#linuxcnc | Logs for 2016-05-23

[00:07:19] <XXCoder> back
[00:07:20] <XXCoder> dammit
[00:07:27] <XXCoder> the problem space is way too big :(
[00:07:35] <XXCoder> couldnt find good configuration for my machine.
[00:08:33] <XXCoder> wish cncbasher was here
[00:08:41] <XXCoder> hes apparently expert on tb6560
[00:44:52] <pink_vampire> what is your issue with the tb6560/
[00:44:54] <pink_vampire> ?
[00:45:18] <pink_vampire> I have 3 of them here and they was very easy to wire.
[00:47:12] <pink_vampire> XXCoder: ^
[00:47:25] <XXCoder> wiring is no problem
[00:47:31] <XXCoder> its tuning em thats giving me grief
[00:48:06] <XXCoder> so far the recommanded setting is best, and it still has minor vibrations
[00:51:14] <pink_vampire> are you using half steps?
[00:51:22] <pink_vampire> or micro steps?
[00:51:24] <XXCoder> yeah
[00:51:30] <XXCoder> 1/4 and1/8 made it worse
[00:51:36] <XXCoder> and 1 lol that was rough
[00:52:27] <pink_vampire> try single step
[00:52:36] <XXCoder> that was 1
[00:52:40] <XXCoder> full step
[00:53:05] <XXCoder> 1/2 seem to be best as recommanded.
[00:54:09] <pink_vampire> half can help with vibrations
[00:54:19] <XXCoder> yeah
[00:56:20] <pink_vampire> so what are you trying to solve?
[00:56:42] <XXCoder> resorance issues
[00:56:52] <XXCoder> it peaks at 3, 5, and 9 m/s
[00:56:55] <XXCoder> er mm/s
[00:58:28] <pink_vampire> try to push more current to the motors.
[00:59:07] <XXCoder> its at 75% power, was prginially 100% but havent tried 100% with suggested configuration (it suggested 75%)
[00:59:25] <XXCoder> I tried 50% and it didnt change anything.
[00:59:44] <XXCoder> in fact, no change, but controller is MUCH cooler. I guess it didnt need that much power.
[01:02:01] <pink_vampire> try 100%
[01:02:09] <XXCoder> that was orginial setting
[01:02:20] <XXCoder> it was heating controller pretty badly
[01:02:38] <pink_vampire> but the steppers works ok?
[01:03:02] <XXCoder> dunno, havent tried 100% with suggested configuation
[01:03:25] <pink_vampire> so try and see,
[01:03:28] <XXCoder> its late enough that making loud noises isnt good idea so cant test it now
[01:03:35] <pink_vampire> even for short time.
[01:03:45] <XXCoder> yeah
[01:04:46] <pink_vampire> if the drivers get hot but the motors are good, you may need to put an heat sink on the drivers.
[01:04:59] <XXCoder> it has em
[01:05:06] <XXCoder> I had to use fan on it heh
[01:05:23] <XXCoder> it also has fan on heat sink but its not enough at 100%
[01:07:23] <pink_vampire> so the issue is that the motors work fine but some times loose steps?
[01:07:40] <XXCoder> from what others said, it dont lose any steps anymore
[01:07:48] <XXCoder> though it still has resorance issues
[01:08:19] <pink_vampire> you mean resonance?
[01:08:25] <XXCoder> that one was after tuneup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTYpwJTB39A
[01:08:28] <XXCoder> yeah
[01:09:21] <pink_vampire> and what the resonance cause?
[01:09:34] <XXCoder> dunno, it feels little bit rough
[01:11:29] <pink_vampire> resonance cause vibrations, and stepper under vibrations some times can loose some of the torque and that can be a problem.
[01:11:51] <XXCoder> yeah thats why I wanted it to be more or less free of voibrations
[01:14:25] <pink_vampire> the harmonics of the resonance frequencies are multiplies of resonance frequency , so changing stuff with a multiply of 2 not going to do any change.
[01:14:42] <pink_vampire> try to change the acceleration speed
[01:14:56] <pink_vampire> and the velocity.
[01:15:20] <XXCoder> acceration was set at 651.4 if I recall, which is 1 in/s^2
[01:16:22] <pink_vampire> chose a rapid speed that don't cause the machine a resonance,
[01:18:35] <pink_vampire> and change the acceleration speed so it will accelerate the fastest as possible without causing a resonance
[01:19:21] <XXCoder> interesting. I will look into acceration later
[01:19:59] <pink_vampire> :)
[01:29:08] <LeelooMinai> Hmm, does someone here machine something that is non-metalic, but close to aluminum in terms of hardness and other characteristics?
[01:29:39] <LeelooMinai> I mean, I read about Derlin, etc., but is there something more accessible?
[01:30:07] <XXCoder> probably fine to treat it like alum? dunno
[01:31:11] <LeelooMinai> Ok, but I was more asking about some ideas for materials that could be useful to make "things"
[01:31:26] <mase-tech> HI people
[01:31:26] <XXCoder> ahh ok
[01:31:32] <XXCoder> wood can be pretty strong
[01:31:39] <LeelooMinai> Like say I need a clamp for something, but don't want to make it from metal.
[01:31:42] <XXCoder> expecially if designed around its negayives
[01:32:15] <LeelooMinai> Right, wood has many drawbacks though.
[01:32:59] <LeelooMinai> It's not really "uniform" for example/
[01:33:19] <XXCoder> indeed
[01:33:24] <XXCoder> glass? ;)
[01:33:28] <LeelooMinai> Moisture can deform it, etc.
[01:33:37] <XXCoder> postobe: very strong. resistant to chemicals
[01:33:42] <LeelooMinai> lol, I don't think milling glass is a good idea? :p
[01:33:43] <XXCoder> negative well its glass. lol
[01:34:06] <XXCoder> you definitely can grind glass, if your spinle is very fast
[01:34:12] <XXCoder> but yeah cnat mill glass
[01:34:47] <LeelooMinai> Hmm, I wish that Derlinb stuff was cheaper:/
[01:34:51] <LeelooMinai> Derlin*
[01:35:56] <XXCoder> 1.75" thick sheet, $110 per sq ft
[01:37:01] <LeelooMinai> Right, kind of expensive to me.
[01:38:10] <XXCoder> well heard milk carton plastic is pretty strong
[01:38:18] <XXCoder> and you can simply melt em into blocks
[01:38:40] <XXCoder> slightly different plastic in caps, little bit stronger
[01:40:03] <LeelooMinai> I think ptfe could be useful too, but it's probably not cheap either
[01:42:07] <XXCoder> LeelooMinai: try milk jug plastic
[01:42:13] <XXCoder> see if its any goof
[01:42:15] <XXCoder> good
[01:42:20] <XXCoder> and well its basically free.
[01:43:16] <LeelooMinai> Heh, what exactly is "milk jug plastic"... :)
[01:43:33] <LeelooMinai> It's not like milk is sold in one type of contaienr.
[01:43:49] <XXCoder> oh yeah
[01:44:02] <XXCoder> in usa all milk in gallons are sold in same ploastic jug
[01:44:10] <XXCoder> no difference besides cap color
[01:44:37] <XXCoder> http://www.plasticsnews.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/storyimage/PN/20151118/NEWS/151119866/AR/0/AR-151119866.jpg this one
[01:44:43] <LeelooMinai> Hmm, I am in Canada, but I naver saw one like this.
[01:44:59] <LeelooMinai> Maybe because my mom does not buy that much milk...
[01:45:20] <XXCoder> heh I plan to try plastic from milk as we empty one each day./
[01:45:32] <LeelooMinai> Hmm, so what... people melt it or something?
[01:46:20] <XXCoder> yeah
[01:46:32] <XXCoder> 350°F in canola oil, then press em into block apparently
[01:46:36] <XXCoder> havent tried.
[01:46:41] <XXCoder> it makes millable plastic
[01:46:53] <LeelooMinai> Hmm, interesting
[01:47:33] <LeelooMinai> I guess this: http://www.instructables.com/id/Making-Blocks-out-of-HDPE-milk-jugs/
[01:47:45] <XXCoder> thats more detailed
[01:49:22] <XXCoder> "vremelting does weaken the material over time, but the small blocks that I made cannot be bent by hand at all"
[01:49:27] <XXCoder> HDPE is pretty stiff
[01:49:32] <XXCoder> may be just what you need.
[01:50:13] <LeelooMinai> The whole process of making it though is a bit pita
[01:50:23] <XXCoder> yeah. free though
[01:50:25] <LeelooMinai> I wish someone was just selling nice blocks of it:)
[01:50:27] <XXCoder> more or less free
[01:50:40] <XXCoder> I wonder if simply using oven will do it
[01:50:50] <XXCoder> no oil too
[01:51:16] <LeelooMinai> well, I would be weary of eating food from that oven thereafter...
[01:51:28] <XXCoder> video shows it dont seem to use oil
[01:51:42] <XXCoder> just buy $1 metal pans from $1 store
[01:51:51] <XXCoder> dont use same material for actual cooking
[01:52:19] <XXCoder> this video LeelooMinai https://youtu.be/hbUj4g8laBc
[01:52:25] <LeelooMinai> Hmm, seems they actually sell HDPE
[01:52:34] <archivist> nylon
[01:53:19] <LeelooMinai> But also not cheap:)
[01:53:46] <XXCoder> cheap, prep work, ease of time. choose 2
[01:54:30] <LeelooMinai> I choose cheap + ease of time:p
[01:54:39] <archivist> get a chopping board from the supermarket as a bit of plastic
[01:54:50] <XXCoder> ah so you choose to break in and steal stuff
[01:54:51] <XXCoder> nice
[01:54:57] <XXCoder> its quick and free
[01:55:06] <LeelooMinai> Chopping board?
[01:55:23] <XXCoder> can grab some which is pretty strong
[01:55:26] <LeelooMinai> Aren't they, hmm, thin?
[01:55:28] <XXCoder> not too sure on price
[01:56:07] <archivist> can be up to 1/2" thick
[01:57:08] <LeelooMinai> btw, I "found" raspberry PI and a camera module for it + some CCTV lens, and got pretty good closeups while streaming MJPEG
[01:57:11] <LeelooMinai> http://i.imgur.com/9qR5Ilv.jpg
[01:57:20] <XXCoder> hmm looks like making HDPE block does require good press
[01:57:25] <LeelooMinai> So I will use this setup as a macro camera for my CNC
[01:57:26] <XXCoder> expecially if using oil.
[01:57:39] <XXCoder> if use pil it apparently makes self-lubicating plastic.
[01:57:45] <XXCoder> great for some uses I bet
[02:00:00] <XXCoder> store bags is apparently made from same HDPE, but its much harder to reuse
[02:01:03] <XXCoder> wow!
[02:01:04] <XXCoder> https://img1.etsystatic.com/047/0/10020994/il_570xN.725061925_4quu.jpg
[02:01:11] <XXCoder> HDPE recycle + pen lathe
[02:01:47] <XXCoder> stop! hammertime. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/1f/7b/811f7b09cb98d869b041ef581914c38a.jpg can't touch this.
[02:03:44] <pink_vampire> LeelooMinai: I machined some plastics and aluminum
[02:04:05] <pink_vampire> pvc, is very cool to machine
[02:04:16] <XXCoder> pink_vampire: tried HDPE yet?
[02:04:35] <pink_vampire> pvc foamed is also very common as trim board.
[02:04:52] <XXCoder> http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/hdpe-mallet-aka-milk-jug-hammer-27251 LeelooMinai looks to be bit easier method
[02:04:55] <pink_vampire> hdpe is a bit "oily"
[02:05:09] <XXCoder> pink yeah, I wanna try machine some
[02:05:29] <pink_vampire> why??
[02:05:33] <XXCoder> because we have so much jugs. so much. we use around 10 to 30 a month
[02:05:48] <XXCoder> and it looks cool
[02:05:54] <pink_vampire> get some decent stock
[02:06:02] <XXCoder> https://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s52/emilio626/HDPE%20Mallet/IMAG1675.jpg
[02:06:08] <pink_vampire> acrylic is one of my favorite
[02:08:57] <XXCoder> LeelooMinai: really it seems to be mainly cutting jugs then melt on wax sheet covered pan, put em in mold and rpess em in hard
[02:09:02] <XXCoder> and you get nice blocks
[02:09:26] <XXCoder> colors you can knead it like clay I bet as long as not too long and solidify
[02:09:26] <LeelooMinai> Right
[02:11:01] <XXCoder> theres some people turning HDPE into 3d printer filiment
[02:11:12] <XXCoder> at huge savings apparently
[02:12:24] <pink_vampire> but 1kg roll is 20$
[02:12:48] <XXCoder> HDPE roll $1
[02:12:54] <XXCoder> mainly from heating em cost
[02:13:44] <pink_vampire> yeah, but it's just 20$
[02:14:02] <XXCoder> yeah. I want to do it more for envorment than money
[02:14:28] <XXCoder> and hdpe plastic looks cool
[02:14:36] <XXCoder> win^2
[02:18:02] <pink_vampire> I'm upload some pics
[02:19:01] <Deejay> moin
[02:19:07] <XXCoder> http://hackaday.com/2010/08/05/recyclebot-digests-milk-jugs-to-feed-makerbot/
[02:19:10] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/ynzCNMe.png
[02:19:13] <Deejay> hi xxcoder & pink_vampire
[02:19:15] <XXCoder> this makes strind of HDPE
[02:19:33] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/YO9AKZu.png
[02:20:26] <XXCoder> not too sure what I am seeing
[02:20:30] <XXCoder> volt convertor or?
[02:21:50] <pink_vampire> this is 2 relay boards one for 2 5V power supplies, and the other one for 2 12V power supplies (I'm going to use only one 12V for now)
[02:23:03] <pink_vampire> the whole principle behind it, is to kill the power to the machine if there is a fail in the power supplies.
