#linuxcnc | Logs for 2016-01-10

[00:52:26] <trentster> Hi all, what does it mean if during a program run LinuxCNC just stops at a certain point (shown as a blue line on plot) and will not continue?
[00:54:13] <XXCoder> odd
[00:54:42] <XXCoder> havent used linuxcnc, not really but machines that just stop tend to mean there was m0 or it had a error somewhere
[00:55:01] <trentster> This is the line it stops on https://gist.github.com/trentster/a09329782c51eabdd26a#file-cut-1-ngc-L34
[00:56:03] <XXCoder> well. looks legit gc
[00:56:45] <trentster> yup its very odd - its generated by fusion 360 - it stops in the exact same place every time
[00:56:58] <XXCoder> f2.09 is quite specific
[00:57:27] <XXCoder> I find it odd that it is moving at Z and Y at once
[00:57:29] <XXCoder> line before
[00:57:54] <XXCoder> unless its making a 3d surface
[00:58:00] <XXCoder> anyway it seems okay
[00:58:23] <trentster> its ramping down into a slot to 2mm depth
[00:58:32] <XXCoder> it is first floating number feed rate
[00:58:36] <trentster> it stops exactly at the point where its at 2mm depth
[00:59:04] <trentster> instead of carrying on the first pass all the way around at -2mm
[00:59:06] <XXCoder> and 2.09 is VASTLY slower than previous feed rates of 400+
[00:59:35] <XXCoder> it may not be stopped, just very dead slow.
[00:59:55] <trentster> yeah its very very odd. I will try regenerate and see if I can fix it.
[01:00:04] <XXCoder> whats feed units anyway
[01:00:05] <XXCoder> ipm?
[01:00:08] <trentster> I think you are right it looks like its stopped but just very slow
[01:00:25] <trentster> no I am metric its feeding at 446mm per minute
[01:00:46] <XXCoder> mmpm it is then heh
[01:00:54] <trentster> its an acrylic test cut with single flue o bit
[01:01:05] <XXCoder> 2.09 mm per min seems extremely slow yeah
[01:01:18] <trentster> yeah must be a bug in fusion 360
[01:02:29] <XXCoder> hopefully, problem solved
[01:04:36] <trentster> XXCoder: thanks you are a genius, one of the toolpaths when I regenrated after changing a tool got a feedrate of 2.9
[01:04:42] <trentster> all sorted now :-)
[01:04:50] <XXCoder> np, and nope not a genius
[01:04:57] <XXCoder> just did basic programming analysis
[01:05:34] <XXCoder> though isnt 2.9 barely faster than 2.09?
[01:05:55] <trentster> I meant 2.09 ;-)
[01:06:06] <trentster> its not fixed and back to 446mmpm
[01:06:22] <XXCoder> so it is 446 now
[01:06:56] <trentster> which seems way to slow for cutting acrylic
[01:06:57] <trentster> https://monosnap.com/file/X6N7TGF9yVFCZ1UyqPyngSDt3n3zvq
[01:07:31] <trentster> but its the speeds and feeds GWizard recommends which seems kinda slow - I am pretty sure its gonna gum up the bit and melt
[01:07:41] <XXCoder> in least its not "seems stopped slow"
[01:09:29] <trentster> let me go run it quick and see what happens - I predict heat and bit weld
[01:27:40] <XXCoder> how did it work out
[02:44:42] <Deejay> moin
[02:54:25] <trentster> XXCoder: the feeds and speeds were perfecto but one of the operations was resetting the Y axis origin and messing things up. I need to go and figure out where fusion is misbehaving
[02:54:46] <XXCoder> maybe ref return
[02:55:14] <XXCoder> glad to hear its closer to what you need though :D
[02:55:31] <ReadError> I think I will finally update my main linuxcnc rig
[02:55:36] <ReadError> running 2.5.0 still heh
[02:55:48] <ReadError> but works fine so havent felt the urgency
[02:56:04] <trentster> ReadError: yeah its worth doing the look ahead planner is much improved in newer version
[02:56:24] <ReadError> yea the tormach stuff?
[03:06:57] <trentster> XXCoder: can you spot why or where the heck its changing the Y origin? https://gist.github.com/trentster/371ca2208d4322d50dd3
[03:07:10] <trentster> you seem to be a bit more gcode savvy than me :-)
[03:07:48] <XXCoder> g28 = return to reference point
[03:08:06] <XXCoder> I wonder if that is causing issue with y
[03:12:37] <archivist> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.6/html/gcode/gcode.html#sec:G28-G28_1
[03:13:39] <archivist> that code never sets a sensible position
[03:15:15] <archivist> are you using the right post processor in fusion
[03:20:11] <trentster> archivist: yeah using "emc mm" postprocessor
[03:20:18] <trentster> is there something better to use?
[03:21:47] <archivist> iirc fusion is recent dunno why they are using an old name
[03:23:52] <trentster> archivist: https://monosnap.com/file/PFgoAqjvUmvPXgYHEyQERyzBcp8AO1.png
[03:24:34] <archivist> I dont use cam
[03:24:39] <trentster> never mind I see they have now updated it
[03:24:49] <trentster> there is a generic linuxcnc added
[03:28:43] <trentster> new postprocessor output https://gist.github.com/trentster/4151ad7fb35026a340dd
[03:29:19] <trentster> no more G28 :D
[03:29:26] <XXCoder> yeah
[03:30:17] <trentster> weird I have been using the other EMC one for ages without issue - but anyway I am glad its updated with a new postprocessor for linuxcnc
[03:31:43] <XXCoder> no love for linux by fusion 360
[03:32:33] <trentster> heh unfortunately in this world the best solution is not the one that always wins out in the end.
[03:32:57] <XXCoder> can be saved by virtualbox
[03:33:05] <XXCoder> once I find my damned copy of windows 7.
[03:33:09] <trentster> I had an argument the other day with someone who was trying to convince me that Mach 4 was a better choice than LinuxCNC. I just had to walk away in the end
[03:33:41] <archivist> I think they are in a stage of getting you hooked, later will start fees
[03:34:17] <XXCoder> fusion isnt free
[03:34:25] <XXCoder> 30 day trial, then $400 or so each month
[03:34:39] <XXCoder> there is hsm express thats free
[03:34:57] <archivist> 400 a month is terrible
[03:35:07] <trentster> afaik its 100% free for students, teachers and hobbyists
[03:35:23] <archivist> until they start charging!
[03:35:55] <XXCoder> oh that is for hsm pro
[03:36:06] <XXCoder> fusion 360- is 40 monthly or 300 yearly
[03:36:10] <XXCoder> usd
[03:37:40] <trentster> XXCoder: nope https://monosnap.com/file/edX4SCBADbKBLP3Dk5iuYmhTgkafy1
[03:38:04] <XXCoder> its not a effective long term as I want to sell stuff I make
[03:38:19] <XXCoder> theres only so far before hobbyist dont apply
[03:38:51] <trentster> if you make less than $100K a year from your business its still free
[03:39:14] <trentster> if you making more than that - I guess you have the money to pay for a licence or buy Solidworks 2016 ;-)
[03:40:07] <XXCoder> indeed.
[03:40:14] <XXCoder> now that is decemt
[03:40:28] <trentster> I wonder how much solidworks 2016 costs
[03:40:29] <XXCoder> gonna find my impossible to find windows 7
[03:40:52] <XXCoder> quotes I hate priceless websites
[03:42:46] <XXCoder> The basic commercial license of SolidWorks has not changed in price since it was first released in 1996. One license is $3995. Annual Subscription service, which covers technical support and upgrades for one year, is $1295.
[03:43:32] <XXCoder> if I got to 100k a year, 3995 is real cheap.
[03:43:42] <XXCoder> decent.
[03:46:35] <trentster> XXCoder: in Au fusion 360 paid version for business use is $260 USD per year - so lets call that $22 a month
[03:47:07] <toastydeath> tbh if you're going to spend 4k
[03:47:14] <toastydeath> you should look at Catia or PTC Creo
[03:47:17] <trentster> So thats 15 Years of usage for the same price as 1X solidworks licence
[03:48:00] <toastydeath> solidworks is good but not great, imo
[03:49:32] <trentster> toastydeath: I will take your word for it, I have not had exposure to much. I can say what I like about fusion is integrated CAD / CAm and the fact its multiplatform
[03:50:04] <toastydeath> just for comparison, PTC Creo has had CAD/CAM since before solidworks was a product
[03:50:11] <toastydeath> back when it was pro/e
[03:50:52] <toastydeath> it is much, much more mature and wildly more powerful - once you get the hang of using parametric tools, the jump over isn't insane. solidworks cornered the market by being easy to learn, but not by being particularly powerful
[03:51:20] <toastydeath> sort of like Word vs. InDesign
[03:51:24] <toastydeath> (or Quark)
[03:52:11] <trentster> interesting - but isnt fusion also parametric?
[03:52:37] <toastydeath> yep, they're all parametric
[03:52:46] <trentster> I think its like most things tho, once a person has learnt and semi mastered a CAM package they tend to stick with it
[03:52:50] <trentster> its a big learning curve
[03:52:51] <toastydeath> but solidworks is better for someone who has never used parametric tools
[03:54:15] <trentster> All my machine are Macs - not many options besides Autocad and Fusion for native mac use. I would guess all the others are windows only. Correct?
[03:54:16] <XXCoder> holy crap
[03:54:20] <XXCoder> finally found my windows 7
[03:54:29] <toastydeath> not sure, never looked
[03:55:10] <toastydeath> looks like at least some of the packages are
[03:55:10] <XXCoder> is freecell parametric?
[03:56:19] <toastydeath> no idea
[03:57:20] <toastydeath> never heard of freecell - do you mean freecad, or is this another package?
[03:57:38] <witnit> is mach even comparable to emc?
