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM SO WE CAN MAKE SPAMMING YOU EASIER. Form filled out. GREAT NOW YOU CAN DOWNLOAD ALL THESE FILES. BUT WE FORGOT TO PUT FILE EXTENSIONS ON THEM GOOD LUCK GUESSING THEY WERE .ZIP....suckah..... extracted installed success sooo close!! SORRY YOU NEED RUNTIME VERSION#$%@#$% shoot me now
[03:31:36] <XXCoder> lol
[03:31:43] <XXCoder> yeah some sites is such messy ones
[03:32:11] <XXCoder> if they try hard you might have slightly harder time of doing what you needed to do.
[03:32:16] <XXCoder> some ui is just that bad
[03:32:23] <witnit> how do you forget to put on a file extension... honestly
[03:32:53] <witnit> I could see it if like you didnt know wtf you were doing.. but these people are getting paid to know this type of thing.
[03:33:02] <XXCoder> indeed
[03:34:40] <witnit> AND they were supposed to have this thing preprogrammed in the first place... yet Im getting errors and trips saying the BRAKING THERMISTOR is tripped
[03:36:22] <witnit> htf can it be tripped when there is no brake on the motor? Did they forget to disable a brake thermistor since the motor has no brake? I dont even understand the point in having it preconfigured if the shit is wrong when you receive it.
[03:36:37] <witnit> Even the cables for the encoders were not put together properly
[03:42:21] <witnit> you know the Dsub style encoder plugs like the blue vga for pc monitor, its the type you can take apart wire up and put the covers back on, the covers didnt even hold the connector together, the actual terminal is supposed to behind these clips and they had it on the other side.. meaning if you pulled on it to unplug it would just pull the wires right out of the connector
[03:43:05] <XXCoder> jeez
[03:43:10] <XXCoder> chinese ,achine?
[03:43:14] <witnit> UK
[03:43:27] <XXCoder> man their QA must suck
[03:44:30] <witnit> see this little clip that holds the terminal in the actual connector part was on the wrong side of it http://techcable.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/DB15M-F-coax.jpg
[03:44:47] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXuTtFx6H7I riciously expensive
[03:45:40] <witnit> its light, its portable......its plastic
[03:47:29] <XXCoder> finally found review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VvMe98mHUY
[03:47:33] <witnit> thats pretty awesome if you really want to machine wax...
[03:47:57] <witnit> I bet it could even cut cold butter
[03:48:08] <XXCoder> it was shown cutting metal
[03:48:14] <XXCoder> though it looked like brass?
[03:48:21] <witnit> lithium
[03:48:22] <witnit> hahaha
[03:49:11] <witnit> im so critical of peoples work, Im probably going to get beat down someday for laughing at such things
[03:50:03] <witnit> fan bit is a good idea tho fooooo shoooo
[03:50:16] <witnit> never seen that idea before
[03:50:19] <XXCoder> it blows on part pretty good
[03:50:27] <XXCoder> no pressured air required
[03:50:56] <XXCoder> of course have to be careful with impacts
[03:51:22] <witnit> im trying to tell if this guy is reading a script but its hard to tell
[03:51:39] <XXCoder> well it does look kinda cool but not $2500 cool
[03:51:50] <witnit> wow 2500 what? pesos?
[03:52:05] <XXCoder> confirming sec
[03:52:14] <XXCoder> nope I was wrong
[03:52:19] <XXCoder> $3,199
[03:52:32] <witnit> :/ insane
[03:52:43] <XXCoder> I can buy 10 of my cnc router with that money
[03:52:54] <XXCoder> or very large 5'x10' one
[03:53:04] <XXCoder> stupid really
[03:53:08] <witnit> I could buy a milling machine for that price
[03:53:10] <witnit> or two
[03:53:44] <XXCoder> yeah
[03:53:52] <XXCoder> what a ricious pricwe
[03:54:01] <witnit> you said it
[03:54:02] <witnit> :P
[03:54:40] <XXCoder> it looks almost 3d printed.
[03:55:04] <XXCoder> heck they could use 8020s and STILL have very large profit mirgin
[03:55:39] <witnit> they could have made it from solid aluminum and STILL have a very large profit margin :P
[03:55:47] <witnit> gold plated
[03:55:47] <enleth> a hipster and their money are quick to part or something
[03:56:11] <XXCoder> solid one peice? thats hours of mill time, but yeah still little bit profit
[03:56:42] <XXCoder> lol!
[03:56:46] <XXCoder> frame is HDPE!
[03:57:23] <enleth> so you're getting several weird shaped cutting boards
[03:57:45] <witnit> yup
[03:57:52] <XXCoder> basically
[03:58:14] <renesis> cutting boards are neat!
[03:58:23] <renesis> one day ill have one
[03:58:36] <renesis> i just have the hdpe sheets i use on my counter
[03:58:37] <XXCoder> renesis: lemme get you video link a scond
[03:58:45] <renesis> k
[03:58:53] <witnit> cooking channel heh
[03:59:14] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqgbbziBkvo renesis
[03:59:24] <XXCoder> witnit: nag guy dont cook at all
[04:01:13] <renesis> xxcoder: yeah buying hdpe sheets from amazon is def easier than this
[04:01:30] <XXCoder> very much. but you cant deny his artistic look
[04:01:30] <renesis> omfg at end result thats gorgeous
[04:01:45] <XXCoder> renesis: he makes TOOOOONS of styles
[04:01:51] <witnit> I hate how I never signed up with google or youtube and it still has "Recommended for you"
[04:01:52] <XXCoder> including illusion and so on
[04:02:12] <renesis> witnit: you dont have a google account?
