#linuxcnc | Logs for 2015-10-26

[03:06:26] <Deejay> moin
[05:55:30] <TurBoss> Hi
[05:55:41] <XXCoder> hey
[05:55:42] <malcom2073_> Hi
[05:55:57] <TurBoss> I upgraed a machine to 2.7 and now in some angles the line is smoothed
[05:56:00] <TurBoss> any ieas?
[05:56:28] <TurBoss> the path shown in the 3d view
[05:56:53] <TurBoss> I made a new config for the new version
[05:59:34] <TurBoss> http://imgur.com/4hgBtKY
[05:59:52] <TurBoss> here is a pic of the thing
[05:59:56] <TurBoss> :D
[06:00:00] <XXCoder> pretty cool
[06:00:21] <XXCoder> which angles was smoothed? ear or mouth point
[06:00:36] <TurBoss> but notice the pink line doesn't follow the withe path
[06:01:02] <TurBoss> ear and mouth
[06:01:06] <TurBoss> both
[06:01:41] <XXCoder> I see pink is smoother yeah
[06:02:01] <XXCoder> I isnt very familiar with linuxcnc but maybe there is smoothing function?
[06:02:16] <TurBoss> no idea
[06:02:17] <XXCoder> or maybe its limited to machine accel and max speed dunno
[06:02:18] <TurBoss> hehe
[06:02:29] <XXCoder> malcom2073_: know anything about it?
[06:02:55] <malcom2073_> Looks like G64 issues
[06:03:02] <malcom2073_> If 2.7 now includes that?
[06:03:21] <TurBoss> the gcode was made with gcoetools for inkcape
[06:03:26] <malcom2073_> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/gcode.html#sec:G64
[06:03:29] <TurBoss> *gcode
[06:03:30] <malcom2073_> vs http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/gcode.html#sec:G61-G61_1
[06:03:36] <malcom2073_> Tryusing G61 mode?
[06:03:41] <malcom2073_> Or reducing your G64 tolerance?
[06:04:15] <XXCoder> path blending interesting
[06:04:16] <TurBoss> checking
[06:14:22] <Sync> okay
[06:14:27] <Sync> no wonder my lathe was chattery
[06:16:43] <malcom2073_> Did it get into the coffee grounds when you weren't looking?
[06:17:26] <Sync> nah
[06:18:31] <Sync> but the crossslide banana was resting a saddle where the contact surfaces were falling to the edges
[06:18:41] <Sync> so they can only have touched at 4 points at best
[06:20:56] <XXCoder> so whats you do to fix it
[06:21:04] <TurBoss> malcom2073_ : I dont see any g64 or 61 in my gcode
[06:21:33] <TurBoss> only g01 an g02
[06:21:56] <TurBoss> if i understand you XD
[06:22:57] <Sync> scrape it XXCoder
[06:23:09] <XXCoder> cool
[06:23:22] <Sync> it is not hard to do
[06:23:33] <XXCoder> interesting tip, how to make round by filing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLjBIbPIV5E
[06:24:53] <TurBoss> okay i aded g61 to the start of the code an now it follows the path
[06:25:04] <XXCoder> nice
[06:25:14] <XXCoder> I guess it had defaults
[06:26:11] <malcom2073_> TurBoss: Right, try G61. It may default to G64
[06:26:23] <malcom2073_> "It is a good idea to include a path control specification in the preamble of each G code file."
[06:27:01] <malcom2073_> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/common/User_Concepts.html#sec:trajectory-control
[06:27:05] <XXCoder> so if you specify round thing by say g1s bit g2 or 3
[06:27:21] <XXCoder> its good idea to use g64 so its nice and smoooth circle?
[06:27:36] <XXCoder> but bad idea other way like tur discovered when want sharp corner?
[06:27:57] <TurBoss> thank you
[06:28:18] <malcom2073_> Right, G64 allows for smooth turns using only G1's. If it needs to look good and tolerances are loose, use G64. If it needs to be precise, use G61
[06:29:00] <XXCoder> /s/bit/not
[06:33:55] <jthornton> G64 P is precise and fast
[06:35:05] <fenn> TurBoss: don't do g61, use g64 p0.01
[06:35:15] <TurBoss> ok
[06:36:20] <fenn> higher values of P may be appropriate
[06:36:40] <XXCoder> it would curve 0.01"?
[06:36:45] <fenn> mm yes
[06:36:47] <XXCoder> or 0.01 mm whatever applicable
[06:37:02] <fenn> but it won't stop at each segment of the spiral
[06:37:16] <TurBoss> ahhhhh
[07:03:35] <Tom_itx> gcode 101 is now in session
[07:04:17] <Tom_itx> 45°F
[07:04:32] <jthornton> finally 14 stone... one stone to go
[07:04:45] * Jymmm stones jthornton
[07:04:46] <Tom_itx> see how far you can throw that stone
[07:05:06] <jthornton> much further than before
[07:05:23] <Tom_itx> mustuv been all the siding work..
[07:05:34] <jthornton> work helps for sure
[07:09:20] <MattyMatt> weight in stones but sidings on houses? where tf are you? :)
[07:09:28] <Jymmm> OKEY! I think I found my next flaashlight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpMxw_P1rp4
[07:09:39] <MattyMatt> I make it South Georgia on the evidence
[07:09:46] <MattyMatt> the island
[07:09:49] <XXCoder> my next flashlight dont come with any battery
[07:09:59] <Jymmm> MattyMatt: slightly North
[07:10:12] <Jymmm> XXCoder: Not sure I want to know
[07:10:15] <XXCoder> I think I saw that flashlight
[07:10:17] <Tom_itx> you collect flashlights?