[03:58:27] <XXCoder> duhh
[03:58:29] <XXCoder> freecad yes
[03:58:33] <trentster> this is freecell https://monosnap.com/file/C8se3xvW5ke2LSjWfCpC929zbnjATs
[03:58:37] <toastydeath> freecad is parametric
[03:58:37] <XXCoder> I used to play with freecell so much.
[03:58:41] <trentster> pretty sure its not parametric :P
[03:59:08] <XXCoder> trentster: windows 7 version is my most favorite.
[03:59:14] <XXCoder> xp is decent, and windows 10 has ads
[03:59:19] <witnit> I mean linuxcnc is not like mach since mach is based around cnc, where linuxcnc is really and truly open set of tools for creating an enhanced machine controller
[04:00:02] <XXCoder> time to use my brand new 32 gb usb drive lol
[04:00:04] <trentster> witnit: I guess the plug and play nature of Mach is appealing to folks
[04:00:14] <XXCoder> gonna dd the win7 cd to file
[04:00:18] <trentster> LinuxCNC is more get under the hood kind of thing
[04:03:49] <witnit> I guess thats the difference between being capable of doing serious work and just playing around
[04:04:12] <witnit> I wouldnt imagine anyone in there right mind choosing mach for an industrial situation with emc available
[04:04:24] <witnit> their*
[04:04:58] <witnit> unless you only did basic xyz on off type of things
[04:07:20] <XXCoder> okay
[04:07:32] <XXCoder> my linuxcnc pc is dd'ing windows 7 image to filke
[04:08:04] <XXCoder> took me a bit to figure command work as well as how to find full device path.
[04:08:16] <witnit> man dd
[04:08:17] <witnit> :)
[04:08:27] <XXCoder> yeah that was easy part
[04:08:40] <XXCoder> other took me couple minutes to remember just use mount | grep cdrom
[04:08:46] <trentster> witnit: you a man man? ;-)
[04:08:53] <XXCoder> man XXCoder
[04:08:54] <witnit> i never use man anymore it seems, i end up just googling until it comes into play
[04:09:00] <witnit> lol yeah man
[04:09:32] <XXCoder> "XXCoder - useless command, it will input nothing and output nothing"
[04:11:36] <XXCoder> man is still useful, though it seem to be starting to be nelicted
[04:11:44] <XXCoder> too bad really.
[04:11:52] <XXCoder> command itself tend to support --help too
[04:15:29] <trentster> linux man pages are not very good - unlike FreeBSD or Solaris which are maintained and comprehensive
[04:15:58] <XXCoder> thats one of flaw with linux
[04:16:06] <XXCoder> people work on stuff theyre interested on
[04:16:16] <XXCoder> which means more boring stuff tend to go sale
[04:16:19] <XXCoder> stale
[04:16:58] <trentster> yeah plus the fact its really a distro and not an OS. Linux is a Kernel
[04:17:30] <XXCoder> well yeah
[04:34:49] <witnit> i wouldnt call it a flaw
[04:35:21] <witnit> it seems to weed out alot of people from the community out of pure confusion
[04:35:37] <witnit> we only have the most dedicated or generally talented amongst us :P
[04:36:13] <XXCoder> lol ok
[04:37:48] <witnit> Linux is user friendly. It's just not very promiscuous about whom
[04:37:48] <witnit> it's user friendly with. :P
[04:40:30] <trentster> witnit: http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/90811/the-cantrill-strikes-back-bsd-now-117/
[04:40:43] <DaPeace> good morning
[04:41:17] <XXCoder> hey
[04:41:32] <trentster> witnit: watch from 23:18 its not as smart as you think it is
[04:41:55] <DaPeace> linuxcnc is working forever if you get it configured.. thats a good reason against mach3 :-D
[04:42:05] <XXCoder> my pc is too busy installing windows 7, and shutting down windows xp to open site lol
[04:42:39] <trentster> DaPeace: I agree 100%
[04:43:40] <DaPeace> i dont like the documentation of lcnc too.. complex program and not so complex help-pages
[04:45:30] <XXCoder> huh.
[04:45:54] <XXCoder> after years, first time I noticed "upgrade designed for windows vista" on my win 7 box
[04:49:53] <XXCoder> now, upgrade from windows 7 to windows 7
[04:50:00] <XXCoder> I love that stupid hack
[04:51:40] <XXCoder> a nice way to bypass upgrade only requirement
[05:01:44] <ReadError> trentster lol people actually watch this stuff?
[05:02:12] <trentster> ReadError: lol - yeah I guess so
[05:03:03] <trentster> its a bit too deep dive for me - but since I use Solaris / SmartOS for my day Job, I can appreciate what he is saying
[05:08:04] <XXCoder> nicely not captioned video
[05:08:42] <Jymmm> those bastidges!
[05:08:52] <trentster> XXCoder: lip reading not an option? I wish I could lip read :-)
[05:09:13] <XXCoder> nope, even expert its around 40% read and 60% guesswork
[05:09:21] <ReadError> i dont think you could even read as fast as he talks
[05:09:37] <XXCoder> for me its around 0.01% read and 99.99% guess which is useless lol
[05:09:43] <trentster> hah - yeah you would have to slow him down by 70%
[05:10:53] <Jymmm> run it thru Elmer Fudd translator
[05:11:14] <XXCoder> wabbit!
[05:11:26] <Jymmm> wabbbbbit
[05:12:17] <XXCoder> did you know that cartoon changed nimrod defintion from great hunter to dumbass?
[05:13:01] <Jymmm> I've never know 'nimrod' to be anything but negative
[05:13:06] <Jymmm> known*
[05:13:10] <XXCoder> its thanks to that show.
[05:13:56] <Jymmm> heh
[05:14:56] <XXCoder> installing windows 7 twice is so noring and slow.
[05:27:30] <XXCoder> heh virtualpc is awesome. windows 7 is now in update hell
[05:27:39] <XXCoder> but I can browse sites and stuff while its busy
[05:59:53] <zhivko> Hi guys... I wanna use rs274 from command line to jog motors - what is this "name of tool file =>" that it is asking me for ?
[06:00:18] <zhivko> I just want to put some simple gcode in
[06:01:22] <archivist> tool file does not have gcode in it
[06:01:42] <zhivko> OK - can I use rs472 to execute gcode ?
[06:02:10] <archivist> that is the language standard
[06:03:03] <zhivko> I see rs274 is executable on my linuxcnc
[06:03:31] <zhivko> how can I execure gcode from command line - is that possible?
[06:03:31] <archivist> you are probably looking for halcmd
[06:03:51] <zhivko> OK that's what I need I will try immediately...
[06:05:10] <zhivko> this dont go through: halcmd "G0 X10"
[06:05:33] <zhivko> I get: <commandline>:0: Unknown command 'G0 X10'
[06:07:08] <archivist> there is also axis-remote and emcrsh.
[06:08:03] <zhivko> So can I use halcmd or not to execute gcode ?
[06:08:21] <archivist> not
[06:08:28] <zhivko> which binary then ?
[06:08:47] <zhivko> just to jog motors or run whole gcode file
[06:09:05] <archivist> I use the mdi mode in axis
[06:09:52] <zhivko> I need to find command line since I have ssh from my Java Application
[06:10:00] <zhivko> I need to find command line since I have ssh to linuxcnc from my Java Application
[06:10:26] <zhivko> so is there binary like command in terminal that will execute gcode ?
[06:10:34] <archivist> there is also axis-remote and emcrsh.
[06:13:16] <archivist> there is no sensible feedback on a pure command line
[06:15:09] <zhivko> maybe I could use axis-remote --mdi "G0 X10"
[07:52:10] <jthornton> damn spam is heavy this morning... might be time to change my email again
[07:52:36] <archivist> just filter it
[07:52:58] <archivist> gmail does that part mainly automagically for me
[07:54:01] <archivist> what if a customer want to contact on an old email :(
[07:54:57] <jthornton> no customers use that email and gmail does put it in the spam box
[07:55:12] <archivist> I did rofl at the please quote for a machine I got one day
[08:01:08] <archivist> is there one place all the numbered variables are listed? eg 5241
[08:01:17] <jthornton> yes
[08:01:54] <jthornton> g code overview parameters
[08:27:58] <XXCoder> holy shit.
[08:28:12] <XXCoder> windows 7 is download windows 10 update and are refusing to stop
[08:28:25] <JT-Shop> pull the plug
[08:28:26] <XXCoder> but its basically lying to me as its saying "looking for updates"
[08:28:30] <XXCoder> I cant
[08:28:34] <archivist> they are force feeding all teh users
[08:28:46] <XXCoder> thankfully once it completes download I can say no. I dont want win 10 on my virtualpc.
[08:29:41] <XXCoder> there is angry people because some windows phpone used 3g to download 10 gb update
[08:29:46] <XXCoder> and cant delete it either
[08:29:52] <archivist> call your representative and make an antitrust complaint
[08:30:58] <XXCoder> heh wonder if theyre forming one
[08:32:24] <JT-Shop> well the precp missed us but not the cold -8°C
[08:37:42] <Tom_itx> 6°F
[08:54:36] <_methods> you can delete it
[08:54:46] <_methods> it's in a hidden folder
[08:55:05] <_methods> but until you turn off the update it will just try and download it again
[08:55:28] <_methods> you have to make a couple regedits to turn off the win10 update garbage
[08:56:32] <XXCoder> yeah plan to
[08:56:45] <XXCoder> I set update to never check but will do more later. getting late.
[08:56:48] <XXCoder> later
[09:27:01] <jthornton> do you need to supply 5v to the 7i92?
[09:56:16] <witnit> one way or another :)
[09:57:02] * JT-Shop thinks he remembers you can get 5v from a usb port I think
[09:57:24] <JT-Shop> didn't know if the ethernet supplied it or not?
