#linuxcnc | Logs for 2016-06-18

[00:24:30] <pink_vampire> hi
[00:24:59] <XXCoder> hey
[00:32:36] <XXCoder> hows yo pink_vampire
[00:32:48] <pink_vampire> hi XXCoder
[00:33:49] <XXCoder> current;ly cutting HDPE bottles of soylent up lol
[00:33:53] <XXCoder> boring.
[00:33:58] <XXCoder> you?
[00:34:57] <pink_vampire> I just got very nice bar of aluminum.
[00:35:35] <pink_vampire> I think i told you..
[00:36:02] <pink_vampire> so i want to make something cool out of it.
[00:36:16] <XXCoder> yeah?
[00:36:19] <roycroft> aluminium generally feels cool to the touch
[00:36:28] <roycroft> so you're well-positioned for success
[00:36:40] <roycroft> unless you set it out in the sun
[00:37:03] <XXCoder> then it's hot! can't lose!
[00:37:15] <roycroft> hot is cool
[00:38:13] <pink_vampire> O_o
[00:38:49] <XXCoder> hm
[00:39:08] <XXCoder> just 2 bottles of soylent makes surpising amount of HDPE material
[00:42:04] <pink_vampire> what do you want to do with all the hdpe??
[00:42:20] <XXCoder> make HDPE brick
[00:42:25] <XXCoder> mill it or something
[00:48:55] <pink_vampire> did you fix your spindle issue?
[00:48:55] <FloppyDisk> cool
[00:49:08] <XXCoder> nah still have not yet made adoptor plates
[00:49:33] <XXCoder> company machines is rarely free
[00:50:06] <pink_vampire> i want to build a 3d printer head.
[00:50:43] <XXCoder> nicde
[00:51:10] <pink_vampire> I saw the micron dual head, and it look nice.
[00:51:22] <pink_vampire> it's*
[00:52:28] <pink_vampire> http://micron3dp.com/collections/all-metal-extruders/products/cobra-dual-head-extruder-high-temperature-version
[00:52:32] <pink_vampire> that one.
[00:53:09] <XXCoder> dang $900 lol be cheaper to make your own
[00:53:25] <pink_vampire> i know..
[00:54:11] <pink_vampire> but I didn't like the screw that adjust the pressure on the filament.
[00:55:41] <pink_vampire> they made the body out of aluminum. and the sharp tip of the screw will dig in to the metal.
[00:56:34] <pink_vampire> XXCoder: ^
[01:00:47] <XXCoder> yeah
[01:01:04] <XXCoder> sorry was away washing few more bottles
[01:03:13] <XXCoder> there is few designs online you can use I guess
[01:11:29] <pink_vampire> I saw a lot of stuff.
[01:14:48] <pink_vampire> what do you think about servo nema 34 as 3d printer extruder ?
[01:15:38] <XXCoder> im pretty sure it would work, but its pretty large for extuder motor?
[01:15:51] <XXCoder> what does usual 3d printer use for that task anyway
[01:16:11] <pink_vampire> I mean to force the plastic without heat it up.
[01:16:25] <XXCoder> ohh pressure heating.
[01:16:28] <XXCoder> good question
[01:16:34] <XXCoder> depends on material I bet'
[01:17:59] <pink_vampire> yes that what i mean.
[01:20:56] <XXCoder> 6 bottles down and 3 to go lol
[01:22:59] <pink_vampire> build a shreder
[01:23:07] <XXCoder> I do need one lol
[01:23:23] <XXCoder> this manual cutting is because I don't want to spend money on testing
[01:24:18] <archivist> pink_vampire, you still need heat, pressure alone wont work
[01:25:13] <XXCoder> so boyle's law does not work
[01:25:14] <XXCoder> ?
[01:25:28] <pink_vampire> is there any benefit to high pressure?
[01:25:55] <roycroft> boyle's law is a law
[01:26:03] <roycroft> there are very few laws in science
[01:26:12] <roycroft> and those laws that are always work
[01:27:01] <pink_vampire> roycroft: i'm not sure what do you mean.