[04:02:21] <witnit> no
[04:02:27] <renesis> omg weirdo
[04:02:30] <witnit> ikr
[04:02:38] <XXCoder> his chopping boards (and few other specialist stuff) must cost hundreds of bucks
[04:02:40] <witnit> no facebook, google or cell phone
[04:02:41] <XXCoder> if not thousands
[04:02:42] <renesis> but yeah its annoying to have to keep killing the hangouts acct
[04:02:45] <renesis> or google groups
[04:02:52] <renesis> or whatever the fuck their shit was called
[04:02:58] <renesis> plus?
[04:03:01] <renesis> i think that was it
[04:03:52] <witnit> afaik
[04:03:59] <XXCoder> jeez
[04:04:03] <renesis> yeah but they work well
[04:04:08] <XXCoder> that cutting board takes more work than some of his others
[04:04:19] <XXCoder> but same time there is few with waaaay more work
[04:04:22] <witnit> this cutting board is ttttiiiiitaayyyysss
[04:04:34] <witnit> music is pretty chill too
[04:04:35] <XXCoder> titays?
[04:04:47] <witnit> like boobs
[04:04:53] <witnit> I like boobs and I like this cutting board
[04:05:07] <XXCoder> and hopefully not cutting boobs :P
[04:05:09] <witnit> its titaaayyyss
[04:05:47] <SpeedEvil> Or do you want a cutting board you can actually use
[04:06:31] <witnit> there is a part in this song which reminds me of modest mouse
[04:07:04] <witnit> doodle la do ta do dooo part sounds good
[04:08:19] <witnit> maaan this guy is serious about some cutting boards, never really expected this much work in it
[04:08:26] <XXCoder> yeah
[04:08:40] <XXCoder> thats why I expect price to be in hundreds, if not thousands
[04:09:10] <XXCoder> you see how big wood board was orginially. its smaller after all that cutting
[04:09:40] <XXCoder> can tell its early, he dont show kids, no kids yet lol
[04:10:51] <XXCoder> truly amazing
[04:11:27] <witnit> holy crap, this is awesome ahhahaha
[04:11:40] <witnit> goood woood
[04:11:44] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K98U_v6PMo
[04:12:10] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NiowSsrxm0 may very well be his hardest one ever
[04:13:42] <witnit> im still watching the first one
[04:14:32] <witnit> lawdy this guy is good
[04:15:47] <SpeedEvil> XXCoder: you only have perhaps three times the volume of wood in the final board
[04:15:54] <SpeedEvil> so it's not actually that extreme
[04:16:09] <XXCoder> 3 times?
[04:16:44] <SpeedEvil> kerfs
[04:17:47] <XXCoder> trying to figure what you mean by 3 times, uou mean 2/3 of orginial wood was discarded or?
[04:18:53] <witnit> its ok XXCoder I dunno what he means either =D
[04:27:49] <XXCoder> witnit: btw he also have special video on how to safely plane wood up-grain
[04:27:55] <XXCoder> normally quite not good idea
[04:28:19] <witnit> yeah sounds like that could cause some boom sounds and wood flipping
[04:40:48] <XXCoder> somehow I lost sub to mtmwood
[04:40:55] <XXCoder> and theres few new ones. awesome
[04:41:09] <XXCoder> first one I ever seen him make oval one, though I'm sure there is early ones
[04:47:58] <witnit> somehow i ended up watching horse videos and this pony runs this poor girl all the way across a field, gets to the fence hangs a hard right and dumps her ass right into the water troff. too funny
[04:48:38] <XXCoder> lol
[04:53:21] <SpeedEvil> XXCoder: yes
[04:53:52] <XXCoder> ok
[04:54:08] <SpeedEvil> XXCoder: cutting fine slices, and multiple cuts on completed articles mean you waste much of the wood. But not _that_ much.
[04:54:08] <XXCoder> watching him make Union flag jewelery wood box
[04:55:15] <XXCoder> lol cnc part so many chip colors
[05:03:35] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc-KN2YCNBY amazing
[05:15:55] <XXCoder> https://www.ethz.ch/en/news-and-events/eth-news/news/2016/07/high-speed-motor-for-satellites.html
[05:16:00] <XXCoder> convert it to spindle now!
[05:16:04] <XXCoder> 150k rpm lol
[05:16:08] <XXCoder> thats just insane
[05:16:15] <XXCoder> though i wonder how strong it is
[05:16:53] <XXCoder> "This prototype can be operated at up to 150,000 rpm – faster than comparable models in the past, as the rotor floats in a magnetic field. "
[05:21:01] <SpeedEvil> http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0002847/00001/1j
[05:22:08] <SpeedEvil> 500krpm spindle
[05:22:27] <XXCoder> that is fast
[05:22:40] <XXCoder> though what can it cut?