[09:57:25] <witnit> I prefer to, but if it was in a standalone position the card can do it via the 15 pin layout
[09:57:41] <archivist> my latest BOB runs off usb power
[09:57:41] <witnit> If i remember correctly
[09:57:45] <PetefromTn_> Wow it was so very kind of the nice lottery people to go ahead and not only hold onto my powerball jackpot for me for a couple more days but also ADD to it. That means I can be EXTRA generous and EXTRA humble when I win it. Seriously that was so very cool of them ;)
[10:04:48] <malcom2073> PetefromTn_: But now you gotta pay them again don't you? :P
[10:05:07] <malcom2073> The time to play powerball is *after* this big jackpot gets won, odds will be significantly better
[10:05:27] <archivist> methinks the odds are a constant
[10:05:34] <PetefromTn_> actually I got the powerball number on one of the tickets
[10:05:47] <PetefromTn_> so I get a couple bucks so I don't have to pay anything this time
[10:05:52] <PetefromTn_> and yeah the odds never change
[10:06:04] <malcom2073> oh, hwh
[10:06:05] <archivist> the amount in the pot varies
[10:06:11] <PetefromTn_> the only thing that changes is the number of people trying
[10:06:19] <PetefromTn_> which makes the odds someone will win better
[10:06:45] <PetefromTn_> the odds are something like 1 in 292 something million
[10:06:56] <archivist> more money in the pot, more fools trying
[10:07:18] <PetefromTn_> yeah now it's SUPER INSANO VILLIAN money ;)
[10:07:23] <archivist> we had a record roll over pot this weekend
[10:07:43] <archivist> I didnt join in
[10:07:47] <PetefromTn_> apparenlty it is up to 1.3 billion or something crazy like that
[10:07:56] <malcom2073> crazy
[10:08:36] <archivist> they hit a max here then spread at the next level if not won
[10:09:17] <PetefromTn_> that is by far the highest powerball jackpot in history If I am not mistaken
[10:09:41] <PetefromTn_> I'd be happy with the interest on that money ;)
[10:10:17] <JT-Shop> I'm happy now
[10:12:09] <PetefromTn_> yup I'm pretty happy myself LOL
[10:12:27] <PetefromTn_> but I would bet I could be a bit happier with SUPER INSANO VILLIAN MONEY
[10:12:39] <PetefromTn_> I am willing to give it a shot
[10:13:11] <JT-Shop> most winners are not happy 6 months after winning large amounts
[10:13:26] <PetefromTn_> I'm not most winners ;)
[10:13:28] <JT-Shop> can I power the 7i92 from a usb cable
[10:13:40] <archivist> I gamble on ebay toys, more playtime
[10:14:04] <PetefromTn_> I am still trying to figure out how to use that damn gift card on ebay LOL
[10:14:19] <JT-Shop> lol
[10:14:39] <PetefromTn_> I guess I should just hit buy it now and try it
[10:14:58] <PetefromTn_> but if it does not work I will probably have to just use my own cash for it then SIGH
[10:16:12] <pcw_home> JT-Shop: you can (I have such a cable I use for running a 7I92 from a laptop)
[10:16:14] <pcw_home> but you throw away the isolation the Ethernet link provides
[10:16:15] <pcw_home> Much better to have a 5V supply in the control cabinet
[10:16:25] <JT-Shop> ok, thanks
[10:16:45] <JT-Shop> I was just wanting to test on a computer down in the beer cave
[10:17:33] <pcw_home> for testing its fine (just cannibalize a ugly USB cable)
[10:18:29] <pcw_home> Note that you can run a 7I92 from USB but not a 7I92+7I77 (>450 mA)
[10:20:41] <JT-Shop> I have a box full of 5vdc wall warts will they work?
[10:21:06] <archivist> only if you check them before use
[10:21:32] <archivist> some/most are unregulated
[10:21:52] <JT-Shop> check unloaded voltage?
[10:22:54] <archivist> if unloaded is within a few % of 5V chances are its regulated
[10:23:29] <bobo_> might want to also check for DC and ripple
[10:24:22] <archivist> I have seen some terrible ones, switchers without smoothing even
[10:26:03] <JT-Shop> quicker to cut up a usb cable
[10:26:23] <archivist> one lamp supply had 12v transformer printed on it yet it was light weight, was a switcher
[10:27:51] <bobo_> JT-Shop if no scope then measure the A.C. value of Pwr supply output
[10:29:08] * JT-Shop finds a usb cord already cut
[10:29:51] <Li> which driver is better than the other? http://www.ebay.com/itm/TB6600-4-5A-CNC-single-axis-stepper-motor-driver-board-controller-/111860360562?hash=item1a0b65a572:g:xzsAAOSw1S9WgMoX .. or .. http://www.ebay.com/itm/20KHZ-CNC-Single-Axis-TB6600-2-4-Phase-Hybrid-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Controller-/291654060764?hash=item43e7efcadc:g:QHsAAOSwYIhWjPqY
[10:33:49] <bobo_> JT-Shop do you have a O-scope ? and thanks not for the snow!
[10:36:07] <JT-Shop> yes I have a scope
[10:36:16] <JT-Shop> you need to borrow it?
[10:41:23] <PetefromTn_> I have a BUNCH of scopes....they keep me right on target ;)
[10:47:33] <PetefromTn_> https://greenville.craigslist.org/tls/5331579456.html Damn its SO PRETTY!!
[10:50:41] <archivist> looks a bit over restored
[10:51:32] <bobo_> JT-Shop Have my own O-scope ,thanks though. was wondering what you used to help track down the noise problem
[10:51:38] <jthornton> I have the pwr led on the 7i92 lit up now but mesaflash --device 7i92 returns no 7i92 found
[10:52:08] <jthornton> the AB servo wiring best practices pdf
[10:54:39] <bobo_> what/where is this -AB servo wiring best practices pdf -?
[11:00:35] <pcw_home> For real time access to the 7I92 I would connect it to the motherboard port
[11:00:36] <pcw_home> and jumper the 7I92 for (W5 down W6 up) These setup the motherboard
[11:00:38] <pcw_home> Ethernet port for static IP of, netmask
[11:00:48] <pcw_home> s/these/then/
[11:01:56] <JT-Shop> thanks
[11:02:10] <JT-Shop> bobo_: pm
[11:02:20] <pcw_home> if you use the default address this likely overlaps your internet routers NAT range
[11:03:52] <pcw_home> (which is fine if you are not doing realtime and the 7I92 is on the MAC that connects to the router )
[11:04:09] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, 5v wall warts aren't regulated very well
[11:05:29] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: I gave up on that idea real fast and found a usb cord that was already missing the end
[11:06:03] <pcw_home> if you use a wall wart make sure you ground the 5V common locally (Ive see the switching ones with about 70V of floating HF and 60Hz noise)
[11:09:15] <FloppyDisk> I had tried the walwart and then bought this meanwell - not knowing if it's any better.
[11:09:16] <FloppyDisk> https://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_1943300_-1
[11:09:42] <FloppyDisk> But, at least the DVM was super steady compared to a 3amp 5vdc walwart...
[11:18:56] <Tom_itx> http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-DC-9V-12V-24V-to-5V-3A-Step-Down-Voltage-Regulated-Power-Supply-Converter-/331646343798?hash=item4d37a99a76:g:RRgAAOSwu4BV6hTV
[11:21:14] <Tom_itx> http://www.ebay.com/itm/LED-Display-LM2596-Module-DC-4V-40V-to1-5v-37V-3-3V-5V-12V-3A-Voltage-Regulator-/221821718477?hash=item33a59acfcd:g:W3oAAOSwjVVVnnc5
[11:21:19] <Tom_itx> i've got some of thsoe
[11:22:24] <Tom_itx> http://www.ebay.com/itm/LM2596S-ADJ-DC-DC-Buck-Regulator-Power-Module-3A-Adjustable-5V-12V-24V-/191095436739?hash=item2c7e2cf5c3:g:27IAAOxydUJTMqQv
[11:22:26] <Tom_itx> and those
[11:22:39] <Tom_itx> same without the display
[11:29:16] <FloppyDisk> Tom_itx how the heck to they do taht so cheap!
[11:32:05] <CaptHindsight> small boards made by small hands that have small stomachs
[11:33:14] <CaptHindsight> manufacturing is actually automated and the parts vendors are happy with smaller margins than US suppliers
[11:33:49] <CaptHindsight> thats why TI and Motorola could no longer compete in areas like cellphones
[11:34:20] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: what do they do?
[11:34:43] <CaptHindsight> out capitalized by better capitalists
[11:35:10] <FloppyDisk> motivated capitalists...
[11:35:34] <CaptHindsight> better at capitalism, not morally superior
[11:35:56] <Sync> which is interesting, because motorola brought SiGe BiCMOS to the market
[11:36:18] <Sync> developed by my institute :3
[11:36:33] <CaptHindsight> Motorola had poor management like AMD and HP
[11:37:05] <CaptHindsight> could have been replaced by magic 8 balls and hardly done worse
[11:38:07] <Sync> well, AMD got rekt by global foundries
[11:38:18] <Sync> who were reluctant to spent dem monies
[11:40:05] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, regulate to 5v
[11:40:11] <Tom_itx> switch mode power supplies
[11:40:28] <Tom_itx> from up to around 48v iirc
[11:40:33] <Tom_itx> i used 24v
[11:42:01] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/5v_switcher.jpg
[11:42:08] <Tom_itx> i'd made a few of my own before i found them
[11:42:12] <Tom_itx> same chip
[11:43:22] <zeeshan> project manager
[11:43:22] <zeeshan> :)
[11:43:31] <Tom_itx> i like the display ones because you can see at a glance
[11:43:46] <Tom_itx> i did put a dot of hotglue on the pot once they were set
[11:45:39] <zeeshan> i was reading last night's conversation about catia for 4k
[11:45:39] <zeeshan> LOL
[11:45:54] <Tom_itx> 4k?
[11:45:57] <zeeshan> yea
[11:46:00] <Tom_itx> must be crippled
[11:46:00] <zeeshan> toastyde1th is silly somerrtimes
[11:46:39] <Tom_itx> i start that next week i think
[11:46:42] <PetefromTn_> http://i.imgur.com/MCYMAU1.jpg Looks like an amazing place to go kayaking
[11:46:44] <FloppyDisk> tom_itx - cool, like those!
