#linuxcnc | Logs for 2016-02-15

[00:56:38] <Crom> I'm drooling over O'Keefe & Merritt stoves.... I have a 39" in Morro Bay, I want the 57" Aristocrat with warming oven!
[01:22:48] <Crom> damn bit, what's a decent CAM freeware opensource CAM software?
[01:23:15] <XXCoder> thats good question
[01:23:21] <XXCoder> cam is under-developed :(
[01:23:47] <XXCoder> though there seems to be decent fusion360 (not open source) free unless youre making more thAN 100K a year
[01:23:58] <XXCoder> freecad can do CAM but seems to sucjk
[01:25:56] <Crom> I making these blocks to hang my gutter from off my back facia. I want to add some scrollwork to the bottoms. 5.5 inches wide, 1 inch tall on the left and 3 inches tall on the right. and I have about 1.5" of depth (.75" from each side)
[01:26:14] <XXCoder> scrollwork?
[01:26:43] <Crom> just a sec
[01:28:12] <Crom> https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.urbanremainschicago.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/650x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/2/0/20120819-20120819-005m.jpg&imgrefurl=http://s3.amazonaws.com/ezshedplanx/wood-scrollwork.html&h=422&w=535&tbnid=AzV8GUNmCnU3PM:&docid=Xylp27lHtSU7kM&ei=E3jBVv3oB47gjwOztbOQDA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwi9vsfTmfnKAhUO8GMKHbPaDMIQMwguKBIwEg
[01:28:46] <XXCoder> there is cam software designed to do stuff like that
[01:29:00] <XXCoder> though not free and definitely not open source euther.
[01:29:15] <XXCoder> though there may be a way Crom
[01:29:25] <XXCoder> linuxcan can turn picture to gcode
[01:29:41] <XXCoder> *linuxcnc can
[01:30:44] <Crom> hmmm, I'll have to take in my linuxcnc computer to use on the 3040
[01:33:55] <Crom> hmm I'll have to play with the bass relief
[01:35:43] <Crom> or I'll bring the 3040 home for a week.
[01:36:30] <XXCoder> cool
[02:20:15] <Deejay> moin
[03:21:13] <alex_joni> moin
[03:38:08] <maxcnc> hi from a early germany
[03:38:34] <maxcnc> Erant: are you making this brackets
[03:40:11] <maxcnc> sorry wrong nick Crom are you making this wood brass brackets
[03:43:19] <maxcnc> http://www.craftsmanspace.com/free-3d-models/scrollsaw-shelf-brackets.html
[03:43:33] <maxcnc> lasercutter food to be sold
[03:44:19] <maxcnc> there is also 3d2obj for RHino to whatever
[03:44:37] <maxcnc> 3dm2obj for RHino to whatever
[03:48:45] <maxcnc> ok i need to work BYE
[04:24:00] <MrSunshine> hmm latency spike of 20k all of the sudden :/
[04:25:13] <SpeedEvil> aliens
[04:27:26] <XXCoder> digital aliens
[04:30:12] <witnit> ayy lmao
[04:35:51] <witnit> welp, i put it off long enough, time to learn the ladder logic built in with emc
[05:30:48] * SpeedEvil has projects put off long enough that shortly after preparing to do them, they became patented and that patent has now run out.
[05:59:14] <witnit> <= hm2_5i25.0.gpio.003.in_not
[05:59:14] <witnit> <= parport.0.pin-in10-not
[05:59:14] <witnit> OK i never payed attention before, but who's idea was it to use an _ for hm2 "NOT" inputs and - for parport "NOT" inputs and why is this a good idea?
[06:02:54] <archivist> stuff like that happens because different people
[06:03:14] <XXCoder> yeah
[06:03:25] <theorbtwo> very much so.
[06:03:26] <XXCoder> there is tons weird issues in dev because of that.
[06:04:02] <theorbtwo> I do slightly wonder to what degree it's possible to make both of them support both, but I really don't have the background to even understand the issue here.
[06:04:11] <XXCoder> countless buffer overflows was due to one developer thinking single INT for text length was not worth the space.
[06:04:21] <XXCoder> that guy probably cost trillion$ by niw
[06:05:49] <XXCoder> gonna love C
[06:06:03] <archivist> space was expensive, and no one needs more than 64k
[06:06:41] <XXCoder> 64k thing is memory space for stack not overall
[06:06:58] <XXCoder> bill gates is still correct, we still dont need more than that in stack space
[06:07:14] <XXCoder> maybe it wont be true someday
[06:07:17] <archivist> I ran out of space in a PC and we had to get an EMM board with a mere 1 meg on it £1000
[06:07:46] <archivist> was designing a pcb
[06:08:07] <witnit> archivist: I figured that was all there was to it, I wasnt sure it was maybe some sort of designation system for different types of inputs or something
[06:09:10] <archivist> I do know the inconsistency get mentioned now and again and some though to fixing it
[06:09:16] <archivist> thought
[06:09:52] <witnit> yes i feel though usually fixxing the current often breaks the old
[06:10:04] <XXCoder> archivist: btw your answer is also true on why there is 10 buns package but 8 hotdog package. (been changed by now I guess?)
[06:11:35] <XXCoder> or was it 6 buns and 8 hotdog meats? hm whatever heh
[06:13:58] <theorbtwo> Bakeries traditionally work in dozens, so I'd expect 6 or 12 buns.
[06:16:27] <archivist> bakers dozen 13
[06:18:03] <theorbtwo> archivist: Sometimes. That happened, BTW, becuase of a really nasty consumer-protection law in the 1700s punishing bakeries who give 11 when you asked for a dozen.
[06:18:17] <theorbtwo> Saftey margin.
[06:18:28] <alex_joni> if memory serves right, we have a standard for how pins should be named
[06:20:00] <alex_joni> and I'm quite sure parport follows that
[06:53:56] <jthornton> interesting I have Xilinx installed and now I'm presented with a huge list of possible licenses to choose from :(
[06:55:45] <XXCoder> theorbtwo: nah its because baker needs 13th one for taste test
[06:56:38] <Tom_itx> jthornton, did you get the licence when you downloaded it?
[06:57:08] <jthornton> I don't recall doing that
[06:57:19] <Tom_itx> go back and grab it
[06:57:48] <jthornton> ok
[06:58:56] <DaViruz> xilinx ise, for when you really need a headache
[06:59:25] <Tom_itx> http://www.xilinx.com/support/licensing_solution_center.htm
[06:59:59] <DaViruz> i think the license manager thing will guide you to create a licence if you choose the web licence thing
[07:00:23] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, you might have to register
[07:00:26] <Tom_itx> https://secure.xilinx.com/webreg/login.do?oamProtectedResource=wh%3Dwww.xilinx.com%20wu%3D%2Fwebreg%2Fregister.do%3Fgroup%3Desd_oms%26tab%3DCreateLicense%20wo%3D1%20rh%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fsecure.xilinx.com%20ru%3D%252Fwebreg%252Fregister.do%20rq%3Dgroup%253Desd_oms%2526tab%253DCreateLicense
[07:00:38] <DaViruz> you indeed do
[07:00:41] <jthornton> I registered and just d/l the linux license
[07:00:50] <Tom_itx> ok
[07:02:42] <DaViruz> maybe it's a litte more concenient if you are in the us, then you dont have to promise not to use it for weapons that mighr be used against the us
[07:03:10] <jthornton> followed the link do pick ISE WebPACK?
[07:03:30] <Tom_itx> iirc yes
[07:04:23] <Tom_itx> i think i showed that better on the older version: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/emc/xilinx/xilinx92_install_index.php
[07:04:50] <Tom_itx> you will probably also need GHDL
[07:04:59] <Tom_itx> listed ^^ there
[07:08:41] <jthornton> Ok I'm past that part lol now on to your bookmarked tutorial :)
[07:09:53] <Tom_itx> one thing to remember when you make a bitfile is make sure you're compiling it for the right chip. a few boards had different size memory and that made a difference
[07:09:59] <Tom_itx> yours may not
[07:10:32] <Tom_itx> unless you wanna find out how well the mesa utility works...
[07:12:16] <jthornton> that sounds like a warning to me to be careful
[07:20:14] <jthornton> after installing it gave me slightly different instructions to set the environment Shell, Bash shell, Korn Shell 32 bit environment . /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/settings32.sh
[07:20:24] <jthornton> . /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/settings32.sh
[07:20:31] <Tom_itx> possibly
[07:21:00] <jthornton> I think it is the same end result
[07:21:02] <Tom_itx> you run that each time you run ise
[07:21:09] <Tom_itx> sets up the environment
[08:11:34] <MrSunshine> jitter down from up to 20k to about 8k now atleast =)
[08:12:07] <MrSunshine> with irq-affinity to core 1 and isol_cpus=1 .. without it the jitter is terrible =)
[08:20:49] <MrSunshine> isol_cpus 0 i guess :P
[08:22:00] <MrSunshine> no .. 1 :P
[08:49:14] <__rob> hello, having a problem flipping a part and milling the otherside which has a bearing socket
[08:49:28] <__rob> the 2 holes are not conentric, but i've probed the hell out of the part when I flip it
[08:49:38] <__rob> to get the centre in the correct place
[08:49:39] <__rob> they are very very slightly off
[08:49:48] <__rob> enough that I can see by eye
[08:50:15] <__rob> not sure if there is a better way to set that up
[08:50:20] <__rob> then using a digital probe
[08:51:51] <archivist> a thou, an inch a mile?
[08:52:54] <archivist> cant beat making critical holes in one operation
[08:53:07] <__rob> well looking like 0.08
[08:53:09] <__rob> mm
[08:53:51] <__rob> so nearly a 10th of a mm
[08:54:08] <__rob> I flipped and probed all around multiple times
[08:54:24] <archivist> is the machine that good, are you setting the actual point .04 off (adds when reversed)
[08:54:42] <__rob> so I had to use the inside of the vice for 2 sides, as there was overhang from previous work holding
[08:55:59] <archivist> and... is your spindle properly trammed
[08:57:36] <__rob> yea, well as best I can, might need to check it again, only done that once since I setup
[08:57:39] <__rob> i'll check it
[08:58:11] <__rob> not a deep pocket tho, the part is 8mm thick
[08:59:32] <archivist> here the measurement may have has a different vertical offset than the cutting tool thus bringing in an error
[09:01:54] <__rob> ahh, yes it does
[09:01:57] <__rob> by quite a bit
[09:02:14] <__rob> so if its out of tram thats going to show
[09:02:40] <_methods> a digital probe?
