#linuxcnc | Logs for 2016-07-12

[02:31:35] <Deejay> moin
[03:16:56] <CaptHindsight> lol https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/16/07/11/201235/pc-gaming-is-still-way-too-hard
[03:18:22] <CaptHindsight> The process of physically building a PC is filled with little frustrations, and mistakes can be costly and time consuming. I have big, dumb, sausage fingers, so mounting the motherboard into the case, and screwing in nine (!)
[03:18:34] <CaptHindsight> tiny screws to keep it in place in a cramped space, in weird angles, where dropping the screwdriver can easily break something expensive -- it's just not what I'd call "consumer-friendly."
[03:19:00] <Demure_> 'Morning. Question: Does a permanent magnet motor get damaged if I get the polarity wrong, or is it like most motors and just goes in reverse?
[03:19:38] <CaptHindsight> how else do you reverse it?
[03:20:12] <Demure_> The motor in the lathe never had an option to run in reverse
[03:20:18] <Demure_> But fair point, got my answer.
[03:21:42] <Demure_> Time to boot up my completed controller and hope it doesn't blow up.
[03:22:35] <CaptHindsight> http://machinedesign.com/motorsdrives/whats-difference-between-ac-induction-permanent-magnet-and-servomotor-technologies
[03:28:08] <DaViruz> that's a pretty nice article
[03:44:56] <archivist> CaptHindsight, some can build stuff, some cannot, reminds me polyputthekettleon has stalled
[03:52:55] <Demure_> Ok, my spindle starts turning the moment I turn everything on.. It's using a KBIC isolator board which expects a pot with a switch on the plus 12v as the enable. It's currently wired to the 7i76 from +12v of the KBIC to the ENA -, ENA + to the Spindle +, Spindle signal to wiper, spindle - to KBIC -.
[03:53:28] <Demure_> I'm a tad confused on the polarity of the 7i76, do they want + in or do they have + out.. My guess is swapping the Spindle - and Spindle +
[03:58:38] <Demure_> Unless I have it right and the 7i76 standard ENA pins are connected, but that would be surprising
[03:59:50] <Demure_> No, the spindle + and - are correct, + always needs to be positive over the -.
[04:54:35] <CaptHindsight> archivist: long since I put the polynic on ignore :)
[04:56:05] <XXCoder> heys
[05:02:33] <Demure_> 'Morning
[05:03:18] <Demure_> The spindle runs now when I tell it to run, but only at max speed. Even setting spindle override to 1% will make it go at max speed, though at 0% it stops.
[05:03:41] <XXCoder> Demure_: strange, you sure settings are correct?
[05:03:58] <Demure_> Nope, also not sure if my wiring is correct.
[05:05:06] <Demure_> Right now it's 12v to Spindle ENA+, spindle ENA- to Spindle +, Spindle signal to the wiper input, and Spindle - to the controller -.
[05:05:29] <Demure_> Encoder is sadly also not responding but that's a secondary concern
[05:08:45] <jthornton> morning
[05:11:38] <XXCoder> Demure_: what do you use for controlling machine, besides linuxcnc I assume
[05:11:45] <XXCoder> like tb6560 or mach
[05:12:04] <Demure_> A MESA 7i76
[05:12:17] <Demure_> The spindle controller is a KBIC card with a SI5 signal isolator
[05:12:52] <XXCoder> https://forum.linuxcnc.org/media/kunena/attachments/16786/Servointerface.jpg
[05:13:08] <XXCoder> hmm no does not show spindle
[05:14:36] <Demure_> www.kbelectronics.com/data_sheets/kbickbmmsi5si6.pdf
[05:14:58] <Demure_> Under CONNECTION USING INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY is a diagram of how it ought to be
[05:16:01] <XXCoder> someone someone knows more heh bit too tired
[05:16:37] <Demure_> No worries :) I'll figure it out
[05:34:33] <Demure_> Can the 7i76 besides the digital pot not just output 0-10v? Would be a lot easier, I think.
[05:34:34] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2IqOLCXNEE
[05:34:42] <XXCoder> $100 shitty 3d printer
[05:35:15] <Demure_> That is painful to watch.