[07:10:36] <XXCoder> me? nah but battery free one? yeah I want one for my car
[07:10:40] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Eh, sorta I guess. I do have a few
[07:10:58] <Jymmm> XXCoder: No you don't, really
[07:10:59] <XXCoder> infinite life (besides wear and tear) and no it's not mastrubate flashlights.
[07:11:16] <jthornton> I'm here
[07:11:42] <Jymmm> XXCoder: I have oe of those, no light to them
[07:12:05] <XXCoder> one I am (probably) getting uses heat differental
[07:12:07] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: I have a mild obsesison with light in general
[07:12:25] <Tom_itx> all led in your home?
[07:12:36] <XXCoder> from what I see it looks like around 50 lumens, good enough for emergacies
[07:12:39] <Tom_itx> dimmable with mood change?
[07:13:00] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Nah, CFL. But from pyrotechnics to lasers
[07:13:04] <XXCoder> Tom_itx: that is my ultimate goal, all lights led. more more toxic cfl
[07:13:16] <XXCoder> *no
[07:13:18] <Tom_itx> i switched to 99% led recently
[07:13:32] <XXCoder> my room is 100% led
[07:13:53] <Tom_itx> still have a couple to replace but can't find a good deal on them yet
[07:14:03] <XXCoder> I still have 3 40w led bulbs I bought em at $60 each
[07:14:10] <XXCoder> I now use much cheaper 60w
[07:14:24] <Jymmm> I just need a nice lil carry light. Most of my others are bulky
[07:14:25] <XXCoder> those old bulbs are now 7 years old
[07:14:26] <Tom_itx> u got screwed
[07:14:41] <XXCoder> Tom_itx: nah its still alive and I used it for long years
[07:14:45] <MattyMatt> I bought 12x 3W for £12. 3 have blown so far
[07:14:52] <Tom_itx> you'll never recoop $60 from one bulb
[07:14:57] <MattyMatt> but that's still 9 for £12
[07:15:00] <XXCoder> Tom_itx: I know
[07:15:03] <Jymmm> MattyMatt: need better heatsink
[07:15:24] <MattyMatt> they're little 3w plastic globe jobs
[07:15:29] <XXCoder> Tom_itx: I really needed better and more pure color lights to sort lego properly
[07:15:36] <XXCoder> cfl is very impure color light
[07:15:49] <Tom_itx> i used daylight on all those when i had em
[07:15:57] <Tom_itx> the leds are as well
[07:16:26] <Jymmm> That video is this emitter https://www.fasttech.com/products/1601/10002364/1826602
[07:16:31] <XXCoder> Tom_itx: I have sorted hundreds of thousands of parts under it, and it was much faster. so even though I cant recover power saving, it saved me enough time.
[07:17:39] <Jymmm> XXCoder: Um, why are you playing with legos?
[07:17:49] <XXCoder> why not?
[07:18:16] <XXCoder> I made thousands of bucks profit at it
[07:18:28] <Jymmm> XXCoder: Just figured there be somethng better you could build/make than plastic blocks
[07:18:32] <XXCoder> pretty hard work but it got me though bad time
[07:18:47] <Jymmm> sellig them?
[07:18:49] <XXCoder> and it fully paid my las vegas holiday even
[07:18:52] <XXCoder> yeah
[07:18:58] <XXCoder> I'm retired from it now but yea
[07:19:01] <Jymmm> how so?
[07:19:15] <XXCoder> I make way more money making cnc parts
[07:19:21] <XXCoder> *parts by cnc
[07:19:25] <Jymmm> buy used, sell high?
[07:19:32] <XXCoder> theres some that do
[07:19:40] <XXCoder> I am lazy so I buy new sets part em out
[07:19:55] <Jymmm> part em out?
[07:20:00] <XXCoder> I dont have time to sell off rest of my stock. lol
[07:20:08] <XXCoder> yep
[07:20:11] <Tom_itx> some figures are worth quite a bit to some ppl
[07:20:17] <Tom_itx> or special pieces
[07:20:18] <Jymmm> like sell 5 people?
[07:20:29] <XXCoder> Tom_itx: I once bought chrome gold cpo for $80
[07:20:33] <XXCoder> expensive right?
[07:20:37] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: ah
[07:20:39] <XXCoder> I sold it for $350
[07:20:48] <XXCoder> few years later its now $500+
[07:20:55] <Tom_itx> Jymmm it's the same concept of the turds zeeshan|2 made
[07:21:02] <Tom_itx> sell for $$$$
[07:21:17] <Jymmm> so to specific collectors?
[07:21:22] <Tom_itx> i suppoe
[07:21:24] <Tom_itx> se
[07:21:32] <Jymmm> not just the general pubic
[07:21:47] <XXCoder> one of my rare buy used and sell, I managed to snag small lot for $25. One of sets in it, a lego toy car (like hotwheel) and garage for it (literally 3 parts)
[07:21:47] <Tom_itx> i just collect dust
[07:21:51] <XXCoder> it sold for $40
[07:22:11] <XXCoder> well rest of stuff in that box funded my LV trip LOL
[07:22:15] <XXCoder> few hundred bucks
[07:22:31] <XXCoder> 1970s sets
[07:22:37] <Jymmm> Ok, so selling as collectables, gotcha
[07:22:49] <XXCoder> most times I dont sell collectable
[07:22:58] <XXCoder> I sell bulk parts, parted out from new sets
[07:23:05] <XXCoder> not as tidy profit but yeah
[07:23:13] * jthornton just realize it is Monday
[07:23:16] <jthornton> d
[07:23:27] <XXCoder> missed work eh heh
[07:23:42] <jthornton> no, it's still waiting outside for me
[07:24:41] <[cube]> moanday
[07:24:42] <Tom_itx> btw, when do we get our hour of daylight back in the mornings?