[09:02:44] <__rob> yea
[09:02:46] <__rob> Tormach one
[09:02:47] <_methods> you need to use an indicator
[09:02:48] <archivist> you have two errors there spindle to column and column to bed
[09:03:25] <archivist> bed parallel to ways also
[09:03:33] <_methods> some pics of your setup might help diagnose your issues also
[09:03:52] <__rob> the machine is a PCNC1100, can take some pics of the part and toolpaths ?
[09:04:01] <_methods> no part in the vise
[09:04:07] <_methods> or however you have it clamped
[09:04:51] <archivist> some light reading http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/DJC/BK/BK3151/
[09:04:52] <__rob> ok, I'll do that, but its basically 2 parallels, and 8mm 100mm x 60 mm part held on them
[09:05:15] <__rob> I do the profile to full depth on the ends (where the vice isn't and down 4 mm on each side, held by 4mm
[09:05:22] <__rob> do pockets etc, then flip
[09:05:33] <__rob> dial out x on the milled ends
[09:05:36] <__rob> and use the vice for y
[09:06:00] <_methods> are you using your fixed jaw for y0?
[09:06:08] <__rob> then I profile off the 2 overhangs on the vice to 4mm, and the other side of the pocket
[09:06:15] <archivist> if you expect two holes in line, bore together
[09:06:24] <__rob> yea, well I have the origin in the centre of hte part
[09:06:28] <__rob> so I touch off both sides
[09:06:35] <__rob> find the middle, and set that as 0
[09:06:41] <_methods> well that thin of a part should be easy enough
[09:06:49] <_methods> you shouldn't have alignment issues over 8mm
[09:06:59] <_methods> something is severely wrong if that's what's going on
[09:07:35] <archivist> I think his alignment is to an edge not his thickness
[09:08:06] <_methods> well that should be even easier to fix then
[09:08:12] <archivist> we also dont know machine resolution
[09:08:20] <_methods> just sweep the bore and offset from the center of that
[09:08:31] <__rob> http://snag.gy/NS6s9.jpg
[09:08:33] <__rob> thats the top side
[09:09:07] <__rob> http://snag.gy/hdiLP.jpg
[09:09:08] <__rob> bottom
[09:09:14] <__rob> you can see the recess in the middle
[09:09:16] <__rob> for the bearing
[09:10:40] <__rob> so the "key" pockets on each side,between the edge of them and the end of the part is 0.89 vs 1.39
[09:10:46] <__rob> so actually more off then I quoted
[09:10:59] <__rob> 0.5!
[09:11:03] <__rob> no wonder I can see it
[09:11:29] <__rob> gotta be setup right ?
[09:11:34] <_methods> your virtual part tells me nothing about your setup
[09:11:50] <__rob> yea, looking for my phone to take some pics
[09:11:55] <__rob> I'll run another and document it
[09:11:58] <__rob> see what happens
[09:32:07] <CaptHindsight> how the tramming was described http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v21/rykrisp/tram-o-matic_2000_5.jpg
[09:32:24] <CaptHindsight> how it was actually done http://woodgears.ca/chainsaw_mill/setup.jpg
[09:33:13] <anomynous> thats one accurate plank
[09:34:44] <anomynous> i mean, who calibrates a long water scale by micron. Wow. I want those planks.
[09:37:42] <anomynous> at least no one confesses
[09:39:57] <anomynous> hmm... are there transparent dial indicators
[09:41:36] <anomynous> no precise machining for precise tramming device. Just special glass that is opaque from one side and transparent from the other
[09:41:42] <anomynous> and have a scale printed on it
[09:41:44] <anomynous> :]
[09:41:45] <archivist> there are some that rotate to make centring and tramming easy
[09:41:52] <anomynous> ah
[09:42:32] <archivist> http://www.diatest.com/products/solutions-for-checking/centering-of-bores-and-shafts-diacator/
[09:42:54] <anomynous> nice
[09:42:55] <archivist> silly price though
[09:43:23] <archivist> http://www.measureshop.biz/en/measuring-instruments/dial-bore-and-depth-gauges/centring-devices/diacator-centring-devices.html
[09:43:46] <anomynous> kind of expensive
[09:44:04] <anomynous> almost get a renishaw for that and punch in g65 and something in? :D
[09:44:42] <archivist> heh some of the new renishaw prices make you think a diacator is cheap
[09:44:50] <anomynous> most likely
[09:45:02] <anomynous> how much do they cost?
[09:45:23] <archivist> a TP2 seems to retail at 3700 dollars
[09:45:39] <anomynous> not bad comparing functionality and price :)
[09:45:51] <archivist> its just a damned switch
[09:45:57] <anomynous> hey
[09:45:58] <_methods> coaxial dial indicator
[09:46:01] <anomynous> hmm
[09:47:59] <archivist> http://www.measureshop.biz/en/measuring-instruments/dial-bore-and-depth-gauges/centring-devices/centricator-centring-device.html
[09:48:25] <archivist> another design, I have a broken one, need a new glass tube
[09:49:11] <anomynous> poor mans tramming device... have a hole indicator
[09:49:11] <anomynous> and carve out the back of the case
[09:49:11] <anomynous> and mount that special glass :]
[09:49:11] <anomynous> and have it rotate around things and check it at opposite sides
[09:49:11] <anomynous> :D
[09:49:11] <anomynous> needs transparent gears though
[09:49:11] <anomynous> i wonder if theres any available
[09:51:00] <_methods> most people just use a mirror with a magnet on it
[09:52:04] <anomynous> _methods, +1 for that method
[09:52:12] <anomynous> _method
[09:52:20] <archivist> that is real fun(not) when aligning engine bearings
[09:52:47] <_methods> i used to do a lot of setups on tombstones and sometimes that was the only way to indicate stuff in
[09:53:00] <_methods> hard to see on the backside of a tombstone in a big horizontal
[09:53:03] <archivist> indicator between crank webs looking for spring
[09:54:27] <_methods> those electronic edgefinders help with that too since they light up
[10:05:28] <JT> I was able to open a project and look around some
[10:13:21] <ssi> peeet
[10:13:54] <PetefromTn_> yeah man
[10:14:05] <HumanCattle> how do I make a 2 foot diameter lid screwthread into a 2foot 1/2" pan?
[10:14:08] <PetefromTn_> howzitgoin?
[10:14:29] <_methods> HumanCattle: on a really big lathe
[10:14:30] <yasnak> Any guys use solidworks EPDM?
[10:14:59] <PetefromTn_> ssi guess what man?
[10:15:38] <HumanCattle> _methods do really big lathes cost a lotta money?
[10:16:02] <JT-MOBILE> Thread mill it
[10:16:12] <PetefromTn_> my daughter woke up this morning and was working on that codeacademy programming tutorial even before I woke up!
[10:16:19] <_methods> indeed they do
[10:16:30] <CaptHindsight> I priced some lathes with 5 meter centers at ~$500K, so no not very much
[10:17:00] <Jymmm> I'll take two please
[10:17:23] <CaptHindsight> free 2 day delivery
[10:17:27] <_methods> if you're yuuuuuge like donald you can buy as many as you want
[10:17:32] <_methods> but ya gotta be yuuuuuuuggge
[10:17:34] <_methods> and terrific
[10:17:51] <PetefromTn_> I'd take one if it was CNC...
[10:17:55] <ssi> PetefromTn_: hah nice
[10:18:03] <ssi> sorry was on the phone with fedex raising hell
[10:18:03] <Jymmm> cheaper to send to india/china ?
[10:18:11] <HumanCattle> the thread mill method looks a lot more cost effective than owning a huge lathe
[10:18:13] <PetefromTn_> well you raise it man!
[10:18:26] <ssi> tryin... I've had FOUR PACKAGES go missing
[10:18:30] <ssi> and they're not doing a damn thing for me
[10:18:33] <PetefromTn_> she is trying to learn it....I probably need to as well LOL
[10:18:34] <_methods> yeah you can single point it
[10:19:08] <PetefromTn_> I don't usually have a problem with Fedex because the lady across the street is my fedex lady LOL
[10:19:58] <CaptHindsight> I wonder of Fedex customer service also writes the talking points for presidential candidates?
[10:20:35] <PetefromTn_> naah nothing is FREE FREE FREE ;)
[10:21:12] <ssi> the bitch of it is, three of the lost packages were UPS, and the fourth fedex
[10:21:19] <ssi> I don't know what black hole they're falling into, but I'm pretty pissed
[10:21:23] <CaptHindsight> I get every excuse from Fedex except for the dog ate it
[10:21:37] <PetefromTn_> I have had excellent service from UPS honestly
[10:22:01] <ssi> fedex tells me to inform the shipper to open a claim and replace my item
[10:22:04] <PetefromTn_> never lost anything I can recall and they usually put plastic bags on it if I am not home etc.
[10:22:06] <CaptHindsight> USPS has ended up my most reliable service
[10:22:10] <ssi> the shipper says "lol it's probably in your neighbor's mailbox fuck off"
[10:22:19] <ssi> CaptHindsight: yes, usps is the most reliable
[10:22:27] <ssi> and the cheapest
[10:22:35] <CaptHindsight> Priority
[10:22:45] <PetefromTn_> yup UPS and USPS are always cheapest and best IMHO
[10:23:01] <PetefromTn_> USPS PRiority
[10:23:20] <JT-MOBILE> usps usually will get the package eventually
[10:23:23] <gregcnc> what does tracking show?
[10:23:42] <ssi> delivered
[10:23:42] <CaptHindsight> imports by DHL have also been great lately
[10:23:49] <ssi> https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=665397009929
[10:23:59] <ssi> https://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processInputRequest?sort_by=status&tracknums_displayed=1&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&loc=en_US&track.x=0&track.y=0&InquiryNumber1=1ZV4V8940399896240
[10:24:05] <ssi> those two are both outstanding
[10:24:09] <ssi> and I'm getting screwed on both
[10:24:17] <ssi> the first two that went missing were amazon, and amazon just replaced them
[10:24:19] <gregcnc> yeah you need a security camera
[10:24:23] <ssi> I HAVE SECURITY CAMERAS
[10:24:29] <ssi> I put them up after the first two
[10:24:33] <gregcnc> no deliveries?