[05:35:52] <XXCoder> does it have bad stepper noise or something
[05:36:21] <Demure_> No, just the fact that the right stepper is moving and the left one isn't, seeing the whole thing flex so easily
[05:36:44] <XXCoder> 3d printer dont need to be very strong but yeah so cheap
[05:37:48] <XXCoder> "please notice : plastic parts have some standard error , so you might need to drill it with tools." lol
[05:38:03] <Demure_> That's true, but like this it's going to be hard to get the head to even be level to the bed
[05:38:35] <Demure_> I'm pretty close with my own mix-mash-component 3D printer, but that's for when the Lathe is done, haha.
[05:38:54] <XXCoder> stupid idea
[05:38:59] <XXCoder> convert lathe to 3d printer
[05:39:40] <SpeedEvil> you probably don't want to do a million traverses on the lathe
[05:40:01] <Demure_> I'm confused, it's a seperate machine
[05:40:17] <Demure_> Converting a lathe to a 3D printer would be silly
[05:40:40] <SpeedEvil> you could in principle do it with almost no conversion for a CNC lathe
[05:40:52] <SpeedEvil> just stick a printhead in the toolstock
[05:41:16] <XXCoder> Demure_: indeed.
[05:41:18] <SpeedEvil> ^CNC lathe with accurate rotational positioning of the chuck
[05:41:28] <Demure_> Yeah, if it had an A axis
[05:41:29] <SpeedEvil> What's the proper term, I forget
[05:41:37] <Demure_> (I think it's A axis, not sure)
[05:41:39] <Demure_> (Don't quote me)
[05:41:46] <SpeedEvil> ah
[05:42:18] <XXCoder> Demure_: it spins around Z line so its C
[05:42:27] <Demure_> XXCoder: You are correct.
[05:44:56] <XXCoder> Demure_: I usually come up with weird ideas in here heh
[05:45:42] <XXCoder> though I have read about guy using cnc mill as lathe
[05:45:48] <XXCoder> just attach stock to spindle
[05:45:54] <XXCoder> tool on various points on table
[05:45:58] <Demure_> Haha
[05:45:58] <XXCoder> *tools
[05:46:25] <Demure_> With the range you have you can easily do gang tooling
[05:46:26] <XXCoder> then guy I work with at work said he have seen guy use lathe as cnc mill
[05:46:45] <XXCoder> attach stock to tool holder, use spindle to hold tools
[05:46:57] <Demure_> That I have seen, too
[05:47:04] <XXCoder> one tool a time, but that shop dont have any regular mills
[05:47:07] <Demure_> Emco even released a T-slot table for the lathe
[05:47:11] <archivist> I have milled in the lathe and lathed in the mill
[05:47:28] <XXCoder> archivist: ever seen Brother 5 axis? dang
[05:47:38] <XXCoder> its half lathe and 100% 5 axis mill
[05:47:46] <XXCoder> its C axis can spin fast enough.
[05:48:25] <archivist> southbend abuse http://www.collection.archivist.info/searchv13.php?searchstr=southbend+horizontal
[05:50:19] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHhkm4aqg-A
[05:50:33] <XXCoder> some tome past 1:00 it becomes a lathe
[05:51:01] <XXCoder> 1:25
[05:52:03] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU_lYhJGJTc longer example
[05:55:44] <Demure_> Man it does it so fast
[05:55:56] <Demure_> I fixed my problem btw
[05:56:12] <Demure_> You know how you write things down and you keep looking at what you write down, wondering what you did wrong?
[05:56:20] <Demure_> First better check if what you wired is the same as what you wrote down..........
[05:56:34] <XXCoder> doh so some wrong wires somewhere eh
[05:56:38] <Demure_> Yup
[05:57:01] <Demure_> That means though
[05:57:18] <Demure_> I'm done wiring and can start trying this thing out and doing configs! :D
[05:57:58] <XXCoder> awesome!