[07:25:11] <jthornton> dunno but that sucks that they take it away from us
[07:25:16] <XXCoder> should be soon
[07:25:47] <jthornton> I wish Missouri was smart like a few other states and just ignored that stupid DST thing
[07:26:07] <Tom_itx> would be fine by me
[07:26:21] <XXCoder> if I recall it saves companies money on power usage
[07:27:37] <Tom_itx> which they spend on corporate golf tournaments
[07:27:43] <Tom_itx> etc
[07:27:53] <jthornton> lol
[07:28:16] <XXCoder> lol
[07:29:08] <Tom_itx> the poor will always be poor, the lazy always lazy and you just can't fix stupid
[07:29:40] <XXCoder> just remember poor is not always lazy
[07:29:48] <XXCoder> nor is rich always hardworking
[07:29:53] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: The hell my 12ga can't!
[07:30:05] <jthornton> damn new zealanders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time
[07:30:54] <Tom_itx> never did like George
[07:33:22] <Tom_itx> even then they didn't wanna disrupt their golf..
[07:34:53] <Tom_itx> george wasn't a good golfer so he chased butterflies
[07:36:36] <jthornton> damn Mate desktop doesn't have a printer menu choice... this stuff just gets worse and worse no wonder people think windoze is good
[07:37:02] <XXCoder> jthornton: try xfce
[07:37:20] <jthornton> I think I did
[07:37:36] <XXCoder> laters
[07:37:42] <jthornton> isn't that what comes with the liveCD?
[07:37:50] <Tom_itx> i think so
[07:45:33] <Jymmm> The time is 10:76 https://www.fasttech.com/p/1111001
[08:24:01] <CaptHindsight> Jymmm: maybe they use metric or hex time
[08:24:15] <Jymmm> heh
[08:39:02] <MattyMatt> what's so great about a starrett combo square blade that makes it cost so much? do they age the steel in oak barrels?
[08:39:50] <MattyMatt> are all the numbers engraved with a very small chisel by watchmakers?
[08:40:41] <MattyMatt> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Starrett-B600-36-Blade-for-Combination-Square-600mm-24in/281403442620 £83 if you're wondering, for the 2ft one
[08:42:52] <MattyMatt> in metric :) I'd sneak it into keith fenner's kit if it was a reasonable price
[08:43:39] <Sync> you pay for the brand
[08:43:50] <Sync> idk, I have no real use for the combo squares
[08:46:10] <MattyMatt> I'm sure you do to some extent, but £20 drawing rulers are defo better than the £5 ones. you can tell in the quality of the ground edges.
[08:46:48] <MattyMatt> and I'm sure the steel is passivated etc better, so it stays straighter
[08:47:10] <MattyMatt> not passivated, thimgummied. long tempering
[08:48:26] <fenn> stress relieved
[08:48:40] <Sync> hm, still quite a ways to go on the crossslide
[08:51:55] <MattyMatt> I like my cheapo one with its alu rule. I've got old british ones too but the rulers are all 1/8 and 1/16. good for woodwork
[08:52:55] <archivist> an accurate ruler is a different tool to a bevel for scribing lines
[08:54:21] <MattyMatt> those combo square blades don't have any bevel. even the starrett I don't think
[08:56:19] <archivist> bevel a thing to mark out 45 degrees etc
[08:57:27] <archivist> but plain overpriced stuff should be avoided
[08:57:53] <MattyMatt> I guess I shouldn't be scribing directly against the square, especially the alu one
[08:58:38] <archivist> they are a scribing aid
[08:59:27] <archivist> all tools wears with use, alu is carpenter/builder,gorilla grade
[08:59:41] <MattyMatt> I have seen people use a tiny beveled rule against a square, and that seems sensible
[09:00:03] <MattyMatt> I'd do that if I'd paid £83 for the square :)
[09:00:13] <MattyMatt> and that's just the blade
[09:17:28] <Sync> it is a wear item, if it is done, you get another one
[09:52:00] <ssi> agh crap
[09:52:11] <ssi> I ordered a bunch of stuff from digikey and somehow the order got sent to the house instead of the hangar :(
[13:22:32] <CaptHindsight> anyone have a ball/lead screw positioner with a ~10" travel in "almost new" condition they want to sell?
[13:22:50] <CaptHindsight> should be pretty fine pitch
[13:22:59] <JT-Shop> yea got to use my sky hook again http://gnipsel.com/images/shop/Siding03.jpg
[13:24:13] <Jymmm> But can it make a bridge? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gwPyncp3BA
[13:24:32] <CaptHindsight> there's a tool that really handy but not used often unless you're in construction
[13:24:32] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, when you finish there i've got a few odds n ends you can finish up here as well..
[13:25:44] <JT-Shop> I have a zillion odds n ends to do over here lol
[13:25:59] <CaptHindsight> Jymmm: I've seen those but haven't seen how they handle turns/curves
[13:26:20] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx, I had to haul that piece up 3 times before it fit lol
[13:26:45] <Tom_itx> maybe been easier to take the saw up with you?
[13:27:55] <CaptHindsight> oh the fun of doing that work by yourself
[13:28:19] <CaptHindsight> even worse when you have untrained help with 2 left thumbs
[13:28:35] <Tom_itx> most of the time i'd rather work by myself
[13:28:51] <Tom_itx> unless i can't lift it
[13:30:25] <JT-Shop> much less discussion when you work alone
[13:36:25] <archivist> sidings are for trains, cladding is for keeping the rain out of buildings
[13:38:23] <JT-Shop> we have car siding over here
[13:39:16] <archivist> you mean a lay-by ?