[10:24:35] <ssi> nobody is stealing them from me except possibly the drivers
[10:24:40] <ssi> the drivers never come to my house
[10:24:57] <ssi> the fedex one, I was home, sitting at my computer looking out the window at the street when it supposedly was delivered
[10:24:57] <gregcnc> they are gps tracked
[10:25:04] <gregcnc> they know when they go to piss
[10:25:05] <ssi> yeah I know, but they won't share the tracking with me
[10:25:17] <ssi> all I want is to know where they were when they were scanned delivered
[10:25:22] <ssi> so I can figure out what they're doing wrong
[10:25:24] <ssi> but they won't tell me
[10:26:07] <PetefromTn_> why don't you ask the driver next time you see him?
[10:26:20] <ssi> I tried that
[10:26:24] <ssi> but it wasn't the regular driver
[10:26:35] <PetefromTn_> thats probably the problem
[10:26:37] <ssi> he suggested maybe they were going to June Ct, which is one street down from me (I'm on Jay Ln)
[10:26:49] <ssi> I even went over to june ct and knocked on teh door of the same house number as me
[10:26:57] <ssi> and the lady said she didn't receive any odd packages
[10:27:24] <CaptHindsight> but thanked you for the new struts anyway :p
[10:27:28] <PetefromTn_> she probably did not want to give up the big package of dildo's and strap ons you ordered :D
[10:27:37] <_methods> hahahah
[10:27:42] <ssi> probably not
[10:28:16] <JT-MOBILE> You need to use must sign for package
[10:28:32] <ssi> I'd rather not have to
[10:28:34] <CaptHindsight> maybe it's all those confusing numbers on the outside of the buildings
[10:28:51] <CaptHindsight> and then streets all have different names!
[10:28:57] <ssi> it's super confusing
[10:29:00] <CaptHindsight> soo much to keep track of
[10:29:01] <_methods> yeah i'd change them all over to must sign for
[10:29:06] <gregcnc> I had a package stolen, had to sign with UPS for every package for a year before they stopped
[10:29:30] <_methods> inconvenient but at least you'll get your shiznit
[10:29:33] <PetefromTn_> jeez that sucks man
[10:29:46] <CaptHindsight> or get a UPS box
[10:29:48] <gregcnc> supposedly the driver is responsible out of pocket if he marks it delivered.
[10:30:08] <PetefromTn_> sorry to hear you are out the stuff you ordered but at least you can make a claim and hopefully you will get some satisfaction back out of it.
[10:30:50] <gregcnc> assuming the shipper files a claim
[10:31:01] <CaptHindsight> using a UPS box only confuses the DHL drivers
[10:32:33] <ssi> CaptHindsight: what exactly is a UPS box
[10:32:56] <gregcnc> mailbox at UPS store
[10:32:57] <ssi> PetefromTn_: technically I can't make a claim
[10:32:59] <ssi> only the shipper can
[10:33:05] <ssi> I'm out the money, and I'm not their customer
[10:33:06] <CaptHindsight> ^^ what greg said
[10:33:19] <ssi> CaptHindsight: those are expensive as piss, I looked into it
[10:33:39] <JT-MOBILE> https://www.ups.com/content/us/en/locations/dropboxes/
[10:33:46] <PetefromTn_> I have only had one thing I had to make a claim for and it was a broken gunstock I shipped. I did have to fight to get it remedied but it was paid for eventually...
[10:33:53] <CaptHindsight> really the small ones are <$30/mo and virtually unlimited packages
[10:37:24] <CaptHindsight> I can even call mine and get packages at 3am as long as it fits in a lockbox
[10:40:19] <ssi> ok screamed at UPS
[10:40:24] <ssi> now my blood pressure is up for the day
[10:40:33] <gregcnc> if the shipper doesn't care, the carrier has done nothing wrong in their eyes. The shipper is the one paying for the service.
[10:41:32] <ssi> with my money
[10:41:39] <ssi> I hate the shipper/carrier relationship
[10:41:44] <ssi> the shipper doesn't care because he's been paid
[10:41:49] <ssi> the carrier doesn't care because the shipper doesn't care
[10:41:52] <gregcnc> you paid the shipper not the the carrier
[10:41:53] <ssi> my only recourse is chargebacks
[10:42:08] <Wolf_> thats what charge backs are for
[10:42:14] <gregcnc> post office will investigate for the addressee, the others not so much
[10:42:18] <CaptHindsight> in China they deliver to your door using mopeds and scooters, unless it's a really big item like a car
[10:42:35] <CaptHindsight> then they use 2 scooters
[10:42:36] <PetefromTn_> well if you can't get them to take care of it then charge them back man... whatareyagonnado?
[10:42:48] <ssi> well in one of them, it's ebay+paypal
[10:42:56] <ssi> I have to jump through all of their stupid hoops before I even have the option
[10:43:09] <gregcnc> part of dealing with ebay
[10:43:14] <PetefromTn_> paypal is supposed to be actually good at that
[10:43:19] <Wolf_> paypal is a bitch when tracking shows delivered I think
[10:43:23] <ssi> yeah, but it takes weeks before you can do it
[10:43:27] <ssi> and it's a run out the clock game
[10:43:37] <ssi> if I don't complete all their hoops by some deadline I lose the right to do so
[10:43:58] <gregcnc> yeah if tracking shows delivered paypal is impossible to deal with
[10:44:01] <CaptHindsight> with Paypal it's several months
[10:44:12] <CaptHindsight> with ebay it's shorter
[10:44:13] <Wolf_> 45 days?
[10:44:22] <ssi> I think 45 days is right
[10:44:29] <ssi> but I think it's 45 days from the payment date
[10:44:42] <ssi> so if the seller drags their feet shipping something, and then the shipping is slow
[10:44:45] <ssi> then it doesn't show up
[10:44:54] <gregcnc> I thought after 45 you can't even make a claim
[10:44:57] <ssi> then you'll get "well wait a few days, sometimes it's marked delivered and then a few days later it shows up"
[10:45:05] <ssi> then it's "try the ebay resolution center first"
[10:45:10] <ssi> then all the back and forth on there
[10:45:22] <ssi> here's the response I got from the seller
[10:45:23] <ssi> "We have tracked it for you.1) Your item was delivered Tracking number: 665397009929 Tracking website: https://www.fedex.com/2) Please call your local post office.Give them the tracking number, then they could track for you.3) Check your mail box or ask your friend if they have packed up for you.eBay case really does very bad effect on our store, please kindly help us close it.Your understanding would be hig
[10:45:29] <ssi> hly appreciated.Best regards,"""""""
[10:46:16] <PetefromTn_> honestly a lot of sellers really prize thier good feeback...
[10:46:34] <ssi> if I have to file a paypal claim to get my money back they will certainly get negative feedback
[10:46:39] <PetefromTn_> most are willing to do quite a lot to ensure they keep it...
[10:46:52] <ssi> since the carriers will only give me the option to put pressure on the shipper, pressure on the shipper is what I will do
[10:47:05] <ssi> it's bad enough that I have to fight to get my money back
[10:47:14] <ssi> I have like a thousand dollars tied up in shit that I don't have
[10:47:35] <Wolf_> I’m glad I rarely have any shipping issues
[10:47:55] <ssi> what pisses me off is that it's probably something stupid like a similar address somewhere else
[10:48:07] <ssi> and if the carrier would give me gps data of where the packages are scanned, it'd be easily resolved
[10:48:21] <ssi> four different packages getting similarly lost across two carriers is not a coincidence
[10:48:36] <Wolf_> I’ve had fedex deliver my shit to wrong street before at my parents house
[10:48:56] <CaptHindsight> you need to move to a location with a less confusing address
[10:49:08] <ssi> who is paying for that?
[10:49:25] <zeeshan> howdy
[10:49:27] <gregcnc> get the city to rename your street
[10:49:30] <_methods> obama
[10:50:03] <CaptHindsight> getting to know the driver also helps
[10:50:13] <ssi> I haven't exactly had the opportunity
[10:50:21] <ssi> I actually very much wanted to talk to the driver
[10:50:32] <ssi> so much so that last week when I had stuff coming, I stayed home so I could talk to him
[10:50:36] <ssi> but it turned out to be not the regular driver
[10:50:37] <Wolf_> I don’t think I have ever seen the same fedex guy here lol
[10:50:38] <CaptHindsight> it really surprised them when I meet them at their door
[10:50:42] <ssi> and that was the same day the fedex one went missing
[10:50:52] <CaptHindsight> then my packages always show up
[10:51:09] <gregcnc> my UPS driver is so overly nice I can see he's uncomfortable.
[10:51:47] <gregcnc> fedex guys run so fast i never catch them at the door
[10:52:08] <zeeshan> ssi is alive
[10:52:09] <zeeshan> :D
[10:52:28] <CaptHindsight> gregcnc: have you ever had the misfortune to have to drop off at Fedex in Cary?
[10:52:33] <ssi> unfortunately :(
[10:52:38] <gregcnc> not in a few years
[10:52:47] <CaptHindsight> so pleasant
[10:52:56] <Erant> I remember someone in here mentioning a good source for PCB end mills...
[10:53:07] <gregcnc> I have actually driven to the airport at like 10PM
[10:53:21] <Erant> I'm looking for some 2fl and 4fl 1/16" and 1/32". Ball and flat.
[10:53:49] <CaptHindsight> gregcnc: yeah, O'hare packages are great
[10:54:25] <gregcnc> they were laid back there
[10:54:25] <CaptHindsight> gregcnc: O'hare Fedex air freight is a horror story
[10:55:00] <CaptHindsight> takes an hour and you have to go through security twice, in and also when you leave
[10:56:37] <ssi> ug I gotta fly commercial this week
[10:56:39] <CaptHindsight> so get there 2 hours before they close
[10:56:43] <ssi> I hate flying commercial like a poor
[10:57:07] <gregcnc> I try to make stuff that's smaller and fits in a box.