[05:22:50] <XXCoder> unless machine itelf is extremely fast too
[05:23:09] <SpeedEvil> ~0.1mm dia tooling
[05:24:25] <XXCoder> tiny. wouldnt it wear out?
[05:25:29] <SpeedEvil> yes
[05:25:49] <SpeedEvil> you're not going to be using it to make bulk cuts
[05:26:03] <XXCoder> what best use would it be
[05:26:12] <renesis> inside corners
[05:26:22] <XXCoder> ah yeah inside corners
[05:26:34] <renesis> for the assholes who didnt radius them in CAD
[05:50:30] <XXCoder> heh one post reminded me of my old poly evolution program
[05:50:43] <XXCoder> it changes polyagons and see if its closer to orginial picture
[07:02:54] <XXCoder> lol found a bug in old code
[07:12:32] <XXCoder> https://hackaday.com/2016/07/18/cnlohrs-glass-pcb-fabrication-process/ dang
[07:22:19] <jthornton> hmmm asciidoc on linuxmint produces a different page than the old one
[07:26:25] <witnit> I had an idea for a cylindrical circuit board, where it would lay out circuits around a shaft then you slide over another pcb tube and keep building it bigger. Kind of like a Matryoshka doll https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/Floral_matryoshka_set_2_smallest_doll_nested.JPG
[07:38:26] <witnit> seems like it would be really useful for things which need to be efficient in size or shape, like maybe circuitry built into a prosthetic arm or something
[08:19:29] <Meduza> witnit: or use a flex pcb and make it into a roll?
[08:38:07] <JT-Shop> paper tape pcb
[08:40:41] <MacGalempsy> good morning
[08:42:50] <tiwake> morning
[08:42:58] <JT-Shop> morning
[08:42:59] <MacGalempsy> hows it going?
[08:43:52] <tiwake> not sure yet, today has hardly even started
[08:44:39] <MacGalempsy> good point
[08:48:37] <JT-Shop> concrete didn't float away last night...
[08:49:01] <tiwake> JT-Shop: oh, did it rain?
[08:49:18] <JT-Shop> yea
[08:54:39] <MacGalempsy> how many sqft did you end up pouring?
[08:55:05] <tiwake> and how many yards
[08:58:11] <jthornton> 30' x 50' x 6" took 35 yards
[08:59:44] <jthornton> I think it ended up be thicker than 6"
[09:00:04] <MacGalempsy> are you in a part of the ozarks with bad shrink swell soild?
[09:00:09] <MacGalempsy> soils
[09:00:25] <tiwake> are you soild
[09:01:25] <jthornton> I'm in a rock and clay area, with some soil down on the flat part of my land
[09:01:54] <jthornton> http://gnipsel.com/images/equipment-shed/e-shed-07.jpg
[09:02:19] <MacGalempsy> looks great. metal building on top?
[09:02:43] <jthornton> wood framed metal skin 2x6 12' walls
[09:04:46] <MacGalempsy> got more machines to put in there?
[09:27:39] <JT-Shop> mostly machines on wheels...
[09:37:55] * JT-Shop needs to remember to never get a lan camera that used java
[09:40:51] <tiwake> JT-Shop: wait what?
[09:44:59] <JT-Shop> java cameras are a PIA!
[09:46:54] <archivist> java is a crime against humanity
[09:50:00] <plpower> hi cnc freaks
[09:50:48] <plpower> Q cheep 1/8 or3,175mm fishtail bits hardmetall where to bye
[09:51:24] <archivist> buy good ones say bye to bad ones
[09:52:17] <plpower> Smile eng is a realy fun language
[09:52:35] <plpower> as all language speeeings mistakes are
[09:52:44] <plpower> spelling
[09:53:14] <plpower> is there a special name for this bits cand find them on ebay ighter
[09:53:25] <gregcnc> fishtail = dovetail?
[09:53:49] <plpower> and there must bee some china supplyer as they are standard around the world on plastic
[09:56:32] <plpower> dovetail seams to bee more for woodwork
[09:56:56] <gregcnc> oh fishtail is a large axial relief angle
[10:00:40] <gregcnc> I ran into a flat head M4 screw with serrations on the back of the head. broke a screwdriver tip trying to remove it by hand. never saw a screw like that before
[10:07:50] <plpower> china buildt the best cnc ;-) http://de.aliexpress.com/store/group/CNC-Tool-Bits-Cutters-Mills/210206_507242430.html
[10:07:57] <plpower> bottom clening bit
[10:08:21] <plpower> Max Er11 at 1inch
[10:40:58] <MacGalempsy> can anyone direct me on how to open the smartprobe.ngc? I tried opening in through lcnc and it errors
[10:41:57] <archivist> I do believe it designed to be a sub program
[10:42:32] <MacGalempsy> ok
[10:42:59] <plpower> for smartprobe you need to have a probe to digital-in00
[10:43:15] <MacGalempsy> probe-in works
[10:43:19] <plpower> motion-probe-in
[10:43:42] <MacGalempsy> which probe ngc should be used for basic workpiece touchoff?