[13:39:22] <JT-Shop> I covered the ceiling in the Florida room with it
[13:39:23] <Wolf_> I have 20 square of siding for my house that needs installed, come do mine next, and rail siding across the street, always fun when they start switching out cars at 3am
[13:40:21] <JT-Shop> http://www.ufpedge.com/~/media/UFP%20Edge/Profiles/carsiding.jpg?h=185&la=en&w=375
[13:42:05] <maxcnc> Good Evening from Germany
[14:16:36] <MrSunshine> damn CMT forumula 2050 was awesome =)
[14:17:01] <MrSunshine> still needed some elbow greace but it just obliterated the mdf glues etc that was sticking to the tools =)
[14:19:08] <CaptHindsight> archivist: I think over here cladding is for boat and ship hulls
[14:19:19] <MrSunshine> but chipped a cutting edge on a 6mm carbide :/
[14:19:37] <MrSunshine> lesson learned .. do not put more than one carbide tool in the bath at the same time if they can touch eachother
[14:19:39] <archivist> over here cladding is cladding on whatever
[14:20:53] <CaptHindsight> and lay-by's are turnouts, rest stops or truck stops
[14:21:24] <CaptHindsight> truck = lorry
[14:21:54] <maxcnc> MrSunshine: put some foam with the tools
[14:22:15] <MrSunshine> maxcnc: was a bath to clean them
[14:22:36] <maxcnc> i know we got them cleaned for AL milling
[14:22:38] <MrSunshine> tried to put them in gentle and to the sides but heard two tools clonking together .. i guess that was when it happened
[14:23:05] <MrSunshine> got them in their packages they come with when not used =)
[14:31:07] <MrSunshine> but i do not regret buying the cleaner for the tools ... stuff i couldnt get off before just melted off =)
[15:39:41] <MrSunshine> using brass brushes on carbide tooling shouldnt be a problem right? =)
[15:52:56] <anomynous> why do you want to clean them?
[16:05:25] <MrSunshine> cutting wood
[16:05:32] <MrSunshine> buildup of glue and stuff on them
[16:07:07] <XXCoder> why not some organic acid
[16:07:18] <XXCoder> something that will etch organics off but mot touch metal
[16:11:01] <MrSunshine> XXCoder: aparently carbide as its sintered or "glued" together can get hur from acids etc
[16:11:12] <XXCoder> ahb too bad
[16:11:26] <XXCoder> but will dishes soap hurt it?
[16:11:38] <MrSunshine> ive got a frekkin cleaning solution for it already! :P
[16:11:44] <MrSunshine> and it works great =) ...
[16:11:48] <XXCoder> lol ok
[16:12:17] <MrSunshine> question was now if using a brass wheel in the dremel to rub the most stubborn stuff of could be bad for the bits =)
[16:12:33] <MrSunshine> brass shouldnt be able to touch carbide imo but never know
[16:12:56] <andypugh> Could you 3D print a swarm of crowdsourced nanobots to do it for you? Anything else seems old-fashioned
[16:16:12] <MrSunshine> why didnt i think of that
[16:16:19] <MrSunshine> they could sharpen the cutters at the same time also
[16:16:24] <MrSunshine> i wonder if a makerbot can do it
[16:16:46] <XXCoder> kind of. first use makerbot to make micromakerbot
[16:16:50] <XXCoder> then again
[16:16:57] <XXCoder> then that machine can make nanobots
[16:20:31] <JT-Shop> no more flat rate boxes after 1-17-16
[16:20:46] <JT-Shop> and other cuts
[16:21:23] <PetefromTn_> huh?
[16:21:34] <XXCoder> usps?
[16:21:46] <JT-Shop> yea
[16:21:54] <XXCoder> too bad
[16:21:55] <JT-Shop> just got a letter from them
[16:21:59] <PetefromTn_> you must be kidding I use the shit out of those
[16:22:17] <JT-Shop> no regional rate C box either
[16:23:13] <XXCoder> surpised they didnt end it before xmas
[16:25:40] <jdh> good time to stock up on free boxes
[16:31:46] <anomynous> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO104aoscxw why do they need so many jump wires?
[16:33:02] <malcom2073_> Because chips have quite a few wires?
[16:33:05] <malcom2073_> pins*
[16:33:33] <anomynous> did their pcb manufacturer run out of copper? ;D
[16:33:53] <Wolf_> have to connect the die somehow
[16:34:10] <anomynous> die?
[16:34:13] <Sync> anomynous: flipchip is expensive
[16:34:16] <Sync> the silicon
[16:34:34] <anomynous> flipchip?
[16:34:47] <Sync> turning the die upside down and soldering it on a carrier
[16:35:13] <anomynous> why? that looks more expensive than turning a chip upside down, and putting it in owen ;D
[16:35:50] <Sync> no
[16:35:54] <Wolf_> I bet that chip is probably half the size of a grain of rice if not smaller
[16:36:06] <Sync> flipchip requires special surface prep
[16:36:11] <Sync> and passivation
[16:36:16] <Sync> which is expensive
[16:36:48] <anomynous> due to so small contact points?
[16:37:55] <anomynous> too small ;D thatd be a nice way for connecting jump wires for home arduino projects
[16:38:04] <anomynous> i dont have arduino, but if i had such a thing id definetly buy one
[16:38:05] <anomynous> ;D
[16:39:27] <malcom2073_> lol
[16:42:50] <Wolf_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT1FStxAVz4 yeah kinda small
[16:43:37] <malcom2073_> Totally legit for connecting arduinos to other boards :P
[16:44:30] <Wolf_> yup, thats how I would do it
[16:46:59] <Sync> wirebonding arduinos?