[02:23:41] <XXCoder> ahh so it dont try to operate with insuffecent power
[02:23:59] <pink_vampire> yeah
[02:24:50] <pink_vampire> each power supply hold a relay, and all the relays connect to the E-stop loop
[02:25:40] <pink_vampire> so if there is a fail in one of them the E-stop loop kill the power to the servos
[02:27:10] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/aJbuWn5.png
[02:27:30] <pink_vampire> those are the power supplies ^
[02:27:33] <pink_vampire> XXCoder:
[02:28:10] <XXCoder> one each drive. nice
[02:28:25] <pink_vampire> no
[02:28:48] <XXCoder> evenually will upgrade mine to better controller and seperate stepper controllers. or just go stright to servos. that feedback is awesome
[02:29:00] <pink_vampire> 2 of them are 5v
[02:29:06] <pink_vampire> and one is 12v
[02:30:46] <pink_vampire> one of the 5v go only to the breakout board, the other 5v go to the stack light and the sensors, and the 12v go to the pilot light and to power the main contactor
[02:30:52] <pink_vampire> XXCoder: ^
[02:31:06] <XXCoder> ahh I see
[02:32:03] <pink_vampire> now everything work fine with 2$ 5V power supply from china
[02:32:21] <pink_vampire> those lambda cost more then 150$
[02:32:29] <XXCoder> ow
[02:32:33] <pink_vampire> to do the same thing
[02:32:50] <pink_vampire> 150 for all of them.
[02:32:52] <XXCoder> my power supply was included in kit of 3 steppers and tb6560. all totaled little bit over $110 shipped
[02:33:32] <pink_vampire> I'm sure that my panel cost more then the whole machine
[02:34:00] <XXCoder> my machine? yeah everything total to less than $1,000
[02:34:06] <XXCoder> including parts I didn't use.
[02:34:19] <XXCoder> like set of ballscrews, and set of SBR
[02:34:35] <XXCoder> I still don't know what to do with those.
[02:35:24] <pink_vampire> sell them on eaby
[02:35:44] <XXCoder> I suppose thats best option
[02:36:06] <archivist> make something better with them
[02:36:25] <pink_vampire> 3d printer
[02:36:27] <XXCoder> archivist: I was thinking maybe laser kit with em
[02:37:57] <pink_vampire> BTW, 22.78mm
[02:38:30] <pink_vampire> and 17.12mm
[02:39:29] <pink_vampire> the length of the longest and the shortest nail :)
[02:40:04] <XXCoder> lol
[02:40:38] <pink_vampire> I like them..
[02:40:40] <pink_vampire> so..
[02:40:46] <pink_vampire> why not :)
[02:43:02] <XXCoder> yeah. everyone got something weird
[02:46:31] <pink_vampire> no... I'm normal
[02:46:40] <XXCoder> to you yeah
[02:46:47] <XXCoder> normality is overrated
[02:52:53] <pink_vampire> I need to find a gf
[02:53:13] <XXCoder> dont you have boyfriend?
[02:53:21] <XXCoder> or did I misunderstand you while aho
[02:54:07] <XXCoder> hey zeeshan-shop
[07:37:28] <Polymorphism> 6040 cancelled
[07:37:38] <Polymorphism> strongly considering x6-2200l after forum responses
[07:37:44] <Polymorphism> seems like the longer-term machine
[07:38:15] <Polymorphism> its not mach only, fairly trivial to add parallel BoB
[07:38:33] <pink_vampire> hi Polymorphism
[07:38:42] <Polymorphism> hi pink_vampire
[07:38:52] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/YO9AKZu.png
[07:39:03] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/ynzCNMe.png
[07:39:14] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/h5oX28h.png
[07:39:33] <Polymorphism> looks really clean, your latest work?
[07:39:33] <pink_vampire> I did everything on my machine
[07:39:44] <pink_vampire> yeah
[07:40:00] <pink_vampire> look at the acrylic logo
[07:40:29] <Polymorphism> were you upgrading? what are you doing here
[07:40:40] <pink_vampire> and the engraved panel
[07:41:10] <Polymorphism> I see
[07:41:19] <Polymorphism> nice
[07:42:28] <pink_vampire> you need some Iron for do stuff like that.
[07:42:51] <Polymorphism> I will just use al
[07:43:07] <pink_vampire> fur clean cut there is only one option - heavy base
[07:43:34] <archivist> sharp cutter for that too
[07:43:58] <pink_vampire> all the stuff that I show you is plastics, acrylic panels and pvc foamed,
[07:44:48] <pink_vampire> yes, sharp cutters is also important, but you just buy them sharp..
[07:45:00] <Polymorphism> I will buy mine from china
[07:45:25] <Polymorphism> I'm not quite sure which bit I need for my cuts, but I think its 1/8" 2 flute HSS
[07:45:30] <Polymorphism> for 1-2mm al routing
[07:45:35] <pink_vampire> all the cuts that you saw done with made in usa cutters
[07:45:40] <Polymorphism> which do you use?
[07:45:43] <Polymorphism> which brand I mean
[07:47:58] <pink_vampire> stuff from mcmaster
[07:49:01] <Polymorphism> oh they are only $12 each
[07:49:04] <Polymorphism> maybe I should just go USA
[07:49:05] <pink_vampire> http://www.mcmaster.com/#3066a49/=12j9ax8
[07:49:21] <Polymorphism> if its like a subwoofer, where you can buy a great driver but it will suck in the wrong box
[07:49:26] <Polymorphism> I shouldnt cripple my machine with crappy tools
[07:49:32] <Polymorphism> especially when its already chinese xD
[07:49:47] <Polymorphism> looks pretty nice pink_vampire
[07:49:53] <Polymorphism> 4 flute for acrylic, 2 for aluminum?
[07:50:06] <pink_vampire> the ebay junk cutters just not sharp as the usa made
[07:52:07] <pink_vampire> the flutes it's all about cuts per revolutions, I have 1000 rpm spindle, so with 4 flutes I'm getting 2 times more cuts per revolutions compered to 2 flute end mill
[07:52:16] <pink_vampire> but you need to remember
[07:53:17] <pink_vampire> the more flutes you have on your cutter the more important to clear the chips
[07:53:38] <Polymorphism> I'll make blower for air compressor or use vacuum for my chips
[07:54:08] <pink_vampire> just do some calculations
[07:54:17] <Polymorphism> what do you use for feed + speed calc?
[07:54:23] <pink_vampire> it's not that hard
[07:54:48] <pink_vampire> Ignore what I did.
[07:54:55] <Polymorphism> ok
[07:54:56] <pink_vampire> I did over math
[07:55:14] <Polymorphism> I was thinking since I have such small work volume I might just go veyr conservative
[07:55:31] <Polymorphism> since I'm just routing aluminum I could take just .1mm DoC for 1.3mm
[07:55:41] <Polymorphism> but I saw some ppeople cutting .4mm DoC with this machine
[07:55:43] <Polymorphism> on aluminmum
[07:55:56] <Polymorphism> I'm not sure if its better or worse when working iwth thin material
[07:56:02] <pink_vampire> it's all about the feed rate
[07:56:21] <Polymorphism> http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/gcnc/
[07:56:25] <Polymorphism> I'm going to read all of this
[07:56:30] <pink_vampire> 0.4mm depth on slow feed = 0.1 on high feed
[07:56:46] <pink_vampire> I know this guy
[07:57:07] <Polymorphism> this is one of the best cnc pages I've found, lots of good info
[07:57:41] <pink_vampire> machining is like removing X cubic mm of material per sec.
[07:58:08] <pink_vampire> you can go deep and slow, or sallow and fast.
[07:59:12] <pink_vampire> deep and slow make alot of heat that can lead hardening and rubbing, and too sallow cut and eat your end mill faster
[08:00:01] <Polymorphism> I need to avoid too much heat with al
[08:00:21] <Polymorphism> I have to go, bbl
[08:00:26] <pink_vampire> ok
[08:49:02] <ktchk> pink_vampire: how is your linuxcnc??
[09:33:18] <Encxapsulation> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YzAl29Ag78&t=2m0s
[09:33:20] <Encxapsulation> CHIPS!!!!
[09:33:25] <Encxapsulation> how miuch!?!?! I need xD
[09:35:49] <Encxapsulation> dear santa
[09:41:13] <archivist> more than you can afford + double it for the cam software
[09:41:47] <gregcnc> you can probably buy a few 6040 for the price of crashing the datron
[09:42:25] <archivist> few hundred
[09:43:32] <archivist> I asked about a price for cam for 5 axis and they said 60K pounds
[09:43:44] <Encxapsulation> =\
[09:43:50] <Encxapsulation> that chip production though...
[09:43:54] <Encxapsulation> and that surface finish
[09:43:55] <archivist> cannot remember which cam it was
[09:44:03] <Encxapsulation> and it has the probe and it even covers the ATC tool rack
[09:44:09] <gregcnc> that wasn't a 5x machine
[09:44:41] <Encxapsulation> its the best machine I've ever seen
[09:44:54] <Encxapsulation> sounds like its way out of my budget for now
[09:57:37] <Encxapsulation> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OxCg5LljWs
[09:57:43] <Encxapsulation> one of my machin euses
[09:57:45] <Encxapsulation> in the future
[09:58:46] <Encxapsulation> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWB2pEFZH-4
[09:58:47] <Encxapsulation> and this
[10:00:11] <jdh> buy one
[10:01:17] <gregcnc> how many of your doohickey's do you sell annually?
[10:02:40] <Sync> I think the m10 pro goes for like 120k in the base model
[10:05:01] <Encxapsulation> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae8_OWju8RM
[10:05:24] <Encxapsulation> gregcnc, not a lot, I will be making prototypes for now
[10:06:02] <gregcnc> so a <60kUSD machine is right up there in the business plan
[10:06:34] <Encxapsulation> yeah I would say the datron is out
[10:07:11] <Sync> as I said, they are suprisingly cheap for what they are
[10:09:01] <Encxapsulation> the datrons? they are amazing for sure. maybe someday
[10:09:56] <Sync> yeah, the m10 pro goes for 120k
[10:10:02] <Sync> it is not bad for a machine that size
[10:12:34] <Encxapsulation> I just need to look at machines like that
[10:12:39] <Encxapsulation> until $2500 looks like .25 cents
[10:12:47] <Encxapsulation> then the omio won't sting xD
[10:13:37] <Encxapsulation> I mean, the omio is $117,500 cheaper
[10:13:42] <Encxapsulation> thats a hell of a deal, really
[10:13:53] <Encxapsulation> even if I only get 90% of the quality
[10:14:01] <gregcnc> it's been two months has the budget for the machine not grown at all?
[10:14:05] <jdh> buy one
[10:14:12] <Encxapsulation> it's grown a bit
[10:14:18] <Encxapsulation> a bunch of people on cnczone just said not to get the 6040
[10:14:21] <Encxapsulation> vs the omio
[10:14:25] <Encxapsulation> they said spend the extra
[10:14:34] <gregcnc> different than Day 1 how?
[10:14:43] <Encxapsulation> so after my bank payment failed for 6040
[10:14:43] <jdh> get a tormach
[10:14:47] <Encxapsulation> now I'm looking at that
[10:14:51] <Encxapsulation> tormach is more of a mill I need mostly routing
[10:14:57] <Encxapsulation> the tormach 440 does look nice
[10:15:00] <Encxapsulation> but its 10k
[10:15:06] <jdh> so, change your needs
[10:15:09] <Encxapsulation> lol
[10:16:03] <jdh> I have a perverse desire to cut some AL on my 6040 instead of the mill
[10:16:46] <jdh> could use some feed/speed help from loetmichel
[10:16:50] <djdelorie> I have a perverse desire to do everything Encapsulation needs on my plywood cnc router :-)
[10:18:37] <Encxapsulation> =\
[10:18:43] <jdh> and you can
[10:20:06] <tangy> hello, i learnt a lot about machining from this channel. Based on this learning i have created a 3-axis cnc instruction and toolpath generator that creates instruction that layman can follow to carve, its still in testing phase. i wanted to share first preview with u guys, its hosted here http://projectx.co.in
[10:20:23] <tangy> its accepts stl design file
[10:21:33] <tangy> i value your opinion highly so please let me know what you think of it
[10:22:46] <gregcnc> speaking of tormach http://www.tormach.com/rapidturn.html
[10:23:12] <djdelorie> I see you're using the new-fangled "every device is a tablet" theme...
[10:23:31] <djdelorie> also, your copyright notice isn't valid without a year and a legal entity as the holder
[10:23:50] <djdelorie> seems to hang while "analyzing" if you don't give it a model
[10:24:08] <tangy> yeah we need to add error layer
[10:25:20] <jdh> I would trade my g0704 for a tormach
[10:25:41] <tangy> if you give a valid stl design it will generate instruction to machine it using given tool dimensions
[10:27:26] <archivist> er how it works does not tell me how it works
[10:28:06] <tangy> yeah right it should be "how to use"
[10:28:40] <archivist> does not say if it is an online tool or not
[10:28:44] <tangy> its based on our research work in automating toolpath generation using ai techniques
[10:30:58] <tangy> you can find how it works here https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8DlYCbSsFtDVy1iUEU4WEx0Ujg
[10:31:06] <tangy> its the link to our paper
[10:32:18] <archivist> no way it could make one of my gears
[10:32:59] <tangy> why not? you answer can help us improve
[10:35:11] <archivist> top left gear http://gears.archivist.info/gears/IMG_1214_hires.JPG
[10:35:45] <jdh> your tooling choice is too simplistic
[10:35:57] <archivist> you only seem to accept one tool
[10:36:32] <tangy> yes, as of now we accept only one tool, we plan to expand it further
[10:37:20] <jdh> only one type of tool
[10:37:48] <djdelorie> is this intended for 2D profiling, or 3D carving?