[05:58:12] <XXCoder> I planned to work on adoptor plates if my job was slow enough
[05:58:14] <XXCoder> it wasnt
[05:58:22] <XXCoder> 1.3 minute per part bahhh'
[05:58:33] <XXCoder> I hate high speed parts
[05:58:48] <XXCoder> I finished 480 parts today
[05:59:03] <Demure_> What's wrong with high speed parts?
[05:59:04] <SpeedEvil> no time to read a book?
[05:59:11] <Demure_> Lots of swapping?
[05:59:15] <XXCoder> Demure_: yes.
[05:59:21] <XXCoder> SpeedEvil: that too
[05:59:40] <XXCoder> but then I'm finally done with part I have been working for 2 weeks
[05:59:51] <XXCoder> 9 parts a day, so much reading I got tired of it.
[06:00:51] <SpeedEvil> http://www.microbe.tv/twiv/ - unrelated - I enjoy this greatly
[06:01:13] <SpeedEvil> podcast on virology - useful for expanding the mind
[06:02:03] <XXCoder> BUUUURN http://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/9/1/8/559918_v1.gif
[06:03:24] <XXCoder> How did someone bring lava in? http://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/9/3/8/559938_v1.jpg
[06:14:12] <CaptHindsight> SpeedEvil: do you find that bio and medicine folks tend to have about 8 words all for the same thing? :)
[06:14:43] <XXCoder> CaptHindsight: ASL has few signs for "Breaking" depending on context
[06:15:14] <XXCoder> and "break" and "broke" uses same sign, only different mouth shape
[06:15:57] <CaptHindsight> broke, past tense of break or out of money?
[06:16:11] <XXCoder> or time for break from work
[06:16:33] <CaptHindsight> so they broke for lunch
[06:16:45] <XXCoder> I'm no ASL prof so I am not very good on explaining lol
[06:17:00] <CaptHindsight> but since they were broke they didn't eat anything
[06:17:11] <_methods> broke break
[06:17:13] <XXCoder> yep thats different broke sign
[06:17:39] <_methods> not related to a clam bake
[06:20:55] <XXCoder> I wish I can remember the very rare handtwister word
[06:21:05] <XXCoder> I forgot to write it down :(
[06:22:14] <archivist> but, enquiring minds want to know, why bending machines are called brakes
[06:23:15] <XXCoder> I did wonder about that.
[06:24:20] <XXCoder> just tested my Noga deburr tool
[06:24:21] <XXCoder> awesome!
[06:25:06] <archivist> and some jerk called an indirect load, dereference
[06:27:03] <CaptHindsight> From Old Dutch braeke.
[06:27:47] <CaptHindsight> did the the Dutch invent metal bending?
[06:28:34] <archivist> cant believe
[06:29:11] <CaptHindsight> maybe it's similar to de-house, de-land and de-ocean :)
[06:30:05] <CaptHindsight> bad puns hour
[06:30:10] <CaptHindsight> time for sleep
[06:30:24] <archivist> it is midday GETUP
[06:30:41] <CaptHindsight> 06 here
[06:30:58] <XXCoder> 4 am here
[06:31:10] <CaptHindsight> XXCoder: you in CA?
[06:31:21] <XXCoder> little bit north of that
[06:31:32] <XXCoder> just few hundred miles north
[06:31:39] <CaptHindsight> _methods: gets up with the chickens
[06:32:01] <CaptHindsight> he might even wake them up
[06:37:03] <_methods> heheh
[06:37:09] <_methods> i deed i deed
[06:37:27] <_methods> off to work
[06:37:39] <Tom_itx> party pooper
[06:46:42] <XXCoder> bit of mind expanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17WiQ_tNld4
[06:46:59] <XXCoder> I love that channel. captioning is a bonus,.
[07:07:36] <Demure_> Ok, I need some help since I've blown up too many optocouplers now. My spindle encoder is very bare and simple: Two light barrier sensors (optocouplers) and a perforated disk. One with 100 pulses, one with 1 (Index). Now, I wired the mas follows down to 4 wires: +5VP from the 7i76 to diode #1 +, which is connected in series to diode #2 and then to ground on the 7i76. That same +5vp is...
[07:07:37] <Demure_> ...connected to both the phototransitor + poles, whose negatives are connected as the signal of these to the 7i76 encoder inputs (A+ and IND+). This doesn't work, and once turned on die on me.