[10:57:46] <CaptHindsight> some customers want air freight same day-ish
[10:58:11] <CaptHindsight> well <24 hours
[10:58:44] <gregcnc> as long as they pay, give them what they want
[10:59:32] <CaptHindsight> I'll even deliver if they are <1K miles at times
[11:01:14] <gregcnc> If you like driving, that has to be nice to get away.
[11:02:02] <CaptHindsight> why want to get away from all this grey and cold? :)
[11:02:11] <gregcnc> Erant, http://www.ebay.com/usr/drillman1?
[11:02:51] <gregcnc> what, we went to the circus last night, <50°F friday
[11:04:16] <tiwake> 800 miles in a nice car is nice
[11:04:52] <tiwake> used to drive 850 miles between montana and oregon a couple times a year
[11:05:42] <Wolf_> I’ll be doing 1,150 miles on Thursday in my car….
[11:06:26] <tiwake> Wolf_: in one day?
[11:06:32] <Wolf_> maybe
[11:06:41] <Wolf_> making that call on the road
[11:06:48] <tiwake> thats really stretching it for me... heh
[11:07:22] <tiwake> 850 miles is ~12 hours, could maybe do another 2 hours
[11:08:00] <Wolf_> map is saying 16-19hrs depends on which end of that time its on
[11:09:00] <archivist> stupid american speed limits make it take too long
[11:09:15] <Wolf_> yeah
[11:09:20] <tiwake> when flying there isnt a speed limit
[11:09:25] <CaptHindsight> I used to go Chicago to SF in 30 hours
[11:10:04] <gregcnc> I did that to San Diego once.
[11:10:08] <CaptHindsight> archivist: they have been creeping back up lately, 75 in many spots now
[11:10:29] <archivist> 65 was max when I came over
[11:10:34] <Wolf_> lol people go over that anyways
[11:10:35] <zeeshan> long live high speed milling
[11:10:37] <archivist> 55 elsewhere
[11:10:51] <CaptHindsight> still 55 in and around cities
[11:10:55] <ssi> tiwake: two years ago, I did 8000 miles in 13 days :D
[11:10:57] <Wolf_> just a matter of finding a idiot to be out front to eat the speed trap for you
[11:11:22] <archivist> we did shifts on the long hauls
[11:11:39] <CaptHindsight> set the doppler radar to 55 mph
[11:11:42] <gregcnc> into Chicago it's what 55 with 45mph constructions zones and you'll be lucky not to get passed at 70mph
[11:12:22] <tiwake> 80 in montana
[11:12:25] <archivist> did most of baltimore to chicago one day
[11:12:31] <CaptHindsight> laser is more complicated to encourage
[11:12:47] <ssi> 80 in utah too
[11:12:56] <Wolf_> I’ve done Baltimore to chicago a couple times in a day
[11:12:57] <gregcnc> Capt, have you noticed speed limits in Rockford are minimums?
[11:13:05] <tiwake> oregon is still stuck at 55-60
[11:13:15] <ssi> best part about our trip was we averaged 85+mph, but 45mpg
[11:13:22] <ssi> whole trip cost me $575 in fuel :D
[11:13:26] <ssi> and that was back when it was >$4/gal
[11:13:32] <CaptHindsight> gregcnc: on the tollway? I usually go backroads since I'm north
[11:14:04] <gregcnc> like perryville or alpine any major road
[11:14:25] <CaptHindsight> was there Friday
[11:14:41] <Wolf_> ssi: lol nice, I am looking forward to see what the mpg this tdi kicks out on this run
[11:14:42] <CaptHindsight> just max that I saw
[11:14:48] <ssi> Wolf_: which did you get?
[11:15:02] <gregcnc> i mean people drive that way
[11:15:04] <PetefromTn_> Chicago SUCKS!
[11:15:11] <Wolf_> I have a ’15 golf wagon
[11:15:18] <ssi> cool
[11:15:34] <ssi> the golf and the wagon both do a little worse than the jetta because of the blunt tail
[11:15:43] <ssi> they're slightly higher drag coefficient
[11:15:43] <PetefromTn_> absolutely worst traffic I have ever experienced anywhere and that is saying something as I have gone thru Atlanta during the wrong times quite a few times..
[11:15:56] <CaptHindsight> PetefromTn_: it's that Fascist mayor
[11:16:02] <_methods> yeah atl can be hell
[11:16:03] <gregcnc> chicago is bad because of the lake.
[11:16:07] <ssi> PetefromTn_: yeah that happens to me quite a few times
[11:16:08] <ssi> a week
[11:16:09] <ssi> :(
[11:16:44] <tiwake> drove through LA towing a large trailer at 2-3am
[11:16:44] <PetefromTn_> that whole city is a political disaster, a traffic disaster, and an organizational disaster. The only thing GOOD about the place is it has some good restaurants :D
[11:16:49] <tiwake> that was horrible enough
[11:17:04] <CaptHindsight> the Atlanta subway smells funny
[11:17:08] <ssi> LA is pretty freakin bad
[11:17:08] <gregcnc> we have the pleasure of living in Mchenry county. Which besides anchorgae alaska and honolulu HI has the worst interstate highway acess of all US counties per capita
[11:17:17] <CaptHindsight> are the highways any better there?
[11:17:34] <PetefromTn_> I used to live in Anaheim, been thru LA MANY times... it's got nothing on Chicago..
[11:17:40] <ssi> CaptHindsight: we have great highways, just terrible interchanges and way too many horrible drivers
[11:18:06] <ssi> our highways are 10 lanes each direction and always bumper to bumper
[11:18:07] <Wolf_> I’ll be doing baltimore area to down near new orleans, hopefully I miss most city traffic
[11:18:29] <PetefromTn_> I gotta agree Atlanta's probelms are NOT really the design of the highways..
[11:18:47] <PetefromTn_> considering the level of traffic and the business loops they did what they could about it.
[11:19:10] <PetefromTn_> The people just drive like idiots and all it takes is one idiot and everyone is in a parking lot..
[11:19:20] <ssi> the biggest problem we have is pisspoor public transit
[11:19:34] <ssi> and broad urban sprawl driven by shitty race relations
[11:20:08] <CaptHindsight> gregcnc: I actually don't mind it. I rarely ever head south or east so it's mostly cornfields and no cars for me
[11:20:50] <PetefromTn_> Luckily I will only have to go thru Atlanta like 2 more times ;)
[11:21:00] <gregcnc> I worked in loves park for a couple years. could get there in the same time it took to go half as far the other direction
[11:21:00] <ssi> yeah maybe me too hahaha
[11:21:06] <CaptHindsight> gregcnc: and 1 hour to O'hare, which is the same from in the city
[11:21:18] <ssi> gotta commute four days this week, then off to cali and maybe quit my job :D
[11:21:30] <Wolf_> I worked in washington dc for a year.. that shit sucked
[11:21:38] <PetefromTn_> not USVI?
[11:21:46] <_methods> oh man dc is a real shit hole too
[11:21:46] <ssi> not immediately
[11:21:50] <ssi> not moving to cali, just interviewing
[11:21:52] <PetefromTn_> OOps sorry I meant to say 3 more times...
[11:21:57] <PetefromTn_> aah
[11:22:34] <PetefromTn_> gotta accompany my machines down to Florida to put them in storage, come back and load up my household stuff and then head back down after the closing...
[11:22:49] <PetefromTn_> so yeah thrice ;)
[11:22:57] <CaptHindsight> lots of aerospace in Loves Park
[11:23:17] <gregcnc> Barber Coleman
[11:24:35] <ssi> did I tell you guise that I got my commercial multi add-on last weekend?
[11:24:42] <ssi> starting in on the multi-engine instructor rating now
[11:24:51] <ssi> I'm gonna have five careers before long :D
[11:24:52] <_methods> wow nice man
[11:25:26] <ssi> I gotta renew my 2nd class medical, then I can start flying trips for money in the big twins that kevin manages
[11:25:48] <ssi> https://www.instagram.com/p/BBgJdquI43u/
[11:25:59] <ssi> flew that one a few days ago, getting comfortable in it to start flying trips in it
[11:26:00] <Wolf_> lol nice, I’ve been thinking about starting on pilots license lately
[11:26:09] <ssi> do it
[11:26:14] <ssi> spend all your dollars :D
[11:26:30] <Wolf_> lol
[11:26:38] <ssi> it's minimum about ten grand to get a private these days
[11:26:54] <Wolf_> yeah saw that, kicking myself for not doing it 10 yrs ago
[11:27:14] <ssi> honestly best way to do it is to buy an airplane and do it in your own plane
[11:27:19] <ssi> especially as cheap as gas is right now
[11:27:33] <Wolf_> yeah 100LL is pretty cheap :D
[11:27:47] <ssi> 3.19/gal is the cheapest around here
[11:27:59] <Wolf_> except at the airport closest to me lmao
[11:28:10] <ssi> yeah it's not cheap at my airport either
[11:28:11] <roycroft> i'm paying $2.03 for b99.9 right now
[11:28:24] <ssi> roycroft: 99.9% biodiesel?
[11:28:27] <roycroft> yes
[11:28:33] <roycroft> that's the cheapest it's ever been here
[11:28:40] <PetefromTn_> great man so you can Fly me and the family to the Bahamas soon ;)
[11:28:52] <ssi> I'm paying $1.95 for B5 or whatever it is blended here
[11:29:00] <ssi> and Jet-A is down to $2.40 at my home field
[11:29:06] <PetefromTn_> I'd just paddle there in my Kayak but it IS like 50 miles....
[11:29:08] <ssi> mostly because of the billionaire that keeps his seven jets on the field
[11:29:10] <CaptHindsight> anyone else try E15 yet? It's ~$1.30 gal
[11:29:25] <Wolf_> FDK is at $4.65 self on 100LL
[11:29:29] <roycroft> that wouldn't do very well in my engine, i think
[11:29:39] <ssi> which, the B5, or the E15? :P
[11:29:46] <roycroft> the e15
[11:29:49] <ssi> yeah probably not
[11:30:23] <ssi> Wolf_: cheapest in maryland is KOXB at 3.99
[11:30:34] <ssi> you just live in a part of the country that hates people that burn fuel
[11:30:47] <PetefromTn_> its noon and we are still below freezing here BAAAhhhhh
[11:30:57] <ssi> holy shit 100LL is $2.53 in waynesboro, MI
[11:31:02] <ssi> MS?