[01:27:20] <XXCoder> boyles law applies only to gas
[01:27:28] <XXCoder> so I guess I was mis-appling that lol
[01:30:07] <archivist> you also get heat from internal friction when transforming a material, but I am unaware of any law for that
[01:31:12] <XXCoder> pink_vampire: I remember reading someone using glow plugs for diesel engine used to heat plastioc
[01:31:32] <XXCoder> http://makezine.com/projects/guide-to-3d-printing-2014/glow-plug-3d-printer-extruder/
[01:33:09] <XXCoder> If i ever get 3d printer, I would build an unprinter so i can recycle plastics as well :) (but not hdpe unfortunately_)
[01:33:45] <XXCoder> one of those http://www.wired.com/2013/01/filabot-plastic-recycler/
[01:37:15] <pink_vampire> I'm not sure how to make the feeder wheel
[01:37:37] <XXCoder> the wheel that holds filments?
[01:37:46] <XXCoder> it comes with your buy of filements
[01:38:37] <pink_vampire> no no i mean to the thing that actually push the filament
[01:38:44] <XXCoder> ahh
[01:41:31] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI9zWh7cWMo
[01:41:41] <XXCoder> typical iphone crap video but interesting
[01:43:26] <archivist> I made some feeder gears and never got paid http://www.collection.archivist.info/searchv13.php?searchstr=drive+gear+pd
[01:43:51] <XXCoder> it feeds filement eh
[01:44:21] <pink_vampire> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjlSYxmL2sU
[01:44:45] <pink_vampire> I have no idea what she talk.
[01:45:22] <XXCoder> me neither since ot dont even have captions
[01:45:25] <XXCoder> auto
[01:45:40] <pink_vampire> XXCoder: ....
[01:47:06] <XXCoder> weird that cut hdpe bottle edges is nice and soft, no sharp edge
[01:47:13] <XXCoder> corners though lol sharp
[01:48:06] <XXCoder> ah apparently some solders melt at 235C which is low enough for some 3d printers to be able to melt it
[01:48:19] <XXCoder> so basically solder printer
[02:10:18] <Valen> seen the ultrasonic soldering irons? can solder direct to glass which is intersting
[02:10:56] <XXCoder> no? interesting. normally you need umm gallenium? to wet glass
[02:12:16] <XXCoder> whew. 9 bottles, 9 oz of HDPE
[02:23:23] <Deejay> moin
[02:23:49] <XXCoder> Valen: any videos or whatever?
[02:25:25] <Valen> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpJ8T8JWMMw
[02:26:12] <XXCoder> wow
[02:27:57] <Valen> theres a CNC one somewhere
[02:28:38] <XXCoder> interesting
[02:37:12] <Valen> XXCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XHO44L-c14
[02:37:51] <XXCoder> man misconfig and it shatters glass lol
[02:38:07] <Valen> this is the show off one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc15uTTm5ws
[03:02:37] <XXCoder> drill as lathe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB-CVeGndl4
[03:20:32] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYKm9fzA1D8 interesting video
[05:22:24] <andypugh> What’s the application of soldering to glass? I guess you could lay down PCB tracks on an ad-hoc basis.
[05:23:27] <XXCoder> not sure but its still pretty amazing
[05:23:38] <XXCoder> normally you need gallenium to wet glass
[05:23:50] <XXCoder> vacuum depost can do it, but weak
[05:24:08] <XXCoder> guy pulled on weld pretty hard and it stayed. its very strong
[05:25:42] <andypugh> XXCoder: Yes, ye did look to be really trying.
[05:26:24] <XXCoder> yeah. well I think there is ponental uses
[05:26:32] <XXCoder> glass is cheaper than silican
[05:27:55] <andypugh> Well, yes, but also not semi-conducting.
[05:28:04] <XXCoder> yeah
[07:20:54] <RootB> Good morning linuxCNC
[07:21:29] <XXCoder> hey
[08:06:04] <jthornton> hey
[08:06:33] <_methods> all the early birds
[08:06:46] <Tom_itx> that's right..