[07:13:00] <XXCoder> yet other person "jesus take my wheel" and hits house
[07:13:05] <XXCoder> *sigh*
[07:18:12] <XXCoder> night all
[07:19:27] <Demure_> Night
[07:21:04] <Loetmichel> XXCoder: why do americans expect jesus christus to have a drivers license?
[07:22:55] <enleth> maybe he did
[07:23:20] <enleth> who said he'd save them?
[07:30:50] <Loetmichel> enleth: people who say "jesus take my wheel" EXPECT him to save their life ;)
[08:08:42] <gonzo_> isn't there a chinese saying, translates as 'trust in god, but continue to paddle to the shore'
[08:39:06] * Loetmichel should cut down his beard a bit... and wear better shoes at work... -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=16369&g2_imageViewsIndex=1A
[08:40:09] <enleth> Loetmichel: it's not long enough yet to risk getting caught in a lathe
[08:41:58] <Loetmichel> enleth: its long enough that the moustache dips in the lunch soup. dont like that
[08:42:23] <enleth> ah, the soupbane moustache
[09:01:43] <archivist> extras knibbles during the day
[09:02:13] <archivist> anyway that is a short beard
[09:12:30] <archivist> enleth, came across this yesterday http://wiki.openscienceschool.com/wiki/Tools/DI-Lambda
[09:12:49] <archivist> cheap stuff being worked on
[09:14:03] <enleth> looks less ghetto than the other one we talked about the last time this came up
[09:15:37] <enleth> OTOH the biggest challenge for non-liquid samples probably isn't the optics, sensors, etc., but sample atomization and containment
[09:16:53] <archivist> and "Fluorescence is hard." oops
[09:17:33] <enleth> most of the DIY stuff, this one included, is meant for hobby biology research, so they're fine with a test tube in the middle
[09:18:05] <CaptHindsight> DIY plasma atomizer
[09:18:17] <enleth> that would be a nice thing to have
[09:18:31] <CaptHindsight> makes particles down to 10nm in seconds
[09:19:46] <archivist> arc and spectrometer?
[09:20:16] <enleth> and I might be able to get one of the prerequisites soon - I have an old japanese lab-grade vacuum pump, it's being serviced right now and the guy I contracted for this said it looks almost unused and is probably going to pull high vacuum easily
[09:20:36] <CaptHindsight> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wagwVFwTsLo
[09:21:05] <enleth> if I'm not mistaken, it's an oil-sealed liquid ring pump
[09:21:35] <CaptHindsight> are you making a bionic nose?
[09:23:02] <archivist> metal analyser one hopes
[09:23:11] <enleth> yeah
[09:23:26] <CaptHindsight> x-ray not good enough?
[09:23:44] <enleth> it could have been if I had one
[09:24:47] <enleth> but it seems quite a bit more expensive to either get second hand or build
[09:24:55] <enleth> one of the reasons being the cost of shielding
[09:25:51] <enleth> a spectrophotometer with a flame, arc or similar ionisation system hardly poses any danger
[09:27:39] <enleth> BTW, how do industrial systems deal with the fact that ionising metals in a vacuum inside a glass enclosure is likely to get some of the material deposited on the glass permanently?
[09:28:03] <enleth> replaceable glass tubes or something like that?
[09:28:40] <archivist> why not do it in air and remove the air from the resultant spectrum
[09:29:09] <archivist> or inert gas and use it as reference line
[09:29:30] <enleth> the latter seems like a better idea, air will react with stuff
[09:29:41] <archivist> hmm argon CO2 mix teo lines :)
[09:29:53] <archivist> two
[09:29:54] <enleth> which, I guess, sometimes might be desirable bacause an oxide of something might be easier to detect?