[10:46:08] <plpower> your own
[10:47:25] <archivist> everyone tends to have different ideas of what probing means to them
[10:48:04] <plpower> let me turn around and give you the plasma one
[10:55:35] <MacGalempsy> how do I go about opening the smartprobe.ngc file?
[10:55:49] <MacGalempsy> or add it to a tab?
[10:57:04] <plpower> o<znullen> sub
[10:57:06] <plpower> G91
[10:57:07] <plpower> ( relative mode for probing)
[10:57:09] <plpower> G38.2 Z-20 F100 ( trip switch on the way down)
[10:57:10] <plpower> G90 ( absolute mode)
[10:57:12] <plpower> G92 Z-2
[10:57:13] <plpower> G1 Z3.5 F150
[10:57:15] <plpower> o<znullen> endsub
[10:57:16] <plpower> M2
[10:58:09] <plpower> G92 Z0 for direct zero my index is 2mm different
[10:58:19] <MacGalempsy> the learning linuxcnc has a touchprobe series, but he says nothing about getting the interface to come up
[10:58:24] <plpower> as torch can flex
[10:58:50] <plpower> you can probe in many ways
[10:59:10] <plpower> by Mcode by Ocall
[10:59:17] <plpower> direct
[10:59:23] <MacGalempsy> I was hoping to use the GUI
[10:59:37] <plpower> so pyvcp ?
[10:59:49] <plpower> button via MDI
[11:00:38] <plpower> #Auto Probe z
[11:00:40] <plpower> net xhc_butten_probez xhc-hb04.button-probe-z => click_probe_z.in
[11:00:41] <plpower> net xhc_plasma_znull or2.4.in0 <= click_probe_z.double-click
[11:00:43] <plpower> net pyvcp_plasma_znull or2.4.in1 <= pyvcp.z-touchoff
[11:00:44] <plpower> net znullen or2.4.out => halui.mdi-command-14
[11:01:24] <plpower> this is for Pendand and pyvcp probing
[11:02:08] <plpower> net probe_z pyvcp.z-touchoff halui.mdi-command-xx
[11:02:15] <plpower> is only pyvcp
[11:03:11] <plpower> in ini HALUI MDI_COMMAND = o<znullen> call
[11:03:54] <plpower> as the ngc presented upwards is znullen.ngc in your nc_file folder
[11:04:20] <plpower> as siomple as it can be
[11:04:39] <plpower> <- STILL searching for Fishtaiö bits
[11:04:52] <plpower> in Europ
[11:17:48] <MacGalempsy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S9f0Nkoh8U at ~8:21 he shows a screen with a bunch of buttons. anyone familiar with this screen?
[11:20:45] <archivist> he points at the forum https://forum.linuxcnc.org/forum/49-basic-configuration/29187-work-with-probe
[11:45:47] <TurBoss> Hi
[11:48:37] * tiwake hates TurBoss
[11:49:27] <TurBoss> why?
[11:49:30] <TurBoss> xD
[12:09:45] <tiwake> TurBoss: cause you exist
[12:15:28] <TurBoss> fine
[12:16:35] <tiwake> TurBoss: no its not, you still exist.
[12:18:34] <JT-Shop> smartprobe.ngc opens for me in a sim
[12:18:47] * JT-Shop thinks it is nap time now
[12:18:57] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, still gettin rain?
[12:19:08] <Tom_itx> it's been raining here all day
[12:21:50] <TurBoss> are opto interrupter good for end swich?
[12:22:05] <TurBoss> is for precission
[12:23:53] <archivist> dirt can be a problem
[12:23:59] <TurBoss> ah yes...
[12:24:08] <archivist> also sunlight
[12:24:39] <TurBoss> i need some precision to home/square a gantry
[12:24:47] <TurBoss> microswitch?
[12:24:54] <TurBoss> are they precise?¿
[12:25:38] <archivist> can be repeatable to 1 thou
[12:27:10] <archivist> see also encoder coming on gantry
[12:27:15] <archivist> homing
[12:27:24] <TurBoss> checking
[12:33:17] <TurBoss> archivist : I can't find anything...
[12:33:45] <TurBoss> oh
[12:33:51] <TurBoss> found something XD
[12:33:53] <archivist> part here home on index http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/ini-homing.html
[12:34:59] <TurBoss> home use index?=
[12:35:55] <archivist> I dont have a gantry so have not set one up
[12:36:03] <TurBoss> ok thankyou
[13:34:41] <MacGalempsy> /away
[14:23:39] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: just started a light rain
[14:58:29] <JT-Shop> MacGalempsy: http://www.mesaus.com/info/linuxcnc.html
[14:58:39] <JT-Shop> probe subroutines
[16:03:31] <witnit> MacGalempsy: you still around?
[16:06:18] <Deejay> mojn
[16:06:38] <witnit> moin!
[16:10:48] <JT-Shop> almost beer thirty here lol
[16:11:39] <witnit> thats weird Im reading that exact same time! thought we were in different timezones?!
[16:12:37] <witnit> MacGalempsy: needs to come back to his pc so we can have our beer thirty game of chess
[16:14:00] <JT-Shop> well it is Saturday and it's almost beer thirty at my sisters house in Georgia
[16:14:38] <JT-Shop> central railroad time here
[16:23:23] <Deejay> gn8
[16:34:16] <CaptHindsight> anyone recall what the ini FERROR settings are for open loop servos (obviously without encoders)?