[08:09:15] <_methods> woke up at 4:30am
[08:09:18] <_methods> wide awake
[08:09:29] <_methods> annoying
[08:09:43] <Tom_itx> i slept thru all the overnight storms
[08:09:55] <_methods> oh well got the morning walk and farmers market out of the way already
[08:10:08] <_methods> packin up tools to drop off the ar sandbox i made at the local makerspace
[08:17:55] <malcom2073> morning
[08:18:35] <malcom2073> I just got back from the parts store, trying to replace the power brake booster on my truck. I'm on booster number.... 4 including the ones that didn't get installed because they were wrong and/or broken from the box
[08:20:55] <_methods> i hate fixin cars
[08:21:20] <_methods> i always feel like i'm wasting time i could be workin on something more fun
[08:21:54] <malcom2073> I got a buddy who owns a shop to replace the master cylinder since it was worth it to have him do that while I was at work the other day, but the brake booster is easy enough that I can do it myself. I've gotten it down to 45 minutes to swap it
[08:22:27] <malcom2073> Zero quality control on a $300 part amuses me though, you'd think it was chinese made, probably is
[08:23:52] <Polymorphism> the chinese can make decent quality, they just choose to crank out cheap shit at the lowest price
[08:24:07] <malcom2073> I know
[08:24:17] <malcom2073> They choose to export cheap shit because we gobble it up
[08:24:29] <malcom2073> If this keeps up, I'ma get my money back and spend the $600 to buy a motorcraft part
[08:24:39] <malcom2073> at least then I can call someone who speaks english to complain about it then
[08:24:43] <Polymorphism> xD
[08:24:48] <malcom2073> $600 for a freaking vaccume booster
[08:25:09] <malcom2073> no electronics in it, nothing fancy, it's literally identical to my 1976 nova one, except it has one extra hole for a sensor (and it doesn't come with said sensor, just a hole)
[08:26:52] <Polymorphism> too much
[08:30:27] <Polymorphism> bbl, cnc(construction) time
[09:19:56] <pink_vampire> Polymorphism: how is your cnc going on?
[12:22:36] <JT-Shop> zlog
[12:56:25] <archivist> any able to read french just found an item in a box and seems someone else has one http://www.usinages.com/threads/visue-optique-de-marque-opl.14156/
[12:59:47] <Jymmm> Anyone interested? Machinery's Handbook 28th Edition PDF
[12:59:57] <archivist> google translate seems to think machine tool scale reader from the 1960's
[13:05:56] <archivist> and a pair in use on a beaver mill, http://www.lathes.co.uk/beaver/
[13:25:15] <Jymmm> https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usinages.com%2Fthreads%2Fvisue-optique-de-marque-opl.14156%2F&edit-text=&act=url
[13:25:39] <Jymmm> archivist: english translation
[13:29:43] <andypugh> archivist: http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/archive/index.php/t-126192.html
[13:31:07] <andypugh> I thought that it looked ever so slightly familar.
[13:31:40] <andypugh> I was thinking that it might have escaped from a jig-borer
[13:32:44] <CaptHindsight> The History of Urbanization, 3700 BC - 2000 AD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKJYXujJ7sU
[13:39:49] <archivist> andypugh, the lathes page shows a couple mounted on a beaver mill
[13:40:51] <andypugh> archivist: Yes, when I saw that picture I remembered where I recognised it from.
[13:41:23] <archivist> now I have to find a scale or sell this bit
[13:41:33] <archivist> or something
[13:43:15] <andypugh> Does it image a scale?
[13:46:23] <archivist> it has a lamp position faces a scale and images it onto a screen then a pair of markers are moved right to left with the outer scale showing dimension
[13:47:02] <archivist> methinks a plain steel rule(or similar) would be usable with it
[13:47:58] <andypugh> Or the vernier scale from a boring machine
[13:48:09] <andypugh> (well, the scale, not the vernier part)
[13:48:09] <archivist> the one on the french page is .01 (metric?), this one is .001 (inch?)