[11:31:05] <ssi> mississiisspssisisiiippppi
[11:31:08] <ssi> lol
[11:31:12] <Wolf_> yeah its cheap down south
[11:31:38] <ssi> wow 3.49 in sacramento
[11:31:48] <ssi> 2.94 in leesburg fl
[11:32:01] <Wolf_> ssi: where did you get that 3.99 at lol KDMW is $3.89 lol
[11:32:12] <ssi> http://airnav.com/fuel/greatdeals/long?type=1#usMD
[11:32:26] <ssi> they don't always show the cheapest on there for some reason
[11:32:27] <ssi> heh
[11:32:41] <ssi> oh because it only figures reports that are less than 10 days old
[11:32:42] <Wolf_> 100ll.com seems to work good
[11:33:19] <ssi> http://100ll.com/showfbo.php?HashID=a0e3737f90ac2e8a4c6684fd1e75e062
[11:33:26] <ssi> my airport JUST dropped from 4.75 to 3.75
[11:33:37] <ssi> but i usually go to thomaston, which is down to 3.25
[11:34:02] <ssi> went down there yesterday and filled up
[11:35:48] <Wolf_> nice
[11:36:28] <Wolf_> any suggestions on what to look for to learn in plane wise lol
[11:38:55] <ssi> cherokees are the best value right now
[11:38:59] <ssi> they're dirt cheap for some reason
[11:39:02] <ssi> makes me sad, since I own one
[11:39:45] <ssi> I ought to get my CFI and make someone a deal that if they buy my cherokee for what I'm asking, I'll do their training included
[11:41:24] <ssi> or just keep the damn thing and train in it
[11:47:24] <maxcnc> Good evening to you all ;-)
[11:47:44] <PetefromTn_> or you could just train me in it because you are such a nice guy ;)
[11:48:21] <Wolf_> heh, cherokee here in MD for $24,500
[11:51:08] <ssi> Wolf_: yeah you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a cherokee for under $25k
[11:51:21] <ssi> i'll sell mine right now for 22k
[11:57:30] <Wolf_> I’m assuming the cherokee is okish after training?
[12:00:01] <ssi> yeah it's a great airplane
[12:00:12] <ssi> I've owned it for ten years, and flown almost a thousand hours in it
[12:00:18] <ssi> but eventually you'll outgrow it
[12:00:57] <Loetmichel> ssi: physical or skill level?
[12:01:09] <Loetmichel> iirc the cherokee isnt THAT small
[12:01:18] <ssi> lol not physical
[12:01:20] <ssi> just needs
[12:01:32] <Wolf_> I was looking at T337C bit I think I would need to get A&P to keep it in the air lol
[12:01:37] <ssi> it's not the fastest thing out there, and it's not a heavy enough hauler to put four real adults and all their crap in
[12:02:07] <ssi> lol you don't want a skymaster, especially not a turbo skymaster
[12:03:03] <Wolf_> lol I like a challenge, but pretty sure I would go broke paying someone to keep it going
[12:03:25] <Loetmichel> ssi: i never had my own PPL, not to talk about a plane... but i recently bought an old (1994) BMW 316i compact as an beater to get me to work while my Omega is at the mechanic... MAAAN do you "unlearn" certain things when driving an aitomatic car with all the assistance systems like ASR for close to 10 years...
[12:04:33] <Loetmichel> <- did a bit of a 450 spin yesterday... not to mentoin about two dozen times i stalle the engine at the traffic lights since wenedsday when i bought it ;) (its a manual shift)
[12:04:36] <ssi> Loetmichel: haha yep
[12:04:36] <Loetmichel> ;)
[12:04:47] <ssi> I feel that way when I go back and drive old Z cars
[12:04:51] <ssi> like that Z32 twin turbo I bought: P
[12:05:07] <ssi> short coupled rwd IRS zero driver aids 500+hp monster
[12:05:15] <ssi> it's fun but prone to wrecks :)
[12:05:34] <Loetmichel> ssi: that BMW is simply a rust bucket
[12:05:53] <Loetmichel> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=16146&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
[12:06:48] <Loetmichel> ... but it has 3 months left to the next german MOT... and it moves, doesent rain into it... what more do you want to commute do work for a few weeks...
[12:07:10] <Loetmichel> (a drivers seat that isnt broken, but thats already fixed) ;)
[12:07:17] <Wolf_> lol
[12:07:22] <ssi> Wolf_: yeah not to mention that a twin is not the thing to learn in
[12:07:39] <ssi> and, that's the worst twin to do multi training in, because you end up with a centerline thrust only limitation
[12:07:45] <ssi> so you can't fly ANY OTHER TWINS
[12:07:49] <Wolf_> I know that
[12:08:15] <Wolf_> plus need complex ticket as well for it
[12:08:16] <ssi> and it'll burn 3-4x as much fuel as the cherokee for slightly more speed
[12:08:27] <ssi> no such thing as a complex ticket, just an endorsement, and that's easy
[12:08:34] <ssi> but you can't do primary training in a twin
[12:09:09] <Wolf_> yeah, seen a few mentions of not using a 337 for twin rating
[12:10:16] <ssi> I don't think anyone should use a 337 for anything :P
[12:10:20] <ssi> they're terrible airplanes heheh
[12:10:28] <Wolf_> what about a 150
[12:10:37] <ssi> they kill a lot of people because they'll lose the aft engine on takeoff and not realize it
[12:10:48] <ssi> and when the gear is transiting, it creates a tremendous amount of drag
[12:10:55] <ssi> won't climb on two engines with the gear in transit
[12:11:04] <ssi> if you lose an engine on takeoff and cycle the gear, you're coming down
[12:11:15] <ssi> a 150 is a good training airplane if you're skinny
[12:11:21] <ssi> but they're slow and boring
[12:11:23] <ssi> and not cheap enough
[12:11:39] <Wolf_> few for ~$15k
[12:12:28] <ssi> cessnas tend to be overpriced, because that's what most schools train in, and small minded people refuse to try anything new
[12:12:39] <ssi> 15k 150s might be problem ridden
[12:12:40] <Wolf_> lol
[12:12:59] <ssi> what do you weigh?
[12:13:21] <Wolf_> i’m 160-165
[12:13:26] <ssi> you'll be ok in a 150
[12:13:30] <ssi> maybe even with a passenger :)
[12:13:35] <ssi> find a skinny instructor :D
[12:13:39] <CaptHindsight> http://storage.thebarrieexaminer.com/v1/dynamic_resize/sws_path/suns-prod-images/1297720725011_ORIGINAL.jpg?quality=80&size=650x&stmp=1436392225595 is this why you don't use pontoons on land?
[12:13:56] <Loetmichel> ssi: whats a centerline thrust only limitation?
[12:14:00] <ssi> lol no you can land on grass with floats
[12:14:24] <ssi> Loetmichel: most of the training for multiengine is dealing with assymetrical thrust... it'll kill you if you're not prepared
[12:14:44] <ssi> Loetmichel: 337 is a twin with a forward tractor engine and an aft pusher engine, so it's centerline thrust
[12:14:48] <Loetmichel> i am a model plane guy
[12:15:01] <Loetmichel> i KNOW how to handle asymmetrical thrust
[12:15:06] <ssi> if you take your checkride in a 337, you get a limitation on your certificate that says "centerline thrust only", which means you can ONLY fly twins with centerline thrust
[12:15:13] <Wolf_> suck & blow http://cdn8.traderonline.com/v1/media/55c367ecedc155562d4b9a95.jpg?width=1024&height=768&quality=70
[12:15:14] <Loetmichel> happens all the time in models
[12:15:29] <ssi> it's a pretty substantial downgrade to the certificate, since the 337 is about the only centerline twin on the market
[12:15:41] <Loetmichel> Wolf_: ah, i see
[12:16:06] <ssi> but the 337 sucks because if the aft engine fails it's often hard to detect
[12:16:26] <Wolf_> gauge layout doesn’t help IMO lol
[12:16:30] <Loetmichel> ssi: wouldnt that basically be a single engine license ?
[12:16:41] <ssi> Loetmichel: no, because you still need a multi rating to fly it
[12:16:54] <Loetmichel> nice
[12:17:26] <Wolf_> its a complex pain in the ass
[12:17:43] <Loetmichel> can you optain the multi rating on say a beechcraft 50 and then fly the 337?