[09:31:07] <enleth> or might be a good cross-check
[09:31:57] <archivist> I suppose a burning (oxidisation) would be brighter
[09:33:21] <enleth> that's a good point if you want to measure emission
[09:33:35] <enleth> I was thinking more along the lines of absorption
[09:34:28] <archivist> I should read my pile of "review of scientific instruments"
[09:46:15] <Sync> enleth: change the glass regularily or clean it
[09:56:08] <enleth> so a design that uses the cheapest mass produced lab test tubes available as the vapor chamber would be a good thing
[10:00:28] <Sync> quartz tubing is pretty cheap
[12:33:01] <icecube45> mornin
[12:33:55] <Demure_> evening
[13:12:23] <yasnak> I love when new engineers jump into ECO's thinking there will be super easy to fix and find out they've just opened the door to hell.
[13:14:05] <FloppyDisk> If someone pays you by paypal outside of ebay, is there a way for them to suck their money back?
[13:14:26] <roycroft> they can file a claim with paypal
[13:14:35] <roycroft> but if the payment is confirmed they can't just take it back
[13:14:41] <FloppyDisk> I've got a guy buying an old touchscreen, but either I'm being scammed or they're incompetent...
[13:14:52] <roycroft> they can pay you using a checking account as the payment method, and not have money in the account
[13:14:59] <roycroft> or pay with a credit card that they cancel
[13:15:08] <roycroft> which reminds me, they can also file a claim with the cc issuer
[13:15:22] <FloppyDisk> Hmmm, so make sure it's confirmed and then ship. If I did get scammed, it's not like it's the end of hte world.
[13:15:28] <FloppyDisk> Thanks...
[13:15:32] <roycroft> so you're not totally guaranteed that they won't get it refunded, but they have to file a claim and you have an opportunity to respond
[13:16:17] <FloppyDisk> OK... Shouldn't be doing it this way, anyway, but whatever. People are funny. I will avoid some of the ebay fees, that is not a bad thing.
[13:16:21] <FloppyDisk> Thanks again!
[13:21:04] <roycroft> if you're selling something on ebay and someone is trying to convince you to do it outside of ebay i would be very very concerned
[13:50:08] <Demure_> Always ship with a tracking number
[13:50:27] <Demure_> FloppyDisk: The moment you ship without tracking number it's extremely easy to get your money back.
[13:50:34] <Demure_> You simply claim you never got it, and the seller cannot prove otherwise.
[13:50:40] <Demure_> I've had this happen with a 5000$ camera
[13:50:56] <FloppyDisk> Will do!
[13:51:02] <roycroft> and require the buyer to take unboxing pictures if there is to be a potential claim for shipping damage or improper packing
[13:51:06] <FloppyDisk> Ouch..
[13:51:11] <Demure_> Luckily found the tracking number after which all threads were removed immediately.
[13:51:24] <CaptHindsight> I never ship first class, always with tracking
[13:51:29] <Demure_> ^
[13:51:35] <FloppyDisk> Thanks.
[13:51:41] <roycroft> first class has tracking now, but no insurance option
[13:51:43] <gregcnc> even first class gets tracking online now
[13:52:07] <roycroft> if this is an item of little value none of this is very meaningful
[13:52:15] <CaptHindsight> I have had overseas customers ask that I ship cheaper with First Class but I just don't
[13:52:21] <roycroft> it's a lot of effort and added expense to deal with tracking and the like
[13:52:42] <roycroft> but if it's worth a lot of money it's well worth doing everything to ensure that it gets delivered in a safe and confirmed manner
[13:52:53] <CaptHindsight> 1st class to Europe is often >4 weeks
[13:53:06] <roycroft> when i sell expensive stuff on ebay i require that the buyer purchase shipping insurance
[13:53:29] <gregcnc> with ebay you gets difficult the buyer decide to return it and send you lump of coal with tracking
[13:53:51] <roycroft> unboxing photos help with that :)
[13:54:03] <CaptHindsight> most often customers are unhappy with paying $100 for priority for a $200 item, but I'd rather not even bother is they whine
[13:54:12] <CaptHindsight> is/if
[13:55:22] <CaptHindsight> or they ask you to only mark the item at $50 for value when it's $500
[13:55:42] <CaptHindsight> what happens if it gets lost or damaged?
[13:55:58] <Demure_> They'll tell you they'll take full risk and you don't have to worry about it
[13:56:06] <Demure_> Trust me, when it does get lost... That promise is gone with the wind.