[11:47:26] <Tom_itx> i used one for 10v for the spindle too
[11:47:44] <Tom_itx> since mine wasn't +- 10v
[11:47:57] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_: looks like there will be alligators in the water
[11:47:58] <zeeshan> :)
[11:48:25] <Sync> nomnom
[11:48:29] <Tom_itx> almost a guarantee
[11:49:02] <PetefromTn_> yup but alligators only bit if you touch their private parts ;)
[11:49:09] <PetefromTn_> bite
[11:49:16] <Tom_itx> how do you know?
[11:49:19] <zeeshan> lol!
[11:49:30] <PetefromTn_> just heard it somewhere hehe
[11:49:52] <PetefromTn_> that is apparently in North Florida
[11:50:16] <PetefromTn_> I bet there are some big fish in there too
[11:50:26] <Tom_itx> i bet you could easily get lost in there
[11:50:40] <PetefromTn_> speaking of fish did you know that you can now catch peacock bass in South Florida
[11:51:08] <zeeshan> blah at the end of this year
[11:51:18] <zeeshan> i need to figure out which license to buy, solidworks or inventor
[11:51:26] <zeeshan> my student priviledges will be up
[11:51:26] <Tom_itx> sw
[11:51:36] <zeeshan> its definitely not catia
[11:51:40] <zeeshan> or nx
[11:51:50] <Tom_itx> did you get a price on catia?
[11:51:52] <zeeshan> way overpriced for what they do
[11:51:53] <zeeshan> yea dude
[11:51:58] <Tom_itx> how much?
[11:51:59] <zeeshan> 18,000 for the base software
[11:52:07] <zeeshan> with no modules
[11:52:18] <Tom_itx> my bud paid 75 way back when
[11:52:18] <zeeshan> inventor is the cheapest
[11:53:39] <Sync> zeeshan: nx is best
[11:53:51] <zeeshan> i don't like it
[11:53:56] <zeeshan> but it has everything included for the price
[11:54:01] <zeeshan> as far as i can tell
[11:54:23] <Sync> I had to work with almost all packages in uni, and they all suck
[11:54:27] <Tom_itx> zeeshan, take more classes :D
[11:54:29] <Sync> now for yoloing about nx does fine
[11:54:35] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: i was formally trained in nx
[11:54:36] <zeeshan> i hate it
[11:54:50] <zeeshan> ive been formally trained in solidworks, autocad 2d, inventor
[11:54:53] <Tom_itx> to get the student price..
[11:54:54] <zeeshan> catia i only messed around on my own
[11:54:59] <zeeshan> o
[11:55:15] <PetefromTn_> Can't afford NONE of that shite :(
[11:55:44] <zeeshan> the stats show that inventor and solidworks keep growing every year
[11:56:01] <zeeshan> i think in a few years, inventor might be the market holder instead of solidworks
[11:56:35] <zeeshan> heres an unofficial pol out of 8000 users
[11:56:36] <zeeshan> https://www.reddit.com/r/CAD
[11:56:38] <zeeshan> on the right
[11:56:41] <zeeshan> of what they use
[11:56:52] <zeeshan> goddamn autocad 2d still up thee
[11:56:53] <zeeshan> haha
[11:56:56] <zeeshan> *there
[11:57:52] <renesis> its like photoshop, itll never go away
[11:57:56] <renesis> too widely pirated
[11:58:06] <zeeshan> you can get it for 800 bux
[11:58:07] <zeeshan> no need to pirate
[11:58:17] <renesis> okay well tell that to the whole world
[11:58:31] <renesis> 800 is a lot when your business isnt cad
[11:59:49] <Sync> if you cannot afford 800 for your business, you are probably doing it wrong to some degree
[12:00:24] <renesis> also my guess is they didnt mind the pirates, as it helps keep them dominant in the market and increases the number of people trained to used the software
[12:00:42] <renesis> sync: sure but people who make money dont do it by throwing money away
[12:00:55] <zeeshan> i wonder if the subscription pack is ncessary for solidworks
[12:01:11] <zeeshan> its 8000~ without it. includes everything motion simulation wiring, etc
[12:01:12] <Sync> well, that's true but you need to invest in your business to grow it so eh
[12:01:33] <zeeshan> Sync: you only need a hammer in the shop
[12:01:35] <zeeshan> you can make anything
[12:01:37] <Sync> right
[12:01:38] <Sync> :D
[12:01:40] <zeeshan> *sarcasm*
[12:01:46] <Sync> says the one with the lathe and the mill
[12:01:49] <zeeshan> haha
[12:01:50] <Sync> you only need one good hammer!
[12:02:09] <zeeshan> man ive been spending a lot of time on the deckel fp50cc t
[12:02:17] <zeeshan> i absolutely love the 40 position horizontal/vertical tool changer
[12:02:21] <zeeshan> its so AWESOME
[12:02:30] <zeeshan> i shoulda bought that machine instead of my buddy
[12:02:31] <zeeshan> but no space.
[12:02:33] <Sync> cast a new slab and bring it home
[12:02:42] <zeeshan> my friend brought it so i have access to it
[12:02:48] <zeeshan> ive helped him put it back together
[12:03:55] <zeeshan> its the type of machine you could take 1" doc with a 2" face mill
[12:04:01] <zeeshan> if if your face mill could handle it :P
[12:04:24] <Tom_itx> 50 taper?
[12:04:28] <zeeshan> no
[12:04:29] <zeeshan> 40taper
[12:04:35] <zeeshan> you're pretty much pushing it :P
[12:04:45] <zeeshan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKYfqMhb6NU
[12:04:46] <zeeshan> similar machine
[12:04:50] <zeeshan> to show you what the tool changer does
[12:05:23] <zeeshan> he doesn't have the 4th axis
[12:05:35] <Tom_itx> a couple of the okumas we had used swingarms
[12:05:43] <zeeshan> look at that transition
[12:05:53] <zeeshan> at 1:17
[12:05:57] <zeeshan> SO FAST
[12:06:00] <zeeshan> and SO COOL!!
[12:07:40] <ReadError> that video hurts my brain
[12:07:46] <ReadError> did they use some really bad stab software
[12:08:41] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: what course to take
[12:08:42] <zeeshan> :D
[12:08:55] <Tom_itx> class?
[12:09:03] <zeeshan> i dunno which one i could take now
[12:09:07] <Tom_itx> take an easy one
[12:10:01] <Tom_itx> if all you wanna do is maintain the student status
[12:10:19] <zeeshan> should do a phd
[12:10:19] <zeeshan> haha
[12:10:22] <zeeshan> no way :p
[12:10:27] <zeeshan> i'd kill myself
[12:10:29] <zeeshan> im sick of school
[12:10:52] <Tom_itx> teach a class
[12:10:56] <Sync> ^
[12:11:01] <zeeshan> full time work + school is just a real hard combo
[12:11:05] <zeeshan> no time to do anything
[12:11:54] <Sync> do school fulltime
[12:12:03] <zeeshan> no
[12:12:06] <zeeshan> waste of $
[12:12:39] <zeeshan> but thats my opinion cause im grouchy
[12:13:09] <malcom2073> Angsty
[12:13:13] <malcom2073> you don't get grouchy until you hit puberty
[12:18:11] <Jymmm> malcom2073: What's your excuse then?
[12:18:42] <malcom2073> Jymmm: I'm not grouchy or angsty, I'm... what do you call those people that are incessantly bubbly and happy?
[12:18:49] <malcom2073> Demented, yeah that
[12:18:54] <Jymmm> annoying as hell?
[12:19:07] <zeeshan> im bubbly and happy
[12:19:16] <zeeshan> ;D
[12:19:21] <Jymmm> malcom2073: drunk?
[12:19:44] <malcom2073> Nah I get sleepy when I'm drunk
[12:20:03] <Jymmm> malcom2073: ignorant to the world around them? (not necessarily a bad thing)
[12:20:12] <malcom2073> Ignorance is bliss
[12:20:43] <zeeshan> malcom2073: does your mill run
[12:20:44] <Jymmm> thats what they say
[12:20:45] <zeeshan> updates
[12:21:08] <malcom2073> zeeshan: For stepper variants of "run", yep!
[12:21:14] <zeeshan> did you cut anything
[12:21:17] <malcom2073> Yes!
[12:21:19] <malcom2073> lemme get videos
[12:21:19] <zeeshan> nice man
[12:21:21] <zeeshan> lets see
[12:21:34] <malcom2073> No good ones
[12:21:38] <zeeshan> any chips :D
[12:21:45] <malcom2073> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6QRolHJqj4
[12:21:48] <malcom2073> Saw dust
[12:21:53] <malcom2073> And metal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQVX5iM4Rq4
[12:22:07] <zeeshan> f wood
[12:22:13] <ReadError> http://imgur.com/gallery/yKWfEWs
[12:22:20] <zeeshan> is that al?
[12:22:20] <malcom2073> I started flatening this out: https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/12244680_1166869339994112_6183370125966390596_o.jpg
[12:22:22] <zeeshan> aluminum
[12:22:26] <malcom2073> Yeah, no steel yet
[12:22:38] <zeeshan> nice dude
[12:22:39] <malcom2073> The wood: https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/t31.0-8/12273749_1169827673031612_3248234205757800119_o.jpg
[12:22:55] <zeeshan> very nice
[12:23:02] <zeeshan> those circles look round :)
[12:23:05] <zeeshan> thats a good sign!
[12:23:18] <malcom2073> Hah they are! No noticable backlash
[12:23:29] <zeeshan> is it in on ball screws
[12:23:32] <zeeshan> it mus tbe
[12:23:33] <malcom2073> Yep
[12:23:33] <zeeshan> it was a cnc
[12:23:38] <ReadError> did some 7075-T6 yesterday
[12:23:49] <ReadError> seemed to cut better than 6061-T6
[12:23:57] <zeeshan> ReadError: have you tryed to bend 7075 sheet?