[13:48:36] <andypugh> The lathes.co.uk page says 0.0001"
[13:49:02] <archivist> there is a vernier so that might make the .0001
[13:49:50] <archivist> the french one is 0-100 on the outer, mine is 0-50
[13:50:59] <andypugh> lathes.co.uk says 0.0001” which thousandths sounds about right: tenths on the physical scale, hundredths of those tenths on the outer ring, tenths of those on the vernier.
[13:51:42] <andypugh> You might need a 20ths ruler then.
[13:52:09] <andypugh> I once had to use a metric traveling microscope with a 50ths scale.
[13:53:39] <archivist> LED torch and a steel rule worked to show a line
[13:53:44] <andypugh> Oooh that was annoying. If the vernier mark marked “2” was aligned, that was N.4mm as I recall.
[13:54:48] <andypugh> The details are fuzzy now, but you definitely had to double some digits and not others.
[13:56:48] <archivist> my pitch measuring machine has a very silly set of markings, no way to remember it between uses
[13:57:08] <archivist> easier to add a readout
[13:58:56] <archivist> Myford and 125 thou to a rev, and Hobbymat MD65 had half the marking compared to the thread on the cross slide, often cocked up on that
[14:10:02] <archivist> for those that cannot afford http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lambert-7500-CNC-Fine-Pitch-Gear-Hobbing-Machine-7axis-/252429473613 there is linuxcnc :)
[14:13:21] <yasnak> to make one thats useful you'll spend 7500$ in metal to make it rigid haha
[14:13:43] <yasnak> oh, 48,000 pounds. nevermind. dang
[14:13:45] <SpeedEvil> Well, it depends.
[14:14:03] <SpeedEvil> Speed and rigidity can be somewhat traded
[14:59:28] <Jymmm> $17K USD CNC Center... http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1060-Small-type-8000rpm-5-spindles-tapping-drilling-and-milling-CNC-machine-center/32615293379.html?spm=2114.01010108.3.276.QwMp7p&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_8,searchweb201602_3_10037_10017_507_10032,searchweb201603_7&btsid=cff7188b-f3f7-482c-a7f5-88c149cf5ec3
[14:59:49] <Jymmm> bah... http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1060-Small-type-8000rpm-5-spindles-tapping-drilling-and-milling-CNC-machine-center/32615293379.html
[15:01:13] <yasnak> or go buy a haas
[15:01:26] <yasnak> just make sure to get an extra desk for their service guy
[15:12:39] <Jymmm> Isn't the cost of the extra desk part of the service contract?
[15:20:19] <yasnak> ^^
[15:20:34] <yasnak> It should be
[15:21:28] <yasnak> that and our older cincinnati. even look at it when its powered down? it breaks
[15:22:18] <yasnak> Used to a pure mori shop till dmg and mori shit the bed. Began switching to okuma and doosan the past few years.
[16:00:17] <_methods> yeah okuma and doosan the way to go
[16:00:25] <_methods> good bang for the buck
[16:00:34] <_methods> well in doosan at least
[16:00:37] <_methods> you pay for an okuma
[16:01:21] <CaptHindsight> that ChinaCo mill would probably be fine for a year or two, that's the mindset behind its design
[16:02:17] <CaptHindsight> it's one tenth the price of a long life machine like a mori, okuma etc
[16:07:36] <CaptHindsight> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Mini-Milling-Machine-Z20005-vertical-mill-machine-mini-DIY-miller-milling-machine/32484560819.html?spm=2114.01010108.3.1.EK4w6E&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_0,searchweb201602_5_10017_507,searchweb201603_1&btsid=22c31a76-883a-42f7-b106-54b2472eec6d
[16:07:49] <_methods> well that
[16:07:55] <_methods> doh
[16:08:00] <_methods> that's how doosan started
[16:08:04] <CaptHindsight> US $94.13 US $3.92 to United States via DHL
[16:08:07] <_methods> making castings and cloning okumas
[16:08:36] <CaptHindsight> I just paid $14 to send a 3lb package to Florida
[16:10:18] <CaptHindsight> GoodLuc Machines "cause you're gonna need it"
[16:10:33] <_methods> hahah
[16:14:18] <Deejay> gn8
[16:16:49] <SpeedEvil> Now imagine if they put in rigorous QC, and had a US sales arm with warranty service for twice that
[16:17:04] <SpeedEvil> Oops
[16:33:13] <XXCoder> Jymmm: thats ... not too bad?