[16:47:00] <Sync> why not
[16:47:12] <Sync> if they have enig pcbs that is entirely possible
[17:11:48] <Deejay> gn8
[17:12:46] <PetefromTn_> Well I TRIED to get a better deal on the AC servo motors and drives for my CNC lathe retrofit but no dice here. SO the SEARCH CONTINUES!!!!!
[17:18:29] <Computer_barf> searching for a servo motor at a good price can be such a pain in the ass
[17:18:41] <PetefromTn_> you can say that shit again LOL
[17:19:19] <Computer_barf> I want to find a good one for a 4th axis
[17:19:20] <PetefromTn_> I got it even worse I want a PACKAGE matched servo motor driver and cables for a good price :D
[17:19:56] <PetefromTn_> I would like to get the TECO's again like I have on the Cincinatti but they are so high priced now
[17:21:00] <PetefromTn_> http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-servo-motor-drive-Kit-1ph-220V-80mm-3-5NM-750W-2000RPM-3A-Withe-3M-Cable-/111707365808?hash=item1a024721b0:g:aDUAAOSwHnFVkkat I would love to get these but who knows how bad they are LOL
[17:23:55] <Sync> they are not that bad
[17:24:14] <Computer_barf> 2000 rpm is a bit low for my purposes
[17:24:16] <PetefromTn_> you have some?
[17:24:33] <PetefromTn_> they sell the same model in 3k ROM
[17:24:34] <PetefromTn_> RPM
[17:24:39] <Sync> but it is not proper chain cable
[17:24:46] <Sync> no, but I have worked with them
[17:25:08] <PetefromTn_> what do you mean chain cable?
[17:25:21] <Computer_barf> one of those red cables?
[17:26:36] <Sync> well, cables for cable carriers are specially made
[17:26:56] <Sync> with the cable wound in coils and usually PU as case material
[17:27:03] <Sync> and those are ... cacles
[17:34:13] <andypugh> PetefromTn_: Have you looked at DMM?
[17:34:25] <PetefromTn_> yeah that is who I was trying to deal with
[17:34:46] <andypugh> In a previous job I made machines for testing wire bonds, a tiny little hook and a load-cell.
[17:34:57] <PetefromTn_> pisses me off because ALL of these damn things are just chinese motors and drives...
[17:35:10] <PetefromTn_> including the Tecos I have
[17:35:18] <andypugh> (and microscopes and accurate axes and air bearings…)
[17:35:27] <PetefromTn_> yet one is way more expensive than the other
[17:35:56] <PetefromTn_> what does that have to do with AC servos?
[17:36:28] <Tom_itx> china
[17:37:42] <PetefromTn_> http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Panasonic-AC-servo-motor-MSMJ082G1U-with-servo-drive-MCDKT3520E-750W-2-4Nm-/201341001380?hash=item2ee0dbdea4:g:xbMAAOSwrklVQi~c
[17:40:46] <Tom_itx> usb interface too?
[17:44:12] <PCW> Yaskawa uses a FIrewire connector for their encoder, maybe Panasonic is the same
[17:44:48] <Tom_itx> firewire on the right but isn't that usb on the left?
[17:45:15] <PetefromTn_> no clue
[17:45:29] <Tom_itx> i thought firewire was dead
[17:46:36] <Sync> PCW: have you figured out that strange yaskawa absolute protocol they do?
[17:47:11] <Sync> miniusb, yeah on the left
[17:48:45] <PCW> No, I have a drive and controller but I havent looked into it
[17:52:12] <PCW> I still need to figure out the 2 wire Fanuc protocol used for 16M and 32M resolution encoders
[17:52:28] <Sync> because I have a tiny yaskawa servo I want to use for stuff
[17:52:36] <Sync> but so far have not figured out what they do
[17:55:27] <PCW> yours have battery backup?
[17:56:16] <Sync> yes
[17:57:42] <PCW> Do you have a drive?
[17:58:39] <Sync> nope
[18:01:39] <PetefromTn_> Sync so you were not very clear here what do you know about those chinese motor and drive combos on ebay? Have you used them or set them up recently?
[18:02:13] <Sync> I have seen them running
[18:02:36] <Sync> and they are okay for that price
[18:03:20] <PetefromTn_> on what?
[18:06:04] <Sync> some random linear axis
[18:06:48] <PetefromTn_> Ok
[18:07:50] <PCW> A little Googling suggests the Yaskawa protocol is manchester encoded HDLC
[18:08:43] <PCW> at 4 MB
[18:10:08] <Sync> yeah
[18:10:15] <Sync> that's what I also found
[18:20:04] <PCW> driven by a 75ALS1178 so RS-485 as expected
[18:21:45] <Sync> there is a different driver in mine, but yeah
[18:21:48] <Sync> it is rs485
[18:21:50] <PCW> Ha the manchester encoder/decoder is done with SSI
[18:26:51] <Sync> 0o
[18:29:22] <PCW> (2007 vintage SGDS-IF12SA )
[18:46:24] <JT-Shop> damn github won't let me do anything from my plasma cause firefox is too old
[18:46:36] <JT-Shop> what a pain in the a$$
[18:49:19] * JT-Shop goes to check on the ribs
[19:02:39] <MacGalempsy> hoal
[19:02:41] <MacGalempsy> hola
[19:02:55] <Computer_barf> kay
[19:03:32] <PetefromTn_> hola mac
[19:03:49] <Computer_barf> empanada por favor
[19:05:41] <malcom2073_> Yummy
[19:06:11] <Computer_barf> cachapa
[19:10:05] <Computer_barf> https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/p720x720/12118621_840295106068315_8845234573396779305_n.jpg?oh=081925cd0521fe06db864ca15b5ff605&oe=5689F64E
[19:10:08] <Sync> http://aliexpress.com/item/10pcs-lot-Omron-E6B2-CWZ6C-E6B2CWZ6C-Incremental-Rotary-Encoder-10-50-60-100-200-360-500/2045821461.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_2_71_72_73_74_75,searchweb201527_1,searchweb201560_9 what the hell is happening here, are they faking omron encoders to specs omron doesn't sell?!