[10:38:03] <archivist> only parallel sided endmill by the look of it
[10:38:11] <tangy> we plan to include, machinability in it so that top left gear can detect collision and generate setup orientation accordingly
[10:38:13] <jdh> the tool choice looks 2d only
[10:38:21] <tangy> 3d carving
[10:38:29] <archivist> people with stl often want to use a ball nose
[10:38:34] <jdh> but stl is excessive for 2d
[10:39:47] <jdh> you can't do good 3d carving with a plain end mill
[10:40:44] <tangy> we will expand tool choices
[10:41:42] <tangy> we wanted to get feedback at this stage by showing this as a proof of concept that we can generate simple instruction detailing setup orientation and gcode
[10:41:54] <enleth> https://easyeda.com/normal/tnc131_input-nsgQq0Yx7.png - that's basically how one input channel of the Heidenhain sin/cos encoder interpolator looks, for the index photodiode. 0 and 90 position photodiode inputs are almost the same. So I have to read up on photodiode biasing
[10:42:22] <djdelorie> yeah, for 3D you use ball mills, for 2.5D you use flat end mills
[10:42:24] <tangy> do u know of any other cam system that can generate instruction along with gcode for design
[10:42:24] <enleth> (yeah, a web-based EDA, it sucks but kicad won't build after the last upgrades of my gentoo)
[10:43:02] <djdelorie> enleth: you could try gEDA ;-)
[10:43:20] <enleth> djdelorie: thanks but no, thanks
[10:43:23] <jdh> I'd like one that told me how to fixture
[10:43:27] <enleth> djdelorie: I value my sanity
[10:43:31] <CaptHindsight> I'd say ask the same question in #reprap and smoothie etc, to get all the self centered and stupid advice out of the way. Use that advice as a mask to filter out noise.
[10:43:37] <djdelorie> I'm biased as I own the gEDA project at the moment :-)
[10:44:02] <enleth> djdelorie: oh well, no offense, I just couldn't quite stand it
[10:44:14] <archivist> I started the #kicad irc channel :)
[10:44:22] <djdelorie> np, EDA tools are as much a personal choice as anything else
[10:44:23] <jdh> vs. this selfcentered non-advice?
[10:44:53] <enleth> Kicad has its own weird parts but it's still much closer to the Protel/Altium/Cadence/etc. crowd
[10:45:15] <CaptHindsight> the AI is going to get a bit more complicated when there are multiple tool choices
[10:45:17] <djdelorie> enleth: yeah, but the ide drove me nuts. gEDA is designed for the scripting/makefile crowd
[10:45:30] * djdelorie is sure both sides have rabid followers
[10:45:59] <enleth> djdelorie: I tried it because of this but I guess UX issues was what drove me away
[10:46:04] <tangy> thanks CaptHindsight
[10:46:07] <enleth> although that *was* a long time ago
[10:46:12] <tangy> yes indeed
[10:46:17] <djdelorie> hasn't changed much ui-wise lately
[10:46:59] <enleth> oh crap, I just realized this might have actually been close to 10 years ago. I guess I should check it out again after all?
[10:48:19] <enleth> OTOH Kicad wasn't much better back then
[10:48:42] <djdelorie> well, yeah, 10 years ago warrants a revisit :-)
[10:48:43] <tangy> @jdh we are expanding to generating fixtures
[11:09:25] <__rob> how warm should a spindle nose get with good bearings
[11:09:35] <__rob> should it feel warm after 10 minutes
[11:09:51] <CaptHindsight> __rob: what kind of spindle?
[11:10:07] <__rob> Tormach One on their PCNC1100
[11:10:19] <CaptHindsight> cheap 400w chinaco or the spindle on your .
[11:10:19] <__rob> R8 collet in it
[11:10:32] <__rob> well its def Chinaco
[11:10:38] <__rob> but I'd like to think Tormach check them
[11:11:08] <CaptHindsight> slight above room temp if properly designed and in good shape
[11:11:25] <__rob> There is a low freq rumble
[11:11:28] <__rob> also
[11:11:29] <CaptHindsight> if it burns your hands it getting too hot
[11:11:35] <__rob> I can hold my hand on it
[11:11:41] <__rob> its warm tho
[11:11:54] <_methods> did the rumble just start?
[11:11:55] <CaptHindsight> how how does the collet get?
[11:12:01] <__rob> no, this is supposed to be a new spindle
[11:12:02] <CaptHindsight> how/hot
[11:12:13] <__rob> they warranty replaced it, as the first one was making proper noise
[11:12:16] <__rob> Just installed it
[11:12:23] <__rob> and it seems shite out of the box
[11:12:26] <_methods> ouch
[11:12:29] <__rob> proper rumbl
[11:12:32] <CaptHindsight> oh great
[11:12:36] <_methods> probably not good
[11:12:40] <__rob> no, should be no rumble
[11:12:43] <__rob> right ??
[11:12:57] <CaptHindsight> maybe Tormach quality is slipping
[11:13:00] <__rob> baiscally just want to know that I am not mad to expect a non rumbling spindle
[11:13:13] <CaptHindsight> should be quiet
[11:13:32] <_methods> does it feel rough if you spin it by hand?
[11:13:36] <CaptHindsight> their CEO passed away last year, I don't know who took over
[11:13:37] <__rob> no
[11:13:49] <_methods> so it spins smoothly?
[11:13:59] <__rob> yea, feels ok, but I can only get so much spin on it
[11:14:29] <_methods> well you should be able to spin it fairly easily i would think
[11:14:44] <__rob> well yea, it spins free
[11:15:16] <_methods> well i don't think that's any kind of definitive test
[11:15:20] <__rob> but so did the original one, was just as speed it make alot of noise
[11:15:25] <__rob> its nearly too hot to touch now
[11:15:26] <_methods> but if you could feel bumpiness by hand
[11:15:30] <__rob> bout 15-20 mins on
[11:15:39] <__rob> just on the verge
[11:15:48] <_methods> maybe take a video and send it to tormach
[11:15:58] <__rob> did that last time, gonna phone them this time
[11:16:05] <CaptHindsight> sure sounds bad if t gets that hot
[11:16:57] <__rob> hands on for 20 seconds
[11:17:01] <__rob> and thats getting too much for me
[11:17:11] <CaptHindsight> did they send a whole new spindle of just the bearings?
[11:17:15] <CaptHindsight> of/or
[11:17:36] <_methods> damn they made you replace the spindle?
[11:17:47] <__rob> yea, well at least they didn't just send bearings
[11:17:54] <_methods> wtf
[11:17:57] <jdh> is there a spindle break-in procedure?
[11:18:00] <_methods> and you just bought it right?
[11:18:08] <__rob> they sent it free
[11:18:11] <__rob> the replacement spindle
[11:18:16] <_methods> i hope so
[11:18:22] <__rob> original started making proper noise
[11:18:28] <__rob> right, gonna phone them
[11:19:06] <CaptHindsight> "stop sending me bad spindles and bearings!"
[11:19:12] <__rob> phoning now
[11:20:06] <Loetmichel> jdh : what do you want to know?
[11:20:58] <jdh> mill size, DOC, rpm, fees rate. cutting 3mm Al
[11:21:37] <Loetmichel> which mill size dou you HAVE to use`?
[11:21:39] <CaptHindsight> don't run the spindle at over 3K rpm for the first 1 hour, then readjust the lifters ...
[11:21:52] <jdh> I have a bunch of ~2mm 3flute mills.
[11:21:57] <Loetmichel> i.e: whats the biggest radius you can get away with?
[11:22:19] <jdh> and some 3.175mm ones
[11:22:25] <Loetmichel> i am mostly using 2 flute Tungsten carbide end mills
[11:23:00] <jdh> I have 2 flute 3.175 carbide
[11:23:15] <Loetmichel> wit 2mm 2 flute you can go down about 0,5mm per run, 800mm/min feed rate and 24krpm
[11:23:43] <Loetmichel> or you can do 0.15DOC, F1500 at 24krpm
[11:24:15] <Loetmichel> with a 1/8" 2 flute TC bit you shouldnt exeed F600 at 0,5mm deep
[11:24:21] <Loetmichel> and 24krpm
[11:24:42] <Loetmichel> if you go faster you lose quite a bit of precision.
[11:24:59] <Loetmichel> the gantry starts to bend into the tool path
[11:25:23] <Loetmichel> thats dry into AlMg3
[11:25:51] <Loetmichel> if you are milling AlMg1 or even Al99.9 or such chewing gum you need coolant
[11:25:52] <jdh> .5mm doc with 1/8 at f600?
[11:25:58] <Loetmichel> yes
[11:26:09] <Loetmichel> full cut of course
[11:26:15] <jdh> it says it is 6061
[11:26:55] <Loetmichel> I have no idea how "chewy" 606 1 is
[11:27:17] <Loetmichel> i have only AlMg3, AlMg1 and 7075 here to compare
[11:27:30] <Loetmichel> and some Al99,9 sheets
[11:27:41] <Loetmichel> (These are REALLY gummy)
[11:28:39] <Loetmichel> make a test mill at these DOC/feedrates and see if the bit throws a burr
[11:28:48] <Loetmichel> if it does: you need some cooling
[11:29:20] * Loetmichel uses a spray can with IPA sometimes if its a bit more "gummy" aluminim
[11:29:28] <Loetmichel> Windex wors well, too ;)
[11:29:34] <Loetmichel> works
[11:30:19] <Loetmichel> IPA= Isopropanol alcohol, not the beer ;)
[11:30:43] <_methods> 6061 is almg1sicu
[11:30:43] <Jymmm> DNA!!!
[11:30:56] <_methods> almg3 is 5074 i think
[11:31:02] <Jymmm> Loetmichel: Dos Equis Lager
[11:31:08] <jdh> I have a lot of the 3 flute 0.074" millls
[11:31:14] <_methods> 5754
[11:31:30] <Jymmm> jdh: 0.7FOUR?!
[11:31:31] <Loetmichel> jdh: do the 3flue cut over middle?
[11:31:35] <_methods> 5052 is almg2.5
[11:31:57] <Loetmichel> and how much "swarf room" do they have compared to a 2 flute?
[11:32:06] <_methods> so 5052 would probably be the one to use at his feeds and speeds
[11:32:09] <jdh> they are center cutting mills
[11:32:32] <Loetmichel> thats what i meant
[11:32:39] <Loetmichel> so you can plunge in with them
[11:32:43] <Loetmichel> thats good
[11:32:54] <Loetmichel> do you know which cutting ange they have?
[11:33:04] <Loetmichel> the ones i use are especially ground for AL
[11:33:44] <Loetmichel> http://www.sorotec.de/shop/Cutting-Tools/1-8--Shaft-Mill-Tools/2-Flute-ALU/ <- these are the ones i use
[11:33:47] <jdh> dunno. actually they might be 0.078 (5/64)
[11:33:54] <Loetmichel> maybe that helps deciding
[11:34:29] <jdh> they were used for cutting 316ss with a lot of plunge starts
[11:34:47] <Loetmichel> these exact ones?
[11:34:54] <Loetmichel> then forget to mill AL with them
[11:35:11] <Loetmichel> if they have seen any SS they are not sharp enough any more for AL
[11:36:25] <Loetmichel> same goes for brass btw
[11:36:32] <Loetmichel> use a frehs bit for al or brass
[11:36:53] <Loetmichel> if it haws seen Steel or lots of wood its useless for al or brass
[11:37:07] <Loetmichel> -w
[11:37:15] <jdh> these are new
[11:37:19] <Loetmichel> ok then
[11:37:32] <Loetmichel> just wanted to spare you some frustration ;)
[11:41:54] <jdh> any limit on how thick you would cut?
[11:52:39] <gregcnc> __rob did they give you break in instructions? That would include the process and temperatures to watch for
[11:57:26] <Encxapsulation> tormach are a shadow of hteir former selves
[11:58:01] <gregcnc> how do you know?
[11:59:03] <Hydrar> Loetmichel: Is sorotec reliable by the way? Was considering getting a few kress collet nuts from there eventually
[12:02:28] <Encxapsulation> jdh, you cut 316ss w/ 6040?
[12:02:58] <Encxapsulation> gregcnc, can't say for sure, just seems that way
[12:03:19] <jdh> no, that is what the end mills were purchased for
[12:08:18] <Loetmichel> Hydrar: as reliable as it gets
[12:08:27] <Loetmichel> and very friendly
[12:08:48] <Hydrar> Loetmichel: Nice, they're less than half the price on kress collets compared to the closest swedish supplier
[12:09:54] <Loetmichel> jdh: only limit is how long your flutes are
[12:10:10] <Loetmichel> i sometimes even grind down the shaft of a mill bit to get deeper
[12:10:31] <Loetmichel> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14403
[12:10:33] <Loetmichel> works
[12:10:45] <Loetmichel> you should lighten the cut then , tho
[12:11:01] <Loetmichel> not more than 0.15mm DOC
[12:11:11] <Loetmichel> in AL
[12:11:38] <Loetmichel> and yes, i milled a 24mm thick aluminium plate with that ;)
[12:13:19] <jdh> I cut some 25mm acrylic with my old hdpe router.
[12:30:02] <zeeshan> __rob: mine is about 15 C above room temp
[12:30:06] <zeeshan> (not tormach)
[12:31:36] <maxcnc> hi
[12:33:39] <JT-Mobile> Hola zee
[12:34:15] <zeeshan> hi :D
[12:34:51] <maxcnc> today i got a Question as im not the Eelktronik spechal
[12:35:10] <maxcnc> herei http://heimwerkermarkt-tretter.de/st_bi.jpg is how on a mashine from 1986 the stepper is connected
[12:35:14] <maxcnc> wirerd
[12:35:19] <JT-Mobile> Got skunked fishing
[12:35:54] <zeeshan> haha
[12:36:02] <zeeshan> i just got back last night from the park
[12:36:02] <Jymmm> JT-Mobile: Use beeter explosives ;)
[12:36:05] <zeeshan> holy cow some massive trails
[12:36:09] <zeeshan> i need a frigging atv that's for sure
[12:36:10] <maxcnc> can i do this on a leadshine with PIN 3 connected to ???
[12:36:12] <zeeshan> or a suv.