[16:38:00] <JT-Shop> using a stepgen to drive it?
[16:38:11] <MacGalempsy> witnit: ready?
[16:39:11] <JT-Shop> MacGalempsy: you see my link?
[16:39:16] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: can you have a stepgen with 7i77 analog +-10V outs?
[16:39:27] <MacGalempsy> just looking at it now
[16:41:12] <MacGalempsy> we were running around today and we saw this lady in radioshack steal a bunch of stuff and run off in a get away vehicle
[16:41:15] <JT-Shop> CaptHindsight: don't think so or not very fast
[16:41:28] <CaptHindsight> it doesn't have to be fast
[16:41:48] <JT-Shop> I asked Peter a while back and forgot what he said about that
[16:42:01] <JT-Shop> I guess you can use a gpio if slow enough
[16:42:38] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: how does GPIO end up as analog +- 10V?
[16:43:52] <witnit> MacGalempsy: yahhh =D
[16:44:10] <witnit> I pmmed you the link, you got it?
[16:45:00] <JT-Shop> I thought you wanted a step gen not analog
[16:45:30] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: analog +- 10V output to drive an open loop servo without encoders
[16:45:39] <JT-Shop> open loop servos does not make sense unless your using a step/direction to the drive
[16:45:54] <JT-Shop> you just need to make it go?
[16:46:13] <JT-Shop> don't care how fast or how many revs?
[16:46:29] <Tom_itx> MacGalempsy, it's ok.. they're going broke anyway
[16:46:48] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: they are just galvo mirrors that tilt ~ 20 degrees
[16:47:02] <Tom_itx> CaptHindsight did you figure out your custom Mcode thing?
[16:47:31] <MacGalempsy> Tom_itx: it was a locally owned franchise :(
[16:48:25] <CaptHindsight> Tom_itx: working on it today, custom M code or M61-64 tied to a stepper
[16:48:42] <MacGalempsy> i was shocked that they actually had and ide to sata powercord
[16:49:00] <Tom_itx> those are pretty common anymore
[16:50:22] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: 0V out mirrors are at 0 deg, 5V out mirrors at +20 deg, -5V out mirrors at -20 deg
[16:51:35] <ljn> What is the best way to simply test my config? I have the motors unmounted from the machine
[16:52:13] <ljn> I just want to test that I can control the motors. I do have the power supply, e-stop, gecko g540 connected
[16:52:27] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK14SaaYMoc laser galvo scanner head test
[16:55:16] <JT-Shop> so you just need to scale your analog for +-5v I guess
[16:55:59] <JT-Shop> ljn: make a config or open the stepconfig wizard and test the axis
[16:56:59] <ljn> ok
[16:57:27] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: and leave out the encoders and Ferror
[16:58:14] <CaptHindsight> I though I had a config for this from years ago
[17:00:30] <tiwake> I should make a fractional distiller
[17:02:42] <XXCoder> lol I come back and trangle program have made pretty decent art lol
[17:05:51] <CaptHindsight> Tom_itx: I need to setup a wiki like JT to store all these oddball configs
[17:05:53] <JT-Shop> just a wag but can you just connect to the analogout?
[17:06:05] <JT-Shop> wiki?
[17:06:16] <CaptHindsight> website or wiki
[17:06:39] <JT-Shop> ah a lot of my website is done in asciidoc
[17:06:49] <JT-Shop> and the pretty pages are hand made
[17:06:49] <CaptHindsight> since I hate software so much when I'm done I usually forget what the configs were
[17:07:57] <tiwake> XXCoder: what triangle program?
[17:08:12] <XXCoder> I never released it. lemme show pic heh
[17:08:47] <XXCoder> tiwake: http://picpaste.com/pics/trangleresult-GrsgYXxi.1470519685.png
[17:08:57] <XXCoder> thats 800 trangles or so
[17:09:25] <tiwake> so?
[17:09:49] <XXCoder> heh it randomly generates or changes trangles and see if its better
[17:09:55] <XXCoder> aka closer to orginial
[17:10:27] <tiwake> starting with a picture thats inputed?
[17:10:47] <XXCoder> starting with 1000 completely random trangles
[17:11:18] <XXCoder> it uses picture to compare with
[17:11:19] <tiwake> how does it know what a better triangle is?
[17:11:32] <tiwake> oh, ok, thats what I was getting at
[17:11:51] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: did you use asciidoc to build these pages? http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/configs/7i77.html
[17:11:52] <XXCoder> oh easy enough, it changes, then it checks region against picture colors of pixels see if error value goes down
[17:12:33] <XXCoder> not surpising it starts at over 300 million error value, it was down to 70 million that picture
[17:12:58] <tiwake> how long did that take?
[17:13:44] <XXCoder> heh to get below 100 million, minutes. but it takes long time to tweak to get better
[17:14:19] <XXCoder> oops I mean 10 million, 8 million
[17:15:17] <XXCoder> though sometimes its funny that it changes so it LOOKS less accurate but more accurate pixel colors match
[17:19:45] <CaptHindsight> the next trick will be synchronizing a spinning polygonoal mirror with a single galvo
[17:23:48] <CaptHindsight> is the latest version of pncconf broken?