[19:15:36] <MacGalempsy> una o dos empanada?
[19:16:22] <MacGalempsy> lol. I was just wondering if those are fake then read the last part of your email
[19:16:39] <MacGalempsy> hey pete. making anything good?
[19:28:54] <PetefromTn_> meh just finished some exhaust manifold plates last night
[19:29:47] <PetefromTn_> right now I am working on the drawings for another version of the same style plate
[19:29:55] <PetefromTn_> what are you working on?
[19:31:27] <MacGalempsy> well, I am working on finding a job
[19:31:42] <PetefromTn_> thats a full time job ;)
[19:32:07] <MacGalempsy> lol. but at the moment im about to break into my machine and replace some flex conduit and see if I can figure out where the short is on the x axis
[19:32:55] <PetefromTn_> wanna see some photos of the KICKASS RX7 we just finished at work? I did a LOT of work on this particular car..
[19:34:10] <MacGalempsy> of course
[19:34:58] <FAalbers> Hello !
[19:35:31] <FAalbers> Will linuxcnc work on this laptop with parallel port ? http://www.tietokonemuseo.net/tietokoneita/toshiba-satellite-s35dvd/
[19:36:16] <PetefromTn_> ok uploading now
[19:37:54] <PetefromTn_> http://imgur.com/a/8GVpb
[19:41:23] <andypugh> FAalbers: Normally laptops tend to work badly with the realtime kernel, but there are exceptions.
[19:42:32] <andypugh> If you heve the laptop then you can buut from the LiveCD and do the latency test
[19:43:53] <Sync> PetefromTn_: not sure if you gain efficiency from the radiator mounting it that way without ducting
[19:44:33] <PetefromTn_> thats actually how the car comes stock
[19:44:49] <PetefromTn_> some people mount them vertically tho
[19:45:09] <PetefromTn_> either way that was not my call.
[19:46:49] <PetefromTn_> the work I did on the car consists of. Tig welding all of the intake and exhaust tubing, created the exhaust manifold/turbo manifold, lightened and clearanced/engraved the rotors, studded the engine cases. built various little mounts and brackets for electronics components, built the E-brake setup for the wildwood disk Ebrake and a few other odds and ends...
[19:46:56] <Sync> ah yeah, I have no much experience on RXes
[19:47:05] <Sync> but usually you mount it that way to gain area
[19:47:14] <ssi> hm
[19:47:21] <PetefromTn_> I asked the same question LOL
[19:47:31] <PetefromTn_> I was surprised it was not a custom mounting
[19:47:48] <FAalbers> Thanks andypugh , will try tonight
[19:48:10] <PetefromTn_> the car also has dual custom oil coolers in the front lower airdam openings along with the HUGE intercooler
[19:49:29] <FAalbers> I just ordered my CNC 3040 , and right AFTER that someone mentioned the Parallel port/realtime fernel/latency problems. Oh boy , lots to check out before it arrives
[19:49:59] <PetefromTn_> build yourself a little dedicated PC for the machine...
[19:50:40] <FAalbers> Will try laptop first , who knows . But yeah , I'll have to I guess
[19:50:53] <FAalbers> Thanks for the info.
[19:51:29] <PetefromTn_> ya never know it might work with the laptop. there are usually things you can disable to help it work better.
[19:53:49] <jdh> which 3040?
[19:53:55] <MacGalempsy> PetefromTn_: that thing looks sick!
[19:54:09] <PetefromTn_> thanks man I really enjoyed working on it
[19:54:10] <MacGalempsy> how man bhp?
[19:54:14] <PetefromTn_> dunno yet
[19:54:23] <PetefromTn_> they are AIMING for close to 1k
[19:54:36] <PetefromTn_> just put it back together friday
[19:54:54] <PetefromTn_> now they are going to get a break in tune going on it and drive it for a bit
[19:55:24] <PetefromTn_> once it is broken in they will bring it back and strap it down to the dynojet and see what it can do.
[19:55:40] <PetefromTn_> it SHOULD make an easy 7-800HP
[19:57:18] <PetefromTn_> honestly they did a bunch of things they have not tried before so right now we are just happy it runs :D
[20:00:05] <Sync> I wonder what the sidepods will do without a closed bottom
[20:01:22] <PetefromTn_> this is the second build on this car. last time it made 740HP and was on the road for a year or two in much the same overall configuration.
[20:02:12] <Sync> also not sure about that wing
[20:02:27] <Sync> if there is even laminar flow still there for it to do anything
[20:02:28] <PetefromTn_> ya know I don't particularly like the wing myself
[20:02:44] <PetefromTn_> I much prefer a nice tasteful lip spoiler
[20:03:25] <Sync> well
[20:03:27] <PetefromTn_> but to be honest with the widened fender flares out back and the HUGE tires it kinda works when you see it from the back.
[20:03:33] <Sync> that won't do much good
[20:03:35] <MacGalempsy> my buddy had one of those he and his brothers got up into the 900s. he juiced it on the interstate doing about 130 and spun it 360 deg. blew all the tires. next day he put new tires on it along with a for sale sign lol
[20:03:54] <PetefromTn_> heh
[20:04:01] <MacGalempsy> 12" tires on the back?