[12:36:46] <maxcnc> or do i need to wire it as unipolar or standard Bipolar as i always do
[12:37:23] <maxcnc> i think this is wirering for a oldschool Mosfeed aplication
[12:39:06] <Jymmm> maxcnc: JT-Mobile wrote an excellent article on wstepper wiring identification http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?StepMotorWireIdentification
[12:39:12] <Jymmm> stepper*
[12:39:54] <maxcnc> reading
[12:40:47] <Encxapsulation> http://images.monoprice.com/productlargeimages/138601.jpg this is the 3d printer I bought. I am making some sort of progress xD
[12:40:56] <archivist> maxcnc, your diagram is unipolar
[12:41:40] <maxcnc> i see
[12:41:58] <maxcnc> but is it V+ or V- the pin 3 goes to
[12:42:11] <archivist> maxcnc, if brave one can open a motor and rewire to bipolar, or replace with more modern motors
[12:42:15] <maxcnc> as Act abd Bct is connected to the same
[12:42:32] <archivist> pin3 it usually +
[12:43:13] <archivist> new bipolar driver cannot drive that unless you have 8 wires
[12:43:29] <maxcnc> thanks what will happen if i put 48V on pin3 and wire the 4 others identifid as marked A+A-B+B- to a leadshine M542
[12:43:47] <archivist> 5 wire motor is unipolar only unless you crack it open
[12:44:02] <archivist> maxcnc, wont work
[12:44:10] <maxcnc> ok
[12:44:26] <maxcnc> i opend it up rewirerd it but i think i lost Force
[12:44:48] <archivist> they do loose magnetism easy
[12:44:53] <archivist> lose
[12:44:58] <maxcnc> it workrs but its a 8Nm stepepr and i can hold it with one finger on 48V 4A
[12:45:16] <Jymmm> maxcnc: you let the magic smoke out =)
[12:45:22] <maxcnc> no
[12:45:33] <maxcnc> worked on first try
[12:45:49] <Jymmm> for 0.00001 seconds =)
[12:45:58] <maxcnc> it is Inch stepper and here in Europ i only get the standard mm
[12:46:23] <maxcnc> the mount is 9.5xx
[12:46:59] <maxcnc> so i have to get the X037 somewhere to retrofit the system with 8mm shaft
[12:49:12] <maxcnc> i wil go for it to test
[12:49:30] <archivist> make an adapter
[12:51:45] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/NjSpIH1.jpg
[12:52:53] <zeeshan> jt do you have an atv
[12:53:01] <zeeshan> i remember you do
[12:53:06] <zeeshan> you were hauling your wood splitter w/ it
[12:54:57] <maxcnc> archivist: better to insert new pinions
[12:55:28] <maxcnc> i also think if room i will insert the 20/25 gear to get the 1.25 stepper to ballscrew
[12:56:15] <maxcnc> 20teeth on the stepper 25 on the ballscrew so 400 eill fit 5mm as 0.01
[12:56:50] <maxcnc> as i showed here i the animation
[12:57:00] <maxcnc> http://foengarage.de/gears2.html
[12:59:23] <maxcnc> let me quick add the names Stewpper and ballscrew to thep ictures
[13:02:47] <maxcnc> done http://foengarage.de/gears2.html
[13:03:59] <maxcnc> it showes that after 500 steps of the Motor the Ballscrew retches the full rot ans as it has 5mm it is a perfect 0.01mm match per step
[13:06:00] <icecube45> Anyone have some good recommendations for nema 23 steppers? (and maybe drivers)
[13:08:52] <Encxapsulation> http://www.omiocnc.com/products/x6-2200l-usb.html it shows 1045 carbon steel, is that bs?
[13:10:31] <maxcnc> icecube45: where in the world woudt you like to buy
[13:10:56] <maxcnc> http://www.ebay.de/itm/Germany-Ship-Wantai-3Axis-Nema34-Stepper-Motor-1232oz-in-5-6A-Driver-7-8A-/321544888784?hash=item4add91a1d0:g:KjQAAMXQNhdSEiqu
[13:11:20] <maxcnc> icecube45: http://stores.ebay.de/wantmotor1207?_trksid=p2047675.l2563
[13:11:31] <maxcnc> cheep and realy good
[13:11:41] <maxcnc> US Stock pile
[13:12:13] <The_Ball> Should running the same threading command again and again hit the same thread each time?
[13:13:41] <archivist> The_Ball, it should
[13:13:53] <maxcnc> The_Ball: to me
[13:14:24] <archivist> unless you are starting too close and not allowing the spindle to get up to speed or something
[13:14:41] <maxcnc> im off Gn8
[13:15:16] <The_Ball> archivist, do you mean if the axis can't accelerate quickly enough to match the spindle?
[13:16:13] <archivist> it takes a bit of time to accelerate, are you using a proper encoder
[13:16:56] <archivist> I would never use a single pulse per rev as some try to do
[13:18:15] <The_Ball> No it's a proper 1024ppr encoder, on a retrofitted industry lathe
[13:19:14] <The_Ball> I issued a badly planned threading command which resulted in probably 100-200 passes to do the thread, but I could hear that some passes were cutting more than others
[13:20:05] <The_Ball> Could be my servo tuning which I haven't finished properly yet
[13:20:06] <gregcnc> if you didn't end up with a multi lead thread the machine did fine
[13:20:23] <archivist> I suppose it may have been rubbing on some passes
[13:20:35] <The_Ball> No, the thread was okish
[13:21:08] <archivist> if the depth per pass was to small then it may rub
[13:21:37] <gregcnc> right rub on one pass cut on the next
[13:21:43] <archivist> then a couple of passes later have enough pressure to cut
[13:22:02] <The_Ball> That could explain it
[13:28:18] <Encxapsulation> x6-2200l ordrering day is here
[13:32:20] <jdh> uh huh
[13:36:18] <Encxapsulation> it is
[13:36:23] <Encxapsulation> unless there is a compelling reason not to
[13:41:03] <Hydrar> Just out of curiosity, what do people recommend for a starter mill? I'm guessing these KOSY machines aren't ideal
[13:41:35] <djdelorie> Hydrar: it depends on what you're going to be using it for, your budget, and how much DIY you want
[13:42:02] <Hydrar> djdelorie: If i were to get one myself now, and not for the company, probably would want to DIY the electronics side and use LCNC
[13:42:09] <Tom_itx> yeah just don't get a x6-22001
[13:42:18] <djdelorie> DIY the hardware too?
[13:42:19] <archivist> rofl
[13:42:58] <Hydrar> Hardware not sure, I'm honestly a bit interested in doing steel, but from what I can tell you need a 15000€ machine for that
[13:43:18] <archivist> to me a real starter should also try manual
[13:43:23] <Hydrar> We've been talking about designing and making our own entirely from scratch at work, specifically for this small detail milling we're doing
[13:43:46] <Hydrar> I have worked with a big 2t mill somewhat, but just for a few hours, fully manual
[13:43:50] <archivist> Hydrar, I went the make a special route
[13:44:26] <archivist> also due to size of items
[13:44:47] <djdelorie> Hydrar: Mine is plywood and pine, but likely can't do metal well, but I have a bridgeport for manual (and maybe future cnc)
[13:45:12] <Hydrar> djdelorie: Interesting, yeah I guess that won't do even software metals without weirdness then
[13:45:13] <djdelorie> lots of options at openbuilds.com for the DIY'er
[13:45:41] <archivist> define "small detail"
[13:45:56] <djdelorie> converting a "big iron" manual mill seems to be a popular option ;-)
[13:45:58] <Hydrar> Current project is a 7mm model train wheel hub :P
[13:46:30] <djdelorie> that's pretty small for a bridgeport :-)
[13:46:33] <Encxapsulation> Hydrar,
[13:46:34] <archivist> ok my kind of scale
[13:46:35] <Encxapsulation> I just answered that
[13:46:38] <Encxapsulation> =D
[13:46:41] <jdh> turning ccenter with live tooling?
[13:46:50] <Hydrar> Some detailed 3mm by 30mm linkages with .8mm details too :P
[13:47:01] <Encxapsulation> Hydrar,
[13:47:02] <Encxapsulation> get a 6040
[13:47:07] <archivist> noo
[13:47:07] <Encxapsulation> whta material
[13:47:08] <Encxapsulation> aluminum?
[13:47:13] <djdelorie> so... "small and accurate, mild steel, DIY ok"... what about budget?
[13:47:17] <Encxapsulation> oh steel...
[13:47:21] <archivist> real locos need steel
[13:47:22] <Encxapsulation> go for the taig
[13:47:31] <Encxapsulation> thats my advice
[13:47:33] <Hydrar> Would *like* to do steel, we're doing them in brass atm :P
[13:47:34] <Encxapsulation> for what its worth
[13:47:35] <Encxapsulation> (nothing)
[13:47:44] <Encxapsulation> if just brass, you with a 6040
[13:47:49] <Hydrar> The KOSY2 A5 machine is kind of pissing me off tho
[13:47:50] <Encxapsulation> will be fine^
[13:48:07] <Hydrar> Mainly cause nccad is... funny to work with
[13:48:09] <djdelorie> 6040 is kida big for a 30mm part
[13:48:10] <Encxapsulation> yeah
[13:48:13] <Hydrar> To say the least :P
[13:48:17] <archivist> this size ? http://www.collection.archivist.info/searchv13.php?searchstr=7mm
[13:48:20] <Encxapsulation> the thing about 6040 size
[13:48:24] <Encxapsulation> is once you check price on the 3040
[13:48:26] <Encxapsulation> its not much less....
[13:48:28] <Encxapsulation> and hte spindle SUCKDS
[13:49:03] <Hydrar> archivist: Damn that's a tiny locomotive
[13:49:36] <archivist> makes the tool box look big :)
[13:50:21] <Hydrar> 6040 looks like a decent machine actually
[13:50:41] <jdh> but not for steel
[13:50:56] <archivist> taig or sherline or similar
[13:51:22] <Tom_itx> not sherline for steel
[13:51:46] <Encxapsulation> yeah 6040 will be brass or thin aluminum
[13:51:47] <Encxapsulation> and go slow
[13:51:53] <Encxapsulation> if you want to do steel look at something like a cnc taig
[13:52:31] <Encxapsulation> if you want to spend more and like the 6040, also check out omio X6-2200l - its a 6040 on steroids for more money
[13:52:32] <archivist> Tom_itx, there was one at a show over here they let the public try, was better than expected
[13:52:52] <Tom_itx> yeah but it's all aluminum
[13:52:56] <Hydrar> The taig looks quite cheap actually :S
[13:52:58] <Tom_itx> the Z way is steel
[13:53:03] <Tom_itx> that's about it
[13:53:13] <Hydrar> Although does kinda annoy me you have to buy mach3 with it
[13:55:04] <archivist> for some of the work I do even though it is small the machine needs to be larger to fit the rotaries under the spindle
[13:55:37] <Encxapsulation> Hydrar, you have two options , really
[13:55:39] <Encxapsulation> whats your budget
[13:55:41] <Hydrar> Yeah fitting a 4th axis on there looks like it could be tight
[13:56:10] <Hydrar> Encxapsulation: No idea yet, but I'm just looking around for fun for around 3-5k€
[13:56:18] <CaptHindsight> http://www.3ders.org/articles/20160523-fiber-reinforced-nylon-lets-you-3d-print-parts-with-metal-strength-for-the-cost-of-plastic.html bit it's stupid to do this with FDM, it takes forever
[13:56:23] <Encxapsulation> Hydrar, take a good look at this
[13:56:23] <Encxapsulation> http://www.omiocnc.com/products/x6-2200l-usb.html
[13:56:38] <Encxapsulation> Hydrar, and this http://www.tormach.com/product-pcnc-440.html
[13:57:10] <archivist> Hydrar, rotary under http://www.collection.archivist.info/searchv13.php?searchstr=racing+gears
[13:57:29] <Encxapsulation> CaptHindsight, that looks perfect for lowers, ty
[13:58:04] <Hydrar> Encxapsulation: That thing looks really interesting too
[13:58:35] <Hydrar> Are these vendors open to buying a machine barebones or similar and setting up a custom electronics setup for example?
[13:58:52] <Encxapsulation> I would think they may be, but you'd need to contact them to find out
[13:58:54] <Hydrar> I haven't tried asking any yet
[13:59:14] <Hydrar> I've been looking for an excuse to do a custom PC case... could as well build in everything in a nice box
[13:59:18] <Encxapsulation> if the goal is to save money that way, you often wont, but if you want your own electronics, you can put your price on that
[13:59:28] <djdelorie> FDM for a 7mm part wouldn't work well anyway
[14:00:05] <Hydrar> x6-2200l looks way more interesting, just just because it states dimensions in millimeters
[14:00:55] <CaptHindsight> patent-pending Continuous Filament Fabrication (CFF) system
[14:01:23] <Hydrar> wat
[14:01:29] <Hydrar> Another attempt to patent FDM?
[14:02:16] <CaptHindsight> so if you have a second spool of nylon or CF that embeds the fiber into the TP or combines it through the same nozzle thats a patent?
[14:02:52] <CaptHindsight> so in 25 years it will become feasible
[14:03:18] <CaptHindsight> but nobody will want that since it works at glacial speeds
[14:03:48] <CaptHindsight> cock block patent that hardly anyone wants
[14:03:51] <Hydrar> Um yeah
[14:04:24] <Hydrar> Also there's possibly prior art on thingiverse where a similar thing was used for filament color blending, that takerbot tried to patent after a quick change to their eula iirc
[14:04:32] <archivist> I would be surprised if an earlier patent invalidates that
[14:04:51] <archivist> wouldn't
[14:05:00] <CaptHindsight> prior art and patents have little to do with getting new patents
[14:05:28] <Encxapsulation> who cares if its patented
[14:05:33] <Encxapsulation> you can just 3d print the assembly, no?
[14:05:36] <Encxapsulation> nobody needs to sell it
[14:05:36] <CaptHindsight> not the way patents were originally intended to work but thanks to all the corruption
[14:05:42] <Encxapsulation> or can they control the 3d models
[14:06:21] <Hydrar> They sure as hell are going to try
[14:07:24] <CaptHindsight> i saw a really poor implementation of FDM plus CF where it pushed the CF into the still liquid TP after extrusion and then patted it down
[14:08:09] <Hydrar> Wow, that's gotta cause some serious issues both with surface finish as well as delamination issues possibly from the temp drop
[14:08:45] <archivist> pat a cake printer
[14:09:00] <Encxapsulation> I need this tech
[14:09:20] <CaptHindsight> MarkForged IIRC
[14:10:23] <Encxapsulation> interesting
[14:20:27] <archivist> CaptHindsight, http://www.google.ch/patents/US3212133
[14:27:36] <joem__> my beaglebone'd cnc-ified g0704 (hossmachine remix) https://imgur.com/a/xoiCk
[14:33:47] <__rob> tormach nonsense
[14:33:53] <__rob> "run it for a bit and see how it goes"
[14:35:23] <jdh> why bbb?