[12:17:44] <ssi> CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3Qzgs0ZFmA
[12:17:49] <ssi> Loetmichel: yes
[12:18:09] <ssi> CaptHindsight: and here's how you get it back off the ground without water :)
[12:18:10] <ssi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MOBWrBf8jU
[12:18:26] <Wolf_> most crashes I’ve read up on on the 337 are people feathering wrong props on engine outs, or starving the fuel on them
[12:18:29] <Wolf_> or both
[12:18:46] <ssi> yep, and it'd be really easy to do
[12:18:49] <Loetmichel> ssi: landing a plane with floats on WET grass is easy
[12:18:58] <ssi> Loetmichel: correct
[12:19:06] <Loetmichel> now do it after 2 weeks of sun without a drop of rain ;)
[12:19:21] <ssi> you can land them on pavement too, it just chews up the rub strips on the floats
[12:19:57] <aventtini3> hello guys
[12:20:06] <aventtini3> as i promise
[12:20:08] <aventtini3> http://www.megafileupload.com/67p7/configs.tar.gz
[12:20:18] <aventtini3> http://www.megafileupload.com/67p8/configs27.tar.gz
[12:20:23] <aventtini3> first is 2.6
[12:20:28] <aventtini3> second is 2.7
[12:20:36] <aventtini3> 2.6 is working normal
[12:20:48] <aventtini3> 2.7 can tune the motors or make any servo modif
[12:21:32] * aventtini3 slaps archivist around a bit with a large trout
[12:21:40] <aventtini3> sorry
[12:21:50] <aventtini3> mouse went on slap
[12:24:33] <pcw_home> You should simply use your pre-made 2.6 hal and ini files on 2.7
[12:24:34] <pcw_home> using _ANY_ configuration utility is probably a mistake
[12:27:04] <aventtini3> its not working
[12:27:16] <aventtini3> im testing that now fro 8 h
[12:27:20] <aventtini3> no result
[12:27:30] <zeeshan> what are you trying to do
[12:27:31] <zeeshan> :D
[12:31:16] <aventtini3> im truning to instal 2.7 for 4 days on the wf72
[12:31:26] <aventtini3> 2.6 works perfect
[12:31:28] <aventtini3> 2.7
[12:31:45] <aventtini3> no movment or only drifts
[12:34:07] <pcw_home> Nope 2.6 and 2.7 are identical as far as basic servo systems go
[12:34:19] <pcw_home> you are not using the same config files
[12:35:06] <zeeshan> aventtini3: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/getting-started/updating-linuxcnc.html
[12:36:34] <aventtini3> guys all of my 3 machines make same problem
[12:36:45] <aventtini3> zee i was getting started 1 year ago
[12:36:49] <zeeshan> aventtini3: just follow this instructions
[12:36:53] <zeeshan> if 2.6 worked
[12:36:55] <zeeshan> 2.7 should work
[12:37:40] <aventtini3> :))))
[12:38:01] <aventtini3> that are my 2 configs
[12:38:18] <aventtini3> it dont work on this bosch drive and linar encoders
[12:39:15] <aventtini3> i have tested all the posible ideas
[12:39:23] <aventtini3> i play for 5 h on 2.6
[12:39:32] <aventtini3> then instal th 2.7
[12:39:38] <aventtini3> got the comfig
[12:39:42] <aventtini3> same thing
[12:39:52] <aventtini3> 2.6 has 1 at P
[12:39:58] <aventtini3> and it moves nice
[12:40:17] <aventtini3> 2.7 has 50 on p and ff1 =1
[12:40:38] <aventtini3> maybe there is some jumpers on the 6i25
[12:40:48] <pcw_home> Nope
[12:40:58] <zeeshan> dude you need to read that page
[12:41:02] <zeeshan> its nothing to do w/ the hardware.
[12:41:04] <zeeshan> its a software change.
[12:41:13] <zeeshan> i dunno why youre changing your P and FF values in 2.7
[12:41:19] <zeeshan> keep same values from 2.6
[12:41:30] <aventtini3> yes same result
[12:41:34] <aventtini3> dont work
[12:41:53] <pcw_home> You are not using the same files
[12:42:59] <pcw_home> If you run pncconf (or stepconf) you lose all your customizations so you DO NOT want to do this when upgrading
[12:43:15] <aventtini3> its a fresh instal
[12:43:30] <aventtini3> i know it make the default
[12:44:06] <pcw_home> default is NOT you want
[12:44:25] <CaptHindsight> ssi: so what you seem to be saying is that the other pilot must have done something differently :)
[12:44:38] <pcw_home> what you want is your _untouched_ config files from 2.6
[12:47:37] <CaptHindsight> good luck everyone with the servo non-issue
[12:48:32] <gregcnc> uh, what non-issue
[12:48:58] <CaptHindsight> this fun started the other day
[12:52:01] <CaptHindsight> how come machining several custom parts always takes far less time in my head than on the machines?
[12:52:42] <archivist> unreasonable expectations :)
[12:52:46] <zeeshan> lack of exp
[12:52:47] <zeeshan> :P
[12:54:15] <ssi> CaptHindsight: what, the flipped floatplane? yeah he did something differently, like fail to keep the airplane upright :D
[12:54:18] <ssi> that can happen with wheels too
[12:55:01] <CaptHindsight> I need faster machines
[12:55:25] <ssi> I need machines that are faster than zero
[12:55:26] <ssi> :'(
[12:56:02] <zeeshan> i think i am going to work on a more accurate time estimator for linuxcnc
[12:56:04] <zeeshan> based on g-code
[12:56:35] <zeeshan> im suprised it doesnt exist
[12:58:00] <CaptHindsight> don't forget to add in extra time for distractions, broken tools, phone calls, questions on IRC, coffee breaks, squirrels etc
[12:58:09] <zeeshan> see i was thinking this
[12:58:15] <gregcnc> ooh a squirrell......
[12:58:19] <zeeshan> one time would come based on the moves, acceleration, deceleration etc
[12:58:48] <zeeshan> and then actual time would be a function of the current state which compensates for if you've got feed override, on etc
[12:59:31] <archivist> and then you use it to guestimate a machine with a slow tool change
[12:59:46] <zeeshan> yes that could be an initial config input
[13:00:22] <archivist> a random chain tool changer would really screw your guesses
[13:00:37] <zeeshan> why
[13:00:53] <zeeshan> you'd index it to next tool
[13:01:01] <zeeshan> while the machine is using the current tool
[13:01:11] <archivist> you dont know time to random pocket
[13:01:20] <ssi> zeeshan++
[13:01:29] <zeeshan> doesn't matter
[13:01:33] <zeeshan> most chain indexers are quick.
[13:01:52] <ssi> only would be a factor if you had segments between toolchanges that were so fast that the toolchanger can't index
[13:01:53] <zeeshan> whats the quickest operation you're doing?
[13:02:02] <zeeshan> a quick spot drill?
[13:02:06] <zeeshan> takes 8 seconds?
[13:02:09] <archivist> watch skunkworks video
[13:02:12] <ssi> it's a bigger factor on a non-exchange atc like mine
[13:02:43] <zeeshan> archivist: fine then you'd need to know the tool number and tool position
[13:02:48] <zeeshan> and keep track of the indexing also to get an accurate time
[13:02:55] <zeeshan> his machine is huge
[13:03:07] <zeeshan> someone else can work on that :P
[13:03:58] <skunkworks> my tools are serialized.. I pre-call for the next tool I need (after the previous tool change)
[13:04:06] <archivist> tis funny how the variation is forgotten
[13:05:51] <archivist> or blink and you miss it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XYakTeQahA
[13:06:06] <skunkworks> I have no way of knowing what 'pocket' is up - only what tool.
[13:07:08] <zeeshan> ive been using a lot of chip thinning / high speed paths
[13:07:10] <zeeshan> holy cow
[13:07:18] <zeeshan> its crazy seeing the machine take 1.5" doc cuts
[13:07:22] <zeeshan> at 0.060 woc
[13:07:25] <zeeshan> at 100 ipm
[13:07:30] <ssi> :D
[13:07:39] <zeeshan> you get a stream of chips
[13:07:45] <zeeshan> that you dont wanna get hit by
[13:08:19] <skunkworks> matsuura is a bit slower.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwnIIWTb7U8
[13:08:34] <archivist> at a show over here DG were throwing chips at the window
[13:08:35] <zeeshan> hahahaha
[13:08:41] <zeeshan> poor matsuura
[13:08:46] <zeeshan> it looks like an old man w/ a cane
[13:09:10] <ssi> looool
[13:11:45] <MrSunshine> hmm, lowest latency ive been able to reach is about 8000ns on the computer
[13:11:58] <MrSunshine> is that good or bad? =)
[13:12:06] <CaptHindsight> MrSunshine: looks good
[13:12:12] <archivist> I would be happy
[13:12:12] <zeeshan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQIYZ-iKuG4
[13:12:15] <zeeshan> i need one of these machines
[13:12:38] <MrSunshine> tho i have a base thread of like 33333 now (due to the strange lag spike i got that is gone now with the irqhacks) =)
[13:12:58] <CaptHindsight> MrSunshine: what cpu and chipset?
[13:13:09] <MrSunshine> CaptHindsight: D510mo is hte motherboard .. dont know chipset
[13:13:13] <MrSunshine> D510 is the cpu
[13:13:24] <MrSunshine> a bit on the slow side but =)
[13:14:23] <archivist> zeeshan, you dont want that, the springs will be mixed in the bin, bugger to separate later
[13:14:55] <zeeshan> lol
[13:15:22] <CaptHindsight> it needs an extra arm and bins to presort parts :)
[13:16:50] <CaptHindsight> zeeshan: are you planning on going into the lampshade or coat hanger business?
[13:16:58] <maxcnc> gn8
[13:17:15] <zeeshan> CaptHindsight: no lol
[13:24:31] <MrSunshine> using acpi=noirq almost all irq requests went to core 0 of the cpu
[13:24:41] <MrSunshine> more so thatn using irq affinity
[13:25:57] <MrSunshine> the hpet timer btw, is that good or bad? without it there was an irq that went to both cores constanty, with it i do not see that
[13:25:57] <CaptHindsight> over the years those kernel parameters tend to randomly break/work/change how they behave
[13:26:43] <CaptHindsight> usually hpet is on
[13:27:09] <CaptHindsight> but it depends on the version of RTAI, kernel and hardware
[13:28:05] <CaptHindsight> all it takes is one dyslexic dev to flip a bit and On now means Off for a setting
[13:29:02] <MrSunshine> hehe :P
[13:29:21] <CaptHindsight> or versa vice
[13:39:24] <__rob> whats the difference between radial and tangential tolerance
[13:39:30] <__rob> radial is runout right ?
[13:39:42] <__rob> and tangential tolerance is what ?
[13:40:23] <zeeshan> never heard of it :P
[13:40:47] <zeeshan> tangential logically would mean in the direction of feed
[13:42:09] <__rob> both are spec'd with (Including shaft eccentricity) in brackets
[13:42:31] <__rob> so.. i'm confused
[13:42:47] <zeeshan> got a pic?
[13:44:09] <CaptHindsight> Angular tolerance is also known as "tangential" tolerance.
[13:45:48] <__rob> yea, what is that exactly
[13:45:52] <__rob> if radial tolerance is runout
[13:46:11] <__rob> zeeshan, no pic, thats what I'm asking :)
[13:46:36] <__rob> so is that wobble perpendicular to the shaft ?