[13:56:27] <CaptHindsight> heh, I had one not pay their UPS bill so UPS charged it back to me
[13:56:47] <CaptHindsight> so I don't send anything using the customers account numbers anymore
[13:57:16] <roycroft> that's why you conduct all communication through the ebay messaging system
[13:57:23] <roycroft> do not ever directly email your customer
[13:57:43] <roycroft> if it's in the ebay messaging system then ebay have access to all communications, which helps when you have a dispute/claim
[13:58:25] <roycroft> personally, i just walk away from those situations
[13:58:40] <CaptHindsight> the best way is gettin paid by wire transfer
[13:58:43] <roycroft> as soon as the buyer says something sketchy the buyer is disqualified from bidding/purchasing
[13:58:52] <roycroft> there have been wire transfer scams
[13:59:23] <roycroft> i don't know how that works, but there have been cases where wire transfers are reversed after being confirmed
[13:59:48] <CaptHindsight> sounds like shoddy banking
[14:00:43] <roycroft> bankers are the most risk-averse people on the planet
[14:00:54] <CaptHindsight> well people have been handed counterfeit bills in cash transactions
[14:00:58] <roycroft> yes
[14:01:15] <roycroft> an escrow system is the safest way of handling transactions
[14:02:02] <roycroft> i've sold several domain names for significant amounts of money, and have insisted 100% of the time that it goes through escrow and that the buyer pays escrow fees
[14:02:30] <CaptHindsight> never deal with the Russians
[14:02:40] <roycroft> and i've refused to sell when the buyer balks about escrow
[14:04:00] <roycroft> and i was just curious about one of the ones i sold three years ago for $18,500
[14:04:06] <roycroft> it is still parked, unused :)
[14:04:32] <Sync> haha
[14:04:47] <roycroft> i was only making about $50/month with ads on it
[14:04:53] <roycroft> it was worth selling
[14:04:57] <Tom_itx> why do companies buy other companies and let them sit or die?
[14:05:32] <roycroft> because the companies that do that are, themselves, for sale, and they consider the companies they bought as assets that will help them get themselves sold
[14:05:37] <Deejay> to make profit from their patents
[14:06:29] <roycroft> back in the telecom explosion, after then 1996 telecommunications act, a lot of clecs formed
[14:06:33] <roycroft> i was in telecom at the time
[14:06:48] <roycroft> the new clecs would acquire rack space in the ilec central offices
[14:06:58] <roycroft> sometimes they would install equipment in the racks
[14:07:08] <roycroft> very rarely would they ever bring power to the equipment
[14:07:16] <roycroft> their goal was to get a big a footprint as possible, then sell
[14:07:28] <roycroft> as big
[14:08:33] <roycroft> i know of one that advertised to investors that it had a presence in central offices all over two states, and they were all interconnected
[14:08:57] <roycroft> what they actually had was racks in a bunch of central offices, and a dsl circuit into each rack, and a vpn connecting the dsl circuits
[14:09:09] <roycroft> they had no sonet rings
[14:09:14] <roycroft> or anything remotely approaching that
[14:09:28] <roycroft> but that really didn't matter much - it was the rack space that was the real asset
[14:09:59] <roycroft> after consolidation it was nice to see some of that equipment actually lit up and providing services
[16:00:16] <gregcnc> ouch https://www.instagram.com/p/BHrZqrvDfp7/
[16:40:06] <_methods> is that that pokemon go game?
[16:40:22] <_methods> looks like fun
[16:41:27] <Deejay> gn8
[16:41:34] <_methods> l8r
[16:53:51] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/images/blast-cabinet/Blast%20Cabinet%2046.JPG
[17:00:01] <_methods> nice
[17:00:05] <FloppyDisk> Wow - that is nice!
[17:00:12] <_methods> nothing better than finishing something lol
[17:00:40] <FloppyDisk> I like the tapered legs, nice touch
[17:01:27] <JT-Shop> thanks, it was fun to build for the most part
[17:02:56] <FloppyDisk> Wondering what the "H" in the triangle is on the door? H for House?