[14:35:31] <__rob> bbb ?
[14:37:23] <joem__> jdh, nice n compact, faster than a paraport
[14:37:26] <joem__> and cheap!
[14:59:49] <Encxapsulation> __rob, youre probably making an issue out of nothing
[15:00:01] <Encxapsulation> "fuck it, run it", as they say
[15:00:10] <jdh> and you would know!
[15:00:20] <Encxapsulation> indeed
[15:03:39] <pink_vampire> hi
[15:03:49] <Encxapsulation> hey
[15:03:56] <Encxapsulation> today I'm buying x6-2200l
[15:04:07] <Encxapsulation> and u?
[15:04:54] <jdh> really
[15:05:21] <Encxapsulation> yes, unless there is some reason I shouldnt
[15:05:29] <pink_vampire> Encxapsulation: is Polymorphism: ?
[15:05:39] <Encxapsulation> I was just waiting to hear back from lance if I can purchase just the 4 axis controller without the crappy 4th axis
[15:05:40] <Encxapsulation> pink_vampire, yes
[15:05:45] <pink_vampire> the x6 is very basic
[15:05:57] <Encxapsulation> what do you mean by basic
[15:06:08] <pink_vampire> the machine has some limitations
[15:06:20] <Encxapsulation> I don't think they will affect me
[15:06:34] <jdh> my controller has 4 axis
[15:07:10] <jdh> the 4th is an even crappier stepper drive
[15:07:24] <Encxapsulation> ok I saw that style
[15:07:26] <Encxapsulation> so maybe I shouldnt
[15:07:32] <Encxapsulation> I could just buy another driver
[15:07:33] <pink_vampire> get some used roland,
[15:07:35] <Encxapsulation> and wire it in myself later
[15:07:41] <Encxapsulation> roland is too small + big cost
[15:08:11] <pink_vampire> the x6 is also small
[15:09:25] <Encxapsulation> not nearly as small as modela 20
[15:09:26] <Encxapsulation> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Roland-MODELA-MDX-20-CNC-Mill-and-3D-scanner-/162067967370?hash=item25bc00ed8a:g:Ow8AAOSwd3dXFbvG
[15:09:37] <jdh> the 4th is a $6 drive, it isn't worth an email
[15:09:57] <Encxapsulation> 203.2 (X) x 152.4 (Y) x 60.5 vs X)355×(Y)510×(Z)85mm
[15:10:20] <pink_vampire> you always forgot to add the tool holder, ans the board between the material and the table and the length of the tool
[15:10:27] <Encxapsulation> I think x-6 is stronger
[15:10:32] <Encxapsulation> I added this time
[15:10:42] <Encxapsulation> my tool is 15mm
[15:10:54] <djdelorie> he he
[15:10:59] <Encxapsulation> 20mm spoilboard
[15:11:03] <Encxapsulation> 35mm so far
[15:11:06] <Encxapsulation> 140mm max z part height
[15:11:10] <Encxapsulation> and 85mm working z stroke
[15:11:19] <Encxapsulation> bugt I decided not to mill the top of an enclosure
[15:11:23] <Encxapsulation> it will vibrate the professionals said
[15:11:24] <pink_vampire> what about clamping..
[15:11:38] <Encxapsulation> I will claim the split body enclosure upside down to spoilboard
[15:11:41] <Encxapsulation> and for the end plates
[15:11:43] <Encxapsulation> they have screw holes
[15:11:48] <Encxapsulation> I will screw them to spoilboard
[15:11:54] <pink_vampire> no..
[15:12:34] <Encxapsulation> I may also use double sided tape
[15:12:35] <jdh> why not
[15:12:39] <Encxapsulation> depending on the part
[15:13:07] <pink_vampire> and there is no problem to cut the top of enclosure , just work abit slow and don't cut very deep.
[15:13:48] <pink_vampire> the x is not a production machine.
[15:14:24] <Encxapsulation> I'm not sure you can make that argument
[15:14:37] <Encxapsulation> Loetmichel, does his work on the 6040, an arguably inferior machine
[15:15:03] <Encxapsulation> I wouldnt expect to crank out hundreds of parts
[15:15:10] <Encxapsulation> but for small batch production, prototyping, one-offs
[15:15:14] <Encxapsulation> I think its ok...
[15:15:26] <Encxapsulation> and it will make nice pcbs
[15:15:57] <Encxapsulation> it looks ok on paper
[15:16:02] <pink_vampire> this is your money, and if you want to buy junk, get it.
[15:16:28] <Encxapsulation> what are you saying is better for the same price?
[15:17:25] <pink_vampire> the X6 is very expensive for no reason.
[15:17:54] <pink_vampire> you are going to get made in china parts in a price of made in usa.
[15:18:24] <Encxapsulation> pink_vampire, compared to the $1200 6040 cnc, the $2500 x6-2200l has:
[15:18:24] <Encxapsulation> 2.2kw spindle vs 800w
[15:18:24] <Encxapsulation> limit/home switch vs none
[15:18:24] <Encxapsulation> usb handheld controller
[15:18:24] <Encxapsulation> 5.5" vs 2.5" z
[15:18:25] <Encxapsulation> 40v stepper motor voltage vs 24v
[15:18:27] <Encxapsulation> hiwin linear flat rail vs round
[15:18:28] <pink_vampire> get the large 60 90
[15:18:29] <Encxapsulation> usb vs parallel(not sure if this is an advantage or not, if wanting to use linuxCNC)
[15:18:46] <Encxapsulation> its too big and heavy, also costs 500 more
[15:18:48] <djdelorie> avoid usb if you want to use linuxcnc
[15:19:12] <Encxapsulation> I was planning to try it out, and then use BoB for parallel if I have issues
[15:19:23] <pink_vampire> usb is stooopid way to connect cnc machine
[15:19:33] <Encxapsulation> well it works for everyone who uses this machine
[15:19:41] <Encxapsulation> its easy to say its stupid, with no proof
[15:19:49] <Encxapsulation> parallel is actually quite old, and if it can be done with usb
[15:19:50] <djdelorie> why do you ask for advice then ignore what we tell you?
[15:19:51] <Encxapsulation> that sa lot better
[15:19:55] <Encxapsulation> I can use my laptop
[15:20:06] <Encxapsulation> djdelorie, its a 20 dollar part to add parallel
[15:20:10] <Encxapsulation> so I'm curious about everything else
[15:20:11] <pink_vampire> laptop... yeah sure..
[15:20:13] <Encxapsulation> the usb isnt really an issue
[15:20:28] <Encxapsulation> its the frame, rails, etc
[15:20:48] <pink_vampire> try casio calculator as your main controller.
[15:21:17] <pink_vampire> so frame, rails, etc in that price is VERY expensive.
[15:21:29] <Encxapsulation> https://vimeo.com/167525777
[15:21:34] <Encxapsulation> casio calculator???
[15:22:08] <pink_vampire> yeah, smaller then laptop and it has some computing power..
[15:22:23] <pink_vampire> so why not to use it as a cnc controller??
[15:22:29] <Encxapsulation> because its not plug and play for that?
[15:22:40] <pink_vampire> mm
[15:22:43] <Encxapsulation> my laptop I could just plug in, and send gcode
[15:22:47] <Encxapsulation> it even comes with mach 3
[15:22:49] <Encxapsulation> I dont buy it
[15:23:03] <Encxapsulation> so I can try it free
[15:23:08] <Encxapsulation> if I dont like it, add parallel
[15:23:12] <Encxapsulation> or fix linuxcnc to work with usb
[15:23:13] <Encxapsulation> like it should
[15:23:16] <djdelorie> but this isn't the mach3 forum so you should use linuxcnc
[15:23:21] <pink_vampire> so maybe apple watch, strong CPU, touch screen...
[15:23:29] <pink_vampire> and wireless!
[15:23:31] <Encxapsulation> maybe this machine works iwth linuxcnc
[15:23:32] <Encxapsulation> via usb
[15:23:36] <Encxapsulation> and I'll be a pioneer
[15:23:37] <djdelorie> you can't "fix" a realtime app to work with a nondeterministic USB
[15:23:40] <Encxapsulation> it already has a special motion control card
[15:23:42] <Encxapsulation> for usb
[15:23:48] <Encxapsulation> it just needs linuxcnc codded to work with it
[15:23:51] <Encxapsulation> just like mach 3 does
[15:23:55] <Encxapsulation> flawlesslhy, for many users
[15:23:59] <Encxapsulation> so I think it xan be done
[15:24:04] <djdelorie> mach3 is not linuxcnc
[15:24:17] <Encxapsulation> I know but if can be done, it will just be a lot of work
[15:24:18] <Encxapsulation> but dont worry
[15:24:20] <Encxapsulation> I'll take care of it
[15:24:21] <pink_vampire> Apple watch cnc controller is much better.
[15:24:31] <Encxapsulation> I'll release it open source
[15:24:34] <Encxapsulation> if I end up adding usb
[15:24:42] <Encxapsulation> although that goes without saying I think
[15:24:49] <Encxapsulation> after all the advice and help I've gotten
[15:24:50] <djdelorie> I'm not worried about it; you can't take the nondeterminism out of USB. I *am* worried about you spending the next few months on this forum bugging us about it.
[15:25:54] <pink_vampire> Encxapsulation: all we trying to tell you, is that, there is stuff that work fine out of the box.
[15:26:32] <pink_vampire> cnc is something that have to be reliable,
[15:26:42] <PCW_> Yeah USB is not great even for buffered systems like Mach3/4
[15:26:58] <Encxapsulation> I haven't heard of any problems with the usb
[15:27:03] <Encxapsulation> maybe thats old info you guys have
[15:27:07] <Encxapsulation> with this router I mean
[15:27:09] <djdelorie> the only reason 3D printers use USB is because the path generation happens in the printer, not on the pc.
[15:27:12] <Encxapsulation> nobody has mentoned that in my research
[15:27:20] <djdelorie> linuxcnc does path generation on the pc so usb won't work
[15:27:20] <PCW_> then you havent looked into it
[15:27:43] <Encxapsulation> PCW_, can you show me the problems ppl are having with usb control of the x6-2200l?
[15:27:53] <Encxapsulation> I need to make sure I know what I'm in for
[15:27:57] <Encxapsulation> as I weigh these options
[15:28:30] <pink_vampire> https://buildyourcnc.com/tutorials/tutorial-Electronics-USB-Interface-Wiring
[15:28:35] <Encxapsulation> djdelorie, I'll look into it more
[15:29:06] <PCW_> If you are using USB for motion you are not using linuxcnc so should ask your questions elsewhere
[15:29:38] <pink_vampire> http://marcuswolschon.blogspot.com/2013/02/electrical-noise-issues-with-cnc.html
[15:29:42] <pink_vampire> read ^
[15:30:01] <pink_vampire> The Problem Whenever the spindle is running and USB from the USB control board is connected to either the USB hub or the PC, the steppers twitch and jog around wildly.
[15:30:18] <Encxapsulation> that was an old issue
[15:30:19] <Encxapsulation> it got fixed
[15:30:24] <Encxapsulation> in new versions
[15:30:27] <Encxapsulation> I've read about this
[15:30:32] <pink_vampire> so go with that.
[15:30:39] <Encxapsulation> I just need to know about the mechanics of the machine, people love the USB
[15:30:41] <pink_vampire> it will be fine.
[15:30:44] <Encxapsulation> ok
[15:30:50] <Encxapsulation> I will try it
[15:31:21] <pink_vampire> <pink_vampire> this is your money, and if you want to buy junk, get it.
[15:31:55] <pink_vampire> don't get the X6, get something larger.
[15:32:25] <Encxapsulation> their larger one costs too much, and beyond that I havent looked much larger
[15:32:31] <Encxapsulation> I only need about 19x14"
[15:32:34] <Encxapsulation> x4"
[15:34:23] <pink_vampire> get the other 60 90
[15:34:30] <pink_vampire> from china
[15:34:47] <Encxapsulation> it weighs 300 pounds
[15:34:52] <Encxapsulation> and ships to a port I think
[15:35:09] <Encxapsulation> I'm sure its sturdier but I dont see the point
[15:35:11] <Encxapsulation> I dont need the work area
[15:35:19] <Encxapsulation> and its also $500 more at least
[15:35:48] <pink_vampire> hor are you going to cut a guitar neck on the x6?
[15:36:07] <pink_vampire> how*
[15:36:57] <Encxapsulation> well I wasn't planning on it, but I'd assume I could do it with 4 fixtures
[15:37:12] <Encxapsulation> the body in just 2
[15:37:23] <Encxapsulation> I would make the body and buy the neck though
[15:37:26] <Encxapsulation> necks are hard to make
[15:37:33] <Encxapsulation> with the fretting and the nut etc etc
[15:37:41] <Encxapsulation> the body is easy in comprison
[15:37:43] <pink_vampire> why not to get something good?
[15:37:51] <pink_vampire> and get servo
[15:38:04] <Encxapsulation> I'd have to pay a lot more money and it would be more than I need
[15:38:11] <Encxapsulation> if you have suggestions at the price I'm paying, sure
[15:38:21] <Encxapsulation> $1200-$2500
[15:38:45] <pink_vampire> XXCoder: use steppers, and very similar machine to the machine that you want to get, and it's not work smooth.
[15:38:47] <djdelorie> Mine uses servos and was a lot cheaper than that
[15:39:06] <Encxapsulation> pink_vampire, he has a 3040 and its totally different
[15:39:17] <Encxapsulation> I saw the videos
[15:39:20] <Encxapsulation> this isnt like that
[15:40:05] <pink_vampire> smaller table is more ridgid..
[15:40:32] <Encxapsulation> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTIYiZFGcRE
[15:40:45] <Encxapsulation> his machine isnt as good at all, no offense to it
[15:41:02] <Encxapsulation> this is the machine, (older version) cutting material 10 times thicker than I need to
[15:41:06] <Encxapsulation> so I think its ok?