[12:24:01] <zeeshan> shit doesnt bend
[12:24:01] <zeeshan> haha
[12:24:03] <malcom2073> My next step is going to be making a benchtop toolholder so I can actually tighten my collets
[12:24:03] <ReadError> nope ;(
[12:24:11] <zeeshan> i learned that that hard way and then looked at material properties
[12:24:11] <ReadError> its very hard stuff it seems
[12:24:14] <zeeshan> it is
[12:24:18] <zeeshan> no elongation
[12:25:59] <zeeshan> i like aluminum in static situations
[12:26:14] <zeeshan> but man if you put that stuff in cylic situations like a flywheel or driveshafts
[12:26:31] <zeeshan> their fatigue strength is so weaksauce
[12:27:02] <zeeshan> i think 7075 is 70ksi yield and fatigue strength is 23ksi, which is decent cause regular steel is around 29ksi
[12:27:16] <zeeshan> but 6061 is 40ksi yield and 12-14ksi fatigue
[12:27:38] <Sync> zeeshan: do you have experience with fatigue simulations?
[12:27:49] <zeeshan> no sync
[12:27:56] <Sync> aww
[12:28:04] <Sync> need to do some for some aluminium crossmembers
[12:28:21] <zeeshan> sync if i were to approach a fatigue problem
[12:28:27] <zeeshan> i'd start with a static fea
[12:28:47] <Sync> I'm no stranger to general fea
[12:28:47] <zeeshan> find the stress concentrations and just keep them below the fatigue limit
[12:28:52] <Sync> well
[12:29:00] <Sync> yeah
[12:29:23] <Sync> but most packages will do dynamic fatigue
[12:29:24] <zeeshan> but that i think is a very conservative approach
[12:29:28] <Sync> so you kan keep the weight down
[12:29:30] <Sync> yep
[12:30:06] <zeeshan> im just thinking
[12:30:11] <zeeshan> what the difference is vs static fea
[12:30:20] <zeeshan> your input load would be some sort of sinusoidal
[12:30:24] <zeeshan> or time variant
[12:30:45] <Sync> I'm trying to be lighter AND stronger than the stamped sheetmetal part that is currently on the car
[12:30:52] <Sync> both of which on its own is easy
[12:30:57] <zeeshan> and then your failure criteria now is some sort of soderberg, gerber goodman
[12:31:14] <zeeshan> so you have number of cycles as an input
[12:31:29] <zeeshan> and need to input cycles vs strength info into the software
[12:31:46] <Sync> well, they usually give you a safety factor vs time graph
[12:32:01] <Sync> due to the integrated fatigue
[12:32:26] <zeeshan> whats integrated fatigue
[12:32:33] <Jymmm> Anyone use led headlights?
[12:34:30] <Duc> morning
[12:34:39] <Sync> well, idk but I'd integrate the load it sees over time zeeshan
[12:34:56] <Sync> together with the input waveform factor you can calculate the maximum cycles
[12:35:30] <zeeshan> ah
[12:44:52] <CaptHindsight> Jymmm: I was just considering making custom versions
[13:00:22] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: "making" ? with cooling fan?
[13:02:08] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: I saw these 9007 dropin replacements, but ppl say they burn out quickly. and personally, fan cooled is something I think I want to avoid http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HFK2R68/
[13:03:24] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: I need to see what the legal limits are, cause this is $40 http://www.amazon.com/TMH%C2%AE-Power-Light-13000-Lumens/dp/B00KQXKG46/
[13:03:58] <CaptHindsight> Jymmm: you need to run the numbers and decide on how much area you want for the heat spreader vs life
[13:05:21] <CaptHindsight> I get blinded a few times every night for a second or two by oncoming pickups with crazy bright lights
[13:05:49] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: 1) I need new lenses (or polish the ones I have) $40. 2) high perfomaance street legal bulbs $$$, 3) mount that lightbar behind the grill and wire to the high beams.
[13:05:55] <CaptHindsight> I'm considering a tracking system and laser to start taking them out while driving
[13:06:36] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: Ah, a mini phalanx is what you want. Great for clearing traffic too
[13:07:05] <CaptHindsight> just the LED's not the entire vehicle
[13:07:13] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L0ZAGOuaqg
[13:07:49] <CaptHindsight> a rear window spotlight is also handy when they decide to tailgate you
[13:08:12] <CaptHindsight> I'm surprised that there aren't more incidents over this
[13:08:20] <Jymmm> That I could wire to the roof rack =)
[13:11:33] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: What were you going to make?
[13:12:17] <CaptHindsight> was just thinking about semi-custom LED retrofits for older and classic cars
[13:12:56] <Jymmm> older? Like with glass bulbs, or plugin bulbs?
[13:13:29] <CaptHindsight> complete assemblies for new car effects blended into old styles
[13:14:17] <Jymmm> I was asking HOW old?
[13:14:31] <CaptHindsight> like the Escalade look http://static2.consumerreportscdn.org/content/dam/cro/news_articles/cars/2015-Cadillac-Escalade-headlight-corner-ATC.png for pre 80's
[13:14:41] <Jymmm> ah
[13:15:24] <CaptHindsight> or 90's rear wheel drive Japanese
[13:16:16] <CaptHindsight> isn't California making it more difficult to drive a pre-ECU car on the road?
[13:17:20] <Jymmm> Not that I'm aware of. iirc the rule is 32 years and no smog requirement, except at title transfer
[13:17:21] <CaptHindsight> or maybe it just effects Calif emissions vehicles from the late 60's and up
[13:20:27] <CaptHindsight> the problem with high power LED's is cooling them well enough in a hot compact space to get >1k hours of life
[13:20:51] <CaptHindsight> their efficiency just isn't there yet
[13:21:01] <Jymmm> This style doens't seem to be an issue http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KQXKG46
[13:21:28] <CaptHindsight> yeah, since it's probably not mounted under the hood
[13:22:56] <Jymmm> I dont think underhood makes that much of an issue as other factors
[13:23:43] <Jymmm> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk7BqPGCmTk
[13:24:46] <CaptHindsight> gremlins? Karma? Oprah?
[13:24:54] <Jymmm> that lightbar
[13:26:42] <Sync> Jymmm: just get new lenses
[13:26:58] <Jymmm> Sync: and bulbs
[13:27:04] <Sync> why bulbs?
[13:27:07] <Sync> regular ones are fine
[13:27:24] <Sync> the others just burn out faster without much benefit
[13:27:34] <Jymmm> not on mine. somethng is messed up. maybe alignment, but nothing is obvious about why
[13:28:10] <Jymmm> I need a solution NOW, and deal with lens/bulbs alignment later.
[13:28:40] <Sync> well, then just polish your lens
[13:28:41] <Jymmm> Far too many close deer calls
[13:28:48] <Sync> probably faster than dicking around with all of that
[13:29:13] <Jymmm> wiring is faster than polishing.
[13:37:07] <Jymmm> Heh, get a few of those 20" lightbars and make then like cyborgs
[13:37:52] <Jymmm> Err, cylon's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ccKPSVQcFk
[13:49:01] <pink_vampire> what is more correct,
[13:49:29] <Jymmm> E) All the above.
[13:49:44] <Sync> you'd be done in probably 20 minutes polishing your lenses
[13:49:54] <Jymmm> Sync: prove it =)
[13:50:03] <pink_vampire> to use on and off buttons,
[13:50:14] <Jymmm> Sync: Plus, I STILL have to figure out whats up with the alignment.
[13:50:16] <pink_vampire> or to use on and E-stop
[13:50:26] <pink_vampire> or to use on off Estop
[13:50:49] <Sync> well, you still have to figure that out as you can't drive with your lightbar on all the time
[13:55:14] <malcom2073> Tell that to the people around here who have them
[13:55:15] <malcom2073> they do heh
[13:56:35] <Sync> well, sure. but it is illegal and at least here you get pretty hefty fines for doing that
[14:00:07] <Jymmm> Sync: Tell that to the deer that keep running out in front of me
[14:01:20] <Jymmm> I'll gladly take the fixit ticket over the few hundred in damage cause by hitting a deer.
[14:03:09] <Jymmm> This is a cheap solution for now.
[14:05:40] <Sync> well, it's not a fix it ticket here
[14:06:28] <Sync> also having more light will not help the deers
[14:09:05] <Sync> also if you hit a deer insurance will pay, so pfft
[14:18:39] <os1r1s> Does anyone know the arizonavideo guy that sells ballscrew kits?
[14:21:55] <jdh> I think someone here bought seom from him. or was that you that was planning on buying from him?
[14:25:55] <os1r1s> jdh I want to, but he is fairly unresponsive
[14:26:25] <jdh> the bdtools ones look nice.
[14:26:39] <jdh> I did hoss + lmb2008
[14:28:08] <os1r1s> jdh The problem is I have a g0704 derivative, so some of the pieces will likely need to be adapted
[14:28:25] <os1r1s> jdh Its a pm-25mv, which is mostly the same
[14:28:33] <jdh> is that the long version?
[14:30:14] <os1r1s> jdh I think so
[14:30:27] <os1r1s> jdh Its like 28"x7"
[14:57:46] <Li> Which driver is better than the other? http://www.ebay.com/itm/TB6600-4-5A-CNC-single-axis-stepper-motor-driver-board-controller-/111860360562?hash=item1a0b65a572:g:xzsAAOSw1S9WgMoX .. or .. http://www.ebay.com/itm/20KHZ-CNC-Single-Axis-TB6600-2-4-Phase-Hybrid-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Controller-/291654060764?hash=item43e7efcadc:g:QHsAAOSwYIhWjPqY
[15:02:31] <Topy44> anyone here got a cnc lathe or experience working on one? i need some advice on designing a part that needs to be semi-mass-produced (as in, 30 or so)
[15:02:43] <Topy44> like, how to design it so its easy to make
[15:03:01] <CaptHindsight> easy for whom?