[13:46:57] <zeeshan> __rob: center line angle
[13:47:17] <__rob> ahh right, ok yes
[13:47:19] <__rob> that makes sense
[13:47:20] <__rob> thanks
[13:48:53] <aventtini3> zee
[13:48:55] <aventtini3> men
[13:49:05] <aventtini3> i busting my head whit this
[13:49:18] <aventtini3> it dot want to move 1 mm corect
[13:49:25] <archivist> aventtini3, use your 2.6 config
[13:49:26] <aventtini3> even whit the 2.6 files
[13:49:31] <aventtini3> yes man
[13:49:35] <aventtini3> same result
[13:49:47] <aventtini3> in the past h
[13:50:01] <aventtini3> im plaing whit all the posible ways in the world
[13:50:15] <aventtini3> i put my original 2.6 file
[13:50:25] <aventtini3> no impruvment
[13:50:47] <archivist> more than one file
[13:51:43] <aventtini3> yes hal ini all of them
[13:53:22] <archivist> you must not look at configs with pncconf, it is not using the actual files for display it writes only
[13:53:38] <aventtini3> copy paste
[13:53:43] <aventtini3> no pn config
[13:54:13] <aventtini3> did you see the files
[13:54:38] <aventtini3> <aventtini3> http://www.megafileupload.com/67p7/configs.tar.gz
[13:54:38] <aventtini3> <aventtini3> http://www.megafileupload.com/67p8/configs27.tar.gz
[13:57:47] <CaptHindsight> zeeshan: any opinion on this Canadian digital indicator? http://www.ebay.com/itm/0-02-x-0-0001-Electronic-Digital-Test-Indicator-in-Fitted-Box-P900-S129-/161508662023
[13:58:32] <aventtini3> aaa someting new
[13:58:38] <aventtini3> now it give a error
[13:59:15] <aventtini3> probe_paraport
[13:59:25] <aventtini3> cant finde probe_paraport
[13:59:31] <aventtini3> on the debug
[13:59:45] <aventtini3> copy paste all the files
[14:00:13] <PCW> OK so this is the first time you are actually using your 2.6 config files
[14:01:06] <aventtini3> this is the first time it showing this on copy paste
[14:02:01] <FinboySlick> CaptHindsight: That's very cheap.
[14:02:49] <FinboySlick> Oops, I somehow mistook the shipping price for the unit price :P
[14:03:08] <PCW> that error means you are using a 2.6 or earlier config file on 2.7
[14:03:10] <PCW> since you have not had this error before, this is very likely the first time you are using your old configs
[14:04:16] <PCW> This is a good sign and means you need to hand edit your hal file you used with 2.6 to make it compatible with 2.7
[14:04:37] <aventtini3> i sorry i think there is some rights on the folder
[14:04:44] <aventtini3> maybe they did not copy
[14:04:53] <PCW> hand edit means using gedit or mousepad NOT pncconf
[14:05:10] <aventtini3> understod
[14:05:44] <aventtini3> i forgot to get a file for this paraport?
[14:07:22] <PCW> 2.7.x doesn't use the probe_parport function anymore
[14:08:31] <aventtini3> i need to get it out from the hal file right
[14:11:05] <aventtini3> now pet_wachdog not found
[14:13:02] <aventtini3> :))
[14:13:05] <aventtini3> it moves
[14:13:07] <aventtini3> :))))
[14:13:14] <aventtini3> 1000000000 sorryyyyyy
[14:13:20] <aventtini3> i so stupid
[14:13:36] <aventtini3> i did not copy the right files
[14:13:57] <aventtini3> ITS aliveeee
[14:14:04] <aventtini3> whit 2.7
[14:17:59] <witnit> 20 minutes after posting configs and the machine works, not bad
[14:20:22] <witnit> Don't forget your E-Stop
[14:21:04] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hardinge-CNC-4-Lathe/121872848020 $2,495
[14:22:20] <JT-Shop> http://www.ebay.com/itm/FUNNY-STICKER-DECAL-TOSS-SOUTHBEND-MONARCH-JACOB-CHUCK-TOOL-POST-HARDINGE-797/111545806753?_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109&_trkparms=aid%3D555012%26algo%3DPW.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D35605%26meid%3Ddc508e0c38f449d0983f164ef882e4e6%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D24%26sd%3D121872848020
[14:23:57] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hardinge-CHNC-Super-Precision-Lathe-for-Control-Retrofit-Low-Use-Ex-Military/262271249468 $1,750
[14:27:36] <FinboySlick> You guys in the US have access to all the cool de-industrialization toys :P
[14:27:48] <witnit> I had an idea for stacking two rotary tableone offset from the other and using them for x/y positioning, is there a proper name for that?
[14:28:04] <witnit> tables, one *
[14:28:31] <witnit> I guess it would be like a scara style robot kinimatics?
[14:31:02] <CaptHindsight> FinboySlick: well we had to help keep the Ruskies out of your back yard all those years :)
[14:31:38] <CaptHindsight> very clever of you to have places all the water and ice up there
[14:31:46] <CaptHindsight> places/placed
[14:34:31] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mori-Seiki-MV-35-40-with-Yasnac-MX-1-Contol-CNC-Vertical-Machining-Center-/131704253405 $5k or best
[14:35:20] <witnit> CaptHindsight: those are made in china I bet
[14:35:21] <FinboySlick> CaptHindsight: Looks super-clean too :P
[14:35:41] <witnit> the indicator from "canada"
[14:37:25] <witnit> they just stamped accupoop on them and said they were canadian
[14:37:55] <FinboySlick> "We will load the machine on your truck at no charge." <--- Show up in this: http://car-pricenet.com/img/attachments/63/97063_large.jpg
[14:38:12] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mazak-CNC-QT-20-Lathe-T1-books-software-1-990-starting-bid-no-reserve-/161976630023
[14:38:36] <witnit> http://zzw.m.sell.everychina.com/p-96253880-digital-test-indicator-with-total-deviation-range-of-0-02mm-easy-reading.html
[14:39:05] <CaptHindsight> thats the China knock-off :)
[14:39:26] <FinboySlick> With a 0.0001" indicator, push-button controls in line with the measurement axis seem like a bad idea.
[14:39:45] <FinboySlick> Especially the one to set a zero.
[14:42:06] <witnit> CaptHindsight: i could be mistaken but im quite sure they are simply putting their name on a china product. there is no other indicator
[14:42:40] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hitachi-Seiki-VM-40-CNC-Milling-Machine-Center/131708122452 $5k or best
[14:50:10] <gregcnc> I like "linuxcnc compatible" on the ex mil hardinge
[14:51:15] <witnit> ha nice, funny since I never met a machine that wasnt
[14:54:43] <gregcnc> I forget which machine uses a rotary and a linear for x/y to make it compact.
[14:56:07] <_methods> a lot of those dental machines do
[14:56:39] <witnit> yesh to make it compact was the reason and also stronger
[14:57:37] <witnit> the idea is to actually have a servo spindle with an inner spindle adjusting the cutter on a concentric
[15:28:08] <gregcnc> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPJp1jyWeIU
[15:44:18] <rob_h> looks like a mini quick horizontal
[15:45:25] <_methods> better make sure you bolt that little thing down with those rapids
[15:46:02] <rob_h> i bet moving it is fun
[15:46:11] <_methods> looks nice and small
[15:46:47] <_methods> our mazak horizontals like that would tip over if you didn't bolt them down and they were a lot bigger than those little guys
[15:46:52] <_methods> especially that vmc
[15:46:58] <_methods> with all the weight up top
[15:56:33] <PetefromTn_> whew man I think I lucked out... despite cutting and customizing all of the cabinets in our kitchen before we added nice trim and refinished them I was under the impression that MOST of the doors would no longer work.
[15:57:07] <PetefromTn_> but after analyzing the situation I will only have to cut down two doors, build two custom doors, and repair one more door that has a crack in it before I spray and glaze them.
[15:57:25] <PetefromTn_> So MAN is that a lot less work than I thought it was going to be :D
[16:08:07] <CaptHindsight> liberal use of contact paper may also be used to hide flaws
[16:20:50] <Deejay> gn8
[17:09:54] <SpeedEvil> PetefromTn_: yay
[17:16:14] <PetefromTn_> CaptHindsight no man I don't need to hide anything the doors are fine...
[17:16:41] <PetefromTn_> just looked again at them and realized that I took ONE cabinet from the kitchen that did not fit anymore and put it in the garage
[17:17:11] <PetefromTn_> just realized that this cabinet doors will work for the two short doors that go over the microwave with very slight modification. SO that is even LESS work I have to do now.
[17:18:49] <PetefromTn_> The only real fabrication now I have is to make a pair of matching doors for the lazy suzan cabinet we built custom. I found a way to recreate the profile on these doors with a combination of cutter passes so its all good. Gonna save me BUNCHES of time and a good bit of cash not having to make all new doors like I was going to do.
[17:18:57] <PetefromTn_> SpeedEvil :D
[17:20:53] <_methods> you can order unfinished doors pretty cheap
[17:21:04] <_methods> unless you have some custom profile on the doors
[17:21:06] <PetefromTn_> cheaper than free?
[17:21:17] <_methods> no
[17:21:18] <_methods> lol
[17:21:23] <_methods> not that cheap
[17:21:25] <PetefromTn_> man believe me I know everything there is to know about cabinet doors...
[17:21:36] <PetefromTn_> I must have made many thousands of them
[17:21:42] <_methods> me too
[17:21:44] <_methods> and drawers
[17:21:45] <_methods> lol
[17:21:51] <PetefromTn_> we have ordered them machined them modified them
[17:21:59] <PetefromTn_> drawers too
[17:22:18] <PetefromTn_> I have built hundreds of high end custom kitchens in my life
[17:22:21] <_methods> i worked at a shop that ordered them and felt like i was cheating all the time
[17:22:39] <PetefromTn_> we only ordered them if they were nothing special
[17:23:06] <PetefromTn_> many of our doors had custom inlays and things like that so only some of those we ordered and modified for our needs.
[17:23:20] <PetefromTn_> we also always made our radiused cabinet doors in house
[17:23:52] <PetefromTn_> but yeah I know what you mean about feeling like you are cheating
[17:25:37] <PetefromTn_> this is not a big expensive house we have here and there really is nothing wrong with the doors it had. We just were going to make some decen raised panel doors if we stayed but since we are outta here now these doors will be just fine once they are refinished and they match the cabinets perfectly. The kitchen will look WAY better than it did when we moved in here LOL
[17:26:13] <gregcnc> https://youtu.be/uMmbj0GdSr4?t=40s
[17:27:21] <PetefromTn_> perfectly cylindrical potatoes?