[15:41:27] <Encxapsulation> new version is stronger
[15:42:12] <pink_vampire> it's not about how thick is the metal, is how deep you can cut it on a single pass and get good surface finish
[15:42:33] <MrSunshine> hmm a lathe bed should be quite straight length wise right? =)
[15:42:39] <pink_vampire> you can dust metal on any machine with any spindle.
[15:42:46] <Encxapsulation> my material is only 1.3mm thick pink_vampire
[15:42:54] <djdelorie> MrSunshine: not usually, "levelling" it is a standard step when it's moved
[15:42:54] <Encxapsulation> and hte surface finish is behind the bezel of the part
[15:42:56] <Encxapsulation> nobody will see it
[15:43:02] <Encxapsulation> are you saying I should just get cheap machine? 6040?
[15:43:11] <MrSunshine> djdelorie: yeah .. but on the other dimension
[15:43:12] <Encxapsulation> because I dont even need the power of x6
[15:43:14] <MrSunshine> not twist etc =)
[15:43:19] <MrSunshine> just straightness of the ways
[15:43:36] <djdelorie> Other than twist, yeah, you'd expect them to be straight-ish
[15:43:44] <MrSunshine> straight-ish ? :P
[15:43:57] <djdelorie> for arbitrary definitions of "straight" :-)
[15:44:09] <djdelorie> it's probably not straight at the subatomic level
[15:44:19] <MrSunshine> i was thinking of using the lathe as a straightness checker/maybe straightness grinder for stuff .. got over 2m of bed to use =)
[15:44:49] <djdelorie> probably not as "flat" as, say, a certified granite surface plate
[15:45:06] <djdelorie> but if it's flat enough for your purposes, sure
[15:45:12] <pink_vampire> I mean instead of the all in one super expensive x6, get large made in china frame, add to is servos, and spindle and you will get better setup
[15:45:27] <pink_vampire> and larger cutting area.
[15:45:34] <Encxapsulation> pink_vampire, I tried to add that up, the price came out to a lot more though
[15:45:38] <djdelorie> pink: at that point he might as well just DIY the whole thing, which he didn't want
[15:45:53] <Encxapsulation> at this point I should have gone DIY
[15:45:56] <Encxapsulation> but with this much time wasted
[15:46:00] <Encxapsulation> now I definitelyt will buy new
[15:46:00] <djdelorie> of course, we have no reason to think he'll ever buy anything, so why are we wasting our time again?
[15:46:14] <Encxapsulation> I bought a 3d printer last night
[15:46:17] <Encxapsulation> thats the proof
[15:46:59] <djdelorie> big deal, I bought a battery yesterday. It's not a CNC mill, though...
[15:47:13] <pink_vampire> to get working cnc frame, and just screw 4 screws for each motor - this is not diy..
[15:47:32] <Encxapsulation> and special controller
[15:47:44] <Encxapsulation> and total cost is higher I think
[15:48:09] <pink_vampire> you are getting with the servo motors also a controller
[15:48:24] <djdelorie> an extrusion kit, three clearpath servos, power supply, pc... done.
[15:49:32] <Encxapsulation> http://salecnc.com/catalog/CNC-Router-Milling-DX6090-2-2KW-machine this one shipped is $2800 with 1500w spindle
[15:49:39] <Encxapsulation> probably not worth the extra though vs the X6
[15:49:44] <Encxapsulation> its bigger, but probabl less rigid
[15:49:47] <Encxapsulation> does have nice rails though
[15:49:53] <Encxapsulation> and the controller looks like a gaming pc =)
[15:50:34] <pink_vampire> http://chinaservomotor.com/image2/CNC_Router/CNC_Router_Milling_L6090_machine/CNC_Router_Milling_L6090_machine_19.png
[15:50:34] <Encxapsulation> or does it look a lot nicer than the x6-2200l????
[15:50:48] <Encxapsulation> vfd, psu, drivers, etc
[15:50:51] <Encxapsulation> nice enclosure =D
[15:51:19] <pink_vampire> electrical cabinet the same size is much much more expensive the pc enclosure
[15:51:58] <Encxapsulation> makes sense to use the pc enclosure
[15:52:04] <pink_vampire> and they even put some din rail and main contactor
[15:52:32] <pink_vampire> so they care about safety
[15:53:13] <Encxapsulation> =)
[15:53:14] <pink_vampire> how the X6 panel look?
[15:53:18] <Encxapsulation> 1 sec
[15:53:47] <Encxapsulation> http://www.designanything3d.com/cnc6040%20001.jpg
[15:53:48] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/h5oX28h.png
[15:53:51] <Encxapsulation> something like that
[15:54:11] <Encxapsulation> big enclosure !
[15:55:12] <pink_vampire> junk E-stop.. junk stepper drivers, no safety contactor.
[15:56:57] <XXCoder> heh my machine "enclosure" is cardboard boxes :P
[15:57:04] <Encxapsulation> lol
[15:57:13] <XXCoder> I really need a case for my tb6560.
[15:57:49] <pink_vampire> on my panel just to give you some proportions, just the buttons and the indicator lights on the front panel cost more then 200$
[15:58:05] <djdelorie> my machine "enclosure" isn't
[15:58:16] <Encxapsulation> pink_vampire, I'm looking to spend not too much for a machine that does what I need
[15:58:23] <Encxapsulation> not spend 200 on lights + buttons =D
[15:58:27] <Encxapsulation> yours does look nice
[15:58:31] <Encxapsulation> but It's more than I need
[15:58:32] <djdelorie> and my e-stop consist of me panicking and running away
[15:58:34] <Encxapsulation> to cut sheet metal
[15:58:48] <Encxapsulation> my estop will consist of "whatever happens, happens"
[15:58:52] <Encxapsulation> I wont need to run away
[15:58:54] <Encxapsulation> becauswe I wont be there
[15:58:56] <Encxapsulation> once its dialed in
[15:58:59] <Encxapsulation> its set it and forget it
[15:59:03] <Encxapsulation> I'll go run errands, etc
[15:59:21] <Encxapsulation> water the garden
[15:59:23] <Encxapsulation> these types of things
[15:59:24] <djdelorie> please tell me where you'll be running that so I can stay far far away from it
[15:59:34] <pink_vampire> but this is professional parts, all of them are made in Germany, there is NO mase in chain parts in my panel.
[15:59:43] <Encxapsulation> the germans make great stuff
[15:59:49] <djdelorie> mase in chain?
[15:59:54] <Encxapsulation> made in china
[16:00:10] <djdelorie> sounded like some new French designer parts
[16:00:13] <Encxapsulation> lol
[16:00:38] <pink_vampire> everything here is ABB.
[16:00:50] <pink_vampire> the psus are lambda.
[16:01:12] <pink_vampire> Encxapsulation: http://i.imgur.com/aJbuWn5.png
[16:01:19] <djdelorie> my cnc is made in the USA, but that doesn't magically make it a quality tool ;-)
[16:01:19] <XXCoder> just checked, the 120v side looked like it could fit euro plug but it does not
[16:01:45] <Encxapsulation> pink_vampire, those are nice
[16:01:49] <Encxapsulation> the blue is a beautiful shade
[16:02:31] <pink_vampire> is the best din mounted power supply that you can get.
[16:04:10] <pink_vampire> they soo reliable that you can find them on medical equipment
[16:04:29] <gregcnc> well the medical versions of those supplies anyway
[16:05:25] <pink_vampire> I mean lambda in genegal.
[16:05:57] <gregcnc> buy cheap keep spares
[16:07:08] <djdelorie> a spare building? For when that cheap power supply catches fire?
[16:08:09] <pink_vampire> http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/TDK-Lambda/DRB50-12-1/?qs=AAveGqk956FLpTq9XyeMnA%3d%3d
[16:09:04] <gregcnc> i buy real supplies just cheap off ebayu
[16:09:26] <pink_vampire> http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-100-265V-To-DC-12V-5A-60W-Power-Supply-for-LED-strip-light-3528-5050-/381644335772?hash=item58dbc66a9c:g:Cw0AAOSwzgRWyxYc
[16:10:25] <pink_vampire> hope you can see the difference in quality
[16:11:38] <PCW_> the last one needs a bigclive review
[16:12:35] <pink_vampire> http://www.ebay.com/itm/12V-5A-60W-AC-to-DC-Adapter-Power-Supply-for-5050-Flexible-LED-Light-Strip-3528/371241294072?_trksid=p999999.c100623.m-1&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160323102634%26meid%3Df97b0967411a4fe59f42ec01697b5439%26pid%3D100623%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26mehot%3Dpp%26sd%3D381644335772
[16:12:42] <pink_vampire> what about that?
[16:14:12] <Encxapsulation> ha
[16:14:13] <Encxapsulation> thats nothing
[16:14:14] <Encxapsulation> I use this
[16:14:16] <Encxapsulation> http://www.ebay.com/itm/12V1A-5V1A-AC-DC-Power-Supply-Buck-Converter-Step-Down-Module-Dual-Output-Board-/231935256798?hash=item36006b28de:g:Mt0AAOxyyFhTdHim
[16:14:18] <Encxapsulation> no problems yet
[16:14:34] <pink_vampire> yet..
[16:14:46] <pink_vampire> and 1$ E-stop button..
[16:14:51] <pink_vampire> yeah, grate
[16:15:07] <Encxapsulation> dont worry its qwrapped in cardboard in case anything happens
[16:15:39] <pink_vampire> OMG!!
[16:15:45] <gregcnc> I bought 4 or these for $15 each.
[16:15:46] <gregcnc> www.ebay.com/itm/251336727420
[16:15:50] <Encxapsulation> so it doesnt short to the ungrounded metal case, I mean
[16:16:19] <pink_vampire> OMG
[16:16:19] <Encxapsulation> those look nice gregcnc
[16:16:20] <Encxapsulation> ty
[16:17:44] <Encxapsulation> added to watch list
[16:18:09] <pink_vampire> Encxapsulation: - that also option to get used stuff but high quality.
[16:18:57] <Encxapsulation> true
[16:19:02] <gregcnc> you can buy the mating connectors for many of these types and use them without the rack, but make sure you can find a proper pinout before buying
[16:19:02] <Encxapsulation> I've been looking on craigslist and other
[16:19:04] <Encxapsulation> for stuff close by
[16:19:49] <pink_vampire> on craigslist is very complicated
[16:23:13] <Deejay> gn8
[16:24:05] <Encxapsulation> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMSpPFSHMeM
[16:30:25] <Encxapsulation> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZnhGF5nwVc
[16:41:10] <Tom_itx> djdelorie, does your E-STOP include you tripping over the cord and unplugging it in your panic run?
[16:41:21] <Tom_itx> if so, then it's approved
[16:41:41] <djdelorie> actually, yes. I keep that power strip near the operator's end, and the cord nearest me is the servo power cord :-)
[16:44:35] <JT-Mobile> lol
[17:28:48] <arauchfuss> Just want to confirm something. The I/O number listed by a mesaflash readhmid corresponds to the hal GPIO number?
[17:29:53] <arauchfuss> just want to make sure my physical pins are properly mapped to the gpio.
[17:38:21] <cradek> the mapping is printed to dmesg when the driver loads - check there to be sure
[17:47:08] <arauchfuss> yeah, looks right, which is frustrating since the breakout is not doing what i expect it too.
[17:47:11] <arauchfuss> back to work
[17:47:12] <arauchfuss> thanks
[17:47:47] <Encxapsulation> =\
[17:48:25] <DaViruz> http://dvhome.meeep.net/files/emco/IMG_0875.JPG
[17:48:30] <DaViruz> my cnc lathe on it's final voyage!
[17:49:12] <JT-Mobile> Home?
[17:49:16] <DaViruz> yeah
[17:49:23] <JT-Mobile> Cool
[17:49:24] <Encxapsulation> =)
[17:49:33] <Encxapsulation> very nice
[18:07:01] <arauchfuss> How do I identify out0 and out1 from the mesa pwmgen?
[18:08:19] <arauchfuss> if they are the same as the gpio numbers then I need to switch to output-type 4.
[18:08:57] <arauchfuss> as my pwm pin is out1, physical pin 14
[18:17:43] <jdh> I printed the dmesg output and wrote the pinout on it.
[18:18:02] <jdh> and still confused myself a few times
[18:37:31] <_methods> anyone ever try one of these aopen digital engine boxes out ?
[18:37:47] <_methods> http://www.ebay.com/itm/AOpen-Digital-Engine-DE3100-2GB-Memory-60GB-HDD-w-Power-Adapter-Cable-/121945363822
[18:38:44] <jdh> what does one do with it?
[18:39:07] <_methods> http://www.ebay.com/itm/AOPEN-DIGITAL-ENGINE-DE7000-INTEL-QUAD-CORE-320GB-4GB-2-2GHZ-MEDIA-PLAYER-2-/152098997906
[18:39:18] <_methods> i don't know i guess they are used in road signs or something
[18:39:44] <_methods> was wondering if anyone had tried using one for linuxcnc
[18:40:08] <_methods> $75 for quad core 4gb ram
[18:40:24] <jdh> with mesa over ethernet?
[18:40:37] <icecube45> Hey, asked this a bit earlier but unfortunately missed any responses: Can anyone recommend some nice nema 23s (and most likely some drivers)?
[18:41:00] <jdh> afaik, most non expensive 23's are all pretty much the same
[18:41:49] <icecube45> jdh, hmm, alright
[18:41:55] <icecube45> jdh, any recommendation on drivers?
[18:41:57] <jdh> for a given current/torque range anyway
[18:43:05] <jdh> I got my last ones from keling because it was convenient, even though not the cheapest
[18:43:22] <jdh> in .us
[18:43:37] <icecube45> hmm
[18:43:41] <Tom_itx> _methods, hardly enough IO for linuxcnc
[18:43:53] <jdh> mesa over ethernet
[18:44:25] <jdh> icecub45: what size 23's? what size driver?