[16:33:25] <XXCoder> though hrd to trust chinese made cnc machine lol
[16:33:48] <XXCoder> geez second one is tiny and cheao'
[16:34:06] <XXCoder> I wonder what its workspace is
[16:34:38] <XXCoder> 30 mm, 50 mm
[16:35:04] <XXCoder> CaptHindsight: that is tiny lol
[16:36:12] <XXCoder> 20k rpm, not much improvement over mny machine lol
[16:38:12] <enleth> question is, what the chinese use themselves to make their good stuff
[16:39:06] <andypugh> maybe carefully-rebuilt versions of their own machines.
[16:39:32] <andypugh> Though I don’t know how you make a milling machine bigger than your milling machine :-)
[16:39:43] <XXCoder> possible in parts
[16:39:44] <enleth> I mean, they are perfectly capable of making quality product if you care to pay for it, so they must be able to make decent machinery
[16:39:50] <XXCoder> though cant make MUCH bigger
[16:40:06] <XXCoder> andypugh: I planned to make big router by my smaller router
[16:40:17] <XXCoder> though not for while lol
[16:41:11] <XXCoder> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/60W-12000rpm-Electroplated-Mini-Metal-Gear-Milling-Machine-TZ10002MZP-Big-power-vertical-mill-machine-Electroplating-mill/32383662143.html geez
[16:41:18] <XXCoder> look at picture below
[16:41:28] <XXCoder> can be up to 8 in one, and one of em is jig saw
[16:45:57] <XXCoder> this might be insane but...
[16:46:02] <XXCoder> using stepper as spindle? lol
[16:46:20] <XXCoder> servo is better I'm sure though lokl
[16:47:02] <andypugh> A stepper is just a many-pole brushless motor, and they are very cheap.
[16:49:56] <XXCoder> but wll it work as spindle? I kind of doubt it
[16:50:03] <pcw_home> step motors are quite inefficient so unless you need low speed torque and only 200W or so they dont seem like a good choice
[16:51:03] <XXCoder> what about servo
[16:51:28] <XXCoder> aliexpress sure loves routers.
[16:52:27] <pcw_home> a servo will work but unless you need precise motion the motor and control are more expensive than a induction motor and VFD
[16:52:59] <XXCoder> yea, doubted it would work. thanks
[16:53:59] <pcw_home> a servo motor would make things like blind hole rigid tapping better than a VFD
[16:54:24] <XXCoder> VFD?
[16:54:38] <pcw_home> (since the depth can be controlled precisely)
[16:54:53] <pcw_home> Variable Frequency Drive
[16:55:07] <XXCoder> interesting
[16:55:53] <pcw_home> (the standard way you get variable speed from an induction motor)
[16:56:22] <pcw_home> http://www.ebay.com/itm/VARIABLE-FREQUENCY-DRIVE-INVERTER-VFD-2-2KW-3HP-10A-SPEED-CONTROL-/261057064113?hash=item3cc836acb1:g:9QEAAOSwLVZVsPgr
[16:56:29] <XXCoder> I want to create 43mm spindle for people who just want small one'
[16:58:16] <XXCoder> 43mm'd be perfect for small machines
[16:58:38] <cpresser> why was 43mm choosen? 42 is a nicer number
[16:59:01] <XXCoder> 43 is "standard" for other ones.. and yes, 42 is answer to life, universe, everytjing
[16:59:58] <SpeedEvil> http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__22409__Turnigy_TrackStar_1_8th_Sensored_Brushless_Motor_1900KV.html
[17:01:17] <XXCoder> interesting. how do i connect it to my tb6560 or swhat?
[17:02:02] <SpeedEvil> What outputs does the TB6560 have?
[17:02:20] <XXCoder> hmm I do know it has spindle output but thats it. lemme look
[17:02:25] <SpeedEvil> Can it do programmable PWM?