[15:03:16] <Topy44> easy for whomever is going to make the parts :)
[15:03:39] <CaptHindsight> design for manufacture comes from experience
[15:03:51] <Topy44> yeah thats the point
[15:03:57] <CaptHindsight> about all you can do is post something similar and as for comments
[15:04:07] <CaptHindsight> as/ask
[15:04:15] <Topy44> my entire experience with lathe machining is some very simple work on a manual lathe
[15:04:35] <Topy44> well i already designed a part, let me just make some pictures to show
[15:04:49] <CaptHindsight> no need to apologize, post drawing/ models or pics
[15:07:33] <Topy44> some renderings first: http://dump.t44.org/laser%20assembly%201.JPG http://dump.t44.org/laser%20assembly%202.JPG http://dump.t44.org/laser%20assembly%203.JPG
[15:08:05] <Topy44> total outer dimension of the widest part is 30mm
[15:08:23] <Topy44> the threads are M14x0.5 and M9x0.5
[15:08:35] <Topy44> the parts to be made are the 4 silver ones
[15:09:51] <Topy44> i did design it so that i believe it should be possible to make the parts without rechucking (is that the right word? i mean: removing the part from the chuck and turning it around)
[15:10:54] <Topy44> umh, forgot the M10x0.5 thread
[15:11:25] <Topy44> material is aluminium
[15:11:48] <Topy44> i can make a technical drawing with measurements and stuff if needed, but i think you get the idea
[15:12:36] <jdh> no help, but what holds the diode holder part in?
[15:12:50] <Topy44> a set screw (not pictured)
[15:13:14] <Topy44> (and yes i am aware that similar parts are available cheap from china, but we bought several and the tolerances are so bad that they are useless for our purpose)
[15:14:28] <jdh> the lens holder or wtf has to be machined from two sides?
[15:14:41] <Topy44> why?
[15:15:27] <jdh> it was a question!
[15:15:32] <Topy44> ah
[15:15:39] <Topy44> no, i believe everything can be machined from one side
[15:17:14] <Topy44> some parts need to be cut left to right, but other than that it should be fine i believe
[15:17:59] <_methods> that part where the diode is held won't work
[15:18:05] <Topy44> ok?
[15:18:08] <_methods> where it's holder gets into the threads
[15:18:16] <_methods> you'll have interference
[15:18:27] <_methods> you'll need to make that area a smaller diameter or something
[15:18:32] <Topy44> huh..explain please
[15:18:49] <_methods> in your section view
[15:18:51] <jdh> you figure that out after the first couple parts
[15:18:52] <Topy44> yes
[15:19:20] <_methods> not sure what that oring is accomplishing either with no compression on it
[15:19:40] <Topy44> the oring is there to take any play out of the focusing mechanism
[15:19:40] <jdh> dust/vibration?
[15:20:20] <Topy44> might want to use a smaller one
[15:20:32] <Topy44> but you get the idea. thread cutting into oring
[15:21:00] <jdh> it would probably hold withouth the threads, and woudln't destroy itself
[15:21:12] <Topy44> yes but adjustment would be hard
[15:21:14] <jdh> normal o-ring dims
[15:22:21] ChanServ changed topic of #linuxcnc to: LinuxCNC is a linux-based open-source CNC control. | Latest releases: 2.7.3 and 2.6.12 | http://www.linuxcnc.org
[15:22:50] <Topy44> there are two major problems this whole thing is supposed to fix
[15:22:51] <JT-Shop> a few more 021 size trees then it's time to get out the 291!
[15:23:07] <Topy44> that is: problems with the chinese made ones
[15:23:33] <Topy44> first: the lens is adjusted directly, meaning you need to interrupt the beam with a tool when adjusting focus, making it hard to focus
[15:24:02] <Topy44> second: the lens threads have _tons_ of play, it wiggles around like hell, making it almost impossible to align
[15:24:30] <Topy44> and third: the diode doesn't fit perfectly, it has about half a mm of play, meaning it will be mounted off-center
[15:25:15] <Topy44> the "base plate" of the diode has a very precise outer diameter, so that can be used to properly center it
[15:25:28] <Topy44> and the front of that plate is the reference for the focus point
[15:27:11] <Topy44> the lens has an M9x0.5mm outer thread, i want it to be permanently set into the lens holder with some loctite and then adjust that lens holder
[15:27:28] <Topy44> so that M14x0.5mm thread becomes the focus adjustment
[15:27:34] <t12> flea market today: a little kiln
[15:27:36] <t12> https://www.dropbox.com/s/wiimyfsraax9hzj/2016-01-10%2012.37.46.jpg?dl=0
[15:28:11] <Topy44> neat! got a lot of stuff from fleamarkets, but never a kiln
[15:28:51] <Topy44> anyway. any more comments/hints/suggestions for my design?
[15:29:31] <jdh> 3 set screws for unanticipated misalignments?
[15:31:01] <Topy44> of the diode holder?
[15:31:20] <jdh> yeah, or any of the parts
[15:31:45] <Topy44> the two parts should be made to relatively close tolerances, and also _very_ small misalignments of the diode don't actually matter much
[15:31:52] <Topy44> as in, .1mm or so
[15:32:09] <Topy44> but yeah, 3 set screws instead of one might be a good idea
[15:32:50] <jdh> what can it cut?
[15:33:01] <Topy44> ?
[15:33:13] <jdh> the diode. or just engraving?
[15:33:25] <Topy44> neither actually
[15:33:40] <Topy44> well, its a 2W 445nm laser so it _could_ cut/engrave but thats not what we use it for :)
[15:33:46] <Topy44> and hm... yeah... set screws around the lens holder to fix it once focus is correct are a good idea
[15:35:35] <Topy44> not sure about that o-ring solution but not sure how else to do it
[15:38:28] <jdh> o-ring is probably fine, but I would not have it engage threads
[15:38:54] <Topy44> why not? so have it in the front part instead?
[15:39:16] <Topy44> note that focus should be adjusted once and never touched again, so wear is not an issue
[15:39:18] <jdh> yeah, notch that part
[15:45:32] <t12> is it a TO-5 laser
[15:45:38] <t12> or TO*
[15:47:33] <zeeshan> archivist: you there
[15:47:54] <Topy44> TO18
[15:48:03] <Topy44> 5.6mm base plate
[15:48:15] <t12> its really hard to beat thorlabs
[15:48:15] <t12> http://www.thorlabs.us/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=179
[15:48:19] <t12> for cheap optics fixturing
[15:48:51] <t12> (also for design ideas)
[15:50:32] <_methods> yeah those thorlab ones are the way to go
[15:51:53] <Topy44> the thorlabs design _is_ interesting
[15:52:09] <t12> they have a few variants
[15:52:31] <t12> also for optic retaining, fine ID threaded stuff and retaining rings they're good
[15:59:41] <the> hi guys, I am trying to install and play with ngcgui for use in axis with a lathe. I am reading the introduction, seems like there is quite a bit to add to my .ini file!
[16:00:05] <the> has anyone set this up and is using it?
[16:08:39] <the> ngcgui install? I am running linuxcnc 2.6 - I look through my installed files but dont seem to have anything that is the same as the shown in the documentation...
[16:10:15] <the> so the sample axis-gui-based ini does not make sense...
[16:11:37] * JT-Shop takes off his carhart bibs and calls it a day
[16:14:09] <Roguish> JT-Shop: don't forget to feed the blue ox...
[16:16:36] <enleth> I'm expecting my Mesa order to arrive soon, I'm starting the bridgeprot retrofit immediately but I'd like to start with MDI/power feed style control first, not full cycle machining. Any suggestions for this approach?
[16:30:53] <JT-Shop> no pets left and I'd be like a mickey rooney bunyan
[16:31:27] <JT-Shop> MDI is full control... what exactly do you mean
[16:32:34] <JT-Shop> 021 work is done now it time for the big boy 291
[16:33:00] <enleth> JT-Shop: right now I don't care about modeling a part, getting it through CAM and running a fully automatic job
[16:33:31] <enleth> JT-Shop: what I do care about is to have a convenient user interface for power feeds
[16:33:55] <enleth> and a DRO of course
[16:34:45] <enleth> so, yeah, I'd like to make a DRO on steroids using the Mesa cards, for now
[16:35:28] <JT-Shop> well that is the first thing you do make sure your encoder feed back is correct
[16:35:57] <JT-Shop> do you have a MPG on the mill now?
[16:36:45] <enleth> No, just jog joysticks
[16:36:57] <enleth> Hooking them up would be fun though
[16:40:15] <Topy44> right, slightly changed version: http://dump.t44.org/laser%20assembly%204.JPG
[16:41:08] <Topy44> oh. heh. i accidentaly rendered the lens holder intersecting the outer tube.
[16:42:03] <Topy44> http://dump.t44.org/2016-01-10_23-17-16.png
[16:42:24] <zeeshan> looks like a pretty easy to make part on the lathe
[16:42:25] <zeeshan> :)
[16:42:27] <JT-Shop> joysticks IMHO are less than useful on a mill
[16:42:30] <zeeshan> part(s)
[16:43:53] <XXCoder> why is one end threaded and other arent?
[16:44:21] <JT-Shop> enleth: have you been to my web site?
[16:44:29] <enleth> JT-Shop: no, I don't think so
[16:44:30] <the> Hi guys, does anyone use ngcgui?
[16:44:42] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/tuning/index.html
[16:44:48] <JT-Shop> yea I use ngcgui
[16:45:20] <enleth> JT-Shop: as for joysticks - those are *only* for rough positioning on this machine and I intend to keep them that way. So you don't even have to reach for the panel/pendant to pull the table forwards for better access
[16:45:39] <enleth> absolutely not for use during machining
[16:45:48] <Topy44> XXCoder: because one end needs to be rotated (diode orientation), the other end adjusts focus
[16:45:56] <the> hi, I am having some difficulty setting it up. read the docs but my linuxcnc install appears different... the suggested additions to my .ini file dont make sense...