[18:44:34] <Tom_itx> 1 rj45
[18:44:53] <icecube45> jdh, the only "size" im looking at is >=320 oz-in of torque
[18:45:50] <jdh> http://www.automationtechnologiesinc.com/products-page/nema-23
[18:46:19] <jdh> normal sizes, you can find cheaper on ebay, but then you have to deal with ebay sellers
[18:46:44] <icecube45> appriciate it mate!
[18:46:52] <jdh> where are you?
[18:47:03] <icecube45> US
[18:47:06] <icecube45> california specifically
[18:47:48] <PCW_> The A open is a Core Duo which should be OK for Ethernet assuming it
[18:47:49] <PCW_> doesn't have some power management features you cant not disable
[18:47:59] <PCW_> can not
[18:48:50] <_methods> i thought they were kinda cheap and if they were in an outdoor sign they might be in a nice dustproof case or something
[18:49:14] <_methods> might make for a good chip resistant linuxcnc box
[18:49:40] <PCW_> Ive been meaning to buy a couple of the HP DC7800 USSFs to see if they are OK (the $40 SFF ones work well)
[19:01:34] * tiwake pokes _methods
[19:06:21] <_methods> yo
[19:06:45] <_methods> my crazy dog got bit by a copperhead lol
[19:12:14] <_methods> http://i.imgur.com/RItCpCV.jpg
[19:14:38] <Tom_itx> doesn't seem too affected
[19:14:54] <zeeshan> tom
[19:14:59] <zeeshan> did you pass
[19:15:00] <zeeshan> :D
[19:15:01] <Tom_itx> zee
[19:15:01] <_methods> http://i.imgur.com/C62mZgE.jpg
[19:15:07] <Tom_itx> what do you think?
[19:15:08] <_methods> that's what he normally looks like lol
[19:15:12] <zeeshan> obviously
[19:15:13] <zeeshan> :P
[19:15:14] <zeeshan> nerd
[19:16:36] <Tom_itx> you bet i am
[19:17:35] <zeeshan> :)
[19:17:40] <Tom_itx> whassup?
[19:17:46] <zeeshan> just got back
[19:17:50] <zeeshan> earlier today
[19:18:27] <zeeshan> gotta work on those ecigs
[19:18:45] <t12_> vapin hard
[19:18:51] <t12_> quick before regulation
[19:19:09] <zeeshan> man it was a decent hike to get to the radio telescope
[19:19:12] <zeeshan> that thing is pretty big
[19:19:14] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/1sUwgC0.jpg
[19:19:19] <zeeshan> t12_: regulation affects the juice makers
[19:19:21] <zeeshan> not me
[19:19:55] <t12_> anti-vaping: leftist conspiracy? Or conservative tobacco insdustry conspiracy? YOU DECIDE
[19:20:03] <Tom_itx> what you doin climing antennaes?
[19:20:36] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: it was more than antennas
[19:20:36] <zeeshan> lol
[19:20:39] <Tom_itx> spyin on the russians?
[19:20:44] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/NjSpIH1.jpg
[19:20:49] <zeeshan> it was some intense driving
[19:21:06] <zeeshan> im suprised i only saw one moose the entire time
[19:21:44] <Tom_itx> what were you doin up there?
[19:21:51] <zeeshan> hiking
[19:21:55] <zeeshan> driving
[19:22:08] <zeeshan> i was to start going deep into the bush
[19:22:12] <zeeshan> to explore
[19:22:19] <zeeshan> so slowly gotta work my way up :P
[19:22:26] <zeeshan> i know this much, i need an atv
[19:22:32] <zeeshan> and an axe
[19:22:33] <zeeshan> :P
[19:22:50] <Tom_itx> he
[19:22:51] <Tom_itx> h
[19:22:54] <DaViruz> or a dirt bike, sans axe!
[19:23:24] <zeeshan> i dunno if you guys have this
[19:23:26] <zeeshan> we have crown land up here
[19:23:30] <zeeshan> which is pretty much everyones land
[19:23:36] <zeeshan> you can pretty much do whatever up there
[19:23:41] <zeeshan> (while obviously being respectful)
[19:24:01] <DaViruz> that goes for all land here pretty much, privately owned or not
[19:24:18] <Tom_itx> at risk of being shot?
[19:24:23] <DaViruz> nah
[19:25:20] <Tom_itx> zeeshan you get your new one all designed and fixtured yet?
[19:25:28] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: its built
[19:25:42] <Tom_itx> did you use part of the old fixture?
[19:25:45] <zeeshan> nah
[19:25:48] <zeeshan> completely new fixture
[19:25:54] <zeeshan> i havent been posting the pics of the actual device cause he doesnt want me to
[19:25:56] <zeeshan> wah wah
[19:26:31] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/oEbpJhz.jpg
[19:26:35] <zeeshan> thats pretty much the fixture
[19:26:36] <DaViruz> tell him "you can't tell me to do that, but you can pay me to do it!"
[19:26:52] <Tom_itx> i saw that one
[19:26:56] <DaViruz> maybe that's already the arrangement
[19:27:09] <Tom_itx> with the stainless plates and battery caps
[19:27:17] <zeeshan> yes
[19:27:34] <Tom_itx> are those 8" vise?
[19:27:43] <zeeshan> yes
[19:28:13] <Tom_itx> why did you cut the top one?
[19:28:50] <zeeshan> it had some cuts in it from the previous owner
[19:28:52] <zeeshan> which upset me :)
[19:29:02] <zeeshan> it just needed a 5-10 thou skim
[19:29:10] <Tom_itx> now it has cuts in it from the current owner
[19:29:14] <zeeshan> haha
[19:29:19] <zeeshan> it looks a lot better and shinier :P
[19:29:26] <zeeshan> i plan to surface grind
[19:29:34] <Tom_itx> what brand are those?
[19:29:41] <zeeshan> girardi style
[19:29:47] <Tom_itx> they look old
[19:29:50] <zeeshan> left jaw fixed
[19:30:03] <zeeshan> they are
[19:30:05] <Tom_itx> oh, the far jaw moves?
[19:30:05] <zeeshan> but they are also cheap
[19:30:12] <zeeshan> ya
[19:30:18] <Tom_itx> pull instead of push
[19:30:36] <zeeshan> i like these because its the only vise i could find
[19:30:42] <zeeshan> that is all modular
[19:30:47] <zeeshan> so i can make aluminum vise jaws for example
[19:30:55] <Tom_itx> grab a couple of dual kurt
[19:31:00] <zeeshan> too much $$
[19:31:02] <Tom_itx> heh
[19:31:07] <Tom_itx> yeah but they're nice
[19:31:16] <zeeshan> it has standard stops etc
[19:31:22] <zeeshan> i figured a way to make repeatable soft jaws
[19:31:26] <zeeshan> remember i was whining about that before?
[19:31:32] <Tom_itx> i think i have vise models here for catia
[19:31:36] <zeeshan> it takes more effort, but i can spend it
[19:32:06] <Tom_itx> when they do their machining, at least in the class they put in the clamps, vise etc
[19:32:20] <Tom_itx> in the model
[19:32:42] <Tom_itx> i started going thru one of the machining books
[19:33:13] <Tom_itx> makes sense really
[19:33:25] <Tom_itx> i did that with some of mine in smartcam
[19:34:46] <Tom_itx> when you gonna get back on your lathe build?
[19:35:26] <zeeshan> after rx7 :P
[19:35:34] <Tom_itx> is the subaru gone?
[19:35:37] <zeeshan> no
[19:35:38] <zeeshan> still with me
[19:35:39] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/vBnSagd.jpg
[19:35:44] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/eycTEcn.jpg
[19:35:50] <zeeshan> thats how ive started making the vise jaws
[19:35:54] <zeeshan> so they're somewhat reindexable
[19:36:15] <Tom_itx> with a step on the backside?
[19:36:17] <Tom_itx> why?
[19:36:31] <jdh> to index height?
[19:36:42] <Tom_itx> index off the bottom
[19:36:48] <zeeshan> its hard to index of the bottom i've found
[19:36:53] <Tom_itx> hmm
[19:37:13] <Tom_itx> we made those up in quite a few different thicknesses
[19:37:15] <jdh> do they work?
[19:37:18] <zeeshan> ya jdh
[19:37:21] <zeeshan> within a tho
[19:37:23] <zeeshan> thou
[19:37:26] <jdh> seems like a fine way to do it then
[19:37:34] <Tom_itx> yeah i can see they'd work but takes longer to make em
[19:37:59] <zeeshan> theres lots of defects about doing it with a step
[19:38:05] <zeeshan> but its the only way i can get them to reindex
[19:38:15] <Tom_itx> do what works
[19:38:28] <zeeshan> i think the reason why they wouldnt index w/ the bottom of the vise jaw
[19:38:32] <zeeshan> is because of that tilt i was talking about before
[19:38:38] <zeeshan> how my moving jaw tilts down
[19:38:39] <Tom_itx> yeah i remember
[19:39:09] <zeeshan> these also do the same, but you hammer down like you normally would after putting in your parts
[19:39:11] <zeeshan> and then they straighten up
[19:39:21] <zeeshan> its a hack
[19:39:30] <zeeshan> but i cant spent 3k on vises right now :P
[19:42:03] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/Kurtvise.jpg
[19:42:12] <jdh> do parallels line up off the bottom?
[19:42:14] <zeeshan> haha nice :D
[19:42:19] <Tom_itx> handy
[19:42:20] <zeeshan> jdh: ya
[19:42:45] <zeeshan> jdh: but i think the parallels have some give in them
[19:42:46] <zeeshan> so they tilt
[19:42:53] <zeeshan> and when you hammer, they go back straight
[19:43:11] <zeeshan> (its only a 2-3 thou tilt when youre really clamping hard)
[19:43:17] <jdh> I need to mill that back lip off my vise
[19:43:38] <Tom_itx> i think they have strap clamps etc modelled somewhere as well
[19:46:12] <Tom_itx> are the front and back softjaws identical?
[19:47:34] <zeeshan> kind of
[19:47:47] <zeeshan> :)
[19:47:57] <zeeshan> i remachined the height when they were bolted on
[19:48:04] <zeeshan> and clamped
[19:48:38] <Tom_itx> they modelled these somewhat an odd size
[19:48:48] <Tom_itx> 1.075 x 2.2 x 8
[19:49:03] <zeeshan> he sent me a pic hes ok with psting
[19:49:04] <zeeshan> lol
[19:49:17] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: they proly dont weant you to make your own!
[19:49:24] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/sWggHW1.jpg
[19:53:22] <Tom_itx> you machined some parts using tabs recently didn't you?
[19:53:29] <Tom_itx> how big were the tabs?
[19:53:30] <zeeshan> i forgot what
[19:53:35] <Tom_itx> so did i
[19:53:37] <zeeshan> oh yes
[19:53:44] <Tom_itx> can opener
[19:53:47] <Tom_itx> or something
[19:53:47] <zeeshan> they were 10 thou
[19:53:53] <zeeshan> by .25 wide
[19:54:08] <Tom_itx> they use similar technique on some of their models
[19:54:15] <zeeshan> i wouldnt go any less than 0.015 on aluminum
[19:54:27] <Tom_itx> the tabs are a separate part you can attach to your solid
[19:54:41] <zeeshan> ah
[19:55:17] <Tom_itx> these are 1.5 x .075
[19:55:30] <Tom_itx> dunno how big the part is
[19:55:39] <Tom_itx> but they look small in comparison
[19:58:44] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/Kurtvise2.jpg
[19:58:59] <Tom_itx> that's how they go about setting up a part to fixture
[20:01:28] <zeeshan> looks nice
[20:02:27] <Tom_itx> takes the guesswork out of it
[20:03:01] <Tom_itx> i used to have setup sheets i'd print in word for the op
[20:03:45] <Tom_itx> tool list with the x y z zero point and maybe an outline of the vise or model enclosed in the block
[20:04:07] <Tom_itx> just depended how complicated it ws
[20:05:00] <Tom_itx> then we'd file those with the print and name of the gcode files
[20:12:49] <JT-Mobile> Hola pete
[20:14:45] <BeachBumPete> Hola JT!! :D
[20:22:30] <Tom_itx> setup for a tooling plate: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/ToolingPlate.jpg
[20:22:55] <Tom_itx> and one for a rotary fixture: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/4axis_fixture.jpg
[20:25:33] <Tom_itx> one thing i found interesting is they use gripper pads: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/gripper_pad.jpg
[20:25:40] <Tom_itx> on the vise on the rotary fixture
[20:30:56] <arauchfuss> So just verified that my mesa card is putting out 5v on the proper pin, something seems to be wrong with my breakout.
[20:31:16] <arauchfuss> bah, I'll make a call tomorrow.
[21:02:33] <jdh> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz5kbenmrw4VaWlnMG1TcHpKSXotc1lWNTM4a2ZFd2JkN2tj/view?usp=sharing
[21:03:14] <jdh> the Al cut ok on the 6040
[21:04:38] <Tom_itx> what size cutter?
[21:04:45] <Tom_itx> .250" ?
[21:04:46] <jdh> 5/64"
[21:04:51] <Tom_itx> oh
[21:05:18] <jdh> it's a tiny part
[21:05:30] <Tom_itx> how did you do the chamfer?
[21:05:33] <Tom_itx> drill?
[21:05:37] <jdh> yeah, freehand
[21:05:47] <jdh> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz5kbenmrw4VaWNWNEMtRUhYUjh6NFZrZ2kzVlRCa2x0RXJn/view?usp=sharing
[21:06:13] <Tom_itx> nice
[21:06:24] <Tom_itx> selling?
[21:06:57] <jdh> nope, the stock seatpost mount just didn't work well with my bike
[21:07:36] <BeachBumPete> looks good man
[21:08:24] <jdh> I was surprised how well the 6040 did. Only did 0.010" deep, could have doubled it (at 30ipm)
[21:09:56] <jdh> I'll remake the other plate out of 0.250 instead of HDPE
[21:10:43] <jdh> or not, the drill/tap is a pain
[21:14:48] <pink_vampire> 0.25mm is nothing,
[21:14:54] <pink_vampire> what rpm?
[21:15:01] <jdh> inches
[21:15:12] <pink_vampire> 0.010" = 0.25mm
[21:15:29] <jdh> ok.