[17:02:48] <SpeedEvil> If it can do 0.3-1.2ms/50hz PWM, then you're done - just connect to a RC ESC
[17:02:52] <SpeedEvil> (and a beefy PSU)
[17:03:21] <XXCoder> it has "spindle motor output"
[17:03:24] <XXCoder> pwm?
[17:03:37] <SpeedEvil> pulse width modulation
[17:03:48] <SpeedEvil> In what manner does it signal the speed requirements?
[17:03:52] <XXCoder> no, was asking if linuxcnc jardon for pwm
[17:03:56] <SpeedEvil> ha
[17:03:58] <SpeedEvil> ah
[17:03:58] <XXCoder> still research
[17:04:02] <SpeedEvil> sorry - I'm not awake enough
[17:06:05] <XXCoder> http://www.omc-stepperonline.com/images/connection_diagram_4_axis_tb6560_cnc_stepper_motor_driver_controller_board.jpg
[17:06:16] <XXCoder> that is 4 axis version, mine is same but just 3
[17:08:07] <XXCoder> looks like would need something else, like using joystick port to use pins there
[17:08:26] <XXCoder> same time my pc has 2 parallel ports, could add spindle controller there?
[17:09:06] <XXCoder> http://www.shapeoko.com/forum/download/file.php?id=4117&sid=305c35113123e7d0712b38c389891826 pin #9 is "spindle motor relay"
[17:09:11] <XXCoder> whatever that is.
[17:12:48] <XXCoder> SpeedEvil: it has "spindle interface" and "relay" on my board
[17:12:51] <XXCoder> so I guess it is
[17:14:21] <XXCoder> lol! I now know why it seemed to be on 1/16 microstep when its set to 1/8. picture has much smaller (but correct) table
[17:15:17] <XXCoder> SpeedEvil: http://www.victortrucco.com/CNC/CorrecoesTB6560/3Axis_Manual.pdf
[17:15:24] <XXCoder> gonna go, mom wanna go store :P
[17:15:35] <SpeedEvil> Well - yes - what is the spindle interface though
[17:16:02] <XXCoder> very good question
[17:16:53] <XXCoder> man everyone gets old, I hope I can inpendently live on my own till I'm 200 years old. (aka all way till I die)
[17:17:06] <XXCoder> be back
[17:30:51] <taloot> hello guys
[17:31:14] <taloot> benchmarking some skylake cpu
[17:31:27] <taloot> with latest ME firware engine
[17:32:01] <taloot> jessie + 386 rtai
[17:33:23] <taloot> and im planing to build machine based on cherry trail to use bluetooth as pendat and wireless to access CRM
[17:36:32] <Magnifikus> so what is a typical cycle time if you run servos? i can only update the position cmd for them every 5ms
[17:39:30] <taloot> u are using mesa?
[17:44:21] <Magnifikus> nope i plan to use can open
[17:44:25] <Magnifikus> taloot,
[17:44:30] <Magnifikus> some custom stuff
[17:46:13] <taloot> yes i know it
[17:46:37] <taloot> but how many servo u are driving
[17:47:03] <Magnifikus> 3 its groschopp ones with integrated controller
[17:47:13] <Magnifikus> and it only allows sync every 5ms
[17:47:20] <Magnifikus> and interpolation without buffer
[17:47:57] <SpeedEvil> Magnifikus: yes, RC servos
[17:48:12] <Magnifikus> nah 50W brushless dc serveos ;)
[17:48:18] <andypugh> Normally the servo rate is 1mS
[17:48:19] <SpeedEvil> Magnifikus: however - it is commmon for the better class of ESC to have all sotrts of faster programmbel modes
[17:48:20] <SpeedEvil> ah
[17:48:42] <SpeedEvil> Sorry, I should hold off on answers when asleep
[17:48:45] <andypugh> But most machines really don’t move far in 5mS
[17:49:04] <Magnifikus> got 3 of them for 100 bucks so i thought i give it a try
[17:49:12] <Magnifikus> if you think about the normal prices
[17:49:33] <Magnifikus> SpeedEvil, its not an rc motor
[17:49:46] <SpeedEvil> Quite.