[17:24:39] <CaptHindsight> I tried using it to setup a 6i25 + 7i77 and I did not see how to set the analog outs to each axis
[17:25:16] <ljn> I'm new so don't know but I'm using 2.8.0~pre1 and I loaded the g540 .xml but the I/0 Connector tab did not look right
[17:26:39] <JT-Shop> keyboard is clean!
[17:28:29] <JT-Shop> CaptHindsight: yes I used asciidoc on that page
[17:28:57] <XXCoder> jt tsk tsk in least you cleaned it ;)
[17:29:38] <JT-Shop> CaptHindsight: the makefile http://paste.ubuntu.com/22501883/
[17:31:03] <JT-Shop> sim time, the right side can get cleaned later
[17:32:59] <CaptHindsight> maybe I'll treat the rotating polygonal mirror like a spindle
[17:33:25] <XXCoder> CaptHindsight: spindle have sensor so it knows where position is?
[17:33:49] <CaptHindsight> XXCoder: is that a question or statement
[17:33:54] <XXCoder> question
[17:34:01] <XXCoder> hence the ? heh
[17:34:07] <CaptHindsight> does the spindle have an encoder?
[17:34:19] <XXCoder> I don't know
[17:34:31] <witnit> lol you two
[17:34:40] <CaptHindsight> yes, otherwise you would not be sure of it's angular position
[17:34:57] <XXCoder> interesting. ok
[17:35:02] <CaptHindsight> it's/it's
[17:35:09] <CaptHindsight> its.it's
[17:35:11] <XXCoder> I guessed it did but I guess it depends on machine
[17:35:35] <XXCoder> I guess cheap chinese spindle 52 mm diamters does not have any encoder?
[17:35:57] <CaptHindsight> don't know, did you look?
[17:36:36] <XXCoder> I guess no because it has power wires and control wires but it dont look like have any sensor
[17:37:13] <witnit> I wonder if a single sensor would work providing you had a constant rpm you could probably know its orientation rather accurately
[17:38:25] <CaptHindsight> the "Launch Test Panel" button in pncconf does not launch anything
[17:39:07] <JT-Shop> the author of pncconf hangs out on the forum
[17:39:29] <ljn> yes the launch button didn't do anything for me but I wasn't sure what to expect
[17:39:51] <CaptHindsight> I haven't used it in the past several revs of Linuxcnc
[17:40:14] <XXCoder> test axes and etc?
[17:40:48] <CaptHindsight> it also doesn't let me add any PWM's
[17:41:05] <JT-Shop> I don't see a "Launch Test Panel" where is that?
[17:41:17] <CaptHindsight> only lets me add or remove encoders
[17:41:51] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: it's in the IO tabs after you have selected your FPGA and IO boards
[17:42:03] <CaptHindsight> you have to save the selections first
[17:42:07] <JT-Shop> see it noqw
[17:42:56] <CaptHindsight> "Accepts components changes"
[17:43:43] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: try selecting a 5i25 + 7i77 x2
[17:43:52] <CaptHindsight> you can't any PWM's
[17:47:35] <MacGalempsy> this sounds stupid, but how does one get to ~/.axisrc?
[17:48:15] <ljn> ~/ is your home dir
[17:48:57] <JT-Shop> show hidden files
[17:49:28] <JT-Shop> .somename is a hidden file
[17:49:58] <pcw_home> pncconf works for me with 7I77x2 : accept component changes, select 7I77 PWM (SS# 1)
[17:49:59] <pcw_home> (6 unused PWM gens appear) then use drop down arrow to chose PWM function
[17:51:29] <CaptHindsight> I see you have to select a SS
[17:51:37] <CaptHindsight> or you get no PWM's
[17:56:05] <CaptHindsight> pncconf won't let me set a PWM for a servo without also adding settings for an encoder
[17:56:44] <CaptHindsight> so it doesn't help with a config for +-10V analog open loop servo
[17:58:46] <pcw_home> Yeah it would be fairly strange to have analog position mode on a CNC machine
[17:59:00] <CaptHindsight> open loop galvos
[17:59:47] <CaptHindsight> I thought that there was a way to do this in Linuxcnc
[18:00:18] <pcw_home> you could make the config with encoders and remove the PIDs and connect the analog outs to the commanded position
[18:00:46] <CaptHindsight> that sounds like all I want for now
[18:01:02] <pcw_home> (and loop back the FB position to the commanded position)
[18:01:03] <pcw_home> not more than a few edits
[18:01:23] <CaptHindsight> the galvo drivers have built in compensation for over/undershoot and non-linearity
[18:02:18] <CaptHindsight> will try that next
[18:07:29] <CaptHindsight> "The 7I77 provides six channels of +-10V analog servo interface on connector TB5. Minimum load resistance is 2K Ohms."
[18:08:00] <MacGalempsy> guys, I am using these instructions to try and get the probe interface to work. however, I put everything into the .ini file and no embedded tab shows up. any tips?
[18:10:09] <JT-Shop> GUI?
[18:10:29] <MacGalempsy> yeah
[18:10:40] <JT-Shop> which one?