[16:46:05] <JT-Shop> just keep in your mind that a MPG with two selector switches will do that and more
[16:46:19] <the> maybe I am just being very stupid.
[16:46:23] <XXCoder> ahh
[16:46:40] <enleth> JT-Shop: the joysticks are there, it's probably more work to remove them than to hook them up
[16:46:42] <JT-Shop> it can be confusing... what version of LinuxCNC are you using?
[16:47:11] * JT-Shop hands enleth a plasma torch lol
[16:47:14] <JT-Shop> just kidding
[16:47:35] * JT-Shop has to run in a few minutes
[16:47:46] <Deejay> gn8
[16:47:54] <the> JT-Shop, 2.6.4
[16:48:38] <the> JT-Shop, thats what i was thinking but i am a very new user so not got much of an idea yet..
[16:48:47] <JT-Shop> are you using Axis?
[16:48:55] <the> JT-Shop, yes
[16:49:14] <JT-Shop> start with the bare minimum http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.6/html/gui/ngcgui.html#_embedding_ngcgui_in_axis
[16:49:18] <enleth> JT-Shop: besides, one of my goals is to not alter the original relay logic which includes joystick support
[16:49:20] <JT-Shop> then add to it
[16:49:35] <enleth> it's there, it works, no point in touching it
[16:49:36] <the> I dont see any ngcgui files in my install...
[16:49:37] <JT-Shop> is this a lathe or other?
[16:49:43] <the> lathe
[16:50:02] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/shop/hardinge/hardinge.xhtml
[16:50:32] <JT-Shop> that's my lathe still running 2.6 with all the configuration files and subroutines
[16:50:49] <JT-Shop> I'll be back in a bit
[16:51:13] <the> ok, but how do install the ngcgui files? they are referenced as additions to my .ini and they are not there...
[16:52:28] <the> - thanks for the help...
[16:53:58] <JT-Shop> just use your own or my subroutines
[16:54:19] <JT-Shop> testing them for your use of course
[16:55:54] <the> JT-Shop, so i just put the .ngc sub as on your website into my install and reference them in my ini? thats it? i dont need anything else?
[17:01:16] <the> JT-Shop, my distribution does not contain ngcgui_lib directory.... - I cant see how it can work..
[17:13:45] <Tom_itx> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/gui/ngcgui.html
[17:39:08] <FloppyDisk> JT-shop: Looks like micges commented on github on the sserial error... https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/27#issuecomment-170373201
[17:39:25] <FloppyDisk> Awesomeness at work...
[17:39:37] <FloppyDisk> I hope - I don't know any better.
[17:48:41] <JT-Shop> the: I think it is there but hidden, better to just use mine and ones from the forum
[17:48:53] <JT-Shop> like I said just get one to work then add more
[17:55:38] <JT-Shop> FloppyDisk: are back to 2.6?
[17:59:54] <the> does anyone know what .ngc stands for? ie the ngc?
[18:00:15] <JT-Shop> the: you get started?
[18:00:17] <the> linux g-code?
[18:00:36] <JT-Shop> look at the history of LinuxCNC
[18:00:55] <Roguish> could be 'Nist G-Code'
[18:01:00] <the> JT-Shop, getting there, I found the ngcgui files and now I can edit my ini sensibly to include the path.. just doing it now.
[18:01:18] <JT-Shop> that makes sense
[18:01:22] <JT-Shop> the: good
[18:01:37] <the> if I run ngcgui from the terminal it works..
[18:01:55] <the> so i now need to edit my ini and try to include the subs as tabs..
[18:02:32] <the> I not actually stupid it just appears that way for now :-) lol..
[18:02:54] <the> nist g-code sounds plausible..
[18:02:58] <JT-Shop> everyone is a noob at one point
[18:03:11] <Roguish> the: one of the little keys in ngcgui is the font size to get every thing on the screen.
[18:03:29] <the> Roguish, ok..
[18:03:57] <the> JT-Shop, the learning curve is steepish. It was easier for overhaul the machine!
[18:04:03] <JT-Shop> the: I think you will find my subs a complete set for a lathe
[18:04:30] <the> JT-Shop, yes, I looked at them, they appear perfect... that is why I want to get it going..
[18:05:34] <JT-Shop> maybe not perfect but they work for me
[18:05:44] <the> JT-Shop, i already installed the scripts from andy pugh - will that stop ngcgui working?
[18:06:03] <JT-Shop> you would have to ask Andy that question
[18:06:20] <JT-Shop> might be past his bed time...
[18:06:55] <the> JT-Shop, I still do not really know about the py stuff and the glade - wondering if you can have the different widgets all in the same axis layout? lol..
[18:07:56] <JT-Shop> yea you can have a pyvcp and ngcgui on the same axis panel
[18:08:09] <JT-Shop> not sure about gladevcp and pyvcp but it might work
[18:08:40] <the> JT-Shop, well i will simply edit them out until i get ngcgui working then put them back and see...
[18:09:58] <JT-Shop> best plan is one step at a time
[18:10:12] <the> JT-Shop, yes..
[18:11:54] <Roguish> the: go slow and easy. baby steps. always be able to back up. WRITE LOTS OF NOTES.
[18:13:41] <the> I know computers and machines and engineering but I completely new with g-code and linuxcnc - very frustrating!
[18:15:23] <Roguish> oh, and also, rtfm. and if ya still need help, ask. no problem.
[18:16:03] <JT-Shop> not trying to create a thermonuclear overload but I have a couple of pyvcp buttons that save me a ton of time Touch off to material and touch off to fixture
[18:16:26] <JT-Shop> yea rtfm and if you find something wrong tell me!
[18:16:52] <Roguish> you are the man, JT !!!
[18:17:34] <the> JT-Shop, that sounds very interesting, at the moment I do it by hand every time, touch off pyvcp - please tell!
[18:17:44] <the> takes ages..
[18:18:07] <the> Roguish, the manual is very very dry! but I try, lol..
[18:18:53] <Roguish> I have the browser home page set to lcnc docs.....
[18:20:21] <the> Roguish, lol.. I just printed out the g-code quick reference - I suppose that was just wishful thinking..
[18:22:11] <Roguish> gcode is a simple language. there's a couple of oddities, but it's not difficult. even if you use a cam to write gcode, you should be able to read it.
[18:23:28] <JT-Shop> the: in my config files look for z-touchoff and z-material-touchoff
[18:24:11] <JT-Shop> postgui.hal net z-material halui.mdi-command-10 <+ pyvcp.z-material-touchoff
[18:24:31] <JT-Shop> ini MDI_COMMAND = G10 L20 P1 Z0.375
[18:24:45] <JT-Shop> I use a 3/8" dowel for touch off
[18:25:22] <jdh> I use a .300
[18:25:33] <JT-Shop> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmRUJk0ptN4
[18:25:39] <jdh> but, I have to type and it's easier to type
[18:25:55] <JT-Shop> this shows me setting a tool to fixture
[18:26:47] <the> JT-Shop, perfect, I will try to set it up.
[18:28:28] <the> Roguish, just about getting there, my machine has just been in operation for the last week or so and now I can actually try out tests etc..
[18:30:46] <JT-Shop> a bit of advise do a chicken check after setting up your tools
[18:31:03] <JT-Shop> make sure that the tool at z0 is at z0 etc.
[18:32:14] <the> JT-Shop, i am a chicken, was already doing same :-) thanks.
[18:32:16] <JT-Shop> might save you from experiencing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4-lUNa0CpY
[18:32:37] <the> JT-Shop, i am frightened to watch.. lol.
[18:33:03] <JT-Shop> it ain't that bad, proper following error settings killed it quick
[18:33:12] <PetefromTn_> Oh shit...
[18:33:21] <JT-Shop> I do have a divot on that collet now
[18:34:31] <PetefromTn_> machine looks SWEET tho ;)
[18:35:11] <zeeshan> thank god for ferror
[18:35:12] <zeeshan> :D
[18:36:23] <JT-Shop> thanks Pete
[18:37:42] <PetefromTn_> Mine is a little prettier today I think I put the final coats on the body of the lathe this afternoon. Still a good ways from actually working tho GAAH!!
[18:38:23] <JT-Shop> yea, drinking beer and surfing ebay can be dangerous...
[18:42:21] <JT-Shop> Pete you have a HNC?
[18:43:55] * JT-Shop thinks it would be good to replace the MPG coil cord with some shield twisted pair...
[18:44:53] <JT-Shop> the: you should have seen the manual back in 2006
[18:48:28] <JT-Shop> your song for the night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfN_KiAm_cI
[18:50:07] <zeeshan> 1.5 6 10 13 15
[18:50:51] <zeeshan> jt youre such a cowboy
[18:50:52] <zeeshan> lol
[18:50:55] <JT-Shop> ur numbers
[18:51:32] <JT-Shop> I'm well versed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTFVMMCwsss
[18:52:19] <zeeshan> finally someone who i have heard of :)
[18:52:26] <JT-Shop> lol
[18:52:38] <Roguish> here's one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lCH5JgWCZY
[18:52:49] <JT-Shop> I think I can send you on a trip you never heard of before
[18:53:28] <JT-Shop> Roguish: that's a good one I don't have :)
[18:53:39] <Roguish> He's really good.
[18:55:19] <JT-Shop> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp1ZIW85A-I
[18:55:34] <JT-Shop> you know Bela Fleck
[18:56:41] <Roguish> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxoGvBQtjpM
[18:56:42] <zeeshan> man your song lead me to another song i havent heard in a while
[18:56:45] <zeeshan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPOIS5taqA8
[18:57:40] <JT-Shop> that's my mama
[18:57:46] <Roguish> we all know Kim Carnes. gotta find something more essoteric
[18:58:36] <Roguish> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QCxyns1lrg
[18:58:51] <JT-Shop> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev_F0KikkWs
[18:59:02] <PetefromTn_> JT-Shop no man I don't have an HNC I have the Standard Modern
[18:59:23] <JT-Shop> damn memory
[18:59:43] <JT-Shop> time to strap on the feed bag
[18:59:49] <JT-Shop> say goodnight gracie
[19:16:20] <the> JT-Shop, what is GCMC_INCLUDE_PATH ? ie what are gcmc_includes because I dont have any... cheers.