[21:15:53] <pink_vampire> what is your spindle speed?
[21:15:54] <jdh> 24k
[21:16:24] <jdh> for lack of a better speed.
[21:16:24] <pink_vampire> how many flutes?
[21:16:35] <jdh> 3
[21:17:27] <jdh> more dust than chips.
[21:17:49] <pink_vampire> I'm doing the same on my machine but with 1000 rpm
[21:17:58] <pink_vampire> and 1000mm/min
[21:18:14] <jdh> yeah, I did more than that in 316ss with my g0704
[21:18:17] <pink_vampire> and 0.3 to 0.5 depth
[21:18:45] <pink_vampire> 316ss is a bitch
[21:18:48] <zeeshan> jdh nice
[21:19:23] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/X2wHDBy.png
[21:19:26] <pink_vampire> one pass
[21:19:42] <pink_vampire> 3.175mm thick
[21:20:31] <jdh> on a chinese router?
[21:21:25] <pink_vampire> no
[21:21:39] <djdelorie> Taiwanese :-)
[21:21:42] <pink_vampire> on my machine
[21:22:02] <jdh> yeah, I'd do that to on my machine, just not this my machine
[21:22:07] <pink_vampire> http://i.imgur.com/h5oX28h.png
[21:22:31] <pink_vampire> the logo was also one pass
[21:23:11] <pink_vampire> but it's acrylic
[21:23:38] <zeeshan> thats a lot of circles
[21:23:38] <zeeshan> :D
[21:23:51] <zeeshan> pink_vampire: since youre showing off
[21:24:01] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/NpKb5D8.jpg
[21:24:06] <zeeshan> i did those circles with one pass :)
[21:24:15] <jdh> in Ti
[21:24:31] <pink_vampire> cool!
[21:24:50] <zeeshan> if you look closely enough
[21:24:52] <zeeshan> on one of my jigs
[21:25:01] <jdh> https://goo.gl/photos/Eu9PLZkEwQa564J3A
[21:25:04] <zeeshan> you'll see i pulled the 3/8 end mill out of the er32 collet
[21:25:05] <zeeshan> lol
[21:25:09] <zeeshan> i learned the hard way
[21:25:11] <jdh> I think that was 4 passes
[21:25:19] <zeeshan> do not even think about going higher than a 3/8 end mill on a er32
[21:25:23] <zeeshan> when youre feeding at 100+ipm
[21:25:27] <pink_vampire> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk5zxA9UP2Q
[21:25:33] <zeeshan> nice jdh
[21:25:40] <zeeshan> i like the undercuts
[21:25:56] <jdh> https://goo.gl/photos/Eu9PLZkEwQa564J3A
[21:26:47] <jdh> https://goo.gl/photos/Eu9PLZkEwQa564J3A
[21:26:59] <zeeshan> why is this guy headbanging playing a cell
[21:27:00] <zeeshan> o
[21:27:09] <jdh> https://goo.gl/photos/CdV4C3LKrcK8VJqh7
[21:27:22] <zeeshan> what did you machine that with jdh
[21:27:27] <pink_vampire> I like them..
[21:27:30] <jdh> g0704
[21:27:33] <zeeshan> nice
[21:27:35] <jdh> post-welding https://goo.gl/photos/YJrHF5hNrp2mi3Ws8
[21:27:43] <zeeshan> god i hat chattering w/ those multi flute countersinks
[21:27:48] <zeeshan> i seem to get good result w/ a single flute only
[21:27:57] <jdh> that was a wood router bit
[21:28:15] <pink_vampire> are you welding aluminum?
[21:28:24] <jdh> I had a guy weld it
[21:28:49] <jdh> https://goo.gl/photos/GGqRgzFnxuM4BLSG6
[21:29:05] <dioz> i want to 6 axis robot arm. someone tell me where to start
[21:29:17] <djdelorie> start with the first axis
[21:29:18] <jdh> dioz: easy way is write a check.
[21:29:29] <dioz> DIY
[21:29:55] <dioz> someone teach me to CAD
[21:30:07] <djdelorie> wrong forum for that
[21:30:12] <dioz> oh
[21:30:16] <pink_vampire> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVH1Y15omgE
[21:30:24] <dioz> is that youtube link for me?
[21:30:24] <pink_vampire> OMG the bows!
[21:30:34] <pink_vampire> no
[21:31:36] <dioz> can this software control a 6 axis arm?
[21:31:43] <pink_vampire> I used to play on a violin, and to see a bow like that after 1 min of play is very impressive.
[21:32:36] <djdelorie> wrong time of day for that question ;-)
[21:33:19] <dioz> i have a feeling i could fabricate the entire aparatus
[21:33:24] <djdelorie> linuxcnc is more of a "standalone" machine controller; I suppose you could control an arm as long as the arm was only following pre-determined motion instructions
[21:33:38] <djdelorie> but if you wanted to have some of your own software "running the show"... no
[21:33:48] <dioz> ah
[21:34:19] <zeeshan> couldnt you write a userspace component
[21:34:19] <zeeshan> to do it
[21:34:37] <djdelorie> anything is possible with enough changes to the software :-)
[21:34:48] <zeeshan> well thats how i look at linuxcnc
[21:34:56] <zeeshan> it works good decent out of the box for basic machines
[21:34:58] <dioz> it just says robot arms on the front page
[21:35:00] <dioz> so i thought i'd ask
[21:35:02] <zeeshan> as soon as you add things like tool changers, brakes etc
[21:35:05] <zeeshan> you need components
[21:35:24] <djdelorie> there are a lot of manufacturing setups that use robot arms to load/unload parts
[21:35:46] <dioz> if i said i was good with a plasma cutter and metalworking lathe and tig welding and i'm PRO with a angle grinder
[21:36:03] <jdh> you could do it all with the angle grinder
[21:36:07] <dioz> and i seen these 6 axis arms that were cutting sculptures out of stone
[21:36:17] <dioz> and i was like "i wanna make one of those"
[21:36:43] <djdelorie> sure, if you calculate all the tool paths ahead of time, and download it into the arm, it's just another cnc machine
[21:39:23] <dioz> interesting
[21:39:33] <dioz> so
[21:39:36] <dioz> what you're saying is
[21:39:38] <Tom_itx> zeeshan you pulled the cutter outta the holder on those?
[21:39:49] <zeeshan> on one of the part
[21:39:49] <zeeshan> ya
[21:40:00] <Tom_itx> you should work within your limits
[21:40:07] <dioz> what is tool path?
[21:40:09] <zeeshan> you gotta really tighten the er32 to hold a 3/8
[21:40:12] <zeeshan> when going at 100ipm+
[21:40:25] <zeeshan> i dont see it holding a 1/2"
[21:40:29] <Tom_itx> did you see some of those fixtures they provided in catia?
[21:40:31] <zeeshan> thats why i started using tg100
[21:40:38] <djdelorie> for example, a cnc machine has instructions "go here, turn on spindle, move here at this speed" etc
[21:40:46] <dioz> kind of what i figured
[21:40:46] <zeeshan> yea i saw
[21:40:49] <Tom_itx> i thought that gripper was interesting
[21:40:51] <djdelorie> those instructions are typically pre-calculated and stored in a file
[21:41:08] <djdelorie> so once the machine is running, it's all pre-determined motion
[21:41:20] <Tom_itx> or you hope it is
[21:41:25] <djdelorie> :-)
[21:41:40] <jdh> I have some 6 axis arms at work, after setup, they are all pre-canned moves
[21:41:49] <djdelorie> so for a six-axis arm, either (1) you know in advance what it's going to do, or (2) you're interacting with some random environment
[21:42:03] <djdelorie> (1) is what linuxcnc does. (2) is something different
[21:42:12] <dioz> roger
[21:42:38] <dioz> what are examples of instructions
[21:42:45] <djdelorie> for example, you wouldn't want linuxcnc to run a quadcopter because you are continually changing what you want it to do
[21:42:46] <Tom_itx> G1 x1
[21:43:08] <jdh> quadcopter could use the world for world space
[21:43:08] <djdelorie> search for "gcode" in your favorite search enging
[21:43:11] <djdelorie> engine even
[21:43:12] <jdh> just don't go -
[21:43:21] <Tom_itx> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/gcode/g-code.html
[21:43:25] <BeachBumPete> linuxCNC Quadrotor HMMMmmmm
[21:43:56] <djdelorie> sigh, by next week someone will have made one of those just to prove me wrong :-P
[21:44:05] <dioz> how much instruction to.... for example... turners cubes?
[21:44:09] <dioz> any examples as such?
[21:44:17] <Tom_itx> those are just circles
[21:44:24] <Tom_itx> you can do that on a manual lathe
[21:44:32] <BeachBumPete> pretty circles :D
[21:45:10] <djdelorie> for example, a simple gasket for a circuit board (think "board-shaped spacer") was 614 instructions
[21:45:12] <dioz> i know a guy who caught the tip of his glove in a drill press and had his thumb removed
[21:45:42] <BeachBumPete> OuChIe
[21:46:11] <Tom_itx> dioz, http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Cube1.jpg
[21:46:25] <dioz> no-ip.biz
[21:46:29] <dioz> i wish i could but i can't
[21:46:43] <dioz> end up in your access.list so you can ddos me
[21:47:09] <Tom_itx> a bit paranoid there
[21:47:17] <djdelorie> if you're that paranoid, perhaps we shouldn't be helping you then...
[21:47:32] * dioz eyes the room suspiciously
[21:47:44] <djdelorie> after all, why should you trust us to give you good information? MWA HA HA!
[21:47:59] <Tom_itx> i could do that anyway if i wanted
[21:48:12] <dioz> nice cube
[21:48:16] <djdelorie> oh, here's a photo of that board gasket: http://www.delorie.com/photos/cnc/bldc-bracket-1.html
[21:48:38] <djdelorie> unfinished, apparently...
[21:49:26] <dioz> okay so... a predefined set of movement instructions... is there a easy way to make this if the object is already crafted in a 3d digital space?
[21:49:29] <dioz> typically?
[21:50:02] <Tom_itx> cad cam software
[21:50:29] <dioz> by trade i'm a tin banger
[21:51:19] <dioz> actually i worked IT for 13 years then i picked up a trade
[21:51:34] <jdh> and became and honest worker.
[21:51:57] <dioz> office work is just evil
[21:52:03] <dioz> those environments are just awful places
[21:52:12] <dioz> cubes and offices and meetings
[21:52:13] <Tom_itx> take your frustrations out on a piece of metal
[21:53:13] <dioz> heh
[21:53:28] <dioz> on the 4th day... i got 14 stitches on my right index finger
[21:53:48] <dioz> pretty much the only damage since
[21:53:51] <Tom_itx> and learned a lesson
[21:53:55] <dioz> learned quick that sheet metal is shaarp
[21:54:11] <dioz> i'm on my second year out of 4 year apprenticeship
[21:54:12] <Tom_itx> so are blocks of metal and mill cutters
[21:54:34] <BeachBumPete> sheetmetal is INDEED sharp
[21:54:50] <Tom_itx> pete, any closer to opening shop?
[21:54:58] <BeachBumPete> why hell no :D
[21:55:04] <Tom_itx> you bum
[21:55:09] <djdelorie> heck, I've cut myself on hardwoods - anything hard enough can be made sharp enough
[21:55:12] <BeachBumPete> I know I know
[21:55:24] <dioz> i've cut myself on myself
[21:55:47] <BeachBumPete> I have been doing a lot of checking into local businesses to see about getting some work once I AM setup again
[21:55:47] <dioz> *cough cough*
[21:56:17] <dioz> i wanna work in a fab shop
[21:56:18] <BeachBumPete> there is a LOT of different kinds of shops around the area we will be living
[21:56:55] <Tom_itx> what's the main industry down there?
[21:57:21] <Tom_itx> besides drugs
[21:57:29] <BeachBumPete> just all sorts of businesses. Automotive, housing, aeronatuics, boating, you name it
[21:57:50] <BeachBumPete> seems like all the drugs are up north now LOL
[21:58:09] <BeachBumPete> at least meth and heroin
[21:58:42] <zeeshan> must be a lot better than TN!
[21:58:50] <zeeshan> i was looking at a list of "worst states to live in"
[21:58:56] <zeeshan> TN was rated as #1
[21:59:01] <zeeshan> i always thought it was michigan
[21:59:03] <Tom_itx> hah
[21:59:05] <BeachBumPete> I find that hard to believe
[21:59:11] <zeeshan> http://www.cnbc.com/2015/06/24/americas-10-worst-states-to-live-in-2015.html?slide=11
[21:59:20] <zeeshan> michigan is rated 3
[21:59:46] <BeachBumPete> but then there are all sorts of BS rating lists like that some of which say Tennessee is the greatest so I am not surprised really
[22:00:27] <zeeshan> http://247wallst.com/special-report/2015/11/23/most-livable-states/3/
[22:00:38] <zeeshan> yea on this list is #44 on the list
[22:00:42] <zeeshan> (higher being worse)
[22:00:43] <dioz> how do you size a servo accordingly?
[22:01:07] <dioz> guess it depends on weight it needs to move
[22:01:21] <BeachBumPete> all I know is we are very happy to be here. will be even more happy when we close on the damn house
[22:04:06] <jdh> places with winter suck.
[22:04:13] <Tom_itx> seems i'm about in the middle
[22:05:51] <dioz> when you guys were talking about creating the tool paths
[22:06:03] <dioz> you said "hopefully" the toolpath work
[22:06:05] <dioz> ?
[22:06:53] <Tom_itx> it will go where it's told to go
[22:07:07] <Tom_itx> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/gcode/g-code.html
[22:07:10] <Tom_itx> list of Gcodes
[22:07:48] <dioz> ooh
[22:07:49] <dioz> alright
[22:07:54] <dioz> i see what you're sayin now
[22:13:20] <djdelorie> if you tell it to cut through plate steel with a dremel tool, it will try...
[22:15:41] <djdelorie> it will blindly wave the broken dremel tool around for a few hours, then declare success :-)
[22:17:29] <dioz> trying to think of size
[22:18:27] <jdh> it's not the size that counts
[22:18:40] <dioz> of course it does