[17:03:11] <FloppyDisk> Maybe I should know, but don't.
[17:04:33] <JT-Shop> it's a heli pad
[17:04:47] <JT-Shop> magnetic so you don't loose tiny parts
[17:05:04] <JT-Shop> I used to be big into RC
[19:05:36] <Frank_12> what do you think? small thick wall steel welded cnc mill, i am thinking of doing something similar: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/vertical-mill-lathe-project-log/272254-light-metal-milling-machine-3.html
[19:11:45] <Sync> wall thickness is not incredibly important
[19:11:50] <Sync> it is about where the metal is
[19:14:13] <FloppyDisk> those are some smelly shoes, I'd watch out for that:-)
[19:14:46] <BeachBumPete> wow that is an impressive DIY mini mill
[19:15:39] <FloppyDisk> with smelly shoes... But you're right, once I got past that, that's no fooling...
[19:16:52] <FloppyDisk> The motor mounts are totally beefy...
[19:18:29] <Duc_main> would be fun to do but I can only imagine the cost for building it
[19:18:36] <Sync> kinda wonder he opted to waste a lot of stiffness with no shoulder for the rails
[19:18:48] <Tom_itx> you need a mill to make the mill
[19:19:11] <BeachBumPete> apparently not ;)
[19:19:33] <Sync> well, the motor mounts are surface ground
[19:19:54] <Sync> with a very unbalanced wheel
[19:20:05] <Duc_main> I would say he has a friend with tools
[19:21:25] <Sync> yep
[19:21:36] <Sync> he clearly has a workshop to use
[19:22:24] <Duc_main> Must be retired or alot off spare time
[19:24:28] <Duc_main> besides schunk who else makes a self centering robot gripper
[19:25:59] <Sync> festo
[19:26:55] <CaptHindsight> electric or pneumatic?
[19:27:34] <CaptHindsight> http://www.intelligentactuator.com/3-finger-electric-gripper/
[19:27:39] <Sync> smc probably as well
[19:28:17] <CaptHindsight> http://www.acs-ga.com/Robotiq.html
[19:30:21] <CaptHindsight> http://www.smcusa.com/top-navigation/cad-models.aspx/20300/3Finger
[19:30:49] <Duc_main> well electric prefered by pneumatic can be converted
[19:31:12] <Duc_main> Look for a parallel setup to grip a round part
[19:31:44] <Duc_main> http://www.schunk-microsite.com/uploads/pics/45308619.png
[19:31:46] <Duc_main> like this
[19:33:15] <Frank_12> i liked the machine, on page 4 a little demonstration video
[19:33:25] <Frank_12> its working on mach 3 thou.. lol
[19:36:32] <Frank_12> what do you think the precision of that machine is?
[19:37:02] <malcom2073> CaptHindsight: We're using those at work, the two and three fingered grippers
[19:37:13] <malcom2073> They're uh.... not cheap heh
[19:37:26] <malcom2073> The three fingered are $18k
[19:37:30] <Duc_main> never is schunk LOL
[19:37:37] <CaptHindsight> I once found a pair on ebay for $100
[19:39:11] <Duc_main> I screwed up and didnt buy the Schunk PGN125 on ebay for 50
[19:46:43] <Sync> oh those things turn up in scrapyards all the time
[19:47:51] <Duc_main> Yea but there is no fun scrap yards near me
[19:49:16] <Tom_itx> about the only good scrap yard here has aluminum stock another has steel but we used to have Boeing surplus that would get stuff once in a while
[19:50:28] <malcom2073> The scrap yard near me gets stuff from my work, so I keep an eye out for good stuff and head over there after the truck leaves if there's anything good in the pile heh
[19:50:47] <Duc_main> There is a Schunk PGH on ebay with 60mm stroke but I can find the data sheet for info
[19:50:58] <Duc_main> cant
[20:11:00] <Duc_main> Ok think the PGH waas replaced by the PGF model. I was hoping for a system that was easy to convert over to a mechanical clamp but this one has dual air pistons err
[20:26:42] <skunkworks> http://electronicsam.com/images/matsuura/DSC_7732.jpg
[20:27:17] <malcom2073> skunkworks: Clean lookin
[20:27:38] <skunkworks> cleanish ;)
[20:28:11] <malcom2073> Eh, ours is a dark red, lack of cleaning, covered in chips, it's a disgrace :/
[20:28:29] <CaptHindsight> nice
[20:29:07] <malcom2073> There were two or three 500's at auction recently
[20:29:17] <malcom2073> I neglected to watch them close enough, but with two days out of 20 left, they were at $1500 each
[20:29:29] <CaptHindsight> how are things looking for a Linuxcnc meetup in Oct at Stuart's?