[18:10:50] <MacGalempsy> https://github.com/verser-git/probe_screen/blob/master/README.md
[18:11:53] <JT-Shop> don't know anything about that one
[18:12:42] <JT-Shop> looks like it is for gommaccoopy or however it is speeled
[18:12:48] <MacGalempsy> is there an easier one to set up?
[18:12:54] <JT-Shop> Axis
[18:13:39] <MacGalempsy> link?
[18:14:01] <JT-Shop> link to?
[18:14:23] <MacGalempsy> one that is easier to setup :D
[18:14:41] <MacGalempsy> lol. i am so bad with this stuff, all the help is truely appreciated
[18:14:45] <JT-Shop> change your display to Axis and use what I posted
[18:15:19] <JT-Shop> how did you create your configuration?
[18:15:47] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: do the 7i77 analog outs require any sort of minimum load resistance to operate linearly? If I measure them with no load will they be withing 10% of what they will be with say 10k ohm load?
[18:16:27] <pcw_home> no load required
[18:18:14] <CaptHindsight> thanks
[18:21:16] <MacGalempsy> ok, I downloaded the one you said. got the lines in the ini file. which folder do the .ngc files go into?
[18:21:23] <MacGalempsy> same config folder?
[18:22:59] <JT-Shop> I create a directory ~/linuxcnc/subroutines
[18:23:08] <MacGalempsy> ok
[18:23:19] <JT-Shop> then in the ini
[18:23:50] <JT-Shop> [RS274NGC] Section
[18:24:04] <JT-Shop> SUBROUTINE_PATH = subroutines
[18:24:22] <JT-Shop> this way you don't have to wade through them in your nc_files directory
[18:29:33] <MacGalempsy> ok, it is working
[18:29:58] <MacGalempsy> well, it booted. now I need to pick a tip and mic it
[18:30:11] <JT-Shop> sweet
[18:30:22] <Tom_itx> easy on your tip
[18:30:42] <MacGalempsy> yes... this is getting so close to running a "hello world"
[18:30:42] <JT-Shop> I have some bent ones you can have lol
[18:31:05] <MacGalempsy> got a whole box of ruby tips that came in a 2 probe ebay auction
[18:31:28] <JT-Shop> I did my first probes on a scale off the side of the vise so if anything when wrong I could let go
[18:31:52] <MacGalempsy> ok
[18:41:14] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: rained 3 times today lol
[18:41:33] <JT-Shop> need to get some chat or the slab will be clay red
[18:44:41] <JT-Shop> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuQBjuySvyw
[18:47:41] <MacGalempsy> in the probe. zoffset is the probe length? and backup is how much is comes off the workpiece before the second touch?
[18:49:14] <JT-Shop> probing z zoffset I think is how far it end up from z after the second probe
[18:49:27] <JT-Shop> and you have backup right
[19:03:49] <MacGalempsy> ok. it is working! woohoo!
[19:04:50] <MacGalempsy> so I did a touchoff, but did break a tip because the signal was in, but not connected to motion.probe-in...
[19:05:20] <XXCoder> oops
[19:05:40] <MacGalempsy> yeah...but where do I put the probe length in?
[19:10:16] <ljn> I have AXIS up. In the Manual Control tab I can select X, Y, Z and select +, -
[19:10:33] <ljn> nothing happens so what is the best way to debug?
[19:10:43] <ljn> debug on hardware side or software?
[19:12:06] <MacGalempsy> did you enable the analog drives on the mesa?
[19:23:19] <MacGalempsy> all touched off. now time to write a simple cnc program and make a mess!
[19:29:57] <Tom_itx> turner's cube
[19:30:50] <pcw_home> ljn: if this is for a g540 make sure the 5I25 has the breakout power disabled (W2 down for P3 =DB25)
[19:31:36] <ljn> yes a g540 - I will check
[19:37:42] <ljn> pcw_home: no W2 is up
[19:38:27] <pcw_home> needs to be down
[19:39:35] <ljn> should I power cycle to move it?
[19:40:36] <pcw_home> I would
[19:41:03] <ljn> thanks
[20:11:21] <CaptHindsight> galvos are moving
[20:16:45] <pcw_home> dont fry yo eye
[20:31:54] <CaptHindsight> no laser yet :)
[20:42:55] <Duc> what I wouldnt do for a enclosure around the mill to avoid getting a shower while cutting AL
[20:48:50] <dioz> hah
[20:49:14] <dioz> just asked my uncle (who's a welder by trade)
[20:49:14] <dioz> about welding galv iron sheet metal
[20:49:14] <dioz> and there was no mention of "welders fever"
[20:49:23] <dioz> he said "yah it's possible but there's a nack to it"
[20:49:37] <dioz> he said "you just gotta get the hang of it"
[20:50:02] <Duc> at this point Im beginning to think your about 14
[20:50:10] <gregcnc> iwas about to say 12
[20:50:46] <gregcnc> then weld up that stack o galvanized and make some money, don't die in the process
[20:50:51] <dioz> i remember one time i was talking to this sparkie who was running cat6 cable
[20:51:00] <dioz> i said "so what's the difference between cat5e and cat6?"
[20:51:04] <dioz> he said "another pair"
[20:51:13] <dioz> i laughed and said "oh yah" like i accepted his answer as truth
[20:52:42] <gregcnc> so you like to go around testing people?