[17:51:09] <Magnifikus> SpeedEvil, http://pasteboard.co/1MIlJBiU.png
[17:51:17] <Magnifikus> if you put this into your rc car, respect
[17:51:54] <Magnifikus> andypugh, yeah thought that, was worried about circles etc
[17:51:56] <SpeedEvil> I was just looking at a 6kW RC car motor
[17:52:09] <Magnifikus> they miss the resolver
[17:52:31] <SpeedEvil> I need to get my power-barrow built - gearing is fun
[17:52:39] <SpeedEvil> (motor is not for above barrow)
[17:53:19] <Magnifikus> my alternative is querying the encoder position over can/rs232 and driving the analog input as speed control
[17:54:01] <Magnifikus> bad thing is i need to do direction change also over rs232/can
[18:00:38] <taloot> guy regarding jessie
[18:00:52] <taloot> is there a precompiled linuxcnc
[18:01:06] <taloot> i have problem with skylake and jessie
[18:12:08] <Polymorphism> who here make lower
[18:12:17] <Polymorphism> pm me
[18:16:27] <Tom_itx> mmm more storms here
[18:51:15] <andypugh> Magnifikus: It is axiomatic that at any point that an axis does a direction reversal is is moveing _very_ slowly.
[18:52:36] <Magnifikus> delta...
[18:53:30] <Magnifikus> if its stinks i will make 3 new motor mounts and go back to my 256µstep servos with fpga ^^
[18:53:45] <Magnifikus> eh steppers
[18:55:42] <andypugh> I don’t know what you mean by “delta”
[18:57:00] <Magnifikus> http://pasteboard.co/1MMEUPaZ.png
[18:58:08] <andypugh> Ah, right.
[18:58:19] <Magnifikus> so i got reversing in steady motions too
[18:59:12] <Magnifikus> my fear is circle interpolation getting edgy
[18:59:57] <andypugh> It’s still true with a delta. In any mechanical system motion is continous. (technically there is a continuity parameter which says on how many leveles of differentials it is continous, but I am now very vague on that stuff). Effectively this means that no joint will ever reverse without passing throiugh zero velocity.
[19:01:40] <Magnifikus> will try it, i can always rip the motors apart and get a new project on drivers and resolver stuff :)
[19:01:46] <Magnifikus> its meant to be finished
[19:02:45] <andypugh> I am a real fan of resolvers. I might be the only person in the world to have taken an absolute encoder out of a servo to fit a resolver. :-)
[20:30:22] <Cromaglious_> I'm back.. 1800miles later
[21:42:38] <XXCoder> I'm back, million hours later
[21:44:46] <Jymmm> XXCoder: lil more warning next time
[21:45:08] <XXCoder> warning? gods do not give warnings!
[21:45:35] <Jymmm> XXCoder: neither do lil shits
[21:45:47] <XXCoder> no wonder gods is such shitty concept
[21:45:53] <XXCoder> theyre all same as lil shits lol
[21:48:12] <XXCoder> what up there Jymmm
[21:48:23] <Jymmm> ?
[21:48:56] <XXCoder> http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1u6awKFXXXXXrXFXXq6xXFXXXo/201669019/HTB1u6awKFXXXXXrXFXXq6xXFXXXo.jpg
[21:48:59] <Jymmm> air? clouds? planes? spy satellites?
[21:49:17] <XXCoder> lol youre exactly same as my sis in law
[21:49:52] <Jymmm> huh?
[21:50:04] <XXCoder> I wonder if my tb6560 3 wires for spindle connects to that leftmost 3 wires.
[21:50:18] <Jymmm> lick em and find out
[21:50:28] <Jymmm> lick CaptHindsight too, he's feelin lonely
[21:50:30] <XXCoder> yummy lead. sweet.
[21:53:42] <XXCoder> no thanks on capt though, I don't care to taste homo sapiens
[22:09:37] <XXCoder> anyone know about EGR and BPT?