[19:33:27] <the> JT-Shop, you there JT?
[19:33:43] <Jymmm> He's gone for the night
[19:33:57] <the> hmm... damm
[19:34:31] <the> anyone know how to set the path in my ini file? for some reason I can seem to do it. trying to setup ngcgui..
[19:34:41] <the> cant...
[19:36:59] <PetefromTn_> I don't know much about this but isn't GCMC gmoccapy? Do you have that?
[19:38:06] <the> PetefromTn_, no thats something different for touch screens i think. ngcgui is a set of tabs that has lathe cycles in them..
[19:38:54] <PetefromTn_> yeah I know what it is just thought maybe you needed that to run it or something...just guessing ;) sorry
[19:41:44] <yasnak> 3.6v battery $225.00, common Okuma :/
[19:54:22] <the> PetefromTn_, almost there, some small problem with directory structures and my ini file not setting the paths properly...
[19:54:42] <the> PetefromTn_, will sort it tomorrow, hitting the sack, cheers!
[19:58:34] <PetefromTn_> good to hear it man Good luck
[20:16:37] <XXCoder> heh finally found a method to run any program on my videophone pc
[20:16:42] <XXCoder> its heavily locked down
[20:18:52] <bobo_> PetefromTn sorry to hear the Lotto didn't value your number. guess it's back to a tatoo-popcorn-hot dog cart ?
[20:21:27] <PetefromTn_> naah man I told you they are just holding it for me for a few more days...and they even added to it so I can REALLY enjoy it here soon.
[20:26:16] <XXCoder> lol
[20:55:33] <bobo_> Jymmm how long do you hope to stay at your new house ?
[20:56:17] <Jymmm> 30 minutes or it's free?
[20:58:54] <bobo_> no I mean as to how involved a heating - backup power system are you thinking of
[20:59:37] <bobo_> years of expected use type thing
[21:08:16] <Jymmm> bobo_: We have a wood stove, but 1) think it's causing respritory issues in the pets, 2) a bit of a pain to bring in, 3) not evenly distributed in the house (cold bedrooms)....
[21:08:37] <Jymmm> bobo_: I NEED to heat the garage too.
[21:09:21] <Jymmm> wood is predominated in this aea for heating; it's realtively cheap and abundant, almond being the best.
[21:10:29] <Jymmm> *IF* I can get/build an outdoor wood fired boiler of some kind, I can still heat the house (radiant floor heating) and the garage too.
[21:11:37] <Jymmm> pex is cheap
[21:11:49] <Jymmm> cider blocks are cheap
[21:12:36] <bobo_> Jymmm: have seen where a couple of places just built a seperate shed/building to house the heating-cooling sytem and also generator.
[21:13:26] <Jymmm> Eh, a doghouse is easy to come by
[21:14:49] <Jymmm> bobo_: I already have a spot with plumber propane and 220V outlet http://www.amazon.com/DuroMax-XP10000EH-Portable-Generator-10000-watt/dp/B00LT8S7IY
[21:14:49] <bobo_> gets the insurance Co back in line with premiums and alse provides a emergency shelter
[21:15:06] <Jymmm> plumbed*
[21:15:52] <Jymmm> lil smaller unit http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009RBKGZC/
[21:18:15] <bobo_> too bad those don't have water cooling which could help with waste heat used for heating
[21:18:51] <Jymmm> wouldn't be enough that would be useful
[21:19:49] <Jymmm> plus generator wouldn't be running THAT long or often for heating purposes
[21:22:39] <bobo_> power has been off for about 5 days here (cols Oh ) before. 1 or 2 days would not be abnormal
[21:23:21] <Jymmm> 6 to 14 days has happened here
[21:23:38] <Jymmm> so I've been told.
[21:23:39] <malcom2073> We were out for 8 days last winter
[21:23:45] <malcom2073> It was fun
[21:23:57] <bobo_> fun not
[21:24:03] <Tom_itx> Jymmm, i've experienced outtages for that long here maybe once or twice
[21:24:18] <malcom2073> Yeah I didn't have a generator then heh
[21:24:19] <malcom2073> I do now
[21:24:45] <Tom_itx> i've got backup heat as well
[21:25:16] <Jymmm> I have my EU2000i, but I want a propane generator too
[21:26:19] <Jymmm> and if I cna make an outdoor wood fired boiler, I should be pretty good overall
[21:26:40] <Tom_itx> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/p1030521-heatplantwhole.jpg
[21:26:49] <Tom_itx> one my bud made for his place
[21:26:51] <Jymmm> and propane burner as a backup to it
[21:27:10] <Tom_itx> not sure where that was in the build progress
[21:27:11] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: how is it?
[21:27:19] <Tom_itx> must be ok
[21:27:23] <Tom_itx> he's in canada
[21:27:33] <Tom_itx> i think he uses it for primary heat
[21:27:44] <Jymmm> is it JUST hot water, or radiant heating too?
[21:27:59] <Tom_itx> put coils in his shop floor and radiators in the furnace ducts in the house
[21:28:05] <Tom_itx> water afik
[21:28:32] <Tom_itx> there's a ton of pics in that dir
[21:28:38] <Jymmm> radiators in the ducts.... fuck me... that's awesome!
[21:29:22] <Tom_itx> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/dscn0574.jpg
[21:29:24] <Tom_itx> random pic
[21:29:25] <Jymmm> hell if I can generate electricity from the wood fire too...
[21:29:49] <Jymmm> oh, LITERALLY car radiators. dman that's awesome!!!
[21:30:29] <Jymmm> shit , that's WAY less work than rubbing tubing all over!
[21:30:34] <Jymmm> running*
[21:30:38] <bobo_> could you hook up a battery bank to a EU2000i for short term AC power -UPS ?
[21:31:03] <XXCoder> indeed. radators is already very effecient on transferring heat out
[21:31:11] <XXCoder> decent idea indeed
[21:31:22] <Jymmm> practical idea actually
[21:31:50] <Jymmm> any sheet metal/vac shop could custome make it for you too
[21:31:51] <Tom_itx> i do know he's fused rocks with his burner
[21:31:54] <Jymmm> hvac*
[21:32:29] <Tom_itx> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/dscn5943.jpg
[21:32:41] <Tom_itx> he's been experimenting for several years i know of
[21:32:53] <Jymmm> heat exchanger?
[21:32:55] <Tom_itx> alot of it is pc monitored
[21:33:00] <Tom_itx> yes
[21:33:18] <Jymmm> yeah, I already have some wireless temp loggers I'm working on
[21:33:54] <Jymmm> I want to oncorporate rocket stove / gasification if possib;e as well.
[21:34:06] <Tom_itx> his is similar to a rocket stove
[21:34:07] <Jymmm> incorporate*
[21:34:20] <Jymmm> ok, so full combustion
[21:34:28] <Tom_itx> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/dscn6031.jpg
[21:34:34] <Jymmm> err complete cmbustion that is
[21:35:20] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: is his burn chamber an old WH ?
[21:35:31] <Tom_itx> i think so
[21:35:47] <Tom_itx> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/dscn9813.jpg
[21:36:10] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: and how is it making hot water? I don't see any coils, etc
[21:36:39] <Tom_itx> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/p1030477-exchangeR4.jpg
[21:37:01] <Jymmm> OH, he made that boiler insert?
[21:37:11] <Tom_itx> pretty sure he made it all
[21:37:26] <Tom_itx> he usually builds stuff from scraps
[21:37:30] <Jymmm> Damn, I don't weld.
[21:38:14] <Jymmm> I wonder though if I could just use older water heaters with the hole in the middle
[21:44:53] <XXCoder> need to heat water? why not use it as its orginial use-heating water? or is that too slow>
[21:45:20] <XXCoder> also there is nifty "instant hot" devices for house that can be used in this case
[21:45:53] <Jymmm> XXCoder: with wood
[21:46:29] <Jymmm> XXCoder: you stepped in in the middle of the conversation =)
[21:47:12] <XXCoder> oh sorry heh
[21:49:34] <Tom_itx> Jymmm, some rocks he melted: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/dscn0131.jpg
[21:49:48] <XXCoder> fancy.
[21:50:23] <Tom_itx> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/dscn0127.jpg
[21:51:29] <XXCoder> just build a pebble reactor ;)
[22:02:16] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Nice, I'm trying to figure out the drawing
[22:03:17] <Jymmm> I REALLY need to get these temperature logging going *sigh*
[22:04:02] <Tom_itx> he used LM75 using lmsensors in linux for one thing
[22:04:11] <Tom_itx> i2c on the parport
[22:05:08] <Jymmm> I'm making wireless ones, at least now for portability, temporary mesurements, then will do dallas one wire for multi-point readings
[22:06:04] <Jymmm> also adding in RH sensors for detecting leaks
[22:42:18] <Jymmm> Used motor oil heater? http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_library/ethanol_motherearth/me11.html and http://www.oupower.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2341
[22:43:43] <Tom_itx> i know of a guy here that heats his shop with that
[22:49:27] <Tom_itx> Jymmm,
[23:43:27] <Meduza> anyone in here that knows how to configure LinuxCNC with... slightly unconventional machine configurations? The machine i want to control is like a 3-axis CNC router, but instead of a spindle there is a rotating axis mounted, and a tool mounted with a angle to that axis
[23:43:58] <Meduza> rotation around the Z axis (i.e moving the tool tip in the X-Y space)
[23:44:39] <Meduza> what i would like to have is to input a X-Y coordinate and a angle
[23:45:36] <Meduza> and then the motion planner takes care of the rest
[23:48:12] <Meduza> i do not need to account for the movement of the tip when the Z is moving, only that the tooltip gets to the right X-Y coordinate
[23:51:13] <Meduza> so you could see it as a rotating axis with a offset pen tip