[17:27:47] <PetefromTn_> and a lathe that is not worth its weight in scrap metal afterwards LOL
[17:29:21] <gregcnc> they'll cook evenly if they're within a couple thou
[17:29:24] <_methods> that guy is hilarious
[17:29:51] <Wolf_> what federate for potato
[17:30:09] <_methods> i love where he tears that POS festool saw apart
[17:32:24] <_methods> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hos1kegzbtfvzq2/AAAu08Z9hQb2MHNy1HVMxS2ha?dl=0
[17:32:38] <_methods> that's some of the old stuff i did back in teh day
[17:32:50] <_methods> back in the woodworking days lol
[17:33:11] <_methods> i didn't have phone camera back then so ididn't get pics of much
[17:33:18] <_methods> wish i would have now
[17:38:01] <CaptHindsight> "Please take our doors, we'll pay you" freecabinetsandotherstuffwepayoutotake.ru
[17:41:48] <PetefromTn_> _methods looks nice man
[17:42:05] <PetefromTn_> I need to find some pics of my work..
[17:47:36] <PetefromTn_> http://imgur.com/a/QDQjM These are just a couple pictures of work I did from my HOME shop. The work I did in the PRO shops locally is far better than this but I am gonna have to dig thru my other PC for the pictures LOL
[17:47:59] <_methods> yeah i love woodworking but it doesn't pay so well
[17:48:19] <_methods> and it seemed to present i high likelyhood of losing body parts
[17:49:00] <_methods> ah nice man looks good too
[17:49:07] <PetefromTn_> I love it too. Would probably still be doing it if I did not get sick. I was paid decent for it but you are right not gonna get rich from it.
[17:49:37] <_methods> i like those corner pieces on that credenza
[17:49:44] <_methods> or sideboard or whatver you call that
[17:49:56] <PetefromTn_> yeah I designed all of that stuff as well as building and installing it.
[17:50:04] <PetefromTn_> that was a neat piece
[17:50:13] <_methods> yeah the stain came out good
[17:50:17] <PetefromTn_> it actually had a TV lift inside it for a flatscreen
[17:50:22] <SpeedEvil> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093693/ - there are other perks though
[17:50:45] <_methods> nice and even
[17:51:16] <CaptHindsight> no rotating platform bed?
[17:51:17] <PetefromTn_> there was a little piece of the top that was attached to the TV lift assembly and went up and down with the TV, it was also a hidden remote control and sensor assembly
[17:51:45] <PetefromTn_> CaptHindsight well the TV lift could swivel but we disabled that to ensure the customer did not accidentally lower it while it was twisted.
[17:52:05] <CaptHindsight> yes, not idiot proof
[17:54:30] <_methods> https://www.dropbox.com/s/o7f17h3vpehp9co/Picture%20001.jpg?dl=0
[17:54:34] <_methods> that kitchen took forever
[17:54:44] <_methods> i built it and had to install it
[17:55:27] <_methods> that cherry top on the island was a nightmare
[17:56:04] <_methods> the epoxy started busting up after about a month and had to take it back and saw it up an put allthread through the countertop to reinforce it
[18:03:22] <CaptHindsight> _methods: where was the epoxy?
[18:04:20] <_methods> holding the wood together lol
[18:04:59] <CaptHindsight> ah hah
[18:05:23] <_methods> it's a working countertop so it was finished with walnut oil
[18:13:44] <CaptHindsight> today has been a day of customers asking for some very specific custom item and only wanting one at the 100K piece price
[18:17:59] <PetefromTn_> _methods now THAT looks like the stuff we used to make ;)
[18:18:05] <Tom_itx> well i found something SW does better/easier than catia
[18:18:45] <PetefromTn_> we built several IPe' tops like that with epoxy
[18:19:12] <_methods> ugh i hate ipe
[18:19:17] <_methods> that stuff is a nightmare
[18:20:47] <CaptHindsight> don't you guys use PVA and pin all that stuff with wood pegs?
[18:21:34] <_methods> no west system and eventually allthread lol
[18:22:17] <PetefromTn_> the IPE we used splines and clamped the living hell out of it but most woods just clamp and glue
[18:22:40] <_methods> yeah ipe doesn't like anything
[18:22:41] <PetefromTn_> honestly IPe' has a neat reddish green look when it is sanded and oiled
[18:22:51] <_methods> oh it looks incredible
[18:22:58] <_methods> and lasts forever
[18:23:00] <PetefromTn_> you have to use epoxy because regular wood glue does not penetrate enough
[18:23:11] <PetefromTn_> yup but it sure is a bitch to machine
[18:23:21] <_methods> blade destroyer
[18:23:28] <_methods> that dust is hell too
[18:23:36] <PetefromTn_> I built a GORGEOUS Cherry Kitchen locally here I need to find pictures of.
[18:24:05] <CaptHindsight> Bubinga!
[18:24:16] <PetefromTn_> it was entirely inset doors with beaded inset frames and had inlet sasafrass and ebony checkered strips inside each door edge
[18:28:06] <__rob> anyone know how accuracte a digial probe is meant to be ?
[18:28:11] <__rob> the one i have is tormachs
[18:28:21] <__rob> can't find data from them on exactly who makes it
[18:30:24] <CaptHindsight> __rob: like this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf2BaJ0N_ZA
[18:30:51] <__rob> yeah
[18:32:05] <__rob> http://www.tormach.com/product_tts_digitizing_probe.html
[18:32:08] <__rob> this one to be exact
[18:32:59] <CaptHindsight> are the specs not on that page?
[18:36:20] <__rob> not that I can find
[18:36:44] <__rob> uhh, wait after a refresh its loaded a table
[18:36:45] <__rob> uhh
[18:37:07] <__rob> there is no way I am getting those kind of tolerances
[18:37:34] <CaptHindsight> the machine is less accurate than the probe
[18:37:48] <__rob> I probe left and right of a part, did it again later after some cuts and was 0.02mm different
[18:37:56] <CaptHindsight> unless the probe is worn
[18:38:02] <__rob> nope, hardly used
[18:38:43] <__rob> doesn't actually spec repeatability there
[18:38:47] <CaptHindsight> maybe your machine needs aligning and delashing
[19:09:39] <Duc> is there a way to always display machine position on the side while the main screen shows the current position in offset
[19:59:44] <PetefromTn_> Wow it is windy as hell outside over here tonight. I drove my wife to the store to get some Cream cheese for a CHeesecake she is making for a lady at her work who is retiring and it felt like my Van was gonna get blown over LOL.
[21:05:04] <witnit> oooh homemade cheesecake
[21:11:14] <witnit> _rob so .008 thousands seems like a terrible amount to be off
[21:13:41] <witnit> is it equally off on both sides of the part or just one way?
[21:23:54] <PetefromTn_> yeah man she makes some damn good Cheesecake...
[21:24:36] <witnit> I think it takes like 6 blocks of phili
[21:24:40] <witnit> so worth it
[21:25:46] <PetefromTn_> yeah I think 5 but yeah...
[21:25:53] <Duc> time to see how a vendor on ebay takes my low ball offer for a 4th axis
[21:26:06] <PetefromTn_> nice man good luck
[21:26:30] <witnit> Whats the common practice for making ladder logic to toggle an output on a timer?
[21:26:35] <Duc> untested 4th's are not worth $5,000 but for 500 it is
[21:35:05] <Erant> Has anyone played with the IR distance sensors as a way of aproximating where your slide is?
[21:36:12] <Erant> Right now I'm manually zero-ing my axes, but I'll probably add some limit switches. Finding zero manually means running the table as fast as it'll go until I get close and then slow down a little.
[21:36:44] <Erant> I don't particularly enjoy the thought of ramming my table at 60-100IPM into a limit switch.
[21:37:07] <Erant> So I figured maybe the IR distance sensors can give me an idea of sort-of where the slide is and go from there.
[21:38:37] <Duc> plasma table?
[21:38:45] <Erant> Regular mill
[21:42:04] <witnit> Erant: why would your table hit the switch?
[21:42:18] <Duc> why not use a slow speed and just set it to do all and drink a coffee
[21:47:12] <PetefromTn_> If you put the limits and homes on it you never have to worry about where the table is anymore and linuxCNC can even tell you when your program is beyond those limits. Now that I have a machine running linuxCNC that uses these features I can't imagine NOT having it anymore..
[21:49:30] <t12> http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_sop=10&_ssn=tool-in-the-box&_armrs=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xbulova.TRS0&_nkw=bulova&_sacat=0
[21:54:24] <Duc> Linuxcnc can use both the home and limit switch as one if you want.
[21:55:21] <Duc> have it hit the limit then move off the switch a set amount
[21:56:22] <Erant> witnit: Because if it's going fast, it can't decel fast enough in the space between hitting the limit switch and the end.
[21:57:55] <witnit> but your limit switch doesnt have to be at the end of the table you could use it from the side, and if there is overshoot it would just go past
[22:00:10] <Erant> Pondering how I would do that.
[22:00:11] <witnit> imagine putting a limit switch on a rotary axis, there is no end, you just add a tripdog or a little bump to the outside of it and when it goes past it bumps it
[22:00:34] <Erant> Yeah, I have my machine in my head, I'm trying to think where it goes.
[22:01:12] <witnit> technically you could put the switch anywhere across the front of the table
[22:01:20] <witnit> and it would still work
[22:03:43] <witnit> you can home at lets say 15 inches in from the end of your slide and put a homing offset in and call it 0 @ 15 inches away from the switch. your options are dare i say limitless
[22:05:42] <PetefromTn_> I see what you did there ;)
[22:05:47] <witnit> jhajhhjaajha
[22:42:46] <evil_ren> omg u did a funnt
[23:06:59] <joem_> hio
[23:07:14] <joem_> building a flood table for my milling machine, wondering if anybody has a suggestion for a drain for my flood table
[23:13:53] <witnit> try a hole :P
[23:16:32] <joem_> yeah sounds good
[23:16:35] <joem_> i was just thinking that
[23:16:39] <joem_> why not just epoxy a pipe into a hole
[23:16:43] <joem_> before i waterproof it all