[20:04:06] <Sync> you need to be high enough so you get clean air
[20:04:15] <Sync> also swan necks are preferred for moar turning
[20:04:25] <PetefromTn_> I rode in one of the other RX7 builds they have there and it makes ONLY 540HP...JEEZ its insane how quick that car is...
[20:04:30] <MacGalempsy> nah man, my porsche turbo spoiler doesnt got as high as that one
[20:04:44] <Sync> or rather, optimized flow for turning
[20:04:55] <Sync> well, the stock turbo spoiler is not insanely efficient
[20:05:04] <PetefromTn_> I don't recall the size of the tires/wheels on the back.
[20:05:07] <MacGalempsy> efficient enough for 192mph
[20:05:26] <PetefromTn_> but they are wide as they are tall LOL...
[20:05:33] <Sync> topspeed is not where you need the spoiler
[20:05:54] <MacGalempsy> that shadow under the rx makes those tiers look beasty
[20:06:30] <PetefromTn_> once this car is completed and tuned it will be making an appearance at TX2k this coming year...
[20:06:58] <PCW> FAalbers: doubt if you can get modern linux to boot on a 500 MHz Celeron with 128M of RAM with out a lot of pain
[20:07:17] <PetefromTn_> the next build we are working on is a VERY nice Supra big single turbo build..
[20:08:11] <Sync> meh, idk, all those drag racing builds kinda bore me
[20:08:22] <PetefromTn_> drag racing?
[20:08:35] <PetefromTn_> this is a street car
[20:08:37] <Sync> sure
[20:09:34] <PetefromTn_> it is man. The guy drives it around town here
[20:09:57] <Sync> no no, that was not ironic
[20:10:23] <PetefromTn_> he drove it to get donuts and coffee this weekend and was GOING to go to cars and coffee but we had to tweak some stuff today
[20:11:05] <Sync> but those high powered cars usually will not be able to stay with others on an actual circuit
[20:11:15] <Sync> due to bad response at part throttle
[20:11:18] <PetefromTn_> what kind of curcuit
[20:11:56] <Sync> the nordschleife, oschersleben, hockenheim or the sachsenring are the ones where I notice that the most
[20:12:18] <PetefromTn_> it is not a track car
[20:13:56] <Sync> so what is it then if it is not a track car and not a car for drag racing
[20:14:21] <PetefromTn_> its a freakin' unicorn man..
[20:14:35] <PetefromTn_> it sprouts wings and flies around
[20:14:40] <PetefromTn_> hehe
[20:14:53] <PetefromTn_> its just a VERY fast streetcar
[20:15:06] <Sync> yeah but it just goes very fast in a straight line
[20:15:16] <MacGalempsy> I guess some people just dont understand the US interstate systen
[20:15:20] <PetefromTn_> I don't think that is a fair assesment
[20:15:39] <PetefromTn_> the RX7 in these years are known to be great handling cars
[20:16:14] <Sync> they sure are, but by putting so much power in it it makes it very tricky to actually get the power down in the canyons
[20:16:25] <Sync> especially if you make it with a turbo
[20:16:37] <PetefromTn_> they CAME with twin turbos...
[20:16:43] <Sync> yeah
[20:16:47] <Sync> but not in that way :P
[20:17:52] <Sync> MacGalempsy: I do understand them, we also have the autobahn, but I just think zipping along them at high speed is very boring
[20:18:31] <PetefromTn_> I rode in one with a bit less HP... It was NOT boring LOL
[20:19:10] <malcom2073_> High speeds in semi-straight lines is meh
[20:19:15] <PetefromTn_> they are kinda tight inside tho
[20:19:48] <PetefromTn_> I am not exactly a big guy and it is almost too small inside for me.
[20:19:48] <MacGalempsy> who cares about the reason, the point is some dude paid Pete to work on that car and he likes it
[20:20:07] <PetefromTn_> Thanks MAC
[20:20:13] <PetefromTn_> yeah he LOVES IT!!
[20:20:16] <Sync> well they put the seats quite close together to reduce polar inertia
[20:20:29] <MacGalempsy> i recall my dad once saying that at some point that every new car had someone who liked it, or else they wouldnt have bought it
[20:20:47] <PetefromTn_> except the yugo
[20:20:57] <PetefromTn_> nobody actually liked the yugo
[20:21:01] <malcom2073_> And the HHR
[20:21:02] <PetefromTn_> they were just cheap
[20:21:06] <PetefromTn_> LOL
[20:21:09] <McBride36> is there a straight up machining channel on freenode?