[20:29:31] <malcom2073> They're big enough may have gone cheap
[20:29:55] <CaptHindsight> is anyone interested?
[20:30:14] <malcom2073> I wish there were linuxcnc meetups near me
[20:30:29] <FloppyDisk> where are you malcom2073
[20:30:32] <CaptHindsight> east coast?
[20:30:33] <malcom2073> Closest I get is a cnc group meetup three hours south, that prefers mach3 :-P
[20:30:46] <malcom2073> FloppyDisk: Between Harrisburg PA and Baltimore, MD
[20:30:48] <FloppyDisk> ugghhh - hideous!
[20:30:48] <malcom2073> yeah east coast
[20:31:05] <FloppyDisk> Nice area, worked w/ parker Daedal years back.. Sorry, I'm west coast.
[20:31:20] <FloppyDisk> I've been thinking about doing something, but only thinking...
[20:31:24] <FloppyDisk> :-(
[20:31:29] <malcom2073> I love the area, an hour from harrisburg and baltimore, but middle of corn fields and forests heh
[20:31:44] <FloppyDisk> Oh nice, I'm from Wisco, loved the lakes and farms/fields as well.
[20:32:00] <FloppyDisk> But, SF is fun, too. and pretty.
[20:32:16] <CaptHindsight> lots of cities are over rated anyway
[20:32:32] <malcom2073> Cities in general are, I much prefer country
[20:32:51] <CaptHindsight> parking, traffic, crowds and really not much more to do than eat, drink and shop
[20:33:23] <FloppyDisk> Agreed, and when you're working the grind, you can't enjoy any of it anyway, so it doesn't matter where you are...
[20:34:22] <malcom2073> country is much cheaper than city, so you can afford to not work so grindy
[20:34:39] <FloppyDisk> yeah, tell me about it...
[20:35:06] <FloppyDisk> My dream was always to live just on the outside of a med sized city... (or even larger). Best of both worlds. And, have a shop in the back..
[20:35:45] <FloppyDisk> A friend of the family had a shop where he redid cars in the back, oh, it was heaven...
[20:36:06] <Tom_itx> CaptHindsight we've got a new airport since last one
[20:37:45] <Tom_itx> CaptHindsight, was there one set up for here this year?
[20:39:07] <CaptHindsight> Tom_itx: Stuart offered at his new place just down the road from the old one
[20:39:19] <CaptHindsight> early mid Oct
[20:39:24] <Tom_itx> new place?
[20:39:30] <Tom_itx> where's that at?
[20:39:37] <Tom_itx> i wasn't even aware he moved
[20:40:11] <CaptHindsight> "This will most probably be an October 7th, 8th and 9th event.
[20:40:11] <CaptHindsight> In all honesty anyone can come at any time.
[20:40:11] <CaptHindsight> We schedule it for the entire week including the weekend."
[20:41:02] <Tom_itx> looks like google still shows the old place
[20:41:24] <Tom_itx> i know where that is as well
[20:41:28] <Tom_itx> even closer to me
[21:35:48] <Frank_12> anyone ever heard of a carl huth milling machine?
[21:38:02] <CaptHindsight> could it be the name of the machine dealer?
[21:40:54] <Frank_12> oh boy, i found a cincinnati for sale
[21:41:32] <Frank_12> 3350kg1
[21:44:58] <CaptHindsight> which model?
[21:53:03] <Frank_12> it said Nš3
[21:53:18] <Frank_12> i guess its the size :)
[22:08:15] <Frank_12> gn8 everyone