[20:53:07] <dioz> i like asking questions to people to see how they respond
[20:53:33] <gregcnc> oh you're one of those
[20:53:38] <dioz> it seems people have a lot of issues saying "i don't know"
[20:53:42] <Duc> can the channel moderator just ban him
[20:53:50] <dioz> they'll just make something up instead of saying "i don't know"
[20:53:57] <dioz> even if what they're making up isn't correct
[20:54:10] <dioz> then when you call them on the fact that what they said is correct they usually get hurt
[20:54:13] <dioz> it seems interesting
[20:54:20] <dioz> :s/correct/incorrect/
[20:54:26] <gregcnc> yeah lots of fun huh
[20:54:36] <XXCoder> dioz: zinc fever, just dont intale vapors when welding galavized
[20:55:11] <Duc> and who sayss your uncle knows shit. seen alot of "Professional welders" that couldnt weld worth shit
[20:55:38] <XXCoder> dioz: or even better? dont weld it at all
[20:56:01] <dioz> XXCoder: more than likely i'd use some kind of muriatic acid along the longitudinal seams to remove the zinc
[20:56:27] <XXCoder> it strips zinc eh
[20:56:31] <gregcnc> you're so sure about this you haven't even tried yet?
[20:56:40] <XXCoder> not bad, I guess it also helps recycling em
[20:56:43] <dioz> you use muriatic acid to cleans galv iron of the galv before you solder
[20:56:47] <dioz> i've done it in trade school
[20:57:42] <dioz> you can't solder galv iron without removing the galv first
[21:00:04] <dioz> gregcnc: typically i've done some form of investigation on the questions i'm asking to someone. i've found that people will literally say ANYTHING and you really need to be cautious who you listen to
[21:00:27] <gregcnc> you like the idea that you know more than them
[21:00:35] <dioz> i worked in IT for 15 years and found that pretty much everyone lies
[21:01:06] <dioz> i had a business call in one day and claim "their internet was out"
[21:01:07] <gregcnc> any person capable of learning without being taught knows this
[21:01:14] <dioz> i asked if any cabling had been modified or adjusted
[21:01:33] <dioz> NOPE NOPE NOPE. i started asking very specific questions about cabling and the guy became very vague
[21:01:48] <dioz> after about 30 minutes he let it slip that they'd moved the switch
[21:01:52] <CaptHindsight> more trolls?
[21:02:17] <dioz> what would've been a 5 minute conversation turned into a 30 minute lie
[21:02:17] <CaptHindsight> old ones I imagine
[21:02:26] <ljn> after correcting the jumper on the 6I25 card the motors are moving - very exciting
[21:02:46] <ljn> I guess the next step would be to figure out how to Home
[21:02:54] <XXCoder> dioz: yeah I used to go around fixing computers for pay, and man do people lie
[21:03:05] <Tom_itx> 6 has a tighter twist to the pairs
[21:03:07] <XXCoder> even over pointless lies
[21:03:17] <dioz> what i find the most interesting about it XXCoder
[21:03:24] <dioz> is that if you find out they lie and confront them about it
[21:03:26] <dioz> THEY GET MAD
[21:03:32] <dioz> why are you getting mad that you got busted in a lie?
[21:04:23] <Tom_itx> thought you were a tin banger, now you worked in IT as well?
[21:04:25] <dioz> "initially you told me that no cabling or hardware had been adjusted... we've now been talking for 30 minutes on the idea that nothing has been moved. and now you're telling me that things have been moved.."
[21:04:32] <Tom_itx> you must be quite talented
[21:04:32] <dioz> Tom_itx: i said "i worked"
[21:04:40] <dioz> worked = past tense
[21:04:54] <dioz> i burnt out cause of stupidity in the IT field
[21:04:56] <dioz> and picked up a trade
[21:05:07] <dioz> took a 50% pay cut
[21:06:44] <Duc> I forgot who suggested I change the Hitachi VFD to sensor vector mode - thank you for the suggestion. Spindle rpm is holding up alot better while hogging material
[21:06:57] <Duc> sensorless vector mode I mean
[21:07:58] <dioz> it's like the other day i was driving home and i was doing the speed limit down a road. lady pulls out infront of me and comes to a complete stop (she's in the wrong) then proceeds to give me the finger
[21:08:16] <dioz> i think people are just weird
[21:08:54] <XXCoder> dioz: people is not educated to think in all viewpoints
[21:09:12] <XXCoder> that lady is likely to think since she was inconviented you are in wrong
[21:09:49] <dioz> oh cause i didn't slow down and let her barge the schene
[21:09:50] <dioz> scene
[21:10:01] <dioz> yah i could see that
[21:10:09] <dioz> she has a sense of superiority about herself
[21:10:26] <XXCoder> yeah some people think while they cannot read other minds, everyone else should be able to read theirs.
[21:10:35] <dioz> lol
[21:33:22] <Tom_itx> _methods around?
[21:34:01] * XXCoder shouts "_methods!!"
[21:45:37] <XXCoder> lol http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/299216/bbc-planet-earth-aziz-ansari-netflix/
[22:00:55] <renesis> heh