[20:21:10] <PetefromTn_> I can't stand the HHR
[20:21:22] <malcom2073_> The HHR is a straight-to-rental vehicle :P
[20:21:51] <PetefromTn_> they did make a turbo one that is decently quick tho
[20:22:13] <PetefromTn_> but its so butt ugly I dunno that it matters :D
[20:23:09] <Sync> MacGalempsy: I do, I just don't understand why you would build a car that just goes fast in a straight line
[20:23:13] <PetefromTn_> Oh and keep in mind that as amazingly cool as that car is I did not design much of anything on it. I just did the work/welding/machining to make it happen. Aside from some brackets etc...anyway
[20:23:24] <malcom2073_> Sync: Because someone enjoys it
[20:23:47] <malcom2073_> McBride36: Not much open sourcyness about machining besides linuxcnc and associated stuffs :P
[20:23:52] <PetefromTn_> the car actually has a good bit of suspension work done to it
[20:23:53] <MacGalempsy> exactly, you dont have to understand because someone else paid for it :P
[20:24:40] <PetefromTn_> I can't imagine how much cash he has in this car LOL
[20:26:32] <PetefromTn_> Sync Hey man I am sorry it does not meet with your approval tho :D
[20:29:14] <Sync> well, I just like well engineered cars, and most builds I see are not
[20:29:29] <MacGalempsy> i bet zeeshan|2 will bust a chub
[20:29:42] <PetefromTn_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEVr9BCWtwY huh
[20:30:08] <Sync> they either don't know what they want to be or have no real thought behind some features
[20:31:01] <PetefromTn_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x0Wdo5ReNc
[20:34:05] <malcom2073_> Sync "well" is a relative concept. They could be engineered quite well, just not to do the thing you expect them to do :P
[20:34:48] <Sync> well, to my standards
[20:35:00] <Sync> and this is the level "oh we put side skirts on and a wing" level
[20:35:23] <Sync> the engine looks adequately well built
[20:36:09] <malcom2073_> Heh, you're a real blast at an art festival arne't ya? :P
[20:36:27] <PetefromTn_> got any pictures of cars you built?
[20:38:48] <Sync> not really, as I mostly do the engineering behind them
[20:39:15] <Sync> malcom2073_: heh, I don't go to those for obvious reasons
[20:39:19] <malcom2073_> Heh
[20:39:42] <malcom2073_> I don't go to car shows anymore because too many people try to judge things to their own standards, and are typically *quite* loudly judgemental
[20:40:07] <MacGalempsy> before I get a job, I need to head to Tenn to meet up and check out the garage you work for
[20:40:16] <MacGalempsy> you in nashville?
[20:40:34] <PetefromTn_> personally I love cars and it really does not matter what the PURPOSE of the car was just that someone loved it and put blood sweat tears and money into it...
[20:41:30] <PetefromTn_> I have seen lowriders I thought were cool and I drove daily a lifted Suzuki Samurai Rock crawler so I guess I am kind of extreme in my tastes...
[20:41:48] <PetefromTn_> no I am south of Knoxvegas
[20:46:44] <Sync> malcom2073_: I get your point, but I try not to judge people or their projects, I just see some projects and wonder why.. and then try to find out why people went that route
[20:47:02] <Sync> sometimes there is a nice discussion and everybody walks away with some new ideas
[20:48:31] <malcom2073_> Sync: Then I misunderstood your comments.
[20:49:05] <malcom2073_> Or rather, misinterpreted :)
[20:55:50] <Sync> well, I like to push buttons and yes I dislike doing things just because
[20:56:17] <Sync> but I always appreciate the effort!
[20:56:25] <Sync> as I know how much work it is
[20:56:50] <ssi> Sync: I should have a replacement F1 for my stmbl any minute now :P
[20:56:54] <ssi> and I'm working on building up a second one
[20:57:32] <Sync> :D
[20:57:34] <Sync> nice
[20:57:39] <Sync> don't kill it again
[20:58:34] <ssi> ILL TRY THANKS
[20:58:35] <ssi> :)
[21:03:34] <zeeshan|2> lol @ car shows
[21:03:36] <zeeshan|2> :D
[21:14:27] <MacGalempsy> http://geekologie.com/2015/10/coooool-custom-truck-with-a-custom-boat.php
[21:16:13] <malcom2073_> Nice
[21:21:13] <Sync> I like how they simply too a rape van and put a bed on it
[21:21:45] <MacGalempsy> lol. get into the "Van" then speed off into the sea with the victims
[21:24:11] <Sync> it reminds me of those cheap camper conversions you could get here
[21:24:30] <Sync> where the camper would attatch to the trailer hitch but was solidly mounted
[21:24:36] <Sync> basically eating the car
[21:28:12] <MacGalempsy> pic?
[21:34:50] <PetefromTn_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ouw4JEeJhv4 Damn I can't wait to be able to use my CNC lathe :(
[21:35:52] <Sync> if I knew what I was looking for MacGalempsy
[21:36:53] <malcom2073_> That's a lotta flood
[21:36:57] <PetefromTn_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxhRRb864TE interesting..
[21:38:20] <ssi> wooooo
[21:38:27] * ssi spendin moneyyyys
[21:38:35] <Sync> huh the tl2 seems to be a strange basdard
[21:38:44] <Sync> at least it has linear rails
[21:39:13] <malcom2073_> ssi: Whatcha buyin?
[21:39:39] <ssi> more snapon shit
[21:39:42] <jdh> laser parts?
[21:39:50] <ssi> not yet
[21:55:07] <MacGalempsy> what kind of snapon shit?
[21:55:35] <malcom2073_> Heh
[21:55:38] <malcom2073_> ebay snapon shit?
[21:55:45] <malcom2073_> Or truck-drove-to-your-hanger snapon shit?
[22:11:56] <PetefromTn_> I need to decide which kind of toolpost I am gonna get for this thing too....Hmmmm
[22:26:50] <Jymmm> PetefromTn_: Plurple!
[22:27:15] <PetefromTn_> plurple?
[22:28:11] <MacGalempsy> probably the car backs up to the loading dock snapon shit!
[22:28:14] <MacGalempsy> good night guys
[22:54:10] <PetefromTn_> GN8
[23:40:10] <Jymmm> How to change a circuit breaker... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfwpF68Di8k
[23:48:34] <CaptHindsight> Jymmm: I'd like to perform a complete engine rebuild using those extension poles with wrenches on the ends
[23:49:09] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: Sure, but the 132KV goes with them =)
[23:49:21] <Jymmm> it's a package deal
[23:50:06] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: Here ya go... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcjhjna9jZE